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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-001590 Latest Update: May 03, 1988

The Issue The issue is whether the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) should modify permit number 599070329, issued to the City of Boca Raton (City), to allow construction of an approved beach restoration project to commence on May 1, 1988, rather than on June 1, 1988.

Findings Of Fact On November 21, 1986, DER issued number 500970329 to the City for a beach restoration project. Issuance of the permit followed resolution of a dispute between DER and the City of Boca Raton which was the subject of an earlier proceeding before this hearing officer. See, City of Boca Raton, et al., v. Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, et al., DOAH Case number 86-0991 (Final Order of Dismissal rendered November 21, 1986). Although the City maintained in this case that the Coral Reef Society and Sierra Club, who are petitioners here, were intervenors in that prior proceeding through an umbrella organization, Save and Protect our Aquatic Resources and Environment (SPARE), no evidence was adduced supporting that contention. In the 1986 proceeding SPARE alleged that it was "a coalition of various environmental and commercial groups with a common interest in the protection of Florida's unique and fragile aquatic resources" (Amended Petition for Leave to Intervene in Case 86-0991, filed September 2, 1986). The groups which made up the coalition were not identified in that prior proceeding or in this one. SPARE filed a voluntary dismissal in the prior proceeding after learning that DER had decided to support issuance of a permit to the City of Boca Raton. After further administrative proceedings at the federal level, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a permit to the City of Boca Raton for the beach restoration project on or about January 28, 1988. The project, as currently permitted, involves the placement of approximately 980,000 cubic yards of sand, dredged from offshore, onto 1.45 miles of the City of Boca Raton's beachfront. The project will be constructed within and adjacent to two city Spanish River Park and Red Reef Park, and the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The mean grain size of the dredged sand to be added to the beach is .32 millimeters. The dredged material is 99.6 percent sand and .4 percent silt or clay. The sand to be pumped onto the beach has characteristics almost identical to the current beach sand. As part of the approval process, the City of Boca Raton received a variance from turbidity standards otherwise applicable to Florida Class 3 waters. Turbidity is, to some extent, an unavoidable by-product of beach renourishment dredging. DER approved a mixing zone of 10,000 feet by 1,000 feet in which state water quality standards for turbidity could be violated during the construction period. The City of Boca Raton has also constructed artificial reefs comprised of natural limestone boulders and a protective groin approximately one-half mile south of the project area. Specific Condition Number Three (3) of the DER permit restricts project construction to the months of June, July, and August. In a letter dated February 12, 1988, the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (the Service) requested that the City of Boca Raton seek a modification of its DER permit to allow construction of the project to begin on May 1, 1988. The Service maintained the modification was important to avoid conflict with the peak nesting season of sea turtles, which are protected species. The Service did not make its request to the City to advance the project start date until February 12, 1988, because the Service was under the impression that the City had already requested permission from DER to commence construction sooner. In May of 1987, the City of Boca Raton had requested that the three month construction restriction of Specific Condition Number Three be deleted completely from the permit. When this request was made, the City of Boca Raton had hoped to begin construction of the project in the fall of 1987, and avoid construction during the sea turtle nesting season. DER's hydrographic engineer, Dr. Kenneth Echternacht, opposed this initial request to delete the construction limitation period. Due to delays in the federal permitting process and other logistical problems, the City of Boca Raton withdrew this earlier modification request. In order to meet the concerns of the Service, the City of Boca Raton applied by letter to DER dated February 22, 1988 for the suggested permit modification. Upon review of additional climatological and wave height data and littoral drift calculations from Dr. Robert Dean of the Costal and Oceanographic Engineering Department of the University of Florida College of Engineering, Dr. Echternacht supported a permit modification which would allow the construction period to begin in March, 1988. DER indicated its intention to grant the modification on March 10, 1988, acknowledging the concern of the Service and finding "the proposed modification is not expected to result in any adverse environmental impact or water quality degradation. " American Littoral Society, South Florida Chapter, and the Sierra Club, Florida Chapter, jointly, and the Coral Reef Society, independently, filed virtually identical petitions on March 22, 1988, objecting to DER's proposed approval of the modification request, and each requested a formal administrative proceeding. Those petitions not only questioned the permit modification, but also sought to reopen the issue whether the beach restoration project should be undertaken at all. During a telephone conference hearing on the City of Boca Raton's motion to strike portions of the petitions, held on April 8, 1988, the issue in this proceeding was narrowed to whether DER's proposed approval of the modification, expanding the construction "window" by one month, was proper. The time for objecting to the entire project has passed and the permit modification proceeding cannot be used to reopen the issue whether the beach renourishment now permitted for June, July, and August may go forward. The purpose of the restriction of construction to June, July, and August in Specific Condition Number Three of the permit was to confine construction to the months of minimum wave height. In southeast Florida, the summer months are climatologically the months of minimum average wave height. The amount of sand transported by the coastal littoral system, and consequently, the amount of optical turbidity due to suspension of particulate matter in the water column such as fine sand, is a function of wave height and longshore currents. The lesser the wave height and calmer the sea, the less sand is resuspended and the lower are the turbidity levels. During the months of June, July, and August, the waves propagate from the southeast and the corresponding longshore littoral direction is predominantly to the north. The remainder of the year, the littoral drift is primarily to the south. DER determined that project construction during the period of predominantly northerly littoral transport would better protect Red Reef Rock, a large rock outcropping located to the south of the project area. The Red Reef Rock area supports rich and diverse fish resources as fish are attracted to the rock for feeding and take advantage of the relief the rock outcroppings provide. The City of Boca Raton agreed to construct a groin composed of limestone boulders in order to afford additional protection to Red Reef Rock against the drift of sand to the south. The City is also limited by Specific Condition Number Ten of the permit, which remains in effect, and restricts disposal of material in the southernmost .15 mile portion of the beach to times when the prevailing longshore current is from south to north. Nonetheless, construction during May increases the possibility that some material suspended in the water column as the result of the renourishment will be transported over the Red Reef Rock area. Although project construction during the months of June, July, and August presents the optimum conditions from a water quality perspective, construction during that period conflicts with the height of the sea turtle nesting season. The City of Boca Raton has been monitoring sea turtle nesting activity on the Boca Raton public beaches from Spanish River Boulevard to Palmetto Park Road, a distance of 2.6 miles which encompasses the project area, for the past 11 years. Three species of sea turtles, logger head, green and leatherback turtles have been known to nest on the beaches of Boca Raton within and adjacent to the project area. All three species are protected under state and federal law. Loggerhead sea turtles, by far the most numerous nesters on Boca Raton's beaches, are classified as a threatened species by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Green sea turtles and leatherback sea turtles are classified as endangered species. Compared to the number of nests historically established by loggerhead turtles, green sea turtles are infrequent nesters on Boca Raton's beaches. Leatherback turtles are very rare nesters in this area. Southeast Florida is not a significant nesting habitat for leatherbacks. During the eleven-year monitoring period an average of only 2.4 leatherback sea turtles nested on the beach each year, the largest number nesting in a single year was 7; an average of 8 to 9 green sea turtle nests have been recorded annually in this area. By way of comparison, during the same period an average of 333 loggerhead sea turtle nested in this area. Sea turtle nesting in Boca Raton has historically occurred from April through September. The earliest nest of the year recorded by the City of Boca Raton occurred on April 2, 1987, and was a leatherback. The latest nest of the year occurred on September 13, 1983, and was a loggerhead. Leatherbacks nest early, and green turtles are late to nest. Loggerhead nests commonly begin in May, with the peak nesting period occurring in late June and early July. In light of the facts set out above concerning the likely timing of sea turtle nesting, which also being cognizant of DER's water quality concerns, the Service requested the City of Boca Raton to seek a modification of its DER permit to allow construction to begin on May 1, 1988. This would enable the City of Boca Raton to avoid construction during the peak of the sea turtle nesting season in late June, July, and August. The construction should take about 30 days. In addition to the permit modification request, the Service has recommended several other "reasonable and prudent measures" to avoid possible adverse effects to sea turtle nesting activity during the renourishment of the beach. These include a) tilling the beach to soften the new sand if it becomes compacted over a certain degree, b) relocation of nests is undertaken only by trained persons, c) lighting on the dredge is minimized to reduce any confusion it could cause to turtles attempting to locate the beach for nesting, and d) the addition of dune plants to the project area. The City of Boca Raton has agreed to implement these measures. The Boca Raton beach restoration project will enhance sea turtle nesting activity in the future. Currently, the beach in the project area is critically eroded, posing an immediate threat to successful sea turtle nesting. Nests are at risk of being inundated by sea water or washed away if not found and relocated by City of Boca Raton staff. The project will provide a long-term benefit to sea turtles by providing a wider dry beach area for safer nesting and better nest site selection. The City proved that wave heights, littoral drift, and other climatological conditions in southeast Florida do not vary dramatically, on the average, between the months of May and June. May is a transitional month, and there is net littoral movement south due to cold fronts and northeast winds in the area, along with swells caused by storms out in the Atlantic Ocean. While there is a potential for isolated events in May which could have an adverse impact on Red Reef Rock by causing a shift of newly dredged material south over the reef, the evidence presented by petitioners did not persuade the hearing officer that the risk of such events was unacceptably large when balanced against the value of advancing the construction into May to minimize conflict with the peak nesting season of loggerhead sea turtles. The petitioners' evidence did not quantify the likelihood of storm-related events with enough energy to adversely affect the Red Reef Rock area. The hearing officer is, therefore, more persuaded by Dr. Echternacht's testimony that long-term (i.e., average) data is more useful when assessing safety margins, and the available data gives reasonable assurance that renourishment may take place in May. Consequently, construction commencing during the month of May would not present any adverse water quality or marine resource effects. Petitioners have not persuaded the hearing officer that the subject permit modification would adversely affect water quality to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest. The City has obtained a permit for a mixing zone which will accommodate all the turbidity which is likely to be caused by the beach renourishment. There is insufficient evidence that climatological event in May are likely to cause the turbidity to extend beyond the approved mixing zone.

Recommendation It is recommended that the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a final order granting the permit modification. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 3rd day of May, 1988. WILLIAM R. DORSEY, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of May, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 88-1590 The following are my rulings on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the petitioners pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, (1985). Rulings on Petitioners' Proposed Findings of Fact Covered in finding of fact 2. Covered in finding of fact 5. 3-4. Covered in finding of fact 6. 5. Covered in finding of fact 7. 6-7. Covered in finding of fact 8. Rejected because while wave heights are higher in May, there is insufficient evidence that higher wave height would cause turbidity in violation of the mixing zone which has been permitted. Covered in finding of fact 8. 10-11. Rejected as unnecessary. 12-15. Covered in finding of fact 8. 16. To the extent appropriate, covered in finding of fact 9. 17-20. Covered in finding of fact 9. 21-22. Covered in finding of fact 10. 23-24. Rejected because the Hearing Officer accepts the testimony of Mr. Possardt that southeast Florida is not a significant nesting habitat for leatherbacks, and therefore rejects the argument that leatherbacks are entitled to greatest protection. The Boca Raton Beach is a significant habitat for loggerhead turtles, and it is more appropriate to assess the impact of the project based on the predominate species of turtles nesting on the beach, rather than the impact of the project on a species which only rarely nest on this beach and has predominate nesting areas elsewhere. Rulings on Respondent DER's Proposed Findings of Fact Covered in finding of fact 2 and 4. Covered in finding of fact 3. Rejected because the evidence adduced at the hearing did not support findings concerning three systems of hard bottom and rock outcroppings. 4-6. Covered in finding of fact 8. Covered in finding of fact 8 and 13. Covered in finding of fact 14. Rejected as cumulative. Rejected for lack of evidence. Covered in finding of fact 13 and 14. Covered in finding of fact 10-12 Covered in finding of fact 10-12. 14-20. Rejected as unnecessary because the only evidence submitted pertain to potential violations of water quality standards or adverse affect on habitat of endangered species. Rulings of Respondent Boca Raton's Findings of Fact 1. Covered in finding of fact 1. 2. Covered in finding of fact 2. 3. Covered in finding of fact 5 and 6. 4. Covered in finding of fact 7. 5. Covered in finding of fact 8. 6. Covered in finding of fact 9. 7. Covered in finding of fact 10. 8. Covered in finding of fact 11 and 12. 9. Covered in finding of fact 8. Covered in finding of fact 13. Rejected as argument. COPIES FURNISHED: Alexander Stone Judy Schrafft, President South Florida Director Coral Reef Society American Littoral Society 357 North Lake Way 75 Virginia Beach Drive Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Key Biscayne, Florida 33149 Alfred Malefatto, Esquire Karen Brodeen, Esquire David C. Ashburn, Esquire Department of Environmental Post Office Box 24615 Regulation West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Alan J. Kan, Esquire Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Penthouse Suite 11088 Biscayne Boulevard Jonathan Shepard, Esquire Miami, Florida 33181 5355 Town Center Road Suite 801 Dale Twachtmann, Secretary Boca Raton, Florida 33486 Department of Environmental Regulation Daniel H. Thompson, Esquire 2600 Blair Stone Road General Counsel Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400

Florida Laws (2) 120.57267.061
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Venice, Florida Jul. 23, 1991 Number: 91-004558 Latest Update: Feb. 12, 1992

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: On March 26, 1991 Venice applied to the Department for a CCCL permit to construct a 475 foot wooden retaining wall seaward of the coastal construction control line and to place a shell road immediately adjacent to, and landward of, the retaining wall from approximately 100 feet south of Granada Avenue to approximately 50 feet south of Ocala Street on Venice's right-of-way of The Esplanade in Venice, Florida. The Petitioners Roy B. and Patricia B. Olsen are residents of Venice, Florida and reside at 304 Ocala Street. They own Lot 1, The Esplanade, which is immediately east and south of the southern terminus of the proposed retaining wall. Petitioner, Nina Howard is a resident of Venice, Florida and resides at 721 Ocala Street. Ms. Howard's residence is located to the south and across Ocala Street from the site of the proposed retaining wall. Intervenors, Roger and Irene Fraley are residents of Venice, Florida and reside at 221 The Esplanade South, which is immediately landward (east) of the site of the proposed retaining wall. Intervenors, Howard and Evelyn Barbig are residents of Milton, Florida but are owners of lot 4, The Esplanade South, located north of the Fraleys' property and immediately landward (east) of the site of the proposed retaining wall. The Petitioners oppose the granting of the CCCL permit. The Petitioners have expressed their opposition to the granting of the CCCL permit based upon their belief that the construction of the proposed retaining wall will have adverse impacts to the beach dune areas and to the adjacent properties. Specifically, it is their belief that the construction of the proposed retaining wall will accelerate the erosion of the beach dune areas and the adjacent properties. The Petitioners disagree with the conclusion reached by the Department in the final order that, "the activities indicated in the project description are of such a nature that they will result in no significant adverse impacts to the beach dune areas or to the adjacent properties." Intervenors, Fraley and Barbig are in favor of the issuance of the CCCL permit because it will prevent seasonal erosion which results in exposure of, and damage to, the sewer line along The Esplanade, and will provide public access over the shell road within the right-of-way of The Esplanade for those properties between Granada Avenue and Ocala Street that do not have public access from time to time due to the seasonal erosion. On April 17, 1991 the Department advised Venice that the CCCL permit application was determined to be incomplete, and advised Venice of those things needed to make the application complete. Subsequent to this letter, the Department determined that, although the application was not an emergency, it did deserve "fast tracking", and assisted Venice in bringing the application to a "complete" status. On April 25, 1991 the Department issued a Final Order administratively approving CCCL permit number ST-820 for the construction of a wooden retaining wall and shell access road as described in Venice's application. On April 26, 1991 the Department issued a Notice to Proceed Withheld to Venice, which advised Venice not commence construction of the project authorized by the permit until certain permit conditions had been met. This notice also gave notice to those whose substantial interests would be affected by the proposed project of their right to a formal hearing. An engineering assessment was made for this project, and although not a formal written engineering assessment, the engineering assessment did consider all conditions of adverse impacts. In making this assessment, the Department considered and reviewed available aerial photographs, photographs taken of the area of the proposed project site and erosion tables concerning the area. A formal written engineering assessment is not required by statute, rule or Department policy. This assessment also indicated that there are severe impacts due to winter storm events which contribute to the seasonal profile changes. The seasonal beach profile is depicted by the build up of the beach (sand) during the summer months and the removal (erosion) of beach (sand) during the winter months. However, due to an inlet, a major rock-out cropping and the rock grain structures located in the vicinity of the proposed site, there is a limitation on the natural movement of sand along the coast which prevents natural renourishment and results in severe erosion in the area of the proposed site during the winter months. This erosion during the winter months causes the sewer pipes along The Esplanade to be exposed and sometimes broken, and prevents access over the right-of-way of The Esplanade to certain properties located along The Esplanade between Granada Avenue and Ocala Street. The wooden retaining wall is designed to retain sand just landward of the wall and allow a shell access road to be placed on the right-of-way of The Esplanade. The wooden retaining wall will be constructed as follows: (a) 8" x 20' wooden piling will be placed on 6' center and driven to an approximate depth of -14.00 (NGVD); (b) 2" x 8" planking will be attached to the landward side of the piling from the top of the piling (+7.0 NGVD) to a depth of appropriate 7 feet (0.00 NGVD); (c) with a filter "x" cloth covering the planking on the landward side. At the time of the application, the existing beach was +5.0 (NGVD) which would leave approximately 2 feet of the retaining wall exposed on the seaward side. The purpose of the retaining wall is to protect the shoreline in the immediate vicinity of The Esplanade and thereby protect the sewer line and access road which are landward of the seaward (west) right-of-way line of The Esplanade. The proposed wooden retaining wall is to be located as far landward as possible, and will be the minimum size and configuration to protect the sewer line and the shell access road along The Esplanade right-of-way. The retaining wall is designed to be temporary in nature in that its design will not allow it to survive under a major storm event. In that regard, the retaining wall comes within the definition of a minor structure as defined by rule and does not require a formal written review. The access road will enable Venice to establish a public road on public right-of-way for ordinary and emergency utilization by the residents and Venice. Previous attempts by Venice to protect the sewer line by "shoring up" the area with sand bags have proven unsuccessful. A wooden retaining such as the one proposed would be the next logical step to prevent the exposure and damage to the sewer line and still be consistent with the coastal armoring policy adopted by the Governor and Cabinet in December 1990. Dr. Al Deveraux, Bureau Chief, Control Engineering, personally viewed the site prior to approval of the project and waived compliances with certain provisions of the application. There is sufficient competent substantial evidence to establish that: erosion is occurring in the area of the proposed site without the presence of the proposed retaining wall; without the proposed retaining wall, Venice will be unable to prevent that erosion, particularly during the winter storm events, which will result in exposure and damage to the sewer line and lack of public access to certain properties located along The Esplanade between Granada Avenue and Ocala Street; and upon construction of the retaining wall, the beach dune area and the adjacent properties to the south of the proposed project will experience some increase in erosion above that presently occurring, but it will be minimal and will not have a significant impact on the area. The application submitted by Venice was processed and approved in accordance with statutes, rules and Department policy. There is sufficient competent substantial evidence to establish that granting CCCL permit number ST-820 and constructing the retaining wall and access road as set forth in Venice's application would be in the best public interest. The Petitioners' expert witness on coastal engineering concluded that there would be substantial erosion of the beach dune area and adjacent properties south of the proposed retaining wall as a result of constructing the retaining wall. However, this conclusion was not supported by competent substantial evidence. Special permit condition 1 requires Venice to provide the Department with a Sea Turtle Protection Plan approved by the Florida Marine Research Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida. This special condition takes into account the Department's policy for the protection of sea turtles as described in Rule 16B-33.005(9), Florida Administrative Code. The project is consistent with the thirty-year erosion projection and is not located seaward of that line.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is, accordingly recommended that the Department enter a Final Order issuing CCCL permit number ST-820 to the City of Venice, Florida subject to all the special conditions contained therein, and adding one other special condition requiring the City of Venice, Florida to monitor the beach dune system and adjacent properties south of the project site on a semi-annual basis for a period deemed necessary by the Department, and report any accelerated erosion that might occur in that area to the Department for review and action. RECOMMENDED this 27th day of December, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of December, 1991.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57161.053
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Nov. 10, 2011 Number: 11-005768 Latest Update: Oct. 17, 2012

The Issue Whether STOP and the County have standing to challenge the issuance of the Modification? Whether the Department should issue the Modification as authorized in Permit No. BO-612 M1?

Findings Of Fact The Sand Mound The Sand Mound is located entirely on the property of the Applicants in the City of Fort Lauderdale on the southern portion of the city's beach. Oval shaped, it is approximately 176 feet long in a north-south direction parallel to the shore (shore-parallel direction) and 140 feet wide in an east-west direction perpendicular to the shore (shore-normal direction). The Sand Mound's peak at 13 feet NAVD rises between five-to-six feet above the surface of the beach. Gradually sloped, it supports approximately 12,000 square feet of mixed vegetation of varying density. The Sand Mound is an oddity. The width of the beach on the property of The Mayan Beach Club seaward (to the east) of the Sand Mound is approximately 300 feet. The width of the beach lying upland of the Sand Mound (to the west and landward) is approximately 400 feet, a distance of a third or so greater than the beach seaward of the Sand Mound. Unlike a dune, therefore, the Sand Mound lies seaward of an extensive expanse of upland beach. There are no dunes, moreover, in the immediate vicinity of the Sand Mound. The closest dune is several hundred feet to the south. North of the Sand Mound, the closest dune is approximately 800 feet away. Over-sized, recycled tractor tires had been deposited offshore of The Mayan Beach Club property years ago in an unsuccessful government attempt to create an offshore reef. Although not proven, the suggestion was made by the Applicants that the Sand Mound formed as the result of the tires that had washed ashore or ended up on the beach through the beach's advancement due to sand accretion. The suggestion was not disputed by the other parties. It is the only explanation offered by any of the parties for the Sand Mound's isolation from other dunes and its peculiar location seaward of an extensive expanse of upland beach. The Sand Mound's lack of "alongshore continuity" means it is not a "primary dune." It is not a "frontal dune" because there is no "interdunal trough" between it and a primary dune. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.002(17)(b). The Sand Mound is not a "significant dune" because it does not have "sufficient height and configuration or vegetation to offer protective value." See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.002(17)(a). In a major storm event, the Sand Mound would be unable to hold back storm surge. Water would flow over the Sand Mound or flank it so as to move around it. Despite the Department's reference to it as a "dune" in the Permit, the Modification and elsewhere, the Sand Mound is not a dune. It bears similarity to a dune in that is a mound of loose, sand-sized sediment deposited by natural or artificial mechanism which is bare or covered with vegetation and is subject to fluctuations in configuration and location. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.002(17). Unlike a dune, however, it is seaward of an extensive expanse of beach. It is not "lying upland of the beach," see id., a characteristic of a dune, and, therefore, it is not a dune.3/ See id. The Permit and the Modification In December 2007, The Mayan Beach Club applied for a permit to reduce the Sand Mound (which it called a "berm") to existing beach level. In the application cover letter, The Mayan Beach Club's manager expressed "the opinion that a large tractor tire was washed onto shore, and never removed, thus causing the berm to evolve." Respondents' Ex. 4, Cover Letter. The cover letter also expressed a simple purpose: "to have the berm leveled to match up with all of the surrounding beaches." In mid-2008, Ocean Lane Villas, Inc., put in writing its support of the efforts to remove the Sand Mound and gave its permission to arrange for removal of the portion of it on Ocean Land Villas, Inc.'s property. The Department issued the Permit on October 2, 2009. But it did not authorize a leveling of the Sand Mound, as requested. The Permit contains a "Project Description" that opens with the caption "Dune Restoration." See Respondents' Ex. 27. The permitted activity is both excavation and restoration between approximately 395 feet and 535 feet seaward of the control line: A +13.0-foot (NAVD) dune feature is to be reduced to +10.0 feet (NAVD), with up to 1,442 cubic yards of excavated material to be spread adjacent to the feature and to construct a second dune feature (approximately 440 cubic yards) located to the north. Excavation and placement areas are to be planted with native salt-tolerant beach and dune vegetation. Id. The Permit authorization of a three-foot reduction in the Sand Mound allows about half of the Sand Mound's five to six-foot elevation above the beach surface to be reduced so that it would have a two to three feet elevation above grade. In January 2011, Coastal Systems International, Inc., submitted an application for a modification of the Permit. The application was received by the Department's Bureau of Beaches and Shores on January 18, 2011. The application proposed that the Sand Mound be removed in its entirety "restoring grade to match the typical conditions of the beach in the area." Respondents' Ex. 33, p. 2. The application's cover letter described the Sand Mound as "an anomaly, uniquely located more than 400 feet east of the landward edge of the beach." Id. The Modification application provided more compelling reasons for the need to remove the Sand Mound beyond the desire of The Mayan Beach Club as expressed in the Permit application to have its beach match the beach in the area. In addition to the contention that the Sand Mound had negative impacts to sea turtles, the cover letter asserted that it "obstructs resident views of the ocean . . . and is an 'attractive nuisance' encouraging trespass onto private property and trash accumulation, and resulting in negative impacts to the Permittee's property values and security." Id. On September 14, 2011, the Department issued the Modification. Its Project Description is markedly different from the Permit's. Rather than "Dune Restoration," the Project Description in the Modification is "Dune Redistribution." Instead of excavation and restoration, the Modified Project, as applied for, is one for "Removal": Dune Redistribution: Removal: Removal of the existing vegetated sand mound[4/] located approximately 514 feet seaward of the control line and redistribute approximately 1,730 cubic yards of the sand across the property. The mound is approximately 140 feet in the general shore- normal direction by 176 feet in the general shore-parallel direction. The removed sand is to be distributed between the Seasonal High Water Line and the western edge of the existing sandy beach to a maximum distance of 536 feet seaward of the control line. Id. at p. 2. Since all of the excavated sand will remain on the beach seaward of the CCCL, there will be no net excavation of in- situ sand or soil seaward of the CCCL. In sum, the primary effect of the Modification is to change the Permit from one that allows the Sand Mound's elevation to be reduced by three feet, to one that removes the Sand Mound in its entirety. The Modification calls for distribution of the excavated sand on the beach, but the Modification, unlike the Permit, calls for no restoration activity that would create a new sand feature. The Parties The Mayan Beach Club is a condominium association that operates and manages a 22-unit low-rise oceanfront residential condominium located along the southern part of Fort Lauderdale's beach. Shortly after its incorporation in 1953, The Mayan Beach Club assumed management of the condominium and its newly- constructed units. The Mayan Beach Club's condominium property is roughly 1/4 of a mile north of the ocean inlet to Port Everglades, a major seaport. Due primarily to a jetty that extends into the ocean along the edge of the inlet, beach sand has accreted in front of its property over a period of several decades. The Mayan Beach Club's property is bounded "on the East by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean." See Respondents' Ex. 11, Schedule A to Title Opinion and Guarantee, Fund Serial No. 18344. Its fee title ownership includes nearly 700 linear feet of beach between the CCCL (seaward of the condominium residential improvements) and the mean high water line ("MHWL") of the Atlantic Ocean. Ocean Lane Villas, Inc., is an association that owns adjacent property to the south of The Mayan Beach Club property. It notified the Department that it supported the Permit and granted permission for the authorized activity to be conducted on its property. It joined The Mayan Beach Club in seeking the Modification. The Department is the state agency with the authority to establish CCCLs and to issue permits for construction activities seaward of a CCCL when an applicant has shown the permit "to be clearly justified by demonstrating that all standards, guidelines, and other requirements set forth in the applicable provisions of Part I, Chapter 161, F.S., and [Florida Administrative Code Rule Chapter 62B-33] are met . . . ." Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.005(4). Also see §§ 161.052 and 161.053. Incorporated in the State of Florida on August 31, 2010, STOP is a not-for-profit corporation. Its mission is to protect sea turtles, reduce hatchling mortality due to disorientation from artificial light sources, educate the public about marine turtle habitat and assist the State of Florida with its sea turtle conservation program. Broward County is a political subdivision of the state that has existed for more than one year prior to the date of the filing of the application at issue. Official recognition is taken that the population of Broward County is in excess of 25. The Charter of Broward County addresses its interests in natural resources and environmental protection. It has authority, for example, to adopt environmental rules and regulations that prevail over municipal ordinances with which they conflict. Standing STOP's Standing STOP was incorporated less than one year prior to the date of the filing of the application for the Modification. STOP has 120 permanent staff members. "Almost all of them" (Hearing Tr. vol. 2, 231, Feb. 16, 2012), live in Broward County. All of STOP's permanent staff members are permitted by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ("FWC") to monitor Broward County's beaches nightly during sea turtle nesting season. The members' work in the field is in shifts of a minimum of four hours between sunset and sunrise. Members work many shifts of more than four hours, some as long as ten hours. The activity of STOP includes recovering disoriented turtle hatchlings and documenting disorientations. To rescue sea turtles, FWC permittees must complete a written test and field training that requires 40 hours on the beach. STOP's program is unusual. It is one of the few organizations in Florida that recovers hatchlings at all hours of the night instead of in early morning daylight after hours of disorientation. According to STOP activity logs, at least 20 different members have patrolled the beach in the area of the Sand Mound. STOP has a website for public use and another accessible only to its members. It posts photos, videos, commentary associated with its activities and materials for public education to serve the conservation of sea turtles. Prior to filing its petition, STOP filed public comments with DEP that the Modification "is likely to cause harm to protected nesting adult sea turtles, and could prove deadly to numerous sea turtle hatchlings, in addition to harming other protected species." STOP Ex. 11. Broward County's Standing Broward County has established a Natural Resource Protection Code in Chapter 27 of the Broward County Code of Ordinances (the "BCC"). The Natural Resource Protection Code was adopted by the County to promote the preservation, protection, and enhancement of natural resources. These resources include coastal and marine animal and plant life. The County also relies on the Florida Statutes5/ and the Florida Administrative Code, including section 161.053 and chapter 62B-33, to protect the interests of the County and its residents in natural resources, plants, and wildlife that are present in the beach and dune system in Broward County. The County's eastern boundary is three miles east of the MHWL of the Atlantic Ocean. The beach area affected by the Modification is in the County. The County has an interest in protection of the area's natural resources, plant, and wildlife. The Sand Mound's Vegetation The Sand Mound's vegetation, in varying density, is spread over approximately 12,000 square feet of the Sand Mound. The vegetation is not as robust as typical dune vegetation. Vegetation on half of the Sand Mound is sparse. If the Sand Mound were part of a dune restoration project, it would require the planting of additional vegetation. In a 2011 Site Inspection Report, the Sand Mound was determined to support "Sea Oats, Panic Grass, Seashore Saltgrass, Beach Elder, Chamaesyce, Ambrosia, Railroad Vine, Dune Sunflower and Beach Star." Of the species growing on the Sand Mound only the beach star is endangered. After interaction with the Department of Agriculture, DEP, and the City of Fort Lauderdale, the Applicants agreed to plant several endangered species in another location as mitigation for the destruction on site of the beach star vegetation. The City of Fort Lauderdale agreed to partner with the Applicants as part of a dune restoration project at The Palms Condominium, north of the Applicants' property. The mitigation plan included removal of invasive exotic plants, and replanting the mitigation area with native plants, including several endangered species. The mitigation planting area is approximately 14,000 square feet, which is roughly 2,000 square feet more than the area of vegetation that will be lost through the removal of the Sand Mound. Minimization of Impacts The Applicants minimize impacts by not proposing activity beyond that which is necessary to remove the Sand Mound and distribute the excavated sand on the beach. Adverse Impacts "Adverse impacts" are defined by rule 62B-33.002(33)(a) as those "to the coastal system that may cause a measurable interference with the natural functioning of the coastal system." The "coastal system" is defined by rule 62B-33.002(13) as "the beach and adjacent upland dune system and vegetation seaward of the coastal construction control line; swash zone; surf zone; breaker zone; offshore and longshore shoals; reefs and bars; tidal, wind, and wave driven currents; longshore and onshore/offshore drift of sediment materials; inlets and their ebb and flood tide shoals and zones of primary tidal influence; and all other associated natural and manmade topographic features and coastal construction." Removal of the vegetation on the Sand Mound, which is seaward of the CCCL, will, of course, have an impact on the vegetation which is part of the coastal system. But it will not cause measurable interference with the natural function of the coastal system. Removal of the Sand Mound, itself, will not cause adverse impacts to the coastal system. Mitigation The Department must deny an application for an activity seaward of the CCCL if it does not provide for mitigation of adverse impacts. If a project causes no adverse impact, mitigation is not required. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B- 33.005(3)(b). Mitigation is not required for the removal of the Sand Mound. Furthermore, no mitigation is required by the Modification since the vegetation will be removed if the Permit is implemented without the modification. Nonetheless, the Applicants entered into the mitigation described above with regard to the planting of endangered species. As part of the effort to mitigate off-site, the Applicants made a one-time payment of $7,500 to the City of Fort Lauderdale. The mitigation plan was successfully implemented prior to hearing. Other General Criteria The proposed project will not cause any anticipated short-term or long-term direct or indirect effects on the coastal system and will not cause cumulative impacts to the coastal system. The proposed project is not inconsistent with siting and design criteria. It will not result in damage to existing structures and property or lower existing levels of protection. It will not destabilize a frontal, primary, or significant dune nor will it cause significant adverse impacts to the beach and dune system due to increased erosion by wind or water. The proposed project will not reduce the existing ability of the coastal system to resist erosion during a storm. It will not significantly interfere with the coastal system's ability to recover from a coastal storm. The proposed project will not affect the hydrology of the water flowing across the land and will not direct discharges of water or other fluids in a seaward direction. The proposed project will not result in the net excavation of the in situ sandy soils seaward of the CCCL. The proposed project will not cause an increase in structure induced scouring. The proposed project will not interfere with public access and will not interfere with lateral beach access. Marine Turtles Each night during late summer months, thousands of marine turtle hatchlings emerge from nests located on Broward County's beaches. If not all, nearly all of the nests belong to two of the five species of marine turtles protected by the Marine Turtle Protection Act, section 379.2431, Florida Statutes: the Atlantic loggerhead turtle and the Atlantic green turtle. Of these two species, the green turtle is more likely to be affected by removal of the Sand Mound. A significant number of the turtle nests in Broward County are green turtle nests, and a significant number of the hatchlings on Broward County's beaches and in the area of the Sand Mound are green turtle hatchlings. Marine turtles nest on a wide variety of beaches, but they tend to prefer steeply sloped beaches with prominent vegetated dunes. Dunes are a particular attraction for green turtles in search of a nest because green turtles prefer to nest at higher beach elevations than do loggerheads. The Sand Mound is a marine turtle nesting habitat. Removal of the mound poses the threat of three impacts to marine turtles: 1) promoting abandonment of nesting attempts by female turtles; 2) negatively affecting the survivorship of nests that would have been in the Sand Mound; and 3) disorientation of hatchlings emerging from nests where the Sand Mound would have been when the Sand Mound would have provided silhouette and shape cues that correctly orient hatchlings toward the sea. Sea turtle hatchlings orient toward the ocean and hatchling disorientation frequently results in death. The Sand Mound offers a visual cue to a female marine turtle that indicates the turtle has crawled far enough out of the water and can stop. Turtles that emerge and find no dune or other cover tend to wander longitudinally along the beach. They may return to the sea in what is known as a "false crawl." See Hearing Tr. vol. 2, 201-202, Mar. 9, 2012. False crawls have a cost to the female turtle's energy requirement for nesting. Dune elevation increases nest survivorship because it protects the eggs from storm events. Nests at higher elevations have a better chance of survival than nests at lower elevations because they are less likely to suffer effects from erosion and inundation, two of the main factors that determine nest survivorship. A dune also offers to hatchlings the benefit of a silhouette which blocks out artificial light from the low landward horizon that causes hatchling disorientation. Prominent vegetated dunes are especially helpful in assisting hatchling orientation. Dune vegetation also provides shade, which increases the nest survivability over nests in bare sand. Artificial lighting can disrupt the ability of hatchlings to find the sea from their nests. Hatchlings benefit from the silhouette of a dune that blocks out some of the disorienting lights that exist in an urban environment. Dune vegetation assists in scattering light, and the downward slope of a dune is a cue that orients hatchlings towards the water. Both Dr. Witherington and Dr. Rusenko testified that in their opinion, the removal of the Sand Mound would constitute a "take" as defined in section 379.2431. Isolating the impact of the removal of the Sand Mound is difficult, however, because there are so many factors that have a bearing on turtle nesting and hatchling disorientation along the southern stretch of Fort Lauderdale's beach. These factors include "night glow," predation, erosion form high-wave storms, weather, inundation, and direct artificial lighting. Dr. Witherington was more equivocal as to whether the Modification would be a take if the Permit had been implemented. See Hearing Tr. vol. 2, 252-255, Mar. 9, 2012. In contrast to the opinions of Drs. Witherington and Rusenko which were based on knowledge of marine turtle behavior in general, the Applicants' biological consultant, John James Goldasich, used Broward County data about turtle nesting and hatchling disorientation in the area of the Sand Mound to form his opinions. Mr. Goldasich also based his opinion on light measurements taken on site which indicated no distinction between the lux values of light on the east side of the Sand Mound and on the west side. Furthermore, night glow, which tends to disorient marine turtles, is significant near the Sand Mound and on the southern stretch of Fort Lauderdale's beach. The accuracy of the Broward County data used by Mr. Goldasich was verified by Lewis Edward Fisher, Jr., the County's lead employee for turtle management. Some of the data included turtle nests that were relocated onto The Mayan Beach Club property, but of the exhibits used by Mr. Goldasich, only Respondents' Exhibit 161 showed relocated nests. The inclusion is insignificant. Exhibit 161 depicts only two relocated nests. Mr. Goldasich offered opinions with regard to two issues: 1) whether the Sand Mound affects the location and pattern of turtle nesting; and, 2) whether the Sand Mound has an effect on hatchling disorientation. Three nest plotting maps used by Mr. Goldasich illustrate that the Sand Mound has had little, if any, impact on the location and pattern of turtle nesting: 1) Applicants' Exhibit 99, which plots nesting data of loggerhead and green marine turtles in the vicinity of the Sand Mound from 2002 to 2011; 2) Applicants' Exhibit 128, which plots nesting data in a broader area than Applicants' Exhibit 99 from 2001 through 2011; and 3) Applicants' Exhibit 133, which plots nesting data of loggerhead and green turtles along southern Fort Lauderdale beach for the year 2011. The three exhibits show no concentration or pattern of loggerhead nesting in the vicinity of the Sand Mound. The absence of effect on loggerhead nesting is expected because they do not exhibit the preference for nesting in dunes that green turtles exhibit. Of approximately 34 green marine turtle nests plotted on Applicants' Exhibit 99, only six have nested in the immediate vicinity of the Sand Mound. The locations of the other 28 nests demonstrate the preference of green marine turtles to nest at higher elevations in the upland beach. Respondents' Exhibit 133, that contains FWC data, supports the finding that the Sand Mound has been a negligible factor for the nesting of green turtles. Of the 15 green turtle nests depicted in Respondents' Exhibit 133, two are located in the vicinity of the Sand Mound. Four are concentrated in a small contained beach area next to tall buildings near the mouth of Port Everglades in an area of greater light disturbance, but with no dune influence. The remaining nine are spread over the hundreds of meters to the north and south of the Sand Mound. They do not depict any concentration of green turtle nesting close to the Sand Mound. Applicant Exhibits 99, 128, and 133 establish that the Sand Mound has had little, if any, bearing on marine turtle nesting. To evaluate whether the Sand Mound had any discernible effect on hatchling disorientation, Mr. Goldasich analyzed FWC Marine Turtle Disorientation Reports provided by the County. If the Sand Mound protects hatchlings from disorientation, then hatchlings from nests on or near the dune should exhibit less disorientation. In comparing disorientation from two dozen nests, there is no correlation between nest proximity to the Sand Mound and hatchling disorientation. Analysis of hatchling disorientation data from the four 2011 green turtle nests in the immediate vicinity of the Sand Mound also yields a finding of no correlation between nest proximity to the Sand Mound and hatchling disorientation. There is insufficient evidence as to why so many hatchlings in the proximity of the Sand Mound have not benefited from its presence. It may be because of night glow, weather, or other relevant factors. Whatever the cause, Respondents have presented empirical data and analysis that reveals no orientation benefit to hatchlings from the Sand Mound, a sand feature that is not a dune on a stretch of beach that is without dunes. The Applicants' data and analysis is more persuasive than Petitioners' prediction based on general knowledge of marine turtle behavior in coastal systems that include dunes. No Take Letter When the Department believes a proposed project justifies an inquiry into whether the project would constitute a Marine Turtle Take, it asks FWC to investigate the issue and, if appropriate, to issue a "take letter." See Hearing Tr. vol. 1, 24, Mar. 9, 2012. In the initial stages of the review of the application for the Permit, the Department did not request FWC to determine if a take letter should be issued. The proposed activity seemed to Department personnel not to constitute a "take." Furthermore, the activity was restricted to a time outside of the marine turtle nesting season. Later in the process when the "take" issue had been raised by others, DEP requested that FWC determine whether or not to issue a take letter. The Department contacted FWC repeatedly about the matter. FWC did not issue a take letter. The Department: No Position on the "Take" Issue At hearing, the Department described its position on the Marine Turtle Take issue as neutral. It continued to have no position on whether the evidence demonstrated a "take" or not in its proposed recommended order.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order that issues the Modification as reflected in Permit No. BO-612 M1 filed by the Department with its Clerk on September 14, 2011. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of August, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DAVID M. MALONEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of August, 2012.

Florida Laws (7) 120.569120.57161.052161.053379.2413379.2431403.412
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 23, 2010 Number: 10-008197RU Latest Update: Sep. 08, 2011

The Issue All Three Cases Whether the Petitioners have standing to bring their respective challenges pursuant to Section 120.56(4), Florida Statutes? Case No. 10-5348RU Whether either or both Original Specific Condition 1 and the Department ECL Position constitute a rule? Case Nos. 10-6205 and 10-8197 Whether Specific Condition 5 constitutes a rule? Attorney's Fees Whether an order should be entered against the Department for costs and attorney's fees under Section 120.595(4), Florida Statutes?

Findings Of Fact The Draft Permit The Draft Permit (and its revisions) authorizes the County "to construct the work outlined in the activity description and activity location of this permit and shown on the approved permit drawings, plans and other documents attached hereto." Joint Exhibit, Vol. III, Tab 9, page 3 of 26. The "activity description" and the "activity location" are detailed on the first page of the Draft Permit. See Joint Exhibit, Vol. III, Tab 9 (first page of 26). The drawings, plans and other documents attached to the Draft Permit are contained under Tab 10 of Volume III of the Joint Exhibit. The Parties Petitioner Guidry is co-trustee of the Guidry Living Trust (the "Guidry Living Trust"). He has independent authority to protect, conserve, sell, lease, encumber or otherwise dispose of trust assets. Those assets include a condominium unit in the Oceania Condominium. The condominium unit owned by the Guidry Living Trust includes an undivided interest held with all other unit owners in the common property at the Oceania Condominium. The common property includes real property that fronts the Gulf of Mexico located at 720 Gulf Shore Drive in the City of Destin, Florida. The real property has the MHWL of the Gulf of Mexico as its southern boundary. Petitioner Oceania is a condominium association established pursuant to Florida's Condominium Act, Chapter 718, Florida Statutes. It does not own any real property. Mr. Guidry testified that he is authorized in his capacity as president of the Association to initiate and pursue this administrative proceeding on its behalf. No documents were entered in evidence reflecting that Oceania's Board of Directors approved the filing of the petition. The owners of condominium units at the Oceania Condominium, including the Guidry Trust, comprise the membership of Oceania. The unit owners all own undivided shares in the Oceania Condominium common property including the real estate that extends at its southern boundary to the MHWL of the Gulf of Mexico. The owners did not vote on whether to file the petition in Case No. 10-05348RU. Petitioners David and Rebecca Sherry are leaseholders of real property where they reside. Located at 554 Coral Court, Number 511, Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548, the property is in an area in Okaloosa County on Santa Rosa Island that is known as Okaloosa Island. The property leased by the Sherrys is not within the Western Destin Project. Petitioner John Donovan is a leaseholder of real property located at 909 Santa Rosa Boulevard, Numbers 131-132, El Matador Condominium, Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548, in the same area as the Sherry's residence. Petitioner MACLA II, Ltd., is a Texas Limited Partnership. Louise Brooker is its president. It owns real property which fronts the Gulf of Mexico located at 620 Gulf Shore Drive, Destin, Florida. The southern boundary of the property is the MHWL of the Gulf of Mexico. The MACLA property is located adjacent to the shoreline that is the subject of the Western Destin Project. The Betty Price Hughes Qualified Vacation Residence Trust (the "Hughes Trust") owns real property at 612 Gulf Shore Drive. Its southern boundary is deeded the MHWL of the Gulf of Mexico. The property is located adjacent to the shoreline subject to the Western Destin Project. Petitioner H. Joseph Hughes is a trustee of the Hughes Trust. Petitioner Kershaw Manufacturing Company, Inc., an Alabama corporation, is the owner of real property located at 634 Gulf Shore Drive, Destin, Florida. Its southern boundary the property is the MHWL of the Gulf of Mexico. The property is located adjacent to the shoreline subject to the Western Destin Project. Royce Kershaw is the president of the Kershaw Manufacturing Company. He testified that as president of the company, he has the authority to act on behalf of the company and has the power to bind the corporate entity. The Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for the administration of Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, Parts I and II, the "Beach and Shore Preservation Act." § 161.011, Fla. Stat. The Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund is responsible for stewardship of its public trust properties under Chapter 253, Florida Statutes. Included among those properties is the sovereignty submerged lands along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The ECL and the MHWL In the context of the Beach and Shore Preservation Act, the MHWL and the ECL were discussed by the Florida Supreme Court in Walton County v. Stop the Beach Renourishment, Inc., 998 So. 2d 1102 (Fla. 2008) (the "Walton County Supreme Court Case"): Pursuant to section 161.141, when a local government applies for funding for beach restoration, a survey of the shoreline is conducted to determine the MHWL for the area. Once established, any additions to the upland property landward of the MHWL that result from the restoration project remain the property of the upland owner subject to all governmental regulations, including a public easement for traditional uses of the beach. § 161.141. After the MHWL is established, section 161.161(3) provides that the Board must determine the area to be protected by the project and locate an ECL. In locating the ECL, the Board "is guided by the existing line of mean high water, bearing in mind the requirements of proper engineering in the beach restoration project, the extent to which erosion or avulsion has occurred, and the need to protect existing ownership of as much upland as is reasonably possible." § 161.161(5). Pursuant to section 161.191(1), this ECL becomes the new fixed property boundary between public lands and upland property after the ECL is recorded. And, under section 161.191(2), once the ECL has been established, the common law no longer operates "to increase or decrease the proportions of any upland property lying landward of such line, either by accretion or erosion or by any other natural or artificial process." Walton County, at 1108. The Pre-project MHWL in This Case and the ECL The Pre-project MHWL called for by Original Specific Condition 1 was never established. No evidence was introduced as to where the Pre-project MHWL would have been located had it been set and in particular, where it would have been located in relation to an ECL. Rod Maddox is a long-time surveyor with the Department's Division of State Land in the Bureau of Survey & Mapping. See P-244. Mr. Maddox testified about his experience with pre-project MHWLs and where they are located in relation to ECLs. Familiar with the term "pre-project mean high water line," Mr. Maddox defined it as the mean high water line prior to the placement of fill used in a beach restoration project. See id. at 29. He testified that pre-project MHWLs have been required in the many beach restoration cases with which he is familiar. He testified further that when it comes to location, there is no difference between a pre-project MHWL and an ECL. The denominations may be different but Mr. Maddox testified "as to how . . . established, I see them as one and the same." Id. at 30. Original Special Condition 1: the Pre-project MHWL On December 31, 2009, the Department issued the NOI. Attached to it was the Draft Permit. The Draft Permit contained the following paragraph as Special Condition 1: Prior to construction of the beach restoration project, the Permittee must record in the official records of Okaloosa County a Certificate, approved by the Department, which describes all upland properties (including their owners of record) along the entire shoreline of the permitted project, with an attached completed survey of the pre-project Mean High Water Line ("Mean High Water Line Survey") conducted along the entire permitted project shoreline length. The Mean High Water Line Survey must have been completed in a manner complying with Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, as determined by the Department. No construction work pursuant to this joint coastal permit shall commence until the Certificate and attached Mean High Water Line Survey have been approved and archived by the Department's Bureau of Survey and Mapping, and the Department has received proof of recording of such documents (see Specific Condition No. 4.c.). The approved Certificate and attached Mean High Water Line survey shall be attached to, and kept as part of this joint coastal permit and authorization to use sovereign submerged lands. If in the future the Permittee seeks reimbursement from the State for costs expended to undertake (construct) the permitted project, then, prior to, and as a condition of receipt of any authorized and approved reimbursement, the Board of Trustees will establish an ECL consistent with the provisions of Chapter 161, Florida Statutes. The Permittee shall be required to record such a line in the Okaloosa County official records. Joint Exhibit, Vol. III, No. 9. The Oceania Petitioners, as landowners within the Project area, challenged the issuance of the Draft Permit on January 14, 2010. See Case No. 10-0516. Among the bases for the challenge was that the Department lacked authority to implement Original Special Condition 1 and, in particular, its requirement that the County record a completed survey of the pre-project MHWL in lieu of the establishment of an ECL. On July 26, 2010, the Department revised the Draft Permit to eliminate from the Project the common property owned by the unit owners of the Oceania Condominium. The change was supported by a letter from Michael Trudnak, P.E., of Taylor Engineering, Inc., on behalf of the County which stated: "On behalf of Okaloosa County, Taylor Engineering submits this request to modify the project area and Draft Joint Coastal Permit for the Western Destin Beach Restoration Project [file nos. excluded]. The applicant has decided to remove the Oceania Condominium property from the beach fill placement area." Joint Exhibit, Vol. III, Tab 15, Exhibit A. The revised project, as described in permit drawings enclosed with Mr. Trudnak's letter includes two reaches: Reach 1 extends from the east jetty of East Pass to approximately 600 ft east of FDEP reference monument R-22 (R22.6) and Reach 2 extends from approximately 200 ft east of R-23 (R-23.2) to R-25.5. The Oceania Condominium property is in the gap between the two beaches. Additionally, the letter requested that the Department modify Specific Condition 1 of the Draft Permit to reflect the modified project area so that the MHWL Survey requirement of Specific Condition 1 would exclude the Oceania Condominium property. In accord with the request, Special Condition 1 was amended to add the following language: "With respect to the shoreline seaward of the Oceania Owner's [sic] Association, Inc., members' common elements property, neither a pre-project Mean High Water Line survey, nor a Certificate with a description of the pre-project Mean High Water Line shall be recorded in conjunction with this coastal permit." Joint Exhibit, Vol. III, Tab 15, the First Revised Draft Permit, Page 5 of 26. On August 4, 2010, as the Department neared the end of its case in the third day of the hearing, it announced that the Revised Draft Permit would "be revised [again, this time] to require the establishment of an ECL under the applicable statute." Tr. 621. The draft permit, accordingly, was revised for a second time (the "Second Revised Draft Permit"). The Department carried out the second revision in a notice filed at the Division of Administrative Hearings on August 18, 2010 (the August 18, 2010, Notice). The August 18, 2010, Notice contains two changes to the First Revised Draft Joint Permit. The first change deletes the existing language in Original Specific Condition 1 (the language challenged in Case No. 10-5348RU) in its entirety. It substitutes the following language: Prior to construction of the beach restoration project, the Board of Trustees will establish an Erosion Control Line along the shoreline of the beach restoration project. The Erosion Control Line shall be established consistent with the provisions of ss. 161.141-161.211, Florida Statutes. An Erosion Control Line shall not be established in conjunction with this joint coastal permit with respect to the shoreline seaward of the Oceania Owner's [sic] Association, Inc. members' common elements property. In lieu of conducting a survey, the Board of Trustees may accept and approve a survey as initiated, conducted, and submitted by Okaloosa County if said survey is made in conformity with the appropriate principles set forth in ss. 161.141-161.211. Department of Environmental Protection's and Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund's Notice of Revisions to the Proposed Joint Coastal Construction Permit, page 3 of 4. The second change is made with respect to Specific Condition No. 4(c) of the First Revised Draft Permit, one of a list of items to be submitted to the Department for approval prior to the commencement of construction and the issuance of a Notice to Proceed by the Department. The existing language is deleted in its entirety and the following language is substituted: Written documentation that the Erosion Control Line required by Special Condition Number 1 has been filed in the public records of Okaloosa County. Id. The Department ECL Position Chapter 161: Beach and Shore Preservation Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, governs "Beach and Shore Preservation." "Parts I and II of this chapter may be known and cited as the 'Beach and Shore Preservation Act.'" § 161.011, Fla. Stat. Part I governs "Regulation of Construction, Reconstruction, and Other Physical Activity." Sections 161.011 through 161.241 comprise Part I. The Department developed its position on ECLs claimed by Petitioners to be an Unadopted Rule by considering Part I, in particular Sections 161.088 (which declares the public policy to properly manage and protect Florida's beaches) through 161.211. At some point in 2009, the Department saw a distinction related to ECLs in Sections 161.088-161.211 between beach restoration projects where state funding was used for construction and projects where no state funds were used. The former seemed to require ECLs, the latter not. Several statutory provisions were viewed as particularly relevant. For example, Section 161.141, Florida Statutes, declares that it is the public policy of the state "to cause to be fixed and determined, pursuant to beach restoration . . . projects, the boundary line between sovereignty lands . . . and the upland properties adjacent thereto " The section that mainly governs ECLs is Section 161.161. It provides the procedure for approval of projects for the restoration and maintenance of critically eroded beaches, subject to a beach management plan which is funded, in part, by the state. With regard to ECLs, the statute provides: Once a project [for the restoration and maintenance of a critically eroded beach] is determined to be undertaken, a survey of all or part of the shoreline within the jurisdiction of the local government in which the beach is located shall be conducted in order to establish the area of beach to be protected by the project and locate an erosion control line. * * * Upon completion of the survey depicting the area of the beach erosion control project and the proposed location of the erosion control line, the board of trustees shall give notice of the survey and the date on which the board of trustees will hold a public hearing for purpose of receiving evidence on the merits of the proposed erosion control line and, if approval is granted, of locating and establishing such requested erosion control line in order that any persons who have an interest in the location of such requested erosion control line can be present at such hearing to submit their views concerning the precise location of the proposed erosion control line. * * * The board of trustees shall approve or disapprove the erosion control line for a beach restoration project. In locating said line, the board of trustees shall be guided by the existing line of mean high water, bearing in mind the requirements of proper engineering in the beach restoration project, the extent to which the erosion or avulsion has occurred, and the need to protect existing ownership of as much upland as is reasonably possible. § 161.161, Fla. Stat. Development of the Department's Position on ECLs Prior to 2009, the Department's established ECLs for beach restoration projects whether the project's construction was supported by state funding or not. There was an exception: when the property landward of the MHWL was owned by the state. In such a case, the Department saw no need to set an ECL since both the sovereignty lands and the adjacent uplands property are owned by the state. This position held at least through January 15, 2009, when the Department held a workshop and hearing pursuant to Section 161.161, Florida Statutes, in Okaloosa County to establish an ECL for the Western Destin Project. The hearing officer who conducted the ECL hearing was West Gregory, Department Assistant General Counsel. While consideration of where the ECL should be established for the Western Destin Project was underway, there were ongoing discussions by e-mail and in briefings of whether the statute required an ECL. The discussion was prompted when Mr. Gregory, as Department Assistant General Counsel, drafted a memorandum (the "Draft Memorandum") to Michael Barnett, Chief of the Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems (the Bureau) to be sent through Paden Woodruff, an Environmental Administrator. The memorandum related to another beach restoration project in Okaloosa County: a project involving Eglin Air Force Base. The Draft Memorandum shows a date of January "XX", 2009, and is stamped "DRAFT." P-119. It presents the question "Should . . . [the Department] require the United States Air Force (USAF) to establish an erosion control line (ECL) for the beach restoration project located on Eglin AFB?" Id. The Draft Memorandum provides a brief answer: "No, . . . because the beach . . . is not critically eroded." Id. The memorandum recognizes the public policy of the state to fix the boundary between public and private lands for beach restoration projects in Section 161.141, Florida Statutes, and a requirement that the Board of Trustees "must establish the line of mean high water prior to the commencement of a beach restoration project," id., leading to the suggestion that each and every beach restoration project must establish an ECL. The Draft Memorandum, however, construes Section 161.141, Florida Statutes, with Section 161.161, Florida Statutes, and draws support from an Attorney General Opinion and the Walton County Florida Supreme Court case to conclude that it is only when a project is undertaken with state funding that an ECL must be established. In the case of the Eglin AFB beach restoration projects, the Draft Memorandum concludes: Id. This determination not to establish an ECL on the Eglin AFB beach restoration project would not preclude the USAF from obtaining a JCP permit. Rather, it precludes the USAF from receiving state funding assistance. The Draft Memorandum was not sent to the intended recipients. It was submitted to two other lawyers in the Department. Mr. Gregory did not receive comments from them. Although no comments were made to Mr. Gregory after the draft of the memorandum was sent to other members of the legal staff, the subject remained under discussion in the Department in early 2009. Sometime in early 2009, based on a legal analysis of Department attorneys, the Department took the position that an ECL is required to be set when state funds are used for the construction of a project. The converse of this position, that an ECL is not required to be set when no state funds are involved, is the statement alleged to be an unadopted rule. Two permits were issued that did not require an ECL: one for the Eglin AFB beach restoration project in March of 2009, and another that was an emergency permit for Holiday Isle. As with Specific Condition 1 in the Western Destin Project, the determination to not require an ECL was because of the lack of state funding. As Mr. Barnett testified about the two permits, there "is no State cost share for construction . . . [and] that's the reason [the Department] didn't require establishment of an ECL." Tr. 1279. Mr. Gregory's Draft Memorandum was never finalized. The Department issued three permits or draft permits (including for the Western Destin Project) with specific conditions that required pre-project MHWLs and that did not require ECLs. Otherwise, the Department has not committed the Department ECL Position to writing. Nonetheless, the Department ECL Position was stated in a deposition taken in this case on July 26, 2010. On July 26, 2010, the deposition of Janet Llewellyn, the Director of Water Resources Management was taken by Petitioners. Director Llewellyn is "responsible ultimately for all the projects that are processed and actions taken out of [the] division." P-223 at 10. These include permits issued by the Bureau and in particular, the Draft Permit, First Revised Draft Permit and the Second Draft Permit for the Project. When asked about the Department's statement that an ECL is not required when there is not state funding, Ms. Llewellyn preferred to rephrase the Department position as to when an ECL is required rather than when it is not required. She then testified that an ECL is required when there is "state funding involved through [the Department's] funding program." Id. at 13. Ms. Llewellyn was unable to pinpoint the moment the Department reached such a position other than: [t]he question came up sometime in the last year or two -- I couldn't tell you when -- about what the statute actually required in terms of when it was proper to set an erosion control line or required. And our attorneys did a legal analysis, again, of the statute, and that was their legal opinion of what the statute required. Tr. 14. Whatever the date that such a position was precisely firmed up, Ms. Llewellyn was able to testify on July 26, 2010, "that if state funding is going to a project, than an ECL needs to be set. That's what the statute requires." Id. This statement was based on the opinions of Department attorneys prior to their use in connection with the issuance of beach restoration permits in Okaloosa County. The Department has not initiated rule-making with respect to its ECL Position. Whether rule-making would be initiated was not known by the Bureau Chief on August 24, 2010, during his testimony in the final hearing. Change of Position The Department modified its position on ECLs that it appeared to have at the time of Ms. Llewellyn's deposition on August 4, 2010. As detailed above, it announced that an ECL would be required for the Western Destin Project, after all. The modification was formalized with the filing of the Second Revised Draft Permit on August 18, 2010. Specific Condition 5 Before the challenged language in Specific Condition 5 was added by the First Revised Draft Permit, the Department had relied on General Condition 6 to give notice to permittees that the permit did not allow trespass: This permit does not convey to the Permittee or create in the Permittee any property right, or any interest in real property, nor does it authorize any entrance upon or activities on property which is not owned or controlled by the Permittee. The issuance of the permit does not convey any vested rights or any exclusive privileges. Joint Ex. 9. Based on the petitions in the Permit Challenge Cases, the Department proposed in the First Revised Draft Permit to add to Specific Condition 5 the language that is underscored in the following: The Permittee is advised that no work shall be performed on private upland property until and unless the required authorizations are obtained. Sufficient authorizations shall included: (1) written evidence of ownership of any property which will be used in carrying out the project; (2) authorization for such use from the property owner which upland of mean high-water; (3) construction and management easements from upland property owners; or (4) a judgment from a court of competent jurisdiction which reflects that such authorization, in whole or in part, is not required. The Permittee is also advised to schedule the pre-construction conference at least a week prior to the intended commencement date. At least seven (7) days in advance of a pre-construction conference, the Permittee shall provide the written authorizations for the portion of the project for which construction is about to commence, as required above, written notification, advising the participants (listed above) of the agreed-upon date, time and location of the meeting, and also provide a meeting agenda and a teleconference number. Joint Exhibit, Volume III, Tab 15, the First Revised Draft Permit, Page 7 of 26. There was no evidence that the language added to Specific Condition 5 by the First Revised Draft Permit had been in any other permits or that the Department intended to use the language in any other beach restoration permits. Other than whatever might be gleaned from the Draft Permit, itself (and its revisions), there was no evidence offered that the property of any of the petitioners, in fact, would be used in the Western Destin Beach Project.

Florida Laws (12) 120.52120.54120.56120.57120.595120.68161.011161.088161.141161.161161.191161.211
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida Dec. 27, 1993 Number: 93-007165DRI Latest Update: Jun. 06, 1996

The Issue Whether Permit Number 9330008850 (a building permit for the construction of a single-family residence and swimming pool) issued by Monroe County, Florida, to Fred Snowman is inconsistent with Monroe County's setback requirement pertaining to beach berms that are known turtle nesting areas.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state land planning agency charged with the responsibility to administer the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Petitioner has the authority to appeal to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission any development order issued in an area of critical state concern. Sections 380.031(18), 380.032, and 380.07, Florida Statutes. Monroe County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and is responsible for issuing development orders for development in unincorporated Monroe County, Florida. Monroe County issued the development order that is the subject of this appeal. Respondent Fred Snowman is a general contractor and is the owner of real property known as Lot 75, Matecumbe Ocean Beach subdivision, Lower Matecumbe Key, in Monroe County, Florida. The subject property is a residential lot that measures 100 feet by approximately 225 feet and was acquired by Mr. Snowman in September 1992. The subject property is bounded on the landward side by U.S. 1 and fronts the Atlantic Ocean. Respondent's lot is within the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern. On September 30, 1993, Monroe County issued building permit, Permit Number 9330008850, to Fred Snowman as Owner and General Contractor. This building permit is a development order in an area of critical state concern and is the subject of this proceeding. As reflected by the approved site plans, the permit authorizes the construction of a 2,472 square foot single-family residence with 1,568 square feet of porches, a 1,435 square foot storage enclosure below base flood elevation, and a swimming pool on the property. As permitted, all construction will be setback at least 75 feet from the mean high water line. There is no dispute between the parties as to where the mean high water line is located. Sections 9.5-335 through 9.5-345, Monroe County Code, are land development regulations that contain certain environmental performance standards relating to development. The purpose of these standards is "to provide for the conservation and protection of the environmental resources of the Florida Keys by ensuring that the functional integrity of natural areas is protected when land is developed." See, Section 9.5-335, Monroe County Code. Included in the environmental standards of the land development regulations is Section 9.5-345, Monroe County Code, entitled "Environmental design criteria," which provides, in relevant part: Disturbed Lands: All structures developed, used or occupied on land which are [sic] classified as disturbed on the existing conditions map shall be designated, located and constructed such that: * * * (3) On lands classified as disturbed with beach berm: * * * f. No structure shall be located within fifty (50) feet of any portion of any beach-berm complex which is known to serve as an active nesting or resting area of marine turtles, terns, gulls or other birds; There is little dispute that Lower Matecumbe beach is an active nesting area for marine turtles. Loggerhead turtles, the primary marine turtles which nest on Atlantic beaches in the Keys, are a threatened species under the federal Endangered Species Act. There are thirty beaches in the Florida Keys which consist of loggerhead nesting habitat. The beach that fronts Mr. Snowman's property on Lower Matecumbe Key is a known turtle nesting beach that is ranked as the second most heavily nested beach in the Keys. The Monroe County comprehensive plan recognizes the beaches on Lower Matecumbe Key as known loggerhead turtle nesting beaches. Pursuant to the comprehensive plan, the County has prepared endangered species maps as a tool to be utilized in identifying known turtle nesting areas. At the time Mr. Snowman obtained approval of his permit application from Monroe County, the County's endangered species maps omitted an approximately 1.5 mile stretch of Lower Matecumbe Beach, including Mr. Snowman's property, from its map designation of a known nesting habitat. However, since that approval, the map, which is subject to periodic updates, has been updated by the County to reflect that all of Lower Matecumbe Key, including Mr. Snowman's property, is considered by the County to be known turtle nesting habitat. Mr. Snowman did not rely on the designation on the endangered species map in making his decision to purchase the subject property or in designing the improvements he seeks to construct on the property. Surveys of turtle nesting behavior in the Florida Keys are accomplished through a network of volunteers. The nesting survey information obtained from this volunteer network provides very general locations with varying degrees of accuracy depending on the number and ability of the volunteers and the extent to which they can obtain access to privately owned beach front property. Because of the limitations in the survey data, is it generally not possible to determine whether turtles have nested on a particular lot. There was no evidence that turtles actually nest on Mr. Snowman's property. Marine turtles most commonly nest within the first 50 feet landward of the mean high tide line, although they have been known to go farther upland. Because of the compressed beach and berm habitat in the Keys, loggerhead turtles have been known to nest in grassy vegetation and woody vegetation more than 50 feet landward of the mean high water line. Mr. Snowman's property is properly designated as "Disturbed Lands" and there exists on this property a "beach-berm complex" which is known to serve as an active nesting area of marine turtles within the meaning of Section 9.5- 345, Monroe County Code. The setback requirement found in Section 9.5-345, Monroe County Code, applies to this development. Consequently, no construction of any structure may be located within fifty (50) feet of any portion the beach- berm complex which is known to serve as an active nesting area of marine turtles. There was a conflict in the evidence as to how much of Mr. Snowman's property should be considered to be a beach-berm habitat. The County has identified the landward extent of the beach-berm to be twenty-five feet from the mean high water line, so that the setback would be to a point at least 75 feet from the mean high water line. The Department has identified the landward extent of the beach berm to be 80 feet from the mean high water line so that the setback would be to a point at least 130 feet from the mean high water line. Section 9.5-4(B-3) contains the following definition that is pertinent to this proceeding: (B-3) "Beach berm" means a bare, sandy shoreline with a mound or ridge of unconsolidated sand that is immediately landward of, and usually parallel to, the shoreline and beach. The sand is calcareous material that is the remains of marine organisms such as corals, algae and molluscs. The berm may include forested, coastal ridges and may be colonized by hammock vegetation. There are two distinct ridges located on the Snowman property. Beginning at the mean high water line, there is an area of sandy beach followed by a ridge (the first ridge) that levels off approximately 25 feet from the mean high water line. Behind this first ridge is another ridge that levels off approximately 80 feet landward of the mean high water line. This second ridge contains the highest elevation point on Mr. Snowman's property, with the crest of the second ridge corresponding with the 5.9 foot elevation reflected on Respondent's site plan. There is no vegetation on the beach, which is an area of sandy substrate, until the landward downslope of the first ridge, where vegetation in the form of grasses and sea oats appear. Grasses and sea oats extend approximately 30-40 feet landward into the beginning of the second ridge. Behind the grasses and sea oats is woody vegetation, Bay Cedar, and shrubbery typical of beach front property. Also found on the property and landward of the first ridge are sea grape, wild sage, gray nicker pod, and prickly pear cactus. Monroe County considers this first ridge to be the extent of the beach berm complex on the Snowman property. The County identifies the back of the berm on the subject property as measuring 25 feet landward of mean high water and applied the 50 foot setback requirement from that point. The determination of the extent of the beach berm by the County is consistent with the definition of the term "beach berm" contained in Section 9.5-345(3)f, Monroe County Code, and is supported by the greater weight of the evidence presented at the formal hearing. Consequently, it is found that the beach berm complex on the Snowman property extends 25 feet landward of the mean high water mark so that the setback requirement was properly applied when the development order was issued. The Department asserts that the second ridge should be considered to be part of the beach berm. The Department's determination of the extent of the beach berm is bottomed on a more expansive definition of the term "beach berm" derived from its interpretation of various portions of the Monroe County Comprehensive Code. Inexplicably, the Department's interpretation of what should be considered to be included as part of the "beach berm" ignores the definition contained in Section 9.5-345(3)f, Monroe County Code. The Department interprets the term "beach berm" to include not only the initial increase and decrease in elevation near the shoreline, but also those areas of calcareous substrate that form the second ridge and include the highest elevation on the subject property. The Department considers the beach berm to terminate 80 feet from the mean high water line where the elevation of the second ridge decreases and levels off to a more consistent grade. The Department characterizes the first ridge as a primary dune the second ridge as a secondary dune. In support of its position, the Department cites the discussion of beach berms in the Florida Keys contained in Volume I of the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. That discussion describes a berm in the Keys as the "higher, mostly vegetated dense-like sand ridges." According to the Comprehensive Plan, the biota characteristics of beach systems in the Keys occur in up to four distinct generalized zones or associations, assemblages of plants and animals that have adapted to the environmental conditions of that zone. The zones on Keys beaches are described by Volume I of the Comprehensive Plan as follows: The strand-beach association is dominated by plants that are salt tolerant, root quickly, germinate from seed rapidly, and can withstand wave wash and shifting sand. Commonly found species include Sea Purslane, . . . Beach Grass, . . . Sea Oats, . . . [and] Bay Cedar. On most Keys beaches this association occurs only atthe base of the berm since the beach zone is very narrow. These plants also occupy themost seaward portion of the berm and continuesome distance landward. * * * The next zone, "strand-dune" association,begins with a steep and distinct increase inslope upward from the beach. . . . The bermmay be elevated only several inches or as much as several feet above the level of the beach and may extend landward hundreds of feet as a flat-topped plateau or beach ridge. The foreslope of the berm, or beach ridge, is vegetated primarily by the above-listed species of the beach association. Grasses and herbaceous plants, which serve to stabilize this area, are most common. Proceeding landward, these pioneer species are joined by other species. * * * The strand-scrub association is generallyconsidered a transition zone between strand-dune and hammock forest. Shrubs and occasional trees occur more frequently here and become more abundant as one proceeds landward. Species often found include Seagrape, . . . Wild Sage (Lantana involucrata), [and] Gray Nicker. . . . The most landward zone on the berm is occupied by tropical hardwood hammocks. The term "berm" is identified in the Monroe County comprehensive plan as . . . a mound or ridge of unconsolidated sand that is immediately landward of, and usually parallel to, the shoreline and beach. A berm is higher in elevation than both the beach and the area landward of the berm. * * * The height and width of berms in the Keys is highly variable. They may range in height from slightly above mean high water to more than seven (7) feet above mean sea level. The width of berms in the Keys varies from tens of feet to more than 200 feet. Despite the support the Department found in the Comprehensive Plan for a more stringent setback requirement, the Department is not at liberty to ignore the definition of the term beach berm contained in the land development regulations. While both ridges that exist on the Snowman property may be considered berms or dunes, only the first should be considered a beach berm. The first ridge is ". . . a bare, sandy shoreline with a mound or ridge of unconsolidated sand" within the meaning of Section 9.5-4(B-3), Monroe County Code. The second ridge is above the vegetation line and is not ". . . a bare, sandy shoreline" within the meaning of the definition of beach berm contained in the Monroe County land development regulations.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission enter a final order that adopts the findings of fact and the conclusions of law contained herein and denies the appeal filed by the Department of Community Affairs as to building permit number 9330008850 issued by Monroe County, Florida. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of October, 1994, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of October, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 93-7165DRI The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the Petitioner. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 25, 26, 27, 29, 32, and 33 are adopted in material part by the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 9 and 23 are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 10, 11, 12, 24, 28, and 31 are rejected as being subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 19 are rejected as being unsubstantiated by the evidence and as a misconstruction of the cited testimony. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 20, 22, and 34 are rejected as being unsubstantiated by the evidence. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 30 are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached since the setback is from any portion of the "beach berm complex" and not from any area that may be considered to be turtle nesting habitat. The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the Respondent. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are summaries of testimony that are subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 6 are rejected as being unsubstantiated by the evidence and contrary to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 7 and 8 are adopted in material part by the Recommended Order. COPIES FURNISHED: Sherry A. Spiers, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Nicholas W. Mulick, Esquire 88539 Overseas Highway Tavernier, Florida 33070 Randy Ludacer, Esquire Monroe County Attorney Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 Mr. Fred Snowman Post Office Box 771 Islamorada, Florida 33035 Carolyn Dekle, Director South Florida Regional Planning Council Suite 140 3400 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, Florida 33021 David K. Coburn, Secretary Florida Land & Water Adjudicatory Commission Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (5) 120.57380.031380.04380.0757.105
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Nov. 26, 2003 Number: 03-004478RU Latest Update: Oct. 12, 2004

The Issue Does a statement by an agency that its regulatory authority is limited by Section 161.58, Florida Statute, constitute a non- rule policy? Does a statement by an agency that fees levied under authority of Section 161.58, Florida Statutes, by county governments for beach driving do not constitute revenue for purposes of invoking its regulatory jurisdiction pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-21.005 (Rule 18-21.005) constitute a non-rule policy?

Findings Of Fact Petitioners Petitioner Shirley Reynolds (Reynolds) resides and owns beachfront property overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County, Florida. Reynolds does not own to the mean high water line, and her property is not adjacent to the sovereign submerged lands held by the Trustees. Reynolds “shares riparian rights with the public.” Reynolds has owned her oceanfront home since 1981. She has observed beach driving by the general public on the beach and in the shallow water in the vicinity of her home. She enjoys the beachfront for “regular recreational, traditional recreational purposes.” Petitioner Diann Bowman (Bowman) resides and owns property that extends to and adjoins the mean high water line of the Atlantic Ocean in New Smyrna Beach, Volusia County, Florida. Bowman has observed the general public driving on the beach and in shallow waters of the Atlantic Ocean in the vicinity of her property. Bowman goes swimming in the ocean, builds sand castles by the edge of the water with her grandchildren, and walks on the beach with friends. Petitioners did not have any requests for leases or applications for action pending before the BOT, and Volusia County had not made an application to the Trustees for any activity permit or lease. Petitioner Bowman was not even aware of Reecy's e- mail, and could not articulate how she was affected by it. Although Reynolds testified at length about the impacts of beach driving and beach concessions between her home and the ocean, she failed to show how she was affected by Reecy's statements that the BOT does not regulate beach driving. In response to counsel’s question of what personal interest she has in whether or not the Trustees require authorization to use state land for motor vehicle traffic in front of her home, she responded, “[I]f and when they ever deal with it, it will certainly raise the consciousness of the human safety element.” Petitioners testified regarding the adverse impacts of beach driving on their property and their enjoyment of their property. Beach driving has an adverse impact upon the property values and upon their enjoyment of their property. Respondents The BOT is an agency of the State of Florida, consisting of the Governor and Cabinet. (Art. IV, s. 4 (f), Fla. Const.) The BOT holds the title to the State’s sovereign submerged lands acquired at statehood “for the use and benefit of the people of the state,” pursuant to Chapter 253, Florida Statutes. (§§ 253.001, 253.03, and 253.12, Fla. Stat.) Private use of such lands generally requires consent of the BOT and must not be contrary to the public interest. The BOT is required to manage and conserve state-owned lands, including sovereignty lands, by law and is granted rulemaking authority to that end. The Department functions as the staff for the BOT, and issues leases and other authorizations for private parties to use sovereign submerged lands under Chapter 253, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 18-21, Florida Administrative Code. In carrying out its duties with relationship to the BOT, the Department implements policy as determined by the BOT, to include taking some final agency actions. The Department would be the agency through which the BOT would initiate rulemaking. The Department does not have delegated authority to adopt rules for the BOT. Ken Reecy (Reecy) is a Senior Management Analyst Supervisor in the Department’s Division of State Lands. One of Reecy’s job duties is to provide responses to requests for BOT’s public records housed in the Division of State Lands of the Department. On August 5, 2003, Ross Burnaman e-mailed Eva Armstrong of the Department the following public records request: Hi Eva-I am hoping that you can assist me with this inquiry for public records. I'm looking for any Trustees authorization for the use of state lands (including uplands and submerged lands) for beach driving by the general public or commercial vendors. While I'm aware of Section 161.58, Florida Statutes, I'm of the opinion that Trustees' authorization is still required for beach driving on state lands. Most local governments that allow beach driving (e.g. Gulf County, Volusia County) charge a fee for that activity. That would appear to trigger, Rule 18-21.005(b)(2), FAC, and the requirement for a lease. As I understand it, public beach driving is allowed in parts of the following counties: Nassau, Duval, Flagler, St. Johns, Volusia, Gulf and Walton counties. Thanks in advance for you assistance. Best regards, Ross Burnaman (phone number deleted) Ms. Armstrong passed this request to Ken Reecy of the Department who replied to Mr. Burnaman with the following e-mail message: Mr. Burnaman Concerning your request as to any authorization by the Board of Trustees for beach driving and fees triggering Rule 18- 21.005(b)(2)[sic]: We are unaware of any instance in which the issue of beach driving has been brought before the Board of Trustees for authorization. Further, in discussions with staff from our legal department, it is felt that s. 161.58 sufficiently covers the issue and that authorization from the Board is not necessary. We are also of the opinion that fees counties charge for beach driving would not trigger Rule 18-21.005(b)(2)[sic]. If you have any further questions on this issue, please contact Suzanne Brantley in EIP's Office of General Counsel (phone number deleted) The e-mail above contains two potential policy statements; one concerning a statute and the other concerning a rule. The analysis of each differs slightly. The BOT was authorized at one time to regulate all the uses of state sovereignty lands, to include regulation of driving on the state's beaches, i.e., that portion of land seaward of the mean high water line (hereafter: beach.) The BOT restricted the operation of private vehicles on the beaches via rule. The Legislature of the State of Florida enacted Section 161.58, Florida Statutes, which authorized those counties which had traditionally permitted driving on the beach to regulate the operation of privately owned vehicles on the beaches in their counties. Several of the counties which had traditionally permitted driving on the beach permitted privately owned vehicles to be operated on the beach in their counties and charged a small fee to defray the costs of providing parking, life guards, and traffic direction on the beaches. The BOT attempted to intervene in those counties which charged fees for beach driving on the basis that the fees being charged were "revenue" producing. The Legislature of the State of Florida amended Section 161.58, Florida Statutes, to specifically authorize the counties to collect reasonable fees to defray their costs of regulating beach driving. The statements that are challenged have not been adopted as a rule. Reecy testified at the hearing. Reecy only intended to give Burnaman information related to his public records request. The portion of Reecy's e-mail that is being challenged was intended to explain why no records were found. Reecy responded because Burnaman had sent follow-up e-mails to Reecy’s supervisor, Armstrong, the Director of the Division of State Lands. Reecy knew that Armstrong had a practice of providing information to the public when it was requested. Reecy is not charged with implementing or interpreting Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-21 and does not process applications for leases or other authorizations from the BOT. Reecy's statement that no records were found is not a policy statement and has not been alleged to be one by Petitioners. Reecy conferred with Department legal staff before issuing his statement about Section 161.58, Florida Statutes. Reecy did not state that Section 161.58 exempted counties from getting BOT authorization for beach driving, as Petitioners state in their Petition, for several reasons: first, Reecy is not the person on the BOT’s staff who makes such determinations; second, there was no factual determination pending, i.e., no request for declaratory statement or request for an exemption or authorization; and third, the statute cited and its history indicate that the Legislature has vested the exclusive authority to regulate beach driving in those counties in which it traditionally occurred to county government in those counties. James W. Stoutamire (Stoutamire) is the principal Department employee who is charged with interpreting and applying the BOT’s rules. Stoutamire was the person to whom authority had been delegated to make such policy determinations. Burnaman's request was not presented to Stoutamire, and Reecy did not consult with Stoutamire. Although it is a statement concerning general law, Reecy's first statement regarding Section 161.58, Florida Statutes, does not assert agency jurisdiction or exempt a specific factual predicate from agency jurisdiction. Reecy also discussed Burnaman’s reference to Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-21.005(1)(b)2. with the Department's legal staff. Reecy's references to the section mistakenly cites it as Rule 18-21.005(b)2. Regardless of Reecy's intent, his answer constitutes an interpretation of the rule as applied to the fees charged by counties for beach driving. The BOT's rules provide what types of private activities must have consent prior to their being undertaken on sovereign submerged lands. They do not contain a list of all of the many public activities that occur on Florida’s beaches, shores, and waters that do not require consent. The BOT's rules in Chapter 18-21 are not intended to prevent air or noise pollution, promote public safety, protect property values, provide peace and quiet, or protect quality of life. These are the concerns about which Petitioners testified as diminishing their peaceful enjoyment of their property rights. Beach concessions above the mean high water line do not fall within the Trustees jurisdiction or control.

Florida Laws (8) 120.54120.56120.57120.68161.58253.001253.12253.77
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 18, 2002 Number: 02-000621 Latest Update: Feb. 25, 2003

The Issue Petitioners challenged the Department of Environmental Protection's (Department) preliminary Final Order, alleging that Petitioners committed the "unauthorized clearing and destruction of dunes and dune vegetation for the purposes of constructing a roadway seaward of the coastal construction control line [(CCCL)] without benefit of a permit." The ultimate issue is whether the work Petitioners performed was seaward of the CCCL, and if it was, whether there was a violation of Amended Permit FR-563 and Section 161.053(2), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Parties Petitioner, Ben Withers, Inc., is a Florida corporation doing business in the State of Florida. Petitioner, Ben Withers, is the President and owner of Ben Withers, Inc., and a resident of Panacea, Florida. (Henceforth, Ben Withers and Ben Withers, Inc., are referred to collectively as "Mr. Withers," unless otherwise noted.) Mr. Withers is a licensed general contractor. The Department is the executive agency of the State of Florida operating pursuant to, among others, Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 62, Florida Administrative Code. Pursuant to Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, the Department administers the CCCL program for construction activities seaward of the CCCL. Coastal Construction Control Line Program The Department's Bureau of Beaches and Wetland Resources regulates construction and excavation activities seaward of the CCCL. The Department is responsible for determining and setting the CCCLs. The CCCL is a scientifically established line pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes. By definition, the CCCL "defines that portion of the beach-dune system subject to severe fluctuations based on a one-hundred-year storm surge, storm waves, or other predictable weather conditions." Rule 62B-33.002(13), Florida Administrative Code. Construction and excavation activity seaward of the CCCL is regulated by Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, and Rule 62B- 33, Florida Administrative Code. Mr. Withers admitted that he is aware of Department rules regarding beaches and coastal construction and is also aware that excavation seaward of the CCCL requires a permit unless it is otherwise exempt, and that he had this knowledge prior to the present case. Accessing the Pepper Project Site Under Amended Permit FR-563 Dog Island is a barrier island south of and about three miles off the coast of Franklin County, Florida. The island is approximately eight miles in length. There is no bridge to the island. The Pepper project site is on the far western end of the island. The Gulf of Mexico borders the island on the south and St. George Sound borders the island to the north. The most common way to access the Pepper site with any vehicle carrying equipment and materials, would be to use a boat or barge to a marina area (Tyson's Harbor) near the center of the island, or a private dock, and then traverse west down the middle of the island or down the beach itself, or a combination of the two. The Easy Street Easement is an easement area for a roadway running east and west through Dog Island. The parties agree that Easy Street and the Easy Street Easement are the same. The Easy Street Easement had been an unpaved roadway years before; part of the roadway was still visible in May 2001, and other parts had been covered with vegetation. There are portions of Easy Street and Easy Way east of the cul-de-sac which are visible roadways. See, e.g., Department Exhibit 13. Additionally, parts of Easy Street are seaward of the Department's CCCL (e.g., in the narrows area which is west of the cul-de-sac) and other parts are landward of the CCCL. See, e.g., Finding of Fact 29. Pursuant to its statutory duty, in 1996, the Department set the reference monuments R-158-R-160 for the CCCL on the west end of Dog Island. These monuments are in the narrows area of the island and run west to east. The CCCL is not visible on the ground. A surveyor is needed to locate the line. The alleged violation in this case was committed between R-158 and R-160, part of the narrows area. The Easy Street Easement on Dog Island runs both north and south from The Nature Conservancy cul-de-sac and then runs westerly to the west end of Dog Island. The CCCL Permits On October 21, 1999, the Department issued Permit FR-563 to Leonard Pepper, the property owner, for the construction of a single–family dwelling and for structures associated with the dwelling on the west end of Dog Island. Permit FR-563 contained Standard Permit Conditions that required in part: (1)(a) all construction or activity for which the permit was granted be carried out in accordance with the plans and specifications which were approved by the Department as a part of the permit; (1)(b) all construction or activity authorized under the permit shall be conducted using extreme care to prevent any adverse impacts to the beach and dune system; and (1)(g) existing beach and dune topography and vegetation shall not be disturbed except as expressly authorized in the permit. Permit FR-563 did not authorize the start of construction until a construction access plan to the Pepper project site was approved, in order to minimize impacts to the beach and dune system. On October 16, 2000, Amended Permit FR-563 was issued with a Notice to Proceed Withheld. The Amended Permit also contained Special Condition 1.5 which required the submittal and approval of "[a] construction access plan showing the route and timing for bringing equipment and materials to the site, in order to minimize impacts to the beach and dune system." The Department was concerned about the manner in which equipment and materials would be brought to the project site without causing further harm to the system. Amended Permit FR-563 did not expressly or implicitly authorize excavation or grading seaward of the CCCL in any area on Dog Island off of the project site and footprint of the house. In late 2000, Mr. Withers became involved with the Pepper project after Amended Permit FR-563 (with the Notice to Proceed Withheld) was issued on October 16, 2000. Part of Mr. Withers' job responsibility was to prepare and submit a construction access plan to the Department for approval. The Department does not normally require an access plan because most job sites are located in areas with established roads for ingress and egress. Here, there was no established road to and from the project site. The access plan was necessary in order to determine how Mr. Withers would transport equipment and materials to the Pepper project site on the west end of Dog Island due to the site's remote location and the absence of an established roadway to the site. Mr. Withers expected that materials and heavy equipment, including cranes, would be off-loaded at Tyson's Harbor, located approximately in the middle of Dog Island, and transported by vehicle to the project site along the access plan route. He expected to only transport pilings using the beach access route. On March 15, 2001, Mr. Withers submitted an access plan which described the route Mr. Withers would traverse by vehicle with construction equipment and materials. See Endnote 1. The Easy Street Easement starts at the east end of the island as an established roadway. Proceeding in a westerly direction, Easy Street comes to a dead-end at a cul-de-sac landward of the CCCL. The access plan authorized Mr. Withers to access the job site using part the Easy Street/Easy Street Easement (starting on the east end of the island) going north from The Nature Conservancy cul-de-sac, then heading in a westerly direction just south of the Ausley house (west of R-158 and just landward of the CCCL) and across the narrows area and continuing in a westerly direction along the northern shoreline and in southerly direction toward R-154. The access plan then authorized Mr. Withers to proceed in a westerly direction over the middle portion of the west-end of the island, then in a southerly direction toward the project site.1 The access plan showed a route both landward and seaward of the CCCL along the narrows area. See Department Exhibit 4- orange line then blue line after the orange circle on the west-end of the island. As described by Mr. McNeal of the Department, the access route is seaward, for the most part, of the CCCL from R-157 to R- 159 (running west to east) and landward of the CCCL east of R-159. The Department described the damaged area of 5,305.6 square feet (Department Exhibit 11A, insert "B") caused by Mr. Withers as east of R-159 and seaward of the CCCL and south of the access plan route. See also Finding of Fact 35. However, it appears that a portion of Easy Street, between R-159 and R-160, is seaward of the CCCL. Compare Department Exhibit 12 with Department Exhibits 4, 11A, and 13. During a pre-hearing deposition, Mr. Withers marked in pink the route he took through a portion of the narrows area which coincides with the portion of Easy Street between the approximate locations of R-159 and R-160, depicted on Department Exhibit 12. See Finding of Fact 43. (Mr. Withers had the Easy Street Easement staked prior to doing any work on Dog Island. See Findings of Fact 33-35.) The damaged area appears to coincide with this portion of Easy Street, and seaward of the CCCL. See Department Exhibit 11A. The access plan authorized Mr. Withers to drive (vehicular traffic) his equipment over the easement following the route depicted on the access plan until he arrived at the project site. See Endnote 1. The Department expected that travel along the access route would cause minimal and temporary damage or destruction to the topography, so the plan was considered acceptable. The access plan did not authorize excavation of a roadway within the route, including the narrows area, nor did it contemplate any other activity over or around a dune other than what might occur as a result of driving.2 The Department understood that Mr. Withers would be driving daily over the access plan route to the project site. The Department assumed that trucks would be used to transport equipment and materials. The Department did not differentiate among vehicles which could be used, including large trucks. On April 11, 2001, the Department issued a Notice to Proceed to Mr. Pepper to begin construction of his single-family dwelling in accordance with Amended Permit FR-563. The access plan is part of the Amended permit. Shortly after the Notice to Proceed was issued, The Nature Conservancy advised the Department of concerns it had with the access plan. As a result, on April 24, 2001, there was a meeting in Apalachicola, Florida, convened by the Department and attended by other interested governmental entities and private persons, including Mr. Withers. The purpose of the meeting was explore other possible ways and means of access by Mr. Withers to the Pepper project site.3 No resolution was reached during the meeting and the access plan previously approved by the Department remained effective. The previously issued Notice to Proceed was also in effect. The Violations Mr. Withers hired Kenneth Greenwood of Garlick Environmental Associates to perform a threatened/endangered species inspection, plant and animal, on an approximately 30-foot wide strip on the Easy Street Easement (approximately 1,800 feet) being utilized in Mr. Withers' access plan and within the narrows area. See Department Exhibit 13-yellow markings. On May 2, 2001, Mr. Greenwood performed the inspection within the easement that Mr. Withers had staked out by a land surveyor, approximately 15 feet on either side of the stakes. He found no threatened/endangered species. (The CCCL was not staked by Mr. Withers because, according to Mr. Withers, the Department did not ask him to locate the CCCL with stakes.) The access route depicted by Mr. McNeal in orange on Department Exhibit 4, which runs east of R-159, is similar to the description of the staked areas east of R-159, described by Mr. Greenwood and marked in yellow on Department Exhibit 13. See Findings of Fact 28-29. Both areas are landward of the CCCL. However, the 5,305.6 square foot damaged area is east of R-159 and is seaward of the CCCL. Mr. Greenwood described the area where he performed his investigation as being "relatively undisturbed," "relatively stable," having no vehicle tracks, and he stated that there were areas of bare sand as well as areas of "natural beach dune vegetation." He described the area as "relatively flat with some small amounts of mounding." The pictures taken by Mr. Greenwood within the staked easement on May 2, 2001, as part of his investigation, do not depict any vehicle tracks. After Mr. Greenwood completed his investigation on May 2, 2001, he observed Mr. Withers landward of the CCCL on a front-end loader and north of the cul-de-sac, proceeding west along the Easy Street Easement scraping off the top layer of soil and heading in a westward direction. Mr. Greenwood believed that the activity performed by Mr. Withers at this time was consistent with unpaved, road construction. According to Mr. Greenwood, the width of the scraped area appeared to be approximately the width of the bucket on Mr. Withers' front-end loader. Mr. Withers stated that he was doing minor grading landward of the CCCL with a John Deere 310-E front-end loader tractor when Mr. Greenwood was present on May 2, 2001. This tractor had a front bucket (approximately seven to eight feet wide) and a backhoe for excavating dirt on the back-end. Mr. Withers described the work which he performed when Mr. Greenwood was present as moving out and smoothing off the top of the sand landward of the CCCL in order for his equipment to get through. Mr. Withers also stated that he made areas in the easement seaward of the CCCL smooth by using the bottom of the bucket of his front-end loader to move sand around. Mr. Withers mentioned that he was very concerned that he needed to have the pathway he was utilizing in the access plan marked and smoothed off and fairly level. He believed the access plan authorized him to smooth off the areas on the access route. Mr. Withers stated that he had to have the access path level because he was bringing a self-propelled, 25-ton crane down the access path and they are top heavy and can get off balance, topple over, or get stuck. Mr. Withers described two types of work that he performed in the Easy Street Easement as: 1) clearing landward of the CCCL that required scooping and moving dirt, and 2) smoothing several areas seaward of the CCCL, just east of R-158 to around R- 160. An area of excavation damage seven feet seaward of the CCCL (beginning approximately 130 feet east of R-158) and an area 41 feet seaward of the CCCL (beginning at R-159, continuing east approximately 500 feet) are located within the area Mr. Withers stated he did some "smoothing off areas," again, east of R-158 and continuing east toward, but west, of R-160. Mr. Withers believed that Amended Permit FR-563 allowed him to use the Easy Street Easement in the access plan "to do . . . whatever was necessary and . . . needed to get [his] equipment, access [his] equipment down to the job site." He also admitted smoothing the areas. Mr. Withers also stated that Amended Permit FR-563 granted him permission to access the west end of Dog Island. Therefore, there was no need for him to locate the CCCL. Mr. Withers referred to the easement in the access plan as turning into a good pathway after he smoothed the areas. Mr. Withers stated that it was his "intention to gain access to the west end of Dog Island through a legal easement and an existing roadway" and that he wanted to utilize it. Mr. Withers testified "that he knew a lot of roads on Dog Island crossed seaward of the [CCCL]" in response to questioning whether he knew at the time of his performing work on the easement, whether or not the Easy Street Easement crossed seaward of the CCCL. He knew he was going to be traversing "fairly close" to the CCCL. Mr. Withers stated he did not knowingly violate the conditions of the Amended Permit. Mr. Withers was aware of the Department's permit requirements for work seaward of the CCCL when he performed his access work in the easement on Dog Island. However, Mr. Withers never had a survey done to figure out where the CCCL was located. Notice of the Alleged Violations Around May 2, 2001, the Department received a complaint that excavation was occurring seaward of the CCCL on Dog Island in the narrows area of the Easy Street Easement. On May 4, 2001, John A. Poppel, William Fokes, and Phil Sanders went to Dog Island on behalf of the Department to investigate the complaint of excavation in the narrows area seaward of the CCCL. On May 4, 2001, Mr. Poppel performed a survey of the narrows area and located the CCCL. He located monuments R-158- R-160. Department Exhibit 11. As a product of his survey, Mr. Poppel was able to depict the newly excavated roadway or pathway in relation to the CCCL. Mr. Poppel calculated that one area of damage was seven feet seaward of the CCCL and consisted of 503.8 square feet of damage and a second area of damage was 41 feet seaward of the CCCL and consisted of 5,305.6 square feet of damage. These square foot areas represent only the disturbed areas seaward of the CCCL, not the entire area between the CCCL and the Gulf of Mexico. Both areas of damage are within the area where Mr. Withers stated that he smoothed out the sand. As part of the May 4, 2001, investigation, William Fokes, an Engineer I with the Department, took photographs of the damaged areas and prepared an inspection report. Mr. Fokes' report indicates that an approximately 11-foot wide roadway or pathway had been cleared by excavation with the most seaward extent of the road being about 40 feet seaward of the CCCL. In addition, the report states that small dunes and beach vegetation had been destroyed. Mr. Fokes described the damage as excavation or grading done by some kind of machine, which cut and uprooted vegetation and pushed sand to the side as it leveled the ground. Mr. Fokes testified that the damage did not appear to be caused by merely traversing the area. Mr. Sanders, an engineer with the Department, processes CCCL permit applications and supervises Mr. Fokes, a field engineer. On May 4, 2001, Mr. Sanders observed the narrows area in question and confirmed that it looked like a "graded road" in that "[i]t appeared in the road bed that vegetation was gone and had been pushed out to the side, graded away," and that there was "excavation" seaward of the CCCL. Mr. Sanders stated that this activity did not comply with the approved access plan. On May 7, 2001, a Notice of Violation was issued to Mr. Withers for the "the unauthorized clearing and destruction of dunes and native vegetation for the purpose of constructing a roadway seaward of the coastal construction control line." Mr. Greenwood's photographs taken May 2, 2001, when compared with Mr. Fokes' photographs taken May 4, 2001, show that no discernable roadway or pathway was present landward or seaward of the CCCL in the narrows area at the time of Mr. Greenwood's inspection on May 2, 2001. This is evident when comparing Mr. Greenwood's photograph, Exhibit 15a, taken on May 2, 2001, with Department Exhibit 16g taken on May 4, 2001--the roadway or pathway present in the May 4, 2001, photo is absent in the May 2, 2001, photograph, and the vegetation has been removed from part of the area. Comparing Mr. Greenwood's photograph, Department Exhibit 15b, taken May 2, 2001, with Department Exhibits 16c and d, taken on May 4, 2001, also shows that the roadway or pathway was not present on the narrows portion of the Easy Street Easement at the time of Mr. Greenwood's inspection. The previously mentioned pictures, which were used for a comparison, were taken by two different people on separate dates, and from approximately the same locations. Also, Department Exhibit 16j was taken 250 feet east of R-159 and within the narrows area, facing east which shows clearing approximately 40 feet seaward of the CCCL. On May 14, 2001, at the request of the Department, Ken Jones, a principal engineer with Post Buckey et al., performed a damage assessment of the narrows portion of the Easy Street Easement which was seaward of the CCCL. Mr. Jones has a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and a master's degree in physical oceanography. Mr. Jones was familiar with the narrows area having been to Dog Island for recreation during the past 20 years and as a Dog Island property owner for the last three years. Mr. Jones described the narrows area as relatively flat and located between the St. George Sound to the north and the Gulf of Mexico beaches to the south. Between these two areas, the land is undulating sand and fairly consistent vegetation. At the time of Mr. Jones' damage assessment, he determined that a road had been cut through the vegetative portion of the dune of the narrows. Mr. Jones observed cut roots and a majority of the vegetation destroyed. Mr. Jones stated it appeared that the damage was caused by a vehicle with a blade on the front. The result was the road sat down in the sand approximately four to six inches. Mr. Jones stated that the work appeared to have been recent because distinct edges were still present. Mr. Jones took photographs and compiled an inspection report as part of his damage assessment. Mr. Jones testified that the damage "was pretty consistent from both landward and seaward of the [CCCL]." The pictures labeled Department Exhibits 18a1 and 18a2 depict a level pathway or roadway barren of vegetation seaward of the CCCL. Department Exhibit 18a4 is a photograph of a typical vegetated dune. Mr. Jones took this picture in order to have a general idea of what the vegetation coverage was in order to get an idea from a cost-estimating perspective. Mr. Jones's cost estimate for repairing the damage to the narrows area seaward of the CCCL, was approximately $7,500.00.4 Mr. Jones calculated the $7,500.00 by making an estimate of what it would cost to buy coastal vegetation, and by estimating what it would cost to employ laborers to hand rake the sand back into position and to plant the vegetation. Administrative Fine and Damages Jim Martinello, an environmental manager in charge of enforcement and compliance with the Bureau, used Mr. Jones' damage assessment estimate for informational purposes in assessing the damages amount for the narrows area. Mr. Martinello calculated the administrative fine and damages in accordance with Section 161.054, Florida Statues, and Rules 62B-54.002 and 62B-54.003, Florida Administrative Code. Rule 62B-54.002, Florida Administrative Code, provides that the Department shall assess fines for willful violations of, or refusing to comply with, for example, Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, and the fine should be sufficient to ensure immediate and continued compliance. In determining the actual fine within the range, the Department shall consider the offender's past violations, if any, and other aggravating or mitigating circumstances. Aggravating circumstances include prior knowledge of rules. Mitigating circumstances may be considered. Id. Mr. Withers had knowledge prior to the issuance of Amended Permit FR-563 of Department rules regarding permit requirements for construction activities seaward of the CCCL. On October 4, 1996, Mr. Withers, on behalf of Ben Withers Construction Company, was issued a warning letter for possible unauthorized construction seaward of the CCCL. This matter was resolved by entering into a consent order. On October 29, 1997, Mr. Withers, on behalf of Ben Withers Construction Company, was issued a warning letter for possible permit violation seaward of the CCCL. On November 13, 1997, Mr. Withers was issued a warning letter for possible unauthorized construction seaward of the CCCL. On October 27, 2000, Mr. Withers wrote a letter to Mr. McNeal indicating that he believed that the Easy Street Easement on Dog Island heading south from The Nature Conservancy cul-de- sac, then west to the west end of Dog Island, is landward of the CCCL and, therefore, no permit was necessary to reopen and use the easement, but he would have a surveyor establish the control line prior to work commencing. On November 7, 2000, Phil Sanders replied by letter to Mr. Withers' October 27, 2000 letter, in which Mr. Sanders reminded Mr. Withers of the pertinent rules and laws and suggested that Mr. Withers have the CCCL surveyed. On December 20, 2000, Mr. Martinello sent Mr. Withers an advisory letter informing him that the area he traversed (on July 2000) on the south route of the Easy Street Easement from the cul- de-sac on Dog Island was considered to be a dune as defined by Rule 62B-33.002, Florida Administrative Code. However, Mr. Martinello further advised that the Department did not take any action because "the traversing [did not] cause any substantial damage, it was minimal damage." In regard to the present case, it is more than a fair inference that Mr. Withers had specific knowledge of the CCCL and the Department's laws and rules, and that he knew excavation was not authorized seaward of the CCCL. The information in the prior Findings of Fact was used by the Department, and specifically Mr. Martinello, to determine that the harm to the beach resource or potential harm was major, and the administrative fine assessed was $7,500.00. However, part of Mr. Martinello's determination was predicated on Mr. Jones' assessment that the site one narrows violation was approximately 700 feet in length when, in fact, the area was approximately 500 feet in length, which explains in part the disparity between a 9,800 square foot area and the proven 5,305.6 square foot area. See Finding of Fact 78 and Endnote 4. Even the additional amount of damage of 503.8 square feet for the site two narrows area, when viewed in the aggregate, is significantly less than Mr. Jones' assessment of damages by square feet. (Mr. Martinello used the Jones' assessment as a guideline. Mr. Martinello says that the mistake did not alter his decision, although he was unaware of the mistake until the final hearing. He also says that Mr. Jones recommended a higher damage amount than the $5,000.00 assessed by the Department in its preliminary Final Order. He did--$7,500.00 for 9,800 square feet of damage.) Grossly negligent or knowing violations of statutes and Department rules regarding coastal construction seaward of the CCCL, which result "in harm to sovereignty lands seaward of mean high water or to beaches, shores, or coastal or beach-dune system(s), including animal, plant or aquatic life thereon," shall be considered in determining damages. Rule 62B-54.003(1), Florida Administrative Code. Rule 62B-54.003(2), Florida Administrative Code, provides that a damage amount greater than the minimum amounts may be assessed to ensure, immediate and continued compliance and the Department may consider, e.g., the need for restoration and the damaged ecological resource. The Department determined that the violation was knowing based on the factors mentioned above. The Department also considered the need for restoration and the damage to ecological resources and whether the amount would ensure immediate and continued compliance. Id. The Department determined that there was harm to the resource and that it was major and knowing. The Department proposed to assess the minimum damage amount of $5,000.00. On January 11, 2002, the Department entered a preliminary Final Order for the unauthorized grading and destruction of dunes and dune vegetation seaward of the control line for the purpose of constructing a roadway. The amount assessed in the Final Order was $12,500.00, $7,500.00 in administrative fines and $5,000.00 in damages, as described above. As noted, there has been harm to the beach area resource seaward of the CCCL and the Department proved the need for restoration and the damage to the ecological resource. In mitigation, Mr. Withers' construction access plan was approved by the Department. The Department knew that Mr. Withers intended to use the access route, which ran seaward of the CCCL from approximately R-157 to R-159 (except for a small portion between R-158 and R-159) in the narrows area; that Mr. Withers planned to transport equipment and materials by truck using the access route and necessarily would traverse seaward of the CCCL; and that he would continuously use the access route until the project was completed. The actual damaged area is less than originally determined by Mr. Jones, thus the need for restoration reduced. Mr. Jones, without the benefit of a survey, estimated the total cost to restore the damaged area of 9,800 square feet to be approximately $7,500.00. The total square feet of damage proven in this proceeding is 5,809.4 square feet in the narrows area and the Department is requesting $12,500.00 in fines and damages. Based on an approximate ratio of square feet and dollars needed to restore, a damage assessment in the amount of $4,500.00 is appropriate. Balancing the aggravating and mitigating circumstances, a fine of $3,500.00 is appropriate.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that a final order be rendered as follows: That a final order be issued adopting this Recommended Order; and Within 30 days of a final order being effective, Petitioners shall pay a fine of $3,500.00 and $4,500.00 in damages with the total amount of $8,000.00, to the Department of Environmental Protection. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of January, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CHARLES A. STAMPELOS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of January, 2003.

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57120.595161.053161.05457.111
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-002316 Latest Update: May 19, 1980

Findings Of Fact On 17 July 1979, a few days after Harry W. Soward and his wife returned from a motor trip vacation and before the date he was to report for duty as Principal of Garden Elementary School in Venice, Florida, Soward left his residence to shop for shelving. Not finding the items desired at stores close to his residence, he proceeded further afield. After lunch he went to his son's place of business for a visit and upon arrival found his son absent. He then decided to go to a nearby beach for some sun enroute home. At this time Respondent was dressed in shorts, T-shirt and shoes. Upon parking the van he was driving, Respondent took off the T-shirt and donned a beach jacket which had been under the front seat of the van, locked his wallet in the van and walked north along the scarcely populated beach away from the area where most people congregate. Under the corduroy shorts Respondent was wearing black bikini briefs. After going some one-half mile or more from the parking area Respondent removed his corduroy shorts to sunbathe, leaving him wearing black bikini briefs and jacket. He then walked away from the water towards the wooded area clearly shown in Exhibit 1, and photographs constituting Exhibits 6 through 13. Officer Meredith of the Sarasota Police Department was assigned to the Lido Beach area on 17 July 1979 and had proceeded to North Lido Beach in response to a report that a nude made had been seen on the beach. Lido Beach is a publicly-owned swimming and sunning area; however, the north end of this beach is reputed to be an area where nude bathing occurs and homosexuals meet. Because of the topography and insects this area is not popular for picnicking. Officer Meredith had requested via radio a back-up when he departed for North Lido Beach and shortly after his arrival he was joined by Sergeant Schott, also of the Sarasota police. They saw no evidence of a nude male but decided to proceed southward inside the tree line from the beach where they would be able to observe activity on the beach without being seen. Meredith had 8 x 50 binoculars with which to detect something that might not be discernible to the naked eye. While walking inside the tree line the officers observed a large group of young boys supervised by older teenagers playing and proceeding southerly near the water's edge. After walking for several minutes inside the tree line the officers observed a white male ahead and a little seaward of them also moving southerly inside the tree line. When he reached a thicker clump of trees this man stopped for several seconds and Meredith focused the binoculars on him. This individual, later identified as Respondent, was facing south with his back to the officers when he stopped approximately 75 feet from the officers and some 500 feet from the water's edge where the young boys had been observed. For approximately one minute he was observed from the location occupied by the officers. Respondent, whose back was toward the officers, appeared to lower his bikini briefs and manipulate his penis in a manner both officers thought was masturbating. Meredith's testimony was that he could see Respondent's right arm moving but could not see his penis. While still under close scrutiny Respondent turned some 90 degrees to his left, placing his back to the water's edge and his profile to the officers. At this time they could see Respondent's briefs had been dropped enough to allow penis and testicles to be over the top of the briefs. At this time Respondent had his penis in his hand. Both officers testified Respondent did not have an erection but they did not believe the penis to be flaccid, nor did they believe he was urinating. Shortly thereafter Respondent turned towards the north, saw the two officers, pulled the briefs back over his privates and started to walk back to the beach. At this time, Officer Meredith yelled for Respondent to stop, which he did. Officer Meredith asked what he was doing in the tree area and Respondent replied "urinating". When asked his name, age and occupation, Respondent replied Soward, 54 years old, and a teacher at Venice. Respondent pronounces his name in one syllable. When Meredith asked if the name was spelled S-o-r-d, Respondent did not reply. When Meredith saw what he thought to be Respondent reaching into a pocket of the jacket he grabbed his hand, reached into the pocket and extracted a tube of K-Y jelly. Respondent extracted a pair of yellow women's briefs from the other pocket. When asked why he had the lubricant Respondent replied he used it occasionally for his hemorrhoids. The yellow bikini Respondent identified as belonging to his wife who also occasionally used the same jacket. After berating Respondent and accusing him of being a deviate Meredith ordered Respondent to get off the beach and warned him not to return "to our city beaches in the future." (Tr. p. 33). The testimony of all witnesses, consisting of the two police officers and Respondent, was essentially the same with respect to the facts noted above. Respondent testified that he went into the wooded area where he could not be seen by anyone on the beach to urinate, that he had a prostate condition which made it difficult at times for him to commence urination, and that massage of the prostate behind he testicles sometimes helped induce urination. He further testified that he was taking diuretics, which caused more frequent urination. The taking of diuretics was confirmed by his physician. Respondent produced at the hearing the jacket and briefs he was wearing, plus the yellow bikini bottom that was in the jacket pocket when he was accosted. This bikini bottom was identified by Mrs. Soward as belonging to her and having been left in the jacket pocket. Respondent identified it as the one removed from the jacket when he was apprehended, while Officer Meredith testified the yellow briefs removed from the jacket pocket had lace around the legs, were women's underpants and not the bottom of a bikini swimsuit presented at the hearing. After being ordered to leave the beach, Respondent donned his corduroy shorts and proceeded back to the parking lot. Meredith also went to the parking lot and after Respondent got in his van, Meredith came up to demand identification partially because he didn't think Respondent to be as old as he had stated. When he saw the name on the driver's license was not spelled Sord, Meredith accused Respondent of giving the wrong name. The driver's license did confirm Respondent's age to be what he had told Meredith. Meredith did not arrest or prefer charges against Respondent. His reason given for not doing so was that Respondent could not be seen from the beach and unless lewd and lascivious behavior was perpetrated in a place from which the perpetrator could be seen by "civilians" (as opposed to police) the judges in the Sarasota courts would not convict those arrested on charges of lewd behavior. Nevertheless, when he returned to the station Meredith prepared a report of his encounter with Respondent which, since a member of the school system was involved, was passed to the Superintendent of Schools of Sarasota County. The Superintendent talked to Meredith and Schott and received a copy of the report prepared by Meredith. The Superintendent advised the Director of Elementary Education, who was the supervisor of principals, of the police report and requested she bring Respondent to his office. When presented with the police report in the presence of the Superintendent, Respondent again denied any wrongdoing, insisted he had entered the wooded area to relieve himself and explained the purpose for which he had the K-Y jelly in the jacket, as a lubricant for hemorrhoids. The Superintendent chose not to believe the explanation offered by Respondent and gave him the option of resigning rather than suffer the unpleasantness of further investigation by Petitioner, to whom the Superintendent would refer the matter, and a possible hearing. Respondent declined to resign. Respondent was relieved of his duties as principal of Garden Elementary School, a position which he had held since the school opened in 1974, and was reassigned temporarily to the administrative staff of the school system. These charges here under consideration were subsequently preferred. A substitute principal was assigned to Garden Elementary School and when the school year began the Superintendent addressed the faculty at Garden Elementary to explain Respondent's absence was due to a report submitted by the police which had been turned over to the Petitioner and if the faculty wanted to know more they could read the police report at the police state. Many of them did so. The newspapers were aware of this police report but did not publish any news items relating thereto. After the School Board took action to relieve Respondent from duty and refer the matter to Petitioner, an article appeared in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune on August 2, 1979 and a similar article appeared in the Venice Gondolier, a newspaper whose circulation is limited to the southern part of Sarasota County. These articles reported the reassignment of Respondent pending an investigation of an incident reported by police and stated that no charges had been preferred by the police. Of the 17 witnesses called by Petitioner only two, the police officers, saw Respondent at any time material to these charges. Both of these officers were looking for nudes or perverts when they saw Respondent. Meredith was looking so hard he used 8 x 50 binoculars to observe Respondent from a distance of 75 feet. At that range this magnification should allow resolution of the order of one-fourth to one-eighth inch. A stationary housefly on an appropriate background could be seen at 75 feet with 8-power binoculars. Meredith testified regarding the reputation of North Lido Beach and anytime he saw someone in this section of the beach there was a question in his mind why they were there. (Tr. p. 62). One looking for deviate behavior would be more likely to associate movement that could be manipulation of the penis with masturbation than would an observer not looking for such behavior. Follow this impression with discovery of K-Y jelly in one pocket, ladies' bikini bottoms in the other pocket of the jacket, and a group of young boys in the vicinity (albeit 500 feet distant) and Officer Meredith was quite sure he had encountered a pervert. When Respondent told Meredith that he was a teacher, Meredith undoubtedly commented, as Respondent testified, about perverts working with kids (Tr. p. 352) and told Respondent he would get him out of the school system. Without sufficient evidence to arrest Respondent, Meredith was left to the writing of the report. Most of the witnesses called by Petitioner had read the police report and gathered from this report that Respondent was observed masturbating on North Lido Beach in the vicinity of an in view of children of tender ages and that he had questionable items in his jacket pocket. These witnesses were aware of the reputation of North Lido Beach as a nude and gay beach and many didn't think that was an appropriate place for a principal to go. These factors led them to conclude that Respondent could no longer function effectively in the Sarasota County School System. This conclusion was reached without the benefit of Respondent's explanation of his actions, without full knowledge of the density of the foliage, without realizing that no one but the police could or did see him with penis exposed, and without knowledge that neither K-Y jelly nor bikini bottoms were in use or evidenced until after Respondent started back to the beach. Those witnesses called by Petitioner who had been associated with Respondent at Garden Elementary School acknowledged that prior to this incident they considered Respondent to be an able and effective administrator. Many of these witnesses opined that even if found innocent of any wrongdoing, Respondent's effectiveness in the school system has been seriously reduced. Many of the 33 witnesses called by Respondent knew Respondent socially and professionally as a "fine man". Respondent's church workers think highly of him both in integrity and morality and they did not believe the truth of the police report that Respondent had masturbated on Lido Beach. The pastor of the First Church of Nazarene in Bradenton, an ordained minister, has known Respondent for the past 6-1/2 years as the church's unpaid associate pastor. Respondent has taught Sunday School at this church for many years and the pastor considers Respondent one of the finest men he ever knew. Neighbors know Respondent as a quiet family man and good neighbor who had never shown any indication of questionable morals or conduct. Professional associates found Respondent a competent administrator and teacher. Some found him strict but none ever had cause to question his moral character prior to July 17, 1979.

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Aug. 28, 1991 Number: 91-005417 Latest Update: Jan. 03, 1995

The Issue The issues for determination at final hearing were (1) whether Petitioner's coastal construction Permit No. 86-155PB, authorizing Petitioner to construct and temporarily maintain an experimental reef structure seaward of the DuPont residence in West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, should be extended under Special Permit Condition 10 of the Permit and (2) whether the experimental reef structure should be removed pursuant to Special Permit Conditions 3 and 12 of the Permit.

Findings Of Fact On April 6, 1987, American Coastal Engineering, on behalf of Willis H. DuPont (Petitioner) and Florida Atlantic University's Department of Ocean Engineering, was granted coastal construction Permit NO. 86-155PB 3/ (Permit) by the Department of Natural Resources (Respondent). 4/ The Permit authorized Petitioner to construct and temporarily maintain an experimental reef structure seaward of the DuPont residence in West Palm Beach, Florida. The experimental reef structure, referred to as a prefabricated erosion prevention reef (PEP reef), is a 550 foot submerged breakwater which was constructed using prefabricated concrete segments, placed end-to-end underwater in the nearshore area. The purpose of the PEP reef is to reduce erosion of the beach landward of the structure. The PEP reef was installed on May 5, 1988. Special conditions were placed on the Permit, to which Petitioner agreed. The special conditions in pertinent part provide: The permittee shall adjust, alter or remove any structure or other physical evidence of the work or activity permitted, as directed by the Executive Director, if in the opinion of the Executive Director, the structure, work or activity in question results in damage to surrounding property or otherwise proves to be undersirable or becomes unnecessary. Adjustment, alteration, or removal required under this provision, shall be accomplished by the permittee at no cost to the State of Florida. * * * 10. The proposed submerged breakwater shall be removed within two years following installation of the experimental structure unless determined by the staff to remain in place for an extended period of time. This determination shall be based on a staff evaluation of the monitoring data, existing statutory regulations, and the feasibility of the project in concurrence with the beach management plan at that time. The experimental structure shall only remain in place after two years upon written approval from the Executive Director indicating an extension has been granted. * * * 12. The Executive Director may order removal of the experimental structure as soon as the shoreline along any portion of the area required to be nourished under Special Permit Condition 6 erodes up to or landward of the pre-nourished beach profile indicating a complete loss of the nourished beach material from that location and accretion at another location within the area to be monitored. Petitioner requested an extension of the Permit. On July 10, 1991, Respondent issued a final order denying an extension of the Permit, pursuant to Special Permit Condition 10, and directing the Petitioner to remove the PEP reef pursuant to Special Permit Conditions 3 and 12. An extension of the Permit beyond the two years following installation of the PEP reef, according to Special Permit Condition 10, is based upon three factors: (1) an evaluation by Respondent's staff of monitoring data gathered by Petitioner, (2) statutory regulations existing at the time of the extension request, and (3) the feasibility of the project in concurrence with the beach management plan existing at the time of the extension request. Although Petitioner's monitoring data addressed the question whether the PEP reef was performing its function, it did not address existing statutory regulations or the project's feasibility in concurrence with the current beach management plan. 5/ Petitioner's monitoring data was collected over a two-year period with surveys being performed through March 1990: March 1988 (preconstruction), May 1988 (post-construction), August 1988, December 1988, February 1989, April 1989, July 1989, November 1989, and March 1990. The data was collected along 17 profile stations: seven stations were located within or immediately adjacent to the boundaries of the PEP reef, and five to the north and five to the south of the PEP reef. The data indicated that the PEP reef was an experiment and approved by Respondent as an experiment. As a conclusion, Petitioner indicates that the PEP reef is functioning for the purpose it was designed in that it is providing a benefit to the beach. Respondent disagreed with Petitioner's conclusion. For one, Respondent disagreed with the method of analysis used by Petitioner to analyze the data because Petitioner's analysis failed to filter out seasonal effects. This procedure brought into play the first of the three factors in Special Permit Condition 10 which was used for denial of the Permit extension. Petitioner's monitoring data was utilized and analyzed by Respondent. Using the data gathered, Respondent created profile plots which are cross sectional depictions of the shoreline profiles and which displayed changes to the shoreline occurring during the survey period. Respondent used a shoreline change analysis in determining the PEP reef's effect on the shoreline in its vicinity. The analysis focused on the net change in the shoreline, i.e., the net change in the location of the mean high water line, factoring out the seasonal variations which occur along the coast by comparing profile plots from the same time of year taken during the two-year monitoring period. The shoreline change analysis indicated that in the vicinity of the PEP reef the shoreline showed irregular periods of both accretion and erosion. However, the shoreline did not reflect the typical pattern that was expected with a functioning breakwater. To the contrary, the irregular periods of accretion and erosion and the irregular configuration of the shoreline indicated that factors other than the PEP reef were affecting the shoreline. One such intervening factor was attributed to the large number of existing shoreline structures called groins which are scattered throughout the area. Groins are structures intended to stabilize the shoreline by blocking the down drift movement of sand, thereby altering the natural coastal processes. The monitoring data shows that, in terms of accretion or erosion, the PEP reef produced no recognizable influence on the shoreline in its vicinity. As to the second factor in Special Permit Condition 10, at the time the Permit was granted in 1988, no regulations specifically applicable to experimental structures existed. However, in 1989 a provision specifically addressing the permitting of experimental structures became law. /6 The provision provides that the "intent" of the Florida Legislature is to "encourage the development of new and innovative methods for dealing with the coastal shoreline erosion problem," and that, in authorizing the "construction of pilot projects using alternative coastal shoreline erosion control methods," the Respondent must determine, among other things, that "the proposed project site is properly suited for analysis of the results of the proposed activity." Groins in the PEP reef area alter the natural coastal processes and, therefore, play a significant role in the analysis of the shoreline processes. The effect of the groins affected the Respondent's ability to determine the effectiveness of the experimental structure. As a result, the Respondent was unable to make a determination in accordance with the legislative mandate. As to the third factor in Special Permit Condition 10, Petitioner presented no evidence addressing this factor. Petitioner has failed to show that the experimental structure, the PEP reef, has satisfied Special Permit Condition 10. It has failed to show that the intended purpose of the PEP reef has been accomplished, i.e., that the PEP reef is effective or beneficial. In denying Petitioner's request for an extension of the Permit, Respondent directed removal of the PEP reef pursuant to Special Permit Conditions 3 and 12. Special Permit Condition 3 provides for removal, alteration or adjustment of the PEP reef if it "proves to be undersirable or becomes unnecessary." The construction of the PEP reef consisted of, among other things, the placing of individual reef units end-to-end. To alert boaters to the location of the PEP reef, a buoy was placed at each end of the structure. The stability of the PEP reef is questionable. In 1989 a storm dislodged the individual units. In an effort to prevent sliding, Petitioner attempted to realign the units to their original position and added more weight to the units. Despite Petitioner's efforts to stabilize the structure, the PEP reef has experienced continued movement. Furthermore, because of the continued movement, boaters' safety would be compromised in that the buoys would be ineffective in warning them of the location of any units which may be dislodged. Also, the additional weight to the units could cause the individual units to settle, potentially affecting the performance of the PEP reef, and could induce erosional scour around the structure itself. Special Permit Condition 12 provides for removal when "the shoreline along any portion of the area required to be nourished . . . erodes up to or landward of the pre-nourished beach profile indicating a complete loss of the nourished beach material from that location and accretion at another location." The shoreline analysis showed that the shoreline in many portions of the nourished area eroded landward of the pre-nourished beach profile. The mean high water line had positioned landward of its pre-project location. Petitioner has failed to show that the PEP reef does not fall within the conditions of Special Permit Conditions 3 and 12. Federally protected and endangered marine species have attached themselves to and/or now reside in the PEP reef, complicating the removal of the PEP reef. In order not to disturb or disrupt this marine life, Respondent has expressed a desire in relocating the structure to a position further offshore.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Natural Resources 7/ enter a final order DENYING an extension of Permit No. 86-155PB. DONE AND ORDERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 21st day of April 1994. ERROL H. POWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of April 1994.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57161.041
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