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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Oct. 16, 1989 Number: 89-005632 Latest Update: Sep. 26, 1990

The Issue Whether or not Respondent engaged in conduct involving gross immorality and/or moral turpitude which seriously reduced her effectiveness as an instructional employee as alleged, in violation of Subsections 231.28(1)(c) and (f), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida teaching certificate number 584942, issued by the Department of Education, State of Florida, covering the area of substitute teacher, elementary and secondary levels. Said certificate is valid through June 30, 1990. At all times material hereto, Respondent Debra Alcorn-Howerter, was listed as a substitute teacher in the Polk County School District. On July 20, 1988, Respondent entered MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, and went into the Noncommissioned Officers Club (NCO), which is a lounge/bar that serves alcoholic beverages. Upon her arrival at the NCO club, Respondent was in the company of her minor daughter, G.H., who was, at the time, approximately nine years of age. Respondent was advised by the NCO Club's night manager, Edmond Bates, that it was against military policy to have a minor in an area where alcoholic beverages were served. Bates allowed Respondent to take G.H. into an area adjacent to the bar that was closed at the time. Respondent moved in that area with G.H. for the remainder of the evening. Respondent was allowed to purchase approximately two or three alcoholic beverages over the course of the evening while at the club although she could not carry G.H. into areas where alcoholic beverages were being served. While in the club, Respondent was joined by an airman who remained with her until she left the club. They engaged in affectionate conduct in front of G.H. including hugging and kissing. Over the course of the evening, Bates observed Respondent acting emotionally upset, crying and the couple argued in G.H.'s presence. The NCO Club closed at 11:00 p.m. and Bates had to ask Respondent and G.H. to leave the club when she did not leave with the other patrons. Respondent still did not leave and at approximately 11:15 p.m., Bates again ordered Respondent to leave and she started crying. Respondent was escorted outside the club whereupon she started crying and fell to the floor. Respondent had to be picked up by an unidentified male patron who carried her to the parking lot. Respondent later collapsed in the parking lot area around the Club and initiated an altercation while others, including patrons from the club, were attempting to calm and persuade her to leave the area peacefully. G.H. was escorted back into the club by a female employee so that she would not witness Respondent's incoherent and hysterical behavior. Respondent was physically violent and struck a patron from the club who was attempting to assist her. She was likewise verbally abusive to all those around her and yelled at one patron to "get the f away" [from her]. Respondent finally had to be physically restrained to prevent her from further attacking patrons and injuring herself. Respondent was engaging in self destructive behavior including striking her head against the concrete in the parking lot. Bates had to summon the security police as well as emergency medical personnel to the scene due to Respondent's conduct. Although Respondent consummed approximately three drinks while in the NCO club lounge, she did not appear intoxicated nor was her speech slurred. Respondent is a small petite woman, approximately 4'11" tall and weighs under 100 pounds. Upon the arrival of the security police, Respondent continued to react violently requiring four-point body restraints. Respondent was taken to the Emergency Room at MacDill by ambulance in restraints where she continued to react in an abusive and violent manner, both physically and verbally. Respondent remained in the Emergency Room at MacDill for approximately four hours. During that time, she never calmed down or became rational. Respondent was physically abusive to those who attempted to administer treatment to her and she spit at the Emergency Room personnel. It became necessary for other patients to be removed from the area where Respondent was being treated based on her disruptive conduct. Dr. Stein, a physician at MacDill, evaluated Respondent and executed the necessary paperwork to transfer her to Tampa General Hospital for psychiatric evaluation pursuant to the statutory provisions of the Baker Act (Chapter 394, Florida Statutes). Prior to Respondent's departure to Tampa General Hospital, Raymond E. Hook, Jr., the shift supervisor in the Emergency Room, inventoried Respondent's personal effects. Hook's inventory of Respondent's purse revealed a bottle of assorted pills which could not be identified and he threw them away. Hook also found a portable red ashtray in her purse containing several partially burned marijuana cigarettes and a misdemeanor amount of a substance that resembled marijuana. A field test and subsequent laboratory analysis of the substance resulted in a positive marijuana identification. G.H. was housed at MacDill while Respondent was being admitted to the psychiatric unit of Tampa General. Kevin C. Ambler, Special Assistant U.S. Attorney and Prosecutor at MacDill, received and reviewed the charges filed against Respondent. As a result of his review of the facts and the lab analysis of the substance found in Respondent's purse, Captain Ambler filed a complaint charging Respondent with misdemeanor possession of marijuana. During the pendency of the criminal case, Respondent's criminal defense attorney raised an insanity defense and Captain Ambler determined, based on that defense and the fact that the charge was a misdemeanor offense, it was not worth the government's time and effort to proceed with the case. Captain Ambler moved to dismiss the charges without prejudice. The motion to dismiss was granted. However, as a condition of dismissal, Respondent was ordered not to re-enter MacDill for a period of one year except for approved medical assistance. Should Respondent violate that condition, she faces reactivation of the criminal charges with sanctions of a possible $500.00 fine and imprisonment for not more than six months, or a combination thereof. During February 1988, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) received a child abuse report alleging that Respondent abused G.H. Gwendolyn McKenzie, a child protective investigator (CPI) was assigned the case and conducted an investigation. CPI McKenzie found that G.H. was emotionally and physically abused by Respondent after discovering that she engaged in a repeated pattern of abusive conduct including gagging the child, tying her hands to the bed and engaging in excessive corporal punishment by repeatedly striking her with a belt. McKenzie's investigation revealed that Respondent gave G.H. hot sauce to eat and forced her to drink liquid detergent as a means of discipline. G.H. suffered verbal and emotional abuse at Respondent's hands. CPI McKenzie also observed final stages of bruising over G.H.'s body which Respondent inflicted to discipline G.H. Respondent's mother, Lois Pitts-Alcorn also observed that Respondent committed excessive physical and mental abuse to G.H. She tried on numerous occasions to stop Respondent from abusing G.H. without success. She therefore reported Respondent to HRS for committing physical and mental abuse to G.H. for G.H.'s protection. Additionally, Pitts-Alcorn observed that Respondent took G.H. out at night while she attended bars and left her alone (unsupervised) in the car for extended periods of time. On March 6, 1988, HRS filed a petition in juvenile court in Polk County, Florida, alleging that Respondent physically and emotionally abused G.H. As a result of that petition, G.H. was adjudicated a dependent child and she was removed from Respondent's custody and placed with her grandmother. Based on Respondent's conduct at the hearing on the dependency petition, the judge ordered a psychological evaluation of Respondent. Pursuant to that evaluation, Respondent was found to be psychotic, her prognosis was very poor; and Respondent represented a threat to G.H. both physically and emotionally and should not regain custody. CPI McKenzie recommended, during the dependency hearing, that Respondent receive in-depth counseling and that G.H. likewise receive counseling to recover from the abuse she suffered at the hands of Respondent. Respondent has a history of drug and alcohol abuse as well as violent and explosive conduct which manifested itself during her parenting of G.H. and her employment with the Polk County School Board during 1988-89. Respondent, while employed as a substitute teacher on two separate occasions, at separate schools in Polk County, struck a child in her classroom. Respondent's conduct posed a danger to her student's well-being. Respondent was removed from the list of approved substitute teachers by the School Board of Polk County, Florida, based on assistant superintendent Don R. Cox' examination of complaints and an investigation of such complaints by the Polk County School Board. Likewise, Cox received reports from Respondent's colleagues complaining of Respondent's violent and abusive conduct while employed as a substitute teacher in Polk County. Respondent will not be considered for further employment by Polk County, Florida, based on their determination that Respondent poses dangerous and erratic behavior to those in her classroom.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that: Petitioner enter a Final Order revoking Respondent's Florida teaching certificate for a period of five (5) years. Respondent undergo psychiatric and drug treatment and demonstrate proof of adequate rehabilitation under conditions in accordance with the standards and procedures for recertification of teachers by the Education Practices Commission. RECOMMENDED this 26th day of September, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of September, 1990.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Sep. 02, 1999 Number: 99-003735 Latest Update: Aug. 06, 2001

The Issue Whether Respondent's employment should be terminated, as recommended by the then-Interim Superintendent of Schools, and, if not, whether Respondent (who has been suspended without pay pending the outcome of this dismissal proceeding) should be reinstated with "back salary."

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, including the stipulations of the parties, the following Findings of Fact are made: The School Board is responsible for the operation, control, and supervision of all public schools (grades K through 12) in Broward County, Florida, including Plantation Middle School (Plantation). Jean Jones is now, and has been since the beginning of the 1998-99 school year, the principal of Plantation. The 1998- 99 school year was her first as a principal of any school. She had served as an assistant principal for seven years before becoming Plantation's principal. Thomas Fegers is now, and has been since 1993, an assistant principal at Plantation. Milton Roseburr is now, and has been since August of 1995, an assistant principal at Plantation. At all times material to the instant case, Carol Mendelson has been an assistant principal at Plantation. Respondent is a veteran educator. He has been teaching since 1964. Respondent has been employed by the School Board as a teacher since 1975. He holds a continuing contract of employment, which provides, in pertinent part, as follows: The Teacher agrees to teach the full period of service for which this contract is made, in no event be absent from duty without leave or to leave his position without first being released from this contract by the School Board, to observe and to enforce faithfully the laws, rules regulations, and policies lawfully prescribed by legally constituted school authorities insofar as such laws, rules, regulations, and policies are applicable to the position held by him. The Teacher agrees that the last salary payment in each academic year may be withheld upon proper notice to the Teacher as to the reasons for said withholding if all duties have not been performed as required by law and regulations of the School Board and the State Board of Education. The services to be performed hereunder shall begin on the beginning date shown above [August 23, 1978] and thereafter as determined by the School Board and are to be performed in the position and school as assigned from time to time by the said School Board. . . . 8. This continuing contract of employment shall remain in full force and effect from year to year, subject to all the provisions herein set forth, unless modified by mutual consent in writing by the Parties hereto, except the teacher may be suspended or removed for cause as provided by law. The Teacher agrees that he may not be entitled to receive any salary from and after the date of such suspension or removal unless such suspension is revoked and in no event shall the Teacher be entitled to any compensation subsequent to the cancellation of this contract. This contract may also be terminated by the written resignation of the Teacher submitted not later than four (4) weeks before the close of the post-school conference period, to take effect at the end of the school year. Such resignation shall be submitted in substantially the form hereto attached described as Exhibit A, and by reference made a part hereof. . . . Failure of either party to fulfill the obligations under this contract, and to carry out the lawful provisions hereof, unless prevented from so doing by reason of personal illness of the Teacher or as otherwise provided by law, shall constitute sufficient grounds for the termination of this contract by the other party, provided, however, no termination shall be effective without reasonable notice and, if timely requested by the Teacher, hearing. The contract shall at all times be subject to any and all laws and all lawful rules and regulations, and policies of the State Board of Education and the School Board now existing or hereafter enacted. . . . 14. This contract may be changed or modified only by an amendment in writing executed in the same fashion as the original or by a collective bargaining agreement ratified by the School Board and bargaining agent. No person, officer or employee may modify the provisions of this agreement or make any other contract with the Teacher for and on behalf of the School Board without expressed ratification by the School Board. Provided, however, in accordance with paragraph two hereof both parties agree that this contract shall be modified by the adoption of a subsequent salary schedule as provided in paragraph two and that adoption of such amended salary schedule by the School Board shall constitute expressed ratification. At all times material to the instant case, Respondent was a classroom teacher at Plantation. For the three school years immediately preceding Ms. Jones' arrival at Plantation (the 1995-96, 1996-97, and 1997-98 school years), Respondent was supervised and evaluated by Mr. Roseburr. During this period of time, Respondent had an extremely difficult and challenging teaching assignment. He taught a "self-contained" class of sixth, seventh, and eight grade "drop out prevention" students. "Drop out prevention" students generally struggle academically, lack motivation and focus, have short attention spans, are easily distracted, come to class ill-prepared, do not complete all of their classwork, and are unruly and disruptive in class. Respondent and these "problem" students remained together in the same classroom the majority of the school day, with Respondent providing the students with instruction in all of their academic subjects. Because conventional teaching and behavior management methods did not always work with these students, Respondent needed to be creative and innovative to effectively discharge his classroom duties. Mr. Roseburr was in Respondent's classroom on a daily basis during the three-year period he supervised Respondent. Impressed with Respondent's performance and his "unique knack of knowing what to say and how to say it to students that are difficult," Mr. Roseburr gave Respondent satisfactory evaluations each of the three school years Respondent was under his supervision. The first quarter of the 1998-99 school year, Respondent had the same teaching assignment he had had the previous three school years, notwithstanding his expressed desire to have his assignment changed. In or around September of 1998, Respondent spoke with Ms. Jones about the possibility of having a parent volunteer (Sybil Moton) assist him in the classroom. Shortly after his discussion with Ms. Jones, Respondent sent her the following letter, dated September 14, 1998: I have been assigned to teach 6th, 7th & 8th grade self-contained D.O.P. for several years. I have been doing this at a great disadvantage. There are many Teachers, Team Leader and Department Heads, at this school who would not accept this assignment or be successful with it. I have accepted this assignment and I'm ready to do the best job I can under the circumstances. I have to plan for three grade levels, while other teachers only plan for one. I have to prepare for five subjects, while other teachers only prepare for one. I have five subject area meetings to attend, while other teachers only have one. I have not read any research that support[s] the notion that a teacher, who has as many duties and responsibilities as have been placed upon me, will be more successful or as successful as a teacher, who teaches one subject area or one grade level. Does the research indicate that children placed in this kind of class situation, will be more successful than in the traditional class situation? Is it possible that the children might be at a disadvantage? Each of the previous times when I requested an assistant, I was denied. It was all about money. Now when I ask a parent to help "FOR FREE," I'm told, "I don't think I'll be able to approve Ms. Moton as a parent volunteer." All I'm saying is that, now that I have been loaded down with all of the above, where is the help that goes with it? As of now, I feel that I have been placed in a situation that is headed for failure, and that's not me. I want to be successful at whatever I do, that's why I keep asking for help. These children need so much help, and I want to help them very badly. My difficulty comes from the situation I've been placed in, more so tha[n] the children I work with. After receiving the letter, Ms. Jones circled the last sentence of the fourth paragraph of the letter, and, on the upper right hand corner of the letter, wrote the following concerning the representation made by Respondent in this sentence: This is blatantly untrue. If you quote people, make sure you quote them correctly. See me please. She then returned the letter (with her handwritten notations on it) to Respondent. Respondent thereafter, as directed, met with Ms. Jones, who cautioned him that he could not "just . . . go out and recruit parents to work in [his] classroom and not have them approved by the School Board." Mr. Roseburr, although he remained an assistant principal at Plantation, did not supervise Respondent during the 1998-99 school year. Respondent's new supervisor was another assistant principal at the school, Carol Mendelson. On October 7, 1998, Ms. Mendelson conducted a classroom observation of Respondent. Following the observation, she sent Respondent the following memorandum, dated October 12, 1998: OBSERVATIONS During my observation of your class, you were introducing personal narratives to your students. You explained the concept of the first draft and the idea that students would choose their own topic for this assignment. Students were walking around the classroom, talking, drawing, had heads down on the desk without consequences from you. A review of your planbook indicates that plans for the day do not coincide with the lesson being taught by you. SUGGESTIONS Please consider the following recommendations to better assist the students: Setting clear, precise, classroom management rules that are reviewed daily with students will help enforce the rules. Consequences must be fair and consistent. Students were walking around the classroom, talking, drawing, had heads down without consequences from you. It is imperative that you establish and implement specific behavioral and procedural expectations, rules, and consequences in order to stop inappropriate behavior before it becomes more serious. Develop plans which match the curriculum you are addressing on each given day. Please make sure that your grade/planbook is in compliance with School Board policy and includes grades, entry dates, transfer dates, absences, interim grades, ESOL strategies, Standards of Service, and all mandated, pertinent information. Please meet me on Monday, October 22 during your planning period with your grade/planbook up- to-date with the abovementioned information. At the end of the first quarter of the 1998-99 school year, in approximately the first week of November of 1998, Respondent was given a new teaching assignment at Plantation, as well as a new classroom (an uncarpeted portable, smaller than his old classroom). He was assigned to a team consisting of four teachers (including himself) responsible for teaching approximately 120 students divided into four separate groups (Groups A through D), one of which (Group D) contained the students who had been in the "self-contained" class of "drop out prevention" students that Respondent had taught during the first quarter of the school year. Although only one of the four groups had students who were in the school's "drop out prevention" program, many of the students in the other three groups were as difficult for the teachers on the team to deal with as were the "drop out prevention" students. Respondent was the team's math and advanced communication skills teacher. The leader of Respondent's team was Ronald Jackson, the team's social studies teacher. Like Respondent, Mr. Jackson joined the team in November of the school year. In addition to Respondent and Mr. Jackson, there was also a language arts teacher, as well as a science teacher, on the team. On November 19, 1998, shortly after he had undertaken his new assignment, Respondent was observed in the classroom by Ms. Jones. Following the observation, Ms. Jones sent Respondent the following memorandum describing what she had observed during the observation: This letter is being written to inform you that on this date, I came to your classroom on two different occasions and found the following: Students not on task (talking, 1/ no materials) Students out of their seats and/or being permitted to sit wherever they wished with no management from you and no consequences for non-compliance. 2/ Your plan book was not updated by November 13 as requested. You have been asked to rectify this situation by Friday, November 20. Your plan book reflected no attendance or grades for students. 3/ Your lesson plans are not written appropriately, do not reflect the Sunshine State Standards, and do not reflect acceptable practice for lesson plans as discussed with all teachers during the pre- planning days. Your back is turned to students during your lesson 4/ and you are not aware or monitoring what is happening in your classroom while you are instructing. There is very little instructional organization and no classroom participation from the students. There is no indication that you are doing the daily FCAT warm-ups required for all math students in the school. There is no FCAT folder required for each student to use on a daily basis. Ms. Jones again observed Respondent in the classroom on Tuesday, December 1, 1998, during first period. Respondent had been off from work the previous five days (Thursday, November 27, 1998, Thanksgiving Day, through Monday, November 30, 1998). Upon his arrival at school that morning, before entering his classroom, he was called into an unscheduled student services meeting. Because of the length of the meeting, he arrived at his classroom a "couple [of] minutes" after the first period bell had rung. When he opened the classroom door, he noticed that "the fire extinguisher had been sprayed all over the room." With the students' assistance, he cleaned up as best he could and then started his lesson. When Ms. Jones entered the room, Respondent was in the back of the room taking attendance. The students were "out of control." They had no books and there was no assignment on the blackboard. Following the observation, Ms. Jones sent Respondent the following memorandum, dated December 1, 1998, describing what she had observed during the observation: On this date I visited you classroom and observed the following: It was 9:00 a.m. and the students were totally out of control. There was no assignment on the board, students had no books. You were in the back of the room finishing your attendance, oblivious to what was going on around you. There were absolutely no reprimands from you for their behavior. In fact, it was I who had to quiet the class down. The class was so loud and unruly, that you did not even hear Ms. Milligan call you over the loudspeaker. I also had to inform you that someone was calling you over the public address system. Although your plan book appears to be updated, you were not following the plans as outlined. In fact, no FCAT warm up was on the board, no books were in use and absolutely nothing in terms of teaching and learning was occurring. This was one half hour after class had started. After I quieted the class down, you proceeded to give out paperwork to students apparently to review it. You handed out papers one by one to students who began to be unruly again. At 10:00 a.m. I visited your classroom again, because I wanted to speak with Mr. Roseburr who was outside your door. However, when I went inside the classroom, there was still no work on the board for students, although books were on the desks. Students were talking and looking around and not on task because there was no task to be on. When I questioned what the students were doing, you explained that you had papers to return and that you[] were going to review their work. Once again, you passed out papers one by one, taking away from instructional time and giving students opportunity to misbehave. 5/ It is apparent to me that there is a lack of classroom management in terms of student behavior, and a greater lack of lesson management since there are no clear expectations for students and no method for simple housekeeping chores as attendance and returning papers. You are oblivious to their behavior 6/ and provide no consequences. Most obvious, is the lack of meaningful work for students. There was none provided. Given those circumstances, students will find an easy opportunity to misbehave. Should these conditions, including delivering lessons as outlined in your plan book, not improve immediately, you will be placed in documentation for unsatisfactory performance. On December 7, 1998, Respondent was observed in the classroom by Mr. Fegers. Following the observation, Mr. Fegers sent Respondent the following memorandum, dated December 16, 1998, in which he described and commented on what he had observed during the observation: On Monday, December 7, 1998 I observed you teaching your class from 9:15-9:45 A. M. Based upon my observation the following are suggestions/comments for your consideration. I found the classroom to be orderly; however, your students were talking loudly as you attempted to teach by talking louder. The class continued talking out loud with no consequence or redirection by you. While the entire class was being disruptive you gave one check to a student for talking, even though the entire class was talking. Never once did you get the class under control and, for some unknown reasons, you continued talking with no one listening. Please be advised that this is unacceptable. It does not make sense to try to shout louder than your class. You must first bring the class under control by confronting the misbehavior. This did not occur. Your attendance was neatly done, listing tardies and absences. Grades were virtually non-existent, and the few that were there did not have names to identify who they belong to. Grades must be clearly recorded next to the appropriate student's name. 7/ Lesson plans from 11/9/98-11/30/98 were incomplete. There were no warm up activities. Additionally, you identified the 504 student's strategies as they were to "do 1/2 of the assignment." The strategies need to be based on the student's needs as they related[] to the written 504 plan. 8/ ESOL strategies written were, "Students may sign out a book if requested." This is unacceptable. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. On December 17, 1998, Respondent received a memorandum from Ms. Jones notifying him that his "performance [was] unsatisfactory and that [he was being] placed in the Documentation process of the IPAS System effective December 17, 1998." In the memorandum, Ms. Jones explained that she was "moving [Respondent] from Development to Documentation" because of her "concern" regarding his performance in the areas of "lesson presentation," "classroom management," and "behavior management." The memorandum further advised Respondent that "the 1997 Florida Legislature [had] amended Florida Statu[t]e 231.29 [to] state[] that the School District shall place a teacher on performance probation for 90 calendar days from the receipt of this notice of unsatisfactory performance." Respondent signed the memorandum and dated it (December 17, 1998), acknowledging his receipt of the document. "IPAS" is the acronym for the School Board's "Instructional Personnel Assessment System." Under "IPAS," "lesson presentation," "classroom management," and "behavior management" are three of the ten "performance areas" in which instructional personnel are evaluated. The other seven are "instructional planning," "lesson management," "student performance evaluation," "communication," "records management," "subject matter knowledge," and "professional competencies." 9/ Ratings of either "S" (satisfactory), "N" (needs improvement), or "U" (unsatisfactory) are given in each "performance area." With input from Respondent and Gary Itzkowitz, a Broward Teachers Union field staff representative, Ms. Jones, Mr. Fegers, and Dr. Cathy Kirk, the School Board's coordinator of teacher evaluation, developed Performance Development Plans for Respondent in the "performance areas" of "lesson presentation," "behavior management," and "classroom management." Each plan was dated January 7, 1999, and indicated that Mr. Fegers would be the "assessor" and that the "follow- up/review date" was March 5, 1999. The "lesson presentation" Performance Development Plan read as follows: Identified Deficiencies Fails to create interest through the use of materials and techniques appropriate to the varying abilities and backgrounds of students (6B-5.004). Fails to use different types of questions to obtain desired learner responses. Fails to ask questions which are clear and requires students to reflect before responding. Fails to circulate about the room as students engage in seatwork and assist students as needed. Strategies for Improvement, Corrections, and Assistance Ms. Greifinger [the chairperson of Plantation's math department] will meet and discuss various motivational teaching techniques such as (a) Use of visual aids, manipulatives, and critical thinking activities, etc. by January 14, 1999. Ms. Cranshaw will assist with scripting questions related to the content during lesson planning 2-3 weeks in a row by January 29, 1999. Mr. Jones will observe Ms. Greifinger focusing on questioning techniques and follow-up by discussing implementation in classroom during his planning time by January 22, 1999. Mr. Jones will read the FPMS Domain document (domain 3) on circulating and assisting and discuss with Mr. Fegers. Follow-up assistance will be provided by Mr. Fegers and/or Mrs. Jones via observation and follow-up conferencing. Expected Outcomes and Timeline Teacher Will: Create interest through use of material and techniques appropriate to the varying abilities and backgrounds of students (6B- 5.004) by April 13, 1999. Use different types of questions to obtain desired learner responses by April 13, 1999. Ask questions which are clear and require students to reflect before responding by April 13, 1999. Circulate about the room as students engage in seatwork and assist students as needed by April 13, 1999. Consequences for failure or refusal to remediate all areas identified as deficiencies: Will result in an unsatisfactory IPAS evaluation and termination of contract. Respondent received a copy of this document on January 7, 1999, but refused to sign it. The "behavior management" Performance Development Plan read as follows: Identified Deficiencies Fails to maintain consistency in the application of policy and practice by: Establishing routines and procedures for the use of materials and the physical movement of students. Formulating appropriate standards for student behavior. Identifying inappropriate behavior and employing appropriate techniques for correction (6B-5.007). -Fails to demonstrate an awareness of what all students are doing. Strategies for Improvement, Corrections, and Assistance Mr. Jones will observe Ms. Greifinger's class to witness her technique in behavior management. Discussion to follow by January 21, 1999. Mr. Jones will observe Mr. Lyons' class to witness his techniques in behavior management by January 28, 1999. Discussion with Mr. Fegers and Mr. Lyons to follow. Mr. Jones will observe Mr. Watkins' class to witness his techniques in behavior management by January 28, 1999. Mr. Jones will receive assistance from Ms. Mendelson, Mr. Fegers, Mr. Roseburr and selected teacher(s) to develop a behavior management plan including rules, rewards and including consequences by January 14, 1999. Mr. Jones will develop a phone log system which will indicate conversations, conferences with parents, specific student infractions, and disposition of all of the above with the assistance of Ms. Mendelson by January 21, 1999. Mr. Fegers will observe classroom to help identify inappropriate behaviors and follow-up with discussion to include appropriate ways to desist inappropriate behavior by January 28, 1999. Expected Outcomes and Timeline Maintain consistency in the application of policy and practice. Establish routines and procedures for the use of materials and the physical movement of students by April 13, 1999. Formulate appropriate standards for student behavior by April 13, 1999. Identify inappropriate behavior and employ appropriate techniques for correction (6B-5.007) by April 13, 1999. Demonstrate an awareness of what all students are doing by April 13, 1999. Consequences for failure or refusal to remediate all areas identified as deficiencies: Will result in an unsatisfactory IPAS evaluation and termination of contract. Respondent received a copy of this document on January 7, 1999, but refused to sign it. The "classroom management" Performance Development Plan read as follows: Identified Deficiencies Fails to create and maintain an organized and pleasant working environment in the classroom. Fails to encourage students to participate and contribute to class activities. Fails to establish an environment conducive to positive peer interaction. Fails to identify individual social, emotional and/or physical needs that might affect school success. Strategies for Improvement, Corrections, and Assistance Mr. Watkins will assist in the setting-up and organizing of the classroom to include aesthetically appealing academic and social environment by January 14, 1999. Ms. Greifinger will discuss different student activities that will foster participation and interaction 2-3 times by February 11, 1999. Should a 504 student be assigned to your team, Ms. Hogan will review 504 plans and discuss ways to modify curriculum and implement in classroom (Date to be determined). Expected Outcomes and Timeline Create and maintain an organized and pleasant working environment in the classroom by April 13, 1999. Encourage students to participate and contribute to class activities by April 13, 1999. Establish an environment conducive to positive peer interaction by April 13, 1999. Identify individual social, emotional and/or physical needs that might affect school success by April 13, 1999. Consequences for failure or refusal to remediate all areas identified as deficiencies: Will result in an unsatisfactory IPAS evaluation and termination of contract. Respondent received a copy of this document on January 7, 1999, but refused to sign it. The "[s]trategies" set forth in the Performance Development Plans were reasonably designed to enable Respondent to improve his performance in the areas of "lesson presentation," "classroom management," and "behavior management." These "[s]trategies" were implemented. Those at the school asked to assist Respondent provided him the requested assistance (with Respondent's cooperation). 10/ On January 27, 1999, Respondent was observed in the classroom by Mr. Fegers. On February 1, 1999, Mr. Fegers and Ms. Jones met with Respondent to discuss Mr. Feger's January 27, 1999, observation. In addition, Mr. Fegers sent Respondent the following memorandum, dated February 9, 1999, in which he described and commented on what he had observed during the observation: This is a follow up to our conference on Monday, February 1, 1999. On Monday, February 1, 1999, we met to discuss my observation of your teaching that occurred on Thursday, January 27, 1999 from 1:38-2:13 P.M. Ms. Jeanie Jones, our Principal, was also present at the follow up conference. Based on my observation we discussed the following suggestions/comments for your consideration: All students were seated when I arrived. Your rules were not posted. 11/ You were working on F-CAT testing exercises. At 1:55 A.M. I observed eight students not doing any work. I stated my concerns that the students should not be given 30 minutes to do an assignment without you following up to see if they are on task. I recommend that additional assignments be given so that students do not sit and do nothing. The class is becoming increasingly noisy with no redirection from you. This is unacceptable. Finally, you stated to the class, "Alright people listen up!" Nothing followed that comment so the class continued talking. The talking continued because of down time, with students having nothing to do. You then started passing out papers one- by-one to students randomly which took a great deal of time. By this time most of the class was off task. This is unacceptable. Varied instructional activities as well as pacing of assignments would eliminate the majority of the misbehavior. This did not occur. We agreed that I would come back this week for another observation. Mr. Fegers next observed Respondent in the classroom on February 5, 1999. Following the observation, Mr. Fegers sent Respondent the following memorandum, dated February 9, 1999, in which he described and commented on what he had observed during his February 5, 1999, observation: On Friday, February 5, 1999, I observed you teaching your class from 8:50-9:20 A.M. Based on my observation are the following suggestions/comments for your consideration. I found the classroom to be orderly with all students seated at t[]he beginning of my observation. You reviewed the rules and expectations with your class. Your rules were also posted. One student was seated with a washcloth on top of his head. He was not asked to remove it. This is unacceptable and you will need to redirect inappropriate behavior that does not follow the code of conduct. I observed you passing out six writing assignments to students for talking. I observed you circulating and assisting students on division, simplifying fractions and multiplication. I observed you redirecting inappropriate behavior back to the assignment. Some students were requesting pencils at 9:15. Please make sure all students have something to write with at the beginning of the class. This should also be part of your discipline plan, that students come to class with paper and pencil prepared to work. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Respondent provided Mr. Fegers with the following written response to Mr. Feger's memorandum concerning the February 5, 1999, observation: #1. Thanks for the positive observation. #2. Yes this is true. I will follow your suggestion. #3. Thanks for the positive observation. #4. Thanks for the positive observation. #5. I have tried your suggestion, it doesn't work. They don't care and they don't want to work. That's why they don't come prepared. On February 17, 1999, Respondent was observed in the classroom by Ms. Jones. Following the observation, Ms. Jones sent Respondent the following memorandum, dated February 17, 1999, regarding her "observation [of] February 17, 1999." It read as follows: On this date I observed your C group in a math class. You were teaching least common denominators for fractions and had several examples on the board. Students came into the room noisily and it took about 7 minutes to get them quieted down and settled for work. You reminded them of the behavior rules. Some students were unprepared for work and had no notebook paper or pencils. Although there were stated consequences for students who misbehaved, there were no consequences for unprepared students. At the beginning of the lesson, you had a student hand out SAT review packets to each student and told them it was due on Friday and that the packet would be their homework for the next two days. You said that anybody could help them with the answers. I am questioning why you would give such a large body of work to these students and then ask them to complete it on their own. These students would benefit far better from you working out each problem with them, and/or allowing them to work in cooperative groups on a small number of problems at a time. This assignment is a concern to me, because I feel that it is a frustrating assignment to these students. Additionally, and most importantly, this is review for the SAT and they need your direct instruction and supervision. They will give up on this assignment because it is too much for them to "bite off" at one time. Students need to be taught to their instructional level, not their frustration level. Again, I feel that teacher directed instruction and cooperative learning activities would be more successful with these students, especially for the SAT review which is critical. I did not feel the answers to the examples should have already been up on the board; however, you did go over each problem thoroughly and had the students figure out how you arrived at the answer. You stopped disruptive behavior and gave two writing assignments out to disruptive students. You helped them learn how to use their calculators properly. You got students to raise their hands for answers and had students contributing to the lesson. You told the students you were going to give them examples of similar math problems to work out themselves, but the four problems you gave them were not exactly the same as the examples i.e., you did not provide a problem with mixed numbers. I see that you are making an effort to work with your students and that you are preparing lessons for them. Your classroom discipline appears to be improving, but still needs some work as students are still coming unprepared for classwork. Please continue to pay attention to the needs of your students, particularly when it comes to assignments that you request they do on their own. On March 3, 1999, Respondent was observed in the classroom by Mr. Fegers. Following the observation, Mr. Fegers sent Respondent the following memorandum, dated March 5, 1999, in which he described and commented on what he had observed during the observation: On Wednesday, March 3, 1999, I observed you teaching your class from 1:35-2:05 P.M. Based on my observation the following are suggestions/comments for your consideration: The students were extremely noisy. You were seated on a stool in the front corner of the room. 12/ You were not redirecting student misbehavior. No attempt to stop the misbehavior occurred. I did not observe you reviewing the rules and expectations that students were to follow. I strongly recommend that you follow the discipline plan as [you] indicated you would. You had three math problems on the overhead for students to do. One of which was the following, "5 is what % of 20?" The students were confused with not only this problem but also the other two. You went over the problem, but not step by step so that the students could follow along. They were confused. It would have been much more beneficial if the exercise or problems were broken down into simpler forms so that your class could understand. You did not take into consideration the appropriate levels or activities of classwork that meet the students' needs. Also the directions should have been clear, brief, and explicit for student understanding. This did not occur. 13/ Two students were reading a magazine, 14/ five were sleeping (literally), right under your nose, one was working with your attendance sheet while class was supposedly going on. This is unacceptable and you will need to redirect inappropriate behavior that does not follow the code of conduct. Additionally, I question why a student was working with a confidential document. 15/ I observed an atmosphere of animosity within the class, as evidenced by your voice inflection and you telling several students to shut up. You also asked me to speak to a student who you claimed had a beeper. I removed the student after the observation was finished and escorted him to the office. The student did not have a beeper. You accused the wrong student. You had claimed that the beeper went off in class, which it may have, but it was not the fault of the young man you requested I remove. Based on the observation done to date your performance in the areas identified in your Performance Development Plan are unsatisfactory. Ms. Jones, on March 5, 1999, filled out an "IPAS" evaluation form rating Respondent "unsatisfactory" in "overall performance" and in the "performance areas" of "lesson presentation," "classroom management," and "behavior management" and rating him "satisfactory" in the remaining seven "performance areas." That same day, she and Mr. Fegers met with Respondent and Mr. Itzkowitz to discuss this "mid-point evaluation," which Ms. Jones showed to Respondent during the meeting. Respondent was advised that he ”needed to utilize appropriate instructional techniques to engage his students, encourage his students to participate and contribute to class activities, demonstrate an awareness of what his students are doing and stop all inappropriate behavior before it spreads or becomes more serious." In addition, he was reminded that "the 90th day [of his probationary period] was April 13 per Florida Statutes 231.29 and the documentation process of the IPAS system." Pursuant to a request made by Mr. Itzkowitz, on Respondent's behalf, at the "mid point evaluation" meeting, the following additional "strategy" was added, effective March 5, 1999, to the "Strategies for Improvement, Corrections, and Assistance" portion of the "lesson presentation" Performance Development Plan: Mr. Fegers, Ms. Greifinger and Mr. Jones will meet to plan a lesson, modeled by Ms. Greifinger and implemented by Jones & observed by Fegers by 3/17/99. On or about March 17, 1999, in accordance with the "model[ing]" requirement added to the "lesson presentation" Performance Development Plan, Ms. Greifinger, in Respondent's presence, taught a lesson to Respondent's students. Mr. Fegers was present for approximately five to ten minutes of the lesson. During the lesson the students behaved, by and large, as they did when Respondent was teaching them. There were students off task and walking around the classroom to whom Ms. Greifinger "had to speak." Respondent noticed that there was one student who had his head on the desk and was listening to a Sony Walkman. Ms. Greifinger said nothing to this student. Mr. Fegers was supposed to observe Respondent teach the lesson that Ms. Greifinger had "modeled." He had initially planned to conduct such an observation the week before spring break, but upon reconsideration (without consulting with Respondent or Mr. Itzkowitz) he determined that, in fairness to Respondent, such an observation should be conducted after spring break. The last school day before spring break was March 26, 1999. Respondent worked that day. It was the last day he reported to work. Sometime after the beginning of spring break, Respondent determined that, because of job-related stress and anxiety (resulting, in part, from his belief that he was being treated unfairly by school administrators), he was not able to perform his assigned duties at Plantation. Accordingly, he did not return to work on April 5, 1999, after the end of spring break, and he remained out of work thereafter. In accordance with School Board policy, each week that he was out (prior to the initiation of disciplinary action against him), he provided advance notice that he would be absent by telephoning "sub- central" and advising of his anticipated absence and the resultant need for the School Board to hire a substitute teacher to teach his classes. On occasion, Respondent also telephoned Ms. Jones' secretary (at the secretary's home) to let the secretary know that he would be absent. Respondent, however, did not initiate any direct contact with Ms. Jones. On or about April 12, 1999, Ms. Jones sent to Respondent, by certified mail, a letter, which read as follows: Please be informed that your 90th day according to Florida Statute 231.29 and as indicated on your Performance Development Plan is April 13. Due to your absenteeism, we were unable to meet for a final evaluation. We will meet in my office on Monday, April 19 at 12:15 P.M. Please call this office as soon as possible to inform us if you will be attending this meeting. Respondent neither telephoned Ms. Jones, nor attended a meeting with her on April 19, 1999. On that date (April 19, 1999), Ms. Jones filled out an "IPAS" evaluation form rating Respondent "unsatisfactory" in "overall performance" and in the "performance areas" of "lesson presentation," "classroom management," and "behavior management" and rating him "satisfactory" in the remaining seven "performance areas." In Ms. Jones' view, although at certain times during the probationary period Respondent had shown some improvement in his performance, "[t]here was nothing [in the way of improvement] on a consistent basis." At no time, however, did Ms. Jones believe that Respondent's performance was so deficient as to warrant his immediate removal from the classroom. Although Mr. Roseburr was not charged with the responsibility of supervising Respondent, he did have occasion to go to Respondent's classroom and see Respondent interact with his students. During these visits, it appeared to Mr. Roseburr that Respondent was discharging his teaching duties in the same satisfactory manner he had during the three previous school years. Respondent was "always in control and working with the students." Mr. Jackson, the leader of Respondent's team, also had a favorable view of Respondent's performance during the 1998-99 school year. According to Mr. Jackson, Respondent "always showed professionalism, spoke to the students in a positive light, . . . [and] would go out of his way to try to get them interested to do their work," employing "[v]ery creative" tactics to accomplish his objective. Another teacher at the school who had the opportunity to see Respondent perform in the classroom during the 1998-99 school year was Claire Peterson. Ms. Peterson provided special instruction to low performing students in the school's "pull out" program. She had occasion to visit Respondent's classroom about every other day to "pull out" students in the program. During these visits, she noted that Respondent's students "seemed to be on task" and "doing what he asked of them," for the most part, and that "education was taking place." 16/ She thought that Respondent was doing a "great job." On or about April 19, 1999, Ms. Jones began her efforts to make telephone contact with Respondent. Her efforts were unsuccessful. She left messages on Respondent's answering machine asking that he inform her when he intended to return to work. Respondent did not return Ms. Jones' telephone calls. By memorandum dated April 22, 1999, Ms. Jones recommended to Dr. Dorothy Or, the then-Interim Superintendent of Schools, that Respondent's employment be terminated. The memorandum read as follows: Pursuant to Florida Statute 231.29, I am writing to inform you that Eugene Jones, teacher, has completed his 90 calendar day performance probation and has failed to correct his performance deficiencies. I do not believe that Mr. Jones can correct said deficiencies and his employment should be immediately terminated. I have complied with all applicable provisions of Florida Statutes 231.29 and have appropriate documentation (see attached). Please inform me of your final decision in this matter. By letter dated April 30, 1999, Ms. Orr advised Respondent that she was recommending that the School Board formally suspend him, without pay, from his teaching position for "unsatisfactory job performance." On or about May 3, 1999, Mr. Itzkowitz, on behalf of Respondent, sent Ms. Jones the following letter: I have recently spoken with Eugene Jones. As you are aware, Mr. Jones has been ill and is currently under a doctor's care. He has informed me that you have tried to contact him by mail but that he is not in receipt of said correspondences. As a result, on behalf of Mr. Jones I request copies of any letters sent to him by your office in the past ninety days. Upon receipt, I shall forward them to Mr. Jones. Additionally, I request that a meeting be scheduled for the purpose of discussing Mr. Jones' annual assessment for the current school year. Both Mr. Jones and I would like to meet with you. I look forward to hearing from you on each of these matters. The meeting that Mr. Itzkowitz had requested in his May 3, 1999, letter was held in "the middle of May." At the meeting, Ms. Jones did not ask any questions regarding Respondent's absence from school. After seeing a physician about the stress and anxiety he was experiencing, Respondent applied for social security and long-term disability benefits. In applying for long-term disability benefits, Respondent submitted a completed Long Term Disability Claim Employee's Statement form, dated May 14, 1999, to the School Board's carrier, UNUM. The following are questions that were on the form concerning his "disability" and "the condition causing [his] disability" and the entries Respondent made in response to these questions: Why are you unable to work?-- c[h]ronic anxiety state/job stress. Does your current condition prevent you from caring for yourself?-- No. Before you stopped working, did your condition require you to change your job or the way you did your job?-- Yes. I could not perform my job d[ue] to my condition. Is your condition related to your occupation?-- Yes. Last day you worked before the disability-- 3-26-99 Did you work a full day?-- Yes. Date you were first unable to work?-- 4-5- 99. Have you returned to work?-- No. If you have not returned to work, do you expect to-- Yes, if I'm allowed, full time, (date) unknown. As part of the application process, Respondent also had his treating physician, Edwin Hamilton, M.D., complete and submit to UNUM a Long Term Disability Claim Physician's Statement. On the form, dated June 3, 1999, Dr. Hamilton stated, among other things, the following: Respondent's primary diagnosis was "chronic anxiety state"; Respondent's symptoms were "inability to sleep, stress, [and] nervousness"; Respondent's symptoms had first appeared "prior to 4/99"; Respondent had first been unable to work "prior to 4/99"; Respondent's first visit to his office had been April 1, 1999, and his last visit had been April 20, 1999; Respondent's condition was work related 17/ ; Respondent had been referred to a medical social worker and advised to see a psychiatrist 18/ ; Respondent should not and could not "work in the present school classroom environment"; Respondent's prognosis was "guarded at this point"; Respondent had not "achieved maximum medical improvement"; he "expect[ed] fundamental changes in [Respondent's] medical condition" in "more than 6 months"; Respondent "should remain out of the school classroom environment for the time being"; and Respondent "may be able to improve on medical/psychiatric consults." By letter to Ms. Orr, dated May 17, 1999, Mr. Itzkowitz "request[ed] a formal 120 hearing on [Respondent's] behalf." On May 18, 1999, the School Board took action to suspend Respondent, without pay, pending the outcome of the "formal 120 hearing" Respondent had requested.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a final order immediately reinstating Respondent and paying him his "back salary." DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of April, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of April, 2001.

Florida Laws (11) 120.569120.57120.68212.06447.203447.208447.209447.50348.031718.301718.502 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jan. 22, 2002 Number: 02-000310PL Latest Update: Jan. 17, 2003

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint, and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken against her.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at the final hearing and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made: Respondent is now, and has been at all times material to the instant case, a Florida-certified teacher authorized to teach mathematics. She holds Florida Educator's Certificate No. 801286, which covers the five-year period ending June 30, 2003. Respondent was a teacher for more than a decade in Michigan before moving to Florida. She began teaching in Florida in or around September of 1998, when she was hired to teach mathematics at Deerfield Beach High School (DBHS). Respondent taught at DBHS only into the early part of the second semester of the 1998-1999 school year, when she was removed from the classroom following her arrest, during the early morning hours on January 17, 2002, for lewd and lascivious conduct. The arrest occurred at Athena's Forum, a club that Respondent and her then fiancée, William Markowitz, had read about in a magazine article about "swing clubs." The article "peaked [their] interest to go in[to one of these clubs] and see what it was all about." Respondent and Mr. Markowitz entered Athena's Forum at approximately 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, January 16, 1999. Neither she nor Mr. Markowitz had been to the club before. They were stopped in the vestibule and asked to fill out and sign a membership application and to pay a membership fee of $75.00, which they did. They were then allowed to go into the interior of the building. There were signs posted in the vestibule and elsewhere in the club cautioning that those who might be offended by "sexual activity or nudity" should not enter the club. Upon entering the interior of the building, Respondent and Mr. Markowitz went to the bar and ordered drinks. They later went to the buffet area where food was being served to get dinner. They brought their dinner to a table "at the stage level," where they sat down and ate. It was "very dark" there. They spent the rest of the evening sitting at their table (next to each other) listening to music and watching "people coming and going throughout the club." On occasion, they got up to dance. There were at least 50 people in the club that evening, some of whom were in various states of undress, being "fondl[ed]" and "touch[ed]" by others. Respondent and Mr. Markowitz, however, both remained clothed throughout their stay at the club. Among the other people in the club that evening was Deputy John Duncan of the Broward County Sheriff's Office (BCSO). Deputy Duncan was there, along with eight to 12 other law enforcement officers, as part of a BCSO undercover operation. Deputy Duncan had been to the club on a prior occasion to conduct "surveillance." He had gone there at the direction of his supervisor, Sergeant Barbara Stewart. Sergeant Stewart had advised Deputy Duncan and the other participants in the undercover operation that a "tip" had been received that "lewd activity was supposedly going on inside the club" and that they "were going in there to look for" such activity and to see if "any narcotics [were] being sold." During that first visit, the club was "dead." The bartender, however, told Deputy Duncan that there were other times, including "certain nights [designated as] couples nights, that things [did] go on" at the club. Among these "things," according to the bartender, was "sexual activity." Deputy Duncan returned to the club at approximately 10:00 p.m. on January 16, 1999. He gained entry to the interior of the building after showing his "membership number" to a woman "at the front desk," giving the woman a "bottle of liquor" he had brought with him, and having his "cover charge" paid (by a fellow undercover officer). Deputy Duncan, along with Sergeant Stewart, who was part of the BCSO undercover operation at the club that evening, proceeded to the "northwest section of the bar," where they sat down. Next to the bar was a "dance floor." There were tables and chairs surrounding the "dance floor." Approximately 30 feet from where he was seated at the bar, in the area of the "dance floor," Deputy Duncan observed a "white female," 3/ standing up, straddling the right leg of a "gentleman" sitting on a chair. The "white female" was wearing a tight-fitting, black spandex dress. Deputy Duncan saw the "gentleman" "lift her dress up" above her vaginal area. It appeared to Deputy Duncan that the "white female" did not "have any underwear on." The "gentleman" then proceeded to fondle the "white female's" vaginal area. This went on for two to five minutes. At no time did the "white female" attempt to pull down her dress or otherwise cover her vaginal area. Neither she, nor the "gentleman," made any effort to hide what they were doing. Although Deputy Duncan considered the "white female's" and the "gentleman's" conduct to be lewd and lascivious, he did not immediately place them under arrest inasmuch as the undercover operation had not concluded. Before the club was "raided" later that evening and arrests were made, Deputy Duncan observed other instances of people in plain view engaging in activities of a sexual nature. He saw, among other things, "women with other women where they were fondling the breast," "women with men doing dirty dancing," and "men and women in corners." In the "back area" of the club, he saw "hot tubs with several naked individuals inside" and rooms where people were "engaging in open intercourse." There were approximately 38 people arrested as a result of the BCSO undercover operation at Athena's Forum that evening. Respondent and Mr. Markowitz were among those arrested. Respondent's and Markowitz's arrests were for lewd and lascivious conduct. The arrests occurred at 1:30 a.m. on January 17, 1999 (after the club had been "raided"). Deputy Duncan was the arresting officer. He believed that Respondent and Mr. Markowitz were the "white female" and "gentleman," respectively (referred to above) whom he had observed earlier that evening in the area of the "dance floor" engaging in conduct that he considered to be lewd and lascivious. Deputy Duncan, however, was mistaken. Respondent was not the "white female" 4/ and Mr. Markowitz was not the "gentleman" 5/ Deputy Duncan had seen. At no time that evening at the club had Mr. Markowitz pulled Respondent's dress up or fondled Respondent's vaginal area. Respondent's and Mr. Markowitz's arrests were two of the "many" arrests Deputy Duncan made at "swing clubs" in the county. Respondent's arrest was reported in the media. It was common knowledge at DBHS that she had been arrested for lewd and lascivious conduct at a "swing club." The Broward County School Board initiated disciplinary proceedings against Respondent. It removed her from the classroom and reassigned her to a "security guard" position pending the outcome of the disciplinary proceedings. Respondent thereafter submitted a letter of resignation, dated January 24, 2000, to the Broward County School Board. In her letter, she stated, among other things, the following: Broward County showed me a warm welcome by taking away my civil rights to privacy and making my entire ordeal a Nationwide joke. No one, except my attorney and my future husband knew of my arrest on January 17, 1999, until the School Board . . . gave information to the local and national media. . . . . The Broward County School Board showed an excellent, motivated and experienced educator that they are more interested in what teachers do after hours than the students' well-being. I was wrongfully arrested on January 17, 1999 in a private club where no children were present. It was not near or on any school grounds and it did not impair my ability to teach. As of this letter, it seems that the criminal charges against me will be dismissed. On February 17, 1999, I was handed a letter that will forever change my life, when I was pulled and submitted to complete ridicule in front of my 4th Period class with only forty minutes to the end of the day. I successfully taught for four weeks and would have continued to successfully teach if the Board had not release[d] my name to the media. After a national debate on the right to privacy my career was destroyed, as well as my life. . . . In August 1999 I was placed on administrative reassignment with pay. I was informed that I would receive a "meaningful" job that would justify my paycheck while we awaited the Administrative Hearing. Once assigned a position, displayed for the world to see, as a security guard for the main School Board Building, I reported my health issues and repeated harassment from the media, school board employees, teachers, and parents. I was informed by Carmen Rodriguez, attorney for the School Board, that the position I was assigned would involve "little or no participation." I asked for a different position but the request was denied. . . . At this point I am unable to return to work due to illness . . . . Therefore, due to the cost to my personal health, lack of financial resources, lack of union support, the fact that I am only an annual contract teacher, being refused a position change, and being denied a Leave of Absence, and the pride to not submit myself to the degrading way you treated my fellow educator, I must with great hesitation resign as an educator in Broward County. I am giving up the battle in the administrative courts to win the war of public opinion. The criminal charges that had been filed against Respondent following her arrest were "dropped by the court" on or about July 18, 2000. Respondent married Mr. Markowitz, but they were later divorced. They still keep in touch with one another, however. Mr. Markowitz tried to help Respondent make the necessary arrangements to attend the final hearing in the instant case, but due to the expense involved and the fact that Respondent had an examination to take, she was unable to be at either of the hearing sites. 6/

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the EPC issue a final order dismissing the instant Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of October, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of October, 2002.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57120.60798.02
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Moore Haven, Florida Mar. 15, 2000 Number: 00-001143 Latest Update: Jul. 01, 2024
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Dec. 04, 1989 Number: 89-006704 Latest Update: Jul. 12, 1990

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: At all times material to this proceeding, Respondent held Florida Teaching Certificate No. 139016 covering the area of history and qualifying him to teach grades 7 through 12. From on or about January 27, 1988, until August 29, 1989 the Respondent was employed by the Board as a teacher at Sandalwood Junior/Senior High School, teaching 8th grade gifted students ranging in age from 13 to 14 years and 11th and 12th grade advanced placement history students ranging in age from 16 to 18 years. Respondent is presently employed by the Board, assigned to the Media Center in Jacksonville, Florida where he was assigned on August 29, 1989. Prior to his present employment with the Board, the Respondent had been employed by the Florida Community College of Jacksonville (FCCJ) for 21-1/2 years as a teacher/administrator. Before assuming his teaching duties at Sandalwood, Respondent had read the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession and understood and accepted the obligations and responsibilities placed on him by the code. On June 21, 1989, S.L.W. ran away from her home in North Carolina and while standing outside of a local fast food restaurant, a short distance from her home, an individual called Adrian Freeman offered her a ride. S.L.W. was not acquainted with Freeman before he offered her a ride. Freeman learned from S.L.W. that she had run away from home and offered to help her and not tell anyone. S.L.W. spent the night at Freeman's house and while there she became intoxicated and "passed out." While S.L.W. was passed out, Freeman sexually assaulted her. The next day, June 23, 1989, S.L.W. decided to leave Freeman's house and he drove her to the bus station. At first, S.L.W. was going to Myrtle Beach but because the bus for Jacksonville, Florida left earlier she decided to go to Jacksonville. Before S.L.W. left for Jacksonville, Freeman made arrangements with the Respondent for him to meet S.L.W. in Jacksonville and find her a place to stay. Upon arriving in Jacksonville, S.L.W. was met at the bus station by Respondent. The Respondent told S.L.W. that he was a high school teacher. S.L.W. told Respondent that she was in the tenth grade and a runaway. Respondent then told S.L.W. that she would be staying at the home of Lee Daniels. Respondent then bought S.L.W. some food. When S.L.W. finished eating he carried her to the home of Lee Daniels but they were told to come back later. Respondent and S.L.W. later returned to the home of Daniels around 10:00 a.m. Respondent showed S.L.W. to her room and told her to take a shower. After taking she shower she put on her clothes and got under the cover. At this point, Respondent returned to the room with an alcoholic beverage for S.L.W. Respondent then told S.L.W. to remove her clothes item by item and once she was undressed began to massage her body. Later Respondent attempted sexual intercourse with S.L.W. and, although Respondent did not have an ejaculation he did penetrate S.L.W.'s vagina with his penis. Respondent then left Daniels' home and was seen by S.L.W. on only two other occasions. There was no physical contact between them on these occasions. S.L.W. remained at Daniels' home for approximately three weeks. Eventually, S.L.W. was picked up by a State Trooper at a bar and through the Jacksonville Sheriff's Department was returned to her mother. S.L.W. identified Respondent for the sheriff's department as the person who sexually assaulted her by pointing him out in a high school year book. Based on this identification, Respondent was arrested and charged with lewd and lascivious assault upon a minor. Respondent's conduct involving S.L.W. was immoral, reflects on his character, not only as an individual but more specifically as a teacher, and is in violation of the Duval County Teacher's Tenure Act and the Code of Ethics of the teaching profession. Although the publicity of Respondent's involvement with S.L.W. created by several newspaper articles and television stories and by word of mouth of the students, teacher and parents of Sandalwood seriously impaired his effectiveness as a teacher at Sandalwood, there was insufficient evidence to show that Respondent's effectiveness as a teacher had been seriously impaired in the Duval County School System as a whole.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record and the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, it is, RECOMMENDED that the Board enter a Final Order finding Respondent guilty of having violated Section 4(a) of the Duval County Teacher Tenure Act and terminating his employment with the Board. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of July, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of July, 1990. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 89-6704 Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner 1-4. Adopted in Findings of fact 1, 3, 2 and 4, respectively. 5-7. Rejected as not being material or relevant to this case or not being supported by any substantial competent evidence in the record. 8. Adopted in Finding of Fact 5. 9-10. Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. 12-55. Adopted generally in Findings of Fact 6 through 19, otherwise rejected as not being material or relevant, or being redundant or subordinate, or not supported by any substantial competent evidence in the record. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent 1.-2. Adopted in Finding of Facts 2 and 3. 3.-4. Adopted generally in Finding of Fact 17, otherwise rejected as not being material or relevant. Rejected as not being material or relevant. Covered in Preliminary Statement. 7.-10. Adopted generally in Findings of Fact 6-17, otherwise rejected as not being material or relevant, or redundant or subordinate, or not supported by any substantial competent evidence in the record. 11.-15. Adopted in Findings of Fact 19, otherwise rejected or not being material or relevant, or being redundant or subordinate, or not being supported by any substantial competent evidence in the record. 16. Rejected as not being supported by any substantial competent evidence in the record. See Findings of Fact 10 through 18. COPIES FURNISHED: Dr. Larry Zenke, Superintendent Duval County School Board 1701 Prudential Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32207 Gail A. Stafford, Esquire 421 West Church Street, Suite 715 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 David A. Hertz, Esquire 1601 Atlantic Boulevard Jacksonville, Florida 32207 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Mar. 08, 2004 Number: 04-000731PL Latest Update: May 20, 2005

The Issue Should Petitioner impose discipline on Respondent's Florida Educator's Certificate No. 843208, covering the area of English, based upon the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, Case No. 023-1821-R, before the State of Florida Education Practices Commission?

Findings Of Fact The Respondent holds Florida Educator's Certificate No. 843208, covering the area of English, which is valid through June 30, 2003. At all times pertinent hereto the Respondent was employed as an English teacher at Philip Randolph Academy School (Randolph Academy), in the Duval County School District.1 J.L.J. was a female student at Randolph Academy in the school year 2002-2003. Her date of birth is October 29, 1987. She was familiar with Respondent when he taught there. J.L.J. had conversations with Respondent over time, conversations in which Respondent would ask her questions she deemed inappropriate and would follow with comments that she found unacceptable. As will be revealed, her perceptions about Respondent's conduct were correct. Most of the conversations complained of took place in the hallway or in a teacher's classroom. They made J.L.J. feel uncomfortable. The conversations were in the presence of other students and J.L.J. was embarrassed for that reason. One example of the conversations took place on a day when J.L.J. wore medical scrubs to school. Respondent commented that J.L.J. should not wear the scrubs because he could not see her curves. This is taken to mean that he was commenting on the shape of J.L.J.'s body. On other occasions Respondent would comment on J.L.J.'s attire. He would tell her that she should not wear a certain "outfit" because it made her look a certain way or didn't make her look a certain way. At one point in time at school Respondent asked J.L.J. if she had "black in you." Respondent followed his question by commenting that he had asked her that because J.L.J. was "shaped like a black girl." Respondent told J.L.J. that she was "sexy." He told her that her "butt" was big and that it was sexy. Respondent commented about J.L.J.'s hair and make-up. He would suggest to her certain ways that her hair should be styled and how her make-up should be presented. At a point in time, J.L.J. asked Respondent to leave her alone, referring to his remarks about her appearance. For a couple of days Respondent made no further comments but he began to act the same way that he had before in relation to comments about J.L.J.'s body, specifically her "butt" and her hair. E.S.H. was another female student at the Randolph Academy in the school year 2002-2003. Her date of birth is August 7, 1987. Respondent was her teacher. Respondent had conversations involving J.L.J. and E.S.H. on an almost daily basis. As had been identified by J.L.J., these conversations took place in the hallways and in a teacher's classroom. The substance of the conversations to which E.S.H. was privy, coincide with those recounted by J.L.J. and were principally directed to J.L.J. concerning J.L.J.'s hair, face, and overall appearance. E.S.H. was there when Respondent commented about the scrubs worn by J.L.J. She recalls Respondent saying that J.L.J. should not wear the scrubs because they made J.L.J. look like everyone else and did not show her shape, her curves. J.L.J. complained to E.S.H. about these remarks when Respondent walked away from that conversation. As E.S.H. recalls, J.L.J. and E.S.H. went to Respondent and complained about the comments that he made to J.L.J. concerning J.L.J.'s appearance. Respondent apologized but he also said that if the two female students went to the principal to complain that it would be his word against theirs. E.S.H. explained that about two days later J.L.J. came to her complaining about Respondent. This agrees with J.L.J.'s recollection of the place and time in which Respondent returned to his habit of making inappropriate comments about J.L.J. E.S.H. overheard Respondent comment to J.L.J. about J.L.J.'s "butt" and how it was getting big, and how that it was shaped like a "black girl." If J.L.J. were wearing certain clothes, Respondent would ask J.L.J. if her body was spreading because to him it looked as if J.L.J.'s "butt" was getting bigger. Those remarks were overheard by E.S.H. E.S.H. was also present when Respondent commented about J.L.J.'s face and her make-up, whether it was too much, or whether not enough time had been spent by J.L.J. applying make- up that morning. These encounters between Respondent and J.L.J. left E.S.H. with the impression that Respondent was attracted to J.L.J. Disciplinary History There is no indication that Respondent has been subjected to prior discipline.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered which finds Respondent in violations of Counts 2 through 5, dismisses Count 1, and suspends Respondent's Educator's Certificate for a period of 30 days. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of June, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of June, 2004.

Florida Laws (4) 1012.011012.795120.569120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bunnell, Florida Mar. 17, 2003 Number: 03-000914PL Latest Update: Feb. 17, 2004

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent violated Section 231.2615, Florida Statutes (2000), and Rule 6B-1.006, Florida Administrative Code, and if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Educator Certificate No. 711503, covering the areas of elementary education, varying exceptionalities, and pre-kindergarten handicapped. Respondent's certificate was valid at all times material to this proceeding. Respondent began teaching in 1995. There have been no complaints against Respondent prior to the allegations in this case. Over the years, Respondent has attempted to help students over and beyond her classroom duties. On at least two occasions, she temporarily has taken students into her home in time of need. Flagler County School Board employed Respondent as an exceptional student education (ESE) teacher at Flagler Palm Coast High School (FPC) in the Flagler County School District during the 2000-2001 school year. That school term was her first year on the faculty at FPC. J.E. was a 17 year-old male student who attended FPC during the 2000-2001 school year. J.E. was classified as an 11th-grade ESE student because he suffered from attention deficit disorder. J.E. also worked as a part-time firefighter with the Flagler Beach Fire Department. J.E.'s employment as a firefighter was sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America Explorer Program. At some point during the month of October 2000, J.E. transferred into Respondent's math class. Initially, J.E. was unable to make a passing grade in math due to his learning disability. J.E.'s academic problems were aggravated by several in-school and out-of-school disciplinary suspensions, which caused him to miss class. Toward the end of November or the beginning of December 2000, J.E. was arrested for fighting with his sister. He was in the custody of the juvenile authorities for several days before being placed on juvenile home detention. When J.E. returned to school, Respondent contacted J.E.'s mother, D.B. Respondent requested permission to tutor J.E. after school to help him make up missed assignments. After receiving the approval of the juvenile authority staff, D.B. agreed that Respondent could tutor J.E. Respondent and D.B. agreed that, after each tutoring session, Respondent would transport J.E. to the place where D.B. was employed. Respondent then informed the assistant principal that she would be assisting J.E. after school in her classroom. The tutoring sessions began on December 12, 2000, and lasted for almost two weeks. The sessions terminated when FPC recessed for the holidays. During the tutoring sessions, Respondent and J.E. spent time working on J.E.'s math assignments. However, as time passed, they progressively spent more time discussing personal issues. These conversations included discussions regarding J.E.'s problems and history of abuse, as well as the physical abuse that Respondent experienced during her marriage to her ex-husband. Respondent revealed that she had been molested as a child, a fact that Respondent had shared only with her long-term boyfriend, her sister, and her closest friends. Respondent told J.E. about her two children and her relationship with her boyfriend. At times, Respondent spoke negatively about her boyfriend, referring to him as an "asshole." Respondent and J.E.'s student-teacher relationship became more personal as they spent more time together. J.E. began visiting Respondent during her planning period, during which they would discuss personal issues. Occasionally, J.E. would visit Respondent during her science class even though he was scheduled to be in another class. The personal conversations continued during the time that J.E. waited in Respondent's car for his mother at the school bus compound, sometimes for 20 to 30 minutes. Prior to one tutoring session, Respondent allowed J.E. to ride with her to a fast-food restaurant. She then took J.E. by the fire station before returning to the school. Respondent did not have anyone's permission to transport J.E. off campus. Sometime before the holiday break, J.E. told Respondent that he liked the music of a certain rap artist. The last day of school before the holiday break, Respondent gave J.E. a gift bag containing a compact disk (CD) of the artist's music. The gift bags that Respondent presented to other students contained only cookies and trinkets. On the afternoon of December 27 or 28, 2000, J.E. invited Respondent to visit the fire station with her children, a 9-year-old son and an 11-year-old daughter. Respondent and her children spent approximately one hour at the station while J.E. showed them the facility and firefighting equipment. Next, J.E. told Assistant Fire Chief Shane Wood (Chief Wood), that he was going to a nearby park with Respondent and her children. He advised Chief Wood that he would return to the station if it received a call. J.E. rode to the park in Respondent's vehicle. Francis Abramczyk, another student firefighter and J.E.'s friend, rode a bike to the park at J.E.'s request. When the group arrived at the park, Respondent asked Mr. Abramczyk to watch her children so she and J.E. could talk in a nearby gazebo. About 45 minutes after Respondent and J.E. left to go to the park, Chief Wood got off from work. Chief Wood then rode his motorcycle to his parent's house near the park. Chief Wood visited his parents for 10-15 minutes before riding his motorcycle to the park where he spoke briefly to J.E. Respondent and J.E. were sitting in the gazebo when Chief Wood came by on his motorcycle Once in the gazebo, Respondent and J.E. spent at least 30 minutes talking about Respondent's recent trip to North Carolina, among other things. During this time, Respondent and J.E. sat side-by-side. At one point in time, Mr. Abramczyk saw Respondent's hand resting on J.E.'s hand, which was resting on his leg. Respondent jerked her hand back when she made eye contact with Mr. Abramczyk, who was retrieving a ball from the far side of the gazebo. While sitting in the gazebo, Respondent asked J.E. if he was willing to baby-sit for her that evening while she went out with a girlfriend. Respondent told J.E. that she would not be returning home until late and suggested that he spend the night at her residence. J.E. did not think his mother would approve of Respondent's suggestion. In the meantime, Mr. Abramczyk decided to walk to a nearby store to get some ice cream. Respondent's son tagged along with Mr. Abramczyk. When Mr. Abramczyk returned to the park, Respondent and J.E. were sitting in Respondent's vehicle. While J.E. was sitting in Respondent's vehicle, two or three girls came to the park in a car. One of the girls was J.E.'s former girlfriend. At first J.E. did not want the girls to see him, but eventually he got out of Respondent's vehicle and talked to Mr. Abramczyk and the girls. During this conversation, J.E. was teased about hanging out with his teacher. Mr. Abramczyk rode the bike back to the fire station after this conversation. At approximately 5:00 p.m., J.E., Respondent, and Respondent's children went back to the fire station. J.E. then called his mother to ask permission to baby-sit for Respondent. D.B. told him that he could baby-sit. In a later conversation between Respondent and D.B., Respondent stated that she would not be home that evening until approximately 2:00 a.m. Respondent asked D.B. if J.E. could spend the night at her residence. D.B. responded negatively, telling Respondent to take J.E. home or to the fire station where there was adult supervision at all times. After leaving the fire station, J.E. rode with Respondent and her children to a convenience store where Respondent purchased soft drinks and snacks for her children. She also purchased several wine coolers for herself. At approximately 6:00 p.m., Respondent, her children, and J.E. arrived at Respondent's residence. J.E. changed out of his work uniform before walking to a nearby beach with Respondent and her children. The children played on the beach and in the clubhouse area while Respondent talked to J.E. During this time, Respondent consumed one of her wine coolers. J.E., Respondent, and her children returned to Respondent's home after spending about an hour at the beach. Next, Respondent prepared dinner for J.E. and her children. She then got dressed to go out while J.E. played video games with the kids in the living room. The evidence is not clear and convincing that Respondent walked out of her bedroom into the living room wearing only a skirt and bra during this time. Between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. Respondent left her residence to meet her girlfriend, taking her wine coolers with her. The girlfriend was not at home, so after waiting for a while, Respondent returned to her home between 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. The evidence is not clear and convincing that Respondent was heavily intoxicated when she returned. Respondent's long-term boyfriend was spending time that evening with one of his male friends. The boyfriend usually stayed with Respondent but decided that evening to stay at his separate residence in St. Augustine, Florida, because he had consumed some beer and did not want to risk driving back to Respondent's residence. However, Respondent did not know that the boyfriend would not come to her house later that evening. When Respondent returned to her residence, her children were asleep and J.E. did not want to go home. Without checking with J.E.'s mother, Respondent decided to let J.E. stay. J.E. listened to music in Respondent's bedroom while she straightened up the house and did the laundry. Respondent took time to talk to J.E. and to listen to some music with him. Sometime during the evening, Respondent spoke to her boyfriend on the telephone. During this call, Respondent learned for the first time that her boyfriend probably would not be returning to her home that night. Respondent talked to her boyfriend a second time that night from her garage. When she went back into the house, J.E. pretended to be asleep but when Respondent approached him, he sat up and appeared to have been crying. Respondent assumed that J.E. was upset because he was jealous of her boyfriend. The evidence is not clear and convincing that Respondent provided J.E. with alcohol or engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct with him while he was in her home. However, Respondent admitted during the hearing that J.E. might have consumed beer kept in her refrigerator while she was gone because she found one beer can in her closet weeks later. At approximately 2:00 a.m., Respondent drove J.E. to the fire station. The lights were off in the station. After waiting a few minutes to see if any of the adult firemen were going to return to the fire station, Respondent drove J.E. home, arriving there between 2:30 and 3:00 a.m. On the way to J.E.'s house, Respondent made J.E. promise not to tell anyone that he baby-sat at her residence. She paid J.E. $20 for baby-sitting. When J.E. got home, his mother was asleep on the couch. D.B. woke up as J.E. entered the house. She did not smell any alcohol on him or see any signs of intoxication. Respondent went with her children to the fire station two days later on December 29, 2000. The purpose of the visit was to return one of J.E.'s CDs that he had left at her house. Respondent visited with J.E. for about 15 minutes. During the visit on December 29, 2000, J.E. appeared upset. He told Respondent that he was worried because a man from his past was about to be released from jail. He also stated that he had been fighting with his mother. J.E. told Respondent that he was afraid the fire chief would not like him having visitors. He wanted Respondent to leave, telling her that he would talk to her later. By the end of December, Respondent knew that the other students were teasing J.E. about their close relationship and that he was embarrassed about the situation. J.E. and Respondent had agreed that they would not continue with the after-school tutoring and that they would not socialize at school or at the fire station. Despite this agreement, Respondent returned to the fire station on December 31, 2000. The purpose of the visit was to give J.E. a six-page handwritten letter that included references to Respondent's personal experiences. Several of J.E.'s friends from FPC were at the fire station when Respondent arrived. When J.E.'s friends told him that Respondent was in the lobby area, he told them he did not want to see her and hid in a back room in an effort to avoid her. Two of J.E.'s friends then told Respondent that J.E. was not at the fire station. Respondent started to leave when she realized that her son, who had been waiting in the car, had probably gone into the fire station through the open bay doors. Respondent then went into the station through the bay doors to look for her son. Upon entering the bay, Respondent noticed that J.E. was at work. Instead of asking about her son, Respondent approached J.E. holding the letter. As Respondent walked toward J.E., his friends began to tease him again. J.E. was visibly upset and demanded to know what Respondent was doing at the station. Respondent knew or should have known that she was giving the other students reason to pick on J.E. J.E. was angry and embarrassed by Respondent's presence. He told Respondent to come back later just to hasten her departure. He shredded the letter as soon as she left the station. Notwithstanding J.E.'s extreme displeasure during Respondent's visit, Respondent returned to the fire station later that day about 5:00 p.m. J.E. was not there when Respondent arrived. At that time, Chief Wood told Respondent that J.E. was gone and that she needed to stop visiting him at the station because it did not look right for her to be there "hanging all over J.E." The relationship between J.E. and Respondent dropped off beginning in early January 2001. Shortly after the holidays, J.E. became angry with Respondent. He told her to go screw her boyfriend. Respondent just ignored this comment. On another day during the first week of January, J.E. attempted to leave Respondent's class on a pretext that he was required to go to the school attendance office. J.E. became angry when Respondent would not let him leave the classroom. A short time later, during the same class period, two of J.E.'s friends walked by and looked into the classroom through the window in the door. J.E. noticed his friends, went to the door to speak with them, and asked them to help get him out of class. Respondent again refused to let him leave, causing him to be even more angry. Respondent told J.E. that if he left the class without permission, she would write him up. He then said, "You're gonna write me up? Well, I could do something about that." The first semester ended on January 8, 2001. Although J.E. was failing math in early December, he received a grade of B in Respondent's class for the semester. He then transferred to another teacher's math class for the second semester. After the transfer, J.E.'s grades began to decline again. The other students continued to tease J.E. about Respondent. On or about January 19, 2001, a rumor surfaced that Respondent was pregnant with J.E.'s child. Respondent first learned about the rumor during her science class. The class discussion involved the harmful effect of fumes from spray bottles on the environment and humans. Someone in the class stated that fumes could harm a fetus like Respondent's fetus. Another student said, "Oh, I wonder who the father is." A third student responded, "Oh, it's J.E." The class then began laughing. Respondent made no effort to report the incident to FPC's administrators. Instead, on a day when Respondent was extremely depressed and disillusioned with her career, and when she was feeling "emotionally cheated" and/or "manipulated" by J.E., Respondent wrote J.E. an e-mail message that states as follows: Hi I hope your Term 2 classes are going well so far, and life in general. I heard you're in Mr. Krenichen's class for Algebra now. If you need any help or need a place to escape to you know where to go. I still have 3rd period planning, except for lunch duty 3rd lunch. Even if you still are or stay mad at me forever, I'm still rooting for you to make it. I hope you're staying out of trouble. Well, I just wanted to say hi. I was thinking about you and my kids have been asking about you too. They think you're so cool! Yeah, I guess you're all right most of the time. Ha Ha. I miss you. I miss you talking to me every day most of all. Well, see you around. K. p.s. I also wanted to thank you for keeping your word. Means a lot. Gives me a little bit of hope the whole thing wasn't a lie all along. That helps even if that's all I'll ever have. Well, there's other things I need to talk to you about but don't want to say in an e-mail, so will just let you go now. Bye. Respondent's statement in the e-mail that she hoped J.E. was not still mad at her referred to her refusal to let J.E. leave class. She thanked him for keeping his word about not dropping out of school, not telling anyone that he baby-sat at her home, and not revealing her personal confidences. The e-mail was not specifically romantic in nature but clearly and convincingly evidences an inappropriate personal relationship between Respondent and J.E. After receiving this e-mail, J.E. asked Chief Wood to help him draft a reply that would break off his relationship with Respondent. Chief Wood declined to help but told J.E. he would proofread the message after J.E. wrote it. After reading the e-mail, Chief Wood decided that J.E. had adequately communicated his message to Respondent and did not make any changes. On or about January 24, 2001, a fellow student told J.E. that Respondent had said she was pregnant with J.E.'s child. J.E. became frightened by the false rumor. That same day, J.E. lied to his mother, stating that Respondent had given him alcohol and that, while he was in an intoxicated state, Respondent had forced him to have sexual intercourse on the night that he visited her home. D.B. immediately contacted the sheriff's office. On January 26, 2001, the principal of FPC confronted Respondent with J.E.'s allegations regarding the alcohol and sexual misconduct. During this conversation, Respondent stated that she wished she had never had J.E. baby-sit in her home. She admitted that her relationship with J.E. was inappropriate. Respondent immediately drafted and submitted her resignation effective February 6, 2001, the day of the next scheduled school board meeting. Following Respondent's resignation, J.E. continued to endure severe teasing at the hands of his classmates. Some students referred to J.E. as a "teacher fucker." Understandably, such comments caused J.E. a great deal of stress. J.E. eventually dropped out of FPC and entered the adult education program, where he admitted to one student that he did not have sex with Respondent. He told the student that he wished he could take it all back. Respondent is now employed in a real estate office.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That EPE enter a final order suspending Respondent's certificate for two years followed by five years of probation. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of September, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of September, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Mary F. Aspros, Esquire Meyer and Brooks, P.A. 2544 Blairstone Pines Drive Post Office Box 1547 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Matthew K. Foster, Esquire Brooks, Leboef, Bennett & Foster, P.A. 863 East Park Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Room 224E Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Marian Lambeth, Program Specialist Bureau of Educator Standards Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 224-E Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (3) 1012.7951012.796120.569
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida May 23, 2008 Number: 08-002563PL Latest Update: Apr. 03, 2009

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent's teaching certificate should be disciplined because of Respondent's misconduct.

Findings Of Fact Background and parties Mr. Negedly holds Florida Educator's Certificate 836720, in English, which was valid through June 30, 2008. At all times pertinent, he was employed by the Volusia County School District as a language arts teacher at Heritage Middle School (Heritage). The Department of Education, which was headed by Petitioner at all times material to this case, is the state agency charged with investigating and prosecuting complaints against teachers holding Florida Educator's Certificates. The Education Practices Commission is charged with, among other things, imposing discipline on teachers. The Becker incidents During the 2004-2005 school year, Jami Lynn Becker was a consultation teacher at Heritage. A consultation teacher advises and otherwise aids teachers who have exceptional student education (ESE) pupils in their classes. She ensured that ESE students were provided the accommodations to which they were entitled. Mr. Negedly taught sixth-grade language arts at Heritage. There were three ESE students in his class. Ms. Becker's duties included visiting his class in order to provide services to those three students. On September 16, 2004, immediately before the commencement of classroom activities, Ms. Becker went to Mr. Negedly's room to inquire if he needed any help. During the conversation, Mr. Negedly mentioned that he and his wife had by happenstance seen Ms. Becker driving into New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Ms. Becker related that she was there to receive counseling regarding a recent divorce. Mr. Negedly moved the subject of the conversation to his own marriage and related that he was having problems and was sexually frustrated. He stated that he was having impure thoughts. He suggested that he was willing to engage in a physical relationship with Ms. Becker if she was willing. Ms. Becker was completely shocked by this conversation. Ms. Becker knew Mr. Negedly's wife, Joely Negedly, because she taught at Heritage also, and Ms. Becker suggested that he should direct his intimate conversations to his wife, not her. Mr. Negedly then revealed that he had the same feelings with another teacher, Jaqueline Brame, in the previous year. At that point in the conversation, the school bell rang, students entered the classroom, and Ms. Becker told Mr. Negedly that she would pray for him and then departed for her office. She also made it clear to him that she hoped that this type of conversation would not be repeated. However, that was not to be the case. About 45 minutes later, Mr. Negedly provided Ms. Becker with a note saying that he was sorry if what he said was too much, too fast, and that he hoped that he had provided her with some help. During the seventh period, which was Mr. Negedly's planning period, he came to Ms. Becker's office and renewed the conversations about his sexual frustration and stated that he didn't understand why God intended for man to be with one woman for his entire life. He asked Ms. Becker not to tell others about the conversations. On one or more occasions, Mr. Negedly came into Ms. Becker's office at the end of the school day and talked to her for as long as 45 minutes. Both his presence and his conversations during these times made her feel uncomfortable. Ms. Becker is a self-described non-confrontational person and could not bring herself to tell him to leave. These sort of encounters occurred about seven times over several weeks. Ms. Becker felt that the conversations he initiated were inappropriate. His words made her feel uncomfortable, and she felt that it was necessary for her to take evasive action in order to avoid him and therefore avoid repeat occurrences. She also honored his request not to reveal the nature of his conversations. At some point, Ms. Becker approached Ms. Brame, the person Mr. Negedly had identified as a previous target of his affections, and told Ms. Brame of her experiences. Ms. Brame related her experience with Mr. Negedly, and Ms. Becker ascertained that they were very similar. As a result, Ms. Becker resolved to inform higher authority. This plan was shelved, however, by the intervention of Hurricane Jeanne, which resulted in the suspension of school activities. On September 28, 2004, when school resumed, Mr. Negedly came into her office and after about 45 minutes Ms. Becker told him that his conversation was inappropriate. A few days after that, Ms. Becker reported these events to Mrs. Gunderson, who was an assistant principal and supervisor of ESE. All of these encounters occurred on school grounds. However, there was no evidence that any student observed or heard Mr. Negedly's suggestions. Mr. Negedly never touched Ms. Becker, threatened her person, or used sexually explicit language. His actions disturbed her to the extent that her ability to teach was affected. However, her effectiveness as an employee of the district school board was not seriously compromised. The Brame incidents Jacqueline Brame is currently a teacher at River Springs Middle School in the Volusia County School District and was a teacher at Heritage during all times pertinent to this proceeding. Ms. Brame was Mr. Negedly's mentor when he began teaching at Heritage and worked with him on a sixth-grade team of teachers providing education to the same 150 children. By the beginning of the 2003-2004 school year, Ms. Brame, Mr. Negedly, and Joely Negedly had become close friends. They mingled socially and would visit one another in their homes. Ms. Brame confided in Mr. Negedly, and Ms. Brame described their relationship as "best friends." Ms. Brame was having marital problems, and she shared intimate details about this with Mr. Negedly. She valued his advice and respected his opinions about her problems. After the 2003-2004 school year commenced, Mr. Negedly attempted to move the relationship into a romantic one. He told her that he cared for her deeply and that he was in love with her. These comments made Ms. Brame uncomfortable. She reminded Mr. Negedly that he was married, that she, Ms. Brame, was Mrs. Negedly's friend, and that his son was in her class. This conversation occurred in school, during the school day. He told Ms. Brame that he wanted to have a physical relationship with her. This continued even when Ms. Brame was seven months pregnant. After each advance and rebuff, Mr. Negedly would apologize. His pursuit continued for almost a year. On numerous occasions she would tell him that his advances were unwelcome and inappropriate. Ms. Brame, like Ms. Becker, described herself as someone who did not like confrontation, and she did not firmly tell him that his behavior was unacceptable. Once when Ms. Brame had temporarily abandoned her marital home as the result of a domestic dispute, Mr. Negedly invited her to stay at his home. Ms. Negedly was out of the area at this time because of her duties as a consultant for the college boards, but their children were present in the home. Ms. Brame refused. However, she did not take the invitation to be an invitation for sex. She said that had Ms. Negedly not been away during this time, she might have accepted the invitation. Mr. Negedly's pursuit made Ms. Brame uncomfortable and occasionally sick to her stomach. It adversely affected her emotions and affected her teaching. The events happened in school, in the school cafeteria, and after school, but in connection with school activities. As a result of his unwelcome overtures she had to attend counseling. However, her effectiveness as an employee of the district school board was not seriously reduced or compromised. Eventually Ms. Brame restructured their relationship. She transformed it into a professional friendship and maintained this status through the 2003-2004 school year. At no time during these encounters did Mr. Negedly touch Ms. Brame inappropriately or use sexually explicit language. Most if not all of the encounters occurred on school grounds or in connection with school activities. However, there was no evidence that any student observed or heard Mr. Negedly's overtures. Ms. Brame did not tell anyone in authority about Mr. Negedly's behavior. She cared deeply for Mr. Negedly and his family. She believed remaining silent was her Christian duty. She stated during the hearing that she does not believe he should be removed from the teaching profession. Ms. Brame's allegations surfaced during the investigation into Mr. Negedly's conduct that resulted from Ms. Becker's allegations. The Hepsworth incidents Ms. Kuuleialoha Hepsworth was a teacher's assistant at Heritage during the first semester of 2004. She was in charge of the "lunch club." This informal organization provided lunches to teachers who desired to have their lunch prepared by commercial providers. Ms. Hepsworth would collect money from participating teachers, acquire the food at nearby restaurants, and deliver them to those who had placed orders with her. Once when Mr. Negedly handed her money to be used for purchasing lunch, she claimed he inappropriately brushed the bottom of her hand. Mr. Negedly was the sponsor for the school yearbook and in connection with that duty, he was taking pictures of children in a seventh-period classroom Ms. Hepsworth was teaching. Ms. Hepsworth testified that he said that he was intrigued with her and that "he wanted to pursue her." She said she asked him, "What about your wife?" She said he then asked her if "I would do his wife too, because that would be too cool." Ms. Hepsworth claimed that she was "freaked out." She related that this latter incident occurred on the Friday before Mr. Negedly was removed from the school because of the Becker allegations. She was asked on October 28, 2004, to give a statement to an investigator and that is when she revealed her alleged encounters. The alleged behavior of Mr. Negedly as related by Ms. Hepsworth was so dissimilar to the events related by Ms. Becker and Ms. Brame that it is deemed unworthy of belief. Mr. Negedly Mr. Negedly's targets were women who did not like confrontation and who sought unsuccessfully to communicate their discomfort passively. Had they been confrontational with him, or if they had reported his behavior to higher authority immediately, the behavior could have been corrected locally, and the downward spiral of unpleasantness which has resulted, could have been avoided. On the other hand, these two women may have been selected as targets because of Mr. Negedly's perception that they were unlikely to either harshly react to his overtures or immediately report him to those in authority. Mr. Negedly's certificate expired June 30, 2008. He was employed as a teacher from the beginning of the 2000-2001 school year until the latter part of the school year 2005-2006. Mr. Negedly received a certificate of appreciation for his outstanding dedication to education from the assistant principal of Heritage, on May 7, 2002. All of his performance assessments indicated that he met standards, and he had no disciplinary record prior to the discipline at issue in this case. As previously noted, he was given the additional duty of yearbook sponsor at Heritage. He was also made sponsor of the Junior Beta Club. Heritage Principal Dennis Neal wrote a recommendation dated May 7, 2004, when Mr. Negedly applied for a Stetson University Teacher Scholar Grant that related, "Mr. Negedly continues to demonstrate high professional standards and a dedication to his students' success both in and out of the classroom. He is a valuable team player who can be counted on to go above the norm in all his endeavors. I commend Mr. Negedly on taking on the challenge of an advanced degree and professional growth." When Mr. Negedly was teaching English at David Hinson Middle School, he was chosen teacher of the month for October 2005 by students and teachers. Subsequent to the exposure of Mr. Negedly's transgressions, he attended counseling with his wife at Associated Psychiatric Services in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. As late as April 13, 2005, counseling continued. The counseling was ordered and paid for by the Volusia School District. In January 2005, the school board punished Mr. Negedly by suspending him for five days without pay. As a result of Mr. Negedly's lack of judgment, he was taken from his classroom at Heritage and transferred to the district headquarters; his wife had to obtain a transfer to another school; Mrs. Negedly and her child were the subject of incorrect and hurtful conversations by students, faculty, and others; and Mr. Negedly, who sincerely loved teaching, lost his career.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered dismissing the Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of December, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S HARRY L. HOOPER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of December, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Room 224 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Joan Stewart, Esquire FEA Legal Services 300 East Park Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 5675 Douglasville, Georgia 30154-0012 Marian Lambeth, Bureau Chief Bureau of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (4) 1012.011012.7951012.7961012.798 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6B-1.0066B-4.009
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