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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Port Charlotte, Florida Oct. 20, 2005 Number: 05-003942 Latest Update: Apr. 18, 2006

The Issue Whether Respondent's Professional Service Contract should be terminated for just cause based on actions constituting misconduct in office within the meaning of Section 1012.33, Florida Statutes (2004),1 and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-4.009.

Findings Of Fact The Board is the entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the Charlotte County Public School System. Art. IX, §4, Fla. Const. and §1001.30, Fla. Stat. Mr. LaGrange began his employment with the Board in 1991. In January 2005, Mr. LaGrange began teaching a new Health Careers and Occupations class at Port Charlotte High School. The class was a vocational educational course for low- functioning students and consisted of about 20 ninth-grade students. A.V., N.M., T.B., S.B., N.H., and B.H. were students in this class. Sometime in either March or April 2005, Mr. LaGrange made an inappropriate remark about A.V.'s appearance. The incident happened near the end of the class, while A.V. was drawing on the board with her back to the students. Mr. LaGrange stated: "Look at A.V.'s cute little ass" or words to that effect. This remark greatly embarrassed A.V. As A.V. was leaving Mr. LaGrange's classroom on the day of the incident, she yelled to Mr. LaGrange that it was a disgusting and perverted comment for him to make in front of the entire class. Other students, including N.M., N.H., T.B., and B.H., heard Mr. LaGrange make the sexually inappropriate remark about A.V. Although each student's recollection of the incident may vary concerning the exact words that Mr. LaGrange used, the students all agreed that Mr. LaGrange made an inappropriate remark about A.V.'s backside in front of the class. Mr. LaGrange also made some inappropriate remarks to N.M. He told her that "If I have a wet dream about you, I won't tell you" or words to that effect. Mr. LaGrange's comments made N.M. feel uncomfortable and caused her to view Mr. LaGrange as "weird." T.B. also heard Mr. LaGrange make comments in class concerning wet dreams. A.M., a female student, would sometimes come into Mr. LaGrange's classroom, kneel beside the desk of S.B., a male student, and watch S.B. draw. S.B. heard Mr. LaGrange comment to A.M. to the effect that she liked to be on her knees for guys a lot. S.B. also heard Mr. LaGrange tell N.M. that "for somebody who is a schoolgirl, you know a lot about sex." S.B. felt that the remarks were perverted. On April 28, 2005, Mr. LaGrange referred A.V. and N.M. to a school dean, Matthew Wheldon, for excessive gum chewing. Gum chewing is a minor infraction and is normally allowed in classrooms other than Mr. LaGrange's class. Mr. Wheldon asked the girls how things were going in Mr. LaGrange's class, and they confided in him about the inappropriate remarks that Mr. LaGrange had been making in the classroom. Mr. Wheldon referred the matter to the assistant principal, and an investigation ensued, resulting in Mr. LaGrange being suspended. After reviewing the investigation report and being made aware of two other times that Mr. LaGrange had been disciplined, the Superintendent of Schools for the School Board of Charlotte County recommended to the Board that Mr. LaGrange be dismissed from his teaching position.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding that the actions of Leonard LaGrange constitute just cause to dismiss him from his employment with the Charlotte County School Board, and terminating his Professional Services Contract. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of April, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUSAN B. HARRELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of April, 2006.

Florida Laws (5) 1001.301012.33120.569120.57120.68
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Oct. 07, 1996 Number: 96-004738 Latest Update: Aug. 31, 1998

The Issue Whether the Respondent's employment with the School Board of Dade County should be terminated.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: The Dade County School Board is responsible for operating, controlling, and supervising all public schools within the school district of Miami-Dade County, Florida. Section 4(b), Article IX, Florida Constitution; Section 230.03, Florida Statutes (1997). Ms. Scott is employed by the School Board as a custodian. She began working for the School Board in 1990 as a part-time food service worker at South Dade, and, in early 1992, she began working at South Dade as a full-time custodian. Custodians are classified by the School Board as maintenance workers, and Ms. Scott was a member of AFSCME at all times material to this action. The school's head custodian is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day performance of the custodians, which includes assigning duties to each custodian and developing a schedule for each custodian identifying the tasks that must be accomplished during specified blocks of time. The schedule is approved by the principal of the school. John Alexander is, and was at all material times, the head custodian at South Dade and Ms. Scott's immediate supervisor. Ms. Scott's job responsibilities and duties included "policing" 2/ all ten girls' restrooms after each class change; policing the girls' locker room; policing certain other areas, including designated corridors, the auditorium lobby, the clinic, and the band area; cleaning five girls' restrooms after 2:00 p.m.; cleaning designated cafeteria windows; removing graffiti from walls, mirrors, and corridors as needed; cleaning and disinfecting the drinking fountains in all corridors; cleaning graffiti off walls and doors in the ten girls' restrooms; and cleaning, dusting, and mopping the audio-visual room. Ms. Scott was also expected to respond to emergencies. These duties were the same as those assigned to the female custodian whom Ms. Scott replaced and as those currently being performed by the woman who replaced Ms. Scott at South Dade. Ms. Scott's training consisted, first, of working for several weeks with the female custodian she was hired to replace. Then, after Ms. Scott's predecessor retired, Mr. Alexander worked with her for approximately two weeks. Mr. Alexander noticed problems in her job performance shortly after Ms. Scott began working as a custodian. In a memorandum dated May 12, 1992, Mr. Alexander identified two specific incidents when Ms. Scott refused to follow his instructions. He notified Ms. Scott in the memorandum that he would recommend her termination as of May 19, 1992, during her probationary period, for lack of motivation and failure to perform her job responsibilities. As a result of this memorandum, on May 19, 1992, Ms. Scott, Mr. Alexander and Dr. Paul Redlhammer, the principal of South Dade at that time, met to discuss Ms. Scott's job performance. After this meeting, Dr. Redlhammer sent Ms. Scott a "Memo of Understanding: Job Performance," in which he summarized the reasons for the concern about her job performance and notified her that Mr. Alexander would work with her for two weeks to help her improve her job performance. Mr. Alexander did not notice any improvement in Ms. Scott's work during the two-week period or thereafter. On February 3, 1993, Mr. Alexander had a discussion with Ms. Scott about leaving work early, failing to empty the trash cans in her areas, and failing to clean the floor in the audio- visual room. On May 21, 1993, Mr. Alexander issued a Notification of Written Warning to Ms. Scott regarding her unsatisfactory performance, which included insubordination, disrespect, and improper behavior. Mr. Alexander proposed that Ms. Scott's file be reviewed and that she be given an opportunity to explain her performance. Mr. Alexander intended to recommend her termination from employment. From September 24, 1993, through October 27, 1993, Mr. Alexander kept a log of the time Ms. Scott reported for work and left work each day. The log reflected that Ms. Scott left work thirty to forty-five minutes early on fifteen days during that period, that she took a forty-minute morning break one day, and that she reported for work between one hour and forty minutes and two and one-half hours late on three days. In Ms. Scott's November 15, 1993, annual evaluation, Mr. Alexander rated Ms. Scott poor in the categories of taking lunch and breaks at the proper times, cleaning bathrooms, washing windows, following orders, following work schedules, and working well with other custodians. Mr. Alexander discussed the evaluation and her deficiencies with Ms. Scott, and she acknowledged by her signature that she had seen the written evaluation. Ms. Scott's job performance did not improve during the 1994-1995 school year. Despite being told repeatedly not to do so, Ms. Scott spent inordinate amounts of time talking with school security monitors in the school's corridors and in the school's north parking lot, sometimes spending an hour or more a day in these conversations. During most of that time, Ms. Scott was not on authorized breaks or lunch period. At the same time, Ms. Scott often did not properly police the girls' bathrooms or clean the areas for which she was responsible, and, on several occasions, she refused to obey direct orders from Mr. Alexander. In September 1994, Orlando Gonzalez, the assistant principal at South Dade, scheduled an informal conference with Ms. Scott to discuss the deficiencies in her work performance, including an incident in which Mr. Gonzalez observed Ms. Scott watching television at 9:30 a.m. in the audio visual room. Ms. Scott left the school before the scheduled conference without permission. As a result of this behavior, Mr. Gonzalez requested that Donald Hoecherl, the new principal at South Dade, schedule a formal conference for the record to discuss "serious deficiencies in her job performance." Mr. Gonzalez later withdrew the request for the conference on the record because he thought he could accomplish more by counseling with Ms. Scott informally to help her improve her job performance. Nonetheless, a conference for the record was held by Mr. Hoecherl in November 1994 for the stated purpose of addressing "continuous incidents of insubordination, failure to complete assigned work, and leaving work early." Ms. Scott was advised by Mr. Hoecherl that, if the problems were not resolved, another conference for the record would be held and that he would formally request her dismissal. Ms. Scott refused to sign the conference summary. Ms. Scott's job performance did not improve after the November 1994 conference for the record. Mr. Hoecherl tried to work with Ms. Scott on an informal basis, but his efforts to improve her job performance were not successful. In April 1995, Mr. Gonzalez received complaints from two parents about the lack of cleanliness in the ladies' restroom in an area which Ms. Scott was responsible for cleaning. Mr. Gonzalez told Mr. Alexander to direct Ms. Scott to clean that restroom. The next day, Mr. Gonzalez found that the restroom had not been cleaned. Mr. Gonzalez prepared a memorandum to Ms. Scott directing her to clean the restroom. In June 1995, a Notification of Written Warning was directed to Ms. Scott because she refused to obey direct orders from Mr. Alexander. Ms. Scott's job performance deteriorated during the 1995-1996 school year. On October 5, 1995, a Notification of Written Warning was issued for "[f]ailure to follow and complete assigned work." On November 8, 1995, a conference for the record was held and was attended by Ms. Scott and two representatives of AFSCME, as well as by Mr. Hoecherl, and Mr. Gonzalez. Three issues were discussed: Ms. Scott's direct and implied insubordination when she refused an order by Mr. Alexander to clean up the clinic area after a student became ill and when she twice refused to comply with Mr. Hoecherl's request that she step into his office to discuss the incident; Ms. Scott's pattern of failing to complete her job assignments; and her pattern of loitering on the job by talking to the security monitors in the corridors and in the north parking lot. The written summary of the conference for the record, dated November 13, 1996, included the following: In an effort to resolve these issues the following directives were outlined: Comply with all requests and directives issued by your immediate supervisor or administrator. . . . In regard to this issue failure to comply with the direction of an administrator or immediate supervisor constitutes insubordination and will result in additional disciplinary action. Follow your job assignments as given to you prior to this conference and again at this conference. The cleaning must be performed in a satisfactory manner meeting the requirements to maintain a clean and healthy school setting. Failure to complete your job assignments will result in additional disciplinary action. Refrain from loitering while on the job. You are reminded that you may spend your break and lunch time in dialog with others if you wish. You are not entitled to spend an inordinate amount of time talking and not performing your job assignments. Failure to meet this condition will result in additional disciplinary action. Ms. Scott refused to sign the written summary of the conference. Ms. Scott's job performance did not improve after the conference, and she did not follow the directives outlined for her. She continued to talk with other employees at times when she had no scheduled break; she failed to perform or inadequately performed her assigned tasks; and she engaged in a pattern of arriving at work late without authorization, taking time off during her shift without authorization, and leaving work before the end of her shift without authorization. On or about February 16, 1996, Mr. Alexander attempted to discuss these problems with Ms. Scott. She became angry and belligerent. Mr. Alexander stood in front of his office door to prevent Ms. Scott from going out into the corridor because the students were changing classes and he felt it would not be appropriate for them to see her in that frame of mind, but she left his office anyway. Ms. Scott was immediately summoned for a meeting with Mr. Hoecherl and Mr. Alexander. During the meeting, a school police officer arrived in response to a 911 call, which Ms. Scott had made, accusing Mr. Alexander of restraining her against her will. The police officer determined that there was no basis for this charge, and Ms. Scott left the meeting in an angry and belligerent manner. Mr. Hoecherl referred this incident to the School Board's Office of Professional Standards. An administrative review was ordered, and Mr. Hoecherl was assigned to investigate the February 16 incident. On March 25, 1996, at Mr. Hoecherl's request, he and Ms. Scott met in his office. Mr. Hoecherl explained to Ms. Scott that he was trying to learn what had happened and wanted her to tell him her version of the incident. Ms. Scott became very agitated and left Mr. Hoecherl's office, slamming the door behind her. Her behavior as she left his office was very disruptive, but he nonetheless followed her to her car and asked that she return to his office to discuss the February 16 incident. Her response was belligerent and defiant, and Mr. Hoecherl told her to go home and not return to South Dade for the rest of the day. On the morning of March 26, Ms. Scott reported to work at South Dade. She was told that she had been reassigned to the Region VI administrative office and that she was not to return to the South Dade campus. In accordance with directions he received from the School Board's Office of Professional Standards, Mr. Hoecherl instructed Ms. Scott to report to the personnel director at the Region VI office. At approximately 8:00 a.m. on March 27, Ms. Scott appeared at the custodial office at South Dade. Mr. Hoecherl again told her to report to the Region VI office and provided her with written notification of her reassignment. Ms. Scott reported to the Region VI office, but, a short time later, she left and returned to South Dade. Ms. Scott was again told to leave the school grounds and informed that failure to do so would be considered gross insubordination; she refused to leave South Dade despite repeated orders from Mr. Hoecherl and the school police. Ms. Scott was belligerent and disruptive, and she was placed under arrest by the School Board police. She was escorted out of the school building in handcuffs; Mr. Hoecherl covered her shoulders with a jacket to hide the handcuffs from the students, but Ms. Scott attempted to shrug it off. In a memorandum dated March 28, 1996, to the Office of Professional Standards, Mr. Hoecherl detailed Ms. Scott's poor job performance from January 12, 1996, through March 25, 1996. A conference for the record was scheduled for March 29 at 2:00 p.m. by James Monroe, the Executive Director of the School Board's Office of Professional Standards. Ms. Scott failed to report for the conference even though she was contacted at her home by telephone shortly after 2:00 p.m. and told that they would wait for her for one hour. The conference for the record was rescheduled for April 4, 1996, and the topics to be discussed were identified in the notice as follows: "[Y]our failure to report for a conference on March 29, 1996, at 2:00 p.m., as previously directed . . .; failure to comply with site directives; unauthorized departure from the work site; attendance/performance related issues; medical fitness for continued employment and your future employment status with Dade County Public Schools." During the conference, Ms. Scott was advised that her employment status would be reviewed in light of the facts discussed at the conference, and she was directed to report to the Region VI office pending formal notification of the decision of the Superintendent of Schools and to perform all tasks and duties assigned to her. During the time she was assigned to the Region VI office, from April 1996 until September 1996, Ms. Scott disregarded instructions and directives from her supervisors, she failed to perform her job responsibilities or performed them inadequately, and she was absent from work a number of times without authorization. From September 1995 to September 1996, Ms. Scott was absent from her job without authorization for 20 days. She was absent from her job without authorization for three consecutive workdays from March 28 through April 1, August 23 through September 5, 1996. 3/ Ms. Scott was suspended by the School Board at its September 11, 1996, meeting. Mr. Alexander, Mr. Gonzalez, and Mr. Hoecherl tried for several years, through numerous informal memoranda and discussions, to help Ms. Scott bring her job performance up to an acceptable level. Ms. Scott was given several formal written notifications and warnings about the deficiencies in her job performance, and three formal conferences for the record were held to put Ms. Scott on notice of the perceived job deficiencies and of the complaints about her work and to allow her to explain the situation from her perspective. Ms. Scott did not comply with the directives for corrective action developed during the conferences for the record, and her attitude and job performance generally deteriorated from 1992 until September 1996, when she was suspended and dismissal proceedings instituted. The evidence presented by the School Board is sufficient to establish that Ms. Scott's job performance was deficient in that she failed to perform or inadequately performed her assigned job responsibilities; that on numerous occasions she refused to comply with requests and direct orders from the head custodian, from the assistant principal, and from the principal of South Dade; that she accumulated excessive unauthorized absences; and that she abandoned her position with the School Board.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Dade County issue a final order terminating Gale Scott's employment. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of July, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. PATRICIA HART MALONO Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of July, 1998.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57447.209
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-000207 Latest Update: May 06, 1983

Findings Of Fact Respondent was reassigned to Douglas MacArthur Senior High School- North, an alternative school, on December 16, 1982, because of his unacceptable conduct in Grade 9 at North Miami Junior High School. Petitioner presented evidence of 16 incidents of conduct by Respondent which required disciplinary action in the year preceding his reassignment to the alternative education program. Additionally, his grades in all courses were unsatisfactory at the time of reassignment. Respondent did not accept the alternative school assignment and instead obtained employment at a restaurant. He is now living with his grandmother, Mrs. Helen Wood, who seeks his return to a regular junior high school program. She has discussed this proposal with the principal of Thomas Jefferson Junior High School and he apparently agrees with her. Respondent's evidence established that his family life was difficult and disruptive during the period of his misconduct. His situation has now stabilized and he is responsive to his grandmother's supervision. He should, therefore, be given an opportunity to return to the regular academic program (Grade 9) at Thomas Jefferson Junior High School.

Recommendation In consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a Final Order classifying Respondent as a disruptive student, but permitting him to attend the Thomas Jefferson Junior High School in a probationary status. ENTERED this 6th day of May, 1983, at Tallahassee Florida. R. T. CARPENTER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of May, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Mark Valentine, Esquire 3000 Executive Plaza 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137 Mrs. Helen Ward 1000 Northwest 153rd Street Miami, Florida 33169 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Phyllis O. Douglas, Esquire Dade County Public Schools 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132

# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 05, 2005 Number: 05-002367 Latest Update: Jul. 27, 2006

The Issue Whether there is just cause to terminate the Respondent, Ronnie Bell (Respondent), from his employment with the Petitioner, Miami-Dade County School Board (Petitioner or School Board).

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is the authorized entity charged with the responsibility to operate, control and supervise the public schools within the Miami-Dade County school district. Such authority includes the discipline of employees of the School Board. At all times material to the allegations of this case, the Respondent was an employee of the School Board. As an employee of the School Board, the Respondent was subject to the laws, rules, and terms of the union contract pertinent to employment with the Petitioner. Nick JacAngelo is the principal of Miami Coral Park Senior High School. Mr. JacAngelo was directly responsible for the employees at the school and personally knows the Respondent. The Respondent began work at Miami Coral Park Senior High School on October 11, 2004. Employed as a custodian at the school, the Respondent was responsible for cleaning the areas assigned to him. According to Mr. JacAngelo, it came to his attention that the Respondent’s work area was not being properly cleaned and maintained. On November 19, 2004, Mr. JacAngelo informed the Respondent that his work was substandard and unacceptable. Mr. JacAngelo informed the Respondent that his work would need to improve. Additionally, the Respondent was advised as to the standard of work that would be required and expected of him in fulfilling his custodial responsibilities including job attendance. A second conference was conducted with the Respondent on December 7, 2004, to again reiterate the duties and expectations for him. The Respondent did not improve his job performance. In addition to his failure to maintain his assigned area, the Respondent was excessively absent from the work site. On January 13, 2005, the Respondent was again informed of a need to improve his job attendance and work performance. Moreover, the Respondent was advised that he could not leave the work site without authorization prior to the termination of his workday. It was expected that the Respondent perform his duties and attend to his assigned area for the entire workday. The Respondent’s work performance and attendance did not improve. On January 28, 2005, the Respondent was cited for poor job performance and insubordination in his continued refusal to improve his effort. On February 14, 2005, Mr. JacAngelo met with the Respondent to address his insubordination, defiance of authority, failure to complete assigned areas of custodial responsibility, and his unauthorized departure from the work site. Because the Respondent wanted to have his union representative present during the discussion the meeting was rescheduled. The parties met on February 15, 2005, to review the items noted above. At that time, the Respondent was reminded that his workday departure time was 11:30 p.m. He was to present for work at 2:00 p.m., take no more than half an hour break for his meal, and remain onsite the entire time. The Respondent’s work performance did not improve over time. On May 12, 2005, he was observed to be in his vehicle the majority of the work shift. He did not perform his work assignment and made no explanation for his failure to clean his area. This incident was memorialized in a memorandum dated May 18, 2005. As to this and other previous incidents, the Respondent did not deny the conduct complained. Based upon the Respondent’s failure to improve, his continued poor work performance, his numerous opportunities to correct the deficiencies, and his insubordination, Mr. JacAngelo recommended that the Respondent be terminated from his employment with the school district. Mr. JacAngelo had attempted verbal counseling, written memorandums, and official conferences with the Respondent. None of the efforts to remediate Respondent’s work performance proved successful. Mr. Carrera is the principal at South Hialeah Elementary School. Mr. Carrera was the Respondent’s supervisor at a work assignment prior to his reassignment to Miami Coral Park Senior High School. According to Mr. Carrera, the Respondent constantly left his work site early, failed to clean his assigned area, and admitted to stealing a police surveillance camera (there had been 70 cases of theft in the area the Respondent was responsible for so the police set up a camera). In short, the Respondent’s work performance at South Hialeah Elementary School was unacceptable. The Respondent was warned during his tenure at South Hialeah Elementary School that continued failure to perform his work appropriately would lead to disciplinary action.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Miami-Dade County School Board enter a Final Order dismissing the Respondent from his employment with the school district. S DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of June, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. J. D. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of June, 2006. COPIES FURNISHED: Dr. Rudolph F. Crew, Superintendent Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, No. 912 Miami, Florida 33132-1394 Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Ronnie R. Bell 16220 Northwest 28th Court Miami, Florida 33054 Jean Marie Middleton, Esquire School Board of Miami-Dade County 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33132

Florida Laws (2) 1012.22120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Jun. 08, 2020 Number: 20-002605TTS Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024

The Issue Whether Petitioner, Marion County School Board (“Petitioner” or “Board”), had just cause to discipline Respondent for misconduct as alleged in the Administrative Complaint (“Complaint”) dated March 10, 2020.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the public schools within Marion County. See Art. IX, § 4(b), Fla. Const.; § 1001.32(2), Fla. Stat. Petitioner is authorized to discipline instructional staff and other school employees. See § 1012.22(1)(f), Fla. Stat. At the time of the alleged incident, Respondent was employed as a testing coordinator at Dunnellon Middle, pursuant to a professional services contract with the Board. During the 2018-2019 school year, Respondent served as a dean of discipline at Dunnellon Middle. As dean, she had dealt with discipline of students possessing drugs on campus, as well as students suspected of smoking marijuana either on a school bus or at the school bus stop. Leah Grace is a guidance counselor at Dunnellon Middle. Michelle Reese is the guidance office clerk. On January 30, 2020, student L.L. came to the guidance office and told Ms. Reese he wanted to speak with Ms. Grace about enrollment in a magnet program for the following school year. However, when L.L. entered Ms. Grace’s office, he sat down and began crying. L.L. confided in Ms. Grace that he “had something he was not supposed to have at school.” L.L. stated that he did not know who to trust. L.L. was distraught and Ms. Grace was unable to calm him. She decided to contact his mother to pick him up from school. Aware that L.L.’s mother does not speak English, Ms. Grace sought help from someone at the school who spoke Spanish. Respondent speaks Spanish. Ms. Grace contacted Respondent and asked her to come to the guidance office to help her with a student. When Respondent arrived at Ms. Grace’s office, she observed L.L. visibly upset, sobbing with his face in his hands, rocking back and forth. Ms. Grace relayed to Respondent what L.L. had shared with her—that he “had something he was not supposed to have at school.” Respondent recognized L.L. and asked him three questions in quick succession: Do you have a weapon? L.L. shook his head “no” in response; Do you plan to hurt yourself or someone else? L.L. shook his head “no” in response; and Do you have weed? L.L. nodded his head in response to the third question, indicating that he did have marijuana. L.L. confided that another student, D.G., had given the marijuana to L.L. in the cafeteria that morning to “hold on to” for him. L.L. had grown anxious during the school day about having the drugs in his possession and had come to the guidance office for help. When L.L. nodded in the affirmative that he had weed on him, Respondent stated something to the effect of “that is no reason to go home.” Respondent suggested L.L. just flush the marijuana down the toilet. L.L. promptly went into a small restroom attached to Ms. Grace’s office, flushed the toilet, washed his face, and began to compose himself. Afterward, Respondent told L.L. he needed to find better friends. As Respondent was no longer needed for translation, she left the guidance office and returned to her duties in the testing lab. Ms. Grace allowed L.L. to go to his next class, a grade-recovery course for which he was already late. Julia Roof teaches the class and had been concerned that L.L. was not in class on time. L.L. arrived at the classroom toward the end of the class period, and Ms. Roof observed that L.L. was upset. L.L. initially insisted that he was “fine,” but Ms. Roof pressed him because he was visibly upset. L.L. confided in Ms. Roof about the incident. He admitted that he had marijuana in his possession at school that day, that another student had asked him to hold it, and that he had been to the guidance office where the marijuana had been “flushed.” Neither Ms. Grace nor Respondent reported the incident to the school resource officer or anyone in school administration. Nor did either of them notify L.L.’s mother. Ms. Roof reported the incident to Delbert Smallridge, principal at Dunnellon Middle, at the end of the school day. Principal Smallridge’s Investigation Mr. Smallridge has served as principal at Dunnellon Middle for nine years, and has worked in the Marion County school system in various positions for 31 years. Ms. Roof reported the incident to Mr. Smallridge after school at car pickup. Before he left the school for the day, Mr. Smallridge contacted the school resource officer to notify him that there was a situation with drugs on the school campus that day. He also notified Brent Carson, director of professional practices (i.e., human resources) for the Marion County School District (“the District”), with the limited information he had obtained. The following morning, Friday, January 31, 2020, Mr. Smallridge began an internal investigation into the incident. He first interviewed L.L., in the presence of Ms. Roof; took notes of the events L.L. related; reviewed the notes verbally with L.L.; as well as having L.L. read them to himself. Afterward, he asked L.L. to sign his name at the bottom of the page as his statement of the incident. The next person he interviewed, Ms. Reese, came to him directly. She reported to Mr. Smallridge that she had information she felt he should know. She told Mr. Smallridge that Ms. Grace had confided in her that morning that she had allowed a student to flush marijuana in plastic bags down the toilet in her office the prior day, and that she was concerned that they may come back up or otherwise cause a plumbing problem. Ms. Reese provided and signed a written statement to that effect. Mr. Smallridge also interviewed, and took a written statement from, Ms. Roof regarding the incident. Before the school day ended, he also spoke to Mr. Carson, who instructed him to complete the school-level investigation by interviewing and getting written statements from Respondent and all witnesses, and do his best to determine what had happened. Mr. Smallridge interviewed Ms. Grace the following Monday, February 3, 2020, in the presence of his confidential secretary. Mr. Smallridge took notes of his interview with Ms. Grace, and Ms. Grace provided a written statement of her own. During his interview with Ms. Grace, Mr. Smallridge noted that “both [Ms. Grace and Respondent] were aware [L.L.] had drugs.” In Ms. Grace’s written statement, she stated that she “couldn’t remember” whether it was she or Respondent who told L.L. to flush the marijuana, “but I think it was me.” She stated that L.L. went to the small bathroom attached to her office, “then came out and told me he flushed it, bag and all.” Ms. Grace’s statement also confirmed that both she and Respondent were in her office when L.L. went to the bathroom. Ms. Grace later resigned from Dunnellon Middle. On August 26, 2020, after her resignation, she gave a second written statement regarding the incident. In that statement, Ms. Grace claimed responsibility for telling L.L. to flush the marijuana and called it a “momentary lapse in judgement.” She felt sorry for L.L. and did not want him to get in trouble, either with the school or with law enforcement. Mr. Smallridge also interviewed Respondent, who stated that, when L.L. nodded his head in response to her question, “Do you have weed,” she understood L.L. to mean that he had marijuana in his system, not on his person. Further, she claimed to have left Ms. Grace’s office shortly after she asked those questions and was not aware that L.L. had drugs on his person or that he flushed drugs in Ms. Grace’s office. Respondent also gave Mr. Smallridge a written statement. In her written statement, Respondent described the events of January 31, 2020. She said that when she first observed L.L. in Ms. Grace’s office, “The kid seemed sick, rocking, sobbing and not speaking.” She continued, “I thought he might be intoxicated as to why he would want to go home and not to the nurse. I asked him if he had weed as if in smoked it, had it in his system. He nodded and continued to cry. I said, that is no reason to go home.” Mr. Smallridge gathered all the statements and notes from his investigation, scanned and sent them to Mr. Carson. Jaycee Oliver is the executive director of employee relations for the District and is responsible for disciplinary issues with District employees, including hearings, grievances, mediations, and arbitrations. Ms. Oliver reviewed the documents from Mr. Smallridge, and discussed the incident with Mr. Carson and Mr. Smallridge. Ms. Oliver determined that the incident warranted a District-level investigation. District Investigation and Discipline The District investigation was conducted by Dawana Gary, director of equities and ethics, who worked with Tyson Collins, an investigator in her department. Ms. Gary was present for the interviews of both Ms. Grace and Respondent. Mr. Collins interviewed the remaining witnesses. Their interviews were recorded. Following the investigation, Ms. Gary prepared an investigative report containing written findings and conclusions. Based on the investigation, Ms. Gary concluded that both Respondent and Ms. Grace violated Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1., which provides that the educator’s obligation to the student requires that the educator “[s]hall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student’s mental and/or physical health and/or safety.” She also concluded that both Respondent and Ms. Grace violated School Board Policy 6.27 I., which requires school board employees to comply with rule 6A-10.081. Ms. Gary sent her investigative report to Ms. Oliver, along with a recommendation that both Ms. Grace and Respondent receive a written reprimand, three-day suspension without pay, and mandatory training. Ms. Oliver reviewed the report and recommendation, and was surprised the recommendation was so lenient. Ms. Oliver characterized the violations as “egregious” and recommended to the superintendent that both Respondent and Ms. Grace be terminated. At the final hearing, Ms. Oliver testified that Respondent’s behavior was egregious because, not only did she fail to report the incident or take other measures to protect L.L., but also that allowing the student to dispose of the drugs prevented a proper investigation into distribution of drugs on campus. She maintained that Respondent’s behavior allowed both D.G., who was allegedly selling drugs on campus, and students who may purchase or otherwise obtain drugs from him, to remain in harm’s way. Without the drugs themselves as evidence, any potential investigation was jeopardized. Ms. Oliver discussed the recommendations for discipline at length with the superintendent. The superintendent made the final decision to impose a written reprimand and a five-day suspension, and require Respondent to take a course on “Reasonable Suspicion Drug Training” upon her return to work. L.L.’s statement that Respondent told him to flush the drugs is the only credible evidence on which to base a finding that Respondent did in fact do so.1 Respondent attempted to discredit L.L.’s testimony by introducing evidence (all of which was hearsay) that L.L. had previously been untruthful to teachers and had a penchant for drama. This evidence was neither credible nor reliable. L.L.’s testimony was clear: he acknowledged he had “weed;” he showed Respondent and Ms. Grace the weed; Respondent instructed him to 1 L.L.’s statement is an exception to the hearsay rule as an admission of a party opponent. See § 90.803(18), Fla. Stat. flush the weed; and he flushed the weed down the toilet in Ms. Grace’s private restroom. Ms. Grace’s testimony that she was the one who instructed L.L. to flush the marijuana is also not accepted as credible. Ms. Grace’s original statement to Mr. Smallridge (repeated in her first written statement) that she could not remember whether it was she or Respondent who told L.L. to flush the marijuana, was simply not credible. A middle school guidance counselor in her situation would have a clear memory of instructing a student to flush drugs down the toilet. Likewise, her memory that a teacher instructed the student to do so in her presence would likewise be significant enough to remember clearly. Further, Ms. Grace and Respondent were close colleagues, frequently having lunch together, and socializing outside of school on at least one occasion. Ms. Grace’s subsequent statement accepting responsibility for telling L.L. to flush the drugs was likely an attempt to protect Respondent. When she gave her second statement, Ms. Grace had already resigned from Dunnellon Middle; therefore, she could not be disciplined for falsely accepting responsibility for instructing L.L. to flush the marijuana. Finally, Ms. Grace’s testimony at the final hearing was too well- rehearsed to be credible. Notably, Ms. Grace had a well-rehearsed explanation for why Respondent would not have heard her tell L.L. to flush the drugs while they were sitting in her very small office, and she inserted that explanation in answer to a wholly-unrelated question. She attempted to explain Respondent’s state of mind, which she could not have known. In sum, Ms. Grace’s testimony was unreliable and was insufficient to establish that she, rather than Respondent, instructed L.L. to flush the marijuana down the toilet. Respondent’s testimony that she understood L.L. to mean he had marijuana in his system, rather than on his person, was not credible. L.L. had stated that he “had something he wasn’t supposed to have at school.” Respondent asked him if he “had weed” after asking him if he “had a weapon,” clearly seeking knowledge of what he possessed at school that he knew was off limits. Further, L.L.’s testimony that he showed Ms. Grace and Respondent the weed is accepted as true. Even if Respondent’s testimony that she understood L.L. to mean that he had marijuana in his system was accepted as true, that fact, coupled with her description of him as appearing ill, and possibly intoxicated,2 created a responsibility to take some step to protect the student’s health and well- being. If she understood L.L. to mean that he had ingested marijuana, and he appeared to her to be ill, her statement “that is no reason to go home,” was completely unprofessional. L.L.’s mother should have been contacted to pick him up from school, and administration should have been notified so that the situation could be avoided in the future to secure L.L.’s health and safety, as well as other students potentially involved.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Marion County School Board enter a final order upholding both the charges and the discipline imposed against Respondent, Maria Acosta. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of November, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE VAN WYK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of November, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Mark E. Levitt, Esquire Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A. Suite 100 1477 West Fairbanks Avenue Winter Park, Florida 32789 (eServed) Eric J. Lindstrom, Esquire Egan, Lev, Lindstrom & Siwica, P.A. Post Office Box 5276 Gainesville, Florida 32627 (eServed) Heidi S. Parker, Esquire Egan, Lev, Lindstrom & Siwica, P.A. 2nd Floor 231 East Colonial Drive Orlando, Florida 32801 (eServed) Dr. Diane Gullett, Superintendent Marion County School Board 512 Southeast 3rd Street Ocala, Florida 34471 Richard Corcoran Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (4) 1001.321012.221012.3390.803 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6A-10.081 DOAH Case (1) 20-2605TTS
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 26, 2002 Number: 02-002540 Latest Update: Jun. 23, 2003

The Issue Whether the Petitioner demonstrated just cause for the dismissal of the Respondent from employment as a teacher.

Findings Of Fact In a Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation, the parties agreed to the following facts: At all times material hereto, Respondent, Marlon J. Pearce was employed by Petitioner as a school teacher within the school district of Miami-Dade County, Florida, assigned to Lawton Chiles Middle School. Respondent was employed by Petitioner pursuant to the Contract between the Miami- Dade County Public Schools and the United Teachers of Dade, and subject to the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and of the School Board in accordance with § 1012.33(6)(a), Fla. Stat. (2002). At all times material hereto, Petitioner was a duly constituted School Board charged with the duty to operate, control and supervise all free public schools within the school district of Miami-Dade County, Florida, pursuant to § 4(b) of Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Florida and § 1001.32(2), Fla. Stat. (2002). On November 5, 2000, a conference-for- record (CFR) was held with the Respondent by the principal at North Glade Elementary School. On March 7, 2001, another CFR was held with the Respondent by the principal at North Glade Elementary School. On March 15, 2002, a CFR was held with the Respondent at the School Board's Office of Professional Standards. On May 28, 2002, a meeting was held with the Respondent at the School Board's Office of Professional Standards. At its regularly scheduled meeting of June 19, 2002, the School Board took action to suspend and initiate dismissal proceedings against the Respondent. John Schoeck is currently and for the last two years has been the Principal of North Hialeah Elementary School. For the preceding five years, he was the Principal at North Glade Elementary School. While at North Glade, Mr. Schoeck hired the Respondent, Mr. Pearce, to teach physical education. (Tr. 13) After a November 5, 2000, conference-for-record (CFR) with Mr. Pearce, Mr. Schoeck issued certain directives to Mr. Pearce. Among those directives were the requirement for professional conduct with parents, students and staff, and prohibitions on using profanity, on making verbal or physical threats to parents, students or staff members, and on having verbal or physical confrontations with coworkers. (Tr. 18, 208- 209, P-6) Mr. Schoeck also referred Mr. Pearce to the Employee Assistance Program based on interpersonal behavior observed on the job. (Tr. 9, P-5) An allegation that the Respondent hit a student in the back with his fist was unsubstantiated, in March 2001. The Respondent testified that the student was loud, easily influenced and had an attitude. (Tr. 185) Another student at North Glade Elementary School became involved in a rock-throwing incident with the Respondent. The Respondent described the student as defiant. He testified that after the student threw a rock and hit him, he grabbed her arm to make eye contact, but after she "started going wild and shaking," he let her go and she fell to the ground. There was testimony that her shirt was torn when she reached the principal's office, but the Respondent denied that it was ripped when she left him. (Tr. 186-188, 212-213) On March 7, 2001, Mr. Schoeck held another CFR with Mr. Pearce, as a result of certain allegations by a student and his mother that Mr. Pearce called the student a "punk." Mr. Schoeck found Mr. Pearce insubordinate and reiterated the directives issued after the November conference. (Tr. 24-25, 209-210, 215-216, P-9) The Miami-Dade Schools Police Department ("the school's police") investigated several students' complaints alleging that Respondent had subjected them to corporal punishment. The police found the complaints to be unsubstantiated. Each time there was an incident, the Respondent was reminded of the School Board's policy prohibiting corporal punishment. (Tr. 32-33) Late in the 2000-2001 school year, the Respondent was reassigned to the region office and, subsequently, for the 2001- 2002 school year to Lawton Chiles Middle School (Tr. 33 and Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation) On November 7, 2001, a charge of verbal abuse, for calling a student "stupid," was substantiated against the Respondent. (Tr. 219, P-17) The Respondent testified that what he said was "stop acting stupid" because the student was loud and saying she knew why he had been fired from his other job and was quoting the Bible. (Tr. 197-198) He also said that, in the heat of the moment, he also called her stupid. (Tr. 200) On November 8, 2001, the Respondent violated the School Board policy against "unseemly conduct, or the use of abusive and/or profane language in the workplace," by using the word "nigga." (Tr. 60-67 and P-16) The Respondent testified that the racial slur was made "under his breath" and not intended to be heard by students. He testified that what he said was "you're going to drive a nigga crazy," and that the comment was directed to himself, not the student. (Tr. 195) The Respondent testified that he told a student "If I was your dad, I would ring your neck," because the student was disruptive, defiant and not following directions. (Tr. 195-196, 218-219) In December 2001, a student was playing with a toilet valve and water was squirting out on the floor in the boys' locker room. After the student left the stall and walked over towards him, the Respondent grabbed him by the neck and shoved him. After an investigation by the school's police, the charge was found to be substantiated. (Tr. 69-88, 113-117 and P-18) The Respondent testified that he grabbed the student's shoulder but did not push him. (Tr. 201-202) Although the student had stopped spraying water at the time he confronted him, the Respondent considered his intervention appropriate because the wet floor created a safety concern. (Tr. 205, 214-215, 217-218) At the same time, other students began slamming locker doors in the locker room. The Respondent called the students involved "a bunch of assholes," and said "If you do this one more time, I could lose my job for hurting you." (Tr. 69-88, 113-117 and P-18) About the same time, the Assistant Principal at Lawton Chiles Middle School, Alberto Iber, received a complaint from the parents of another student. While he was playing with an injured student's aluminum walker, the Respondent grabbed him to try to retrieve the walker and pushed him to the ground. He also said to the student "fuck you." Charges of corporal punishment and the use of profanity were substantiated. (Tr. 93-112 and P-19) The Respondent admitted that he pulled the student down after saying "This is going to be the final time I ask you to sit down." (Tr. 204) He said he used the "f" word under his voice. (Tr. 205) When the Respondent was first assigned to Lawton Chiles Middle School, the Principal, Karen Robinson met with him to discuss the previous incidents at North Glade Elementary School and to discuss expectations that he would abide by the School Board's rules. Each time there was an incident involving the Respondent, Ms. Robinson called the District's Professional Standards Office which referred the matters to the school's police to conduct the personnel investigations. (Tr. 119-133, 219-220) After the fourth personnel investigation at Lawton Chiles Middle School, Ms. Robinson contacted the personnel director for the region. She was concerned that the incidents involving the Respondent were escalating from inappropriate verbal to more serious physical interactions with students. As a result, she recommended that Respondent's employment be terminated. (Tr. 135-136 and P-21) Barbara Moss, the District Director in the School Board's Office of Professional Standards, agreed with Ms. Robinson's and the region personnel director's recommendations to terminate the Respondent's employment. (Tr. 164-165, P-22 and 23) Ms. Moss, in turn, recommended that the School Board terminate Respondent's employment. She met with Respondent to notify him of the proposed action. (Tr. 165-166) The Superintendent of Schools also recommended that the School Board take action to terminate Respondent's employment and notified the Respondent of that recommendation. (P-24 and 25) The Superintendent also notified the Respondent when the School Board, at its meeting on June 19, 2002, took action to suspend and initiate dismissal proceedings against him for misconduct in office, gross insubordination, willful neglect of duty, and violation of School Board Rules 6Gx13-4.108, on Violence in the Workplace; 6Gx13-4A-1.21, on Responsibilities and Duties; and 6Gx13-5D-1.07, Corporal Punishment - Prohibited. Notice of the availability of an administrative hearing to contest the action was also included. (P-24 through 26)

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a final order sustaining Respondent's suspension without pay on June 19, 2002, terminating Respondent's employment, and denying the Respondent back pay. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of May, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ELEANOR M. HUNTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of May, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Merritt R. Stierhelm, Superintendent Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33132 Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Room 1244 1244 Turlington Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Luis M. Garcia, Esquire Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33132 Leslie A. Meek, Esquire United Teachers of Dade - Law Department 2200 Biscayne Boulevard, 5th Floor Miami, Florida 33137

Florida Laws (4) 1001.321012.33120.569120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Aug. 10, 2000 Number: 00-003344PL Latest Update: Jun. 21, 2001

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent's Educator's Certificate should be suspended..

Findings Of Fact Respondent has been in the education profession for 31 years. He holds a master’s degree in psychological counseling and a specialist certificate in educational leadership. He has taught, in chronological order, at Lake City Junior High School, Deland Senior High School, Edison Community College, and Cape Coral High School. He has served as an assistant principal at Cape Coral High School, Riverview High School, and Lehigh Senior High School, for a total of eight years. During his career in education, Respondent has not been disciplined and has generally received excellent evaluations. In August 1999, prior to the return of the students or faculty, Respondent was the assistant principal of curriculum at Lehigh Senior High School. This was a difficult period for the school district. It had spent more than it had received during the prior school year, and the superintendent, Dr. Bruce Harter, had had to recommend to the school board difficult cutbacks, including over 90 teaching positions. The school board had adopted these recommendations, and Dr. Harter had implemented them, starting the 1999-2000 school year. In mid August 1999, while working in the common area of the office in preparation for the return of the teachers to school, Respondent was talking with a couple of other school administrators while they were painting school colors in the office. In charge of preparing the master schedule of classes for the school, Respondent was especially upset at the teaching cutbacks. During a conversation among the three administrators, Respondent commented once or twice, “Who do you want to bet will shoot Dr. Harter?” The administrator who recounted this comment walked away to his office to terminate the conversation. He reported that Respondent was not ranting or raving when making the comment and that Respondent did not make these comments in a threatening manner. The administrator has known Respondent since 1988 and has never known him to be dangerous, threatening, or unprofessional. As all persons involved in this case were aware, this comment was especially distasteful because a distraught school teacher had murdered a superintendent a few years earlier. In a school district the size of Lee County, nearly everyone involved in this case had some personal involvement in the tragic loss of the superintendent. For instance, the administrator who recounted the conversation at the school office had known the teacher who had shot the superintendent. A day or two after the first comment, on August 19, 1999, Respondent attended a meeting at another school for the purpose of welcoming the new principals. Respondent was frustrated because he had applied over a dozen times in the past four years for the position of school principal, but had never even been interviewed. In the course of the presentation, a speaker said, “Let’s give Lynn Strong a round of applause.” Ms. Strong was in charge of personnel and had some involvement in the selection process for principals. In response to the speaker’s comment, Respondent muttered, “I’d rather give her a bullet.” This remark was heard only by two or three other administrators, also from Lehigh Senior High School, who were seated at the same table as Respondent. The administrators hearing Respondent’s remark were not so much alarmed, as they were concerned. The consensus among them was that someone should inform the principal of Respondent’s remarks, and the principal should talk to Respondent. On the same day as the latter statement, the principal visited Respondent in his office and told him that he had learned of these statements and that they were inappropriate. The principal warned Respondent that such statements could get him in a lot of trouble. Without denying having made the statements, Respondent said that he had not intended to act on them. Unsure what, if anything, to do next, the principal received a call from someone in the district office, who had heard about Respondent’s statements. Even though he had worked with Respondent for several years and had never known him to behave unprofessionally, the principal decided to report the threat to Ms. Strong and the superintendent. Ms. Strong became frightened by the report. She had known of the murder of the superintendent, as well as a murder of a teacher in the recent past. Ms. Strong stayed in her home all of the ensuing weekend, and her husband escorted her to work for a couple of weeks. She never contacted Respondent about the situation, largely because Ms. Strong’s professional responsibilities encompassed the investigation, but Respondent never contacted her and explained the situation to relieve her of her understandable anxiety. After an investigation, the school district removed Respondent from Lehigh Senior High School and suspended him with pay for nine weeks. After the completion of the suspension, the school district reassigned Respondent to a second-chance school, until his contract expired at the end of the school year. The next year, the principal of Fort Myers High School, who had known Respondent as an effective educational professional for many years, hired him as a teacher. Respondent’s work after the two incidents in August 1999 has earned him praise from his supervisors. The two comments made by Respondent were repulsive, especially given the tragic recent history of violence directed against Lee County education professionals. Assessed in the context of a long, effective career in education, these two incidents stand out as isolated and largely inexplicable. The only partial explanation appearing in the record was that Respondent had, in August 1997, completed counseling for the sudden death from an undetermined cause of his 22-year-old daughter, while she was attending the University of Florida. The question nevertheless remains why a mature professional educator, himself having recently undergone a tragic, recent loss, would choose to express his displeasure with policy and personnel decisions by oblique references to the death of the administrators making these policy and personnel decisions. Based on the prehearing stipulation, Petitioner abandoned its allegation that Respondent is guilty of a violation of the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession. In any event, Petitioner did not prove by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent is guilty of intimidating or harassing anyone. Petitioner has failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent is guilty of gross immorality or moral turpitude. Evaluated in the context of his long professional career in education, these lapses in judgment, although serious departures from good judgment, do not constitute moral turpitude, especially in view of the fact that no one hearing the remarks believed that Respondent intended to do violence to Dr. Harter or Ms. Strong. Petitioner has failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent has reduced his effectiveness as an employee of the school board. Absent the willingness of two administrators to work with Respondent following his August 1999 comments, this issue would be more difficult to resolve. However, these administrators have given Respondent the opportunity to demonstrate that he remains an effective educator and has lost none of his effectiveness as an employee of the school board. One’s sense of justice is not offended by Respondent’s removal from administrative duties, nor the likelihood that his resumption of administrative duties will, if ever, be long deferred; however, as a teacher, Respondent remains an effective and valuable employee of the school board, provided he guards carefully against a recurrence of this irresponsible behavior.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint against Respondent. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of March, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ ROBERT E. MEALE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of March, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director Department of Education Florida Education Center, Room 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Jerry W. Whitmore, Chief Department of Education Bureau of Educator Standards, Room 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 James A. Robinson, General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol, Suite 1701 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 William R. Scherer III Conrad & Scherer Post Office Box 14723 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302 Harry A. Blair Harry A. Blair, P.A. 2180 West First Street, Suite 401 Fort Myers, Florida 33901

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Nov. 09, 2012 Number: 12-003645TTS Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Beverly Hills, Florida Sep. 23, 2020 Number: 20-004281PL Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024

The Issue Whether Respondent committed any of the acts alleged in Petitioner’s Amended Administrative Complaint; and if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the final hearing and the entire record in this proceeding, the following Findings of Fact are made: Background on Mr. Alden Mr. Alden began working as an educator in 2004 when he was hired to work at the Clark County Alternative School in Athens, Georgia. When that school closed in 2009, Mr. Alden relocated to Clark Central High School. After taking a year off to care for his terminally ill mother, Mr. Alden relocated to Florida and took a position with Gateway High School in Osceola County in 2011.3 In 2017, Mr. Alden took a teaching position with Lecanto High School (“Lecanto High”) in Citrus County, Florida. During the 2018-19 school year, Mr. Alden was an economics and government instructor at Lecanto High. He also taught one section of world history. Allegations by students regarding Mr. Alden’s conduct led to the initiation of an investigation in September of 2018 and the issuance of a written reprimand on September 25, 2018. A second investigation began on May 2, 2019, but was closed on May 9, 2019, due to Mr. Alden’s resignation from Lecanto High. Mr. Alden worked as a sixth-grade world history teacher at Liberty Middle School in Marion County, Florida, during the 2019-20 school year. As explained in more detail below, two incidents during the 2019-20 school year led to Mr. Alden not being recommended for reappointment. 3 Mr. Alden holds Florida Educator’s Certificate 1186313, covering the areas of Educational Leadership, Elementary Education, Gifted, and Social Science, which is valid through June 30, 2022. Findings as to Whether Mr. Alden Referred to Students as “Dumb,” “Stupid,” or Words to that Effect S.H. was a senior at Lecanto High during the 2018-19 school year and was in Mr. Alden’s economics class. S.H. has a learning disability and reported in September of 2018 to her case manager, Karen Harper, a math teacher at Lecanto High, that Mr. Alden would become angry with her for asking questions. Mr. Alden supposedly displayed that anger by sighing heavily and telling S.H. that she didn’t know what she was talking about.4 S.H. offered the following testimony during the final hearing: Q: Tell us about what your concerns were in Mr. Alden’s class. A: Well, I was – not repeatedly, but I have heard him putting down students. On top of that I was making a statement about something he said and he said that I didn’t know what I was talking about and that I was stupid. Q: Okay. Now, did that bother you what Mr. Alden said to you? * * * A: Yes, sir. Q: When he called you stupid, did he say this in front of other students? A: Yes, sir. Q: What you just told us here today, was that some of what you told Mr. Harper? 4 Ms. Harper also acted as a case manager for a student named A.M., who stated to her that Mr. Alden referred to him as stupid and a failure when he sought assistance from Mr. Alden. Because A.M. did not testify during the final hearing, the portion of Ms. Harper’s testimony concerning A.M.’s allegations is uncorroborated hearsay that cannot support a finding of fact. See § 120.57(1)(c), Fla. Stat. (2020)(providing that “[h]earsay evidence may be used for the purpose of supplementing or explaining other evidence, but it shall not be sufficient in itself to support a finding unless it would be admissible over objection in civil actions.”). A: Yes, sir, * * * Q: Okay. You say he has put you down when asked questions. What do you mean by that? What did he do? What was going on? * * * A: Like anything I would say – and, honestly, it sounded pretty dumb in my mind as well, my questions, but I could understand why he put me down, but it’s still unacceptable. But I was just saying things that provoked it. So. He put me down, like, you know, called me, you know, stupid, tell me I wasn’t – I didn’t know what I was talking about. Like that. Q: Okay. So even if you felt like you asked a dumb question, you didn’t expect him to call you stupid in front of your peers? * * * A: Yes. Because my other teachers don’t do that. Q: Okay. How did that make you feel for him to call you stupid? A: Not good. It just made me feel kind of depressed, like I wasn’t good enough for his class. Just did not feel good about it. Other former students of Mr. Alden’s from the 2018-19 school year did not corroborate S.H.’s testimony. For example, J.S. testified that Mr. Alden implied that particular students were dumb or stupid but never directly said so. However, J.S. did not explain how that implication was expressed. K.S. did not remember Mr. Alden using the words “dumb” or “stupid.” M.M. could not recall any instances in which Mr. Alden demeaned a student. C.S. denied ever observing Mr. Alden disparage a student or call a student “stupid” or “dumb.” B.S. never heard Mr. Alden call a student “dumb” or “stupid” and did not recall Mr. Alden disparaging or embarrassing any students. S.C. never witnessed Mr. Alden disparage or belittle any students and never heard Mr. Alden call any students “stupid” or “ignorant.” M.J. never observed Mr. Alden disparaging any students or call a student “dumb” or “stupid.” R.C. denied ever observing Mr. Alden disparage a student. When asked if he remembered Mr. Alden explaining the difference between “stupid” and “ignorant,” R.C. gave the following testimony: A: I remember the comment. If I believe. I mean, it’s been two years, but to my best knowledge I believe that the comment was made on the note that, as long as you’re – as long as you’re trying and you’re asking questions and you’re trying to be engaged and learn, that you can’t be stupid. But if you’re choosing not to learn and you’re choosing not to try and give no effort, then you’re just ignorant. But you can’t be stupid as long as you try. Q: Okay. And did you ever observe Mr. Alden, you know, directly, call a student stupid or dumb? A: No, sir. Mr. Alden vehemently denied Petitioner’s allegation that he referred to students as “dumb” or “stupid”: A: I spent 15 years in the classroom working with kids that have been disparaged by their community and their families. Came to me using I am stupid as their – as their – as an excuse for not putting effort into their education. They had to – they had been convinced that there was no point in trying because they weren’t – they were going to fail. I spent 15 years, from the minute I walked into the classroom, trying to convince these kids that they were not stupid, that they were, in fact, more than capable and trying to deprogram them from the belief that there was no point in trying. I made, every year, the first day of the – the first day of class I made a point to illustrate to the kids that there was a difference between ignorant and stupid. Because a lot of them conflated those two terms. I would point out that ignorant means you have not learned and stupid means you cannot learn. And to drive the point home, especially with the age group that I worked with, I went into a little conversation about human growth and development and the formation of the prefrontal cortex and that that’s the part of your brain that allows you to make rational decisions and it doesn’t finish forming until your early-to-mid 20s. * * * I also used the secondary working definition of stupidity that ignorant means you don’t know any better and stupid means you know better, but you do it anyway. And I use that to short circuit what a lot of these kids would interpret as a disparaging remark from other adults. That when an adult might say, that was stupid, they weren’t talking about you as a person, they’re talking [about] your actions. * * * Q: How often would you have to have that sort of discussion with your students? A: Well, as I said, I would do it at the beginning of the term, just to sort of begin that deprogramming process. I would also reiterate the lesson at every available opportunity. If I heard a kid say, I’m stupid, I would stop the world and point out to them, no, you’re not, you can’t be. It’s physiologically impossible and all the rest. If I heard a kid disparage another student, say that was stupid or are you stupid or don’t be stupid, I would clarify for both the student making the comment as well as the student the comment was towards, that that’s not how you want to say that. You want to say, that was careless, that was thoughtless, that was reckless. Not that that was stupid. And stress to the student that was – that had engaged in observable behavior that could be defined as a stupid action and say, look, you’re not stupid. You knew better. Think about what you’re doing before you do it. And, you know, you don’t have to worry about people coming to the wrong conclusions. Findings as to Whether Mr. Alden Told His Students That a Class Was Divided Into “Smart” and “Dumb” Sections S.B. was a sophomore at Lecanto High during the 2018-19 school year and had Mr. Alden for world history. When asked about how Mr. Alden seated students in his classroom, S.B. gave the following testimony: A: He would separate the classroom. Smart people would be in the back of the classroom and then the dumber kids, or what he would refer [to as] the kids who failed the test or didn’t make good enough grades, he would put them in the front and refer to them as dumb. Q: How did you know Mr. Alden was putting the smart kids in the back? A: He had said it. Q: And the not so smart or dumb kids in the front? How did you know that? A: He had said it himself. A kid has asked why we were being separated and he just said that he had separated the kids because the smart kids go in the back and the dumb kids go up front, is what I had overheard in the class period. Q: Okay. Did that make you feel any particular way when he would put – separate kids like that? A: Yes. Because that’s not how a teacher should be speaking to their students. So I don’t think that was right. * * * Q: Now, even though you’re in the smart group, did you feel bad for the kids that were in the, what he described, as you say, the dumb group? A: Yes, of course. Because he would always repeat and make it known that those were the dumber kids. Q: Okay. And what did he tell you he based putting the smart kids in the smart group and the dumb kids in the dumb group? How did he – did he tell you how he made that determination as to which kids were going to go in any particular group? A: Usually it would be because of the quiz grades or the test grades that we had received [that] day. J.D. was a senior at Lecanto High during the 2018-19 school year and was one of Mr. Alden’s students. J.D. offered the following testimony about Mr. Alden’s method of seating students: Q: Okay. Let’s start talking about [allegation] 3-A. Tell us what you know about 3-A. A: All right. So 3-A, it says that in the classroom he referred to students as dumb or stupid. I never heard him actually refer to any individual student individually as dumb or stupid, but I know that he did refer to people collectively as not willing to learn. But I do not know that he actually referred to any [ ] particular student as dumb or stupid. Q: Did you hear him use those words toward any group of students as being dumb or stupid? A: Implied, yes. But not directly. Q: Okay. What do you mean when you say implied? A: So, like, in the next part, in 3-B, when he divided the section into smart and dumb students. And smart students were in the back and dumb students were in the front. That did happen and that does imply that he thought that those kids were not as smart as the kids in the back. Q: Okay. So, by the way, were you in either one of those groups? A: Yes, I was. I was in the back. Q: Okay. So, you were in the smart kids’ group; is that right? A: Exactly. Q: Okay. Now, how did you – did you – did that make you feel in any way? How did you know that the smart kids were in the back and the dumb kids were in the front? I mean, how did you know that? A: Because it’s what the other kids were saying. The other kids in the class. It made them feel that the kids in the back were better than they were. And those were – those are words from the students. Like, when I was – so, in the class, I was in the back and me and another student in the back would – we would, you know, bicker and argue. So I asked Mr. Alden to move me to a different setting so that we just wouldn’t bicker and argue anymore. And when I was sitting with those students, they would always refer to me as the smart kid in the group. And it made a distinction. It actually, in a way, segregated the class based on the level of intelligence. * * * Q: Okay. Did Mr. Alden tell you that [was] why he was separating [students] into different groups? The kids who scored well on the exams were put in the back and the kids who didn’t score well, they were put in the front. A: Exactly. That is how he explained it in the beginning of the school year. Q: Okay. And you were talking about the interaction between the kids. Based on the way he had told you all he was segregating you with the kids that scored well in the back and kids that didn’t score well in the front, did that cause some tension or problems between the students in the classroom? A: I wouldn’t say tensions, but it did ostracize people who sat in the front, people who sat in the back. And then when you, like, try to talk to people from a different area, it was, like, you were either below them or above them. Q: Okay. And that was discussions among the students based on where they were placed; is that correct? A: Right. And that is my experience from sitting in a different group. K.S. was aware that Mr. Alden based students’ seat assignments on their class performance. However, he testified that Mr. Alden “never said that we were either stupid or smart in one place or another.” R.C. gave the following testimony about the seating arrangement: Q: How was the seating arrangement in Mr. Alden’s classroom, if you recall? A: It varied. Normally we could sit kind of wherever we want[ed] when we came in. But then, after test days, we would be split into groups where the first row back, if I recall, the highest test grades would be in one area and the lowest test grades in the other. We’d talk and go over the test and then we would be split into groups based on lowest test grades with the highest test grades put together and all mixed out so that everybody could help each other and help each other learn. Q: Okay. And did you find this effective? A: I believe so. Because some days I had a bad test and someone else did better and they could help me. Then if I had a better test and someone else didn’t, I could help them. You got to know everybody in the class better and I feel, again, it was just very productive overall. Q: Did the seating arrangement ever cause you any embarrassment? A: No, sir. C.S. testified that the seating arrangement helped “students that weren’t really doing well on their tests by putting students that had lower grades on tests up in front. That way [Mr. Alden] could do one-on-one with them, if needed.” When asked if the seating arrangement ever caused him embarrassment, C.S. testified that, “I actually really enjoyed it since there would be certain lessons I didn’t understand that well and so being up closer to him, it allowed me to, like, get his attention and be, like, can you help me understand this.” When asked about the seating arrangement in Mr. Alden’s class, B.S. testified that “he just put it to where he thought would be the best for people that needed to learn a little bit better. But it wasn’t like anything like embarrassing or anything like that. Like it was what he thought was the best seating arrangement to do.” S.C. seemed to agree when asked if Mr. Alden ever announced that he was dividing a class “between dumb students and smart students.” However, S.C. testified that no one took any offense and that the seating arrangement never caused him any embarrassment. M.J. did not recall students being seated based on test scores, but she did remember that students who needed more help were placed closer to the front of the classroom so that they could get Mr. Alden’s attention. She denied ever hearing Mr. Alden state that he was dividing a class into smart and dumb sections. Mr. Alden readily acknowledged that he placed students in different sections of his classroom based on test scores during the time in question and had used this method during seven school years: After the first unit test, they were grouped by their test score. So the highest performing students were in the back of the room. They were – my independent learners were in the back of the class. And the lowest scoring kids in the group were my dependent learners and they needed more support from me and I put them in – not necessarily in the first group because the very first group was closer to the door to the classroom. The second and third – the second, third – no, wait. One, two, three. The second, fifth and fourth groups were the ones closest to my desk. And that’s where I arranged the students that needed more help with the content. And sometimes it was a bad test taker or sometimes they were having trouble with the read – with reading comprehension. Sometimes it was an issue with communication with their peers. And having them closer to me allowed me to observe their interactions and, where necessary, step in and provide one-on-one support and determine if I had to address a learning deficiency or if it was a struggle – they were struggling with a particular piece of content. Mr. Adlen denied referring to students as being in “a dumb section or stupid section”: Whenever the students would make comments to that – to that end, I was vehement and immediate in my correction of it. I made – on numerous occasions I would say that the kids in the back of the room might have gotten a hundred percent on the test and the kids in the front of the room might have gotten a 90. That I only have limited amount of space and I can’t put every A in the back of the room. I don’t have enough room to put everybody in the back of the room. So everybody’s got to go somewhere and it -- ending up in the front of the room does not mean you’re low performing. It doesn’t mean you have a poor performance. There’s no such thing as good enough grades. * * * The folks in the front are the folks that need support. The folks in the back are – I’m able to leave to their own devices. Findings as to Whether Mr. Alden Used Profanity in the Classroom S.H. testified that Mr. Alden uses the words “bitch” and “shit” in class. S.C. read from a prior written statement in which he stated that Mr. Alden is “very blunt, uses uncalled for words. He speaks about other students, but doesn’t use specific names, like mistakes they have done. He cusses, such as words as damn, shit and hell. He’s used the n-word before. Does not think before he speaks.” S.B. testified that Mr. Alden “would curse a lot” and used the words “bitch,” “shit,” and “ass.” That made S.B. uncomfortable because she thinks that teachers should not be using such language around students. J.S. testified that Mr. Alden used the words “bitch,” “shit,” and “hell” in class. J.S. added that Ms. Alden expressed his preference for Milton Friedman’s economic theories by stating that John Maynard Keynes “didn’t know shit.” O.L. was a senior at Lecanto High during the 2018-19 school year and was in Mr. Alden’s economics class. She testified that Mr. Alden told a joke5 to a student in which the set-up was “what is the difference between a bitch and a ho?”6 K.S. remembered Mr. Alden using the term “shit” at least a couple of times. He also remembered the joke described by O.L. R.C. testified that Mr. Alden occasionally used profanity in the classroom. However, according to R.C., Mr. Alden did not use profanity in a derogatory manner and did not direct any profanity toward any students. C.S. denied hearing Mr. Alden ever say anything inappropriate. Mr. Alden7 conceded during his testimony that he had a relaxed attitude toward profanity: Q: The Amended Administrative Complaint in 3-C states, specifically, Respondent used profanity in the classroom, including the words bitch, shit and hell. Could you respond to that accusation? A: Incidental profanity was not a thing that I made a big deal about. It was more that the students engaged in it than that I participated in it. I did participate in it, but very infrequently. 5 The Amended Administrative Complaint did not mention the joke at issue, but Mr. Alden did not assert that he was not on notice that testimony regarding the joke would be used to substantiate the allegation that he used profanity in the presence of students. 6 I.G. did not testify at the final hearing but a written statement from her was accepted into evidence as part of Petitioner’s Exhibit 6. I.G. wrote that “Alden said ‘this is a joke’ and asked the class not to tell, because I believe some other students were making jokes about being called a whore, then he said ‘What’s the difference between a whore and a bitch? A whore gets with everyone and a bitch gets with everyone but you.’” Even if I.G.’s statement was offered to prove that Mr. Alden made the statement at issue, I.G.’s statement supplements and corroborates O.L.’s testimony. Accordingly, I.G.’s statement is admissible. See § 120.57(1)(c), Fla. Stat. (2020)(providing that “[h]earsay evidence may be used for the purpose of supplementing or explaining other evidence, but it shall not be sufficient in itself to support a finding unless it would be admissible over objection in civil actions.”). 7 As noted in the Preliminary Statement, Mr. Alden is deemed to have admitted using profanity in the classroom. It originated with students in the class using that language without sign of disquiet. They – I remember distinctly one student saying to me, Mr. Alden, I really like your class because you talk to us about real shit. And I was, like, whoa. But he showed no signs that he was aware that he had said something inappropriate and nobody in the class showed signs that it was an inappropriate thing to say. At that point I noticed that it was – it was not an infrequent thing among the students. So rather than make it – I mean, I worked at an alternative school where I dealt with juvenile felons. I worked in a school where we – our number one problem was kids getting into gang fights. So in my career there had just been bigger fish to fry and more important issues to address. So, at Lecanto, when the students informed me, through their behavior, that incidental profanity was not a thing that they were going to get bent out of shape about, I tried to manage it in what I thought was the best way possible. I made very strict rules. Nothing over – nothing more than PG-13. Nothing that you would not hear on commercial television in prime time. And the f-word – never in anger, never towards another person, never used to aggress against another student, never used to disparage or insult another student. And the f-word was forbidden. Mr. Alden denied ever using the n-word. With regard to the testimony that he told a joke with the words “bitch” and “ho,” Mr. Alden offered the following context: I had a senior girl that was in crisis. She was being accused of being a whore by the ex-girlfriend of her current boyfriend. The agitator was a junior. My girl was a senior and she was about to graduate. She was within just a few short weeks of graduating. She came into class [visibly] upset, surrounded by a group of girls who were egging her on and she kept saying she was going to beat her. I tried to intervene to calm her down, kind of talk her off the ledge. * * * So, I did the last thing I could think to do. I just said, hey, do you know what the difference is between a b_ _ and a ho? Because that was the topic that she was upset about. Being called a whore. That got her attention. * * * And I said, so what is the difference. Tell me what the difference is. And it took a little while to kind of talk her through it, but she got the point that it wasn’t about the behavior, it was about the perception of the behavior. That it wasn’t about the person who was acting, it was about the outside observer and their judgment of the person’s behavior. Karen Harper is a teacher at Lecanto High and explained why teachers using profanity in the classroom could be harmful to learning: Q: Now, in your career, do you use those kinds of words in your classroom? A: No. Q: Do you believe – is there any particular reason why you don’t use those words in your classroom? A: It’s not professional. I know that during -- whenever you’re hired, you have to go to – the beginning of school or when you get hired by a county, you have to go through an orientation and they talk about code of ethics and things that they, you know, as a teacher, this is what’s expected of you. And that was just something that was – I know that it’s a code of ethic[s] you shouldn’t be doing that. Q: Well what about just in terms of how – based on what you know about students, how using those kinds – that kind of language impacts students? A: Some students are – you never know. Just like in [the] general population. You don’t know who you’re going to offend, who you’re not going to offend. So it’s best just to avoid it and not say them. * * * Q: Okay. So, but if the teacher wants to characterize a person in a history book as a bitch or something that they did in the context of history as . . . If the teacher, then, wants to say that something that the queen or the king did was shitty, in your professional view, is that an appropriate context to use those kinds of words? A: No. Teachers and students at Lecanto High are prohibited from using profanity. Findings as to Whether Mr. Alden Embarrassed J.S. by Engaging in a Religious Debate and Stating That a Belief of J.S.’s Was “Demonstrably Fallacious” M.M. was a senior at Lecanto High School during the 2018-19 school year, and Mr. Alden was his economics teacher. On a day in early May of 2019, M.M. disclosed to classmates sitting at his table during economics class that he was transgender, and that led to his classmates asking several questions about M.M.’s family life and religious views. When M.M. expressed a favorable view about Jehovah’s Witnesses, J.S. approached the table where M.M. was seated, stood over him, and inserted himself into the conversation. M.M. described the ensuing events as follows: I can’t remember exactly what brought up J.S. joining this conversation. I do remember that I started with saying my own opinion on Jehovah’s Witnesses, stating that it was a truer religion than most that I have viewed. And I remember him walking up to my desk, standing less than a foot over me while I was seated. And I am a very, very short, small man. Very, very scared of many people, especially in high school. He stood over me and he told me right off the bat that I was wrong. And I said, it’s okay, man, no problem. Conversation over. We’re done. And I just acted as if I was going back to my assignment. He was like, no, no, no, you are wrong. And I want to tell you that you are wrong and that Jesus and God are one and the same. And I was, like, okay, that’s your belief, my belief is different. Just, that’s it. He was, like, no, no, man. And I was, like, I don’t want to – I don’t want to deal with someone pushing someone’s beliefs on me right now. You know, I’m in school, I just want to finish my assignment. And he was like, I’m not pushing my beliefs, I’m enlightening you. And as he’s talking to me he is in a way towering over me, is how I viewed it. I’m assuming that Mr. Alden saw that I was getting very uncomfortable and Mr. Alden came to the other side of me, looked at Mr. J.S. and said, you are wrong for doing this to him, you need to back off. And at that point, the conversation diverted, while it was over me, still to J.S. going after Mr. Alden with the same phrases and repeating the exact same argument that he was doing to me. Mr. Alden kindly enough diverted the argument away from my desk and got sort of to the other side of the classroom at that point. J.S. described the events in question as follows: So they were talking about that topic and they were talking – kept talking about, you know, mainstream Christianity. So I walked over there and I wanted to share my belief, since they were already on that topic, to inform them of that in case they were not aware of a different way of thinking, a different way of believing. So I walked over there and I made the comment, I said, did you know that Jesus is God. And after I said that comment, Mr. Alden walked over to me and he said, don’t say that Jesus is God. That’s demonstrably fallacious. And Jesus is God is one of the core beliefs of my faith. The fact that [he] believes that Jesus is God and that God is the Holy Ghost and that all of them are one person is one of the founding principles of what I believe. So in essence, he was saying, don’t say what you believe is true, because it’s clearly and evidently based on something that is false. * * * And after that, he engaged me in a whole debate, trying to prove what I believe to be wrong in front of all of [my] peers. Q: Okay. So his demeanor towards you while he was telling you that what you believe was demonstrably fallacious, what was his demeanor like? A: It was cocky, it was arrogant, it was – it seemed like he thought no one could ever prove him wrong. And even when you tried to use the sources that you draw your faith from, such as the Bible, I was – when we were talking, I was trying to use scriptures that I believe to be doctoral scriptures from the Bible. And he said – he told me that I could not use the Bible because it was inaccurate and false, due to the Council of Nicaea. So he not only was disparag[ing] my faith, but he disparaged the spiritual book that I draw my faith from. Q: Okay. Emotionally how did that make you feel? A: Emotionally, I was embarrassed. I was upset. I was angry. But I was just going to let it -- I was just going to let it go. I was just going to let it roll off – roll off like water on a duck’s back. The undersigned does not credit J.S.’s assertion that he was embarrassed. During his testimony, J.S. presented as a very outgoing and opinionated young man who has no inhibitions about expressing his views and engaging in debates. In fact, J.S. testified that “I am a, you know, I hate to say it, but I am an opinionated person and that tends to get me into discussions based on different topics, such as, you know, politics, opinions, the whole nine yards.” Mr. Alden’s description of this incident corroborates M.M.’s testimony, and his description of J.S. matches the opinion formed by the undersigned: [J.S.] was aggressively opinionated. And I had to remove him from two groups at the request of the members of his groups because he would not acquiesce ever. A big part of the class was they would take quizzes as a collaborative group and they would discuss and debate what was the best evidence for their answers on the quiz. And J.S. would not keep – J.S. would get his opinion on what was the best evidence and he would not hear anyone nay-saying it. So, two different groups of kids said, could you please remove him because we can’t have a debate with this guy. He was also very aggressive about his religious beliefs. And I, on more than one occasion, reminded him that belief is individualized. You cannot require anybody else to agree with your beliefs. If it’s just a matter of a difference of opinion on beliefs, on faith, then you have to agree to disagree. It’s unjust. Otherwise it’s unjust. The particular incident involving M.M. – M.M.’s characterization of the interaction is a lot more intimidating than I thought it was. I just – I just saw J.S. in the back of the room with a group that had asked him to be removed from them. And I stepped up to just sort of reestablish that boundary. That, you know, this is -- this is a group of kids that really doesn’t – they got a problem with you, there’s a personality conflict or something going on here. I had no – I didn’t know that M.M. was feeling bullied at the time. And I – when I stepped to M.M. or when I stepped to J.S., I heard him – all I – I heard him say that Jesus and God are literally the same thing. And I heard M.M. very gently disagreeing, but clearly not wanting to get into a debate – a debate with J.S. I certainly did not want to get into a debate about religious beliefs, so I employed the Socratic method and I just asked J.S., what do you base that on. And J.S. said, I base it on the Bible. And I said, okay. Let me just ask you questions based on your source material and let’s see if we can figure out if that’s an accurate claim. Like, can you make that claim using your own sources. And I just asked him a few simple questions about the biblical nature of God as defined by the Bible and the nature of Jesus as outlined in the Bible and showed the contrast between God of the Bible and the Jesus of the Bible to show him that, okay, that claim, you can’t defend. You can’t make that claim based on the source material. Findings Regarding the Allegation that Mr. Alden Grabbed a Student’s Hair Mr. Alden taught world history at Liberty Middle School in Marion County, Florida, during the 2019-20 school year. K.R.H. was a student at Liberty Middle School that year and had Mr. Alden for eighth-grade history. On approximately October 8, 2019, K.R.H. was walking into Mr. Alden’s classroom and Mr. Alden was positioned near the entrance. K.R.H. had long hair and was wearing it in a ponytail. She testified that Mr. Alden “pulled my hair pretty roughly and it made my head go back a little.” K.R.H. did not say anything to Mr. Alden. However, when she looked back at him, she testified that he was laughing and did not offer an apology. K.R.H. called her parents about the incident, and her father then called the school. Melissa Forsyth, the principal of Liberty Middle School, fielded the call and began an investigation. In addition to interviewing K.R.H., Ms. Forsyth interviewed two other students who witnessed the incident and corroborated K.R.H.’s assertion that Mr. Alden pulled K.R.H.’s hair.8 Ms. Forsyth and her assistant principal viewed security camera footage of the incident9, and Ms. Forsyth discussed the incident with Mr. Alden: And we saw Mr. Alden’s hand go around her ponytail and kind of -- it went up and then her head tilted back as she was walking into the room. Q: Okay. Did you talk to Mr. Alden about that? A: We did. Q: What did he tell you? A: So at first he said that he oftentimes greeted students at the door. High fives, fist bumps, elbows. And he never pulled anyone’s hair. I did take that opportunity and reminded him that there were security cameras in the hallway. And then he said, he swatted at K.R.H.’s ponytail jokingly to flip it and a finger got caught in a tangle. Q: So is it your testimony that when you first talked [to] Mr. Alden about it, he denied ever pulling the student’s hair? A: Yes, sir. Q: And then when you informed him that you had video and you had seen him grab the student’s hair 8 Neither of the alleged witnesses testified at the final hearing. 9 The security camera footage was not offered into evidence during the final hearing. and pull her head back, did he – that’s when he told you what he did was swat at her head? A: Right. I didn’t tell him I saw anything. I just reminded him that there were video cameras in the hallway. Q: Okay. And then that’s when he changed his story about what happened? A: He swatted at her ponytail jokingly to flip it and a finger got caught in a tangle. Q: Okay. Now, is that what you saw when you observed it yourself? A: It did not appear that way. Q: Okay. It appears as you’ve described, that he grabbed her ponytail and pulled her head back; is that correct? A: That it was – that it was around the hand – the hair and then her head tilted back after it went up. While denying that he grabbed and pulled K.R.H.’s ponytail, Mr. Alden testified that his hand accidentally got entangled in K.R.H.’s hair: I was standing at – I was standing in the doorway on the hallway side, greeting students as they came in. The doorway was inset about three feet from the wall. So, if I’m standing in the doorway observing the hallway, I couldn’t clearly see into the classroom. As K.R.H. came in I said, hi, she said hi. And as she – I put my fist out to bump her and as she walked by I – I assume she didn’t see me with my hand out or she was distracted. As she walked by, I swatted at her ponytail, just like, oh, you’re going to ignore me. Okay. Swatted at her ponytail. I wear a ring on my little finger and it got caught – my finger or the ring or some combination got caught in her hair and that’s – that’s why on the camera it appeared to flip up and then get pulled back down because that’s how gravity works. You hit a thing, it’s going to fall back down. Got my finger caught and her head came back and I got my finger out. She kind of jerked. I said, my bad. I couldn’t really say a lot to her because there was another student right in front of me that was in the moment trying to get my attention. So, just – it was just an incidental movement that got taken wildly out of proportion. Findings Regarding the Allegation that Mr. Alden Embarrassed a Student by Touching His Forehead and Saying “Think.” Kayla Palacios was an assistant principal at Liberty Middle School during the 2019-20 school year, and she was conducting a formal observation of one of Mr. Alden’s classes on February 25, 2020. She testified that Mr. Alden was standing at the front of the classroom and directing questions to specific students. When A.C. was unable to answer the question posed to him, Ms. Palacios testified that “Mr. Alden poke[d] A.C. in the forehead with two fingers and A.C.’s head went back.” Ms. Palacios discussed the incident with Mr. Alden later that afternoon and relayed that it is inappropriate for teachers to touch students. According to Ms. Palacios, Mr. Alden “acknowledged it and we moved forward from that conversation.” Because she considered the incident sufficiently significant, Ms. Palacios informed Ms. Forsyth about it the next morning. Mr. Alden described the incident as follows: On this particular day I was being observed, so I wanted to make a good impression on Ms. Palacios. So, I went to A.C. on a difficult question that I was sure he would have the right answer to. And he didn’t. He kind of flubbed the answer a little bit. And when I didn’t give him that immediate, you’re right, he got flustered. And because he was, you know, the teacher’s pet and because he was the guy that always had the right answer, his peers were starting to kind of snicker. There was a little bit of tension between him and the rest of the class that didn’t really bother him, usually. But on this day, when his friends were snickering and he felt like he had it and then realized he hadn’t, he got a little flustered. To try to focus his attention on me and ignore the rest of the class, I very delicately placed two fingers on his forehead, while he was looking up at me. He did not have his head down. He was looking me in the face, trying to figure it out. And I just – and I just – to focus him, stop, think, think about what you’re doing, you know this, you’ve got this. And he did. He came up with the correct answer. And he beamed when he got it right. A.C. did not testify at the final hearing, and there was no evidence as to whether Mr. Alden’s action embarrassed him. Ultimate Findings Regarding Petitioner’s Allegations Petitioner’s first two allegations are closely related. The first alleges that Mr. Alden referred to students as “dumb,” “stupid,” or words to that effect. The second alleges that Mr. Alden told his students that his class was divided into one section for “smart kids” and another for “dumb kids.” Petitioner presented testimony from S.H. and S.D. that clearly supported the first two allegations. Because the other witnesses who testified about these allegations contradicted the testimony given by S.H. and S.D., the undersigned is not left with a firm conviction regarding these two allegations. Thus, Petitioner did not prove the first two allegations by clear and convincing evidence. In contrast, Mr. Alden’s own admission and the witness testimony clearly and convincingly established that Mr. Alden used profanity in the classroom. Moreover, Ms. Harper, a teacher at Lecanto High, persuasively testified why teachers using profanity in the classroom is harmful to learning and would reduce a teacher’s effectiveness. However, there was no persuasive evidence that any students were seriously harmed by Petitioner’s use of profanity. Petitioner also alleged that Mr. Alden embarrassed J.S. by engaging J.S. in a religious debate and telling J.S. that one of his religious beliefs was “demonstrably fallacious.” Even if Petitioner could prove that Mr. Alden characterized one of J.S.’s religious beliefs as “demonstrably fallacious,” Petitioner has not proven that the debate between Mr. Alden and J.S. embarrassed the latter. After having the opportunity to observe J.S.’s demeanor, the undersigned does not credit J.S.’s assertion that he was embarrassed. As for the allegation that Mr. Alden grabbed K.R.H.’s hair and caused her head to be pulled backwards, there is no doubt that one of Mr. Alden’s hands made contact with K.R.H.’s ponytail and caused her head to be pulled backwards. The only question pertaining to this allegation is whether Mr. Alden grabbed K.R.H.’s ponytail or inadvertently got entangled with it. Other than Mr. Alden and K.R.H, Ms. Forsyth was the only witness to testify about the incident. However, her testimony was based on her observation of security camera footage, and Petitioner did not attempt to move that footage into evidence. As a result, there is no way to ascertain whether the footage was detailed enough for Ms. Forsyth to accurately distinguish whether Mr. Alden grabbed K.R.H.’s ponytail or inadvertently got entangled within it. In other words, the absence of that footage and the absence of testimony from other witnesses at the scene of the incident precludes the undersigned from finding that Petitioner proved this allegation by clear and convincing evidence.10 10 This finding should not be construed as the undersigned accepting Mr. Alden’s version of events. Even if Mr. Alden simply swatted at K.R.H.’s ponytail, he exhibited poor judgment by doing so. He also exhibited poor judgment by using profanity in the classroom. Petitioner also alleges that Mr. Alden embarrassed A.C. by touching A.C.’s forehead and saying “think” when A.C. was initially unable to answer a question. While the evidence clearly and convincingly established that Mr. Alden touched A.C.’s forehead, there was no evidence as to whether A.C. was embarrassed thereby because A.C. did not testify. Accordingly, this allegation was not proven by clear and convincing evidence.

Conclusions For Petitioner: Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 For Respondent: Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. Suite 110 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North Clearwater, Florida 33761

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding that Respondent violated section 1012.795(1)(g) and 14 Rule 6B-11.007 was last amended on December 10, 2019. None of the provisions relevant to the instant case changed. section 1012.795(1)(j) through rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1., and that Respondent’s educator’s certificate be placed in probationary status for one year. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of June, 2021, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. COPIES FURNISHED: S G. W. CHISENHALL Administrative Law Judge 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of June, 2021. Lisa M. Forbess, Interim Executive Director Department of Education Education Practices Commission Turlington Building, Suite 316 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. Suite 110 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North Clearwater, Florida 33761 Randy Kosec, Jr., Chief Office of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (4) 1012.7951012.796120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6A-10.0816B-11.007 DOAH Case (1) 20-4281PL
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-001955 Latest Update: Aug. 24, 1987

The Issue The central issue in this case is whether the Respondent, Sean F. McKinney, should be placed in the Dade County School Board's opportunity school program due to his alleged disruptive behavior and failure to adjust to the regular school program.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received at the hearing, I make the following findings of fact: During the 1986-87 academic year; Respondent attended Miami Carol City Senior High School in Dade County, Florida. During the 1985-86 school year, Respondent attended junior high school and received failing grades in all of his academic courses. Respondent's promotion to Miami Carol City Senior High was done in error. Respondent's grades for the 1986-87 school year, the first two grading periods, were as follows: COURSE ACADEMIC GRADE EFFORT CONDUCT Mathematics 1st F 3 D 2d F 3 F Physical 1st F 3 F Education 2d F 3 F Language 1st F 3 F Arts 2d F 3 F Communications Social 1st F 3 D Studies 2d F 3 D Language 1st F 3 C Arts Readings 2d F 3 C Industrial Arts 1st F 3 F Education 2d F 3 F Science 1st F 3 F 2d F 3 F SYMBOLS: GRADE "F" UNSATISFACTORY EFFORT "3" INSUFFICIENT CONDUCT "C" SATISFACTORY CONDUCT "D" IMPROVEMENT NEEDED CONDUCT "F" UNSATISFACTORY Respondent was administratively assigned to the opportunity school on March 23, 1987. Respondent did not enroll at the opportunity school and did not attend classes. Consequently, Respondent's academic record for the 1986-87 term ends with the second grading period. When a student is disruptive or misbehaves in some manner, a teacher or other staff member at Miami Carol City Senior High School may submit a report of the incident to the office. These reports are called Student Case Management Referral forms and are used for behavior problems. During the first two grading periods of the 1986-87 school year Respondent caused nine Student Case Management Referral Forms to be written regarding his misbehavior. All incidents of his misbehavior were not reported. A synopsis of Respondent's misbehavior is attached and made a part hereof. Theresa Borges is a mathematics teacher at Miami Carol City Senior High School in whose class Respondent was enrolled. While in Ms. Borges' class, Respondent was persistently disruptive. Respondent was habitually tardy and/or absent from Ms. Borges' class. When Respondent did attend class he was ill- prepared and refused to turn in assigned work. When Respondent did attempt to do an assignment it was unsatisfactorily completed. The Respondent refused to work and would put his head down as if sleeping in class. On one occasion Respondent grabbed a female student between the legs. Respondent's disruptive behavior was exhibited on a daily basis in Ms. Borges' class. Larry Williams is an English teacher at Miami Carol City Senior High School in whose class Respondent was enrolled. Mr. Williams caught Respondent fighting with another student in class. Respondent failed to complete homework assignments for Mr. Williams and turned in only 3-5 percent of his work. Respondent was disruptive and would walk around the classroom talking to other students. Since Respondent was habitually tardy he would interrupt the class with his late arrival. William E. Henderson is the assistant principal at Miami Carol City Senior High School. Mr. Henderson received the Student Case Management Referral forms that were submitted for Respondent and counseled with him in an effort to improve Respondent's conduct. Additionally, Cora McKinney was contacted with regard to Respondent's discipline and academic needs. Respondent's behavior problems were discussed in-depth with Mrs. McKinney. Such conferences did not result in any changed behavior on Respondent's part. While Mrs. McKinney made a sincere and continuing effort to bring Respondent's grades and behavior into line, such efforts did not alter Respondent's lack of progress.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a Final Order affirming the assignment of Respondent to Douglas MacArthur Senior High School-North. DONE and ORDERED this 24th day of August, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. JOYOUS D. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of August, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-1955 Rulings on Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact: Adopted in substance in FF #1. Adopted in substance in FF #3. Adopted in substance in FF #2. Adopted in substance in FF #6. Adopted in substance in FF #6. Adopted in substance in FF #6. Adopted in substance in FF #7. Adopted in substance in FF #7. Rejected as hearsay as to whether this student instigated the fight; otherwise adopted in substance in FF #7. Adopted in substance in FF #5 and attached Synopsis. Adopted in substance in FF #8. Adopted in substance in FF #8. Rejected as unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: Jaime Claudio Bovell 370 Minorca Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Cora McKinney 3450 Northwest 194th Terrace Carol City, Florida 33054 Mrs. Madelyn P. Schere Assistant School Board Attorney The School Board of Dade County Board Administration Building, Suite 301 1450 Northeast 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools Board Administration Building 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 SYNOPSIS OF STUDENT CASE MANAGEMENT REFERRAL FORMS SEAN F. MCKINNEY DATE INCIDENT DISCIPLINE September 26, 1986 excessive absences counseled October 16, 1986 excessive unexcused tardies and absences from class (period) Three days SCSI October 28, 1986 not attending classes conference with mother 3 days SCSI December 11, 1987 fighting excessive tardies 10 days suspension January 13, 1987 disruptive behavior, [grabbed girl between legs] five days SCSI February 5, 1987 defiant, refused to leave school property after hours 5 day suspension March 17, 1987 defiant, in halls unapproved time, left office without permission conference with parent, initiated opportunity school processing March 20, 1987 not attending school 10 day suspension

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