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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 04, 2000 Number: 00-001909 Latest Update: Apr. 11, 2001

The Issue The issues to be resolved in this proceedings concern whether the Petitioner is entitled to receive a passing score on the December 1999 dental licensure examination.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Carlo Coiana, was an unsuccessful candidate for the December 1999 dental licensure examination. He failed to pass several procedures of that licensure examination, according to the Department's graders and grading method. The December 1999 dental licensure examination consisted of two parts: (1) The clinical, and (2) The laws and rules section. The clinical portion consists of nine different procedures of which the Petitioner challenged six. The Department, in is scoring method, selects three examiners to grade each candidate's performance. The average of the three scores from each examiner, produces the overall grade for that procedure. Rather than having only one examiner score, the Department allows for three examiner scores because this provides a more fair, reliable indication of the candidate's competency and true score. Each examiner must be a licensed dentist for a minimum of five years and have no complaints or negative actions on his or her licensure record. Each examiner must also attend and successfully complete a standardization session which trains each examiner to use the same internal grading criteria. The examiners who graded the Petitioner's examination successfully completed the standardization session and training. During the administration of the dental examination the Department requires the use of monitors who are also licensed dentists. The monitor's role is to preserve and secure the integrity of the examination. The monitor also gives instructions to each candidate as to what to expect. The monitor has no part in the grading of the candidate's performance on the examination but acts as a messenger between the candidate and the examiner since there is a "double-blind" grading of the examination. The Petitioner contested the score he received on the Class II Composite Restoration on a model. The Class II Composite Restoration Portion of the examination is a procedure involving restoring a cavity (Class II) preparation with a tooth-colored filling. The procedure was done by the Petitioner with a comment by the examiners that there was a discrepancy in the resulting shape of the tooth and proper contact to the adjacent tooth. There was also a marginal discrepancy and a "gingival overhang." The margin is where the tooth and filling meet and there was a discrepancy felt there, a bump or a catch when the junction of the two surfaces should be smooth. A gingival overhang is in the area between the tooth where a non- smooth transition between the filling and the tooth is detected. This can be a damning area which will collect plaque and lead to re-current decay. The Respondent's expert, Dr. John Joffre, concurred with the overall findings of the examiners and felt that this procedure should not be accorded a passing score but rather the score accorded by the examiners. The Petitioner also contested the score for procedure number four of the examination, the Endodontic procedure. The Endodontic procedure of the examination is referred to as a "root canal." This procedure involves removal of the nerve and blood vessels inside a tooth in order to clean out that area. It then requires the shaping of the canal and, finally, filling it with an inert material to rid the body of the infected area in question. This procedure is performed on an extracted tooth. The minimum of the working length the Department required in order to receive a passing score for the filled material in the tooth in question was two millimeters. The Petitioner's expert had the working length of the filled area in the root canal or Endodontic procedure done by the Petitioner measured. It measured closer to three millimeters which is totally unacceptable according to Dr. Joffre. Even in accordance with the literature that the Petitioner relied upon in this case it is not provided that three millimeters short of the working length is an accepted working length, which is why the Petitioner received less than a passing score. All three examiners and the expert witness Dr. John Joffre were in agreement about this scoring. Three millimeters short of the required working length will cause the procedure to definitely fail sometime in the future and renders the procedure useless. An Endodontically treated tooth that is three millimeters short will fail clinically, and that justifies a failing grade on this procedure. The next procedure contested by the Petitioner as to score was the Amalgam Restoration done with a model. This procedure is similar to the Class II Composite Restoration. However, the difference between the two procedures is that the Amalgam is referred to as a silver filling containing mercury, silver, etc., as opposed to the Composite material in the above- referenced procedure which is a "tooth-colored" restoration. Although the Composite and the Amalgam serve the same function, they require different tasks and different procedures on how they are to be handled in their installation in the mouth. The major problem found with the Petitioner's performance on this procedure concerned an overhang. As referenced above, a gingival overhang at the margin of where the filling and the tooth meet results in a less than smooth transition and can be an area where food accumulates and decay can start anew. All three examiners also noted a problem with the proximal contour of the Amalgam restoration which has to do with the shape of the filling in terms of how it meets the tooth next to it. The testimony of Dr. Joffre, which is accepted, shows that the examiners comments and grades and Dr. Joffre's opinion itself justifies the scoring on this procedure. Dr. Joffre agrees with the examiners' scoring. The last procedures in question are called the "Patient Amalgam." These procedures, two and three, involve cutting of the tooth before the filling is actually placed into it ("cutting the box"). Procedure three is the actual filling, involving scoring what the filling is like after the filling procedure is completed. The criticism found by both examiner 304 and 346, as to the first part of the procedure, the cutting part, was ". . .did not break the gingival contact, subject to recurrent decay." The gingival contact down in the box cut for the filling must be cut deep enough to reach the point where there is a separation between the edge of the box and the adjacent tooth. Halfway down the tooth, towards the gum, the teeth are still touching. As one progresses further down toward the gum, the teeth separate because they naturally get narrower toward the gum line. A dentist needs to cut the box that the filling should be placed in down far enough toward the gum line so that he gets to the point where the teeth are no longer touching. Both dentists 306 and 346, examiners, found that he did not cut the box low enough so that he "didn't break gingival floor contact with the molar" (meaning the adjacent tooth). Thus, these examiners gave the Petitioner the lowest grade of "one" on that part of the procedure. The filling or restoration portion of the procedure failed. The filling was not adequately carved or shaped so that it was protruding too high above the adjacent tooth surfaces. This caused the patient to break the filling very shortly after it was finished and he was biting downward and putting pressure on it. Indeed it broke while the third examiner was examining the procedure. The reason why the fracture in the filling occurred was because it protruded too high. The Petitioner did not adequately reduce the size or height of the filling, so when the teeth came together the tooth below it or above it was hitting too hard against that one spot and caused the metal to break before the patient, on whom the procedure was done, ever left the building. The Respondent's expert, Dr. Joffre, who agreed with examiners comments and score, found that the Petitioner had failed to properly perform these procedures and that his score had been appropriately arrived at by the examiners. The Petitioner contested the score he received on the Fixed Partial Denture Procedure. The Department ultimately conceded that he should be awarded additional points on that procedure, however, even with the additional points awarded the Petitioner still failed to score adequately on the overall examination for passage, although he came close, with a score of 2.92 out of a minimal score of 3.00 required for passage of the examination.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered dismissing the Petition challenging to the grades assigned the Petitioner for the December 1999 Dental Licensure Examination and finding that the Petitioner failed to pass that examination. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of February, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of February, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Carlo Coiana N1 Via Delle Coccinelle Cagliari, Italy 09134 Cherry A. Shaw, Esquire Department of Health Office of the General Counsel 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 Theodore M. Henderson, Esquire Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 Dr. Robert G. Brooks, Secretary Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 William W. Large, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (3) 120.57456.017466.006
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida May 22, 1997 Number: 97-002518 Latest Update: Jan. 07, 1998

The Issue Whether Petitioner should receive a passing grade on the clinical portion of the dentistry examination administered in December 1996.

Findings Of Fact In June 1996, Petitioner, Arthur A. Gage (Gage), took the dentistry examination for licensure as a dentist in Florida. He was unsuccessful on the clinical part. In December 1996, Gage retook the clinical portion of the examination. He was notified by an examination grade report, mailed on January 13, 1997, that he had again failed the clinical portion of the examination. He achieved a general average score of 2.75. A final grade of 3 or better as a general average on the clinical portion is a passing score. Gage complains that there was inconsistency among the examiners in grading the examination. In particular, he submits that if you average the grades by each examiner on the mannequin portion of the examination that the averages are 3.25, 3.08, and 1.08. Gage averaged all the grades for each examiner and did not average by procedure. Consequently, Gage's approach did not produce a statistically meaningful result. Marsha Carnes, a psychometrician with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR), testified for the Respondent. A psychometrician is an expert in testing and measurement. Ms. Carnes' responsibility is to ensure the validity and reliability of the examinations, including the dentistry examination. Ms. Carnes outlined the procedure used for selecting the examiners and the grading of the dentistry examinations. The examiners are selected by the Florida Board of Dentistry (Board) and must have five years of experience as a licensed, active dentist in Florida. The examiner must be recommended by a current examiner or member of the Board. Examiners must submit an application and have no complaints against their dentistry license. After the examiners are selected, they are trained by DBPR. Approximately one month prior to the dentistry examination, the examiners are sent the details of the examination, the clinic monitor, and an examiner instruction package. The examiner package outlines the grading criteria, the procedures for the examination, and the necessary paper work. The day before the examination, the examiners go through a standardization process conducted by the psychometrician and three assistant examiner supervisors from DBPR. The process takes approximately eight hours. There are nine clinical procedures in the dentistry examination. Three of the procedures are performed on a patient, five on a mannequin, and one is written. As part of the standardization process, the assistant examiner supervisors outline the criteria for each procedure that is on the examination and explain what is and is not minimally acceptable. The examiners are shown slides, and the supervisors explain what grade should be awarded for each procedure shown on the slides. The examiners are given a post standardization examination to make sure that they have internalized the criteria explained during the standardization process. The examination consists of the examiners actually grading models created by applicants in past examinations. Twenty-five different procedures are graded, and DBPR staff evaluate the grading of the examiners to ensure that they are grading consistently. Scores of zero through five are possible on each examination procedure. Five is considered to be an outstanding dental procedure. Four is better than minimally acceptable. Three is minimally acceptable. Two is below minimally acceptable. One is unacceptable, and zero is a complete failure. Rule 64B5-2.013, Florida Administrative Code. Three examiners independently grade each procedure. The dentistry examination is double-blind graded. The applicant has no contact with the examiners, and the examiners do not consult one another. This procedure was followed for the dentistry examination taken by Gage. The overall percentage score is determined by averaging and weighting the grades of the three examiners for each procedure. Statistically, averaging three grades is more accurate than using one grade alone. Gage complains about the inconsistency of the grading of the procedures on the mannequin. The examiners were identified by number as 080, 320, and 321. These examiners successfully completed the standardization process. Gage complains that Examiner 321 gave disproportionately low grades for the procedures performed on the mannequin. It is, however, more common for an examiner to give an inappropriately high grade than an inappropriately low grade. The higher grade can be a result of an examiner missing something, but the low grade must be justified in documentation and then actually verified on the mannequin. The three examiners for the mannequin procedures, when examined in the examiner's performance report, all had statistically acceptable measures of consistency and reliability. Gage complained that the patient on whom he performed the patient procedures had to make several trips to the restroom during the examination and that he did not have time to properly perform all the procedures. During the examination, Gage did not submit monitor to examiner notes, indicating there were any problems encountered during the examination or anything that he wanted the examiners to take into consideration in the grading. Prior to the perio and amalgam sections of the examination, the applicants are read a script that gives instructions as to what is to be done and how much time is allotted. The script provides that the applicants need to plan their usage of time in order to finish the procedures within the allotted four hours. Near the end of the examination, the applicants are advised of the time remaining until the end of the examination. Time management is important in the practice of dentistry because patients do not like to be kept waiting and because certain dental procedures must be executed within certain time frames. Applicants are advised before the examination how much time is allotted. Applicants are responsible for obtaining a patient for the examination. Gage received grades of four, four, and one on the class four composite filling portion of the examination. Examiner 321 gave the grade of one and documented that there was a margin open on the incisal. Dr. Thomas Shields III, who was qualified as an expert witness for the Respondent, reviewed the procedure and found that there was a definite click or catch on the incisal margin of the tooth, which was consistent with the grade of one. On the endo portion of the examination, Gage received grades of two, three, and zero. Dr. Shields reviewed the X-rays of the procedure, which showed that the final fill on the root canal had voids and was unacceptable and one of the tooth canals was not completely filled. On the prosthetic written portion of the examination, Gage scored 70 percent. In order to pass that portion of the examination, the applicant must achieve at least 75 percent, which equates to a 3.75 on a scale of zero to five. Rule 64B5- 2.013(2)(c), Florida Administrative Code. Gage complained that some of the pictures in the booklet were not very good and it was difficult to see which teeth were touching. He went to Tallahassee and reviewed the written portion of the test and made some comments concerning the test. Gage did not present his comments at the final hearing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding that Arthur A. Gage failed to achieve a passing score for the clinical portion of the dentistry examination administered December 1996. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of January, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of January, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: William Buckhalt, Executive Director Board of Dentistry Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 6 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Janine B. Myrick, Esquire Department of Health 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 6, Room 102 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Arthur A. Gage, pro se 12688 Tucano Circle Boca Raton, Florida 33428

Florida Laws (3) 120.5720.43466.006 Florida Administrative Code (2) 64B5-2.01364B5-2.017
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Feb. 16, 2000 Number: 00-000748 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2004

The Issue The issue for consideration in this matter is whether Petitioner, Cecelia Diaz, is qualified for licensure as a dentist in Florida.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, the Board of Dentistry was the state agency in Florida responsible for the licensing of dentists in this state and the regulation of the dental profession. Petitioner is not licensed as a dentist in Florida. Petitioner was awarded a degree in General Dentistry at the University of Santiago de Cuba in October 1973. Thereafter, for almost fifteen years, she practiced dentistry in Cuba. In 1981 her husband was forced to leave Cuba for political reasons but, because of her advanced schooling, she was denied permission by the Cuban government to leave with him. In 1987, Petitioner was permitted to leave Cuba for the United States with her two daughters. In February 1991, for reasons not relevant to the issues here, Petitioner and her husband were divorced. She was forced to provide for her two daughters with no financial help from their father. At the time she was both working and studying to prepare for her dental licensing examinations. In May 1991, Petitioner sat for and passed Parts I and II of the National Examination. The following November, she presented her documents for the mannequin examination, the third part of the examination and the last one to be offered in Florida. Initially, Petitioner was denied permission to take the mannequin examination because, it was alleged, she did not have the requisite educational credentials. However, one week before the mannequin examination was to be given, she appeared before the Board of Dentistry and convinced the members to allow her to take the mannequin examination with the understanding her results would be withheld pending receipt of appropriate documentation from Cuba. Petitioner did not pass the mannequin examination, and, she contends, between 1991 and 1995, there was no way for a foreign dentist to be licensed as a dentist in Florida, upon testing by a mannequin examination. Only New York and California administered a mannequin examination, and Petitioner went to California to take a course to prepare herself for taking the mannequin examination in California. After taking the course, she returned to Florida to prepare to take the examination, and in March 1994, in furtherance of that aim, searched for patients who met the criteria needed for the examination to practice on. She admits this was a mistake. As a result of her actions, on April 1, 1994, she was charged in Circuit Court in Hillsborough County with practicing dentistry without a license. Her attorney recommended she accept a plea bargain with pre-trial intervention. Based on her successful completion of the pre- trial intervention program, the matter was closed without Petitioner having a conviction on her record. In 1995, Florida initiated a program for the licensing of foreign dentists and Petitioner was selected to participate in January 1996. She was in the program for two years at the University of Florida, assisting full time. In June 1998, Petitioner took the State of Florida Dentistry examination. She passed the written part of the examination and was given high passing grades on the clinical portion by two of the three examiners. The third clinical examiner, however, gave her a grade low enough to cause her to fail the clinical portion. Petitioner went to appear before a review panel in Tallahassee where, she claims, the examiner who did the review agreed with her on the discrepancy. The review examiner recommended, however, that though she could request a hearing, the hearing would be held after the next examination, and he felt, from looking at her work, that she could pass the examination. Therefore, she did not request a rehearing. Petitioner took the clinical portion of the dental examination in December 1998. She did not pass, though she feels she did well on all questions except that relating to what she referred to as the RCT, not otherwise defined. This one question caused her to fail the examination by .007 of a point. Petitioner considers it unusual that in the past, everyone who took the review course for foreign dentists at the University of Florida, the one she took, passed the exam. She did not. Ms. Diaz requested a review of the procedure for which she did not obtain a passing grade and found that the reviewer assigned to her was the same individual who had conducted the review of her prior effort. The reviewer began examining her work in a way which she did not consider fair, and when she tried to explain her procedure, he accused her of screaming at him. She requested the review be terminated and she left the office in tears. After that review, Petitioner filed an application for formal hearing, but before the hearing could be held, in May 1999 she received notification from the Board that she had passed and the hearing was not necessary. However, before a license was issued, in August 1999, Petitioner was again arrested in Hillsborough County and charged with practicing dentistry without a license. Petitioner admits that at the time alleged in 1999 she practiced dentistry without a license, and that in 1994 she also practiced dentistry without a license. Petitioner contends that she only began seeing patients in both instances when people from Cuba, who knew she was a dentist and who had no money for dental care, asked her for help. She claims to have taken little money for the work she did - only a small amount to pay for the supplies it was necessary for her to buy. A search of Petitioner’s home was conducted on July 28, 1999, pursuant to a search warrant. The investigator conducting the search found an appointment book, dental records, books and papers, in addition to a dental chair with a basin, as well as an x-ray machine and cabinets of dental equipment and supplies. Taped to some cabinets were before and after pictures of patients. Petitioner contends that at the time of the search she had all that equipment, which she had been given without pay by the custodian of a mall in which a dentist’s office had closed. The custodian was told by the landlord to get rid of the equipment, and he remembered Petitioner who had come into the mall earlier in search of a site for a dental office when she opened. At the time, the space had been rented to another tenant. However, the custodian remembered Petitioner and called her to ask if she wanted the equipment. She did, and he helped her transport it to her home. At no time did he take any money from Petitioner, nor did she do any dental work for him. Nonetheless, Petitioner was again convicted of practicing dentistry without a license. At its meeting in Tampa on January 8, 2000, the Board of Dentistry considered Petitioner’s application for licensure and voted to deny it based on her implication in two incidents of practicing dentistry without a license. Even though no adjudication of guilt was entered in either case, it was the official action which constituted being found guilty of those offenses regardless of adjudication which supported the Board action. Petitioner is currently working as a receptionist in an office making $300 per week working nine-hour days. Her current financial obligations for school loans and other debt exceeds $42,000. No evidence of any malpractice or inappropriate treatment was forthcoming.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Board of Dentistry issue a license to practice dentistry in Florida to the Petitioner, Cecelia C. Diaz, such license being placed on probation for a period of five years under such conditions as the Board may specify. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of June, 2000. In Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6947 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of June, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Edwin A. Bayo, Esquire Office of the Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs, The Capital, Plaza Level 01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Dominic J. Baccarella, Esquire Baccarella & Baccarella, P.A. 4144 North Armenia Avenue Suite 300 Tampa, Florida 33607 William H. Buckhalt, Executive Director Board of Dentistry Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 William W. Large, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (2) 120.57466.028
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Nov. 05, 1999 Number: 99-004690 Latest Update: Sep. 01, 2004

The Issue Whether Respondent, a licensed dentist, committed the offenses alleged in the First Amended Administrative Complaint and the penalties, if any, that should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a state agency charged with regulating the practice of dentistry pursuant to Section 20.43, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 455 and 466, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to the authority of Section 20.43 (3)(g), Florida Statutes, Petitioner has contracted with the Agency for Health Care Administration to prosecute administrative complaints as required by the Board of Dentistry. Respondent is, and has been since 1966, a licensed dentist in the State of Florida, having been issued license number DN 0004148. At the time of the final hearing, Respondent’s office address was 4512 Flagler Drive, #301, West Palm Beach, Florida 33407-3802. One prior disciplinary proceeding has been filed against Respondent's license. The record is silent as to the details of that prior disciplinary action. In addition to a traditional general dental practice, Respondent practices alternative dentistry (also referred to by Respondent as biological dentistry) on chronically ill patients. In his alternative dental practice, Respondent utilizes unconventional diagnostic methodologies and homeopathic remedies. In December 1995 and January 1996, Respondent treated C. C., a female born May 10, 1950. At the times pertinent to this proceeding, C. C. considered herself to be pre-cancerous and chronically ill. C. C. believed that she had suffered radiation poisoning in 1986 when a cloud from the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl 2/ passed over her home in Italy while she was outside in the garden. C. C., a chiropractor, became interested in alternative dentistry and attended various seminars presented by proponents of alternative medicine and dentistry. C. C. consulted with different health care professionals, including dentists, medical doctors, and nutritionists, and became familiar with alternative dentistry and homeopathic remedies. C. C. believed that the amalgams in her teeth had become toxic and were inhibiting her recovery to full health. At one of these seminars in 1995, C. C. submitted to a test that purportedly revealed she suffered from heavy metal poisoning. She also examined her blood through a powerful microscope and found her blood to be unusual, which reinforced her belief that she was pre-cancerous. C. C. met Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt at a seminar in 1995 on the topic of alternative dentistry. The seminar attended by Dr. Klinghardt and C. C. included a discussion on toxicity from the oral cavity causing systemic health problems. The seminar also included a discussion on the treatment of dental conditions using homeopathic remedies. C. C. asked Dr. Klinghardt whether he thought she should have her amalgams replaced with non-toxic materials. He recommended that she do so and he also recommended that she have extracted any tooth that had a root canal. C. C. asked Dr. Klinghardt to recommend a dentist to remove her amalgams. Dr. Klinghardt recommended Respondent for the amalgam replacement. Notakehl, Pefrakehl, and Arthrokehlan, the three homeopathic remedies Respondent used in his subsequent treatment of C. C., were discussed at the seminar. These homeopathic remedies are referred to as Sanum remedies, which is a reference to the German manufacturer. In March of 1995, C. C. visited a dentist named Ira Windroff in South Florida. Dr. Windroff took a panoramic X-ray and X-rays of C. C.'s individual teeth. After the X-rays, Dr. Windroff referred C. C. to another dentist, who performed a root canal on C. C.'s tooth #19, which is in the lower left quadrant. On December 12, 1995, C. C. presented to Respondent's office to discuss having her amalgams replaced. C. C. was experiencing pain in tooth #19 on December 12, 1995. C. C. filled out a standard medical history form that Respondent had used in his practice for several years. C. C. discussed her medical and dental history with Respondent. C. C. told Respondent that she had a root canal on tooth #3 when she was a teenager and that she recently had a root canal on tooth #19. C. C. informed Respondent that she considered herself to be chronically ill and pre-cancerous. She told him she had suffered radiation poisoning in 1986 and preferred to have no unnecessary X-rays. She also told him that she was very weak from a recent bout of the flu. Respondent's office notes reflect that C. C. presented with lower left tooth pain (without identifying a specific tooth) and that he "muscle tested for origin." Respondent purported to evaluate C. C.'s medical and dental status by evaluating whether her autonomic nervous system responded to various stimuli. This form of testing will be referred to as ART, which is an acronym for "Autonomic Response Testing". The autonomic nervous system and ART were explained by several of the experts who testified in this proceeding. The human body has an autonomic nervous system consisting of a sympathetic part and a parasympathetic part. Both parts are regulated by the hypothalamus, which is located deep inside the brain. The nerves constituting the autonomic nervous system pass thorough ganglions, which are groups of nerve cells located outside the brain at different locations of the body that act as relay stations. The sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system is generally believed to deal with the mechanisms that prepare the body to counteract stresses that come from outside the body. For example, if someone cuts his or her finger, the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system will cause blood vessels to contract so the body does not lose all of its blood. It also will prepare the body to fight or flee in response to an outside threat. The parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system deals with the body's inner secretions, such as insulin and digestive acids. The reactions of the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system calm the body down after a stress and usually promote healing. Respondent's examination of C. C. on December 12, 1995, lasted between one hour (Respondent's estimate) and three hours (C. C.'s estimate). During part of the ART examination, C. C. reclined in a dental chair. When she was not in the dental chair, she reclined on a massage table. During the ART examination, Respondent used his dental assistant to serve as an indirect tester, which required her to be positioned between the patient and the examiner. The dental assistant held one of C. C.'s hands with one hand while extending her (the dental assistant's) free arm. According to those subscribing to this methodology, the physical contact between the dental assistant and C. C. established an electrical current between them, which caused the responses from C. C.'s autonomic nervous system to be transferred to the dental assistant. Respondent used the dental assistant's deltoid muscle to determine whether a particular stimulus had caused a response from C. C.'s autonomic nervous system. Respondent pushed down on the dental assistant's extended arm after exposing C. C. to a stimulus and evaluated the resistance he encountered. He believed he could determine by that resistance whether the dental assistance's deltoid muscle became weak or remained strong. If the dental assistant's deltoid muscle became weak following C. C.'s exposure to a stimulus, Respondent concluded that the autonomic nervous system had responded and that the area of the body being tested was not healthy. If the dental assistant's deltoid muscle remained strong, Respondent concluded that the autonomic nervous system had not responded and that the area of the body being tested was healthy. Respondent used his dental assistant as an indirect tester because he considered C. C. to be too weak to be directly tested, which would have required her to extend her arm throughout the examination. 3/ After he had C. C. place her hand over her belly button while she was in a reclined position and holding the dental assistant's hand, Respondent pushed down on the dental assistant's extended arm. Based on his evaluation of the resistance in the dental assistant's arm, Respondent believed that C. C.'s autonomic nervous system was in a protective mode. Respondent then attempted to determine the reasons for that finding. Respondent placed vials of various substances, including heavy metals, bacteria from root canal teeth, and homeopathic remedies, on C. C.'s lap to determine whether the substances triggered a response from C. C.'s autonomic nervous system. He placed his fingers on her individual teeth to determine whether that prompted a response from C. C.'s autonomic nervous system. Respondent believed that by ART he could determine the condition of C. C.'s internal organs, evaluate her dental problems, and identify the homeopathic remedies that would best promote healing. In addition to using ART, Respondent visually inspected C. C.'s teeth with a dental mirror, used a dental explorer to examine the edge of fillings and cracks in the teeth, probed her gums, percussed tooth #19, and palpitated all of her teeth. Although his dental records for this patient do not reflect that he did so and he could not remember having done so prior to C. C.'s deposition, the evidence established that Respondent reviewed the X-rays taken by Dr. Windroff. Respondent did not take any X-ray of tooth #19 before he extracted that tooth. The only X-rays available to Respondent were taken before the root canal was performed on that tooth in March 1995. Respondent also did not order any laboratory tests. Based on his use of ART, Respondent concluded that the following areas of C. C.'s body were compromised: tonsils, heart, spleen, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, large intestines, and pubic. Using ART, Respondent concluded that C. C.'s tooth #3 and tooth #19 had become toxic. Respondent also concluded that the following homeopathic remedies should be used to treat C. C.: Notakehl, Pefrakehl, and Arthrokehlan. Notakehl is a fungal remedy derived from Penicillum chrysogenum. Arthrokehlan is a bacterial remedy derived from Propionibacterium acnes. Prefakehl is a fungal remedy derived from Candida parapsilosis. 4/ Respondent told C. C. that the root canals that had been performed on tooth #3 and tooth #19 contained toxins and were blocking her recovery. He also told her that the removal of her root canal teeth and any toxic area around the root canal teeth should be given higher priority than the replacement of her amalgams. Respondent told C. C. that he could not help her if she did not have her two root canal teeth extracted. Respondent did not offer C. C. any other options because he did not think any other option existed. There was a conflict in the evidence as to whether C. C. consented to the extraction and treatment with the Sanum remedies. That conflict is resolved by finding that Respondent adequately explained to C. C. how he intended to extract the two teeth and what she could expect following the extractions. Although C. C. did not ask to have those two teeth extracted, she clearly agreed to have the extractions. It is further found that C. C. knowingly agreed to Respondent's proposed treatment with the Sanum remedies. C. C. knew about the Sanum remedies and how Respondent was going to use them to treat her. Much of the evidence presented by Respondent related to ART and the manner it was being used by practitioners in December 1995. The undersigned has carefully reviewed and considered that evidence. The undersigned has also reviewed and considered the evidence presented by Petitioner. The following findings are made as to the use of ART in 1995. The Florida Dental Association, the American Medical Association, and the American Dental Association did not recognize ART as a reliable methodology for testing toxic conditions of the teeth. ART was not being taught in any dental school in Florida. ART was not being used by a respected minority of dentists in the United States to the extent it was used by Respondent. Petitioner established by clear and convincing evidence that the extent to which Respondent relied on that methodology in evaluating this patient exceeded any acceptable use of ART in 1995 and constituted practice below the standard of care as alleged in Count VI of the Amended Administrative Complaint. Because of his over-reliance on ART, Respondent's diagnosis was flawed, and there was insufficient justification for his subsequent treatment of the patient. 5/ On December 21, 1995, C. C. returned to Respondent for the extraction of tooth #3 and tooth #19. Respondent extracted the two teeth and removed bone in the vicinity of each tooth that he thought was necrotic, a procedure referred to as cavitation. Respondent testified that he encountered soft, mushy bone following the extractions. He removed hard bone in the extraction area with a small rotary bur. He removed soft tissue and bone with a curette. There was a conflict in the evidence as to whether Respondent was justified in removing bone surrounding the extraction sites. Based on Respondent's testimony and the depositions and dental records of C. C.'s dentists who treated her after Respondent, it is concluded that his decision to remove bone surrounding the extraction sites was within his clinical judgment. It should be noted, however, that Respondent's dental records provide no justification for this extensive removal of bone adjacent to the extraction sites. Following the extractions and cavitation procedures, Respondent injected the patient's mouth and face with Notakehl, Pefrakehl, and Arthrokelan. Prior to her visit to Respondent, C. C.'s teeth #5 and #17 had been extracted. Respondent injected the area where tooth #5 had been with the Sanum remedies using a stabident drill, a dental drill that is usually used to administer anesthesia. He also injected the Sanum remedies where tooth #17 had been. Following the extractions of teeth #3 and #19, Respondent irrigated the extraction wounds with the Sanum remedies. Respondent injected the right sphenopalatine ganglion area and the left and right otic ganglion areas, the superior origin and inferior origin pharyngeal constrictor muscles, and the submandibular ganglion with a one percent solution of Xylocaine that also contained drops of Notakehl. Respondent testified he used Xylocaine, an epidural grade anesthetic, as a carrier for Notakehl. Some of the injections were made into the oral cavity while others were made through the face. Consistent with homeopathic practice, Respondent believed that these injections would promote healing. Tooth #3 is located directly beneath the right maxillary sinus cavity. From the X-rays available to him, Respondent knew that the root canal material that had been used to fill that tooth was very close to the thin membrane that protects the sinus cavity. Following his extraction of tooth #3, Respondent did not determine whether the maxillary sinus membrane had been perforated during the extraction procedure. Petitioner established by clear and convincing testimony that this failure constituted practice below the standard of care as alleged in Count VI of the Amended Administrative Complaint. Following the extractions, Respondent placed some soft tissue back into the extraction sites, which covered a little bit of the socket, and he left a little bit of an opening for a clot to form to heal from the inside out. He sutured the area around the buccal bone, which he had reflected in order to remove the tooth. C. C. returned to Respondent on December 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 1995, and January 5 and 10, 1996. On December 22, 1995, Respondent checked the extraction sites and electrically stimulated the extraction sites using a process referred to as micro current. On December 23, 1995, Respondent checked the extraction sites, applied micro current to those sites, and injected a one percent solution of Xylocaine with drops of Notakehl into the right sphenopalatine ganglion, both otic ganglions, and the left submandibular ganglion. On December 24, 1995, Respondent applied micro current to the extraction sites and injected Sanum remedies into the area of the extraction sites. On December 27, 1995, C. C. telephoned Respondent to complain of pain in the area from which tooth #3 had been extracted. From what she told him, Respondent believed that C. C. had a perforated maxillary sinus. When he examined her on December 27, 1995, he confirmed that she had a sinus perforation. Respondent reopened the area he had sutured on December 21, 1995, cleaned out granulated tissue. 6/ He did a flap procedure, referred to as a plastic closure, where tissue was reflected from the cheek side of the gum and placed over the extraction site to the palate side. He thereafter injected the right otic ganglion and right sphenopalatine ganglion with a solution of one percent Xylocaine and Notakehl. Between December 28, 1995, and January 10, 1996, Respondent continued his homeopathic treatment of C. C. combined with the micro current procedure. Respondent did not treat C. C. after January 10, 1996. C. C. knew when she agreed to the extractions that she would have to have bridges for the areas of the extractions. Those two bridges were inserted after she left Respondent's care. Petitioner asserted that Respondent practiced below the standard of care by failing to appropriately close the sinus perforation on December 27, 1995. That assertion is rejected. On January 18, 1996, James Medlock, D.D.S. examined C. C. at his dental office in West Palm Beach, Florida. C. C. was not experiencing difficulty with the flap procedure Respondent had performed on December 27, 1995, when she was seen by Dr. Medlock. Gary Verigan, D.D.S., treated C. C. at his dental office in California between February 1996 and May 1997. Richard T. Hansen, D.D.S., treated C. C. at his dental office in California between May 1997 and November 1999. The dental records of Dr. Medlock, Dr. Verigan, and Dr. Hansen for C. C. are in evidence as Joint Exhibits 1, 3 and 4, respectively. The depositions of Dr. Medlock and Dr. Hansen are in evidence. Dr. Hansen re-opened the area of the maxillary sinus that Respondent had closed with the flap procedure and found that bone had not re-generated in that area. Dr. Hansen believed that Respondent was not the cause of the problems for which he treated C. C. There was insufficient evidence to establish that the subsequent dental problems encountered by C. C. were caused by the extraction, cavitation, or flap procedure performed by Respondent in December 1995. Petitioner did not establish by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent's closure of the sinus perforation on December 27, 1995, constituted practice below the standard of care. Respondent did not have malpractice insurance or proof of financial security at the time that he treated C. C. He did not have proof of financial security until March 13, 1997, when he obtained an irrevocable letter of credit from Palm Beach National Bank and Trust to bring himself in compliance with Petitioner's Rule 64B5-17.011, Florida Administrative Code. 7/ This irrevocable letter of credit was current at the time of the final hearing. Respondent is a dentist who treats people who are chronically ill. Respondent's use of ART and homeopathic remedies are clearly unconventional and can, in Respondent's own words, cause a lot of harm if he is not careful. Under the facts of this case, his failure to have malpractice insurance or proof of financial responsibility while practicing alternative dentistry on high-risk patients is found to be an especially egregious violation of Rule 64B5-17.011, Florida Administrative Code. His subsequent compliance with that Rule is not viewed by the undersigned as being a mitigating factor. Petitioner established by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent failed to keep adequate dental records in violation of Section 466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count II of the Amended Administrative Complaint. Respondent's medical history for the patient is incomplete. Although Respondent testified he did not take X-rays because of the patient's history of radiation poisoning, his medical history does not reflect that history. Respondent did not chart C. C.'s teeth, which is a routine practice. His description of his examination was vague, his findings were vague, and his proposed treatment plan was vague. His records did not reflect that he had viewed X-rays of the patient, did not reflect that Notakehl was injected with Xylocaine, and did not reflect the anesthetic that was used to numb the mouth during the extraction. The most serious deficiency is that his records provide no justification for the extraction of two teeth or for the cavitation procedures that followed, a basic requirement of Section 466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes. There was a conflict in the evidence as to whether Respondent's use of the Sanum remedies constituted practice below the standard of care or experimentation. Petitioner did not establish that the practice of homeopathy is per se below the standard of care or that the use of homeopathic remedies in this case constituted experimentation. Respondent established that the three Sanum remedies he administered to C. C. are recognized homeopathic remedies, and he also established that the manner in which he administered these remedies was consistent with homeopathic practice. The conflict in the evidence is resolved by finding that Petitioner did not prove by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent's use of the homeopathic remedies constituted practice below the standard of care or experimentation. 8/

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a final order finding Respondent guilty of the violations alleged in Counts I, IV, and VI of the Amended Administrative Complaint. For the violation of Section 466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes (Count I), Respondent's licensure should be placed on probation for a period of two years with the requirement that he take appropriate continuing education courses pertaining to record-keeping. For the violation of Rule 64B5-17.011, Florida Administrative Code (Count IV), Respondent's license should be suspended for a period of one year to be followed by a period of probation for a period of five years. For the violation of Section 466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes (Count VI), Respondent's license should be suspended for a period of one year to be followed by a period of probation for a period of five years. It is further RECOMMENDED that Respondent be reprimanded for each violation and assessed an administrative fine in the amount of $3,000 for each violation, for a total of $9,000. It is further recommended that the suspension of licensure RECOMMENDED for Counts IV and VI and all periods of probation run concurrently. It is further RECOMMENDED that all other charges be dismissed. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of August, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of August, 2001.

Florida Laws (6) 120.5720.43466.003466.024466.028766.103 Florida Administrative Code (2) 64B5-13.00564B5-17.011
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Mar. 18, 2011 Number: 11-001441 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2011

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Colette Michele Gatward (Petitioner) should receive a passing score on the Florida Dental Hygiene Clinical Examination.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner was a candidate for licensure as a dental hygienist by the State of Florida. All candidates for Florida licensure as dental hygienists are required to pass the Florida Dental Hygiene Clinical Examination. The Petitioner took the exam on November 5, 2010. Information and instructions related to the exam were provided to candidates through a "Candidate Information Booklet" (CIB) that was posted on the Respondent's Internet website approximately 60 days prior to the date of the exam. Candidates were expected to review the information contained in the CIB. The Petitioner was aware of the information in the CIB. Part of the exam required that each candidate perform certain clinical procedures to the teeth of a human patient. The CIB stated that each candidate was responsible for providing their own human patient upon whom the clinical procedures could be performed. A panel of three examiners reviewed and scored each candidate's performance of the clinical procedures. In relevant part, the CIB stated that each candidate must submit a patient with 12 surfaces of explorer-detectable moderate subgingival calculus. An explorer is a piece of equipment used in dental practice. The CIB stated that 6.5 points would be awarded for each of the 12 surfaces of subgingival calculus detected and removed by the candidate during the exam. The CIB also stated that failure to detect and remove a minimum of nine surfaces of moderate subgingival calculus would result in a candidate receiving less than a passing score on the exam. The CIB specifically stated that "[p]oor patient selection and management is a common reason for examination failure." The Petitioner brought her sister-in-law to the exam to serve as her patient. After the applicable portion of the exam was completed, the panel of three examiners evaluated the Petitioner's clinical performance. Two of the three examiners determined that the Petitioner had detected and removed subgingival calculus from only eight surfaces of her patient's teeth. There was no evidence presented to indicate that the Petitioner neglected to remove subgingival calculus from her patient's teeth. The Petitioner was aware at the time of the exam that her sister-in-law did not have sufficient subgingival calculus to meet the patient requirements for the clinical demonstration. The insufficient degree of subgingival calculus present in the Petitioner's patient prior to the clinical exam precluded the Petitioner from passing the exam. The Petitioner received a total deduction of 26 points (6.5 points deducted for each of the four surfaces upon which no subgingival calculus was detected) and failed the exam with a score of 74. The Petitioner offered no credible evidence that the panel of examiners improperly reviewed her performance on the exam or that the score she received on the November 5, 2010, administration of the exam was in any manner incorrect. At the hearing, the Petitioner testified that she is licensed as a dental hygienist in another state, that the examinations in both states were conducted by the same regional testing agency, and that the scores from the other state should be accepted by the Respondent for licensure of dental hygienists in Florida. Florida law does not provide for dental hygienist license reciprocity.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health enter a final order dismissing the Petitioner's challenge to the scoring of the exam referenced herein. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of May, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of May, 2011. COPIES FURNISHED: Morris Shelkofsky, Esquire Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 Colette Michele Gatward 2212 Margarita Court Kissimmee, Florida 34741 R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 H. Frank Farmer, M.D., Ph.D., Secretary State Surgeon General Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 E. Renee Alsobrook, Acting General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57466.007
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 22, 1992 Number: 92-003705 Latest Update: Feb. 26, 1993

The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether petitioner's challenge to the grading of his dental manual skills examination should be sustained.

Findings Of Fact Background Petitioner, Jorge Jose Velis, sat for the dentistry manual skills examination pursuant to Section 466.006(3)(c)3, Florida Statutes (1991), in November 1991. After receiving notification that he failed to achieve a passing score on the examination, petitioner challenged respondent's grading of three procedures, number 2, 7 and 8. The respondent sustained petitioner's challenge to the grading of procedure number 7 and had such procedure regraded, but such regrading failed to raise the overall grade awarded for the procedure. Respondent denied petitioner's challenge to the grading of procedures 2 and 8. In turn, petitioner filed a timely request for a formal hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, to contest the respondent's grading of procedures number 7 and 8. The examination procedure During the course of the examination at issue in this proceeding, the candidates were called upon to exhibit manual skills by performing various procedures on a laboratory model. The quality of the candidate's performance was then graded by three examiners who assigned grades of 0 to 5 based on their assessment of the candidate's performance. The scores assigned were then averaged to derive the score achieved by the candidate on the particular procedure. In scoring, a grade of "0" represented a complete failure, a grade of "3" represented a minimally acceptable dental procedure, and a grade of "5" represented outstanding dental procedure. See Rule 21G-2.013, Florida Administrative Code. Each of the examiners who participated in both the original grading of petitioner's model and the regrade had been licensed by the Florida Board of Dentistry for at least five years, and had participated in a day-long standardization training session the day before the examination was offered. Based on their previous performance as graders and their performance at the November 1991 examination, these examiners demonstrated a statistically acceptable grade variation range. Petitioner's examination results and review. Petitioner received a final grade of 2.97 on the examination, which was below the minimum passing grade of 3.0. Pertinent to this case, respondent received a grade of 2.66 for procedure 7, based on scores of 1, 3 and 4 from the individual examiners, and a grade of 2.66 for procedures 8, based on scores of 3, 1 and 4 from the individual examiners. Dr. Theodor Simkin, the respondent's consultant, upon petitioner's request for a regrade, examined petitioner's models and the evaluations of the examiners with regard to procedures number 7 and 8. In Dr. Simkin's opinion, which is credited, the original grade of 1 assigned to procedure 7 did not conform with the grading criteria since petitioner's error was not serious enough to warrant a grade of one. Accordingly, Dr. Simkin recommended a regrade of procedure number 7. With regard to procedure number 8, Dr. Simkin did not recommend a regrade because in his opinion, which is credited, the low grade of 1 was warranted because of a sever undercut made by petitioner on the tooth which would prevent any crown made up for the tooth from fitting properly. Accordingly, the assignment of a failing grade of 1 for procedure number 8 was appropriate under the grading criteria. Based on Dr. Simkin's conclusions, petitioner's procedure number 7 was regraded. In such regrading, petitioner's model was hand-delivered by a Department of Professional Regulations representative to three examiners, different from the original examiners, but all of whom participated in the standardization and grading of the November 1991 examination. In the regrade, petitioner received scores of 3, 3 and 2, for an average or final grade of 2.66, the same failing score he had previously received. The scores assigned by the examiners on regrading were, however, rendered in conformance with the grading criteria, and were an appropriate reflection of petitioner's performance. Here, the proof demonstrates that the regrade of procedure number 7 and the original grading of procedure number 8 were rendered in accordance with the grading criteria, and that petitioner's final grade of 2.97 was appropriately derived. Accordingly, petitioner failed to attain a minimum passing grade on the examination.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be rendered dismissing the subject petition. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 23rd day of December 1992. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of December 1992. APPENDIX Petitioner's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: 1 & 2. Unnecessary detail. Addressed in paragraph 5. Addressed in paragraph 10. Addressed in paragraphs 2 and 5-8. Rejected as argument or addressed in paragraph 12. Respondent's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: 1 & 2. Addressed in paragraphs 1 and 10. 3. Addressed in paragraphs 3 and 5. 4-9. Addressed in paragraphs 5-8, otherwise unnecessary detail. 11-12. Addressed in paragraphs 3 & 4, otherwise unnecessary detail. 13. Addressed in paragraph 8. COPIES FURNISHED: Jose I. Perez, Esquire Grove 2000 Building Suite 100-D 2000 South Dixie Highway Miami, Florida 33133 Vytas J. Urba, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation Northwood Centre, Suite 60 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 William Buckhalt Executive Director Board of Dentistry Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Jack McRay General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 21, 1991 Number: 91-003821 Latest Update: Mar. 31, 1992

The Issue The basic issue in this case is whether the Petitioner, Maria I. Galarza, is eligible to take the dental mannequin exam. The Board proposes to deny the Petitioner's application to take the exam on the grounds that the Petitioner's dental degree from the Universidad Central del Este in the Dominican Republic is not the equivalent of four academic years of dental education. The Petitioner contends her degree is equivalent and meets the criteria for taking the dental mannequin exam.

Findings Of Fact Facts stipulated to by all parties Petitioner sought approval of the Board to take the manual skills (mannequin) examination as an avenue toward being certified for licensure as a dentist in Florida with an application dated September 17, 1991. 1/ With her application, Petitioner submitted sufficient evidence to establish that she graduated from high school in Puerto Rico; received a bachelor of arts degree from a college in Puerto Rico; graduated with a "titulo" or degree in dentistry from the Universidad Central del Este (UCE) in the Dominican Republic; has attained an age of more than 18 years; and had completed the National Dental Board Examination with passing scores within the ten years preceding her application. UCE is not a dental school accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Dental Association or its successor agency or any other nationally recognized accrediting agency. UCE is a foreign dental school located in the Dominican Republic. It is a member of the Asociacion Latinoamericana de Facultades y Escuelas de Odontologia (ALAFO). Pursuant to statute and rules of the Board, Petitioner submitted her educational credentials to ECE for a determination as to whether she had completed the equivalent of five academic years of post secondary education including four years of dental education. The Board of Dentistry requires that all graduates of foreign dental schools have their degrees evaluated for equivalency to U.S. degrees by Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. (hereafter ECE). ECE is headed by Dr. James Frey. ECE has evaluated numerous dental degrees for graduates of Universidad Central del Este. In August 1990 ECE changed its opinion of the degree. ECE believes its previous evaluations finding the degree equivalent are erroneous. The Petitioner attended the UCE dental program from September 1979 to September 30 ,1982. UCE awarded Petitioner credit for previously completed course work and did not require Petitioner to take or complete the following courses in UCE's dental curriculum: Mathematics (4 credits) Literature (9 credits) Philosophy (undetermined credits) Sociology (undetermined credits) Physics (8 credits) Biology (4 credits) UCE has a dental program consisting of three academic semesters per calendar year. Dr. Frey testified that a four year dental degree requires a minimum of 120 semester hour credits. He determined that Ms. Galarza achieved the equivalent of 101.5 semester hours of credit at Universidad Central del Este. Dr. Frey also determined that UCE granted her the equivalent of fourteen additional semester hours of credit for course work already taken at the University of Puerto Rico. The University of Florida has the only accredited dental program in the State of Florida. At the University of Florida, dental students attend courses for three academic semesters per calendar year and the dental curriculum lasts for 3.66 calendar years and a total of eleven semesters. The Board, based upon its review of the Petitioner's credentials and the report from ECE determined the Petitioner has not completed four academic years of post secondary dental education. The Petitioner disagrees with the Board's determination. Facts based on evidence submitted at hearing The dental mannequin examination is an examination given to graduates of dental schools that are not accredited by the American Dental Association. Successful completion of the dental mannequin examination is a statutory prerequisite to taking the licensure examination. The dental education program at UCE is planned as an eleven semester program and consists of approximately 63 courses, for which the university awards a total of approximately 230 credits. 2/ Eleven of the courses are described as being part of the "Curso Comina" the so-called "common courses." The eleven courses that comprise the so-called "common courses" are high school level pre-dentistry courses.3/ These pre-dentistry courses are planned as part of the first two semesters, but in actual practice are taken at random times during the program, sometimes as late as the last semester. The eleven courses that make up the so-called common courses" represent a total of approximately 39 credits 4/ as follows: Mathematics 011 (or 101) 4 Literature 011 (or 101) 5 Phylosophy [sic] 2 Sociology 2 Physics 011 (or 101) 4 Biology 4 Literature 102 4 Dom. Soc. History 2 Mathematics 012 (or 102) 4 General Chemistry 4 Physics 012 (or 102) 4 Total "common course" credits 39 The Universidad Central del Este awarded the Petitioner a total of approximately 233 credits, including the credits that were awarded for either successful completion of, or for exemption from, the so-called "common courses." When the credits for the so-called "common courses" (which as noted above are pre-dentistry courses) are subtracted from the total credits awarded, the Petitioner's transcript reflects a total of approximately 194 credits of dental education. One credit at the dental education program at UCE represents the equivalent of approximately one-half of a semester hour credit at a dental education program in the United States. Accordingly, the Petitioner's 194 credits of dental education at UCE are the equivalent of approximately 97 semester hours at a dental education program in the United States. 5/ A full four-year dental program in the United States consists of a minimum of 120 semester hours of credit, and usually consists of 128 semester hours of credit. The standard length of a semester in a United States dental education program consists of 15 or 16 teaching weeks. The standard length of a semester at the University of Florida dental program is 16 teaching weeks. The length of the typical semester at the Universidad Central del Este consists of 13 or 13.5 teaching weeks. The Petitioner completed all of her course work at UCE during a period of eight consecutive semesters. During her eighth semester the Petitioner began work on her thesis. During that same semester her transcript reflects that she was also taking at least eleven courses totaling 44 hours of credit. 6/ During her ninth semester at UCE, the Petitioner did not take any classes, but spent all of her time working on her thesis. Educational Credential Evaluators, Incorporated, is the only agency approved by the Board of Dentistry to review foreign educational credentials. No other agency has ever been denied approval by the Board. Although the Board's rules permit other organizations to be approved, no other entity has ever requested to be approved by the Board. Educational Credential Evaluators, Incorporated, provides an evaluation of credentials to determine the quantity of education obtained at a foreign school in terms of the United States educational system. At one time Educational Credential Evaluators, Incorporated, was of the opinion that the dental education program at the Universidad Central del Este was equivalent to four years of dental education in the United States. The educational credentials of one of the Petitioner's classmates who also graduated from the UCE dental program in 1982 were earlier evaluated by Educational Credential Evaluators, Incorporated, and determined to be equivalent to four years of dental education. In 1990, following receipt and review of additional information about the dental program at UCE, Educational Credential Evaluators, Incorporated, concluded that its prior opinion was incorrect. The additional information that formed the primary basis for the change of opinion was that UCE was regularly waiving the so-called "common courses" on the basis of students' prior high school work and that UCE semesters were comprised of only thirteen or thirteen and a half teaching weeks. Educational Credential Evaluators, Incorporated, is now of the opinion that the dental program at UCE is the equivalent of only 3.66 years of dental education. 7/ Upon review of the Petitioner's educational credentials from UCE, Educational Credential Evaluators, Incorporated, concluded that she had actually completed the equivalent of only three and one-quarter years of dental education. 8/ This conclusion did not allow any credit for courses that were waived by UCE based on courses taken by the Petitioner at the University of Puerto Rico. The Board of Dentistry has a Credentials Committee that evaluates all applications to take the dental licensure examination, the dental hygiene licensure examination and the dental mannequin examination. The Credentials Committee reviews the educational credentials of applicants who have graduated from foreign dental schools. In its evaluation of foreign credentials, the Board of Dentistry does not accept as part of the statutorily required dental education any credit for course work completed at an undergraduate institution. Since 1987, the Board of Dentistry has relied upon reports from Educational Credential Evaluators, Incorporated, along with its own review of dental school transcripts, licensure applications, and national board examination scores, to determine the eligibility of applicants to take the dental mannequin examination. The Board has always accepted the recommendation of Educational Credential Evaluators, Incorporated, as to the equivalency of dental education. Prior to 1990, the Board of Dentistry generally accepted a dental education from the Universidad Central del Este as meeting the requirement for dental education set forth in the statutes. In 1990, based upon a report from Educational Credential Evaluators, Incorporated, which tended to confirm some of the Board's suspicions regarding the dental program offered at UCE, the Board changed its position regarding the equivalency of a UCE dental education.

Recommendation On the basis of all of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered in this case concluding that the Petitioner has failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that she has received the equivalent of four academic years of dental education, concluding that the Petitioner is not eligible to take the dental mannequin examination, and dismissing the petition in this case. DONE AND ENTERED at Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 31st of March, 1992. MICHAEL M. PARRISH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of March, 1992.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 8
JASON S. BAKER, D.M.D. vs DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, 02-002302 (2002)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 11, 2002 Number: 02-002302 Latest Update: Dec. 11, 2002

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner should receive a passing score on the December 2001 dental license examination.

Findings Of Fact In December 2001, Petitioner took the dental licensure examination and failed to pass the clinical portion of the exam. The examination is a three-day process involving two days of clinical examination. Those two days of clinical examination consist of nine procedures. Four of the nine procedures were challenged by Petitioner. The clinical portion is where the candidate is required to perform certain patient procedures. The work product of the student, or candidate, is evaluated following the performance of those procedures by three examiners. Each examiner grades the candidate independently of whatever score the other examiners may award on a particular procedure. Then the average grade for each procedure is weighted in accordance with requirements of Rule 64B5-2.013, Florida Administrative Code. This produces the overall score for the entire clinical exam. The Department uses three examiners' scores because this provides a more reliable indication of the candidate's competency and true score. Further, each examiner must be a licensed dentist for a minimum of five years and have no complaints or disciplinary actions against their license. Examiners have no contact with the candidate taking the examination and, accordingly, have no idea of who they are grading. To further ensure fairness, each examiner must attend and successfully complete a standardization session. The purpose of these sessions is to ensure that each examiner is trained to use the same internal grading criteria. In standardization, each examiner is thoroughly taught specific grading criteria with the result that examiners are instructed on how to evaluate the work of the candidates. The examiners who graded Petitioner’s examination had successfully completed the foregoing standardization session. Also, the Department’s post-exam check found these examiners’ grading to be reliable. Petitioner contested the score he received on Procedure 4, the Endodontic procedure, a root canal. The Endodontic procedure required removal of infected nerve tissue and blood vessels pulp from the tooth. Petitioner was required to access the canal and pulp tissue from the outside. Then, Petitioner was required to remove the bad nerve and cleanse the canal. Finally, Petitioner was required to seal the canal to prevent recurring bacteria. Petitioner failed to observe a fracture in the tooth. He claimed that a fracture to the root of the tooth was caused by the Department after he reviewed his examination and that no one advised him the root was fractured. Petitioner requested a score of 3.00 for this procedure. However, the Department's witness, Dr. William F. Robinson, a licensed dentist for 32 years who examined the tooth and X-ray prepared by Petitioner, testified that the fracture to the root was noticed in both the X-ray and on the tooth when he examined the same. Additionally, two of the three re-graders also noted the fracture of the root. With regard to Petitioner's preparation of the X-ray at the conclusion of the examination, Dr. Robinson opined that Petitioner caused the fracture to the root during the examination and not the Department, as alleged by Petitioner. Dr. Robinson further opined that even without a fracture to the root of the tooth, Petitioner failed the procedure and the failing grade he received was fair. Dr. Robinson would not recommend that Petitioner receive a passing score of 3.00 on the procedure. The examiners' comments and grades and the testimony of Dr. William F. Robinson establish that Petitioner failed to properly perform this procedure. The grade Petitioner received was fair. Petitioner challenged the grade he received on Procedure 5, the Class IV Composite Restoration of the front tooth, but did not offer any testimony at the hearing as to why the score was not correct for the procedure. Petitioner requested that the score of 1.00 given by one of the examiners be thrown out, thus giving him a passing grade on this procedure. Procedure 5 of the dental licensure examination is a procedure that involves the candidate’s ability to replace the edge of the front tooth with a composite resin material, which is a tooth-colored filling. As established by the examiners’ comments and grades and the testimony of Dr. William F. Robinson, Petitioner failed to properly perform this procedure and the grade Petitioner received was fair. Specifically, the examiners found that the tooth was abraded and the re-grader noted, as did the examiners, the excessive “flash” on the tooth. Dr. Robinson also noted both deficiencies in the procedure. Petitioner contested the score he received on Procedure 6, the Class II Composite Restoration procedure in his original petition, but offered no testimony at the hearing concerning this procedure. Dr. Robinson reviewed the examiners' grades and the tooth prepared by Petitioner and opined that Petitioner’s grade of 2.66 for this procedure is fair. Based on the examiners’ comments and grades and the testimony of Dr. Robinson, Petitioner failed to properly perform this procedure and the grade Petitioner received was fair. Petitioner contested the score he received on Procedure 7, the preparation for a 3-unit Fixed Partial Denture, claiming that on the re-grade one of the examiners reviewed the wrong procedure. The Preparation for a 3-unit Fixed Partial Denture procedure of the dental licensure examination is a procedure that involves the candidate’s ability to provide preparations of two (2) teeth in order to replace a missing tooth with a fixed bridge. Dr. Robinson established that Petitioner’s work on this procedure resulted in one tooth, No. 29, being grossly over reduced and tooth No. 31 was insufficiently reduced. The result of such work is that it is impossible to place a bridge on such an improper preparation. As established by testimony of Dr. Robinson, Petitioner's problem with this procedure resulted from Petitioner’s undercut. This undercut indicated that Petitioner’s preparations were not properly aligned to accept a bridge. Based on the examiners’ comments and grades, and the testimony of Dr. Robinson, Petitioner failed to properly perform this procedure and the grade Petitioner received was fair. The Department's “re-grade” process was utilized in this case. Used to give all candidates who timely request a hearing another chance at passing, the re-grade process allows the Department to go back and determine whether any grades rendered were inconsistent. The Department selects the top three examiners who had the highest reliability from that examination to participate in the re-grade process. The Department maintains post-standardization statistics of the examiners’ performance. In this case, those statistics indicated that Petitioner’s examiners graded reliably. In addition, the Department calculates post- examination statistics for the examiners, which are as follows for the examiners who graded Petitioner’s challenged procedures: Examiner Accuracy Index & Rating #206 95.8-Excellent #375 98.8-Excellent #380 92.1-Good #334 97.8-Excellent #298 95.9-Excellent #375 98.8-Excellent-was an original and a re-grader. All of Petitioner's examiners exhibited a reliability significantly above the minimum acceptable accuracy index of 85.0.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered dismissing Petitioner's challenge to the grade assigned him for the December 2001 dental licensure examination. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of October, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of October, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: E. Renee Alsobrook, Esquire Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 Jason S. Baker, D.M.D. Westchester Medical Center 95 Grasslands Road, Box 572 Valhalla, New York 10595 R.S. Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 William W. Large, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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BOARD OF DENTISTRY vs. JOHN W. DELK, 85-002266 (1985)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-002266 Latest Update: Mar. 03, 1987

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant, Respondent, John W. Delk, held a license to practice dentistry, number DN 0005106, issued by the State of Florida, Department of Professional Regulation's Board of Dentistry. James Whisman was a patient at the Delk Dental Center from July 14, 1981 until May 22, 1984. Dr. John W. Delk was the dentist of record for James Whisman. On July 14, 1981, Dr. John W. Delk prepared teeth #6, 7, and 8 for crown and bridgework which included the placement of a post in tooth #8. On July 29, 1981, James Whisman returned to the Delk Dental Center to have the crowns on #6, 7, and 8 seated. On July 29, 1981, Don Berman seated permanent crowns on teeth #6, 7, and 8 for James Whisman using a permanent cement. Don Berman was a technician (dental assistant) for the Delk Dental Center and was not a licensed dentist or dental hygienist. He did not have an expanded duties certificate. On August 11, 1981, Respondent diagnosed a need, and had Berman prepare a treatment plan, for future dental work for James Whisman. During the establishment of Mr. Whisman's August 11, 1981 treatment plan, there was no documentation or oral advisement that an abnormality, such as a retained root tip or abscess, existed at tooth #10. Later, the bridge work on teeth #6, 7, 8 became loose, and Whisman called for an appointment with the Delk Dental Center. On September 21, 1981, the crowns on teeth #6, 7, and 8 were re-cemented with a permanent cement, zinc phosphate, by technician Don Berman. Dr. John W. Delk did not supervise Don Berman when he used the permanent cement to seat the crowns on teeth #6, 7, and 8 for a second time. From February 8, 1982 through February 25, 1982, Dr. James Costello provided dental services to James Whisman, specifically preparing teeth #9-15 and teeth #1-5 for crowns and bridgework and seating the crowns and bridgework. Dr. Costello did not advise James Whisman that an abnormality, specifically a retained root tip or abscess, was present at tooth #10. The patient chart for James Whisman failed to document that tooth #10 had a retained root tip and abscess present. The failure to chart a retained root tip and abscess at tooth #10 is critical to diagnosis and treatment. Fourteen months later, James Whisman returned to the Delk Dental Center for continued dental work. Respondent on March 6, 1984, diagnosed the need, and had Berman prepare a treatment plan, for fixed bridge-splints on teeth #19-22 and #27- 30. On March 7, 1984, Dr. John W. Delk prepared teeth #19- 22 and #27-30 for crown and bridgework. On March 9, 1984, Don Berman cemented temporary crowns on teeth #27-30 without supervision from Dr. John W. Delk. On March 12, 1984, Don Berman re-cemented temporary crowns on teeth #27-30, using a permanent cement called Durelon, without supervision from Dr. John W. Delk. On April 19, 1984, Don Berman used a permanent cement, Durelon, to seat the crown and bridgework on teeth #19-22 and #27-30 without supervision from Dr. John W. Delk. On May 15, 1984, James Whisman returned to the Delk Dental Center complaining of loose teeth in the area of #7 and 8. On May 22, 1984, James Whisman returned to the Delk Dental Center continuing in his complaint that teeth #7 and 8 were loose. On May 22, 1984, Don Berman did an oral inspection of teeth #7 and 8 and with the aid of a dental instrument removed said teeth. Teeth #7 and 8 fractured off inside the crowns. On May 22, 1984, based on what Don Berman had reported to him, Respondent diagnosed the need, and had Berman prepare a treatment plan, for Mr. Whisman which encompassed an estimate for two crowns, one root canal filling and two pin and core build-ups for a total fee of $708.00. On May 22, 1984, Dr. John W. Delk did not examine Mr. Whisman nor did Dr. Delk supervise the actions of Don Berman. Don Berman re-cemented the crowns for teeth #7 and 8 using a permanent cement, Durelon, with no supervision from Dr. John W. Delk. James Whisman suffered from areas of sensitivity around the bridgework, poor dental work and an unnoticed abscess and retained root tip. James Whisman discontinued the dental work with the Delk Dental Center and sought a second opinion from Dr. Albert P. Hodges on June 7, 1984. After the services performed by Dr. Delk and/or his employees, an examination of James Whisman's teeth revealed dental work that fell below the standard of care as recognized by the prevailing peer community. The standard of care for crown and bridgework recognized by the prevailing dental peer community is as follows: No open or shy margins around the crowns; no active decay present; proper retention in multiple-unit splints; proper dowel lengths in crowns that are needed to support multiple unit bridges; proper occlusal contact and recognition; and treatment of any pathological condition prior to crown and bridge placement. Specifically, tooth #7 had margins that were open and shy, active decay was present and there was a distinct lack of retention to support the two-unit splint. The dental treatment provided on tooth #7 fell below the minimum acceptable standards of care as recognized by the prevailing peer community. Specifically, tooth #8 had margins that were open, active decay was present and the dowel length was totally inadequate for useful retentive support. The dental treatment provided on tooth #8 fell below the minimum acceptable standards of care as recognized by the prevailing peer community. Specifically with tooth #10, Dr. Delk failed to diagnose and treat a retained root tip and a pathological condition which was visible and discoverable. The retained root tip and abscess were clearly visible radiographically as early as the July 14, 1981 visit to Dr. Delk's facility. James Whisman was not advised during the course of his treatment that a retained root tip existed and that the pathological condition should be treated prior to the placement of a crown over tooth #10. James Whisman's records, made at Dr. Delk's facility, failed to reflect the existence of the retained root tip and abscess at tooth #10. Failing to chart or notify the patient of the existence of a retained root tip and the accompanying cyst falls below the standard of care as recognized in the prevailing dental community. The dental treatment provided on tooth #10 fell below the minimum acceptable standards of care as recognized by the prevailing peer community. Specifically, tooth #20 had margins that were open and shy, it was sensitive to probing, and it was out of occlusion because it had no contact with the opposing tooth when the mouth was in the closed position. The dental treatment provided on tooth #20 fell below the minimum acceptable standards of care as recognized by the prevailing peer community. Specifically, tooth #21 had margins that were open and shy. The dental treatment provided on tooth #21 fell below the minimum acceptable standards of care as recognized by the prevailing peer community. Specifically, tooth #22 had margins that were shy. The dental treatment provided on tooth #22 fell below the minimum, acceptable standards of care as recognized by the prevailing peer community. Specifically, tooth #27 had margins that were shy and the crown was over-contoured causing potential gum irritation and food impaction. The dental treatment provided on tooth #27 fell below the minimum acceptable standards of care as recognized by the prevailing peer community. Specifically, tooth #29 had margins that were open and shy. The dental treatment provided on tooth #29 fell below the minimum acceptable standards of care as recognized by the prevailing peer community. Cementing crowns with permanent cement is an irremediable procedure. Cementing temporary crowns with permanent cement is justified on a short-term basis but only if the procedure is done by a licensed dentist. To be within acceptable dental standards, a dentist must do a physical oral examination of a patient before developing a treatment plan. Failure to do a physical oral examination in the development of a treatment plan falls below the minimum standards as recognized in the prevailing peer community. An assistant with an expanded duties certificate may use temporary cement only to seat temporary crowns provided a licensed dentist provides direct supervision.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings Of Fact and Conclusions Of Law, it is recommended that the Florida Board of Dentistry enter a final order: (1) holding the Respondent guilty on both counts of the Administrative Complaint; (2) fining Respondent $1000 for each count, said amount to be paid within 30 days from the signing of the final order or Respondent's license automatically to be suspended until the fine is paid; (3) suspending Respondent's license to practice dentistry for 6 months for each count of the Administrative Complaint, to run consecutively; (4) placing Respondent on probation for 12 months subsequent to the expiration of the suspension period; and (5) conditioning reinstatement of Respondent's license to practice dentistry on successful completion of 100 hours of university credit course work in crown and bridge restorations by the end of the probation period and on an appearance by Respondent before the Board to provide evidence of compliance with the final order. RECOMMENDED this 3rd day of March, 1987 in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of March, 1987. COPIES FURNISHED: Nancy M. Snurkowski, Esq. Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, F1 32399-0750 Michael T. Hand, Esq. 230 East Marks Street Orlando, F1 32803 John W. Delk, D.D.S. 2918 North Pine Hills Drive Orlando, F1 32808 Pat Guilford Executive Director Board of Dentistry Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, F1 32399-0750 Van Poole, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, F1 32399-0750 Wings T. Benton, Esq. General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, F1 32399-0750 APPENDIX To comply with Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes (1985), the following rulings are made on Petitioner's proposed findings of fact (Respondent did not submit proposed findings of fact): 1.-3. Accepted and incorporated. 4. Accepted but unnecessary. 5.-8. Accepted and incorporated. Accepted but unnecessary. Rejected as not proved. The evidence suggested that Respondent examined the patient and instructed Berman how to prepare the plan. 11.-15. Accepted and incorporated. 16. Rejected as not proved. Dr. Costello testified he seated the crowns and bridgework, and the office notes do not reflect that Berman was involved at all. Whisman's memory probably was in error on this point. 17.-20. Accepted and incorporated. 21. Rejected. See 10 above. 22.-29. Accepted and incorporated except the correct date in 24 is March 12, 1984, and the correct teeth in 25 are #19-22, not #19-20. 30. Rejected. See 10 above. 31.-56. Accepted and incorporated. Accepted but cumulative. Accepted and incorporated. Rejected as conclusion of law. 60.-61. Accepted but unnecessary. Accepted and incorporated. Accepted but cumulative. 64.-65. Accepted and incorporated.

Florida Laws (2) 466.024466.028
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