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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:St. Petersburg, Florida Oct. 04, 2006 Number: 06-003781PL Latest Update: Jun. 01, 2007

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent violated Section 475.25(1)(e) and (1)(m), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 61J2-2.027(2), and, if so, what discipline should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is 58 years old. He is employed full-time as a real estate sales associate. Respondent holds an active real estate sales associate license. His license number is SL706350. The license was issued to Respondent based upon his sworn application for licensure submitted on or about March 14, 2001. Question No. 9 on the license application asked whether Respondent had “ever been convicted of a crime, found guilty, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (no contest), even if [he] received a withhold of adjudication.” The following explanation is provided as part of the question: This question applies to any violation of the laws of any municipality, county, state or nation, including felony, misdemeanor and traffic offenses (but not parking, speeding, inspection, or traffic signal violations), without regard to whether you were placed on probation, had adjudication withheld, were paroled, or pardoned. If you intend to answer “NO” because you believe those records have been expunged or sealed by court order pursuant to Section 943.058, Florida Statutes, or applicable law of another state, you are responsible for verifying the expungement or sealing prior to answering “NO.” (Emphasis supplied) Immediately following Question No. 9 is the following statement in all capital letters: YOUR ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION WILL BE CHECKED AGAINST LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL RECORDS. FAILURE TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION ACCURATELY MAY RESULT IN THE REVOCATION OF YOUR LICENSE OR THE DENIAL OF A REAL ESTATE LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS QUESTION, CONSULT WITH AN ATTORNEY OR THE DIVISION OF REAL ESTATE. Respondent checked the box marked “NO” for Question No. 9 on the application that he submitted. Respondent’s negative answer to Question No. 9 was a material misstatement of his criminal record. On March 27, 1972, Respondent pled guilty to attempted robbery in the third degree in the Erie County Court in New York. The offense was a felony. On May 5, 1972, Respondent was sentenced to five years of probation for that offense. Respondent’s probation was revoked on January 14, 1974, and he was sentenced to “the care and custody of the NY State Narcotic Addiction Control Commission for an indefinite period of 60 months.” The latter sentence ran concurrently with a sentence imposed for another offense, the substance of which is not reflected in the record. On August 3, 1992, the Erie County Court issued a Certificate of Relief From Disabilities to Respondent, which relieved him of “all disabilities and bars to employment, excluding the right to be eligible for public office.” The certificate expressly states that it “shall NOT be deemed nor construed to be a pardon,” and it is limited to the “crime or offense specified [t]herein.” The Certificate of Relief From Disabilities makes no mention of expungement or sealing of the records related to the enumerated offense. The only offense enumerated in the Certificate of Relief From Disabilities is the third degree attempted robbery conviction with a sentence date of May 5, 1972. No other offenses are mentioned. On February 18, 1993, the New York Executive Department, Board of Parole, issued a Certificate of Good Conduct to Respondent. The certificate referenced three offenses: the third degree attempted robbery conviction discussed above; a second degree robbery conviction with a sentence date of May 8, 1975; and a federal distribution of heroine conviction with a sentence date of May 1, 1978. The purpose of the Certificate of Good Conduct was to “remove all legal bars and disabilities to employment, license and privilege except those pertaining to firearms . . . and except the right to be eligible for public office.” The certificate states that it “shall be considered permanent.” The Certificate of Good Conduct makes no mention of expungement or sealing of the records related to the enumerated offenses. Respondent testified that his negative answer to Question No. 9 was based upon his understanding of the legal effect of the Certificate of Relief from Disabilities and the Certificate of Good Conduct. Specifically, Respondent testified that although he understood that the certificates did not “remove” his criminal history or expunge his records, it was his understanding that the certificates provided him a “safe harbor” to answer “no” to Question No. 9 because all legal bars to employment had been removed by the certificates. Respondent’s understanding regarding the legal effect of the certificates and his obligation to disclose his prior offenses based upon the certificates was based, in part, on advice he received from an attorney in New York. Respondent knew that the Department would learn of his criminal history through the background check based upon the fingerprint card that he submitted with his license application, and he credibly testified that he did not intend to mislead the Department regarding his criminal history through his negative answer to Question No. 9. Respondent was unaware at the time he submitted his license application that the Department and/or the Florida Real Estate Commission (Commission) processed applications in which no criminal history was disclosed differently than applications in which a criminal history is disclosed.2 Respondent’s understanding regarding the legal effect of the certificates was erroneous. Respondent acknowledged as much in his testimony at the final hearing (Tr. 54) and in his PRO (at ¶29). The record does not establish precise legal effect of the certificates,3 but it is inferred that the certificates restore the civil rights that Respondent lost due to his felony convictions. It is also inferred that the reason that the Certificate of Good Conduct does not mention Respondent’s misdemeanor offenses (See Endnote 5) even though it was issued after those offenses is because misdemeanor convictions typically do not result is the loss of civil rights as is the case with felony convictions.4 Neither of the certificates expunge or seal any of Respondent’s criminal records and, contrary to his understanding at the time, the certificates did not excuse Respondent from disclosing his criminal offenses in response to Question No. 9 on the license application. The evidence clearly and convincingly establishes that Respondent was convicted of third degree attempted robbery, a felony, in 1972; that the offense was not sealed or expunged; and that Respondent failed to disclose that conviction on his license application when he answered “no” to Question No. 9.5 The evidence does not clearly and convincingly establish that Respondent intentionally misrepresented or fraudulently concealed his criminal history from the Department by answering “no” to Question No. 9.6 To contrary, the evidence establishes that Respondent’s negative answer to Question No. 9 was based upon his good faith, albeit erroneous belief, that he was not required to disclose his prior criminal offenses in light of the Certificate of Relief from Disabilities and/or the Certificate of Good Conduct. It has been 34 years since Respondent’s third degree attempted robbery conviction, which is the basis of the Administrative Complaint. It has been more than 18 years since Respondent’s last criminal offense, which was a misdemeanor petit larceny offense. All of Respondent’s criminal offenses occurred in the state of New York. He has remained out of trouble with the law since he came to Florida in 2000. Respondent has not been the subject of any disciplinary action, other than this proceeding, since receiving his license. Respondent did not present the testimony of any character witnesses, but he credibly testified that he has completely turned his life around since the time of his criminal offenses in New York. Respondent served in the U.S. Air Force Security Service in Viet Nam. He was honorably discharged. Respondent was licensed as a mental health counselor in New York and Virginia prior to coming to Florida and obtaining his real estate sales associate license. Respondent testified that he was required to disclose his criminal background and undergo a background check in order to obtain those licenses; that he did not disclose his criminal background on the license applications based upon his understanding of the certificates described above; that his criminal background was not an issue to the licensing agencies in New York and Virginia, even though it was not disclosed on his license applications; and that this experience (along with the advice he received from the attorney in New York) led him to believe that his criminal records were sealed and need not be disclosed. Respondent offered no evidence to corroborate this self-serving testimony, and it is given very little weight because it is unknown how, if at all, the disclosure requirements and licensure regimes for mental health counselors in New York and Virginia compare with the disclosure requirements and licensure regime for real estate sales associates in Florida.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission issue a final order that: finds Respondent not guilty of violating Section 475.25(1)(m), Florida Statutes (Count I of the Administrative Complaint); finds Respondent guilty of violating Florida Administrative Code Rule 61J2-2.027(2) and, hence, Section 475.25(1)(e), Florida Statutes (Count II of the Administrative Complaint); imposes an administrative fine of $1,000; suspends Respondent’s license for 30 days; places Respondent on probation for one year after the end of the suspension period; and imposes the costs related to the investigation and prosecution of this case, excluding costs associated with an attorney’s time. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of December, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S T. KENT WETHERELL, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st of December, 2006.

Florida Laws (10) 120.569120.60455.01455.225455.227475.021475.17475.2590.404940.05
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Shalimar, Florida Aug. 31, 1989 Number: 89-004699 Latest Update: Dec. 20, 1990

Findings Of Fact At all pertinent times, respondent Bobbie G. Scheffer, who holds license No. 0073955, was a real estate broker for Rivard Realty, Inc. in Fort Walton Beach, Florida; and Ralph S. Ecoff was a licensed real estate salesman, employed by Rivard Realty, Inc. He holds license No. 0454969. In the spring of 1988, another salesman in the employ of Rivard Realty, Inc., Wayne Thompson, obtained the listing for the three-bedroom, one-story house at 28 East Casa Loma Drive in Mary Esther, Florida, from its then corporate owner, Roman Acts, Inc. He received information about the property from a representative of the corporation. Without verifying the information, Mr. Thompson entered it into a computer. Misled by the owner's representative, he reported the house's age as eight years. Respondent's Exhibit No. 7. In fact, the house had been built in 1974. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 4. A public water supply serves the house, but a septic tank, not a public sewer, receives wastewater from the house. Aware of these matters, Mr. Thompson, when confronted with a blank on a form labelled "WATR/SEW", filled in "Pub. Wat." Respondent's Exhibit No. 7. No more than another letter or two could have been squeezed into the blank on the form displayed on a computer video terminal. Respondent Ralph S. Ecoff saw the house in the course of showing it to prospective buyers, and decided to buy it himself. After a representative of Roman Acts, Inc. accepted his offer (but before the closing), Mr. Ecoff and a partner set about refurbishing the house. Mr. Ecoff, a septuagenarian who bought the house with the intention of reselling it, finds computers intimidating. Still another real estate salesman in the employ of Rivard Realty, Inc., Steve Kehran, volunteered to enter a revised listing in the multiple listing service computer, to let it be known that the property was again for sale. As instructed by Mr. Ecoff, Mr. Kehran raised the price and "changed the blurbage" (to read "EVERYTHING NEW AGAIN. COMPARES WITH NEW HOME. LOW INTEREST RATE," etc.) Petitioner's Exhibit No. 11. In keeping with Mr. Ecoff's instructions, Kehran relied on the superseded listing for other information about the house. That is why the age of the house was again inaccurately reported as eight years. Extrapolating innocently but inaccurately from the earlier listing's "Pub. Wat.," Mr. Kehran assumed public sewers accompanied the public water supply and filled in the "WATER/SEW" blank with the abbreviation "Comm Sew." Petitioner's Exhibit No. 11. Mr. Ecoff had read the listing from which Mr. Kehran took the information but, he testified, he did not read it carefully. Whether he read over what Mr. Kehran wrote at any time before the Stacys complained of the inaccuracies is not clear. Mr. Ecoff has said all along that he was aware the property had a septic tank. He testified to this effect at hearing and also testified that he was aware the house was more than eight years old when the Stacys agreed to buy it. If he had read the listing Mr. Kehran entered in the computer for him with proper care and due regard for the importance of its accuracy, he would have discovered the misinformation it contained. Although Mr. Stacy had physical possession of a multiple listing sheet bearing the information Mr. Kehran introduced into the computer data bank at Mr. Ecoff's behest, while he and his wife drove around with Ms. Scheffer, looking at houses, and may well have read it at that time, the evidence did not show that either Ms. Scheffer or Mr. Ecoff reiterated the information verbally. (It was not clear whether Mr. Stacy retained the sheet Ms. Scheffer furnished him after seeing the house.) Engaged by a mortgage company, an appraiser who was familiar with the neighborhood reported the true age of the house, but put its "effective age" at ten years, after two visits to the property. The appraiser's report, which recited inaccurately, as the listing had, that a public sewer served the property, was furnished to the mortgage company that financed the Stacys' purchase. Once the report reached the mortgage company, it was available to the Stacys, although they did not in fact see it, as far as the evidence showed, before the closing, which took place on August 24, 1988. On or before January 1, 1991, Mr. and Mrs. Stacy will be required to cause pipe to be installed to connect the house to a public sewer main, itself yet to be laid. Mr. Stacy has been told the hook-up will cost $1,600.00 over and above the $600.00 it will cost to install the connector. Even so, the evidence did not establish that the house's dependence on a septic tank affected its market value in 1988. The evidence also failed to show that the house's age materially affected its value. Ms. Scheffer encourages salespersons in her employ to take advantage of courses the local Board of Realtors offers, and scheduled Mr. Ecoff for every such course available. She has not personally instructed salespeople to verify information sellers give them by independent inspection. Perhaps because the practice of relying on sellers' representations is widespread, the multiple listing sheets all bear the disclaimer, "INFORMATION DEEMED RELIABLE, BUT NOT GUARANTEED." The evidence did not show how carefully Ms. Scheffer read the inaccurate listing that salesmen in her employ generated, or that she would have been or should have been aware of the inaccuracies, however carefully she had examined the listing. Although Mr. Ecoff said he knew there was a septic tank on the property because the grass was so green in part of the backyard, Mr. Stacy testified that the septic tank is buried in front of the house. It was not proven that even an experienced real estate broker like Ms. Scheffer should necessarily infer an actual age of more than eight from an effective age of ten years. In short, the evidence did not clearly and convincingly demonstrate that respondent Scheffer actually knew or had reason to know the listing was inaccurate.

Recommendation It is, in accordance with Rule 21V-18.008, Florida Administrative Code, recommended: That petitioner suspend respondent Ecoff's license for thirty (30) days. That petitioner dismiss the administrative complaint, insofar as it alleges that respondent Scheffer violated Section 475.25(1)(b), Florida Statutes (1989). RECOMMENDED this 20th day of December, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of December, 1990.

Florida Laws (1) 475.25
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Aug. 23, 2007 Number: 07-003798 Latest Update: Dec. 19, 2007

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner's real estate broker's license application should be approved or denied.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Rhonda S. Dietz, is a 36-year-old woman who currently holds a real estate sales associate's license. She was first licensed by the State of Florida in December 2001 and has held her license in good standing since that time. At the time Petitioner obtained her sales associate license, she disclosed in her application that she had a criminal background. That background included two grand larcenies, possession of a controlled substance, failure to appear, violation of probation, and obtaining property with a worthless check. Each of the offenses will be further discussed below. Despite the criminal history, Respondent approved Petitioner's sales associate's license, and Petitioner has been selling real estate for the past six years. In 2006, Petitioner first applied for a real estate broker's license. Petitioner maintains that in her 2006 application, she disclosed each of the aforementioned events in her criminal history.1 Nonetheless, her application was denied. In May 2007, Petitioner again filed an application for a real estate broker's license. That application clearly contained documentary evidence of her entire criminal history. The events in that history are hereby discussed: The first grand larceny in Petitioner's background was related to the purchase of goods from a K-Mart in 1994 with a bad check belonging to a roommate. Upon discovering the check was bad, Petitioner immediately turned herself in, made restitution, and paid court costs. She was sentenced to five years' probation for that charge. The second grand larceny involved allegations in 1994 by Petitioner's then-current roommates that Petitioner stole property from them when she moved out of the residence. Although Petitioner denied the charge because the claim was merely retaliation by her roommates for moving out, she agreed to a plea bargain at the advice of counsel. Again, she was given five years' probation and made to pay restitution. In 1998, Petitioner was charged with possession of a controlled substance: a vial of testosterone and some pain pills. She explained that these drugs came from a pharmacy where she was working. The pharmacy specialized in treatment of AIDS patients. She had the drugs in her possession so she could turn them over to a medical group that could disperse them to AIDS patients. The pharmacy supported Petitioner and paid for her defense against the possession charge. Petitioner was sentenced to 24 months' probation, court costs, and 50 hours of community service for that charge. Petitioner also had a probation violation in 1998 for failing to appear and for failing to pay a fine related to one of the aforementioned charges. She did not pay the fine due to lack of funds. She failed to appear due to lack of notice. She was placed on ten months' house arrest for the violation of probation. Petitioner met all other conditions of her probation and has not had any criminal activity since the charges listed above. She does not deny the existence of her prior criminal history and has not attempted to hide it from Respondent. When Petitioner applied for a broker's license in 2005, she filed an application that included her criminal history. The application disclosed all of the charges addressed above. Respondent confirmed the charges by referring to a Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) report. When Petitioner re-applied in 2007, she personally obtained a FDLE report on her criminal background, which she submitted along with her application. Again, she listed all of her prior history in the application. There is no competent evidence to suggest otherwise. Since the time of her last criminal charge, Petitioner has been gainfully employed. She has worked in an office doing medical billing, in a pharmacy, and as a real estate agent. In her current position, she has been entrusted with large sums of money for clients. She has had no adverse employment actions taken against her. Her co-workers state that she has good moral character and is trustworthy. Petitioner has passed the classroom work needed to become a broker; her application for licensure will complete that process. Meanwhile, she continues to sell real estate and is involved in an investor monitoring program. The broker's license will simply allow Petitioner to make a career move by expanding her capabilities in the area of real estate sales. Respondent did not call any witnesses at the final hearing and did not refute or rebut the facts as stated by Petitioner.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Florida Real Estate Commission granting Petitioner's application for a real estate broker's license. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of October, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S R. BRUCE MCKIBBEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of October, 2007.

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57455.201475.17475.25
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-004504 Latest Update: Mar. 15, 1988

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent has been a licensed real estate salesman in the state of Florida having been issued License No. 0341212. The last license issued to Respondent is delinquent, and Respondent's license is in an involuntary inactive status. On or about October 28, 1986, the Respondent, while holding a delinquent involuntary inactive license as a salesman in the employ of KSP Real Estate Corporation and Mortgage Services (hereinafter "KSP"), did prepare an offer to purchase (a sales contract) on behalf of Emma L. Brown, Mary L. Howard and Betty F. Howard, as purchasers, for certain real property which was listed for sale with Lucy Charles of Homes by Charles of South Florida. Respondent received in trust $500 as an earnest money deposit which was to be placed in the KSP escrow account. In connection therewith, Respondent represented in the sales contract that, as president of KSP, he was acting as an escrow agent and that the $500 was to be held in escrow pending the outcome of the transaction. KSP is not and has not been a corporation registered as a broker with the Department of Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate. Although the contract called for a closing within 120 days from the delivery of the abstract, the transaction did not close. At no time was the $500 placed in a KSP escrow account as was represented in the sales contract Respondent prepared. Respondent expected to be paid all or part of $2,640 as compensation for his services, calculated as 3% of the sales price of $88,000, as reflected in the sales contract. Respondent prepared and presented the sales contract offer to Lucy Charles of Homes by Charles representing himself to be a real estate broker. The purchasers had previously submitted an offer on the same property through Rickenback Associates, Inc. That offer was not contingent on FHA financing and on the purchasers refinancing their current home. When they showed that offer to their long-time friend, the Respondent, he prepared the sales contract in question in an attempt to re-negotiate the purchasers' then- outstanding offer so they could obtain the terms they wanted which had not been included by Rickenback Associates, Inc.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered finding Respondent guilty of Counts I and II of the Administrative Complaint and suspending Respondent's real estate salesman license for a period of six (6) months. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 15th day of March, 1988, at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of March, 1988. COPIES FURNISHED: Darlene F. Keller, Executive Director Division of Real Estate Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 Kenneth A. Ratliff 813 Northwest 107th Street Miami, Florida 33168 James H. Gillis, Esquire Division of Real Estate Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 William O'Neil, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750

Florida Laws (3) 120.57475.25475.42
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002616 Latest Update: Mar. 09, 1984

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a licensed real estate salesman having been issued license number 0200291. He was licensed as a real estate salesman in the employ of broker John Wesley Bridwell at all times material to these proceedings. In early 1982, Respondent came into possession of bank checks totaling $1,275 belonging to his employing broker John Bridwell and which appeared to carry the signature of Bridwell as payor. Respondent deposited these checks in various bank accounts opened and maintained by Respondent. Respondent knew the checks were stolen at the time be deposited the checks into his bank accounts. On August 11, 1982, Respondent was arrested by the Seminole County Sheriff's Department, Sanford, Florida, on the charge of depositing stolen checks with intent to defraud. Respondent confessed to this charge, and on April 15, 1983, adjudication was withheld in the Circuit Court, Seminoles County, Florida, Case No. 32-1250 CFA. Respondent was sentenced to thirty days confinement followed by ten weekends of confinement in the Seminole County Jail, ordered to make restitution of the $1,275, pay fines exceeding $1,500, and perform 200 hours of community service work.

Recommendation From the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a Final Order finding Respondent guilty as charged in the three counts of the Administrative Complaint, and revoking his real estate license. DONE and ENTERED this 18th day of January, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of January, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Frederick H. Wilson, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 Brian D. Rist 3181 Harbado's Ct. Apopka, Florida 32803 Harold Huff, Director Division of Real Estate Department of Professional Regulation Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 Fred M. Roche, Secretary Department of professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 475.25
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Mar. 24, 2017 Number: 17-001855 Latest Update: Feb. 23, 2018

The Issue Whether Petitioner’s application for licensure as a real estate broker should be approved or denied.

Findings Of Fact Based on the testimony and documentary evidence presented in this proceeding, the following Findings of Fact are found: Respondent is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of real estate in the State of Florida, pursuant to section 20.165, chapters 455 and 475, Florida Statutes. Petitioner seeks to obtain a real estate broker license to practice real estate in Florida. Petitioner is a resident of the State of Utah and has held an active real estate broker license in Utah for at least 24 months during the preceding five years from the date of his application. In 2003, Petitioner was first licensed in Utah as a real estate sales agent. On February 12, 2007, Petitioner was issued a real estate broker license, and his limited-liability company, Ultimate Homes of Utah, LLC, was licensed as a real estate company in Utah. On July 28, 2016, Petitioner submitted an on-line application for a Florida real estate broker license. The application included a section which requested background information. Question No. 1, one of the four questions on the application, requested information about Petitioner’s criminal history. Specifically, Question No. 1 requested in pertinent part the following: “Have you ever been convicted or found guilty of, or entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in any jurisdiction, or are you currently under criminal investigation?” The application also directed applicants, who responded “yes” to Question No. 1, to provide details regarding any criminal offense, including description of the offense, offense type, penalty or disposition, and whether sanctions have been satisfied for each offense. In his application, Petitioner answered Question No. 1 affirmatively. He disclosed that he plead guilty to one count of aggravated sexual abuse of a child, a first-degree felony, on July 5, 1995. The criminal offense occurred in Utah. Further details of the criminal offense will be discussed below. Petitioner appeared, pro se, at the December 14, 2016, Commission meeting where his application was considered. On January 12, 2017, Respondent entered a NOID, which stated a number of grounds for the intent to deny Petitioner’s application. Respondent’s NOID recited key findings of fact 1 and 4, and key conclusions of law D, G, and M, as grounds for its proposed denial of Petitioner’s application. Those key findings and conclusions, as set forth on the Key for License Denials, attached to Respondent’s NOID, are as follows: Crimes in Application. Applicant’s criminal record is as revealed in application. * * * 4. Unpersuasive Testimony. Applicant’s testimony or evidence in explanation/mitigation was unpersuasive. * * * D. Having been denied licensure or having a license to practice any regulated business, profession or vocation, for conduct which would constitute a violation of this Chapter. 475.1791)[sic], 475.181 F.S. * * * G. Convicted or found guilty or entered a plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime which directly relates to activities of a licensed broker or sales associate or involves moral turpitude or fraudulent or dishonest dealing. 475.25(1)(f), 475.181 F.S. * * * M. The Commission concludes that it would be a breach of its duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public to license this applicant and thereby provide him easy access to the homes, families or personal belongings of the citizens of Florida. 455.201, F.S. Regarding the circumstances of Petitioner’s criminal offense, on December 13, 1994, an Information was filed by the County Attorney for Circuit Court of Davis County, State of Utah, which charged Petitioner with three counts as follows: Count One: rape of a child, a first degree felony: On or about July 30, 1993, Petitioner engaged in sexual intercourse with a child under 14 years of age. Count Two: Sodomy Upon a Child, a first degree felony: On or about July 30, 1993, Petitioner engaged in a sexual act involving the genitals of the actor and the child under the age of 14 and the mouth or anus of either person. Count Three: Rape of a Child, a first degree felony: On or about August 13, 1993, Petitioner had sexual intercourse with a child who is under the age of 14. The victim involved in the criminal offense was a 13-year-old female, while Petitioner was 21 years old. Petitioner ultimately pled guilty to one count of aggravated sexual abuse of a child. On July 5, 1995, Petitioner was sentenced to an indeterminate term of three years to life, fined $2,000, and ordered to pay restitution for costs of the victim’s counseling. The court also recommended that Petitioner participate in a specialized sex offender treatment program. Petitioner served four years’ imprisonment, followed by five years of parole. Petitioner was released from prison in 1999. Following Petitioner’s release from prison, he was required to register as a sex offender and remained on the registry until October 10, 2015. At hearing, Petitioner expressed remorse for his actions, and acknowledged that the facts of the offense were accurately described in the filed Information. According to Petitioner, the events giving rise to the criminal offense began with his childhood. Petitioner described his childhood as one where he did not have a close relationship with his parents and did not receive affection from them. That lack of affection affected him to the extent that he was “love-starved.” Petitioner explained that “when he was 21 years old, a 13-year- old girl expressed interest in him and he made the mistake of pursing her as a love interest.” After his release from prison, Petitioner worked in the food service industry until he lost his job in 2002. Thereafter, he pursued a career working in real estate. During the time Petitioner has held a real estate license in Utah, he has earned various certifications related to real estate including, e-Pro Certification (2004), Distressed Property Expert (2011-2012), Short Sales and Foreclosure Resource Certification, and Residential Specialist Certification. Petitioner was given the opportunity to submit letters of recommendation to show evidence of his reputation, honesty, truthfulness, trustworthiness, and good character. Petitioner offered several letters from past customers and business partners to attest to his work ethic, responsibility, and trustworthiness in real estate dealings. Those letters are of limited value as it relates to moral turpitude and rehabilitation because the authors of the letters had no knowledge of Petitioner’s criminal history. Petitioner’s testimony regarding his otherwise blemish-free criminal history since the incident, employment history, and achievements since the criminal offense is found to be credible. Petitioner acknowledged in his testimony at the final hearing that what he did in 1993 was wrong. He has not attempted to hide the incident from Respondent as he disclosed the details of the incident on his application. It is undisputed that he completed a sex offender treatment program, completed his probation, and was released from the requirement to register on the Utah sex offender registry in 2015. Furthermore, there is no evidence that Petitioner has been involved in any criminal activity since the criminal offense in 1993, nearly 25 years ago. In his testimony, Petitioner also highlighted his qualifications as a broker, which were corroborated by the letters of support from Petitioner’s former clients that were offered at the hearing. Petitioner is a father of three children, has been married for more than 20 years, has been a licensed real estate broker in the state of Utah for 14 years, and has not exhibited a pattern or practice of violations before or after the incident in 1993. Rather, the incident in 1993 stands alone as the only blemish on Petitioner’s record. No evidence was presented at hearing of any prior discipline against Respondent’s license in any jurisdiction.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Real Estate issue a final order approving Victor Rothaar’s application for licensure as a real estate broker. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of July, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S YOLONDA Y. GREEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of July, 2017.

Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.5720.165455.201475.17475.180475.181475.25
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jun. 11, 1998 Number: 98-002687 Latest Update: Mar. 23, 1999

The Issue An Administrative Complaint dated May 20, 1998, alleges that Respondent James Collins, violated Section 475.25(1)(m), Florida Statutes, when he falsely stated on an application for licensure that he had never pled guilty to, nor was convicted of a crime. The issue for disposition is whether that violation (obtaining a license by means of fraud, misrepresentation, or concealment) occurred, and if so, what discipline is appropriate.

Findings Of Fact James Collins has been an active real estate salesperson in Florida since July 28, 1994, having been issued license No. 0614229. On his application for licensure dated January 22, 1994, Mr. Collins answered "no" to this question no. 9: Have you ever been convicted of a crime, found guilty, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (no contest), even if adjudication was withheld? This question applies to any violation of the laws of any municipality, county, state or nation, including traffic offenses (but not parking, speeding, inspection, or traffic signal violations), without regard to whether you were placed on probation, had adjudication withheld, paroled, or pardoned. If you intend to answer "NO" because you believe those records have been expunged or sealed by court order pursuant to section 943.058, Florida Statutes, or applicable law of another state, you are responsible for verifying the expungement or sealing prior to answering "NO." If you answered "Yes," attach the details including dates and outcome, including any sentence and conditions imposed, in full on a separate sheet of paper. Your answer to this question will be checked against local, state and federal records. Failure to answer this question accurately could cause denial of licensure. If you do not fully understand this question, consult with an attorney or the Division of Real Estate. In addition, he executed this affidavit statement on the application form: . . . The above named, and undersigned, applicant for licensure as a real estate salesperson under the provisions of Chapter 475, Florida Statutes, as amended, upon being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)(he) is the person so applying, that (s)(he) has carefully read the application, answers, and the attached statements, if any, and that all such answers and statements are true and correct, and are as complete as his/her knowledge, information and records permit, without any evasions or mental reservations whatsoever; that (s)(he) knows of no reason why this application should be denied; and (s)(he) further extends this affidavit to cover all amendments to this application or further statements to the Division or its representatives, by him/her in response to inquiries concerning his/her qualifications. The response by Mr. Collins to question no. 9 failed to disclose that on September 18, 1978, he pled guilty to possession of not more than 5 grams of cannabis, a misdemeanor. His plea was in writing and he did not attend court. On September 21, 1978, he was adjudged guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $495, plus costs totaling $37.75. His attorney paid the fine. The plea was the outcome of Mr. Collins' arrest for possession of controlled substance, Section 893.13, Florida Statutes, on April 21, 1978, at the Orlando International Airport. He was 28 years old at the time of arrest and 29 years old upon sentencing. At hearing, Mr. Collins' explanation of his arrest was that he and some friends were at the airport getting ready to fly to Ft. Lauderdale. The security check lady found a "little bit of marijuana," "less than a tenth of a gram of marijuana," in his carry-on bag. He was arrested and put in a holding room at the airport and did not make the flight to Ft. Lauderdale. He also explained that he was on crutches after having broken his hip playing racquetball and was taking pain medication. Mr. Collins further explained that he contacted an attorney, James Russ, a friend of the family, who wanted $10,000 to "make it go away." Mr. Collins did not have that money so he contacted another attorney, Richard Rhodes, who advised him to plead guilty. According to Mr. Collins, he remembered none of this incident until confronted by the Division of Real Estate. Then, in 1997, at the invitation of a Division staff person, Ms. Atkinson, Mr. Collins wrote a letter explaining the circumstances. His letter, dated December 16, 1997, tells a somewhat different story from that given at the hearing: . . . I was charged with possession of 1/10 of a gram of cannabis that was on the ground beside me and about 1000 other people, O.I.A. [illegible]. My attorney, James M. Russ told me just to plead guilty to possession of less than 5 grams of cannabis. It would be a lot cheaper than going to court. He told me to just forget about this and go on with your life and that is exactly what I have done. I paid a fine-no probation. I never even went to court. The only person I saw was James Russ and that is exactly what I've done until your letter came. (Petitioner's Exhibit No. 4.) . . . Except for the amount of marijuana, the police report was more consistent with Mr. Collins' letter than with his account at the hearing. That is, according to the apprehending officer, Mr. Collins fled a search of his shoe, ran to the airport main entrance and starting shaking a bag of marijuana on the sidewalk, where he was apprehended. A letter from attorney Richard Rhodes and the written plea document confirm that it was Mr. Rhodes, not James Russ, who represented Mr. Collins in the airport matter. Mr. Collins averred that he simply forgot the arrest and plea when he filled out his licensure application. In explaining the oversight he also added that he felt comfortable with his "no" answer because he had passed the FBI fingerprint check. Mr. Collins' explanations of the circumstances of his arrest and subsequent guilty plea are inconsistent and evasive. His lack of candor in these matters contributes to the non- credibility of his excuse that he simply forgot the incident altogether when he was filling out his licensure application. In recent years Mr. Collins has been active in his church and his daughter's school. She is 16 years old and he is her sole support, as her mother, his wife, died 7 years ago. In the 4 1/2 years that he has been licensed there have been no other complaints related to Mr. Collins' practice of real estate.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby, RECOMMENDED: that the Florida Real Estate Commission enter its Final Order finding that Respondent violated Section 475.25(1)(m), Florida Statutes, and revoking his real estate license. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of December, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of December, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Laura McCarthy, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation Division of Real Estate 400 West Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 Frederick Wilsen, Jr., Esquire Gillis and Wilsen 1999 West Colonial Drive, Suite 211 Orlando, Florida 32804 James Kimbler, Acting Division Director Division of Real Estate Department of Business and Professional Regulation 400 West Robinson Street Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802-1900 Lynda L. Goodgame, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Center Tallahassee, Florida 32399

Florida Laws (3) 455.225475.25893.13 Florida Administrative Code (1) 61J2-24.001
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Oct. 11, 2016 Number: 16-005873 Latest Update: Aug. 07, 2017

The Issue The issue in this matter is whether the Florida Real Estate Commission may deny Petitioner’s application for a license as a real estate sales associate, and, if so, whether it is appropriate to do so based on the underlying facts.

Findings Of Fact The Commission is the state agency charged with licensing real estate sales associates in Florida. See § 475.161, Fla. Stat. On January 21, 2016, Petitioner applied to the Commission for a license as a real estate sales associate. In her application, Petitioner dutifully divulged that on December 12, 2002, the Commission revoked her real estate broker’s license. On August 16, 2016, the Commission issued a Notice of Intent to Deny notifying Petitioner that it denied her application for a sales associate license. The Commission denied Petitioner’s application based on its finding that Petitioner’s broker’s license was previously revoked by the Commission in 2002. At the final hearing, Petitioner explained the circumstances that led to her broker’s license revocation. In 2000, a Commission investigator audited her real estate trust account. The audit uncovered information that Petitioner failed to timely transfer a $1,000 deposit and properly reconcile her escrow account. Petitioner disclosed that a sales contract she was handling required the buyers to deposit $1,000 with her as the broker. The sale fell through, and the buyers did not close on the house. In May, 2000, the buyers demanded Petitioner transfer the deposit within 15 business days. Petitioner, however, did not forward the deposit out of her escrow account until four months later in September 2000. Based on this incident, the Commission alleged that Petitioner failed to account for delivered funds; failed to keep an accurate account of all trust fund transactions; failed to take corrective action to balance her escrow account; and filed a false report in violation of sections 475.25(1)(d)1, 475.25(1)e, 475.25(1)(l), 475.25(1)(b) and Florida Administrative Code Rule 61J2-14.012(2). Based on the charges, the Commission ordered Petitioner’s real estate broker’s license permanently revoked. Petitioner stressed that she did not steal the buyers’ money. Her mistake was in not timely transferring the deposit from her trust account. Petitioner asserted that she simply lost track of the funds. At the final hearing, Petitioner accepted full responsibility for her mismanagement. At the final hearing, Petitioner expressed that she first entered the Florida real estate industry in 1982 when she became a licensed real estate sales associate. In 1987, she obtained her broker's license. She subsequently purchased a Century 21 franchise. She conducted her real estate business until 2002 when her broker’s license was revoked. Petitioner explained that she is not seeking another broker’s license from the Commission. Instead, she is just applying for another sales associate license. Petitioner described the difference between a sales associate and a broker.5/ Petitioner stated that a sales associate works directly under, and is supervised by, a broker. The sales associate interacts with prospective buyers and sellers, negotiates sales prices, and accompanies clients to closings. Regarding financial transactions, however, the broker, not the sales associate, processes all funds related to a real estate sale. The broker, not the sales associate, transfers funds into and out of escrow accounts. In other words, the error Petitioner committed as a broker in 2000 could not happen again if she was granted a sales associate license. Petitioner further testified that during the time she worked as a sales associate, she was involved in the sale of approximately 100 houses. Petitioner represented that she never received any complaints or criticisms from any of her clients. Petitioner relayed that she became motivated to return to the real estate business following her husband’s death in 2015. Petitioner expressed that she was very good at selling houses. Real estate is her passion. She voiced that she eats, sleeps, walks, and talks real estate. Despite her misstep in 2000, Petitioner declared that she is a very honest and hardworking person. She just wants another chance to work in the profession that she loves. Currently, Petitioner works for a charitable organization. She helps administer and manage the charity’s finances. Petitioner represented that she has never failed to meet her financial responsibilities. She has always accounted for all of the funds for which she is entrusted (approximately $8 million since she began working for the charity over 20 years ago). No evidence indicates that Petitioner has committed any crimes or violated any laws since her broker’s license was revoked in 2002. At the final hearing, Petitioner presented three witnesses who testified in favor of her receiving a sales associate license. All three witnesses proclaimed that Petitioner is trustworthy, of good character, maintains high moral values, and is spiritually strong. The witnesses, who know Petitioner both personally and professionally, opined that she is honest, truthful, and has an excellent reputation for fair dealing. All three witnesses declared that the public would not be endangered if the Commission granted Petitioner’s application for licensure. Petitioner also produced six letters of support. These letters assert that Petitioner is an honorable and trustworthy person. Based on the competent substantial evidence presented at the final hearing, the preponderance of the evidence provides the Commission sufficient legal grounds to deny Petitioner’s application. Consequently, Petitioner failed to meet her burden of establishing that she is entitled to a license as a real estate sales associate. However, as discussed below, Petitioner demonstrated that she is rehabilitated from the incident which led to the revocation of her broker’s license in 2002. Therefore, the Commission may, in its discretion, grant Petitioner’s application (with restrictions) pursuant to sections 475.25(1) and 455.227(2)(f).

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Florida Real Estate Commission has the legal authority to deny Petitioner’s application for licensure. However, based on the underlying facts in this matter, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Real Estate Commission enter a final order granting Petitioner’s application for a license as a real estate sales associate. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of May, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BRUCE CULPEPPER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of May, 2017.

Florida Laws (13) 120.57120.60455.01455.227475.01475.011475.161475.17475.180475.181475.25721.2095.11
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-001372 Latest Update: Jan. 20, 1981

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a licensed barber in the State of New York where he has 30 years experience in men's hair styling. He also maintains a residence in Pompano Beach, Florida. Petitioner was convicted of attempted grand larceny, third degree, in the State of New York in 1978. The offense involved assisting his employee in attempting to defraud an insurance company. Petitioner was fined $350 for committing this offense, which is a Class A misdemeanor. He was issued a Certificate of Relief from Disabilities by the State of New York on September 25, 1978. A licensed Florida real estate broker and a building contractor testified on behalf of Petitioner. The broker has known Petitioner for over five years and trusts him sufficiently to employ him in her realty business if he is granted a real estate salesman's license. The building contractor has known Petitioner for nine years and has found him to be honest and reliable. Petitioner also introduced twelve letters of recommendation submitted by business and professional persons. These individuals have known Petitioner for substantial periods, and uniformly conclude that he is honest and trustworthy. They base their conclusions on extensive personal contact with Petitioner, as well as their knowledge of his general reputation.

Recommendation From the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of Anthony A. Deriggi for registration as a real estate salesman be DENIED. DONE and ORDERED this 3rd day of November, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675

Florida Laws (2) 475.17475.25
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Dec. 04, 1998 Number: 98-005314 Latest Update: Aug. 18, 1999

The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether Respondent committed the offenses set forth in the Administrative Complaint and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate (Department), is a state government licensing and regulatory agency charged, inter alia, with the responsibility and duty to prosecute administrative complaints pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida, including Chapters 455 and 475, Florida Statutes. Respondent, Karen Akinbiyi, is a licensed real estate salesperson in the State of Florida, having been issued license number SL-0642172. On June 14, 1996, Respondent filed an application (dated May 1996) with the Department for licensure as a real estate salesperson. Pertinent to this case, item 9 on the application required that Respondent answer "Yes" or "No" to the following question: Have you ever been convicted of a crime, found guilty, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (no contest), even if adjudication was withheld? This question applies to any violation of the laws of any municipality, county, state or nation, including traffic offenses (but not parking, speeding, inspection, or traffic signal violations), without regard to whether you were placed on probation, had adjudication withheld, paroled, or pardoned. If you intend to answer "NO" because you believe those records have been expunged or sealed by court order pursuant to Section 943.058, Florida Statutes, or applicable law of another state, you are responsible for verifying the expungement or sealing prior to answering "NO." If you answered "Yes," attach the details including dates and outcome, including any sentence and conditions imposed, in full on a separate sheet of paper. Your answer to this question will be checked against local, state and federal records. Failure to answer this question accurately could cause denial of licensure. If you do not fully understand this question, consult with an attorney or the Division of Real Estate. Respondent responded to the question by checking the box marked "No." The application concluded with an "Affidavit of Applicant," which was acknowledged before a Notary Public of the State of Florida, as follows: The above named, and undersigned, applicant for licensure as a real estate salesperson under the provisions of Chapter 475, Florida Statutes, as amended, upon being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)(he) is the person so applying, that (s)(he) has carefully read the application, answers, and the attached statements, if any, and that all such answers and statements are true and correct, and are as complete as his/her knowledge, information and records permit, without any evasions or mental reservations whatsoever; that (s)(he) knows of no reason why this application should be denied; and (s)(he) further extends this affidavit to cover all amendments to this application or further statements to the Division or its representatives, by him/her in response to inquiries concerning his/her qualifications. (Emphasis added.) On September 30, 1996, Respondent passed the salesperson examination and she was issued license number SL-0642172 as an inactive salesperson. From December 30, 1996, through June 4, 1997, Respondent was an active salesperson associated with Home Realty Corporation, a broker corporation trading as ERA Homeland Realty and located at 6051 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, Florida. From June 5, 1997, through the date of hearing, Respondent was "not . . . in compliance to operate in an active status due to no employing broker." (Petitioner's Exhibit 1.) Following approval of Respondent's application, and her licensure as a real estate salesperson, the Department discovered that Respondent had been involved in a criminal incident that was not revealed on her application. According to the proof (Petitioner's Exhibit 3), Respondent was arrested on August 16, 1990, and charged, inter alia, with the purchase of marijuana (cannabis), under 10 grams, in violation of Section 893.13(2)(a)2, Florida Statutes, a felony of the third degree. On August 28, 1990, an Information was filed, predicated on such offense, and on September 6, 1990, Respondent entered a plea of nolo contendere. By order of the same date, the court noted that Respondent had been found guilty of the charge, but withheld adjudication of guilt. Respondent was sentenced to (accorded credit for) time served (one day), ordered to pay various costs totaling $225.00, and fingerprinted pursuant to Section 921.241(1), Florida Statutes. Based on such incident, the Department filed the Administrative Complaint at issue in this proceeding which, based on Respondent's failure to disclose the criminal incident on her application, charged that "Respondent has obtained a license by means of fraud, misrepresentation, or concealment in violation of [Section] 475.25(1)(m), Fla. Stat." (Count I), and that "Respondent has failed to disclose arrest or conviction of a crime as required by . . . [Rule 61J2-2.027(2), Florida Administrative Code] and, therefore, is in violation of [Section] 475.25(1)(e), Fla. Stat." (Count II). According to the complaint, the disciplinary action sought for such violations was stated to be as follows: . . . The penalty for each count or separate offense may range from a reprimand; an administrative fine not to exceed $5,000.00 per violation; probation; suspension of license, registration or permit for a period not to exceed ten (10) years; revocation of the license, registration or permit; and any one or all of the above penalties. 1 At hearing, Respondent offered the following explanation regarding the criminal incident and her failure to disclose it on her application for licensure: DIRECT EXAMINATION * * * Q. . . . Ms. Akinbiyi, do you recall being arrested for unlawful purchase of cannabis? A. Yes, I do. * * * Q. And what happened after the arrest? A. After the arrest I was let go. I went to the phone book, looked up an attorney, talked to him over the phone, briefly told him what it is I wanted him to do. He told me to come to his office. I went to his office. He told me what he was going to do. He told me that he needed $300 to do it. I gave it to him. He gave me a receipt. He gave me a rubber stamp on the receipt, and I left. Q. Okay, and when he said he was going to take care of it, what did you believe that to mean? A. Well, I believed it to mean that it had been dismissed, and he was going to just erase it off my record, period, expunge it, take it away. Q. Okay, after that day did you have any more contact with this attorney? A. No, I didn't have any need to, because I paid him to do a job I thought he did. Q. Okay, when was the first time that this arrest was brought up again? A. When I got the letter from the Real Estate Commission, telling me that they see that I've been arrested, and I didn't answer properly to the application. . . . * * * Q. . . . when you answered the question on the application did you believe that you had been -- did you know what a withhold of adjudication was at the time? A. At the time, no. I just knew that I paid this lawyer, and everything was supposed to be okay. Q. Okay, at the time that you answered the question did you believe your criminal charge had been dismissed? A. Yes, I did. Q. . . . at any time when you were responding to the question regarding, have you ever been convicted or pled no contest to a crime, were you intending to conceal or misrepresent this crime? A. No, I was not. * * * CROSS EXAMINATION * * * Q. Ms. Akinbiyi -- A. Uh-huh (positive response.) Q. -- you testified that when you were filling out the application for your real estate license that you believed that your record have been sealed or expunged by your attorney, correct? A. Exactly. Q. Do you recall reading the last paragraph to Question Number 9, which reads, "if you intend to answer no because those records have been expunged or sealed by the Court, you are responsible for verifying expungement or sealing prior to answering no"? A. Well, it wasn't a problem, because I knew where the attorney's office was, and if I needed him I could just go back there and say, remember me, I paid you. This is my case number, and he can go ahead and look it up. Q. So did you ever actually verify that your records were sealed or expunged before answering that? A. No, I did not. No, I did not, but I just assumed it was since I paid him. Q. At the time that you were filling out this application you did have a recollection of this criminal charge? A. Yes, I did. * * * THE COURT: Let me ask you a question. You were in jail for one evening; is that correct? THE WITNESS: That's correct. THE COURT: Okay, and when you were released the next morning is when you called the lawyer? THE WITNESS: Yes, it is. THE COURT: And you went to see him the same day? THE WITNESS: Yes, I did. THE COURT: And at that time you paid him $300, and he gave you a receipt for the money? THE WITNESS: Yes, he did, that's correct. * * * THE COURT: Did you ever see the lawyer again after that date? THE WITNESS: No, I didn't. THE COURT: Did you ever appear in Court? THE WITNESS: No. THE COURT: Did you ever have any contact with the criminal justice system after your release from jail on this charge? THE WITNESS: No, sir. * * * [RE-CROSS EXAMINATION] Q. Do you remember going to court and entering a plea of no contest to this charge. . . A. I really don't . . . After I went to -- after I just spent the night, I believe the next day we did go to court. I don't know, because it was like a whole group of us. Everybody, they just said their name, and it wasn't like a one person deal. It was everybody collectively standing up going to court. So I could have. To be honest with you, I can't remember. Q. Do you remember talking to the judge? A. I remember I was in a courtroom, and then they said time served, and I said okay. And I went home, I called my husband, looked in the phone book, got an attorney and went straight to his office. Q. Do you remember being fingerprinted when you were in court? A. . . . not in court. When I got arrested I got fingerprinted. Q. Okay, but you weren't fingerprinted in court again? A. No, I wasn't. Q. Okay. Just one more question. Do you remember having to pay any costs to the Court for this charge? A. No. . . . I don't recall any charges that I had to pay myself. Having carefully considered Respondent's testimony at hearing, and having reflected further on her explanation for failing to disclose the criminal incident on her application (that she employed an attorney to expunge or seal her record, and she assumed he had done so when completing the application), it must be resolved that Respondent's explanation was lacking in sincerity or genuiness, as well as substance, and must be rejected as unpersuasive. In so concluding, it is initially observed that Respondent's version of her exposure to the criminal justice system does not conform with the objective proof of record. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3.) Notably, Respondent avers that she employed an attorney to expunge or seal her record on August 17, 1990 (the day she was released from jail, and the day after her arrest), and that she had no further contact with her lawyer or the criminal justice system after that date; however, the objective proof demonstrates that the Information did not issue until August 28, 1990, and that it was not until September 6, 1990, that Respondent, accompanied by her attorney, entered a plea of nolo contendere. The objective proof further reflects that on the same date (September 6, 1990) the court noted her guilty of the charge, but withheld adjudication of guilt and sentenced her to time served, ordered her to pay various costs totaling $225.00, and oversaw that she was fingerprinted in open court. Clearly, Respondent's version of the event does not comport with the objective proof, and it is most unlikely that a person would confuse or forget an appearance in court on a felony charge, the entry of a plea to a felony charge, or being fingerprinted in open court. Moreover, it is most unlikely that Respondent would engage an attorney the day after her arrest, and before the Information had been filed or resolved, to expunge or seal her record. Finally, had she made such a request of her attorney at anytime, it is most improbable that she would not contact or inquire further of her attorney to ascertain whether her record had been successfully expunged or sealed. In sum, Respondent's testimony that her response to item 9 on the application was, at the time, an accurate reflection of her understanding of the status of the criminal incident (that the record had been expunged or sealed) is improbable and unworthy of belief. Consequently, it must be resolved that Respondent's failure to disclose the incident was intentional.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be rendered which finds Respondent guilty of violating Subsections 475.25(1)(e) and (m), Florida Statutes, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint. It is further RECOMMENDED that for such violations, the final order revoke Respondent's license. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of May, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of May, 1999.

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57120.60455.227475.25921.241 Florida Administrative Code (2) 61J2-2.02761J2-24.001
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