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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002304 Latest Update: Dec. 25, 1984

The Issue This case concerns an administrative complaint brought by the State of Florida, Department of Professional Regulation, against Respondent, charging violations of provisions of Chapter 458, Florida Statutes. In particular, it relates to the treatment of the patient Sandra Gilhousen in the placement of an IUD and in the performance of an abortion. Respondent is also charged with misprescription of a controlled substance, Ionamin, for that patient. Respondent is also charged with misprescription of Ionamin, Demerol and Quaalude for the patient Betty Boling. Finally, Respondent is accused of misprescription of Demerol for the patient Margo Stewart. These allegations are more completely described in the conclusions of law.

Findings Of Fact William J. Lee, M.D., is a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Florida according to licensure by the State of Florida, Department of professional Regulation, Board of Medical Examiners, License No. ME012345. At all times relevant to this cause, he has held that license and has practiced general medicine and general surgery at Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Dr. Lee is a graduate of Emory University in 1958 and received an M.D. degree from Emory in 1964. His internship was done at the University of Florida, followed by residency and general surgery at the University of Florida from 1965-1968, which was completed at the Duval Medical Center in Jacksonville, Florida, in 1969. After appropriate service of the subject administrative complaint, Respondent made a timely request for formal hearing pursuant to Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. SANDRA GILHOUSEN On January 5, 1983, Sandra Gilhousen went to the office of Respondent in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, for purposes of the placement or insertion of an IUD. She filled out a patient history information form to the extent as reflected in a copy of that form found in Petitioner's composite Exhibit No. 5, admitted into evidence. That information included home address, employment status, occupation, phone number and age. No information was given or requested on the subject of her past medical history, other than Dr. Lee asking if she suffered any allergies. During the examination process and the subsequent placement of the IUD, the patient indicated that her menstrual cycle had concluded two or three days before, when in fact, she had missed a normal cycle and had suspicion of being pregnant. When the Respondent placed the IUD, there was some seepage of blood indicating to him that the menstrual cycle had just concluded as the patient had indicated. On the other hand, the uterus was enlarged which was consistent with pregnancy. The uterus was found to be mildly boggy upon the placement of the Intrauterine Device. It was the expectation of the patient that the placement of the IUD would cause her to abort the fetus. No pregnancy test was performed prior to the placement of the IUD and no laboratory work was done. These procedures were not performed, according to Lee, because he believed her when she said she had just concluded menses and she had a healthy appearance. Prior to the placement of the Intrauterine Device, Dr. Lee checked the patient's blood pressure, lungs, masses in the abdominal cavity and for pelvic irregularities. None of the results of these observations were recorded in her records with Dr. Lee. The notations in her record related to the visit simply indicates insertion of IUD and the cost of that service plus the cost of the device. At the conclusion of the procedure, Dr. Lee gave the patient a pamphlet related to the IUD and asked for her to make a return visit to make certain there were no complications. The patient Gilhousen and an acquaintance, Betty Boling, returned to Dr. Lee's office on January 7, 1983. The purpose of the visit was not the return visit contemplated by Dr. Lee related to the IUD. On this occasion, Gilhousen was provided a prescription for Ionamin, a medication which is a controlled substance used for weight control. Prior to being provided this prescription from Dr. Lee for 30 units in 30 milligram amounts, the blood pressure of the patient was taken. A copy of the prescription may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1, admitted into evidence. At that time, the patient weighed less than on the date of the final hearing in this cause. On the final hearing date, the patient was 5'5" tall and weighed 120 pounds. The patient Gilhousen had been weighed before the prescription was given but the weight is not recorded in her records held by Dr. Lee. No indication whatsoever is made of the prescription of the Ionamin or of any examination given prior to prescribing that substance. Dr. Lee did not do a full-scale examination, more than blood pressure and weight, when he prescribed the Ionamin, because in his mind he had observed the patient through an examination two days before when he placed the IUD. A pregnancy test was performed after January 5, 1983, not by Dr. Lee, and Gilhousen had her pregnancy confirmed. She then requested Dr. Lee to perform an abortion, with the understanding that the procedure would have to be done at the convenience of Dr. Lee, in that she did not wish to pay for that service immediately. Dr. Lee was made aware of the results of the pregnancy test prior to subsequently performing the requested abortion. He expected that he would be able to gain the assistance of Betty Boling when he performed that procedure. After a telephone conversation on the evening of January 14, 1983, Gilhousen went to Dr. Lee's office around 8:30 p.m. for the purpose of having the abortion done. As with the case with the IUD, no written consent was given to have the abortion done. Nonetheless, it was discussed with Dr. Lee and it was the desire of the patient Gilhousen to have the abortion. When Gilhousen arrived, the Respondent was smoking marijuana and asked her if she would be interested in marijuana, hashish or cocaine, which she declined. Dr. Lee was unattended by other staff at this time and throughout the abortion procedure. The patient was taken to a patient examining room and placed on an examining table where the abortion was done by D&C. The room had an operating light, necessary instruments to conclude the procedure, an electrocardiogram, suction devices, epinephrines, IV fluids and emergency drugs. No monitoring equipment was used during the procedure other than checking her blood pressure. Blood pressure had been checked prior to the procedure and Dr. Lee had listened to the patient's heart and lungs and a pelvic examination had been made. The procedure took approximately 40 minutes and the observation was made by Dr. Lee that the pregnancy was in the range of four to five weeks. No pregnancy test or laboratory work was done prior to the termination. Laboratory tests were not done because, according to Dr. Lee, this was Betty Boling's friend who didn't have any money. A pregnancy test was not done because Dr. Lee felt that this was an additional expense not necessary in that he believed the patient when she said that she had been informed of a positive pregnancy test. Missing information through laboratory work included Rh typing and a hemoglobin test. Related to the hemoglobin test, Dr. Lee observed that the patient's outward appearance was acceptable and that the mucous membranes had good color. Dr. Lee recognized the possibility of Rh factor problems in the sense of the mother being negative and the father positive as it might affect the next pregnancy of the patient pertaining to Rh incompatibilities. Again, the Rh testing was not done for financial reasons. Moreover, per Lee, the patient wanted the procedure done on that evening and the patient, as he understood it, did not wish to become pregnant in the future. Being unable to locate Betty Boling to assist, Dr. Lee decided to go forward with the procedure without an attendant being present. The patient was given Valium to calm her nerves and Dr. Lee utilized Stadol and Phenergan for sedation and as analgesic. Through this combination, the patient was placed in a sort of "twilight condition" on a plane which made her unconscious, but not a deep unconscious state. While giving her this medication, he asked her if she felt "sexually aroused." In Petitioner's Exhibit No. 5, the amounts and types of medication are recorded in the patient's chart and it is noted that the D&C was done and tolerated well. It is also noted that the patient was picked up by a friend and the charge of the procedure is given. Ergotamine was given to retract the uterus and minimize bleeding. No other information is recorded in the patient's chart. The patient's recovery from the medications in terms of regaining consciousness took longer than might be expected given the amount of medication. Notwithstanding the patient's slow recovery, Dr. Lee left the patient unattended later in the evening for reason that he felt that she was "ready to go home." After leaving the patient unattended, Respondent tried to gain the assistance of Betty Boling to take her home. Boling did not agree. When Dr. Lee returned to his office, which is also his place of residence, visitors came by and he consumed alcohol with those people. He then left a second time to make purchases at a store and when he returned, a Mr. Hobbs, who was a friend of Gilhousen, had arrived to pick the patient up. Hobbs observed Lee staggering and with slurred speech, indications of intoxication. Hobbs and Dr. Lee took Gilhousen to a car and she left with Hobbs. Gilhousen came back to Dr. Lee's office on January 15, 1983, to pick up her car and asked Dr. Lee if she needed to be prescribed any antibiotics for her post procedural circumstance. He told her that this would not be necessary at present and advised her to monitor her temperature. As reflected in Petitioner's composite Exhibit No. 5, Gilhousen was later seen at Memorial Hospital of Jacksonville related to her post abortion condition and was found to be acceptably recovering. It was noted on the basis of a pelvic sonogram that the abortion had been a success. Dr. Doris Newell Carson, M.D., a board-certified gynecologist and obstetrician, who practices in Jacksonville, Florida, was qualified as an expert and gave her medical opinion on the quality of the Respondent's performance in treating Ms. Gilhousen. Her testimony was premised upon an examination of the medical records of Dr. Lee pertaining to Sandra Gilhousen. Dr. Carson felt that in the insertion of an IUD, that Dr. Lee should have obtained the history of the patient's medical condition with particular emphasis on menstrual period and allergies because of the possibility of allergic reaction being brought about with the placement of the IUD. Physical examination was necessary to include heart, lungs, and abdomen and examination of the position of the uterus. In addition, it was necessary to take the blood pressure of the patient and to have laboratory work done related to hemoglobin, a gonorrhea culture and pap smear. Dr. Carson also felt that it was necessary to determine pregnancy by test, prior to the placement. All of these matters should be recorded in the patient records, per Dr. Carson. In addition, written permission should have been received prior to the placement of that IUD. Any physician who failed to do these things and document them, would have demonstrated less prudence than a reasonably prudent, similar physician. As established in prior facts found, Dr. Lee failed to record any of these matters and failed to obtain necessary medical history and to have necessary testing and laboratory work up envisioned by Dr. Carson. Her opinion as to what is needed for the placement of the IUD in the patient Gilhousen in order to achieve community standards in the place where Dr. Lee practiced is accepted. Based upon her opinion, Dr. Lee is found to have practiced medicine in the placement of that IUD with less care and skill than a reasonably prudent similar physician in his community would have been expected to give. Dr. Carson did not feel that Gilhousen, according to the patient's height and weight, needed Ionamin to control the patient's weight. Ionamin, a controlled substance, is a stimulatory drug which has addictive qualities, from Dr. Carson's understanding. The prescribing of the Ionamin on the information available to Lee was not the act of a prudent, similar physician who might be confronted with the same conditions and circumstances as Dr. Lee was when he prescribed Ionamin for Gilhousen, per Carson. Carson did not feel there was a medically justifiable reason for issuing the prescription of Ionamin. Moreover, Dr. Lee was deficient in the mind of Dr. Carson by not recording the issuance of the prescription in the patient's medical records. Dr. Carson's observations about Ionamin and the quality of Dr. Lee's performance in prescribing Ionamin to Gilhousen on January 7, 1983, are accepted. Dr. Carson was questioned on the matter of the abortion procedure which was performed on January 14, 1983. In giving her opinion, she was made aware of certain hypothetical facts related to the setting, time of day, nonavailability of a medical attendant, Dr. Lee's leaving the patient unattended, Respondent smoking marijuana and the offering of marijuana and other drugs to the patient, in addition to the matters set forth in the patient's record. In Dr. Carson's mind, a complete physical, including blood pressure, would be necessary prior to the termination; laboratory work, to include hemoglobin, to measure the amount of iron in the blood would be necessary; a CG culture and RH typing; and discussion with the patient as to allergies to medications would be necessary. In addition, a pregnancy test prior to termination would be indicated. The physician would also need a medical assistant in attendance and written permission would be necessary prior to the termination of the pregnancy. Dr. Carson would have used a D&E as opposed to D&C for termination of this early pregnancy and would not have used the form of anesthesia chosen by Dr. Lee. Her choice would have been a local block. Her testimony as to the choice of procedures and type of anesthesia does not lead to the conclusion that his choice of technique and anesthesia is below the level of care acceptable for a reasonably prudent, similar physician in the Jacksonville community. In Dr. Carson's opinion, it was inappropriate for Dr. Lee to smoke marijuana on the night of the abortion before conducting that procedure and to offer marijuana, hashish and cocaine to the patient. Dr. Carson felt that it was necessary to monitor blood pressure, and other vital signs related to pulse and respiration, the amount of flow from the site of the abortion and to give medication for pain as needed. Dr. Carson finds the act of leaving the patient unattended an unacceptable performance by Dr. Lee. Dr. Carson also believed that the patient's medical history, laboratory information and observations related to the physical examination should be recorded in the patient records and they were not. Per Dr. Carson, the failure to do those things she described related to the pregnancy termination would constitute substandard care to the patient, as would his use of marijuana and offering of illegal drugs to the patient. With the exception of Dr. Carson's opinions about the abortion technique, D&C, and type of anesthesia, her perception about appropriate care is accepted. By her description, this substandard care is tantamount to failure to provide care that a reasonably prudent, similar physician in a similar circumstance would have provided and Dr. Lee has not been sufficiently prudent in his treatment of Gilhousen on the date of the abortion, as shown in contrasting his performance as reported and Dr. Carson's idea of acceptable performance. BETTY BOLING Betty Boling requested assistance from Dr. Lee to control her weight. This request was made on January 7, 1983. Her blood pressure was checked and her weight taken. No other information was sought from the patient related to her history and no further examination was made of the patient as to her physical condition. Neither of these observations related to blood pressure and weight were recorded in her patient records, a copy of which may be found as Petitioner's composite No. 2, admitted into evidence. Boling was then prescribed 30 units, 30-milligram Ionamin by Dr. Lee. The record in this proceeding is left in the posture that the only basis of knowing the true circumstance of the patient Boling related to the need of weight reduction is her comment that she was overweight when she requested the provision of diet medication. This does not sufficiently justify the prescription of Ionamin and promotes the conclusion, based upon Dr. Carson's perception of the Gilhousen situation where Ionamin was prescribed, that there was no medical justification for prescribing Ionamin to Boling and that to do so was substandard care and not the care expected of a reasonably prudent, similar physician in dealing with the Boling case. (The prescription may be found in Petitioner's Exhibit No. 3.) On July 14, 1981, Dr. Lee prescribed for Betty Boling 30, 50-milligram Demerol units. On August 23, 1981, an additional 20, 50-milligram Demerol units were prescribed for Boling by Lee. On November 1, 1981, an additional 20, 50- milligram Demerol units were prescribed by Dr. Lee for Boling. On December 7 or 8, 1981, an additional 30, 50-milligram Demerol units were prescribed by Dr. Lee for the benefit of Boling. On December 7, 100, 300-milligram Quaaludes were prescribed for Boling by Dr. Lee. Finally, on February 19, 1982, 100 300- milligram units of Quaaludes were prescribed by Dr. Lee. The prescriptions of Demerol and Quaaludes may be found in Petitioner's composite Exhibit No. 3. Prescriptions indicate the basis for prescribing the Demerol was related to pain and the Quaaludes related to sleep. None of these prescriptions or the reason for the prescriptions are indicated in the patient records of Betty Boling, found as part of Petitioner's composite Exhibit No. 2, as a copy. Although Dr. Lee claimed to have conducted a physical examination on the patient before prescribing the Demerol and Quaaludes, that testimony is not believed. Moreover, Dr. Lee has no specific recollection of why he prescribed the Demarol for the patient as to the exact details. Dr. Lee had on occasion prescribed Demerol for migraine headaches for Boling. Dr. Lee indicated that other analgesic medication given for the migraine headaches had not been successful and that was why Demerol was used for the patient Boling. Dr. Lee's indication that he might not have entered the details of the prescription of Demerol and Quaaludes for Boling in her records on the occasions in question because of her concern that other persons who had access to her patient records not see those entries, is not tenable and is not accepted as fact. Especially in view of the fact that Boling does not have any recollection of such a request. Notwithstanding the risk to health in prescribing Quaaludes continually as recognized by Dr. Lee in his testimony at hearing, he prescribed Quaaludes in 100 units and in a further 100 units 70 days thereafter in the strongest dosage available. The methaqualone or Quaaludes were for purposes of assisting Boling in sleeping and the explanation given by Dr. Lee about the possibility of using more than one tablet per day within the 70 days in which the original 100 tablets had been prescribed is not accepted. Dr. Carson, after examining the Boling records, did not find any justification in the records for prescribing Demerol and Quaaludes, in the sense of a medical reason for such prescription. As Dr. Carson identified, Demerol is a narcotic analgesic, equivalent to morphine, with 60 milligrams of Demerol being comparable to 10 milligrams of morphine sulfate. Per Carson, Demerol is a drug highly susceptible to abuse, leading to addiction. For that reason, it is not appropriate for migraine headaches in that migraine headaches are repetitive in nature, thereby promoting greater chance of addiction. Demerol is a very potent respiratory depressant and can have allergic manifestations. Demerol and Quaaludes are Schedule II controlled substances. Quaaludes are a sedative which are used for inducing sleep and might be used for people suffering insomnia. Quaaludes have high potential for addiction and the substance became a street drug and has, since the time of this case, become illegal in the State of Florida. To use Demerol and Quaaludes together, according to Dr. Carson, would potentiate depression, thereby compounding effects of the drugs taken singularly. Dr. Lee's prescription of the Demerol and Quaaludes as described in the Boling circumstance, related herein, in the mind of Carson represented a failure of Lee to practice medicine with a level of care, skill and treatment recognized by reasonably prudent, similar physicians as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances and represented malpractice. It also was a prescription of controlled substance in bad faith not within the course of professional practice. These opinions by Dr. Carson, related to the Demerol and Quaaludes, and the practices of Dr. Lee in prescribing the substances for the patient Boling are accepted. MARGO STEWART No testimony was given related to the allegations found in Count Six pertaining to Margo Stewart and that count was abandoned by the prosecution.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.68458.329458.331893.05
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Sep. 23, 2009 Number: 09-005230PL Latest Update: Jun. 02, 2024
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Mar. 23, 2007 Number: 07-001403PL Latest Update: Jun. 02, 2024
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Aug. 13, 1990 Number: 90-005014 Latest Update: Jun. 30, 1992

The Issue The administrative complaint charged Respondent in Count I with violating Section 458.331(1)(t), F.S., failure to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances, and in Count II with violating Section 458.331(1)(m), F.S., failure to keep written medical records justifying the course of treatment of the patient, including but not limited to, patient histories, examination results, and test results.

Findings Of Fact At all times material, Respondent was a licensed medical physician in the State of Florida, having been issued license number ME004552. On October 24, 1988, Patient #1, a 67 year old female, presented by wheelchair at the Physicians Referral Center (PRC) emergency room of the Marion Community Hospital in Ocala, Florida. Respondent was on duty there at that time. Patient #1, arrived at the emergency room at approximately 1:50 a.m. complaining of gas, no bowel movements for three days, feeling weak, and a highly elevated blood sugar of 412 as of 5:00 p.m. the evening before. Patient #1 was accompanied by her husband, who provided some of the foregoing information. Alicia Ables, R.N., attended Patient #1 when she arrived, took her vital signs which appeared to be within normal limits, and noted in the patient medical records, at the bottom of the nurse's notes, that the patient had heart problems, diabetes, kidney problems, and was taking medications. The nurse attached to the patient's medical records a list of the patient's current medications which had been provided by the husband. These medications included Isordil, Trental, Ascriptin, Lasix, Lanoxin, Depyridamole, Capoten, Riopan Plus, Mylicon 800, Pilocarpine eye drops, Tylenol and Humulin N-100, 30 units in the morning and 6 units in the evening. Humulin N-100 is a low level prescription for insulin diabetic maintenance. Mylicon is an anti-gas preparation. The foregoing history was on the patient chart when Respondent saw the patient a few minutes later. Respondent saw the patient at approximately 2:10 a.m. At that time, only the patient, her husband, and Respondent were present in the examining room. No nurse was present in the examining room with them, but Ms. Ables testified that the absence of a nurse during a rectal examination of a female patient occurred occasionally if not regularly at PRC. Nurse Ables was not present in the examination room at the time of the examination and is without knowledge of the extent of Respondent's examination of Patient #1. The patient, who is now deceased, did not testify. The patient's husband did not testify. The only person who was present in the examining room on October 24, 1988 who did testify was Respondent, and his testimony is unrefuted that he performed a routine examination of the patient's chest, abdomen, and skin, that he also performed a rectal examination during which he found the patient's rectal vault "empty," and that he concluded that there was no fecal impaction but some retention of gas. He concluded that a soap suds enema was not warranted, given the patient's condition. He stated that despite believing that the patient had some retention of gas, he considered her to be "fixated" in her mind on the gas problem. When the Respondent examined the patient on October 24, 1988, he contemporaneously noted on her chart that her chief complaint was accumulation of gas, that she wanted a soap suds enema, and that she had spoken earlier with Dr. Sunkavalli, who had referred her to the emergency room. Dr. Sunkavalli was the patient's primary treating physician. Respondent also noted on the chart at 2:25 a.m. on October 24, 1988 that Dr. Sunkavalli would follow the patient as an outpatient. He also wrote down that he diagnosed her as having "gas retention fixation." He ordered Mylicon 80 to be administered to her. She was not given a soap suds enema, was not admitted to the hospital, and was not transferred to another hospital. Respondent did not order any laboratory tests or x-rays. Administration of the Mylicon 80 was noted on the patient's chart by a nurse other than Ms. Ables at 2:40 a.m. That nurse also noted on the patient records that Patient #1 was discharged home at 3:00 a.m., in stable condition. None of the typically observable symptoms of ketoacidosis in the patient were observed or noted by Respondent or by Ms. Ables while the patient was at PRC. Patient #1 was admitted to Citrus Memorial Hospital six and one-half hours after being discharged from Respondent's care. Three hours after her admission to Citrus Memorial, the patient died. After autopsy, the principal pathologic diagnosis and cause of death was listed as "marked three vessel artherosclerosis with large, old myocardial infarction." The gross summary reads, "Death of this 67-year old, white female was due to marked three vessel arteriosclerosis secondary to arteriosclerotic heart disease. A contributing factor was diabetic acidosis." There was also evidence of a gastro-intestinal bleed. When Patient #1's death became an issue the next day, Respondent was unable to recall the patient or his examination and treatment of her. The Respondent reviewed the emergency room records and spoke with Ms. Ables in order to recall the care he had rendered to the patient. Respondent prepared an addendum to the patient's medical records three days after he actually examined Patient #1. Only at that late date, October 27, 1988, did Respondent document a history, document that he had made a physical examination, and document that he had had a telephone consultation with Dr. Sunkavalli on October 24, 1988 while the patient was in the emergency room, and further document that he and Dr. Sunkavalli had concurred at that time in treating the patient with Mylicon. Adding the addendum was deemed appropriate under the circumstances by Marion Community Hospital personnel, and Petitioner's expert did not specifically find that adding it was inappropriate or improper. Respondent had not documented the telephone consultation with Dr. Sunkavalli or a history or physical examination of Patient #1 at the time he examined her on October 24, 1988. Neither on the date of examination/treatment nor in his later addendum did Respondent ever document that he had performed a rectal examination on Patient #1. In his testimony at formal hearing, Respondent explained and supplemented his October 27, 1988 addendum notation of a telephone conversation with Dr. Sunkavalli on October 24, 1988 to add that Dr. Sunkavalli was aware at that time of Patient #1's elevated blood sugar reading the previous evening but, hearing Respondent's examination results, Dr. Sunkavalli had recommended no further tests and had said nothing to disagree with Respondent's assessment and treatment of the patient and that while Respondent had not deferred to Dr. Sunkavalli, he had relied on the consultation. Dr. Sunkavalli was not called to corroborate or refute Respondent's testimony on this score. Jack Kareff, M.D., was accepted as an expert in emergency room medicine. He opined that, under similar circumstances, and particularly with an elderly diabetic patient, the minimal acceptable level of care, skill, and treatment of a reasonably prudent similar physician would have been to examine Patient #1's abdomen, perform a rectal examination, and perform a dipstick of urine for both glucose (sugar) and acetone. Dr. Kareff also expressed the opinion that the rectal examination should have been made to eliminate the chance of fecal impaction and that such rectal examination should have included treating a sample of fecal matter found in the rectal vault with a paper reagent to determine if there were occult blood in the patient's stool so as to rule out gastro-intestinal bleeding. Dr. Kareff testified that there is sufficient fecal matter for such a test in the rectal vault 99% of the time. He conceded that an enema might not be warranted and could be potentially traumatic, given such a patient's condition. Dr. Kareff indicated that the urine dipstick test should be done to ensure that the patient was not headed for diabetic ketoacidosis. The urine dipstick test proposed as a minimal requirement by Dr. Kareff was also described by him as actually "problematic" in that he admitted that such a dipstick test can "fool you" occasionally because not enough aceto acetate is formed to tell the patient's true condition. According to Dr. Kareff, ketoacidosis may take anywhere from 2 hours to several weeks to develop in a diabetic. On the foregoing information, the efficacy of a dipstick test was not established. Because he believed that Respondent had not done the abdominal examination, rectal examination with stool testing, and urine dipstick test, Dr. Kareff further opined that Respondent had fallen below the acceptable level of care, skill and treatment as recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician under similar conditions and circumstances. In forming his foregoing opinions, Dr. Kareff had not had the benefit of hearing Respondent's unrefuted testimony that Respondent had, in fact, performed a rectal examination, determined that there was no fecal impaction, and found the patient's rectal vault empty. Accordingly, the record is devoid of Dr. Kareff's opinion, if any, as to what should have or could have been done as regards a fecal test when the patient's rectal vault is "empty." Dr. Kareff's opinions assumed and relied on some material contrary to the facts established in this proceeding. Dr. Kareff's opinion also relied upon much uncorroborated hearsay evidence, such as the agency's investigative report. These reliances and assumptions on Dr. Kareff's part detract from the weight and credibility of his opinion on minimal professional treatment, and therefore that opinion is not persuasive. The parties have stipulated that Respondent's medical records were inadequate. This stipulation and Dr. Kareff's opinion that Respondent failed to keep written medical records justifying the course of treatment are accepted.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Medicine enter a final order: Finding that Respondent is not guilty of violating Section 458.33(1)(t), F.S. and dismissing Count I of the Administrative Complaint; Finding that Respondent is guilty under Count II of the Administrative Complaint of violating Section 458.331(1)(m), F.S., failure to keep written medical records justifying the course of treatment of the patient, including but not limited to, patient histories, examination results, and test results; and Reprimanding Respondent for the single violation, fining him $1000.00, and requiring him to complete one basic level continuing medical education course in record keeping responsibilities and techniques within one year of the entry of the final order. DONE and ENTERED this 24th day of April, 1992, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of April, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NO. 90-5014 The following constitute specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2) F.S. upon the parties' respective proposed findings of fact (PFOF): Petitioner's PFOF: 1-12 Except as to subordinate, unnecessary or cumulative material, accepted. 13-14 Rejected because it is largely subordinate to the facts as found in FOF 18-21. 15 Rejected as a conclusion of law but also for the reasons set forth in FOF 18-19. Respondent's PFOF: 1 Covered in the preliminary statement, the FOF, or the Conclusions of Law. Accepted as covered in the rulings on Petitioner's PFOF. Rejected as legal argument. 4-6, 20-21, 37-38, 44, 46-48 Accepted but subordinate to the facts as found. 7-8 Covered in FOF 3-4. 9 Accepted with time adjustment per greater weight of the evidence. 10-11, 13-18, 22-24, 39-40, 45, 49-63, 66 Except as to subordinate, unnecessary, or cumulative material, accepted. 12 Accepted, except as to characterization "necessary". 19 Covered in FOF 17. 25 Covered in FOF 8. 26-28 Covered in FOF 18-21. 41-42 Covered in FOF 18-21. 29, 31 Rejected as irrelevant. 30 Covered in FOF 15. 32-36, 67 These proposals are irrelevant, out of context, or misleading as stated, since Dr. Kareff did not specifically advocate a soap suds enema and Respondent did not feel it was warranted. To the extent necessary, the subject matter is covered in FOF 7-9, 14-17, and 18-22. 43 Covered in FOF 7. 64-65, 68 Rejected as unnecessary and/or unproven. COPIES FURNIISHED: Louis Kwall, Esquire Gross and Kwall, P.A. 133 North Ft. Harrison Avenue Clearwater, Florida 34615 Susan E. Lindgard, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Dorothy Faircloth Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Jack McRay, General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (2) 120.57458.331
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jul. 07, 2011 Number: 11-003351PL Latest Update: Jun. 02, 2024
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Dec. 10, 1993 Number: 93-007000F Latest Update: Jul. 03, 1995

Findings Of Fact The current petition Following the entry of a final order of the Board of Medicine dismissing the administrative action previously filed against her, petitioner filed the pending request for an award of attorney's fees and costs, pursuant to Sections 57.111 and 120.57(1)(b)5, Florida Statutes. Respondent, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Board of Medicine (Department), has conceded that: the underlying licensure disciplinary "action in Department of Professional Regulation v. Ada Gonzalez, M.D., DBPR Case No. 90-06789, was initiated by the Department of Professional Regulation (now Department of Business and Professional Regulation), a state agency, and, therefore, the Department is not a nominal party only"; the "Petitioner qualifies as a small business party as defined by Section 57.111, Florida Statutes"; the "Petitioner prevailed in the underlying case . . . in that the Board of Medicine dismissed the case with a Final Order filed on October 27, 1993"; and, the "Petitioner's claimed attorney's fees and costs [attorney's fees of $20,189.00 and costs of $3,784.95] seem reasonable; however, Respondent asserts that the statutory cap of $15,000.00 inclusive of fees and costs, is applicable." Under the circumstances, the sole issue with regard to the claim for attorney's fees and costs under Section 57.111, Florida Statutes, is whether the actions of the Department were "substantially justified" when it initiated the underlying disciplinary action and, with regard to the claim for attorney's fees and costs under Section 120.57(1)(b)5, Florida Statutes, apart from the applicability of such section to the instant case, is whether any pleading, motion or other paper was filed in the underlying proceeding for an "improper purpose." The underlying disciplinary action On or about May 22, 1990, the Department received, pursuant to statutory requirement, a closed claim report from the Department of Insurance. The report reflected that an indemnity of $160,000 had been paid to the family of Patient C. D. through a settlement within the presuit period prescribed by Section 768.57, Florida Statutes. The predicate for the claim against petitioner, Ada Gonzalez, M.D., was the apparent assertion that the patient died as a consequence of petitioner's failure to appropriately treat her. By memorandum of May 22, 1990, the Division of Medical Quality Assurance recommended to the Department of Professional Regulation's complaints department that a case be opened. That memorandum provided: DISCUSSION: This review is predicated upon receipt of a closed claim DOI report. The specific allegation is that the doctor treated the patient for PID - rule out urinary tract infection. The patient was reportedly treated with antibiotics on 11/14/88 and on 11/16/88 appeared better. However, the patient reportedly did not improve and died of a ruptured ovarian abscess on 11/18/88. There are no medical records to review and there is no history or explanation given as to what happened in the time period from the onset of the pain to the demise of the patient. * * * COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: I recommend a case be opened. There is a question of stan dard of care. Records should be obtained and referred to a similarly placed physician for review. As a consequence of the foregoing referral, the Department opened its Case No. 90-06789, and assigned its investigator Providence Padrick to the case. The investigator obtained a copy of the Palm Avenue Physicians Center and the Fatima HMO medical records, which included the documentation reflecting petitioner's treatment of the patient; the Jackson Memorial Hospital medical records, the facility at which the patient expired; and the autopsy report. Petitioner was duly informed by the Department that the case had been opened against her, and she was offered an interview but declined. The Palm Avenue Physicians Center and Fatima HMO medical records reflect that the patient was first seen by petitioner on November 14, 1988, and presented with a complaint of bilateral flank pain radiating to the lower abdomen, frequency of urination with some tingling on urination, a yellowish vaginal discharge, and a low grade temperature; such symptoms of approximately one day duration. Examination revealed lower abdominal tenderness to palpation, cervical motion tenderness, and a brown cervical discharge. Petitioner diagnosed pelvic inflammatory disease ("PID") and possible urinary tract infection ("UTI"). As a consequence of the history and examination, petitioner ordered x- rays of the abdomen, biochemical profile, pregnancy test, syphilis test and cultures of the vaginal discharge and urine; prescribed antibiotics; made a referral for the patient to see a gynecologist in two weeks; and, advised the patient to return for a follow-up visit in two days. As for the testing results, the urine culture and sensitivity came back positive for a urinary tract infection; however, all of the other laboratory tests came back negative. The patient was next seen by petitioner on November 16, 1988, for her follow-up visit. At the time, the patient reported that she felt better, and petitioner's examination revealed less vaginal discharge and discomfort, although she still suffered a low grade fever. Petitioner confirmed her earlier diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease, and prescribed another antibiotic (Septra DS) for urinary tract infection. The following day, November 17, 1988, the patient returned to see petitioner complaining of severe abdominal pain over the whole abdomen, nausea and vomiting. Examination revealed that the patient was in distress, with a distended abdomen, decreased bowel sounds and positive tenderness on palpation over the abdominal area. Petitioner again diagnosed pelvic inflammatory disease and urinary tract infection, and referred the patient to the Fatima HMO for observation, IV fluids and x-rays. The patient refused, however, to go to the Fatima HMO and, in fact, evidenced her intent to cancel her membership in the HMO. At or about 6:34 p.m., November 17, 1988, the patient presented to the Jackson Memorial Hospital Emergency Room complaining of severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and yellow vaginal discharge. Routine laboratory work was undertaken, but when she was taken to the x-ray department and placed on the table she became unresponsive. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was immediately commenced without success, and the patient was pronounced dead at 11:25 p.m. that evening. An autopsy performed by the Dade County Medical Examiner revealed the following abnormal findings: Diffuse peritonitis Ruptured left fallopian tubal abscess Crude intrauterine contraceptive device Bilateral ovarian cysts Soft liver, spleen, and kidneys Congested lungs Gallstones Scarred gallbladder The autopsy concluded that the cause of death was acute diffuse peritonitis due to ruptured fallopian tubal abscess. On August 11, 1992, the Department forwarded its investigative report and related exhibits to its expert, Stanley H. Bernstein, M.D., for review and opinion concerning petitioner's adherence to the appropriate standard of care. By letter of August 20, 1992, Dr. Bernstein responded to the Department's request as follows: The subject A. G. [petitioner] was treating this 49 year old female for symptoms related to the genito-urinary tract. The scant information noted in the medical office records suggested that the patient had a urinary tract infection as well as symptoms suggesting pelvic inflammatory disease. How ever no studies were initiated to define the extent of the infection in the pelvis. No consultations from either a urologist of [sic] gynecologist were obtained. Although antibiotic was given, there was no realization that the infection in the pelvis might have needed much more intensive therapy. The subject is unknown to me. There was no adequate assessment of the patient's condition. Since pelvic inflammatory disease was suspected, a consultant gynecologist and/or appropriate x-rays of the pelvis should have been done. Since the subject did not suspect the true diagnosis in this case, inappropriate antibiotics were given. Since appropriate diagnostic tests such as ultrasound and/or cat scan of the pelvis were not done the diagnosis could not be appreciated. The plan of treatment was inadequate. There was no adequate monitor being carried out for this patient in regard to antibiotic therapy. The written medical records were woefully inadequate. The applicable standard of care for this patient was not met since the subject did not appreciate the possibility that the patient had more extensive infection in her pelvis. The subject did note that pelvic infection was probably present but she never used appropriate consultants. This suggests that the subject had a poor understanding of the extent to which such infections can cause major catastrophic events. It seem to be that the subject needs further training-certainly in medical conditions where infection is present. On September 24, 1992, the probable cause panel of the Board of Medicine (Board) met in Tampa, Florida. Those present at the meeting were panel members Louis Murray, M.D., chairman, and Mr. Gilbert Rodriguez; Alan Grossman, Assistant Attorney General; Larry McPherson, Jr., chief medical attorney for the Department; Randolph Collete, senior attorney for the Department; and, James Reese, chief medical investigator for the Department. At the commencement of the meeting, the panel members (Dr. Murray and Mr. Rodriguez) acknowledged that they had received and reviewed the complete investigative file pertaining to, among others, the petitioner. With regard to petitioner's case, the transcript of that meeting reflects the following brief discussion: MR. COLLETTE: Item A-03 is on Ada Gonzalez, M.D., case number 90-06789. The case is before the Panel on a recommendation that probable cause be found and an adminis trative complaint be filed. It's alleged that the respondent practiced medicine below the acceptable level of care by failing to appropriately diagnose and treat the patient C. D.'s condition and mistakenly treating her for a urinary tract infection with antibiotics when, in fact, the patient was suffering from an ovarian abscess; and that the respondent failed to keep written medical records justifying the course of treatment; and that the records are sketchy and inadequate. Based upon these facts, the Department is alleging a violation of 458.331(1)(t) and (m), and recommends that probable cause be found and an administrative complaint be filed. MR. RODRIGUEZ: Move a finding of probable cause and the filing of an administrative complaint. MR. MURRAY: Second. MR. MURRAY: So moved a finding of probable cause and the filing of an administrative complaint, seconded, and passed without objection. On October 8, 1992, an administrative complaint was filed against petitioner alleging that she violated the Medical Practices Act, Section 458.331(1)(m) and (t), Florida Statutes, by failing to practice medicine at the accepted standard of care in that petitioner was guilty of "mistakenly treating [the patient] for a urinary tract infection with antibiotics, when in fact [the patient] was suffering from an ovarian abscess," and that petitioner's "medical records are sketchy and inadequate in that they fail to justify [her] course of treatment." Subsequent to the filing of the administrative complaint, petitioner's counsel employed an expert, Martin Arostegui, M.D., to review the matter and render an opinion regarding the merits of the claim against petitioner. Based on his review of the investigative file and an interview with petitioner, Dr. Arostegui concluded: . . . As a result of my extensive review, I have come to an opinion that is substantially different from that of the other physician who previously reviewed this file. I attribute this difference to the level and intensity of my review and scrutiny of the file records and my interview with Dr. Gonzalez who I found to be very professional, concerned and wholly credible. CONCLUSION: Dr. Ada Gonzalez was faced with a very difficult patient who was obese and, as a result, difficult to examine and who appeared to be clinically less sick than she really was. This patient developed a severe pelvic infection as a result of a home made intrauterine contraceptive device which probably was placed illegally and without regard for patient safety. The device was not disclosed to Dr. Gonzalez by the patient and it is reasonable to expect that Dr. Gonzalez would not uncover the device under the circumstances. Dr. Gonzalez attempted to get proper surgical evaluation and care for this patient but the patient refused, went home and, at least six hours later, appeared at an emergency department where the continuity of communication with Dr. Gonzalez was broken, the diagnosis was completely missed and the patient expired. In my opinion, Dr. Ada Gonzalez' care did not fall below community standards. However, Dr. Gonzalez did a less than satisfactory job of documenting her care of this patient and this probably had a role in the formulation of the different opinion by the other reviewing physician. It is particularly worth noting that the physician reviewer did not mention the existence of the home made intrauterine contraceptive device. On or about February 11, 1993, petitioner's counsel provided the Department a copy of their expert's report with the understanding that the Department would provide the report to its expert and if the expert's opinion was materially changed as a result the Department "would entertain taking this case back to probable cause, perhaps dismissing it or softening at least the consent agreement by eliminating perhaps probation or other items" [TR. pp. 15- 16]. Upon receipt and review of the aforesaid report, the Department amended the administrative complaint to correct certain factual inaccuracies. In this regard, paragraphs three, four and five of the original compliant, which had inaccurately averred that petitioner had treated the patient on October 8 and 31, 1988, were dropped; paragraph 7 of the original complaint, now paragraph 4 of the amended complaint, was amended to reflect that petitioner had "referred her [the patient] to a gynecologist in two weeks, and asked her to return in two days," as opposed to having simply "scheduled her to see a gynecologist" as alleged in the original complaint; and paragraph 10 of the original complaint, now paragraph 7 of the amended complaint, was amended to correctly reflect that petitioner referred the patient to Fatima HMO for observation, as opposed to referring her to Jackson Memorial Hospital as alleged in the original complaint. Other than such factual corrections, the premise for the charges leveled against petitioner remained unchanged. On April 16, 1993, the Department forwarded a copy of the amended complaint, which had been filed that date with its clerk, and a copy of petitioner's expert report to Dr. Bernstein for review. The cover letter that accompanied such materials concluded "Please read over the enclosed materials. If you see anything that you want to bring to my attention, please give me a call . . . ." Here, the proof fails to demonstrate any change in Dr. Bernstein's opinion as a consequence of his review of the materials, but fails to explicate why no change occurred. 2/ By letter of April 19, 1993, the Department advised petitioner's counsel of the amendment of the complaint, consequent to her review of his expert's analysis, and encouraged petitioner's agreement to a proposed stipulation for settlement of the case. Ultimately, in September 1993, the parties entered into a written consent agreement, subject to Board approval, to resolve the subject dispute. On or about October 2, 1993, the consent agreement was presented to the Board of Medicine for consideration. Present were fourteen members of the Board; however, one member, Dr. Louis Murray, was excused from participating since he had served on the probable cause panel. Pertinent to this case, the transcript of the Board meeting reflects the following comments by Board members: CHAIRMAN DAUER: Thank you. I just want to make a few opening comments here. I was a little bit disturbed when I saw the materials here, and let me express my concerns here. I think the doctor in this case probably did everything right. You had a patient that she first saw on November 14th, she ordered a beta HCG, it's clearly on the order here, the pregnancy test came back negative, there's no history of the IUD, she appropriately treated her, I think her medical records are adequate, and what happened, she even referred her to a gynecologist. She got the patient back in 48 hours, and I think it was an incident that could not be expected. There's no way to expect this woman to have a ruptured tubal with the results she had done, the history that was not adequate. I think this doctor did everything right. I looked at this case material and I said why is this even here. I think the case should have been dismissed. * * * DR. ECHEVARRIA: I thoroughly agree with your comments, Mr. Chairman. As I read the original AC, I made a note to take issue with the Administrative Complaint to start with, and I really feel that she did things according to the book and it is an unfortunate final ending in this case, and I'm kind of wondering why peritonitis with a ruptured tubal would kill her this quickly. We see people with ruptured diverticulitis, ruptured appendices that linger on and on and on, and it doesn't kill them. So I don't know why the death occurred so quickly without a lot of other symptoms being associated with it. So I think there may have been something like toxic shock or whatever, as a result of the foreign body. I would agree, I would certainly favor a move to dismiss. Following such dialogue, a motion was made by a member of the Board to reject the consent agreement and dismiss the case. The motion passed unanimously, and by final order dated October 8, 1993, filed with the Department of Professional Regulation October 27, 1993, the consent agreement was formally rejected and the case dismissed. Whether the action of the agency was substantially justified or other special circumstances exist which would make an award of attorney's fees and costs unjust. Here, facially, the probable cause panel had before it evidence in the form of its expert's report that would, if his opinions were credited at final hearing, suggest that petitioner had failed to maintain adequate medical records and had failed to maintain the appropriate standard of care. The reliability or efficacy of that expert's opinions has, however, been rendered suspect by the Board's unanimous conclusion that petitioner's medical records and treatment were appropriate. Under such circumstances, and the Department having failed to demonstrate, at hearing, that the information upon which the Board based its decision differed in some marked degree from that considered by the probable cause panel or to offer proof to explicate the basis or reasonableness of the expert's conclusions, the expert's report cannot be accepted at face value as reasonably indicating that the violations had occurred. Therefore, it must be concluded that the Department has failed to demonstrate that its decision to initiate the underlying action was substantially justified or special circumstances exist which would make an award of attorney's fees and costs unjust. While the Department may have failed in its burden to demonstrate that its action was substantially justified, such does not compel the conclusion that any pleading or paper filed by the Department was interposed for an "improper purpose," such that attorney's fees and costs would be appropriately awarded under Section 120.57(1)(b)5, Florida Statutes. To the contrary, the proof fails to support such conclusion. Moreover, and most importantly, the proof fails to demonstrate that the subject charges ever pended before the Division of Administrative Hearings and, therefore, as discussed in the Conclusions of Law, there is no basis upon which to assess attorney's fees and costs under Section 120.57(1)(b)5, Florida Statutes.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.68458.33157.111
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jan. 25, 2001 Number: 01-000327PL Latest Update: Jun. 02, 2024
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-002590 Latest Update: Sep. 24, 1987

The Issue At the hearing, DPR dismissed Count II, alleging a violation of subsection 458.331(1)(h) Florida Statutes. The remaining issues for resolution are whether, as alleged in Counts I, III, IV and V, Dr. Robinson violated subsections 458.331(1)(n),(q), and (t) Florida Statutes by failing to maintain adequate records, by inappropriately prescribing controlled substances, and by failing to properly evaluate and treat multiple medical problems.

Findings Of Fact Jerry Mason Robinson, M.D., has been continually licensed (license number ME 0011811) as a physician in the State of Florida since 1965. He was Board-certified in Family Practice in 1973 and was recertified in 1979 and 1985. He has continually practiced medicine since 1967 in Deltona, Florida, as a sole practitioner in family practice. Patient Fleming Dr. Robinson began treating Jesse Fleming when he came to his office on March 14, 1979, with complaints of being unable to breathe, a feeling of suffocation, and inability to sleep. The patient was found to be suffering from refractory heart failure and was admitted that same day to Seminole Memorial Hospital. Jesse Fleming was discharged as improved on March 23, 1979. His final diagnosis, reflected on the discharge summary, was: refractory heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and Pickwickian's syndrome. The notation "Pickwickian Syndrome" also appeared on the first clinical data sheet, dated March 14, 1979, in Dr. Robinson's office records for this patient. Pickwickian Syndrome, in lay terms, is a condition occurring in obese individuals wherein the abdominal fat presses on the diaphragm, cutting off the breathing and causing sleep at odd and inappropriate times. While Dr. Robinson initially felt that the condition was Pickwickian Syndrome, after the patient lost substantial weight in the hospital, he felt the proper diagnosis should be narcolepsy, a similar condition. He started him in the hospital on Dexedrine tablets, 5 mg. each morning, to increase his alertness. Narcolepsy is a very rare disease characterized by periods where the patient falls asleep uncontrollably many times during the day. The patient also has cataplexy, which is episodes of collapse that occur intermittently with emotional stress, laughing, giggling and fear. Another aspect of narcolepsy is called hypnagogic hallucinations, where an individual has vivid dreams. And the fourth part is called sleep paralysis where the patient cannot move on occasion without being touched. While there is no single test available to unconditionally diagnose a case of narcolepsy, the competent experts agree that a complete history and physical examination is required. The patient should be asked about sleeping patterns and about the symptoms described above. Testing through an electroencephalogram (EEG) and polysomnography is helpful. It is also important to specifically eliminate other causes of somnolence such as medications or other physical conditions, such as thyroid disorders or anemia. Dr. Robinson's records for Jesse Fleming are void of any documentation of the basis for his diagnosis of narcolepsy. The hospital discharge summary of his course in the hospital mentions only that the patient was found to be somnolent and sleeping all the time. He was on Valium in the hospital, 2 mg., 4 times a day to reduce anxiety. Valium is considered to be a central nervous system depressant and has drowsiness as one of its components. There is another notation on the records, on the occasion of an office visit, that the patient fell asleep in the office. This alone, does not indicate a case of narcolepsy. Although Dr. Robinson continued Mr. Fleming on Dexedrine or similar drug, Eskatrol, from the time that he was discharged from the hospital in March 1979, the first notation of a diagnosis of narcolepsy does not appear until March 20, 1981. The term appears intermittently as a diagnosis thereafter, but without description of any symptoms. Dexedrine is a Schedule II controlled substance. It is generally considered one of the amphetamines, a central nervous system stimulant. It has a high liability for habituation, or psychological dependence and overwhelming desire to continue to use the medication. It should not be used in those conditions in which it causes unnecessary stress on the vital organs of the body. It increases the demand of the heart for oxygen and can compromise an already failing heart. It is dangerous to give Dexedrine with thyroid hormones because the hormones make the heart more sensitive to Dexedrine and to the body's own form of Dexedrine, which is adrenalin. If given at all with Digoxin or Digitalis, Dexedrine should be given only with great care because these drugs slow the heart rate, an opposite effect of Dexedrine. In the past amphetamines were widely used to assist in weight control. That use was restricted and the treatment of narcolepsy is one of the remaining legitimate uses. And at least one expert in this proceeding, Jacob Green, M.D. would designate Ritalin, or a similar sympathomimetic drug as the treatment of choice for narcolepsy. In late 1981, Eskatrol was no longer available and Dr. Robinson began prescribing Dexedrine spansules, 15 mg., 200 or 100 at a time, at approximately monthly intervals. The patient has continued on this medication through 1985 and up to the time of the hearing. Around June 1979, Dr. Robinson began to prescribe Synthroid, a thyroid hormone, for Fleming's hypothyroidism at the same time that the patient was taking the amphetamine. On one occasion when the patient complained that he could not sleep, Dalmane, a sleeping medication was prescribed. Dexadrine spansules are a time-release medication which allows the effects of the drug to remain in the body for a longer period, including night time, when sleep is appropriate. Also while Fleming was on Eskatrol or Dexedrine, Dr. Robinson intermittently prescribed Brethine (a stimulant) for his lung problems, and on an on-going basis, Digoxin, for his heart condition. Assuming without the medical record basis to substantiate it, that the narcolepsy diagnosis was accurate, the prescription of Dexedrine to Jesse Fleming was dangerous and inappropriate. The patient records for Fleming are replete with references to irregular heart beats. On some occasions the nurse recorded "very irregular" apical pulses. These irregularities are sometimes a harbinger of heart failure and can occur in, or be exacerbated by, amphetamine therapy, especially in combination with thyroid hormones. In his testimony at hearing, Dr. Robinson stated that when he observed the notation of an irregular pulse he would check the patient himself to assure that the patient was alright. However, these observations are not reflected in the chart, except on one occasion when an EKG was taken and was found to be within normal limits. Good medical record-keeping is an essential aspect of a reasonable prudent physician's practice. Records are the mainstay of communications between physicians and provide a reminder to the physician with a busy practice. The records should provide objective findings and, from the patient, subjective findings. They guide the physician into what he was thinking previously and what needs to be done in the future. In a mobile society, when patients move from doctor to doctor, when specialists are brought in for consultation, when a regular doctor is absent, it is essential that another physician be able to view what has happened in the case from the medical records. Everything that is done needs to be justified in and documented in the records. The absence of a notation leads to the justifiable conclusion that the treatment was not undertaken or the test was not performed. Dr. Robinson failed to maintain adequate records to support his treatment of Jesse Fleming. The bases for his diagnosis of narcolepsy was utterly lacking, as was the basis for the decision to persist in prescribing Dexedrine under dangerous and potentially life-threatening conditions. Patient Kipp Fred Kipp was first examined by Dr. Robinson on June 8, 1978. He came to the office to get some prescriptions for medication that he was already taking. He had angina and a bad cold and was getting ready to return to Ohio, his summer residence. The history given by the patient on that first visit indicated that he had undergone two hip operations and an operation on his cervical spine for fusion. He had two aneurysm operations on his aorta, he had a hemorrhoidectomy and an amputation of his left second finger. At various times in the past he had been treated for severe arthritis in his back and foot, angina, hypertension, diabetes, pneumonia and hepatitis. His medications were Naprosyn for arthritis, Isordil for angina, Diabinese for diabetes, Hydrodiural for his hypertension, Percodan for his pain in his back, and Nitroglycerin for his angina. Dr. Robinson examined the patient and refilled his Naprosyn and Isordil. He told him to come back to see him in the fall when he returned to Florida. Fred Kipp returned to Dr. Robinson's office on December 7, 1978, complaining of chest pain. He was admitted to Seminole Memorial Hospital for pre-infarction angina and was discharged on December 11, 1978, with diagnoses of angina pectoris and coronary artery disease. From December 1978, until present, Dr. Robinson has been Fred Kipp's regular family physician. During this time he has treated him for angina or coronary artery disease, arthritis, hip problems, diabetes, back pain, shingles, vascular problems and chronic severe pain associated with all of these conditions. During this period the patient was hospitalized at least six times, primarily with heart trouble, but also for uncontrolled diabetes and impending gangrene. During a September 1984 admission to Central Florida Regional Hospital (formerly known as Seminole Memorial Hospital), the patient was diagnosed as having severe ankylosing spondylitis, a progressive spinal disease where the vertebrae ultimately become fused. The initial diagnosis was based on the patient's statement of his prior history, but the diagnosis was later confirmed by Dr. Robinson with an x-ray and CAT scan. The condition is very painful. During the course of his treatment of Fred Kipp, Dr. Robinson has kept the patient on Percodan for pain, in addition to his various medications for his multiple problems. Percodan is a Schedule II controlled substance containing oxycodone and aspirin. It is an analgesic with opium-like properties and is useful for moderate to moderately-severe types of pain. Because of the nature of the drug it has a potential for habituation and dependency, particularly when used on a regular long-term basis for chronic, as opposed to acute (temporary) pain. In order to avoid the habituation and dependency, less-addictive modalities should be tried before Percodan is selected as the treatment of choice. Dr. Robinson's office records for Fred Kipp do not reflect the consideration of alternatives. However, Dr. Robinson was aware that alternatives such as non-steroidal and anti- inflammatory agents were tried by consulting physicians, including by Dr. Broderick with Seminole Orthopaedic Associates. Fred Kipp is a very large man, approximately six feet, eight inches tall and weighing from 247 to 281 pounds. The dosages of Percodan prescribed for him by Dr. Robinson were not excessive, given the patient's size and physical problems. He has received between 200 and 300 Percodan per month for the last six years. At no time did he ever claim to have lost his prescription in order to get more drugs. Although the use of a strong narcotic with a chronic pain patient is the last resort of a reasonable, prudent physician, the use of Percodan was necessary and appropriate in Fred Kipp's case to allow him to maintain a reasonable quality of life. This finding is based not upon Dr. Robinson's office records, but rather on the competent expert testimony of his witnesses, who examined the patient and his records, and on the hospital records and consulting physicians' records in this case. Dr. Robinson's office records are deficient as to documented analysis of the patient's pain (subjective and objective observation) and efforts with less addictive modalities. While Dr. Robinson claimed that he requested Fred Kipp's records from his prior treating physician, his own records do not reflect that fact, nor was the attempt repeated when the first request was unproductive.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57455.225458.331
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jan. 24, 2003 Number: 03-000375PL Latest Update: Sep. 05, 2003

The Issue Whether Respondent, a registered nurse, committed the acts alleged in the Second Amended Administrative Complaint and, if so, the penalties that should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of nursing pursuant to Chapters 20, 456, and 464, Florida Statutes. Respondent is a licensed registered nurse in the State of Florida, having been issued license number RN 832942. In the fall of 1997, Respondent enrolled in FAU's ARNP program, which she continued until the spring of 1999, when she was dismissed from the program. Respondent was dismissed from FAU's ARNP program after she received a failing grade (an F) in a required clinical course (NGR 6602L). All students in the FAU ARNP program are required to make a grade of B or higher in clinical courses to continue in the program. On May 7, 1999, Ellis Younkin, the Graduate Program Coordinator for FAU and an associate dean, advised Respondent in writing that she had been dismissed from the ARNP program. At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Respondent was advised of her right to seek permission to retake the clinical program she had failed and her right to appeal her dismissal from the ARNP program. Respondent attempted to gain permission to retake the clinical program and to appeal her dismissal from the ARNP program. In the spring of 2000, after her dismissal from the FAU ARNP program, Respondent asked Dr. Morris, a physician in private practice, to be her preceptor for the FAU clinical program she had failed (NGR 6602L). Respondent told Dr. Morris that she had failed the earlier clinical program (NGR 6602L), but she misled Dr. Morris into believing that she was nevertheless a student in good standing in the FAU ARNP program by her statements and by the papers she showed him, including an outdated preceptor request form, a cooperative agreement form, and a form cover letter. In the spring of 2000, when Respondent had the dealings with Dr. Morris described in this Recommended Order, Respondent knew or should have known that she had been dismissed from the FAU ARNP program and she knew or should have known that her actions to appeal that dismissal had not stayed her dismissal from the program. The preceptor arrangement was for Respondent to perform the clinical duties of an ARNP under Dr. Morris's supervision and responsibility for a total of 60 hours. Dr. Morris would thereafter evaluate her performance and submit that evaluation to the FAU ARNP program. Because of Respondent's deception, that arrangement was a sham. The FAU ARNP program requires that all preceptor arrangements and the physicians who are to serve as preceptors be approved before a preceptor program begins. When he agreed to the preceptor arrangement with Respondent, Dr. Morris was unaware that FAU required prior approval of a preceptor program, and he believed that Respondent would be responsible for any required paperwork. Respondent never requested the FAU ARNP program's approval of her preceptor arrangement with Dr. Morris, nor did she request authorization from FAU for Dr. Morris to serve as her preceptor. Between May 2 and May 26, 2002, pursuant to her arrangement with Dr. Morris, Respondent routinely talked to patients alone in the examination room about the reasons for the patient's visit, to obtain a medical history, and to ascertain the patient's current medication regime. Respondent would make a diagnosis and create a treatment plan, which could include the prescription of medication, for Dr. Morris's consideration. Dr. Morris would next come in and examine the patient. Respondent wrote patient notes in the medical records that were subsequently reviewed and co-signed by Dr. Morris. Respondent performed acts in Dr. Morris's office that were beyond the scope of her license as a registered nurse. Ms. Harriett Brinker testified, credibly, that as a registered nurse Respondent could not prescribe treatment plans for patients, nor could she prescribe medication. Respondent completed approximately 60 hours of clinical work with Dr. Morris under the guise of the preceptor arrangement. Dr. Morris would not have permitted Respondent to perform the work she performed in his office but for the sham preceptor arrangement. Respondent asked Dr. Morris to submit certain paperwork pertaining to the preceptor arrangement that had been completed, including an evaluation of her performance as an ARNP student, to FAU's School of Nursing. Thereafter, Dr. James Fisher, Associate Provost at FAU, contacted Dr. Morris about the paperwork he had submitted to FAU at Respondent's request. Dr. Morris learned from Dr. Fisher that Respondent was not a graduate nursing student at FAU. Until his conversation with Dr. Fisher, Dr. Morris believed that Respondent was a student in good standing in the FAU ARNP program. After working for Dr. Morris, Respondent provided FAU with her work evaluations from Dr. Morris, medical records from patients she had cared for, clinical encounter logs containing patient-specific information, and a taped recording containing a series of questions posed by Respondent to one of her patients and the patient's responses. The questions and answers pertained to the level of care Respondent provided the patient. Respondent did not have the permission of Dr. Morris or of any patient to provide these medical records to FAU. G.M. is a patient Respondent saw when she was serving as an ARNP student while she was enrolled in the FAU clinical course NGR 6602L. Dr. Archie McLean was Respondent's supervisor for that clinical course. Respondent hand-copied a portion of G.M.'s medical record and submitted it to FAU. Respondent did not have the permission of Dr. McLean or of G.M. to copy G.M.'s medical records or to submit the copied record to FAU at the time she did so. G.M. subsequently gave Respondent permission to use his copied medical record in the manner she did.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a final order finding Respondent guilty of violating the provisions of Sections 464.018(1)(h) and 456.072(1)(m), Florida Statutes, as set forth in this Recommended Order. For each violation, Respondent's license to practice nursing in the State of Florida should be reprimanded; she should be fined in the amount of $1,000.00 ($750 for the Count I violations and $250 for the Count II violation); she should be required to take continuing education classes on the topic of patient's rights and the topic of nursing ethics; and her license should be placed on probation for four years for the Count I violations and four years for the Count II violation, which should be served concurrently. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of July 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of July, 2003.

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57440.13456.057456.072464.018
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