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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-003098 Latest Update: Mar. 21, 1989

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner was employed with the Respondent from August 3, 1985 until May 10, 1986, as a waitress in the dining room of the Kings Inn Restaurant in Pensacola, Florida. In March, 1987, the Petitioner became pregnant. She then informed her employer, Mr. Judge of her pregnancy. He told her initially that she could work as long as the doctor allowed her to. Shortly thereafter, he told her that she could not work after five months of pregnancy. On another occasion, his assistant manager, Mr. Dungan, told her that she could not work after she "started showing." Once the Respondent, Mr. Judge, learned of the Petitioner's pregnancy, he began a regime of harassing treatment. For instance, Mr. Judge made her do the "side work," filling up all the salt and pepper shakers and sugar bowls for all of the waitresses and waitress stations. It had always been uniform policy that each waitress had the responsibility to do her own side work for her own station and tables. Mr. Judge also began yelling and cursing at her in front of her workers and customers, causing her great humiliation and embarrassment. He criticized her publicly about her posture and the way she serviced customers, although she had always had an excellent record as a competent waitress and had no complaints from customers or former employers, before announcing that she was pregnant. Mr. Judge also began a practice of constantly questioning other employees about the Petitioner's job performance, although he apparently learned of no substandard performance in both her duties and her attitude toward her customers. He also took her to task about her "charge tips" being less than other employees, apparently the measure he used to determine if a waitress was serving her customers appropriately and adequately. This situation, however, was caused by his discriminatory conduct toward her in giving her fewer tables to serve and thus, reducing her tip income. Mr. Judge additionally assigned her to clean up a portion of the kitchen area, particularly the "bread shelves" when normal policy had been for kitchen personnel to perform all kitchen clean-up duties, with any clean up of the bread shelf area being rotated amongst the dining room personnel. The Petitioner, however, was singled out for this duty exclusively after it became known that she was pregnant. The Petitioner was also required to stay late and perform certain closing duties at the end of business late at night, much more often than other waitresses. In addition to performing restaurant closing duties, she was frequently required to wait on cocktail tables as late as 2:00 in the morning on many of the "late duty" occasions, even though she was hired as, and until she became pregnant worked exclusively as, food waitress. Petitioner's testimony and Petitioner's exhibit 2, in evidence, establishes that, although Petitioner was only scheduled to stay late three times in March, three times in April and once in May that, in fact, she worked late, that is, after all other employees or waitresses had been released for the evening seven out of nine days that she worked in March; nine out of twelve days she worked in April; and six out of the seven days she worked in May. Indeed, on May 10, 1986, the last day she worked for the Respondent, Mr. Judge required her to stay late and to "bus" all the tables, that is clean all the tables, in the dining room, allowing the waitress who was scheduled to stay late that night to leave early. The Petitioner became quite upset at this turn of events and resigned her position, due to the repeated pattern of harassment as described herein. Although Mr. Judge initially told the Petitioner that she could work as long as the doctor allowed her to during her pregnancy, in fact, on April 11, 1986, Mr. Judge hired the Petitioner's replacement. He hired Pamela Modes and had the Petitioner train her in her waitress duties. He stated to Ms. Modes privately when hiring her "that he needed a food waitress" because "he's got a girl that's pregnant." Additionally, he told the Petitioner that he objected to her working because of her pregnancy and claimed his insurance would not allow him to employ her after she was five months pregnant. These statements, coupled with the statement by his assistant manager, Mr. Dungan, to the effect that she would not be employed there "once she started showing" reveal an intent by the employer to terminate the employee, the Petitioner, because of her pregnancy. Instead of terminating her outright, the Respondent chose to put sufficient pressure on the Petitioner through extra, unscheduled work duties and the other above-mentioned forms of harassment, so as to coerce her into leaving the Respondent's employ. The Petitioner thus made a prima facia showing that she was forced to terminate employment due to her sex and her pregnancy, and no countervailing evidence was adduced by the Respondent.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, the evidence of record and the candor and the demeanor of the witnesses, it is therefore RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered by the State of Florida Human Relations Commission finding that an unlawful employment practice has occurred through the Respondent's discrimination against the Petitioner because of her sex (pregnancy) and that she be accorded all relief allowed under the above- cited section, including backpay and related benefits in accordance with the requirements of Section 760.10(13), Florida Statutes. DONE and ORDERED this 21st of March, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of March, 1989. COPIES FURNISHED: Debra A. Larson, Pro Se 9742 Aileron Avenue, Apt. 606 Pensacola, Florida 32506 Dracut Corporation d/b/a Kings Inn Restaurant Lawrence F. Judge, Jr. Owner/General Manager 1309 Maldonado Pensacola Beach, Florida 32561-2323 Donald A. Griffin Executive Director Florida Human Relations Commission 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1925 Dana Baird General Counsel Florida Human Relations Commission 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1925

Florida Laws (3) 120.57760.02760.10
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jan. 17, 2018 Number: 18-000297 Latest Update: Feb. 15, 2019

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent, Wal-Mart Stores East, LP (“Walmart”), discriminated against Petitioner, Ramon Santiago Lopez (“Petitioner”), based upon his national origin or age, and/or terminated his employment in retaliation for engaging in protected activity, in violation of section 760.10, Florida Statutes (2016).1/

Findings Of Fact Walmart is an employer as that term is defined in section 760.02(7). Walmart is a national retailer. Petitioner is a Cuban (Hispanic) male. He was 62 years old when he was hired by Walmart in November 2005 and was 72 years old at the time of his dismissal. Petitioner was initially hired to work at a store in Jacksonville, but transferred to Tampa. In June 2010, Petitioner requested a transfer back to Jacksonville and was assigned to Store 4444 on Shops Lane, just off Philips Highway and I-95 in Jacksonville. The store manager at Store 4444 was Scott Mallatt. Mr. Mallatt approved Petitioner’s transfer request and testified that he “very much” got along with Petitioner. Petitioner confirmed that he never had a problem with Mr. Mallatt. Petitioner testified that when he first started at Store 4444, he had no problems. After about four months, however, he began reporting to a supervisor he recalled only as “Lee.” Petitioner described Lee as “kind of a maniac.” Lee would harass Petitioner and give him impossible assignments to accomplish. Petitioner testified that he complained repeatedly to Mr. Mallatt about Lee’s abuse, but that nothing was ever done about it. Eventually, Petitioner gave up complaining to Mr. Mallatt. Mr. Mallatt testified that Petitioner never complained to him about being discriminated against because of his national origin or age. Petitioner apparently did complain about being overworked, but never tied these complaints to any discriminatory intent on the part of Lee. Petitioner testified that Lee no longer worked at Store 4444 in January 2016. From 2010 to 2015, Petitioner worked from 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in various departments, including Grocery, Dairy, Paper, Pet, and Chemical. In 2015, Petitioner spoke with Mr. Mallatt about working at least some day shifts rather than constant nights. Mr. Mallatt approved Petitioner’s request. In August 2015, Petitioner was moved to the day shift in the Maintenance department. As a day associate, Petitioner typically worked from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Assistant Store Manager April Johnson transferred to Store No. 4444 in October 2015. Petitioner reported directly to Ms. Johnson. On January 14, 2016, Petitioner was scheduled to work from 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. He drove his van into the parking lot of Store No. 4444 at approximately 7:58 a.m. He parked in his usual spot, on the end of a row of spaces that faced a fence at the border of the lot. Petitioner liked this spot because the foliage near the fence offered shade to his vehicle. Closed circuit television (“CCTV”) footage, from a Walmart camera with a partial view of the parking lot, shows Petitioner exiting his vehicle at around 8:00 a.m. Petitioner testified that he could see something on the ground in the parking lot, 50 to 60 meters away from where his van was parked. The CCTV footage shows Petitioner walking across the parking lot, apparently toward the object on the ground. Petitioner testified there were no cars around the item, which he described as a bucket of tools. Petitioner stated that the bucket contained a screwdriver, welding gloves, a welding face mask, and a hammer. The CCTV footage does not show the bucket. Petitioner crosses the parking lot until he goes out of camera range.3/ A few seconds later, Petitioner returns into camera range, walking back toward his car while carrying the bucket of tools. When Petitioner reaches his van, he opens the rear door, places the bucket of tools inside, then closes the rear door. Petitioner testified that after putting the tools in the back of his van, he went to the Customer Service Desk and informed two female African American customer service associates that he had found some tools and put them in his car. Petitioner conceded that he told no member of management about finding the tools. Walmart has a written Standard Operating Procedure for dealing with items that customers have left behind on the premises. The associate who finds the item is required to take the item to the Customer Service Desk, which functions as the “lost and found” for the store. Mr. Mallatt and Ms. Johnson each testified that there are no exceptions to this policy. Petitioner was aware of the Standard Operating Procedure. On prior occasions, he had taken found items to the Customer Service Desk. Petitioner conceded that it would have been quicker to take the bucket of tools to the Customer Service Desk than to his van. However, he testified that he believed that he could have been fired if he had taken the tools to the desk before he had clocked in for work. Petitioner cited a Walmart policy that made “working off the clock” a firing offense. It transpired that the policy to which Petitioner referred was Walmart’s Wage and Hour policy, which states in relevant part: It is a violation of law and Walmart policy for you to work without compensation or for a supervisor (hourly or salaried) to request you work without compensation. You should never perform any work for Walmart without compensation. This language is plainly intended to prevent Walmart from requiring its employees to work without compensation. Petitioner, whose English language skills are quite limited, was adamant that this policy would have allowed Walmart to fire him if he performed the “work” of bringing the tools to the Customer Service Desk before he was officially clocked in for his shift. Therefore, he put the tools in his van for safekeeping and informed the Customer Service Desk of what he had done. Petitioner was questioned as to why he believed it was acceptable for him to report the situation to the Customer Service Desk, but not acceptable for him to bring the tools to the desk. The distinction he appeared to make was that the act of carrying the tools from the parking lot to the desk would constitute “work” and therefore be forbidden, whereas just stopping by to speak to the Customer Service Desk associate was not “work.” The evidence established that Petitioner would not have violated any Walmart policy by bringing the tools to the Customer Service Desk before he clocked in. He could have been compensated for the time he spent bringing in the tools by making a “time adjustment” on his time card. Mr. Mallatt testified that time adjustments are done on a daily basis when associates perform work prior to clocking in or after clocking out. Petitioner merely had to advise a member of management that he needed to make the time adjustment. Mr. Mallatt was confident that the adjustment would have been granted under the circumstances presented in this case. Petitioner did not go out to retrieve the tools after he clocked in. Mr. Mallatt stated that employees frequently go out to their cars to fetch items they have forgotten, and that Petitioner absolutely would have been allowed to go get the tools and turn them in to the Customer Service Desk. Later on January 14, 2016, Ms. Johnson was contacted by a customer who said tools were stolen off of his truck.4/ Ms. Johnson had not heard anything about lost tools. She looked around the Customer Service Desk, but found no tools there. Ms. Johnson also called out on the store radio to ask if anyone had turned in tools. Finally, the customer service manager at the Customer Service Desk told Ms. Johnson that Petitioner had said something about tools earlier that morning. Ms. Johnson called Petitioner to the front of the store and asked him about the missing tools. Petitioner admitted he had found some tools in the parking lot and had placed them in his vehicle. Ms. Johnson asked Petitioner why he put the tools in his vehicle. Petitioner told her that he was keeping the tools in his car until the owner came to claim them. Ms. Johnson testified that Petitioner offered no other explanation at that time. He just said that he made a “mistake.” Ms. Johnson explained to Petitioner that putting the tools in his vehicle was not the right thing to do and that he should have turned them in to “lost and found,” i.e., the Customer Service Desk. Petitioner was sent to his van to bring in the tools. After this initial conversation with Petitioner, Ms. Johnson spoke with Mr. Mallatt and Mr. Cregut to decide how to treat the incident. Mr. Cregut obtained approval from his manager to conduct a full investigation and to interview Petitioner. Mr. Cregut reviewed the CCTV footage described above and confirmed that Petitioner did not bring the tools to the Customer Service Desk. Ms. Johnson and Mr. Cregut spoke with Petitioner for approximately an hour to get his side of the story. Petitioner also completed a written statement in which he admitted finding some tools and putting them in his car. Mr. Cregut described Petitioner as “very tense and argumentative” during the interview. As the interview continued, Mr. Cregut testified that Petitioner’s reaction to the questions was getting “a little bit more hostile [and] aggressive.” Mr. Cregut decided to try to build rapport with Petitioner by asking him general questions about himself. This tactic backfired. Petitioner volunteered that he was a Cuban exile and had been arrested several times for his opposition to the Castro regime. Petitioner then claimed that Mr. Cregut discriminated against him by asking about his personal life and prejudged him because of his activism. Mr. Cregut credibly testified that he did not judge or discriminate against Petitioner based on the information Petitioner disclosed and that he only asked the personal questions to de-escalate the situation. Mr. Cregut’s only role in the case was as an investigative factfinder. His report was not colored by any personal information disclosed by Petitioner. At the conclusion of the investigation, Mr. Mallatt made the decision to terminate Petitioner’s employment. The specific ground for termination was “Gross Misconduct – Integrity Issues,” related to Petitioner’s failure to follow Walmart policy by bringing the tools to the Customer Service Desk. Mr. Mallatt testified that his concern was that Petitioner intended to keep the bucket of tools if no owner appeared to claim them. Mr. Mallatt credibly testified that had Petitioner simply taken the tools to the Customer Service Desk, rather than putting them in his vehicle, he would have remained employed by Walmart. Walmart has a “Coaching for Improvement” policy setting forth guidelines for progressive discipline. While the progressive discipline process is used for minor and/or correctable infractions, such as tardiness, “serious” misconduct constitutes a ground for immediate termination. The coaching policy explicitly sets forth “theft” and “intentional failure to follow a Walmart policy” as examples of serious misconduct meriting termination. Petitioner conceded that no one at Walmart overtly discriminated against him because of his age or national origin. He testified that he could feel the hostility toward Hispanics at Store 4444, but he could point to no particular person or incident to bolster his intuition. Petitioner claimed that his dismissal was in part an act of retaliation by Ms. Johnson for his frequent complaints that his Maintenance counterparts on the night shift were not adequately doing their jobs, leaving messes for the morning crew to clean up. Ms. Johnson credibly testified that Petitioner’s complaints did not affect her treatment of him or make her want to fire him. In any event, Ms. Johnson played no role in the decision to terminate Petitioner’s employment. Petitioner’s stated reason for failing to follow Walmart policy regarding found items would not merit a moment’s consideration but for Petitioner’s limited proficiency in the English language. It is at least conceivable that someone struggling with the language might read the Walmart Wage and Hour policy as Petitioner did. Even so, Petitioner was familiar with the found items policy, and common sense would tell an employee that he would not be fired for turning in customer property that he found in the parking lot. At the time of his dismissal, Petitioner had been working at Walmart for over 10 years. It is difficult to credit that he was completely unfamiliar with the concept of time adjustment and truly believed that he could be fired for lifting a finger to work when off the clock. Walmart showed that in 2016 it terminated three other employees from Store 4444 based on “Gross Misconduct – Integrity Issues.” All three were under 40 years of age at the time their employment was terminated. Two of the employees were African American; the third was Caucasian. Petitioner offered no evidence that any other employee charged with gross misconduct has been treated differently than Petitioner. At the hearing, Petitioner’s chief concern did not appear to be the alleged discrimination, but the implication that he was a thief, which he found mortally offensive. It could be argued that Mr. Mallatt might have overreacted in firing Petitioner and that some form of progressive discipline might have been more appropriate given all the circumstances, including Petitioner’s poor English and his unyielding insistence that he never intended to keep the tools. However, whether Petitioner’s dismissal was fair is not at issue in this proceeding. The issue is whether Walmart has shown a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason for terminating Petitioner’s employment. At the time of his dismissal, Petitioner offered no reasonable explanation for his failure to follow Walmart policy. Mr. Mallatt’s suspicion regarding Petitioner’s intentions as to the tools was not unfounded and was not based on any discriminatory motive. Petitioner offered no credible evidence disputing the legitimate, non-discriminatory reasons given by Walmart for his termination. Petitioner offered no credible evidence that Walmart’s stated reasons for his termination were a pretext for discrimination based on Petitioner’s age or national origin. Petitioner offered no credible evidence that his termination was in retaliation for his engaging in protected activity. The employee who was allegedly retaliating against Petitioner played no role in the decision to terminate his employment. Petitioner offered no credible evidence that Walmart discriminated against him because of his age or national origin in violation of section 760.10.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations issue a final order finding that Wal-Mart Stores East, LP, did not commit any unlawful employment practices and dismissing the Petition for Relief filed in this case. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of October, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of October, 2018.

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000e Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57760.02760.10
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jul. 05, 2005 Number: 05-002399 Latest Update: Nov. 07, 2005

The Issue The issue presented is whether Respondent discriminated against Petitioner on the basis of his religion and national origin in violation of Section 760.10, Florida Statutes (2003).

Findings Of Fact No findings are made concerning the merits of the allegations of discrimination. Petitioner did not appear and did not submit any evidence to support any findings of fact. Petitioner received adequate notice of the formal hearing. The ALJ issued a Notice of Hearing on July 19, 2005, notifying the parties of the time and place of the hearing conducted on August 12, 2005. DOAH mailed the Notice of Hearing, by United States Postal Service (mailed), to Petitioner at the address of record listed in the DOAH file as 10914 Mystic Circle, Apartment 204, Orlando, Florida 32836 (the address of record). The Notice of Hearing was properly addressed, stamped, and mailed. The U.S. Postal Service did not return the Notice of Hearing as undeliverable. On July 5 and 19, 2005, DOAH mailed an Initial Order and Order of Pre-Hearing Instructions (Pre-hearing Order) to Petitioner. The U.S. Postal Service did not return either order as undeliverable. The address of record in the DOAH filed is the same address that Petitioner listed in the Charge of Discrimination and Petition for Relief filed with the Commission. The Commission addressed the "Notice of Determination: No Cause" to the same address as the address of record in the DOAH file. Petitioner was employed by Respondent on the date of the hearing. A representative of the personnel department for Respondent testified at the hearing (the witness). Petitioner had requested and been granted annual leave for the day of the hearing and the day before the hearing. On the date of hearing, Petitioner resided at the address of record. At the request of the ALJ, the witness telephoned Petitioner from the hearing room at the telephone number listed in Respondent's personnel file. The witness is the Director of Personnel for Respondent, knows Petitioner personally, and has a longstanding employment relationship with Petitioner. The witness spoke directly to Petitioner. English is not the native language for Petitioner, but the witness had no difficulty communicating with Petitioner. The witness informed Petitioner that the ALJ would recess the hearing and wait for Petitioner to appear at the hearing. Petitioner refused to avail himself of the opportunity to appear at the hearing. Petitioner claimed he was not prepared for the hearing and had not had adequate time to prepare for the hearing. Petitioner had adequate time to prepare for the hearing. The DOAH file shows the Commission referred this matter to DOAH by cover letter dated June 30, 2005. DOAH received the referral on July 5, 2005, and issued an Initial Order on the same date. On July 19, 2005, DOAH mailed the Pre- hearing Order and Notice of Hearing to Petitioner. When Petitioner received the Initial Order shortly after July 5, 2005, Petitioner knew, or should have known, of the need to begin preparing for the formal hearing. The Initial Order requires the parties, inter alia, to estimate how long the formal hearing will take for both parties to present their evidence. Petitioner knew, or should have known, of his right to discovery and the need to complete discovery no later than five days before the date of the hearing. The Summary of Procedures attached to the Initial Order provides, in relevant part: Discovery may be undertaken in the manner provided in the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and should be initiated immediately if desired. Necessary subpoenas and Orders may be obtained through the assigned Judge. Discovery must be completed 5 days before the date of the final hearing unless an extension of time for good cause is granted. Petitioner did not respond to the Initial Order. Respondent filed a unilateral response to the Initial Order with DOAH on July 12, 2005. On the same date, Respondent served Petitioner with a copy of the unilateral response. When Petitioner received the Prehearing Order shortly after July 19, 2005, Petitioner knew, or should have known, of the need to prepare for the formal hearing. The Pre-hearing Order, dated July 19, 2005, provides, in relevant part: No later than 15 days prior to the final hearing Petitioner and Respondent shall provide each other with a list of the names and addresses of those persons which that party intends to call as witnesses during the final hearing in this cause and shall provide to each other copies of the documents which that party intends to offer as exhibits during the final hearing. Failure to do so may result in the exclusion at the final hearing of witnesses or exhibits not previously disclosed. . . . No later than 12 days prior to the final hearing in this cause, the parties shall confer with each other to determine whether this cause can be amicably resolved. Petitioner declined to participate in the discovery described in the Pre-hearing Order. Respondent unilaterally filed its witness list with DOAH on August 1, 2005. On the same date, Respondent served Petitioner with a copy of the witness list. On August 10, 2005, at 2:45 p.m., Petitioner filed with DOAH, by facsimile, a hand-written request for continuance (motion for continuance). The motion for continuance is written in English and signed by Petitioner; as were the Petition for Relief and Charge of Discrimination. The motion requests a continuance, "[S]o I can get a lawyer, witnesses, and prepare myself for hearing." The motion for hearing does not include a certificate of service or other indication that Petitioner served Respondent with a copy of the motion for continuance. On its face, the motion is an ex-parte communication. On August 10, 2005, an administrative secretary of DOAH telephoned counsel for Respondent to determine whether counsel had received a copy of the motion and whether Respondent objected to the motion for continuance. Counsel had not received the motion. Upon hearing the motion read to counsel, counsel objected to the motion. At the instruction of the ALJ, the administrative secretary telephoned Petitioner and spoke to a person who identified himself as the son of Petitioner. The administrative secretary advised him that the ALJ had denied the motion for continuance and that Petitioner should attend the formal hearing on August 12, 2005. On August 10, 2005, the ALJ also issued a written Order Denying Continuance that memorialized the ore tenus denial of the motion. DOAH mailed the written order to Petitioner on the same date to the address of record. The Order was properly addressed, stamped, and mailed. Insufficient time to prepare for the formal hearing arguably is good cause for a continuance. However, Petitioner knew, or should have known, that a motion for continuance for good cause must be filed no later than five days before the formal hearing. The Initial Order received by Petitioner shortly after July 5, 2005, provides, in relevant part: 4. Rule 28-106.210, Florida Administrative Code, provides that requests for continuances must be made at least 5 days prior to the date of the hearing, except in cases of extreme emergency, and will be granted only by Order of the Judge for good cause shown. The applicable rule arguably required Petitioner to file the motion for continuance based on good cause no later than August 8, 2005, because August 7, 2005, was a Sunday.1 However, Petitioner did not file the motion for continuance until August 10, 2005. The applicable rule authorized the ALJ to grant a motion for continuance filed less than five days before the formal hearing, only on grounds that satisfy the test of extreme emergency. Assuming arguendo that Petitioner had insufficient time to prepare for the formal hearing, that ground is not an extreme emergency. Petitioner knew, or should have known, long before August 10, 2005, that he would be unable to prepare for the formal hearing in the 24 days between July 19 and August 12, 2005. Respondent had adequate time to prepare for the formal hearing. Respondent produced seven witnesses at the formal hearing, including four current employees and three former employees. Respondent also arranged for the attendance of a certified interpreter at the hearing. Respondent prepared 24 exhibits for admission into evidence. The Commission arranged for a court reporter to record the hearing. The ALJ traveled from Tallahassee to Orlando after instructing Petitioner, through the ALJ's administrative secretary, to attend the formal hearing. If the ALJ were to have exercised discretion by granting a continuance requested less than five days before the hearing in the absence of an extreme emergency, such an exercise of discretion would have been inconsistent with a valid existing rule. A reviewing court would have been statutorily required to remand the case to DOAH for further proceedings consistent with the rule. § 120.68(7)(e)2., Fla. Stat. (2005).

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of September, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL MANRY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of September, 2005.

Florida Laws (1) 760.10 Florida Administrative Code (1) 28-106.210
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Apr. 27, 2010 Number: 10-002328 Latest Update: Feb. 25, 2011

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent engaged in an unlawful employment practice by subjecting Petitioner to gender discrimination and retaliation in violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act.

Findings Of Fact Southgate is a student housing and dining facility located in Tallahassee, Florida, near the campuses of Florida State University, Florida A&M University, and Tallahassee Community College. On September 16, 2004, Southgate hired Petitioner Devon Rozier as a dishwasher in the cafeteria dish room. The cafeteria is open seven days a week and currently employs approximately 34 employees, some part-time and some full-time. Petitioner had just turned 16 years old when Ken Mills hired him based upon a long-standing relationship with Petitioner's father, who had worked at Southgate for many years and was an exemplary employee. Petitioner worked as a part-time employee on the night shift, 3:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., for a total of 20-25 hours per week. Petitioner later received a promotion out of the dish room to the grill, and also worked other positions such as attendant and greeter. Petitioner also worked in various positions to assist as needed, as did other employees in the cafeteria. At the beginning of his employment, Petitioner exhibited good performance. As time progressed, Petitioner's performance began to decline, and he openly disrespected management. Various disciplinary techniques were employed by his supervisors in efforts to improve his performance, but the improvements always proved to be short-lived. On April 30, 2009, Petitioner and his supervisor, Rasheik Campbell, had an altercation, and Petitioner left the facility. Mr. Campbell warned Petitioner before he left the facility that such action would constitute job abandonment. Despite Mr. Campbell's warning, Petitioner left the facility. Mr. Campbell took the position that Petitioner abandoned his employment with Southgate. Petitioner was no longer placed on the schedule. On May 4, 2009, Southgate sent Petitioner a letter confirming his resignation. As months passed, Petitioner made attempts to regain his position with Southgate by calling his supervisors Mr. Campbell and Mr. Jason McClung. When his attempts were met with resistance by his supervisors, Petitioner bypassed them and went directly to Ken Mills, Southgate's General Manager and Petitioner's former supervisor. Petitioner presented his case to Mr. Mills in July and August 2009, regarding his desire to return to work. Mr. Mills had previously intervened on Petitioner's behalf, out of respect for Petitioner's father, to help him keep his job when difficulties with management had arisen. This time, Mr. Mills instructed Petitioner that Mr. McClung and Mr. Campbell were his direct supervisors and that they had ultimate responsibility regarding his desired return to work at Southgate. In August 2009, at the request of Mr. Mills, once again doing a favor for Petitioner based upon the long-standing work history of Petitioner's father at Southgate, Mr. Mills, Mr. McClung, and Mr. Campbell met with Petitioner and his mother, Jennifer Rozier. At the meeting, they discussed Petitioner's request to return to work at Southgate. During the meeting, Mr. McClung and Mr. Campbell did not feel that Petitioner exhibited any improvement in his behavior and respect for authority. As a result, Mr. McClung and Mr. Campbell chose not to re-hire Petitioner. Petitioner claims the following conduct he witnessed while working at Southgate was discriminatory: a) females were allowed to sit down at tables and eat while on the clock; b) females were allowed to use the computer while on the clock; and c) Petitioner was required to perform the females' work when they failed to show up or wanted to leave early. Petitioner further claims that his firing was retaliatory based upon one complaint he made to Mr. Campbell in February 2009 about having to perform the tasks of others who failed to come to work. Other employees, including Jodece Yant, Petitioner's girlfriend, and Darnell Rozier, Petitioner's own brother, testified that both males and females could be seen eating or using the computer while on the clock, and all were told to perform others' tasks when they failed to come to work or left early. Petitioner conceded that on occasion he engaged in the same behaviors he alleges to be discriminatory. Petitioner obtained a full-time job at Hobbit American Grill on January 21, 2010, and, as of the date of the hearing, continued to work there. His rate of pay at Hobbit American Grill is currently $7.25 per hour, and he testified he is better off there than at his former employer, Southgate. Petitioner is currently earning the same hourly wage ($7.25) as he was earning when employed at Southgate. Southgate had policies and procedures in force that prohibited, among other things, discrimination on the basis of gender or any other protected characteristics. Southgate's policies and procedures also prohibited retaliation. Petitioner received a copy of the employee handbook, which contained Southgate's anti-discrimination policies and was aware that Southgate had such policies in place.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of November, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of September, 2010. COPIES FURNISHED: Desiree C. Hill-Henderson, Esquire Littler Mendelson, P.C. 111 North Magnolia Avenue, Suite 1250 Orlando, Florida 32801 Micah Knight, Esquire 123 North Seventh Avenue Durant, Oklahoma 74701 Devon A. Rozier 7361 Fieldcrest Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32305 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Larry Kranert, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 200 Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57760.02760.10760.11
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Oct. 02, 2014 Number: 14-004580 Latest Update: Jun. 10, 2015

The Issue Whether Respondent violated the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, as alleged in the Employment Complaint of Discrimination filed by Petitioner on February 24, 2014.

Findings Of Fact Respondent operates one of the largest continuing care retirement communities in the country with about 2,400 residents and just over 1,000 employees on a single site in Fort Myers, Florida. Petitioner describes herself as "Indo-Guyanese" and testified that she is a member of the Catholic denomination. Petitioner is an articulate woman who projects an air of dignity and refinement. These qualities, when combined, can easily be interpreted by some individuals as producing an arrogant personality type. On June 6, 2013, Petitioner began employment with Respondent and was assigned to work at The Arbor, which is one of Respondent's assisted living facilities. Petitioner was employed as a hospitality care assistant (HCA) and worked on a PRN, or "as needed/on-call," basis. Petitioner's final date of employment with Respondent was May 8, 2014. Petitioner's employment relationship with Respondent ended after Petitioner refused to return to work after being cleared to do so by her authorized workers' compensation treating physician. During her employment by Respondent, Petitioner was supervised by Stacey Daniels, the registered nurse manager assigned to The Arbor. Ms. Daniels has held this position for 15 years. In her capacity as registered nurse manager, Ms. Daniels supervised seven licensed practical nurses, approximately 35 HCAs and resident care assistants, and two front-desk staff. In addition to Petitioner, Ms. Daniels also supervised Marjorie Cartwright, who works at The Arbors as a full-time HCA. Alleged Harassment by Marjorie Cartwright Petitioner, in her Complaint, alleges that she "endured on-going harassment by Marjorie Cartwright." According to Petitioner, Ms. Cartwright would tell Petitioner things like "we don't allow terrorists to have keys and [a] radio," would ask Petitioner if she is "Muslim," and referred to Petitioner as "that bitch nigger" when speaking with other staff. The Complaint also alleges that Ms. Cartwright told co-workers that she "hate[s Petitioner] to the bone." Olna Exantus and Nadine Bernard were previously employed by Respondent, and each woman worked with both Petitioner and Ms. Cartwright. Ms. Exantus testified that she witnessed an incident between Ms. Cartwright and Petitioner, during which Ms. Cartwright called Petitioner "stupid" and an "idiot" because Petitioner did not deliver to Ms. Cartwright the number of lemons that were requested. Ms. Exantus also recalled an incident where she was working with Ms. Cartwright and Petitioner when, out of the presence of Petitioner, Ms. Cartwright said that she hates Petitioner to the bone or words of similar import. Ms. Bernard testified that Ms. Cartwright referred to Petitioner as "stupid" on one occasion, and on another occasion, she called Petitioner a "bitch." Ms. Bernard also testified that she heard Ms. Cartwright state that she hates Petitioner to the bone or words of similar import. Both Mses. Exantus and Bernard testified that they heard Ms. Cartwright say that the reason why she hates Petitioner to the bone is because Petitioner thinks that "she is a rich lady" and is, therefore, better than everyone else. Neither Ms. Exantus nor Ms. Bernard testified to having heard Ms. Cartwright refer to Petitioner as either a "nigger" or a "bitch." Ms. Cartwright, who is not Indo-Guyanese, has been employed by Respondent for approximately six years as a full-time HCA. Although Ms. Cartwright testified for only a few minutes during the final hearing, she projects a personality type that can best be described as "feisty." Ms. Cartwright and Petitioner worked together approximately ten times during Petitioner's period of employment with Respondent. Ms. Cartwright testified that she never referred to Petitioner using either the word "nigger" or "Muslim." Ms. Cartwright did not deny that she referred to Petitioner as "stupid" or called her an "idiot." Ms. Cartwright also did not deny that she stated that she hates Petitioner to the bone. Petitioner was informed by Mses. Exantus and Bernard that she was disliked by Ms. Cartwright, and they suggested to Petitioner that she should take appropriate steps to protect her food items from possible contamination by Ms. Cartwright. Although Petitioner was warned to take such steps, there is no evidence that Ms. Cartwright engaged in any behaviors designed to cause harm to Petitioner. The evidence is clear, however, that Ms. Cartwright disliked Petitioner during Petitioner's period of employment by Respondent. Petitioner contemporaneously prepared personal notes as certain events happened during her employment by Respondent, including issues she claimed to have had with Ms. Cartwright. None of Petitioner's contemporaneous notes indicate that Ms. Cartwright, or anyone else employed by Respondent, referred to her as either a "nigger" or a "Muslim." The evidence does not support Petitioner's claim that Ms. Cartwright referred to Petitioner as a "bitch nigger" or as a "Muslim" as alleged in the Complaint. Stacey Daniel's Alleged Failure to Act on Complaints Petitioner alleges in her Complaint that she attempted to report Ms. Cartwright's behavior to their joint supervisor Ms. Daniels, but was told by Ms. Daniels that she "didn't have time to listen" to Petitioner's complaints. On December 13, 2013, Ms. Daniels met with Petitioner to discuss Petitioner's possible workers' compensation claim. During the meeting, Petitioner mentioned to Ms. Daniels that she was upset with her because approximately three months earlier, on or about September 4, 2013, Ms. Daniels refused to immediately meet with Petitioner to discuss the problems that Petitioner was having with Ms. Cartwright. Ms. Daniels had no recollection of Petitioner approaching her with concerns about Ms. Cartwright. Petitioner acknowledged that she only approached Ms. Daniels once to discuss her concerns about Ms. Cartwright. During the meeting on December 13, 2013, Ms. Daniels reminded Petitioner that she (Ms. Daniels) is very busy during the workday, that it may be necessary to bring matters to her attention more than once, and that she is not always able to stop what she is doing and immediately meet with employees to address work-related disputes. She apologized to Petitioner for the oversight and immediately offered to mediate any dispute between Petitioner and Ms. Cartwright. Petitioner refused Ms. Daniels' offer because Ms. Cartwright, according to Petitioner, would simply lie about her interaction with Petitioner. Petitioner never complained to Ms. Daniels about Ms. Cartwright referring to Petitioner as either a "nigger" or a "Muslim." Petitioner Complains to Karen Anderson Karen Anderson is the vice-president of Human Resources, Business Support, and Corporate Compliance and has been employed by Respondent for approximately 18 years. On November 21, 2013, Petitioner met with Ms. Anderson to discuss matters related to a workers' compensation claim. During this meeting with Ms. Anderson, Petitioner complained, for the first time, about Ms. Cartwright and the fact that Ms. Cartwright had called Petitioner "stupid" and had also referred to Petitioner as a "bitch." At no time during this meeting did Petitioner allege that she had been referred to by Ms. Cartwright as a "nigger" or a "Muslim." Additionally, at no time during her meeting with Ms. Anderson did Petitioner complain about Ms. Daniels, Petitioner's immediate supervisor, refusing to meet with her in order to discuss her concerns about Ms. Cartwright. Denied Promotion on Three Occasions In her Complaint, Petitioner alleges that she "was denied promotions to Registered Medical Assistant 3 different times" by Ms. Daniels. This allegation is not supported by the evidence. Ms. Daniels testified that Petitioner was never denied, nor did she ever seek, a transfer to the position of registered medical assistant. Ms. Daniels also testified that the only conversation that she and Petitioner had about the position of registered medical assistant occurred before Petitioner was hired by Respondent. Petitioner offered no credible evidence to refute Ms. Daniels' testimony. Retaliatory Reduction in Hours Worked In her Complaint, Petitioner alleges that "[o]ut of retaliation for complaining to Ms. Stacey about Ms. Marjorie, they cut my hours back to 2 days a week without my request." As previously noted, Petitioner worked for Respondent on an "as needed/on-call" basis. Typically, Respondent's on-call staff members are presented with a work schedule that has already been filled in with work times for the full-time staff members. Any work times not filled by full-time staff are then offered to on-call staff. In addition, on-call staff may be called at the last minute, if there is a last minute schedule change by a full-time staff member. On-call HCAs do not have set work schedules and are offered work hours on a first-come, first-served basis. After Petitioner was cleared to return to work following her alleged work-related injuries, Ms. Daniels, along with Amy Ostrander, who is a licensed practical nurse supervisor, tried to give Petitioner notice of the availability of work shifts that were open on upcoming schedules at The Arbor. Ms. Daniels encouraged Petitioner to provide her with an e-mail address in order to provide Petitioner with a more timely notice of available work shifts, but Petitioner refused to do so. E-mail communication is the most typical form of communication used by the rest of the on-call staff and serves as the most efficient and quickest way for Ms. Daniels to communicate with HCA staff. Because Petitioner would not provide an e-mail address, she was at a disadvantage, because other on-call staff members were able to learn of the availability of work shifts and respond faster to the announced openings. Because Petitioner would not provide an e-mail address and indicated that she preferred to receive the notice of work shift availability by mail, Ms. Daniels complied and sent the schedule of availability to Petitioner by U.S. mail. The evidence establishes that any reduction in the number of hours worked by Petitioner resulted exclusively from her own actions and not as a result of any retaliatory animus by Ms. Daniels or Respondent.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order finding: that Respondent, Shell Point Retirement Community, did not commit an unlawful employment practice as alleged by Petitioner, Ghanshaminie Lee; and denying Petitioner's Employment Complaint of Discrimination. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of March, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LINZIE F. BOGAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of March, 2015.

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57120.68760.10760.11
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jun. 24, 2009 Number: 09-003478 Latest Update: Dec. 15, 2009

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Petitioner timely filed a complaint of discrimination in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 760, Florida Statutes (2009).

Findings Of Fact Prior to November 28, 2007, the Petitioner was employed by the Respondent. On November 26, 2008, the Petitioner sent a Technical Assistance Questionnaire (TAQ) to the Florida Commission on Human Relations (FCHR). The TAQ was submitted via facsimile transmission and was not signed. The Petitioner believed she was complying with the directives of the FCHR website and that follow-up assistance (from the FCHR) would not be required. The Petitioner did not understand that a signature was required, notwithstanding the place for same (along with a date) on page 2 of the TAQ. The Petitioner maintains that the FCHR website instructions were unclear and that she erroneously relied on the directions that did not specify she was required to sign the TAQ. The Petitioner filed a signed Charge of Discrimination with the FCHR on January 14, 2009. On February 5, 2009, the Petitioner received a "Notice of Receipt of Complaint" from the FCHR. At the same time, a copy of the complaint was furnished to the Respondent, who was then, presumably, put on notice of the Petitioner's charge. The FCHR did not advise the Petitioner that the TAQ had to be signed. In the course of its review of the instant charge, the FCHR entered a determination of "untimely." Per the FCHR's assessment, the charge of discrimination was filed more than 365 days from the last incident or act of discrimination. Thereafter, the Petitioner elected to file a Petition for Relief to challenge the determination and to seek relief against the Respondent. The Commission then forwarded the matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings for formal proceedings.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a Final Order dismissing the Petitioner's claim of discrimination. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of September, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. J. D. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of September, 2009. COPIES FURNISHED: Mark Levitt, Esquire Allen, North & Blue 1477 West Fairbanks Avenue, Suite 100 Winter Park, Florida 32789 Marie C. Perez 517 29th Street West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Larry Kranert, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.57760.1195.05195.09195.1195.28195.36 Florida Administrative Code (1) 60Y-5.001
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HAROLD E. FORD, JR. vs A-1 BLOCK CORP., 14-004132 (2014)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Sep. 04, 2014 Number: 14-004132 Latest Update: Mar. 12, 2015

The Issue The issues in this case are whether Respondent, A-1 Block Corp., discriminated against Petitioner, Harold E. Ford, Jr., on the basis of his race and/or color and in retaliation, and, if so, what remedy should be ordered.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a family-owned business that manufactures concrete products, ready-mix concrete, concrete block, and precast concrete. Mr. Freeman has been the president of Respondent for approximately 10 years. Petitioner is an African-American male who was employed by Respondent at two different times. Petitioner was hired to work in several different capacities which included: ready-mix driver; block driver; dump truck driver; and/or loader operator. Mr. Caviglia serves Respondent in a supervisory position, and Mr. Caviglia made the decision to hire Petitioner as a truck driver in December 2009 (first employment). Respondent hired Petitioner at $12.00 an hour. Respondent terminated Petitioner’s employment in July 2011 (first employment termination). Mr. Freeman described the circumstances under which Petitioner was terminated as: Petitioner failed to unhook some type of ladder or other apparatus at a self-loading dock, and drove off causing approximately $4,000 to $5,000 of damage to Respondent’s truck and/or the dock. Respondent was responsible for making the repairs. At the time of his first employment termination, Petitioner was making $13.00 an hour. Approximately five months later, in December 2011, Mr. Caviglia re-hired Petitioner to be a truck driver for Respondent. The other drivers employed by Respondent wanted Petitioner to return. Petitioner was hired at $13.00 an hour (second employment). At various times during Petitioner’s employment with Respondent, Petitioner inquired about becoming a “dispatcher” for Respondent. Mr. Freeman indicated to Petitioner that he (Mr. Freeman) would think about Petitioner’s dispatcher request. However, one of the requirements for Respondent’s dispatcher position was the availability to work on Saturdays. Mr. Freeman knew that Petitioner had a second job which required Petitioner to work on Saturdays. Since 2004, Petitioner worked part-time as an attendant at a local funeral home, which required Petitioner to work some Saturdays. Petitioner was paid $75 per funeral; however, he did not know how much he had been paid since his second employment termination. Petitioner did not have any pay-stubs to reflect how much he had been paid by the funeral home. Petitioner continues to work for the funeral home. In October 2013, Petitioner caused damage to tires on a truck belonging to Respondent. Respondent incurred a financial loss as a result of the damaged tires. Petitioner was terminated from his second employment with Respondent on November 20, 2013. Petitioner alleged and testified that Mr. Caviglia threatened Petitioner at various times during Respondent’s operational meetings.3/ Two other witnesses, Mr. Timmons and Mr. Sandy, testified that they did not observe Petitioner being threatened at these meetings. Petitioner alleged that he was retaliated against based on his race. Petitioner claimed that he was directed to wash a white man’s truck. Petitioner refused to wash the truck. Respondent requires its drivers to wash the trucks that they drive each day. However, there was no evidence of any retaliation against Petitioner when he did not wash the other man’s truck. Petitioner alleged he asked for raises when he thought it appropriate, and was refused. Mr. Freeman paid his employees the going rate, and it was established that Petitioner was being paid $14 an hour when he was terminated. Mr. Timmons, a former employee of Respondent, received the same rate of pay for working as a driver or as a dispatcher for Respondent. Petitioner’s resumé was admitted into evidence as Exhibit C. Petitioner created this resumé in 2011, and revised it one time to assist in the preparation for the hearing. The resumé does not accurately reflect Petitioner’s separate employment periods at Respondent, nor does it contain a two-week period of employment at another construction company.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Florida Commission on Human Relations DISMISSING the Petition for Relief filed by Mr. Ford. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of December, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LYNNE A. QUIMBY-PENNOCK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of December, 2014.

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000 Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57120.68760.01760.10760.11
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Apr. 24, 2012 Number: 12-001524 Latest Update: Sep. 17, 2012

The Issue The issue is whether this case should be dismissed based on Petitioner's failure to appear at the hearing and apparent intent to withdraw her request for an administrative hearing.

Findings Of Fact The Notice of Hearing in this case was issued on May 22, 2012, setting the hearing for July 17, 2012, at 9:30 a.m., by video teleconference at sites in Tallahassee and Fort Myers, Florida. Also, on May 22, 2012, an Order of Pre-hearing Instructions was entered. Respondent timely complied with the pre-hearing requirements by filing a witness list and exhibit list and tendering its proposed exhibits, all of which were served on Petitioner. Petitioner did not file or exchange a witness list, exhibit list, or proposed exhibits. Petitioner spoke by telephone with a secretary at DOAH on July 16, 2012, the day before the scheduled hearing, and indicated that she had sent a letter withdrawing her hearing request; however, to this day, no such letter has been received. Petitioner was advised to send another written statement confirming that she was withdrawing her hearing request, and she indicated she would do so by facsimile that day. However, no such facsimile was received by DOAH. After hours on July 16, 2012, a typed, but unsigned letter, was sent by facsimile to counsel for Respondent. The letter appears to have been sent by Petitioner and states that she wished to cancel the hearing scheduled for July 17, 2012. Petitioner did not make an appearance at the scheduled hearing at the start time or within 25 minutes after the scheduled start time. While it would have been better practice for Petitioner to file a written, signed statement with DOAH to withdraw her hearing request, it is found that Petitioner intended to withdraw her hearing request, and that is why Petitioner did not appear at the scheduled hearing. Petitioner should have made her intentions clear sufficiently in advance of the scheduled hearing to avoid the inconvenience and expense of convening a hearing by video teleconference and assembling all of those who were prepared to go forward.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief in this case. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of August, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ELIZABETH W. MCARTHUR Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of August, 2012. COPIES FURNISHED: Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations Suite 100 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Lawrence F. Kranert, Jr., General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Todd Evan Studley, Esquire Florida Department of Corrections 501 South Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Natalie Goldenberg Post Office Box 7388 Fort Myers, Florida 33911

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57120.68760.11
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 11, 2002 Number: 02-002747 Latest Update: Feb. 24, 2003

The Issue Whether Respondent committed an unlawful employment practice against Petitioner in violation of Section 760.10 et. seq., Florida Statutes, as set forth in Petitioner's Charge of Discrimination filed with the Florida Commission on Human Relations (FCHR) on October 29, 2001, and, if so, the penalties that should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner presented no evidence in support of his allegation that Respondent discriminated against him.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief filed in this case. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of October, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of October, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: John C. Seipp, Jr., Esquire Bonnie S. Crouch, Esquire Seipp, Flick and Kissane, P.A. 2450 Sun Trust International Center 1 Southeast 3rd Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 Brian D. Albert, Esquire 2450 Northeast Miami Gardens Drive Miami, Florida 33180 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (3) 120.57760.10760.34
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Jan. 19, 1994 Number: 94-000294 Latest Update: Dec. 12, 1995

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a black female. At all times material, Petitioner was employed by Respondent corporation in one of its general retail merchandise stores in Ocala, Florida. Petitioner was hired by Respondent's white male store manager, Mr. John Sasse, on October 20, 1992, as a stock clerk in the shoe department. Petitioner was terminated on January 10, 1993, within the ninety day probationary period published in Respondent's employee handbook. In making the foregoing finding of fact, it is recognized that Petitioner attempted to show that the probationary period for new employees was only sixty days. However, she only showed that the sixty day period was applicable in a different time frame than is material here. On October 31, 1992, while working in a stock room, Petitioner's back and neck were injured when a box fell on her. Supervisors called an ambulance, and Petitioner was transported to the emergency room of a local hospital. She was treated but not hospitalized. Respondent duly filed the "Notice of Injury" as mandated by Chapter 440 F.S., "The Florida Workers' Compensation Act," and began to pay Petitioner's medical expenses. Prior to her injury, Mr. Sasse considered Petitioner to be only a marginal employee. Petitioner was released by hospital doctors for return to work as of November 6, 1992. At that time, she had no work restrictions imposed by a doctor, so Mr. Sasse reassigned Petitioner to her usual duties. Petitioner worked at the tasks she felt she could do until November 11, 1992, when she returned to the hospital. She was examined and medicated. Later that same day, as is standard procedure with workers' compensation injuries wherein the employer pays for an injured worker's medical care and as a result has the legal right to specify which doctors attend the employee, Mr. Sasse ordered Petitioner to go to "Care One," a "walk-in" medical facility specializing in occupational medicine. Petitioner went to Care One, where she was again examined and medicated. Petitioner was released for work the same day with written work restrictions from the Care One doctor. Petitioner's resentment against Respondent that she had been injured in the first place apparently was a motivating force in her actions after she returned to work the second time. Petitioner's candor and demeanor while testifying, as well as her persistence in returning her testimony to the circumstances surrounding the box falling upon her in the storeroom, made it very clear that she considered it discriminatory, or at least unfair, that Respondent had "forced" her or anyone to work under the cluttered stock room conditions that had resulted in her initial accident or injury. In Petitioner's mind, at least, the fact that an accident or injury had occurred in the first place was sufficient to establish "dangerous working conditions" and "an unlawful employment practice." After November 11, 1992, she persisted with these complaints to the employer. However, no competent evidence established a nexus between Petitioner's race and her pre-injury job assignments, and no evidence demonstrated that after her accident, the Respondent-employer handled her workers' compensation medical care any differently because she was black. On November 11, 1992, Care One's written restrictions provided: Restricted Employee should avoid movements of the upper body and neck that would place undue stress on the neck, such as strenuous pushing and pulling, heavy lifting, and working above the shoulders. Employee should avoid lifting > 20 pounds, avoid frequent bending and twisting of the back, and avoid strenuous pushing and pulling. Mr. Sasse and his subordinate supervisors assigned Petitioner tasks consistent with Mr. Sasse's interpretation of Petitioner's written restrictions, as modified over time by subsequent information. On November 11, 1992, a position was created for Petitioner in the soft goods department. At this time, Petitioner became the only black clerk in the soft goods department. Initially, Mr. Sasse told her she was not to reach above her shoulders or bend to pick up anything below her knees. Petitioner complained that these tasks constituted too much physical exertion for her due to her physical condition. Petitioner continued to complain about the accident and her pain. The employer and insurance carrier continued to refer her back to Care One. There was a short delay with regard to some medical services requested by Petitioner or by referring and consulting doctors under the workers' compensation medical care delivery system, but the employer/insurance carrier in due course authorized physical therapy, a consultation with an orthopedic specialist, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for further diagnosis. Derrick Proctor, a black male employee and Petitioner's friend, presented as a credible witness, even though he claimed to have been fired by Mr. Sasse under what Mr. Proctor termed "suspicious circumstances" and at the time of formal hearing had some type of action pending against this employer. Mr. Proctor described Petitioner as "embittered" against the employer because of the employer's refusal or delay in dealing with Petitioner's medical concerns and stress. However, it appears that Petitioner's problems, if any, were common disputes and communication delays inherent in the workers' compensation medical care delivery system. For instance, when asked, the doctors reported directly to the employer, insurance carrier, and store manager concerning the Petitioner- employee's medical condition, consultant treatment, and recovery progress. On December 10, 1992, Mr. Sasse told Petitioner that he had received an oral report on her December 9, 1992 MRI results and that they were negative. This conversation occurred before any of the doctors had reported the MRI results to the Petitioner, and Petitioner inferred therefrom that information was being withheld from her. Later, on December 22, 1992, Petitioner learned, during a reprimand and counselling session for insubordination and failure to work up to her capacities, that the employer had been informed much earlier that she could return to work with no restrictions. (See Findings of Fact 32-36) Although Mr. Sassy and others had told her this before December 22, 1992, the events of December 22, 1992 triggered a belief in Petitioner that the employer was "out to get" her. Notwithstanding the extreme light duty assigned her, Petitioner complained about the work assigned and was uncooperative about helping supervisors find a job description she felt she could perform. Although Petitioner may not have known about it until November 25, 1992, on November 20, 1992 Care One deleted the prior restrictions on lifting items over 20 pounds, bending, and strenuous pushing and pulling, and narrowed her restrictions to the following: Restricted. Employee should avoid movements of the upper body and neck that would place undue stress on the neck, such as strenuous pushing and pulling, heavy lifting, and work above the shoulders. In December 1992, Mr. Proctor was required to close his department, hardware, every night, and Petitioner closed the soft goods department some nights. Petitioner considered being required to close some nights to be discrimination against her since she was the only black employee in the soft goods department at that time and the white female employee in soft goods had been switched to the day shift in Petitioner's place. The greater weight of the evidence shows that the whole store's evening hours increased from midnight to 1:00 a.m. due to the Christmas season, and on December 6, 1992, Petitioner was assigned to work nights so that she could go to daytime medical and physical therapy appointments. The employer's accommodation of Petitioner's situation in this respect was comparable to the accommodation given a white female employee in soft goods. Beginning November 23, 1992, that white female employee, Ms. Audrey, had been assigned to a daylight shift so that her husband, who had bad night vision, could drive her to and from work. Race was not a factor in the accommodation rendered Ms. Audrey or Petitioner. Who closed the store during December 1992 depended upon who worked the evening shift, not race. It is not entirely clear on the record whether, on December 3, 1992, Petitioner withdrew from physical therapy because she could not do the weight training assigned her or was rejected by the physical therapist as a client because she would not cooperate in weight training. Petitioner testified that she returned to physical therapy thereafter for ultrasound treatment. It is clear that Petitioner believed she was rejected by the therapist because she could not lift the heavy weights assigned her by the therapist as part of Petitioner's planned recovery. It is also clear that the decision to end the weight phase of Petitioner's treatment did not have employer input. By December 5, 1992, Petitioner's personally professed physical limitations and complaints about Mr. Sasse's treatment of her had resulted in Mr. Sasse accommodating her by creating a "make-work" job description. Under it, she was asked to push a cart that other employees had hung clothes on; she was not required to load the car with clothes. She was required only to pick up single articles of clothing that were left in the women's dressing rooms and return them to the racks. She was told only to bend if an occasional article of clothing was found on the floor. She was also told to open dressing room doors for customers and, if requested, fetch more clothes for them to try on while they remained in the dressing room. Petitioner was permitted to wear her softly padded neckbrace at all times, even though she presented no written doctor's instructions to do so. Petitioner described it as an "agony" imposed on her by the employer when, on December 5, 1992, Mr. Sasse ordered her not to sit continuously on the sales floor in a chair she had removed from the women's dressing room. Petitioner had previously complained because she had been required to sit for long hours on a very hard chair Mr. Sasse had provided for her, and this time she had gotten a different chair herself. On December 5, 1992, Mr. Sasse told her she must leave the dressing room chair in the dressing room for the customers, that she was not permitted to sit all the time on the sales floor where customers could see her, and she must not just sit without doing any work, until all her work was done. He told her to do a variety of the tasks of which she was capable, including but not limited to sitting while pricing goods. Petitioner considered these orders to be contrary to her doctor's limitations and to constitute "physical abuse." Petitioner repeatedly requested time off with pay so that she could recover completely through bed rest. Mr. Sasse would not allow her time off for medical reasons without a doctor's written approval. Petitioner considered this condition imposed by management to be "abusive." Petitioner described Mr. Sasse as being rude to her on December 6, 1992, when he refused to discuss her accusations of "physical abuse" and her request for time off in the presence of other employees and customers in the public buffet area of the store, and walked off, leaving her there. Petitioner referred to this incident as at least part of her "opposition to unlawful employment practices" which she believed resulted in her termination. Petitioner presented no evidence that a doctor had ever recommended that she stay at home and do nothing so that she could heal. From all the evidence, it is inferred that as a probationary employee, Petitioner had no accrued sick leave to expend for this purpose. Ms. Gardner was a long-time white female employee who had her doctor's approval for knee surgery and who required a month of bed rest at home afterwards. The employer allowed Ms. Gardner to use earned compensatory time as sick leave for that purpose during the month of December 1992. By mid-December, 1992, Mr. Sasse was frustrated because Petitioner refused to do every job he devised, even the "make work" ones, and he believed that she only pretended to be busy when he was watching her. Mr. Sasse had told Petitioner that she could do normal work again and she would not accept this from him without hearing it also from her doctor. Mr. Sasse decided to discipline Petitioner for not working up to her limitations as he understood them and for insubordination. He directed the soft goods manager trainee, Ms. Lynn Tyler, a white female, to "write up" Petitioner. Ms. Tyler and the assistant store manager, Ray Harding, a white male, met with Petitioner on December 22, 1992 to discuss the contents of the prepared memo. One of the supervisors' concerns at the time Petitioner was "written up" was that they could not get Petitioner to do anything at all without an argument, even after pointing out various light work job duties on a walk around the whole store. They were also concerned that without Petitioner doing some tasks, the employer had to pay other employees overtime to accomplish what Petitioner was not accomplishing in her regular shift hours. It was stipulated that Petitioner was never asked to work overtime. Petitioner refused to sign the December 22, 1992 memorandum of reprimand because she did not agree with it and because Tyler and Harding were, in her opinion, "grudgeful." Petitioner was informed later on December 22, 1992 by her Care One doctor that he had, indeed, released her for normal work activities effective December 16, 1992. His December 16, 1992 report which had been previously received by the employer read: Please note employee's current duty status is as follows: Regular May return to normal work activities full time. After her accident, Petitioner was observed by Derrick Proctor doing some of the same types of physical exertion the employer had required that she do before the accident, including reaching above her head to put clothes on and take them off clothes racks and picking clothes up from the floor, but he never knew her medical restrictions other than what she told him. He also observed her in agitated conversations with Ms. Tyler and Mr. Sasse while she was wearing a neck brace. On January 7, 1993, he saw Ms. Tyler "very out of sorts" when talking to the Petitioner. At first, he stated that he did not consider Petitioner to be rude or insubordinate on these occasions because the topic was working conditions, but later he admitted that he could not overhear what was actually said on all these occasions. Mr. Proctor also observed that, "Mr. Sasse rode everybody pretty hard," including white workers. It was "his way of getting things done." Mr. Proctor once observed Petitioner hiding in another department, behind racks, to avoid management. Petitioner acknowledged and described her "hiding out" at that time to Mr. Proctor as due to her "feeling mistreated" and "avoiding management." In her formal hearing testimony, Petitioner described it as "opposing unlawful work practices and abusive treatment." After learning on December 22, 1992 of her release from all medical restrictions, Petitioner continued to be uncooperative with management. Petitioner's testimony conceded that she had understood that all doctors had released her with no restrictions as of December 28, 1992 and that she had still refused to reach and bend in the stock room when ordered to do so by Mr. Sasse and Ms. Tyler on January 7, 1993. After evaluating Petitioner's continued failure or refusal to perform even the lightest of duties, Mr. Sasse decided to terminate Petitioner before her ninety days' probationary period ended. Mr. Sasse, who was terminated by Respondent-employer sometime later in 1993 and who, at the time of formal hearing, was litigating an unemployment compensation claim against Respondent, had no reason to fabricate information or testify favorably for the Respondent-employer. He was credible to the effect that the decision to terminate Petitioner in January 1993 was his unilateral decision and that he made his decision without reference to, or motivation by, Petitioner's race. Specifically, it was Mr. Sasse's foundational assessment that Petitioner could physically do the light work he assigned her after reasonable accommodation for a temporary disability but that she would not do the work assigned by him that caused him to terminate her. Petitioner testified that she was replaced by a white female. In fact, a white female was hired approximately one or two weeks prior to Petitioner's January 10, 1993 termination, with a due date to report to work on January 11, 1993, which subsequently turned out to be the day immediately following Petitioner's termination. The employer did not hire this white female with the intent of replacing Petitioner, but she was ultimately placed into the soft goods department. Mr. Proctor testified that other blacks worked in soft goods after Petitioner's termination. Within four weeks of Petitioner's termination, three new employees were hired. None of these were assigned to the soft goods department. Mr. Standley Gillings, a black male, was originally employed in another of Respondent's Ocala stores. In October 1993, Mr. Gillings was demoted with a loss of pay and transferred to the store from which Petitioner had been fired ten months earlier. His new immediate supervisor in that store was also black. Respondent continued to employ Mr. Gillings under the black supervisor until Mr. Gillings found another job and quit.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief. RECOMMENDED this 25th day of August, 1994, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The De Soto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of August, 1994.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57760.10760.11 Florida Administrative Code (1) 60Y-5.001
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