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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 31, 2009 Number: 09-004092TTS Latest Update: Feb. 18, 2010

The Issue The first issue in this case is whether, as the district school board alleges, a teacher called her students "tonto" or stupid, threw books to the ground and forced students to pick them up, and put her feet and shoes in students' faces; if these allegations are proved to be true, than it will be necessary to decide whether the school board has just cause to suspend the teacher for 10 workdays, without pay.

Findings Of Fact The Miami-Dade County School Board ("School Board"), Petitioner in this case, is the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the Miami-Dade County Public School System. As of the final hearing, Respondent Walkyria Dolz ("Dolz") had been a teacher for more than 40 years. Having begun her career in Cuba, Dolz emigrated in 1974 from her native country to the United States, where she continued to teach in New York City and Miami. An employee of the Miami-Dade County Public School System for the preceding 15 years, Dolz worked as a music teacher at Riverside Elementary School during the 2008- 09 school year, which is the period relevant to this case. Dolz did not have a classroom of her own at Riverside. Rather, she traveled from room to room, using a cart to transport books and musical instruments. Dolz visited each class to which she was assigned once per week for one hour. In this way, in a given year, she taught hundreds of Riverside students in grades one through five. In her long career, Dolz had never been the subject of a disciplinary proceeding until this matter began. Indeed, she had been (and as of the hearing continued to be) a respected member of Riverside's teaching staff. Much evidence supports this finding, but the following statement, which was written on May 21, 2009, by Riverside's principal, Sharon López, is instructive: Ms. Dolz has been under my supervision as school principal since December 12, 2002. She has always exhibited professional behavior as a classroom teacher and properly represented Riverside Elementary in all school functions off-campus. Ms. Dolz has met standards for classroom observations since her employment as a music teacher at Riverside Elementary in 1998. The allegations [at issue here] are out of character for Ms. Walkyria Dolz. The alleged misconduct primarily giving rise to this case allegedly occurred in November 2008, in a fifth-grade classroom. Based on the stories of several students, the School Board avers that Dolz: (a) attempted to kick a student in the face; (b) waived a sandal in (or at) another student's face; (c) dropped a book to quiet the students; and (d) called the students "tonto," a Spanish word the School Board contends means "stupid." Dolz consistently has denied having done any of these things and testified to that effect at hearing. The young children who testified against Dolz did not impress the undersigned as being accurate and reliable witnesses. The account of R. S.——who claimed that Dolz silently had approached his desk, removed her sandal (while balancing on one foot), and swung the footwear at his face as he sat there in fear, all without saying a single word during the entire event, which lasted at least three minutes (according to R. S.)——was incredible on its face. While it is not inconceivable that Dolz (or any teacher) could snap in the face of some provocation or incitement, the undersigned can neither believe nor find (on this evidence at any rate) that a veteran teacher with a clean disciplinary record suddenly became a bizarre, zombie-like creature for several minutes out of an otherwise ordinary workday and wordlessly set upon a well-behaved student for no reason. Similarly implausible was A. L.'s testimony about the foregoing alleged incident and another where Dolz supposedly nearly kicked a student named L. J. in the face with her foot, while standing on one leg, because L. J. was not playing his instrument properly. A. L.'s testimony in this regard is rejected not only because Dolz, 67, appeared to be physically incapable of kickboxing a child, but also because the undersigned is skeptical that a teacher who has taught for decades without incident——and who has always behaved professionally except, allegedly, in this one instance——would lose control of herself to such a degree merely because of a student's poor musical performance.1 A third student, A. W., testified that Dolz hit R. S. and L. J. on their arms. The School Board itself did not accept this testimony as credible, and neither does the undersigned. A. W.'s lack of credibility on this significant matter undermined his credibility in general. On balance, Dolz was a more credible witness than R. S., A. L., or A. W. The undersigned accepts her denial of wrongdoing as truthful and finds that, more likely than not, Dolz did not attempt to kick or strike any student. The remaining charges are much less serious. Several children testified that, when the students were talkative or inattentive, Dolz threw a textbook on the floor or a table to make a loud noise, which would get the class's attention. Dolz denies ever having done this. The undersigned finds that the evidence is insufficient to prove that Dolz used a textbook to threaten, embarrass, or humiliate a student, or otherwise in a manner that was objectively unseemly, untoward, or unreasonable under the circumstances. Some children testified that Dolz referred to her students as "tonto," an allegation which she denies. There is conflicting evidence concerning the meaning of the word "tonto" in Spanish. While the word can mean "stupid," as the School Board maintains, it also means "silly," as Dolz points out, and, depending on the context, can be used to suggest that someone is acting like a clown or fooling around. Based solely on the evidence presented, the undersigned cannot find that the Spanish term "tonto" is insulting per se, and the absence of any proof regarding the context in which Dolz allegedly uttered the word precludes a finding that she used it in a hurtful manner, if she used it at all. Determinations of Ultimate Fact The greater weight of the evidence fails to establish that Dolz is guilty of the offense of misconduct in office as defined in Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-4.009(3).2 The greater weight of the evidence fails to establish that Dolz is guilty of the offense of unseemly conduct, which is prohibited under School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21.3 The greater weight of the evidence fails to establish that Dolz is guilty of violating the School Board's Code of Ethics, which is set forth in School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.213.4

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a final order exonerating Dolz of all charges brought against her in this proceeding and awarding her the back pay, plus benefits if any, which accrued while she served the previously imposed suspension of 10 workdays. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of January, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of January, 2010.

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Feb. 19, 2021 Number: 21-000707PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024

The Issue Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate section 1012.795(1)(g), Florida Statutes (2018)?1 Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate section 1012.795(1)(j)? 1 All citations to the Florida Statutes are to the 2018 codification unless otherwise noted. Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1.?

Findings Of Fact Parties Petitioner, Richard Corcoran, is the Commissioner of Education. The Commissioner is the head of the state agency, the Florida Department of Education, responsible for investigating and prosecuting allegations of misconduct against individuals holding Florida educator certificates. Ms. Bauduy holds a Florida Educators Certificate covering the areas of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Elementary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Exceptional Student Education (ESE), and Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum. It is valid through June 30, 2025. Ms. Bauduy teaches at Gotha Middle School in the Orange County School District and did at the time of the events alleged in the Administrative Complaint. During the period during which the alleged acts occurred, Ms. Bauduy taught students with autism. She has served students with disabilities of Orange County as an educator in ESE programs for 16 years. She taught at Gotha Middle School for 14 of those 16 years. Other than discipline for the incidents that are the subject of this proceeding, the District has never disciplined Ms. Bauduy. The school has recognized Ms. Bauduy as an effective teacher. For instance, an evaluation resulting from seven days of in-class observation in November 2020 concluded that she was applying all four expected classroom strategies and behaviors. The Education Practices Commission has never disciplined Ms. Bauduy. Gotha Middle School and Ms. Bauduy's Class During the 2018-2019 school year, all of Ms. Bauduy's students had disabilities that required more assistance and support than needed by students in the general population. Because of their disabilities, Ms. Bauduy's students required a modified curriculum that was less rigorous than the standard curriculum. The modified curriculum included social, skills, personal skills, and independent function skills. Teaching those skills helps students learn to manage their behavior and become more independent. All of Ms. Bauduy's students had Individual Education Plans (IEP). These plans identify a student's disabilities, their effect, and behavior that may arise from them. They establish goals for the student in light of the student's disabilities. And they identify strategies for helping the students accomplish the established goals. The demands of teaching students with disabilities required additional staff in the classroom to assist Ms. Bauduy. The school determined that properly caring for and teaching the children required a three to one student teacher ratio. The students' IEPs also required this staffing ratio. For that reason, the school assigned two paraprofessionals to assist in Ms. Bauduy's class of ten people. This was in addition to Ms. Edoo, who was assigned to student E.K. one-on-one. Thus, the proper staffing complement for Ms. Bauduy's class was four adults. Throughout the 2018-2019 school year, Gotha Middle School experienced chronic staffing shortages. One paraprofessional position in Ms. Bauduy's class was vacant the entire year. The school engaged a long- term substitute. That person often did not show up for work. In those instances, the school sought, often unsuccessfully, to engage fill-ins from a temporary staffing agency. In addition, the school usually did not provide staff to cover the paraprofessionals' breaks and lunches. Throughout the year, Ms. Bauduy had to juggle staffing shortages as best she could. During the representative month of September 2018, Ms. Bauduy's class was short one adult seven full days and four partial days. On September 11, 2018, Ms. Bauduy's class was down two professionals. When the paraprofessional staff took their breaks or lunch periods, the staffing deficiencies worsened. Ms. Bauduy repeatedly advised the administration about the staffing deficiencies, sought assistance, and expressed her concerns about not complying with students' IEP requirements. Her communications included a September 5, 2018, email advising that a substitute had not arrived, a September 11 email forwarding an email from a paraprofessional advising she was not coming in, and a September 26 email advising that a substitute once again failed to arrive and asking for assistance. In January 2019, despite the chronic understaffing, the school transferred two students, T.M. and N.A., from other classrooms to Ms. Bauduy's class. These students' disabilities were more profound and required more supports than the other students. They were regular elopers, required diaper changes, and required individual nearly one-on-one prompting for tasks. Among other things, T.M.'s disabilities required having someone hold his hand during transitions. Placement of T.M. and N.A. in Ms. Bauduy's class was not appropriate. Ms. Bauduy continued sending emails expressing her concerns and frustrations about understaffing. She also repeatedly, without effect, sought to get the school to change mandatory meetings to her planning period or after school because the meetings caused her to leave the classroom and exacerbated the staffing problems. Between October 25, 2018, and March 4, 2019, Ms. Bauduy sent 17 emails requesting full staffing and advising of staff absences. Ms. Bauduay could not rely upon prompt responses when she called for assistance or additional staffing to put her room back in compliance with the required student/adult ratio. Sometimes she received a quick response. Sometimes no one came. Often there was a 20 to 30-minute delay before assistance arrived. Even when management responded to Ms. Bauduy's request for a schedule of when behavior staff would be available to support her students, management's response was conditional. For instance, Laura Fogarty, ESE Curriculum and Instruction Team Instructional Coach, conditioned the schedule of available staff that she provided as follows. Please remember, however, that this schedule is in a perfect world. The behavior support team's first priority is to respond to radio calls and have other responsibilities that don't always make it possible for them to be in your room for the times listed below. They may also have to leave to respond to a behavior call when they are in there. Below is the ideal, if everything goes right and there are no behavior calls or other areas that require their attention. The world in which Ms. Bauduy taught was neither perfect nor ideal. Ms. Bauduy's testimony about staffing difficulties and insufficient responses to requests for assistance differs from testimony of school representatives. Ms. Bauduy was more credible and persuasive than the school representatives. Four of the reasons for this judgment are Ms. Bauduy's sincere demeanor, documents such as emails and logs consistent with her testimony, the admission in Ms. Fogarty's email that even scheduled availability of support was not reliable, and the corroborating testimony of a paraprofessional who worked in Ms. Bauduy's room, Lauren Mueller. K.C. K.C. was a male sixth grade student in Ms. Bauduy's class. K.C.'s IEP specified that K.C. should always be supervised. It stated, "He requires continuous supervision as he is very impulsive and responds aggressively and or obscenely." K.C. also had a Behavioral Improvement Plan (BIP). It too noted a need for intensive intervention to address inappropriate touching of and advances toward female students. The BIP provided, among other things, "If outside the classroom, one on one supervision must be provided." The BIP went on to state that K.C.'s transitions out of the classroom should be limited to necessary transitions and that a staff member should provide one-on-one supervision during all transitions. Ms. Bauduy was aware of the contents of the IEP and BIP. At each day's end, Ms. Edoo usually escorted K.C. from class to the transportation loading area, after escorting her assigned student to the transportation area. This did not happen on September 11, 2018. This was one of the many days when Ms. Bauduy's room was short-staffed. Because of a vacant position and a paraprofessional not showing up, Ms. Bauduy was down to two adults, including herself, of the staff that should have been in the room. This excludes Ms. Edoo who was responsible for providing one-on- one care for a single student. The afternoon of September 11 the substitute paraprofessional was to escort the students, in shifts, to the transportation area. The substitute took a student to the transportation area and did not return. This left Ms. Bauduy the sole adult in the room, responsible both for getting the children to the transportation area and supervising students in the classroom. Ms. Edoo called Ms. Bauduy on the radio and said to release K.C. Ms. Bauduy thought that meant Ms. Edoo was returning to the classroom and would meet K.C. in the hall. Although her room had a telephone and a two-way radio, Ms. Bauduy knew from experience a response to a request for help would be slow, if there even was one. Faced with confounding choices, Ms. Bauduy explained to K.C. that she would release him to go directly down the hall to meet Ms. Edoo. K.C. did not go straight down the hall to Ms. Edoo, and Ms. Edoo was not in the hall. K.C. went to the bathroom that opened on the hall. A student, K.M., found K.C. laying naked, save for his socks, on the bathroom floor, masturbating. This scared and confused K.M. He went home and told his mother about the incident. She called the school. The next day a guidance counselor met with K.M. to discuss the incident and reassure him. Shortly after K.M. left for home, an ESE clerk, Elizabeth Elkholi, saw K.C. naked in the bathroom, through the open door. She called for Shantell Johnson, a behavior trainer. Ms. Johnson did not wish to enter the bathroom because K.C. was naked. A substitute, Stephen Harnishfeger, and Deputy Luna, a school resource officer, joined Ms. Elkholi and Ms. Johnson. Between them, these four adults kept K.C. in sight. K.C. got dressed in a stall. Ms. Johnson escorted him back to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. Ms. Bauduy was not aware of this activity until K.C. was returned to her room. K.C. could have left the school grounds during the period that he was unsupervised. Eventually the substitute reappeared and declared she was leaving for the day. Ms. Bauduy convinced the substitute to escort K.C. to the transportation loading area before leaving. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days without pay for this incident. T.M. T.M. was a student on the autism spectrum that the school transferred to Ms. Bauduy's class in January. T.M.'s previous classroom, Ms. Franklin's, was adjacent to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. On February 25, 2019, the school had again failed to staff Ms. Bauduy's classroom in compliance with the requirements of her students' IEPs. That day the school required Ms. Bauduy to participate in an IEP meeting, scheduled for 30 minutes, during her planning period. The meeting took two hours, running through her lunch period and ending at 4:00 p.m. When Ms. Bauduy returned to the classroom, she realized none of her paraprofessionals had taken a break. So, she released them one at a time for a short break. While one paraprofessional was gone on break, the remaining one left the room with a student to go to the restroom and change a diaper. This left Ms. Bauduy alone with the students. At that time, Ms. Bauduy was providing directions to a group of students. She heard the door slam. She looked for T.M. and did not see him in the classroom. T.M. had slipped away from Ms. Bauduy's classroom out into the hall. He left through the classroom's only door. Ms. Bauduy immediately went to the doorway to look for him. She knew T.M. had a history of leaving the classroom but waiting just outside the door. She did not see him. Then Ms. Bauduy took a few steps outside the door of her classroom into the hall. To the left of Ms. Bauduy's classroom the hall met double doors just yards away that led to the outside and a nearby road. Ms. Bauduy was in the hall approximately 23 seconds seeking to ensure that T.M. had not gone to the left toward the double doors. During these 23 seconds there was no adult inside Ms. Bauduy's class room. She however was just feet from the only door. One of the students could have done something destructive or harmful. But the brief period of time that Ms. Bauduy was outside the classroom, her proximity to the door, and the very short distance she was from her students made that risk minimal. Ms. Bauduy saw the door to Classroom B104 close. This was T.M.'s former classroom, which was next to Ms. Bauduy's room. This reassured her that T.M. was safe. She ran back to her classroom. The students had spent the 23 seconds without incident. Then Ms. Bauduy called for assistance. A staff member came to return T.M. to Ms. Bauduy's room. When T.M. slipped away, Ms. Bauduy had no good choices. In the time it would take to call for assistance and wait for it to arrive, if it did, T.M. could have been out the doors and in the road. Ms. Bauduy's experience taught her that assistance was often slow to arrive and sometimes did not arrive at all. Stepping out in the hall to quickly see where T.M. went left the eight remaining students without direct adult supervision for 23 seconds. But Ms. Bauduy was just outside the only door out of the classroom. She made a reasonable choice, one that most reduced the risk of a bad outcome to T.M. and his classmates. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days without pay because of this incident. F.O. F.O. was a student in Ms. Bauduy's class. F.O. was non-verbal and deaf. She was working on pre-academic skills. F.O. was a joyful and social student. She, however, was defiant. She did not like to be corrected. She wanted to be on her own, basically following her own schedule. When corrected, F.O. would shake her head, point her finger, and stick her tongue out. The school regularly delivered breakfast and lunch to the class. On September 11, 2019, F.O. ate breakfast around 10:00 a.m. After breakfast, F.O. and the other students had a short lesson and went to PE. After they returned to class, they had another short lesson. Afterwards, Ms. Bauduy gave the class another short break. Around 11:30 a.m., the lunch cart's arrival signaled the beginning of lunch to the class. The lunch service procedure began with placing meals on tables for students who could feed themselves. Then Ms. Bauduy and the paraprofessionals assisted students who needed help eating. F.O.'s lunch was placed in front of her. It was time for F.O. to pick up her toys and eat. She refused. Ms. Bauduy tried prompting F.O. several ways. Ms. Bauduy's efforts to persuade F.O. to put her toys up included gestures, pantomiming the desired actions, and modeling the actions by picking up some toys herself. This did not work. Ms. Bauduy took F.O. out of the classroom to see if a change in environment would help. Ms. Bauduy then took F.O. to the behavior specialist's classroom down the hall. But it was not staffed. They returned to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. There Ms. Bauduy tried to get F.O. to comply with simple directions like "put it down." F.O. would not respond. Also, F.O. continued to refuse to pick up her toys and eat lunch. Ms. Bauduy concluded that F.O.'s refusal to eat lunch was a defiance issue. Ms. Bauduy learned a behavior management strategy called "First – Then" in her applied behavior classes at the University of Central Florida. Ms. Bauduy kept a graphic depicting this strategy posted in her classroom. Other teachers and paraprofessionals in the school also used this strategy. It was a system where the "Then" was something the child wanted or wanted to do and the "First" was a task the child was resisting. After F.O. continued to play with toys and ignore her lunch. Ms. Bauduy decided to use the "First—Then" strategy by withholding F.O.'s lunch until she picked up her toys. She asked a paraprofessional, Ms. Lewis, to remove the food. Ms. Lewis refused. Ms. Bauduy then placed the lunch on a shelf so that other students would not eat it or play with it. Around 2:00 p.m., snack time, F.O. had put up her toys. Ms. Bauduy gave her the lunch. Ms. Bauduy's log for the day, sent home with each student each day, advised F.O.'s parents that F.O. would not listen or follow directions most of the day and that "lunch was delayed till she showed more compliance." Withholding lunch was not a proper use of the "First – Then" strategy. Meals are a regular part of the day and necessary for nutrition, although in this case the student repeatedly declined food. Withholding a meal, as opposed to withholding a treat, is not proper. Also, since F.O. was not interested in eating lunch, making lunch the "Then" was not a well-reasoned use of the strategy. Ms. Bauduy, however, did not withhold lunch as a punishment. But withholding lunch was not a reasonable behavior management strategy. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days for this instance.

Conclusions For Petitioner: Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 For Respondent: Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding that Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violated section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes, by violating Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A- 10.081(2)(a)1., and imposing a reprimand upon Respondent, Yolie Bauduy. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of November, 2021, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 www.doah.state.fl.us COPIES FURNISHED: Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of November, 2021. Lisa M. Forbess, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Turlington Building 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 316 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761 Randy Kosec, Jr., Chief Office of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 Anastasios Kamoutsas, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Apr. 17, 2000 Number: 00-001625 Latest Update: May 06, 2002

The Issue Whether Petitioner has cause to terminate Respondent's continuing contract of employment as a classroom teacher.

Findings Of Fact The School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida (School Board), is charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise the public schools within Palm Beach County. Section 4(b), Article IX, Florida Constitution. Petitioner has been authorized to act on behalf of the School Board in this proceeding. The respective duties and responsibilities of the School Board and the Superintendent are set forth in Chapter 230, Florida Statutes. Respondent has been employed by the School Board as a classroom English teacher pursuant to a continuing contract since 1965. At all times pertinent to this proceeding Respondent taught high school English at BRCHS. On October 25, 1999, the then-serving Superintendent of Schools reassigned Respondent to an administrative position in the Division of Personnel Services, effective October 26, 1999. Respondent has not taught in the Palm Beach School District since his reassignment. The Classroom Teachers Association (CTA) is a union that represents members of the Palm Beach County School District’s instructional staff. Respondent has been a member of the CTA at all times pertinent to this proceeding. Section 231.29(1), Florida Statutes, requires each school district to establish procedures for assessing the performance of duties and responsibilities of certain employees, including classroom teachers with continuing contracts. The Florida Department of Education (DOE) must approve each school district's personnel assessment system. The School Board has adopted a personnel assessment system, described below, that has been approved by DOE. As required by Florida law, School District administrators evaluate the work performance of teachers at least once a year. The Classroom Teachers Assessment System (CTAS), the assessment system used by the Palm Beach County School District, requires that prior to any evaluation, a qualified administrator observe the teacher’s classroom performance for a minimum of twenty minutes, recording any noted strengths and identifying weaknesses that should be remediated. An observation may be recorded in a narrative form or in a summative form. Following the observation, the administrator completes the evaluation form, which requires that the teacher be rated in 16 skill areas. The rating for each skill area is a score of two for an acceptable area or a one for an area of concern (an area of deficiency). At the beginning of every school year, teachers receive a Teacher Evaluation Handbook (Handbook) that describes the evaluation form, criteria, and rating scale that Petitioner uses to evaluate the job performance of employees with continuing contracts or professional services contracts. The evaluation form lists a total of 16 skill areas under the following headings: "Instructional Process," "Professional Proficiencies," and "Professional Responsibilities" as follows: INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS Management of Student Conduct Instructional Organization and Development Presentation of Subject Matter Communication: Verbal and Nonverbal PROFESSIONAL PROFICIENCIES Establishes an Appropriate Classroom Climate Demonstrates Knowledge of Subject Matter Demonstrates Ability to Plan Effectively Demonstrates Ability to Evaluate Instructional Needs Demonstrates Effective Written Communication Skills Develops and Maintains an Accurate Record Keeping System PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Demonstrates a Commitment to Growth Demonstrates Self Control Demonstrates Effective Working Relationship with Coworkers Demonstrates Effective Working Relationship with Parents Adheres to and Enforces School Policies Performs Duties as Assigned by the School Administration The Handbook provides criteria that explain each one of these categories on the evaluation form. Teachers who receive an unsatisfactory performance evaluation are placed on a 30-day school-site assistance plan. If the teacher’s performance has not sufficiently improved by the end of the 30 days, the teacher is thereafter placed on a 90-day district-level assistance plan. Prior to the end of the 90-day period, the teacher’s performance in the classroom is evaluated again. If that teaching performance is still rated unsatisfactory, the teacher can be recommended for dismissal. This process applies to both Professional Service Contract (PSC) teachers and Continuing Contract (CC) teachers. The CTAS has been incorporated by reference into the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the School District and the CTA. 1/ Article II, Section M of the CBA is titled Discipline of Employees (Progressive Discipline) and provides, in pertinent part, as follows: Without the consent of the employee and the Association, disciplinary action may not be taken against an employee except for just cause, and this must be substantiated by clear and convincing evidence which supports the recommended disciplinary action. * * * 7. Except in cases which clearly constitute a real and immediate danger to the District or the actions/inactions of the employee constitute such clearly flagrant and purposeful violations of reasonable school board rules and regulations, progressive discipline shall be administered as follows: Verbal Reprimand With A Written Notation. . . . Written Reprimand. . . . Suspension Without Pay. . . . Dismissal. . . . Diane Harris became the principal of BRCHS in August 1997, taking over for Norman Shearin. Prior to her appointment, Ms. Harris served as an administrator in the Area Office and was assigned to the instructional support team. Pursuant to her duties under the CTAS, Ms. Harris observed one of Respondent’s classes on October 23, 1997. She observed what she considered to be several areas of deficient performance. Ms. Harris subsequently met with Respondent to address these concerns and make suggestions on how he could improve his teaching performance. Respondent was not receptive to her comments. Respondent’s final evaluation for the 1997-98 school year was rated satisfactory overall. Ms. Harris testified, credibly, that she rated all the teachers that year as being satisfactory because she wanted to observe all teachers during her first year as principal so she could formulate a plan for the following year. The concerns noted during her October observation of the Respondent were never made a part of his final evaluation for 1997-98. Ms. Harris rated Respondent's performance as being satisfactory despite the fact that she was aware that Respondent’s review for the prior year (under Dr. Shearin) had been unsatisfactory. Every year, the BRCHS English Department takes students on a field trip to the Caldwell Theater to view a theatrical production. On November 4, 1998, Respondent’s first period English class was scheduled to go on that field trip. That morning, however, several of his students appeared at the school’s front office and complained to Ms. Harris that Respondent would not allow the entire class to go on the field trip because some students had thrown “spit wads” during class. Rather than punish the students who were responsible, Respondent inappropriately punished the whole class. Because half of the English Department was going on the field trip that day and half the next day (November 5, 1998), Ms. Harris arranged for Respondent’s students to go on the field trip on November 5, 1998. She was unable to meet with Respondent on November 4, 1998 because, when she went to look for him to inquire about his actions, he had already left on the bus with other students to go to the theater. When Ms. Harris was finally able to speak to Respondent either that day or the following day, Respondent accused her of preempting his absolute authority over his class. On November 6, 1998, Ms. Harris issued a memorandum to Respondent outlining her concerns about the field trip incident. In that memorandum, Ms. Harris also noted that she was concerned about the frequent number of disciplinary referrals for assistance from the deans Respondent would make on a daily basis. As a result of those concerns, Ms. Harris provided Respondent with a handout from the CTAS listing the performance criteria for Management of Student Conduct, which included implementing a discipline plan. Ms. Harris specifically directed Respondent to prepare such a written discipline plan and provide it to her by November 9, 1998. On November 17, 1998, Respondent provided to Ms. Harris a copy of a one-page typed document outlining eight rules of conduct which he handed out at the beginning of each school year to his students. On the copy provided to Ms. Harris, the Respondent noted that he also followed the student/teacher handbook. Attached to the document was a copy of a page from an outdated student/teacher handbook. On several occasions Ms. Harris informed Respondent that his discipline plan was inadequate. Thereafter, Ms. Harris consulted with Ms. Stafford, an assistant principal of BRCHS, and obtained a number of documents from the School District’s Professional Standards Office to aid Respondent in properly preparing a discipline plan. By memorandum dated December 18, 1998, Ms. Harris directed Respondent to provide her with a discipline plan by January 8, 1999. When a student is removed from a classroom as the result of misbehavior, he or she is sent to a supervised study area called the opportunity room. On November 24, 1998, Ms. Harris met with Respondent regarding the large volume of referrals he was issuing, which resulted in the students being referred to the opportunity room. At mid-year, Respondent had issued approximately 70 to 75 such referrals. By the end of the school year, Respondent had issued 146 such referrals. In addition to the number of referrals, Ms. Harris received complaints from parents that two particular students were being regularly referred to the opportunity room, that these two students received failing grades, that they were not given progress reports, and that their work was misplaced. Ms. Harris also received a complaint from a student that Respondent had sent the student to the opportunity room without giving the student a way to make up class work. Respondent requested another meeting and offered to justify the referrals he had made, but the meeting was never held. 2/ On December 4, 1998, Ms. Harris made an informal observation of Respondent’s first period class. Ms. Harris observed that the classroom setting was chaotic, students ignored Respondent, and there was no flow or continuity of instruction. All teachers are required to turn in weekly lesson plans reflecting objectives, materials, assessment tools, and activities. In January 1999, Respondent turned in lesson plans for the second term of English 10 and 11. His plans for English 11 were merely a duplicate of his plans for English 10. Subsequently, Ms. Harris repeatedly instructed Respondent to turn in appropriate lesson plans for English 11. Despite those clear instructions from Ms. Harris, Respondent did not turn in appropriate lesson plans for English 11. Ms. Harris decided to give Respondent a mid-year evaluation. The evidence presented by Petitioner established that Ms. Harris was justified in determining that a mid-year evaluation was appropriate. 3/ Ms. Harris assigned Dr. Robert Murley, an assistant principal at BRCHS, to perform a summative observation of Respondent on February 2, 1999. On the day Dr. Murley observed Respondent, Respondent was approximately five minutes late to class. At one point during the observation, Dr. Murley observed that more than half the class was not engaged in learning. The students were either talking or sleeping, or staring off into space, or looking out the window. Dr. Murley further observed Respondent talking above the class rather than getting them to pay attention. Dr. Murley observed the class for over an hour in the hope that things would get better, but they did not. During the 75 minutes that Dr. Murley observed Respondent’s class, he noted 42 times where the students were engaged in misconduct, with Respondent failing to address the misconduct in 12 instances. Respondent’s lessons failed to include meaningful learning and motivational techniques. Overall, Dr. Murley felt that there was very little learning going on and that Respondent was having a lot of difficulty keeping the class aware of what he was trying to teach them and trying to keep them engaged. On February 5, 1999, Dr. Murley met and reviewed his observations with Respondent. Respondent listened to some of the suggestions but not all of them. Respondent did not contest any of Dr. Murley’s observations on the summative form at that time. Subsequently, Dr. Murley attended a meeting with Respondent, his union representative, Ms. Harris, and Ms. Stafford. At that subsequent conference, Respondent resisted all suggestions and criticized Dr. Murley’s observations. As a result of Dr. Murley’s observation and Ms. Harris’ other concerns, Ms. Harris gave Respondent an unsatisfactory rating on the mid-year evaluation. On February 22, 1999, Ms. Harris met with Respondent and gave him the evaluation; Respondent signed the evaluation under protest. Respondent accused Ms. Harris and Ms. Stafford of “obsessive misanthropy.” This can only be construed as an attack on their professionalism and an accusation that they were biased against male professionals. On March 3, 1999, another conference was held, at which time Respondent presented his written rebuttal 4/ disputing each of Ms. Harris’ concerns from the February 22nd meeting. Respondent was not receptive to any suggestions, and the meeting itself was adversarial. By memorandum dated March 8, 1999, Ms. Harris notified Respondent that he was being placed on a 30-day school-site assistance plan, and that failure to improve his performance could result in further action. A copy of the written assistance plan was provided to Respondent at that time. Respondent was also provided with copies of letters and reports from students in Respondent’s classes regarding the climate in the classroom and Respondent’s evaluation of students. On March 10, 1999, Ms. Harris met with Respondent, together with Dr. Jeanne Burdsall, Director of Professional Standards, and Diane Curcio-Greaves, a specialist from the Professional Standards Department, regarding the school-site assistance plan. Dr. Burdsall and Ms. Curcio-Greaves developed a checklist for the 30-day plan. As part of the plan, Respondent was to observe another teacher’s class, turn in a discipline plan by March 22, 1999, and work with a Peer Assistance and Review (“PAR”) Consulting Teacher. Respondent and his union representative consented to his referral for PAR assistance. Follow-up meetings to review progress under the plan were scheduled for approximately every ten days. On or about March 15, 1999, Respondent provided a written response to Ms. Harris, contesting the charges against him. On March 17, 1999, Ms. Curcio-Greaves arranged for Respondent to observe a class at Atlantic High School. During that observation, Ms. Curcio-Greaves pointed out to Respondent certain teaching behaviors that she considered effective. Two areas were focused upon: management of student conduct and instructional organization and development. Respondent could have benefited from observing that class, but he resisted the efforts of Ms. Curcio-Greaves to help him improve his performance. On March 16, 1999, as part of the on-site school assistance plan, Virginia McGrath, a member of the Area Office’s Instructional Support Team and a certified CTAS evaluator, observed one of Respondent’s classes for approximately one hour and noted several areas for improvement. Specifically, she observed that Respondent did not review the assignment with the class, and that the students did not seem to understand the material being covered. Further, Respondent would not answer the questions of students who were unclear about the materials and/or the assignment and allowed too much down time. Ms. McGrath did not observe any actual teaching by Respondent during this observation. On March 18, 1999, Ms. Harris conducted a school-wide training session regarding the new CTAS evaluation system, which had been negotiated by the School District and the CTA and approved by DOE. Respondent attended the training. On March 19, 1999, pursuant to the terms of the on- site school assistance program, Ms. Harris again met with Ms. Curcio-Greaves and Respondent to review his progress under the on-site plan. During the meeting, Respondent complained that he should not be involved in the observation process, and he was not receptive to Ms. Curcio-Greaves’ observations. Instead, Respondent was critical of the teachers he observed and opined that Atlantic High School was a bad school overall. Pursuant to Respondent’s request at that meeting, Ms. Harris scheduled a follow-up meeting for March 23, 1999, to further discuss Respondent’s evaluation. On April 9, 1999, a follow-up meeting was held to review Respondent’s progress under the school assistance program. By this time, Respondent had still not provided the required classroom management plan; rather, he had only turned in a copy of the rule book. At the meeting, Respondent was informed of a professional standards workshop on presentation of subject matter and planning, to take place on April 27, 1999. As part of the school assistance plan, Respondent attended that workshop. Also pursuant to the school assistance plan, the PAR panel granted, on April 15, 1999, Respondent’s request for inclusion in the program, and assigned a PAR Consulting Teacher. On April 15, 1999, Dr. Burdsall attended an evaluation meeting with Respondent, Ms. Harris, and Mr. Matulaitis. During the meeting, Respondent stated that the principal was unprofessional, and commented that one particular student and that student’s father were “not too bright.” Respondent also stated (referring to Dr. Burdsall and Ms. Harris) that, “The ladies are unable to handle this, you live in a fluffy world,” and responded to a question by Dr. Burdsall with “no, my love, no.” Respondent was insulting to Ms. Harris and Dr. Burdsall and resisted the remedial assistance being provided to him. On April 16, 1999, pursuant to the CTA CBA, Ms. Harris notified Respondent that she would be observing his class during the week of April 19-23, 1999. Subsequently, Ms. Harris conducted the observation of Respondent’s classroom on April 22, 1999, and prepared a narrative report of her observations. Based upon her observations, Ms. Harris concluded that Respondent still did not have adequate control of his classroom environment and was exhibiting the same deficiencies as she had noted in the February 1999 evaluation. By memorandum dated April 26, 1999, Ms. Harris informed Respondent of her observations and, on April 30, 1999, personally met with him to discuss the matter further. Respondent did not agree with the assessment. Ms. Harris provided to Respondent a follow-up memorandum on May 5, 1999. By memorandum dated April 23, 1999, Mr. Matulaitis requested that the completion date for the school-site assistance plan be extended, as some items had not yet been completed. Upon review of the matter, Ms. Harris noted that most items had been completed without any noticeable improvement by Respondent. Specifically, Ms. Harris had still not received the discipline plan she had requested back in November, nor had Respondent provided to her revised lesson plans. Further, none of the observations of his classes showed any change in strategies in the classroom. In addition, Respondent became more adversarial and abusive at each follow-up meeting and consistently resisted suggestions. Ms. Harris denied Mr. Matulaitis’ request to extend the completion date for the school-site assistance plan. Dr. Mary Gray, a professor at Florida Atlantic University, is an expert in teacher evaluation who works with the school district as a consultant in teacher evaluation cases. Dr. Gray met Respondent on April 27, 1999, when he attended a workshop she conducted on planning for instruction and presentation of subject matter (including classroom management and questioning techniques) as part of his remediation program. Dr. Gray testified that Respondent appeared resistant to participating in the workshop. On May 4, 1999, Ms. Harris notified Respondent that she would provide transportation for him to go to another school and observe another teacher’s classroom as part of his remediation plan. Ms. Harris further informed Respondent that she would provide a substitute teacher for his classes that day. On that same date, Respondent signed the notification under protest and asked for the trip to be rescheduled. On May 5th and 6th, however, Respondent was absent from work. On May 6, 1999, Ms. Harris notified Respondent that his May 5, 1999, meeting to observe an ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) teacher had been rescheduled for May 10, 1999, due to Respondent’s absence on May 5th. This was one of the last open items remaining on Respondent’s school-site assistance plan. By letter dated May 6, 1999, Ms. Harris requested then Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Joan P. Kowal, to place Respondent on a 90-day performance probation, because Respondent had completed the school-site assistance plan without making any improvement in the noted areas of deficiency. On May 11, 1999, Respondent received his year-end CTAS evaluation. The evaluation noted the same deficiencies as had been noted on the February evaluation. The evaluation rated Respondent as unsatisfactory overall, and noted that a 90-day district-level assistance plan would be implemented. By letter dated May 12, 1999, Superintendent Kowal formally advised Respondent that he had been placed on 90-day performance probation and that he would receive a Professional Development Plan (the district plan) to support remediation of the deficiencies. Also on May 13, 1999, Ms. Harris provided to Respondent copies of letters from students and one parent regarding the climate in Respondent’s classroom and Respondent’s failure to appropriately evaluate student needs. Ms. Harris testified that the student concerns were addressed in the form of a petition, and that she had never received such a document for any other teacher at BRCHS. Ms. Harris referred Respondent to specific sections in the school-site assistance plan for suggestions on improvement strategies in the noted areas of concern. On that same day, Ms. Harris also requested that Superintendent Kowal revise the district plan to delete the seventh area of concern (working relationships with parents) as a result of the disposition of a grievance Respondent had filed about his evaluation. Ms. Harris had been told by her supervisor that it would be more beneficial for Respondent to concentrate on the other six areas, which more directly affected Respondent’s instructional activities. Respondent’s May 1999 evaluation was also changed accordingly. On May 14, 1999, the ESOL teacher assigned to meet with Respondent pursuant to the school-site assistance plan reported to Ms. Harris that Respondent had been resistant to the ESOL teacher’s suggestions as to the use of ESOL strategies. At a meeting on May 19, 1999, Respondent was officially placed on a 90-day district plan and notified of his right to a deficiency hearing -- which he requested. At that meeting, a checklist for the district plan was developed. Everyone agreed to the plan and agreed that it complied with the CTA CBA. Neither Respondent nor the CTA objected to the fact that Respondent had been placed on the 30-day and 90-day programs. The deficiency hearing to review the 90-day district plan was conducted with Cheryl Alligood serving as the hearing officer. The hearing was held before Ms. Alligood, the principal, the union representative, and the teacher. The purpose of a deficiency hearing is for the union representative to come with the teacher and the principal to review what concerns there may have been and whether sufficient assistance is being provided to the teacher by the district plan. Respondent, who was represented by counsel at the deficiency hearing, asserted that his performance was not deficient and that Ms. Harris was “out to get him.” Subsequently, Ms. Alligood found sufficient reason to continue Respondent on the district plan. Respondent received notice of that determination on July 6, 1999. Pursuant to Respondent’s agreement, Dr. Burdsall arranged for Respondent to observe a Dwyer Award recipient or nominee. A Dwyer Award is given for excellence in teaching. Respondent did not keep his appointment that had been set up by Dr. Burdsall. The observation was rescheduled, but again, the Respondent did not show up. Respondent also failed to attend a workshop set up by the PAR teachers specifically for the purpose of helping him remediate his particular teaching deficiencies. Dr. Burdsall offered Respondent the opportunity to attend a different workshop. Again, he did not attend. During the 1998- 99 school year, several remedial workshops were recommended to Respondent to assist in his professional development that he did not take advantage of. On May 27, 1999 (about a week before the end of the school year), Dr. Gray observed Respondent’s teaching performance in the classroom, at which time she noted he was deficient in several areas. The most critical deficiency Dr. Gray noted was that Respondent was not performing at the minimal teaching level. Based on her observations, Dr. Gray did not consider Respondent to be a competent teacher. Following the observation, Dr. Gray met with Respondent to review the results of her observation and to offer constructive criticism. Respondent was defensive and clearly resented being involved in the observation/remediation process. Respondent angrily voiced that resentment to Dr. Gray. Respondent subsequently provided Ms. Harris with a written response to Dr. Gray’s observations, disagreeing with each one. Respondent’s district plan extended through the summer. Dr. Burdsall met with Respondent following the summer break and determined that Respondent had not done anything over the summer to try to help his remediation process. At the August 13, 1999, meeting, Dr. Burdsall, Ms. Harris, and Mr. Matulaitis agreed it would be beneficial for Respondent to attend a couple of workshops on management of student conduct and instructional strategies. In addition, it was decided that the PAR teacher would continue for the 1999-2000 school year. Dr. Burdsall testified that the meeting was unlike any other assistance review meetings she has had because of the adversarial, abusive attitudes of Respondent and his union representative. Dr. Burdsall was under the impression that Respondent was never going to remediate. On August 26, 1999, pursuant to the 90-day district plan, Tcherina Duncombe, a specialist in the Professional Standards Office, conducted an hour-long observation of Respondent’s classroom and prepared a narrative report of her observations. Ms. Duncombe determined that Respondent needed improvement in the same areas that had been of concern during the prior school year, including management of student conduct, instructional organization and development, and establishing an appropriate classroom climate. Ms. Duncombe observed that Respondent’s instruction that day was not organized and was ineffectual, and that his directions were unclear. Further, Respondent failed to discipline some students for talking in class and making inappropriate comments, but then would discipline others in an inappropriate manner. Ms. Duncombe subsequently discussed her findings and suggested improvement strategies with Respondent, but he did not appear to be receptive. During the one-hour review session Ms. Duncombe had with Respondent, Respondent spent most of the time making negative comments about the district plan and Ms. Harris. Based upon the information contained in the narrative, Ms. Harris determined that Respondent had not made any improvement in his classroom teaching performance. On September 9, 1999, Respondent provided a written response to Ms. Duncombe’s observations, taking issue with each point made by Ms. Duncombe. On September 18, 1999, Respondent was notified via certified mail that a second observation would take place during the week of September 21, 1999, by Ms. McGrath, as part of the district plan. At the same time, Respondent was informed that a previously scheduled meeting had been reset to September 21, 1999. Ms. McGrath conducted her second observation of Respondent on September 22, 1999. Again, Ms. McGrath did not observe any actual teaching, and Respondent again failed to review materials with the students and clarify any confusing assignments. Ms. McGrath also observed students talking in class (including the utterance of a couple obscenities) and passing notes. In addition, Respondent was inconsistent with requests for bathroom leaves. Further, Respondent had not implemented any of Ms. McGrath’s recommendations from the previous observation (there was no defined lesson and Respondent was not meeting the needs of all his students). After the second observation, Ms. McGrath was concerned about Respondent’s competency as a teacher. Based upon the information contained in Ms. McGrath’s summary of her observation, Ms. Harris determined that Respondent still had not made any improvement in his classroom teaching performance. Dr. Burdsall was present during a September 21, 1999, district plan meeting wherein the evaluations of Ms. Duncombe and Dr. Gray were reviewed. Respondent insulted Dr. Burdsall again. Dr. Burdsall testified that she had never had a teacher become abusive when she was trying to provide assistance. Rather than walk out of the meeting, Dr. Burdsall continued to try and provide assistance to Respondent. Despite Respondent’s attitude, Dr. Burdsall continued to make efforts to assist Respondent and get him to see other teachers. On October 4, 1999, Ms. Harris received a letter from a student concerning Respondent’s teaching methods. Ms. Harris testified that the complaints in the letter were consistent with the same pattern of deficiencies exhibited by Respondent on other occasions. Ms. Harris provided copies of the letter to Respondent and, on October 7, 1999, scheduled a brief meeting with him to discuss the letter. The meeting was held on October 8, 1999. At the meeting, Respondent was also given a copy of an observation summary conducted by Dr. Penny Beers, the curriculum specialist for the School Board's language arts program, discussed infra. Further, Ms. Harris notified Respondent that she would be observing his classroom the week of October 11, 1999. On October 5, 1999, Respondent, through his counsel, filed a Petition for Writ of Prohibition in the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida. In that action, Respondent sought the issuance of a writ of prohibition directing the School Board to cease the 90-day district-level remediation program and restraining the School Board from treating Respondent as a PSC teacher. Respondent argued that, as a CC teacher under Section 231.36, Florida Statutes, he could only be dismissed for immorality, misconduct in office, incompetency, gross insubordination, willful neglect of duty, drunkenness, or conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude. Respondent further argued that the 90-day district plan could not be applied to CC teachers. By order dated November 1, 1999, following oral argument on the issue, the Circuit Court denied Respondent’s Petition. On October 6, 1999, Dr. Beers conducted an observation of Respondent’s classroom as part of the district plan. Although Dr. Beers made several commendations in her observation summary, she made even more recommendations for improvement. Based upon her one-hour observation, Dr. Beers felt that Respondent had not demonstrated his competence as a teacher because she saw very little instructional time used during that one-hour period. Specifically, Respondent engaged the students in actual instruction for only ten minutes of the one-hour period. She also noted that Respondent was inconsistent in his meting out of discipline and was not very aware of what the students were doing (which was referred to as lacking “with-it- ness”). Dr. Beers wrote up a summary of her observation in narrative form, and included commendations as well as recommendations for improvement. From those recommendations, Ms. Harris determined that Respondent had still not made any progress toward remediating his teaching deficiencies. Ms. Harris observed Respondent’s class on October 12, 1999, and prepared a narrative summary. Respondent’s classroom performance at that time was consistent with previous observations. Ms. Harris did not note any improvement. On October 15, 1999, Ms. Harris prepared an evaluation for Respondent, rating his performance as being unsatisfactory. The unsatisfactory evaluation was based on Respondent’s failure to remediate any of the previously noted six areas of concern and his lack of effort in that regard. Ms. Harris also notified Superintendent Kowal that, although Respondent was provided 90 days of assistance, his performance deficiencies had not been corrected to a sufficient degree to warrant a satisfactory evaluation. Dr. Kowal in turn notified Respondent that she would recommend to the School Board Respondent’s dismissal effective 15 days from the November 4, 1999, School Board meeting. At the end of the 1996-97 school year, Respondent erroneously recorded that all but one student in a class had failed the final examination. The incorrect grades appeared on the final report cards for the 1996-97 school year. On September 17, 1997, a pre-disciplinary hearing was held to determine whether further action should be taken. At that pre- disciplinary hearing, it was established that the failing grades were the result of Respondent's record-keeping errors and that no further action would be taken against him after Respondent changed the erroneous grades. Respondent repeatedly failed to maintain adequate records of grades, made errors in reporting grades, and misplaced students' work. Count II alleged that Respondent refused to submit the end-of-year checklist prior to summer break for the 1998/99 school year. The evidence failed to establish that allegation. Count II also alleged that Respondent falsified a disciplinary referral by indicating on the referral record that he had spoken to the student's parent when, in fact, he had not done so. Respondent admitted that he had not spoken directly with the parent, but he testified, credibly, that he had left a message on the parent's answering machine and did not intend to mislead anyone by the referral record. Count II alleged that Respondent meted out inappropriate, unwarranted, and unequal punishment to students, and that he used grades and denial of make-up work opportunities as methods of punishment. Respondent meted out inappropriate, unwarranted, and unequal punishment to students. Petitioner did not establish that Respondent used grades and denial of make-up work opportunities as methods of punishment. As alleged in Count III, Petitioner established that Respondent was guilty of insubordination by his continuing failure to provide Ms. Harris with lesson plans and with a discipline plan. In explaining to the arbitrator who heard one of his grievances, Respondent testified that he did not do a discipline because he did not do "diddly" tasks. The remaining allegations of insubordination or willful neglect of duty set forth in Count III were not established by Petitioner. Petitioner established that each observation of Respondent's performance at issue in this proceeding was pursuant to and consistent with its established evaluation process. Each person who formally observed Respondent's classroom performance was appropriately trained and objectively reported their observations, which were factually based. Petitioner further established that each performance evaluation at issue in this proceeding was pursuant to and consistent with its established evaluation process. The various findings of unsatisfactory performance were justified by documented observations as required by the evaluation process. The 90-day district plan provided Respondent with appropriate assistance to help him correct his teaching deficiencies. Petitioner clearly established that Respondent repeatedly resisted efforts to help him. Respondent failed to remediate his deficiencies. This failure should be attributed more to a negative attitude than a lack of ability. At the March 29, 2000, School Board meeting, the Superintendent of Schools submitted a written recommendation that Respondent be dismissed from his CC teaching position with the School District at the end of the 1999-2000 school year, effective May 31, 2000. Respondent and his attorney were given an opportunity to be heard regarding the Superintendent’s recommendation. The School Board voted in favor of the Superintendent's recommendation.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a final order that adopts the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained herein. It is further RECOMMENDED that the final order terminate Respondent’s continuing contract of employment effective at the end of the 1999-2000 school year. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of May, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of May, 2001.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Nov. 02, 1995 Number: 95-005328 Latest Update: Mar. 10, 1997

The Issue Issues for consideration in this case include whether there exists an adequate factual basis for Petitioner Duval County School Board (the Board) to terminate Respondent's employment as a principal and teacher for those violations of the Duval County Teacher Tenure Act, Chapter 21197, Laws of Florida, 1941, as amended (the Act), which are alleged by the Board's Notice of Dismissal; and whether there exists an adequate factual basis for the Education Practices Commission (EPC) to revoke or suspend Respondent's teaching certificate or otherwise discipline Respondent for violations set forth in the Amended Administrative Complaint.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Educator's Certificate number 263958, covering the areas of physical education and school principal (all levels). The certificate is valid through June 30, 2001. Respondent is a certified teacher who, on the basis of his long-term employment by the Board, has tenure as a result of the length of his service in a satisfactory capacity. Respondent was employed as the Principal at Sandalwood High School by the Board from 1988 through the spring semester of 1994. Commencing in the summer of 1994 and continuing through October 20, 1995, Respondent was employed by the Board as Principal at Forrest High School. Respondent has been removed from his position as Principal of Forrest High School, but continues as a salaried employee of the Board pending resolution of the charges which form the basis for this proceeding. During Respondent's tenure as Principal at Forrest High School, he supervised teachers Julie T. Lee, Kimberly L. Smith, Pamela W. Bean, and Karen E. Jones. Julie T. Lee, Teacher During the 1994-1995 school year, Lee was both the Student Activities Director and the Cheerleading Coach for Forrest High School. In addition, she taught two classes on the subject of ecology. As Student Activities Director, she had an office centrally located, apart from the classroom she used. In November of 1994, Respondent called Lee into his office. He shut and locked the door. He asked Lee to sit down in a chair that Lee noted had been turned and was out of place. She sat down. Respondent then went behind her and proceeded to rub her shoulders. Lee was uncomfortable and did not welcome or encourage Respondent's actions. On February 6, 1995, Respondent again called Lee into his office and shut and locked the door. After a conversation with Lee, Respondent approached Lee and said he need a hug. He proceeded to hug Lee without her consent. In May of 1995, while Lee was using the telephone in the Principal's office for a long distance call, Respondent returned unexpectedly, shut and locked the door, and sat down in a chair behind Lee. He proceeded to grab Lee about her hips and pull her down to sit in his lap. He told her if she would take care of him, she could have anything she wanted at the school. Lee got up, said she would take care of student activities and left. About a week later, Respondent encountered Lee outside her office and asked her if she had thought about his offer. Lee acted as if she didn't know what Respondent was talking about. Later, before the end of the school year, Respondent informed Lee that he was moving her office. The new location for Lee's job as Student Activities Director was a weight room near the school gym. The room was bright red, smelled of sweat, and was located in an out of the way place for purposes of student activities. Lee commenced using the new location prior to the end of the school year for a period of approximately four weeks. At the end of the four week period, Respondent came to Lee's office and told her that she had one hour in which to move. The new office was a former special education classroom at the other extreme end of the building, away from a central location, flooded with water and dirty. A few days thereafter, Respondent also told Lee that she would have to teach three out-of-field social studies classes in addition to the Cheerleading Coach and Student Activities Director jobs. Lee felt she could not do all three jobs under any circumstances. Further, she felt that teaching a majority of out- of-field classes would subject her to being surplussed the following year unless she became certified in those areas in the interim. Lee did not accept the justification that the additional class assignment was purely the result of budgetary constraints and felt that she was being subjected to retaliation for not meeting Respondent's sexual overtures. She talked with Mark Scott, a music teacher, about the matter on September 18, 1995. Scott had heard about difficulties that another teacher was having with Respondent. Scott revealed his discussion with the other teacher, Kimberly Smith, to Lee. Lee subsequently contacted Smith. Kimberly Smith, Teacher Sometime near the middle of the 1994-1995 school year, Respondent walked up behind Smith in the school library and massaged her shoulders. Smith did not welcome or invite Respondent's conduct. On or about June 14, 1995, Respondent asked Smith into his office and locked the door. After a conversation relating to her resignation as basketball coach, Respondent asked Smith for a hug. As Smith attempted to pull back from the hug, Respondent pulled Smith against his body and with his face on her neck told her that she smelled good. Respondent then told Smith to get out of there before he forgot who he was. The next school year, on September 18, 1995, Respondent approached Smith in the hallway near the library and after some conversation grabbed her arm, pulled her to him and requested that Smith come to his office and give him "some tender loving care." If she complied, Respondent promised to "see what I can do for you." Smith told Jon Nerf, an English teacher at Forrest High School, about the September 18, 1995 incident shortly after it occurred. Nerf's testimony establishes that Smith was emotionally upset by Respondent's action. Pamela W. Bean, Teacher In April of 1995, Respondent asked Pamela W. Bean, a teacher, to come into his office when she asked to talk with him. He closed the door. After she was seated and talking, Respondent told Bean that she "looked stressed." He stepped behind her and began to rub her shoulders. When Bean got up, Respondent told her that he "needed a hug." Bean, nonplussed by the unsolicited and unwelcome advance of Respondent, complied with a brief hug and left. The next day, a similar incident with Bean occurred in Respondent's office. Again, Respondent's back rub and hug overtures were unsolicited by Bean who complied again with Respondent's request for a hug. Karen Jones, Teacher In the spring of 1995, Karen E. Jones, another teacher, asked to speak with Respondent. He asked her into his office and closed the door. Respondent then told Jones "I need a hug" and proceeded to hug her. After hugging Jones, Respondent told her that "we need to do that more often." In the first half of September of 1995, Respondent asked Jones to come into a room near his office called "Trawick's Trough." After entering the room, he again asked for a hug and hugged Jones. Jones did not solicit or welcome the hug. Jones later confided prior to initiation of any formal charges against Respondent in her long-term friend, Susan Ingraham, who is a school board employee, regarding Respondent's overtures. Julie A. Gray, Teacher Julie A. Gray was a first year teacher of Spanish and the yearbook sponsor at Sandalwood High School during the 1991-1992 school year when Respondent was her supervisor and the Principal at that school. Respondent approached Gray in the hallway during the early part of that school term. Respondent told Grey that he liked to get hugs from his faculty members. Gray patted him lightly on the shoulders. Respondent then said,"oh, I didn't mean here. I meant in my office." Later in the school term, Gray went to report to Respondent that all the yearbooks had been sold. Gray found Respondent near the bookkeeper's office and started talking to him. He leaned over and tried to kiss her on the mouth. When she backed away, Respondent tried to hug Gray. She was embarrassed by the incident and informed Peggy Clark, a professional support staffer for new teachers, that Respondent had made remarks of a sexual nature to Gray. Gray's roommate was also informed by Gray regarding Respondent's attempt to kiss Gray. The Teachers As a result of Lee's conversation with Mark Scott, Lee subsequently compared experiences with Smith. Bean, assigned by Respondent to sit in the student activity office during one of Lee's social studies classes also had a discussion with Lee. The three, Lee, Smith and Bean, decided to lodge complaints with the school administration and did so in early October of 1995. Lee felt she had not choice if she did not want to lose her job. Smith would have reported Respondent's behavior toward her earlier, but felt that she was alone and could not succeed. Bean, likewise, had felt she was alone and would not be believed over the word of a principal. Jones learned about the other teachers and their grievances a couple of weeks following Respondent's last advance toward her and decided to join the others in making a complaint. Gray had considered bringing sexual harassment charges against Respondent in the spring of 1992, but felt it would simply be her word against Respondent. She decided to come forward with her allegations in response to requests by the Board's representative who had learned of Respondent's behavior in 1992 toward Gray. Based on their candor and demeanor while testifying, as well as the consistency of their testimony with earlier statements made by them to persons with whom they spoke following various incidents, the testimony of all five teachers, Lee, Smith, Bean, Jones, and Gray, is fully credited and establishes that Respondent's conduct toward them was intimidating and adversely affected their abilities and enthusiasm for teaching in such situations. Stefani Powell, Contract Manager Stefani Powell was a district supervisor for ARAMARK, the operator of the Board's food service in the school system during the 1994-95 school year. In her capacity, Powell managed 14 school cafeterias, including the one at Forrest High School. Respondent, as the Principal at Forrest, was a client of ARAMARK's, oversaw what happened in the cafeteria, and approved certain aspects of the cafeteria's functioning. In meetings with Powell in his office, Respondent began closing and later locking the doors, commencing in October of 1994. He initiated hugs with Powell at the end of these meetings. On approximately eight to 10 occasions, the last in January or February of 1995, Respondent hugged Powell. Initially, the hugs were light, but progressed and grew stronger with Respondent eventually placing his hand on Powell's back and pushing inward. On the last occasion, Respondent kissed Powell on the cheek. None of these attentions by Respondent was solicited by Powell and were unwelcome. Since Respondent's advances made Powell uncomfortable, she eventually confided in her supervisor who advised that Powell always take someone with her or ensure the presence of a third person at conferences with Respondent. Powell followed this practice with regard to future meetings with Respondent. After reading in the newspaper of the allegations of the teachers at Forrest High School, Powell told her mother, a school board employee, of her experiences with Respondent. As a result, Powell was put in touch with the Board's investigator and her complaint against Respondent followed. Due to her candor and demeanor at the final hearing, as well as consistency of her testimony with statements made by her to others, Powell's testimony is totally credited. Dishonesty In The Course Of Employment Carol Abrahams was a clerk one at Forrest High School during the 1994-1995 school year. She shared a social relationship with Respondent and his wife. In April of 1995, Respondent made Abrahams the Principal's secretary. Abrahams was a clerk one. A clerk three is the customary rating and higher paying position normally assigned duties as a Principal's secretary. Respondent sought to augment Abrahams' pay since she was paid less than a Principal's secretary would normally receive. Respondent directed the use of Community School funds to pay Abrahams for work after the normal school day hours. Commencing with the beginning of the 1995-1996 school year, Abrahams was paid $9.50 per hour for the hours of 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. each day that Community School functioned, Monday-Thursday, through September of 1995. Abrahams did not work during all the hours for which she claimed payment for the period of August 23, 1995 through September 28, 1995. Specifically, Abrahams went to an aerobics class conducted at Forrest High School from 3:30 until 4:30 p.m. almost every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week during August and September, 1995. On three payroll hour certifications signed by Respondent, payment was made to Abrahams for a total of 16 hours during 16 days that were not actually worked at the times claimed. Respondent knew that Abrahams was attending the aerobics classes, but it was assumed by he and others that Abrahams would make up the missed hours. Abrahams testimony that she did school work at home, on weekends and at other times in an amount of hours sufficient to more than make up for the hours claimed on the subject pay roll certifications, while creditable, is not corroborated by any record of such "comp" time and cannot serve to extinguish the commission by Respondent of the technical violation of approval of those time sheets for subsequent payment when he knew those records were not accurate. Conduct And Effectiveness Respondent's misconduct, as established by the testimony of Lee, Smith, Bean, Gray, Jones and Powell, constitutes personal conduct reducing Respondent's effectiveness as an employee of the Board.

Recommendation Pursuant to provisions of disciplinary guidelines contained within Rule 6B-11.007, Florida Administrative Code, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by EPC revoking Respondent's teaching certificate for a period of two years, with recertification at the conclusion of that time conditioned upon Respondent's acceptance of a three year probationary period upon terms and conditions to be established by the EPC, and it isFURTHER RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Board dismissing and discharging Respondent from his position of employment with the Board.DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of December, 1996, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of December, 1996. COPIES FURNISHED: Ernst D. Mueller, Esquire Office of the General Counsel City of Jacksonville 600 City Hall 220 East Bay Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 J. David Holder, Esquire 14 South 9th Street DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32433 William J. Sheppard, Esquire Sheppard and White, P.A. 215 Washington Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Karen Barr Wilde, Executive Director 301 Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Kathleen M. Richards, Administrator Professional Practices Services 352 Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Michael H. Olenick, Esquire Department of Education The Capitol, Plaza Level 08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Larry Zenke, Superintendent Duval County School Board 1701 Prudential Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32207-8154

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0066B-11.0076B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida Mar. 01, 2019 Number: 19-001070TTS Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida May 01, 1995 Number: 95-002073 Latest Update: Jun. 19, 1997

The Issue Whether the Respondent should be terminated from her employment with Petitioner as a result of her teaching performance.

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Margaret Irvin (Irvin) has been employed as a classroom teacher with the Palm Beach County School District (School District) since the 1965-66 school year, with a break in service between 1967 through 1978 and again from 1979 through 1982. Irvin received a continuing contract for the 1985-1986 school year and has remained on continuing contract with the School District through the 1994-1995 school year. Irvin is employed pursuant to a Professional Service Contract from which she may be discharged only in accordance with the terms of Sections 231.36, 231.28 and 231.29, Florida Statutes. From 1982 through June 1993, Irvin taught pre-kindergarten at Belle Glade Elementary School (Belle Glade) and received satisfactory evaluations. The use of certified classroom teachers in the School District's pre- kindergarten program was discontinued at the end of the 1992-1993 school year. Irvin is certified by the State of Florida to teach all early childhood grade levels, which would include pre-kindergarten through sixth grade. For the 1993-1994 school year Irvin was assigned to teach a first grade class of fifteen students at Belle Glade. During the 1993-1994 school year, Lynn McGee (McGee) was the principal at Belle Glade. As part of her duties, McGee was responsible for evaluating Irvin's work performance. A Classroom Teacher's Assessment Evaluation Form is used in evaluating a teacher's performance in the classroom. This form is used for mid-year evaluations and for annual evaluations. Specific areas are marked on the form as being either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. If a teacher receives unsatisfactory in fewer than five areas, the teacher is given an overall rating of satisfactory. If a teacher receives unsatisfactory in more than four areas, the teacher is deemed to have an overall unsatisfactory rating. In December 1993, McGee presented Irvin with a mid-year evaluation of her performance as a classroom teacher. The overall evaluation was unsatisfactory and identified the following areas in which Irvin needed to improve her teaching performance: Management of Student Conduct. Instructional Organization and Development. Presentation of Subject Matter. Establishes an Appropriate Classroom Climate. Demonstrates Ability to Plan Effectively. Develops and Maintains an Accurate Record Keeping System. In the area of Management of Student Conduct, the teacher is evaluated on whether she keeps the students under control at all times. This area also covers teacher "withitness", which means the ability to know what the students are doing at all times. During her observations for the mid-year evaluation, McGee saw students talking and walking around and not being on task. Irvin had a chart on the wall for a behavior plan but she was not implementing the plan in the classroom. Irvin demonstrated a lack of "withitness." The area of Instructional Organization and Development covers lesson delivery, whether a teacher uses a variety of techniques, whether she teaches a complete lesson, and the actual presentation of the lesson itself. During McGee's observations, Irvin relied heavily on the use of dittos and did not use a variety of teaching techniques. Although all first grade teachers were using the same dittos, Irvin could have refrained from using one ditto sheet after another and varied the activities. Irvin did not follow the steps which are used to teach a lesson: orientation to the students, beginning review, teaching the concept, and an ending review or closure. Irvin asked questions which called for a unison response, which is usually not appropriate. A unison response does not allow the teacher to determine if all the students are giving the correct response to the question. Irvin did not ask a lot of "higher order questions", which are questions requiring the student to analyze and apply the information given. The area of Presentation of Subject Matter is specifically directed to the question of whether the teacher teaches concepts. A concept is taught by giving a definition and providing examples and nonexamples. McGee did not observe Irvin teaching any concepts. The area of Establishes An Appropriate Classroom Climate looks at the environment of the classroom, including the physical environment and whether the classroom is warm, caring and conducive to learning. When McGee observed the classroom, it did not have an environment which was conducive to learning. The room was not "print rich", which means that the classroom did not have a lot of written materials on the wall, labels on objects, and pictures on the walls. McGee's opinion was that the classroom did not present a warm and caring environment. The area of Demonstrates Ability to Plan Effectively is directed to the teacher's ability to put a plan together and whether the teacher is executing the plan when observed. Irvin did not have written lesson plans. The area of Develops and Maintains an Accurate Record Keeping System deals with properly recording the students' grades. During the first nine weeks of school, Irvin failed to maintain a grade book. In an effort to assist Irvin to improve, McGee sent Irvin to a workshop, provided demonstration lessons, and told Irvin to observe some of the other first grade classrooms. Additionally, Irvin was provided with sample lesson plans and was told to attend the weekly meetings of the first grade teachers where they did their lesson plans. Irvin sometimes did not go to the meetings or was late. Irvin was also provided with a sample grade book. Irvin disgreed with the content of the December 1994 evaluation. In March 1994, Irvin received from McGee an annual evaluation of her performance as a classroom teacher rating her overall performance as unsatisfactory and identifying the following areas which needed improvement: Management of Student Conduct Instructional Organization and Development Presentation of Subject Matter Establishes Appropriate Classroom Climate Demonstrates Ability to Plan Effectively In the area of Management of Student Conduct, Irvin still had students who were not on task. There was down time in the class because of student misbehavior and failure to follow instructions, resulting in very little teaching time. In the area of Instructional Organization and Development, Irvin continued to rely heavily on dittos and did not vary her teaching techniques. The activities were disjointed rather than flowing and interrelated. Irvin did not teach a complete lesson which included the necessary elements for a lesson. In the area of Presentation of Subject Matter, Irvin again failed to teach concepts. In the area of Establishes an Appropriate Classroom Climate, McGee observed that Irvin did not smile or express enthusiasm. Her classroom did not provide a happy environment which was conducive to learning. Irvin was still not preparing lesson plans. McGee observed that for the week of February 7-11, 1994, there was almost no planning. By the time of the annual evaluation, Irvin had begun to keep a grade book. She was evaluated satisfactory in the area of Develops and Maintains an Accurate Record Keeping System. Irvin disagreed with the content of the March 1994 Evaluation. After the 1993-1994 annual evaluation, McGee notified the superintendent of schools that Irvin's annual evaluation was unsatisfactory. The superintendent sent a letter to Irvin advising her that she would have the following school year to remediate her teaching deficiencies. On May 4, 1994, Dr. Christina Diaz, a board certified neurologist, diagnosed Irvin as having Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Irving advised McGee a few days later that she had been diagnosed with ADD. On June 9, 1994, Irvin was placed on a Professional Development Plan (PDP) by the administration of Belle Glade to aid Irvin in remediating each area of concern contained in the March 1994 evaluation. The PDP also contained materials regarding deficiencies in the area of Develops and Maintains Accurate Record Keeping System, which was not included on the March 1994 evaluation as an area of concern. The PDP provided that a team of educators, including someone employed outside the School District, observe Irvin's performance and provide her with feedback and improvement strategies. The PDP also provided for Irvin to attend workshops, to review teacher effectiveness manuals, and to observe the performance of other teachers. Irvin was assigned as a kindergarten teacher in the 1994-1995 school year. The principal at Belle Glade for the 1994-1995 school year was Glenda Garrett (Garrett). Like McGee, Garrett's duties included evaluating Irvin. In September, 1994, Irvin attended an assistance review meeting, where she received the list of observers and the approximate dates that they would be observing her classroom performance. Through out the implementation of the PDP, Irvin was kept advised of the times when she would be observed. On September 29, 1994, Melvis Pender (Pender), an Area IV Instructional Support Team member in math and science, observed Irvin. The students were noisy. Irvin asked questions that called for unison responses, which made it difficult for the teacher to detect students who were giving incorrect responses. The discipline plan that Irvin was using was not effective and emphasized the bad behavior. Mr. Pender made recommendations on ways to improve in the areas that needed improving and provided them to Irvin. On September 30, 1994, Juanita Malone, assistant principal at Belle Glade, observed Irvin. The students were very noisy and Irvin kept turning the lights on and off to get their attention. Irvin was teaching the children about patterns during the observation. She started using links of four different colors to illustrate the lesson, but when she saw that a four color pattern was too difficult for the children to understand she switched to a simpler two color pattern. The students had not used the links before and many of the students spent time during the lesson playing with the links. Ms. Malone shared her observation with Irvin. On October 21, 1994, Irvin was observed by Jeanne Burdsall ("Burdsall"), the Manager of Professional Standards for the Palm Beach County School System. During the observation, Irvin did not teach a lesson. She did not have any lesson plans. Irvin did not smile or show any enthusiasm during the observation. She did not teach any concepts. Irvin lost valuable teaching time while she was looking for a misplaced "birthday box." She gave birthday cake to the children just prior to lunch. Again she lost teaching time while she had each child individually take his placemat to the sink, resulting in the children becoming disruptive while they were waiting for all the children to clean up. Burdsall put her observations and suggestions for remediation in writing and gave it to Irvin. On October 26, 1994, Irvin met with Burdsall, Garrett, and Clarence Gunn, her union representative to review the progress of the PDP. During the meeting, Irvin advised everyone that she had ADD and was taking medication for the condition. Burdsall said that she would provide Irvin with a copy of the American's with Disability Act (ADA) policy and request for information. Burdsall stated that she would see if someone from the School District could locate a local neurologist who could treat Irvin. At the October 26 meeting, Irvin stated that she plans by putting ideas and themes down as she goes along. Sometimes she writes them down before the activity and sometimes it is afterward. Garrett gave Irvin a set of model lesson plans. Irvin was instructed to prepare two days of lesson plans which could be used by a substitute teacher if necessary. It was agreed that Irvin would be allowed to shadow another kindergarten teacher. In the fall of 1994, Irvin attended workshops on intergrated curriculum, language arts and math manipulatives. On October 27, 1994, Mary Gray (Gray), a professor of Education Leadership at Florida Atlantic University, observed Irvin. Gray noted that the students were too noisy and could not hear directions that were being given by the teacher. Irvin did not have any lesson plans. Irvin asked the children multiple questions which resulted in confusion. Irvin told the class about a student's father who had been shot. Other children began to talk about unhappy incidents in their lives such as a brother who had gotten stuck in the eye with a knife. Gray felt that such discussion was inappropriate for kindergarten students. Gray shared her observation comments and suggestions on ways to improve with Irvin. On November 17, 1994, another meeting was held to review the progress of the PDP. Irvin was given the ADA policy with the medical request for information and was told to take it to the neurologist of her choice as soon as possible. Irvin had failed to turn in the two days of lesson plans as requested in the October meeting. She was again instructed to prepare the plans. Irvin was going to be released for two days to shadow a kindergarten teacher, who would demonstrate the whole language approach to teaching. Irvin asked for the materials that were handed out in a October 28 workshop and Ms. Burdsall agreed to provide her with those materials. On November 18, 1994, Gale Fulford (Fulford), who was the Area IV support team member for language arts, observed Irvin's classroom performance. Irvin did not have any lesson plans. Fulford did not see a lot of teacher created materials in the classroom, and the classroom lacked a print rich environment. Irvin's questions to the students did not include enough "high order" questions. The class was too noisy. On December 2, 1994, Dorothy Kelsey (Kelsey), a specialist in Pre- K/early intervention observed Irvin. Ms. Kelsey noted inappropriate activities being offered to the students such as dittos, rote memorization in the math lesson with no hands on activity, and reading and showing a small book in a group setting so that some of the children were unable to see the book. The classroom lacked well organized learning centers and did not have a print rich environment. On December 9, 1994, Garrett observed Irvin teach a concept. Irvin continued to ask for unison responses and posed multiple questions. Based on the codes on the evaluation form used by Garrett, Irvin's teaching performance was not satisfactory during the observation. On December 9, 1994, Irvin received a midyear evaluation of her performance as a classroom teacher identifying the following areas which needed to be improved and rating her overall performance as unsatisfactory: Management of Student Control Instructional Organization and Development Presentation of Subject Matter Demonstrates Ability to Plan Effectively Demonstrates Ability to Evaluate Instruc- tional Needs Irvin was still unable to manage the students' conduct. She failed to make lesson plans, resulting in her not being prepared to teach lessons. She was not following the kindergarten checklist, which is a list of objectives that the students should be able to meet at the end of the school year. Based on testing, it was determined that a large number of the students in Irvin's class were not working on the level that they should have been. It appeared to Garrett that some of the students in Irvin's class were "falling through the crack" and would not meet the objectives on the kindergarten checklist. Irvin had made improvement in the area of classroom climate. However, for this evaluation Irvin was rated unsatisfactory in the area of Demonstrates Ability to Evaluate Instructional Needs because she was not able to incorporate the kindergarten checklist in her lesson planning. The area of Demonstrates Ability to Evaluate Instructional Needs deals with the ability to tailor the instruction to meet the needs of the students. Thus, Irvin ended up with five areas of concern for her mid-year evaluation. Garrett recommended that Irvin remain on the PDP. Irvin disagreed with the December 1994 evaluation. Irvin was placed on her second PDP in January, 1995 for the purpose of providing her assistance in correcting the deficiencies listed on mid-year evaluation. The dates listed for the timeline for the PDP were from January through March, 1995. Irvin was observed during the time frames set forth in the second PDP. The School District received a letter dated January 12, 1995, from Dr. Diaz, informing the School District that Irvin had ADD and was successfully taking medication. The doctor stated: This disability will continue and is chronic. Disabilities will be noted in terms of ability to concentrate, organize and respond to change. Working in a quiet environment undistracted is helpful. Functioning in the school district with an aide is helpful as well as understanding the disorder in terms of response to changes in curriculum or responsibilities. On January 20, 1995, Pender observed Irvin. The students were divided into three groups. One of the groups was working at a table with manipulatives, was very noisy and was not directly supervised. Irvin asked her daughter who was helping her that day to sit with the noisy group. The group continued to be noisy and distracting to the other students. It was chaotic when the groups switched from one station to another. There was no connection of skills or concepts among the three stations during the class period. Irvin was reading the students Mother Goose Rhymes, which was appropriate for that grade level, but the noise level was so high that very little learning was going on. In comparing his first observation with his second observation, Pender opined that Irvin's ability to manage the classroom had not improved but was worse. On February 1, 1995, an assistance review meeting was held. The letter from Dr. Diaz had been given to Louis Haddad, the School District's Coordinator of Employee Relations and Services. Irvin was told that Mr. Haddad needed to have a list of the specific accommodations that were being requested. Irvin indicated that she was going to another doctor to get the list. Irvin had rearranged her room and modified her lesson plans. She had been working with Fulford. Irvin was scheduled to attend three workshops: Management of Student Conduct, Presentation of Subject Matter/Planning, and an inservice session on whole language. Irvin advised the members of the meeting that she was pleased with the assistance and the progress being made. On February 10, 1995, Gray observed Irvin in the classroom. Irvin spent ten minutes taking up money for various activities and collecting valentines. There was a show and tell with all the students. Irvin went to the calendar and indicated that the day was Friday. Nine students were taken to a table to work with the aide. The remaining nineteen students were talking and rolling on the floor. Instead of supervising the noisy children, Irvin helped the aide set up the work station for the nine students. The class became so noisy at one point that when Irvin was asked by the aide how many cards each child was to have, Irvin replied, "Sorry, I can't hear you." Irvin put eleven children at a table by themselves to draw a picture about weather, while Irvin began to teach the eight remaining children. During the 30 minute observation period, no teaching occurred for the first 26 minutes. During the observation, from 7 to 19 students were off task at various times. On February 14, 1995, Garrett observed Irvin's classroom. She went to the classroom early in the morning but the class was having a valentine party. She returned around 10:00 a.m. and observed Irvin and the students singing songs. Irvin did use her behavior management plan during the observation. The determination of whether a particular teacher should be recommended for termination based on incompetency is the responsibility of the principal of the school at which the teacher works. At the end of the day on February 14, 1995, Garrett met with Irvin and advised Irvin that she was going to recommend that Irvin not be reappointed. By letter dated February 14, 1995, Garrett advised the superintendent of schools that Irvin had not corrected her performance deficiencies and recommended that Irvin not be reappointed for the 1996 school year. The letter was sent according to a School District requirement that principals send notice regarding teacher termination to the superintendent sometime during February. During the 1994-1995 school year, the School District established February 14 as the date by which the School District needed to receive notice regarding teachers possibly not being reappointed for the next school year. The other observers on the PDP team agreed with Garrett's assessment that Irvin was not competent. On February 20, 1995, Irvin made an office visit to see Dr. Helen Baker (Baker), a licensed mental health counselor. Diaz had referred Irvin to Baker for counseling. Irvin requested assistance from Baker in coming up with specific accommodations relating to her ADD which she could request from the School District. On March 1, 1995, Burdsall observed Irvin. Burdsall noted that the classroom environment had improved. Irvin had some lesson plans but was not following the format that Gray had given her. Irvin did not completely follow her lesson plan during the observation period. Irvin was still not using all the elements that are necessary in teaching a lesson and was not teaching concepts by giving definitions, examples and nonexamples. Burdsall suggested that Irvin interact more with the students by asking comprehensive questions, both high and low order. On March 2, 1995, Irvin received an annual evaluation rating her classroom performance unsatisfactory and identifying the following areas which needed improvement: Management of Student Conduct Instructional Organization and Development Presentation of Subject Matter Demonstrates Ability to Plan Effectively Demonstrates Ability to Evaluate Instruc- tional Needs In developing the evaluation, Garrett factored in her formal and informal observations of Irvin as well as the observations of the members of the Professional Development Plan's assistance team. Irvin disagreed with the content of the March 2, 1995, evaluation. By letter dated March 10, 1995, the superintendent of schools notified Irvin that she had failed to correct the deficiencies noted by the principal and that her current classroom performance was unsatisfactory. Irvin was informed that her employment would end on June 16, 1995, and that she would not be reappointed for the 1996 school year. On March 19, 1995, Garrett received a letter from Helen Baker of Cape Counseling Services of Southwest Florida. After having seen Irvin two times Baker suggested the following accommodations for Irvin: Allow for changes to occur at a slower pace and when change is indicated be precise as to what is needed in the new situation. Have a clear workable curriculum. Have only one or two persons involved in giving guidance to Irvin and preferably a person with experience with the dynamics of ADD. Do not send conflicting messages in assisting Irvin. Place carpets or other materials to soften the sound in the classroom. Do not allow public announcements through electronic devices to interrupt during class. Leave Irvin messages in her mailbox for her to focus on when she has time to orient to them. Present written material on student behavior to Irvin one item at a time in a different manner. Allow Irvin timeout from her classroom so that she can extract herself from the over stimulation of the classroom. Provide Irvin with a full time aide who is aware of ADD behavior. The School District had made accommodations to Irvin prior to the letter from Dr. Baker. Irvin was allotted more aide time than any other kindergarten teacher. Usually different teacher assistants came to the teachers at different times of the week. Irvin requested that she keep the same teacher assistant. Garrett accommodated Irvin by allowing her to have the same assistant for the rest of the day and for the rest of the week. Belle Glade had a kindergarten extension room where kindergarten teachers are allowed to take their students twice a week, allowing the children to work with hands-on skills and activities. Two different groups would come into the extension room two different times of the day. Irvin felt that was too much movement for her and requested that she be allowed to go to the extension room only once with the same students at the same time. Garrett made the accommodation for Irvin. Irvin indicated that the format of the lesson plans for the extension schedule was difficult to follow and suggested that she be allowed to color code her lesson plans. Garrett allowed the accommodation. Irvin was provided the Florida Performance Measurement System otherwise known as the blue book. The purpose of the book is to provide assistance for effective teaching. Additionally, in September, 1994, Garrett provided Irvin with mini packets which broke the material down to a smaller scale so that Irvin would not have to try to digest the blue book at one time. A month later, Garrett supplied Irvin with additional reference materials. Irvin was provided training in formats other than written material. She attended workshops and observed other kindergarten teachers. In the area of lesson planning, Irvin met with the kindergarten chairperson one-on-one for assistance with the lesson plans. Garret also met with Irvin and the kindergarten chairperson to provide assistance to Irvin on the lesson planning. Irvin was provided with copies of lesson plans that Garrett deemed to be sufficient. Irvin had been provided with the kindergarten checklist. Based on the checklist Irvin should have been able to determine what things that the kindergarten students should be taught during the school year. Thus, Irvin was provided with a clear workable curriculum. There were seven kindergarten teachers at Belle Glade during the 1994- 1995 school year. The kindergarten supplies for the 1994-1995 had been ordered based on number of kindergarten teachers the previous year, six. Thus, the supplies which were ordered for six teachers had to be divided among seven teachers. Irvin did not receive a math kit which Pender had suggested using until almost the end of the 1994-1995 school year.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered terminating Margaret Irvin's employment with the Palm Beach School District. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of April, 1996, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of April, 1996. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 95-2073 To comply with the requirements of Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes (1995), the following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. Paragraphs 1-4: Accepted. Paragraphs 5-16: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 17: Accepted. Paragraphs 18-23: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 24: Accepted. Paragraphs 25-26: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 27: Accepted. Paragraph 28: Accepted in substance. 9 Paragraphs 29-30: Rejected as subordinate to the facts found. Paragraph 31: Accepted. Paragraph 32: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 33: Rejected as subordinate to the facts found. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact. Paragraphs 1-18: Accepted. Paragraphs 19-29: Accepted in substance. Paragraphs 30-36: Accepted. Paragraphs 37-39: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 40: The first two sentences are accepted. The last sentence is rejected to the extent that it implies that the timeline was not followed. Irvin was observed during the times set forth in the PDP with the exception of the evaluation by Kelsey which took place on March 9. Paragraph 41: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 42: The first two sentences are accepted in substance. The last sentence is accepted to the extent that the workshop dealt with planning but rejected to the extent that it implies that if Irvin had had the workshop earlier it would have helped her. When Burdsall observed Irvin on March 1, 1995, Irvin was not using the lesson planning format that Gray had recommended. Paragraph 43: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 44: Rejected as irrelevant. Paragraph 45: The first sentence is accepted. The second sentence is subordinate to the facts found because Irvin was given the kindergarten checklist and she knew that she was to incorporate those objectives in her lessons. Paragraph 46: Rejected as subordinate to the facts found. Irvin had not remediated her deficiencies by March 10. Paragraph 47: The first sentence is rejected as irrelevant. Irvin had taught kindergarten in summer school. (TR 622) The last sentence is rejected as not supported by the record as it deals with the use of the term "colored." The gist of Garrett's testimony was that she considered not only her observations in recommending termination but all the information from the observers and the assistance that had been provided to Irvin. Paragraphs 48-49: Accepted in substance. Paragraphs 50-51: Accepted in substance to the extent that Irvin had made some improvement during the 1994-1995 school year but rejected to the extent that it implies that she had remediated her deficiencies. Paragraph 52: Accepted in substance that the material was appropriate but rejected to the extent that it implies that Pender thought Irvin's performance was satisfactory. Paragraphs 53: Accepted in substance that singing songs is an appropriate activity for kindergarten children, but not necessarily that the activities that the students were engaged in constituted the teaching of a lesson. The last sentence is accepted. Paragraph 54: Rejected as not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. Paragraph 55: The first sentence is accepted. The second sentence is rejected as not supported by the record. Irvin presented a concept but whether she was teaching it could not be determined because of the unison responses and the failure of the students to line up appropriately in making the parade pattern. The third sentence is accepted in substance as to presenting a concept but rejected to the extent that it could be determined that the students actually learned a concept. The last sentence is accepted. Paragraph 56: The first sentence is accepted in substance. The first half of the second sentence is accepted to the extent that Irvin went from having no lesson plans to having some lesson plans that were acceptable some of the time. The last sentence is rejected as not supported by the record. According to Burdsall's last observation, Irvin was not following the format set up by Gray. Paragraph 57: Accepted. Paragraph 58: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 59: The first sentence is accepted to the extent that Irvin received the same amount of supplies as did the other kindergarten teachers and that she was impacted to the same extent as the other teachers but rejected to the extent that it implies the shortage of supplies caused Irvin to be incompetent. The remainder is accepted in substance. Paragraph 60: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 61: The first two sentences are rejected as not supported by the greater weight of the evidence. The last sentence is rejected to the extent that although the advice appeared to be conflicting, it was not because the problem was that Irvin could not control her classroom behavior with the techniques that had been suggested. It was not that the techniques were all inappropriate but that Irvin just could not seem to implement them. Paragraph 62: Rejected as not supported by the record. The observers were focusing on having Irvin make lesson plans, follow the lesson plans, and teach concepts. Irvin had been doing none of these things. Paragraph 63: Rejected as subordinate to the facts found. Apparently it was normal to have a housekeeping center in the classroom and Irvin had asked Fulford if it was okay to remove it. Kelsey did not see a housekeeping center which is normally a part of the classroom and commented on it. Irvin could have very easily explained to Kelsey that she had permission to remove the housekeeping center but Irvin chose not to tell Kelsey. Paragraph 64: Accepted that classroom climate was dropped but rejected that that was the only area in which Burdsall gave specific things to do. Paragraphs 65-67: Accepted to the extent that Irvin, like the other kindergarten teachers, was given a draft language arts curriculum which would be used in the upcoming year. Rejected to the extent that it implies Irvin was not given a clear idea of what the curriculum should be for the kindergarten because she was given the kindergarten checklist which spelled out what the children should learn in kindergarten. Paragraph 68: Accepted in substance but not incorporated in the findings of fact. However, this does not mean that Burdsall was against praising good behavior as well. Paragraph 69: The first two and the last sentences are accepted in substance but not incorporated. The third sentence is accepted in substance but not incorporated. However, it should be noted that Kelsey also concluded that a formal behavior management system would not be necessary if there was proper planning and organizing. Paragraphs 70-71: Accepted in substance but not incorporated. Paragraph 72: Accepted in substance to the extent that the management system that Irvin was using did not accentuate the positive behavior because there were only two categories, a happy face and a sad face. By adding a neutral category, Irvin could reward the student by moving his name to the happy category from the neutral category. Paragraph 73: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 74: The first sentence is accepted to the extent that in Malone's testimony she was emphasizing that Irvin had a management behavior system posted on the wall but she was not using it and was turning the lights on and off, which was not working, as a method of controlling the behavior of the children. The second sentence is accepted in substance but not incorporated. Paragraphs 75-76: Accepted in substance but not incorporated. The context of the statements is that Irvin was not in control of her classroom which resulted in the students being very noisy and off-task. Paragraph 77: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 78: Rejected as unnecessary. Paragraph 79: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 80: The first sentence is accepted in substance. The remainder is rejected as not supported by the evidence. The assistance provided to Irvin included accommodations which were requested by Irvin prior to the notification of her termination. Paragraph 81: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 82: The first and second sentences are accepted in substance. The third sentence is rejected as subordinate to the facts found because even with the accommodations that Irvin had requested and those listed by Diaz, Irvin was not able to satisfactorily perform her job. The fourth sentence is rejected as subordinate to the facts found. Paragraphs 83-84: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 85: Rejected as unnecessary. Paragraph 86: Accepted in substance that Irvin had ADD and that her behavior was symptomatic of ADD. Paragraph 87: The first sentence is accepted to the extent that Diaz believed it but rejected to the extent that the evidence demonstrated that with accommodations such as an aide Irvin still could not perform satisfactorily. The second and third sentences are rejected as subordinate to the facts found. Paragraphs 88-89: Accepted in substance. Paragraphs 90-91: Rejected that there was not a clear workable curriculum in place. Although SADI, was being phased out and whole language was being phased in, there did exist a kindergarten checklist which essentially provided what skills had to be taught during the kindergarten year. Paragraph 92: Accepted. Paragraph 93: The first sentence is accepted. The second sentence is rejected to the extent that it implies that the School District did not accommodate Irvin in this area. Paragraph 94: Accepted. Paragraphs 95-96: Rejected to the extent that the information was in conflict. It was apparent that to a great extent Irvin was unable to use the behavior management system effectively whether she was emphasizing the negative or the positive. Paragraph 97: Rejected as subordinate to the facts found. The point to be learned from the observations was that Irvin did not have control of her classroom or her aide. Irvin should not have had to go to help the aide but the control of the classroom was the ultimate responsibility of Irvin so the misconduct had to be stopped at some point whether it was by Irvin or by the aide. Paragraphs 98-116: Rejected as subordinate to the facts found that accommodations were made for Irvin. Paragraph 117: Accepted. Paragraph 118: Rejected as subordinate to the facts found. COPIES FURNISHED: Darren K. Edwards, Esquire Palm Beach County School Board 3318 Forest Hill, Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-5813 Thomas L. Johnson, Esquire 202 West Cardy Street Tampa, Florida 33606 Frank T. Brogan Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Dr. Bernard Shulman, Superintendent Palm Beach County School Board 3340 Forest Hill Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-5869

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jun. 08, 2009 Number: 09-003047PL Latest Update: Jul. 21, 2011

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent committed the offenses set forth in the Amended Administrative Complaint and, if so, what action should be taken.

Findings Of Fact Ms. Maynard has a Bachelor of Science degree in Education (K-6) and a Master of Arts degree in Teaching (Special Education). Her prior teaching experience includes teaching in the United States, Korea, and Japan. Ms. Maynard began her employment with the School Board as a substitute teacher. She was a substitute teacher for approximately six years. In the Summer of 2004, Ms. Maynard was hired to teach at the Pompano Beach Elementary School (Pompano Beach Elementary). However, Pompano Beach Elementary had over-hired, and she was surplused-out to Cypress Elementary School (Cypress Elementary). For the 2004-2005 school year, Ms. Maynard began at Cypress Elementary as a kindergarten teacher. For the 2005-2006 school year, Ms. Maynard was reassigned as an elementary teacher at Cypress Elementary. The parties agree that the relevant time period in the instant case is the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 school years. No dispute exists that, at all times material hereto, Ms. Maynard was an instructional employee, a third grade teacher, with the School Board at Cypress Elementary. On April 7, 2006, Ms. Maynard received a written reprimand from Cypress Elementary's Assistant Principal, Barbara Castiglione (now, Barbara Castiglione-Rothman). The basis for the disciplinary action was Ms. Maynard's failure, twice, to comply with a directive from Ms. Castiglione--Ms. Maynard was requested to report to an academic meeting with Ms. Castiglione. Among other things, Ms. Maynard was advised that her failure to perform to the standards established for the effective and productive performance of her job duties would result in further disciplinary action up to and including a recommendation for termination of employment. A copy of the written reprimand was provided to Ms. Maynard. Ms. Maynard contended that she was not refusing to attend the meetings but wanted to meet with Ms. Castiglione when a witness of her own choosing could attend. Ms. Maynard wanted a witness to be present at the meetings because she viewed the meetings as disciplinary meetings even though Ms. Castiglione indicated that the meetings were not disciplinary meetings. Additionally, on April 7, 2006, Ms. Maynard made a written request for a transfer from Cypress Elementary. The type of transfer requested by Ms. Maynard was "Regular."2 Cypress Elementary's principal, Louise Portman, signed the request. The principal's signature, as well as the requester's signature, was required. No transfer occurred. PMPs During the 2006-2007 School Year Through School Board policy, implementing a Legislative mandate, all teachers at Cypress Elementary were required to develop an individualized progress monitoring plan (PMP) for each student, who was deficient in reading, in consultation with the student's parent(s). Data for the PMP were collected through reading assessments at the beginning of the school year to establish a student's reading level. The appropriate reading program for the student would be decided upon using the data. Also, who was going to teach the reading program would be decided. The PMP, among other things, identified the student's reading deficiency and set forth the plan to remediate the deficiency and enhance the student's achievement in reading, which included the proposed supplemental instruction services that would be provided to the student. PMPs were generated usually two to three weeks after the beginning of the school year. A copy of the PMP was provided to the student's parent(s). The PMP was referred to as a "living, fluid document." It was not unusual for PMPs to reflect interventions not being used at the time, i.e., it was permissible for PMPs to reflect interventions that were to be used during the school year. Further, the wording current on a PMP referred to interventions during the current school year, not necessarily at that time. PMPs were modified throughout the school year on an as needed basis depending upon a student's progress. On or about September 29, 2006, Ms. Portman advised Ms. Maynard that Ms. Maynard's PMPs must be deleted because the interventions listed on the PMPs were not on the Struggling Readers Chart and were, therefore, invalid. The Struggling Readers Chart was developed by the Florida Department of Education (DOE) and contained interventions approved by DOE. Cypress Elementary had a Reading Coach, Jennifer Murphins. Ms. Murphins advised Ms. Maynard that, in order to delete the PMPs, a list of the students, who were on the PMPs, was needed so that Ms. Murphins could provide the names to the person in the school district who was authorized to delete the PMPs. Further, Ms. Murphins advised Ms. Maynard that, once the PMPs were deleted, Ms. Maynard could input valid interventions for the students. The School Board's Curriculum Administrator, Mark Quintana, Ph.D., was the person who was designated to delete PMPs. It was not unusual for Dr. Quintana to receive a telephone call from a school to delete information from PMPs-- the request must originate from the school. Ms. Maynard resisted the deletion of the PMPs and refused to delete them time and time again. She suggested, instead, not deleting the PMPs, but preparing updated PMPs and sending both to the students' parents. Her belief was that she could not put proposed interventions on the PMPs, but that she was required to only include interventions that were actually being used with the students at the time. Even though Ms. Maynard was advised by Ms. Portman that proposed interventions could be included on PMPs, Ms. Maynard still refused to provide Ms. Murphins with the list of the students. Furthermore, Ms. Maynard insisted that including interventions not yet provided, but to be provided, on the PMPs was contrary to Florida's Meta Consent Agreement. She had not read the Meta Consent Agreement and was unable to provide Ms. Portman with a provision of the Meta Consent Agreement that supported a contradiction. Ms. Portman directed Ms. Murphins to contact Dr. Quintana to delete the PMPs for Ms. Maynard's students. Ms. Murphins did as she was directed. The PMPs were deleted. On or about October 5, 2006, Ms. Maynard notified Ms. Portman by email that a complaint against Ms. Portman was filed by her with DOE regarding, among other things, the changing of the PMPs and the denying to her students equal access to the reading curriculum and trained professionals. On or about October 30, 2006, Ms. Castiglione sent a directive by email to all teachers regarding, among other things, placing PMPs and letters to parents in the students' report card envelopes. Ms. Maynard refused to comply with Ms. Castiglione's directive because, among other things, the students' PMPs for Ms. Maynard had been deleted and to rewrite the PMPs with interventions that were not actually used by the students was considered falsifying legal documents by Ms. Maynard. On or about October 31, 2006, Ms. Portman directed Ms. Maynard to rewrite the PMPs. Ms. Maynard continued to refuse to obey Ms. Portman's directive. Around November 2006, Ms. Maynard lodged "concerns" about Ms. Portman with the School Board's North Area Superintendent, Joanne Harrison, Ed.D., regarding the PMPs and the instruction of English Language Learners (ELL). Dr. Harrison requested Dr. Quintana and Sayra Hughes, Executive Director of Bilingual/Foreign Language/ESOL Education, to investigate the matter. Dr. Quintana investigated and prepared the report on the PMP concerns, which included findings by Dr. Quintana as to Ms. Maynard's concerns. Ms. Hughes investigated and prepared the report on the ELL concerns, which included findings by Ms. Hughes as to Ms. Maynard's concerns. Dr. Harrison provided a copy of both reports to Ms. Maynard. Included in the findings by Dr. Quintana were: (a) that a school's administration requesting the deletion of PMPs was appropriate; (b) that PMPs are intended to document support programming that was to occur during the school year; (c) that including a support program that was not initially implemented, but is currently being implemented, is appropriate; and (d) that the School Board should consider revising the parents' letter as to using the term "current" in that current could be interpreted to mean the present time. Also, included in the findings by Dr. Quintana were: the principal's direction to the teachers, as to the deadline for sending PMPs home by the first quarter report card, was equivalent to the School Board's deadline for sending PMPs home; (b) teacher signatures were not required on PMPs; (c) the principal has discretion as to whether to authorize the sending home of additional PMPs and, with the principal's consent, PMPs can be modified and sent home at any time throughout the school year; and (d) Ms. Maynard completed all of her students' PMPs. Ms. Maynard's concerns regarding ELLS were that Ms. Portman was denying ELLs equal access and had inappropriately adjusted Individual Reading Inventories (IRI) scores of ELLs. Ms. Hughes found that Ms. Maynard only had allegations or claims, but no documentation to substantiate the allegations or claims. As a result, Ms. Hughes concluded that Ms. Portman had committed no violations. As a result of the investigation by Dr. Quintana and Ms. Hughes, Dr. Harrison determined and advised Ms. Maynard, among other things, that no violations had been found in the areas of PMP process, management or implementation and students' equal access rights and that the investigation was officially closed and concluded. Further, Dr. Harrison advised Ms. Maynard that, should additional concerns arise, Ms. Portman, as Principal, was the first line of communication and that, if concerns or issues were not being resolved at the school level, the School Board had a process in place that was accessible. Ms. Maynard admits that she was not satisfied with the determination by Dr. Harrison. Ms. Maynard does not dispute that the deleting of the PMPs were directives from Ms. Portman and that Ms. Portman had the authority to give directives. Ms. Maynard disputes whether the directives were lawful directives and claims that to change the PMPs as directed would be falsifying the reading materials used by her students and, therefore, falsifying PMPs. A finding of fact is made that the directives were reasonable and lawful. Interaction with Students and Parents Ms. Maynard's class consisted of third graders. In addition to reading deficiencies indicated previously, some of her students also had behavioral issues. Ms. Maynard was heard by staff and teachers yelling at her students. For instance, the Media Specialist, Yvonne "Bonnie" Goldstein, heard Ms. Maynard yelling at her (Ms. Maynard's) students. The Media Center was across the hall from Ms. Maynard's classroom and had no doors. On one occasion, Ms. Goldstein was so concerned with the loudness of the yelling, she went to Ms. Maynard's room to determine whether something was wrong; Ms. Maynard assured her that nothing was wrong. Paraprofessionals working in the cafeteria have observed Ms. Maynard yelling at her students. Some teachers reported the yelling to Ms. Portman in writing. The Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Specialist and Administrative Designee, Marjorie DiVeronica, complained to Ms. Portman in writing regarding Ms. Maynard yelling at her students. A Haitian student was in Ms. Maynard's class for approximately two weeks during the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year. The student was not performing well in school. The student's father discussed the student's performance with Ms. Maynard. She indicated to the father that Ms. Portman's directives to teachers, regarding reading services, i.e., PMPs, had negatively impacted his son's performance. Ms. Maynard assisted the father in preparing a complaint with DOE, dated October 12, 2006, against Ms. Portman. Among other things, the complaint contained allegations against Ms. Portman regarding a denial of equal access to trained teachers and the reading curriculum in violation of Florida's Meta Consent Agreement and the Equal Education Opportunity Act. Ms. Portman was not aware that the parent had filed a complaint against her with DOE. Additionally, on October 16, 2006, Ms. Portman held a conference with the Haitian parent. Among other things, Ms. Portman discussed the reading services provided to the parent's child by Cypress Elementary. Ms. Portman provided a summary of the conference to Ms. Maynard. Ms. Maynard responded to Ms. Portman's summary on that same day. In Ms. Maynard's response, she indicated, among other things, that Ms. Portman did not give the Haitian parent accurate information regarding the child. Interaction with Staff (Non-Teachers) A system of awarding points to classes was established for the cafeteria at Cypress Elementary. A five-point system was established in which classes were given a maximum of five points daily. Classes entered in silence and departed in silence. Points were deducted if a class did not act appropriately. An inference is drawn and a finding of fact is made that the five-point system encouraged appropriate conduct by students while they were in the cafeteria. The cafeteria was overseen by Leonor Williamson, who was an ESOL paraprofessional, due to her seniority. The paraprofessionals were responsible for the safety of the students while the students were in the cafeteria. The paraprofessionals implemented the five-point system and came to Ms. Williamson with any problems that they had involving the cafeteria. On or about December 11, 2006, Ms. Maynard's students entered the cafeteria and were unruly. Ms. Williamson instructed the paraprofessional in charge of the section where the students were located to deduct a point from Ms. Maynard's class. Ms. Maynard was upset at Ms. Williamson's action and loudly expressed her displeasure to Ms. Williamson, demanding to know the basis for Ms. Williamson's action. Ms. Maynard would not cease complaining, so Ms. Williamson eventually walked away from Ms. Maynard. Ms. Williamson was required to oversee the safety of the students in the cafeteria and, in order to comply with this responsibility, she had to remove herself from the presence of Ms. Maynard. Ms. Maynard also complained to another teacher, who was attempting to leave the cafeteria with her own students. Additionally, the lunch period for each teacher's class is 30 minutes. On that same day, Ms. Maynard took her class from one section to another section in the cafeteria to serve ice cream to the students. As a result, Ms. Maynard surpassed her lunch period by approximately ten minutes and, at the same time, occupied another class' section. Ms. Williamson viewed Ms. Maynard's conduct as unprofessional during the incident and as abusing the scheduled time for lunch. On or about December 12, 2006, Ms. Williamson notified Ms. Portman about the incidents and requested Ms. Portman to remind Ms. Maynard of the cafeteria workers' responsibility to the students and the lunch period set-aside for each class. The incident on or about December 11, 2006, was not the first time that Ms. Williamson had instructed paraprofessionals to deduct points from Ms. Maynard's class. Each time points were deducted, Ms. Maynard became upset and loudly expressed her displeasure to Ms. Williamson. Ms. Williamson felt intimidated by Ms. Maynard. Also, paraprofessionals had deducted points from Ms. Maynard's class on their own accord without being directed to do so by Ms. Williamson. Whenever the deductions occurred, Ms. Maynard expressed her displeasure with the paraprofessionals' actions and often yelled at them in the presence of students and teachers. Another cafeteria situation occurred in December 2006. A paraprofessional, who was in charge of the section where Ms. Maynard's students ate lunch, observed some of the students not conducting themselves appropriately. The paraprofessional decided to deduct one point from Ms. Maynard's class and to indicate to Ms. Maynard why the point was deducted. Furthermore, the paraprofessional decided that the conduct did not warrant a disciplinary referral. Upon becoming aware of the incident, Ms. Maynard, who did not witness the conduct, wrote disciplinary referrals on the students involved and submitted them to Ms. Castiglione. The policy was that a referral could be written only by the staff person who observed the incident. Ms. Castiglione discussed the incident with the paraprofessional who indicated to Ms. Castiglione that the conduct did not warrant a disciplinary referral. As a result, Ms. Castiglione advised Ms. Maynard that, based upon the paraprofessional's decision and since Ms. Maynard did not witness the incident, Ms. Maynard's referrals would not be accepted and the matter was closed. Ms. Maynard did not agree with the paraprofessional's decision. Ms. Maynard approached the paraprofessional with disciplinary referrals on the students and presented the referrals and strongly encouraged the paraprofessional to sign the referrals. The paraprofessional refused to sign the referrals. Interaction with Staff (Teachers and Administrators) Safety procedures for the Media Center were established by the Media Specialist, Yvonne "Bonnie" Goldstein. At one point in time, Ms. Maynard wanted to bring all of her students to Distance Learning. Because of safety concerns, Ms. Goldstein advised Ms. Maynard that all of her students could not attend at the same time. However, Ms. Maynard brought all of her students anyway. Ms. Goldstein had no choice but to preclude Ms. Maynard from entering the Media Center. Additionally, at another point in time, Ms. Maynard requested, by email, that Ms. Goldstein provide all of her (Ms. Maynard's) students with New Testament Bibles. That same day, Ms. Goldstein advised Ms. Maynard that only two Bibles were in the Media Center and, therefore, the request could not be complied with. Disregarding Ms. Goldstein's reply, Ms. Maynard sent her students to the Media Center that same day in twos and threes, requesting the New Testament Bibles. When the two Bibles on-hand were checked-out, Ms. Goldstein had no choice but to offer the students alternative religious material. During 2005-2006 and 2006-2007, Terri Vaughn was the Team Leader of the third grade class. As Team Leader, Ms. Vaughn's responsibilities included being a liaison between team members and the administration at Cypress Elementary. Ms. Vaughn's personality is to avoid confrontation. Ms. Vaughn had an agenda for each team meeting. During team meetings, Ms. Maynard would deviate from the agenda and discuss matters of her own personal interest, resulting in the agenda not being completed. Also, Ms. Maynard would occasionally monopolize team meetings. Additionally, in team meetings, Ms. Maynard would indicate that she would discuss a problem student with parents who were not the student's parents. As time progressed, during team meetings, Ms. Maynard would engage in outbursts. She would become emotional on matters and raise her voice to the point of yelling. Also, it was not uncommon for Ms. Maynard to point her finger when she became emotional. At times, Ms. Maynard would have to leave the meetings and return because she had begun to cry. Additionally, at times after an outburst, Ms. Maynard would appear as if nothing had happened. Further, during team meetings, Ms. Maynard would excessively raise the subject of PMPs and accuse Ms. Portman of directing her to falsify PMPs or Title I documents. Ms. Vaughn did not report Ms. Maynard's conduct at team meetings to Ms. Portman. However, a written request by a majority of the team members, who believed that the team meetings had become stressful, made a request to the administration of Cypress Elementary for a member of the administration to attend team meetings; their hope was that an administrator's presence would cause Ms. Maynard to become calmer during the team meetings. An administrator began to attend team meetings. Marjorie DiVeronica, an Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Specialist, was an administrative designee, and Ms. Portman designated Ms. DiVeronica to attend the team meetings. Ms. DiVeronica would take notes, try to keep meetings moving, and report to Ms. Portman what was observed. Discussions were stopped by Ms. DiVeronica, and she would redirect the meetings to return to the agenda. Even with Ms. DiVeronica's presence, Ms. Maynard would raise her voice. At one team meeting attended by Ms. Portman, Ms. Maynard would not stop talking and the agenda could not move. Ms. Portman requested Ms. Maynard to stop talking, but Ms. Maynard would not stop. Ms. Portman placed herself in close proximity to Ms. Maynard in order to defuse the situation and raised her voice in order to get Ms. Maynard's attention. Ms. Portman dismissed the meeting. Additionally, at a team meeting, Ms. Maynard had become emotional. Ms. Castiglione was in attendance at that meeting. Ms. Maynard raised her voice and was shouting and yelling and pointing her finger at Ms. Castiglione. Ms. Maynard continued her conduct at the team meetings no matter whether Ms. Portman, Ms. Castiglione, or Ms. DiVeronica attended the meetings. Outside of team meetings, Ms. Vaughn reached the point that she avoided contact with Ms. Maynard due to Ms. Maynard's constantly complaining of matters that were of her (Ms. Maynard's) own personal interest, which resulted in long conversations. Ms. Vaughn's classroom was next to Ms. Maynard's classroom. A closet, with a desk in it, was in Ms. Vaughn's room. At least two or three times, in order to complete some work, Ms. Vaughn went into the closet and closed the door. Another team member, Elizabeth Kane, also made attempts to avoid Ms. Maynard. Ms. Kane viewed Ms. Maynard as making the team meetings stressful. Also, Ms. Kane was uncomfortable around Ms. Maynard due to Ms. Maynard's agitation and, furthermore, felt threatened by Ms. Maynard when Ms. Maynard became agitated. Additionally, Ms. Kane made a concerted effort to avoid Ms. Maynard outside of team meetings. Ms. Kane would "duck" into another teacher's classroom or into a stall in the bathroom to avoid Ms. Maynard. Barbara Young, a team member, tried to be someone to whom Ms. Maynard could come to talk. Ms. Young was never afraid of or felt threatened by Ms. Maynard. Further, regarding the cafeteria incident in December 2006, which Ms. Maynard did not witness, Ms. Maynard did not allow the incident to end with Ms. Castiglione's determination to agree with the paraprofessional's decision to not issue disciplinary referrals. Ms. Maynard, firmly believing that Ms. Castiglione's action was unfair, openly disagreed with the decision in the presence her (Ms. Maynard's) students and strongly encouraged some of the students to go to Ms. Castiglione and protest Ms. Castiglione's determination. Some of the students went to Ms. Castiglione regarding her disciplinary determination. Ms. Castiglione explained her determination to the students, including the process and the reasoning why she did what she did. The students were satisfied with the determination after hearing Ms. Castiglione's explanation. Further, the students indicated to Ms. Castiglione that they had no desire to go to her, but Ms. Maynard wanted them to do it. Ms. Maynard's action had undermined Ms. Castiglione's authority with the students. LaShawn Smith-Settles, Cypress Elementary's Guidance Counselor, never felt threatened by Ms. Maynard or viewed Ms. Maynard as being hostile towards her. However, Ms. Maynard did make her feel uncomfortable. A second grade teacher, Paja Rafferty, never felt threatened by Ms. Maynard. Excessive Emails Communication thru emails is the standard operating procedure at Cypress Elementary. However, Ms. Maynard engaged in excessive emails. Ms. Maynard's emails were on relevant areas. However, she would not only send the email to the staff member, whether teacher or administrator, who could directly respond to her, but would copy every teacher and administrator. This process and procedure used by Ms. Maynard resulted in massive emails being sent to staff who might or might not have an interest in the subject matter. One such staff person, who took action to stop receiving the emails, was Ms. Kane. Ms. Kane was inundated with Ms. Maynard's emails regarding matters on which Ms. Kane had no interest or concern. To stop receiving the emails, Ms. Kane sent Ms. Maynard an email, twice, requesting that Ms. Maynard remove her (Ms. Kane) from the copy list. However, Ms. Maynard did not do so. Due to the massive number of emails sent to Ms. Portman by Ms. Maynard, a significant portion of Ms. Portman's time was devoted to responding to the emails. Ms. Portman had less and less time to devote to her responsibilities as principal of Cypress Elementary. Eventually, Ms. Portman was forced to curtail Ms. Maynard's emails. None of Ms. Maynard's emails threatened teachers, staff, or students. Additional Directives During the time period regarding the PMPs, Ms. Portman became concerned that the parents of Ms. Maynard's students were being misinformed by Ms. Maynard as to the students' performance and as to Cypress Elementary and Ms. Portman addressing the students' performance. On November 3, 2006, Ms. Portman held a meeting with Ms. Maynard. Also, in attendance were Ms. Castiglione and Patricia Costigan, Broward Teachers Union (BTU) Steward. During the meeting, among other things, Ms. Portman directed Ms. Maynard not to have conferences with a parent unless an administrator was present, either Ms. Portman or Ms. Castiglione, in order to assure that parents were not misinformed. A summary of the meeting was prepared on November 6, 2006. A copy of the summary was provided to Ms. Maynard and Ms. Costigan. Subsequently, Ms. Portman received a letter from a parent dated December 20, 2006. The parent stated, among other things, that the parent had approximately a two-hour telephone conversation, during the evening of December 19, 2006, with Ms. Maynard about the parent's child, who was a student in Ms. Maynard's class. Further, the parent stated that her son was referred to by Ms. Maynard as a "fly on manure." Even though Ms. Maynard denies some of the statements attributed to her by the parent and the time span of the telephone conversation, she does not deny that she had the telephone conversation with the parent. On December 20, 2006, Ms. Portman and Ms. Castiglione went to Ms. Maynard's classroom to remind Ms. Maynard of the directive. Ms Maynard was not in her classroom but was in another teacher's room, Barbara Young, with another teacher. Ms. Portman requested Ms. Maynard to come into Ms. Maynard's classroom so that she and Ms. Castiglione could talk with Ms. Maynard out of the presence of the other teachers. Ms. Maynard refused to leave Ms. Young's classroom indicating that whatever had to be said could be said in front of everyone, in front of witnesses. Ms. Portman, complying with Ms. Maynard's request, proceeded to remind Ms. Maynard of the directive to not conference with parents unless an administrator was present. Ms. Maynard became very agitated and yelled at them, indicating that she (Ms. Maynard) wanted what was said in writing and that she (Ms. Maynard) was not going to comply with the directive. Shortly before Winter break, on or about December 21, 2006, in the morning, Ms. Portman noticed Ms. Maynard by letter that a pre-disciplinary meeting would be held on January 10, 2006, regarding insubordination by Ms. Maynard. Among other things, the notice directed Ms. Maynard to "cease and desist all contact with parents" until the meeting was held. Later in the afternoon, after the administrative office was closed, Ms. Maynard returned to Ms. Portman's office. Ms. Maynard confronted Ms. Portman and Ms. Castiglione about the notice, wanting to know what it was all about. Ms. Maynard was very agitated and emotional, raising her voice and pointing her finger. Ms. Portman indicated to Ms. Maynard that the requirement was only to provide the notice, with the meeting to be held later. Ms. Portman asked Ms. Maynard several times to leave because the office was closed; Ms. Maynard finally left. After Ms. Maynard left Ms. Portman's office, Ms. Portman could hear Ms. Maynard talking to other staff. Ms. Portman was very concerned due to Ms. Maynard's agitation and conduct. Ms. Portman contacted the School Board's Professional Standards as to what to do and was told to request all employees, except day care, to leave. Ms. Portman did as she was instructed by Professional Standards, getting on the intercom system and requesting all employees, except for day care, to leave, not giving the employees the actual reason why they were required to leave. Unbeknownst to Ms. Portman, Ms. Maynard had departed Cypress Elementary before she (Ms. Portman) instructed the employees to leave. Regarding the afternoon incident, Ms. Maynard felt "helpless" at that point. She had been informed by Professional Standards to go to administration at Cypress Elementary with her concerns, who was Ms. Portman. Ms. Maynard viewed Ms. Portman as the offender, and, therefore, she was being told to go to offender to have her concerns addressed. On January 9, 2007, a Child Study Team (CST) meeting was convened to address the academic performance of a few of Ms. Maynard's students. Ms. Maynard had referred the students to the CST. The CST's purpose was to provide support for the student and the teacher by problem-solving, using empirical data to assist with and improve a child's academic performance and behavior, and making recommendations. No individual member can override a team's recommendation, only a principal could do that. On January 9, 2007, the CST members included, among others, Ms. DiVeronica, who was the CST's leader; Miriam Kassof, School Board Psychologist; and LaShawn Smith-Settles, Cypress Elementary's Guidance Counselor. Also, in attendance were Ms. Maynard and Ms. Castiglione, who, at that time, was an Intern Principal. During the course of the meeting, Ms. Maynard diverted the discussion from the purpose of the meeting to her wanting two of the students removed from her class. She began discussing the safety of the other students in the class, which was viewed, at first, as being well-meaning, however, when she insisted on the removal of the two students, she became highly emotional, stood-up, and was yelling. Members of the CST team attempted to de-escalate the situation, but Ms. Maynard was not willing to engage in problem solving and her actions were counterproductive. Due to Ms. Maynard's constant insistence on discussing the removal of the students from her class, the CST was not able to meet its purpose within the time period set- aside for the meeting. However, before the CST meeting ended, one of the recommendations made was for Ms. Maynard to collect daily anecdotal behavioral notes regarding one of the students and for the behavioral notes to be sent home to the student's parent. Ms. Castiglione gave Ms. Maynard a directive that, before the behavioral notes were sent home to the parent, the behavioral notes were to be forwarded to Ms. Castiglione for review and approval. Ms. Maynard resisted preparing behavioral notes, expressing that that plan of action would not help the situation. The CST members viewed Ms. Maynard's conduct as being unproductive, inappropriate, and unprofessional. On January 10, 2007, a pre-disciplinary meeting was held regarding Ms. Portman considering disciplinary action against Ms. Maynard for insubordination. Attendees at the meeting included Ms. Portman; Ms. Castiglione (at that time Intern Principal); Ms. Maynard; Jacquelyn Haywood, Area Director; Cathy Kirk, Human Resources; and Andrew David, Attorney for Ms. Maynard. The basis for the insubordination was Ms. Maynard's refusal to comply with Ms. Portman's directive for Ms. Maynard not to conference with parents unless an administrator was present. Ms. Portman pointed out that Ms. Maynard had a telephone conversation with a parent, regarding the parent's child, on December 19, 2006, without an administrator being present and showed Ms. Maynard the letter written by the parent to Ms. Portman, dated December 20, 2006. Ms. Maynard admitted only that she had the telephone conversation. Ms. Portman asked Ms. Maynard to provide a compelling reason as to why the disciplinary action should not be taken; Ms. Maynard did not respond. Ms. Portman reiterated the directive and advised Ms. Maynard that a letter of reprimand would be issued. A summary of the pre-disciplinary meeting was prepared. Ms. Maynard was provided a copy of the summary. On January 17, 2007, a written reprimand was issued by Ms. Portman against Ms. Maynard for failure to adhere to the administrative directive of not having a parent conference unless an administrator was present. The written reprimand stated, among other things, that Ms. Maynard had a parent's conference on the telephone with a student's parent without an administrator being present and that Ms. Maynard failed to present a compelling reason as to why no disciplinary action should be taken. Furthermore, the written reprimand advised Ms. Maynard that any further failure to perform consistent with the standards established for the effective and productive performance of her job duties, as a third grade teacher, would result in further disciplinary action up to and including a recommendation for termination of employment. Ms. Maynard received a copy of the written reprimand. After the Written Reprimand of January 17, 2007 Also, on January 17, 2007, Ms. Portman held a meeting with Ms. Maynard which was not a disciplinary meeting, but was a meeting for Ms. Portman to discuss her concerns and job expectations with Ms. Maynard. In addition to Ms. Portman and Ms. Maynard, attendees at the meeting included Ms. Castiglione; Jacqueline Haywood, Area Director; Cathy Kirk, Human Resources; and Mary Rutland, BTU Steward. Ms. Portman discussed five concerns and issued five directives. The first concern of Ms. Portman was Ms. Maynard's unprofessional behavior. The examples provided by Ms. Portman were Ms. Maynard's (a) yelling at paraprofessional staff in the cafeteria; (b) yelling at administrators, referencing the incident on December 20, 2006; and (c) continuing to publicly accuse Cypress Elementary's administrators of falsifying documents after an investigation had determined the accusation to be unfounded. Further, the directive that Ms. Portman issued to Ms. Maynard was to cease and desist all unprofessional and inappropriate behavior. Ms. Portman's second concern was unprofessional and inappropriate comments. The examples provided by Ms. Portman were Ms. Maynard's (a) indicating on December 20, 2006, while she was in Ms. Young's room, that she would not comply with the directives of which she was reminded by Ms. Portman; (b) speaking to a parent and referring to the parent's child as a "fly on manure"; and (c) telling parents, during conferences, that there was a problem at Cypress Elementary. Further, the directive that Ms. Portman issued to Ms. Maynard was to cease and desist all unprofessional and inappropriate comments. Additionally, Ms. Portman reminded Ms. Maynard that all notes were required to be submitted to administration for review no later than 1:00 p.m., except for student daily behavioral notes, which were to be submitted at 1:30 p.m. The third concern of Ms. Portman was continued dialogue of PMPs and ESOL issues. Ms. Portman indicated that the district had reviewed Ms. Maynard's issues and concerns and had responded to them. Further, the directive that Ms. Portman issued to Ms. Maynard was that the said issues were considered closed and that, if Ms. Maynard wished to pursue the said issues, she should contact her attorney. Ms. Portman's fourth concern was unmanageable emails sent by Ms. Maynard. The example provided by Ms. Portman was that she had received over 200 emails from Ms. Maynard. Ms. Portman indicated that the procedure that Ms. Maynard was required to follow when she (Ms. Maynard) had issues or concerns that needed to be addressed was (a) make an appointment with the administrator through the confidential secretary, identifying that person; and (b) provide the confidential secretary with the issue in writing. Only when (a) and (b) were complied with, would either Ms. Portman or Ms. Castiglione meet with Ms. Maynard, during Ms. Maynard's planning time, on the issue at the appointment time. Further, the directive that Ms. Portman issued to Ms. Maynard was that Ms. Maynard would cease and desist sending issues via emails and that conferences would be scheduled per the procedure outlined. The fifth concern of Ms. Portman's was protocol compliance. Ms. Portman indicated that the proper procedure for Ms. Maynard to adhere to when Ms. Maynard had a complaint or concern was to first, contact her (Ms. Maynard's) supervisor, not the area office, wherein Ms. Maynard would be provided with an opportunity to meet with an administrator. Additionally, as to meeting with an administrator, (a) Ms. Maynard would meet with either Ms. Portman or Ms. Castiglione; (b) an appointment with the administrator would be made through the confidential secretary, identifying that person; (c) Ms. Maynard would provide the confidential secretary with the issue or concern in writing; (d) only when (b) and (c) were complied with, would either Ms. Portman or Ms. Castiglione meet with Ms. Maynard, during Ms. Maynard's planning time, on the issue or concern at the appointment time; (e) administration would address the issue or concern and after the issue or concern had been presented to administration, Ms. Maynard was to consider the issue or concern closed. Further, the directive that Ms. Portman gave to Ms. Maynard was that Ms. Maynard was to comply with the protocol outlined for all of her concerns. Moreover, Ms. Portman indicated that a failure by Ms. Portman to follow all of the directives would result in disciplinary action up to and including termination from employment. A summary of the meeting of concerns and job expectations was prepared. On January 18, 2007, Ms. Portman noticed Ms. Maynard by letter that a pre-disciplinary meeting would be held on January 29, 2007, regarding gross insubordination by Ms. Maynard. Among other things, the notice directed Ms. Maynard to "cease and desist all communication with parents both written and oral" until the meeting was held. The notice was hand-delivered to Ms. Maynard at Cypress Elementary. On or about January 22, 2007, Ms. Portman held a meeting to develop a strategic plan to help motivate one of Ms. Maynard's students, who was in foster care, in the areas of academics and behavior. In addition to Ms. Portman, attendees at the meeting included, among others, Ms. Castiglione; Ms. Smith-Settles; and the student's Guardian Ad-Litem. During the meeting, the Guardian Ad-Litem indicated that Ms. Maynard had telephoned the student's foster parent, engaged in more than a 45-minute conversation, and, during the telephone conversation, made negative comments about Cypress Elementary. On January 23, 2007, Ms. Portman provided Ms. Maynard with a Notice of Special Investigative/Personnel Investigation (Notice) by hand-delivery. The Notice stated, among other things, that the investigation regarded allegations that Ms. Maynard was creating a hostile environment. The Notice directed Ms. Maynard not to engage anyone, connected with the allegations, in conversation regarding the matter and advised that a violation of the directive could result in disciplinary action for insubordination. Further, the Notice advised Ms. Maynard that, if she had any question regarding the status of the investigation, she should contact Joe Melita, Executive Director of Professional Standards and Special Investigative Unit, providing his contact telephone number. The Notice was provided to Ms. Maynard as a result of Ms. Portman making a request for the investigation on January 17, 2007. The request indicated that the allegations were: (1) yelling at paraprofessional staff in the cafeteria; (2) yelling at both the principal and assistant principal on December 20, 2006; (3) accusing the principal of falsifying documents even after the school district investigation found the accusation unwarranted; (4) not complying with directives; and (5) accusing the principal of lying to a parent at a conference. The pre-disciplinary meeting noticed for January 29, 2007, was not held due to the placing of Ms. Maynard under investigation. On or about January 25, 2007, Ms. Maynard was temporarily reassigned to the School Board's Textbook Warehouse by Mr. Melita. Temporary reassignment is standard operating procedure during an investigation. Teachers are usually temporarily reassigned to the Textbook Warehouse. Because of the investigation, Ms. Maynard could not return to Cypress Elementary or contact anyone at Cypress Elementary without Mr. Melita's authorization. The SIU investigator assigned to the case was Frederick Davenport. On August 14, 2007, Investigator Davenport went to the Textbook Warehouse to serve a notice of reassignment on Ms. Maynard from Mr. Melita that her reassignment was changed immediately and that she was reassigned to Crystal Lake Community Middle School. The notice of reassignment required Ms. Maynard's signature. Investigator Davenport met with Ms. Maynard in private in the conference room and advised her of his purpose, which was not to perform any investigative duties but to serve the notice of reassignment and obtain her signature. Ms. Maynard refused to sign the notice of reassignment because it was not signed by Mr. Melita and left. Investigator Davenport contacted Professional Standards and requested the faxing of an executed notice of reassignment by Mr. Melita to the Textbook Warehouse. Professional Standards complied with the request. Investigator Davenport met again with Ms. Maynard in private in the conference room. Ms. Maynard refused to sign the executed notice of reassignment. She felt threatened by Investigator Davenport and ran from the room into the parking area behind the Textbook Warehouse at the loading dock. A finding of fact is made that Investigator Davenport did nothing that the undersigned considers threatening. Investigator Davenport did not immediately follow Ms. Maynard but eventually went to the steps next to the loading dock, however, he did not approach Ms. Maynard in the parking lot. Ms. Maynard refused to talk with Investigator Davenport, expressing her fear of him, and contacted the Broward County Sheriff's Office (BSO). A BSO deputy came to the parking lot. After Ms. Maynard discussed the situation with the BSO deputy and a friend of Ms. Maynard's, who arrived at the scene, she signed the notice of reassignment. Investigator Davenport delivered the notice of reassignment to Professional Standards. Investigator Davenport completed his investigation and forwarded the complete investigative file and his report to his supervisor for approval. At that time, his involvement in the investigation ended. His supervisor presented the investigation to Professional Standards. On or about September 19, 2007, the Professional Standards Committee found probable cause that Ms. Maynard had created a hostile work environment and recommended termination of her employment. The Flyer On April 27, 2009, a town hall meeting was held by the School Board at the Pompano Beach High School's auditorium. That town hall meeting was one of several being held the same night by the School Board. The process and procedure for the town hall meeting included (a) all persons who wished to speak were required to sign-up to speak and (b), if they desired to distribute documents, prior to distribution, the documents were required to be submitted and receive prior approval. Security was at the auditorium, and Investigator Davenport was one of the security officers. During the town hall meeting, an unidentified man rose from his seat, began to talk out-of-turn and loud, was moving toward the front where School Board officials were located, and was distributing a flyer. The actions of the unidentified man got the attention of Investigator Davenport and caused concern about the safety of the School Board officials. Investigator Davenport and the other security officer approached the unidentified man, obtained the flyer, and escorted him out of the auditorium. Once outside, the unidentified man indicated, among other things, that he had not obtained prior approval to distribute the flyer. The unidentified man did not identify who gave him the flyer. Investigator Davenport observed that the flyer was placed on most of the vehicles in the auditorium's parking lot. Once Investigator Davenport and his fellow security officer were convinced that the unidentified man was not a threat to the School Board officials, they released the unidentified man who left the area. Neither Investigator Davenport nor his fellow security officer saw Ms. Maynard at the town hall meeting or had any indication that she had been there. Neither Investigator Davenport nor his fellow security officer had any indication that Ms. Maynard had requested the man to distribute the flyer. The flyer was signed by Ms. Maynard and dated April 27, 2009. The heading of the flyer contained the following: "PARENTS FOR FULL DISCLOSURE"; an email address; and "PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN." The content of the flyer included statements that Ms. Maynard was a teacher in 2006 at Cypress Elementary and was directed twice by her administrators in emails to falsify Title I documents; that she was directed to mislead parents about materials and services that the students were legally entitled to; that many of the students failed because they were denied the materials and services; that she refused to follow the directives and filed complaints with the proper authorities; that in 2008, Ms. Portman, who gave the directives to Ms. Maynard, was removed from Cypress Elementary, along with Ms. Murphins and Dr. Harrison--the flyer also indicated the new locations of the individuals; that persons, who were interested in learning how to prevent themselves from being misinformed and to protect their children from being denied the materials and services, should contact Ms. Maynard at the email address on the flyer; and that parents who gather together have more power than teachers to influence the school districts. Ms. Maynard had no determinations or proof to support any of the allegations in the flyer, only her belief. Recognizing that the flyer contained statements similar to the statements of his investigative report, Investigator Davenport forwarded the flyer to Mr. Melita. Ms. Maynard admits that she prepared the flyer and signed it. She indicates that an individual who claimed to be a member of the parent group, Parents For Full Disclosure, contacted and met with her. That individual, who also did not reveal her identity, requested Ms. Maynard to prepare the flyer and informed Ms. Maynard that the flyer would be distributed at the town hall meeting. Filing Various Complaints with Investigative Agencies Ms. Maynard filed various complaints with public investigative agencies regarding: harassment during the investigation; minority teachers being investigated, reassigned to the Textbook Warehouse, and not receiving annual evaluations; and the flyer. The public investigative agencies included the FBI, Broward County EEOC, federal EEOC, Florida Public Service Commission, and Florida Commission on Human Relations. No evidence was presented to show that Ms. Maynard was prohibited from filing the complaints. Contract Status At the time of the investigation of Ms. Maynard in January 2007 for creating a hostile work environment, she was under a continuing contract. Further, at the time that Professional Standards determined probable cause, on or about September 19, 2007, that Ms. Maynard had created a hostile work environment, she was under a continuing contract. Ms. Maynard testified that, on November 2, 2007, she received and signed a professional services contract, a fact which the School Board did not refute. A finding of fact is made that, on November 2, 2007, she received and signed a professional services contract. Employment Requiring a Teaching Certificate At the time of hearing, Ms. Maynard had not found employment requiring a teaching certificate since being suspended, without pay and benefits, by the School Board on or about March 18, 2008.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commissioner of Education enter a final order: Finding that Doreen Maynard committed Counts 2 (only as to gross immorality), 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, and 16; Dismissing Counts 1, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, and 17; and Suspending Doreen Maynard's educator's certificate for three years, with denial of an application for an educator's certificate for the three-year period, and, after completion of the suspension, placing her on probation for one year under terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the Commissioner of Education. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of July, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ERROL H. POWELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of July, 2011.

Florida Laws (7) 1012.011012.7951012.7961012.798120.569120.57120.68
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Sep. 30, 2010 Number: 10-009398PL Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-000223 Latest Update: Jun. 08, 1990

Findings Of Fact Respondent is an annual contract teacher with the Dade County Public Schools and holds a Florida state teacher's certificate. Although she had worked as a teacher assistant in the past, her first year of employment as a full time teacher was the 1980-81 school year. Since she is an annual contract teacher with no right to a continuing contract, the primary issue is whether she has the right to obtain back pay for the period of the school year during which she was suspended. Respondent was a teacher at Melrose Elementary School for the 1981-82 school year. At the beginning of the school year, she was assigned to teach a Compensatory Education Class. These are small classes and, in Ms. Harper's case, never exceeded 11 students. She was, however, required to keep and retain student records to enable subsequent teachers to determine at what level the student was functioning. After Respondent was transferred from the Compensatory Education classroom, the assistant principal requested that she turn in the records for the class. Respondent stated that she had destroyed them. Respondent's next assignment at Melrose Elementary School was as the teacher of a fifth-sixth grade combination regular education class. The assistant principal officially observed Respondent in this classroom three times and unofficially observed her on additional occasions. She found that Respondent lacked effective instructional planning based on Respondent's failure to complete lesson plans. The collective bargaining agreement between the School Board and the Respondent's union stated that lesson plans were an essential part of the teaching process and a proper subject for evaluation. On one occasion, the school was preparing for an audit. Auditors (administrators from other schools) check teacher's plan books, grade books and other teaching materials. The assistant principal contacted Respondent several times in advance of the audit in an attempt to prepare her for it. However, Respondent failed to develop the required lesson plans, so the assistant principal wrote out a week's plans for her. She asked Respondent to take the plans home over the weekend and copy them in her own handwriting. The following Monday at the beginning of the audit, Respondent had only filled out plans for Monday, Tuesday and Friday. There were no lesson-plans to be delivered to the auditors regarding Wednesday or Thursday. Testimony of Respondent's supervisor established that she was unable to control the students in her classroom, primarily because she did not assign them anything to do. A Furthermore, she sent her students out to play without supervision and left her classroom unattended on several occasions, even though she had previously been instructed by her supervisor not to do so. Respondent received an unacceptable performance rating in the area of "techniques of instruction". This rating was based on the fact that Respondent did not pre-test her students and therefore had no knowledge of what the student did or did not know, what he needed to be taught or where to place him in the classroom. As a result, she attempted to teach students division when those students had not yet mastered prerequisite skills. She did not divide her class into ability groups so that she could teach groups of students at their levels of comprehension, and she did not maintain student profiles which would have shown her a particular student's abilities and deficiencies. Respondent either did not assign homework to her students or they did not return it because she had no records to indicate such assignment or files containing student homework. Her records of student grades were incomplete and only sporadically maintained. In the spring of 1982, two students from Respondent's class ran into the principal's office crying. The female student had welts on her chest and face; and the male student had similar injuries to his arms. These injuries were the result of an attack by Respondent. She had not been authorized to administer corporal punishment by her supervisor. Although there was another incident where Respondent chased a student with a ruler, this was the only situation in her teaching career where her loss of control had serious consequences. She appears to regret this incident. Ms. Harper was reassigned to South Hialeah Elementary School for the school year 1982-83. When she reported to South Hialeah Elementary School on September 20, 1982, she was given a lesson plan format, a teacher handbook and other pertinent teaching materials. Respondent received a two day orientation during which she was permitted to read the handbook, observe other teachers and talk with the grade level chairman. She was given instruction in writing lesson plans in the format used throughout the county and required by the UTD-School Board contract. She was then assigned a regular fourth grade classroom. On her second day of teaching, the assistant principal noted an unacceptable noise level emanating from Respondent's classroom during the announcement period. When she walked into the room, she found Respondent preparing her lesson plans with the students out of control. The assistant principal advised Respondent that this was not the proper time to prepare lesson plans. The next day the situation was the same, and fights broke out between students. The assistant principal was concerned for the safety of these students because of the fights and because Ms. Harper's classroom was on the second floor and students were leaning out of the windows. On October 4, 1982, the assistant principal conducted a formal evaluation of Respondent's classroom teaching, and initially found Respondent preparing lesson plans and not instructing or supervising her students. During the reading lesson, Respondent did not give individual directions to the students, but merely told them all to open their books to a particular page. Since the students were not all working in the same book because they were functioning at different levels of achievement, this created confusion. Finally, the students who had the same book as Respondent were instructed to read, while other students did nothing. After a brief period of instruction, the class was told to go to the bathroom even though this was the middle of the reading lesson and not an appropriate time for such a break. The assistant principal noted that Respondent did not have a classroom schedule or rules. The classroom was in constant confusion and Respondent repeatedly screamed at the children in unsuccessful attempts to maintain order. The assistant principal determined that these problems had to be addressed immediately. Accordingly, in addition to a regular long term prescription, she gave Respondent a list of short term objectives to accomplish within the next two days. These objectives consisted of the development of lesson plans and a schedule, arranging a more effective floor plan in the classroom, making provisions for participation by all of the students and developing a set of classroom rules. The assistant principal advised Respondent that if she had any difficulty accomplishing these objectives, she should contact her immediately. The short term objectives were never accomplished. Respondent did not develop classroom rules. Although the assistant principal and other teachers attempted to teach her to write lesson plans, this was relatively unsuccessful. The principal observed the classroom on October 6, and found that no improvements had been made. She also noted that Respondent had not complied with the outline for lesson plans required by the contract between the UTD and the School Board. Neither had she complied with the school's requirements for pupil progression forms. The principal advised Respondent to attempt once again to work on the short term prescription assigned on October 4, 1982. Subsequent observations and assistance did not result in any noticeable improvement. Respondent was unable to understand the need for organizing students in groups according to their abilities. Her students continued to wander aimlessly about the classroom. She was unable to document required student information even after repeated demonstrations. She did not test students and she failed to record their grades, except sporadically. Other teachers and parents complained about classroom conduct. Some parents requested that their children be moved out of Ms. Harper's class. Others complained to school officials about telephone calls from Ms. Harper at 2:00 a.m. or 6:00 a.m. Even the school custodian complained because Respondent's students repeatedly threw papers out of the windows. The principal arranged for Respondent to meet with the grade-level chairman and the assistant principal to learn to develop lesson plans. She obtained information about classes at the Teacher Education Center of Florida International University and directed Ms. Harper to attend the classes. She subsequently determined that Respondent had not attended. Respondent told the principal that she could not attend because of car trouble. At the hearing, Respondent stated that not only did she have car trouble, but since she was a single parent, she lacked the time and money to attend the classes. She conceded, however, that the classes were free. In a further effort to assist her, Respondent was excused from her regular classroom duties to observe successful teachers. On one occasion she was found taking a coffee break instead. Again, there was no improvement apparent from this remedial measure. At the principal's request, the School Board's area director observed Respondent on November 11, 1982. Her testimony established that Respondent worked with only one group of three students in the classroom and that the reading lesson being taught to those children was below their appropriate level. She also observed that there were no records indicating the progress of Respondent's students and that the students were talking continually. Due to her numerous difficulties in teaching and the lack of progress in correcting the deficiencies, the principal, assistant principal and area director concluded that Respondent lacked the requisite competence to continue in her contract position. A recommendation of dismissal to the School Board followed and on January 5, 1983, Respondent was suspended. After her suspension, Respondent secured employment as a teacher of English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) at the Tri-City Community Association. Testimony of its director established that Respondent is an effective teacher of ESOL and that she trains other teachers to perform this function.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a Final Order dismissing Respondent from her position as a contract teacher effective January 5, 1983. DONE and ENTERED this 20th day of December, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of December, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Phyllis O. Douglas, Esquire 1410 N.E. Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Ellen Leesfield, Esquire 2929 S.W. Third Avenue Miami, Florida 33129 Dr. Leonard Britton, Superintendent Dade County Public Schools Lindsey Hopkins Building 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida May 02, 2000 Number: 00-001866 Latest Update: Jul. 07, 2024
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