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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-000239 Latest Update: Dec. 01, 1981

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: Several years prior to1978, petitioner General Development Corporation (GDC) applied to the DER for a dredge and fill permit to remove a plug of land between the Ocean Breeze Waterway and the North Fork of the St. Lucie River. During the course of negotiations for this permit, it was discovered that the North Port St. Lucie Sewage Treatment Plant, owned and operated by General Development Utilities, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the petitioner, was operating without a permit from the DER and discharging effluent into a ditch which flowed into the Ocean Breeze Waterway. In March of 1978, a temporary operating permit was issued for the sewage treatment plant. In July of 1978, petitioner received from the DER Permit No. 253.123- 1031 to dredge an area approximately 800 feet in length, 90 feet in width and 6 feet in depth in order to connect the Ocean Breeze/Sagamore Waterways to the dead end oxbow of the North Fork of the St. Lucie River. The permit application was given special consideration pursuant to Rule 17-4.28(7), Florida Administrative Code. The purpose for obtaining the permit was to create direct navigable access to the North Fork of the St. Lucie River from thee Ocean Breeze Waterway. The Ocean Breeze Waterway was and is currently connected to the North Fork of the St. Lucie River by a narrow, shallow, meandering creek and lake system. However, there is not a large enough opening to allow the type of navigable access desired by the petitioner for the benefit of 118 lots plotted along the Ocean Breeze and Sagamore Waterways. Among the seven particular or special conditions attached to the dredge and fill permit issued to petitioner was that the earthen plug not be removed until such time as a permanent operational permit was issued for the sewage treatment plant owned and operated by General Development Utilities, Inc. More specifically, petitioner agreed to the following special conditions to the issuance of the dredge and fill permit: "(7) The applicant is aware that the GDC Utilities' sewage plant is providing an unknown quantity of discharge into Ocean Breeze Waterway and that this discharge may be a source of pollution to the receiving body of water unless affirmative steps are taken by the Utilities. The sewage treatment plant is currently operating under a Temporary Operating Permit (TP56-4601). In no case shall the plug at Cove Waterway be removed before an Operation Permit for the STP has been issued by the Department of Environmental Regulation." At time of issuance of the dredge and fill permit, DER personnel considered the quoted special condition number 7 to an integral part of the permit in terms of water quality assurances. General Development Utilities, Inc. has not been able to obtain a permanent operational permit from the DER for its sewage treatment plant which discharges into a ditch that flows into the Ocean Breeze Waterway. Therefore, particular condition number 7 has not been satisfied and petitioner has been unable to proceed with the dredging or removing of the plug under the permit. As a result of the delays in removal of the plug, petitioner has had to repurchase some 41 of the 118 plotted lots. The sewage treatment plant was and is still operating under a temporary permit. General Development Utilities, Inc. has requested a permanent operational permit for the sewage treatment plant and DER has issued a letter of intent to deny such a permit. As a result, General Development Utilities has petitioned DER for site specific alternative criteria pursuant to Rule 17-3.031, Florida Administrative Code. This matter is the subject of a separate proceeding currently being held in abeyance pending a determination of alternative criteria. General Development Utilities, Inc. v. Department of Environmental Regulation, DOAH Case No. 81-177. In September of 1980, petitioner sent a letter to DER requesting that special condition number seven be removed from its dredge and fill Permit No. 253.123-1031. It was intended that this request be considered as a minor modification to the dredge and fill permit. In response, DER's Chief of the Bureau of Permitting, Suzanne P. Walker, informed petitioner by letter dated October 15, 1980, that it was the staff's initial reaction, after a review of the original dredge and fill permit file, that the requirement that the sewage treatment plant obtain a permanent operational permit prior to dredging remain as a condition of the dredge and fill permit. Petitioner was informed that if it wished to pursue the matter further, the project must be reevaluated as a major modification to the dredge and fill permit. A major modification to a permit requires a new permit application and fee and is treated and processed as an initial application for a permit, with the applicant being required to provide reasonable assurances that the water quality standards will not be violated. Upon request for a minor modification, DER simply reviews the file and determines whether the request is obviously environmentally insignificant. After receipt of the letter from Mrs. Walker, petitioner supplied DER with additional water quality data. Based upon this additional data, discussions with DER staff who had been involved with the initial dredge and fill permit and the sewage treatment plant permit, and two days of sampling data collected by DER, DER determined that particular condition number seven was an integral part of the affirmative reasonable water quality assurance provided and should remain a condition of the permit. This determination was communicated to petitioner by letter dated January 7, 1981. The sewage treatment plant discharges treated effluent into a drainage ditch known as C-108. Effluent from the plant first goes into holding or retention ponds. Under its current flow, it takes about forty days for the effluent to be discharged from the plant to C-108 and the Ocean Breeze Waterway. C-108 flows into the Ocean Breeze Waterway, an artificial waterway which is presently connected to the North Fork of the St. Lucie River by a narrow, shallow meandering creek and lake system. The sewage treatment plant currently operates at 300,000 gallons per day but has an authorized capacity to operate at two million gallons per day. It currently contributes approximately two percent of the total daily flow to C-108. The Ocean Breeze Waterway and C-108, independent of the sewage treatment plant, drain approximately 4,000 square acres and produce about 35 percent of the water that will flow into the North Fork. The North Fork is tidal, with four one foot tides per day. The tidal action comprises almost 63 percent of the moving water. At a two million gallons per day discharge, the wastewater plant would be contributing about 12 percent of the water that would be going into the North Fork from the Ocean Breeze Waterway system. In comparison with two adjacent drainage systems, the Ocean Breeze system contributes only about three percent of the fresh water which flows into the North Fork. The dissolved oxygen levels of C-108 are chacteristically below the state standard of five milligrams per liter, primarily due to the seepage of ground water into the canal. Due to man-made alterations and to natural phenomena, the North Fork's dissolved oxygen levels also characteristically fall below state standards. The dissolved oxygen level of the Ocean Breeze Waterway is characteristically above state standards. Higher levels of dissolved oxygen coming from the sewage treatment plant improves the dissolved oxygen levels of the existing system. High levels of nitrogen, phosphate and chlorophyll have been found near the point of discharge. The quality of water in the North Fork is better than in the Ocean Breeze Waterway. It was the opinion of petitioner's experts that no change in dissolved oxygen levels would occur in the Ocean Breeze Waterway or the North Fork if the plug of land between these water bodies were removed. Petitioner's witnesses also opined that the Ocean Breeze/C-108 system was not a source of nutrient enrichment to the North Fork, and that the present creek system provided no water quality benefits in the form of nutrient uptake for the North Fork. It was estimated that, if the plug of land were removed pursuant to the permit, a pollutant placed at the upper end of the Ocean Breeze Waterway would be diluted by 98 percent in 26 hours in lieu of the present 39 hours due to increased flushing. These opinions were based upon analyses by petitioner's witnesses of various samplings and data regarding dissolved oxygen, nutrients and phytoplankton. The respondent's witnesses felt that the poor water quality in the Ocean Breeze Waterway was attributable in large part to the sewage treatment plant discharge and, if the plug of land were removed, the water quality problems would be moved to the North Fork and the St. Lucie River. It was felt that the present creek and lake system -- the narrow circuitous connection presently existing between the canal and the river -- reduces the nutrients which otherwise would flow into the river. These conclusions were based upon DER's own survey, a review of the dredge and fill permit file and a review of the additional data supplied by the petitioner General Development Corporation. No data regarding the water quality of the effluent from the sewage treatment plant was submitted by the petitioner at the time of DER's review of the original application for the dredge and fill permit.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the request of General Development Corporation to modify Permit Number 253.123-1031 by removing particular condition number seven be DENIED. Respectfully submitted and entered this 14th day of October, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of October, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: Valerie Fravel Corporate Counsel General Development Corp. 1111 South Bayshore Drive Miami Florida 33131 Alfred J. Malefatto Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable Victoria Tschinkel Secretary, Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-000694 Latest Update: Dec. 05, 1983

The Issue Whether Gar-Con's revised application for a permit to construct a sewage plant, and soakage trenches to dispose of the effluent, should be granted?

Findings Of Fact Eight to ten miles south of Melbourne Beach and 8.3 miles north of Sebastian Inlet, Gar-Con plans to develop a parcel of land stretching west from the Atlantic Ocean, across Highway A1A, to the Indian River. Gar-Con expects to build a motel and residential complex complete with tennis courts, parking garage, water treatment plant and the sewage treatment facility for which a construction permit is sought in these proceedings. The sewage treatment plant would be built on a site 480 feet west of Highway A1A and 90 feet south of Gar-Con's northern property line, at an elevation of 11 or 12 feet above mean sea level. Ocean Way Water and Sewer Association, Inc. is to be organized as a nonprofit corporation to own and operate the wastewater treatment facility. The Public Service Commission, through the director of its water and sewer treatment, has taken the position that the proposed "sewer system will fall within the exemption described in Section 367.022(7), Florida Statutes." DER's Composite Exhibit A. PACKAGE PLANT PROPOSED The facility Gar-Con proposes is designed to treat 100,000 gallons of sewage daily, which is the estimated "total flow" (T. 75) the sanitary engineer who designed the system anticipates from the development. Sewage generated by the development would flow to the plant, through a bar rack designed to remove rags and other large objects, and into aeration tanks where, over a 24 hour period, interaction with air and a biological mass would supply oxygen and cause the formation of biological floccules. The flocculant sewage would then move to a clarifier hopper. During its five hour stay there, solids which were not earlier segregated as the sewage moved over a weir into the clarifier, would be precipitated and removed. The clear, residual liquid would be pumped through one of two sand filters (each of which would also have granular activated carbon and be capable of filtering 100,000 gallons daily) into one of two chlorine contact chambers where a gas chlorinator would introduce chlorine for an hour. Under ordinary circumstances, the chlorinated effluent would then be pumped into one of two soakage trenches. The soakage trenches, each designed for use every other week, are to be gravel-filled ditches covered over first with felt paper, then with compacted fill. The gravel would lie at least one foot beneath the surface of the ground in a space ten feet wide and three feet deep stretching the 940 foot length of each soakage trench. Punctured like sieves, two six-inch PVC pipes would run through the gravel, sweating effluent from their pores. There is also a plan to dig a percolation pond or grassed swale five feet deep, 120 feet long and 80 feet wide near the wastewater treatment plant, which could serve as a receptacle for effluent, in case of "a 1:10 year storm or when the filters are down and/or if soakage trenches would need repair." Gar- Con's Exhibit 2-A. It would hold about 100,000 gallons. The solids caught by the weir, those extracted in the clarifying process, and those recovered from backwashing the filters would serve as catalyst for the aeration process as needed. Excess sludge, about 3,000 pounds monthly, would undergo "aerobic digestion," before being removed to Brevard County's Central Disposal Facility on Adamson Road, for disposal there. Gar- Con's Exhibit No. 7. Primary and secondary drinking water standards would be met by the effluent as it left the plant (although the engineer who designed the system would not drink the effluent himself), except that, from time to time, nitrate concentrations might reach 12 milligrams per liter, and except in the "event that a homeowner might put some type of [inorganic toxic or carcinogenic] material into the sewer system." (T. 86) The biological oxygen demand (BOD) would be ten milligrams per liter; suspended solids would probably amount to about five milligrams per liter; pH would probably be slightly under seven; nitrates would average approximately eight milligrams per liter but would "peak out at certain times during the year, for maybe extended periods up to two months, at twelve milligrams per liter," (T. 80); and there would be a chlorine residual after 60 minutes of two milligrams per liter. AMBIENT WATERS There would be no direct discharge to the Atlantic Ocean, Indian River or any other body of surface water, nor would any indirect effect on surface waters be measurable. No body of surface water lies within 500 feet of the site proposed for the plant and soakage trenches. Potable groundwater underlies the site; the groundwater table slopes toward the Atlantic Ocean, 9.5 to 12.5 feet below ground. "[D]uring the traditional rainy season," Gar-Con's Exhibit 2B, Attachment, p.3, the groundwater may rise to within seven feet of the surface. The PVC pipes in the soakage trenches are to be placed two and a half feet deep. As effluent percolated through the sandy soil, there would be "mounding" of the groundwater underneath the soakage trenches, and dispersal in all directions. Surface flow is to be diverted from the soakace trenches so that only rainwater falling directly on them would percolate down through the gravel beds. Taking soil characteristics into account, and assuming a "water table depth" of 20 feet, an engineer retained by Gar-Con predicted that "the maximum expected groundwater rises beneath the east and west trenches are 2.4 and 2.1 feet, respectively under a loading of 100,000 gpd for a period of 7 days." Gar-Con's Exhibit No. 3. The water table depth, "the height, the top of the groundwater from the first restrictive layer," (T. 172), is probably more like 40 feet than 20, which accounts in part for the "conservatism" of the mounding predictions. Under very severe weather conditions (a 100 year storm), groundwater would rise as high as the bottom of the trenches making them unavailable to receive effluent, but the effluent would not be forced above ground. In a 100 year flood, water would be expected to rise to seven feet above mean sea level. Under such conditions, people could be expected to evacuate the area. In a 25 year storm, the system could be expected to continue to function. Groundwater to the north and east of the proposed site was sampled, and the samples were analyzed. The water to the north had 380 milligrams of chlorides per liter and the water to the east had 450 milligrams of chlorides per liter. As it left the proposed treatment plant, the effluent would contain approximately 150 milligrams of chlorides per liter. SOUND AND LIGHT Lights like those used as street lights are to be installed at four places in the wastewater treatment plant. A timer, which can be overridden, would turn the lights on at dusk and off at eleven o'clock at night. The lights would illuminate the plant adequately. Pumps would move sewage to and through the proposed plant. Most of the pump motors would be submerged and unable to be heard. Two electric blowers, a flow meter and a totalizer would also have electrical motors. The blowers and the blower motors are to be equipped with insulated fiberglass covers and the blowers would also have intake and double outlet silencers. Four feet from the plant the noise of the motors would be comparable to that of a home air conditioning unit. At the nearest residence the noise level would scarcely exceed background noise. At hearing, Gar-Con revised its application and agreed to install an emergency generator which would also be encased in insulated housing and is to be equipped with a muffler. AEROSOL AND ODOR Unless the proposed plant loses electric power for 24 hours or longer, no offensive odors would emanate from it. The bar rack and weirs would be regularly hosed down. Against the possibility of a power failure, Gar-Con agreed at hearing to install permanently an emergency generator with sufficient capacity to keep both the wastewater treatment plant and the water treatment plant it plans to build operable. No aerosol drift is foreseen. The surface of the liquid In the aeration tanks would be 1.4 feet below the top of the rim. Walkways four feet wide along the inside perimeters of the aeration holding tanks would prevent dispersal of most of aerosol. A decorative hedge around the treatment plant, which would eventually be 15 feet high, is a final fail-safe. WELLS To the north are two shallow wells within 500 feet of the site proposed for the wastewater treatment plant. Both wells belong to Kel Fox, who wrote Gar-Con that he had no objection to their proposed wastewater treatment facility in light of Gar-Con's agreement to furnish drinking water to existing facilities on his property and reimburse him expenses incurred in disconnecting the two shallow wells. Gar-Con's Exhibit 2E. There is a deep well within 500 feet to the south. DER and Gar-Con have entered into the following stipulation, dated September 2, 1983: Existing Wells. Prior to the operation of its waste water treatment plant, Gar-Con will offer to supply drinking water at a reasonable cost to owners of property on which are located operational or approved shallow drinking water wells that are within 500 feet of Gar-Con's land application site. Gar-Con will make this offer to all such owners known to it prior to the operation of its plant. Gar-Con will further offer to provide reasonable compensation to such owners to disconnect their shallow wells. Gar-Con will endeavor to arrange for provision of drinking water to these owners and the disconnection of those wells prior to the operation of its plant. Future Wells. Should nearby individual (non-corporate) property owners propose to construct shallow drinking wells located within 500 feet of Gar-Con's land application site after Gar-Con begins operation of its waste water treatment plant, Gar-Con also will offer to supply them with drinking water at a reasonable cost and to provide reasonable compensation to them to disconnect those wells. However, Gar-Con shall have no obligation to make any such offer to owners of future wells if sampling of monitoring wells located at or near its external property line indicates that the groundwater meets the primary drinking water standards and, after July 1, 1985, the secondary drinking water standards listed in Florida Administrative Code Rule 17-22.104. Gar-Con agrees to record a master notice of restriction barring future owners of lots within the Ocean Way development, which are owned by Car-Con at the time of permit issuance, from installing shallow drinking water wells on such property or otherwise using the shallow aquifer beneath their property as a source for irrigation or for potable water, so long as use of the proposed sewage disposal system continues, and the Department has not found that this restriction is unnecessary. This restriction, which shall be a covenant running with the land, further shall require future owners to purchase water from Gar-Con or any successor owner of the development's water system if Gar-Con or the successor provides water service. These restrictions also shall be contained in all other appropriate documents of title. In addition, Gar-Con plans to create a non-profit water and sewer association to own and control the development's water and sewer system. Gar-Con will include in the Articles of Incorporation of this association a requirement that all property owners served by the system must be members of the Association. Gar-Con is entitled to a zone of discharge extending to its current property line with the exception that the zone of discharge shall not include the area contained within a 100' radius of Gar-Cons's proposed water supply wells. DER Staff concurs that the above conditions, in conjunction with the sewage treatment and disposal system and the groundwater monitoring program proposed by the applicant, to meet the requirements of Chapter 17-4, F.A.C. will provide reasonable assurance that existing and future off-site and on-site property owners will be protected from any adverse effects that might result from the operation of the proposed sewage treatment disposal system. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 10. There are to be a half dozen monitoring wells to allow sampling of the groundwater at strategic points in the shallow aquifer. NATURAL RESOURCES Turtles nest in the general vicinity but off the site of the proposed project. Construction and operation of the proposed waste water treatment facility would have no impact on the turtles apart from making it possible for more people to live closer to where they nest.

Florida Laws (1) 367.022
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000096 Latest Update: Jun. 20, 1990

The Issue Whether, under the facts and circumstances of this case, Respondent's license to practice engineering in the State of Florida, should be revoked, suspended, or otherwise disciplined.

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: At all times material to this proceeding, Respondent, L. Thomas Hubbard d/b/a The Hubbard Association, was licensed to practice professional engineering in the State of Florida, having been issued license number PE 006634 on August 17, 1962. Certificate of authorization number EB0003297 was issued to the firm, The Hubbard Association, Inc., on September 25, 1981. In March 1986, Respondent prepared a set of plans for the proposed City of Macclenny Wastewater Treatment Works Improvement Program, Sewage Treatment Facility ("Macclenny project"), and one volume of "Contract Documents and Specifications" ("specifications"), which were submitted to the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, Bureau of Wastewater Management and Grants (Bureau) on or about April 24, 1986. All wastewater treatment plans designs must go to the DER for approval prior to construction, and if a public entity wants grant funding for its wastewater treatment facility, the project must be reviewed and approved by the Bureau (now called Bureau of Local Government and Waste Water Financial Assistance) which administers State grant programs for wastewater treatment facilities. The Bureau reviews grant project plans and specifications to ensure that they: (a) comply with administrative requirements of the grants programs; (b) comply with minimum Federal and/or State technical standards for wastewater facilities; (c) are suitable for bidding; and (d) present a constructible project. The plans for the Macclenny project depict an existing treatment facility, a new clarifier to improve the removal of solids (an expansion of about 130,000 gallons per day in treatment capacity), and a new effluent pumping station to pump to an overland flow field (field) through a force main pipeline to spray risers. The risers would spray the water laterally across the field. Water would collect in a central collection ditch, and run through a final chlorine contact chamber prior to discharge in Turkey Creek. A new agricultural building for equipment storage, and a new holding pond, which is an off-line pond for storage of inadequately treated water, are also depicted. The field in the Macclenny project is roughly 24 acres and is located in a large area between the chlorine contact chamber and the holding pond. The field in this system has 5 cells. A cell is an area of land that can be independently controlled to allow loading/resting cycles in the treatment process. Each cell in a given field should be as near equal in size as possible to provide for equal treatment of the wastewater during the loading/resting cycles. Loading/resting cycles allows a cell within the field to "rest" (no effluent being pumped on to that cell) so maintenance mowing or harvesting can be accomplished and to "load" the other cells to revitalize the bacteria that renews the treatment process. "Load" means to apply the effluent or treated wastewater from the existing facility to the field. Generally, forty percent of the field would be loaded with wastewater at any one time. On December 9, 1985, the Bureau had a predesign conference with Respondent in Macclenny to discuss design items. No plans or specifications for the Macclenny project had been submitted at that time, nor were they submitted at this conference. On February 18, 1986, an in-progress design review was held at Macclenny, with the Bureau staff available to answer Respondent's questions. On March 5, 1986, another in-progress design review meeting was held in Macclenny, with the Bureau staff present, at which time the plans were "fifty percent" (50%) complete. The unsigned and unsealed plans were given to the Bureau for a preliminary review. On March 25, 1986, the Bureau issued a few preliminary comments on the 50% completed plans and specifications. The purpose of the 50% complete review is to help the design engineer complete his plans and specifications. On March 31, 1986, Respondent transmitted to the Bureau a set of plans for the proposed Macclenny project. Respondent's transmittal letter, which the Bureau received with the plans on April 11, 1986, stated that "completed plans" were being transmitted. On April 21, 1986, Respondent transmitted to the bureau an additional set of the same plans for the Macclenny project, which Respondent again referred to as "completed plans" on his transmittal letter form which were received by Bureau on April 24, 1986. This transmittal also included specifications, a design data check list, design calculations, cost estimate, and plan of operation. The plans in this submittal are referred to as "the plans." It was Respondent's understanding that signing and sealing a set of engineering drawings signified a legal obligation that if someone takes the plans and builds a project it will work. Respondent's signature and seal are on the first sheet of the set of plans which was in the April 1986 submittal but not on the specifications. The plans were prepared, signed, sealed and submitted to the Bureau for review by Respondent. Respondent did not place any conditional language or qualification on the plans or write a letter advising the Bureau that the plans were not complete. It was Respondent's understanding that the Bureau would not review a set of plans unless they were signed and sealed, notwithstanding the completeness of the plans. Respondent did not consider the plans as completed, notwithstanding that he had signed, sealed and submitted them to Petitioner as "completed". It was Respondent's understanding that the plans were being submitted for review only, not complete for construction. An engineer may get answers from the Bureau without submitting plans that are signed and sealed as completed, such as the predesign conference or 50% review that occurred in this case. The Bureau considers plans that are signed, sealed and submitted as "completed" for review to be 100% complete and ready to bid. The Bureau considered the plans and specifications which Respondent submitted on April 24, 1986 as being final, complete plans and specifications for final review by the Bureau. The Bureau reviewed the plans assuming them to be complete and followed normal procedures for reviewing a complete set of plans and specifications. On June 19, 1989, the Bureau issued 52 written comments based on its review of the plans and specifications it had received in the April 24, 1986 submittal from Respondent. The plans and specifications were submitted to the Department of General Services (DGS) by the Bureau for a review and opinion because the Bureau was concerned about the structural design. DGS responded to this request through Jim Berkstresser, P.E. on June 25, 1986. By cover letter dated July 18, 1989, Respondent filed written responses to the Bureau's 52 comments. The Bureau did not approve Respondent's plans and specifications for the Macclenny project submitted on April 24, 1986. On September 5, 1986, Respondent resubmitted plans in response to the Bureau's 52 comments. These plans had the same configuration as the April submittal regarding the overland flow treatment. On September 29, 1986, Respondent met with David Wolfe to discuss the field configuration for the proposed overland flow system and other outstanding issues related to the revised contract documents. The principal concerns were non- uniform flow and significant erosion potential. Respondent's plans did not follow accepted design criteria. At this meeting field configurations were discussed, as well as guidelines to be followed in design of the overland flow field, and a general field layout were developed. Respondent submitted another set of plans which the Bureau received on October 30, 1986, and that set was approved and stamped accepted by DER-BWMG on December 22, 1986. All sheets in the approved set are dated August 20, 1986, with the exception of the cover sheet on which Respondent failed to date his seal and signature, and sheets G-6 and G-7 which are dated October 24, 1986. Respondent signed and sealed the cover sheet and sheet G-7 of the approved set of plans, but did not seal any other sheets in the approved set of plans. A signature and seal on a set of plans indicates that the plans were prepared by, or under the direct supervision of the person signing and sealing them, and that the plans are complete and depict a project that will perform its intended function. A signature and seal on a set of plans means the engineer assures that the design is his design and that the plans and specifications are ready to be bid for construction. The design should contain criteria and information significant to ensure the project will work. Sheet flow is the primary treatment mode in an overland flow system. Sheet flow is where a thin layer of water is induced to flow in a very controlled atmosphere across a length of land that is functioning very similarly to a trickling filter. The acceptable range of slope of an overland flow system is 2% to 8% with the best results obtained in the lower range because of a longer "residence time". "Residence time" is the amount time the wastewater is on the field for treatment. The slopes must be even and uniform to maintain a constant velocity so as to minimize the potential for erosion and to maintain a constant depth of water throughout the filed so as to maximize the treatment. Cross slopes should be minimized and topographic lines should be as close to parallel as possible on the field. The plans for the Macclenny project shows: (a) slopes ranging from less than 2% up to 6%; (b) multiple compound slopes across the field and; (c) topographic lines that are not parallel. The specifications for the field do not set out the acceptable tolerances on the slopes or the acceptable level of compaction of the field for the contractor who is to construct the field and; therefore, lacks control over the final product. Contours in an overland flow field are important, and while it is desirable for them to be on 1-foot intervals, contours at intervals of 2 feet are acceptable provided the plans and specifications address what happens between the contours. Respondent's plans and specifications show contours at intervals of 2 feet but do not address what happens between the contours. The plans of the facilities that were approved prior to the submittal of any plans by Respondent called for a 2- 3 week loading/resting cycle. The standard practice is to have all cells within an overland flow field to be of equal size so that the area to be loaded at any given period of time is the same size. The cells in the overland flow field in the Macclenny project as depicted by the plans are not of equal size, and if operated on a 2-3 week loading/resting cycle would not provide a consistent amount of treatment and thereby result in varying levels of treatment of the effluent. It is standard practice to provide performance specifications for seeding the field with the primary grass cover and for overseeding when necessary to prevent wind and water erosion. There were no performance specifications in the plans and specifications on the Macclenny project submitted by the Respondent. Agricultural equipment is an integral part of the overland flow field system and has a direct bearing on whether the system will function over the long run. Specifications for agricultural equipment are necessary to determine if the system will work properly. There were no specifications for agricultural equipment submitted by the Respondent in the plans. It is standard practice to furnish spray nozzle specifications, such as nozzle size, degree of fanning, characteristics under varying pressures and how much water will be discharged by the nozzle, in a set of plans and specifications for an overland flow field. Respondent's specifications for the Macclenny project did not contain the necessary specifications for the spray nozzles. Compacting is a standard practice, and it is standard practice to show compaction requirements on plans or specifications. The usual practice is to investigate the soil and specify compaction, usually based on a foundation report by a geo-technical engineer, showing the safe beading capacity of the soil in what condition, with recommendations for compaction. The Respondent's specifications do not call for compaction of the soil under the clarifier slab. However, the Respondent's specifications do call for compaction in the holding pond and situations where an area is over-excavated and backfilled. Should the area under the clarifier slab be over- excavated and backfilled, then compaction is covered in the specifications but compaction would not be covered unless this occurs. Therefore, since the weight of the slab is carried by the soil beneath it, specifications for compaction should have been included in Respondent's specifications for any situation. Changes in temperature causes concrete to expand or contract which may result in cracking. Placement of a concrete slab may result in the slab bending which may result in cracking. Therefore, reinforcing a concrete slab is required to maintain the slab's integrity. The thickness of a concrete slab will determine the distribution of the reinforcing so that cracking is minimized. The clarifier slab in the Macclenny project is depicted as being 12 inches thick and shows number 6 bar reinforcing on 6 inch centers in the top of the slab but no reinforcing in the bottom of the slab. Failure to require reinforcing in the bottom of the slab could result in the slab cracking due to significant changes in temperature and soft spots in the soil beneath the slab. Failure to place reinforcing in the bottom as well as in the top of the slab is not in accordance with standards of the code of the American Concrete Institute (ACI), revised in 1983, and is a structural weakness. The chlorine contact chamber as detailed on sheets 5-6 and 5-7 is like a rectangular concrete box beneath the earth where the earth is within a few inches of the top of the walls. The walls are vertically reinforced with number 4 bars on 12 inch centers placed in the center of the 8 inch thick wall. When the tank is empty the reinforcing bars will be approximately 160 per cent overstressed from the active pressure of the earth. Additional reinforcing is needed in the walls to meet ACI standards. There are deficiencies in the vertical wall reinforcing of the chlorine contact chamber as detailed on sheets 5-6 and 5-7 of the Plans. On sheets 5-3, 5-4 and 5-7 of the plans, reinforcement through the construction joints is incorrectly detailed to assure that cracking of the concrete will not occur. Construction joints occur between different pours of concrete, such as where the walls meet the top of the bottom slab. The concrete bottom of the holding pond as detailed in sheet 5-8 of the Plans is large enough to require expansion joints to prevent cracking as the slab expands and contracts due to changes in the weather, yet no expansion joints are shown for the slab as detailed on sheet 5-8 of the plans. Neither the collection ditches nor the spray riser bases as detailed on the plans show any reinforcing to maintain the integrity of the concrete. While this is not a major structural weakness, it indicates a failure to comply with standard structural engineering practices. Although the plans call for relocation of an existing drainage ditch, the Respondent failed to consult DER regarding the permitting of such drainage ditch. A detention time of 30 minutes is required to properly disinfect wastewater and is-basic knowledge for all civil engineers, yet the plans called for only a fifteen minute detention time. It is standard engineering practice to provide flood level elevations on the site plans. Respondent failed to provide flood level elevations for the Macclenny facility site plans. The plans failed to: (a) provide elevations for high water alarm and pump off settings; (b) provide specifications for flume liner on sheet M-4; (c) show how to close an existing outlet on the chlorine contact chamber; (d) show where an effluent pump station was to be located; (e) show pressure relief valve locations and; (f) indicate quantities for purpose of contract bidding. The specifications list equipment and work items, such as pumping equipment, grit storage tank, case-out assembly, telescoping valve, air diffusers, portable pump, hose and couplings, that are inapplicable to the Macclenny project. There are inconsistencies in the plans and specifications, such as: (a) the plans showing one clarifier while the specifications call for two clarifiers, (b) the plans showing a 150 pound chlorine cylinder as opposed to a 1-ton chlorine cylinder in the specifications and; (c) the plans showing the clarifier with a 38-foot diameter while the specifications calls for a clarifier with a 40-foot diameter. Respondent was negligent in submitting incomplete plans to the Bureau as "completed plans" and in failing to utilize due care and failing to have due regard for acceptable standards of engineering principles, with regard to the content of those plans which he submitted as "completed plans".

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the circumstances surrounding this case, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that the Board enter a Final Order finding Respondent, L. Thomas Hubbard guilty of violating Section 471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, and for such violation impose an administrative fine of $1,000.00 and suspend from the practice of engineering for a period of thirty (30) days, stay the suspension and place the Respondent on probation for a period of one year under terms and conditions the Board deems appropriate. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of June, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearing this 20th day of June, 1990. APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 89-0096 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the Petitioner in this case. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner Adopted in Findings of Fact 1. Rejected as not being necessary to the conclusions reached in this Recommended Order. 3.-12. Adopted in Findings of Fact 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, respectively, but modified. 13. Rejected as being immaterial or irrelevant or unnecessary or subordinate. 14.-19. Adopted in Findings of Fact 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, respectively, but modified. Rejected as being immaterial or irrelevant or subordinate or unnecessary. Adopted in Findings of Fact 17 and 18 but modified. 22.-33. Adopted in Findings of Fact 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 27, respectively, but modified. 34. Adopted in Findings of Fact 17 and 18, but modified. 35-37. Rejected as being immaterial or irrelevant or unnecessary or subordinate. 38. Adopted in Findings of Fact 28 and 29, but modified. 39.-40. Rejected as being immaterial or irrelevant or unnecessary or subordinate, but see Findings of Fact 37 and 38. 41.-5O. Adopted in Findings of Fact 28, 32, 29 (28-31), 29, 29, 32, 30, 32 and 32, respectively, but modified. 51. Rejected as being immaterial or irrelevant or unnecessary or subordinate. 52.-53. Adopted in Findings of Fact (28-33) and 32, respectively, but modified. 54.-55. Rejected as being immaterial or irrelevant or unnecessary or subordinate. Adapted in Finding of Fact 55. Rejected as being immaterial or irrelevant or unnecessary or subordinate. 58.-62. Adopted generally in Findings of Fact 28-33. 63.-66. Adopted generally in Findings of Fact 34-36. 67.-72. Adopted generally in Finding of Fact 37. 73.-74. Adopted generally in Finding of Fact 38. 75.-76. Adopted generally in Finding of Fact 39. 77.-79. Adopted generally or covered in Findings of Fact 13-15 and 28-39. 80.-82 Adopted generally or covered in Findings of Fact 40- 41. 83.-90. Adopted generally or covered in Findings of Fact 42 and 43. 91.-96. Adopted generally or covered in Findings of Fact 44 and 45. 97.-104. Adopted generally or covered in Finding of Fact 46. 105.-107. Adopted generally or covered in Finding of Fact 47. 108.-109. Adopted in Finding of Fact 48. 110.-115. Adopted generally or covered in Finding of Fact 55. 116.-117. Adopted in Finding of Fact 49 and 50. 18. Rejected as being immaterial or irrelevant or unnecessary or subordinate. 119. Adopted in Finding of Fact 51. 120.-124. Adopted in Finding of Fact 52. 125. Rejected as immaterial or irrelevant or unnecessary or subordinate. 126.-127. Adopted in Finding of Fact 52. Adopted in Finding of Fact 53. Adopted in Finding of Fact 54. Adopted in Finding of Fact 53. Adopted in Finding of Fact 55. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent Adopted in Findings of Fact 13-15. Adopted in Finding of Fact 19 except last sentence that is rejected as being immaterial or irrelevant. Rejected as being a restatement of Administrative Complaint and not a Finding of Fact but see Findings of Fact 15 and 19. Rejected as being a restatement of John Sowerby's testimony and not a Finding of Fact, but see Findings of Fact 15, 17 and 18. Adopted in Finding of Fact 15. 6. Restatement of David Wolfe's testimony COPIES FURNISHED: Rex Smith Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Kenneth Easley, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0750 Wings S. Benton, Esquire 1020 D. Lafayette Street, Suite 205 Post Office Box 5676 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5676 L. Thomas Hubbard, pro se THA Building 3110 Spring Glen Road Jacksonville, Florida 32207

Florida Laws (3) 120.57471.025471.033
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-003676 Latest Update: Sep. 19, 1984

Findings Of Fact Trans/Circuits is a manufacturer of electronic printed circuit boards located at 210 Newman Way, Lake Park, Florida. Trans/Circuits' manufacturing operation involves the deposition of copper on plastic boards and the use of a lead or tin etch resist in order to create an electrically conducting circuit board. In the course of the manufacturing process, rinsewaters are used which become contaminated with copper and lead from the manufacturing process. These rinsewaters undergo chemical treatment to remove the metals and other contaminants, and are then discharged into an unlined percolation pond located behind Trans/Circuits' facility. About 36,000 gallons of effluent are discharged into the pond every day. The percolation pond discharges into ground water underlying Trans/Circuits' facility which groundwaters contain less than 3000 milligrams per liter (mg/l) of total dissolved solids. Trans/Circuits uses a Havviland brand wastewater treatment system. The system at present does not provide treatment sufficient to remove copper, fluoride, and lead from the wastewater effluent in compliance with the DER class G-II groundwater standards for these metals, i.e., 1.0 mg/l of copper, 1.5 mg/l of fluoride, and .05 mg/l of lead. Trans/Circuits has exceeded the effluent limitations for copper and lead at almost all times since at least June 1984. Trans/Circuits is not likely to comply with those standards for at least six months, by Trans/Circuits' own admission. The Operating Permit Application, Case No. 83-3676 Trans/Circuits requested a hearing to contest the DER Notice of Intent to Deny the application for an operating permit. The burden of proof and burden of going forward is therefore on Trans/Circuits to show that it is entitled to issuance of the operating permit. In this regard, Trans/Circuits did not introduce into the case any evidence relating to the operating permit application and did not introduce the application, itself. Further, Trans/Circuits did not present any evidence that its installation will abate or prevent pollution, or that it can provide reasonable assurances that the system which it seeks to operate will not discharge, emit or cause pollution. The Trans/Circuits facility has never been in compliance with DER standards and cannot provide assurances that it will be in compliance at anytime in the foreseeable future. Further Trans/Circuits has been operating without an operating permit at least since October 1983. The Month-to-Month Authorization, Case No. 84-0191 On September 17, 1982, DER issued a Notice of Violation and Orders for Corrective Action (NOV) to Trans/Circuits. The NOV alleged that Trans/Circuits violated provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and DER rules in operation of its industrial waste water treatment and disposal system. Trans/Circuits requested and received an informal conference to discuss the allegations of the NOV, which conference was held on October 20, 1982. At the informal conference, DER and Trans/Circuits reached agreement on a resolution of the issues raised by the NOV. On November 4, 1982, a Consent Order was issued by DER, setting forth the parties' agreement and requiring Trans/Circuits to perform certain corrective actions. In the consent order, Trans/Circuits agreed not to discharge industrial wastewaters into waters of the state "without an appropriate and valid permit authorizing such discharge or having otherwise obtained Department authorization." At the time the consent order was issued, Trans/Circuits was operating pursuant to a DER construction permit which was issued for the purpose of allowing Trans/Circuits to make certain modifications to its treatment system to bring the system into compliance with DER effluent standards. The construction permit expired in January 1983, but Trans/Circuits continued to operate. About one month after the construction permit expired, DER notified Trans/Circuits that it was violating the consent order by operating without DER authorization. The parties met to discuss the matter, and agreed that Trans/Circuits would cease operation for one week to conduct bench-scale testing to identify problem areas and possible corrective actions. Trans/Circuits did cease operation and conduct the testing as agreed. Trans/Circuits presented the data resulting from their bench scale testing to DER, and represented that it had identified problem areas that needed correction. DER evaluated the data and agreed to allow Trans/Circuits to operate for a limited time to gather plant effluent quality data which would form the basis for DER's decision whether to allow operation to continue. DER did not take enforcement action to have Trans/Circuits cease operation at that time because DER wanted to give Trans/Circuits time to show that it could comply with the effluent standards as it claimed it could. On March 23, 1983, DER notified Trans/Circuits that there had been a significant improvement in the plant's ability to produce effluent of acceptable quality, and DER authorized Trans/Circuits to make modifications in order to improve effluent quality. DER at that time gave Trans/Circuits authorization to operate for an indefinite period, with the condition that DER would rescind its approval if the program of sampling and system approval did not continue. Trans/Circuits accepted the authorization on DER's terms. On April 12, 1983, DER granted Trans/Circuits' month-to-month authorization to operate ". . . provided continued improvement is made in your system's operation and the Department can reasonably anticipate system compliance." This authorization was in response to a request from Trans/Circuits for 90-day temporary operating approval in order to demonstrate that the system could comply with state standards. By letter dated October 5, 1983, DER withdrew its authorization for month-to-month operation of Trans/Cirouits' facility because it believed that compliance with state standards could no longer be reasonably anticipated. Despite Trans/Circuits' best efforts, the facility was not in compliance and DER had no assurance that continued operation would bring the facility into compliance within a reasonable amount of time. Trans/Circuits has never ceased operation since DER withdrew its month-to-month operating approval. Trans/Circuits has not had a DER permit for construction or operation of the facility since the expiration of their last construction permit in January, 1983. At a meeting on December 1, 1983, Trans/Circuits' general manager admitted that he was aware that Trans/Circuits' was in violation of the terms of the consent order by continuing to operate without DER authorization. Analysis of Trans/Circuits' plant effluent for April 1983, shows that average lead levels were 0.21 parts per million (ppm) (or mg/l), average fluoride levels were 2.45 ppm, while average copper levels were 0.51 ppm. These were the effluent levels existing when Trans/Circuits was granted its month-to- month approval for operation. Since the month-to-month authorization was granted, the majority of Trans/Circuits' effluent samples have not complied with the DER standards for lead, copper, and fluoride. Since April 16, 1984, five percent or less of Trans/Circuits' effluent samples have complied with the effluent standards for lead and copper. In the week or two prior to hearing, the majority of effluent samples contained lead at a concentration of 0.2 to 0-5 ppm (with some higher), and contained copper at a concentration of between 2 and 3.5 ppm (with some higher). The most recent data available indicate that Trans/Circuits is not in compliance with the effluent standards for lead, copper and fluoride. Daily average effluent concentrations for lead and copper are significantly greater now than they were when DER issued its month-to-month authorization. Groundwater samples just outside Trans/Circuits' property show violations of the DER standards for lead. The evidence shows that Trans/Circuits effluent quality has not improved since April 1983. Effluent concentrations of lead and copper have actually increased significantly since October 1983, when DER withdraw its month-to-month authorization. Trans/Circuits does not even expect to know before December 1984, whether its present system can attain compliance with effluent standards. The Construction Permit Application On March 8, 1984, Trans/Circuits applied to DER for a permit to construct modifications and improvements to the existing Havviland wastewater treatment system. Although the stated purpose of the requested construction was to upgrade the system to achieve compliance with the Riviera Beach Sewer Use Code so as to allow a sewer tie-in, Trans/Circuits had abandoned that purpose by the time of the hearing. Trans/Circuits now seeks to upgrade the systems so that the effluent can comply with the applicable standards for discharge to ground water. When DER received the application, it was reviewed by a DER engineer to see if it was complete. The engineer determined it was not complete, and notified Trans/Circuits on April 6, 1984, that additional information was needed to complete the review process, all of which information was necessary to determine whether a permit should be issued for the requested construction. Trans/Circuits' general manager objected to the request for additional information, claiming that all the requested information was not necessary to review the application. However, at the request of Trans/Circuits' counsel, a meeting was held between representatives of Trans/Circuits and DER to discuss the request for information that was needed for review of the application. Trans/Circuits thereafter, withdrew their objections, and agreed to provide the requested information. Trans/Circuits responded to DER's request for additional information on June 27, 1984, at 3:30 P.M. the day prior to hearing. Trans/Circuits delivered a packet of information to DER at that time that purported to be the requested information. Also at that time, however, Trans/Circuits told DER that it had already performed some of the construction for which a permit was sought, and that it was not sure what, if any, of the remaining construction would be undertaken. The information that was submitted to DER was not all of the information requested by DER. No flow diagram was submitted and waste effluent analysis was lacking. Without this information, it is impossible to determine whether or not reasonable assurance has been provided by Trans/Circuits that DER standards will be met. Even if all of the requested information had been submitted, DER could not issue a construction permit to Trans/Circuits because its future construction plans are now only speculative. Trans/Circuits does not know what modifications it intends to construct, or when exactly such modifications will be made. All that is certain is that Trans/Circuits does not intend any longer to construct the modifications for which it made application. DER evaluates applications to determines whether all proposed modifications works as a system. Trans/Circuits is the applicant for this permit and has the burden of showing that it is entitled to issuance of the permit. Here Trans/Circuits failed to present any evidence of what construction it actually plans to do, let alone that the purposed construction meets the criteria and that it is entitled to the permit.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered by the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation: Denying Trans/Circuits application for an operation permit; Denying Trans/Circuits application for a construction permit; and Withdrawing the month-to-month authorization for Trams/Circuits' operation. DONE and ENTERED this 19th day of September, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of September, 1984.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57403.031403.088
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jan. 16, 1990 Number: 90-000254 Latest Update: Jan. 10, 1992

Findings Of Fact During 1990, Respondent/Applicant, City of Lynn Haven, filed several applications with the Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation, seeking the issuance of several permits to build a wastewater collection system and a two million gallon per day advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) plant. The proposed facility is intended to replace the wastewater treatment facility currently being used by the City of Lynn Haven. After a review of the applications the Department proposed several Intents to Issue covering the different aspects of the proposed projects. The Intents to Issue included: A) a variance and dredge and fill permit, pursuant to Sections 403.201, 403.918, 403.919, Florida Statutes, and Rule 17-312, Florida Administrative Code, authorizing a subaqueous crossing of North Bay (Class II waters) and installation of a force main (permit #031716641), B) a collection system permit, pursuant to Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Rules 17-4, 17-600 and 17-604, Florida Administrative Code, for the installation of approximately 11 miles of pipe from North Bay to the proposed treatment plant, C) a dredge and fill permit #031785181, pursuant to Sections 403.918, 403.919, Florida Statutes, and Rules 17-4, 17-312, Florida Administrative Code, authorizing 10 incidental wetland crossings associated with the collection system, and, D) a construction permit #DC03-178814, pursuant to Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Rules 17-4, 17-302, 17-600 and 17-611, Florida Administrative Code, authorizing the construction of a 2.0 mgd wastewater treatment plant. Sand Hill Community Improvement Association challenged the Department's Intents to Issue. The Sand Hill Community Improvement Association (Sand Hill) is an association composed of 74 formal members plus numerous supporters. Both members and supporters are residents who live near the site of the proposed Lynn Haven sewage treatment plant. They are sufficiently close to the plant site that construction of the proposed project could impact their property. The members are very concerned about any threat of pollution to the aquifer from the proposed plant since all of the members are dependent on private wells for their drinking water. Additionally, members of the association use the proposed site, as well as the associated wetlands, Burnt Mill Creek and the nearby lakes, for a variety of recreational purposes, including hunting, fishing, hiking, bird-watching, boating and swimming. Given these facts, the Association has standing to challenge the Department's Intents to Issue involved in this case. The City of Lynn Haven is located on a peninsular section of the south shore of North Bay and, except for its connection to the land, is surrounded by environmentally sensitive Class II or Class I waters. Lynn Haven's existing wastewater treatment plant was poorly designed, has not worked properly, and is old and outdated. The plant is permitted to treat up to 950,000 gallons per day. However, the existing plant is currently exceeding its originally permitted treatment limits and is treating in excess of 1,200,000 gallons per day. The sewage only receives secondary treatment, Secondary treatment is the minimum state standard for wastewater treatment. The secondarily treated wastewater is pumped several miles to a spray irrigation site located in the eastern portion of the City. The sprayfield site has never worked properly due to a high groundwater table and a confining layer of soil, both of which prevent the effluent from percolating into the ground. Because the sewage effluent cannot percolate into the ground, the existing operation frequently results in direct runoff into a ditch which empties into North Bay, a Class II waterbody. Such discharge of wastewater effluent into Class II waters is prohibited by Department regulations. 1/ At this time, the existing wastewater treatment facility is in violation of both DER and EPA standards and is under enforcement action by both agencies. The existing facility is currently operating without a permit and the Department has advised Lynn Haven that the existing facility as it now operates can not be permitted. In fact, all the parties agree that the City is in serious need of a wastewater treatment facility which works and does not pollute the environment. However, the parties disagree over the method by which proper wastewater treatment could be accomplished by Lynn Haven. Since 1972, the City, through various consultants and with the aid of DER, has reviewed approximately 40 alternatives for wastewater disposal. After this review, the City of Lynn Haven selected the alternative which is the subject of this administrative hearing. The alternative selected by the City of Lynn Haven consists of the construction of a proposed advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) plant and distribution system. The new plant will be on a 640 acre parcel of property located approximately 12 miles north of Lynn Haven. The location of the new plant will necessitate the rerouting of the wastewater from the old plant to the new plant by construction of a new transmission line approximately 12 miles north of the City across North Bay and parallel along State Road 77. 2/ The treatment process proposed for use in the new AWT plant is known as the AO2 process. The process is patented. The AO2 treatment process primarily consists of biological treatment with settling and filtration. The treatment process also includes a chemical backup treatment to further reduce phosphorus if necessary. The evidence demonstrated that this type of facility has been permitted by the Department in at least five other wastewater facilities throughout the state. The treatment facility will have a two million gallon per day, lined holding pond on site for the purposes of holding improperly treated wastewater for recirculation through the proposed facility. Any excess sludge generated by this treatment process would be routed to lined, vacuum-assisted, sludge drying beds. The sludge would then be transported offsite to a permitted landfill for disposal. The evidence demonstrated that this treatment process would not produce any objectionable odors. Once the wastewater is treated, it will be disinfected by chlorination to eliminate pathogens. The chlorination process is expected to meet state standards. After chlorination, a dechlorination process would occur to remove any chlorine residuals which would have a harmful affect on the environment. The treated wastewater would then be re-aerated and discharged through the distribution system indirectly into a wetland located on the 640 acre parcel of property. The quality of the treated wastewater is expected to meet the advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) standards. These standards are five milligrams per liter total suspended solids (T.S.S.), five milligrams per liter BOD, three milligrams per liter nitrogen (N), one milligram per liter phophorus (P). Ph will be in the range of six to eight units on an average annual basis and can be adjusted up or down if necessary to meet the ph levels of the ecology into which the wastewater ultimately flows. This effluent quality is approximately five times cleaner than secondarily treated effluent. Additionally, as a condition of the draft permit, the proposed facility would be operated by a state-licensed operator and would be routinely monitored to insure that the treated wastewater effluent meets advanced wastewater treatment standards. Given these facts, the evidence demonstrated that the applicant has supplied reasonable assurances that the plant will perform as represented and that the effluent will meet the state standards for advanced wastewater treatment. As indicated earlier, the site for the proposed AWT plant contains approximately 640 acres and is located approximately 12 miles north of Lynn Haven in an area known locally as the Sand Hills. The City specifically purchased this parcel of property for the construction of the proposed wastewater treatment plant. The plant itself would be located in the northeast corner of the property. The 640 acre site was previously used for silviculture. The entire area is currently planted in pines except for a low area that is dominated by a pristine, woody wetland system of titi. The titi wetland is approximately 212 acres in size and generally runs through the center of the property from the northeast to the southwest. The wetland is low in acidity, with an estimated ph between 4 and 5. The site consists of hilly, mineralized soils. The soils within the forested wetland are organic in nature. Based on the evidence at the hearing, there does not appear to be any significant confining layers of soil which would prevent the treated wastewater from percolating in the soils and draining towards the wetland and ultimately into Burnt Mill Creek, a Class III waterbody. Once the effluent leaves the plant, it would go through a distribution system. The proposed distribution system will consist of six, 500 foot long, 12 inch diameter perforated pipes. Each 500 foot section of pipe has 100 one and one-half inch orifices which will discharge the treated effluent onto an eight foot wide concrete pad. This concrete pad will dissipate the effluent's energy, prevent erosion at the orifice site and insure that the effluent sheetflows onto and eventually into the sandy soils of the plant site and ultimately into the receiving wetland. The distribution pipes are located around the east, north and western portions of the receiving wetland and are variously set back from the receiving wetland approximately 80 to 200 feet. The distribution system is designed with valves to allow for routing of flow to different branches of the system if it is determined through long term monitoring that there is a need to allow for any of the receiving wetland to dry out. None of the distribution branches are located in any jurisdictional wetlands of the State of Florida. The receiving wetland will receive a hydraulic loading rate of approximately 1.8 inches per week once the new advanced wastewater treatment plant is operating at capacity. Both the surface waters and groundwaters on the 640 acre parcel flow from northeast to southwest across the property. The evidence clearly demonstrated that any treated wastewater discharged on the site would move down hill by surface or groundwater flows towards the wetlands in the central portion of the property and eventually discharge into Burnt Mill Creek located at the southwest corner of the parcel. The evidence demonstrated that it would be highly unlikely for the surface or groundwater to move in any other direction and would be unlikely for the surface or groundwater to move towards any residents located to the north or east of this parcel. Evidence of the topography and its relatively sharp gradient clearly demonstrated that the treated wastewater discharged in the northeast corner of this site would not result in any significant still water ponding and would exit the site at the southwest corner of the property in approximately 14 hours. The evidence did demonstrate that, depending on the wetness of the weather, there may likely be certain times of the year when a flowing type of ponding would occur. However, this wet weather ponding was not shown to be of a duration which would impact to a significant degree on the flora and fauna of the area or increase the number of disease bearing mosquitoes in the area. As indicated earlier the treated effluent from the proposed AWT plant will flow into Burnt Mill Creek. Burnt Mill Creek will ultimately carry the treated wastewater approximately 11 miles down stream to North Bay. The City can directly discharge up to two million gallons per day of AWT water into Burnt Mill Creek without violating state water quality standards. Therefore, the volume of wastewater discharged into Burnt Mill Creek should not have significant impacts on surface and ground water quality. Moreover, Chapter 17-611, Florida Administrative Code, authorizes the discharge of up to 2 inches per week to receiving wetlands provided wastewater is treated to AWT standards. The evidence demonstrated that this rule was developed as an experimental effort to determine if wetlands could be appropriate areas for wastewater effluent to be either discharged or treated. These state limits were intended to be very conservative limits and were designed to insure that the impacts to receiving wetlands would be minimal. The evidence and testimony demonstrated that the receiving wetland system involved in this case should not be adversely impacted beyond those limits set forth in Section 17-611.500, Florida Administrative Code, for flora, fauna, macroinvertebrates, fish or vegetation and will meet all standards set forth in Chapter 17-611, Florida Administrative Code. However, it should be noted that the wetland/wastewater program is highly experimental and very little is known about the actual impacts of wetland/wastewater systems since facilities similar to the one proposed by Lynn Haven have not yet been placed in service. The evidence did show that there would be some long term impacts to flora and fauna in the wetland area primarily due to ponding, changed ph and the introduction of nutrients and pollution in the form of the effluent. However, the regulation does allow for some change within a receiving wetland and the evidence did not demonstrate that these changes would be significant or detrimental. Petitioners' own witness concluded that other deep wetland treatment systems are doing a very good job in meeting state water quality standards. Although Petitioners' expert noted potentially adverse impacts to flora and fauna from other wastewater treatment systems, these other systems were slow moving, impoundment-type systems that are not similar to the wastewater/wetlands system proposed by the City of Lynn Haven. The Lynn Haven system is designed for percolation and sheetflow, not ponding. Though there should be some expected changes, no evidence was provided that the receiving wetlands for the Lynn Haven facility would be affected to the extent there would be violations of any standard as set forth in Chapter 17-611, Florida Administrative Code. In essence, the legislature has determined that such experimentation with wetland areas is appropriate, albeit, even with the conservative limits of DER's rule, may prove to be a mistake. This facility is designed to fit within that rule and in fact is probably the best technology available for use in a wetland/wastewater situation. Finally, in order to avoid any potential impacts on the area which may over time become significant an approved monitoring program for surface water quality and affects on flora and fauna, as well as a groundwater monitoring program are required as conditions of the permit. The groundwater monitoring program has been designed to monitor any potential long term impacts to groundwater. With these protections there should not be any significant adverse impacts to surface or groundwater quality and the applicant is entitled to a construction permit for the AWT plant and distribution system. Lynn Haven's sewage would reach the proposed AWT plant through a transmission line. The transmission line would run from Lynn Haven's existing wastewater treatment plant across North Bay and through the unincorporated area of South Port. The Southport area is not sewered and utilizes individual septic tanks for its sewage. The transmission line would be constructed entirely in state road right-of-way. The line would terminate at the 640 acre site described above. A new, variable speed pumping station would be constructed adjacent to the old wastewater treatment plant. From this pump station, a 24 inch line would be constructed on City right-of-way up to the south shore of North Bay. At this point, the transmission line would be reduced in size to 20 inches and would be embedded approximately three feet below the Bay bottom. An additional variable speed pumping station would be located approximately half way along the 12 mile route of the transmission line to insure adequate pressure to pump wastewater to the new wastewater treatment plant. The pumps are to be employed to insure that the wastewater is continuously pumped uphill to the new site so that waste does not set, become septic, and create odor problems. The pumps are equipped to provide for chemical control of odor if necessary. Also, as a condition of the permit, the pumping stations are required to have backup power supplies should power be lost to the stations. The pumping stations and backup power supplies are to be tested monthly and the pumps are required to be continuously monitored by radio telemetry to insure they are operating properly. Additionally, the City of Lynn Haven will be required, as a condition of the permit, to visually inspect the entire length of the wastewater transmission line three times per day. The portion of the transmission line which would cross North Bay is approximately 3000 feet in length and would be constructed of high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE) with a wall thickness of one and one-half inches. HDPE pipe is used to transport materials such as hazardous wastes where leakage is not permissible. This type of pipe is virtually inert in that it is highly resistant to corrosion and other chemical reactions. It is also impact resistant and has a very high tensile strength. The pipe comes in 40 foot segments and is heat welded (fused) together. This type of joint significantly reduces the chance of any leakage. In fact, leakage around pipe joints is more likely to occur with other types of pipe and pipe connections. HDPE pipe is currently carrying wastewater across Watson Bayou in Bay County, Florida. 3/ There have been no reported problems with leaks or breaks occurring in the pipe crossing Watson Bayou. Given these facts, the probability of the proposed HDPE pipe leaking or breaking is extremely low, albeit not impossible, and such pipe appears to be the best material available for constructing a wastewater treatment transmission line across protected waters of the State. As a condition of the construction permit, the portion of the transmission line crossing North Bay will be required to have isolation valves at each end so that the pipe may be completely isolated in the event that it needs repair. The underwater portion of the line would be visually inspected by a diver twice per year and the line would be pressure tested before being placed into service. Additionally, pressure tests would be performed once a year. The construction permit also requires Lynn Haven to periodically inject dye into the proposed transmission line to check for any small leaks that may not otherwise be detected. Finally, the HDPE pipe would also be equipped so that television cameras could be inserted into the pipe to routinely inspect the interior of the pipe. In the event the HDPE portion of the transmission line would need to be repaired, the line could be immediately, temporarily repaired by a dresser coupling. A permanent repair could then be made in less than 24 hours once the material and equipment were staged at the site. The City intends to locally stockpile all necessary parts and equipment to effect any required repair to prevent any delay beyond four days. Permanent repairs would be accomplished by floating the line to the surface. The area needing repair would be cut out and a new section would be put in place by heat fusion. The line would then be pressure tested to insure the absence of leaks and placed back into service. During this process, the line would be taken out of service by the isolation valves and flow would be diverted to the eight million gallon holding ponds at the City of Lynn Haven's existing facility. These holding ponds can hold four days worth of wastewater from the City of Lynn Haven. Lynn Haven is required, as a condition of the construction permit, to have this reserve capacity as well as have a contractor on standby to make any repairs in the event such repairs are necessary. All of the technical specifications for the transmission system and the operating conditions imposed on it are designed to insure that the system does not fail or develop any leaks which could impact receiving waters, including North Bay. Given the permit conditions, the required inspections for leaks, the sound engineering design and quick repair methods proposed, the evidence demonstrated that the probability of any leak occurring in the portion of the transmission line crossing North Bay is extremely low and that if such a leak does occur any potential harm to the environment will likely be limited and quickly eliminated. The evidence demonstrated that the design of the transmission line and permit conditions provide reasonable assurances that the transmission line will meet or exceed the Department standards set forth in Chapter 17-604, Florida Administrative Code. Therefore, the applicant has provided reasonable assurances that the transmission line/collection system will not violate Department standards or rules and the applicant is entitled to a permit (permit #CS03-178910) for the proposed collection system. In addition to requiring a construction permit/collection system permit for the wastewater transmission line, the line will also require dredge and fill permits and a variance for crossing waters of the state. There are ten incidental crossings of state waters and one major crossing o f North Bay. Of the ten incidental crossings, two are over small creeks (Scurlock and Little Burnt Mill) These two incidental creek crossings will be accomplished by placing the transmission line (ductile iron pipe) on top of pilings placed in the water. Best management practices such as turbidity curtains and other erosion control practices are proposed and required by the permit to minimize construction impacts on water quality. The only impacts to wetland resources would be from the placement of the pilings. The evidence demonstrated that any impact would be minimal and not significant. The evidence did not demonstrate that the aerial crossings would have any long term water quality or environmental impacts. The remaining eight incidental crossings of waters of the state consist of small, seasonally wet ditches which would be traversed by trenching and burying the transmission line. Again, turbidity controls such as curtains and hay bales would be employed to protect water quality. The evidence did not demonstrate that any significant long term or short term impacts to resources of the state would occur. The evidence did demonstrate that the applicant has provided reasonable assurances that water quality standards would not be violated in regards to these 10 incidental water crossings. Likewise, the evidence demonstrated that the construction of these 10 incidental water crossings would not be contrary to the public interest. Therefore, the applicant is entitled to issuance of a dredge and fill permit (permit #031785181) for these 10 water crossing. However, a much harder question arises in relation to the dredge and fill permit and the variance required for the 3,000 foot segment of the wastewater transmission line which crosses North Bay. Pursuant to Rule 17- 312.080(7), Florida Administrative Code, permits for dredging and filling activity directly in Class II waters which are approved for shellfish harvesting by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) shall not be issued. The reason for the rule is that any pollution caused by dredging and filling and, as in this case, the permanent placement of a sewage pipe in food producing waters could potentially have catastrophic effects on more than just the environment but on local employment in the shellfish industry and the quality of food available to the State. Put simply, the Department has determined by enacting its Rule that the public interest in food producing waters far outweighs any other consideration or criteria under Sections 403.918 and 403.919, Florida Statutes, in determining whether dredging and filling should take place in Class II, shellfish waters. In other words, it is not in the best interest of the public to allow dredging and filling so that a pipe carrying raw sewage can be placed in shellfishing waters. However, irrespective of this determination, the Department believes that, pursuant to Section 403.201(1)(c), Florida Statutes, it may grant a variance from its rules to relieve a hardship. As indicated earlier, North Bay is a Class II waterbody, conditionally approved for shellfishing. North Bay, therefore, falls within the Rule's prohibition against dredging and filling in Class II waters and the City is required to demonstrate the presence of a hardship in order to vary the Rule prohibition and obtain a dredge and fill permit for the North Bay crossing. On issues involving variances, the Department employs a two step analysis. The first part of the analysis is whether a hardship is present and the second is whether, if the variance were granted, would it result in permanent closure of Class II shellfish waters. The Department correctly recognizes that the question of whether a hardship exists is a question of fact and is determined on a case-by-case basis. Surprisingly, in a kind of "what we don't know can't hurt" posture the Department reviews a request for a variance standing alone based on the application as it is presented and does not require analyses of other possible alternatives to the granting of a variance. However, the existence of any alternatives, costs of any alternatives, timeliness of any alternatives, problems with any alternatives, whether an alternative represents a short term or long term solution to a given problem and the implementability of any of the alternatives are all factors utilized by the Department in determining whether or not to grant a variance. The Department's policy of non- review makes no sense, either factually or statutorily, when the Department is faced with varying a prohibition it created in its own rules. Similarly, the Department's policy of not requiring other alternatives to be examined before granting a variance goes against the fact that an applicant has the burden to establish entitlement to a permit and, in the case of a hardship variance, that a hardship exists because reasonable alternatives to granting a variance are not available. 4/ Likewise, the second part of the Department's hardship analysis relating to the permanent closure of shellfishing waters makes no sense given the fact that a non-permanent closure of shellfishing waters may have the same or just as serious effect on employment in the shellfishing industry, the loss of income due to an inability to earn a living in that industry and health risks posed by contaminated seafood. Temporary loss of income or a livelihood can, for all practical purposes, have consequences to the persons directly affected by a temporary closure of shellfishing waters similar in nature those caused by the permanent closure of shellfishing waters. The same can be said for health risks posed by a contaminated food supply. Rule 17-312.080(7), Florida Administrative Code, does not contain any exceptions for the temporary closure of shellfish waters. Nor is the rule limited to instances of permanent closure. Permanent closure is simpy not required in order to support a hardship under Section 403.201, Florida Statutes. Moreover, neither step in the Department's two-step analysis is included in any Rule promulgated by the Department. 5/ Without such a Rule, it is incumbent upon the Department or the applicant to demonstrate the underpinnings for this non-rule policy. No such evidence was presented at the hearing. In fact, the evidence presented at the hearing affirmatively demonstrated that the Department's non-rule policy violated both its own rules and the statute under which it is trying to proceed. As indicated, the issue of hardship is a question of fact and involves a weighing of all the facts and cicumstances involved in this project. In this case, there are shellfishing areas located close to the proposed location of the transmission line. North Bay is sometimes closed to shellfish harvesting by the Department of Natural Resources. These closures generally occur during wet weather conditions and are due to stormwater runoff and the failure of septic tanks in Southport. 6/ Additionally the current Lynn Haven system also contributes to the closure of North Bay. No competent, substantial evidence was provided that issuance of the permit and variance would result in the permanent closure of shellfish waters. The location of the proposed transmission line would be several hundred feet west of the Bailey Bridge embedded in the Bay floor. 7/ The proposed alignment of the transmission line through North Bay is in an area which is relatively biologically unproductive. The proposed placement of the transmission line avoids the few grassbeds that exist in the nearshore shallow areas except for approximately 200 square feet of grass. During construction of the line, these grasses would be removed immediately before the line is placed in a trench and then would be promptly replanted in the same area. The evidence demonstrated that the affected areas of grass should be able to reestablish itself. The evidence further demonstrated that there would not be any long term adverse impacts to these aquatic resources and there should not be any significant long term impacts on the balance of any aquatic life which may exist on the bay bottom. Water quality during construction will be protected by use of turbidity controls to control sediments. Therefore, any short term impacts on aquatic resources are likely to be insignificant. Concerns about long term adverse impacts to Class II waters are greatly reduced by the type of pipe and conditions in the permit which require that the transmission line be routinely inspected and tested to insure that there is no leakage and that in the unlikely event the line should need to be repaired, the line could be easily isolated and quickly repaired. The evidence showed that, to completely avoid Class II waters, the line could be moved several miles to the west or east of the line's proposed location or be placed over or under the Bay. If the line was moved west to the extent that it was in Class III waters, it would be over 40 miles long and would more than double the cost of the project. If the line was moved several miles to the east, it would go through the Deer Point Lake Watershed. The watershed is a Class I water supply for Bay County. Clearly, moving the line either west or east is not practical nor realistically feasible. Tunneling under North Bay would be very risky and is not technically feasible. The length of the tunnel would require steel pipe to be used. If tunneling could be done at all steel pipe would not provide the level of protection afforded by the HDPE pipe proposed by Lynn Haven. Placing the transmission line on pilings for an aerial route over North Bay is uneconomical and would create a potential hazard to navigation. Moreover, an aerial crossing would not solve any pollution problems should the transmission line leak or break and would also still involve a variance request since it would be necessary to dredge and fill in Class II waters for the placement of pilings or supports. Put simply, the evidence, showed that there was no realistic way to avoid Class II waters in North Bay given the location of the proposed wastewater treatment facility. A location which the City knew would require a hardship variance from the rule prohibition of dredging and filling in Class II, shellfishing waters. A hardship which the City created by site selection and which it hoped to overcome by strenuous permit conditions and futuristic speculative benefits to unsewered areas of the County. The existing treatment facility is operating in violation of both EPA and DER requirements, has been issued a notice of violation, is nonpermitted and is destined to be operating under a consent order. The system is hydraulically overloaded, handling approximately 1.2 million gallons per day while its rated capacity is 950,000 gallons per day. Refurbishing Lynn Haven's existing wastewater treatment facility would not be viable since the plant has outlived its useful life, is of a very poor design and probably could not be made to function within Departmental standards and water quality standards. The existing sprayfield does not function and results in overland flow of effluent which discharges to Class II waters. The high water table and presence of a semiconfining layer on the Lynn Haven peninsula virtually guarantee such discharges. Further, the plant only provides secondary treatment. Put simply, Lynn Haven needs another method of handling its sewage. The only remaining alternative to a Bay crossing is to tie into the existing Bay County system and any AWT wastewater treatment plant Bay County may build in the future. 8/ The existing Bay County system provides at most only secondary treatment. The Cherry Street facility, which is part of that system, functions essentially as a lift station rather than a treatment facility. The Military Point Lagoon portion of the system is nonpermitted and is operating under a consent order and has been the subject of enforcement action. The Department has an extensive agreement with Bay County requiring a significant and long term series of actions to deal with their wastewater treatment system. The modifications or improvements to the Bay County system to provide advanced treatment are not imminent and the final system conditions cannot now be determined as they will depend in large measure upon data and analysis remaining to be collected. Currently, the existing Bay County system processes a significant amount of industrial discharge and has a problem with phenols most likely due to industrial waste from two discreet industrial facilities in the County. 9/ However, all of Bay County's wastewater system problems are reasonably solvable and will be corrected in the near future, if they have not already been corrected. Additionally, the amount of sewage Lynn Haven would be sending into the current Bay County system probably would not significantly impact that system and its problems or the County's ability to solve those problems. The County is willing to accept Lynn Haven's sewage into its system and future AWT system. The connection into Bay County's system is a viable alternative currently in existence. Moreover, as indicated, Bay County has a long range plan to build an advanced wastewater treatment plant. As yet the plan remains "just a twinkle in the County's eye" and has not progressed to the design stage. However, this plan, of necessity, will eventually become reality in the next 5 to 10 years. The estimated cost to a Lynn Haven user for the Bay County conceptual system will be $25.00 per month in lieu of $15.00 for the proposed Lynn Haven system. These estimates are at best speculative. However, this cost estimate is not excessive given the fact that a Lynn Haven user lives in an environmentally sensitive area and a Bay County hook-up would eliminate the need to run a sewer pipe through food producing, Class II waters. 10/ Based on these facts, the evidence demonstrated that it was feasible for Lynn Haven to hook into Bay County's wastewater system without creating any more environmental impacts than that system is already experiencing and must solve and which, to a significant degree, have already been solved by Bay County. Given the existence of this alternative to crossing food producing waters and the fact that any future benefits are just as likely to be provided just as quickly by the County through AWT facilities, the applicant has failed to demonstrate the necessity for crossing North Bay and failed to demonstrate entitlement to a hardship variance for that crossing. Therefore, the applicant is not entitled to either a dredge and fill permit or variance for the proposed North Bay crossing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is, recommended that the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation enter a final order issuing permit applications CS03178910, DC03178814, and 031785181, and denying the variance and permit number 031716641. RECOMMENDED this 27th day of November, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE CLEAVINGER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of November, 1991.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.68403.087403.088403.201
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-002957 Latest Update: Oct. 12, 1992

Findings Of Fact On or about December 28, 1987 Hy Kom filed with the Department an application for a permit to construct a .0126 MGD Advanced Waste Water Treatment Plant on Emerson Point, Snead Island in Manatee County. The proposed waste water treatment plant would discharge effluent into the waters of Terra Ceia Bay in Manatee County. The proposed waste water treatment plant would discharge effluent into the waters of Tampa Bay in Manatee County. The proposed waste water treatment plant would discharge effluent into the waters of Manatee River in Manatee County. The waters of Terra Ceia Bay have been designated Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW) by the Department. On or about April 27, 1989 the Department issued a Notice of Permit Denial concerning Hy Kom's permit application. The parties stipulate the Intervenor, Manasota-88, has standing to intervene as a party Respondent and to object to the issuance of the permit. Petitioner's evidence can best be summarized by what was not submitted. First, the expert witness called to identify the application had not prepared any part of the application or verified any of the studies presented therein. Similarly Petitioner's expert on the proposed treatment plant did not testify that Petitioner was committed to using this plant, or that the construction of the plant and the operation of the plant would comply with statutory and rule requirements. The only witness called by Petitioner to testify to the effect the discharge from the proposed advanced waste water treatment plant would have on the receiving waters was also Respondent's expert; and this witness testified that the effluent discharge from this proposed plant would have an adverse effect on the receiving waters, would seriously degrade the receiving waters as a nursery habitat for both crustacea and fishes endemic to the area, and that no reasonable assurances that this would not happen were ever presented by the Petitioner. This witness further testified that no discharge into these receiving waters would be acceptable not only because of the nitrogen level (which was the most significant reason for denying the permit) but also because even a discharge of absolutely pure water would upset the salinity of the receiving waters at the critical time the receiving waters act as a marine nursery.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered denying the application of Hy Kom Development Company, for a permit to construct and operate an advanced waste water treatment facility at Emerson Point, Snead Island, Manatee County, Florida. DONE and ORDERED this _15th_ day of September, 1992 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. COPIES FURNISHED: JAMES W. STARNS ESQ 501 GOODLETTE RD SUITE D-100-24 NAPLES FL 33940 W DOUGLAS BEASON ESQ ASST GENERAL COUNSEL K. N. AYERS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this _15th_ day of September, 1992. DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION 2600 BLAIRSTONE RD TALLAHASSEE FL 32399 2400 THOMAS W REESE ESQ 123 EIGHTH ST N ST PETERSBURG FL 33701 DANIEL H THOMPSON ESQ GENERAL COUNSEL DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION 2600 BLAIRSTONE RD TALLAHASSEE FL 32399 2400 CAROL BROWNER SECRETARY DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION 2600 BLAIRSTONE RD TALLAHASSEE FL 32399 2400

Florida Laws (1) 403.086
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-001844 Latest Update: Jan. 31, 1990

The Issue Whether the August 30, 1988 application of Petitioner James R. Regan for a permit to operate a wastewater (sewage) treatment facility should be granted in that Petitioner has provided reasonable assurances that the operation of the facility will not discharge, emit, or cause pollution in contravention of Department of Environmental Regulation standards or rules.

Findings Of Fact The sewage treatment plant that is the focus of this proceeding is "Weakley Bayou, Inc.," a corporation. The real property upon which it is located is owned by the wife of James R. Regan. Despite corporate status, Weakley Bayou, Inc. has been operated at the option and control of James R. Regan since its inception in the early 1970's. The permit application here at issue was made in Mr. Regan's name, and he has been treated as if he were the corporation throughout all stages of the permit process. Mr. Regan brought the Petition for Formal Hearing in his own name. He was also accepted as the qualified representative for himself and the corporation. "Weakley Bayou, Inc." is an aerobic gravity flow wastewater treatment plant located in Escambia County. In 1988 James R. Regan applied for a renewal of the operating permit for the facility. The Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) issued an Intent to Deny on December 16, 1988, based on agency perceptions derived from observations, monitoring of Petitioner- generated reports, and grab samples, that the facility did not meet the requirements set down in Rule 17-6 F.A.C. Specifically, the Intent to Deny focused on the following problems: A reclaimed water sample taken on December 6, 1988 revealed the facility was exceeding BOD5 (Biological Oxygen Demand) and TSS (Total Suspended Solids) limits in violation of specific condition number 17 of Permit Number D017-71682. The BOD5 was 232.8 mg/l and TSS was 1,430 mg/l. The same sampling showed the facility was exceeding 200/100 ml for fecal coliform in violation of specific condition number 17 of permit number D017-71682 and Rule 17- 6.180(1)(b)4.d., Florida Administrative Code. The fecal coliform was 79,000/100 ml. Ground water monitoring samples show the levels of nitrates in excess of 10 mg/l in well #l on two out of last four quarterly samples, which is in violation of Rule 17- 6.040(4)(q) paragraph 4.2, Florida Administrative Code. During the inspection on December 6, 1988, the sludge blanket in the clarifier was overflowing the weirs, solids had accumulated in the chlorine contact chamber and percolation ponds in violation of Rule 17- 6.110(3) and 17-6.180(2) (e) , Florida Administrative Code. Auxiliary electrical power is not provided as required by Rule 17-6.040(4) (c) and 17-6.110(3), Florida Administrative Code. The applicant was notified March 14, 1988, that emergency power would be required. During the period (1984-1988) that Petitioner's sewage treatment plant has been permitted by DER, it has been periodically inspected and the Petitioner's self-generated reports have been monitored. From time to time after inspections, Petitioner has been notified of pollution and contaminant hazards or violations pursuant to agency standards, which hazards or violations required corrections in order to retain his permit. Among these hazards and violations have been noted large sewage spills, overflows, poor equipment condition, and substandard plant operation. In most instances, Petitioner cooperated with DER and at least attempted to adjust the plant's operation to conform to the notifications. However, as of December 15, 1988, DER notified Petitioner of the following problems with the plant: sludge blanket in the clarifier overflowing the weir, solids accumulation in the chlorine contact chamber, solids accumulation in both percolation ponds, no auxiliary power on the site, and high levels of nitrates (6.9 ppm) in Monitoring well -1. DER's test of an effluent grab sample tested BOD at 232.8 mg/L and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) at 1430 mg/L. That is, samples taken by DER during an inspection indicated excessive levels of TSS, BOD, and fecal coliform, in violation of Chapter 403 F.S. and Chapter 17-6 F.A.C. Mr. Regan admitted that for approximately four years, broken and unrepaired pipes and fittings at his plant had caused sewage spills or overflows of approximately eight thousand gallons of sewage sludge. He contended that the surface enrichment around Monitoring Well #1 was caused by a separation of a two-inch PVC skimmer line which was corrected in March 1988. Although Mr. Regan established that the leak in the pipe had been repaired, the evidence does not permit a finding that this enrichment was solely from that source, that it will dissipate over a reasonable time, or that it has not polluted the ground water. 1/ Thus, there is no reasonable assurance that fixing the leak, by itself, protects the environment. Over a period of time, Petitioner's own groundwater monitoring reports showed excessive nitrate levels and these have worsened since late 1988, according to witness Ray Bradburn. Petitioner contended that a grab sample is not as accurate as a composite sampling. Although DER witnesses concur in this contention of Petitioner with regard to grab samples generally, and although one DER witness suggested that part of the December 1988 grab sample reading by itself would not cause him to deny the permit, no credible evidence disputes the accuracy of the December 6, 1988 grab sample as a grab sample.2/ Petitioner admitted that it was and continues to be his conscious management decision to keep the plant's auxiliary gasoline powered engine locked away from the plant site so as to discourage theft and vandalism, and so as to discourage childish curiosity which might expose Petitioner to liability. He was reluctant to secure the engine on the premises as a hedge against emergency shutdowns of the plant. Mr. Regan, upon advice of outside engineers, has attempted to correct many of the cited errors and omissions. However, notwithstanding the DER's express disapproval of such a method, Mr. Regan has instructed his plant operators to curtail the input of air from the plant's blower to the sewage at night so as to create a "belching" effect designed to clear out certain wastes and thereby attempt denitrification in the clarifier. DER witnesses did not explain in any detail why Regan's belching procedure was unacceptable except that addition of an expensive denitrification unit was preferable and constituted a "reasonable assurance," whereas Mr. Regan's method had not been demonstrated to be successful in the past. Mr. Regan, who bears the burden of proof in these proceedings, did not demonstrate that his "belching" system was a reasonable assurance of denitrification or offer expert witnesses to support such a theory. This sewage treatment plant is subject to a Notice of Violation which became final on September 21, 1989. 3/

Recommendation Upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a Final Order denying the pending permit application. DONE and ENTERED this 31st day of January, 1990, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of January, 1990.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Nov. 18, 1994 Number: 94-006483 Latest Update: Jun. 30, 1995

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) should grant the Petitioner's applications, filed under F.A.C. Rule 10D-6.045, for variances from the F.A.C. Rule 10D-6.046(1)(c) requirement that on-site treatment and disposal systems (OSTDS's) be placed no closer than 200 feet from public drinking water wells serving a facility with a sewage flow of more than 2,000 gallons per day (gpd).

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Joseph DiGerlando, owns three lots (1, 2 and 26) in the San Remo subdivision in Hillsborough County, which was platted in 1977. There is a public water well located between lots 1, 2 and 26. The well serves the entire San Remo subdivision, a 55-lot residential development having a total sewage flow much greater than 2,000 gallons per day (gpd) (although the sewage flow from homes built on lots 1, 2 and 26 can be expected to total no more than approximately 1350 gpd.) There is no way for the Petitioner to construct an on-site sewage treatment disposal system (OSTDS) on each of the three lots so that no part of any OSTDS will be closer than 200 feet from the San Remo well, measured horizontally across the ground surface to the well head. Measuring horizontally across the ground surface to the well head: an OSTDS on lot 1 could be placed no farther than 156 feet from the well; an OSTDS on lot 2 could be placed no farther than 184 feet from the well; according to drawings in the Petitioners' application, an OSTDS on lot 26 could be placed no farther than approximately 185 feet from the well. (Although lot 26 is larger than the others, it is contiguous to a surface water body, and the required setback from the surface water body decreases the area available for siting an OSTDS on the lot. The evidence was not clear exactly how far an OSTDS on lot 26 would be from the San Remo well.) HRS concedes: (1) that requiring 200-foot setbacks from the San Remo well will place the Petitioner under a hardship that was not caused intentionally by his own actions; and (2) that no reasonable alternative exists for the treatment of sewage on his lots 1, 2 and 26. (It is not clear how or why HRS determined that utilization of a joint OSTDS to serve all three lots through the imposition of cross-easements on the lots would not be a reasonable alternative to at least one or two of the variance applications.) The San Remo well, which is 400 feet deep, has a steel casing from the surface of the well to 100 feet below the ground surface. The steel casing prevents the entry of ground water into the well above the bottom of the casing. If the distances between the proposed OSTDS's and the San Remo well were measured diagonally, through the ground, from the proposed OSTDS's to the bottom of the steel casing of the well: the proposed OSTDS on lot 1 would be 185 feet from the well; the proposed OSTDS on lot 2 would be 209 feet from the well; and the proposed OSTDS on lot 26 would be even farther from the well. (The evidence was not clear exactly how much farther.) In fact, due to the draw-down effect of the well, the path groundwater would travel from the proposed OSTDS's to the bottom of the steel casing of the San Remo well would curve upward somewhat from, and be somewhat longer than, the diagonal line running directly between those two points. (The evidence is not clear exactly how much longer the curved path would be.) If the distances between the proposed OSTDS's and the San Remo well were measured first horizontally across the ground surface to the well head and then vertically down to the bottom of the steel casing of the well: the proposed OSTDS on lot 1 would be 253 feet from the well; the proposed OSTDS on lot 2 would be 281 feet from the well; and the proposed OSTDS on lot 26 would be even farther from the well. (Since the bottom of the OSTDS's will be three feet below the ground surface, the vertical component of the measurement is only 97 feet instead of the full 100 feet between the well head and the bottom of the casing.) When applying the HRS rules on distances required between OSTDS's and existing public water wells, HRS measures from the OSTDS horizontally across the ground surface to the well. The evidence was that HRS's method of measurement is consistent both with the methods used by the federal EPA and with the scientific data on which the technical advisory board based the distances in the HRS rules. The Petitioner's expert witness testified that there is a 17-foot thick layer of sand and clay between 53 and 70 feet below the ground surface in the vicinity of the San Remo well and that the sand and clay layer would prevent contamination from the OSTDS's from reaching the bottom of the steel casing of the well. (He also testified that is a white lime rock layer between 70 and 90 feet below the ground surface and inferred that the white lime rock layer would add some degree of protection.) The opinions of the Petitioner's expert are accepted. Petitioner's expert is a civil, sanitary and environmental engineer, not a geologist or hydrogeologist; however, his experience is in the area of wastewater treatment and disposal is extensive. Meanwhile, HRS presented no competent evidence whatsoever to contradict the Petitioner's expert. The Petitioner proposes to use Norweco Singulair Bio-Kinetic Waste Water Treatment Systems. These systems treat waste better than a standard septic tank system. Instead of the single septic tank, they have three distinct chambers: first, a retreatment chamber; second, an aeration chamber to reduce biological oxygen demand (BOD) and total dissolved solids (TDS); and, finally, a clarification or filter chamber that further reduces BOD and TDS. With the proposed systems, BOD and TDS will be reduced to approximately a fourth of the BOD and TDS levels that would enter the drainfield from a septic tank system. In addition, unlike in a septic tank system, the proposed systems utilize chlorine tablets in conjunction with the clarification chamber to kill bacteria and viruses. It is found that the evidence presented in this case, taken as a whole (and in particular in the absence of any competent evidence to contradict the credible opinions of the Petitioner's expert) was sufficient to prove that the proposed OSTDS's would not adversely affect the health of members of the public. Except for a fleeting reference in its Proposed Recommended Order, HRS has not taken the position that the Petitioner's proposed OSTDS's will significantly degrade the groundwater or surface waters. The reference in the Proposed Recommended Order would seem to reflect that HRS's concern about the impact of the Petitioner's proposed OSTDS's on groundwater quality is limited to its public health concerns.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) enter a final order granting the Petitioner's applications for variances, on the condition that the Petitioner utilizes the proposed Norweco Singulair Bio- Kinetic Waste Water Treatment Systems. RECOMMENDED this 30th day of June, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of June, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 94-6483 To comply with the requirements of Section 120.59(2), Fla. Stat. (1993), the following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. Accepted but conclusion of law, subordinate and unnecessary. Accepted and incorporated. 3.-6. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. Accepted and incorporated. Rejected as to "significantly degrade the groundwater or surface waters"; HRS did not make this an issue, except with respect to public health concerns. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. Rejected as not proven and contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. However, accepted that HRS presented no evidence sufficient to support a finding on the issue. See Section 120.58(1)(a), Fla. Stat. (Supp. 1994). Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. Rejected as to "relevant criteria"; not proven and as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. Accepted and incorporated. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact. Accepted but conclusion of law, subordinate and unnecessary. Accepted and incorporated. 3.-7. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. Accepted and incorporated. Rejected as contrary to facts found and as contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. (As found, HRS did not contend that the Petitioner's OSTDS's would "significantly degrade the groundwater or surface waters." HRS only raised this issue with respect to public health concerns.) 10.-12. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. (These were hearsay statements that were not sufficient to support findings as to the matters asserted. See Section 120.58(1)(a), Fla. Stat. (Supp. 1994).) COPIES FURNISHED: Raymond R. Deckert, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 4000 W. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33614 Nelson D. Blank, Esquire Trenam, Kemker, Scharf, Barkin Frye, O'Neill & Mullis, P.A. 2700 Barnett Plaza 101 E. Kennedy Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33601-1102 Robert L. Powell Agency Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Kim Tucker, Esquire General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (1) 381.0065
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Sep. 08, 2005 Number: 05-003245 Latest Update: Dec. 30, 2005

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent violated Florida Administrative Code Rules 64E-6.022(1)(b)2., 64E-6.022(1)(d), and 64E-6.022(1)(p) by repairing an onsite sewage disposal system without a permit, resulting in missed inspections, and if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with enforcing the statutory and regulatory provisions pertaining to the practice of septic tank installations and repairs in Florida. See § 381.0065(3), Fla. Stat. (2003). Repair of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems must be performed under the supervision and control of a registered septic tank contractor. Respondent is the qualifying registered septic tank contractor for All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc., having been issued the registration number SR00011389. Respondent has 15 years of experience in the field of septic system construction and repair. The qualifying registered septic tank contractor for Simmons Septic and Tractor Service, Inc., is Joey Wayne Simmons. The qualifying registered septic tank contractor for AA Septic Tank Service, Inc., is Billy Wayne Joyner. However, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Joyner, and Respondent work closely together, sometimes working together on a job and/or acting as the qualifying registered septic tank contractor on each other's behalf. On September 2, 2003, the septic disposal system at the residence of Jack Young was not functioning properly. Mr. Young contracted with one of the above-referenced septic tank services to repair the system. On September 2, 2003, Respondent and another employee of All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc., along with two employees from AA Septic Tank Service, Inc., went to Mr. Young's residence to repair Mr. Young's onsite sewage disposal system. No one applied for a permit to make any repairs to Mr. Young's system. With Respondent acting as the registered septic tank contractor, the men used a backhoe to dig up the septic tank, which was buried three feet in the ground. Respondent then repaired the pump and ran a new one and one-quarter force main line to the existing header because the old line had been compromised by roots. Respondent also cleaned roots from inside the distribution box. Respondent then sealed the tank and directed the men to cover it up. No one called Petitioner's local office, the Duval County Health Department, to request an inspection of the repair before covering the tank. The work on Mr. Young's septic system involved the replacement of an effluent transmission line. It required a permit because it constituted more than a minor repair to the pump and distribution box. Respondent should not have performed the work without a permit from the Duval County Health Department. Because there was no permit, there was no request for inspection by the Duval County Health Department. When the work was completed, Mr. Young gave Respondent a check in the amount of $1,000, payable to Mr. Simmons. The check reflected payment for repair to the filter bed, otherwise known as the drainfield. Respondent indicated his receipt of the check by signing the AA Septic Tank Service, Inc.'s Daily Truck Log and Maintenance Report. In February 2004, Mr. Young's septic system began to fail once again due to root blockage in the lines. Respondent advised Mr. Young that a permit would be required in order to make any further repairs. Mr. Young refused to pull a permit or to pay for any additional costs. On February 17, 2004, Mr. Young contacted Petitioner to report the failure of his system's drainfield. On February 18, 2004, Petitioner's inspector confirmed that Mr. Young's drainfield had failed and was causing a sanitary nuisance. During the hearing, Respondent admitted that there are no disputed issues of material facts in this case. He stated that he agreed with everything. However, he did not agree that the work he performed for Mr. Young required a permit from and inspections by Petitioner's Duval County Health Department.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a final order, finding that Respondent violated the standards of practice and imposing an administrative fine in the amount of $1,000. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of December, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of December, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: Catherine R. Berry, Esquire Department of Health 515 West Sixth Street Jacksonville, Florida 32206-4311 James L. Smith All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc. 8300 West Beaver Street Jacksonville, Florida 32220 R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Timothy M. Cerio, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Dr. John A. Agwunobi, Secretary Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57381.0065381.00655
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-000263 Latest Update: May 18, 1989

Findings Of Fact Kearney is engaged in the development of real property in and around Hillsborough County, Florida, and is located in Tampa, Florida. Corrugated is a Louisiana Corporation which maintains a local headquarters in Tampa, Florida, and is presently seeking a business outlet in Hillsborough County for the assembly and distribution of metal buildings. At all times material hereto, Kearney and Corrugated have been parties to a real estate transaction concerning certain real property located at 1920 U.S. Highway 301 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida. The subject property consists of .82 acres of undeveloped land which is located in an area of rapid commercial and industrial growth. Under the Hillsborough County Zoning Code, the subject property is designated M-1, which authorizes commercial and industrial uses. Corrugated is the purchaser of the subject property, and proposes to establish an assembly and distribution center for pre-painted sheet metal buildings. Corrugated does not propose to engage in any activity which will generate industrial wastewaters of any kind, and in particular, will not generate wastes or wastewaters of a "hazardous" or "toxic" nature. No centralized public wastewater service has been available to this property, and septic tanks with drainfields are utilized by both adjacent properties for their domestic and other wastewater needs. Kearney and Corrugated have determined that the property in question is suitable for the intended uses in all other respects, including water, electricity, and transportation. In September, 1988, Kearney and corrugated sought approval from Respondent of a permit to install an onsite sewage disposal system (septic tank and drainfield) for the sole purpcse of providing toilet services to employees of the company. The site plan and preliminary construction drawings for the on- site system were reviewed by the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) to determine whether the project posed unusual wastewater problems or relied upon inadequately designed facilities. The DER had no objection to the installation of the septic tank and drainfield to serve the proposed system because of the non-hazardous character of the business, and the absence of floor drains in the proposed work areas. The Hillsborough County Health Department, however, gave immediate verbal denial of a septic tank permit based solely upon the industrial zoning of the property, and set forth its denial, in writing, on October 14, 1988. Following the County Health Departnent's denial, Kearney and Corrugated, based upon consultation with Respondent's officials in Tallahassee, assembled additional information to provide further assurance that the site would not generate industrial or hazardous wastes which could be disposed of via the septic tank. They provided detailed descriptions of each process to be performed by Corrugated, in substantiation of its claim that no wastewaters would be generated at the site. They also obtained the agreement of the Hillsborough County Building Department to subject any future building permit applications at the site to particular wastewater scrutiny, in addition to formal deed restrictions which they proposed for the subject property. Notwithstanding these additional representations, the Environmental Health Director of the Hillsborough County Health Department continued to reject the application on the sole ground that the property was zoned for industrial uses. On October 14, 1988, Petitioners submitted an application for a variance to the Hillsborough County Health Department and the Respondent, accompanied by supporting material setting forth the regulatory history referred to above, as well as the written representations and assurances, including proposed deed restrictions, which they had previously tendered to the County Environmental Health Director. They appeared before the Variance Advisory Review Board on November 3, 1988, to substantiate the specific measures which they proposed in order to ensure that no toxic or hazardous substances would be introduced into the septic tank system. These proposals were received by the Advisory Board without objection, and members observed that Petitioners had done everything they could do to provide the comfort margin which the agency sought. However, denial of the variance was recommended based upon the failure of Hi1sborough County to adopt a local ordinance providing for future inspections or controls by local officials to prevent future toxic or hazardous wastes from being disposed into the on- site sewage disposal system. Without such a local ordinance, the Advisory Board members expressed the view that it did not matter what the applicant presented to the Board. On December 2, 1988, the Respondent formally informed the Petitioners, in writing, that their application for a variance had been disapproved. This denial had the effect of formally denying Petitioners' permit application. Thereupon, Petitioners timely sought review of this decision by filing a petition for formal administrative hearing.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that the Respondent issue a permit for an onsite sewage disposal system to the Petitioners. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of May, 1989 in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD D. CONN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of May, 1989. COPIES FURNISHED: Charles G. Stephens, Esquire Bayport Plaza - Suite 460 6200 Courtney Campbell Causeway Tampa, Florida 33607 Raymond Deckert, Esguire W. T. Edwards Facility 4000 W. Buffalo 5th Floor, Room 500 Tampa, Florida 33614 John Miller, General Counsel 1323 Winewood Blvd. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Gregory Coler, Secretary 1323 Winewood Blvd. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Sam Power, Clerk 1323 Winewood Blvd. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 10

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