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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-001724 Latest Update: Mar. 04, 1986

The Issue The issue in these two consolidated cases is whether disciplinary action should be taken against Luis J. Marti, M. D., hereinafter referred to as "Respondent Marti," and/or Jesus Escar, M.D., hereinafter referred to as "Respondent Escar," based upon the alleged violations of Chapter 458, Florida Statutes, contained in the separate Administrative Complaints filed against each of the Respondents.

Findings Of Fact Based on the stipulations of the parties; on the testimony of the witnesses, and on the exhibits received in evidence at the hearing; I make the following findings of fact. Respondent Escar is, and has been at all times material hereto, a licensed physician in the state of Florida, having been issued license number ME 0034247. Respondent Escar's last known address is 935 West 49th Street, Suite #107, Hialeah; Florida 33012. Respondent Marti is, and has been at all times material hereto, a licensed physician in the state of Florida, having been issued license number ME 0034842. Respondent Marti's last known address is 24355 West Flagler Street, Miami, Florida 33125. Respondent Marti went to medical school in Madrid, Spain. In approximately 1970, while Respondent Marti was in medical school in Madrid, Spain, Respondent Marti met Jose A. Tudela for the first time. At the time, Tudela had come to Madrid, Spain, for the purposes of starting medical school. In approximately 1975, while Respondent Marti was working as a resident at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, Respondent Marti again saw Jose A. Tudela. At about the same time, Respondent Escar met Tudela for the first time. Tudela's father, Francisco Tudela, a physician, was an attending physician at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital. Respondents Marti and Escar saw Jose and Francisco Tudela in 1975 while on rounds at the hospital. In 1979, while Respondents Marti and Escar were working at Palm Springs General Hospital, Jose A. Tudela came to the hospital to apply for a position as a house physician and saw Respondents Escar and Marti. When Tudela applied for the position of house physician at Palm Springs General Hospital, Respondents Marti and Escar were both residents at the hospital. On the day that Jose A. Tudela came to apply for the position of house physician at Palm Springs General Hospital, Tudela came to the doctors' lounge at the hospital where he spoke with Respondents Escar and Marti. Tudela had with him a diploma which appeared to Respondents Escar and Marti to be authentic and which appeared to have been issued by the Universidad Central del Este. The diploma had on the back what appeared to be official stamps and seals and the signature of the Vice Consul of the United States. Additionally, a translation of the diploma was attached to the diploma. On the date that Tudela came to apply for the position of house physician at Palm Springs General Hospital, Tudela also showed Respondents Escar and Marti what appeared to be a transcript of his grades from the Universidad Central del Este and a letter purportedly from one Victoria Marcial de Gomez. The transcript and letter appeared to Respondents Escar and Marti to be original and authentic. The letter from Gomez, who purportedly was the medical director for the health center of Trujillo Alto Health Department, in the associated Free State of Puerto Rico, appeared to verify the fact that Dr. Jose A. Tudela had worked in the Health Center of Trujillo Alto for seven months. When Respondent Marti reviewed Tudela's documents, he knew it was important that foreign papers be certified because he had had the experience of having to leave Cuba and re-establish himself. Respondent Marti's own diplomas from Spain bear attestations of notarization of a foreign government. Respondent Escar believed that Tudela's documents were originals because of his experience in having seen similar original documents of other residents in the past. On or about August 1, 1979, Jose A. Tudela completed an application for employment as a house physician at Palm Springs General Hospital. The application contained basic personal information about Tudela and listed some of Tudela's education and work experience. According to the application, Tudela went to Belle Glade High School, in Belle Glade; Florida; Warwick High School, in Newport News, Virginia, where he graduated in 1965; and the University of Miami; in Coral Gables, Florida where he graduated in 1970. According to the application, Tudela worked in an unspecified capacity in the Centro de Salud, in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, from 1978 to 1979. The application form does not contain any information about Tudela's medical education. Specifically, it does not contain any mention of University of Santo Domingo, Universidad Central del Este, or U.C.E. On or about August 8, 1979, Jose A. Tudela was employed by Palm Springs General Hospital as a house physician. Jose A. Tudela remained at Palm Springs General Hospital as a house physician until October 29, 1979. Tudela left Palm Springs General Hospital on that date to become a surgical assistant at Miami Children's Hospital. While employed a Miami Children's Hospital, Tudela received the highest score on every item on his employee evaluation form. That hospital never knew of any problem with Tudela's performance or credentials until this case occurred. Between approximately 1979 and 1983, Respondents Escar and Marti practiced medicine together as partners. In 1980, Jose A. Tudela approached Respondent Marti and asked Respondent Marti to sign an affidavit on behalf of Tudela. Therefore, on or about March 13, 1980, Respondent Marti signed a Form B-1 which was addressed to Rafael A. Penalver, M.D., Director, Office of International Medical Education, University of Miami School of Medicine; Miami; Florida. The form B-1 contained the following sworn statement: This is to certify that Jose A. Tudela born in Cuba and a graduate from the University Santo Domingo on 1978 was legally engaged in the practice of medicine from ---- to in Puerto Rico. I have known the applicant since 1975 and was acquainted with him/her during the time he practiced medicine. I was algo (sic) engaged in the practice of medicine in Miami U.S.A. during the years of 1975 and up. At some time after Respondent Marti signed the Form B-1, the abbreviation "(U.C.E.)" was added to the above-referenced sworn statement after the school name, "University Santo Domingo." Respondent Marti did not place the quoted abbreviation on the Form B-1. Prior to signing the subject Form B-1, Respondent Marti reviewed, for verification purposes, the employment application of Jose A. Tudela for Tudela's employment as a house physician at Palm Springs General Hospital. However, the employment application in question does not reflect any attendance by Tudela at any educational institution in the Dominican Republic or Santo Domingo. Furthermore, the employment application does not indicate the capacity in which Tudela worked in the Centro Salud in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, and does not specifically indicate that Tudela practiced medicine in Puerto Rico. In 1980, Jose A. Tudela also approached Respondent Escar and asked Respondent Escar to sign an affidavit for him. Therefore, on or about March 13, 1980, Respondent Escar signed a Form B-1 which contained the following sworn statement: This is to certify that Jose A. Tudela born in Cuba and a graduate from the University of Santo Domingo on 1978 was legally engaged in the practice of medicine from ---- to in Puerto Rico. I have known the applicant since 1970 and was acquainted with him/her during the time he practiced medicine. I was algo (sic) engaged in the practice of medicine in Miami, Fla during the years of 1977 and up. The Form B-1 was addressed to Rafael A. Penalver, M.D., Director; Office of International Medical Education, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida. At some time after Respondent Escar signed the Form B-1, the abbreviation "(U.C.E.)" was added to the above-referenced sworn statement after the school name, "University of Santo Domingo." Respondent Escar did not place the quoted abbreviation on the Form B-1. Respondent Escar relied upon Respondent Marti's verification of Tudela's background information in signing the Form B-1 described in the immediately preceding paragraph. Respondent Escar did not personally review Tudela's application for employment at Palm Springs General Hospital but discussed the information contained in the employment application with Respondent Marti. At the time Respondents Marti and Escar signed the Forms B-1, they did not know Tudela very well and did not know very much about his background. Although they both thought Tudela was probably a graduate of a medical school, they did not remember what school he had supposedly graduated from, as evidenced by the fact that they put the wrong school name on the Forms B- 1. Both Respondent Escar and Respondent Marti lacked personal knowledge of the information contained in the Forms B-1 which they signed for Jose A. Tudela. Neither of the Respondents saw or taught Tudela at medical school in the Dominican Republic. Furthermore, neither Respondent Escar nor Respondent Marti was in Puerto Rico at the time Jose A. Tudela allegedly practiced medicine at the Centro Salud in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico. Neither of the Respondents had any source of information about Tudela's alleged medical education in the Dominican Republic or his alleged practice of medicine in Puerto Rico other than statements Tudela may have made to them, statements Tudela wrote on the application form at Palm Springs General Hospital, and whatever information could be gleaned from a casual review of Tudela's forged credentials. Jose A. Tudela has never graduated from the Universidad Central del Este, which is located in the Dominican Republic, nor from any other medical school. Tudela enrolled in the Universidad Central del Este (U.C.E.) medical school in August, 1977. There is no evidence in the school records for U.C.E. that Tudela passed any of his courses. In May of 1978 Tudela was no longer at the university. Tudela was given a special concession at U.C.E. so that upon presentation of a pre-medical certificate which Tudela claimed to possess, Tudela could receive credit for the pre-medical program training. However, Tudela never presented the required proof of his pre-medical program. Tudela did not complete any of the twelve semesters at U.C.E. which make up the medical degree program including pre-medical training. Although Respondent Marti first met Tudela in 1970 and Respondent Escar met him in 1975, the Form B-1 signed by Respondent Marti states that he met Tudela in 1975, and the one signed by Respondent Escar states that he met Tudela in 1970. The reason for this error is that both of the forms were prepared by Respondent Marti and the forms were inadvertently switched at the time they were signed. The Forms B-1 signed by Respondents Marti and Escar were submitted to the Board of Medical Examiners by Jose A. Tudela as attachments to an Application for Continuing Medical Education Program, which was submitted as part of Tudela's application for licensure as a physician in Florida. Tudela applied for licensure in Florida under the provisions of a special law which provided that the Board of Medical Examiners would establish continuing education courses designed to qualify for licensure those individuals who were resident nationals of the Republic of Cuba and were residents of Florida on July 1, 1977. In order to qualify for the continuing education program set up by the Board of Medical Examiners for Cuban nationals, an applicant had to demonstrate that he was a graduate from a medical school with a medical degree and that he was a resident national of the Republic of Cuba and a resident of Florida on July 1, 1977. Upon approval of the applicant to participate in the continuing education program set up by the Board of Medical Examiners, the applicant would have to complete the continuing education program. Upon completion of the continuing education program, the applicant would be qualified to take the licensing examination. In or about March of 1980, Tudela submitted an Application for Examination, an Application for Florida State Board of Medical Examiners Continuing Education Program, and the necessary attachments, which included the Forms B-1 signed by Respondents Escar and Marti and copies of what purported to be his diploma and transcript of grades. After successfully completing the continuing medical education program and the licensure examination, Tudela became certified to practice medicine and surgery by the Board of Medical Examiners on August 23, 1982. At the time of Tudela's application for medical license, the staff of the Board of Medical Examiners conducted the initial review and made the initial determination as to whether an individual was qualified to take the continuing education course and to take the licensure examination for certification to practice medicine and surgery in Florida. In making such determinations, consideration is given to all of the information contained in an applicant's file, which includes such things as the applicant's degree or diploma, transcript of grades, and the Forms B-1. At the time Tudela applied for licensure, the staff of the Board of Medical Examiners did not verify the medical education of applicants and conducted no investigation into the school or the graduation of applicants for licensure. Prior to approving Tudela's application, neither the Board members nor the staff independently contacted the Universidad Central del Este to verify whether Tudela actually graduated from medical school. The Board members did not personally review Tudela's application. The staff reviewed the papers and presented the Board with a list of applicants who appeared to be eligible for the continuing education course and the licensure examination. The diploma and the transcript of grades which Tudela showed to the Respondents and filed with the Board of Medical Examiners are forgeries. They are very good forgeries and bear a remarkable resemblance to genuine diplomas and transcripts issued by the Universidad Central del Este. The false documents provided by Tudela to the Board as part of his application, along with the Forms B-1 signed by Respondents Marti and Escar, deceived the staff into recommending Tudela for the continuing education course, the licensure exam, and ultimately for certification to practice medicine. Tudela's application to the Board also contains several letters of recommendation from other physicians who were convinced of Tudela's competence. The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates granted Tudela a certificate despite his forged documents. In November 1984, an Administrative Complaint was filed against Jose A. Tudela which alleged that Tudela did not graduate from or obtain a degree of Doctor of Medicine from U.C.E., contrary to what Tudela had indicated in his application for licensure examination described above. In March 1985, the Board of Medical Examiners entered an order accepting the surrender for revocation of Jose A. Tudela's license to practice medicine in lieu of further prosecution of the charges contained in the Administrative Complaint which had been filed in November 1984. Tudela is not currently licensed as a physician in the state of Florida. No further action was taken against him for his having fraudulently obtained a medical license in Florida. Respondents Escar and Marti were both aware of the fact that the Forms B-1 which they signed were to be submitted as part of the application for the continuing medical education program which had been established by the Board of Medical Examiners for Cuban nationals as a prerequisite to take the licensure examination. In fact; Respondent Marti became eligible to take the medical licensure examination in Florida by completing the same continuing medical education program. When the Respondents Escar and Marti signed the subject Forms B-1, neither of them had any personal knowledge as to the truth or falsity of the statements therein regarding Tudela's medical education and experience; yet they deliberately certified, under oath, to the truthfulness of matters about which they were distinctly uninformed. When the Respondents Escar and Marti signed the subject Forms B-1, both of them knew the purpose of the forms and both knew that the Board of Medical Examiners would rely on the information in the forms.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57455.225458.327458.331837.06
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-001457 Latest Update: Dec. 30, 1988

The Issue The central issue in this case is whether Petitioner is entitled to licensure by endorsement.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received at the hearing, I make the following findings of fact: The Petitioner, Gerardo Hevilla, completed the application for licensure by endorsement and submitted all degrees, test results, certificates, recommendations, and other documents required by law to be considered for licensure by endorsement as a medical doctor in Florida. The degrees, test results, recommendations and other documents submitted by Petitioner are authentic. Petitioner obtained a doctor of medicine degree from the Universidad Nacional De Rosario in Argentina on July 1, 1980. Universidad Nacional De Rosario Medical School (School) is a medical school duly listed by the World Heath Organization. Graduates of the School are eligible to seek medical licensure in Florida by endorsement pursuant to the provisions found in Section 458.313, Florida Statutes, and the rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Medicine (Board). On November 20, 1985, Petitioner satisfied the requirements of the Educational Council on Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) and was issued ECFMG certificate no. 339-394-9. Petitioner obtained a passing score on the Federated Licensing Examination (FLEX) within 10 years immediately preceding his application for licensure by endorsement in Florida. Petitioner successfully completed one year of post- graduate training at Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center as a resident in general surgery. Petitioner has satisfied all preliminary requirements of the Board to be considered for licensure by endorsement. Petitioner came to Florida in April, 1981. At that time he did not speak English and, therefore, was not able to pass the English portion of the ECFMG examination. In order to learn English, he enrolled at Miami High School. While enrolled at the high school, Petitioner volunteered his services to a clinic located approximately two blocks from the school. Petitioner worked at this clinic, LeGran Familia Clinic (Clinic), from 1982 until 1984, while he attempted to learn English. Since many of the doctors and patients at the Clinic spoke Spanish, Petitioner did not have difficulty. The Clinic had 20-22 licensed physicians on staff during the time Petitioner worked there. During the time Petitioner worked at the Clinic, he was primarily under the supervision of Dr. Mirabal. According to Dr. Mirabal, Petitioner was a brilliant, though ambiguous, physician. Petitioner did not represent himself to patients as a physician but was responsible for taking vital statistics, patient histories, and transcribing Dr. Mirabal's dictation. A licensed physician was present at the clinic at all times during which Petitioner performed these services. Subsequently, the Clinic came under investigation for Medicaid fraud. Petitioner was named as one of several defendants in the criminal prosecution. This charge was later dismissed by the prosecuting State Attorney and is not claimed as a basis for the denial of Petitioner's application for licensure. A second charge, the unauthorized practice of medicine, was alleged against Petitioner in State of Florida v. Gerardo Hevilla, Dade County Circuit Court, Criminal Division, case no. 84-8608. Initially, Petitioner pled not guilty to this charge. On May 3, 1985, Petitioner changed his plea to nolo contendere based upon a representation by the State Attorney to the trial judge that the Department of Professional Regulation had been contacted and had agreed that such plea would not be used against Petitioner in his future licensing efforts. This representation was made on the record and is a part of the plea colloquy. Prior to this presentation, Petitioner had refused, and intended to continue to refuse, to change his plea because of his concern that such a plea would adversely affect his ability to become licensed. The estimated cost to defend the criminal case exceeded $25,000. Petitioner accepted the negotiated plea as a financial concession only after the assurances were given that it would not affect his ability to become licensed. In January or February, 1984, Petitioner became employed at the South Florida Medical and Surgical Center (Center). He remained associated with the Center until June, 1986. While at the Center, Petitioner worked as a surgical assistant and helped the licensed surgeons as they directed. Petitioner did not treat patients independently of the licensed doctors and did not hold himself out as a licensed physician. He told one patient, Zoraida Wong, that he was a student. Petitioner assisted Dr. DeGeronimo and Dr. Alexander at the Center. These doctors found Petitioner to be competent, skilled, and a good worker. In fact, Dr. DeGeronimo was so pleased with Petitioner's work that he employed him at his private office until June, 1986. The work performed by Petitioner at the Center and with Dr. DeGeronimo consisted of setting up the operating area, ordering supplies, assisting in surgery by wiping blood, holding retractors, or cutting stitches, and bandaging wounds. All work was done under a licensed physician's supervision. From June, 1986 until July, 1987, Petitioner performed a one year residency at the Lincoln Medical Hospital. During this period, Petitioner was supervised by Drs. Stahl, the program director, and Kazigo, an associate professor. According to these physicians, Petitioner is qualified for licensure, possesses the requisite knowledge and skill, and successfully completely the residency program. Following the completion of his residency, Petitioner returned to Miami and is employed again as an assistant to Dr. DeGeronimo in his plastic surgery practice. Petitioner did not perform facial plastic surgery on the patient, Zoraida Wong. Petitioner did not withhold facts regarding his criminal plea from the Board.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That The Board of Medicine enter a final order approving Petitioner's application for licensure by endorsement. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 30th day of December, 1988, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOYOUS D. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of December, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER RULINGS ON PETITIONER'S PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT: The first sentence in Paragraph 1 is accepted. With regard to the sentence, that portion which alleges Petitioner took courses at the University of Miami is accepted the rest is rejected as beyond the scope of evidence presented or irrelevant to these proceedings. Paragraph 2 is accepted as to all parts. With regard to paragraph 3A. with the exception of the reference to full-time study of English it is accepted. The record does not conclude whether or not Petitioner was in school full-time, he did enroll at Miami High School to learn English so to that extext it is accepted, otherwise rejected as not supported by the record. Paragraphs 3B-D are accepted. Paragraph 4 is accepted. Paragraph 5A. is accepted. The first sentence and last sentence of the first paragraph of paragraph 5B are accepted; the remainder of the first paragraph is rejected as irrelevant, immaterial, not supported by the record or speculation. The second, third and fourth paragraphs of Paragraph 5B are accepted. The first paragraph of SC is accepted. The second paragraph of SC is rejected as irrelevant; the Board has not claimed the allegations relating to the alleged Medicaid fraud were a basis for denial of Petitioner's license. The first three sentences of the first paragraph of Paragraph 6 are accepted. The remainder of the first paragraph is rejected as a recitation of testimony, irrelevant, or unsupported by the record. The second paragraph of Paragraph 6 is rejected as a recitation of testimony, irrelevant, or argument. The third paragraph of Paragraph 6 is rejected as a recitation of testimony, irrelevant, or argument. The fourth paragraph of Paragraph 6 is rejected as a recitation of testimony, irrelevant, or argument. With regard to these paragraphs, see finding of fact which concludes Petitioner did not operate on the patient Wong. Petitioner's testimony, Dr. DeGeronimo's, and Urquiza's testimony were deemed credible. Dr. Garcia-Lavin and Wong were not. The fifth paragraph of Paragraph 6 is rejected as argument, but as to facts therein see explanation in p. 13 above. RULINGS ON RESPONDENT'S PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT: Paragraphs 1-11c are accepted. The first sentence of paragraph 12 is accepted. The remainder of paragraph 12 is rejected as contrary to the weight of credible evidence. Petitioner was not eligible to take the residency until he had mastered English to a sufficient level to pass required examinations. Petitioner's explanation for the period was acceptable. Paragraph 13 is accepted. Paragraph 14 is rejected as contrary to the credible evidence, argument or irrelevant. Petitioner is found to be credible. Paragraph 15 is rejected as contrary to the evidence, argument or irrelevant. Paragraph 16 is rejected as irrelevant, unsupported by the credible evidence or argument. Paragraph 17 is rejected as irrelevant or argument. That the Department did not actually pledge to hold Petitioner harmless by reason of the plea is not a disputed issue Petitioner had a reasonable basis for believing that to be the case; however, and was induced to change his plea on that basis. Paragraph 18 is accepted but is irrelevant; see p. 7 above. The first three sentences of paragraph 19 are accepted. The record does not disclose how many licensed physicians may performed surgery at the Center; therefore the fourth sentence is rejected. The record does support a finding that Drs. Alexander, DeGeronimo, and Garcia-Lavin worked there and that the facility only used one surgical room. Paragraph 20 is rejected as irrelevant to the issues of this case. Paragraph 21 is rejected as irrelevant, immaterial or unnecessary to the resolution of the issues of this case. Paragraph 22 is rejected as irrelevant, immaterial, contrary to the evidence or unnecessary to the resolution of the issues of this case. The first two sentences of paragraph 23 are accepted, the remainder is rejected as contrary to the credible evidence, irrelevant, or immaterial to the resolution of the issues of this case. Paragraphs 24-26 are rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence, irrelevant or immaterial to the resolution of the issues of this case. It is possible that Petitioner remained associated with the Center and also worked for Dr. DeGeronimo. The testimony of the three (Petitioner, Alexander, and DeGeronimo) does not conflict. COPIES FURNISHED: Rodney W. Bryson Bryson & Berman, P.A. Suite 219 8525 N.W. 53rd Terrace Miami, Florida 33166 Ann Cocheu Assistant Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs Suite 1603, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Dorothy Faircloth Executive Director Board of Medicine Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Bruce D. Lamb General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750

Florida Laws (6) 458.311458.313458.327458.331775.082775.083
# 2
BOARD OF MEDICINE vs JOHN R. AYRES, 89-004062 (1989)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Jul. 27, 1989 Number: 89-004062 Latest Update: Feb. 13, 1990

The Issue The issues under consideration in this case concern an administrative complaint placed by the Petitioner against Respondent accusing him of practicing medicine with an inactive license for the period of January 1, 1988 until on or about October 27, 1988. For this alleged activity Respondent is said to have violated Sections 458.327(1) (a) and 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Respondent attended the University of Rochester from 1977 to 1990 and received a B.A. in biology and a B.S. in neuro- science. He then received his medical education at Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, New York, from 1984 until 1985 and graduated as an M.D. He served surgical internship at Geisinger Medical Center, a general surgery internship, in the year 1985. From 1985 until the point of hearing, he had been receiving training as a resident at the University of Florida Department of Orthopedic Surgery. As such, he is employed by the University of Florida. The residency program in the Department of Orthopedics at the University of Florida is approved by the Council on Graduate Medical Education. His duties as a resident physician include assisting the attending physician and making diagnosis and carrying out treatment, as well as prescribing medication. These duties are performed in Shands Teaching Hospital in Gainesville, Florida, and at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in that same community. In the period January and February, 1988, he was at Shands Teaching Hospital in pediatric orthopedic service. He then served four months at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in the general orthopedic rotation. He then returned to Shands Teaching Hospital as part of the adult reconstructive service. At no time while participating in those programs did he undertake other medical employment. On March 4, 1985, Respondent executed a form provided by the Board of Medical Examiners entitled "Registration Application for Unlicensed Physicians." It may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit 3B-1 admitted into evidence. The purpose of this form was to identify his participation as a resident at Shands Teaching Hospital. In response to the questionnaire, Respondent indicated that he did not intend to become licensed in Florida. This form was submitted to the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Florida and was subsequently forwarded to the Department of Professional Regulation. Notwithstanding the lack of intention on the part of the Respondent to practice medicine in Florida as expressed in his application as executed on March 4, 1985, Respondent applied for and was given an active license to practice medicine issued on November 22, 1985. The medical license is no. ME0047478. He took this step at the instigation of his employer the University of Florida who remitted the necessary fees to obtain that license. On January 16, 1986, Shands Teaching Hospital submitted a list of unlicensed physicians participating in programs within the University of Florida College Medicine as of January 14, 1986 and employed by the University of Florida. This list was sent to Dorothy J. Faircloth, Executive Director of Board of Medical Examiners (Board of Medicine). The attached list included the Respondent's name as being among those persons who were unlicensed physicians working at the University of Florida College of Medicine, Shands Teaching Hospital a that time. A copy of the correspondence of January 16, 1986, is found as Petitioner's exhibit 3-C admitted into evidence and the list itself is Petitioner's exhibit 3-D admitted into evidence. A copy of a list dating from July 1, 1986 describing unlicensed physicians at the University of Florida reflects Respondent's name. However, a line is drawn through his name and other identifying data concerning the Respondent. It is unclear from this record who had drawn that line through the name as reported. A copy of that report may be found as Petitioner's exhibit 3- E admitted into evidence. The list of licensed physicians at the University of Florida as of July 1, 1987, submitted to the Board of Medicine did not reflect the Respondent's name. This can be seen in an examination of Petitioner's exhibit no. 3-G admitted into evidence. Likewise, on January 15, 1988, correspondence was directed to Ms. Dorothy Faircloth, Executive Director of the Board of Medicine, a copy of which is Petitioner's 3-H, admitted into evidence. A list of unlicensed physicians at the University of Florida was attached. That attachment is Petitioner's exhibit no. 3-I, admitted into evidence and it does not show the Respondent's name. That list reflects the circumstance of unlicensed physicians as of January 15, 1988. The Respondent's initial registration as a resident physician on March 4, 1985, was in an effort to comply with the requirements set forth in Section 458.345, Florida Statutes. The submission of the list of the resident physicians and other physicians by the University of Florida, College of Medicine, in the periods as reported above was in an effort to comply with that institution's obligations under Section 458.345, Florida Statutes. In late October or early November, 1987, Respondent received a notice from the Petitioner concerning the renewal of the medical license which had been issued on November 22, 1985. Following the receipt of that notice, he executed the necessary paperwork and submitted it to the accountant at the University of Florida who was responsible for paying Respondent's fees for the medical license as an employee of the University of Florida, School of Medicine, within the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. Respondent took no further action to assure that his license was renewed until late March or early April, 1988. It was at that point that the Respondent was made aware that the replica of his medical license that he kept in his wallet reflected an expiration of that license. He made this discovery when attempting to use that replica as a form of identification. At that juncture he reported to Ms. Jeri Dobbs, an employee of the University of Florida, who indicated that paperwork associated with this license may have been destroyed in a fire at Johnson Hall where certain records of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery were kept. Ms. Dobbs' responsibility in the relevant time period under question, encompassed money matters within the Department of Orthopedics. This included the payment of license fees for residents in the University of Florida Department of Orthopedics. The technique was to request a check from the University of Florida and send that check along with the requisite forms to the Department of Professional Regulation. Sometime in November or early December, 1987, a fire occurred in Johnson Hall at the University of Florida. Within that building were found invoices to be paid or checks requested and they were lost in the fire. In November, 1987, Ms. Dobbs had originally requested a check from the finance and accounting office at Johnson Hall to pay for the re-licensure of certain physicians. The names of those physicians are set forth in Respondent's exhibit no. 3, admitted into evidence. The package of paperwork on license renewal related to the named physicians was lost in the Johnson Hall fire. Respondent's name is not found in that list. Nonetheless, the circumstance that occurred with the physicians listed there may have well have occurred to the Respondent and in his conversation in late March or early April, 1988 with Ms. Dobbs he was impressed with the idea that his paperwork on license renewal may have been destroyed as was the situation with those other physicians. The physicians whose names are listed on Respondent's exhibit no. 3 would have had their medical licenses expire on December 31, 1987, as was the case with Respondent's license. In March, 1988, through efforts of Ms. Dobbs, the licenses of those physicians set forth in Respondent's exhibit no. 3 were renewed upon the payment of a $50 reinstatement or penalty fee as required by Petitioner. There is no indication that those persons as listed in Respondent's exhibit no. 3, were ever subject to disciplinary action for practicing medicine with an inactive license as has been the fate of Respondent in the present case, even though it can be fairly inferred that they had been participating as physicians at the University of Florida in the period January 1, 1988 through latter March, 1988 while their medical license had not been renewed before expiration on December 31, 1987. In conversations between Ms. Dobbs and someone associated with the Petitioner, she expressed her concern at having to pay an additional $50 late fee in the face of the circumstance in which records had been lost in the Johnson Hall fire. In this conversation she was not lead to believe that there would be any problem with the practice of those physicians who were on that list found in Respondent's exhibit no. 3. In her testimony, although Ms. Dobbs acknowledges that Respondent's name is not on the list of physicians whose licenses were reapplied for, she also indicates that she could not say for an absolute fact that these names were the only ones whose information on license renewal was lost. Being of the belief based upon his conversation with Ms. Dobbs that the necessary paperwork for renewal had been destroyed in the Johnson Hall fire, Respondent took the initiative to ascertain the appropriate method to rectify the situation of his license renewal. To this end, at approximately the same time period as the discussion with Ms. Dobbs, he spoke with Ms. Faircloth. He explained the circumstances to Ms. Faircloth of his renewal and specifically the idea in which he was persuaded that his renewal papers had been burned up in the fire at the University of Florida. Her instructions to him were that the paperwork would be forthcoming, to fill it out as quickly as possible and that he should not worry that this sort of thing happened all the time. He was not told by Ms. Faircloth that he should not continue in his duties as a resident physician, given the status of his license renewal. Having not heard from Ms. Faircloth within the week of his initial contact with her, he called her a second time. At that point she said that he should have received the materials. A month after the second contact, another call was made from the Respondent to Ms. Faircloth because he had not received the materials. She indicated that by that time the materials should have been received and therefore she was going to send another set of those forms for him to fill out. A further call was made to Ms. Faircloth and she indicated to the Respondent that the forms had been sent out, and sometime in late June or early July, 1988, information concerning the obtaining of his renewed license began to be received by Respondent. Documents pertaining to the activity of gaining a new license may be found within Petitioner's composite exhibit no. 2 admitted into evidence, in particular those portions 2D through 2J. Throughout this process Respondent cooperated and made timely responses to what was asked of him to effectuate these purposes. Finally, effective October 24, 1988, Respondent obtained his renewed license. Throughout this endeavor neither Ms. Faircloth in conversations with Respondent nor anyone else associated with Petitioner indicated that the Respondent should cease his practice pending the issuance of the renewed license. None of the materials that were forwarded to the Respondent for purposes of license renewal had any admonition against his carrying forward his duties as a resident of the University of Florida pending the resolution of this license problem. After returning the necessary materials to obtain his license, Respondent had not heard from the Department of Professional Regulation, so he checked with Jeri Dobbs and was told that the necessary cash had been remitted for renewal. He called someone within the Petitioner's organization and that person confirmed that the check in furtherance of his license renewal fee had been cashed and that it was probably still in the computer that the license had been printed, but probably had not been sent in the mail. According to Barbara Kemp an employee of Petitioner, who has responsibility for processing requests for license renewal, the detailed requirements set forth in Petitioner's composite exhibit 2 are utilized in the instance wherein the license was not renewed in the ordinary period for renewal. Respondent's situation was perceived in that way. Ms. Kemp refers to this as the reactivation of a license and describes this exhibit as being an indication of the materials necessary to reactivate. As Ms. Kemp explained in her remarks, typically the renewal packet is dispatched 60 days prior to the expiration of the license. That would correspond in this instance to 60 days before December 31, 1987. That circumstance, unlike the situation reflected in Petitioner exhibit no. 2 admitted into evidence, does not contemplate the need to document compliance with certain requirements related to license renewal. In the reactivation mode, that documentation as evidenced by items set forth in Petitioner's exhibit no. 2 would be necessary. According to Ms. Kemp, in the instance where there is a belief that the practitioner has been practicing medicine without the benefit of an active license, a memorandum is sent to those persons within the Petitioner's organization who are responsible for considering administrative complaints. This does not usually occur within the first couple of months beyond the period of license expiration. In this instance, that would correspond to the first couple of months beyond December 31, 1987. The reason for not reporting tardiness in license renewal is due to the fact that Petitioner is busy trying to renew a high number of licenses and the computer takes time to catch up and conclude that activity. This describes the time necessary for data to be entered in the computer system. In this instance, Ms. Kemp complained to the investigatory arm of her organization about the Respondent's possible practice without the benefit of a license and that complaint was made on September 16, 1988.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact made and the conclusions of law reached, it is, RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered which dismisses this administrative complaint. DONE and ENTERED this 13th day of February, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of February, 1990. APPENDIX The following discussion is given concerning the proposed facts of the parties. Petitioner's Facts Paragraphs 1-8 and all of paragraph 9 save the last phrase are subordinate to facts found. The idea of a supposition by the Board of Medicine that Respondent had withdrawn from the residency program and had become licensed is not crucial to the disposition of this case. Paragraphs 10 and 11 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 12 is contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 13-17 are subordinate to facts found. Respondents's Facts Paragraphs 1-9 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 10 with the exception of the last sentence is subordinate to facts found. The exact whereabouts of the paperwork necessary for renewal was not established with certainty. Paragraphs 11-20 are subordinate to facts found. Copies furnished: Wellington H. Meffert II, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Barbara C. Wingo Associate General Counsel University of Florida 207 Tigert Hall Gainesville, FL 32611 Dorothy Faircloth, Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Medicine 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Kenneth E. Easley, General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792

Florida Laws (9) 120.56120.57458.311458.327458.331458.345775.082775.083775.084
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida Feb. 29, 2012 Number: 12-000798 Latest Update: Jul. 23, 2013

Conclusions Having reviewed the Administrative Complaint, and all other matters of record, the Agency for Health Care Administration finds and concludes as follows: 1. The Agency issued the attached Administrative Complaint to the Respondent to revoke its health care clinic license due to Respondent’s principal being ineligible for licensure or exemption from disqualification from licensure pursuant to Section 435.07, F.S.. (Ex. 1) The Respondent filed a Petition for Formal Hearing and the case was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings. During the proceedings, the Agency filed a Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction based upon the lack of any material facts in dispute. In response, the Administrative Law Judge issued an Order to Show Cause to Respondent, followed by an Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction stating that the Agency was authorized to enter a Final Order against the Respondent. (Ex. 2) Based upon the foregoing, it is ORDERED: 2. The Administrative Complaint is UPHELD and the Respondent’s health care clinic license is REVOKED. 3. In accordance with Florida law, the Respondent is responsible for retaining and appropriately distributing all client records within the timeframes prescribed in the authorizing statutes and applicable administrative code provisions. The Respondent is advised of Section 408.810, Florida Statutes. 4. In accordance with Florida law, the Respondent is responsible for any refunds that may have to be made to the clients. 5. The Respondent is given notice of Florida law regarding unlicensed activity. The Respondent is advised of Section 408.804 and Section 408.812, Florida Statutes. The Respondent should also consult the applicable authorizing statutes and administrative code provisions. The Respondent is notified that the cancellation of an Agency license may have ramifications potentially affecting accrediting, third party billing including but not limited to the Florida Medicaid program, and private contracts. 1 Filed July 23, 2013 10:20 AM Division of Administrative Hearings ORDERED at Tallahassee, Florida, on this 727 ~day of key , 2013. Elizabeth Dudek, Secretary Agency for Hegith Care Administration NOTICE OF RIGHT TO JUDICIAL REVIEW. A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled to judicial review, which shall be instituted by filing one copy of a notice of appeal with the Agency Clerk of AHCA, and a second copy, along with filing fee as prescribed by law, with the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where the Agency maintains its headquarters or where a party resides. Review of proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the Florida appellate rules. The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I CERTIFY that a true and this 2 7A of this Final Order_was | was served on the below-named persons by the method designated on this ~ Jad a, » 2013. Richard Shoop, Agency Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Telephone: (850) 412-3630 Jan Mills Facilities Intake Unit Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Thomas Jones, Unit Manager Health Care Clinic Unit Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Finance & Accounting Revenue Management Unit Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Robert Dickson, Field Office Manager Local Field Office Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Katrina Derico-Harris Medicaid Accounts Receivable Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Warren J. Bird, Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration (Electronic Mail) Shawn McCauley Harry Vassilakis, Registered Agent Medicaid Contract Management All Care Chiropractic & Wellness, Inc. Agency for Health Care Administration 505 Deltona Boulevard, Suite #103 (Electronic Mail) Deltona Florida 32725 (U.S. Mail) E. Gary Early Harry Vassilakis, Unit Manager Administrative Law Judge All Care Chiropractic & Wellness, Inc. Division of Administrative Hearings 807 Beville Road (Electronic Mail) South Daytona, Florida 32119 (U.S. Mail) NOTICE OF FLORIDA LAW 408.804 License required; display.-- (1) It is unlawful to provide services that require licensure, or operate or maintain a provider that offers or provides services that require licensure, without first obtaining from the agency a license authorizing the provision of such services or the operation or maintenance of such provider. (2) A license must be displayed in a conspicuous place readily visible to clients who enter at the address that appears on the license and is valid only in the hands of the licensee to whom it is issued and may not be sold, assigned, or otherwise transferred, voluntarily or involuntarily. The license is valid only for the licensee, provider, and location for which the license is issued. 408.812 Unlicensed activity. -- (1) A person or entity may not offer or advertise services that require licensure as defined by this part, authorizing statutes, or applicable rules to the public without obtaining a valid license from the agency. A licenseholder may not advertise or hold out to the public that he or she holds a license for other than that for which he or she actually holds the license. (2) The operation or maintenance of an unlicensed provider or the performance of any services that require licensure without proper licensure is a violation of this part and authorizing statutes. Unlicensed activity constitutes harm that materially affects the health, safety, and welfare of clients. The agency or any state attorney may, in addition to other remedies provided in this part, bring an action for an injunction to restrain such violation, or to enjoin the future operation or maintenance of the unlicensed provider or the performance of any services in violation of this part and authorizing statutes, until compliance with this part, authorizing statutes, and agency rules has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the agency. (3) It is unlawful for any person or entity to own, operate, or maintain an unlicensed provider. If after receiving notification from the agency, such person or entity fails to cease operation and apply for a license under this part and authorizing statutes, the person or entity shall be subject to penalties as prescribed by authorizing statutes and applicable rules. Each day of continued operation is a separate offense. (4) Any person or entity that fails to cease operation after agency notification may be fined $1,000 for each day of noncompliance. (5) When a controlling interest or licensee has an interest in more than one provider and fails to license a provider rendering services that require licensure, the agency may revoke all licenses and impose actions under s. 408.814 and a fine of $1,000 per day, unless otherwise specified by authorizing statutes, against each licensee until such time as the appropriate license is obtained for the unlicensed operation. (6) In addition to granting injunctive relief pursuant to subsection (2), if the agency determines that a person or entity is operating or maintaining a provider without obtaining a license and determines that a condition exists that poses a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of a client of the provider, the person or entity is subject to the same actions and fines imposed against a licensee as specified in this part, authorizing statutes, and agency rules. (7) Any person aware of the operation of an unlicensed provider must report that provider to the agency.

# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Aug. 17, 2015 Number: 15-004629 Latest Update: Feb. 02, 2016
Florida Laws (5) 408.804408.810408.812408.814408.815 Florida Administrative Code (1) 59A-35.040
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jan. 07, 2009 Number: 09-000045 Latest Update: Jul. 02, 2024
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Mar. 30, 1992 Number: 92-002060 Latest Update: Oct. 18, 1996

The Issue Whether or not Petitioner is entitled to a license by endorsement to practice medicine pursuant to Section 458.313(1) F.S.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner William D. Plummer is an applicant for licensure as a physician by endorsement in Florida. On May 2, 1991, Petitioner filed a licensure application with the Department of Professional Regulation. On page one of the application is the question: Are you now or have you ever been licensed in any State, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands? Yes No . Petitioner marked the "No" answer to this question on his application. On page four of the application is the question: Have you ever been denied an application for licensure to practice medicine by any state board or other governmental agency of any state or country? Yes No . Petitioner marked the "No" answer to this question on his application. On June 11, 1991, Petitioner was sent a notice that his application was incomplete. In that notice, he was asked: Are you now, or have you ever been licensed to practice medicine in any State? In response, Petitioner sent a letter stating only that he had received a Pennsylvania medical license on July 3, 1991. This date was subsequent to his making the initial Florida application on May 2, 1991. As part of the application process in Florida, Petitioner was asked to appear before the Credentials Committee of the Board of Medicine on January 25, 1992, in Tampa, to discuss various matters regarding his application. In the course of discussing various issues with the Credentials Committee Petitioner was asked: Were you ever denied a license to practice medicine in another state? In response, Petitioner stated, No. I have my Pennsylvania license. In my training initially--my medical training license took some time, and I think that was in 1985 and it was because we didn't have a program in Pennsylvania to work with the State Board. Later, Petitioner told the Committee, I thought there was a difference between a medical training license and a medical license. A medical training license is under supervision at a hospital. In point of fact, in 1985, Petitioner had applied for a graduate medical license in Pennsylvania in order to enter the residency program at Misercordia, Mercy Hospital where he had already been accepted. The Pennsylvania graduate medical license allows the licensee to work as a physician under supervision only as a resident in the institution named on the license. Petitioner's application for this license was rejected because the Pennsylvania Board found that Petitioner had "knowingly falsified" an answer regarding his addiction to alcohol. The Pennsylvania Board further prohibited Petitioner from reapplying for a graduate medical license until June 6, 1986. After formal hearing, the Pennsylvania Board entered its order as follows: ... an Applicant with a proclivity toward engaging in word ploys in these important matters runs the risk, as here, of being in error and thus committing an active concealment and misrepresentation. A more prudent course perhaps for such an Applicant would be to err on the side of giving excess (voluntary) information in responding to such a formal and serious written questionnaire. Medical residents in training programs "practice medicine." In Pennsylvania, residents are prohibited from practicing medicine unless they receive a graduate medical license from the State of Pennsylvania. Because of the Pennsylvania Board's denial of Petitioner's application for a graduate medical license, he was unable to accept the position at Mercy Catholic Hospital. However, in 1986, Petitioner reapplied for a graduate medical training license in Pennsylvania and the application was granted. This graduate medical training license was renewed annually thereafter while Petitioner continued to train in Pennsylvania. Petitioner still held the latest renewed graduate medical training license when he applied for Florida licensure in May 1991. Petitioner was granted his permanent unrestricted medical license in Pennsylvania in July 1991. (See Findings of Fact 2 and 5 supra.) At formal hearing, Petitioner explained that because Pennsylvania's graduate medical training license only allows participation in a residency training program at an approved institution named on the face of the license, he did not consider it to be a "license to practice medicine," and accordingly he did not disclose to Florida the Pennsylvania Board's 1985 denial of such license. He represented that he believed that because the Pennsylvania graduate medical training license was institution-specific, limited to one year in scope, and only a prerequisite to supervised additional medical education, it did not constitute what Florida's inquiries were all about. By common English usage, Pennsylvania law, and Florida law, the authority that Dr. Plummer was denied in 1985 and granted in 1986 by the Pennsylvania Board constitutes a "license to practice medicine," contrary to his interpretation of that term when he filled out his Florida application and responded to inquiries during the course of Florida's licensure investigation. He should have identified it in response to each relevant question or inquiry. However, Petitioner's interpretation of Florida's questions and his answers thereto do not constitute attempting to obtain a license to practice medicine by fraudulent misrepresentation or concealment of a material fact for the following reasons: Petitioner's formal hearing testimony was credible and unrefuted. Petitioner was consistent in his interpretation of the questions on this subject in that he also did not disclose to Florida the "good" facts that the Pennsylvania Board had subsequently granted him the graduate medical license in 1986 and had renewed it annually and that he still held such a license at the time of filling out his Florida application. Also, in the Florida application, he readily and fully disclosed to Florida the "bad" facts of his detrimental past history of alcoholism. Dr. Lee testified as a medical physician licensed to practice in New York, Pennsylvania, and Iowa, that he considered Petitioner's interpretation of the Florida application questions concerning prior medical licensing reasonable and that he also considered Petitioner's answers to those questions reasonable. No contrary testimony was presented. The American Medical Association profile does not list Petitioner's Pennsylvania graduate medical training license as a "license to practice medicine." Various qualified credible witnesses acknowledged that Petitioner's failure to disclose his alcoholism to the Pennsylvania Board in 1985 was a denial symptom of his alcoholism at that time and was not symptomatic of his character makeup now that his alcoholism is in remission or at any time he responded during the Florida licensing process. Respondent presented no direct evidence to prove that Petitioner had a fraudulent intent in answering as he did. Although fraudulent intent may sometimes be inferred from the circumstances, the circumstances herein do not permit such an inference. On his initial Florida application, Petitioner could not correctly recall the dates of his medical training because he had not kept accurate records himself and because of his alcoholic condition in prior years. One representative error he made is that he listed a full year in one program which he attended for only four months. However, he approximated the dates as best he could and revealed all training programs, even those in which he was unsuccessful, and he consistently responded to the Board that he would defer to whatever the training institutions' records showed. He also concealed no rehabilitation programs he had been in. No intent to defraud or conceal can be inferred from these circumstances. Petitioner is an alcoholic. Petitioner's alcoholism had its inception sometime during his childhood, possibly as early as the age of eight years. Petitioner graduated from Pennsylvania State University summa cum laude, in 1976. He matriculated from the Uniformed Services University in 1980. Toward the end of his time in medical school, approximately 1980, Petitioner began to realize that he had a problem with alcohol. In 1980, Petitioner entered a surgical training program at Balboa Hospital in San Diego, California. As a direct result of his problems with alcohol, Petitioner left that surgical training program in 1981 without completing his training. Between 1981 and 1983, Petitioner was partially supported by his parents, performed odd jobs as a handyman and searched for a new training program. In July, 1983, Petitioner entered an internal medicine training program at St. Raphael Hospital in New Haven, Connecticut. After approximately five months and prior to completion of training in New Haven, Petitioner's problems with alcohol forced him to terminate participation in the internal medicine training program. In December 1983, Petitioner entered a rehabilitation program at Marworth in Waverly, Pennsylvania. He remained as an inpatient at Marworth until February 1984 when he was discharged to Little Hill--Alina Lodge, a continuing care facility in Blairstown, New Jersey, where he remained as an inpatient until May 1984. Petitioner left Little Hill--Alina Lodge with staff approval. Between May 1984 and November 1986, Petitioner worked at various odd jobs as a handyman and helped his parents relocate and build in Florida. He also waited for his graduate medical training license in Pennsylvania. (See Finding of Fact 7, supra) Petitioner described both the periods of 1981-1983 (See Finding of Fact 18 supra.) and 1984-1986 as periods of "self-employment" whereas "unemployment" might have been more accurate. This discrepancy was neither "fraud" nor "concealment," as those terms are generally understood. In November, 1986, Petitioner entered an internal medicine training program at Misercordia, Mercy Catholic Medical Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Petitioner's problem with alcohol caused him to behave in a manner which indicated the presence of an active physical impairment of alcoholism and resulted in Petitioner's suspension and later resignation from that program after approximately three and a half months and prior to completion of training. In June 1987, Petitioner returned to Marworth as an inpatient. He remained under treatment for approximately one month and then stayed on at Marworth as an inpatient for approximately a month. Thereafter, he worked as a janitor and groundskeeper for nearly two years while concentrating on his life problems that had contributed to his alcoholism. Many professionals reviewing his case have been favorably impressed with Petitioner's dedication and sacrifice during this period of time. In 1989, Petitioner entered an internal medicine training program at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, Pennsylvania. This hospital is part of the Guthrie Healthcare System where Petitioner is currently employed. (See Findings of Fact 28, 43, 49 infra.). In June 1990, Petitioner took a vacation to the Florida keys and while on vacation went on a four day drinking binge. Petitioner voluntarily reported himself for further treatment and returned to Pennsylvania. While awaiting placement in another rehabilitation program, he suffered an alcohol withdrawal induced seizure. In July 1990, Petitioner entered his fourth inpatient treatment program for alcoholism at Bethany Center in Homesdale, Pennsylvania, where he remained for one month. His absence was counted as vacation and sick time while he was able to complete his internal medicine training program at Robert Packer Hospital on schedule in April 1992. The Guthrie Health Care System immediately offered him his current position, with full knowledge of his excellent academic record and clinical references and his alcohol recovery history. (See, Findings of Fact 43 and 49 infra). Currently, Petitioner participates in the Physician's Health Program of the Pennsylvania Medical Society and since January 1991 has been participating, through counseling, in a program of recovery from alcoholism with the Bradford Sullivan Drug and Alcohol Program. Both the Florida Physician Resource Network and the Pennsylvania Physician's Health Program impaired physicians programs have opined that Petitioner's history of alcoholism should not bar his licensure in Florida at the current time. (See, Findings of Fact 31-39 infra.) Dr. Roger Goetz is the Director of Florida's PRN and is the Department of Professional Regulation's consultant charged with implementing Florida's Impaired Practitioner Program. The Physician Resource Network includes the Physician Recovery Network (PRN). In the past five years, the PRN has evaluated approximately 350 physicians with impairments at the request of the Board of Medicine. Over this period, Dr. Goetz cannot recall a single instance where an applicant endorsed by PRN has failed to maintain sobriety. PRN statistics show that at least 97 per cent of the practitioners on contract have not reverted to alcohol or chemical use. Petitioner is willing to enter such a contract with PRN if he is licensed. Dr. Goetz believes Petitioner will be able to practice medicine with skill and safety to patients in Florida, provided he enters into a contract with the PRN. Dr. Goetz opined that Petitioner's relapse in 1990 does not indicate the likelihood of future relapses because Petitioner has continued with a more effective treatment program and support system geared to his needs as a physician. Dr. Goetz, on behalf of PRN, recommended a five-year contract for Petitioner designed to identify pre-relapse behavior and entail that he remain chemically abstinent, be subjected to random body fluid analysis, establish a doctor/patient relationship and receive care from another physician for his personal health, obtain a monitoring physician, attend group therapy, attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, have significant family members involved in his recovery, notify the PRN of any problems in his life, including changes in his physical health, be willing to withdraw immediately should there be any problems surrounding his practice, and participate and cooperate with the PRN at all times. Such a contract would provide Petitioner with an environment in Florida which is similar to his current recovery environment in Pennsylvania. Dr. Goetz testified that to the extent of his knowledge Petitioner has a good reputation for truth and veracity. At the request of PRN, Petitioner was evaluated for chemical dependency by Leah H. Williams, M.D. in July 1991. Dr. Williams reported to PRN that she was in favor of Florida licensure for Petitioner. In September 1991, Petitioner received a thorough outpatient evaluation from Dr. Lynn Hankes, PRN's approved evaluator. Dr. Hankes also endorsed Florida licensure for Petitioner, contingent upon Petitioner entering the PRN program and participating in ongoing psychotherapy. Penny Ziegler, M.D., Medical Director of the Pennsylvania Physician's Health Program, supports Petitioner's application for licensure in Florida. Nicholas F. Colangelo, Ph.D., a psychologist, supports Petitioner's application for licensure in Florida. Dr. Colangelo may be considered as a past and currently treating psychologist for Petitioner. They have known each other since Petitioner was at Marworth. Dr. Colangelo is a nationally certified alcohol and drug counselor who is Vice-President of Clearbrook, Inc., an alcohol and drug addiction treatment facility. He is a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for over seventeen years. Twenty-five to thirty-five per cent of his addiction counseling focuses on professionals. According to Dr. Colangelo, professionals and other high-achieving individuals like Petitioner often have difficulty accepting that they must submit to the whole program for recovery from alcoholism but once they do, they recover at a higher than average rate. In Dr. Colangelo's opinion, Petitioner has demonstrated conduct which gives him a better than average prospect for continued sobriety. Dr. Colangelo opined that Petitioner's current employment in a tertiary care facility, the Guthrie Clinic, coupled with the management of the ongoing licensure proceedings in Florida, provide Petitioner with as much environmental stress as he has ever experienced, but the existence of environmental stress does not play a significant role in Petitioner's continued sobriety. Dr. Colangelo perceived Petitioner as a person of truth and veracity. Petitioner is currently employed by the Guthrie Healthcare System, a multi-specialty private medical practice clinic employing approximately 110 physicians in non-surgical areas of medicine. Petitioner is responsible for the initial evaluation of nonsurgical patients. It is within his job duties to determine the type of medical care to be provided to each nonsurgical patient entering the clinic. In that position, he sometimes provides all primary care to the patient or directs the patient to the appropriate subspecialist. Apart from the four days in 1990, Petitioner has been continuously sober for five and one-half years. That 1990 four day relapse did not detrimentally affect his patient care. At that time, Petitioner contacted Florida's PRN. He has maintained contact with Dr. Goetz ever since. According to Dr. Colangelo and Dr. Goetz, two years of continuous sobriety is a benchmark most professional associations accept for granting a license or privilege. The American Board of Internal Medicine uses such a two year benchmark. Petitioner has met all credentialing requirements to obtain certification by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Dr. Ferrol Lee currently is responsible for the nonsurgical quality of medicine at Guthrie, with overall supervision of the 110 physicians employed there, including Petitioner. He has worked with Petitioner both during Petitioner's residency at Robert Packer and during his current employment. He views Petitioner as a hard worker whose personal struggle with alcoholism gives him valuable insight into the care of patients who struggle with similar problems. He ranks Petitioner within the top 5-10 residents of the 100 he has worked with over the past nine years. Dr. Lee testified that Petitioner has continually demonstrated good moral character and has a flawless reputation for truth and veracity. Dr. Lee endorses Petitioner's licensure in Florida. The State of Pennsylvania has never taken disciplinary action against Respondent's license to practice medicine in that state.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that a final order be entered certifying Petitioner for licensure with placement of Petitioner on probation for five years subject to his entering into and abiding by a contract acceptable to the Physicians Recovery Network. RECOMMENDED this 20th day of April, 1993, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of April, 1993.

Florida Laws (6) 120.57120.68458.301458.311458.313458.331
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 30, 2000 Number: 00-003564 Latest Update: Jul. 02, 2024
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Sep. 12, 1996 Number: 96-004317 Latest Update: May 05, 1997

The Issue Whether disciplinary action should be taken against Respondent's license to practice as a physician.

Findings Of Fact The Agency is that state agency charged with regulating the practice of medicine pursuant to Section 20.42, Florida Statutes; Chapter 455, Florida Statutes; and Chapter 458, Florida Statutes. Respondent is a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Florida. Respondent holds license number ME 0055126. The State of Michigan Department of Commerce Board of Medicine is the licensing authority for the State of Michigan. On or about April 18, 1994, the State of Michigan Board of Medicine issued a letter of reprimand to Respondent, and ordered that Respondent pay a fine in the amount of $1,500.00 within ninety days of the Order for prescribing anabolic steroids for the purpose of improving body-building or weightlifting. Respondent is guilty of having action taken against his license to practice medicine by the licensing authority of the State of Michigan. The State of Michigan notified the agency of its action against the Respondent. A search of the agency's records revealed he had not notified the agency of the action taken by Michigan against him. On or about September 5, 1995, an attempt was made to notify Respondent about the information the agency had received. This letter was subsequently returned unclaimed with a forwarding address in Dallas, Texas. On or about November 9, 1995, a second attempt was made to notify Respondent of the complaint. The letter was sent to Post Office Box 12131, Dallas, Texas 75225, which is the Respondent's current address.1 The Respondent returned the election of rights form and a letter requesting a formal hearing. Respondent failed to notify the Florida Board of Medicine within thirty days of the action taken against his medical license in Michigan. The Respondent failed to notify the Board of his change of address. The Respondent was preciously disciplined by the Board of Medicine by Final Order number AHCA96-00464. The Respondent's license was suspended until he appeared and demonstrated that he could practice with skill and safety.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is, RECOMMENDED: That Respondent the Agency enter its Final Order finding the violation of Section 458.331(1)(b), Section 458.331(x) and 458.331(1)(kk) and, Florida Statutes, and revoking the Respondent's license to practice medicine in Florida. DONE and ENTERED this 28th day of February, 1997, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of February, 1997.

Florida Laws (4) 120.5720.42458.319458.331
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000535 Latest Update: Aug. 12, 1982

The Issue Whether or not the Petitioner is eligible for licensure by endorsement.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the documentary evidence received, the statement of position offered by counsel for Respondent, State of Florida, Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Medical Examiners, and the entire record compiled herein, the following relevant facts are found: Petitioner, Ariel Hollero Garcia, M.D., filed an application for licensure by endorsement with the Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Medical Examiners (Respondent) on or about September 29, 1981. Petitioner's application for licensure by endorsement was denied by the Respondent based on its determination that Petitioner has not been certified by licensure examination of the National Board of Medical Examiners and that, while he was certified by the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc., as having completed its examination, it was not within the ten (10) years immediately preceding the filing of his (Petitioner's) application for licensure by endorsement. Petitioner was certified by the Federation of State Medical Examiners in June of 1971. Petitioner agrees with the above-recited facts; however, he feels that the ten (10) year requirement should be waived for him in these circumstances, inasmuch as his application was submitted for licensure by endorsement within only approximately three (3) months beyond the ten (10) year filing period during which an applicant can be certified (licensed) by endorsement.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner's application for licensure by endorsement be DENIED. 1/ JAMES E. BRADWELL, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of August, 1982.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57458.313
# 10

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