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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ormond Beach, Florida Dec. 22, 1989 Number: 89-007029 Latest Update: Nov. 21, 1991

Findings Of Fact At all times material, Respondent was licensed as an osteopathic physician in the state of Florida, having been issued license number 050004170. Respondent practices in the field of general surgery, and at all times material to this action, Respondent was on staff as Chief of Surgery at the University Hospital, Holly Hill, Florida. The incident which gave rise to the charges herein arose on August 5, 1987 when Respondent inserted a chest tube into patient W.T.'s right chest wall so as to relieve a pneumothorax which had actually occurred in W.T.'s left lung. A pneumothorax is a pocket of air in the cavity surrounding the lung which causes the lung to contract upon itself. At all times material, Patient W.T. had a subcutaneous pacemaker on the left side of her chest. However, the evidence from all credible witnesses is consistent that pacemakers are routinely placed on either the right or left side and that there is no reasonable medical presumption that pacemakers are always placed in someone's left chest area. The subcutaneous pacemaker did not enter significantly into W.T.'s case management at University Hospital. It operated on "automatic" and since it did its job, none of the University Hospital physicians involved in W.T.'s care paid much attention to it. W.T. was admitted to University Hospital for treatment of a drug overdose on July 9, 1987. As a part of her treatment, an Ewald tube was inserted into her stomach by a physician other than the Respondent. Patient W.T. was discharged from the hospital on July 18, 1987 with a portion of the tube inadvertently left in her stomach and her esophagus. On July 21, 1987, W.T. was readmitted to University Hospital. She was suffering from septicemia and bilateral pneumonia. X-rays revealed that a portion of the tubing had not been removed. This tubing was removed by the Respondent via successful gastroesophagoscopy on July 23, 1987. At Respondent's order, W.T. was placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) following the removal of the tube. Dr. Desai was called in as a pulmonologist. When W.T. had been admitted to University Hospital on July 21, 1987, she already had been in a "guarded" condition. Despite successful removal of the Ewald tube, W.T.'s overall condition continued to deteriorate. Prior to the night of August 4, 1987, W.T. had developed adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) which involves a breakdown in the capillary barriers within the lung itself, resulting in a diffuse leakage of fluid throughout all of the air space of the patient's lung. Because of the patient's serious lung condition, Dr. Desai placed her on a volume respirator, and the respirator pressure (PEEP) was progressively increased during her admission until it was set at 20 PEEP at the time of the incident. Twenty PEEP is an unusually high level of respirator pressure which was necessary in this case because of the patient's severe lung problem. The volume respirator essentially breathed for the patient and involved a tube being secured in her mouth. Often, between her admission to the ICU and the date of the incident, W.T. had torn the respirator tube out of her mouth, so she had been continuously restrained and sedated to keep this from happening again. Each time W.T. had extubated herself she had been "blue coded," meaning she had suffered either cardiac arrest or shock. Whether or not W.T. weighed between 225 and 250 pounds or weighed 350- plus pounds cannot be determined with any reasonable degree of accuracy since there is equally credible evidence over the entire foregoing range of poundage. It is material, however, that by all accounts of all witnesses, W.T. was markedly and grossly obese to the extent that her size, shape, and weight contributed to her several health problems and rendered her a patient more difficult to diagnose, more difficult to x-ray, more difficult to move, and more difficult to nurse and medically attend than she would have been otherwise. The evidence as to whether W.T.'s obesity impeded medical personnel from correctly interpreting her breath sounds on August 5, 1987, the date of the incident, is divided, as is the evidence as to whether or not on that date W.T.'s pacemaker was visible to the naked eye, but upon the greater weight of the credible evidence as a whole, it is found that on August 5, 1987, W.T.'s obesity, generally deteriorated condition, and left pneumothorax rendered the presence, volume, and location of breath in each lung subject to interpretation and "judgment call," and that unless one were specifically looking and feeling for a pacemaker, one would not necessarily have been able to detect the pacemaker in W.T.'s left chest due to the extraordinarily heavy pad of fat and the absence of scarring in that location. The foregoing finding of fact has been reached because with the exception of the complaining witness, Nurse Counihan, all factual witnesses either testified that they did not notice a pacemaker scar or they specifically noticed there was no scarring on W.T.'s chest. Also, with regard to breath sounds, both Mr. Starr and Respondent listened for W.T.'s breath sounds on the morning of the incident and within a very few minutes of each other. Mr. Starr described W.T.'s breath sounds when he entered her room as decreased on the right and absent on the left. His findings were consistent with a left pneumothorax but he never informed Respondent what he had found. Respondent arrived only a few minutes later and could not get any breath sounds from either side. Dr. O'Leary, accepted as an expert in pulmonology and the insertion of chest tubes, opined persuasively that one could not rely on breath sounds to locate which side the pneumothorax was on in the face of a recent x-ray. Also, the use of the respirator could have been misleading to either or both Mr. Starr or Respondent. X-rays taken of W.T.'s chest at least ten times between July 23, 1987 and July 31, 1987 clearly depict that the pacemaker was on the left side of W.T.'s chest. These x-rays were reviewed by Respondent with a radiologist the day before the events which are the focus of these charges took place. The radiology reports of W.T.'s chest x-rays dated July 25, 1987, July 28, 1987, and July 31, 1987 specifically mention the pacemaker but only the report dated July 28, 1987 states that the pacemaker overlies the left thorax. Respondent did not review any narrative reports when he and the radiologist were reviewing the actual x-rays together. There is no evidence that this procedure was outside the appropriate standard of care. Dr. Dworkin, expert in radiology and quality assurance and review, Dr. O'Leary, and Dr. Rosin, Petitioner's internal medicine expert, all testified that it is not below the professional standard of care for a treating physician to forget within a day after such an x-ray review which side a pacemaker is on unless the pacemaker enters significantly into his treatment of the patient, which in this case it did not. By the early morning hours of August 5, 1987, W.T. had become even more critically ill with multiple system failures, including a failure in the cardiopulmonary systems, a neurological deficit, and failure of her renal functions. The mortality rate of a patient suffering from ARDS, without considering the other conditions from which W.T. was suffering, exceeds 50%, and responsible medical retrospective estimates made at formal hearing of W.T.'s specific survival chances in the early morning hours of August 5, 1987 fall in the 10-50% range. During the early morning hours of August 5, 1987, the nurses on duty in ICU were having trouble maintaining W.T.'s blood pressure. They began telephoning Dr. Desai and Respondent at approximately 4:00 a.m. One of those doctors, most probably Dr. Desai, ordered a portable chest x-ray of W.T., which was accomplished at 6:30 a.m. by Josephine Christnagel, R.T., who is a registered x-ray technologist. At the time this x-ray was performed, W.T. was already in critical condition and could not speak or respond. W.T.'s condition was such that she probably was not salvageable when Respondent arrived on the scene at 7:00 a.m. on August 5, 1987. Unbeknownst to anyone at this point in time, the 6:30 a.m. x-ray had been inadvertently mislabeled by Ms. Christnagel so that the left side of the patient's chest appeared on the x-ray with a lead marker, "R" (for "right") , on it. This chest x-ray revealed that W.T. had a pneumothorax, and because it was mislabeled, the pneumothorax appeared to be on the right side. If a chest tube is properly inserted from the outside chest wall on the side of the pneumothorax, into the chest cavity, the air can be released and the lung can re-expand, delivering oxygen to the patient and raising blood pressure to normal. At all times material on August 4-5, 1987, the ranking ICU nurse on W.T.'s case was Carey Beninger ne' Counihan, R.N. The ICU nurses notified Dr. Desai by phone of the pneumothorax and he, in turn, notified Respondent. Because Respondent was more nearly ready to go to the hospital, Respondent rushed to the hospital to insert a chest tube into W.T., treatment which he and Dr. Desai, the attending pulmonologist, had agreed was the appropriate treatment for W.T.'s pneumothorax. For the reasons given infra with regard to the time the nurses' notes were compiled and Nurse Counihan's confusion over the x-ray itself, the evidence is not clear and convincing that Respondent was ever told by Dr. Desai or by the nurses by phone that the pneumothorax was on W.T.'s left side (the correct side). Even if Respondent had been so informed by Dr. Desai, since Dr. Desai had never seen the x-ray, it still would have been appropriate for Respondent to rely on the x-ray itself once he got to the hospital, unless at the hospital, something or someone clearly alerted him to the fact that the pneumothorax was actually on the left side. At approximately 7:00 a.m., just prior to the arrival of Respondent, Dr. Michael Danzig, D.O., who was the day-shift emergency room doctor, and Wesley Starr, R.P.T., a respiratory therapist, arrived at ICU and entered W.T.'s room. At approximately the time they arrived, the night-shift emergency room doctor, Dr. Haas, left the room. By all accounts, there was a continuing "commotion," a "ruckus," or "an emergency situation" in progress with at least two nurses, including Nurse Counihan, and other personnel providing various therapies to W.T. who had no palpable blood pressure and was in shock. This atmosphere continued after Respondent arrived shortly thereafter, with the nurses' and Mr. Starr's attention directed to care of the patient. When Respondent arrived, Dr. Danzig became, essentially, an observer. Upon arrival at W.T.'s room, Respondent examined the 6:30 a.m. x-ray against a window with daylight showing through. The x-ray, as it was mismarked, showed a massive tension pneumothorax on W.T.'s right side and a pacemaker on the same side, the right. After review of the x-ray, Respondent examined W.T., including listening for breath sounds. He heard nothing significant from either lung. Dr. O'Leary's opinion that such a finding was not unusual and that Respondent could not rely on either his own examination of breath sounds or that of Mr. Starr (had he even known of Mr. Starr's hearing breath sounds on the right but not the left) at that point is persuasive. Under these circumstances, breath sounds would not have alerted Respondent to a mislabeled x-ray. Respondent relied on the mislabeled x-ray and began to prep the right side of the patient for the chest tube. As Respondent began to prep W.T.'s right side, a dispute arose between himself and Nurse Counihan. Having weighed and evaluated all the testimony and the documentary evidence and exhibits, having reconciled that evidence which can be reconciled, and having eliminated that evidence which is not credible, it is found that the most credible version of this dispute is that Nurse Counihan asked Respondent why he was prepping the right side if W.T. had a left pneumothorax, and Respondent replied, "No, it isn't. Look at the x-ray." To this, Nurse Counihan said, "Yes, it is. I'm sure of it," and pointed to the lung on the x-ray which did not show a pneumothorax (the side next to the nameplate and the side without either a pacemaker or a pneumothorax). Respondent said, "No, it isn't. Look at the damn x-ray!" Respondent then proceeded to intubate on the right side while referring frequently to the mislabeled x-ray. In making the foregoing finding, it is noted that there were significant differences between the testimony of Nurse Counihan and all other witnesses, both factual and expert. Nurse Counihan deposed/testified that both she and another nurse had pointed out to Respondent that the patient's pacemaker was on the patient's left side and so was the pneumothorax. The other three factual witnesses, Starr, Danzig, and Respondent, all testified that they have no recollection whatsoever of anyone mentioning a pacemaker. Even Wesley Starr, called by the Petitioner, and who was present in W.T.'s room at the head of the patient's bed throughout the time of these discussions, testified that, to the best of his recollection, no one mentioned a pacemaker and that he did not recall anyone except Nurse Counihan challenging the Respondent's prepping W.T.'s right side. Also, Dr. Danzig, who was present in the room during the argument, and who testified that he had placed over 200 chest tubes during the course of his medical residency training, testified that if Nurse Counihan had, indeed, mentioned a pacemaker, he would have intervened in order to assist Respondent in determining the correct side of the pneumothorax. Although Petitioner asserted that Dr. Danzig is not credible due to his friendship with Respondent, that argument is not persuasive both due to the remoteness and degree of the friendship and Dr. Danzig's insistence that if Respondent should say that Nurse Counihan pointed to the side of the x-ray showing the pacemaker, then Respondent would be wrong. Respondent apparently did not review W.T.'s records either before or after the dispute with Nurse Counihan. These records were either in her room or elsewhere in the ICU unit, but since, at that point, the nurses' notes had not been compiled from their scratch pads to the patient's chart since before 4:00 a.m., there was nothing in W.T.'s chart/records to alert Respondent that the x- ray was mislabeled or that the patient had a pneumothorax on the left side even if he had reviewed the record. Also, he would have had to go back to the July 31 x-ray or the July 28 radiology narrative before he could have discovered that the pacemaker was on the left. This would have been very time consuming. Also, Dr. Danzig, who actually had made a cursory review of the patient's records when he first arrived in the room, was not alerted by Nurse Counihan's words or her pointing to the x-ray to any reason to search the records for information about the pacemaker. In further assessing Nurse Counihan's testimony, the undersigned has weighed in her favor the consistency of her recent deposition testimony with her notes and the incident report which she completed within five hours after the intubation incident on August 5, 1987. However, weighing against her credibility with regard to her statements then and now that she told Respondent that the pacemaker was on W.T.'s left side is the fact that even her August 5, 1987 report and notes were prepared in the glow of a hindsight favorable to her position and that her deposition shows that she is confused about how a pneumothorax appears on an x-ray. Reconciling all the testimony one can, it is remotely possible that Nurse Counihan said, "It is a left pneumothorax," while pointing to the lung shown on the x-ray as not having a pneumothorax and which, due to the "R" marker on the other lung could be inferred to be the left lung. It is even remotely possible (although not probable or persuasive given the three other factual witnesses' testimony that she had never mentioned a pacemaker) that Nurse Counihan could have told the Respondent, "The pneumothorax is on the same side as the pacemaker," which also was consistent with the x-ray as mislabeled. However, upon the credible evidence as a whole, the only reasonable conclusion is that if Nurse Counihan did mention a pacemaker at the time of her dispute with Respondent, she was ineffective in clearly conveying to Respondent or to anyone else in the room that the pacemaker and the pneumothorax were on the patient's left side or that there was any reason to further search the records or the patient's body to resolve the dispute. It is uncontroverted that, prior to the insertion of the chest tube in W.T.'s right side, absolutely no one, including Nurse Counihan, was aware that the x-ray was reversed, and that Ms. Counihan never informed the Respondent that the x-ray was reversed. Respondent's testimony is accepted that upon placement of the chest tube in W.T.'s right side (the side without the pneumothorax) he heard an immediate audible gush of air. That others in the room did not hear this rush of air is understandable due to the noise and confusion in the room, particularly the respirator sounds. Also, it is uncontroverted that upon placement of the chest tube in W.T.'s right side, the patient's blood pressure, which had been zero, immediately rose into normal range. A dramatic and rapid reestablishment of the patient's blood pressure is the expected result of a proper placement of a chest tube with a tension pneumothorax. All health care personnel present seem to have regarded the blood pressure stabilization as proof that the Respondent had placed the chest tube on the correct side of the patient, because no one, including Nurse Counihan, thereafter protested that a misplacement had occurred. Release of pressure and a return in blood pressure is not normally associated with placement of a chest tube in the wrong side of a patient and there is no definitive medical explanation of why it occurred in this instance, despite Dr. O'Leary's speculation that the gush of air could have been a leak of air across the Mediastrum. After placement of the chest tube in the patient's right side, Respondent ordered an immediate repeat chest x-ray to be certain the tube was placed in the correct lung and was placed correctly. After the patient's blood pressure had been reestablished, Dr. Danzig left the intensive care unit because he believed that the pneumothorax had been relieved completely and because the patient was now stable. If W.T. had not been stable, Dr. Danzig would have remained in the room since he was the day- shift emergency room doctor and he did not know if any physicians other than Respondent and himself were even in the hospital yet. After securing the chest tube and dressing the chest, Respondent left the floor and went to the operating room (OR) to notify the OR staff that there would be a delay before he could begin previously scheduled surgery. Thereafter, on his way to check the new x-ray he had just ordered, Respondent met Ms. Christnagel, who was bringing it to him. Ms. Christnagel then informed Respondent that she had mislabeled the 6:30 a.m. preintubation x-ray. Respondent simultaneously reviewed the new, postintubation x-ray and discovered that he had placed the chest tube in the wrong side of W.T.'s chest. At approximately the same time, W.T.'s blood pressure again dropped and a "code blue" was called. Dr. Gloria Mikula, M.D., who happened to be in the ICU at the time W.T. coded, "ran the code" to attempt to reestablish the patient's blood pressure. Throughout the time in which Dr. Mikula was running the code on this patient, no one, including Nurse Counihan, said anything to the effect that W.T. may have had a chest tube placed in the wrong side. In fact, the nursing staff did not even inform Dr. Mikula that this patient had had a pneumothorax and chest tube insertion prior to the code being called. Such information would have been important from a medical standpoint because it would have allowed Dr. Mikula to act immediately to relieve the tension in the patient's chest. Immediately upon reviewing the repeat chest x-ray and upon hearing the announcement of the code blue at the same time, Respondent rushed back to W.T.'s room, placed a chest tube in the patient's left side, and the patient's blood pressure was again reestablished. However, some time later in her hospitalization, W.T. expired. Nurse Counihan's failure to say anything to Dr. Mikula about the pneumothorax is further indicative of her immediate satisfaction that Respondent's intubation on the right side had been acceptable and that it was only after he discovered his error through the new x-ray and correctly intubated W.T. on the left side that Nurse Counihan completed her notes and incident report describing his error for the chart. The notes were transposed from her scratch pad and memory at approximately noon, August 5, 1987. Dr. Rosin, Petitioner's expert in internal medicine, criticized Respondent's performance as below the professional standard of care because he felt that once Respondent was made aware in the patient's room by Nurse Counihan that the pneumothorax could be on the patient's left side, Respondent had an obligation to make further inquiry or investigation before inserting the chest tube in the patient's right side. In Dr. Rosin's opinion, Respondent's investigation could have taken several routes: review of earlier x-rays and the patient's record, further conversation with the nurse, further hands-on examination of the patient for signs of the pacemaker, and/or ordering a new x- ray. Although Dr. Rosin testified that Respondent should have ordered a repeat x-ray so as to resolve the dispute with Nurse Counihan before inserting the chest tube on W.T.'s right side, he also conceded that the only possible adverse effect of the decision Respondent made was the delay in relieving W.T.'s condition. The chest intubation involved is not a benign or casual procedure, but no actual harm occasioned by misplacement of the chest tube was demonstrated in this case, and the maximum amount of time which would have been saved, under Dr. Rosin's approach, would have been that short period of time it took for the Respondent to place the chest tube and dress the wound. Under the circumstances, if Respondent had delayed intubation, W.T. would probably have "coded blue" before the correctly labelled chest x-ray could have been performed anyway. In light of the confused state of the patient's breath sounds, obesity, and lack of scarring, the fact that no nurses' notes had been codified since before 4:00 a.m., Nurse Counihan's own confusion about the mismarked x-ray, and how far back in the patient's chart Respondent would have had to look before he would have been able to locate anything useful about the pacemaker, it is found that Respondent behaved reasonably in an emergency situation, and Dr. O'Leary's and Dr. Dworkin's expert opinions that he did not violate the professional standard of care in the first insertion of the chest tube are accepted. It is also found that the Respondent's procedure in ordering the new chest x-ray and leaving the room after the first intubation without further search of the records or further conversation in the room was reasonable and appropriate under the circumstances.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Osteopathic Physicians enter a Final Order dismissing all charges against Respondent. DONE and ENTERED this 25th day of July, 1991, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of July, 1991.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57459.015459.016
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bradenton, Florida Jan. 24, 1991 Number: 91-000596 Latest Update: Aug. 16, 1993

The Issue Whether Respondent's license to practice medicine in the state of Florida should be revoked, suspended or otherwise disciplined.

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: At all time relevant to this proceeding, the Respondent was licensed to practice medicine in the state of Florida, having been issued license number 0024212. Respondent is also licensed to practice medicine in the states of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Illinois. Respondent is an anesthesiologist who was board certified in 1962, and has had experience as a professor of anesthesiology. The two cases involving patients L. Y. and O. G. that are in issue in this proceeding arose while Respondent was practicing at Manatee Memorial Hospital in Bradenton, Florida. It is the recovery room nurse's responsibility to fill out the post anesthesia care unit (PACU) record which documents the patient's course through the recovery room. The record includes notations which track the patient's activity, respiration, blood pressure, consciousness and color. Each category is scored on the basis of 0, 1 or 2. Each individual score is determined by the recovery nurse's observation of the patient and her judgment of the patient's condition at that particular moment. Ambu-bagging is a procedure whereby a mask with a reservoir bag of oxygen is placed over the nose and mouth of the patient and the bag is squeezed to force air and oxygen into the lungs of patient. Ambu-bagging is used in situations where the patient is not breathing and the procedure, in effect, breathes for the patient. PATIENT, L. Y. L. Y., a 72 year-old female who presented with abdominal pain and was initially evaluated in the emergency room of Manatee Memorial Hospital on March 22, 1988. The emergency room physician, James A. DeRespino, M. D., diagnosed the patient's condition on admission as abdominal pain/rule out perforated viscus. Jose Estigarriba, M. D., the physician called in for consultation on March 23, 1988 by Robert A. Fishco, the attending physician, diagnosed the patient's condition as acute abdomen, peritonitis, possible perforated viscus. L. Y. was in extremely ill health upon her admission. L. Y. had diabetes, chronic high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, recurrent heart failure, congestive heart failure and a history of pulmonary edema. L. Y. was on multiple medications for her diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Both Dr. Estigarribia, the patient's surgeon, and Dr. Fishco felt that immediate surgical intervention was necessary to determine and correct the problem. L. Y. initially refused to have the surgery for approximately 24 hours. However, after talking with Dr. Fishco the patient finally consented to surgery late in the afternoon of March 23, 1988, approximately 24 hours after admission to the hospital. After the patient consented to surgery, Dr. Estigarribia immediately discussed with the patient the various invasive monitoring techniques and retaining the patient on a respirator after surgery. The patient refused these procedures because of difficulties she had experienced during similar procedures in the recent past. At this point, Dr. Estigarribia determined that it was best to move the patient to surgery as quickly as possible and dispense with such devices as swan-ganz catheters because he was concerned that she may change her mind and decide against surgery. The Respondent was first notified of the surgery approximately fifteen minutes prior to L. Y. being transported to the operating room. Respondent saw the patient in the operating room and took a history. Dr. Estigarribia informed the Respondent of the urgent situation and of the patient's refusal to consent to ventilation therapy and invasive monitoring. Respondent anesthetized the patient using a rapid sequence induction. Dr. Estigarribia then performed an exploratory laparotomy, resection of the small bowel, end-to-end anastomosis, and peritoneal lavage on the patient. After the surgery was completed but prior to the patient being extubated, Respondent checked the patient's blood pressure (120/70) and pulse rate (90), found the patient's color to be good and her oximetry (oxygen saturation of blood) readings to be satisfactory. Just prior to extubation, the patient's blood pressure was 140 over 90, her pulse rate 90, her oximetry reading was 96, she was breathing on her own and was conscious to the point of being able to communicate with Respondent by opening her eyes when asked a question. After making certain that the patient was breathing on her own and was conscious, Respondent extubated the patient while still in the operating room. Shortly thereafter, approximately 10 minutes, the patient was moved to the recovery room. The patient progressed satisfactorily in the recovery room. The patient's PACU score upon arrival in the recovery room at 10:30 p.m. was 5 out of a possible 10, with consciousness and activity each being given a score 0 by the recovery room nurse and respiration a score of 1. However, within 10 minutes the patient had improved to a total score of 9, with a consciousness and activity each being given a score of 2 and the respiration score remaining at 1. The total score remained at 9 until 12 midnight, approximately one and one-half hours after the patient was delivered to the recovery room. At 12:30 a.m., approximately two hours after her admission to the recovery room, the patient's score dropped to a total of 4 and the patient experienced ventricle fibrillation and expired as a result of this cardiac event at approximately 12:47 a.m. There is competent substantial evidence in the record to establish facts to show that Respondent's treatment of patient, L. Y. was within that level of care, skill, and treatment recognized as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances at the time of extubation and subsequent recovery room care, notwithstanding the testimony of Dr. Monroe and Dr. Kruse to the contrary which was based primarily on the hospital's records and more specifically on the recovery room nurse's scores and notes in the PACU records. PATIENT, O. G. Patient, O. G., is a sixteen year old male athlete who sustained a fractured mandible in an athletic event. O. G. was admitted as an emergency case to the Manatee Memorial Hospital on June 9, 1988 with a diagnosis of acute fracture of the mandible and laceration of the mouth. On June 9, 1988 the patient's attending surgeon performed an open reduction of the right angle of the mandible and the removal of four impacted wisdom teeth. Respondent placed the patient under general anesthesia for the above scheduled procedure. When the operative procedure ended (at approximately 6:55 p.m.), Respondent remained in the operating room with the patient approximately 30 minutes to assess the patient's post-operative condition. While still in the operating room the patient exhibited the usual indicators for extubation. The patient's oximetry readings were good, his blood pressure and pulse were good, he was breathing on his own with adequate title volume, he responded when given verbal commands, and was able to lift his head. At this point in time, the patient was having adverse reaction to the tube used by Respondent to maintain the patient's airway. Based on his training and experience as an anesthesiologist, using the above indicators, the Respondent determined that the patient was ready to be extubated. The patient was extubated in the operating room by the Respondent before being transferred to the recovery room. Upon being delivered to the recovery room, at approximately 7:25 p.m., the patient's condition began to deteriorate. The patient's breathing became shallow and he did not respond to verbal commands. The Respondent had the recovery room nurse remove the blanket covering the patient so that the Respondent could observe the patient's respiratory pattern and coloration to determine if the patient needed assistance with breathing and to give assistance, if needed. The Respondent had the nurse place the patient on 100% oxygen. Normally, a patient is placed on 40% oxygen. The patient did not recover from the anesthesia as quickly as the Respondent had anticipated. Notwithstanding the recovery room nurse's testimony as to her observation of the patient's condition as set out in the PACU records, the patient's condition was not so life threatening as to require intervention by the Respondent prior to the time he decided to call in a pulmonologist. While I do not doubt the competence of the recovery room nurse, the Respondent's testimony that his observation of the patient's condition during this period of time led him to believe that it was not life threatening was more credible. It was the Respondent's observation of the patient's condition that guided him in choosing a conservative procedure in his handling of the patient. Although Respondent was assisting with other operations in the hospital during this time, he stayed within voice range of the patient and nurse, monitoring the patient's condition and periodically assisting or having the nurse assist the patient in breathing by using an Ambu-bag and when necessary, either the Respondent or the nurse, would suction off blood secretions through the nasal passage. The Respondent chose this conservative procedure of monitoring the patient's condition rather than performing a "blind" intubation through the nasal passage or by cutting the wires holding the patient's jaws shut and intubating through the mouth thinking the patient would respond without the necessity of reintubation. The first procedure would have involve the risk of pushing possible blood clots into the lower portion of the patient's airway, while the second procedure would necessitate that the patient undergo an additional operation. Eventually, when O. G. failed to respond, Respondent decided to reintubate the patient. However, since the Respondent had decided against a "blind" intubation through the nasal passage or cutting the wires on the jaws to intubate through the mouth, he decided to intubate using a fiber optic bronchoscope in order to visualize the airway and remove any blood clots that may have formed in the upper portion of the airway as a result of the surgery. This procedure would avoid the risk of pushing the blood clots down into the lower part of the patient's airway. Since Respondent was not a pulmonologist he was not given the privilege at Manatee Memorial Hospital to use a fiber optic bronchoscope. Therefore, Respondent sought the services of David Law, M. D., a pulmonologist on call at the hospital that evening, to perform the reintubation using the fiber optic bronchoscope. Dr. Law reintubated the patient using the fiber optic bronchoscope. Dr. Law found blood clots in the upper portion of the patient's airway which were removed before attempting the reintubation. The patient was then transported to the Intensive Care Unit and afterwards recovered satisfactorily. Dr. Law opined that he would not have attempted a "blind" nasal reintubation of the patient under the circumstances here because of the possibility of pushing blood clots down into the lower portion of the patient's airway. In the medical community a pulmonary physician is the specialist most experienced with the use of a fiber optic bronchoscope, and it would be unusual for a non-pulmonary physician to use a fiber optic bronchoscope under circumstances similar to those occurring with this patient. There is competent substantial evidence in the record to establish facts to show that Respondent's treatment of the patient, O. G. was within that level of care, skill, and treatment recognized as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances at the time of extubation and subsequent recovery room care, notwithstanding the testimony of Dr. Monroe and Dr. Kruse to the contrary which was based primarily on the hospital's records and more specifically on the recovery room nurse's scores and notes in the PACU records.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Board of Medicine enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint filed in this case. RECOMMENDED this 15th day of January, 1993, at Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of January, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 91-0596 The following constitutes my specific rulings, pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. Proposed findings of fact 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 are adopted in substance as modified in findings of fact 1, 6, 7, 5, 13, and 16, respectively. Proposed finding of fact 2 is unnecessary. Proposed finding of fact 7 is neither material nor relevant to the conclusion reached in the Recommended Order. Proposed findings of fact 8 and 16 go to the credibility of the expert witnesses and are unnecessary as findings of fact. Proposed findings of fact 10-15 and 17-22 are rejected as not being supported by substantial competent evidence since there is more credible evidence supporting a finding contrary to the findings set forth in these proposed findings of fact. 6. Proposed findings of fact 23, 24-25, 29, 30, 31, 33-35, 39- 42, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44 are adopted in substance as modified in findings of fact 19, 20, 21, 23, 22, 4, 23, 25 and 5, respectively. Proposed finding of fact 26 although acceptable is unnecessary. Proposed findings of fact 27 and 28 go to the credibility of a witness and while they may be accurate they are unnecessary. 9. Proposed findings of fact 32, 36-38, 45-51, 55-71, 73, 75, 77, 78, 80-82, 84, 85, 88-96 are accepted as the testimony of the recovery nurse and the experts who testified in this case and a reflection of the hospital's records, particularly the PACU records upon which the experts relied in given their testimony or opinions. However, they are not necessarily adopted as findings of fact because the more credible evidence is to the contrary. See findings of fact 22-30. Proposed finding of fact 52 is accepted but unnecessary since it relates to proposed findings of fact 53 and 54 which are rejected as not being supported by competent evidence in the record. See finding of fact 25. Proposed finding of fact 72 is rejected as not being supported by competent substantial evidence in the record. Proposed findings of fact 74, 76, 79 and 83 are adopted in substance as modified in findings of fact 27, 28, 30 and 24-26, respectively. Proposed finding of fact 86-87 are accepted but unnecessary since there was no showing that patient suffered heart failure and pulmonary edema. Proposed findings of fact 97-101, 103 and 104 are more a restatement of testimony than findings of fact but see findings of fact 24-26. Proposed finding of fact 102 deals more with the credibility of a witness but see finding of fact 24. Proposed finding of fact 105 is rejected, see findings of fact 24-26. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact. Proposed finding of fact 1 is unnecessary. Proposed findings of fact 2 - 20 and 22 are adopted in substance as modified in findings of fact 1, 2, 1 & 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, IS, 18, 17, 17 and 18, respectively. Proposed finding of fact 21 is more of a discussion of the testimony of Drs. Monroe, Kruse and Kozma rather than being stated as a finding of fact and is therefore, rejected. COPIES FURNISHED: Richard A. Grumberg, Esquire Senior Attorney Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Allen Bobo, Esquire Roger Lutz, Esquire Lutz, Webb, Bobo and Baitty, P. A. One Sarasota Tower Two North Tamiami Trail Sarasota, Florida 34236 Dorothy Faircloth Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Jack McRay General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.68458.331
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jul. 29, 1991 Number: 91-004754F Latest Update: Dec. 16, 1992

The Issue The issue in this case is whether, under Section 57.111, Florida Statutes, Petitioner is entitled to attorneys' fees and costs incurred in the defense of a disciplinary proceeding.

Findings Of Fact On September 2, 1988, an 83-year-old female was admitted to West Orange Memorial Hospital with recurrent rectal bleeding and complaints of pain in the low back and left hip. The patient also reported pain while sitting or lying due to a subcutaneous nodule in the left buttock. As noted in the patient's history dictated by Petitioner on September 12, 1988, the patient had numerous admissions to the hospital for rectal bleeding and previously had been diagnosed as suffering from angiodysplasia. These notes also reflect that the patient had recently undergone a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy, which were negative. The notes of N. Alar, M.D., which were dictated on September 3, 1988, indicate that he had seen the patient in consultation for evaluation of lower gastrointestinal bleeding. The notes disclose that the patient had complained of bloody bowel movements. The notes record a history of diverticulosis and angiodysplasia of the colon. Following a colonoscopy and polypectomy, Petitioner excised the nodule on September 11. The procedure took place at the hospital bed of the patient where her left buttock was prepped and draped in sterile fashion prior to the making of a two-inch incision. Following the removal of the nodule, the area was cleaned, the wound was closed, and sterile dressing was applied. There was no break in technique during the procedureand sterility was maintained. The nodule was later determined to be an area of fat necrosis that had undergone dystrophic calcification. The following day, the patient developed severe respiratory distress and expired. Her final principal diagnoses were anemia secondary to gastrointestinal bleeding, arteriosclerotic heart disease, hypertension, and clostridium with septicemia. A Serious Incident Report was filed on November 29, 1988, and Respondent commenced an investigation on January 11, 1989, to determine if Petitioner's practice was below applicable standards. The first time that Petitioner's case appeared at a Probable Cause Panel Meeting of the Board of Medicine was on May 11, 1990. The following Panel members were present: Chair Robert Katims, M.D.; Marilyn Wells, M.D., and Gilbert Rodriguez. Also present were Assistant Attorney General M. Catherine Lannon and Respondent's attorneys, Carlos Ramos and Stephanie Daniel. At the commencement of the meeting, Ms. Lannon explained the respective roles of herself and Respondent's attorneys. In general, she was present to advise the Panel as to its legal duties under applicable statutes and rules. Respondent's attorneys were available to respond to questions involving specific investigations. In response to a question posed by Ms. Lannon, each Panel member indicated that he or she had received the written materials concerning matters to be considered at the meeting insufficient time to review them. Mr. Ramos identified the materials that had been provided to each Panel member prior to the meeting. The materials included the entire investigative file and Respondent's recommendation in the form of a draft administrative complaint or closing order, as appropriate. When Petitioner's case was announced, Mr. Ramos stated that Respondent recommended the Panel find probable cause and direct the filing of an Administrative Complaint. Mr. Ramos explained that the proposed Administrative Complaint alleged that Petitioner practiced medicine below the acceptable level of care when he excised a nodule from a patient's left buttock while the patient was lying on a hospital bed. Also, Mr. Ramos stated, medical records failed to reflect a rectal examination upon admission. Terming it a "terrible case," Panel member Wells moved to find probable cause and issue the Administrative Complaint. Mr. Ramos stated that Petitioner "wasn't sterile." Transcript of May 11 meeting, page 5. Chair Katims asked if Petitioner had surgical privileges. Ms. Lannon responded by restating Dr. Katims' question whether Petitioner may have performed the procedure in a hospital bed because he lacked surgical privileges. Dr. Wells expressed interest in this point. The motion was then passed without further discussion. The materials available to the Probable Cause Panel on May 11, 1990, included a letter dated March 15, 1989,from Joseph R. Goggin, M.D., who is a board certified surgeon. Retained by Respondent to opine as to the standard of care, Dr. Goggin reviewed the file materials and stated in part: I find it hard to believe that the patient's hospital bed in a usual hospital room would be considered sterile. [Petitioner's] statements throughout both the Discharge Summary and in the chart itself state that the wound infection clostridium perfringens and staph coagulase negative was self-inflicted by the patient following the surgical procedure. I cannot believe that this is true. Clostridium perfringens is not a normal flora found in the human colon. Neither is staph coagulase negative. I would suspect that if the patient had contaminated the wound with her own stool, we would have seen mixed cultures with numerous other bacteria involved. One must assume that because of the pure cultures of clostridium perfringens and staph coagulase negative that a break in sterile technique occurred. I think this occurred because the patient underwent the procedure in her hospital bed and not in a sterile operating environment. Dr. Goggin's letter concludes that the hospital changed its policy so that all procedures involving excision be performed in a "completely sterile environment." The letter adds: If this policy was not in place prior to the procedure, I don't believe that the licensee violated the standard of care as it applied to this hospital. However, most of us would believe that any invasive procedure of this nature should probably be performed in a sterile environment. The letter from Dr. Goggin also faults Petitioner for his failure to obtain a rectal examination upon admission of the patient, even though she had been complaining of rectalbleeding. In terms of the timeliness of Petitioner's diagnosis of clostridium, Dr. Goggin concedes, "I don't think that an earlier diagnosis would have changed this patient's final outcome." The records available to the Probable Cause Panel on May 11, 1990, also included a letter from Respondent to Petitioner advising him that he is the subject of a complaint and inviting him to provide a written explanation. In response, and included in the records available on May 11, were a letter dated April 25, 1989, from Petitioner; a statement dated April 25, 1989, from the attending nurse corroborating that sterility was maintained during the excision of the nodule; and a letter dated July 3, 1989, from James J. McClelland, M.D., whose letterhead indicates that he is a member of a group of infectious disease control consultants. Petitioner's letter states that invasive procedures, such as subclavian insertions, chest tube placements, and lumbar punctures for spinal taps, are commonly performed in the hospital bed. The letter restates the procedures followed to maintain sterility and asserts that the contamination had to take place subsequent to the dressing of the wound, such as by the patient inadvertently loosening the dressing through normal movement in the bed. Dr. McClelland's letter states that, following review of the medical records, he finds that Petitioner "followed the normal standard of care in performing this procedure . . .." The letter explains: [C]lostridial infections in sepsis are well reported in the literature to have occurred after many sterile procedures, using standard medical care and that the presence of the clostridial infection does not imply substandard care. It should be noted that clostridial organisms can colonize the skin, often times in higher numbers below the waist, and that this organism entered the wound in the postoperative period. The record showed that [Petitioner] followed the standard care to prevent contamination of the wound by his prep and subsequent dressing of the wound. In regard to the question con- cerning a break in sterile technique and the findings of pure cultures of Clostridium perfringens and staph coagulase negative, it could also [be] assumed that a break in sterile technique would result in multiple other organisms being present in the wound. It should also be noted that the Clostridium perfringens organism can colonize the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the skin, and in itself does not exclude this as a potential pathophysiologic mechanism for her subsequent sepsis. The potential for the woman to have developed this overwhelming infection, whether the surgical procedure was performed in the office, a hospital bed, or the operating room, all exist and cases have been reported associated with all settings. There is no evidence I can see that [Petitioner] deviated from what would be considered normal procedure in removing this nodule from the patient's buttocks. As a result of the deliberations of the Probable Cause Panel on May 11, 1990, Chair Katims executed a Memorandum of Finding of Probable Cause. In the memorandum, the Panel finds that probable cause was found of a violation of Section 458.331(1)(t) and (m). By Administrative Complaint filed August 24, 1990, commencing DOAH Case No. 90-5298, Respondent alleged that thesurgical wound on the left buttock developed pure cultures of clostridium perfringens and staph coagulase negative, "indicating a break in sterile technique." The Administrative Complaint alleges that the patient was admitted with rectal bleeding, but the records fail to disclose that a rectal examination was performed upon admission. The Administrative Complaint alleges that the hospital involved has since changed its policy to require all procedures involving excision to be performed in a "completely sterile environment." Based on the foregoing allegations, Count One of the Administrative Complaint alleges that Petitioner violated Section 458.331(1)(t) by failing to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician when Petitioner excised the nodule in the "environment of [the] patient's hospital bed, which is not a sterile operating environment." Count Two alleges that Petitioner violated Section 458.331(1)(m) by failing to keep medical records--namely a rectal examination upon admission-- justifying the course of treatment of the patient. On September 26, 1990, Respondent filed a motion to amend the Administrative Complaint to delete the allegation about the change in the hospital procedure as irrelevant. The motion was granted. On October 9, 1990, Respondent also filed responses to interrogatories. In support of the assertion that the hospital bed is not a sterile operating environment,Respondent stated that it would rely upon the following witnesses: Petitioner, the attending nurse, Dr. Goggin, and the medical records custodian. In their entirety, the responses disclose that Respondent had not obtained expert advice other than that set forth above. In response to a letter dated December 28, 1990, requesting an opinion and providing all file materials, Respondent's attorney Randolph Collette received a seven-page letter dated January 3, 1991, from E. Rawson Griffin, III, M.D. Dr. Griffin is Board-certified in family practice. After an extensive recitation of the patient history taken by Petitioner, Dr. Griffin traces the subsequent actions of Petitioner, noting that pathological examination of the biopsied tissue detected "no particular serious abnormalities." Dr. Griffin opines: . . . my first opinion is that overall I find that [Petitioner] followed the basic standard of care in doing a history and physical examination, writing progress notes which justified the treatment, provided a surgical procedure in which he documented proper sterilization, surgical technique and postoperative wound care and that he obtained proper informed consent and signed this informed consent. Based on this review, I feel that the standard of care which is outlined in DeGowan and DeGowan's as well as what any reasonable physician would follow, was pretty much followed. The only criticism that I can find is again that there are no progress notes which may have been made by the covering physician. I also found that it was interesting that [Petitioner] did do progress notes on days that other physicians did not and I felt that this indicated that he was following the patient properly. It should also be emphasized that he did a three page dictation which was a discharge summary which basically outlined the facts of the case and I found this discharge summary to adequately summarize the events as they had occurred. In answering specific questions posed to him by Respondent, Dr. Griffin responds affirmatively to the question whether Petitioner met the applicable standard of care in his examination, diagnosis, and treatment of the patient. Dr. Griffin opines that the bedside location of the procedure did not violate the applicable standard of care. In this regard, Dr. Griffin notes the cost-effectiveness of method of treatment, as well as the documentation of proper anaesthesia, preparation of tissue, proper technique, and proper sterile dressings. As to Petitioner's failure to perform a rectal examination, Dr. Griffin notes that a colonoscopy polypectomy was performed. Again referring to the DeGowan and DeGowan treatise, Dr. Griffin observes that, in some cases, a routine or basic examination is inappropriate. One of the primary purposes of a rectal examination is to detect rectal bleeding, but the patient presented with obvious signs of rectal bleeding. Dr. Griffin concludes that a rectal examination by Petitioner might not have produced any more information, so the trauma associated with repeated rectal examinations was unnecessary. Under the circumstances, Dr. Griffin opines that the records justify Petitioner's failure to perform a rectal examination upon admission of the patient. Dr. Griffin also discredits the findings of a Dr.Khouzan who, based upon what he described as a "very careful review of the chart," found "very severe purulent material." Dr. Griffin notes that this finding was contradictory to multiple other chart entries and concludes that Dr. Khouzan did not in fact examine the patient. Respondent's attorney Randolph Collette received a four-page letter dated January 8, 1991, from Stephen J. Nelson, M.A., M.D., whom Respondent had also retained for an opinion by letter dated December 28, 1990. Dr. Nelson is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Pathology at the University of Miami. He is also an Associate Medical Examiner for Broward County and Attending Neuropathologist. Acknowledging the receipt of relevant file materials, Dr. Nelson states: [The patient's] terminal hospital course is an example of anaerobic Clostridium perfrin- gens cellulitis, and probable myonecrosis, following surgery. The onset is sudden, dramatic, and often fatal with an incubation period of 6-72 hours. There are five types of Clostridium perfringens, A-E, separated according to their production of four major lethal exotoxins. The most important exotoxin is . . . (alpha) toxin, or lecithinase-C, because of its lethal, dermonecrotic, and hemolytic activity. Such wounds classically display no pus because the enzyme lecithinase attacks cell membranes and literally dissolves any and all cells (including inflammatory cells) that are in its path. Other Clostridial exotoxins include collagenase, protease, deoxyribonuclease, hyaluronidase, and a hemolysin. Bacteremia is present in about 15 percent of cases. [The patient's] wound is described in multiple places throughout her medical recordas having a serosanguinous drainage. A "thin blood-stained exudate" is the usual classic textbook description. I'm not sure what Dr. N. Khouzan was referring to . . . when he says that his "careful review of the chart revealed a very severe purulent material . . .." His review couldn't have been that awfully careful as there is no mention of "a very severe purulent material," and he incorrectly identified the species of Clostridium he was hoping to treat as being Clostridium tetany (sic) which causes tetanus, rather than Clostridium perfringens which was one of the organisms cultured from [the patient's] excisional wound (along with coagulase-negative Staphylococcal spp.). I can only hope that Dr. Khouzan is not an infectious disease specialist. . . . Dr. Nelson opines that the presence of Clostridium perfringens was not necessarily evidence of substandard care. To the contrary, Dr. Nelson finds that Petitioner, trained as an orthopedic surgeon, "adequately assessed and documented [the patient's] signs and symptoms." Additionally, Dr. Nelson states that Petitioner properly performed the excisional biopsy himself; although devoting his practice to family/general medicine, Petitioner was trained as a surgeon in orthopedics. The bedside site of the excisional procedure did not bother Dr. Nelson, who states that the operating room is "justifiably reserved for more complex procedures." Dr. Nelson questions whether the procedure was performed at bedside or in a nearby "procedure room," where it was scheduled to be performed according to one of the records provided to Dr. Nelson. Dr. Nelson explains that the procedure rooms can easily be prepared for sterile procedures like excisional biopsies. Dr. Nelson's letter concludes: Clostridial spp. are ubiquitous to the human body. They most often become disease-producing and self-perpetuating when the oxygen tension in tissues is lowered, as with an abscess, decubital ulcers, or other cause of tissue necrosis and/or devitaliza- tion. Debilitated patients are at a higher risk of developing Clostridial infections. Intestinal disorders, most commonly malig- nancies, permit Clostridium perfringens invasion and replication, resulting in severe local or, rarely, septicemic Clostridial disease. The most likely source of Clostridium perfringens in [the patient's] excisional biopsy wound is local fecal contamination, though systemic invasion cannot be absolutely ruled out. [The patient] could have developed the infection from an iatrogenic injury during the colonoscopy on 9/4/88 . . . from which the adenomatous polyp was snared. Or from [the patient's] long-standing diverticulosis with the infection spreading from the abdomen to the wound. These are unlikely scenario, given her medical history and hospital course, but it would have been an easy task to have ruled these out by the performance of an autopsy. On January 11, 1991, Respondent requested that the final hearing set for January 29, 1991, be cancelled and the case abated to allow Respondent to return the case to the Probable Cause Panel for reconsideration. In the absence of objection from Petitioner, the motion was granted and the case was abated until March 10, 1991. At the Probable Cause Panel Meeting of the Board of Medicine conducted on February 22, 1991, the following members of the Panel were present: Chair George P. Vitale; Fuad Ashkar, M.D.; and Margaret Skinner, M.D. Ms. Lannon was present, aswere Mr. Ramos, and Respondent's attorneys Larry McPherson, and Susan Londgard. In response to a question posed by Ms. Lannon, each Panel member indicated that he or she had received the written materials concerning matters to be considered at the meeting in sufficient time to review them. Ms. Lannon then invited the Panel members to ask questions or request material if they encountered a case for which they had not read the materials or were otherwise unfamiliar with. Mr. Ramos identified the materials that had been provided to each Panel member prior to the meeting. The materials included the entire investigative file. When Petitioner's case was announced, Mr. Ramos stated that the case was before the Panel for reconsideration after a previous Panel finding of probable cause and the subsequent filing of an administrative complaint. Mr. Ramos explained: We have brought this case back for your consideration, because discovery revealed that two expert opinions state that the Respondent's excision of the nodule in the bedside of the patient was not below the acceptable standard of care. Furthermore, the information related by the patients--by our expert as to the source of the patient's infection is contradicted by recognized medical treatises and the opinion of an infections disease control specialist, and that has been included in the packet. That came after discovery. And, therefore, the Department has recommended that we close this case without further prosecu- tion. Transcript of February 22 meeting, page 7. Panel member Skinner then indicated that she had noticed that the two expert opinions were from a Broward County assistant medical examiner and a family practitioner. She said that she would like to see an opinion from someone who is "Board certified in internal medicine with a subspecialty of infectious diseases, and I would like to see that . . . before we move to do away with this case. This case is heinous . . .." Id. at page 8. Panel member Skinner complained that the experts did not have any medical records and that her records were incomplete. For instance, she said that she did not know the size of the incision or if a nurse documented erythema or "crud" in the wound. She thus moved that the case be brought back with the medical records with an opinion specifically from somebody Board-certified in internal medicine with a sub-specialty in infectious diseases and be brought back to the Panel, because one of the things that is not in the [Administrative Complaint] is failure to recognize [Clostridium perfringens]. Id. at pages 8-9. Ms. Lannon responded that the standard of care would be a reasonably prudent similar physician, "so unless [Petitioner] was Board-certified in infectious diseases, he wouldn't be held to that standard of care. He would be held to the standard of care of a similar physician." Id. at page 9. Panel member Skinner answered that Petitioner is an "orthopedist practicing family practice." Id. Dr. Skinner then asked if Petitioner had surgical privileges at the hospital at which the incident took place. She suggested that the status of Petitioner's surgical privileges could be an "attributing cause." Id. Panel member Ashkar stated that he agreed with Dr. Skinner. Dr. Ashkar noted that one of the materials in the file indicated that the hospital had since changed its policies, or possibly had done so, in terms of excision procedures being performed in a completely sterile environment. In response to a question posed by Ms. Lannon, Panel members Skinner and Ashkar stated that they would proceed with an administrative complaint if they find "it's a standard-of-care violation." Id. at page 11. Dr. Ashkar added that a previous probable cause panel had good cause when it caused the filing of the Administrative Complaint, and the new panel should proceed with it. Dr. Skinner requested that the Administrative Complaint be expanded to include an allegation that Petitioner failed to recognize the presence or possible presence of a staph infection. Dr. Skinner conceded that she did not have the medical records, so she did not know if Petitioner did a wound culture. She also did not have the nurses' notes, so she did not know if they made if obvious that something was wrong with the wound. At this point, Mr. McPherson reminded the Panel that the case had been before a probable cause panel previously. He added that three expert opinions determined that there was "no standard-of-care violation." Id. at page 12. Ms. Lannon disagreed with Mr. McPherson, and Panel members Skinner and Ashkar agreed with Ms. Lannon. Dr. Ashkar stated that Dr. Goggin opined that there was a standard-of-care violation and that the incident forced the hospital to change their policies. Ms. Lannon cautioned that a change in policy would not establish a violation in the first place. Dr. Ashkar responded by referring to the standard-of-care issue and quoting Dr. Goggin as follows: ". . . the patient probably should have had the surgical procedure performed in a sterile environment under the usual conditions found in an operating room suite where there are sterile instruments, and that the wound infection here is probably due to doing it outside that kind of a setting." Id. at page 13. Ms. Lannon asked the Panel what they thought about Dr. Nelson's opinion that Petitioner could be regarded as overutilizing the operating room by performing the excision procedure there. Dr. Skinner admitted that the Panel's problem was that they did not know the size of the excision. She added that the experts differed as to the appearance of the wound, which went toward the failure to recognize a serious problem. Mr. Ramos suggested that the Panel table the case so that Respondent could provide the Panel with the medical records, which everyone agreed had not been included in thepackage supplied to the Board members prior to the meeting. Concluding their discussion of the case at the February 22 meeting, Panel member Ashkar rejected Dr. Nelson's opinion because, absent an emergency, Dr. Ashkar had "never heard of [performing the subject excision procedure in a hospital bed] recently ywayay." Id. at page 16. Dr. Skinner restated her concern about Petitioner's failure to recognize the complication. Ms. Lannon suggested that an orthopedic specialist who had examined the specialist possibly could provide needed information as to the size and nature of the nodule on the patient's hip. The motion was clarified to include consideration of amending the Administrative Complaint to include an allegation that Petitioner failed to recognize timely the patient's clostridium infection and to investigate whether Petitioner had surgical privileges. The Panel voted unanimously in favor of the motion and tabled the case. By Status Report filed March 5, 1991, Respondent advised that the Probable Cause Panel had tabled the case at its February, 1991, meeting in order to obtain additional information. At the Probable Cause Panel Meeting of the Board of Medicine conducted on May 4, 1991, Panel members present were Chair Vitale, Dr. Skinner, and Dr. Ashkar. Mr. Ramos and two of Respondent's investigators were present, as was Assistant Attorney General Edwin Bayo substituting for Ms. Lannon. Each of the Panel members indicated that he or she had read the file materials. When Petitioner's case came up, Mr. Ramos noted that the case had been in front of the Panel "a couple of times," most recently February 22, 1991. Transcript of May 4 meeting, page 4. Mr. Ramos added that one of Respondent's attorneys had pursued all the issues identified by the Panel at the last meeting. Mr. Ramos stated: Discovery reveals that the [Respondent's] expert's opinion was incorrect. That was the initial expert on which we depended on to file an Administrative Complaint. Dr. Nelson and Dr. Griffin have opined since then that the procedure performed in this case does not constitute the practice of medicine below the acceptable level of care. And at our last meeting, the Panel was informed on the foregoing, and it requested that an expert on infectious disease be obtained, and to obtain information as to the respondent's hospital privileges. There's two letters that are part of your packet from the hospital that says the subject did have hospital privileges. And as to the infectious disease person, the only person we have is the one on record, which is on the subject side of this case and [Respondent's attorney] tried to find someone. If you guys know someone for future reference, we need to know about it, because . . . Id. at pages 4-5. Panel members Ashkar and Skinner offered to provide Mr. Ramos with some names. Then Dr. Skinner confessed that she was still troubled about several things involving the case. She again raised the question why Petitioner failed to recognize the serious infection, clostridium perfringens. Sherestated the other issue concerning whether Petitioner was wrong to remove the cyst in the hospital bed. Addressing the first issue, Mr. Ramos said that Respondent could not obtain an expert opinion on whether Petitioner was culpable in his failure to recognize the infection. Dr. Skinner again offered to give Respondent the names of possible experts. Mr. Ramos responded that the process would take time, and, in the meantime, "we have this doctor in this position." Id. at page 6. Dr. Ashkar offered to contact the proposed expert and expedite the process, so the Panel could accept the expert's credentials at the next Board meeting at the end of May. Mr. Ramos said they could move fast on the case, so Dr. Skinner moved to table the case again. Dr. Skinner noted that they needed to consider the issue whether Petitioner improperly incised the abscess at the hospital bed. She asked that Respondent's attorneys pose to the expert two questions: was it below the standard of care to incise the abscess in the bed and was there a failure to recognize a potential danger. Dr. Ashkar distinguished between the removal of a nodule that is a simple ganglion, an ingrown hair, or a sebaceous cyst, on the one hand, and the draining of an abscess with a "very deadly bacteria in it in a general ward," on the other hand. Id. at page 8. Mr. Ramos answered that the case would depend entirely on the expert. The first expert was dated andcontradicted by treatises. Dr. Ashkar responded that it would have been more acceptable if a surgeon without access to an operating room performed the excision in a sterile setting other than an operating room. In any event, it was, in Dr. Ashkar's opinion, improper to perform the procedure in a general ward where infectious diseases are a recurring problem. Id. at pages 8-9. Dr. Skinner agreed that the situation was worse because Petitioner had operating privileges. Dr. Skinner then moved to table the case pending acquisition of expert witness, and again, . . . I would ask him all the ques- tions you asked the other expert witness. Noting that he did have operating room privileges. The second corner of the question that wasn't asked, is, is if it was failure to recognize an additional problem with this wound below the standard of care. Id. at page 10. The Panel then voted unanimously to table the case. Respondent filed a second Status Report on May 20, 1991, and advised that the Probable Cause Panel again tabled the case at its April, 1991, meeting in order to obtain an additional expert opinion. Petitioner objected to further abatement and requested that the case be dismissed. At the same time, Petitioner requested attorneys' fees and costs. By Order Setting Case for Hearing entered June 12, 1991, the request to dismiss was denied, the request for attorneys' fees and costs was denied, and the final hearing resetfor July 15, 1991. By Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed June 18, 1991, Respondent dismissed the DOAH Case No. 90-5298 and the Division closed its file by Order entered the following day. On July 10, 1991, Respondent received the opinion of another expert, Stephen M. Kreitzer, M.D., who had been retained by letter dated June 26, 1991. In relevant part, Dr. Kreitzer's letter states: The bacteria [to which the patient succumbed] are present in the skin and certainly the elderly with diminished circulation to the skin are more prone to these types of infec- tions. These types of infections can certainly occur under the sterile conditions surgery or they can occur with any break of the skin on their own. It certainly is within the standard of care to remove the type of nodule removed by [Petitioner] in an outpatient center, hospital in-patient bedside, or in a physician's office. There is no evidence to suggest [Petitioner] violated Surgical Infectious Disease Guidelines. . . . Sepsis was recognized by the Emergency Room physician and the care of the septic patient was begun by the Emergency Room physician. [Petitioner] continued that care in the Intensive Care Unit. Appropriate cultures and the broadened spectrum antibiotics were prescribed. In my opinion, the patient contracted the Clostridium and Staph bacteria from unfortu- nate skin entry. Skin entry can occur from an intravenous site, or wound such as that involved with the nodule removal, joint injection by an Orthopedist which occurred during this hospitalization and finally, colonoscopy and polypectomy with mucosal contamination and septicemia. Bacteria induced septicemia have been documented in all of the above instances and is well recognized. . . . Because of the timing of this patient's sepsis, it is unlikely that the trigger point injection or colonoscopy had anything to do with the patient's subse- quent septicemia and demise. Regardless, there is no evidence in the chart that the patient contracted the infection because of the procedure or treatment falling below the standard of care. [Emphasis added.] The applicable standard of care comes into question with this case because of both record keeping and the admitting orders. The patient did not have a history and physical dictated at the time of admission, but rather that was delayed until the 12th of September. Although rectal exam was not included, since the admitting orders included the consultation with the Gastroenterologist who obviously would per- form the rectal exam and colonoscopy, the patient need not have undergone a rectal exami- nation necessarily upon admission. . . . Petitioner subsequently commenced the present case by filing a Petition for Costs and Attorneys Fees on July 29, 1991.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.68458.33157.111
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-002679 Latest Update: May 10, 1985

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner Theresa Didick is a licensed laboratory technologist holding licenses in the specialties of hematology and chemistry. She has a substantial amount of experience as a laboratory technologist with the major emphasis of her work involving performance of all sorts of blood tests and blood chemistry analyses as well as urinalysis tests. She has approximately 15 hours of higher education courses in such fields as biology, psychology and English. She has extensive experience in the operation and maintenance of laboratory equipment. From September, 1968 to September, 1968 the Petitioner worked as a medical technician et Pondville State Hospital in Norfolk, Massachusetts, performing duties involving routine hematology, chemistry and bacteriology in a laboratory. From September, 1969 to July, 1970 she worked as a medical technician at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts again performing routine hematology and urinalysis testing. Her experience in the medical laboratory field then lapsed until January, 1973 when from that date until September, 1973 she worked at Milford Hospital, Milford, Massachusetts, performing STAT blood and urine tests. Then from September, 1973 to February of 1976, Petitioner worked as a medical-technologist at Massachusetts Hospital School at Canton, Massachusetts. Her duties there consisted of running a small "one-person" lab conducting routine blood tests which included manual blood chemistries, hematology and bacteriology, as well as being responsible for maintaining inventory and ordering lab supplies. From December, 1976 to February, 1977 she worked as a part-time consultant medical-technologist for that same entity, providing technical assistance in updating and preparing the laboratory and the current lab technician for accreditation inspection. From March, 1976 to February, 1984 she worked as a medical technologist at Norwood Hospital and Southwood Community Hospital in Norwood, Massachusetts. Her responsibilities there as a technologist were for all aspects of hematology and chemistry, including maintaining quality control, maintaining instruments and equipment, as well as training students and new employees. Her experience at Massachusetts Hospital School for almost four years did involve delivery of blood to operating rooms, but did not specifically involve "blood banking" such. The Petitioner's experience in immunohematology or "blood banking," which involves the sub-specialty of blood grouping, typing and cross matching of blood, RH typing, the withdrawal of blood from donors and the storage and dispensation of blood and blood derivatives, consists of her duties from January, 1973 to September, 1973 at Milford Hospital in Milford, Massachusetts, and her approximate four years tenure at Massachusetts Hospital School. That last experience is only partially pertinent in that she was responsible insofar as blood banking is concerned, for only dispensing and delivery of blood to operating rooms. Such experience, however, even if all pertinent under the sub- specialty of immunohematology or blood banking does not amount to six years of pertinent experience. Unfortunately neither does the other experience of the Petitioner, involving work in laboratories performing routine blood tests involving blood chemistry, hematology and bacteriology, as well as urinalysis, constitute the practice or performance of blood banking or immunohematology. In short, the Petitioner did not establish that she has six years or more experience in performing all of the different types of tests and other duties involved in blood banking, as opposed to the mere delivery of blood to operating rooms or the mere routine chemistry and hematological blood tests performed in the normal operation of a clinical laboratory. The pertinent experience at Milford Hospital which involved more of the duties of blood banking only amounts to less than a year of such experience. George S. Taylor, Jr. is a biological scientist in the Lab Personnel Licensing Agency of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. He established that it is consistent department policy to require six years experience in the field of immunohematology or blood banking consisting of performance for those six years of the various procedures and processes involving blood banking delineated above. The performance of routine blood chemistry and hematological tests and urinalyses normally performed in clinical laboratories does not constitute experience in the field of immunohematology blood banking for purposes of licensure as a technologist in that sub-specialty by the department.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED: That the petition of Theresa M. Didick for licensure as a laboratory technologist in the sub-specialty of immunohematology be DENIED. DONE and ORDERED this 10th day of May, 1985 in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of May, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Ms. Theresa M. Didick 1675 Strasburg Drive Port Charlotte, Florida 33952 Anthony N. DeLuccia, Jr., Esquire David Pingree, Secretary Department of Health and Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Rehabilitative Services 8800 Cleveland Avenue, S. 1323 Winewood Boulevard Fort Myers, Florida 33907 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Naples, Florida Oct. 25, 2000 Number: 00-004396PL Latest Update: Oct. 31, 2002

The Issue Did the Respondent commit the violations alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint dated March 2, 2001, and if so, what penalty should be imposed?

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: The Board is the agency charged with regulating the practice of medicine in the State of Florida. Respondent, Carl W. Liebert, Jr., M. D. (Dr. Liebert) is and, at all times material hereto, has been licensed to practice medicine in the State of Florida, having been issued license number ME0047601. Respondent is Board-certified in surgery. On January 29, 1997, Respondent performed an abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and an aortobifemoral graft on E. T., a male patient, approximately 70 years of age. The site of the graft for the left femoral artery intruded partially upon the site of a previous graft of the femoral artery performed in 1986. This graft failed immediately after the procedure. Respondent sutured the graft at the left femoral artery partially into old scar tissue from the 1986-failed graft. After the surgery, on the Sunday before his release from the Naples Community Hospital (Hospital) on Thursday, February 6, 1997, E. T. suddenly and abruptly fell in his hospital room. Respondent was concerned about the possible damage this fall may have caused to the surgical repair. Although E. T. experienced pain in his left groin area, the location of one of the aortobifemoral grafts, while in the Hospital, there is no evidence that any harm resulted from the fall or that the pain was a result of the fall. After the surgery, during E. T.'s stay in the Naples Community Hospital (Hospital), there was lymphatic drainage, a pinkish colored fluid, from the incision in his left groin. While the lymphatic fluid may have been blood stained resulting in the pinkish color, the lymphatic drainage was not as described in the nurse's notes as being "a bloody discharge." On Thursday, February 6, 1997, E.T. was discharged from the Hospital. After E. T.'s discharge from the Hospital, his wife cared for him in their home in Naples, Florida. As expected by Dr. Liebert, the incision in E. T.'s left groin area continued to have lymphatic drainage after E. T.'s discharge from the Hospital. The incision in E. T.'s left groin area continued to drain a pinkish colored fluid. The lymphatic drainage from the incision in E. T.’s left groin continued over the weekend and on Monday, February 10, 1997, E. T.'s wife contacted Respondent's office to advise Respondent of the drainage and of the pain E. T. was experiencing. Although E. T.'s wife did not speak directly to Respondent, she assumed that the person to whom she spoke with over the telephone conveyed her message to Respondent. E. T.'s wife was given a prescription for Percocet for pain and told that Respondent would see E. T. in his office on Thursday, February 13, 1997. On Wednesday, February 12, 1997, while showering and cleansing the incision on his left groin, E. T. inadvertently disturbed the incision on his left groin, which caused the incision to drain profusely. After leaving the shower, E. T.'s wife assisted E. T. in drying-off his body and controlling the drainage from the incision. The wife stemmed the flow of the drainage with a towel and called the Collier County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Respondent's office. The wife explained to the person answering Respondent's telephone, the circumstances of the occurrence with E. T., and that she had called the Collier County EMS personnel. The wife also requested that Respondent come to the Hospital. On February 12, 1997, in response to E. T.'s wife's call, the Collier County EMS personnel responded to E. T.'s home at approximately 7:25 a.m., performed an initial treatment for the drainage from E.T.'s left groin and transported E. T. by ambulance to the Hospital. The EMS personnel noted that E. T. complained of bleeding and it was their initial impression that E. T. was bleeding from his femoral artery. However, the EMS personnel did not confirm that E. T. was bleeding from his left femoral artery. The EMS personnel also noted what they considered to be a large amount of thick, clotty blood, which they estimated to be approximately 1000 milliliters (ml's) or 1000 cubic centimeters (cc's), surrounding E. T. Based on the records of the EMS personnel and on E. T.'s description given to Dr. Mulert, E. T.'s wife's testimony that the incision spurted blood for approximately 3- 4 feet appears to be somewhat exaggerated. The EMS personnel, assuming that E. T. had recently loss blood, administered 300 cc of fluid intravenously to E. T. When the EMS personnel attempted to move E. T., the drainage from the incision started again, but was controlled with a trauma dressing and pressure applied by a sandbag. The EMS personnel presented E. T. at the Emergency Room (ER) of the Hospital at approximately 7:52 a.m. on February 12, 1997. The ER nurse noted that a pressure dressing along with a sandbag had been applied and that the drainage or bleeding was under control. The ER nurse drew blood from E. T. and noted in her record that it was for a "type and cross" in preparation for a blood transfusion should one become necessary. However, Dr. Robert Mulert, the ER physician who attended E. T. while in the ER, noted in his records that he had requested a "type and hold," a less elaborate procedure than a "type and cross," which requires checking the antibodies and making sure the blood in question is compatible blood. Based on his estimate of E. T.'s blood loss and E. T.'s vital signs and other health conditions, Dr. Mulert did not consider E. T. as a patient in need of a blood transfusion. Upon E. T.'s arrival at the Hospital, Dr. Mulert made a brief assessment of E. T.'s condition to confirm that there was no active bleeding and that the patient did not need emergent intervention. Although Dr. Mulert is not a vascular surgeon or even a general surgeon, he has one year of residency training in surgery and is a Board-certified emergency room physician who has been working as an emergency room physician for approximately 27 years. Dr. Mulert is qualified to examine patients such as E. T. and advise the primary treating physician of his findings. Dr. Liebert has worked with, and relied on, Dr. Mulert's expertise as an emergency room physician in treating many of his patients who are presented at the Hospital for emergency treatment for approximately 15 years. Dr. Mulert discussed E. T.'s condition by telephone with Dr. Liebert on two separate occasions during E. T.'s visit to the Hospital on February 12, 1997. The first occasion was shortly after E. T. was admitted to the Hospital ER. During this first occasion, Dr. Mulert advised Dr. Liebert that his patient, E. T. had been admitted to the Hospital with a reported acute hemorrhaging or bleeding of the incision in the area of his left groin and that E. T.'s wife was asking for Dr. Liebert. In some instances, the primary physician will assume treatment at this juncture. However, it is not unusual for the ER physician to continue treatment. The decision was for Dr. Mulert to continue treatment and to keep Dr. Liebert advised as to E. T.'s condition. There is nothing in the record to indicate Dr. Liebert's location on the morning of February 12, 1997; nor is there any evidence to indicate that Dr. Liebert was prevented from examining E. T. on the morning of February 12, 1997. Also, during this first discussion, Dr. Mulert advised Dr. Liebert, based on the information that he had gathered, that E. T.'s blood loss was approximately 500 cc's but that there was no active bleeding at that time. Dr. Mulert also advised Dr. Liebert that he intended to deal with the patient's problems by proceeding with his plan to assess E. T.'s blood count, to monitor E.T.'s vital signs, and to see if the patient met Dr. Mulert's criteria for stability: Can he get up? Can he walk? Can he talk? Does the patient make sense? Does the patient have discharge stability? Subsequent to this first discussion, Dr. Mulert made a more detailed examination of the wound to determine if the wound was infected, the depth of the wound, and the need to pack the wound with sterile dressing, etc. After reviewing the EMS personnel records, E. T.'s history, talking with E. T., and reviewing the results of his examination, Dr. Mulert's impression was that E. T. had a hematoma under a surgical wound; that the wound had come apart; and that the collection of blood (old blood) within the hematoma had expressed from that surgical wound. The blood within the hematoma is referred to as "old blood" in that it was no longer in the vascular system and was not being replenished with oxygen. While E. T.'s vital signs were low compared to his vital signs taken while in the Hospital on visits prior to February 12, 1997, they were not significantly lower and were within a normal range for a patient, such as E. T., who was on beta blockers. E. T.'s vital signs were inconsistent with an aggressive femoral graft leak. The hematocrit and hemoglobin values on February 12, 1997, were slightly lower than the hematocrit and hemoglobin values while in the hospital during his most recent visit in January 1997. However, based on the testimony of Dr. Liebert, which I find to be credible, that was to be expected since E. T. had been given a significant amount of auto-transfused blood during his surgery on January 29, 1997. Also, the lower values were consistent with a 500 cc or less blood loss by a patient that had just recently undergone surgery. During either the first or second conversation, Dr. Mulert advised Dr. Liebert that the surgical site had come apart. During his care of E. T., Dr. Mulert became aware that Dr. Liebert had performed an abdominal aortic aneurysm repair earlier in the year, and that the repair was under the nine-inch incision on E. T.’s left groin but did not know the exact location of the repair. If Dr. Liebert made a diagnosis, he did not convey such diagnosis to Dr. Mulert. Neither Dr. Liebert nor Dr. Mulert discussed or made a differential diagnosis. However, it was the testimony of both Dr. Mulert and Dr. Liebert, which I find to be credible, that based on the facts presented in respect to E. T. by Dr. Mulert, a differential diagnosis was unnecessary. A differential diagnosis is a mechanism physicians use to identify and evaluate possible alternative causes for observed symptoms. During the second telephone conversation, Dr. Mulert advised Dr. Liebert that the patient had been stable for approximately four hours, that his vital signs were within normal ranges, that his blood counts were basically unchanged, that there was no active bleeding and had not been any active bleeding for approximately four hours, that the patient was up and walking around the ER, that the patient was asymptomatic when vertical that the patient was not orthostatic when walking, that the patient wanted to go home, and that the incision in the left groin area needed to be repaired. There was no discussion between Dr. Mulert and Dr. Liebert concerning the admission of E. T. to the Hospital for the purpose of further examining the possibility of arterial bleeding. Ultrasound and computerized tomography (CT) were available to patients at the Hospital. While these tests don't always "rule out" internal bleeding or suture line disruptions, they can, in certain instances, "rule in" these conditions. Based on the facts in respect to E. T.'s condition presented by Dr. Mulert on February 12, 1997, particularly that they were dealing with an open wound, and Dr. Liebert's feelings as to the somewhat limited use of these tests in this type situation, there was no ultrasound or CT scan performed. Based on the facts in respect to E. T.'s condition as presented by Dr. Mulert on February 12, 1997, the failure of Dr. Liebert to utilize the ultrasound or CT scan to further examine E. T. in regard to arterial bleeding does not constitute the failure to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonable prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances, notwithstanding the testimony of Michael J. Cohen, M.D. to the contrary. Subsequently, Dr. Mulert sewed up the incision which had come apart. Dr. Liebert did not personally examine E. T. at any time while he was in the ER to evaluate the cause of E. T.'s problem in relation to arterial bleeding, but relied on Dr. Mulert to provide him with facts surrounding E. T.'s condition based on Dr. Mulert's examination of E. T. and his assessment of E.T.'s problem. Based on the facts in respect to E. T.'s condition in relation to arterial bleeding as presented by Dr. Mulert on February 12, 1997, the failure of Dr. Liebert to personally examine E. T. prior to his discharge or to delay E. T.'s discharge so as to allow time for Dr. Liebert personally examine E. T. to determine for himself E. T.'s problem in relation to arterial bleeding does not constitute the failure to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonable prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances, notwithstanding the testimony of Michael J. Cohen, M.D. to the contrary. 38. E. T. was discharged from the Hospital at approximately 12:00 noon on February 12, 1997. After his discharge on February 12, 1997, E. T. had an uneventful afternoon and evening. After getting out of his bed on the morning of February 13, 1997, E. T. walked from his bedroom into the kitchen and as he stood in the kitchen the left groin incision erupted again, hemorrhaging blood onto the kitchen floor. The EMS personnel were called responded to the call around 5:30 a.m. Prior to the arrival of the EMS personnel the bleeding had stopped. The EMS personnel noticed a moderate blood loss. The EMS personnel dressed the left groin wound, administered fluids and transported E. T. to the Hospital where he was admitted to the ER at approximately 6:00 a.m. Although E. T. received blood and fluids, his condition deteriorated rapidly and E. T. expired at approximately 7:24 a.m. on February 13, 1997. No autopsy was performed. However, the cause of death was most likely myocardial infarction that resulted from a loss of blood.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Board enter a final order dismissing the Amended Administrative Complaint dated March 2, 2001. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of August, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ WILLIAM R. CAVE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6947 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of August, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert C. Byerts, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration Post Office Box 14229 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-4229 Ralph L. Marchbank, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 3979 Sarasota, Florida 34230 Tanya Williams, Executive Director Board of Medicine Department of Health Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 William W. Large, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Theodore M. Henderson, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (2) 120.57458.331 Florida Administrative Code (1) 28-106.216
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jul. 27, 2009 Number: 09-003974PL Latest Update: Oct. 06, 2024
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Winter Haven, Florida Nov. 14, 2001 Number: 01-004406PL Latest Update: Dec. 13, 2002

The Issue Whether Respondent's license as a physician should be disciplined for the alleged violation of Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, in that Respondent failed to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances, by failing to treat the patient's preoperative coagulopathy and/or failing to use an alternate vein that would have allowed visualization of the shunt placement into the vein thereby reducing the risk of causing a hemorrhage given the patient's preoperative history, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed. AS TO CASE NO. 01-4407PL Whether Respondent's license as a physician should be disciplined for the alleged violation of Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, by failing to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances by failing to distally clamp part of the arteries prior to manipulation of the aneurysm and by failing to ensure periodic monitoring of the patient's condition postoperatively for evidence of ischemia or other problems and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence adduced at the final hearing, and the entire record in this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: FACTS COMMON TO BOTH CASES Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of medicine pursuant to Section 20.42, Florida Statutes, Chapters 456 and 458, Florida Statutes. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent was a licensed physician in the State of Florida, having been issued license number ME 0036360. Respondent is board-certified in thoracic and general surgery. FACTS RELATED TO CASE NO. 01-4406PL Patient D.J.P. was a 54-year-old female with a history of liver resection for carcinoma. Patient D.J.P. had contracted Hepatitis C in the 1960s from a blood transfusion, after being the victim of a gun shot wound during a robbery at a convenience store. Patient D.J.P. subsequently had developed cirrhosis secondary to the Hepatitis C. Cirrhosis is a scarring process of the liver that results in the displacement of the normally functioning liver tissue. A healthy liver processes lymphatic fluid back into the bloodstream. However, a cirrhotic liver cannot properly process the lymphatic fluid back into the bloodstream. Therefore, lymphatic fluid backs up within the liver and weeps out the covering over the liver and into the abdominal cavity. Patient D.J.P. presented to Respondent on February 1, 1994, after being referred to Respondent by Michael Carey, M.D., the primary care physician, for evaluation for implanting a peritoneal venous shunt. A venous shunt is a conduit designed to take ascitic fluid from the abdomen and put it back in the vascular system. The shunt removes the fluid from the abdominal cavity and transports it to the vascular system where it can be absorbed. The procedure is for the patient's comfort and does not prolong the patient's life. The procedure is for patients with end stage liver disease. After obtaining a medical history and conducting a physical examination, Respondent's assessment of the Patient D.J.P. was massive ascites secondary to cirrhosis and previous liver resection. Respondent believed that Patient D.J.P. was a candidate for a venous shunt procedure due to the fact that she was very symptomatic from her massive ascites and she was on the maximum medical therapy. The mortality rate for this type of procedure is between 5 and 25 percent or at the very least, one-in-twenty patients would die from this procedure. Complications associated with this type of procedure include disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (hereinafter referred to as "DIC") which may lead to the general worsening of the disease or death. The patient was informed of this mortality rate as well as of the complications associated with this procedure. Patient D.J.P. decided to think about the procedure and contact Respondent's office when she wanted the shunt inserted. On February 10, 1994, Patient D.J.P. called Respondent's office and asked to have the shunt inserted as soon as possible. Respondent scheduled the procedure for February 14, 1994, and signed the written surgical consent form. Prior to the surgery, lab tests were performed on Patient D.J.P. The lab report indicated that the patient's prothrombin time was 14.3, with a normal range being 10.7-12.8. Prothrombin time ("PT") is a measurement of one aspect of the blood clotting mechanism. This was considered slightly abnormal and not an indication of a clotting problem or coagulopathy. Respondent decided it was not necessary to address Patient D.J.P.'s abnormal PT prior to the procedure by preoperatively administering Vitamin K or fresh frozen plasma. On February 14, 1994, Patient D.J.P. was transported to the operating room at approximately 12:10 p.m. After Patient D.J.P. was placed under general anesthesia, Respondent began the venous shunt operation at approximately 12:34 p.m. Respondent attempted to access the right jugular vein to insert the shunt. He found this vein to be unusable because it was too scarred from previous surgeries. Respondent then proceeded to access the right subclavian area to insert the shunt. Once the shunt was inserted into the subclavian area, Respondent positioned it in the superior vena cava. The shunt was noted to be in position in the superior vena cava. Respondent then removed eight liters of ascitic fluid from the abdominal cavity. After removing the ascitic fluid, he then put one liter of saline into the abdominal cavity to dilute any remaining ascitic fluid which allowed any remaining fluid to be more easily absorbed into the vascular system. The Patient's central venous pressure dropped from 8 to 2. Hespan and Albumin were then administered to replace any lost volume and it helped to increase the colloidomotic pressure. At this point, Patient D.J.P.'s central venous pressure (CVP) increased from 2 to 14 or 15. This is a faster than normal rate. Upon finding that the shunt was operating well, Respondent closed the abdominal portion and the patient was extubated. Petitioner claimed that fluoroscopy was not used to ensure that the shunt was positioned in the proper place. A Fluoroscope is like a real-time X-ray. A fluoroscope has two parts to it: a C-arm, which goes above the patient and underneath the bed, and two screens where the doctor can see what is going on. The C-arm is approximately 5-and-a-half feet tall. It is below the standard of care to do a venous shunt procedure without using a fluoroscope. It would enable Respondent to visualize the placement of the shunt. Felicia Whitmer, a scrub technician, and Rene Myers, a circulating nurse, prepared the operating room for Patient D.J.P.'s procedure on February 14, 1994. Both Felicia Whitmer and Rene Myers testified that there was no fluoroscope in the operating room on February 14, 1994. Respondent testified that there was a fluoroscope in the operating room on February 14, 1994, during Patient D.J.P.'s procedure and that he used it to assist him. The evidence is not clear and convincing that the fluoroscope was not used during the course of the operation. It is considered within the accepted standard of care to access the right subclavian vein to insert a shunt of this type because this vein follows a gentle curve or path. With this gentle curve in the vein, there is less risk of damage, i.e. puncture, to the vein. In contrast, the left jugular vein follows a more sharp-angled 70-degree bend-curve in the vein where one risks the danger of the shunt coming out of the bottom of the vein or perforation and, thereby, damaging the vein. Respondent ordered an X-ray to confirm placement of the shunt and catheter. The X-ray revealed that the shunt had good positioning but the right lung was filled with fluid. The patient was re-intubated and Respondent inserted a chest tube into the patient which would expand the patient's lung, oxygenate the patient and allow for fluid removal. Three or four liters of fluid were removed. The fluid was originally serous and pink tinged and shortly thereafter, turned bloody. Respondent noted that there was bruising around the wounds. Additionally, the patient's breathing became shallow and her blood pressure began to deteriorate. Resuscitative efforts were performed and Respondent re- entered the shunt area to clamp the shunt to prevent any ascites from flowing into the venous system and to prevent further coagulation and massive bleeding. Despite heroic resuscitative efforts, the patient's condition continued to deteriorate and the patient died. The cause of death was determined to be DIC and severe coagulopathy from drainage of the ascitic fluid into the venous system. Respondent made the determination that the patient did not have preoperative coagulopathy. Respondent testified that if the patient did have preoperative coagulopathy, he would not have performed the procedure because the patient would not be able to make the clotting factors well enough for problems that would occur after the shunt was inserted. It was Respondent's opinion that the patient did not have a serious clotting problem. Based on her lab report, Patient D.J.P. had a slightly abnormal PT and this was not an indication of a clotting problem. Respondent reviewed the lab reports and determined the PT (the measurement of one aspect of blood clotting mechanism), to be only slightly elevated. It measured 14.3 with a normal range being 10.7-12.8. Moreover, the PT International Normalized Ratio (INR) (which is the standardized measurement of PT) was 1.63 where the therapeutic range was 2-3. Therefore, this was slightly below average. Dr. Yahr testified that an abnormal clotting problem is a clinically evident problem and not an incident of a lab number. If Patient D.J.P. had a clotting abnormality, adverse conditions or symptoms would have been evident with the incisions that were made prior to the shunt being opened. Rather, normal clotting reactions occurred. Coagulation occurred right after the shunt was opened and the ascitic fluid began to flow into the atrium. Dr. Yahr testified that the etiology of the coagulation was the body's reaction to the ascitic fluid after the shunt was opened. Accordingly, it was Dr. Yahr's opinion that Respondent did not fail to treat the preoperative coagulopathy because upon his examination of the patient, he determined that no such preoperative coagulopathy existed prior to the procedure. Dr. Yahr testified that the patient did not have abnormal bleeding. Her liver failure was the result of scarring and abnormal liver function. Therefore, administration of clotting factors such as Vitamin K and fresh frozen plasma was not indicated or medically necessary. Petitioner presented the expert testimony of John W. Kilkenny, III, M.D. Dr. Kilkenny is board-certified in general surgery and has been for 11 years and is currently a professor with the University of Florida College of Medicine, Department of Surgery in Jacksonville, Florida, a position which he has held for the last six years. According to Dr. Kilkenny, Patient D.J.P.'s elevated PT was a cause for concern in that it was an indication that the patient's ability to clot or coagulate was diminished. It is not clear and convincing that the standard of care required that the elevated PT be treated by infusing fresh frozen plasma or Vitamin K. Respondent did not violate Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, by failing to use an alternate vein that would allow visualization of the placement of the shunt. Respondent first attempted to access the right jugular vein to insert the shunt but found it be unusable because it was too scarred. Respondent, acting as a reasonably prudent physician and using sound medical judgment, accessed the right subclavian area to insert the shunt. After the shunt was inserted into he subclavian vein, Respondent claimed he was able to visualize the placement of the shunt by the use of fluoroscopy. Furthermore, the operative notes seemed to indicated that the procedure was performed under fluoroscopic control and the shunt was found to be in position. Therefore, Respondent accessed an appropriate alterative vein-the subclavian vein, which allowed visualization, with the assistance of fluoroscopy, of the placement of the shunt. As to the second issue, Dr. Kilkenny opined that the standard of care requires direct visualization for insertion of the shunt. By not accessing a vein under direct visualization, such as with Respondent's subclavian approach, the surgeon is, in essence, hunting for the vein, and risking damage to the wall of the vein that may not be evident immediately. The rapid rise in CVP from 2 to 14 or 15 was also a concern for Dr. Kilkenny because it was not normal, and did not mean that the shunt was placed correctly of that the shunt was functioning properly. Dr. Kilkenny noted that it was unlikely that the bleeding in the chest cavity was caused by damage to an intercostals vessel when the chest tube was inserted because the chest X-ray that was taken prior to insertion of the chest tube showed a complete opacification of the right side and a shifting of the major vessels within the middle of the chest over to the left side. According to Dr. Kilkenny, the chest X-ray indicated that there had already been some sort of bleeding in the right chest prior to the insertion of the chest tube. Dr. Kilkenny disputed Respondent's theory that Patient D.J.P. died as a result of DIC. Dr. Kilkenny asserted that Respondent fell below the standard lf care in that, given Patient D.J.P.'s rapid decompensation, he failed to consider whether the patient's subclavian vein had been damaged, a condition which could have been addressed surgically. Dr. Yahr opined that Patient D.J.P. died of DIC that occurred within a short period of time after Respondent opened up the shunt and ascitic fluid was introduced into the atrium of the heart. Although Dr. Yahr further admitted that the bleeding in the chest could have occurred as a result of damage to the subclavian vein, and that it was below the standard of care to access the subclavian vein without using fluoroscopy, the evidence is not clear and convincing that either event occurred. It is found that Petitioner has failed to establish by clear and convincing evidence that the standard of care required Respondent to use an access site that allowed direct visualization of the placement of the shunt into the vein, or that Respondent failed to use fluoroscopy in order to directly visualize insertion of the shunt into the subclavian vein. AS TO CASE NO. 01-4407PL On August 22, 1997, Patient H.H., a 55-year-old female, was diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm measuring approximately 4.5 cm transverse diameter and beginning approximately 1-2 cm below an enlargement or swelling, of a blood vessel resulting in a weakening or thinning out of the vessel wall. On November 28, 1997, Patient H.H.'s aneurysm had grown to 5 cm within a three-month period and was occluded with partial thrombosis with a true lumen around 2.7 cm and extended down to the bifurcation of the abdominal iliac. This put the patient at risk for rupture of the aneurysm. Thrombosis is a blood clot within a vessel or within the vascular system. It does not embolize (travel) from another part of the body. It starts in a particular vessel and causes its damage from there. It is an acute clot that occurs in the vessel secondary to stasis (non-moving ) or some kind of coagulation or clotting deficiency or abnormality. Thrombotic activity most often begins by occluding the smaller vessels in the vascular system, such as those smaller veins located in the feet. On December 2, 1997, Patient H.H. first met with Respondent, who performed a complete medical history and physical examination and confirmed the presence of a 5 cm abdominal aneurysm. Patient H.H. was a 55-year-old female who smoked 1- and-a-half packs of cigarettes per day, had a blood pressure of 182/104 despite the fact that she was taking 50 mg Atenolol for hypertension (high blood pressure), and had a 30 percent blockage of the coronary artery. Previously, she had a cardiac catheterization, followed by an angioplasty of the femoral vessel in her left leg. Patient H.H. advised Respondent that her legs gave out on her after she walked two blocks, but that she did not have associated chest pain. Respondent confirmed earlier diagnosis of Patient H.H.'s medical condition as single vessel coronary artery disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm, hypertension, and claudication with femoral occlusive disease. Respondent also found diminished femoral pulses and palpable Dorsal pedal pulses present in both feet. Patient H.H.'s medical records indicated that this smoker of 30 years suffered from diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, intermittent clottication of the leg, hypertension, atherosclerotic disease, hypercoagulopathy, anthithrombin III deficiency, high cholesterol, and diminished protein and pH levels. Respondent prescribed prescription medication, Procardia to lower Patient H.H.'s blood pressure and Zyban to help her stop smoking. He recommended that the patient return in a week for follow-up. On December 15, 1997, Respondent continued to prepare Patient H.H for surgery. He again advised her to stop smoking and to purchase and take medication to help her stop smoking. Patient H.H.'s blood pressure was lower, 144/84, and although she had not purchased or taken the medication, she reduced her smoking down to one-half pack of cigarettes per day. Respondent then advised Patient H.H. to make plans to undergo the abdominal aortic aneurysm ("AAA") repair. Patient H.H. informed Respondent that she wanted to wait a little longer while she made financial arrangements to pay for the surgery. Respondent advised Patient H.H. to completely quit smoking before the surgery and advised her to return in one month for additional preoperative evaluation. On January 12, 1998, Respondent continued to prepare Patient H.H. for surgery by ordering a cardiac clearance (thallium evaluation) of the patient's heart to ensure she could tolerate the surgery before attempting the AAA repair. On February 3, 1998, Patient H.H. presented for the thallium evaluation of the heart and, on February 9, 1998, obtained cardiac clearance for repair of the AAA. On February 11, 1998, Respondent continued to prepare Patient H.H. for AAA surgery and suggested she donate two units of blood which would be used during the surgical procedure. Respondent scheduled AAA repair surgery for March 6, 1998. Respondent advised Patient H.H. of the risks associated with AAA surgery and specifically mentioned the risk of a heart attack, bleeding, kidney damage and loss of legs. He also advised that the risks associated with intra-operative AAA repair include spontaneous rupture, embolization of material from the wall distally, myocardial infarction, bleeding, injury to viscera of the small vessels, devascularization of the colon causing ischemic colitis, death, kidney blockage. Patient H.H. indicated she understood the risks and despite the risks associated with this type of surgical procedure, including the risk of death, she agreed to the procedure. Preoperative testing by angiogram was not required for Patient H.H. The aneurysm was a massive aneurysm presenting a very serious health risk of imminent rupture. The size of Patient H.H.'s aneurysm (5 cm) made AAA repair an emergency in a sense because there was almost a 100 percent chance of rupture with in the next six months. Any findings determined by angiogram would not have changed the outcome of the case because Respondent had to definitively treat the aneurysm first. Additionally, an angiogram is a very expensive test and Patient H.H. expressed a concern about her financial situation with respect to the AAA repair. It is reasonable to not do studies that a physician does not feel are absolutely necessary. The patient's financial concerns are part of the pathology. On March 6, 1998, Patient H.H. was admitted to Winter Haven Hospital and filled out and signed the Special Authorization for Medical and/or Surgical Treatment form indicating her consent to the surgical procedure which Respondent was to perform. She indicated that she understood the risks associated with such surgical procedure. Paragraph two of the informed consent form states in pertinent part: I hereby certify that I have given complete and informed consent for the above named operation and/or procedures, and Dr. L. Thomas has explained to me the reason why the above-named operation and/or procedure are considered appropriate, its advantages and possible complication, if any, as well as possible alternative modes of treatment. I also certify that no guarantee or assurance has been made as to the results that may be obtained. The operative procedure on the consent form was signed by Patient H.H. at 6:10 a.m. on March 6, 1998. Surgery indicated on the consent form was for a resection abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA repair). After Patient H.H. was taken to the operating room and administration of anesthesia began, Respondent performed his routine preoperative check of femoral and pedal pulses. Checking for femoral and pedal pulses is the type of preoperative work-up Respondent routinely performs while he waits for the anesthesia to take its effect on the patient. The operative report indicates that the abdominal aneurysm was "very large" extending quite high within 1-2 cm from the renal vein and down to and involving the common and hypogastric arteries and noted to be "quite saccular" with "impending rupture in the near future at the neck." The common iliacs were noted to be "quite large and aneurysmatic." The external iliacs were soft but extremely small, "approximately 4-5 mm in size, certainly less than half, more like 1/4 the size of a normal iliac" but nevertheless usable vessels to make his anastomosis. As Respondent was bluntly dissecting (separating the tissues using the fingers) the aortic aneurysm from the venous plexus to position his proximal clamp when one of the lumbar veins was encountered and mass bleeding occurred. The venous plexus is a grouping of veins located under the aorta that can best be described as a wagon wheel. The system has a hub and all the veins in the grouping extend outward from the hub. If one of the veins in the grouping is injured, it will bleed heavily, but the bleeding is controllable. The lumbar veins are part of the venous plexus and a tear of the lumbar vein is a known risk during this type of surgery. Patient H.H. suffered the loss of three times the amount of blood as would have been routinely expected. The sudden blood loss caused the patient's condition to rapidly deteriorate. Dr. Wickstrom-Hill, Anesthesiologist, testified that had Respondent not controlled the blood loss, and had not maintained Patient H.H.'s vital signs, she would have died. Using sound medical judgment, Respondent elected to bypass the aneurysmatic common iliacs and make his anastomosis of the graft to the external iliacs in order to not disconnect or separate the aortic or common iliac aneurysms from the iliac vein. This is a very fragile vessel and could have resulted in further massive bleeding and possible death of the patient. A reasonable prudent physician faced with a similar circumstance and situation would not attempt to mobilize the aneurysm further if doing so would cause additional massive blood loss and possible death of the patient. The hypogastric arteries (a/k/a the internal iliacs) serve to provide the pelvic viscera (bladder, rectum, etc.) with blood. During the AAA repair, Respondent performed an embolectomy on both legs following manipulation of the aneurysm. The purpose of this procedure was to remove any debris which may have dislodged from the aneurysm and flowed distally to the legs. The procedure involves running a Fogarty catheter down the femoral arteries as far as the catheter will go, then inflating a balloon located at the end of the catheter. Once the balloon is inflated, the surgeon will extract the catheter, pulling the debris out of the artery. This process is repeated as necessary to remove all debris. Fresh clot was obtained from both legs, indicating a lack of debris. Prior to completing the anastomosis of the bifurcated graft to the aorta and external iliacs respectively, Respondent ran a Fogarty catheter down proximal (back into the graft itself), to remove any debris in the graft itself. Finally, he back-bled the graft (allowed blood to flow out of the graft, to, again, ensure that there existed no debris in the graft). On March 7, 1998, Patient H.H.'s medical condition stabilized such that Respondent felt it safe to return Patient H.H. to the operating room to undergo an additional embolectomy of the legs and an endarterectomy of the right femoral artery. The record demonstrates that Respondent believed he collected embolic debris from the femoral arteries. However, based upon the pathology report and the testimony of Dr. Zeller, the debris removed from Patient H.H. during this procedure was acute blood clots and atherosclerotic plaque. This finding is consistent with thrombotic material and not a result of debris coming from another location as it tends to demonstrate that Patient H.H. had a clotting disorder consistent with her medical history. The record also demonstrates that upon completion of the procedure, Patient H.H. was noted to have excellent pulses in the superficial and profunda femoral arteries distal to the anastomosis with good emptying and filing of the vessels. Before, during, and after the AAA repair, Respondent used Heparin (an anti-clotting drug) in an effort to prevent the formation of clots throughout Patient H.H.'s vascular system. Intraoperatively, on March 3, 1998, Respondent administered 10,000 units of Heparin. Normally a patient will respond to 5,000 units. Despite giving Patient H.H. twice the normal amount of Heparin, Patient H.H. continued to have a lowered clotting time. It is noted in the medical record that Patient H.H. had an Antithrombin III deficiency. Antithrombin III is one of the factors that control how blood in the human body clots. Patient H.H.'s Antithrombin III deficiency is a hereditary defect that contributed significantly to her continued clotting despite the use of pharmacological intervention (substantial amount of Heparin). Respondent testified that in his medical training and experience, Patient H.H.'s Antithrombin III deficiency level was near fatal. Because Patient H.H. was hypercoagulative, thus causing the small vessels to clot off, on March 13, 1998, Patient H.H. underwent bilateral above the knee amputations. Hypercoagulopathy is a tendency to clot without anything being done - the blood just clots. This can be caused by a lower-than- normal blood pressure for a period of time and by having an Antithrombin III deficiency. Respondent observed during the surgery that this patient was hypercoagulative because he could see the blood clotting in the wound despite the fact that Patient H.H. was on twice the normal amount of Heparin. Respondent practiced within the standard of care at all times during the treatment of Patient H.H. Blood-flow going retrograde back into the common and iliac aneurismal sacs did not place Patient H.H. at a risk of rupture. The operative report clearly demonstrates that the aortic aneurysm involved the common iliacs and extended below the hypogastric arteries. The operative report also demonstrates that the external iliacs were extremely small, approximately one-quarter of the normal size. A reasonable and prudent surgeon, faced with a similarly situated patient with a massive sized aneurysm and the extremely small size of the distal external iliacs, would conclude that the pressure gradient now being carried to the graft rather than to the aneurysm would diminish flow to the aneurysms making the possibility of rupture unlikely. Moreover, the aneurysms were filled with calcified atherosclerotic plaque and other thrombotic (non-mobile) material. Dr. Begelman testified that calcified aneurysms do not tend to rupture as much. On direct examination, Dr. Begelman, Petitioner's expert, could not conclusively determine whether Respondent's surgical treatment of Patient H.H. fell below the standard of care and that distal clamping is an intra-operative decision to be made by the surgeon. Dr. Begelman who testified that he accepted Respondent's opinion that the iliacs were too large or too thin walled and could not distally clamp the aneurysm and that such decisions are those made by the surgeon on the case. Drs. Begelman and Seller and Respondent testified that it is usual and customary during this type of surgical procedure to distally clamp the aorta and that it is expected of a reasonable and prudent surgeon to make every attempt to do so. Nevertheless, all three doctors recognized that there are times when you cannot or should not distally clamp if to do so would cause further injury to the patient or death. Patient H.H. presented with very massive aneurysms of both the aorta and common iliacs making distal clamping impossible without sacrificing the hypogastric arteries thus placing Patient H.H. at risk for further injury or death. Petitioner's expert accepted Respondent's assessment of the condition of the iliacs and that Respondent did not want to dissect the iliacs off the iliac vein, which one needs to do in order to tie off distally. Dr. Begelman testified that he could not ascertain whether Respondent fell below the standard of care with respect to Respondent's treatment of Patient H.H. intraoperatively. Respondent acted within the standard of care and, therefore, did not violate Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, when he did not clamp the distal arteries before manipulation of the aneurysm. Respondent did not violate Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, by sewing the bifurcated graft to the external iliacs and making no attempt to disconnect the aneurysm from the common and internal (a/k/a hypogastric) iliacs. The common and internal iliac tissues were also diseased because of their involvement with the aneurysms coupled with the fact that the aneurysm and surrounding tissue was inflamed. Inflammation causes the tissues of the surrounding viscera to become sticky and by that, stick together making separation difficult and more prone to bleeding on manipulation. Normally, the surgeon must bluntly dissect (lift up) the distal end of the aorta in order to place the distal clamps on the aorta below the aneurysm. However, the inflammation present in Patient H.H.'s aorta made it impossible to mobilize (lift up) the distal aorta for clamping because the tissue was stuck to the iliac vein which could have caused Patient H.H. to suffer a lethal blood loss. Normally, blood loss associated with this type of surgery amounts to 500 ccs for the total surgery. Patient H.H. lost 1500 ccs during the manipulation of the aortic aneurysm to place the proximal clamp and a total of 2400 ccs during the entire surgery which represented a blood loss of nearly 25-40 percent respectively of her estimated total blood volume. Respondent used sound medical judgment by making no attempt to dissect the common iliac from the subordinate tissue because, in his training and experience, the separation of tissues would have caused further, possible lethal bleeding. Drs. Begelman and Zeller, experts for Petitioner and Respondent respectively, testified that a reasonably prudent surgeon would not clamp below the common iliacs if to do so would sacrifice the hypogastric arteries and thereby cause irreparable harm or death to the patient. Dr. Zeller testified that the hypogastric arteries are of such importance that not clamping them, even at the risk of embolization, would nevertheless be within the standard of care. Respondent closely monitored Patient H.H. postoperatively. A reasonable and prudent surgeon is not expected to remain in the recovery room with his post-surgical patient until the patient becomes stable. Rather, the reasonable and prudent surgeon is expected to utilize the nursing staff who are charged with attending to the patient and to keep the physician updated on the patient's medical condition. Petitioner's witness, Doris Gutierrez, was the recovery room nurse on duty on March 6, 1998. Her duties included monitoring and reporting changes in Patient H.H.'s condition to Respondent. The record demonstrates that Respondent closely monitored Patient H.H. postoperatively by being in contact with the nursing staff and thereby giving orders for care and treatment to the nursing staff, either by telephone orders ("TO") or in person by verbal orders ("VO") to stabilize the patient. While in the recovery room, Patient H.H. was intubated, on a respirator. Petitioner's witnesses, Doris Gutierrez, confirmed Respondent's monitoring of Patient H.H. when she testified that she called Respondent several times to provide updates on Patient H.H.'s condition. The record demonstrates that postoperatively on March 6, 1998, Respondent wrote his initial order to the nursing staff at 12:30 p.m. while sitting in post-surgical recovery with Patient H.H. Thereafter, Respondent continued to monitor Patient H.H.'s condition and remained in communication with the nursing staff and wrote orders at 1:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 3:25 p.m., 5:00 p.m., 5:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m., and again on March 7, 1998 at 12:24 a.m. Following his TO on March 7, 1998, at 12:24 a.m., Respondent next saw Patient H.H. 7 1/2 hours later, at 8:00 a.m., prior to taking Patient H.H. to the surgery room to perform the endarterectomy and embolectomy. Ms. Gutierrez testified that she does not always note when the doctor comes back into the recovery room to give orders. She could not testify as to events that took place after Patient H.H. was transferred to the Surgical Intensive Care Unit ("SICU"). She also stated she did not know how many times Respondent went to SICU because she did not work in SICU when Patient H.H. was transferred out of the recovery room. Ms. Gutierrez was also unable to testify as to when the last time was that Respondent came to the recovery room. Respondent testified that there is a difference between a TO and a VO, the latter indicating that the physician was present in the room at the time he gave his order to the nurse. The evidence is not clear and convincing that Respondent did not provide appropriate postoperative monitoring of Patient H.H.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Medicine: Enter a final order dismissing with prejudice the Administrative Complaint filed against Respondent in DOAH Case No. 01-4406PL, and DOH Case No. 1994-12341. Enter a final order dismissing with prejudice the Administrative Complaint filed against Respondent in DOAH Case No. 01-4407PL, and DOH Case No. 1999-57795. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of August, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of August, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: William R. Huseman, Esquire Romualdo C. Marquinez, Esquire Huseman, Marquinez & Schlegal, P.A. 6320 St. Augustine Road, Building 12 Jacksonville, Florida 32217 Kim Kluck, Esquire Richard J. Shoop, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration Post Office Box 14229, Mail Stop 39A Tallahassee, Florida 32317-4229 Dr. John O. Agwunobi, Secretary Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 William W. Large, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Tanya Williams, Executive Director Board of Medicine Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.5720.42455.225458.331
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