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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-002473 Latest Update: Jun. 03, 1987

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, as well as the parties' stipulations of fact, the following relevant facts are found: The petitioner Jose A. (Tony) Torres was employed by the respondent Office of the Comptroller, Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Finance from approximately June of 1963 until February of 1986. For about 13 years, he held the position of Area Financial Manager in the Tampa office and was responsible for and in charge of regulating mortgage brokerage businesses and licensees in ten counties along the west coast of Florida. By letter dated February 11, 1986, petitioner was notified of the respondent's intent to dismiss him from employment on the grounds that, in spite of prior warnings, he had obtained loans from licensed individuals and institutions he was responsible for regulating. Petitioner was given the opportunity to respond to this notice, did so and the respondent thereafter affirmed its intent to dismiss him. Petitioner did not contest or appeal his dismissal. On March 6, 1986, petitioner submitted to the respondent his application for registration as a mortgage broker. By Order dated and filed on May 23, 1986, respondent denied his application, concluding that petitioner does not have the requisite experience, background, honesty, truthfulness or integrity to act as a mortgage broker in Florida. The factual bases cited for this conclusion are that petitioner was arrested in September of 1979 for gambling; that he declared bankruptcy in 1980; and that he obtained loans in 1981, 1983, and 1984 from individuals and/or financial institutions which were licensed by the Division of Finance, and also that said loans have never been repaid. The Centro Asturiano Club is a private social club where gambling (poker) regularly occurs. On Friday, August 31, 1979, at approximately 3:00 p.m., petitioner and others were arrested for gambling at the Centro Asturiano. At the time of the arrest, the police seized certain items including a Smith and Wesson .38 caliber firearm and $670. A motion to suppress evidence and a motion to dismiss were ultimately granted and the petitioner was not convicted. The gambling arrest occurred on a regular business day in the Office of the Comptroller. Petitioner states that he was on annual leave at the time. An employee in his office observed petitioner's secretary make changes in the petitioner's leave slip forms on the afternoon of August 31, 1979. It was not established that such alterations were not proper. On May 30, 1980, petitioner filed a petition pursuant to Title 11, United States Code. An order for relief was entered under Chapter 7, with a Discharge of Debtor ordered on October 8, 1980, by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida (Bankruptcy No. 80-00750). At least six entities listed as creditors in petitioner's bankruptcy proceeding were licensees of the Department of Banking and Finance. At the time, petitioner was charged with examining and regulating those six entities in his capacity as the Area Financial Manager for the Division of Finance. In 1979 and/or 1980, petitioner's superiors in the Department admonished him to refrain from obtaining loans from the industry he regulated, and that such activity constituted a violation of Departmental policy and the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. On March 1, 1983, petitioner obtained a signature loan of approximately $2,200 from the A. L. Machado, M.D. Pension Trust. Colonial Mortgage, Inc., which was then licensed with the Division of Finance as a mortgage broker, serviced the loan. Darrell T. DiBona, the director of Colonial, became licensed as an additional broker on June 19, 1983. The payment record on this loan, discovered during an examination by the Division of Finance in May of 1985, reflected that four interest payments had been made, but that the principal balance was still outstanding. Darrell T. DiBona made a check payable for one of the petitioner's interest payments owed to the Machado pension fund. The petitioner's version of the facts surrounding the Machado loan is not credible. He states that he had known Darrell T. DiBona for many years. DiBona handled petitioner's insurance needs, and petitioner, wishing to increase his coverage, had had a medical examination which indicated either an irregular heartbeat or fatty tissues in his blood. According to petitioner, he was having lunch with DiBona one day, and DiBona needed to stop by Dr. Machado's office on business. DiBona apparently handled pension funds for various physicians. While at Dr. Machado's office, the subject of petitioner's medical condition arose. Petitioner states that Dr. Machado offered to check his irregular heartbeat and gave him an EKG. During that examination petitioner asserts that he told Dr. Machado that he was having financial difficulties, and Dr. Machado offered to loan him $2,200. Petitioner insists that he made three or four payments on a note, and then paid it off in full in May or July of 1984. This latter payment, according to petitioner, was made in cash and handed to DiBona. Petitioner never received a receipt for the "$2,200 in cash plus the interest." Petitioner states that he subsequently asked for a receipt or the note on several occasions, but was told that it could not be found. The note and payment record were found by the respondent during an examination of Colonial Mortgage in May of 1985. As noted above, the payment record revealed that only three or four interest payments had been made. Dr. Machado has no recollection of examining petitioner in his office or otherwise discussing a loan with him. Had petitioner been examined by Dr. Machado, a ledger card or chart would have been prepared. No ledger card or chart for the petitioner could be discovered in Dr. Machado's office. Dr. Machado did not become aware that money from his pension fund was lent to petitioner until after DiBona's death. His office manager was then asked to write a letter stating that the petitioner's loan had been paid in full. Such a letter was written and petitioner picked up the letter from Dr. Machado's office. Although he had no knowledge concerning the loan, Dr. Machado agreed to sign the letter because he thought that petitioner could be one of DiBona's innocent victims. He, as well as other physicians, lost pension fund monies from accounts handled by Darrell DiBona. Beneficial Mortgage Company was licensed with the Division of Finance in November of 1984 as a mortgage broker. During that time, petitioner contacted the regional supervisor of Beneficial, who does not himself regularly take loan applications, regarding a home mortgage loan for his mother. On November 20, 1984, a $30,590 mortgage loan from Beneficial Mortgage was obtained, and petitioner co-signed the loan documents. The loan proceeds were utilized to pay off two prior mortgages, one of which was Colonial Mortgage. Petitioner's mother is elderly, speaks little English and petitioner often handled her financial affairs. According to the regional supervisor, petitioner was asked to co-sign the note in order to avoid any questions which might arise in the future regarding Mrs. Torres' competency to enter into such a transaction. As a co-signer, however, petitioner was guaranteeing the account. While the mortgage loan was for an amount less than the house was appraised and contained no preferential terms or rates, Beneficial required no standard credit report, income analysis or other financial documentation concerning the petitioner. Mrs. Torres' income and debt ratio were barely sufficient to make the monthly payments on the loan. Petitioner has two brothers and a sister who also live in Tampa. On December 6, 1984, petitioner obtained a $2,000 signature loan from N. D. Properties, Inc. N. D. Properties was solely owned at that time by Ben Langworthy, Jr., who also owned Diversified Mortgage Associates, Inc. At that time, both Diversified and Langworthy were licensed with the Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Finance. The petitioner made at least two loan payments directly to Ben Langworthy, who he knew was licensed by the Department. The $2,000 check given to petitioner was signed by Ben Langworthy. According to petitioner, Mr. Langworthy told him that N. D. Properties, Inc. was owned by two private investors. Petitioner's loan payment record with N. D. Properties shows that the loan has not been timely repaid.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of Jose A. (Tony) Torres for registration as a mortgage broker in Florida be DENIED. Respectfully submitted and entered this 3rd day of June, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of June, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 86-2473 The proposed findings of fact submitted by the petitioner and the respondent have been fully considered and have been accepted and/or incorporated in this Recommended Order, except as noted below. Petitioner p.1, last paragraph: Rejected; legal conclusion as opposed to factual finding p.2, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence: Rejected, irrelevant and immaterial p.2, 3rd paragraph: Rejected; immaterial p.2, 5th paragraph: Rejected; argumentative p.3, 1st two paragraphs: Rejected; argumentative p.3, paragraphs 7, 8 & 9: Accepted, but not included as irrelevant to ultimate disposition p.4, last four paragraphs: Rejected; contrary to the greater weight of the evidence p.5, paragraphs 3 - 5: Rejected; contrary to the greater weight of the evidence p.7, paragraphs 1 and 3: Rejected; not proper factual findings p.8, paragraphs 1 through 7: Rejected; argumentative and improper factual findings Respondent #6: Rejected; not supported by competent, substantial evidence #20 & 21: Rejected; not supported by competent, substantial evidence COPIES FURNISHED: Dick Greco, Esquire Molloy, James & Greco, P.A. 501 East Kennedy Boulevard Suite 910 Tampa, Florida 33602 Sharon L. Barnett Assistant General Counsel Office of the Comptroller 1313 Tampa Street, Suite 713 Tampa, Florida 33602-3394 Honorable Gerald Lewis Comptroller, State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0305 Charles Stutts General Counsel Department of Banking and Finance The Capitol - Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0305 =================================================================

Florida Laws (3) 112.311112.313120.68
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-002202 Latest Update: Nov. 27, 1989

Findings Of Fact At all times material to these proceedings, the Respondent Cline was licensed by the State of Florida as a mortgage broker and held license number HB 0017832 from January 13, 1986 through May 31, 1987. During this period of time, Respondent Cline was president and principal mortgage broker for MAC at the 4045 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte location. The Respondent was a director and shareholder of the corporation. The Respondent Henderson was also licensed as a mortgage broker and held license number HA 0007460 from March 29, 19856 through June 19, 19889. Respondent Henderson conducted business through MAC as the corporation's vice president. The Respondent was a director and shareholder of the corporation. In response to a consumer complaint, the Department initiated an examination of the books and records maintained at the Port Charlotte location of MAC on April 21, 1987. The conduct of the Respondents in their business dealings as mortgage brokers with MAC was investigated as part of the Department's review process. The examination and investigation involved the time period from March 1, 1986 to June 1, 1987. The written examination report prepared by the Department's financial examiner concludes that the Respondents, as officers and directors of MAC, financially compensated MAC employees who were not licensed under the Mortgage Brokerage Act for soliciting or negotiating mortgage loans. Six alleged mortgage solicitors were named in the report. The loan packages of seventeen mortgages, along with MAC's commission reports, were submitted as evidence to support the conclusion. A review of the documentation, along with a review of the commission checks and the testimony of Kimberly L. Johnson (nee Steed) revealed that the documents identified as "commission reports" were not indicators of commission funds received by the six employees named in the complaint. These employees were paid on a set salaried basis. They were hired by MAC to perform the ministerial acts of taking or typing applications for loans under the direction of a mortgage broker. The use of these employees' names in the commission reports incidentally shows which employee assisted in the completion of forms that resulted in commissions to the licensed brokers who completed the mortgage financing transactions. This interpretation of the "commission reports" is clearly supported by the first page of the reports, Petitioner's Exhibits 17 and Commission checks on the loans, were issued to the licensed mortgage brokers. The evidence demonstrates that Rebecca Henderson, who was one of the employees performing ministerial acts, on one occasion acted beyond her authority and "locked in" the interest rate for a mortgage applicant while she was completing the application. The Department did not present evidence to show that either Respondent Henderson or Respondent Cline had actual knowledge of the employee's actions. Neither licensee was the mortgage broker directing the employee at the time the incident occurred. During the course of the Department's examination, the conclusion was reached that MAC advertised in a newspaper that the corporation was a "mortgage banker" and a "FNMA lender." The Department alleges that MAC is not a "mortgage banker" and a "FNMA lender." At hearing, Kenneth Moulin, a former shareholder of MAC, testified that the goal of MAC was to become a bank. The corporation had money which was used to fund two mortgage loans with MAC as mortgagor. Petitioner's Exhibit 34, which was loan documentation on the residential loan application of William T. Martel and Lora A. Martel, names MAC as the lender. The documents also include FNMA forms used by FNMA lenders. The examination report concluded that MAC did not maintain records for a five-year period. The company started doing business in March 1986. Records were continuously maintained from MAC's inception. An advertisement placed in the newspaper, The Monday Sun, which was published on April 28, 1986, failed to include the phrase that MAC was a "licensed mortgage broker." The advertisement was placed by Respondent Henderson. In mitigation, it should be noted that Respondent Henderson had his mortgage brokerage license for less than one month and was new to the business as it is regulated by the Department. There was no evidence provided to demonstrate that Respondent Cline was aware of the improper advertisement. Other documents provided which purported to be advertisements were not authenticated. They lacked mastheads or headings which could sufficiently identify the place, date or kind of publication. As part of the mortgage financing transactions involved in the sampling of mortgages conducted by the Department, MAC collected fees from applicants for the preparation of documents and reports. Specific fees were quoted to applicants and receipts were clearly marked to demonstrate that the fees were non-refundable to applicants. In its bookkeeping entries, MAC continuously failed to maintain ledger entries which showed that the fees had been assessed on each application, and that the monies had been used for the intended purposes for which they had been collected. In the sampling of mortgages reviewed by the Department, MAC retained money assessed for discount points. The money was not used to reduce the interest rate on mortgages closed, as represented to the borrowers by MAC. Instead, the mortgages were immediately assigned and the discount assessment was retained by MAC for its own, undisclosed use.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondent Henderson be issued a reprimand for failure to place the words "licensed mortgage broker" in the April 28, 1986 advertisement. That all other charges against the Respondents be dismissed. DONE and ENTERED this 27th day of November, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. VERONICA E. DONNELLY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerkk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of November, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 88-2202 Petitioner's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: Accepted. See HO #1. Accepted. See HO #2. Accepted. See HO #1. Accepted. See HO #2. Rejected. See HO #2. Rejected. Irrelevant. Rejected. Irrelevant. Rejected. Irrelevant. See HO #1. Rejected. Irrelevant. Rejected. Irrelevant. Accepted. See HO #3. Rejected. Irrelevant. Rejected. Irrelevant. Rejected. Irrelevant. Rejected. Document speaks for itself. Also, this is established as proper evidence under Section 494.051, Florida Statutes, so these findings are redundant. Rejected. Report speaks for itself. Accepted. Accepted. Reject the phrase "negotiation." Contrary to fact. See HO #5. Reject the phrase "negotiate." Contrary to fact. See HO #5. 21.-24. Rejected. Contrary to fact. Kimberly L. Johnson is the same person as Kimberly L. Steed who has been licensed as a mortgage broker since September 29, 1986. 25.&26. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See above. This rendering of the testimony is rejected by the fact finder. Accepted. &29. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO #5 and HO #6. Accepted. Rejected. See HO #5. Contrary to fact. Accepted. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO #5. Accepted. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO #5. Rejected. Contrary to fact. Steed completed ministerial acts. See HO #5. Accept the first sentence. Reject the rest as contrary to fact. See HO #5. Rejected. Improper legal conclusion. See HO #12. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO #12. Rejected. Cumulative. Rejected. Repetitive. See HO #12. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO #12. Accepted. See HO #13. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. Improper legal conclusion. Appli- cation fees were not set up as entrusted funds. See HO #12. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO #8 and #9. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. See HO #8. Contrary to fact. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. Repetitive. Rejected. Contrary to fact. Cline was not the mortgage broker on any of the transactions presented at hearing. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. See HO #8 and #9. Accepted. See HO #13. Accepted. See HO #13. Accepted. See HO #13. Respondent Cline's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: Accepted. See HO #1. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. The records presented were found to be reliable when compared with the originals presented simultaneously by Respondent Henderson, although those were not officially placed in evidence. Rejected. See above. Accepted. See Conclusions of Law. Accepted. See HO #3. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. See HO #5. Accepted. See HO #5. Rejected. Calls for legal conclusion. Rejected. See Section 494.051, Florida Statutes. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. See HO #8 and #9. Accepted. See Conclusions of Law. Rejected. Irrelevant. See Section 494.051, Florida Statutes. However, the competency of the examiner was considered in the factual determinations made by the Hearing Officer. Accepted. Not listed as factual finding. As a Conclu- sion of Law, the Hearing Officer cannot rule on this matter. Respondent Henderson's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: Accepted. Accepted. See preliminary matters. Accepted. Accepted. See HO #2. Rejected. Improper legal conclusion. Unable to rule on proposed finding. Insufficient. 7. Accepted. See HO #5. 8. Accepted. See HO #8. 9.&10. Reject. Insufficient. 11. Accepted. See HO #12. 12. Rejected. Insufficient. 13. Accepted. 14. Accepted. See HO #12. 15. Accepted. See HO #2. 16. Rejected. Conclusionary. 17. Accepted. 18. Accepted. 19.-30. Not listed as factual findings. As Conclusions of Law, Hearing Officer cannot rule on these matters. COPIES FURNISHED: Elsie M. Greenbaum, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Office of the Comptroller 400 West Robinson Street Suite 501 Orlando, Florida 33801 Ann Mitchell, Esquire GERALD DUNCAN ENGVALSON & MITCHELL Foxworthy Professional Building Suite 101 1601 Jackson Street Fort Myers, Florida 33902 Floyd G. Henderson Post Office Box 2875 Port Charlotte, Florida 33949 Charles L. Stutts, Esquire General Counsel Office of the Comptroller The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350 Honorable Gerald A. Lewis Comptroller, State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Boca Raton, Florida Sep. 30, 1993 Number: 93-005575 Latest Update: Apr. 28, 1994

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint? If so, what disciplinary action should be taken against him?

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following Findings of Fact are made: The Department is a state government licensing and regulatory agency. Respondent is now, and has been at all times material to the instant case, a licensed real estate salesperson in the State of Florida. He holds license number 0497295. The license is "involuntary inactive." Respondent has also held a State of Florida mortgage broker's license issued by DBF. The license had an expiration date of August 31, 1991. On or about May 31, 1989, DBF issued an administrative complaint in DBF Proceeding No. 1307-F-1-1/89 alleging that Respondent and others violated various provisions of the Florida's Mortgage Brokers Act. Not having received a request for hearing from Respondent, DBF, on January 11, 1990, prior to the expiration date of Respondent's mortgage broker's license, issued a default order finding Respondent guilty of the violations alleged in the administrative complaint and permanently revoking his license, as well as ordering him to "tender the payment of an administrative fine in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) and a payment of three thousand ($3,000.00) for cost of investigation and prosecution." On or about January 23, 1990, Respondent, through counsel, filed a Motion to Set Aside the default order. In the motion, Respondent asserted that he had "failed to request a hearing [on the administrative complaint] simply because he was not aware of same." He further contended in his Motion to Set Aside that the allegations of wrongdoing advanced in the administrative complaint were "totally erroneous." On or about January 26, 1990, before DBF had ruled upon the Motion to Set Aside, Respondent, again through counsel, appealed the default order to the district court of appeal. On or about October 31, 1991, Respondent and DBF entered into a Stipulation and Consent Agreement which provided, in pertinent part, as follows: In the interest of compromise and settlement, the Department and Reynolds agree to resolve the appeal of the Default Final Order on the following terms and conditions: Reynolds agrees to withdraw his appeal of the Default Final Order and his execution of this Stipulation and Consent Agreement shall constitute a withdrawal of the notice of appeal. Reynolds neither admits nor denies the truth of the allegations in the Complaint and Default Final Order. Reynolds agrees not to reapply for a mortgage broker license under the provisions of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, for a period of three (3) years retroactive to January 11, 1990. Reynolds further agrees to cease and desist from any and all future violations of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder. This Stipulation and Consent Agreement and accompanying Final Order supersede the "Default Final Order Revoking Mortgage Broker License and Registration" issued by the Department against Reynolds on January 11, 1990. The Department agrees to reduce the administrative fine imposed by the Default Final Order to One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). Reynolds agrees to pay an administrative fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) by cashier's check or money order payable to "Gerald Lewis, Comptroller, Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Finance," immediately upon execution of the Stipulation and Consent Agreement. This Stipulation and Consent Agreement is being executed solely for the purpose of resolving and settling Reynolds' appeal of the Default Final Order. . . . 8. Reynolds agrees that the accompanying Final Order, which will incorporate this Stipulation shall constitute final agency action by the Department, for which the Department may seek enforcement pursuant to Chapters 120 and 494, Florida Statutes. Reynolds further voluntarily and knowingly waives: (a) any right to an administrative hearing or issuance of a recommended order as provided by Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, and by Chapters 3-7, 28, or 22, Florida Administrative Code; (b) any right to separately stated findings of fact and conclusions of law; (c) any rights to contest in any judicial or administrative forum the validity of any term, condition, obligation, or duty created by this Stipulation or Final Order; and (d) any rights to object to or to challenge in any judicial proceeding, including, but not limited to, an appeal pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, any aspect, provision, or requirement of the Stipulation or Final Order, based upon its content, procedure of issuance, or timeliness. . . . Respondent entered into the Stipulation and Consent Agreement and agreed "to pay an administrative fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)" and "not to reapply for a mortgage broker license under the provisions of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, for a period of three (3) years retroactive to January 11, 1990," not because he was guilty of any wrongdoing, but simply as a matter of convenience to avoid, among other things, the expense of litigation. The Final Order incorporating the Stipulation and Consent Agreement was issued by DBF on November 5, 1991. It provided as follows: Petitioner, Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Finance ("Department"), and Respondent, Sherin V. Reynolds ("Reynolds"), having entered into the attached Stipulation and Consent Agreement last dated October 31, 1991, resolving and concluding this matter: IT IS, THEREFORE ORDERED: The Stipulation and Consent Agreement entered into by Reynolds with the Department and attached hereto is incorporated by reference as if set forth herein at length. The Department and Reynolds shall comply with all provisions of the incorporated Stipulation and Consent Agreement. This Final Order supersedes the "Default Final Order Revoking Mortgage Brokerage License and Registration and Imposing Administrative Fines" issued by the Department on January 11, 1990.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby recommended that the Commission enter a final order dismissing the instant Administrative Complaint in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 10th day of February, 1994. STUART M. LERNER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of February, 1994.

Florida Laws (3) 120.68475.25475.455
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Mar. 14, 1994 Number: 94-001352 Latest Update: Oct. 19, 1994

The Issue Whether Respondent's license as a mortgage broker in Florida should be disciplined because the Respondent had acted as a mortgage brokerage business without being licensed to do so in that Respondent solicited mortgage loan applications in his own name and directed his clients to make their checks in payment of application, credit report, and appraisal fees payable to Respondent individually; accepted those fees without a written brokerage agreement and without adequate disclosures; failed to place the fees received into a segregated account; failed to refund fees; and converted the funds obtained to his own uses; all in violation of various sections of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, the Department of Banking and Finance, is the state agency in Florida responsible for the regulation and licensing of mortgage brokers and the regulation of mortgage brokerage activities in this State. Its responsibilities include the duty to sanction those licensed under the Act for violations of the Act. At all times relevant, Respondent was a licensed mortgage broker and possessed license #HA 264194420 issued by the Department on May 31, 1990. Except for two brief periods of time in 1991, Respondent's mortgage broker license was active from May 31, 1990 until September 1, 1993. Respondent's license became inactive on September 1, 1993 for failure to timely renew the license. Respondent's license is presently inactive and will remain in an inactive status unless renewed on or before August 31, 1995 when the license will expire. Respondent's license can be reactivated at any time before its expiration date by filing an application for reactivation and payment of reactivation and renewal fees to the Department. Respondent has never been licensed by the Department as a mortgage brokerage business. In January and February 1992, Respondent was not associated with any mortgage brokerage business, nor was he an employee or an independent contractor for any mortgage brokerage business. In January and February 1992, Respondent was not an employee of American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation, a licensed mortgage lender. American Fidelity never provided Respondent with any indicia of employment such as a written employment agreement, nor employee IRS withholding forms, nor an office, nor business cards. At Respondent's request and as an accommodation to a lender with which American Fidelity did a volume business, John Combs, President of American Fidelity agreed to act as a conduit for submitting Respondent's loans to the lender while Respondent established his own mortgage brokerage business and establish a history with the lender. As a mortgage lender involved in a lending transaction, American Fidelity was obligated under Chapter 494 to provide loan applicants with lender disclosure forms. Respondent claims that he had an oral understanding with John Combs, the President of American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation and that Respondent understood he was employed by that company to solicit mortgage loans. Respondent's claim is based on having received several copies of American Fidelity's standard loan application packages and having provided John Combs with a copy of his mortgage broker license. Respondent's claim is not credible. In January and February 1992, Respondent solicited and accepted mortgage loan applicants from ten to fourteen individuals for the purpose of refinancing their residential properties. Not all of the loan applications Respondent obtained were delivered to American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation. Of the ten to fourteen mortgage loan applications Respondent admits having solicited, four were delivered to American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation. Those four applications were identified as the Biron, Schauman, Tapscott and Phillips loan applications. Two of those mortgage loan applicants were Thomas Hall and Caroline Marks. The Hall and Marks loan applications were never delivered to American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation. The remaining loan applications are unaccounted for. Respondent claims to have delivered all the loan applications he solicited to American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation, and that Combs must have lost or destroyed the remaining applications. This claim is not credible. American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation as a lender keeps a log of those applications it receives and the date on which they are received in compliance with Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. The Hall and Marks loans are not listed among the loan applications received by American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation. Respondent did not provide his clients with a mortgage broker agreement. Respondent claims the reason he did not provide a mortgage broker agreement was due to American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation's policy of not providing a mortgage brokerage agreement until some time later in the transaction. This claim is not credible in that American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation is a licensed lender. Mortgage lenders, as distinguished from mortgage brokers, are not required under the provisions of Chapter 494 to provide borrowers with a mortgage brokerage agreement. Respondent did not provide any of clients with a good faith estimate of the costs for their mortgage financing transaction. Respondent solicited and accepted mortgage loan fees in his own name. Respondent claims to have collected these fees in his name based on American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation's instructions to him. This claim is not credible. Respondent directed both Hall and Marks to make their checks in payment of their loan application fees, credit report and appraisal fees in the amount of three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) payable to himself personally. He indicated to them he would use these funds to pay for various costs and services when and as necessary. Mr. & Mrs. Phillips also paid loan application fees and deposits to Respondent in the approximate amount of three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00). Respondent obtained application fees and deposits from each of his clients but never provided a mortgage brokerage agreement nor good faith estimate. No portion of the three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) for fees and deposits obtained by Respondent from his clients was used for payment of credit report or appraisal costs. Respondent collected an additional fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) from each of his clients. Pursuant to Respondent's alleged agreement with American Fidelity, Combs required a fifty dollar ($50.00) deposit for credit report costs with each application. Respondent told his clients this was the lender's lock- in fee. Respondent directed some clients to make the check payable to American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation. Some of those checks were delivered with the loan applications to American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation. Others, such as the check from Hall, were not. Hall's check was never cashed. The Marks' check was made payable to Respondent. American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation was unable to process the four loans Respondent submitted due to Respondent's failure to provide for an appraisal. The Tapscott loan did close some months later after American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation made arrangements for an appraisal. Tapscott was obligated to pay the appraiser at the time the appraisal was done in accordance with American Fidelity Mortgage Corporation's standard procedure. In effect, Tapscott paid twice for an appraisal. No portion of the deposit monies accepted by Respondent from his clients were ever placed in a segregated account. The fees and deposits Respondent obtained from his clients were not continuously held in any account. Respondent admits that he did not refund the monies obtained from his clients despite their demands for the return of those deposits. Respondent converted the funds he obtained from his clients to his own use. On or about August 31, 1994, two and a half years after obtaining these deposits and after the initiation of the instant action by the Department, Respondent did refund substantially all of the funds he took from his clients. The only address in the licensing files was Respondent's home address, located at 1038 Green Road, Rockledge, Florida 32955. Respondent moved from the license address on file with the Department and failed to provide the Department with any notice of his change of address. Respondent refused to make his mortgage broker's records available to the Department for examination by making himself and consequently his records unavailable. Various liens had been filed against Respondent including federal liens. Respondent also filed a petition for bankruptcy under Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code some time in late 1991. That petition for bankruptcy was dismissed on January 10, 1992 for failure to make payments to creditors under the payment plan. The order dismissing Respondent's petition for bankruptcy also lifted the automatic stay against creditors. The creditor matrix in this matter number thirty-four (34) creditors. Respondent at no time notified the Department of his bankruptcy filing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that Dean A. Danner's mortgage broker license be revoked. It is also RECOMMENDED that a fine be imposed against Dean A. Danner in the amount of eight thousand dollars ($8,000.00). DONE and ENTERED this 27th day of September, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of September, 1994. APPENDIX Petitioners Proposed findings of fact Accepted in substance: paragraphs 1-9, 10 (in part), 11-20, 21 (in part), 22, 23, 24 (in part), 25 (in part), 26 (in part), 28, 29. Rejected as subsumed, irrelevant or immaterial: paragraphs 10 (in part), 21 (in part) 24 (in part), 25 (in part), 26 (in part), 27. Respondent did not submit proposed findings of fact. COPIES FURNISHED: Dean A. Danner 986 Kings Post Road Rockledge, Florida 32955 Josephine A. Schultz, Esquire Office of the Comptroller 400 West Robinson Street, Suite S225 Orlando, Florida 32801 Honorable Gerald E. Lewis Comptroller, State of Florida Department of Banking & Finance The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350 William G. Reeves, General Counsel Department of Banking & Finance The Capitol, Room 1302 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350

Florida Laws (6) 494.001494.0011494.0025494.0038494.004494.0043
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001753 Latest Update: Apr. 29, 1977

Findings Of Fact 1. On January 8, 1975, the United States District Court, District of Delaware, entered a "judgment and probation/commitment order," finding petitioner guilty of violating Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1010 and 371. These charges involved, inter alia, making, passing, uttering and publishing false statements and forged instruments in connection with the obtaining of mortgage insurance under the provisions of the National Housing Act. Petitioner was fined $2,500.00 and sentenced to serve three years imprisonment, the remainder to be suspended after six months and petitioner to be placed on probation for the remaining thirty months. On or about July 9, 1976, petitioner applied to respondent for registration as a mortgage solicitor. For the reason that petitioner was found guilty as described in paragraph one above, respondent determined that petitioner did not meet the proper qualifications to be licensed and issued its notice of intent to deny said license. In his answer and request for a hearing, petitioner admitted the material factual allegations of the complaint. Petitioner did not appear and therefore offered no evidence in his own behalf.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited above, it is recommended that petitioner's application for registration as a mortgage solicitor be DENIED. DONE AND ORDERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 13th day of April, 1977. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of April, 1977 COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. David L. Pierce 891 West Tropical Way Plantation, Florida 33317 Richard E. Gentry, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Office of the Comptroller The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Joseph M. Ehrlich Deputy Director Division of Finance Department of Banking and Finance 335 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Comptroller Gerald A. Lewis The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Aug. 13, 2009 Number: 09-004298PL Latest Update: Jul. 15, 2010

The Issue Whether the Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint and Notice of Rights dated June 16, 2009, and, if so, the penalty that should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: The OFR is the state agency responsible for regulating mortgage brokerage and mortgage lending in the State of Florida and for licensing and regulating mortgage brokers. §§ 494.0011(1); 494.0033(2), Fla. Stat. At the time of the final hearing, Mr. Razor held an inactive mortgage broker's license. The license was inactive because Mr. Razor did not apply for a renewal of his license when it expired on August 31, 2009. His license could be reactivated should he submit an application for renewal. Mr. Razor was a member of the Florida Bar and a practicing attorney in Florida until, in an opinion issued September 11, 2007, the Florida Supreme Court ordered Mr. Razor suspended from the practice of law for a period of 18 months. See Florida Bar v. Razor, 973 So. 2d 1125 (Fla. 2007). In its opinion, the court approved the findings of fact contained in the Report of the Referee; approved the Referee's findings that Mr. Razor had violated Rules Regulating the Florida Bar 3-4.2, 3-4.3, 4-5.3(b), and 4-8.4(a); and approved the Referee's recommendation that Mr. Razor's license to practice law be suspended for a period of 18 months. Pertinent to this proceeding, Rules Regulating the Florida Bar 3.4-3 provides: The standards of professional conduct to be observed by members of the bar are not limited to the observance of rules and avoidance of prohibited acts, and the enumeration herein of certain categories of misconduct as constituting grounds for discipline shall not be deemed to be all- inclusive nor shall the failure to specify any particular act of misconduct be construed as tolerance thereof. The commission by a lawyer of any act that is unlawful or contrary to honesty and justice, whether the act is committed in the course of the attorney's relations as an attorney or otherwise, whether committed within or outside the state of Florida, and whether or not the act is a felony or misdemeanor, may constitute a cause for discipline. The Referee based his recommendation that Mr. Razor's license to practice law be suspended for 18 months on "Respondent's [Mr. Razor's] conduct in allowing his collaborator (a suspended attorney) to practice law in an attempt to extort money; his ratification of the misconduct by failing to take immediate remedial action; his attempts to cover for the suspended attorney by defending the letter during the Bar investigation; and his inconsistent defense (lack of knowledge) at the live and final hearings." These acts constitute dishonest dealing. Mr. Razor's license to practice law was suspended 30 days after September 11, 2007, or on October 11, 2007. Mr. Razor did not report the suspension to the OFR because he did not believe it to be a reportable offense.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Office of Financial Regulation enter a final order finding that Arthur Nathan Razor violated Section 494.0041(2)(i) and (p), Florida Statutes, and revoking his Florida mortgage broker's license. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of June, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. PATRICIA M. HART Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of June, 2010.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57494.0011494.004
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-004368 Latest Update: Apr. 21, 1988

The Issue The following issues are presented for disposition in this proceeding: The effect, if any, of the repeal of Section 494.05, F.S. prior to the filing of the administrative complaint. Whether Respondent committed the violations of Chapter 494, F.S., with which he is charged. What disciplinary action, if any, should be taken against Respondents mortgage broker's license.

Findings Of Fact Robert F. Potts is a licensed mortgage broker, having been issued license number HB0011700 by the Department of Banking and Finance (Department). At the time of hearing his license was in inactive status. Potts incorporated Florida Mortgage Equity Corporation (FMEC) in December 1983. Prior to that time he had worked as a mortgage broker for several companies, including State Capitol Corporation. When employed by State Capital Corporation Potts solicited investors for "equal dignity mortgages". State Capital's investment program offered eighteen percent interest per annum for a fixed period, generally five years. The Department investigated State Capital Corporation in 1982, and filed suit against the corporation, its officers, directors and several named employees, charging them with violations of the Securities Act and Mortgage Brokerage Act. The case was resolved with stipulations for final judgment, and Final Judgment was entered on April 11, 1983. Potts was not part of the investigation or suit. He left State Capital in late 1983 because he felt uneasy with the company. Around the time he left State Capital and incorporated FMEC, Potts solicited individuals with whom he had dealt at State Capital. /1 He sent a form letter on FMEC stationary, including the notation, "Robert F. Potts Licensed Mortgage Broker", as part of the printed letterhead. The letter informed potential investors of his new venture: * * * As you can see, the company is Florida Mortgage Equity Corporation, address and phone listed below. I [sic] pay you an interest check monthly, based on the rate of 18%. All investments are secured with property which is located in the Central Florida area. The terms of investment and amounts are to be discussed individually along with other pertinent information. (emphasis added) * * * (Petitioner's Exhibit 11) When individuals invested in FMEC, they were given a "Trust Account Deposit Receipt", reflecting the amount of deposit and stating that the deposited funds were to be used for purchase of a bond earning 18% for a fixed term, generally five years. The trust deposit receipt also stated that the investor would receive the following documents in approximately forty-five (45) days: - A copy of the Florida Mortgage Equity Corporation Bond. - Verification of full insurance on all corporate properties. - Copy of Appraisal on all corporate properties. - Copy of Financial Statement on Florida Mortgage Equity Corporation. (Petitioner's Exhibit #12) Approximately thirty investors invested in excess of $381,000 in FMEC. (Admitted in Response to Notice dated September 2, 1987.) With the exception of a Potts family friend and one individual referred by another investor, all FMEC's investors were people with whom Potts had recently had business through his mortgage broker activities at State Capital. Five of the investors testified at the final hearing. None had extensive investment experience and most were elderly retired individuals. None received the documents listed in the trust account deposit receipt except for the bond, but they were unconcerned so long as the monthly interest payments were being sent. When one investor inquired about the documents, he was asked to wait until Potts got a computer and could get up to date. He never asked again. Although the FMEC letterhead and Potts' business cards indicated that he was a licensed mortgage broker, Potts was not actually selling mortgages through that company, in contrast to his activity through State Capital. This distinction was lost on his unsophisticated investors, as the schemes both promised the same high yield for the same fixed period. The term, "mortgage", was a prominent part of the company name. He touted his status as a licensee, and the investors had seen his mortgage license when he visited their homes under the auspices of State Capital. To these individuals, Potts' promises of security were backed by his professional license. Potts' activity with FMEC consisted in soliciting funds from investors. These funds were then invested in a separate corporation, Roundtree Development Corporation. In return for its investments in Roundtree, FMEC received an unsecured corporate bond paying eighteen percent interest. The interest was paid back to FMEC's investors. In addition, Potts received a ten percent commission from Roundtree. Potts met Michael Deriemaecker, the president and sole director of Roundtree, in 1982 or early 1983. He learned that Deriemaecker was successfully involved in condominium conversions. After a series of casual meetings over a period of months, Potts decided to "join forces," in his words, with Deriemaecker. Potts never considered placing his investors' money in another investment. Potts felt that Deriemaecker was honest and successful in his ventures and Potts did not consider himself knowledgeable in real estate. Roundtree purchased the properties and conducted the actual work of development and renovation; hired and paid the contractors and completed the projects. Potts, through FMEC, raised the funds. Potts mentioned Roundtree Development Company to some investors, but did not explain to them the relationship between the two companies. The investors understood that their funds were being used for certain real estate projects. At least one investor, J. Daniel Johnson, thought he was supposed to get a mortgage for his investment. Another investor, Evelyn Foley, did not know the difference between a mortgage and a bond but had a clear understanding that her funds were going to be invested in nursing homes, condominiums and apartment buildings - property that was being liquidated - and that the property would be repaired and sold at a profit. The Department's investigation of Potts and FMEC included a review of subpoenaed bank records. These were incomplete, according to Investigator Alice Hampton, as some of the bank's microfilm was faulty. Ms. Hampton determined from the available bank records that approximately $169,450 was disbursed to Roundtree Development Corporation from investor monies in FMEC's accounts from 1983 to 1986. Bonds supplied to Ms. Hampton by Potts' attorney in response to a subpoena indicated that Roundtree/Deriemaecker received $285,000 from FMEC from September 1983 through October 1984. In an interview with Ms. Hampton, Deriemaecker said that Roundtree received approximately $236,000 from Potts/FMEC. At the hearing, Potts said he did not know exactly how much he loaned Deriemaecher. Michael Deriemaecher did not testify at the hearing. However, the account of his interview on April 14, 1987, found in Ms. Hampton's Report of Investigation (Petitioner's Exhibit #9), is consistent with, and corroborates Potts' testimony with regard to the relationship of the two companies, the use of the funds, and the fact that Roundtree stopped making payments to FMEC in January 1985, when a series of projects failed. By April 1986, all interest payments by FMEC to its investors ceased. No payments have been made since that time on principal or interest. Potts' claim that his investors assumed the risk of a risky venture and they got what they bargained for, both oversimplifies and misconstrues the facts. He was aware of the circumstances of the individuals he solicited; he had been to their homes as an employee of State Capital and knew of their financial status, their ignorance and their demonstrated eagerness to supplement their retirement incomes. He falsely promised that the investments would be secured, when they were not; he withheld material particulars of the relationship between FMEC and Roundtree; and he misused the funds of his investors by his improvident and reckless release of their money to Roundtree.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is, hereby RECOMMENDED: That Robert F. Potts be found guilty of violations of Section 494.05(1)(a), (b), and (c) and 494.05(2), F.S. (1985) and that his mortgage broker's license be revoked. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 21st day of April, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of April, 1988.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-003282 Latest Update: Nov. 30, 1987

The Issue The central issue in this case is whether the Respondents are guilty of the violations alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint; and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received at the hearing, I make the following findings of fact: The Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Finance, is charged with the responsibility of administering the provisions of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. At all times material to the allegations in this case, Diko Investments, Inc. ("Diko") conducted business as a mortgage broker in Palm Beach County, Florida. At all times material to the allegations in this case, Dieter Kolberg ("Kolberg") was an officer, director, and acted as principal mortgage broker for Diko. Kolberg passed the mortgage broker's examination on May 28, 1985. Diko was issued a license as a mortgage broker with Kolberg as its principal broker on June 26, 1985 (license NO. HB-16568) Prior to May 28, 1985, Diko ran advertisements soliciting investors for mortgage opportunities. These ads included Kolberg's home telephone number. Prior to May 28, 1985, Kolberg/Diko entered into a business relationship with Michael D. Cirullo, a licensed mortgage broker, to "co-broke" mortgage transactions. Pursuant to their agreement, Cirullo represented the borrower/mortgagor while Kolberg obtained and represented the lender/mortgagee. Kolberg and Cirullo solicited and negotiated at least two loans prior to May 28, 1985. Kolberg acted in expectation of being paid as a mortgage broker. Cirullo remitted 50 percent of the commissions earned on these transactions to Diko. Diko stationery included the phrase "Licensed Mortgage Bankers." Neither Diko nor Kolberg has been licensed as a "mortgage banker." In August and September of 1985, investors, Marcel and Ida Barber, responded to a Diko advertisement which offered a 16 percent interest mortgage loan secured by prime residential real estate. The Barbers were interested in a safe, high interest yielding investment and requested more information from Diko. On September 23, 1985, Kolberg wrote to the Barbers to outline the following business policies of Diko: The first objective of the Diko lending program was "The Safety of the Investor's Capital." Any investment was to be secured by a mortgage on prime residential real estate clear of all liens with the exception of a first mortgage where a second mortgage would be given. Investors would be issued mortgagee title insurance to insure against loss due to defects in title to the mortgaged property. Investors would be issued fire and hazard insurance to cover any losses in the event of fire or storm. Subsequent to the receipt of the aforesaid letter, the Barbers decided to invest $25,000 in a mortgage through Diko/Kolberg. This initial transaction proceeded satisfactorily and the objectives addressed in paragraph 10 above were met. In late December, 1985, the Barbers advised Kolberg that they would be willing to invest an additional $50,000 in early January, 1986. The Barbers expected the transaction to be handled in the same manner as their prior investment through Diko. After reviewing two or three loan proposals, the Barbers chose to invest in a loan to Tony Medici/Automatic Concrete, Inc. The loan was to be secured by a second mortgage on property at 713-717 "L" Street, West Palm Beach, Florida. The "L" Street property consisted of a 24-unit apartment complex and an adjacent laundry facility. Kolberg accompanied the Barbers to view the property. During discussions with the Barbers regarding the proposed investment, Kolberg made the following false material representations: That the property had a high occupancy; That rental payments were guaranteed or subsidized by a government program; That the asset-to-debt ratio for the property was acceptable; and That a proposed expansion of the laundry facility would further enhance the security of the loan. Financial statements of the borrower (Medici/Automatic Concrete, Inc.) did not include all obligations against the "L" Street property. Diko/Kolberg did not give the Barbers an accurate or complete statement of the financial condition of the "L" Street investment. Kolberg knew the information on the statement was incomplete. Diko/Kolberg did not disclose to the Barbers the high rate of crime in the area which compromised the security of the "L" Street investment. Kolberg knew of the crime problem in the area. Diko/Kolberg did not disclose to the Barbers that foreclosure proceedings had been instituted against the "L" Street property. Kolberg knew of the foreclosure action as well as the delinquency on other obligations. Kolberg did not disclose to the Barbers that he represented, as trustee, a Kolberg family company which would directly benefit from the Barber loan. The Barber loan would satisfy a mortgage held by Kolberg, as trustee, on the subject property, which mortgage was in default and in the process of foreclosure (the Ropet Anlagen foreclosure). Kolberg did not disclose to the Barbers that another mortgage held on the "L" Street property (David Marsh loan) was also in default. A subordination agreement was required to be executed by Marsh in order for the Barber/Medici loan to close. Marsh agreed to subordinate his mortgage position for approximately $3,000 in arrear payments. Marsh was owed approximately $125,000 but chose to subordinate because by doing so he was able to recoup a small amount of what he considered a lost investment. Kolberg knew of Marsh's situation and did not advise the Barbers. The Barber loan to Medici/Automatic Concrete, Inc. closed on January 18, 1986. The Barbers delivered a check for $53,000 payable to the title company chosen by Diko. Neither Diko nor Kolberg gave the title company, Manor Title, closing instructions to protect the lenders' interests. Kolberg did, however, instruct the title company to list expenses relating to the Ropet Anlagen foreclosure against the Medici loan. Proceeds from the closing, in the amount of $50,000 were paid to Kolberg, as trustee for "Ropet Anlagen," and deposited to an account by that name. The name "Ropet Anlagen" translates to "Ropet Investments." Kolberg handles all transactions for this Kolberg family company in the United States. (Kolberg has two sons, Robin and Peter, from a former marriage. The name "Ropet" may derive from their names.) Kolberg's former wife, Patricia Kolberg, owns an interest in Ropet Anlagen. Regular monthly payments were made by Kolberg to Patricia Kolberg on a Ropet Anlagen account. Many of the checks drawn on the Ropet Anlagen account were for personal expenses of Kolberg or his business. The first mortgage on the "L" Street property was 45 days overdue on January 13, 1986. Kolberg knew of this delinquency but did not advise the Barbers. To the contrary, Diko gave the Barbers an estoppel notice from a prior closing showing the first mortgage to be current. The first mortgagee ultimately foreclosed its mortgage and the Barbers lost their entire investment. The Barbers did not receive a fire and hazard insurance policy to cover losses in the event of fire or storm for the "L" Street property. The Barbers did not receive a mortgagee title insurance policy until March, 1986, by which time the first mortgage was further in default. Additionally, the mortgagee policy disclosed a financing statement and a collateral assignment of rents recorded prior to the Barbers' mortgage.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Department of Banking and Finance, Office of the Comptroller, enter a Final Order revoking the mortgage broker license issued to Dieter Kolberg and Diko Investments, Inc. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 30th day of November, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. JOYOUS D. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of November, 1987. APPENDIX Rulings on proposed Findings of Fact submitted by Petitioner: Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are accepted. Paragraph 6 is accepted; however, Kolberg's interest when financing with funds he controlled was only on a temporary, interim basis. The activities were conducted with Diko to receive a commission, therefore requiring a license. Paragraphs 7-15 are accepted. Paragraph 16 is accepted to the extent addressed in findings of fact paragraphs 12, 13. Paragraphs 17-18 are accepted to the extent addressed in findings of fact paragraphs 14, 18, 22. Paragraphs 19-27 are accepted. Paragraph 28 is rejected as immaterial and unnecessary. Paragraphs 29-42 are accepted. The detail of Petitioner's finding is unnecessary to the conclusions reached herein. Paragraphs 43-45 are accepted but unnecessary. Paragraph 46 is accepted. Paragraph 47 is rejected as unnecessary and immaterial. Paragraphs 48-52 are accepted. Paragraph 53 is rejected as unnecessary. Paragraph 54 is accepted. Paragraph 55 is accepted to the extent found in findings of fact paragraphs 20, 21. Paragraphs 56-57 are accepted. Paragraph 58 is accepted to the extent addressed in finding of fact paragraph 21. Paragraphs 59-63 are accepted but unnecessary. Paragraphs 64-65 are accepted. Rulings on proposed Findings of Fact submitted by Respondents: Paragraph 1 is accepted. Those portions of paragraph 2 which set forth Respondent's dates of testing and licensure are accepted, the balance is rejected as an erroneous conclusions of law. Paragraph 3 is rejected as contrary to the weight ofevidence. Paragraph 4 is accepted but irrelevant to the issue. Paragraph 5 is rejected as the transaction was solicited with Kolberg's company, Diko, participating as a mortgage broker. Paragraph 6 is accepted but irrelevant to the issue. Paragraph 7 is rejected as contrary to the weight of theevidence and law. Paragraph 8 is accepted but does not mitigate, as a matter of law, Respondent's improper useage of the phrase. Paragraphs 9-11 are accepted; however the detail of thefindings is unnecessary and immaterial to the issues of thiscause. Paragraphs 12-14 are accepted to the extent addressed in findings of fact paragraphs 12, 13 the balance is rejected as unnecessary and immaterial. Paragraph 15 is rejected as unnecessary, relevant portions having previously been addressed. Paragraph 16 is accepted. Paragraph 17 is accepted but is unnecessary. Paragraph 18 is rejected to the extent it qualifies Barber as a "Sophisticated Investor." The record is clear Mr. Barber was experienced in the laws of France; however, he relied on Kolberg completely as to both transactions which took place in Palm Beach. Moreover, Mr. Barber's useage and understanding of the English language was suspect. He could hardly be considered a "sophisticated investor" in light of the total circumstances. Paragraph 19 is rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Paragraph 20 is accepted to the extent addressed in finding of fact paragraph 13, the balance is rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Moreover, it is found that the only times of capacity occupancy (which were limited) were due to temporary, transient, undesirable tenants who may have directly affected the crime problem. Paragraph 21 is accepted. Paragraph 22 is rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Paragraphs 23-24 are rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Paragraph 25 is accepted but is unnecessary. The crime problem was there prior to closing and was undisclosed to Barber. That it worsened after closing only assured the disclosure should have been made. Paragraphs 26-35 are rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Many of the facts asserted here are based on testimony given by Kolberg. Respondents presume that testimony to be truthful, accurate, and candid. I found the opposite to be true. Paragraph 36 is accepted but does not mitigate Respondents' responsibilities to have completed the items at closing. Paragraph 37 is accepted with same proviso as above paragraph 36, ruling #22). Paragraphs 38-39 are rejected. See ruling #21. Paragraph 40 is accepted. Paragraph 41 is accepted but see findings of fact paragraph 21 as to Kolberg's useage of Ropet funds for personal expenses. Paragraphs 42-43 are rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Lawrence S. Krieger, Esquire 111 Georgia Avenue, Suite 211 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Keith A. Seldin, Esquire 1340 U.S. Highway #1, Suite 106 Jupiter, Florida 33469 Honorable Gerald Lewis Comptroller, State of Florida Department of Banking and Finance The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350

# 10

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