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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-003235 Latest Update: Oct. 14, 1986

The Issue In their Prehearing Stipulation the original parties described the background and general nature of the controversy as follows: In January, 1985, HCR filed an application for certificate of need to develop a new 120 bed nursing home in Collier County, Florida. By notice dated June 28, 1985, HRS stated its intention to deny HCR's application. HCR timely filed a request for formal administrative proceeding, and the proceeding was forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings. By application supplement dated May 15, 1986, HCR has reduced this application to a 90-bed new nursing home. The nursing home will provide skilled nursing care to Alzheimer's patients and to patients discharged from hospitals in need of additional intensive nursing care, in addition to the typical nursing home patient. HRS has denied HCR's application because, pursuant to Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code there is insufficient need for the additional nursing home beds proposed by HCR. In the Prehearing Statement the Petitioner described its position as follows: HCR contends that there is an identifiable need for a nursing home in Collier County, Florida, to serve the needs of patients who suffer from Alzheimer's disease and similar disorders and patients who are discharged from hospitals with a continuing need for a high level of intensive care, often provided through sophisticated technical or mechanical means. Existing nursing homes in Collier County do not offer adequate facilities for such patients and refuse admission to such patients. These patients have experienced an inability to obtain such care in Collier County. HCR's proposed nursing home will provide needed care which is otherwise unavailable and inaccessible in Collier County. The application meets all criteria relevant to approval of a certificate of need. HCR further contends that the nursing home formula shows a need for additional nursing home beds in Collier County. Previously, in circumstances where a need for additional nursing home services has been identified, HRS has approved certificates of need even though the nursing home formula showed a need for zero additional beds or a small number of additional beds. In the Prehearing Statement the Respondent described its position as follows: HRS contends, pursuant to the formula contained in Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code, that there is insufficient need in the January, 1988 planning horizon demonstrated for additional nursing home beds in Collier County to warrant approval of a-new nursing home. Therefore, HRS contends that the HCR application should be denied. Further in its original application, HCR did not identify services proposed specially for Alzheimer's disease patients or "sub-acute" patients. HCR did not and has not complied with provision of Chapter 10-5.11(21)(b 10., Florida Administrative Code, regarding mitigated circumstances. The Respondent also identified the following as an issue of fact to be litigated. "HRS contends that it should be determined whether HCR's supplement dated May 15, 1986, is a significant change in scope for which the application was originally submitted." Because of its late intervention into this case, the Intervenor's position is not described in the Prehearing Statement. In general, the Intervenor urges denial of the application on the same grounds as those advanced by the Respondent. The Intervenor did not attempt to become a party to this case until the morning of the second day of the formal hearing. Respondent had no objection to the Petition To Intervene. The original Petitioner objected on the grounds that the effort at intervention was untimely and that the Intervenor was without standing. The objection to intervention was overruled and the Intervenor was granted party status subject to taking the case as it found it. Accordingly, intervention having been granted at the conclusion of the evidentiary presentation of the other parties, the Intervenor was not permitted to call any witnesses or offer any exhibits. Intervenor's participation before the Division of Administrative Hearings was limited to an opportunity to file proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. Following the hearing a transcript of proceedings was filed on July 8, 1986. Thereafter, all parties filed Proposed Recommended Orders containing proposed findings of fact. Careful consideration has been given to all of the Proposed Recommended Orders in the formulation of this Recommended Order. A specific ruling on all proposed findings of fact proposed by all parties is contained in the Appendix which is attached to and incorporated into this Recommended Order. The Petitioner also filed an unopposed post-hearing motion requesting that its name be corrected in the style of this case. The motion is granted.

Findings Of Fact Based on the stipulations of the parties, on the exhibits received in evidence, and on the testimony of the witnesses at the hearing, I make the following findings of fact. Findings based on admitted facts The parties agree that HCR properly filed a letter of intent and application for certificate of need for a new nursing home to be located in Collier County. The application was reviewed by HRS in the ordinary course of its activities, and HRS initially denied the application. HRS continues to oppose issuance of a CON because (a) there is an insufficient need, pursuant to Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code, for additional nursing home beds to warrant approval of a new nursing home [Section 381.494(6)(c)1., Florida Statutes]; (b) the long term financial feasibility and economic impact of the proposal is questionable because of low occupancy being experienced by existing nursing homes "Section 381.494(6)(c)9., Florida Statutes]. HRS proposes no other basis for denial of the application. The parties agree that HCR meets all criteria for a certificate of need, with the exception of those two criteria listed in the immediately foregoing paragraph relating to need and financial feasibility/economic impact (relevant to low occupancy), which HRS contends have not been met. The parties agree that HCR would provide good quality care to patients, that the project would be financially feasible if the occupancy projections asserted by HCR were obtained, that the costs and methods of proposed construction are appropriate and reasonable, and that the proposed facility would be adequately available to underserved population groups. The rest of the findings In January 1985, HCR filed an application for a certificate of need to develop a new 120-bed nursing home facility in Collier County, Florida. The original application described a traditional approach to nursing home care. By notice dated June 28, 1985, HRS stated its intention to deny HCR's application. HCR timely filed a request for formal administrative proceedings and this proceeding ensued. By application supplement dated May 15, 1986, HCR made certain changes to its original application. These changes included reducing the size of the proposed nursing home from 120 to go beds and changing the-concept of the nursing home from a traditional nursing home to one specifically designed to address the treatment of Alzheimer's disease patients and sub-acute care patients. The supplement specifically provided that 30 of the 90 proposed beds would be "set aside to offer a therapeutic environment for patients with Alzheimer's or similar disorders." The project description in the original application contained no such provision. HCR's proposed facility would consist of 90 nursing home beds, 30 assisted living beds, and an adult day care facility located adjacent to the nursing home portion of the facility. Those portions of the facility relating to assisted living and adult day care do not require certificate of need review. The estimated cost of the portion of the project which requires certificate of need review is $3.5 million. HCR estimates that approximately 33 1/3 per cent of the patients in the facility will be Medicaid reimbursed. It is proposed that 30 of the 90 nursing home beds be designed and staffed specifically to provide care and treatment necessary to meet the special needs of certain patients who suffer from Alzheimer's disease and dementia and exhibit need for care different from that found in the typical nursing home. It is proposed that another 30-bed wing be staffed and equipped to provide sub-acute, high-tech services such as ventilator, I.V. therapy, pulmonary aids, tube feeding, hyperalimentation and other forms of care more intensive than those commonly found in a nursing home and necessary for the care of patients discharged from hospitals and patients in the last stages of Alzheimer's disease. The remaining 30-bed wing would be devoted to traditional nursing home care. HRS has adopted a rule which establishes a methodology for estimating the numeric need for additional nursing home beds within the Department's districts or subdistricts. This methodology is set out in Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code. This rule determines historic bed rates and projects those bed rates to a three-year planning horizon. Allocation to a subdistrict such as Collier County is adjusted by existing occupancy in the subdistrict and the subdistrict's percentage of beds in relationship to the total number of beds in the district. Additional beds normally are not authorized if there is no need for beds as calculated under the rule. HRS calculated need utilizing current population estimates for January 1986 and projected need for the population estimated for January 1988, arriving at a need of approximately 16 additional nursing home beds for the January 1988 planning horizon. HCR projected need to the January 1989 planning horizon and projected a numeric need of approximately 38 additional nursing home beds. There are no applicants for additional nursing home beds in the January 1989 planning horizon (batching cycle). Alzheimer's disease is a primary degenerative disease of the central nervous system which results in a breakdown of the nerve cells in the brain. The disease is progressive, in that it begins subtly, often with forgetfulness or simple personality changes, and ultimately results in death following a phase in which the patient is bedridden and totally dependent upon others for survival. The cause of the disease is not known. The disease is much more common in the older age groups and is very common in the southwest Florida area. (However, nothing in the evidence in this case suggests that Alzheimer's disease is more common in southwest Florida than in other parts of the state.) There is no known cure for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease patients are characterized by such symptoms as memory loss, communication problems, difficulty understanding, confusion, disorientation, inability to recognize care givers, waking at night, wandering, inability to socialize appropriately, and incontinence. The progress of the disease can be divided into stages. During the initial stage, the patients will display forgetfulness and subtle personality changes. As the disease progresses, the patients encounter increasing difficulty performing more than simple tasks, tend to be more emotional, become more confused, encounter difficulty with concentration and retaining thoughts, and often display poor judgment and a denial of the significance of their actions. In the next stage, the patients begin to require assistance to survive. Forgetfulness and disorientation increase and wandering patients are often unable to find their way. The patients become incontinent, experience sleep disturbances, become restless at night, and wander during the day, leading to considerable family distraction and difficulties for the care givers. The patients encounter difficulty recognizing family members and often become paranoid and fearful of those family members within the house. violence and aggressive outbursts may occur. Finally, the patients progress to a stage in which they are totally inattentive to their features physical needs, requiring total care. These Patients are totally incontinent, experience frequent falls, develop seizures, and eventually become bedridden, going into a fetal position and becoming totally unable to provide any care for themselves. Traditionally, most nursing homes offer no special programs for patients who suffer from Alzheimer's disease and mix these patients with other patients in the nursing home. There is no nursing home in Collier County which provides program specifically designed for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease patients. The nearest nursing home where such care can be found is in Venice, some 92 miles from Naples. The total facility proposed by HCR is designed to provide a continum of care for Alzheimer's disease patients and their family care givers. The adult day care portion of the facility would enable family members to place Alzheimer's disease patients in day care for a portion of the day in order for the family care givers to maintain employment, perform normal household chores, and find relief from the extremely demanding task of constantly supervising and caring for an Alzheimer's disease victim. The adult day care portion of the facility would be designed and staffed to provide a therapeutic program for the Alzheimer's disease patient and the patient's family. The assisted living portion of the facility would allow an Alzheimer's disease patient in the early stages of the disease to live in an environment, with his or her spouse if desired, where immediate care and routine supervision at a level lower than that required by a nursing home patient would be provided. Thirty nursing home patient and who do not display those characteristics which are disruptive to non-Alzheimer's patients, such as wandering, combativeness, and incontinence. For those Alzheimer's patients who should not be mixed with other nursing home patients because of their disruptive routines and who require unique programs and facility design features to meet their specific needs, a 30-bed wing would be set aside. Finally, for Alzheimer's patients in the final stages of the disease who require total care and are bedridden, and for patients discharged from local hospitals who require high-tech services, a 30-bed wing designed, staffed and equipped to provide such services would be set aside. The facility would provide a high level of staffing to meet the demanding, personal care needs of Alzheimer's patients and would provide 24-hour nursing supervision in that portion of the facility dedicated to intensive services for the bedridden and high-tech patient. The design and equipment of the proposed facility are particularly addressed to the needs of Alzheimer's disease patients. Physically, the facility would allow patients freedom of movement both inside the facility and in an outside courtyard with porches, but the facility would be sufficiently secure to prevent the patient from wandering away from the facility. There would be amenities such as therapeutic kitchens which would allow patients still able to cook to do so. Fixtures in the facility would be designed so that the Alzheimer's disease patients could easily identify the functions of fixtures such as wastebaskets, toilets, and sinks. Features such as low frequency sound systems, lever door knobs, square instead of round tables, barrier-free doorways, special floor coverings, appropriate labeling, automatic bathroom lighting, and provisions for seating small groups of patients together would all provide the special care required by the Alzheimer's patient. The concept of a separate unit for Alzheimer's disease patients is a new one, growing out of increased medical awareness of the disease. The proposed unit would be a prototype for the Petitioner. There are four nursing homes in Collier County and 413 licensed nursing home beds. There are no approved but unlicensed nursing home beds in Collier County. At the time that HRS initially reviewed the HCR application, Collier County nursing homes were reporting an average occupancy of approximately 70 percent. At the time of the hearing, average occupancy of existing nursing home beds in Collier County was 83.5 per cent. Existing nursing home beds in Collier County are underutilized and there are a number of nursing home beds available to the public. Also there are available alternatives to nursing homes in Collier County. HCR has projected reaching 95 per cent occupancy within one year of opening. This projection seems overly optimistic and unwarranted by prior history, as only one existing facility has an occupancy rate that high. HCR's occupancy projections are based on assumptions that the future growth will be similar to that experienced between 7/1/85 and 12/1/85. But more recent data shows that growth has been decreasing and that there was no growth for the most recent period prior to the hearing. If projected occupancy is not met, projected revenues will not be realized, and projections of financial feasibility will not materialize. The record in this case does not contain evidence of patients' need for nursing home care documented by the attending physicians' plans of care or orders, assessments performed by the staff of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, or equivalent assessments performed by attending physicians indicating need for nursing home care. The local health plan (Policy 1, priority 4) requires an occupancy level of at least 90 per cent before new nursing homes can be approved. The local health plan (Policy 1, priority 6) also provides, "No new community nursing home facility should be constructed having less than 60 beds. However, less than 60 beds may be approved as part of an established acute care hospital facility."

Recommendation For all of the foregoing reasons, it is recommended that the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services issue a Final Order in this case denying the Petitioner's application for a certificate of need to construct either its original proposal or its supplemented proposal. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of October, 1986, at Tallahassee, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of October, 1986.

Florida Laws (2) 105.08120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Apr. 20, 1990 Number: 90-002383RP Latest Update: Oct. 31, 1990

The Issue The ultimate issue is whether proposed Rules 10-5.002, 10-5.0025, 10-5.003, 10-5.004, 10-5.005, 10-5.008, 10-5.0085, 10-5.010, 10-5.0105, 10-5.020, and 10- 5.024, published in Volume 16, Number 13, Florida Administrative Weekly, are invalid exercises of delegated legislative authority.

Findings Of Fact 10-5.002(1) Proposed Rule 10-5.002(1) defines the term "acquisition" to mean "the act of possessing or controlling, in any manner or by any means, a health care facility, major medical equipment, an institutional health service or medical office building as one's own." The proposed rule is HRS's attempt to clarify the term's meaning as used in Section 381.706, Florida Statutes. It is based on dictionary definitions, primarily, Webster's Dictionary, Ninth Edition, but also Black's Law Dictionary. Armond Balsano, an expert in health planning, did not believe the definition to be reasonable and thought it was unclear, ambiguous, and open ended. However his opinion in this regard was not persuasive. Proposed Rule 10-5.002(1) is reasonable and sufficiently clear to withstand this challenge. 10-5.002(13) and 10-5.008(2)(d)--Skilled Nursing Issues Proposed Rule 10-5.002(13) defines "community nursing home beds" as relevant to this proceeding to include "acute care beds licensed pursuant to Chapter 395, Part I, F.S., but designated as skilled nursing beds, which are reviewable pursuant to Rule 10-5.011(1)(k) [the nursing home bed need methodology]." Proposed Rule 10-5.008(2)(d) relates to fixed need pools and states: (d) Skilled Nursing Units in Hospitals. Beds in skilled nursing units which are a distinct part of a hospital will be counted in the nursing home bed inventory, even though they retain their licensure as acute care beds. Essentially, proposed Rule 10-5.008(2)(d) requires that skilled nursing beds in a distinct unit in a hospital be categorized as hospital "general" beds on the hospital license, but that they be carried at the same time on the inventory of community nursing home beds for purposes of projecting need under "pool" projections utilized by HRS for evaluating need for new beds. Proposed Rule 10-5.008(2)(d) attempts to codify what has been HRS's policy. This rule proposes that licensed acute care beds, which form a distinct part of a hospital-based skilled nursing unit, be counted in the nursing home bed inventory to project future need with respect to the nursing home bed need formula. Thus, these beds will no longer be counted or used in the acute care bed need formula to project the acute care bed need. From a health planning standpoint, several reasons exist for and against the inclusion of these hospital-based skilled nursing units within the nursing home bed inventory. A hospital cannot use its acute care beds as skilled nursing beds without a certificate of need. However, pursuant to this rule, to obtain these distinct unit beds a hospital is forced to compete with nursing home applicants for those beds. Skilled nursing beds in hospitals are "general" beds set up in a special category for which there is no specialty hospital bed methodology. Applications are reviewed under the nursing home bed methodology. A skilled nursing unit in a hospital is a unit, certified under the Health Care Finance Administration program, to identify a distinct part of the hospital as being a service in which there is 24-hour nursing with an RN nurse on the day shift. There also must be skilled nursing multi-disciplinary treatments and therapy services provided. The Health Care Finance Administration categorizes such beds as hospital beds, a distinct part of a hospital. Skilled nursing facility (SNF) beds in a hospital are used to treat acutely ill patients with an average length of stay of 20 days, who are different from the extended care patients found in community nursing homes, who have lengths of stay of one year or longer. Hospital skilled nursing patients are overwhelmingly Medicare patients, whereas community nursing home patients are overwhelmingly Medicaid patients. In Florida, Medicaid does not reimburse for care provided in the hospital-based skilled nursing unit. Hospital-based skilled nursing units are reimbursed by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) on a cost-based method. This system of reimbursement is also used with respect to non-hospital-based skilled nursing facilities. Furthermore, this means that hospital-based units are no longer reimbursed under the DRG (Diagnosis Related Groups) system. Medicare limits the patient benefit period to 100 days, regardless of the patient setting. Except for hospitals having higher allowable costs, federal guidelines do not differentiate between hospital and non-hospital-based skilled nursing units. The level of staffing is higher in a hospital nursing unit than in any community nursing home. Specialized equipment and services are offered in the hospital skilled nursing unit which are not offered in the community nursing homes. There are different conceptual approaches to care in the skilled nursing unit in a hospital as compared to those provided in community nursing facilities. Acutely ill patients on intravenous feeding or hyperalimentation, and those with multiple diagnoses require the hospital level nursing care. These units are not intended to provide residential care. Hospital beds are licensed under Rule 10D-28, whereas nursing home beds are licensed under Rule 10D-29, Florida Administrative Code. Although the proposed rule requires skilled nursing beds in distinct units of hospitals to be comparatively and competitively reviewed with community nursing home applications, the two types of beds are not comparable. This creates an unfair comparison. As a matter of good health planning, these skilled units in hospitals should be reviewed differently and separately from regular community nursing home beds. By their nature, SNF beds in distinct units in hospitals are in fact "hospital" beds under Chapter 395 and not nursing home beds under Chapter 400, Florida Statutes. Hospital-based skilled nursing units are not considered special care units as defined in Rule 10D-28, Florida Administrative Code. Specifically, special care units deal with very specialized intensive care settings. However, pursuant to some federal guidelines and state licensing requirements, a skilled nursing unit is considered a custodial type setting. For example, special care units are surveyed about once every two years and skilled nursing facilities once every year. However, failure to conduct a survey is not a determinative factor for special care units continuing under the Medicaid/Medicare programs. Skilled nursing units are not as fortunate. In fact, failure to survey a skilled nursing unit leads to the expiration of its enrollment in the Medicaid/Medicare programs. Section 395.003(4), Florida Statutes, defines the various types of hospital beds and states that beds not covered under any specialty bed need methodology, which a skilled nursing unit is not, shall be considered general beds. This is why these hospital-based skilled nursing units are licensed as general acute care beds. The proposed rule amendments also present logistical problems. Hospitals and nursing homes are licensed under different chapters of the Florida Statues and the Florida Administrative Code, and those standards do not match. Their projects are in different planning cycles. HRS intends that hospitals apply for skilled nursing units on the nursing home application currently in use, but admits that the application does not really fit this type of project. The proposed rule amendments regarding skilled nursing units will be costly and burdensome. Although skilled nursing units offer valuable services and few currently exist, under the nursing home need rule it will be difficult to prove need for these projects. A hospital desiring to establish one will likely find itself having either to challenge the fixed need pool for nursing home beds or litigate the almost inevitable denial of its application for lack of need. Either course of action would involve time and expense over and above those usually encountered in the CON process, particularly because such an application would likely draw the opposition of existing nursing homes, even though their services are not really comparable. The proposed rule amendments do not comport with the basic health planning policy of reducing over-bedding by encouraging conversion to other services. It is unlikely a hospital could get a skilled nursing unit by showing a numeric need under the nursing home need methodology, and any attempt to show exceptional circumstances would be hampered by the lack of utilization data. Such beneficial conversions will probably also be chilled by the difficulty in converting a skilled nursing unit back to general acute care use, should it not be successful. Given the extreme acute care over-bedding which exists throughout the state, it is not anticipated that there will be any need for additional acute care beds for the foreseeable future. Since a skilled nursing unit would not be counted in the acute care bed inventory, the reconversion to acute care use would have to undergo CON review and would almost certainly be denied. 10-5.002(52) Proposed Rule 10-5.002(52) defines refinancing costs, which Rule 10- 5.004(2)(c) states are subject to expedited review under Section 381.706(2). The purpose of this definition is to provide guidance to applicants by identifying examples that are often encountered in either bond refunding or refinancing. The definition is straightforward in nature and encompasses the elements common in refinancing. Mr. Balsano, testifying for Adventist, readily acknowledged the preciseness of this definition, but faulted the definition for its absence of any discussion as to the potential benefit of refinancing. However, Mr. Balsano's concerns were misplaced. Distinctions exist between the benefits of refinancing and the meaning of refinancing. Indeed, the benefits of refinancing go to the merit of whether or not the certificate of need should be granted. Since every applicant is required to address the review criteria found in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes, the proper forum for addressing the benefits of refinancing is in the CON application itself. Proposed Rule 10- 5.002(52) is simply a definition. 10-5.004(2)(g)--Projects Subject to Expedited Review: Capital Expenditure Projects This proposed rule allows applicants who propose a capital expenditure project to improve, repair, or correct their existing facility to apply for a certificate of need on an expedited basis. This proposed rule is conducive to encouraging existing facilities to make needed improvements by seeking approval of the expenditure expeditiously and without the delays associated with batching cycles. It is important for a provider to make and complete corrections or improvements quickly in order to minimize the disruption of patient care. Some of the more common capital expenditures include expansion of emergency departments or emergency rooms and the renovation or expansion of other patient care areas. An application to relocate a hospital is also considered a capital expenditure. Under extreme circumstances of pervasive physical plant deficiencies, coupled with a lack of practical renovation options to overcome plant deficiencies, an existing health care facility might apply for a replacement facility. Only when such replacement facility would (1) involve no new beds or changed bed use (e.g., from general acute care to comprehensive medical rehabilitation beds), (2) involve no substantial change in services, and (3) involve no substantial change in service area would HRS consider such an application to be solely reviewable as a capital expenditure and thus entitled to expedited review under the proposed rule. HRS reviews replacement facility applications by carefully assessing the applicants' claims of pervasive physical plant problems. HRS sends a team of experts, including architects, to the existing facilities to independently judge whether the physical plant is in such a condition as would warrant replacement and whether renovations could serve as a practical alternative from a physical standpoint. HRS also performs an economic assessment to compare the alternatives of replacement versus renovation in order to determine the most cost-effective alternative. Replacement facility applications typically involve a determination not of whether dollars will be spent, but rather, how they are best spent--by replacement or by renovation. As such, HRS helps to contain health care costs without participation by competitors in these institution- specific decisions. Pursuant to Section 381.709(5)(b), Florida Statutes, competitors do not have standing to challenge a proposed capital expenditure and, therefore, there is no adequate reason to defer review of these projects until a future application cycle. Further, when a capital expenditure approval is sought to replace or relocate an existing facility, no one other than the applicant/existing facility can apply to spend or make those expenditures. An unrelated entity cannot compete to replace another entity's existing facility. Conducting a comparative review with respect to a capital expenditure project for the replacement of a hospital is illogical, unworkable, and futile. 10.5.008(1)(c)3 and 10-5.008(3)(b)--Capitalized Costs Proposed Rule 10-5.008(1)(c) requires that a letter of intent describe the proposal with specificity. Subsection (1)(c)3 sets forth the following requirement: 3. A proposed capital expenditure must be rounded to the nearest dollar . . . . If no capital expenditure is proposed, the applicant must so indicate. If the actual capital expenditure has already been incurred, either wholly or in part, and the project will account for such expenditures as capitalized costs, regardless of the purpose, then the total capital expenditure of the project shall be indicated. As related to this same subject, proposed Rule 10-5.008(3)(b) states: (b) Capital expenditures incurred for projects not originally subject to Certificate of Need review must be identified as a proposed expenditure when such expenditure will be capitalized in a project for which a Certificate of Need is required. HRS asserts that this proposed rule codifies HRS's existing policy and that the purpose of this provision is to develop consistency in how applicants treat an already incurred capital expenditure. It is also allegedly intended that this proposed rule give uniformity concerning how project costs are calculated and allocated. For example, if an applicant is going to convert space from one use to another, the value of the space must be included in the applicant's capital expenditure estimate. While Ms. Gordon-Girvin, HRS's health planning expert, opined that this proposed rule is consistent with current practices in the health care market place concerning how capital expenditures are treated and that it forms a common basis of comparison for comparing the applicants' treatment of capitalized costs, the greater weight of the credible evidence does not support these opinions. Actually, the effect of these proposed rules is that a certificate of need applicant, who has previously made capital expenditures and later pursues a certificate of need project utilizing such prior capitalized costs, must identify and include those prior capital expenditures as a portion of the certificate of need project, even though no actual incremental funds will be necessary or spent in connection with the project. One of the problems with proposed Rules 10-5.008(1)(c)3 and (3)(b) is that they both ignore a distinction between fixed costs and variable costs which is fundamental to a financial evaluation of any project. Specifically, it is inappropriate to require an applicant who will have no incremental costs in implementing a project to allocate a portion of prior capital expenditures, where such an application is measured against a competing application in which the entire outlay for capital costs will be necessary. This distorts the evaluation due to inappropriately comparing prior fixed costs to future variable costs. An example of the illogical result of the proposed rules provides guidance. If a hospital has already spent one million dollars to add a CON- exempt outpatient cardiac cath lab, and later seeks to establish an inpatient cardiac cath program, under these proposed provisions, that hospital would have to represent a cost of one million dollars in its application to convert the outpatient cardiac cath lab to an inpatient project. From a health planning and financial standpoint, this is inappropriate. Having to include capital costs which have already been incurred and viewing those costs in the context of the decision to approve or reject a CON project is misleading. Ultimately, the purpose and objective of the CON process is to minimize duplication of health care resources. The proposed rules work in conflict with that goal. Conversion of underutilized resources to resources that could be more beneficially utilized is a policy that is encouraged by HRS. This policy is encouraged in the various need methodologies. One of the reasons to encourage a conversion is that often zero dollars are involved to convert a project from one CON-approved use to another CON-approved use. Proposed Rules 10-5.008(1)(c)3 and (3)(b) would eliminate consideration of the minimal cost involved in a conversion project and are therefore unreasonable. Moreover, the proposed rules could end up creating excess resources in the system simply because they would eliminate the preference for conversion as opposed to new construction. With respect to allocating prior capital expenditures, the proposed rules, as alleged by HRS, are intended to codify existing HRS policy as well as provide uniformity to the process of ascertaining project costs. These proposed rules do neither. In point of fact, HRS has accepted, within the last three years, conversion projects indicating a zero project cost in the application. The proposed rules are thus inconsistent with current HRS policy of accepting and evaluating these applications and are contrary to HRS's stated intention in this proceeding. However, with respect to providing uniformity to the process of ascertaining project costs, the proposed rules provide no methodology by which prior capital cost allocations are to be determined. Indeed, there is no uniformity proposed regarding how a health care facility or applicant accounts for capital expenditures. Generally, a capital expenditure is one that is "material" and the useful life of the item capitalized exceeds one year. What is material to one applicant may be entirely different from that which would be material to another applicant. Thus, the uniformity of presentation of prior capitalized costs contained in CON applications submitted to HRS for review will not and cannot exist as envisioned by HRS in its proposed rules. 10-5.005(2)(e) Proposed Rule 10-5.005 relates to exemption from CON review and Subsection (2)(e) states as follows: (e) Failure to initiate the exemption within twelve months after it appears in the Florida Administrative Weekly will result in the notice of exemption being void. The alleged basis for this proposed rule is to protect those persons pursuing an exemption by ensuring that they are still eligible for it under the same facts and circumstances. Additionally, HRS has encountered problems in the past when entities have received a determination of exemption for a project but have failed to implement the project. In one case, HRS gave a nursing home an exemption to replace a facility on site. After discharging the patients, the nursing home took no further action. However, these beds are still licensed and are included in the bed inventory. Such a situation artificially suppresses the need for nursing home beds in that district for the planning horizon. The proposed rule is an attempted response to this problem. The laws implemented by the proposed rules are Section 381.706 and 381.713(1). Pursuant to these sections, HRS must grant an exemption if the applicant meets the statutory definitions. Further, if a project is exempt, it is not subject to review. Exemption requests may be made at any time and are not subject to batching requirements. Once a project is deemed to be exempt and not subject to review, HRS ceases to have jurisdiction over the project and HRS, accordingly, has no jurisdiction to void an exemption. 10-5.008(2)(f) Proposed Rule 10-5.008(2)(f) establishes a procedure for HRS and applicants to follow when a departmental need methodology does not exist for a proposed project. The proposed rule attempts to clarify for applicants how best to present themselves when applying for a project for which no methodology has been adopted in an existing rule. This is particularly useful to applicants in addressing the need component required by statute. Policy utilized but not yet adopted by HRS will be provided to applicants in addressing the need component required by statute; however, applicants are not bound by that policy and may tender their need calculations. This proposed rule gives credence to the fact that there may be different methodologies and allows applicants the opportunity to make all the necessary arguments to demonstrate the nature and extent of entitlement to a certificate of need. 10-5.0085(4) Proposed Rule 10-5.008(4) describes shared service arrangements and delineates the procedures applicants must follow to initiate or terminate a shared service. The part of the proposed rule challenged by FHA and the area on which it focused concerned the termination of a shared service arrangement. Proposed Rule 10-5.008(4) provides in pertinent part: (4)(a) The following factors are considered when reviewing applications for shared services where none of the applicants are currently authorized to provide the service: * * * Any of the parties providing a shared service may seek to dissolve the arrangement. This action is subject to review as a termination of service. If termination is approved by the department, all parties to the original shared service give up their rights to provide the service. Parties seeking to provide the service independently in the future must submit applications in the next applicable review cycle and compete for the service with all other applicants. * * * 6.b. The following factors are considered when reviewing applications for shared services when one of the applicants has the service: * * * e. Dissolution of a shared services contract is subject to review as a termination of service. * * * If termination is approved, the entity(ies) authorized to provide the service prior to the contract retains the right to continue the service. All other parties to the contract who seek to provide the service in their own right must request the service as a new health service and are subject to full Certificate of Need review as a new health service. (Emphasis added) The basis for requiring CON review for a termination of a shared service as delineated above is found in Section 381.706(2)(e), Florida Statutes (1989). If a shared service arrangement terminates, the party who originally had the service would retain the service. This is reasonable because the entity would have already been granted a certificate of need for the service, singularly offered. The party would be placed back in the same situation it was in prior to the shared service. Conversely, in situations where neither party originally had the service, the remaining parties would have to apply for the service in a batched review. This, too, is reasonable in that the service would no longer be shared and the ability to provide it singularly would be evaluated anew. Here, the party would also be placed back in the same situation it was in prior to the shared service. Additionally, a shared service arrangement (and approval of it) is based on certain benefits present within that arrangement. Upon termination the same benefits may not be present. The identity of the parties and their relationships to each other will have changed. Review at this point provides an applicant the opportunity to compete again to establish the service in its own right under a different set of circumstances, and it allows other providers to compete either for the service in their own right or through another shared arrangement. Such a policy is prudent because the very reason for the shared service was to produce benefits that were not otherwise obtainable singularly. Indeed, even FHA's own witness, Mr. Bebee, acknowledged that certain advantages to a shared services arrangement might not be present when such an arrangement terminates. 10-5.010(2) Proposed Rule 10-5.010(2) concerns what local health plan is to be used and addressed in a CON application, and it provides as follows: The applicable local health plan is the most current plan adopted by the appropriate local health council and which has been accepted and approved in writing by the Department at the time letters of intent are due or, if not accepted by the Department, as reviewed and commented on by the Department. The agency will provide to all prospective applicants those items of the local health plan which must be addressed in the application. HRS asserts that the purpose of this amendment to existing Rule 10- 5.010 is to assist applicants by identifying various components of the plan to which they should address their application and thereby maximize their time and effort and, ultimately, their chances for approval and that this proposed rule codifies current departmental practice of providing those items of the local health plan which must be addressed by the applicant. Contrary to HRS's assertion that this proposed rule is clarifying in nature, the rule in fact goes far beyond those parameters. "Reviewed and commented on by the Department" means that the local health council's adopted plan has been reviewed for consistency with existing need methodologies and has been commented on by HRS. HRS maintains that "commented on" does not mean verbal comments. The proposed rule does not, however, specify that only written comments were intended. Indeed, HRS admitted that the way the rule is drafted it takes into account oral as well as written comments. Statutorily, HRS is required to adopt as a rule the local health plans or portions thereof to be used in the CON review regulatory process. Local health plans generally contain allocation factors, preferences, and policies with respect to the particular district. Within the last several months, HRS has sought to adopt as a rule preferences and policies set forth in the various local health plans around the state of Florida. HRS withdrew those proposed rules. Proposed Rule 10-5.010(2) does not make reference to or account for the fact that the local health plans must be adopted as rules by HRS. HRS cannot circumvent statutory requirements by proposing that an applicant address "approved plans," nor can it require an applicant to address local health plans with which HRS is not in full agreement with the local health council as to whether the plan is consistent with statutory guidelines. Indeed, where HRS and the local health council are in disagreement, an applicant is pulled between HRS and the local council. This proposed rule allows HRS to simply reject the expressed wants of the local health council and to insert its own comments and views, thereby inserting itself into a province exclusively reserved to the local health councils. 10-5.020 Proposed Rule 10-5.020 involves addition of one sentence to the existing rule. The added language provides that HRS will issue a license to the CON holder in accordance with the CON and will not issue a license for fewer beds than the total on the CON. The proposed addition to this rule addresses a problem currently facing the Department, and it reflects a change in agency policy for HRS. Basically, the added language clarifies for an applicant or certificate of need holder that the Office of Licensure and Certification shall only issue a license consistent with the terms of the certificate of need. The proposed rule addition conforms to several health planning goals. First, it requires the implementation of a project in accordance with the certificate of need. Second, the language addresses HRS's current problem of need suppression by industry members. Third, it seeks to ensure uniform development of services. This proposed rule does not penalize hospitals who want to do phase-in type projects. On the contrary, the language seeks to ensure that needed beds and services will be implemented in the horizon year in accordance with the application and entitlement demonstrated by the applicant. Economic Impact Statement The Summary of the Estimate of the Economic Impact states in relevant part: The proposed amendments are expected to have no adverse impact either on existing and new applicants for certificate of need, or on small and minority businesses . . . . The Economic Impact Statement (EIS) addresses the cost to the agency of implementing the proposed rules, an estimate of the cost to persons directly affected by the proposed rules, an estimate of the impact of the proposed action on competition, a statement of the date and method used in making those estimates, and an analysis of the impact on small businesses as defined in the Florida Small and Minority Business Assistance Act of 1985. Specifically, the EIS states that the proposed rules "will have a minimal economic impact on current or future certificate of need applicants and the public at large." There is no competent, substantial evidence to establish with specificity the existence of any defects in the EIS which impaired the fairness of the rulemaking proceeding or the correctness of the agency actions related to the EIS.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is ORDERED: 1. Proposed Rules 10-5.002(1) and (52), 10-5.004(2)(g), 10-5.008(2)(f), 10-5.0085(4), and 10-5.020 are valid. 2. Proposed Rules 10-5.002(13); 10-5.008(1)(c)3, (2)(d), and (3)(b); 10- 5.005(2)(e); and 10-5.010(2) are invalid exercises of delegated legislative authority. DONE and ORDERED this 10th day of October, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of October, 1990. APPENDIX TO THE FINAL ORDER The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in these cases. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioners Venice Hospital and Adventist Each of the following proposed findings of fact is adopted in substance as modified in the Final Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 4(3); 5(5); 6(6); 10(14); 12(15 and 16); 15-17(25-27); and 19(28). Proposed findings of fact 1, 3, 7-9, 11, 13, 18, 21, 22, 24, and 25 are subordinate to the facts actually found in this Final Order. Proposed finding of fact 2 is unnecessary. Proposed findings of fact 14, 20, 23, and 26 are unsupported by the credible, competent, and substantial evidence. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner FHA Each of the following proposed findings of fact is adopted in substance as modified in the Final Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 4(7); 5(10); 6(11); 8-12(12- 16); and 13-17(19-23). Proposed findings of fact 2, 3, 18, 19, and 21-24 are subordinate to the facts actually found in this Final Order Proposed finding of fact 7 is unnecessary. Proposed finding of fact 20 is unsupported by the credible, competent, substantial evidence. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner Humana Each of the following proposed findings of fact is adopted in substance as modified in the Final Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 6(34, 35, and 38). Proposed findings of fact 2, 5, and 7-13 are subordinate to the facts actually found in this Final Order. Proposed findings of fact 1, 3, 4, and 14-19 are unnecessary. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioners NME and PIA Each of the following proposed findings of fact is adopted in substance as modified in the Final Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 2(34, 35, and 38); 3-6(39- 42); 8(53); and 9(54 and 55). Proposed findings of fact 1 and 7 are subordinate to the facts actually found in this Final Order. Proposed findings of fact 10 and 11 are irrelevant because these Petitioners dismissed their challenge to the EIS in the Stipulation of the parties admitted as Joint Exhibit 2. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner Sarasota Proposed findings of fact 1-4, 6, 7, and 13 are subordinate to the facts actually found in this Final Order. Proposed finding of fact 5 is unnecessary. Proposed findings of fact 17, 18, and 20 are unsupported by the credible, competent, and substantial evidence. Proposed findings of fact 8-12, 14-16, and 19 are irrelevant. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent HRS Each of the following proposed findings of fact is adopted in substance as modified in the Final Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1(1 and 2); 2(28); 3(46); 4(47-49); 5(51); 7(29); 8(32 and 33); 9(33); 11(8); 13(17); 14(18); 15(23); 16(23 and 24); 17(36); 19(37); 21(57); and 22(58). Proposed findings of fact unnumbered paragraph re: 10-5.005(2)(e); 10; 12; 18; 20; and unnumbered paragraph re: Economic Impact Statement are subordinate to the facts actually found in this Final Order. Proposed findings of fact 1A and 6 are unnecessary. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Intervenor HCA DOCTORS Each of the following proposed findings of fact is adopted in substance as modified in the Final Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 6(30) and 7(31). Proposed findings of fact 2-5 are subordinate to the facts actually found in this Final Order. Proposed findings of fact 1 and 9-11 are unnecessary. Proposed findings of fact 8 is irrelevant. *NOTE: THIS RECOMMENDED ORDER'S EXHIBIT "A" [RULE 10-5.002, 10-5.004(2), 10-5.005(2), 10-2.008(1)(n), 10-5.008(5)(h), 10-5.010(2), 10-5.020] IS AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW IN THE DIVISION'S CLERK'S OFFICE. COPIES FURNISHED: Jeffery A. Boone, Attorney at Law Robert P. Mudge, Attorney at Law 1001 Avenida del Circo Post Office Box 1596 Venice, FL 34284 Kenneth F. Hoffman, Attorney at Law 2700 Blair Stone Road Post Office Box 6507 Tallahassee, FL 32314-6507 James C. Hauser, Attorney at Law 204-B South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 C. Gary Williams, Attorney at Law Stephen C. Emmanuel, Attorney at Law Post Office Box 391 Tallahassee, FL 32302 Theodore C. Eastmoore, Attorney at Law 1550 Ringling Boulevard Post Office Box 3258 Sarasota, FL 34230 Robert A. Weiss, Attorney at Law John M. Knight, Attorney at Law The Perkins House, Suite 101 118 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 Thomas R. Cooper, Attorney at Law Edward G. Labrador, Attorney at Law Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 103 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 John Radey, Attorney at Law Elizabeth W. McArthur, Attorney at Law Suite 1000, Monroe-Park Tower 101 North Monroe Street Post Office Drawer 11307 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Donna H. Stinson Moyle, Flanigan, Katz, FitzGerald & Sheehan, P.A. The Perkins House--Suite 100 118 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Linda K. Harris Acting General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Liz Cloud, Chief Bureau of Administrative Code Room 1802, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Carroll Webb, Executive Director Administrative Procedures Committee Room 120, Holland Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300

Florida Laws (5) 120.52120.54120.56120.68395.003
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Inverness, Florida Jan. 04, 1990 Number: 90-000043 Latest Update: Sep. 19, 1990

The Issue The issues under consideration are those associated with applications filed by the aforementioned private parties seeking certificates of need for skilled nursing home beds based on a fixed need pool of May, 1989, which identified 261 beds for the January, 1992 planning horizon. The beds are available in HRS District III. The applications are for: CON Action No. 5987 Inverness--20 beds; CON Action No. 5912 Suwannee--60 beds; CON Action No. 5913 McCoy-- 60 beds; CON Action No. 5962 Starke--120 or 60 beds; and CON Action N. 5905 Regency--120 beds.

Findings Of Fact Related to the May, 1989 batching cycle HRS has identified a need for 261 nursing home beds in District III. The applicants accept that determination of the pool of beds, that is to say no applicant has sought beds over and above the 261 beds identified by HRS. Further, the parties have expressed their agreement to allow Regency to be granted CON 5905 to construct a new nursing home facility in Lake County, Florida, which will have 120 beds. The written stipulation sets out the parties belief that all applicable criteria for obtaining a certificate of need as set out in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes, have been met. That stipulation is accepted, provided the following conditions are met in issuing the certificate of need: The annual resident population of the facility shall include at least 62% of Medicaid patient days. Two beds shall be dedicated to the care of Alzheimer and respite care residents. The facility shall be a one story design consisting of 43,000 square feet in size. Likewise, the parties have agreed to allow the issuance of CON 5987 to Inverness to add 20 community nursing beds to its existing facility in Inverness, Florida. That written stipulation points out the agreement by the parties concerning the Inverness compliance with all applicable criteria set out in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes as well as any implementing rules set forth in Chapter 10-5, Florida Administrative Code. The arrangement is one by which existing ACLF beds are converted to nursing home beds. That stipulation is accepted, upon condition that Inverness commit to provide a minimum of 75.2% of total patient days for Medicaid patients. The Inverness stipulation which reiterates Inverness' lack of opposition to the grant of a certificate of need to Regency also withdraws its opposition to McCoy, Starke and Suwannee. By the terms of the stipulation's 140 of the 261 beds in the pool are spoken for. This leaves for consideration the applications of Suwannee, Starke and McCoy. In the absence of subdistricting, District III is divided into seven planning areas. The planning areas are as established by the North Central Florida Health Planning Council, Inc. Planning Area l is constituted of Hamilton, Suwannee, Lafayette, Columbia, Union and Bradford counties. Suwannee intends to place its facility in Suwannee County. Starke intends to place its facility in Columbia County. The expansion of the McCoy facility would occur in Marion County which is the sole county in Planning Area 4. By resort to the North Central Florida Health Planning Council District III Health Plan preferences can be seen concerning the allocation of beds among the applicants within the various planning areas. A copy of that plan is HRS Exhibit No. 2. Under this scheme the McCoy application to add 60 additional nursing home beds to its existing facility in Marion County, Florida, is considered a third priority. A third priority would allow the addition of at least 60 beds and no more than 120 beds. The Suwannee and Starke applications are a fourth priority under the local plan which allows for an addition of up to 60 beds. The McCoy application as presented at hearing responds adequately to all applicable criteria set out in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes, to include the State Health Plan and District III Health Plan. McCoy holds a superior license rating at present and has a proposed capital expenditure for this project of $1,568,000. Taking into consideration the proposed allocation of beds set forth in the local health plan, the distance between the McCoy facility and the proposed facilities in Suwannee and Columbia counties by the applicants Suwannee and Starke and absent proof which clearly identifies that Suwannee and Starke are meaningful competitors against McCoy and its attempt to gain a certificate of need calling for expansion of its facility, the McCoy application should be granted. That grant should be conditioned upon a willingness to serve Alzheimer patients in the proposed 14 bed unit and the commitment to provide Medicaid at a 60% level as a minimum commitment. This arrangement would bring the total number of nursing home beds at McCoy to 120, a desirable number when considering economies of scale. What must be resolved by comparative analysis of the applications of Suwannee and Starke, is which of those competitors for 60 beds out of the 61 beds remaining in the pool should be granted a certificate of need, if any. Starke had noticed its intention to apply for 120 beds and made application for 120 beds and in the alternative for 60 beds. The decision to notice its intent to apply for 120 beds was not misleading nor inconsistent with HRS policy in a circumstance where the application was stated in the alternative for 120 beds or 60 beds. The significant point is that Starke explained its alternatives of 120 beds or 60 beds in detail in the course of the application. HRS perceives that the 120 bed notice of intent took into account a lesser number of beds being applied for on the due date for applications and that perception is reasonable. Suwannee noticed the intent to apply for 60 beds and applied for that many. Both Suwannee and Starke met all procedural requirements for consideration of their applications for nursing home beds. In determining the disposition of the 60 nursing home beds needed for Planning Area l within District III, it is noted that Suwannee and Columbia counties are contiguous. Columbia is east of Suwannee. While the main emphasis by these applicants is to serve the needs of residents within the two counties where the facilities would be located, given their contiguity there is a potential for either applicant to serve needs within both counties. Columbia county is the more populous county. However, in the two counties the age cohorts in the 65 and over group and 75 and over group are similar, especially in the 75 and over group. Occupancy rates in the existing nursing homes within the two counties are also similar. The J. Ralph Smith Health Center in Suwannee County has 107 existing beds and 54 beds approved. Those additional 54 beds were designated for residents of the Advent Christian Village exclusively; however, the residents of that village constitute part of the population base in Suwannee county. Therefore this limited utilization of that resource still benefits citizens within Suwannee county. Surrey Place in Suwannee county has 60 beds and the Suwannee Health Care Center has 120 beds with 60 more approved. The 60 additional beds may not be constructed in that the applicant failed to proceed to construction in the time contemplated by CON 3746 and may lose the beds. Columbia County has Tanglewood Care Center with 95 beds. It has Lake City Medical Center with 5 beds associated with a hospital. Palm Garden of Columbia has approval for 60 beds. On balance there would not appear to be an advantage to placing the 60 beds at issue in either Suwannee or Columbia counties when considering the population to be served, present occupancy rates for existing nursing bomes and geographic accessibility to the proposed nursing homes. Suwannee is a wholly owned subsidiary of Santa Fe Health Care, Inc. The parent corporation filed the application with the permission of Suwannee. The 60 bed nursing home facility is part of an overall project which includes the replacement of an existing 60 bed acute care hospital with a 30 bed acute care hospital. If the proposals are accepted the hospital and 60 bed nursing home would be located on a common parcel. HRS has granted CON 6179 to decertify 30 beds. The approved cost of the delicensure and establishment of the new hospital is $6,752,824. The nursing home component of this project is stated to cost $3,408,100 in the way of capital expenditures with an operating equity in the amount of $300,000. The overall health care delivery system contemplated in the hospital and nursing home project includes the replacement hospital, the new nursing home, an out patient diagnostic center, home health care, hospice and adult day care services. Suwannee has the financial backing of its parent corporation which owns a number of health care facilities including six hospitals, two health maintenance organizations and six other health related corporations. Both Suwannee and the parent corporation Santa Fe Health Care, Inc. are not for profit. The Santa Fe operations are in Florida and its hospital holdings include other rural hospitals in addition to Suwannee which is a rural hospital. Before filing the application for the 60 bed nursing home neither Suwannee nor the Santa Fe parent corporation had any involvement in long term health care delivery. Suwannee intends to serve the needs of Alzheimer patients and to provide services to persons needing subacute care. In its present hospital facility in Suwannee County it has 24 swing beds with which it serves patients needing subacute care and which beds are seen as an alternative to nursing home beds. That alternative has limited utility. Although swing beds may serve nursing home patients they are not an alternative for long term care in lieu of community nursing home beds. To the extent that Suwannee Hospital has tried to place patients in nursing homes needing a high level of skilled care, described as subacute care, it has experienced problems. Existing nursing homes in Suwannee County have not accepted the placement of those patients. It is unclear from the record what portion of subacute care needed in the service area will continue to be met in the hospital proper with the advent of delicensure of 30 beds. There was testimony to the affect that the hospital has the option to request swing beds in its remaining 30 bed hospital facility, but it has not been shown that the hospital will avail itself of that opportunity and through the use of the swing beds be able to render subacute care. The description by Suwannee of the subacute patients that it is contemplating serving through its nursing home are those who require a shorter stay in nursing facilities, who are said to have fragile medical condition and require intensive licensed nursing care. In the application, it states that the Medicare patients contemplated as being served by this prospective nursing home would be the principal users of the subacute care. There patients would have an average length of stay of 15 days with 12 patients per month being served. The Medicare per diem charge of $130 for the first year of operation is said to include the cost of care given to these patients who are said to be heavy users of subacute care. That per diem charge reflects ancillaries such as the various therapies as well. Having considered the explanation of this application, it is less than apparent what the difference would be between the subacute care services now being provided by the hospital in its swing beds and those contemplated by its nursing home application. In a similar vein, it is unclear what the distinction would be between the subacute care rendered in the proposed nursing home when contrasted with the subacute care being provided in swing beds that might be available in the 30 bed replacement hospital. If granted a certificate of need Suwannee is committed to serving AIDS patients. Suwannee intends to serve Medicaid patients and it projects a percentage of patient days attributable to Medicaid patients in the first two years of operation to approximate 73%. This is contrasted with experience statewide of 62%, within District III of 75% and within the planning area of 81%. Projected per diem rate for Medicaid reimbursement within the first year of operation is $68. The financial expert presented by Suwannee said that the applicant could charge as much as $10 to $12 more, making the Medicaid rate $78 to $80 per day. This increase contemplates raising the present caps on reimbursement. The record does not support increases in the caps of $10 to $12 in the relevant planning period. In the first year of operation the private room, private pay per diem rate at Suwannee reflects $97 as the charge and $80 as the charge for semiprivate room, private pay. This is as compared to $130 for Medicare per diem. Although it is unacceptable to charge more for Medicare than private pay, Schedule 12 within the application shows the inclusion of ancillaries for the Medicare patient and the exclusion of ancillaries for private pay. Under the circumstances it is difficult to tell whether the Medicare per diem charges exceed the private pay per diem charges as has been contended by Starke. The inclusion of the therapies as ancillary costs is shown on page 39 at Schedule 12 of the application of Suwannee. On Schedule 17 in the first operating year the therapies as ancillary costs are not broken out as individual items such as physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy separate and apart from routine services. Instead an aggregate figure is given. That precludes an understanding of what portion of the per diem charge for Medicare patients is attributable to those ancillary costs. The circumstance is made more bewildering in that the financial expert presented by Suwannee stated that the $130 per diem charge had application to residents who were receiving subacute care. What portion of the per diem charge for Medicare residents is attributable to the subacute care component is not revealed in the application. Neither, is it explained in the testimony. Notwithstanding the assurance of the Suwannee financial planner that the Medicare rate projected for the first year of operation is in keeping with the Hospital Cost Containment Board's data on the average rate structure, that comment and his other explanations failed to establish the reasonableness of that charge. This is especially true when considering the fact that the Medicaid charges, even accepting an adjusted rate of $80 per day, are also indicated at Schedule 12 as including therapies and are far less than the Medicare per diem. Schedule 17 shows the Medicaid without reference to the therapies as an aggregate item in the same fashion as described with the Medicare category of reimbursement. Further, evidence of the fact that private room, private pay, does not exceed the Medicare per diem charge is related at Schedule 12 where it describes the subacute private room, private pay patient as paying $150 and the semiprivate, room private pay as paying $130. Again, in the Suwannee application in the first year of operation for both Medicaid and Medicare therapies are said to be included in the basic charges of $68 and $130 respectively shown at Schedule 12 and carried forward in the aggregate on Schedule 17. From the explanations stated by the financial planner, the projected costs for therapies by those two categories of patients is not reflected in the ancillary cost centers for physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy found at lines 11-13 of Schedule 18. Instead, they are reflected at line 39 under other costs centers in the amount of $80,900. Moreover the $80,900 is said to include subacute services as well as the therapies. Having considered Schedules 12, 17 and 18 for the first operating year, together with the other evidence presented in the course of the hearing, the estimate at line 39 of Schedule 18 of $80,900 is unreliable. The Suwannee project contemplates a facility of approximately 24,370 square feet. The construction cost estimate is $62.44 per square foot. The total project cost per bed is $56,802. That far exceeds the caps for the property cost component related to Medicaid residents which is presently $30,350 per bed. Put another way, that translates to a differential of $11.64 per patient day above present reimbursement levels for Medicaid residents. That differential cannot be made up by resort to payments for ancillary services for that category of resident. The shortfall attributable to the costs per bed differential in the application of $56,802 compared to $30,350 per bed plus ancillaries is not expected to be made up by resort to other revenue sources within this proposal either, nor can it be properly be. This is particularly true when approximately 70% of the patient days are expected to be provided by Medicaid residents. Even if Suwannee were able to obtain reimbursement for the per bed cost of $56,802, this is much more than the Starke cost per bed which is approximately $30,000 as built. The cap that has been mentioned is the one effective July 1, 1990. Nothing in the testimony would suggest that the caps would approach $56,802 within the planning horizon for this review cycle. In summary, the financial feasibility of the Suwannee proposal has not been established. While the parent corporation, Santa Fe Health Care, Inc., is strong financially and able to sustain Suwannee in its nursing home operation in the short term, even with expected losses, the losses will be extraordinary and the long term feasibility has not been demonstrated either. Simply stated, too much money is being expended to establish this facility and it may not be recouped by resort to the reimbursement scheme identified in the application. Under the circumstances, the nursing home is not perceived as a means of promoting the financial well being of the overall project constituted of the nursing home, relocated hospital and associated services. It is not accepted that the manner and quality of care proposed to be delivered by Suwannee is so superior that it justifies the inordinate expense in delivering the care. In other particulars Suwannee has shown that it meets all applicable criteria for granting it a certificate of need, but the overall costs are so exorbitant that they preclude financial success in the project. In addition, even if the project met the criteria its costs compared to the Starke proposal are so much more that the Suwannee proposal should be rejected in favor of the Starke proposal. It is not accepted that a hospital based nursing home is superior to a freestanding nursing home as urged by the presentation made by Suwannee. Starke had applied for a 120 bed nursing home, with a separate request explaining its proposal to construct a 60 bed nursing home. It is that latter proposal that fits the need in Planning Area I of District III. The total capital expenditure for that alternative proposal is $1,882,713. The cost per square foot is approximately $60 in the 22,500 square foot facility. The per bed costs is in the neighborhood of $30,000. In the first year of operation the private room, private pay is $89; the semiprivate room, private pay rate is $79; the Medicaid rate is $69.50 and the Medicare rate is $69.50. These rates do not include ancillary charges for therapies. The Starke proposal will include a unit for Alzheimer, subacute care, adult day care and respite care. Starke will provide 80% of its patient days for Medicaid residents and 10% of its patient days for Medicare residents. The Medicaid performance exceeds that of Suwannee. That rate is consistent with the experience which Starke has in the operation of its Whispering Pines Care Center in Starke, Florida, a 120 bed nursing home facility which has held a superior license rating over the three years preceding the application. Starke as a corporation would own both the Starke, Florida facility and the proposed Lake City, Florida facility. The principals in that corporation with 50% ownership are J. D. Griffis and George R. Grosse, Jr. The subacute care that is to be provided is in patient rooms which are directly adjacent to the nursing station. It is the intention of the applicant to build these rooms to allow support for medical equipment needed in the treatment of those residents. Although some criticism has been directed to the architectural design of the proposed nursing home facility, Starke has committed itself to meet all applicable codes. Under the circumstances it does not appear that this application presents significant problems associated with resident safety or inordinate costs in making necessary adjustments to comply with applicable codes. The Starke application was prepared by Jerry L. Keach, the then administrator for University Nursing Care Center in Gainesville, Florida, operated by Covenant Care Corporation. By the comments found in the application it was contemplated that the Covenant Care group would manage the Starke facility in Lake City, Florida, which would do business as Lake City Care Center. No contract has been executed between Starke and Covenant Care Corporation to allow the latter entity to manage the Lake City facility assuming the grant of the certificate of need to that applicant. At hearing the principals for Starke indicated that Covenant Care together with other unnamed organizations would be considered as management for the nursing home in Lake City. Although this issue of management is unresolved, reservations about the project are overcome in recognition of the success of the Starke corporation in the operation of the Whispering Pines Care Center in Starke, Florida. That suffices as an indication that Starke is capable of installing appropriate personnel to operate the Lake City facility, and provide quality care. The assumptions concerning the various aspects of the proposals set forth in the Starke application are sufficiently explained in the course of the final hearing and those explanations are accepted. It is reasonable to expect that the nursing home could be constructed, staffed and operated in a manner consistent with the explanations found in the application and through testimony at hearing. A successful outcome is anticipated whether the Covenant Care Corporation is employed to operate the facility or not. The favorable impression of the Starke proposal is held notwithstanding the criticism directed to the financial feasibility by remarks offered by Suwannee. In particular the Suwannee Exhibit No. 11 admitted into evidence questioning the assumptions of the Starke applicant concerning income projections for the first two years have been taken into account. Whispering Pines Care Center presently offers care for Alzheimer patients and subacute services. Therefore problems are not anticipated in the provision of those services in the proposed facility. With due regard for the criticisms that have been directed to the financial ability of Starke to maintain its Whispering Pines Nursing Center and the proposed project in Lake City, Florida, it is found that the applicant has the ability to conduct those businesses. As with the matter of financial feasibility, Starke has satisfied all other applicable criteria for the grant of a certificate of need to construct the 60 bed nursing home.

Recommendation Based upon consideration of the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is, RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered which requires all CONs granted to be consistent with the applications and in keeping with that intention: Grants CON 5987 to Inverness for the addition of 20 community nursing home beds to its existing facility upon condition that those beds be constituted of a minimum of 75.2% total patient days for Medicaid patients; Grants CON 5962 to Starke for construction of a nursing home in Columbia County, Florida, constituted of a minimum of 80% total patient days for Medicaid patients, that provides Alzheimer services, subacute care, day care and respite care; Grants CON 5910 to McCoy for the addition of 60 beds upon condition that 60% of the patient days be devoted to Medicaid patients; Grants CON 5905 to Regency for construction of a 120 nursing home facility with 62% of its patient dads being devoted to Medicaid patients, 2 beds dedicated to Alzheimer patients, provision of respite care and that the facility shall be a one-story design consisting of 43,000 gross square feet in size; and Denies the application for a 60 bed nursing home in Suwannee County made by Suwannee under CON Action No. 5912. DONE and ENTERED this 19th day of September, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of September, 1990. APPENDIX CASE NOS. 90-0043 and 90-0045 The following discussion is given concerning the proposed facts of the parties: Inverness Paragraphs 1 through 3 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 4 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Suwannee Paragraphs 1 through 7 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 8 is contrary to facts found in that the Starke application can be advanced without a resort to an affiliation with Covenant Care Corporation. Paragraph 9 is accepted; however, those facts do not cause the rejection of the Starke proposal. Paragraphs 10 and 11 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 12 is accepted as factually correct; however, this is not crucial in determining the outcome of this case. Concerning Paragraph 13, while the record reveals that Mr. Keach was responsible at a time moratorium had been placed on admissions into University Nursing Care Center in Gainesville, Florida, the record was not detailed enough to ascertain what influence that might have on his ability to act as an administrator at the Starke facility proposed in this instance or his competence in preparing the application. The representations found in Paragraph 14 do not preclude the consideration of the Starke application. Concerning Paragraph 15, the first sentence is rejected as fact. The second and third sentences are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Concerning Paragraph 16, those items which are mentioned did not cause the rejection of the Starke application in that Starke is committed to abide by all applicable codes to insure control over the patients. Paragraphs 17 through 21 are contrary to facts found. Concerning Paragraphs 22-24, the Starke proposal is found to be financially feasible. Paragraph 25-27 are subordinate to facts found. Concerning Paragraph 28, notwithstanding economies of scale they will not overcome the inherent extravagance in the costs associated with bringing the Suwannee project on line. Concerning Paragraph 29, while diversification for rural hospitals is desirable, the present attempt by Suwannee is unacceptable. Paragraph 30 is subordinate to facts found. Concerning Paragraph 31 see comment on Paragraph 29. Paragraph 32 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 33 is accepted; however, the principal service area would appear to be Suwannee County. The existence of service over to Hamilton, Madison, Lafayette and Columbia Counties does not change the perception of this case. Paragraph 34 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 35 is contrary to facts found as are Paragraphs 36 and 37. Concerning Paragraph 38, the affiliation of Suwannee with the Santa Fe Health Care system does not overcome the lack of financial feasibility. Paragraphs 39 and 40 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 41 is contrary to facts found. Paragraph 42 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 43 is contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 44 and 45 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 46 is contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 47-55 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 56 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraphs 57-60 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 61 is contrary to facts found. Paragraph 62 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 63 is contrary to facts found. Paragraph 64 is subordinate to facts found. Concerning Paragraph 65, notwithstanding these observations they do not justify the rate structure or per diem charges set out in the Suwannee application. Paragraph 66 is subordinate to facts found as are the first two sentences of Paragraph 67. The last sentence to Paragraph 67 is rejected. Paragraphs 68 and 69 are contrary to facts found. The first sentence of Paragraph 70 is subordinate to facts found. The second sentence is not relevant. Paragraphs 71 through the first sentence of Paragraph 73 is contrary to facts found. Concerning the last sentence of Paragraph 73, Starke is found to be financially feasible and Suwannee is not. Paragraph 74 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraphs 75 and 76 have been taken into account in deciding that there are no particular advantages to placing the 60 beds in Columbia County as opposed to Suwannee County. Paragraph 77 in all sentences save the last is accepted. The last sentence is contrary to facts found in that subacute care will be rendered in the Starke facility. Paragraphs 78 through 80 are contrary to facts found. Paragraph 81 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 82 is accepted in the premise, but use of Suwannee as the facility to serve this population is rejected based upon the lack of financial feasibility. Paragraph 83 is subordinate to facts found with the exception that the subacute patients would not be best placed with Suwannee. Paragraph 84 and 85 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 86 is contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 1-5 with the exception of the last sentence in Paragraph 5 are subordinate to facts found. Concerning that latter sentence it is clear that Suwannee would intend to build the nursing home facility together with the hospital or exclusive of the hospital project. Paragraphs 6-8 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 9 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 10 is accepted and it is acknowledged that the applicants can approximate that average. Paragraphs 11 and 12 are subordinate to facts found. Concerning Paragraph 13 Suwannee did establish its percentage of commitment to Medicaid through proof at hearing. Paragraphs 14 through 23 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 24 is contrary to facts found in that Starke offers no greater enhancement than Suwannee in terms of geographic accessibility and is not really a competitor in this criterion with McCoy. Paragraphs 25 through 27 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 28 is contrary to facts found in that Suwannee did identify the programs that it intends to offer. Paragraphs 29 through 36 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 37 in the first sentence is subordinate to facts found. The second sentence is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 38 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 39 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Concerning Paragraph 40 while it is agreed that swing beds are skilled level of nursing home care they do not constitute reasonable alternatives to long term care. Paragraph 41 is subordinate to facts found in the first sentence. The second sentence in its suggestion that there is no significance to the lack of provision of these types of services under subacute care in area nursing homes is rejected. Paragraph 42 is rejected. Paragraph 43 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 44 is contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 45 through 52 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 53 is contrary to facts found. Paragraph 54 is subordinate to facts found with the exception that the reason that the Suwannee project is not found to be financially feasible does not include reference to a higher charge for Medicare patients than the charge to private pay patients. Paragraphs 55 through 60 with the exception of the last sentence in Paragraph 60 are subordinate to facts found. The nursing home is intended to be built whether the replacement hospital is built or not. Paragraphs 61 through 65 are subordinate to facts found. Starke Paragraphs 1 through 5 with the exception of the latter two sentences in Paragraph 5 are subordinate to facts found. Concerning the next to the last sentence, it was made clear that the intentions on the part of Suwannee were to build the nursing home. The last sentence to the extent that it is intended to suggest that this applicant is incapable of offering long term care services is rejected. Paragraphs 6 through 8 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraphs 9 through 11 are subordinate to facts found. Concerning Paragraph 12 to the extent that it suggests that Suwannee is not willing to provide services to Medicaid recipients, it is rejected. Paragraphs 13 through 21 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 22 is contrary to facts found in that Starke is not seen as enhancing geographic accessibility to a greater extent than Suwannee its true competitor. Paragraphs 23 and 24 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 25 is contrary to facts found ih that Suwannee has identified its special programs. Paragraphs 26 through 33 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 34 is subordinate to facts found in the first sentence. The second sentence is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 35 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 36 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Concerning Paragraph 37 while it is agreed that swing beds are skilled level of nursing home care they do not constitute reasonable alternatives to long term care. Paragraph 38 is subordinate to facts found in the first sentence. The second sentence in its suggestion than there is no significance to the lack of provision of these types of services under subacute care in area nursing homes is rejected. Paragraph 39 is rejected. Paragraphs 40 and 41 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 42 is contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 43 through 50 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 51 is contrary to facts found. Paragraph 52 is subordinate to facts found except as it suggests that the difference in rate between Medicaid patients and private pay patients in the Suwannee proposal forms the basis for the criticism that the Suwannee project is not financially sound. Paragraphs 53 through the first two sentence of Paragraph 59 are subordinate to facts found. Related to the latter sentences in Paragraph 59 it is clear that the schematic pertains to the basic design of the Suwannee facility whether attached to a new hospital or free standing. Paragraphs 60 through 64 are subordinate to facts found. McCoy Paragraph 1 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraphs 2 and 3 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 4 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 5 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraphs 6 through 83 are subordinate to facts found. Regency Paragraph 1 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 2 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraphs 3 through 5 are subordinate to facts found. COPIES FURNISHED: Sam Power, Department Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Elizabeth McArthur, Esquire Jeffrey Frehn, Esquire Aurell, Radey, Hinkle and Thomas 101 North Monroe Street, Suite 1000 Post Office Drawer 11307 Tallahassee, FL 32302 W. David Watkins, Esquire Oertel, Hoffman, Fernandez and Cole, P.A. Post Office Box 6507 2700 Blair Stone Road Tallahasee, FL 32314-6507 Leslie Mendelson, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Executive Center Tallahassee, FL 32308 James C. Hauser, Esquire F. Phillip Blank, Esquire R. Terry Rigsby, Esquire Julie Gallagher, Esquire F. Philip Blank, P.A. 204-B South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 Grafton B. Wilson, II, Esquire 711 North 23rd Avenue, Suite 4 Post Office Box 1292 Gainesville, FL 32602 R. Bruce McKibben, Esquire Dempsey and Goldsmith, P.A. 307 West Park Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-001785 Latest Update: Feb. 16, 1983

Findings Of Fact General Background At all times material hereto, Carol's Care Center (CCC) was a licensed nursing home facility certified to and participating in the Florida Medicaid Program. (Stip.) At all times material hereto, Volusia County owned the facility, which was an indigent nursing home. The first wing of the facility was constructed in 1954, at a time when there were no building codes for Volusia County. Volusia County operated the nursing home until 1968, at which time the county leased the nursing home to Dr. George Erickson. Both Volusia County and Dr. Erickson suffered financial losses in the operation of the nursing home. (Tr. 43, 162) In 1969, Carol E. Forrer and her son, Walter Littler, took over operation of the nursing home. Under their contract with Volusia County, the nursing home was required to accept up to 95 percent indigent patients. Another clause in that contract required the remaining five percent of the nursing home's beds to be available for Medicaid patients, if needed. Almost all of the nursing home patients were indigent. (Tr. 44, 162, 163) CCC experienced serious and continuous financial problems prior to 1979 because of the number of indigent or Medicaid patients placed at CCC. Funds were always short. In addition, the building was antiquated and in such poor condition that it required at least six staff people on the payroll to do only maintenance work. The reputation of the facility was horrendous. In addition, staff was difficult to find and keep because of low pay and poor working conditions. In fact, turnover was 105 percent. In 1979, Mrs. Forrer had extreme difficulty in getting physicians and nurses to treat patients in the nursing home. In early 1979, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (Department) informed Mrs. Forrer that the building was not in conformance with licensure standards and would not be allowed to continue operation as a nursing home. Mrs. Forrer knew that a new facility had to be built, but she could not finance the necessary expenses because the county owned the facility. (Tr. 45, 48, 162, 165) In an effort to solve many of the problems at the nursing home, Mrs. Forrer hired Progressive Management Group (PMG) in July of 1979 to operate and administer the facility. Mrs. Forrer stayed on as administrator for August, 1979, during the transition period in which PMG took over. The Department disallowed $2,109 of her salary on the basis that there could not be two administrators. (Tr. 45, 46) On December 31, 1979, CCC had 134 beds, and its occupancy rate was approximately 97 percent. Of the patients at CCC, 88 to 92 percent were Medicaid patients. When Charles F. Cantrell, Jr., purchased all of Mrs. Forrer's stock in the 344 Corporation and assumed responsibility for the operation of CCC, the nursing home had the highest Medicaid percentage in the area because local doctors were not referring private patients to the nursing home. Private patients generate revenues that can be used to offset expenses for Medicaid patients. (Tr. 50, 51, 52) On December 31, 1979, Mr. Cantrell purchased Mrs. Forrer's stock and assumed any liabilities arising from the audits of CCC by the Department for the fiscal years 1978 and 1979. (Tr. 45, 70) The Department conducted audits of CCC for the fiscal years ending August 31, 1978, 1979 and 1980. The audits for fiscal years 1978 and 1979 were conducted by Hugo Jordan, an auditor employed by the Department. The Medicaid Program is a joint federal and state program. It is governed by the Florida Title XIX Medicaid Reimbursement Plan and the applicable doctrines in HIM-15. The Medicaid cost reports for CCC in fiscal years 1978, 1979 and 1980 were timely filed. This dispute arose from audit adjustments to CCC's Medicaid cost reports for fiscal years 1978, 1979 and 1980. (Stip.; Tr. 289; Petitioner's Exhibits 4, 5, 6) Activities of Charles F. Cantrell, Jr. The Department notified CCC that it would not be relicensed in the absence of major alterations of the physical plant to bring it up to existing standards. This was impossible because of the state of the existing building. Cantrell negotiated an arrangement with the Department that CCC would continue to be licensed upon the condition that major intermediate repairs be made to the existing facility and a new facility be built within 30 months. (Tr. 49, 57, 151) Cantrell was obliged to continue to operate CCC in the existing facility, making the necessary repairs to the physical plant, upgrading staffing and establishing an effective bookkeeping system while also undertaking to plan, finance and build a new facility. All of these actions were necessary to meet conditions for Department licensure and to continue operating the facility which was the primary facility in the area providing care for indigent and Medicaid patients. (Tr. 49, 57, 59, 151) Cantrell took a direct hand in the management and operation of the facility. He assumed the business management of CCC, supervising and arranging for maintenance and repairs, revamping the bookkeeping system and training personnel, and coordinating activities related to the planning, financing, certification and building of the new facility. All of his activities were necessary. Cantrell's prior experience as the owner of several businesses, including a small chain of drug stores, and his experience in providing professional services to nursing homes assisted him in keeping CCC operating and in establishing the new facility which is now in operation. Cantrell was a salaried management employee of CCC for eight months in fiscal year 1980. He was paid $37,977 by CCC for his services. Under Department guidelines, the annual salary for the administrator of a facility the size of CCC was $27,032. Cantrell dismissed PMG shortly after he took control on December 31, 1979. Because he was not a licensed administrator, Cantrell employed Mrs. Forrer for several weeks as an interim administrator. Cantrell hired Buford Jones as the permanent administrator in March, 1980. Jones is still in this position. Jones and Mrs. Forrer were assigned duties related to patient care, staffing and record-keeping related to patient care. The Department audit disallowed one month of Cantrell's compensation in total because his service overlapped that of two other administrators. In addition, the Department reduced Cantrell's salary to that of an assistant administrator/owner. The total disallowed by the Department was $25,277. The Department disallowed $1,195 of Mrs. Forrer's salary for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1980, on the same grounds. The field auditor for the Department disallowed a portion of Mrs. Forrer's salary in fiscal year 1979, when PMG was employed, because of overlapping administrators. The Department's auditor took the position that there could not be two administrators at the same time. The total salary paid Mrs. Forrer for the periods of transition in August of 1979 and January, 1980, when her employment overlapped that of another administrator, were legitimate. Both administrators were head administrators, one leaving and one coming. The maintenance of continuity and the benefits flowing to the patients warrant such a transition. The auditor for CCC, Betty Kelly, C.P.A., gave her expert opinion, based upon her personal observation of Cantrell's activities and the duties he performed. Cantrell's activities were necessary, and, had he not performed them, someone would have had to be hired to do those jobs. The salary he received was reasonable and consistent with salaries paid other persons for similar work. The situation at CCC was unusual, and its many problems justified additional management, expertise and personnel. CCC needed more than an assistant manager. It needed a separate manager to handle business operations until its inherent problems could be solved. Cantrell provided this expertise. Drug Expenses In fiscal year 1978, the Department disallowed $1,894 in prescription drug expenses on the grounds that prescription drugs are not covered under the Florida Medicaid Program. (Petitioner's Exhibit 4) In 1978, the Florida Medicaid drug program permitted patients to purchase $33 worth of legend drugs with a monthly Medicaid eligibility card. Some patients exceeded the limits on their card and had to apply for an excess prescribed medicine grant. In order to apply for the grant, the patient forwarded a form to the attending physician. (Tr. 84, 85, 86) The drug information portion of the form was to be completed by the physician and submitted to Jacksonville or to Tallahassee, where a board of physicians would review the request. The physicians, in general, were unable or unwilling to fill out these forms because they could not obtain the needed information. As a pharmacist, Cantrell applied for 700 to 800 excess prescribed medicine grants, but only ten were approved for increases. (Tr. 86, 87) Since some drugs are life-sustaining, CCC assumed the responsibility in fiscal year 1978 of paying the pharmacist for the excess cost of a Medicaid patient's prescription drugs. The amount of $1,894 represents the excess of purchases of drugs from The Medicine Shoppe. (Petitioner's Exhibit 16) Nursing homes are responsible for supplying their patients with prescribed drugs. Rental Equipment In fiscal year 1978, the Department disallowed $2,444, which represented 100 percent of the costs of a leased automobile. In fiscal year 1979, the Department disallowed $2,270, which represented 100 percent of the costs of a leased automobile. (Petitioner's Exhibits 4, 5) CCC operated three vehicles in 1978: a maintenance vehicle, a Pontiac Grand Prix, and a Dodge van. The maintenance vehicle was used to haul lumber and other items. The van contained a lift and was designed to transport patients. The van was used to transport patients until its insurance was raised to $3,600 per six months because of installation of the lift. It was thereafter not used to transport patients. The Pontiac was rented for that purpose, with insurance being included in the rental charges. Eventually, the maintenance vehicle was disposed of and the van used by maintenance personnel. (Tr. 169, 170, 176) All three vehicles were kept at the facility, and they were all used for patient-related activities. The Pontiac was used to transport patients. Mr. Littler also used it to conduct nursing home business in Tallahassee and Jacksonville. Littler left his personal car at the facility whenever he took the Pontiac and did not charge the costs of this vehicle to the Medicaid program. (Tr. 72, 172) Depreciation of Camper The Department disallowed $295 in fiscal year 1978 for depreciation on a camper as not related to patient care. (Petitioner's Exhibit 4) The camper in question was used by Dr. Legg, a scientist, while he was conducting studies related to the certificate of need for the new facility. (Tr. 178, 179) Advertising and Promotion In fiscal year 1978, the Department disallowed $210 on the grounds that it constituted promotional advertising. (Petitioner's Exhibit 4) The amount contained in Petitioner's proposed recommended order exceeded the amount disallowed. None of the advertising was for the purpose of hiring staff. The aerial photograph was taken for use in settling a property dispute with the city. It was directly related to cost containment in operating the facility by reducing maintenance requirements and taxes. As such, this provided a benefit to the patients and to the public. Utility Expense In fiscal year 1978, the Department disallowed $272, claiming that this was for utility bills for a commercial building owned by Mr. Littler. (Tr. 196; Petitioner's Exhibit 4) At said time, the Department cited CCC for not having proper beds. Littler used the building to refurbish beds for the facility according to the Department's standards. More than 100 beds were refurbished on the property owned by Littler. The only demand Littler made in return for the use of his building was that CCC pay his utility bills during the period of time that the beds were being refurbished. (Tr. 197) These utility bills paid by CCC were in actuality the rental assessed for use of the building. Considering the period of use, the rental was reasonable. Additional Rents The Department disallowed $2,000 in fiscal year 1978 for rent paid to Volusia County. (Tr. 198; Petitioner's Exhibit 4) The records of CCC reflect that it paid $38,000 in rents to Volusia County in 1978. The contractual rental was $36,000 per year. The auditor concluded, based upon data which he believed was given him by a bookkeeper, that the $2,000 was a late payment of 1977 rents. The uncontroverted testimony of Mr. Littler was to the contrary. Volusia County was to pay for repairs to the facility under the terms of the lease, but it did not have the money to pay for repairs required by the Department. It was agreed that CCC would pay Volusia County $2,000 for a sinking fund to cover future repairs. The $2,000 paid to this fund was not used to pay for repairs and was not for rental. The county retained it. Gasoline Expense In fiscal year 1980, the Department disallowed $380 of gasoline expense which was used in the vehicles of CCC's employees when they used their vehicles for patient-related activities. Petitioner is not challenging $133 of this adjustment. (Petitioner's Exhibits 6, 18) CCC has one gasoline credit card that is kept by Mr. Jones to supply fuel to vehicles that are used in the service of the nursing home. (Tr. 108) Jones only allowed other employees to use the gasoline credit card for patient-related activities. Cantrell never used the gasoline credit card for his own vehicle because he has another card. Employees who have used the gasoline credit card are the administrator, the activities director, the maintenance-man and the secretary. (Tr. 108, 109, 239) The amount of $247 would be an expense related to operations of the facility. Professional Services In fiscal year 1980, the Department disallowed $1,061 as costs incurred in the prior year. (Petitioner's Exhibit 6) The legitimacy of the expense is not at issue, and it was disallowed solely because it was not incurred in fiscal year 1980. These expenses were inadvertently omitted from the 1979 cost report. (Tr. 272; Petitioner's Exhibits 18, 19) The expenses for the 1979 audit are also at issue in these proceedings. Travel and Expense The Department disallowed $821 in fiscal year 1978 because the expense was considered personal. Petitioner does not challenge $247 of this adjustment. (Petitioner's Exhibit 4) A portion of this expense is related to the expenses incurred by Mr. Littler to go to Washington, D.C., to participate in what was primarily a lobbying effort. This was not for the benefit of the patients or to increase the professional skills of Littler. Each administrator who is licensed by the State of Florida must attend a certain number of seminars every year as a condition of licensure. Mrs. Forrer and Littler registered and participated in the Miami seminar to expand their knowledge and to maintain their nursing home administrators' licenses. Mr. Jordan admitted that he erred in disallowing $157 for Mrs. Forrer's hotel room on this trip. Littler's room expense for this trip was $170. No travel expense was validated. (Tr. 188, 189, 291) Littler attended a seminar in Atlanta on cost reporting sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania. His American Express invoices contain a record of certain expenses which he incurred while attending this seminar. This was an activity related to Littler's professional qualification and to the business operations of CCC. The travel and room expense were $206. (Tr. 191; Petitioner's Exhibit 14) Mrs. Forrer's and Littler's expenses for the trips to Miami and Atlanta are $533. Other exhibits include expenses not mentioned in Petitioner's proposed recommended order. It is assumed that the Petitioner has abandoned those claims, and no findings are made regarding them. Travel and Expense In fiscal year 1979, the Department disallowed $113 as an expense that was not actually spent in that year. Petitioner asserts that the $113 was refunded in 1980, and the 1980 expenses reduced by that amount. This is based upon the testimony of the facility's accountant at pages 275 and 276. The effect of the accounting treatment was to reduce the 1980 expenses by $113. The result is that the Department deducted the $113 in 1979, and the accountant deducted the $113 again in 1980.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the following is recommended: The adjustment to Cantrell's salary should be reduced from $25,277 to $19,956; The adjustment to Mrs. Forrer's salary of $1,915 in 1979, and of $2,109 in 1980, should be rescinded; The adjustment for drug expenses of $1,894 should not be altered; The adjustment of $4,714 for rental of a Pontiac Grand Prix in 1978 and 1979 should be rescinded; The adjustment of $295 for depreciation of the camper should not be altered; The adjustment of $210 for advertisements should be reduced by $125, the cost of the aerial photograph; The adjustment of $272 for utility expense should be rescinded; The adjustment of $2,000 for rentals should not be altered; The adjustment of $380 for gasoline expense should be reduced by $247; The adjustment of $1,061 for professional services should be rescinded unless other grounds exist to deny an amendment of the previous year's report; The adjustment of $821 for travel and expense should be reduced by $533; and The adjustment of $113 for travel in 1979 should be rescinded unless other grounds exist to deny an amendment of the previous year's report. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 16th day of February, 1983, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of February, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Karen L. Goldsmith, Esquire Michael J. Bittman, Esquire Day Building, Suite 610 605 East Robinson Street Post Office Box 1980 Orlando, Florida 32802 Joseph L. Shields, Esquire Office of Audit and Quality Control Services Department of HRS 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 David H. Pingree, Secretary Department of HRS 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-002868 Latest Update: Jan. 26, 1987

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED That Manor Care be issued a CON for the construction of a 60 bed nursing home; Palm Bay Care Center be awarded a CON for the construction of a 60 bed nursing home; Forum Group be awarded a CON for a 40 bed nursing home and Courtenay Springs be awarded a CON for 36 nursing home beds. RECOMMENDED this 26th day of January, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-99675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of January, 1987. COPIES FURNISHED: William Page, Jr., Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Jean Laramore, Esquire Kenneth Hoffman, Esquire 325 North Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Thomas B. Smith, Esquire Post Office Box 633 Orlando, Florida 32802 John Grout, Esquire Post Office Box 180 Orlando, Florida 32802 Donna H. Stinson, Esquire Suite 100 Perkins House 118 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Susan G. Tuttle, Esquire 402 South Florida Avenue Tampa, Florida 33602 Robert D. Newell, Jr., Esquire Suite B 200 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 John F. Gilroy, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties herein. 1-13 Accepted. 14 & 15 Accepted. 16-18 Rejected as a recitation of the evidence. 19-23 Accepted. 24 Accepted. 25-29 Accepted. 30 & 31 Accepted. 32 Irrelevant. 33-34 Accepted. 35-37 Accepted. 38-46 Accepted. 47 & 48 Accepted. 49 & 50 Accepted. 51 Discussion, not Finding of Fact. 52-56 Accepted. Rejected as a recitation of the evidence. Accepted. Accepted to the fact that there were no sheltered beds in existence. Irrelevant. 61-63 Accepted but not of substantial positive value. 64 & 65 Accepted. Opinion not Finding of Fact. Accepted. 68-75 Accepted. 76-80 Irrelevant based on part operation and evidence shows facility is to be sold. 81-85 Irrelevant - see next 86-90 Rejected as a conclusion of law and not a Finding of Fact. 91 Not a Finding of Fact. 92-94 Accepted. 95 Irrelevant as to local district. 96-103 Accepted. 104-105 Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Accepted as to what Dr. Hoffman supported. Accepted as to what Dr. Hoffman indicated. 108-110 Accepted. Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Accepted. Not a Finding of Fact. 114-118 Accepted. 119&120 Not a Finding of Fact. 121&122 Accepted. 123 Accepted as to the one facility currently operated. 124-127 Accepted. Speculation insufficient to support a Finding of Fact. Argument, not a Finding of Fact. Accepted. 131-133 Accepted. 134 Not a Finding of Fact. 135-137 Accepted. 138 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 139-147 Accepted. 148&149 Not a Finding of Fact. 150-164 Accepted. Rejected as a summary of testimony, not a Finding of Fact. Irrelevant. 167-176 Accepted. Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence Rejected as a summary of testimony. Accepted. 180&181 Accepted. 182 Irrelevant. 183&184 Accepted. 185 Rejected as a conclusion. 186&187 Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. As to Manor Care 1 Accepted. 2&3 Rejected as not a part of the case. 4 Accepted. 5-7 Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. 10-11 Accepted. 12 Accepted. 13-19 Accepted. 20-22 Accepted. As to Forum 1-13 Accepted. 14-16 Accepted. 17-22 Accepted. 23&24 Accepted. 25-27 Accepted. 28-31 Accepted. 32 Accepted. 33-35 Accepted. 36 Rejected as speculation. 37-42 Accepted. 43 Accepted. 44-47 Accepted. 48&49 Accepted. 50-55 Accepted. Rejected as a conclusion not consistent with the evidence. Accepted. 58&59 Accepted. 60-64 Accepted. 65-69 Accepted. 70&71 Irrelevant. 72&73 Accepted. 74-76 Accepted. Accepted as to the first sentence. Second sentence is not a Finding of Fact. Accepted. As to PBCC 1&2 Accepted. 3 Rejected as a Conclusion of Law. 46 Accepted. Accepted. Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Accepted. 10-12 Accepted. Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence except for the first sentence which is accepted. Rejected. 15-20 Accepted. 21-27 Accepted. 28 Rejected as an overstatement and not supported by the evidence. 29&30 Accepted. 31 Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. 32-38 Accepted. 39-43 Accepted. 44-50 Accepted. 51-57 Accepted. Accepted except for the first sentence which is unsupported by credible evidence of record. Accepted. Rejected. Accepted. As to Courtenay This party failed to number or otherwise identify its Findings of Fact individually. Therefore, no specific ruling as to each Finding of Fact is hereby made. In light of the ultimate recommendation of the Hearing Officer that the party's CON be approved, no prejudice to this party can be said to have occurred. As to DHRS 1-4 Accepted 5 Summary of testimony and not a Finding of Fact. 6-1 Is an argument of the party's position, not a Finding of Fact. 12-14 Rejected as matters not a part of the party's position at hearing. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. 19-22 Accepted. Rejected as a summary of testimony and not a Finding of Fact. Accepted. 25-28 Accepted. 29-31 Accepted.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-000924 Latest Update: Oct. 20, 1986

The Issue The issue is whether a certificate of need should be issued to permit Tamarac Hospital, Inc. d/b/a University Community Hospital (Tamarac) to convert 10 acute care medical/surgical beds to skilled nursing facility beds. Based on their presentations at the final hearing and their proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, the central issue is whether there is a need for the proposed nursing home beds.

Findings Of Fact Tamarac proposes to convert 10 currently licensed medical/surgical acute care beds into skilled nursing facility beds. The skilled nursing beds would be available at the hospital to treat patients who no longer require acute hospital care but do require skilled nursing services beyond those required by ordinary nursing home patients. (Tr. 15-16) 1/ The capital cost of the project would be approximately $20,000 for renovation to provide a private bathroom in the existing group of hospital rooms which would be converted to use as the skilled nursing facility (Tr. 25). The testimony of the petitioner with respect to the financial feasibility of the project was undisputed (Tr. 25, PX 1, p.14). Tamarac has encountered problems in placing patients who no longer require acute hospital care in nursing homes in HRS District 10, Broward County, when those patients require more than normal nursing home services. These patients, due to their diagnosis or treatment, require more skilled nursing care, more technical assistance, supplies or more frequent checking than traditional nursing home patients (Tr. 15). These are patients with infectious diseases or draining wounds who require isolation; patients requiring ongoing intravenous administration of medications including antibiotics and narcotics; patients on chronic ventilator support; patients with tracheostomies requiring respiratory support, suctioning or oxygen; patients with naso-gastric feeding tubes and patients receiving total parenteral nutrition (PX 1, application, p. 2). Tamarac introduced a study it had conducted concerning discharge delays for the one year period prior to its application which included 70 patients (Tr. 12, PX 3). The study is anecdotal in nature. The director of social services for Tamarac, who is in charge of discharge planning coordination, testified that the 70 cases were representative and randomly sampled (Tr. 12, 21). There was no specific evidence of the sampling methodology, however. In the absence of better evidence of the sampling methodology it is not possible to determine what inferences validly may be drawn from the information presented in PX 3. For example, the evidence fails to show whether the 70 cases included represent 1 percent or 100 percent of the instances where a discharge was delayed. All that is known is that in 53 percent of those 70 cases studied the discharge delay occurred because the patient could not be placed in a nursing home (Tr. 12). These 37 patients might have been served at Tamarac if a skilled nursing facility had been in operation. Due to the limited evidence of how the sample was chosen, the study has been given little weight. In addition, the application and Tamarac's study focuses solely on the experience of Tamarac in attempting to place patients who no longer required acute care in a nursing home. There is no basis for determining whether there is a general community need for the project proposed. The narrowness of the proof offered is apparently due to the restriction Tamarac made in the application that "this project is for [Tamarac] hospitalized patients only". Application, PX 1, page 6 paragraph 4. Tamarac also conducted a survey of Broward nursing homes to determine what services they provide, PX 4. That survey indicates that there are some specialized nursing services that are not available in nursing homes in Broward County, e.g., services for patients on chronic ventilators and patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (although Tamarac did not indicate that it proposed to offer services to AIDS patients). There are also services which are not commonly available. Many nursing homes will not accept patients on intravenous medication in the form of chemotherapy or narcotics or patients with draining wounds, and the few that do generally require no pathogenic organism be present as shown by negative culture test. Even when some nursing home in Broward County provides a specific service, a bed at that nursing home may not be available to a patient in Tamarac Hospital ready for discharge from acute care when the bed is requested (Tr. 14- 15). Tamarac's placement problem is made more difficult because it is to some extent in competition with other Broward County hospitals for the available nursing home beds for patients needing skilled, subacute nursing services (Tr. 16). This generalized evidence of competition does not rise to the level of demonstrating a need in HRS Service District 10 for the proposed skilled nursing facility. Tamarac has attempted to persuade existing nursing homes to expand services to accept on a routine basis patients needing the type services which Tamarac proposes to provide, but has been unsuccessful (Tr. 16). The bed need calculation methodology set out in Rule 10-5.11(21), Florida Administrative Code, for the July 1988 planning horizon shows a surplus of 92 nursing home beds in Broward County (RX 1 and 2, Tr. 32-44). Approximately 258 nursing home beds are unoccupied in Broward County on a daily basis, assuming 100 percent occupancy actually could be achieved (Tr. 39). The availability of empty nursing home beds in the district does not necessarily mean that beds are available for a particular patient at Tamarac Hospital who needs more than normal nursing services on a specific day (Tr. 55). Individual patients requiring subacute care may remain in the hospital (Tr. 18). Patients ready for discharge from acute care are not eligible for Medicare coverage (Tr. 17), and are potentially liable for their hospital costs incurred awaiting placement. If they were transferred to a skilled nursing facility such as that proposed by Tamarac, those patients would be eligible for the Medicare benefits for the first 20 days, with an additional 80 days of co- insurance reimbursement thereafter (Tr. 26). The average hospital room, board, and ancillary charges at Tamarac is $900 per patient and per day. The charge to be made in Tamarac's proposed skilled nursing facility would be $115 per day (Tr. 26). According to the application (PX 1, table 7, utilization by the class of pay), 65.6 percent of its patient days of service are provided by Tamarac to Medicare patients. Tamarac would recover approximately $115 per patient per day for patients utilizing its skilled nursing facility, rather than writing off, as it does now, approximately $900 per day for those Medicare patients requiring subacute care who remain in Tamarac due to an inability to identify an appropriate skilled nursing facility in Broward County to accept them when their care requirements are greater than that normally provided by Broward County nursing homes (Tr. 29). Few Medicaid patients utilize the services of Tamarac because of the nature of the population surrounding the hospital. Referring again to the evidence of utilization by class of pay, only one tenth of one percent of the patient days spent at Tamarac during the period January 84 through December 84 were days spent by Medicaid patients. There would be no restriction on access to the skill nursing facility unit if one of the rare Medicaid patients at Tamarac Hospital required those services (Tr. 27-28).

Recommendation It is recommended that the application of Tamarac Hospital, Inc., d/b/a University Community Hospital to convert 10 medical/surgical beds to skilled nursing facility beds be denied. DONE AND ORDERED this 20th day of October 1986 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. DORSEY, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of October, 1986.

# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-001945 Latest Update: Mar. 14, 1989

The Issue Whether a certificate of need for an additional 60 nursing home beds to be located in Sarasota County, Florida, in July, 1990, should be granted to any of the four competing certificate of need applicants in these proceedings?

Findings Of Fact Procedural. Arbor, Health Quest, HCR, Trecor and fourteen other applicants filed certificate of need applications with the Department in the October, 1987, nursing home bed certificate of need review cycle of the Department for Sarasota County. Each of the applicants involved in these cases filed a letter of intent with the Department within the time required for the filing of letters of intent for the October, 1987, nursing home bed certificate of need review cycle. Each of the applicants involved in these cases filed their certificate of need application within the time required for the filing of certificate of need applications for the October, 1987, nursing home bed certificate of need review cycle. The applications were deemed complete by the Department. The Department completed its State Agency Action Report for the October, 1987, nursing home bed review cycle on February 19, 1988. The State Agency Action Report relevant to these cases was published by the Department in the Florida Administrative Weekly on March 4, 1988. The Department proposed to approve the certificate of need application filed by Trecor and to deny all other applications. Eleven of the applicants whose certificate of need applications were denied by the Department filed Petitions pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, challenging the Department's proposed action. All of the Petitioner's except the three Petitioners in these cases withdrew their Petitions. The Parties. The Department. The Department is the agency responsible for reviewing certificate of need applications for or nursing home beds to be located in Sarasota County, Florida. Arbor. Arbor is a nursing home company that designs, develops, constructs and operates nursing homes. Arbor's corporate headquarters are located in Lima, Ohio. Arbor owns and operates eighteen nursing home and adult congregate living facilities comprising approximately 2,218 beds. In Florida, Arbor owns Lake Highlands Nursing and Retirement Center in Clermont, The Village at Brandon, and The Village at Countryside. In Florida, Arbor is currently developing certificate of need approved facilities in Clay, Orange, Polk, Pinellas and Sarasota Counties. Arbor formed Sarasota Health Center, Inc., to hold the certificate of need it is seeking in this proceeding. Although this corporation is in form the applicant, Arbor is in substance the applicant in these proceedings. Health Quest. Health Quest is an Indiana corporation which has been in the business of constructing and operating nursing homes and retirement housing facilities for approximately twenty years. Health Quest currently operates eleven nursing centers and three retirement housing developments. In Florida, Health Quest operates three nursing centers and two retirement housing developments. The nursing centers are located in Sarasota, Jacksonville and Boca Raton, Florida. The Jacksonville center is located adjacent to, and is operated in conjunction with, a retirement facility. The facility located in Sarasota is Regents Park of Sarasota (hereinafter referred to as "Regents Park"), a 53-bed sheltered nursing center. Regents Park is located at Lake Pointe Woods, a Health Quest retirement community, which includes 212 independent living apartments and 110 assisted living apartments. The assisted living apartments qualify as an adult congregate living facility. The 53 sheltered nursing home beds are authorized as part of a living care complex pursuant to Chapter 651, Florida Statutes. Health Quest has received approval from the Department to locate 60 nursing home beds, which Health Quest has received as part of a certificate of need for 180 nursing home beds, at Regents Park. The other 120 approved nursing home beds will be located at another facility to be constructed in Sarasota County by Health Quest. Health Quest also has two other projects under construction in Florida: a new facility in Winter Park, Florida, and a new facility in Sunrise, Florida. HCR. HCR is a corporation engaging in the business of designing, developing, constructing and operating nursing homes and related facilities. HCR is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Owens Illinois Corporation. HCR operates approximately 125 facilities with approximately 16,000 beds. HCR has designed and built over 200 nursing homes and related health care facilities. 24 HCR owns and operates ten nursing homes in Florida, including Kensington Manor, a 147-bed nursing center located in Sarasota County, Florida. HCR also has ten other projects being developed in Florida. Trecor. Trecor is a Florida corporation formed to engage in the business of developing and operating facilities within the full spectrum of the health care industry. Trecor was founded in 1985 when it acquired Burzenski Nursing Home (hereinafter referred to as "Burzenski"). Trecor does not own or operate any other health care facility. Burzenski is an existing nursing home with 60 dually certified beds located in the City of Sarasota. The facility was built in 1955 as a private residence. An addition to the facility was constructed in 1962. The Proposals. Arbor's Proposal. Pursuant to a stipulation with the Department dated September 9, 1987, Arbor received certificate of need 4182. Certificate of need 4182 authorizes Arbor to construct a 60-bed nursing home in Sarasota County. 20. Arbor's approved 60-bed nursing home facility will consist of 18,000 gross square feet. Costs of $2,200,000.00 have been approved by the Department in the certificate of need issued for the facility. Arbor intends to develop certificate of need 4182 by building a facility large enough for 120 beds. This facility will house the approved 60 nursing home beds and, if Arbor's application in this case is not approved, an additional 60 beds, licensed as adult congregate living facility beds. In this proceeding Arbor is requesting approval of a proposed conversion of the 60 adult congregate living facility beds to 60 nursing home beds. Arbor has proposed the construction of an additional 18,000 gross square feet to house the additional 60 nursing home beds sought in this proceeding. The proposed cost of the proposal is $2,380,000.00. The total cost of 120 bed facility will be $4,580,000.00. Health Quest's Proposal. Health Quest is seeking approval to convert its 53 sheltered nursing center beds at Regents Park to nursing home beds and to add 7 nursing home beds. The 60 nursing home beds are to be housed in the new community nursing home facility at Regents Park. The beds will be housed in 30,945 square foot of the Regents Park facility. Health Quest also intends to add 60 nursing home beds, which have already been approved by the Department, to Regents Park. The certificate of need application filed by Health Quest indicates that its proposal involves no capital costs. This is incorrect. There will be minimal costs associated with the addition of the 7 additional nursing home beds being sought by Health Quest which it has failed to include in its proposal. Health Quest did not present evidence concerning the total cost of the facility it plans to use to house the proposed 60 beds or the cost of the 60 beds already approved by the Department which it plans to add to Regents Park. HCR's Proposal. HCR is seeking approval to construct a new, freestanding 60-bed nursing home in Sarasota County. HCR's proposal also includes a 31-bed adult congregate living facility. The nursing home component will consist of 25,600 gross square feet (including 2,300 square feet to be used for adult day care). The total facility will consist of 43,000 gross square feet. Total capital cost for the nursing home component is estimated to be $2,519,000.00. The total cost, including the costs attributable to proposed adult day care services, is $2,657,000.00. The cost of the 31-bed adult congregate living portion of the project will be $1,800,000.00. The total cost of HCR's planned facility is $4,457,000.00. Trecor's Proposal. Trecor is seeking approval to construct a 60-bed addition to the Burzenski 60-bed nursing home. Burzenski is located at 4450 Eighth Street, Sarasota, Florida. The building in which the existing 60 nursing home beds are housed will be replaced by Trecor with a new building. The existing Burzenski building has out-lived its useful life and contains several structural deficiencies. Operations are severely restricted and inefficient. Existing three and four bed wards limit the placement of residents. The existing building does not comply with all current licensure requirements. The noncompliance, however, was "grandfathered" in. In order to replace its existing building with a modern building which meets all current licensure requirements, Trecor applied for a certificate of need in 1985 to build a replacement facility on an adjoining parcel of real estate for which Trecor held an option to purchase at the time. This application was approved on December 4, 1985. After an error by Trecor caused the time established for exercising the certificate of need to pass and a requested six-month extension of the certificate of need was denied by the Department, the certificate of need to construct the replacement facility lapsed. Another application for a replacement facility was filed in January, 1987. This application was approved by the Department in May, 1987. The replacement facility was not, however, constructed. Subsequently, in April and May, 1988, the Department determined that replacement of the existing building was exempt from certificate of need review. Trecor now proposes to add 60 nursing home beds at the same time that it builds its replacement facility for its existing 60 nursing home beds. The new nursing home beds will be housed on a second floor to be built on the replacement facility. In Trecor's application for (30 additional nursing home beds, Trecor has proposed the addition of 12,061 gross square feet to its replacement facility and a project cost of $885,210.00. The cost of Trecor's replacement facility will be $1,303,424.00 plus a $1,400,000.00 debt on the existing building. The total cost of Trecor's 120 bed facility will be $3,588,634.00. Section 381.705(1)(a), Florida Statutes. Numeric Need. Pursuant to the need methodology of Rule 10- 5.011(1)(k)(2), Florida Administrative Code, there is a need for an additional 75 community nursing home beds for Sarasota County for July, 1990, the planning horizon applicable in these cases. All of the applicants have agreed with the Department's determination of the need for additional nursing home beds for Sarasota County. All of the applicants are seeking to provide 60 of the needed nursing home beds. The District Health Plan. The district health plan for the Department's District 8, which includes Sarasota County, provides certain standards and criteria to be considered in determining community nursing home care need. The policy guidelines and their application, if applicable to the applicants in this proceeding, are as follows: Community nursing home services should be available to the residents of each county within District Eight. Sarasota County is a separate planning subdistrict for community nursing home beds. Therefore, this guideline should be applied to Sarasota County. All of the applicants will increase the availability of nursing home services to the residents of Sarasota County. Community nursing home beds should be geographically distributed throughout the counties of District Eight to promote optimal availability and accessibility. The 2,264 existing licensed and 283 approved community nursing home beds located, or to be located in Sarasota County, are already geographically distributed throughout Sarasota County. All of the applicants will increase geographic distribution of beds throughout Sarasota County, regardless of where they may be located. At a minimum, community nursing home facilities should make available, in addition to minimum statutory regulation, in the facility or under contractual arrangements, the following services: pharmacy g. occupational therapy laboratory h. physical therapy x-ray i. speech therapy dental care j. mental health counseling visual care k. social services diet therapy l. medical services All of the applicants will meet thin guideline. New and existing community nursing home bed developments should dedicate 33-1/3 percent of their beds to use for Medicaid patients. The applicants have proposed to provide the following percentage of care to Medicaid patients: Arbor: 45% Health Quest: 16.7% HCR: 42% Burzenski: 59% 1st Year; 60% 2d Year. All of the applicants except Health Quest comply with this guideline. Community nursing home facilities in District Eight should expand their financial base to include as many reimbursement mechanisms as are available to them including Medicare, Medicaid, Champus, VA, and other third-party payers, and private pay. This guideline applies to existing facilities. None of the applicants are proposing to "expand their financial bases" in the manner suggested in this guideline. Community nursing home (skilled and intermediate care) facilities in each county should maintain an occupancy rate of at least 90 percent. This guideline has been filled. New community nursing home facilities may be considered for approval when existing facilities servicing comparable services areas cannot reasonably, economically, or geographically provide adequate service to these service areas. Existing facilities cannot reasonably meet the need for the 75 additional nursing home beds in Sarasota County for July, 1990. No new community nursing home facility should be constructed having less than 60 beds. However, less than 60 beds may be approved as part of an established acute care hospital facility. All of the applicants meets this guideline. Expansion of existing facilities to 120 beds should be given priority over construction of new facilities in the health service area. The proposals of Arbor, Health Quest and Trecor meet this guideline. The proposal of HCR does not meet this guideline. Each nursing home facility should have a patient transfer agreement with one or more hospitals within an hour's travel time, or the nearest hospital within the same community. All of the applicants meet, or will meet, this guideline. The proposed project should have a formal discharge planning program as well as some type of patient follow-up service with discharge/transfer made available seven days a week. All of the applicants meet this guideline. Nursing home services should be within at least one hour typical travel time by automobile for at least 95 percent of all residents of District Eight. This guideline is not applicable. Community nursing homes should be accessible to residents throughout District Eight regardless of their ability to pay. All of the applicants meet this guideline. Health Quest meets this guideline less than the other applicants because of its minimal Medicaid commitment. All community nursing homes and applicants for community nursing homes should document their history of participation in Medicaid and medicare programs, and provide data on an ongoing basis to the District Eight Local Health Council as requested. All of the applicants meet this guideline. Health Quest has not, however, provided Medicaid care at Regents Park. Health Quest does provide Medicaid at all its other nursing centers and will obtain Medicaid certification at Regents Park if its application for a certificate of need in this case is approved. Medicare is not provided at Burzenski at this time. Burzenski will, however, provide Medicare at its proposed facility. Failure of a holder of a certificate of need to substantially comply with statements of intent made in the application and relied upon the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services as set forth in the Certificate shall be cause for the Department to initiate an action for specific performance, fines as specified in s. 381.495(3), or injunctive relief. This guideline is not applicable. Need for Services. HCR conducted a "non-numeric community need survey" in Sarasota County. Based upon this survey, HCR has suggested that there is an unmet need for 1,600 nursing home beds for Sarasota County for Alzheimer patients and other dementia patients. HCR's conclusions concerning unmet need for services for Sarasota County are unrealistic. HCR failed to prove that any need in Sarasota County for services for Alzheimer patients and others is not being met adequately. Services for Alzheimer patients are currently being provided by Trecor and Health Quest. HCR and Trecor have proposed to dedicate 30 of their proposed nursing home beds to the care of Alzheimer patients and patients with other forms of dementia. All of the applicants propose to provide a full range of services to their residents, including sub-acute care. Other Considerations. Health Quest's avowed purpose for the proposed conversion of its 53 sheltered beds is to insure that Regents Park remains available for use by the general public. Florida law allows sheltered nursing home beds to be used by persons other than residents of an adult congregate living facility for five years from the issuance of a license for the sheltered nursing home beds. Regents Park received its license in November, 1986. Therefore, its sheltered nursing home beds can remain available for use by the general public until November, 1991. Health Quest has received a certificate of need for 180 nursing home beds for Sarasota. Health Quest intends on placing 60 of those beds at Regents Park. The other 120 beds will be placed at another facility to be constructed in Sarasota County. Health Quest may be able to use some of its 180 approved nursing home beds to avoid the closing of Regents Park to the general public. Health Quest has not, however, explored this alternative. Health Quest's decision not to pursue this course of action is based in part on its decision that the 43% Medicaid care required for its certificate of need for 180 nursing home beds is not acceptable at Regents Park. Health Quest has failed to prove that its proposal is needed because of its desire to convert its sheltered beds to community nursing home beds. Section 381.705(1)(b), Florida Statutes. The evidence in this case failed to prove that like and existing health care services in Sarasota County are not available, efficient, appropriate, accessible, adequate or providing quality of care except to the extent that existing services cannot meet the need for 75 additional nursing home beds in Sarasota County. Section 381.705(1)(c), Florida Statutes. Arbor. Two of Arbor's three licensed facilities in Florida are currently rated superior. The other facility is rated standard. Arbor's proposal may qualify it for a superior rating at its proposed facility. Arbor proposes to provide sufficient services, safeguards and staff. Arbor should be able to provide adequate quality of care in its proposed facility. Health Quest. Health Quest has a corporate policy of emphasizing quality of care. It attempts to obtain the highest quality rating in every community it serves. Health Quest's facilities in Jacksonville and Boca Raton have been rated superior. Health Quest's Sarasota facility has not been in operation long enough to qualify for a superior rating. Health Quest's Sarasota facility offers a high level of staffing, including a Human Resources Director, who is responsible for personnel administration and training, a full time social activities director and an activities coordinator. It also has a high nursing ratio. Health Quest is proposing the highest level of staffing of the applicants in this proceeding. Extensive training and development of staff at Health Quest's Sarasota facility is provided. Orientation training and in-service training on an on- going basis will be provided. Health Quest proposes to provide sufficient services, safeguards and staff. Health Quest should be able to provide adequate quality of care in its proposed facility. HCR. HCR's existing Sarasota nursing home has received a license with a standard rating. Other HCR facilities have received standard ratings, including some facilities which were acquired by HCR with superior ratings. HCR also has facilities which have been rated superior. HCR will enhance the quality of care available by providing a full range of services, from the least intensive level (adult day care) to the most intensive levels (i.e., sub- acute care). HCR's proposal to provide adult day care, a dedicated Alzheimer's unit, sub-acute care and respite care, and its adult congregate living facility will enhance quality of care in Sarasota County. HCR adheres to extensive quality assurance standards and guidelines. HCR provides adequate training, exceeding state minimum requirements, for its staff. HCR proposes to provide sufficient services, safeguards and staff. HCR should be able to provide adequate quality of care in its proposed facility. Trecor. Trecor has contracted with Central Care, Inc., a Florida corporation providing a full spectrum of health care and retirement living services, to manage its facility. Trecor provides education and training for its staff on an ongoing basis. Even though Trecor is operating in an inadequate building, Trecor received a superior rating in 1986-1987 and 1987-1988. Trecor proposes to provide sufficient services, safeguards and staff. Trecor should be able to provide adequate quality of care in its proposed facility. Section 381.705(1)(e), Florida Statutes. None of the applicants provided sufficient proof to conclude that they will provide joint, cooperative or shared health care resources sufficient to provide them with an advantage over the other applicants. Section 381.705(1)(f), Florida Statutes. None of the applicants proved that there is any need in the service district for special equipment or services which are not reasonably and economically accessible in adjoining areas. Section 381.705(1)(g), Florida Statutes. None of the applicants proved that this criterion applies in this proceeding. Section 381.705(1)(h), Florida Statutes. All of the applicants' proposals will be accessible to all residents of the service district. Health Quest will, however, provide less access to Medicaid residents than the other applicants. Trecor will attempt to initiate internship and training programs for area nursing and allied health programs, and provide clinical placements. Health Quest participates in training programs for nurses from Sarasota Vocational/Technical school. A certified nursing aide program is also offered by Health Quest through Sarasota Vocational/Technical School. All of the applicants will be able to attract and maintain the staff necessary to operate their proposed facilities. HCR is proposing to provide the highest salaries and benefits for staff. Health Quest already has staff for its existing 53 beds. Health Quest is adding, however, 60 nursing home beds to Regents Park. HCR failed to prove that all of the existing staff will be used to staff the proposed 60 nursing home beds and not the already approved 60 nursing home beds. Section 381.705(1)(i), Florida Statutes. Immediate Financial Feasibility. Short-term financial feasibility is the ability of an applicant to finance a project. Arbor. The total projected cost of Arbor's proposed 60-bed addition is $2,380,000.00. The total cost for its 120-bed facility is $4,580,000.00. Arbor's projected costs are reasonable. Arbor is proposing to contribute 10% of the cost of its proposal and finance the remaining 90%. Arbor has $39,000,000.00 in bank lines of credit, of which $34,000,000.00 remain available for development of Arbor's proposed project. Arbor also has sufficient money market funds to meet its projected equity contribution of 10%. Arbor has demonstrated immediate financial feasibility of its proposed project. Health Quest. Health Quest indicated in its application that there were no capital costs associated with its proposal. This is not correct. It will have some minor costs for the addition of the seven new nursing home beds it is seeking. Health Quest's proposal is the lowest in terms of additional capital costs which must be incurred. Most of the capital costs associated with the 53 nursing home beds it is seeking were already incurred when it built Regents Park. Health Quest did not provide proof of the cost of Regents Park. The unaudited financial statements of Health Quest indicate that it experienced a loss of $3,200,000.00 in 1986 and a loss of $5,000,000.00 in 1987. Health Quest has net worth and equity of $300,000.00 on over $200,000,000.00 in assets. The losses Health Quest has been experiencing have been the result of Health Quest's development activities. Health Quest can finance its project with internal funds. The evidence failed to prove that Health Quest must liquidate assets to generate operating funds. Health Quest demonstrated immediate financial feasibility of its proposed project. HCR. HCR's total estimated project costs for its 60-bed facility is $2,657,000.00. This amount includes the cost of the portion of the project to be used for adult day care ($138,000.00). The costs to be incurred for the adult congregate living facility is $1,800,000.00. HCR's projected costs are reasonable. HCR intends to contribute 25% of the total project costs and finance the remaining 75%. HCR has sufficient funds on hand to fund 25% of its project costs. In fact, HCR has the ability to contribute 100% of the total project costs. HCR has lines of credit with banks and other sources of obtaining financing for the project, including a loan from its parent corporation. HCR has demonstrated immediate financial feasibility of its proposed project. Trecor. The total cost of Trecor's proposed 60-bed nursing home addition is $885,210.00. The total cost of replacing the existing Burzenski building is projected as $3,588,634.00 ($885,210.00 for the proposed addition; $1,400,000.00 debt on the existing building; and $1,303,424.00 for the replacement of the existing building). Trecor is proposing to contribute 10% of the proposed project costs, or $88,521.00, and to finance the remaining 90%. To finance the entire project will require an equity contribution of over $300,000.00. Trecor has experienced operating losses in 1986 and 1987 and has a negative net worth of $259,000.00. Trecor has a positive cash flow, however. Trecor does not have sufficient equity to contribute 10% of the proposed project costs. The Board of Directors of Trecor has, however, adopted a resolution indicating Trecor's intent to provide the necessary contribution. Trecor can obtain the necessary funds from its owners if necessary. NCNB has expressed an interest in financing the rest of the project. Although NCNB has not legally committed to such an arrangement, it is reasonable to conclude that a satisfactory loan agreement can be reached with NCNB or Barnett Bank. Trecor has demonstrated immediate financial feasibility of its proposed project. Long-Term Financial Feasibility. Long-term financial feasibility is the ability of an applicant to operate a project at a profit, generally measured at the end of the second year of operation. Arbor. At the formal hearing Arbor presented an updated pro forma. Arbor suggested that the purpose of the updated pro forma was to reflect increased personnel costs and reduced utilization from 97% to 95%. According to Arbor, the changes reflect changes caused by inflation and "actual experience." The updated pro forma submitted by Arbor includes substantial increases in salary expense ranging from 10% to 30% (and one increase of 50%). The updated pro forma also includes at least one position not included in the original pro forma filed with Arbor's application. Arbor's original pro forma understated salary expenses. The updated salary expenses were foreseeable, and should have been foreseen, when Arbor filed its application. The updated pro forma was accepted into evidence over objection. In the updated pro forma, Arbor has projected a loss of $347,043.00 from revenue of $2,034,837.00 for the first year of operation and a profit of $41,833.00 from revenue of $3,016,512.00 for the second year of operation. Arbor has projected a payor mix of 45% Medicaid, 5% Medicare and 50% private pay. These projections are reasonable. Arbor's projected fill-up rate is reasonable. Arbor's projected charges are reasonable. The evidence failed to prove that Arbor's projected revenue and expenses as contained in its original application are reasonable. The evidence also failed to prove that Arbor's projected expenses as contained in its updated pro forma are reasonable either. Arbor has failed to prove that its project is feasible in the long term. Health Quest. Health Quest is operating at close to capacity at Regents Park and is already charging close to its projected patient charges. The facility has been operating at a loss. The facility experienced a profit only during its latest month of operation. The addition of Medicaid beds will erode Health Quest's revenues to some extent. Health Quest has projected a profit of $16,663.00 from revenue of $1,771,303.00 for the first year of operation and a profit of $40,698.00 from revenue of $1,850,156.00 for the second year of operation. Health Quest is projecting a payor mix of 16.7% Medicaid, 4.2% medicare and 79.2% private pay. These projections are reasonable. Regents Park opened in November, 1986, and filled up rapidly. It has been operating at full occupancy and with a waiting list. Health Quest's estimated fill up rate is reasonable in light of this fact. Health Quest has failed to prove that its project is feasible in the long term. HCR. HCR has projected a loss of $267,436.00 on $1,068,427.00 of revenue for its first year of operation and a profit of $62,729.00 on $1,772,399.00 of revenue for its second year of operation. HCR has projected a payor mix of 42% Medicaid, 4% medicare and 54% private pay. These projections are reasonable. HCR's projected fill-up rate to 95% occupancy is reasonable. HCR's projected patient charges are reasonable. HCR's projected revenue and expenses are reasonable. HCR's project is feasible in the long term. (4). Trecor. Trecor has projected a profit of $77,458.00 on revenue of $2,481,229.00 for the first year of operation and a profit of $367,896.00 on revenue of $3,106,152.00 for the second year of operation. The pro forma submitted by Trecor is for the 120-bed nursing home facility and not just the proposed 60-bed project. Trecor has a negative net worth and Trecor has been operating at a loss. Trecor has projected a payor mix of 59% Medicaid, 3.5% medicare, 34% private pay and 3.5% V.A. These projections are reasonable. Trecor has estimated it will achieve 50% occupancy in the first month of operation and an occupancy of 96% by the seventh month. This is a fill up rate of 2 residents a week. Arbor and HCR have projected fill up rates of 2 residents a month. Trecor does not expect to lose any patients during construction of its facility. Trecor is currently at full occupancy and has a waiting list. Trecor's projected fill up rate is achievable. Trecor's projected patient charges are reasonable. They are the lowest of the competing applicants. Trecor has failed to include some expenses in its projections. Trecor left $50,000.00 of administrative salaries out of its projections and FICA is underestimated because Trecor used the old rate. When these expenses are taken into account, Trecor's project is still financially feasible. Trecor's projected revenue and expenses, except as noted above, are reasonable. Trecor's project is feasible in the long term. Section 381.705(1)(1), Florida Statutes. Based upon the projected rates for nursing home services to be charged by the applicants, Arbor and Trecor will have the least adverse impact on patient charges, followed by HCR. Health Quest will have the greatest adverse impact on patient charges. Generally, all of the applicants will enhance competition if their projects are approved. Section 381.705(1)(m), Florida Statutes. Arbor. Arbor's building will contain 36,000 gross square feet, with 18,000 gross square feet attributable to the 60 nursing home beds it is seeking in this proceeding. The cost of Arbor's proposed 60-bed addition is $2,380,000.00 ($132.22 per square foot) and the cost of its entire project is $4,580,000.00. The projected cost of construction is $1,228,000.00, a cost of $68.22 per square foot. Arbor's projected costs are reasonable. Arbor's proposed building will provide 300 square feet per bed. Arbor plans to build its prototype 120-bed nursing home facility. It has used its 120-bed nursing home plans for other Florida projects. These plans have been approved by the Department's Office of Licensure and Certification. Arbors' building will comply with all code and regulatory requirements. The building will be constructed on a 6.5 acre site which is appropriately zoned and of sufficient size. The design of Arbor's proposed building and the proposed methods of construction are reasonable. Health Quest. Health Quest has already constructed the building in which its proposed 60 nursing home beds dire to be located. The building is already licensed. The building complies witch all code and regulatory requirements. A total of 30,945 square feat will be devoted to the nursing home portion of Regents Park. This is the largest of the proposed facilities. The proposed building will have 515 square feet per bed. There are no construction costs to be incurred for Health Quest's proposal. Construction costs have already been incurred to construct the facility in which Health Quest's proposed beds will be housed. Health Quest's building design is of the highest quality. HCR. HCR is proposing to construct a 60-bed nursing home. Additional space for 31 adult congregate living beds and for an additional 60 nursing home beds will also be built. The facility will include a dedicated 30-bed Alzheimer's unit. The inclusion of this unit requires more space. The proposed HCR building will consist of 25,600 square feet for the 60-bed nursing home. This includes the $138,240.00 cost and the 2,300 square feet of the adult day care unit. The projected cost of HCR's project is $2,657,000.00 or $103.79 per square foot. The projected cost of constructing HCR's proposed building is $1,536,000.00 or $60.00 a square foot. HCR's projected costs are reasonable. 166. HCR's facility will consist of 426 square feet per bed. 167. HCR's facility will comply with code and regulatory requirements. 168. HCR's design and methods of construction are reasonable. 169. HCR's facility will incorporate energy conservation measures. Trecor. The Trecor proposal entails the addition of a 60-bed patient wing on the second floor of a two-story building. The first floor of the building will be constructed by Trecor to replace its existing building. Approval of the replacement facility is not part Trecor's proposal at issue in this proceeding. The plans for the replacement building and the addition thereto have been developed together. The plans can be modified to insure that all of the proposed services can be accommodated in the building. The proposed Trecor building will be constructed in phases. First, the portion of the new building which will house the 120 nursing home beds will be constructed. Patients will then be transferred to the newly constructed facility. All of the existing building except the kitchen and administration facilities will then be demolished. Patients will be fed out of the existing kitchen and the administrative functions will be handled form the old administrative facilities. The new kitchen, dining and administrative offices will then be constructed. When this portion of the building is completed, the old kitchen and administrative offices will be demolished. Although inconvenient, Trecor should be able to continue to provide quality of care during the construction period. The other applicants have raised a number of issues concerning the Trecor building. The issues do not, however, involve violations of code or regulatory requirements for nursing home facilities. Trecor's building will contain a total of 31,398 square feet. This total includes 19,337 square feet attributable to the existing 60 nursing home beds and 12,061 square feet attributable to the 60 nursing home beds at issue in this proceeding. The proposed building is relatively small. Trecor's architect did a very good job of properly using the relatively small parcel of real estate he had to work with. The small size of the building, however, accounts for the lower cost of the Trecor proposal. The evidence failed to prove that Trecor cannot provide adequate care, despite the building's size. The cost of Trecor's proposed 60-bed addition is $885,210.00 ($73.39 per square foot) and the cost of its replacement facility is $1,303,424.00. The projected cost of construction for Trecor's proposed 60-bed addition is $592,500.00, a cost of $49.13 per square foot. Questions have been raised concerning the project development costs and the estimated architecture/engineer fees for Trecor's project. Trecor did not include all of the expenses for these items in the projected costs of its proposed 60-bed addition because the costs were included as part of building the replacement facility. Some of those costs could have been included as part of the cost of the proposal being reviewed in this proceeding. If those costs had been included, their inclusion would not affect the conclusions reached in this proceeding concerning the reasonableness of Trecor's project. Trecor's projected costs are reasonable. Trecor's proposed building will provide 201 square feet for the proposed 60 nursing home beds, 322 square feet for the existing 60 nursing home beds and 261 square feet for the total 120 nursing home beds. Trecor's building will comply with all code and regulatory requirements. The Trecor facility will be located on 1.97 acres. The design of the Trecor building and the proposed methods of construction are reasonable. Trecor's facility will incorporate energy conservation measures. Section 381.705(1)(n), Florida Statutes. All of the applicants have a history of providing care to Medicaid patients. Health Quest, however, does not provide care to Medicaid patients at Regents Park. If Health Quest's application is approved, Regents Park will become Medicaid certified. The projected Medicaid of the applicants is as follows: Arbor: 45% Health Quest 16.7% HCR 42% Burzenski 59% first year; 60% second year All of the applicants except Health Quest are proposing to provide at least 42% Medicaid, which is the average Medicaid provided in Sarasota County.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department issue a Final Order granting Trecor's application for certificate of need number 5443 and denying Arbor's application for certificate of need number 5841, Health Quest's application for certificate of need number 5442 and HCR's application for certificate of need number 5437. DONE and ENTERED this 14th day of March, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of March, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NOS. 88-1945; 88-1949; 88-1950 The parties have submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. Arbor's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 10-13. 2 1 and 29-33. 3 15-21 and hereby accepted. 4 19-20, 34 and 36. 5 22-25. 6 37-40. 7 26-27. 28, 41 and 44-47. Trecor applied for a certificate of need in January, 1987, not May, 1987. Hereby accepted. Not all of the applicants in this proceeding, however, have met the minimum criteria for the issuance of a certificate of need. Not supported by the weight of the evidence and a statement concerning the proceedings. 51. The last two sentences are argument. 51. The fifth through ninth sentences are argument. The evidence proved that Health Quest is adding 60 nursing home beds to its existing facility. Therefore, if its application in this case is approved it will have a 120-bed nursing home facility. 51. The last five sentences are statements of law and argument. Statement of law or not supported by the weight of the evidence. 15 64-66. 16 67-69 and 73. 74 and hereby accepted. The last two sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 43 and 81. The fifth, sixth and eighth sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. The third, fourth and seventh sentences are hereby accepted. Although this proposed finding of fact, except the last sentence, is generally correct, this is not the only factor to consider in determining whether an applicant can provide quality of care. Argument, not relevant to this proceeding or not supported by the weight of the evidence. 52-55 and hereby accepted. The last sentence, except the reference to the state health plan, is hereby accepted. The second, sixth, ninth, tenth and eleventh sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence or are argument. See 52-56. Argument. 56 and hereby accepted. 85, 87-88 and hereby accepted. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 51, 60-61 and 86. The second, third, sixth, eighth, ninth and tenth sentences are not relevant to this proceeding, not supported by the weight of the evidence or argument. 26 92 and 114. 27 95-97 and 106-107. 28 98 and 100. 109-111. The last five sentences are argument and not supported by the weight of the evidence. See 111-113. 97 and 107. Short-term financial feasibility of Health Quest is not moot and Trecor can finance its project with the assistance of its shareholders. Hereby accepted. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 115 and 118. The last four sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence or are argument. 119-120. The last two sentences are not relevant to this proceeding or are not supported by the weight of the evidence. See 123. 34 130 and 134. 125, 127 and 132. The fifth sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The last sentence is hereby accepted. 136-137 and 143. The first and last sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 38-39 Not supported by the weight of the evidence, argument, not relevant to these proceedings or taken into account in determining the weight to be accorded to testimony. 40 Hereby accepted. The first and last sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 41 139-141. 42 See 97, 103, 107, 113, 124, 129, 135 and 145. Arbor has not proven that it is financially feasible in the long term. The last three sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 43, 46 and 56 Statements of law. 146 and hereby accepted. Hereby accepted. 47 148 and 153-155. 48 157-158, 160 and 175. 49 161-163 and 175. 171, 175, 180 and hereby accepted. The sixth, ninth and tenth sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 171. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 52-54 Not supported by the weight of the evidence, argument or not relevant to this proceeding. 55 185 and 187-188. The last sentence is argument. 57-58 These proposed findings of fact are contrary to the stipulation of the parties. The parties stipulated prior to commencement of the formal hearing in this case that the criteria to be considered in determining which applicant was entitled to a certificate of need were contained in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes. Additionally, the Department accepted all of the applicants' certificate of need applications as being complete. It would not be proper for the Department to now disqualify an applicant on the grounds that its application is not complete. Health Quest's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 1. 2 32, 34, 37 and 41. 3 2. 4 3. 4 and 6. 7. Not all of the applicants filed petitions. 7 48. 8 15-16. 9 67-68. 10 17-19. 11 21. 12 19. 13 58-59. See 57. The weight of the evidence did not prove that Regents Park will be closed to the public "unless Health Quest's application for conversion to community status is approved." 14-15 Not supported by the weight of the evidence and not relevant to this proceeding. 16 See 36. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 17-19 Not supported by the weight of the evidence or not relevant to this proceeding. 20 70 and hereby accepted. 21, 24, 27, 30-48, 52, 54-57, 61, 64, 70, 77, 88-89, 93, 95, 97, 107-108, 110-111, 113, 118, 124, 126, 128-129, 132, 135-136 and 138-139. Hereby accepted. 22 Hereby accepted and summary of testimony. The last two sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. See 91. 23 72. 25-26 88 and hereby accepted. 56 and hereby accepted. Not relevant to this proceeding. 49 Hereby accepted. The last two sentences are not relevant to this proceeding, are based upon hearsay and constitute opinion testimony from a nonexpert witness. 50 69. 51 Not relevant to this proceeding or based upon hearsay. 53 126 and 128. 58 Hereby accepted. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 59 157. 60, 65-67, 71, 91, 112, 114-116, 121-122 and 125 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 62 Not relevant to this proceeding. 63 51 and 185-186. 68 100-101. 69 102. 72 51. The last sentence is rejected. The parties stipulated prior to commencement of the formal hearing in this case that the criteria to be considered in determining which applicant was entitled to a certificate of need were contained in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes. The parties did not indicate that Section 381.703(1)(b)1, Florida Statutes, was at issue in this proceeding or that Section 381.705(1)(a), Florida Statutes, does not apply. 73-76 Not relevant to this proceeding. The issue is not just whether nursing home services are available to all residents of the service area. Also at issue is whether each applicant is proposing to serve all of the residents of the service area. Health Quest's proposal does indicate Health Quest intends on serving a significant portion of Sarasota County's Medicaid population. 78 60-61. The portion of this proposed finding of fact prior to subparagraph a, the portion of subparagraph a appearing on page 19 of the proposed recommended order and subparagraphs b-d are rejected as argument, statements of law or as not being supported by the weight of the evidence. 79-82 Although generally correct, these proposed findings of fact are argument. 83 Not relevant to this proceeding. 84-86 Summary of testimony and argument. 87 Hereby accepted. The last sentence is not relevant to this proceeding or supported by the weight of the evidence. 90, 92 Not relevant to this proceeding. 94 Summary of testimony and argument. 96 Hereby accepted. The last sentence and the last half of the second sentence are rejected as not being relevant to this proceeding. 98-106 These proposed findings of fact were taken into account in determining the weight to be given testimony and other evidence. 109 Although the first sentence is correct, the rest of the proposed finding of fact is not relevant to this proceeding or not supported by the weight of the evidence. 117, 119-120 Not relevant to this proceeding. 123 108. The portion of this proposed finding of fact contained on page 30 of the proposed recommended order is primarily argument and not supported by the weight of the evidence. 127 143. 130-131 and 133-134 Not supported by the weight of the evidence, cumulative or not relevant to this proceeding. 137 The first sentence is hereby accepted. The rest of the proposed finding of fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence, argument or not relevant to this proceeding. Summary of testimony. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The first two sentences are hereby accepted. The rest of the proposed finding of fact is argument and not supported by the weight of the evidence. HCR's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 48. 2, 4-9, 13-14, 16, 19-20, 22-23, 27, 30-32, 35, 41-42, 45, 47, 49-51, 53, 63-67, 71 and 75 Hereby accepted. 3, 15 and 33 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Hereby accepted. The last sentence, as it applies to Sarasota County, is not supported by the weight of the evidence. Although generally true, this proposed finding of fact, as it applies to Sarasota County, is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 12 55. 17 37-4 and 55. 18 Hereby accepted, except that the first sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 21 51 and 86. 24 51. The parties stipulated that the state health plan has been met by all of the applicants. 25 22-25. 26 76-78 and hereby accepted. 77 and hereby accepted. 78 and hereby accepted. 34 106-107. 36 Although generally true, the evidence failed to prove that HCR would provide these benefits without cost to its proposed Sarasota facility. 37 131-132. 38 133. 39 134-135. 40 89-90. 43 39-40, 163-164 and 166. 44 152, 167-170, and 180. 46 169-170. 48 165-166. 52 Hereby accepted. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that appropriate services for "AD patients" are not adequately available. 54 The parties stipulated that the state health plan has been met by all of the applicants. 55 2-3. 56-58 These proposed findings of fact are contrary to the stipulation of the parties. The parties stipulated prior to commencement of the formal hearing in this case that the criteria to be considered in determining which applicant was entitled to a certificate of need were contained in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes. Additionally, the Department accepted all of the applicants' certificate of need applications as being complete. It would not be proper for the Department to now disqualify an applicant on the grounds that its application is not complete. 59 148-149. 60 Taken into account in determining the weight to be given to testimony. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 61 123. 62 Hereby accepted except the last two sentences which are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 68-69 115-117. 70 Not relevant to this proceeding. 72 41, 45-47, 175-176, 180 and hereby accepted. Hereby accepted except the third through fifth sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. Not supported by the weight of the evidence and not relevant to this proceeding. Hereby accepted except the last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. The first sentence is hereby accepted. The rest of the proposed finding of fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence. Taken into account in determining the weight to be given testimony and other evidence. Not relevant to this proceeding. 80-81 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 109-110. The last three sentences are not relevant to this proceeding. Hereby accepted, except for the first two sentences, which are not supported by the weight of the evidence. Hereby accepted except the third and last sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. See 136. Not relevant to this proceeding. Trecor's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1-6, 20-24, 27, 29-32, 35, 37-39 and 56. Hereby accepted. 7 28 and 41-42. 8 41, 43 and 81. 9 26-27. 10 41, 44 and 81. 11 44-45. 12 46 and 171. 13 173. 14 46, 171-172 and 174. 15-16 173. The last sentence of proposed finding of fact 16 is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 17 181. 18 54-55 and hereby accepted. 19 79. 25 40, 47, 109, 111-112 and hereby accepted. 26 175 and 177. 28 178 and hereby accepted. 33 184 and hereby accepted. 34 138 and 142. 36 139-141. 40 50. 41 51. 42 51. The last three sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. Although the Arbor site was not disclosed, the weight of the evidence supports a conclusion that Arbor's proposal meets this portion of the district plan. 43-47 51. 48 51. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 49-50 51 and hereby accepted. 51 51 and hereby accepted. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 52-53 51. Argument. 51 and hereby accepted. The Department's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 48. 2-3 49. 4 Not relevant to this proceeding. 5-6 Conclusions of law. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Contrary to a stipulation of the parties that all of the parties meet the state health plan to the extent that it is applicable. See 63. 10, 13, 15 and 17 Hereby accepted. 11 See 64-84 concerning Section 381.705(1)(c), Florida Statutes. The parties stipulated that Section 381.705(1)(d), Florida Statutes, had been met or did not apply. 12 86 and 129. 14 Not relevant in this de novo proceeding and not supported by the weight of the evidence. 16 See 60-62. COPIES FURNISHED: Steven W. Huss, Esquire 1017 Thomasville Road, Suite C Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Charles M. Loeser Assistant General Counsel Health Quest Corporation 315 West Jefferson Boulevard South Bend, Indiana 46601 James M. Barclay, Esquire 231 A East Virginia Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Alfred W. Clark, Esquire Post Office Box 623 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Jay Adams, Esquire Jay Adams, P.A. 1519 Big Sky Way Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Theodore E. Mack Assistant General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Executive Center Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-001033 Latest Update: Dec. 31, 1987

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS, Department,) is the state agency empowered to review, grant, or deny certificate of need applications. Careage Aire filed a certificate of need application with the Department proposing a new 60 bed nursing home for Escambia County, Florida. The application was assigned certificate of need #4660 by HRS and was reviewed in the July, 1986 batching cycle. The Department recommended denial of the certificate of need application on January 27, 1987, in a "State Agency Action Report." The parties to this cause submitted a joint prehearing stipulation which narrowed the issues to be presented at final hearing. The factual issues remaining for determination are thus as follows: Whether there is a need for the nursing home facility proposed; The appropriate inventory of licensed or approved beds in the relevant planning district; The appropriate occupancy rate for nursing home beds in the relevant planning district; The relevant population projection figures to be utilized in accessing the need for Careage Aire's proposed facility; Whether there is a need for the special services to be provided by Careage Aire; Whether the proposed patient charges for sub-acute care and private VA care are reasonable. The stipulated legal issues requiring determination include: Whether there is a need for the nursing home facility proposed; Whether there is a need for the proposed special services; Which time period should be used to fix the relevant population, occupancy rate, and bed inventory for review of the application. Additionally, it was stipulated that a timely petition for formal hearing was filed, and that the letter of intent was timely filed. It was also stipulated that the applicant is financially capable of proceeding to construct and operate the proposed project, that the applicant is capable of providing quality of care sufficient to meet pertinent regulatory requirements, and that the construction costs projected by the applicant, Petitioner, are reasonable. The Proposed Project Careage is a group of corporations owned by Gene E. Lynn, who has been involved in the nursing home industry for a long period of years. In the past, Careage has built more than 250 hospitals, nursing homes, and health-related facilities. It has built such facilities in approximately 30 states, centering its activities on the west coast of the United States. Careage does not currently operate any nursing home facilities in Florida, but has a number of applications pending. Careage is proposing to provide what might be termed an "upscale" nursing home in the sense of its providing certain special services and programs not commonly offered at nursing homes in Florida. This package of special services and programs is similar to those Careage operates at nursing homes in other states. Careage Aire, in proposing to construct a new 60 bed nursing home, has designated 21 beds for a discreet unit for the care of Alzheimer's disease patients. It will be a self- contained unit separate from the rest of the nursing home. Additionally, 5 beds will be provided for sub-acute services which, generally, are services involving more intense medical care or therapy than is the case in the normal skilled nursing home. Sub-acute services are analogous to those provided at extended care centers operated by hospitals for patients who are no longer required by their medical conditions to be actual inpatients in the hospital. Two of the beds proposed are identified as being dedicated to the treatment of technology dependent children, that is, children who are dependent upon machines or other devices for treatment or life support, such as ventilator patients. Additionally, Careage will provide other special services such as adult day care and respite care services at its proposed facility, those generally being described as part time residence in the nursing home by the patients involved. The facility proposed will be similar in design to the Careage facility in Coupeville, Washington. This design allows for various amenities and interior design features designed to enhance the quality of care rendered. Careage will thus provide an innovative semiprivate room bed configuration, which places the patients and beds "foot to foot" rather than beside each other. This configuration has been used in other nursing homes and it has been determined that this allows patients to more readily communicate with each other and enables them both to have a window view. The proposed facility will have a television receptacle across from every bed with speakers on the pillows so that residents can watch or listen to television without disturbing their roommates in a semiprivate room. Additionally, Careage Aire will provide three separate patient areas for residents. These areas will be the lobby, passive activity room and an active activity room. The "active room" will have crafts, paints, or other activities available to engage in, with the "passive" room being devoted to such activity as reading, card playing and other more sedate pursuits. As part of the normal family activity, Careage will open its dining room to the general public on Sundays. It has been found at other facilities that such a practice encourages the quality of care within its facility, by being regularly exposed to the public view. Additionally, the Petitioner will have such amenities as a popcorn machine and aquariums in the walls of the entrance lobby, which although not directly related to quality of nursing care, do represent amenities very popular with residents and contribute significantly to the residents and their families sense of well-being and confidence in the quality of service rendered. Appropriateness of Specialized Services in Nursing Home Setting The application proposes to provide several specialized services. Among those services are an Alzheimer's unit, sub-acute care unit and the provision of specialized care to technology dependent children. Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative neurological condition occurring most often after age 55. It is apparently an irreversible deterioration of brain cells and is characterized by short term memory loss, behaviorial changes and changes in personality accompanied by mood swings, and often manic depressive symptoms. In its final stages, patients usually become incontinent and are often not aware of their surroundings nor recognize family members. Such patients often become disoriented, restless, and combative and lose their ability to recognize places, people and other sensory stimuli. They also seem to lose their sense of time, and go through stages of wandering. Careage Aire proposes to provide a distinct 21 bed Alzeheimer's unit at the proposed facility. The provision of care for Alzeheimer's patients in a separate unit from other nursing home patients was shown to be the most appropriate way to care for them. This is because they can be offered specialized services, designed to fit their particular needs with less external stimuli and a more predictable environment. This tends to diminish the effects of many of the Alzheimer's symptoms which become more apparent when Alzheimer's patients are placed with other patients in a regular nursing home unit setting. The combative behavior of Alzheimer's patients can be alleviated by providing for their separate care in a specialized unit. They can tend to maintain their mental levels at the highest degree in a unit of the type proposed by the applicant. The rooms for instance will be identified not only by a room number, but also by distinct physical identifiers, which are color coded. This will allow the individual patient four different means of recognition of which room is his. Additionally, Careage Aire will provide a specially trained staff within the unit to assist in the proper diagnosis of Alzheimer's patients. In certain cases, Alzeheimer's patients are being misdiagnosed when they are merely experiencing drug interactions or other medical conditions which result in similar symptoms. The proposed design for the Alzheimer's unit includes a doorway separating it from the rest of the nursing home facility. The unit contains a control station for nursing supervision, activities and dining room, and a quiet room. At the back of the unit is a door opening onto a walkway within an attractively walled area where patients can walk and receive exercise and yet not wander into unsafe areas. In the walled area is a covered area for a picnic table and a resting bench. The area for walking enables the Alzheimer's patients who are subject to wander, to do so in a safe environment. The planning, physical layout and the training of the staff proposed by the applicant for the Alzheimer's unit constitutes appropriate quality care for Alzheimer's residents. None of the existing nursing homes in the County provide a true distinct Alzheimer's unit. Although existing nursing homes accept such patients and care for them in a nursing home floor setting, the treatment of Alzheimer's patients in a specialized and distinct unit is more effective, economical and appropriate. The types of services proposed to be provided by the applicant in this unit would result in the treatment of such patients in the least restrictive, most humane and economically feasible manner. Existing nursing homes in Escambia County often do not choose to deal with "heavy" care patients, which may result in their being discharged when their best interests would dictate otherwise. The applicant established that physicians treating patients with Alzheimer's disease in the area would refer them to Careage Aire for placement in an Alzheimers unit if it were built. Sub-Acute Care Services The applicant has allocated five of the proposed beds for sub-acute care patients. Sub-acute care has not been provided in nursing homes traditionally, since it is a more intensive type of care, normally associated with the extended care facilities operated by hospitals. Careage, however, has experience in other states in providing such services in a nursing home setting. The definition of this type service proposed by the applicant (and adopted in the State of California) includes numerous services such as hyper-alimentation, IV therapy, IV antibiotic therapy, morphine drip therapy, ventilators, IPPB treatments, heparin flush, infusion pumps for the administration of fluid, kangaroo pumps for tube feeders, specialized inhalation therapy treatments, and concentrated rehabilitative therapies. These services are similar to care provided in extended care beds operated by acute care hospitals. The provision of sub-acute care services is appropriate in a nursing home setting such as this. The existing nursing homes are not accepting ventilator dependent patients, for instance, and the early patient discharge from hospitals, mandated by the federal "DRG" system of reimbursement, has served to increase the need for "heavy care" of the type proposed for patients in non-hospital settings. Careage Aire also proposes to provide services for "technology- dependent" children, allocating two beds for that purpose. Providing such care for children is a new concept, but is increasing as medical technology becomes more advanced, which results in the survival of a large number of children who are ill or severally injured who would have died in former years. Such children with birth defects, brain damage, injuries from accidents, or neuromuscular disease often require specialized care which could be provided in a nursing home setting. Such care is less restrictive and more appropriate than housing such pediatric patients in an acute hospital setting. Additionally, the intermingling of younger patients with elderly patients can sometimes have a beneficial psychological impact on both patient groups. The local hospitals in the Pensacola area are experiencing difficulty in placing pediatric patients who require skilled care after hospital discharge. There are two such patients in the children's hospital associated with Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola at the time of this hearing and an additional two such patients in the neonatal unit of Sacred Heart Hospital. Placement of these ventilator dependent children has been an ongoing problem for the director of social work at Sacred Heart Hospital. In one instance, the director was required to look for placement for such a child for over seven months. The director of social work at Sacred Heart Hospital would use a nursing home such as this one proposed by Careage Aire which would accept Medicaid "ventilator- dependent" children and would consider the availability of that service in discharge planning for such patients. Existing Escambia County nursing homes are not accepting ventilator patients. Baptist Hospital in Pensacola does offer ECF services, but does not accept Medicaid patients into its ECF beds. Careage Aire also proposes to provide both adult daycare and respite care services at its nursing home facility. The provision of such services, involving elderly residents staying only a portion of the day or for a limited number of days at the nursing home facility before changing their residency back to their family homes, is certainly an appropriate and patient benefiting nursing home service. Need for Proposed Beds The proposed project is located in HRS service District 1. Sub- district 1-A of District 1 is composed of Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties. In determining need for a particular project, health planners utilize the inventory of licensed and approved beds for a district or sub-district, as the case may be. Additionally, need is projected within a given "planning horizon" for a service district or sub-district. For the July, 1986 nursing home batching cycle, in which this application was filed and reviewed, the relevant planning horizon is July, 1989. In Escambia County, there are 1,024 licensed community nursing home beds, with 30 sheltered beds and 140 "approved" community beds. Santa Rosa County has 180 licensed beds and 120 "approved" beds. In Sub- district 1-A there are 1,204 licensed community beds, 30 sheltered beds, and 260 approved community beds for the July, 1989 planning horizon. In determining the numerical need for nursing home facilities, the Department utilizes the "nursing home bed need rule" appearing at Rule 10.5.011(1)(k), Florida Administrative Code. That rule methodology for numerical need is referenced in the State Agency Action Reports regarding this application. Utilizing the bed inventory as of the application's filing date and utilizing a 90.94 percent occupancy rate for Sub-district 1-A, there results an 18 bed surplus, over actual need, for Sub- district 1-A as a whole. The same assumptions and methodology, however, result in a 45 bed, specific need for Escambia County itself. The Department's bed need rule states that "current" population figures are to be used in determining the population projection for purposes of the need calculation. The term "current", referencing population projections, is not defined in the rule itself, however it is generally taken to mean that which is most recent or "prevalent at the moment." 1/ It is reasonable from a health planning standpoint to utilize the most recent available population estimates for the relevant planning horizon, which is July, 1989. The use of the most current population data increases the accuracy with which the 1989 population forecast can be made. The most recently available population estimates are contained in the January, 1987 population report contained in Exhibit 11. That data, being available, should be employed in calculating need for the proposed beds. The underlying support documents prepared and compiled by the Department for nursing home occupancy and licensed bed inventory, indicate some confusion concerning the number of licensed beds and the occupancy levels at the Azalea Trace nursing home. The occupancy level data for that nursing home, as well as the reported number of licensed beds, show an unexplained fluctuation during relevant time periods involved in this application. The last three months of reported data by Azalea Trace shows that it was running at 96 percent occupancy. For the first quarter of 1987, however Azalea Trace merely indicated greater than 90 percent occupancy based upon 90 licensed beds. The number of licensed beds, however, have been reported as varying between 90 and 60 licensed beds and some reporting periods no data concerning numbers of licensed beds was reported at all. In light of the inconclusive data noted in the underlying source documents and in the absence of data being reported in certain months, it has not been demonstrated that the occupancy data and number of licensed beds contained in data relied upon by the Department (referenced in Exhibits 13 and 14 and transcript pages 89-97) is reliable. It is thus reasonable, from a health planning standpoint, to infer that Azalea Trace enjoyed the same average occupancy rate as other Escambia County nursing homes during the pertinent 6 month period used for determining sub-district occupancy, and such an inference is made at this juncture. No contradictory evidence was adduced. Accordingly, if it be assumed that Azalea Trace operated at the same occupancy rate as other Escambia County nursing homes for the pertinent 6 month period from October, 1985 to March, 1986, the resulting occupancy rate for the sub- district as a whole would be 92.4 percent. This is at variance with the 94.9 percent occupancy rate relied upon by the Department in arriving at the information in the State Agency Action Report. See Exhibit 11. If the occupancy rate of 92.4 percent is used for the sub-district, along with the employment of the most recent available population estimates based upon the January, 1987 reported estimates, discussed above; and if all other factors are static, a net need is shown for Escambia County of 81 nursing home beds for the July, 1989 planning horizon, and a net need of 25 beds in Sub- district 1-A as a whole. Local Health Plan Considerations The Northwest Florida Health Council, Inc. has prepared a local health plan which addresses the need for long-term care in District I. The local health plan dated March 26, 1986, was in force at the time the application was submitted for review and is the most recent version of the local health plan. The local plan lists several priorities for the review of CON applications for nursing homes in that district. Careage Aire's application for 60 beds has been shown to be consistent with the pertinent priorities identified by that plan. Priority number 1 of the local health plan states that counties within sub-districts which indicate a greater need, applying the state rule methodology, will receive priority over proposals for counties within such sub- districts which indicate less need. Application of the state rules methodology to Sub- district 1-A indicates there is a greater need in Escambia County, where the applicant proposes to construct its nursing home, than prevails in Santa Rosa County. Local health plan priority number 2 provides that the county with the greatest percentage of population aged 65 and over, living in poverty conditions, should receive priority over proposals from other counties with less of a corresponding percentage. The percentage of population 65 and older living in poverty in Escambia County was 22.4 percent. This is a greater percentage of persons in such category than were living in Santa Rosa County. Priorities 3 through 7 of that health plan are not applicable to this proceeding or have been satisfied by the application and are not at issue. The local health plan also includes a methodology for determining nursing home bed need. The local health plan methodology is based on a comparison of the percentage of local persons living in poverty between District 1 and the entire State of Florida. The District 1 poverty level is 22 percent, compared to a state average of 12.7 percent. The medicaid occupancy rate for Escambia County, in Sub-district 1- A, is 70 percent, compared to 57 percent for the State of Florida as a whole. If as a "reality check," one applies the local health council methodology (albeit different from the HRS rule methodology) to the data used in calculating need there results a bed need for the July, 1989 planning horizon of 120 beds for Sub-district 1-A as a whole. Need for Specialized Services Aside from the determination of whether a numeric need for a given certificate of need nursing home project exists, it is pertinent to consider specialized services which the applicant proposes. There is no existing Alzheimer's care unit in any nursing home in Escambia County at the present time. The applicant proposes such a unit for Sub-district 1-A. A reasonable estimate of the number of Alzheimer's patients presently in nursing homes in Sub-district 1-A is 367. None of these are in specialized care units. The estimates in the Department's "Alzheimer's Disease Initiative" published in May of 1986, indicate there may be as many as 3,957 Alzheimer's patients in Sub- district 1-A by July, 1989. See Exhibit 17 in evidence. There is a need in Sub-district 1-A, for the sub-acute care services proposed by the applicant. Careage Aire will admit Medicaid patients to its facility, including ventilator dependent patients. These services are not currently available in either nursing home or extended care facilities in the sub-district for Medicaid patients, who have a problem with "financial accessibility" to such services. There is a need for the services proposed to be provided to technology dependent children. There is an existing problem for the hospitals in the Pensacola area in successfully placing "technology dependent children" once they have progressed sufficiently to no longer require acute hospital care. The number of such children requiring ventilators or other speciality equipment is likely to increase with the improvement of medical technology which allows brain damaged or other severely handicapped children to survive, but be dependent upon speciality equipment. Additionally, Careage Aire proposes other speciality services, involving adult daycare and respite care services, which are currently needed in Sub-district 1-A and which would help alleviate some of the problems attendant to financial inaccessibility of nursing home care to some families. It would allow families to place elderly family members in nursing home care during the day while the family members work and allow them to be taken home each night. Such care would often be a feasible alternative for families who can not afford full time nursing home care and for patients whose condition does not necessarily require full-time nursing care, but who are unable to care for themselves if left entirely to their own devices for a full day. Patient Charges The applicant's patient charges or estimated patient charges are enumerated in Exhibit 1, Table 8. The $70 charge for Veteran's Administration patients is reasonable based on the level of care to be afforded and is lower than Careage's experience with such charges in other states in which it operates. The Medicaid charge of $59.50 and the $105 charge for Medicare patients was shown by the applicant's expert to be reasonable and that testimony was unrefuted. The rather unique sub-acute care service was shown to have an estimated charge of $135, which is less than that prevailing at the Baptist Hospital's existing extended care facility. The expert testimony in support of these charges establishes that they are reasonable. In summary, existing nursing home facilities in Sub- district 1-A are experiencing an increase in occupancy which is at high levels at the present time. The Department's bed need rule methodology allows flexibility to grant certificate of need applications even where there is no actual showing of a numeric need under that rule. In the instance situation, when the most current population projections for the static July, 1989 planning horizon are employed, in conjunction with the above found average occupancy levels for the sub- district, there is demonstrated an actual numeric need, albeit not for 60 beds or more for the entire sub-district. There was shown to be an 81 bed need for Escambia County itself. It is also true, however, that in view of the needed special services to be provided by the applicant and the fact that the relevant priorities of the local health plan have all been satisfied by the applicant, a need exists for the proposed 60 bed nursing home facility. In fact, although the rule-mandated methodology must be used in determining the question of numeric need, the rule allows for granting an application even when no numeric need exists by consideration of other factors, including the priorities and goals of the local health plan. It is noteworthy, in a corroborative sense, that the local health plan methodology reveals a need for 120 beds in Sub- district 1-A for the July, 1989 planning horizon. Although this methodology is not mandated to be considered by the Department's numeric need calculation rule, since "other circumstances" can be considered in favor of granting an application, even when numeric need is not shown to exist, such a factor, along with the special services offered by the applicant, corroborates the existence of a need for the proposed project, especially since some need for beds is shown by the "rule calculation" itself.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, and the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED that the application of Gene E. Lynn, Careage Aire Health Care Center for a certificate of need authorizing construction and operation of a 60 bed nursing home in Escambia County, Florida, be approved. DONE and ENTERED this 31st of December, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of December, 1987.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.68216.135
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-004674 Latest Update: May 24, 1988

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner, Melvin Alston, is entitled to insurance coverage under the State of Florida Health Plan for services received at Miracle Hill Nursing Home.

Findings Of Fact Doris Alston, widow of Melvin Alston, is requesting payment for services rendered to Melvin Alston at Miracle Hill Nursing Home. Melvin Alston died on December 31, 1985. Melvin Alston, as a retired state employee, became eligible for coverage under the State Health Plan on July 1, 1985. He was a professor and dean at Florida A&M University from 1946 until 1969, when he retired. Thereafter he became a professor at Southern Illinois University, from which he retired in 1976. Alston was admitted to Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center (TMRMC) in September, 1984, and was transferred to the extended care unit on September 20, 1984, because there were no available nursing home beds. On October 31, 1984, a bed became available at Goodwood Manor, a skilled nursing home facility, and Alston was admitted to Goodwood Manor from the TMRMC extended care unit. Alston remained at Goodwood Manor until August 22, 1985, when Mrs. Alston removed him and placed him at Miracle Hill Nursing Home. While at Goodwood Manor, Alston was receiving essentially custodial care. He had a routine diet and simply needed assistance with his activities of daily living, such as bathing and feeding. He was able to take his medications as they were given to him and he could leave the nursing home on a pass basis. While at Goodwood, Alston's medical orders were reviewed monthly and he was not seen daily by a physician. Alston received the same level of care at Miracle Hill Nursing Home. In skilled nursing facilities, the range of services needed and provided goes from skilled through intermediate levels to custodial. Skilled care includes such services as injections or intravenous medications on a daily basis which must be administered by a nurse. Dr. C. E. Richardson became Alston's physician at Miracle Hill Nursing Home. In the course of his deposition, Dr. Richardson testified that Alston received medical level care at Miracle Hill. However, Dr. Richardson stated several times that he did not know the level of care given to Alston under the definitions of the care levels available. He acknowledged that the levels of care ranged from skilled to custodial. Dr. Richardson also did not know the terms of the benefit document for the State Health Plan. Dr. Richardson only provided the medical care, which was the same no matter what level of nursing care he needed or received. According to Dr. Richardson, Alston was on a fairly routine diet, could engage in activities as tolerated, and could go out on a pass at will. One of Dr. Richardson's orders dated 11/27/85 shows that Dr. Richardson did not order a skilled level of care, but instead checked the level of care to be intermediate. Alston did not receive or need skilled nursing care at Miracle Hill. It is more appropriate to classify the level of care as custodial, as that term is defined in the State Health Plan Benefit Document. Alston's primary insurer was Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois, based on coverage he had from his employment there. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois denied the claim for services at Miracle Hill because the services were custodial and were not covered by that plan. It also denied the claim because Miracle Hill's services did not fit its criteria for skilled nursing care. William Seaton is a State Benefits Analyst with the Department of Administration and his duties include assisting people who have a problem with the settlement of a claim with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida, which administers the State Health Plan. After the claim was denied by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois, Mr. Seaton assisted Mrs. Alston by filing a claim under the State Health Plan. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida concluded that no benefits were payable for facility charges at a nursing home and that an extended care or skilled nursing facilities would have limited coverage; however, because Alston was not transferred to Miracle Hill directly from an acute care hospital, no coverage existed. The pertinent provisions of the benefit document of the State Health Plan are as follows: I.G. "Custodial Care" means care which does not require skilled nursing care or rehabilitative services and is designed solely to assist the insured with the activities of daily living, such as: help in walking, getting in and out of bed, bathing, dressing, eating, and taking medications. * * * I.N. "Hospital", means a licensed institution engaged in providing medical care and treatment to a patient as a result of illness or accident on an inpatient/outpatient basis . . . and which fully meets all the tests set forth in ., 2., and 3. below: . . . In no event, however, shall such term include . . . an institution or part thereof which is used principally as a nursing home or rest for care and treatment of the aged. * * * I.AH. "Skilled Nursing Care" means care which is furnished . . . to achieve the medically desired result and to insure the insured's safety. Skilled nursing care may be the rendering of direct care, when the ability to provide the service requires specialized (professional) training; or observation and assessment of the insured's medical needs; or supervision of a medical treatment plan involving multiple services where specialized health care knowledge must be applied in order to attain the desired medical results. * * * I.AI. "Skilled Nursing Facility" means a licensed institution, or a distinct part of a hospital, primarily engaged in providing to inpatients: skilled nursing care . . . or rehabilitation services . . . and other medically necessary related health services. Such care or services shall not include: the type of care which is considered custodial . . . . * * * II.E. Covered Skilled Nursing Facility Services. On or after August 1, 1984, when an insured is transferred from a hospital to a skilled nursing facility, the Plan will pay 80% of the charge for skilled nursing care . . . subject to the following: The insured must have been hospital confined for three consecutive days prior to the day of discharge before being transferred to a skilled nursing facility; Transfer to a skilled nursing facility is because the insured requires skilled care for a condition . . . which was treated in the hospital; The insured must be admitted to the skilled nursing facility immediately following discharge from the hospital; A physician must certify the need for skilled nursing care . . . and the insured must receive such care or services on a daily basis; . . . 6. Payment of services and supplies is limited to sixty (60) days of confinement per calendar year. * * * VII. No payment shall be made under the Plan for the following: * * * L. Services and supplies provided by . . . a skilled nursing facility or an institution or part thereof which is used principally as a nursing home or rest facility for care and treatment of the aged. * * * N. any services in connection with custodial care . . . .

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Administration enter a Final Order denying the request for benefits for services rendered to Melvin Alston at Miracle Hill Nursing Home. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of May, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of May, 1988. APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 87-4674 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner, Melvin Alston 1 . Proposed findings of fact 1-3 and 5 are rejected as being subordinate to the facts actually found in this Recommended Order. Additionally, proposed findings of fact 3 and 5 contain argument which is rejected. 2. Proposed finding of fact 4 is irrelevant to the resolution of this matter. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent, Department of Administration Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1(1); 4(2); 5(2); 6(11); 8(11); 9(12); 10(3 & 4); 11(5); 12(4); 14(5); 15(7); 19- 21(8 & 9) 23(13); and 24(13). Proposed findings of fact 2, 3, and 16 are unnecessary. Proposed findings of fact 7, 13, 18, 26, and 27 are rejected as being irrelevant. Proposed findings of fact 17 and 22 are subordinate to the facts actually found in the Recommended Order. 2. Proposed finding of fact 25 is unsupported by the competent, substantial evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: James C. Mahorner Attorney-at-Law P. O. Box 682 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Andrea Bateman Attorney-at-Law Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Adis Villa, Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-000610 Latest Update: Apr. 18, 1985

Findings Of Fact I. BACKGROUND HILL-GUTHRIE, also known as Hill Guthrie Realty Company, is a wholly- owned subsidiary of First American Corporation, in Huntsville, Alabama. During the past 17 years, First American Corporation has developed, owned, and operated approximately 80 nursing homes and health care facilities. On October 15, 1982, HILL-GUTHRIE filed an application with HRS for a CON to construct and operate a community nursing home in the City of Niceville, in Okaloosa County, Florida. The original application sought authorization for a 120-bed nursing home, to be known as "Twin Cities Health Facility." Estimated cost of construction was $3,180,000. By its "State Agency Action Report," dated January 28, 1983, HRS preliminarily denied the application, stating: The proposed project is not consistent with Chapter 10-5.11, Florida Administrative Code, Nursing Home Bed Need Methodology. A need does not exist to add any nursing home beds to Okaloosa County through 1985. There are 70 approved but not constructed beds in the county. The bed need methodology produces an excess of 10 nursing home beds in the county through 1985. (emphasis included) [Respondent's Ex. 3.]. HILL-GUTHRIE contested the denial, resulting in this proceeding. At final hearing, HILL-GUTHRIE amended its earlier application, reducing the number of nursing home beds, from 120 to 60. Other changes to the application were made to reflect the reduction in beds. The estimated cost of construction was reduced from $3,180,000 to $1,780,000. [Petitioner's Ex. 2]. HRS did not seek a continuance or additional time to evaluate the newly amended application. Rather, it represented that it was prepared to proceed. II. APPLICATION OF THE NURSING HOME BED-NEED METHODOLOGY Both parties agree that HILL-GUTHRIE'S application is governed by the licensing criteria contained in Rule 10-5.11(21) Florida Administrative Code, and Section 381.494(6)(c), Florida Statutes. Generally, the rule provides that applications for community nursing home beds will be considered "in context with applicable statutory and rule criteria"; that applications will "not normally [be] approve[d] . . . if approval . . . would cause the number of community beds in that departmental service district to exceed the number of beds calculated by the methodology described in [the rule]"; and that this methodology, consisting of several numerical formulae, will be used to evaluate applications "in addition to relevant statutory and rule criteria." Section 5.11(21)(a), (b), Fla. Admin. Code. The statute being implemented, Section 381.494(6)(c), Florida Statutes, enumerates a myriad of criteria, including availability, accessibility, extent of utilization, quality of care and adequacy of like and existing health care services in the area to be served. Section 381.494(6)(c), Fla. Stat. (1983). It has been construed to require a balanced consideration of these factors. HRS cannot ignore some factors and emphasize others. 1/ The HRS methodology--consisting of formulae which do not take into account all criteria listed in the statute--comports with this requirement by incorporating, by reference, all other relevant statutory or rule criteria, and recognizing that new beds may be permitted even though such approval would cause the number of beds to exceed the number allowed by the formulae. Section 5.11(21)(a), (b), Fla. Admin. Code. The HRS bed need methodology, at least that part consisting of the various formulae, establishes a 3-step analysis. First, theoretical bed need for the relevant district and sub-district is calculated using an area's particular poverty ratio, a statewide bed-need ratio of 27 beds per 1,000 elderly population, and the area's elderly population projected three years into the future. "Existing and approved" beds in the sub-district area are then subtracted to arrive at the number of additional beds needed in the district and sub-district. In the instant case, it is undisputed that this first step in the analysis is satisfied. The formulae, when "run," indicate a 1987 theoretical bed-need of at least 250 additional beds in District 1, the relevant district, and 58 additional beds in Okaloosa County, the relevant sub-district. Respondent's Ex. 1, 2). The remaining two steps involve applying current and prospective utilization formulae. When, as here, both district and subdistrict show a theoretical need for additional beds, a specific bed need/availability relationship is identified, which correlates with specific current and prospective utilization thresholds. Section 5.11(21)(e)1., (f), (g), Fla. Admin. Code. Normally, if both thresholds are satisfied, "need" is indicated and the application approved. If either threshold is not met, thus indicating "no need," HRS must decide whether, on balance, this failure is outweighed by favorable findings under other criteria made relevant by rule or statute. If so, approval is justified, or even required. HRS describes this inquiry as one of determining whether there are unusual, or extenuating and mitigating circumstances in a case which would justify approving an application, notwithstanding failure to satisfy the formulae. In the instant case, the applicable utilization thresholds are that average current utilization rate in the sub-district must exceed 85 percent, and any additional beds must not cause the prospective utilization rate in the sub- district to drop below 80 percent. Section 10-5.11(f), (g), Fla. Admin. Code. [Respondent's Ex. 1.] According to the June, 1984 HRS Semiannual Census Report, the nursing home bed utilization rate for Okaloosa County was 97.1 percent from October, 1983 through March, 1984. More recent nursing home data filed with HRS, on a quarterly basis, indicates a current utilization rate of 96.5 percent. Thus, using either data base, the 85 percent current utilization threshold is satisfied--a conclusion agreed to by both parties. The prospective utilization threshold, however, permits additional beds only to the point at which further beds would drop the sub-district prospective utilization rate below 80 percent. HILL-GUTHRIE, using the HRS Semiannual Census Report, the number of existing and approved beds in the sub-district, and the projected elderly population, concludes that the sub-district (Okaloosa County) could be allowed an additional 16 beds before the prospective utilization falls below 80 percent. HRS, using the quarterly census data, finds need for an additional 13 beds. As conceded by the HRS expert--the 3-bed difference is insignificant. More importantly, as both parties agree, the granting of HILL-GUTHRIE'S 60-bed application would drop the projected utilization rate below the required 80 percent. (A nursing home of less than 60 beds is not considered financially feasible.) Thus, the formulae indicate "no- need" for the proposed 60-bed nursing home. The inquiry, then, must turn to whether failure to satisfy the formulae is, on balance, outweighed by other rule or statutory criteria, or extenuating and mitigating circumstances unique to this case. III. APPLICATION OF OTHER STATUTORY AND RULE CRITERIA The HRS bed-need formulae are useful tools to evaluate CON applications: they are objective, abstract, and can be applied with ease; they enhance consistency, uniformity, and predictability of decision. But these formulae are rudimentary, inexact tools which, though useful, are incomplete. They do not take into account numerous criteria which, by statute and rule, also apply to CON applications. For instance, they do not take into account, in any direct and meaningful way, factors such as financial feasibility, accessibility, quality of care, efficiency, and impact on cost of care. See, Section 10- 5.11(3), (5), (6), and (2)(b), Fla. Admin. Code; Section 381.494(6)(c)1., 2., 9., and 12., Fla. Stat. (1983). It is the measurement of HILL-GUTHRIE'S application by these criteria which is at issue here. The power of HRS to find that failure to satisfy the formulae is outweighed, or overridden, by other factors is not at issue. HRS has, in the past, granted numerous CON's (despite failure to satisfy the formulae) based on favorable findings under other criteria, such as accessibility. Petitioner's Ex.`s 3, 5, 7, 53. Without a bona fide evidentiary basis, agencies cannot treat similarly situated applicants in an inconsistent manner. 2/ A. Accessibility of Existing Nursing Homes To Niceville Area Residents Currently, four nursing homes providing a total of 355 beds--are located in Okaloosa County (the relevant sub-district). The majority of these beds (295) are found in three of the nursing homes located in the more heavily populated and faster growing coastal area of the county. The remaining beds (60) are located in a nursing home in Crestview, a city north of Niceville, in the central part of the county. This nursing home has an additional 60 beds which have been under renovation for a considerable time. HRS has no projected completion date for this renovation. The date of completion is, apparently, a matter within the sole discretion of the nursing home and its contractors. The Crestview nursing home primarily serves residents of the northern and central portion of Okaloosa County. Since it is the northernmost nursing home in the county, it also receives patients from South Alabama. Existing nursing homes in the county have a high rate of utilization. Occupancy rates in the four existing nursing homes average 97.1 percent for the six month period ending March, 1984; 96.5 percent for the six months ending June, 1984. Recent data compiled by the Local Health Council indicate a 98.8 percent utilization rate for the nine months preceding hearing. Nursing home occupancy rates in adjoining counties approach 95 percent, no doubt contributing to the high rate of utilization in Okaloosa County Some nursing homes have lengthy waiting lists. 3/ One patient, although ninth on the waiting list, has waited 3 years for placement in the Westwood Nursing Home, located in the coastal part of the county. The Crestview nursing home has a waiting list of more than 60 persons, making it unlikely that-- even after the renovations are completed--further beds will be available. It is reasonably anticipated that the recently enacted Medicare hospital reimbursement system, based on diagnostic-related guidelines (DRG's), will increase the demand for nursing home beds, thereby aggravating the shortage. With Medicare hospital payments tied to the diagnosis of illness, rather than the length of patient stay, hospitals will have increased economic incentives to discharge patient earlier. Some local hospitals have had to retain patients, who no longer require acute care, because nursing home beds are unavailable. At Crestview Community Hospital, hospital patients have had to wait or face delays of from one week to 63 days during the period from May to August, 1984. During that time period, 43 patients were eligible for nursing home placement. Eleven spent a combined total of 271 hospital days awaiting placement. Three of the 11 were eventually discharged, but (at time of hearing) were still awaiting placement. At Twin Cities Hospital, in Niceville, two or three patients (at time of hearing) required but could not obtain nursing home placement. In August, 1984, five patients were ready for early discharge, but could not be placed in nursing homes because of crowded conditions. In May, 1984, three Twin Cities Hospital patients were placed in a Panama City nursing home, over one and one half hours travel time from Niceville, because of crowded local conditions. Local physicians have had similar difficulties finding nursing home placements during the past year. Robert S. Ellis, M.D., a Niceville physician, could not obtain prompt nursing home placement for from eight to ten of his patients. They faced waits ranging from ten days to two months. Many of his patients were finally placed in nursing homes outside the county; recently, he had no choice but to place a patient in a Gulf Breeze nursing home, approximately 50 miles away. He has never been successful in placing a patient in the Crestview nursing home, primarily because Crestview residents are given priority consideration. His experience is shared by other local physicians. Existing nursing homes in the county are a considerable distance from Niceville. Given the existing road system and traffic conditions in the coastal area, it has become increasingly burdensome for Niceville residents to visit their friends and relatives in coastal nursing homes. Frequent visits and contacts with friends and relatives is recognized as beneficial to nursing home residents. It is important that residents maintain their ties to the community, and their relationships with friends and relatives outside the nursing home. For Niceville residents, it takes 20-30 minutes to drive to nursing homes located in the coastal area, 45 minutes to drive to the Crestview nursing home. This burden, which affects nursing home residents as well as their families and friends, is real and significant. It is established not only by the testimony of area physicians, hospital administrators, and Niceville residents, but it is convincingly corroborated by the testimony of three Niceville city council members, and by petitions signed by over 480 elderly citizens in the Niceville area. [Public Ex.'s 1-3]. The HRS bed-need formulae do not take geographic accessibility of existing nursing homes into account, and no minimum access/travel time has been established by rule. Before adoption of the bed-need formulae, HRS had relied on a 30-minute standard set by the Local Health Council. A health care expert who, in 1982, conducted the HRS public hearing on the HILL- GUTHRIE application concluded that access times (for Niceville area residents) to existing nursing homes bordered on or exceeded this ad hoc 30-minute standard. HRS has not established, by competent evidence, a travel/access standard for use in this proceeding. More importantly, HRS concedes that initial denial of the HILL-GUTHRIE application is due, in large part, to the delay in completing renovations to the Crestview nursing home which, when complete, will provide an additional 60 beds. [Transcript, p. 232]. As conceded by HRS's expert and sole witness, if the 60 renovated beds were available, they would "probably be well utilized." [Transcript, p. 232]. (Given the lengthy witness list, it is likely that, within a short time, the additional 60 beds would be filled.) The expert further concluded that, should the 60 beds be filled, the bed-need formulae would indicate need" and--provided other standards were met--HRS would be able to approve the HILL-GUTHRIE application. [Transcript, p. 234]. B. Financial Feasibility of the Proposed Nursing Home The proposed nursing home is financially feasible, both in the short and long-term. The revised total cost of the nursing home is 51,780,000, which is reasonable, given the nature and size of the project. It will be 100 percent financed through the issuance of industrial revenue bonds at an interest rate of 14 percent over 30 years. The assets of the parent company, First American Corporation, would be available, if needed, to help construct and operate the nursing home. Projected utilization of the nursing home during the first year will be 81 percent Medicaid, 5 percent Medicare, and 14 percent private pay. [Petitioner's Ex. 2]. Occupancy is projected to reach 97 percent by the fifth month of operation, and would be supported, in part, by increased demand for nursing home beds resulting from implementation of DRG's. These projections are based on HILL-GUTHRIE's experience in northwest Florida, and are accepted as reasonable. Pro forma statements for the first and second years of operation show a net operating profit, beginning in the ninth month, and continuing through the second year. For overall operations during the first year, a net loss of $40,082 is projected; in the second year, a net gain of $122,200 is projected. [Petitioner's Ex. 2]. These projections--together with equipment and construction costs, staffing patterns and personnel budget, square footage and space requirements--are accepted as reasonable, and have not been refuted by HRS. If approved, HILL-GUTHRIE's proposed nursing home should be constructed and available for occupancy by the end of 1985. C. Impact (of the Proposed Nursing Home) On Cost of Health Care, and Efficiency and Utilization of Existing Nursing Homes Construction of the proposed nursing home should help relieve the existing financial burden on hospital acute care patients who, because of lack of available nursing home beds, must remain in hospitals, where daily charges far exceed those of nursing homes. Similarly, hospitals would less likely have to absorb the cost of Medicare patients (beyond DRG payment limits) because nursing home beds were unavailable. Hospitals, with their highly specialized staffs, could be used more efficiently, in that patients not requiring acute medical care would not be retained in acute care beds. The proposed nursing home, if constructed, should not adversely impact existing nursing homes in the county. With present occupancy rates in excess of 95 percent, with waiting lists and increasing demand for nursing home beds, no significant drop in occupancy rates should occur. The only evidence HRS presented on possible adverse impact was a conditional statement made by its health care expert: If there were a surplus of beds, nursing homes might be forced to increase the rates to their private `pay' patients . . . they may have to try to cover their expenses. (e.s.) [Transcript, p. 186]. The evidence, however, indicates that there will not be a surplus of beds. Furthermore, at hearing, no opposition to the proposed nursing home was offered by any existing nursing home in the county. D. Balancing the Factors On balance, HILL-GUTHRIE's failure to satisfy all aspects of the bed- need formulae is outweighed by favorable findings made under other criteria equally applicable by rule and statute. In particular, nursing homes in the county are overcrowded, and--without the proposed facility--most likely will continue to be so. There are no nursing homes in Niceville and it is a significant hardship for Niceville residents to visit their friends and relatives in existing nursing homes. Such visits are a positive benefit to nursing home residents. Construction of the proposed nursing home would reduce costs now imposed on hospitals and their patients due to lack of available nursing home beds, and would not adversely impact the occupancy rates of existing nursing homes.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That HILL-GUTHRIE's application for a CON to build and operate a 60-bed nursing home in Niceville, Florida, be granted. DONE and ORDERED this 16th day of January, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. R.L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of January, 1985

Florida Laws (3) 120.52120.57120.68
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