The Issue Whether General Water Use Permit (WUP) Number 20012185.000 (Permit) meets the conditions for issuance as established in Section 373.223, Florida Statutes, and Rule 40D-2.301, Florida Administrative Code, and should be issued to Farmland Hydro Limited Partnership and Frank T. Basso, Jr. and Redland Growers Exchange, Inc.
Findings Of Fact The Parties DCAP is not-for-profit corporation incorporated in the State of Florida. Behrens is the President of DCAP. See also Findings of Fact 63-77. Farmland Hydro is a Delaware Limited Partnership authorized to transact business in Florida, and is the owner of the property leased by Basso/Redland, which is the subject of this WUP. Frank T. Basso, Jr., is a third generation farmer, who operates as Redland Growers Exchange, and seeks a General WUP to authorize groundwater withdrawals for crop irrigation. The District is the administrative agency charged with the responsibility to conserve, protect, manage, and control water resources within its boundaries pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder as Chapter 40D, Florida Administrative Code. The Proposed Water Use An Application for a General WUP was submitted by Farmland Hydro and Basso, as co-applicants, and received by the District on April 11, 2001. After receipt of additional information, the Application was deemed complete on October 22, 2001. The Applicants seek a General WUP to authorize a new water use for the irrigation of 140 acres for the production of both Spring and Fall row crops, using a seepage-with-mulch irrigation system.1 Basso plans to grow tomatoes and/or peppers in the Spring, and squash and/or cucumbers in the Fall. Crop planting for both seasons will be phased-in over a one-month period. Water allocation quantities are calculated on a weekly phase-in basis of approximately 35 acres for each planting date. The total time that the parcel will be in use for farming, to include planting and harvesting for each crop, is approximately six months per year. The subject parcel is part of a 250-acre tract known as the Brushy Creek Tract and is located in Hardee County approximately two miles south of the town of Ona; approximately two miles south of the intersection of U.S. Highway 64 and County Road 663; and is within the Southern Water Use Caution Area (SWUCA). The subject parcel currently does not contain a water well. The Brushy Creek Tract is a larger parcel of approximately 1,230 acres leased from Farmland Hydro by Redland and also by Parker Farms for cattle grazing, farming, and hunting. The subject parcel is used for cattle grazing and is surrounded by land owned by Farmland Hydro and used for either cattle grazing or agricultural row crops. Farmland Hydro also operates an additional approximately 1,941 acres of property near the subject parcel, which is used for citrus groves. Farmland Hydro has consumptive WUPs for this property. The closest existing legal user to the proposed Basso well site is another well on the Farmland Hydro property. As is generally done with vegetable crop production in Florida, vegetable crops grown on the Farmland Hydro property are grown in rotation with pasture, and have been rotated in this manner for many years. Typically, farmers have farmed a piece of land for one, two or three years and then, to avoid the buildup of insects and diseases, have allowed the land to revert to pasture and have moved on to another field for crop production. The subject parcel for which the WUP is being sought will be similarly treated. Crop rotation is an important agricultural best management practice that is used to address pest management, soil conservation, and maximizing nutrients for obtaining favorable crop production. Soil conservation is important to Basso, notwithstanding that there is a response in the Application that no approved Soil Conservation Service plan exists for the operation included in the Application. If the WUP is issued and the subject parcel is placed into crop production, another parcel of land will be taken out of crop production by Basso, resulting in the discontinuation of another permitted well. As a result, the issuance of this WUP will not result in a "water use change." Determination of Reasonable Demand/Allocated Quantities In determining whether a proposed water use is reasonable-beneficial and in the public interest, the District calculates the appropriate permit quantities for the particular water use, which is a function of demonstrated need, or demand for water; efficiency of the water treatment and distribution systems; whether water is sold or transferred to other entities; whether acceptable water can be acquired from lower quality sources; and whether conservation practices are employed. District Basis of Review (BOR), page B3-1. The reasonable need for agricultural water use is generally composed of one or more demand components, depending upon the specific agricultural use. "Typically, the reasonable need for irrigation water uses is equal to the supplemental crop requirement divided by the system efficiency or the system design capacity, whichever is less." "The supplemental crop requirement is the amount of water needed for a particular crop beyond the amount of water provided by effective rainfall." The supplemental crop requirement is generally determined by using the Agricultural Water Use Calculation Program (AGMOD) Version 2.1, which is based on the modified Blaney-Criddle method. This program takes into account site specific information such as crop type, growing period, evapotranspiration rate, soil type, rainfall, irrigation method and number of irrigated areas. "In most cases, the supplemental irrigation requirement is determined for a 2 in 10-year drought condition." The AGMOD program determines an inch-application rate which, when applied to the number of acres to be irrigated, results in a calculation of total annual average and peak monthly quantities for the proposed water use. District BOR, pages B3-4 and 3-5. See also District Water Use Design Aids, pages C4-1 through C4-7. In determining the allocated quantities, or reasonable demand for water, the District seeks to avoid both over- allocating water and under-allocating water for the specific crop intended, to ensure that the permitted amount is sufficient for the "2 in 10-year drought condition." Consequently, the allocated quantities arrived at by District staff through use of the AGMOD methodology may be different from the quantities indicated on an applicant's initial application, which are generally estimated without benefit of an agricultural water use calculation program. The AGMOD program was used to calculate water use quantities for the proposed water use. The allocated quantities for Basso's proposed use are 454,000 gallons per day (gpd) on an annual average basis and 1,241,000 gpd, as a peak month quantity. No quantities were requested or allocated for crop protection. See Finding of Fact 52. Modeling for Simulated Impacts As part of the application review process, the District evaluates potential impacts to existing legal uses of water, the water resources and environmental features that may result from the proposed groundwater withdrawals. To assist in the review process, analytical and numerical models, which incorporate best available hydrogeologic parameters for the area being considered for a permit, are used to simulate drawdowns for the withdrawal of the proposed quantities. The results of these simulations are used in the evaluation of potential impacts to assess whether the application meets the conditions for issuance. The District undertook simulation modeling of the potential effects of the proposed water withdrawals to be authorized by the permit. The allocated quantities were entered into the MODFLOW 387 groundwater flow model, which is a three- layer model developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and is the generally accepted model for this purpose. Model layers were set up to represent the surficial, intermediate, and Upper Floridan aquifers. (The Applicants seek to pump water solely from the Upper Floridan Aquifer.) There are limitations to the model in that the model assumes a homogeneous isotropic aquifer, with no preferred flow direction. In actuality, there is variability in the geology of the area. Modeling is intended to serve as a screening tool for assessing localized impacts anticipated from a proposed water use and is based upon the best available information. As distance from the proposed withdrawal site increases, the reliability of the modeling decreases, due to the variability in the geology and other parameters or boundary conditions that can affect the model. Use of the MODFLOW groundwater model allows the District to look at potential impacts at the site, and in the proximity of the site, and assists the District in assessing possible cumulative impacts associated with a proposed use. To assist in assessing potential impacts from the proposed use, a Peak Month modeling simulation was undertaken by the District, which simulates the effect of pumping the proposed Peak Month withdrawal rate of 1,241,000 gpd for 90 consecutive days, with no recharge to the aquifer systems. The model essentially presents a worst case scenario that is a more severe prediction than what is actually likely to occur from the permitted use under normal conditions. Simulating the period of greatest demand on the hydrologic system is likely to provide maximum protection to existing legal water users and the water resources. The Peak Month simulation undertaken by the District predicts drawdowns in the potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan Aquifer of approximately 2.6 feet at the proposed withdrawal site; less than 1.4 feet at the nearest property boundary (approximately 1,250 feet from the proposed withdrawal site); and less than 1.2 feet at the nearest existing legal user (a Farmland Hydro well approximately 3,500 feet from the proposed withdrawal site). These numbers did not raise a concern for District staff. ("Potentiometric surface" is "a surface defined by the level to which water rises in an open pipe that is constructed into or all the way through an artesian aquifer. This is measured in feet relative to NGVD or sea level. The level to which water rises inside this open pipe is a function of the pressures on the water in the artesian aquifer." District BOR, page B-xii.) The Peak Month simulation predicts drawdowns in the intermediate aquifer of approximately 0.9 feet at the proposed withdrawal site, and less than 0.9 feet at the property boundary, and at the nearest existing legal user. The Peak Month simulation predicts drawdowns in the water level of the surficial aquifer (water table) of approximately 0.01 feet or less at the proposed withdrawal site, property boundary and nearest existing legal user. Based upon the Peak Month simulations, the District reasonably determined that further cumulative impact modeling was not necessary in order to assess localized cumulative impacts resulting from the proposed use. To assess regional cumulative impacts, the District evaluated Regional Observation Monitoring Program (ROMP) data and found no significant trends in withdrawals in recent years, other than a slight decline attributed to the recent drought. Conditions of Issuance of the Proposed Permit In order to obtain a water use permit, an applicant must establish that the proposed use of water is a reasonable- beneficial use, will not interfere with any existing legal use of water, and is consistent with the public interest, by providing reasonable assurance, on both an individual and cumulative basis, that the water use meets the conditions for issuance as specified in Section 373.223(1), Florida Statutes, and Rule 40D-2.301, Florida Administrative Code. A permit must be obtained from the District prior to withdrawing water, where the withdrawal is from a well having an outside diameter of six inches or more at land surface, where the annual average withdrawal from all sources is 100,000 gpd or greater, or where the total combined withdrawal capacity from all sources is greater than or equal to 1 mgd. The proposed water use falls within these parameters. Rule 40D-2.041(1)(b) and (c), Florida Administrative Code. The quantities allocated for the proposed use have been determined by the District to be necessary to fulfill a certain reasonable demand, for the reasons specified herein. To assist in assessing impacts, the District utilizes a network of ROMP wells to obtain basic groundwater monitoring data over time and to help characterize the lithology, stratigraphy, aquifer depths, water levels and, in some cases, water quality for the various water resources. Data obtained from the ROMP and other wells is compiled to ascertain aquifer characteristics within the District and is also integrated into the District's modeling efforts pertaining to proposed water uses. ROMP well No. 31 is located just off the northeast corner of the Basso site. Having a ROMP well adjacent to the Basso site increases confidence in the specific geological information being used in the groundwater model to assess potential impacts from the proposed uses. ROMP well No. 17 is located approximately 1/2 mile from DCAP member Behren's well. Data from both wells were considered in assessing potential impacts from the proposed water use. Based on available information, the possible sources of groundwater for the proposed use at the Basso site are the surficial aquifer, intermediate aquifer, and the Upper Floridan Aquifer systems. To ensure sufficient quantities of water for the proposed use and to avoid potential impacts to environmental features, such as wetlands and surface waters, the District will require the proposed use to limit withdrawals to solely the Upper Floridan Aquifer. By examining stratigraphic cross sectional information generated from the ROMP wells, particularly ROMP No. 31 well, which is in close proximity to the Basso site, District staff were able to determine, with reasonable certainty, the approximate depths of the aquifers at the Basso well site. To ensure that the well will be open solely to the Upper Floridan Aquifer, the permit requires the Basso well to have a minimum of 400 feet of casing, with an estimated well depth of 1,000 feet. Based upon available information concerning the construction of other wells in the vicinity of the proposed Basso well, the District is reasonably assured that a well cased for a minimum of 400 feet will draw water only from the Upper Floridan Aquifer and will minimize the potential for water to move between the aquifers through the well. The well construction requirements imposed for Basso's well are in line with the best available stratigraphic information and with known construction of wells in the area. By casing the well to a depth of 400 feet and due to the extremely low leakage of the intermediate confining unit, the intermediate and surficial aquifers will be buffered from impacts associated with the proposed use. The District will deny a water use permit application if the proposed withdrawal of water, together with other withdrawals, would cause an unmitigated adverse impact on a legal water withdrawal existing at the time of the application. The District considers an adverse impact "to occur when the requested withdrawal would impair the withdrawal capacity of an existing legal withdrawal to a degree that the existing withdrawal would require modification or replacement to obtain the water it was originally designed to obtain." District BOR, page B4-14. Based upon an assessment of individual and cumulative regional information, there are no existing legal uses of water that will be adversely impacted as a result of the proposed withdrawals. Based upon an assessment of individual and cumulative regional information, no quantity or quality changes that adversely impact the water resources, including both surface and groundwaters, are anticipated from the proposed withdrawals. The District requires that consideration be given to the lowest water quality available, which is acceptable for the proposed use. Lower quality water includes reclaimed water, collected stormwater, recovered agricultural tailwater, saline water or other sources. District BOR, page B4-12. For the proposed water use, there is no viable lower quality water source and no reclaimed water available near the site to use as an alternative to groundwater pumping. The Applicants are proposing to use the lowest quality water that is available. There are no known concerns regarding the quality of water in the Upper Floridan Aquifer at this location in Hardee County. Restricting the proposed water use to the Upper Floridan Aquifer will not cause water quality concerns or result in pollution to any of the aquifers. Simulated drawdowns to the Upper Floridan Aquifer of approximately 2.6 feet at the proposed withdrawal site, less than 1.4 feet at the nearest property boundary, and less than 1.2 feet at the nearest permitted well, provide reasonable assurance that adverse impacts will not occur from the proposed water use. Simulated drawdowns to the intermediate aquifer of 0.9 feet at the proposed withdrawal site, and less as the distance from the proposed withdrawal site increases, provide reasonable assurance that adverse impacts will not occur from the proposed water use. Simulated drawdowns to the surficial aquifer of 0.01 feet or less at the proposed withdrawal site, and less as the distance from the proposed withdrawal site increases, constitute a nearly undetectable impact to the surficial aquifer, which is not an adverse impact. The modeling simulations demonstrate that the proposed withdrawals will have no significant effect on the surficial aquifer and, therefore, will not cause adverse impacts to environmental features such as wetlands, lakes, streams, fish and wildlife, or other natural resources. None of the simulated drawdowns are considered to be predictions of adverse impacts, not even in the localized vicinity of the well site. Mr. Jackson explained that because the localized modeling simulations were small or insignificant and showed no adverse impacts, cumulative modeling is not considered necessary. Reasonable assurance on a cumulative basis is determined by assessing the potential localized impacts in conjunction with existing cumulative data for the region, such as the available ROMP data and hydrographs, which depict the existing regional condition, taking into account, on a cumulative basis, all existing uses as well as rainfall conditions and climate. Based on an assessment of the cumulative data and the modeling for individualized impacts, and applying professional judgment, District staff reasonably concluded that the proposed water use presents no concerns that it will cause, on either an individual or a cumulative basis, adverse impacts to the water resource or existing legal uses. Minimum flows and levels have not been established by the District for the area where the proposed use is located. (The parties stipulated that the District has not established minimum flows and levels pursuant to Section 373.042, Florida Statutes, for the Southern Water Use Caution Area (SWUCA)). Therefore, Rule 40D-2.301(1)(d), Florida Administrative Code, (requirements for minimum flows and levels), is not applicable to the proposed permit. The proposed use presents no concerns for saline water intrusion. The proposed use raises no concerns regarding causing pollution to the aquifer. There are no offsite land uses that will be adversely impacted as a result of this permit. Basso currently uses best management practices for water conservation in his ongoing farming operations, and intends to use such practices with the new farming operation authorized under the permit. In keeping with such practices, irrigation is stopped when the water reaches the end of the watering ditch. Basso uses seepage irrigation and tries to regulate the ditches so that there is a minimum, if no, runoff. Also, a watering cycle generally lasts from three to seven days before irrigation has to be resumed. Any runoff goes into "filtering ponds, before reaching ditches or creeks" in its raw content. Basso does not intend to farm during months of likely frost so no separate allocation for frost/freeze protection was requested or needed. Given these irrigation practices, water is not reasonably expected to be wasted. All necessary and feasible agricultural water conservation activities will be implemented upon issuance of the WUP. In addition, Specific Condition No. 3 of the proposed WUP requires the incorporation of best water management practices in all irrigation practices. The proposed use presents no concerns that it will otherwise be harmful to the water resource. The Applicants have met all the requirements for issuance of a WUP. Southern Water Use Caution Area The proposed water use site is located within the SWUCA. The District established the SWUCA as a means of addressing on a regional scale concerns about long-term impacts to the water resource. Water use caution areas were created in recognition of regional water concerns. There have been drought conditions in the area which have caused reduced aquifer levels. The proposed water use site is not within the "Most Impacted Area" (MIA), which is located approximately 18 miles to the west of the site in Manatee County, nor within the "East Tampa Bay Water Use Cautionary Area" (ETB WUCA), which is approximately six miles to the west of the proposed site, also in Manatee County. (The SWUCA includes the MIA and ETB WUCA.) Pending final adoption of rules for the SWUCA, the District will continue to issue WUPs for proposed water uses that meet the conditions for issuance. The District cannot treat new uses and existing renewal uses any differently when considering the issuance of a permit. Once SWUCA rules and minimum flows and levels are established, the District expects to rely on a more regional approach to address long-term cumulative impacts over the entire use caution area, instead of relying on a permit-by-permit basis to address regional concerns. Standard Condition No. 9 of the proposed WUP requires the permittee to cease or reduce withdrawals as directed by the District, if water levels in the aquifers fall below the minimum levels established by the District Governing Board. The proposed withdrawal will use a seepage with mulch irrigation method, which has a 50 percent efficiency level. See footnote 1. This is the minimum efficiency level currently required for agricultural WUPs within the SWUCA, which approve the use of this irrigation method. As SWUCA rules come into effect, a higher percentage efficiency level probably will be required, as is now required in the Eastern Tampa Bay Water Use Caution Area and also in the Highlands Ridge Water Use Caution Area. Consequently, Standard Condition No. 11 of the proposed WUP requires that, when SWUCA rules are implemented, the permittee must comply with any higher efficiency level or other special regulation that may be required for the SWUCA area. DCAP's Challenge to the Proposed WUP DCAP does not keep official membership records. It does not maintain any list of current members. According to Behrens, there are five members of the board of directors. DCAP does not hold corporate meetings, annual meetings or maintain corporate records. Members do not meet. There are no means to document the existence of members for this organization. Behrens is a member of DCAP. He has owned five acres adjoining the west side of Horse Creek (in DeSoto County) since 1985. Behrens complains that the District does not look at the cumulative effect on his well and other people he knows, such as George Chase. Behrens is concerned with any lowering of the water level in the area, including Horse Creek. He believes that approval of wells in the area, including the proposed well, is the straw that is breaking the camel's back. Mr. Chase shares this view. Behrens relies on an artesian free-flowing, two-inch diameter well, for domestic water use, located in the intermediate aquifer, approximately 150 feet deep. (Behrens' well is approximately 18-20 miles from the proposed Basso well.) For most of the time he has lived there, the well had an electric pump for obtaining water. Approximately one year ago, the pump went bad, and a replacement system has not been installed. Currently, Behrens has no pump on the well, and in dry periods, has to obtain water for domestic uses from nearby Horse Creek, which is low during the dry season. (Behrens depends on Horse Creek to pursue his recreation, wildlife, and aesthetic values.) Having a flowing artesian well will enable him to obtain water from the well without having to install an electrical pump, a situation which is desired by Behrens, in part, because the property is in a flood plain and experiences frequent flooding and electrical outages. Not all artesian wells flow. Artesian wells are completed into confined aquifers in which the water in a tightly cased well, will rise to a level above the formation being measured. Water would have to rise above the land surface to be a flowing well. For a well to be artesian, the well must be under confined pressure. For a well drawing water from a confined aquifer, such as the intermediate or the Upper Floridan Aquifer systems, the measured water level in the well is a reflection of the amount of potentiometric pressure in the well. This level can be affected just as much by the amount of recharge as it can by the amount of water withdrawals. There is no evidence that the proposed water use will adversely impact the flowing nature of either Behrens' or Chase's well. The evidence demonstrates that the proposed water use will not adversely impact Behrens' well. George Chase is a member of DCAP. Mr. Chase lives in Arcadia, DeSoto County, Florida. His property is adjacent to the Peace River. Mr. Chase's well is a two-inch diameter well, believed to be about 150 feet deep and equipped with a 12-volt DC solar-powered pump. Mr. Chase has in the past relied on artesian pressure within the confined intermediate aquifer to supply water to his solar-powered home. The solar-powered pump assists in supplying water to the home. In recent years, Mr. Chase has experienced low water pressure in his well. In Spring 2000, Mr. Chase contacted the District to complain that when an adjacent citrus grove was irrigating the groves, it appeared to affect the water level in his well such that the well's ability to flow was impacted. (According to Mr. Chase, his neighbors have had problems obtaining sufficient water from their wells and reaching water with standard pumps.) This citrus grove is an existing legal user of water that pre-existed Mr. Chase's well. In recent years, numerous domestic wells have been constructed in the vicinity of the Chase home that are large diameter wells utilizing submersible pumps with 110-volt AC power. These wells are more efficient at producing water than the type of well and pump being used by Mr. Chase, are located within a few hundred feet of Mr. Chase's well, and are open to the intermediate aquifer as is the Chase well. Based upon the District's experience in other areas, where there is a cluster of domestic wells drawing from the same intermediate aquifer, such adjacent wells have a much greater impact on each other than do other more distant wells, such as the previously discussed citrus irrigation wells, that are open solely to the confined Upper Floridan Aquifer System. This conclusion is based upon monitoring of the ROMP sites in the affected areas. Mr. Chase's well is approximately ten miles from the proposed withdrawal site. There is no basis to conclude that the proposed water use will cause any adverse impacts to Mr. Chase's well. DCAP members' interests are not affected any differently by the proposed use than are the interests of the general public. DCAP has produced no evidence to support its assertion that the issuance of this permit will result in lowered water levels in the Horse Creek and Peace River or other surface waters. DCAP has produced no evidence to support its assertion that the permit will cause adverse impacts to surface water flows or surface waters or to environmental features such as vegetation, fish, and wildlife. DCAP has produced no evidence that its substantial interests are affected by the proposed agency action.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Southwest Florida Water Management District enter a final order: Determining that Farmland Hydro Limited Partnership and Frank T. Basso, Jr. and Redland Growers Exchange, Inc., have satisfied the requirements of Section 373.223, Florida Statutes, and Rule 40D-2.301, Florida Administrative Code, regarding conditions for issuance of WUPs;3 Issuing proposed General Water Use Permit No. 20012185.000, as set forth in District Exhibit No. 4; and Finding that DCAP lacks standing to challenge the issuance of the permit. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of June, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CHARLES A. STAMPELOS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of June, 2002.
Findings Of Fact Application No. 75-00196 is a request by the Standard Sand and Silica Company, for a consumptive water use permit. This application is for an existing use involving withdrawal from one well. The application seeks an average daily withdrawal of 1.6925 million gallons per day and a maximum daily withdrawal of 2.16 million gallons per day. The sought-for withdrawal will not exceed the water crop as defined by the district, with the withdrawal consumptively using only 35 percent of the water crop. The water will be used on site for the washing of sand. Mr. Clifton W. Golden is an adjacent landowner who testified that he was afraid of salt water intrusion and that a sink hole might develop because of the vast quantities of water taken from the aquifer by the applicant. He does not feel that the issuance of a permit would be consistent with the public interest. He presented no hydrological data showing that issuance of the permit would adversely affect his property. Mary Fausteen Thompson is a property owner adjacent to the site from which the water will be taken. She has had problems in the past with Standard Sand and Silica Company apparently discharging excess water on to her property. She thinks those problems may be occurring again, causing some of her property to be flooded. The sought-for consumptive use will not significantly induce salt water intrusion. Except as otherwise noted in the findings of fact, none of the conditions set forth in Subsection 16J-2.11(2), (3) or (4), F.A.C., will be violated. Several letters of objections have been received in addition to the objectors noted above. The Southwest Florida Water Management District's staff recommends issuance of the subject permit in the amounts requested with the following conditions: That no off-site runoff be permitted by the applicant. That flowmeters be placed on the well and quarterly reports made to the district.
Recommendation It is hereby RECOMMENDED that Application No. 75-00196 be granted with the conditions set forth in paragraph 7 above. ENTERED this 28th day of May, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHRIS H. BENTLEY, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Jay T. Ahern, Esquire Southwest Florida Water Management District P.O. Box 457 Brooksville, Florida 33512 Eugene W. Harris Standard Sand and Silica Co. P.O. Box 35 Davenport, Florida 33837 Mrs. Mary Fausteen Thompson Box 82-C, Evans Road Polk City, Florida Mr. Clifton W. Golden 800 Oriole Drive Virginia Beach, Florida 23451 Mr. John C. Jones Executive Director Florida Wildlife Federation 4080 North Haverhill Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33407
Recommendation Based upon the above findings of fact and conclusions of law it is recommended that the permit requested be issued in accordance with the recommendations and special provisions set forth in the staff report (attached thereto). Respectfully submitted this 3rd day of November, 1975, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of November, 1975. COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas C. Garwood, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 231 Orlando, Florida 32802 John Wheeler, Esquire Post Office Box V West Palm Beach, Florida
The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent Laniger Enterprises of America, Inc. (Laniger), is liable to Petitioner Department of Environmental Protection (Department) for penalties and costs for the violations alleged in the Department's Notice of Violation, Orders for Corrective Action, and Administrative Penalty Assessment (NOV).
Findings Of Fact The Parties The Department is the administrative agency of the State of Florida having the power and duty to protect Florida's air and water resources and to administer and enforce the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated in Florida Administrative Code Title 62. Laniger is a Florida corporation that owns and operates the WWTP that is the subject of this case, located at 1662 Northeast Dixie Highway, Jensen Beach, Martin County, Florida. The WWTP is referred to in the Department permit documents as the Beacon 21 WWTP. The WWTP Laniger acquired the WWTP in 1988 in a foreclosure action. At that time, the WWTP was in a "dilapidated" condition and was operating under a consent order with the Department. After acquiring the WWTP, Laniger brought it into compliance with the Department's requirements. Laniger's WWTP is commonly referred to as a "package plant."3 The WWTP's treatment processes are extended aeration, chlorination, and effluent disposal to percolation ponds. The WWTP does not have a direct discharge to surface water. It was permitted to treat 99,000 gallons per day (gpd) of wastewater. Its average daily flow during the past year was about 56,000 gallons. The east side of the WWTP site is adjacent to Warner Creek. On the north side of the WWTP site, an earthen berm separates the WWTP's percolation ponds from a drainage ditch that connects to Warner Creek. Warner Creek is a tributary to the St. Lucie River. The St. Lucie River is part of the Indian River Lagoon System. The Indian River Lagoon Act In 1989, the St. Johns River Water Management District and the South Florida Water Management District jointly produced a Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) Plan for the Indian River Lagoon System ("the lagoon system"). For the purpose of the planning effort, the lagoon system was defined as composed of Mosquito Lagoon, Indian River Lagoon, and Banana River Lagoon. It extends from Ponce de Leon Inlet in Volusia County to Jupiter Inlet in Palm Beach County, a distance of 155 miles. The SWIM Plan identified high levels of nutrients as a major problem affecting the water quality of the lagoon system. Domestic wastewater was identified as the major source of the nutrients. The SWIM Plan designated 12 problem areas within the lagoon system and targeted these areas for "research, restoration and conservation projects under the SWIM programs." Department Exhibit 2 at 11-13. Neither Warner Creek nor the St. Lucie River area near Laniger's WWTP is within any of the 12 problem areas identified in the SWIM Plan. With regard to package plants, the SWIM Plan stated: There are numerous, privately operated, "package" domestic WWTPs which discharge indirectly or directly to the lagoon. These facilities are a continual threat to water quality because of intermittent treatment process failure, seepage to the lagoon from effluent containment areas, or overflow to the lagoon during storm events. Additionally, because of the large number of "package" plants and the lack of enforcement staff, these facilities are not inspected or monitored as regularly as they should be. Where possible, such plants should be phased out and replaced with centralized sewage collection and treatment facilities. Department Exhibit 2, at 64. In 1990, the Legislature passed the Indian River Lagoon Act, Chapter 90-262, Laws of Florida. Section 1 of the Act defined the Indian River Lagoon System as including the same water bodies as described in the SWIM Plan, and their tributaries. Section 4 of the Act provided: Before July 1, 1991, the Department of Environmental Regulation shall identify areas served by package sewage treatment plants which are considered a threat to the water quality of the Indian River Lagoon System. In response to this legislative directive, the Department issued a report in July 1991, entitled "Indian River Lagoon System: Water Quality Threats from Package Wastewater Treatment Plants." The 1991 report found 322 package plants operating within the lagoon system and identified 155 plants as threats to water quality. The 1991 report described the criteria the Department used to determine which package plants were threats: Facilities that have direct discharges to the system were considered threats. Facilities with percolation ponds, absorption fields, or other sub-surface disposal; systems located within 100 feet of the shoreline or within 100 feet of any canal or drainage ditch that discharges or may discharge to the lagoon system during wet periods were considered threats. * * * Facilities with percolation ponds, absorption fields, or other sub-surface disposal systems located more than 100 feet from surface water bodies in the system were evaluated case-by-case based on [operating history, inspection reports, level of treatment, and facility reliability]. Laniger's package plant was listed in the 1991 report as a threat to the water quality of the lagoon system because it was within 100 feet of Warner Creek and the drainage ditch that connects to Warner Creek. The Department notified Laniger that its WWTP was listed as a threat to the water quality of the lagoon system soon after the 1991 report was issued. The Department's 1991 report concluded that the solution for package plants threats was to replace them with centralized sewage collection and treatment facilities. To date, over 90 of the package plants identified in the Department's 1991 report as threats to the water quality of the lagoon system have been connected to centralized sewage collection and treatment systems. The 1999 Permit and Administrative Order On August 26, 1999, the Department issued Domestic Wastewater Facility Permit No. FLA013879 to Laniger for the operation of its WWTP. Attached to and incorporated into Laniger's 1999 permit was Administrative Order No. AO 99-008- DW43SED. The administrative order indicates it was issued pursuant to Section 403.088(2)(f), Florida Statutes. That statute pertains to discharges that "will not meet permit conditions or applicable statutes and rules" and requires that the permit for such a discharge be accompanied by an order establishing a schedule for achieving compliance. The administrative order contains a finding that the Beacon 21 WWTP is a threat to the water quality of the lagoon system and that the WWTP "has not provided reasonable assurance . . . that operation of the facility will not cause pollution in contravention of chapter 403, F.S., and Chapter [sic] 62-610.850 of the Florida Administrative Code." The cited rule provides that "land application projects shall not cause or contribute to violations of water quality standards in surface waters." Most of the parties' evidence and argument was directed to the following requirements of the administrative order: Beacon 21 WWTP shall connect to the centralized wastewater collection and treatment within 150 days of its availability and properly abandoned facility [sic] or provide reasonable assurance in accordance with Chapter 62-620.320(1) of the Florida Administrative Code that continued operation of the wastewater facility is not a threat to the water quality of the Indian River Lagoon System and will not cause pollution in contravention of chapter 403, F.S. and Chapter 62-610.850 of the Florida Administrative Code. * * * (3) Beacon 21 WWTP shall provide this office with semi annual reports outlining progress toward compliance with the time frames specified in paragraph 1 of this section, beginning on the issuance date of permit number FLA013879-002-DW3P. The administrative order contained a "Notice of Rights" which informed Laniger of the procedures that had to be followed to challenge the administrative order. Laniger did not challenge the administrative order. As a result of an unrelated enforcement action taken by the Department against Martin County, and in lieu of a monetary penalty, Martin County agreed to extend a force main from its centralized sewage collection and treatment facility so that the Laniger WWTP could be connected. The extension of the force main was completed in April 2003. The force main was not extended to the boundary of the Laniger WWTP site. The force main terminates approximately 150 feet north of the Laniger WWTP site and is separated from the WWTP site by a railroad. Correspondence Regarding Compliance Issues On August 21, 2001, following an inspection of the Laniger WWTP, the Department sent Laniger a letter that identified some deficiencies, one of which was Laniger's failure to submit the semi-annual progress reports required by the administrative order. Reginald Burge, president of Laniger and owner of the WWTP, responded by letter to William Thiel of the Department, stating that, "All reports were sent to the West Palm Beach office. Copies are attached." Mr. Thiel testified that the progress reports were not attached to Laniger's letter and he informed Laniger that the reports were not attached. Mr. Burge testified that he subsequently hand-delivered the reports. At the hearing, it was disclosed that Laniger believed its semi-annual groundwater monitoring reports satisfied the requirement for progress reports and it was the monitoring reports that Mr. Burge was referring to in his correspondence and which he hand-delivered to the Department. Laniger's position in this regard, however, was not made clear in its correspondence to the Department and the Department apparently never understood Laniger's position until after issuance of the NOV. On April 10, 2003, the Department notified Laniger by letter that a centralized wastewater collection and treatment system "is now available for the connection of Beacon 21." In the notification letter, the Department reminded Laniger of the requirement of the administrative order to connect within 150 days of availability. On May 9, 2003, the Department received a response from Laniger's attorney, stating that the administrative order allowed Laniger, as an alternative to connecting to the centralized wastewater collection and treatment system, to provide reasonable assurance that the WWTP was not a threat to the water quality of the lagoon system, and Laniger had provided such reasonable assurance. It was also stated in the letter from Laniger's attorney that "due to the location of Martin County's wastewater facilities, such facilities are not available as that term is defined in the [administrative] Order."4 On May 29, 2003, the Department replied, pointing out that the administrative order had found that reasonable assurance was not provided at the time of the issuance of the permit in 1999, and Laniger had made no "improvements or upgrades to the facility." The Department also reiterated that the progress reports had not been submitted. On September 29, 2003, the Department issued a formal Warning Letter to Laniger for failure to connect to the Martin County force main and for not providing reasonable assurance that the WWTP will not cause pollution in contravention of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes. The progress reports were not mentioned in the Warning Letter. The Department took no further formal action until it issued the NOV in August 2005. Count I: Failure to Timely File for Permit Renewal and Operating Without a Permit Count I of the NOV alleges that Laniger failed to submit its permit renewal application at least 180 days prior to the expiration of the 1999 permit, failed to obtain renewal of its permit, and is operating the WWTP without a valid permit. The date that was 180 days before the expiration of the 1999 permit was on or about February 27, 2004. Laniger did not submit its permit renewal application until February 15, 2005. In an "enforcement meeting" between Laniger and the Department following the issuance of the warning letter in September 2003, the Department told Laniger that it would not renew Laniger's WWTP permit. It was not established in the record whether this enforcement meeting took place before or after February 27, 2004. When Laniger filed its permit renewal application in February 2005, the Department offered to send the application back so Laniger would not "waste" the filing fee, because the Department knew it was not going to approve the application. Laniger requested that the Department to act on the permit application, and the Department denied the application on April 6, 2005. The Department's Notice of Permit Denial stated that the permit was denied because Laniger had not connected to the available centralized wastewater collection and treatment system nor provided reasonable assurance that the WWTP "is not impacting water quality within the Indian River Lagoon System." Laniger filed a petition challenging the permit denial and that petition is the subject of DOAH Case 05-1599, which was consolidated for hearing with this enforcement case. Laniger's permit expired on August 25, 2004. Laniger has operated the plant continuously since the permit expired. Count II: Failure to Submit Progress Reports Count II of the NOV alleges that Laniger failed to comply with the requirement of the administrative order to provide the Department with semi-annual reports of Laniger's progress toward connecting to a centralized sewage collection and treatment facility or providing reasonable assurances that continued operation of the WWTP would not be a threat to the water quality of the lagoon system. Laniger maintains that its groundwater monitoring reports satisfied the requirement for the semi-annual progress reports because they showed that the WWTP was meeting applicable water quality standards. The requirement for groundwater monitoring reports was set forth in a separate section of Laniger's permit from the requirement to provide the semi-annual progress reports. The monitoring reports were for the purpose of demonstrating whether the WWTP was violating drinking water quality standards in the groundwater beneath the WWTP site. They served a different purpose than the progress reports, which were to describe steps taken by Laniger to connect to a centralized sewage collection and treatment facility. Laniger's submittal of the groundwater monitoring reports did not satisfy the requirement for submitting semi-annual progress reports. There was testimony presented by the Department to suggest that it believed the semi-annual progress reports were also applicable to Laniger's demonstration of reasonable assurances that the WWTP was not a threat to the water quality of the lagoon system. However, the progress reports were for the express purpose of "outlining progress toward compliance with the time frames specified in paragraph 1." (emphasis added) The only time frame mentioned in paragraph 1 of the administrative order is connection to an available centralized wastewater collection and treatment facility "within 150 days of its availability." There is no reasonable construction of the wording of this condition that would require Laniger to submit semi-annual progress reports related to reasonable assurances that the WWTP is not a threat to the water quality of the lagoon system. Count III: Department Costs In Count III of the NOV, the Department demands $1,000.00 for its reasonable costs incurred in this case. Laniger did not dispute the Department's costs.
The Issue The issue to be determined in this case is whether the proposed amendment to Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-555.360 of the Department of Environmental Protection (“Department”), pertaining to cross-connection control for public water systems, is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.
Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner is a natural person residing at 1805 Burlington Circle, Sun City Center, Hillsborough County, Florida. The Department is the state agency with powers and duties to protect public drinking water as set forth in the Florida Safe Drinking Water Act, section 403.850, et seq., Florida Statutes (2013). Background The term “cross-connection” is defined in rule 62-550.200(26) as: any physical arrangement whereby a public water supply is connected, directly or indirectly, with any other water supply system, sewer, drain, conduit, pool, storage reservoir, plumbing fixture, or other device which contains or may contain contaminated water, sewage or other waste, or liquid of unknown or unsafe quality which may be capable of imparting contamination to the public water supply as the result of backflow. Cross-connections are prohibited unless appropriate backflow protection is provided to prevent backflow through the cross-connection into the public water system. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-550.360(1). There are three types of backflow prevention devices germane to this proceeding: Reduced Pressure Principle Assembly ("RP"), Double Check Valve Assembly ("DC"), and Dual Check Device ("DuC”). Typically, but not in every case, the water customer is responsible for the costs of installation, inspection, and maintenance of a backflow prevention device. It is undisputed that the RP is the most expensive to purchase, install, and maintain; followed by the DC; and then the DuC.2/ The RP and DC are installed above-ground, usually near a street. Test ports on these assemblies allow them to be tested to determine whether they are still functioning to prevent backflow. The DuC is usually installed underground and has no test ports. The Department asserts that this difference makes the DuC less reliable than the RP and DC. The rule states, and Petitioner did not refute, that the RP and DC offer greater backflow protection than the DuC. Petitioner has an auxiliary water system at his residence, which he uses to pump untreated water from a nearby lake to irrigate his lawn. There is no cross-connection between the plumbing system in Petitioner’s residence and his auxiliary water system. Petitioner does not have a backflow prevention device installed at his property. Hillsborough County has an ordinance that requires the installation of an RP device for residential customers who have auxiliary water systems, but the County currently has a moratorium on the enforcement of its ordinance. Petitioner is on a local committee established to investigate and advise the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners regarding cross-connection control. He believes the County is likely to modify its ordinance and allow the DuC for residential customers who have auxiliary water systems. The Department Rule The Department stated its purposes for the rule in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: These rules are being amended to significantly reduce the overall regulatory burden of cross-connection control requirements on community water systems (CWSs) and their residential customers by: allowing a dual check device to be used as backflow protection at or for residential service connections from CWSs to premises where there is any type of auxiliary or reclaimed water system; and (2) allowing biennial instead of annual testing of backflow preventer assemblies required at or for residential service connections from CWSs. A community water system (“CWS”) is a public water system which serves at least 15 service connections or regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents. See § 403.852(3), Fla. Stat. The Department requires each CWS to have a cross- connection control program, and Table 62-555.360-2 in the rule establishes the “Minimum Backflow Protection” that must be provided at or for the service connection from the CWS to various types of water customers. The minimum backflow protection specified in the table for a residential service connection with an auxiliary water system is a DuC. All references hereafter to “residential service connection” shall mean one with an auxiliary water system. There is a footnote for the DuC at the bottom of the table, which explains: A DuC may be provided only if there is no known cross-connection between the plumbing system and the auxiliary or reclaimed water system on the customer's premises. Upon discovery of any cross•connection between the plumbing system and any reclaimed water system on the customer's premises, the CWS shall ensure that the cross-connection is eliminated. Upon discovery of any cross- connection between the plumbing system and any auxiliary water system other than a reclaimed water system on the customer's premises, the CWS shall ensure that the cross-connection is eliminated or shall ensure that the backflow protection provided at or for the service connection is equal to that required at or for a non•residential service connection. The SERC As part of the rulemaking process for the proposed amendments to rule 62-555.360, the Department prepared a Statement of Estimated Regulatory Cost ("SERC"). Section 120.541, Florida Statutes (2013), governs the preparation of SERCs and provides that a substantially affected person may submit a “good faith written proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative that substantially accomplishes the objectives of the law being implemented.” See § 120.541(1)(a), Fla. Stat. The parties dispute whether Petitioner challenged the SERC. In his amended petition, Petitioner states no objection to any statement in the SERC. Petitioner did not challenge the SERC. The parties dispute whether Petitioner submitted a lower cost regulatory alternative. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking stated: Any person who wishes to provide information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs or provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice. Within 21 days of the notice, the Department received Petitioner's written comments. In his comments, Petitioner cites section 120.52(8)(f), which provides that a rule is invalid if it imposes regulatory costs which could be reduced by adopting a less costly alternative. Petitioner recommends that the rule be changed to specify that the less costly DuC is the only acceptable backflow prevention device for residential service connections and “A CWS shall not impose a requirement for a more expensive type of backflow prevention valve.” The Department contends that Petitioner’s comments did not constitute a good faith lower cost regulatory alternative, citing pages 87-98 of the Transcript. Those pages contain some argument on the issue, but do not prove Petitioner did not submit a lower cost regulatory alternative. Petitioner’s timely written comments included a citation to the relevant statute and a plainly-worded proposal. As explained in the Conclusions of Law, Petitioner’s comments were sufficient to constitute a lower cost regulatory alternative. Petitioner’s Objections Petitioner objects to rule 62-555.360 because (1) it specifies use of the RP and DC, which he contends are unreasonably dangerous to public health and safety; (2) it specifies the DuC for residential service connections as the “minimum” protection, which he contends allows a CWS to require the more expensive RP or DC; (3) it requires testing of backflow devices “at least biennially” (once every two years), which he believes is too frequent; (4) it makes biennial testing a “minimum” testing interval, which he contends allows a CWS to require more frequent inspection; and (5) it does not require the backflow prevention device to be attached to the CWS’s water meter where Petitioner believes it should always be located. Unreasonable Danger Petitioner contends that the RP and DC are unreasonably dangerous to public health and safety because a person could intentionally pump contaminants through a test port on one of these assemblies into a public water supply. The Department does not dispute that a person could introduce contaminants into a public water supply in this way. The flaw in Petitioner’s reasoning is his failure to see the danger in proper perspective. Department personnel and other persons with expertise in public water systems throughout the United States are well aware that there are many access points in potable water collection, treatment, and distribution systems and many methods to introduce contaminants into these systems. There are many access points other than RPs and DCs. For example, there are methods available that would allow contaminants to be pumped into a public water system from any building connected to the system that has no backflow prevention device installed. RPs and DCs are primarily designed to prevent accidental introduction of contaminants into a public water system. However, they also prevent a person from intentionally pumping contaminants into the public water system from inside a house or building, hidden from view. The danger described by Petitioner assumes that the criminal who is intentionally pumping contaminants through the RP or DC will do it while standing next to the device, in the open, near a street. It is a well-known fact officially recognized by the Administrative Law Judge that criminals prefer to conduct their criminal activities hidden from sight rather than in plain view. Therefore, a criminal planning to contaminate a public water supply is more likely to choose a means other than introducing contaminants through an RP or DC. RPs and DCs are already in wide use. There is no reported incident of intentional contamination of a public water supply by pumping contaminants through one of these devices. When these factors are taken into account, the rule’s specifications for the continued use of RPs and DCs do not create an unreasonable danger to the public health and safety. Minimum Backflow Protection Petitioner contends that Table 62-555.360-2 is invalid because it violates the Department’s duty under section 120.541 to adopt “less costly alternatives.” Petitioner asserts that by specifying the DuC as the “minimum” backflow protection required for residential service connections the rule allows a local government to require the more costly RP or DC. The Department cannot dispute that the DuC substantially accomplishes the statutory objectives. The RP and DC provide greater backflow protection than the DuC, but the Department specified the DuC for residential service connections, indicating that the lower protection provided by the DuC did not make it fall short of the statutory objectives. However, as explained in the Conclusions of Law, the rule imposes the least costly regulatory alternative for residential service connections because it only requires the DuC. Biennial Testing Schedule Petitioner contends that section III.D. of Table 62-555.360-1 also violates the Department’s duty to adopt less costly alternatives because the rule requires “backflow assemblies” to be tested biennially, which Petitioner believes is too frequent. The term “backflow preventer assemblies” refers only to the RP and DC. See footnote 1 of Table 62-555.360-1. Section III.E. of Table 62-555.360-1 indicates that the DuC must be refurbished or replaced “at least once every 5 to 10 years.” Petitioner did not object to this requirement. The preponderance of the evidence presented shows that biennial testing is reasonable. Furthermore, it is determined in the Conclusions of Law that Petitioner has no standing to object to the testing frequency specified for the RP and DC, because the rule does not require him to have an RP or DC. Location of the Backflow Preventer Petitioner objects to section III.B. of Table 62-555.360-1, which requires backflow prevention devices to be “installed as close as practical to the CWS’s meter or customer’s property line.” Petitioner contends that this is an unconstitutional interference with private property and is unreasonably dangerous because it provides a means for intentional contamination. Petitioner’s private property rights claim is based on his allegation that if he were required by Hillsborough County to have an RP and DC, the device could be placed on his private property. Petitioner did not allege or present evidence to show that placing an RP or DC on his property would deprive him of all reasonable uses of his property so as to cause a taking of his private property for a public purpose without full compensation. See Art. X, § 6(a), Fla. Const. Furthermore, it is determined in the Conclusions of Law that Petitioner has no standing to raise this issue because the rule does not require him to have an RP or DC. Petitioner contends the rule should require that backflow prevention devices always be attached to the water meter because that reduces the opportunity for intentional contamination. Petitioner is not an expert in public water systems, generally, or the installation of backflow prevention devices, in particular. He is not competent to state the relevant factors and constraints associated with installation of the devices. He is not competent to express an opinion whether it is always possible or always appropriate to attach the devices directly to the water meter. Furthermore, Petitioner’s claim of unreasonable danger was refuted above.
The Issue As reflected in the parties' prehearing stipulation filed on August 28, 1991, the issue in this case is whether the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) should approve South Brevard Water Authority's (SBWA) consumptive use permit (CUP) application. The SBWA is seeking permission to withdraw an annual average daily rate of 18.8 million gallons (mgd) and a maximum daily rate of 21.4 mgd. The District proposes to grant the permit with specified conditions. Petitioners challenge the issuance of the permit, alleging that applicable requirements of Chapter 373, F.S. and Chapter 40C-2, F.A.C. and other applicable law are not met. The standing of Petitioners, other than Osceola County, is at issue. Also at issue is whether the relevant criteria include consideration of the adequacy of existing sources of water, and the consideration of costs of utilizing existing sources versus the cost of the proposed new source of water.
Findings Of Fact The Parties The applicant, South Brevard Water Authority (SBWA) was created by special act of the legislature, Chapter 83-375, Laws of Florida. Its principal office is located in Melbourne, Brevard County, Florida. Its general mission is described in Section 1, of Chapter 83-375, Laws of Florida, as amended by Chapter 87-481, Laws of Florida: Section 1. It is hereby declared and determined by the Legislature that a regional water authority is the most responsive, efficient, and effective local government entity to secure, operate, and maintain an adequate, dependable, and safe water supply for the district and customers of the district. It is the intent of the Legislature that such regional water authority possess the full power and authority to implement, finance, and operate a single coordinated program of water supply transmission and distribution to meet the future quantity and quality needs of the district and for customers of the district. There is a paramount public need to develop a safe, reliable, and energy-efficient source of public water for the district residents and to contruct the wellfields, transmission lines, and other facilities necessary to supply such water. The St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD or District) is an agency created pursuant to Chapter 373, F.S. in charge of regulating consumptive uses of water in a 19-county area of the State of Florida, including all of Brevard and part of Osceola County. The geographical boundaries of the District are described in Section 373.069(2)(c), F.S. Osceola County is a political subdivision of the state, west of, and contiguous to, south Brevard County. The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Deseret) is a Utah corporation authorized to conduct business in the State of Florida. Deseret owns real property in Osceola County to the north and east of the proposed wellfield. Deseret possesses a valid consumptive use permit authorizing the withdrawal of water for this property. East Central Florida Services (ECFS) does not own land or possess a consumptive use permit (CUP). Its purpose is to take over the water management program for the Deseret property. It has applied to the Public Service Commission for certification. Notwithstanding the parties' stipulation that "Triple E Corporation" and "Triple N Corporation" own real property in Osceola County near the proposed wellfield (prehearing stipulation, filed 8/28/91, p. 5), no such corporations are registered in the State of Florida. The lands identified as Triple E and Triple N are owned by multiple parties through trusts, primarily managed by Maury L. Carter, one of the owners. Neither Triple E nor Triple N properties have CUP's. The properties are used for agricultural purposes and the Triple N property has a well and recreational camp. The Site of the Proposed Use The proposed wellfield is located on property owned by the SJRWMD, the Bull Creek Wildlife Management Area (BCWMA), located entirely in eastern Osceola County. The BCWMA is comprised of 22,206 acres within the drainage area of the St. Johns River. The northern third of the management area is drained by Crabgrass Creek, and the southern two-thirds is drained by Bull Creek. The easternmost boundary is located approximately one mile from the Brevard County boundary. Currently all 22,206 acres of the BCWMA are under lease to the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, which agency manages the area as a public recreation facility for hunting, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, camping and archeological studies. The sparsely populated area has historically been used for logging and cattle grazing. It was acquired for a detention area and it currently provides nonstructural flood protection. Its surface topography is relatively flat, with uplands and wetlands separated by only inches in vertical elevation. Upland communities include pine flatwoods, saw palmetto prairies, pine savannahs and sand oaks. Wetland communities include cypress domes, mixed shallow marshes, sawgrass marsh, wet prairies and transitional prairies. The BCWMA is classified as a "conservation area" in the District's current adopted Five Year Land Plan which summarizes the agency's land acquisition and management policies. A "conservation area" is defined as " area acquired for water resource conservation and protection in an environmentally-acceptable manner". The term includes water supply areas, including areas for public wellfield location. (Osceola Co. exhibit #33, p. 15) Facilities Associated with the Proposed Consumptive Use Although the precise siting of the wells has not been established, the wellfield will be located at the northern end of the BCWMA, east-west into a "panhandle" area, and extending south, for an inverted "L" shape. The wellfield will consist of 12 production wells in 2000 ft. intervals. Wells 1-9 will lie along an east-west axis adjacent to Crabgrass Creek, while wells 10-12 will lie along a north-south axis below well 9, the eastern-most well. The capacity of each well is designed at 3,000 gallons per minute or approximately 4.30 million gallons a day (mgd). Each well consists of 20" diameter casing pipe extending 700' below the ground surface. From there, an open hole for production will extend another 250 feet in depth. A small, 20 ft. by 30 ft., concrete building will enclose the motor and other equipment associated with each well, in order to eliminate vandalism and to baffle the noise. The wells will be sited to avoid jurisdictional wetlands. In addition to the production wells, monitoring wells will be constructed to comply with permit conditions. Because the water drawn from the proposed wellfield will exceed potable standards, reverse osmosis (RO) desalinization treatment is required. A below ground header pipeline will carry raw water from the wellfield to an RO treatment facility in Brevard County. The RO treatment facility will process 75 percent of water coming from the wellfield, 85 percent of which is recovered as finished water, and 15 percent of which is disposed of as brine by deep well injection. The 25 percent of raw water which bypasses the treatment process will be blended with the finished water to yield water which meets drinking water standards for chloride levels. The yield is anticipated to be 16.67 mgd on an average day and 18.9 mgd on a maximum day. However, the finished water yield could be higher if raw water quality permits greater blending and less reject water. On the finished water side, the water will need to be treated again to assure that it will be compatible with water from the City of Melbourne plant. Failure to balance the blended waters chemically could result in corrosion of pipes, leaching of pipes, discoloration, rusty water, and odorous water. A proper process, therefore, is essential and is highly sophisticated. From the treatment facility the water will travel in underground pipes, beneath the St. Johns River, beneath I-95 and east to the Melbourne distribution system. From there some water is anticipated to travel south to connect to the General Development Utilities (GDU) system. Hydrogeologic Characteristics of the Site For modelling purposes, the aquifer system in the region is represented by sequential layers of differing characteristics in the flow and movement of water. The SBWA model contains 6 layers; the Osceola model contains 7 layers. In both models, layer 1 corresponds to the surficial (water table) aquifer; layer 2 corresponds to the Hawthorn formation (the upper confirming layer); layer 3 is the Upper Floridan aquifer; layer 4 describes the 200 ft. thick portion of the Upper Floridan called the "production zone"; layer 5 in the SBWA model is approximately 450 ft. thick and is called a confining unit; Osceola's consultants consider this layer less permeable or semi-confirming; layer 6 is the lower Floridan; and layer 7 in the Osceola model is the bottom reaches of the lower Floridan. The surficial aquifer consists of sand and shell deposits and extends to a depth of approximately 100 feet below land surface. The surficial aquifer is capable of producing small to moderate amounts of water for domestic uses. The Hawthorn is an interbedded formation consisting of clay, limestone and phosphate. Due to its extremely low permeability, this layer restricts both the vertical and horizontal movement of water. The Hawthorn is thicker in Central Florida than in other portions of the state. At the BCWMA the thickness of the Hawthorn ranges from 240 feet in the area northwest of the management area to 80 feet in the southeastern portion of the management area. The upper Floridan Aquifer at the BCWMA, as characterized by the SBWA's consultant and based on site specific data, extends from the base of the Hawthorn to a depth of approximately 900 feet below land surface. That portion of the upper Floridan Aquifer between the bottom of the Hawthorn and 700 feet below land surface consists of fine grained limestone with relatively low permeability. This zone corresponds with layer 3 in the groundwater modeling done by the SBWA. The portion of the upper Floridan between the bottom of the Hawthorn and 700 feet below land surface is less capable of producing water than the portions below this level. That portion of the upper Floridan Aquifer between 700 feet and 900 feet of depth consists of hard dolomites. Dolomitic zones are the most productive zones of water within the Floridan in this part of the state because these formations contain solution fractures and cavities. This zone corresponds with layer 4 in the groundwater modeling done by the SBWA. Several researchers and modelers have suggested the existence of a zone, variously referred to as a semi-confining unit, a zone of lower permeability or a middle semi-confining unit, located between the upper and lower Floridan Aquifer. This area between 900 feet and 1350 feet below land surface consists largely of hard dolomites similar in nature to those in the zone immediately above it. This zone corresponds to layer 5 in the groundwater modeling done by SBWA. Previous regional modeling efforts have utilized model derived values to describe the middle semi-confining unit rather than site specific information showing the location, thickness or hydrogeological characteristics of the zone. Site specific data tends to confirm the lower permeability of this zone relative to the layers above and below it. Site specific data consists of a core sample, mineral content observed during the drilling of the test monitor well, and a Neumann-Witherspoon ratio analysis conducted during the aquifer performance test. The area between 1350 feet and 1450 feet below land surface also consists of dolomites but with greater permeability and greater transmissivity (the measure of an aquifer's ability to transmit water in a horizontal direction). This area corresponds to layer 6 in the groundwater modeling done by the SBWA. No site specific data exists beneath 1483 feet, representing the total depth of test well TM. Regional data does exist which characterizes the areas from 1500 feet below land surface to the bottom of the lower Floridan Aquifer as consisting of zones of varying lithology, and varying permeabilities. This zone which corresponds to layer 7 in the groundwater modeling done by Osceola County is not homogeneous or uniform over its entire thickness according to available regional data, consisting of geologic reports of deep wells in the east-central Florida area. All parties agree that in the area of the proposed wellfield, horizontal movement of water in the Floridan aquifer is from west, where the greatest recharge occurs along the Lake Wales Ridge, to east, where there is little or no recharge. Water quality in the upper Floridan as measured by chloride concentrations deteriorates as one moves from west to east. The Floridan aquifer beneath the BCWMA represents a transition zone between the recharge area to the west and high saline formation waters in the east. The dominant geochemical components in water beneath the BCWMA are biocarbonates. Water quality, as measured by chloride concentrations, also deteriorates with depth. Chloride concentrations, based on data derived from the drilling of well TM at the BCWMA, increase gradually from 306 milligrams per liter (mgl) at 410 feet, to 658 mgl at 1473 feet below land surface. Chloride concentrations increase abruptly to 1980 mgl in well TM at 1483 feet of depth. Evidence is inconclusive as to whether all of the proposed production wells will draw water exceeding 250 mgl in chloride concentrations. It is undisputed that most will, but chloride contours initially provided by SBWA's consultant indicate that the southernmost wells may produce water between 150 and 250 mgl. A comprehensive aquifer performance test (APT) was conducted at the BCWMA by the SBWA's consultant, Post, Buckley Schuh, and Jernigan, Inc. (PBSJ). The test was designed by the staff of the SJRWMD in consultation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This test yielded data which enabled PBSJ to calculate several aquifer characteristics for use in the groundwater modeling which was later done by SBWA's modeling consultant, Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. (ESE). Eight wells were utilized in connection with the APT conducted at the BCWMA in January and February 1990. Three of the wells were dual zone monitoring wells capable of monitoring events in two different geologic units simultaneously. Three wells, including the test production well (TP) were open to the interval between 700 and 900 feet below land surface which was identified by the SBWA as the production zone. Typically APT's are run for 12 to 72 hours in Florida. Well TP was pumped for approximately 10 days at a rate equivalent to that expected during actual production while observations were made of water levels in all wells, including three off-site wells (the Holopaw test well, the Kempfer well and the Bruner well). All of the information the SBWA needed from the APT was obtained in the first hours of the test. Water levels in the area monitored during the APT ceased dropping due to pumpage within 1 hour after the pumping started. Three different analytical models were used to calculate a transmissivity value for the production zone, utilizing data derived during the APT. The result showed transmissivity in this zone to be approximately 2 million gallons per foot per day. This is a very high transmissivity value indicating a comparatively prolific aquifer, capable of producing the volumes of water requested in the application. As transmissivity increases, the cone of depression associated with pumpage tends to flatten out and be less steep. The cone of depression extends further out, creating a wider area of drawdown. Hydraulic conductivity is the measure of an aquifer's resistance to flow either in a vertical (KV) or horizontal (KH) direction. Two methods were used to calculate the hydraulic conductivity of the Hawthon Formation by PBSJ: laboratory analysis of a core sample taken from this unit, and a bail test (measuring an increase in water level over time) conducted on a well on site by the SJRWMD. Two different methods were used by PBSJ to calculate the hydraulic conductivity of layer 5: laboratory analysis of a core sample taken from that zone, and the Neuman-Witherspoon ratio analysis method. Porosity is the void space in porous media through which transport of particles, such as chlorides, can occur. Effective porosity has an impact on the ability of saline or dense water to move upward from depth toward a pumping well. The lower the effective porosity within an aquifer, the greater the potential for upconing of saline water within that aquifer. Effective porosity for layers 4 and 5 was calculated using two different methods, those being laboratory analysis of core samples taken from these zones, and analysis of acoustic logs generated during the APT. Each of these methods is accepted in the field of hydrogeology. Anticipated Impacts to Groundwater Levels and Flows as a Result of the Proposed Consumptive Use A numeric groundwater flow model is a computer code representing the groundwater flow process. Both SBWA and Osceola used numeric groundwater flow models developed by their consultants to predict and simulate the impacts associated with withdrawals proposed in the application. The SBWA used a finite difference model called INTERSAT for its simulations. INTERSAT is a widely used and accepted groundwater flow model. The model was run by ESE for the SBWA in the impact or drawdown mode. Drawdown or impact models simulate changes in water levels in response to a stress such as a pumping well. Drawdown models are an accepted and frequently used method to evaluate wellfield stress, particularly in association with a CUP application. ESE and PBSJ utilized several analytical models to first determine and later to verify the area to which the boundaries of their model would extend. The radius of influence of a well or wellfield is the distance from the center of pumpage extending out to where drawdowns caused by that pumpage reach zero. The boundary for a numeric groundwater model should be set at, or beyond, the radius of influence of the pumpage being simulated by the model. Based on the analytical models run by ESE and PBSJ the radius of influence of the wellfield proposed in the application is 43,000 to 45,000 feet. The approximate distances of the boundaries set in INTERSAT model from well TP were 50,000 feet to the east, 40,000 feet to the west, 40,000 feet to the north and 50,000 feet to the south. The INTERSAT model covers a total area of 320 square miles. This size falls somewhere between a regional model and a local model, and is adequate in size to address the impacts associated with the proposed withdrawals. The vertical boundary of SBWA's model extends to 1450 feet below land surface and, as stated above, is divided into 6 layers. The 1450 feet depth generally coincides with the limits of site specific data generated during the APT. The six layers in the SBWA flow model coincide with the six distinct geologic units identified by PBSJ in their APT report. The site specific data generated by the APT was utilized, along with other regional modeling studies, to arrive at a set of "conservative" aquifer parameters to be utilized in the INTERSAT model. "Conservative" parameters for purposes of this application are those which would tend to overpredict drawdown in the surficial aquifer and the production zone, while allowing for more upconing of dense water from the bottom of the model. The selection of "conservative" aquifer parameters by SBWA involved taking site specific values, comparing them with the ranges of values reported in the other available regional models and selecting values which, while still within the range of reported values used in other studies, would tend to show greater impacts for the areas of primary concern than the site specific values. Every aquifer parameter utilized in SBWA's groundwater flow model falls within the range of values reported in at least one of the groundwater modeling studies previously done in this region. The size of the grids utilized in the SBWA model were 500 feet by 500 feet within the vicinity of the wellfield. Grid sizes expand as one moves toward the outer boundaries of the model. The fineness of the grids used by ESE, particularly in the wellfield area, allows for accurate representation and resolution of surface water features, impacts in the production zone and for evaluating the effects of saltwater upcoming in the transport model also done by ESE. Within the radius of influence of the proposed wellfield, there are no existing wells in layers 5 or 6. The ESE model simulations for 18.8 mgd pumpage predict a maximum drawdown in the surficial aquifer (layer 1) of 0.14 feet centered primarily within the BCWMA. At a distance of 1 mile from the wellfield the impact drops to 0.12 feet. None of the existing legal users of water in layer 1 within the radius of influence of the proposed wellfield will suffer a ten percent or greater reduction in withdrawal capacity from their wells solely as a result of the proposed withdrawals, since 10 percent reduction would require at least 3 feet of drawdown. The ESE model simulations predict a maximum drawdown caused by the proposed pumpage of 4.5 feet in layer 3 centered along the alignment of wells and primarily within the BCWMA. At a distance of 2 miles, the drawdown drops to 2 feet. At the Brevard-Osceola County line the drawdown in layer 3 is approximately .5 feet. Petitioner Deseret's flowing wells are drilled in layer 3 and are located within the area where a drawdown of 1 foot is predicted in layer 3 by the ESE model. Deseret uses its property for a cow/calf ranching operation and has approximately 32,000 head of cows. Deseret uses 39 flowing wells east of state road 192 to irrigate pasture, water cattle and supply drinking water. Deseret possesses a valid CUP for a portion of the total flow capacity from those wells. Seasonally, the wells flow at different rates, but they are most relied upon in dry conditions when the natural flow would be decreased. It is unlikely that the proposed SBWA withdrawals will stop the flow of any of Deseret's wells; and it is unlikely that the flow will be reduced by more than 10 percent. Deseret and Osceola's consultants do predict a greater drawdown and opine that approximately 12 of Deseret's wells will cease flowing as a result of the SBWA withdraw As addressed below, the modelling by Petitioner's consultants, upon which those predictions are based, is less reliable than that of SBWA's consultants. If the effects are greater than predicted, mitigation in the form of installation of pumps is possible, albeit inconvenient and expensive. Mitigation would have to be provided by the applicant, SBWA. The drawdowns predicted by the ESE model for layer 4 are not significantly different from those for layer 3. It is anticipated that no legal user of water within the radius of influence of the proposed wellfield will suffer a 10 percent or greater reduction in withdrawal capacity for its wells, as a result of SBWA's proposed withdrawals. Petitioners' consultants, Hartman and Associates, (Hartman) modeled a significantly larger (4900 square miles) and deeper (3000 feet) area than did SBWA. The model makes its predictions based on one data point for every 49 square miles within the modeled area. Petitioners utilized much larger model grids in the wellfield area (2000 feet by 2000 feet) than did the SBWA. Grid of this size lacks the resolution necessary to evaluate wellfield impacts. Petitioners selected their aquifer parameters from another regional modeling study done in 1985 rather than using site specific data. Those parameters were then adjusted or calibrated until a match was obtained to a computer created potentiometric surface which was supposed to reflect the potentiometric surface for May 1990, an uncharacteristically dry period. The created potentiometric surface to which Hartman calibrated its model varies greatly from the potentiometric surface as reflected in the actual data points from which USGS derives its potentiometric surface maps. While no model is perfect, and actual data is preferable, in the absence of all the actual data that is needed, the ESE model is a more credible predictor of drawdowns. Anticipated Impacts to Groundwater Quality as a Result of the Proposed Consumptive Use Solute transport models are computer models designed to simulate the movement of mass, in this case -- chlorides -- through a groundwater flow system. These models are linked to, and are dependent on flow fields generated by groundwater flow models. In order to predict changes in water quality anticipated to occur as a result of its proposed withdrawals, SBWA's consultants used a solute transport model called HST3D. Developed by the USGS, this model is widely used and accepted. For simulations using the HST3D model, SBWA used the flow field and a portion of the grid generated by its INTERSAT groundwater flow model. The HST3D simulations run by ESE utilized a cross section of the INTERSAT model grid extending through row 26 of that grid, which is the row containing the line of 9 proposed wells running on an east-west axis. Use of a cross sectional grid is an appropriate method by which to examine salt water intrusion. Upconing, to the extent that it will occur as a result of the proposed pumpage, would be greatest within the cross section containing the 9 wells. The cross section extends two miles through the wellfield to the west. As chloride concentrations in water increase, the density of the water increases. Density can retard the degree of upconing when chloride concentrations are as low as 1000-2000 parts per million and becomes significant at 3000-5000 parts per million. Failure of a model to consider density effects, when appropriate, would tend to overstate upconing. HST3D does consider density effects. SBWA's consultant ran several simulations with the HST3D model to predict changes that would occur as a result of the proposed pumpage in chloride concentrations over 7, 14 and 30 year time periods. These simulations utilized the same aquifer parameters as the INTERSAT model together with the effective porosity values derived from site specific data. Assuming a starting chloride concentration of 1000 mgl at the bottom of layer 5, the measured concentration at that level in well TM on the BCWMA site, after 30 years of pumpage at 18.8 mgd, the chloride concentrations in layer 4 would increase by only 100 mgl. The simulations for 7 years of pumpage which is the duration of the proposed permit, show that the predicted increase in chloride levels would be substantially less than 100 mgl. Other HST3D simulations were run by SBWA for a pumpage rate of 35 mgd utilizing beginning chloride concentrations of 5,000 mgl and 10,000 mgl, respectively at the bottom of layers. The results did not show any significant changes in chloride concentrations in layer 4 over and above those shown when a lower starting chloride concentration was assumed. In a circumstance where, as here, the chloride concentrations in the zone from which water is proposed to be withdrawn exceeds secondary drinking water standards (250 mgl), the SJRWMD evaluates the existing legal water uses within the area that would be impacted by the proposed use. If it is determined that the increase in chloride concentrations caused by a proposed use would detrimentally affect other existing legal users or the applicant, only then is the increase deemed to be "significant". Within the layers of the aquifer which would experience increases in chloride concentrations as a result of the proposed withdrawal, layers 4, 5 and 6, no existing users of water would be detrimentally affected. Petitioner Deseret's closest wells to the proposed wellfield are in layer 3 where chloride levels will not be affected by the proposed wellfield within the 7 year duration of the proposed permit or even beyond that period. Further, the use Deseret makes of the water from the wells in closest proximity to the proposed wellfield, pasture irrigation, can tolerate significantly higher chloride concentrations than will exist even directly beneath the wellfield in level 4 after 30 years of pumping. Use of water for public supply purposes is considered by SJRWMD to be in the public interest. Utilization of the water beneath BCWMA for public supply purposes, even with some increase in chloride concentrations in the source of the water over the life of the permit, does not on balance detrimentally affect the public interest. Two different solute transport models were done by Petitioners' consultants, one a numeric model and the other an analytical model. The numeric model done by Hartman, RANDOMWALK, does not predict changes in chloride concentrations within an aquifer, but rather tracks movement of particles. RANDOMWALK does not account for density effects. The analytical model done by Prickett for the Petitioners relies on assumptions, many of which are not met in the aquifer system at BCWMA. Those assumptions relate to uniformity of the system, for example: porosity and permeabilities, and lack of regional gradients. The solute transport models utilized by the Petitioners are less reliable for predicting water quality changes resulting from the proposed pumpage than the model utilized by the SBWA. Salt water intrusion is a dramatic increase of chloride levels in an aquifer layer. The saline water encroachment which occurs from the wellfield stress will be in the lower confining unit. There will be limited degradation in the lower part of the production zone. The wellfield will not induce significant lateral intrusion from the east. There will not be any dramatic changes in chlorides. The movement of the chlorides is confined to the locality of the wellfield. Most of the movement is vertical and is of limited increase. The proposed Bull Creek withdrawals will not aggravate any currently existing salt water intrusion problems. The reject brine water from the RO treatment plant will be disposed of in deep injection wells in Brevard County. These injection wells would deposit the brine into a receiving body of water in the Oldsmar geologic formation. The brine reject will have a total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration of approximately 7,000 mgl. The receiving water into which the brine will be injected approximates sea water, with TDS concentrations in the range of 36,000 mgl. The receiving body will obviously not be further degraded. Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Consumptive Use District staff, SBWA consultants and Osceola's consultants independently conducted onsite field investigations of the BCWMA to evaluate the vegetative communities and land uses which exist on site. Each consultant prepared a habitat map identifying the various vegetative communities found at the site. While relatively pristine, the BCWMA has been logged and grazed by cattle in the past. The impacts of man's activities have been remediated by ceasing the activity. There are few permanent incursions, such as roads, canals and buildings. The area is a very diverse landscape, with a mosaic of different types of plant communities. There are various upland and wetland habitats. The variety of wetlands are forested and non-forested, deep and shallow, open and closed. These wetlands perform important functions, including water storage and purification, aquifer recharge, flood control, and provision of food sources and habitat for wildlife, and they are "factories" for producing the materials needed by many higher organisms. The wetlands on site are structurally complex and are good habitat for macro- invertebrates and the fish and higher organisms that feed on them. A number of these wetlands are shallow, isolated wetlands. During periods of inundation, when the wetlands fill up with water and interconnect with the Bull Creek drainage system, the system exports various organisms to the wetlands. Fish that are live bearers move into isolated wetlands during periods of inundation, and they and their offspring become a source of food for birds. Fish species that lay eggs can withstand desiccation (total drying out) can survive the temporary drying of wetlands, but live bearers must repopulate during periods of inundation. The mixed wetland hardwoods on site contain a diversity of bugs, crawfish, mayflies, damsel flies, midges, and snails. Some of these are important food sources for higher organisms. The apple snail, for example, is an important food source for such birds as the limpkin and the endangered snail kite, and its eggs are food for crawfish and other organisms. The biological communities that exist in the wetlands and uplands at the site are determined by a number of factors, including the depth and duration of the hydroperiod, soils, climate, temperature, and availability of sunlight. These communities and their habitats will react to changes in light, water, temperature, and many other subtle effects, causing changes in plant diversity and structure, the areal extent of certain types of habitats and wetlands, and utilization by wildlife. Natural fluctuations in the hydroperiod also cause these changes, generally from the exterior edges of a wetland to the interior. The wetlands in the BCWMA have been able to withstand the natural drought and flood periods, or they wouldn't be there today. Periodic burning is essential to the health of ecosystems such as in the Bull Creek area. Fires reduce the prevalence of species less tolerant to fire, allow other species to strengthen their presence, return organic material to the soil, and reduce the fuel available for wild fires. Originally occurring naturally as a result of lightening strikes, prescribed burns are now undertaken by agencies such as the Division of Forestry and the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission to replicate the beneficial functions of natural periodic burning. Fire management is used as a land management technique at BCWMA and continued fire management at the BCWMA will maintain a natural ecological setting typical of Florida. Slight variations in elevation which mark the difference between wetlands and uplands can result in utilization of the areas by different animal communities. Where different types of plant communities meet, an "ecotone" is created. Where an ecotone exists, the "edge effect" of the competition between the two communities occurs. The result of the edge effect is higher plant and animal species diversity, which is extremely important to the natural community. Some animals make specific use of the ecotone for habitat and food resources. Many amphibians, frogs in particular, live in the ecotone. Some birds will not roost in the upland forests but will roost in the edge of the forest adjacent to wetlands. Wetlands in the BCWMA are connected to the remainder of the Bull Creek system through groundwater resources. Their biological and ecological communities are also connected as the same organisms move throughout the system. Isolated wetlands also exhibit a "moving edge" effect, where changes in the surface water and water table levels cause different plants, or plants at different levels of maturity, to exist in the wetland and its perimeter. This increases the productivity of the wetland by making it attractive to a wider variety of plant and animal species. If the expansion and contraction of isolated wetlands is reduced by lowered water levels, the smaller wetlands would exhibit a reduced edge effect, and the cumulative effect of this reduction over time would disrupt the functioning of the wetland-upland system. Isolated wetland systems are more sensitive to drawdowns in the surficial aquifer than connected wetland systems because the drainage area contributing water to the wetland system is smaller. Isolated herbaceous wetland communities are the most sensitive of the vegetative communities on BCWMA to drawdowns in the surficial aquifer. The surficial aquifer fluctuates naturally as much as five feet annually. Rainfall is the primary source of water for the surficial aquifer. Water levels in the surficial aquifer respond very quickly to rainfall events. Hydroperiods of the wetland systems in the BCWMA respond to rainfall and surficial aquifer levels. The wetland hydroperiods vary from year to year, and wetland ecosystems have adopted to those annual changes. But a groundwater withdrawal from the surficial aquifer in the Bull Creek area would cause a corresponding lowering of the surface water level, since the wetlands are not "perched", or separated from the aquifer by a confining layer. A drawdown would lower water levels throughout the hydroperiod, under both high water and low water conditions, with a more pronounced effect during the dry season and drought periods. Some of the over twenty threatened and endangered plant species present at Bull Creek grow in shallow, marginally wet areas. Changes in even a few inches of groundwater would cause these plant species to be retarded in growth, and their abundance would decrease or they would die out at the site. Many of the wetlands are shallow, broad, sloping areas, and groundwater elevation changes of just a few inches will cause changes in the areal extent of these wetlands. Even the .14 foot drawdown predicted by SBWA's modeling would affect shallow inundated or saturated systems by changing the moisture level at the surface, particularly by affecting the lowest water levels. Changes in the vegetative composition of wetlands will affect the macro-invertebrate characteristics of a site. For example, as water levels change, the density of the vegetation (in terms of number of plant stems per acre) can decrease, leaving fewer places for the macro-invertebrates to hide, and the populations of macro-invertebrates will decrease through predation. As food sources, habitat and breeding grounds decrease, those animal species that can relocate will attempt to do so. Relocation can adversely affect the survival of the species; for example, a wood stork unable to find a particular food upon which it is dependent at a particular interval in its life cycle may abandon its nest and its young. Animals that attempt to relocate may find that there is not a suitable similar habitat available, making their attempt to adjust to the change in their environment unsuccessful. The proposed use will not significantly affect the stages or vegetation of the upland communities at the BCWMA because they are not as dependent on saturation or inundation as a wetland community. Forested wetland systems, be they isolated or connected, will not be influenced by a drawdown of the magnitude predicted by SBWA for the surficial aquifer. Forested systems have deep root zones and the canopy provides shading to the strata below. Forested systems are able to tolerate natural changes in hydrology. The SBWA assessment does not offer any detailed cataloguing of the plant and animal communities on site, or a description of how the systems operate or interface with each other. It does not provide sufficient information to be able to assess the impacts of the proposed wellfield on these systems. There was insufficient information presented by the applicant to conclude that the environmental harm to be caused by operation of a wellfield at the BCWMA has been reduced to an acceptable level. The applicant relied on the fact that drawdowns in the surficial aquifer will be minimal, without fully considering the impact of those minimal drawdowns on a fragile wetland ecosystem during a dry period. Water Demand The SBWA was created by special act in 1983 as a dependent special district for the purpose of developing regional water supplies and transmission of water to water distribution systems. In its existence so far, its labors have been in the former, and none in the latter category. Efforts to develop a regional water supply have been frustrated by litigation, by reluctance of local public systems to give up their authority and by delays in pursuing and processing CUP applications, two of which are still pending, in addition to the instant application. The City of Melbourne's public water system provides water to Melbourne, Palm Bay and West Melbourne, and to some unincorporated areas surrounding Melbourne. It also supplies water to the area called south beaches, comprised of the Brevard County area south of Patrick Air Force Base, including Satellite Beach, Melbourne Beach, Indiatlantic and Indian Harbor Beach. The current water supply is Lake Washington, which is part of the chain of lakes on the St. Johns River. The city of Melbourne was granted a CUP on January 15, 1991, for withdrawals from Lake Washington, ranging from 27.15 million gallons maximum daily withdrawals in 1991 to 21.7 million gallons maximum daily withdrawals in 1998. In addition, Melbourne has planned a new facility and has the CUP to withdraw 8.13 million gallons a day from the Floridan Aquifer commencing in 1993. After reverse osmosis treatment, the groundwater withdrawal will yield 6.5 million gallons a day finished water, making up the difference from reduced withdrawals from Lake Washington. Approximately 56 potable water systems have been identified by SBWA in South Brevard, south of the Pineda Causeway. Almost all are small private systems. Besides Melbourne, the other major water supplier in the area is General Development Utilities (GDU), serving the City of Palm Bay. GDU's CUP expires in 1993 with an average daily withdrawal of 6.5 mgd and maximum daily withdrawal of 8.5 mgd. It has ample capacity until 1996, and beyond to the year 2000, if an additional Department of Environmental Regulation capacity rating is obtained. The total capacity of the two major existing facilities is approximately 30 mgd and total existing consumptive use quantities (including existing CUPs with expiration dates varying from 1993 to 1998) approach 40 mgd. The current SBWA water master plan assumes that existing sources need replacing. More specifically, SBWA, if this CUP is granted, seeks to replace Lake Washington as the primary source of water in the area with the groundwater obtained from the BCWMA wellfield. An agreement between the City of Melbourne and SBWA provides that the City will initially purchase 8 mgd, plus all future needs of water from the SBWA. This 8 mgd would be used by Melbourne prior to using its 6.5 mgd finished water from the RO facility, and the RO water would be used prior to withdrawals from Lake Washington. The agreement, dated January 9, 1991, acknowledges the need for, and specifically authorizes improvements to Melbourne's Lake Washington Water Treatment Plant, including the conversion of the existing high service pumping station to a low service pumping station with average daily capacity of 20 mgd and maximum capacity of 25 mgd. (SBWA Ex. 49) GDU is a private utility and currently is outside the jurisdiction of the SBWA. General Development Corporation is in receivership and the City of Palm Bay is negotiating for purchase of the utility. If the purchase is successful, the supply will become publicly owned and subject to the jurisdiction of the SBWA. The City of Palm Bay is not bound to purchase GDU at any price, and the requirement that it would shut down its newly purchased facility to receive water from SBWA is a disincentive to the acquisition. In the meantime, GDU has no incentive to reduce CUP capacity and devalue its facility. GDU's service has been uninterrupted and reliable. Contamination to the surface aquifer utilized by GDU has been successfully treated. Although septic tanks proliferate in Palm Bay, their location, as well as the presence of confining layers in the surficial aquifer, reduce the susceptibility of GDU wells to contamination from septic tanks. The applicant's concerns about unreliability and safety of Lake Washington as a continued water source are unsubstantiated by the weight of evidence in this proceeding. Surface water facilities have been used in Florida since before the turn of the century and no major facility has ever been off-line one day due to raw water contamination. Nor has any major Florida surface water plant ever been sabotaged. There is a greater chance in Florida of problems with pipeline failures, and the miles of pipes planned to transmit ground water from Bull Creek east to SBWA consumers increase the chances of those problems. Recently, the SJRWMD Upper Basin Project has significantly improved the water quality and quantity in Lake Washington through restoration of marshlands in the upper basin and capping flowing wells. Restored marsh areas will allow for additional removal of nutrients and provide an additional storage to the Lake Washington/Upper Basin system, significantly improving safe yield quantities. Comparisons of concentrations of raw water chlorides and total dissolved solids for the drought years of 1989 and 1990, show significant reductions for the latter time frame. Recent evaluations indicate that Lake Washington would be acceptable in terms of chlorides and TDS concentrations for a 35 mgd withdrawal, even during 50 and 100 year droughts. Water quality improvements to Lake Washington can be directly related to the Upper Basin project. Trihalomethanes are regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act. They are produced by the disinfection process of treating raw water with chlorines, and they are carcinogenic. A previously experienced problem at the Melbourne plant has been corrected with operational changes. As recently as 1988, an internal staff report by SJRWMD staff provided: Lake Washington has been a reliable source of public water supply since 1960 and can remain so in the future with the continuation of sound basin planning and watershed management by the St. John's river Water Management District. The quality of the raw water from Lake Washington is subject to annual and seasonal variations that make the treatment process more difficult, and the quality of the delivered water less consistent, than would be the case with a groundwater supply. A supplemental water source near Lake Washington would improve the quality of the water delivered to the users, would increase the total volume that could be taken from the lake in times of stress, and would provide a reliable alternative in case of emergency. The upper zone of the Floridan Aquifer within south Brevard County has the potential to supply a significant portion of the area's future water needs with existing low-pressure, reverse osmosis technology at a cost that is comparable to current supplies.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby, recommended that the SBWA application for CUP be denied. RECOMMENDED this 12th day of March, 1992, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of March, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NOS. 91-1779, 91-1780, & 91-1781 The following constitute disposition of the findings of fact proposed by each party. Petitioner, Osceola County These findings have been adopted in full or in substantial part in the recommended order submitted herewith: 1-5, 7-8, 14, 21-22, 24-25, 27-28, 30, 32, 35, 62-65, 73, 104, 113, 116-125, 127, 129-130, 132-138, 140, 154, 157-158, 164, 167-168, 183, 186, 189, 191-195, 197-200, 202-204, 209, 212. These findings are rejected as contrary to or unsupported by the weight of evidence: 37-38, 48, 51, 53, 56, 66, 79-81, 84-90, 92-94, 102-103, 105-107, 110-112, 115, 128, 171-172, 212(d), (f) and (g), 213-214. These findings are rejected as cumulative, unnecessary or irrelevant: 6, 9- 13, 15-20, 23, 26, 29, 31, 33-34, 36, 39-47, 49-50, 52, 54-55, 57-61, 67-72, 74- 78, 82-83, 91, 95-101, 108-109, 114, 126, 131, 139, 141-153, 155-156, 159-163, 165-166, 169-170, 173-182, 184-185, 190, 196, 201, 205-208, 210-211, 212(e), 215. Petitioners, Triple E, Triple N, East Central Florida Services, Inc., and Deseret These findings have been adopted in full or in substantial part in the recommended order submitted herewith: 1-6, 8-9, 16-20, 22-25, 27-28, 30-31, 50- 56, 59-60. These findings are rejected as contrary to or unsupported by the weight of evidence: 7, 12, 32, 34-37, 40, 42, 44, 48, 49, 58. These findings are rejected as cumulative, unnecessary or irrelevant: 10- 11, 13-15, 21, 26, 29, 33, 38-39, 41, 43, 45-47, 57, 61-63. Respondent, South Brevard Water Authority These findings have been adopted in full or in substantial part in the recommended order submitted herewith: 1-6, 9-11, 13, 16-24, 28, 30-34, 36, 38, 46-48, 61, 64, 70, 72-74, 90-91, 94-98, 105-108, 110-111, 113, 115-116, 121, 126-129, 133, 149, 152, 157, 169, 179, 181-190, 192-194. These findings are rejected as contrary to or unsupported by the weight of evidence: 41, 130-132, 156, 158, 167, 174, 177. These findings are rejected as cumulative, unnecessary or irrelevant: 7-8, 12, 14-15, 25-27, 29, 35, 37, 39-40, 42-45, 49-60, 62-63, 65-69, 71, 75-89, 92- 93, 100-104, 109, 112, 114, 117-120, 122-125, 134-148, 150-151, 153-155, 159- 166, 168, 170-173, 175-176, 178, 180, 191. Respondent, St. Johns River Water Management District These findings have been adopted in full or in substantial part in the recommended order submitted herewith: 1-8, 10-22, 24-36, 38-44, 47-62, 64-88, 90, 92-116, 118-122, 124-130, 132-142, 144-151, 159-160, 164, 166-167, 169, 171, 174-175, 177, 193-196, 198, 202, 206. These findings are rejected as contrary to or unsupported by the weight of evidence: 131 (the conclusion), 153-154, 156-157, 161-162, 197, 204, 207. These findings are rejected as cumulative, unnecessary or irrelevant: 9, 23, 37, 45-46, 63, 89, 91, 117, 123, 143, 150, 152, 155, 158, 163, 165, 168, 170, 172-173, 176, 178-192, 199-201, 203, 208-210. COPIES FURNISHED: Segundo J. Fernandez, Esquire Scott Shirley, Esquire OERTEL, HOFFMAN, FERNANDEZ & COLE, P.A. Post Office Box 6507 Tallahassee, FL 32314-6507 Douglas P. Manson, Esquire BLAIN & CONE, P.A. 202 Madison Street Tampa, FL 33602 Clifton A. McClelland, Esquire POTTER, McCLELLAND, MARKS & HEALY, P.A. Post Office Box 2523 Melbourne, FL 32902-2523 Wayne Flowers, Esquire Nancy B. Barnard, Esquire St. Johns River Water Management District Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, FL 32178-1429 Neal D. Bowen, County Attorney Osceola County Room 117 17 South Vernon Avenue Kissimmee, FL 32741 Carol Browner, Secretary Dept. of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, General Counsel Dept. of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400
Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, Respondent, Cargill, a Delaware corporation authorized to do business in Florida which owned and operated a phosphate mine near Fort Meade, located in Polk County Florida. Petitioner, Gloria Elder, owns residential property adjoining the Fort Meade Mine on which she maintains an individual water well for domestic and other purposes. The Respondent, District, has the responsibility for regulating the consumption and conservation of ground and surface water within its jurisdictional limits, including the well in question. For a period prior to December, 1990, Cargill had been operating under consumptive use permit No. 202297.04, issued by the District, which provided for average daily withdrawals of 12.0 MGD from wells on its property. In addition to the 12.0 MGD, Cargill also was utilizing an additional 3.3 MGD for mine pit and surficial aquifer dewatering activities which did not have to be reflected in the permit but which were lawful uses. In December, 1990, Cargill submitted its application to renew the existing water use permit with a modification including the 3.3 MGD previously being used but not officially permitted. No additional water would be drawn from the permitted wells as the newly applied for 15.3 MGD was the total of the 12 MGD and 3.3 MGD previously permitted and lawfully used. After reviewing the additional information requested of Cargill pertaining to this application, the District published its Notice of Proposed Agency Action for approval of the permit. The proposed permit authorizes withdrawal of the amount requested in the application, 15.3 MGD, the exact same amount actually withdrawn under the prior permit. As a part of the proposed permit the District imposed two special conditions. These conditions, 12 and 13, require Cargill to conduct its dewatering activities no closer than 1,500 feet to any property boundary, wetlands, or water body that will not be mined or, in the alternative, to mitigate pursuant to conditions 12 and 13 any activities conducted within the 1,500 foot setback. There are no reasonable alternatives to Cargill's request. The mining process in use here utilizes a water wash of gravel-size phosphate ore particles out of accompanying sand and clay. The water used for this purpose is recycled and returned to the washer for reuse. The resulting phosphate ore mix, matrix, is transported with water in slurry form to the refining plant. This system in the standard for phosphate mining in the United States. Once at the plant, the slurry is passed through an amine flotation process where the sand and phosphates are separated. This process requires clean water with a constant Ph balance and temperature which can be retrieved only from deep wells. Even though the permit applied for here calls for an average daily withdrawal of 15.3 MGD, typically the Cargill operation requires about 10.08 MGD from deep wells. This is a relatively standard figure within the industry. Approximately 92 percent of the water used at the site in issue is recycled. However, recycled water is not an acceptable substitute for deep well water because it contains matters which interfere with the ability of the chemical reagents utilized in the process to react with the phosphate rock. Therefore, the quantity sought is necessary and will support a reasonable, complete mining operation at the site. The Cargill operation is accompanied by a strenuous reclamation operation. Land previously mined near the Petitioner's property has been reclaimed, contoured, re-grassed and re-vegetated. This project was completed in 1990. No evidence was introduced showing that Cargill's operation had any adverse effect on the Elders' well. Water samples were taken from that well at the Petitioner's request in May, 1991 in conjunction with the investigation into a previous, unrelated complaint. These samples were submitted to an independent laboratory for analysis which clearly demonstrated that the minerals and other compounds in the water from the Petitioner's well were in amounts well below the detection level for each. Only the iron level appeared elevated, and this might be the result of deterioration of the 18 year old black iron pipe casing in the well. Another possible explanation is the fact that iron is a common compound in that part of the state. In any case, the installation of a water softener would remove the iron, and there is no indication the water would have any unacceptable ecological or environmental impacts in the area either on or off the site. No other residents in the area have complained of water quality problems. Petitioner claims not only that Cargill's operation would demean her water quality but also that its withdrawal will cause a draw down in the water level in her well. This second matter was tested by the District using the McDonald-Haurbaugh MODFLOW model which is well recognized and accepted within the groundwater community. The model was applied to the surficial, intermediate, and upper Floridan aquifers and indicated the draw down at the property boundary would be less than one foot in the surficial aquifer and less than four feet in the intermediate aquifer. The model also showed the draw down at the Petitioner's well would be less than three feet, which is well within the five foot criteria for issuance of a consumptive use permit under the appropriate District rules. This evidence was not contradicted by any evidence of record by Petitioner. All indications are that the water use proposed is both reasonable and beneficial, is consistent with the public interest, and will not interfere with any existing legal use of water.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore recommended that WUP Permit No. 202297.05 be renewed as modified to reflect approval of 15.3 MGD average daily withdrawal. Jurisdiction will remain with the Hearing Officer for the limited purpose of evaluating the propriety of an assessment of attorney's fees and costs against the Petitioner and the amount thereof. RECOMMENDED this 29th day of April, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of April, 1993. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph N. Baron, Esquire 3375-A U.S. Highway 98 South Lakeland, Florida 33803 Rory C. Ryan, Esquire 200 South Orange Avenue Suite 2600 Post office Box 1526 Orlando, Florida 32801 Martin D. Hernandez, Esquire Richard Tschantz, Esquire 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609 Peter G. Hubbell Executive Director Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34609-6899
The Issue Whether Respondent Sarasota County Public Utilities Department (Sarasota County) has provided reasonable assurances pursuant to Rule 17- 555.530(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code, that its proposed water treatment plant will comply with each applicable water quality standard contained in Part III, Chapter 17-550, Florida Administrative Code. Whether Respondent Sarasota County has provided reasonable assurance pursuant to Rule 17-555.530(1)(b), Florida Administrative Code, that its proposed water treatment plant meets adequate engineering design complying with the applicable engineering principles established in Rules 17-555.310 through 17-555.160, Florida Administrative Code.
Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: STIPULATED FACTS Sarasota County Utilities Department is a department established by Sarasota County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida and operates a public utility department which is charged with meeting, among other things, potable water needs of the residents of Sarasota County. At all times pertinent to the issues herein, HRS was responsible for receiving applications and issuing permits for the construction of water treatment plants and the accompanying well field. Petitioner, Charles P. Page, is a resident of Sarasota County and resides at 259 Glen Oak Road, Venice, Florida. Sarasota County filed an Application for a Water Treatment Plant Construction Permit with HRS seeking to construct a well water collection system and a 12 mgd - electrodialysis treatment plant having an auxiliary power system to provide power for the well field and water treatment plant. Sarasota County has previously obtained a water use permit from the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) #208836.00, restricting Sarasota County to feed water for the water treatment plant to 7,303,000.00 gallons average daily withdrawal and 9,625,000.00 gallons peak monthly withdrawal. Sarasota County has received permits for the eleven (11) production wells from HRS. It was the duty of HRS to review the plans and specifications and all supporting documentation to assure that they address and meet every requirement listed in Rule 17-555, Florida Administrative Code, for the issuance of a construction permit.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered issuing permit No. PATS No. 204307 & WC No. 1591-91-036 to Respondent Sarasota County, as set forth in the Notice of Intent To Issue dated February 20, 1992, provided that the grant of the subject permit shall include the general and specific conditions in the Intent To Issue with the further recommendation that the third required specific condition found on page 1 of the Specific Conditions be modified as follows: Construction of the electrodialysis reversal water treatment plant covered by this permit shall not begin prior to the issuance of a permit as required by State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation for the EDR concentrate discharge facility. DONE and ENTERED this 21st day of October, 1992, at Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of October, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 92-2002 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statute, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties in this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner 1. The following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 1(1); 22(47); 23(48); 24(19-20) 29(49); 38(5); 39(19); 42-43(19,20); and 51(49). 2. Proposed finding(s) of fact 2,3,5,6,7,11,14,15,16,18, 19,20,21,25,26,30,31,35,40,45,46,47,49,and 50 are neither material nor relevant to this proceeding or the conclusion reached in the Recommended Order. Proposed finding(s) of fact 4,8,9,10,12,13,17,27,28,and 41 are rejected as not being supported by competent substantial evidence in the record. Proposed finding(s) of fact 32,33,34,36,37, and 48 are unnecessary. Proposed finding of fact 44 is rejected as not being the "opinion" of the Hearing Officer. The transcript will show that the Hearing Officer was only restating the testimony of Judith Richtar. But see Finding of Fact 49. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent Sarasota County The following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified if the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s) of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding(s) of fact: 1 - 20(1) - 20, respectively); 21(27); 22 - 26(22 - 26, respectively); 27(28); 28(29); 29(31); and 30 - 44(32 - 46, respectively). For proposed findings of fact 45 through 65 see Findings of Fact 51 and 52. Proposed findings of fact 66 through 68 are unnecessary. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent Department of Environmental Regulation The Respondent Department of Environmental Regulation adopted Sarasota County's proposed findings of fact 1 through 44, 63 and 64, and 66 with modification. Therefore, the rulings on the Department's proposed findings of fact would be the same as the previous rulings on Sarasota County's proposed findings of fact adopted by the Department. COPIES FURNISHED: Bruce Wheeler Pitzer, Esquire 546 47th Street Sarasota, FL 34234 William A. Dooley, Esquire Nelson, Hesse, Cyril, et al. 2070 Ringling Blvd. Sarasota, FL 33237 Joseph W. Landers, Esquire Landers & Parsons 310 W. College Avenue, 3rd Floor Tallahassee, FL 32301 W. Douglas Beason, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Carol Browner, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400
The Issue Whether the applicants own the property in question? Whether the project would comply with the criteria of the South Florida Water Management District contained in Basis of Review for Surface Water Management Systems, specifically Sections 3.1.3 and 3.2? Whether flood protection would be inadequate or septic tanks unsuitable or whether the public health and safety would be compromised or the ultimate purchasers be deprived of usage of the property due to inundation in violation of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (1981), or Rule 40E-4.301(1), Florida Administrative Code?
Findings Of Fact Ms. Williamson and Messrs. Leggett and Collins hold in fee simple a triangular 117.24-acre parcel in Okeechobee County as tenants in common under a warranty deed executed in their favor by one W. C. Sherman. They propose to develop the property as a trailer park (complete with airstrip) large enough to accommodate 109 trailers. To this end, soil would be dug up from the center of the property and used to raise the elevation of the surrounding land above the 100-year floodplain. (T. 47) The applicants have a dredging permit from the Department of Environmental Regulation authorizing them to excavate 629,889 cubic yards. They are proposing to dig to a depth of 76 feet below ground. This would create an 18-acre body of water ("Poe's Lake") which would overflow a V-notched weir into a county canal. The county canal would take the water to C- 38, one of the large canals to which the Kissimmee River has been relegated, at a point about 18 miles upstream from Lake Okeechobee. Runoff would wash over residential lots and roadways; the site would be graded to assure drainage into Poe's Lake. The minimum road crest elevation would be 30 feet NGVD ("[a]round twenty-nine feet" T.52), as compared to the control elevation for surface waters of 28.5 feet NGVD. WATER QUALITY The developers plan septic tanks for wastewater treatment. At the close of all the evidence, counsel for the applicants stated that sanitary sewers could be installed instead. Respondents' Proposed Recommended Order, p. With all the housing units in use, at least 10,900 gallons of effluent would seep into the ground from the tanks daily. There would be some evapotranspiration, but all the chemicals dissolved in the effluent would eventually end up in the groundwater. During the dry season, septic tank effluent would cause mounding of the groundwater and some groundwater movement toward, and eventual seepage into, Poe's Lake. The eventual result would be eutrophication and the growth of algae or macrophytes on the surface of Poe's Lake. This would cause dissolved oxygen violations in Poe's Lake. Discharges from the lake would inevitably occur, aggravating the situation in C-38, which already experiences dissolved oxygen levels below 5.0 milligrams per liter in the rainy summer months. Some fraction of the nutrients in the effluent from the septic tanks would ultimately reach Lake Okeechobee itself. The sheer depth of the excavation would create another water quality problem. Under the anaerobic conditions that would obtain at the bottom of Poe's Lake, bacteria acting on naturally occurring sulfates would produce hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and various other reduced organic nitrogen compounds. These substances are toxic to human beings and would, in some indeterminate quantity, enter the groundwater from Poe's Lake. This would affect the taste and perhaps the potability of water from any well nearby. It would be "possible to design a better system where there would be nutrient removal and a greatly reduced probability of violation of the dissolved oxygen criterion and obviation of the potential for ground water contamination." (T. 200) Installation of a baffle on the weir would serve to prevent buoyant debris from entering surface waters of the state. BASIS OF REVIEW Official recognition was taken of the "Basis of Review for Surface Water Management Permit Applications Within the South Florid Water Management District," parts of which all parties agree pertain in the present proceedings. Among the criteria stated in this document are: 3.1.3 Waste and Wastewater Service - Potable water and wastewater facilities must be identified. The Applicant for a Surface Water Management Permit must provide information on how these services are to be provided. If wastewater disposal is accomplished on-site, additional information will normally be requested regarding separation of waste and storm systems. Flood protection - Building floors shall be above the 100 year flood elevations, as determined from the most appropriate information, including Federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps. Both tidal flooding and the 100 year, 3 day storm event shall be considered in determining elevations. b. Commercial and industrial projects to be subdivided for sale are required to have installed by the permittee, as a minimum, the required water quality system for one inch of runoff detention or one half inch of runoff retention from the total developed site. State standards - Projects shall be designed so that discharges will meet State water quality standards, as set forth in Chapter 17-3, Retention/detention criteria - Retention and/or detention in the overall system, including swales, lakes, canals, greenways, etc., shall be provided for one of the three following criteria or equivalent combinations thereof . . . Wet detention volume shall be provided for the first inch of runoff from the developed project, or the total runoff from a 3-year, 1-hour rainfall event, whichever is greater. Dry detention volume shall be provided equal to 75 percent of the above amounts computed for wet detention. Retention volume shall be provided equal to 50 percent of the above amounts computed for wet detention. Discharge structures should include gratings for safety and maintenance purposes. The use of trash collection screens is desirable. Discharge structures shall include a "baffle" system to encourage discharge from the center of the water column rather than the top or bottom. b. Control elevations should be no higher than 2 feet below the minimum road centerline elevation in the area served by the control device in order to protect the road subgrade. Simply detaining runoff before discharging it offsite will not insure that the water quality standards set forth in Chapter 17-3 will be met. Whether the standards are met depends on, among other things, the composition of the runoff. FWF'S INTEREST Among the purposes of the FWF, as stated in its charter, Shall be to further advance the cause of conservation in environmental protection, to perpetuate and conserve fish and wildlife, oil, water, clean air, other resources of the State and so manage the use of all natural resources, that this generation and posterity will receive the maximum benefit from the same. (T. 248-9) Four or five thousand Floridians belong to FWF. FWF members "make use" (T. 250) of the waters of Lake Okeechobee, the Kissimmee River and specifically of the waters in C-38. PROPOSED FINDINGS CONSIDERED The applicants and FWF filed post hearing memoranda and proposed recommended orders including proposed findings of fact which have been considered in preparation of the foregoing findings of fact. They have been adopted, in substance, for the most part. To the extent they have been rejected, they have been deemed unsupported by the weight of the evidence, immaterial, cumulative or subordinate.
Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That SFWMD deny the pending application for surface water management permit. DONE and ENTERED this 29th day of November, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON II, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of November, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Dennis J. Powers, Esquire Gunster, Yoakley, Criser & Stewart 400 South County Road Palm Beach 33480 Terrell K. Arline, Esquire 325-C Clematis Street West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Irene Kennedy Quincey, Esquire 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Charles P. Houston, Esquire 324 Datura Street, Suite 106 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
The Issue The issue is whether Respondents should be subject to civil penalties and required to submit a Compliance Plan for the reasons stated in the Administrative Complaint and Order filed on January 8, 2002.
Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Background In this enforcement action, Petitioner, Southwest Florida Water Management District (District), proposes to assess civil penalties against, and require a compliance plan from, Respondents, Balm Associates, Inc. (Balm) and Goodson Farms, Inc. (Goodson), on the grounds that from March 1999 through July 2001 they made water withdrawals from certain property in Hillsborough County, Florida, without a water use permit, and after a permit was obtained in August 2001, they continued to exceed the annual average daily withdrawals authorized under the permit through the month of November 2001, or just prior to the preparation and issuance of the Administrative Complaint and Order (Complaint).1 While not denying that excessive pumpages may have occurred, and that a permit was not obtained until August 2001, Balm points out that it is the owner-lessor of the property and not the consumptive user of the water, and contends that the District has no authority to enforce its rules against, and recover civil penalties from, the non-user of the water. In its request for a hearing, Goodson did not specifically dispute the allegation that it consumed water without a permit, or exceeded the withdrawal limits under the new permit, but contended instead that the limits were unrealistic and should be modified. At the final hearing, however, Goodson disputed the accuracy of the water consumption figures used in the Complaint. The District is the administrative agency charged with the responsibility to conserve, protect, manage, and control water resources within its boundaries and to administer and enforce Chapter 373, Florida Statutes. Balm is a corporation registered to do business in the State of Florida. Its mailing address is 2101 Huntington Avenue, Sarasota, Florida 34232. It owns approximately 220 acres of land in Section 28, Township 31 South, Range 21 East, in Hillsborough County, Florida, which is the site of the alleged wrongdoing. Goodson is a corporation registered to do business in the State of Florida. Its mailing address is Post Office Box 246, Balm, Florida 33503. Goodson is in the farming business and operates a total of 13 farms, including the farm at issue in this proceeding. Permit Requirements Under Rule 40D-2.041(1), Florida Administrative Code, a water use permit is required whenever total withdrawal capacity from any source or combined sources is greater than or equal to 1,000,000 gallons per day (gpd); annual average withdrawal from any source or combined sources is greater than or equal to 100,000 gpd; or withdrawal is from a well having an outside diameter of 6 inches or more at the surface. Rule 40D-2.351(1), Florida Administrative Code, provides that a permittee must notify the District within 30 days of the sale or conveyance of permitted water withdrawal facilities or the land on which the facilities are located. The same rule also provides that where a permit has been issued to a party whose ownership or legal control of the permitted water withdrawal facilities subsequently ends, the party who assumes control over the facilities may apply to transfer the permit to himself or herself up to the renewal date of the transferor's permit. Finally, Rule 40D-2.351(2), Florida Administrative Code, provides that until a permit is transferred or a new permit is obtained, the party subsequently controlling the permitted water withdrawal facilities will be in violation of District rules for making withdrawals without the required permit. History of Permits on the Property On September 29, 1989, the District issued Water Use Permit No. 207135.001 (the .001 permit) to James Brown (Brown) and B & T Growers Partnership (B & T) for water withdrawals from one well for agricultural purposes on Balm's property. The .001 permit authorized annual average withdrawals of 102,000 gpd of groundwater for agricultural irrigation. On August 29, 1990, the District adopted new rules applicable to District permits within the Eastern Tampa Bay Water Use Caution Area (ETBWUCA). The .001 permit was within the ETBWUCA, and Brown and B & T were provided with a Notice of Permit Modification and new Permit Conditions. The new conditions became effective November 15, 1990. New Condition No. 5 provided that By July 31, 1995, all permitted withdrawal points shall be equipped with totalizing flow meters or other measuring devices as approved in writing by the Director, Resource Regulation Department. Such devices shall have and maintain accuracy within five percent of the actual flow installed. On December 14, 1992, the District approved the transfer of the .001 permit from Brown and B & T to B. Kenda Produce. The Unpermitted Water Withdrawals On June 30, 1997, Goodson entered into a two-year agricultural lease with Balm to use a portion of the property, including acreage previously used by B. Kendra Produce. At the time the lease was entered into, neither Respondent applied to the District to have the .001 permit transferred from B. Kendra Produce. It can be reasonably inferred from the evidence that after the first lease expired, the parties continued to execute new lease agreements at least through the time of the hearing. The portion of the property which Goodson leased and farmed is referred to as the "Sweat Loop Farm" and consists of approximately 100 acres. There is one well with an outside diameter of 10 inches at the surface located on the Sweat Loop Farm. The well's total withdrawal capacity is approximately 1,500 gallons per minute (gpm), which is over 1,000,000 gpd. Thus, withdrawals from the well required a water use permit. As noted earlier, Goodson operates a total of 13 farms on approximately 2,500 acres of land. There are approximately 15 wells on all 13 farms, including the Sweat Loop Farm. Michael E. Hare, an irrigation supervisor who is responsible for the irrigation of all 13 of Goodson's farms, installed a total of approximately 8 meters on the farms, including the meter on the Sweat Loop Farm. A totalizing flow meter, which was made by MiCrometer, was installed at the Sweat Loop Farm in June 1997. Mr. Hare acknowledged that he was familiar with MiCrometer meters and would be aware if the MiCrometer flow meter on the Sweat Loop Farm was not functioning properly. Whenever metering devices on the various Goodson farms have malfunctioned in the past, Mr. Hare has taken the malfunctioning meter to a metering company to be fixed. Goodson began irrigating the Sweat Loop Farm in June 1997. Since that time, Goodson has been the sole water user of the well on the farm. In March 1999, Goodson began submitting to the District monthly pumpage reports for the groundwater withdrawals on the Sweat Loop Farm. Although some unmeasured withdrawals presumably occurred prior to March 1999, the Complaint does not identify these as being a violation. Mr. Hare and other supervisors are responsible for collecting the meter readings which go on the monthly pumpage reports and providing them to the District. The information on the reports includes the permit number; the last month's meter reading; the current month's meter reading; the total gallons of water pumped for the current month; the meter total; and the meter factor. To determine the average daily withdrawal on the Sweat Loop Farm, the District relied upon the calculations provided by Goodson as to the total gallons of water pumped for the month and divided this number by 30 days. From March 1999 through July 2001, these quantities were as follows: MONTH/YEAR AVERAGE DAILY PUMPAGE March 1999 April 1999 531,487 No data available May 1999 364,930 June 1999 0 July 1999 0 August 1999 57,410 September 1999 49,563 October 1999 222,667 November 1999 250,667 December 1999 755,003 January 2000 689,433 February 2000 695,073 March 2000 544,427 April 2000 305,153 May 2000 597,720 June 2000 0 July 2000 62,120 August 2000 86,370 September 2000 123,233 October 2000 602,020 November 2000 409,550 December 2000 145,823 January 2001 957,690 February 2001 890,213 March 2001 391,280 April 2001 467,640 May 2001 617,177 June 2001 0 July 2001 0 Under Rule 40D-2.041(1)(a)-(c), Florida Administrative Code, a water use permit was required for Goodson's withdrawals since the well's total withdrawal capacity is approximately 1,500 gpm, which is greater than 1,000,000 gpd; the annual average withdrawals exceeded 100,000 gpd; and the well has an outside diameter of 10 inches at the surface. The withdrawals on the Sweat Loop Farm were not authorized by the .001 permit since neither Goodson or Balm was a permittee under the permit. Even if Goodson could rely on the permit, which it cannot, pumpage data provided by Goodson reflects that the water withdrawals (except for nine months) were in excess of that authorized by the permit. On June 16, 2000, the District mailed a Notice of Non-Compliance for excessive water withdrawals to Goodson. The Notice indicated that if the pumpage values submitted by Goodson were incorrect, Goodson was to explain the error and provide corrected quantities. On June 26, 2000, the District received a written response to the Notice of Non-Compliance from the superintendent of the Sweat Loop Farm who indicated that the pumpage values were correct, and that the excess usage was due to a "serious drought condition" which had caused a "significant financial hardship on [the] farm." The response also indicated that Goodson would contact Mr. Haftel, owner of Balm, to request that he "revise the water use permit for spring crops." On November 22, 2000, the District mailed Goodson a Notice of Violation indicating that the quantities authorized by the .001 permit were still being exceeded and that the District might seek monetary penalties if Goodson failed to come into compliance within 30 days. Despite the foregoing Notice, Goodson continued to make withdrawals without a permit and in excess of the quantities formerly authorized under the .001 permit until August 2001 when a new permit was finally obtained. Issuance of a New Water Use Permit On January 2, 2001, the District received an application for a General Water Use Permit seeking to modify the .001 permit to increase the withdrawal quantities and to transfer the permit from B. Kendra Produce to Balm. "Seymour Haftel/ Balm Associates, Inc." was listed as the applicant, and "Donn Goodson" from " Goodson Farms" was listed as the contact or consultant. Mr. Haftel signed the application on behalf of Balm. Goodson assisted Balm in securing the permit for the Sweat Loop Farm because Goodson wanted more water for irrigation purposes. Section 2.1 of the Basis of Review for Water Use Permit Application, adopted and incorporated by reference by Rule 40D-2.091, Florida Administrative Code, provides that "[a]pplications for leased property, except property leased from the District, must be either a joint application in the name of the lessee and the property owner(s) or be only in the name of the property owner(s)." In a Request for Additional Information mailed to Balm on January 29, 2001, the District asked whether Goodson should be listed as co-applicant on the application. On April 27, 2001, Balm submitted a response which indicated that Goodson should not be listed as co-applicant. On August 6, 2001, the District issued Water Use Permit No. 200007135.002 (the .002 permit) to Seymour Haftel/Balm Associates, Inc. authorizing an increase in the annual average withdrawals to 224,300 gpd. The permit had an expiration date of September 29, 2009. The permit contained a number of special conditions, none of which were challenged by Balm. Unauthorized Withdrawals Under the .002 Permit Special Condition No. 2 of the .002 permit requires in part that the permittee: continue to maintain and operate the existing non-resettable, totalizing flow meter(s), or other flow measuring device(s) as approved by the Regulation Department Director, Resource Regulation, for District ID No(s), Permittee ID No(s)[,] G-1. Such device(s) shall maintain an accuracy within five percent of the actual flow as installed. Total withdrawal and meter readings from each metered withdrawal shall be recorded on a monthly basis and reported to the Permit Data Section, Records and Data Department, (using District forms) on or before the tenth day of the following month. In the event a permittee chooses not to use a totalizing flow meter, as required by Special Condition No. 2, the District will review information provided by the measuring device's manufacturer to determine if the measuring device would maintain a five percent accuracy as required by the Condition. The meters have to be monitored and calibrated periodically for accuracy. It is the permittee's responsibility to comply with the conditions of the permit, including Special Condition No. 2, which requires the submittal of accurate pumpage reports. Goodson submitted the meter readings on behalf of Balm beginning in September 2001, which covered the withdrawals for the month of August 2001. The District relied on the meter readings submitted by Goodson to determine the annual average daily pumpage calculation for the .002 permit. The calculation is a running 12-month average, whereby each month the annual average daily quantity is recalculated based on the previous 12-month pumpage. The running annual average daily pumpage and percentage of pumpage which exceeded the .002 permit from August 2001 through May 2002 are as follows: MONTH/YEAR ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY PUMPAGE PERCENTAGE OVERPUMPED August 2001 378,462 69 percent September 2001 382,622 71 percent October 2001 376,687 68 percent November 2001 383,008 71 percent December 2001 379,212 69 percent January 2002 327,343 46 percent February 2002 321,530 43 percent March 2002 350,701 56 percent April 2002 356,013 59 percent May 2002 338,131 51 percent As the foregoing data reflects, the withdrawals from the Sweat Loop Farm were in excess of that authorized by the .002 permit from August 2001 through May 2002.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Southwest Florida Water Management District enter a final order determining that Respondents are guilty of the charges in its Administrative Complaint and Order except as concluded in paragraph 48 above and endnote 2 below; that Respondents be required to submit an acceptable written plan (Compliance Plan) to the District for its consideration and approval within fourteen days after entry of the final order; that the Compliance Plan describe how Respondents shall achieve full compliance with the .002 permit; that the Compliance Plan include reductions in withdrawals, water conservation measures, and development and utilization of alternative resources; that the Compliance Plan establish deadlines for implementation and completion of corrective actions; that full compliance be achieved within 120 days after entry of the final order; and that any failure of Respondents to comply with any provision of the Compliance Plan shall constitute a violation of the final order. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of July, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of July, 2002.