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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-002272 Latest Update: Mar. 27, 1980

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Underwood Mortgage and Title Co., has filed a two-part application requesting a permit from the Respondent, State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, to conduct certain activities contained in the application. The first part of the application asks that the Respondent, Underwood, be allowed to construct a pier facility extending into the St. Lucie River adjacent to a condominium development known as the River Club Condominium. The condominium and St. Lucie River are located in Martin County, Florida. The proposal calls for portable water service and twenty to thirty amp electrical service to be provided to the dock area. The pier facility would provide fifty (50) boat berths for tenants of the River Club Condominium. The dock facility would accommodate boats of up to thirty-five feet in length. There are additional areas in the dock which would allow tenants of the River Club Condominium and their guests to fish from the dock and to pass their time by sitting on the dock. The application does not call for fuel services for the boat craft or for live aboard on those craft and it is not contemplated by the application that there would be sewage pumped out from the pier into the water body. The second part of the application requests a permit which would allow the removal of a sand spit located in Warner Creek, a tributary to the St. Lucie River, adjacent to the River Club Condominium property. The estimated amount of material to be dredged is four hundred (400) cubic yards. The original reguest contained an application for permit to construct a separate walkway on the southwest shore of Warner Creek but that request has been withdrawn. The Petitioner, Beacon Twenty-One Condominium Owners Association, Inc., is a member of a nonprofit corporation made up of tenants of the Beacon Twenty- One Condominium which is located adjacent to River Club Condominium with property fronting Warner Creek which affords access to Warner Creek. This group is opposed to the permit request made by Respondent Underwood as that permit request is presently constituted. Consequently, the Petitioner has filed a Petition in opposition to the permit request, leading to the de novo hearing conducted in this cause on February 14, 1980. The hearing was occasioned in view of the Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation's Statement of Intent to issue the permit requested, which Statement of Intent to issue was entered on October 17, 1979. A copy of the Statement of Intent to issue may be found as Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation's Exhibit 4 admitted into evidence. The challenge Petition is by letter drafted by Ed Thompson, who was the President of the Petitioner at the time the Petition letter was entered. The date of the Petition letter is October 29, 1979. The County Commissioners of Martin County, Florida, have indicated that they are without objection to the project as now proposed. In addition, the State of Florida, Department of Natural Resources, stated that it is without objection to the project as proposed and made this position known through correspondence of January 25, 1979, a copy of which may be found as the Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation's Exhibit 3 admitted into evidence. Respondent Underwood's Exhibit "A" admitted into evidence is an aerial photograph taken by the Tax Assessor's office of Martin County and it depicts those buildings associated with River Club Condominium in a yellow color and the white overlay on this exhibit shows the proposed dockage. Respondent Underwood's Exhibit "B" admitted into evidence shows a drawing to scale of the shoreline at the project site. The lines of water depth below the mean low water line which would be available to accommodate the draft of the boats using the dockage and water surrounding that dock are also shown. The green color corresponds to three feet, brown corresponds to four feet and red corresponds to five feet or more. Respondent Underwood's Exhibit "C" admitted into evidence is the same as Exhibit "B" with the addition of an overlay drawn in a dark blue color which shows the proposed dock and dock area. The pier if constructed would be a distance of approximately 5,680 feet from the outer dock area, easternmost portion of the pier, to the eastern bank of the St. Lucie River. It is approximately 3,000 feet from that dock to the main channel of the Okeechobee waterway/intercoastal channel. Those boats coming out of Warner Creek from the area of the existing dock owned by the Petitioner pass within approximately two hundred (200) feet of the proposed dock of Respondent Underwood and would be operating in a depth of water of approximately five (5) feet or more when passing the pier. The sand spit which Respondent Underwood is requesting to remove is depicted in its Exhibit "D" admitted into evidence which is a photograph which has been blown up to show the nature of that spit. The removal of the spit as now requested would cause the creek bottom to be lowered to minus four (- 4) feet mean sea level, which is a differential of three (3) inches from the mean low water line in the area of Warner Creek where the spit is being dredged. The proposal calls for the removal of four hundred (400) cubic yards of materials; however, the amount to be removed to alleviate the spit has increased since the time of the application due to the events associated with Hurricane David and upland erosion. It is proposed that the dredging to be done will be done with an accompanying silt screen being utilized during the time of the dredging and the materials to be dredged will be used on the site of River Club Condominium, which is adjacent to the dredge work area. In reviewing the project, the Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation, performed a biological appraisal and a report was rendered by the employee performing that function. The contents of that report may be found in Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation's Exhibit 1 admitted into evidence. The biological inspection was made in March, 1979, and was accomplished by the employee snorkeling in the area of Warner Creek to examine the waters and the bottom of the creek and the employee taking depth soundings from the mouth of Warner Creek up to the area of Warner Creek which is adjacent to Beacon Twenty-One Condominium. The observations of that employee and those of the applicant's witness establish that this project will not interfere with navigation in Warner Creek or in the St. Lucie River. The observations of the Department's employee establish that there is a distinct flow of water through the area at the mouth of Warner Creek which allows pollutants in that creek to be swept away into the St. Lucie River and the current is strong enough to cleanse the area around the proposed dock project site to the extent that no degradation of the water in the area of the project site can be expected. The areas of the project are located in Class III waters and those waters are not part of an aquatic preserve, nor are they "Outstanding Florida Waters." Warner Creek is a natural body and the lower reaches of that water body are inter-tidal to the St. Lucie River. The lower reaches of the creek are brackish in character being inter-tidal with the St. Lucie River. The upper reaches of the creek are fresh water in character. The sandbar spit to be removed is vegetated with transitional species of saltgrass and sea purslane. The base of the sandbar is bordered by a fringe of white mangroves and Brazilian pepper which in turn are bordered by a steep bank that rises five to six feet to the uplands. The soils in the sandbar are made of coarse sand. The soils in the general area of Warner Creek vary from compacted sand in the one to three-foot depths of the shoaled areas to layers of partially consolidated organic muck in the depths four to five feet. (The depths mentioned refer to depths at mean low water.) The brackish nature of the St. Lucie River which has been mentioned before is due to the saltwater which the river receives from the Atlantic Ocean via the St. Lucie Inlet and fresh water which is received by virtue of natural storm water runoff and from the several flood control district canals draining Lake Okeechobee and farmland to the west. The shoreline of the St. Lucie River rises eight (8) to twelve (12) foot above the water line and it is characterized by sandy beach inter-tidal zones bordered by overhanding terrestrial vegetation with transitional vegetation made up of grasses, Australian pine, cabbage palm, sea grape and corn vine and clusters of red mangroves which occur intermittently along the shore line. There is occasional Spartina forming a narrow fringe at the high water line. Submerged grasses are not a normal occurrence in the river due to its turbid and tannic condition. There is some Cuban shoal weed which does appear in sparse patches within the shallow sandy areas of the river. The bottom soils in the shallow area which is the area zero to four (4) feet in depth, consists of sand intermixed with other low to moderate concentrations of muck. The area five (5) feet or deeper consists of partially consolidated muck and deteritus intermixed with shell fragments. Some of the species of fauna collected in the biological survey included Decapods (grass shrimp), Palaemonetes intermedius; pink shrimp Panaeus duorarum; blue crab, Callinectes sapidus; (Molluses) virgin nerite, Neritina virginea; Venus clam, Anomalocardia auberiana; mussel Ischaduim recurvum; oyster; (Fish) pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides. Observations made by the person performing the biological assessment on behalf of the Respondent Underwood demonstrate that no live oysters are found in the area of the proposed dock in view of the desalinization which occurs due to the inter-tidal activity between Warner Creek and the St. Lucie River. Removal of the sand spit would cause the removal of the vegetation associated with that feature, nonetheless its removal would improve navigation and flow patterns associated with Warner Creek. Any turbidity problems that would be associated with the construction and utilization of the project are not expected to be violative of standards. This is due to the nature of the bottom of the water bodies in the area of the proposed project. No toxic materials in excess of standards are expected to be present at the project site. In the past manatees have been observed in the area of the St. Lucie River and the project as proposed would not be expected to deter the manatee in its efforts to gain entrance into Warner Creek if this effort was made; however, manatees have not been observed in the area of the project in the prior six (6) to eight (8) months leading up to the hearing date and nothing in the hearing leads to the conclusion that the project as proposed, notwithstanding the introduction of boat craft into the river at that area, constitutes such a risk for the manatee that the project should not go forward. This determination is supported by the fact that Warner Creek does not provide significant food resources for the manatee. It was shown that a certain amount of soil has eroded from the uplands into Warner Creek by being washed into the creek by rains and this has caused a confluence which is the sand spit sought to be removed, and the potential exists that soil may be introduced into the water at the area of the dock now proposed for construction.

# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-000329RX Latest Update: Apr. 08, 1985

Findings Of Fact Petitioner River Trails is the developer of a condominium community in Palm Beach County known as River Walk. River Walk is contiguous to and immediately adjacent to 2600 feet of South Florida Water Management District (hereinafter "SFWMD") property bordering Canal C-18 in Palm Beach County. The right- of-way adjacent to C-18 as well as the bottom of C-18 is owned by SFWMD. C-18 is not in an area designated as Outstanding Florida Waters. As required by Section 403.813(2), Florida Statutes, River Trails sought and obtained on January 12, 1984, a permit from the SFWMD to construct a dock and boat ramp in Canal C-18. The permit conveyed no property rights to River Trails. On October 12, 1984, River Trails asked DER to confirm that River Trails' proposed boat ramp qualified for an exemption pursuant to Section 403.813(2)(c), Florida Statutes. By letter dated December 20, 1984, DER informed River Trails that the proposed boat ramp did qualify for the exemption and, therefore did not require any permit from DER. On October 18, 1984, River Trails asked DER to confirm that River Trails' proposed dock of 1,000 square feet or less qualified for an exemption from DER's permitting authority pursuant to Section 403.813(2)(b), Florida Statutes. However, on November 30, 1984, DER informed River Trails that its proposed dock did not qualify for the exemption because there was already an existing dock on SFWMD property on Canal C-18. As authority for its position, DER cited the following sentence in DER Rule 17-4.04(9)(c), Florida Administrative Code: "A private dock is a single pier at a parcel of property." On the 2600 feet of SFWMD-owned right-of-way contiguous to River Trails, there are presently no docks. On SFWMD-owned right-of-way east of River Trails, between River Trails and the southwest fork of the Loxahatchee River, there are two docks approximately 300 feet apart located in front of single-family residences. DER contends all contiguous property owned by an individual, group or entity, including a water management district, constitutes a "parcel of property" and accordingly does not recognize River Trails' claim to an exemption because of the existence of these docks. Prior to River Trails' request that DER confirm River Trails' right to an exemption, DER had not interpreted water management district-owned right-of-ways to be a "parcel of property" within the meaning of Rule 17- 4.04(9)(c). In the past, the SFWMD has permitted numerous docks of less than 1,000 square feet on SFWMD-owned right- of-ways. Copies of these permits were routinely forwarded to DER. While these docks were and are on right-of-ways which DER now defines as a "parcel" within the meaning of Rule 17-4.04(9)(c), DER has not required permits for these docks. The DER employees who interpret the rule in question as part of their duties and whose depositions were introduced at hearing do not agree on the configuration which constitutes a single pier, on the degree of ownership or control required over a parcel of property by an applicant for an exemption, or on the definition of a parcel of property. DER has failed to adequately explain its deviation from past agency practice in interpreting SFWMD right-of- way as a parcel of property. But for DER's new interpretation of the term "parcel of property" found in Rule 17-4.04(9)(c), Florida Administrative Code, River Trails' proposed dock meets the statutory and rule requirements for an exemption from obtaining a permit from DER.

Florida Laws (5) 120.52120.54120.56120.68403.813
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida May 14, 1992 Number: 92-002958DRI Latest Update: Jun. 06, 1996

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state land planning agency charged with the responsibility to administer the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Petitioner has the authority to appeal to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission any development order issued in an area of critical state concern. The appeal in the instant proceeding was timely. Monroe County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida and is responsible for issuing development orders for development in unincorporated Monroe County. Monroe County issued the development order that is the subject of this appeal. Respondents, Mortimer and Gay Hall, are the owners of real property known as Lots 60 and 61, Block 19, Breeze Swept Beach Estates on Ramrod Key in unincorporated Monroe County. The Halls have constructed a single family dwelling on that property, but the building permit for the construction of the dwelling is not at issue in this proceeding. Most of Monroe County, including the subject property, is within the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern as designated under Sections 380.05 and 380.0552, Florida Statutes. On January 21, 1992, Monroe County issued the subject building permit, Permit Number 9010001679, to Mortimer and Gay Hall as owners and Pierce Construction and Builders as contractor. The subject permit would be subject to certain conditions imposed by the Florida Department of Natural Resources (DNR). As permitted, the use of the structure would be limited to swimming and recreation. Boating, or the mooring of boats, would not be permitted. By letter dated December 17, 1991, DNR authorized the project subject to certain conditions and limitations, and provided, in pertinent part, as follows: Mort and Gay Hall are hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of a swim platform as proposed This authorization is specifically conditioned upon the following: * * * The structure shall be used only for passive recreational activities such as swimming and fishing. Mooring of vessels at the facility either on a temporary or permanent basis is strictly prohibited. The platform and walkway shall be elevated four feet above mhw [mean high water]. Handrails at a height of four feet shall be installed along the walkway and around the platform. Handrails shall be two feet above the platform deck. Install at least three "NO MOORING" signs along the perimeter of the platform. Install a ladder on the waterward terminus of the platform for water access. The application submitted by the Halls to Monroe County that resulted in the subject permit incorporated the DNR conditions and described the project as follows: Applicant wishes to install a wooden swim platform (20 ft. length x 8 ft. width) and a wooden elevated access walkway (25 ft. length x 4 ft. width) to access this platform; for the purpose of using the channel cut for swimming activities at their existing single family residence. Monroe County's comprehensive plan, which has been approved by the Petitioner and by the Administration Commission, is implemented through its adopted land development regulations, codified in Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code. Section 9.5-345(m)(2), Monroe County Code, referred to as the four foot rule, provides as follows: (2) All structures on any submerged lands and mangroves shall be designed, located and constructed such that: * * * No structure shall be located on submerged land which is vegetated with sea grasses except as is necessary to reach waters at least four (4) feet below mean low level for docking facilities; No docking facility shall be developed at any site unless a minimum channel of twenty (20) feet in width where a mean low water depth of at least minus four (4) feet exists; Section 2.104, Nearshore Waters, Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Volume II, Future Land Use Element, provides, in pertinent part, as follows: The Florida Keys are dependent on nearshore water quality for their environmental and economic integrity. The heart of the Florida Keys economy, the means by which Monroe County exists as a civil and social institution, is based on its unique oceanic character. If nearshore water quality is not maintained, then quality of life and the economy of Monroe County will be directly and immediately impacted. OBJECTIVES 1. To protect, maintain and, where appropriate, to improve the quality of nearshore waters in Monroe County. * * * POLICIES 1. To prohibit land use that directly or indirectly degrade nearshore water quality. * * * To prohibit the development of water dependent facilities, including marinas, at locations that would involve significant degradation of the biological character of submerged lands. To limit the location of water-dependent facilities at locations that will not have a significant adverse impact on off-shore resources of particular importance. For the purposes of this policy, off-shore resources of particular importance shall mean hard coral bottoms, habitat of state or federal threatened and endangered species, shallow water areas with natural marine communities with depths at mean low tide of less than four (4) feet, and all designated aquatic preserves under Florida Statutes section 258.39 et seq. By Final Judgment entered June 7, 1991, the Honorable Richard G. Payne, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit, in and for Monroe County, Florida, ruled in Stanton v. Monroe County, Case No. 91-20-035- CA-18, that Monroe County's four foot rule does not apply to swimming piers, concluding, in pertinent part, as follows at page five of the Final Judgment: 5. To the extent that the County's Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations fail to provide for swimming piers ... the court finds that it is unreasonable to treat such piers as if they were docks at which boats are to be moored. Pursuant to the judicial review authority of Chapter 163, Fla. Stat., the court declares ... [the four foot rule] inapplicable to piers at which boats are not to be moored. The County has adequate judicial remedies, including injunction, to prevent the use of such piers, including the subject pier, for the mooring of boats. Despite the Stanton ruling, supra, Monroe County has interpreted the four foot rule as being applicable to swimming piers such as the one the Halls wish to construct. Monroe County's long-standing interpretation of the four foot rule would not prohibit the permit because of the minimal effect such construction would have on the nearshore waters. Since 1986, Monroe County has adopted an interpretation of Section 9.5-345(m)(2), Monroe County Code, and of Section 2.104, Nearshore Waters, Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Volume II, Future Land Use Element, that would permit the construction of the subject project. That interpretation permits the development of docks in subdivisions that were under development in 1986 if there is at least four feet of water at the terminal point of the dock at mean low tide. The structure that is the subject of this proceeding is in a subdivision that was under development prior to 1986 and would, if permitted, terminate in a channel more than 20 feet wide with water at least six feet deep at mean low tide. Monroe County's interpretation of the four foot rule is that the rule was intended to restrict the development of boating access facilities in new, undeveloped subdivisions and to regulate proposed expansion of existing marinas and the development of new marinas. Monroe County considers the subject application by the Halls to meet all of its permitting criteria. The structure will be constructed in a dredged area of adequate size for swimming. Access to the structure by boat is unlikely because the swimming area is surrounded by a reef and hard bottom that is extremely shallow, even at high tide. At low tide much of this surrounding area is above water, and the deepest area of water is approximately six inches. At high tide, the water depth of the surrounding area ranges from approximately four inches to approximately eighteen inches. On the waterward side of the surrounding area, the water depths are less than four feet. Petitioner's concern is that boats will moor at the structure regardless of the restrictions on the permit and that these boats will cause degradation to the nearshore waters while crossing to deep water. Benthic communities exist in the waters between the Halls's property and deep water, such as rock-hard bottom, sea grasses, algae, and hard coral. Turtles, manatees, sharks, stingrays, eagle rays, snapper, pink shrimp, mullet, and other marine animals populate those waters. Sea grass beds play an important role in water quality maintenance in the Keys through filtration, nutrient uptake, stabilization of the bottom, and as a habitat for commercially important species. One cannot reach deep water by boat from the Halls's property without crossing areas in which the water depth is less than four feet at low tide. Petitioner speculates that prop dredging, and the resulting damage to seagrass beds and shallow water marine communities, would result if one were to attempt to navigate these shallow waters by a propeller powered boat. Petitioner's concern is premised on the unwarranted assumptions that the structure will be illegally used at some point in the future by boats. Petitioner has failed to establish that this concern justifies denial of the permit. Petitioner did not establish that damage would be done to the environment by swimming in the area of the proposed swimming platform. Respondents presented evidence that several similar projects were permitted at approximately the same time as the Halls's permit without Petitioner filing an appeal. This evidence was insufficient to establish that Petitioner should be estopped to appeal the subject permit, that Petitioner engaged in selective enforcement of its regulatory power, or that Petitioner otherwise brought the subject appeal for an inappropriate purpose.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission enter a final order affirming Monroe County's decision to issue building permit number 9010001679, and dismissing the appeal filed by the Department of Community Affairs. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of January, 1993, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of January, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 92-2958DRI The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted on behalf of Petitioner. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 14 are adopted in material part by the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in the first sentence of paragraph 11, 12, 13, and 16 are subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 15 are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached because the use of the platform is limited. The testimony by Robert L. Herman as to the purpose and interpretation of the four foot rule by Monroe County is found to be a more persuasive than Mr. Metcalf's testimony. The following rulings are made on the proposed findings of fact submitted on behalf of Respondents. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 1, 2, 3,4, and 8 are adopted in material part by the Recommended Order. The proposed findings of fact in paragraphs 5 and 6 are rejected as being subordinate to the findings made. The proposed findings of fact in paragraph 8 are rejected as being unnecessary to the conclusions reached. COPIES FURNISHED: Lucky T. Osho, Esquire David Jordan, Esquire Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Theodore W. Herzog, Esquire Theodore W. Herzog, P.A. 209 Duval Street Key West, Florida 33040 Linda Loomis Shelley, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 G. Steven Pfeiffer, General Counsel Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 James T. Hendrick, Esquire Attorney for Monroe County Post Office Box 1117 Key West, Florida 33040 Carolyn Dekle, Director South Florida Regional Planning Council 3400 Hollywood Boulevard Suite 140 Hollywood, Florida 33021 Pierce Construction and Builders Route 4, Box 319 Summerland Key, Florida 33042 Bob Herman, Herb Rabin, Lorenzo Aghemo, Pat McNeese Monroe County Growth Management Division Public Service Building, Wing III 5100 Junior College Road West Stock Island Key West, Florida 33040 William R. Kynoch, Deputy Director Florida Land and Water Adj. Commission Executive Officer of the Governor 311 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (7) 120.57120.68258.39380.05380.0552380.07380.08
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Jul. 09, 2014 Number: 14-003135EF Latest Update: Jun. 16, 2015

The Issue The issues to be decided in this case are whether Respondents are liable for the violations charged in the NOV, whether Respondents should pay the penalties assessed in the NOV, and whether Respondents should be required to take the corrective actions demanded in the NOV.

Findings Of Fact The Department is the state agency with powers and duties related to the regulation of construction activities in wetlands and surface waters, including filling in wetlands. Respondents are individuals who own real property on Bayshore Road in North Fort Myers, Florida. Some confusion exists in the record about the street number for the property. It is alternately described as 11590, 11620, 11650, and 11850. This is partly due to the fact that the property consists of at least two recorded parcels. The actual location of the filled area is not disputed, nor is it disputed that Respondents own the property where the fill was placed. The property is adjacent to the Caloosahatchee River. It contains freshwater marsh wetlands dominated by Leather Fern. The Department conducted a site inspection of Respondents’ property and determined that Respondents had filled 0.96 acres of wetlands. The Department produced evidence that it incurred costs of $1,824.50 in this case. The corrective actions ordered in the NOV, which are designed to restore the wetlands that were filled, are reasonable.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.68403.121
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Jun. 13, 1997 Number: 97-002845 Latest Update: Jul. 12, 2004

The Issue The issue is whether the City's applications for an individual stormwater permit and a noticed general environmental resource permit for Phase 1A of the proposed Hogtown Creek Greenway should be approved.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Background In these two cases, Respondent, City of Gainesville (City), seeks the issuance of a stormwater system management permit (stormwater permit) to construct a 2,000-foot long asphaltic trail/boardwalk, a parking facility and associated improvements for Phase 1A of the Hogtown Creek Greenway project in the north central portion of the City. That matter is docketed as Case No. 97-2845. The City also seeks the issuance of a noticed general environmental resource permit (NGP) to construct 481 square feet of piling supported structures over wetlands or surface waters for the same project. That matter has been assigned Case No. 97-2846. Respondent, St. Johns River Water Management District (District), is the regulatory agency charged with the responsibility of reviewing and approving the requested permits. Petitioner, Greenspace Preservation Association, Inc., is a not-for-profit Florida corporation primarily composed of persons who own real property adjacent to the route proposed by the City, as well as local environmental interests. Petitioners, Frank Ward, Sal Locascio, Frederick P. Peterkin, and Harold M. Stahmer, are individuals who own real property adjacent to the route proposed by the City for the Greenway. The parties have stipulated that Petitioners are substantially affected by the District's proposed action and thus have standing to initiate these cases. On March 28, 1997, the City filed applications for a stormwater permit and a NPG for Phase IA of the Hogtown Creek Greenway project. After conducting a review of the applications, including an on-site visit to the area, in May 1997, the District proposed to issue the requested permits. On June 9, 1997, Petitioners timely filed a Petition for Initiation of Formal Proceedings as to both intended actions. As amended and then refined by stipulation, Petitioners generally allege that, as to the stormwater permit, the City has failed to provide reasonable assurance that the project meets the permitting requirements of the District; the City has failed to provide reasonable assurance that the stormwater system will not cause violations of state water quality standards; the City has failed to provide reasonable asurance that the project satisfies the District's minimum required design features; and the City has failed to provide reasonable assurance that the stormwater system is capable of being effectively operated and maintained by the City. As to the NPG, Petitioners generally allege that the piling supported structure is not less than 1,000 square feet; the jurisdictional wetlands are greater than the area shown on the plans submitted by the City; the City has failed to provide reasonable assurance that the system will not significantly impede navigation; the City has failed to provide reasonable assurance that the system does not violate state water quality standards; the City has failed to provide reasonable assurance that the system does not impede the conveyance of a watercourse in a manner that would affect off-site flooding; the City has failed to provide reasonable assurance that the system will not cause drainage of wetlands; and the City failed to provide reasonable assurance that the system does not adversely impact aquatic or wetland dependent listed species. Respondents deny each of the allegations and aver that all requirements for issuance of the permits have been met. In addition, the City has requested attorney's fees and costs under Section 120.595(1)(b), Florida Statutes (Supp. 1996), on the theory that these actions were filed for an improper purpose. A General Description of the Project The Hogtown Creek Greenway is a long-term project that will eventually run from Northwest 39th Street southward some seven miles to the Kanapaha Lake/Haile Sink in southwest Gainesville. These cases involve only Phase 1A of that project, which extends approximately one-half mile. This phase consists of the construction of a 2,000-foot long asphaltic concrete trail/boardwalk, a timber bridge and boardwalk, a parking facility, and associated improvements. The trail will extend from the Loblolly Environmental Facility located at Northwest 34th Street and Northwest 5th Avenue, to the intersection of Northwest 8th Avenue and Northwest 31st Drive. The trail will have a typical width of ten feet. For the majority of its length, the trail will be constructed of asphaltic concrete overlying a limerock base, and it will generally lie at the existing grade and slope away from the creek. Besides the trail, additional work involves the repaving of Northwest 5th Avenue with the addition of a curb and gutter, the construction of an entrance driveway, paved and grassed parking areas, and sidewalks at the Loblolly Environmental Facility, and the widening and addition of a new turn lane and pedestrian crosswalk at the intersection of Northwest 8th Avenue and Northwest 31st Drive. The Stormwater Permit Generally The entire Phase IA project area lies within the Hogtown Creek 10-year floodplain. It also lies within the Hogtown Creek Hydrologic Basin, which basin includes approximately 21 square miles. The project area for the proposed stormwater permit is 4.42 acres. Water quality criteria Phase IA of the Greenway will not result in discharges into surface groundwater that cause or contribute to violations of state water quality standards. When a project meets the applicable design criteria under the District's stormwater rule, there is a presumption that the project will not cause a violation of state water quality standards. There are two dry retention basins associated with the project. Basin 1 is located at the cul-de-sac of Northwest 5th Avenue and will capture and retain the stormwater runoff from the new and reconstructed impervious areas at the Loblolly Facility. Basin 2 is located at the parking area and will capture and retain stormwater runoff at the existing building and proposed grass parking area. Under the stormwater rule, the presumptive criteria for retention basins require that the run-off percolate out of the basin bottom within 72 hours. The calculations performed by the City's engineer show that the two retention basins will recover within that timeframe. In making these calculations, the engineer used the appropriate percolation rate of ten inches per hour. Even using the worst case scenario with a safety factor of twenty and a percolation rate of one-half inch per hour, the two retention basins will still recover within 72 hours. The presumptive criteria for retention basins require that the basin store a volume equal to one inch of run-off over the drainage area or 1.25 inches of run-off over the impervious area plus one-half inch of run-off over the drainage area. The calculations performed by the City's engineer show that the two retention basins meet the District's volume requirements for retention systems. An applicant is not required to utilize the presumptive design criteria, but instead may use an alternative design if the applicant can show, based on calculations, tests, or other information, that the alternative design will not cause a violation of state water quality standards. As a general rule, the District applies its stormwater rule so that water quality treatment is not required for projects or portions of projects that do not increase pollutant loadings. This includes linear bicycle/pedestrian trails. The City's proposed trail will not be a source of pollutants. The City will install signs at both entrances to the trail to keep out motorized vehicles. Except for emergency and maintenance vehicles, motorized vehicles will not be permitted on the trail. The infrequent use by emergency or maintenance vehicles will not be sufficient to create water quality concerns. The construction of a treatment system to treat the stormwater from the trail would provide little benefit and would only serve to unnecessarily impact natural areas. Although treatment of the stormwater run-off from the trail portion of the project is not required under District rules, the run-off will receive treatment in the vegetated upland buffer adjacent to the trail. The District's proposed other condition number 3 will require the City to plant vegetation in unvegetated and disturbed areas in the buffer. This will reduce the likelihood of erosion or sedimentation problems in the area of the trail. Although disputed at hearing, it is found that the City's engineer used the appropriate Manning coefficient in the calculations regarding the buffer. Even without a vegetated buffer, run-off coming from the bicycle trail will not violate state water quality standards. The City will install appropriate erosion and sediment controls. These include siltation barriers along the entire length of both sides of the proposed trail prior to commencing construction. Such barriers will not allow silt or other material to flow through, over, or under them. The City will also place hay bales and any other silt fencing necessary to solve any erosion problem that may occur during construction. In addition, the permit will require an inspection and any necessary repairs to the siltation barriers at the end of each day of construction. Saturation of the limerock bed under the paved portion of the trail is not expected to cause a problem because heavy vehicles will not regularly use the trail. The trail portion of the project can be adequately maintained to avoid deterioration. Sensitive Karst Areas Basin criteria The two proposed dry retention basins for Phase 1A are located within the District's Sensitive Karst Areas Basin. They include all of the minimum design features required by the District to assure adequate treatment of the stormwater before it enters the Floridan aquifer and to preclude the formation of solution pipe sinkholes in the stormwater system. There will be a minimum of three feet of unconsolidated soil material between the surface of the limestone bedrock and the bottom and sides of the two retention basins. The appropriate mechanism for determining the depth of limestone is to do soil borings. The soil borings performed by the City show that there is at least three feet of unconsolidated material between the bottom of the basins and any limerock where the borings were taken. In other words, limestone would not be expected to be within three feet of the bottom of either basin. Based on the soil boring results, the seasonal high water table is at least six feet below ground level. The depth of the two retention basins will be less than ten feet. Indeed, the depth of the basins will be as shallow as possible and will have a horizontal bottom with no deep spots. To make the retention basins any larger would require clearing more land. A large shallow basin with a horizontal bottom results in a lower hydraulic head and therefore is less potential for a sinkhole to form. Before entering the basins, stormwater will sheet flow across pavement and into a grass swale, thereby providing some dispersion of the volume. Finally, the two retention basin side slopes will be vegetated. Special condition number 7 provides that if limestone is encountered during excavation of a basin, the City must over- excavate the basin and backfill with three feet of unconsolidated material below the bottom of the basin. Drainage and flood protection Contrary to Petitioners' assertions, the project will not adversely affect drainage or flood protection on surrounding properties. The trail will be constructed generally at existing grade. Because the trail will be constructed at existing grade, the net volume of fill necessary for Phase 1A is approximately zero. Therefore, there will not be a measurable increase in the amount of runoff leaving the site after construction, and the trail will not result in an increase in off-site discharges. District rules require that the proposed post- development peak rate of discharge from a site not exceed the pre-development peak rate of discharge for the mean annual storm only for projects that exceed fifty percent impervious surface. The proposed project has less than fifty percent impervious surface. Even though it is not required, the City has demonstrated that the post-development rate of discharge will not exceed the pre-development peak rate of discharge. Both basins will retain the entire mean annual storm so that the post-development rate of discharge is zero. Even during a 100-year storm event, the retention basins willl not discharge. Therefore, there will not be any increase in floodplain elevations during the 10, 25, or 100-year storm events from the proposed project. Operation and maintenance entity requirements The applicable requirements of Chapter 40C-42, Florida Administrative Code, regarding operation and maintenance, have been met by the applicant. The City proposes itself as the permanent operation and maintenance entity for the project. This is permissible under District regulations. The duration for the operation and maintenance phase of the permit is perpetual. The City has adequate resources and staff to maintain the phase 1A portion of the project. The public works department will maintain the stormwater management system out of the City's utility fund. The City provides periodic inspections of all of its stormwater systems. These inspections are paid for out of the collected stormwater fees. The City will also conduct periodic inspections of the project area, and the two retention basins will be easily accessed by maintenance vehicles. The City will be required to submit an as-built certification, signed and sealed by a professional engineer, once the project is constructed. Monthly inspections of the system must be conducted looking for any sinkholes or solution cavities that may be forming in the basins. If any are observed, the City is required to notify the District and repair the cavity or sinkhole. Once the system is constructed, the City will be required to submit an inspection report biannually notifying the District that the system is operating and functioning in accordance with the permitted design. If the system is not functioning properly, the applicant must remediate the system. The City will be required to maintain the two retention basins by mowing the side slopes, repairing any erosion on the side slopes, and removing sediment that accumulates in the basins. Mowing will be done at least six times per year. The City will stabilize the slopes and bottom areas of the basins to prevent erosion. The City has a regular maintenance schedule for stormwater facilities. The project will be included within the City's regular maintenance program. The City has budgeted approximately $80,000.00 for maintenance of the trail and vegetated buffer. Also, it has added new positions in its budget that will be used to maintain and manage the Greenway system. Finally, City staff will conduct daily inspections of the Phase 1A trail looking for problems with the vegetated buffer, erosion problems along the trail, and sediment and debris in the retention basin. If the inspections reveal any problems, the staff will take immediate action to correct them. The Noticed General Environmental Resource Permit Generally By this application, the City seeks to construct 481 square feet of piling supported structures over wetlands or surface waters. The proposed structures include a 265 square foot timber bridge over an un-vegetated flow channel, which connects a borrow area to Possum Creek, and a 216 square foot boardwalk over two small wetland areas located south of the flow channel. None of the pilings for the bridge or boardwalk will be in wetlands, and no construction will take place in Hogtown or Possum Creeks. The paved portion of the trail will not go through wetlands, and there will be no dredging or filling in wetlands. The receiving waters for the project are Hogtown and Possum Creeks. Both are Class III waters. Hogtown Creek originates in north central Gainesville and flows southwest to Kanapaha Lake/Haile Sink in southwest Gainesville. Possum Creek originates in northwest Gainesville and flows southeast to its confluence with Hogtown Creek south of the proposed bridge structure. Wetlands The total area of the proposed bridge and boardwalk over surface water or wetlands is approximately 481 square feet. The wetland delineation shown on the City's Exhibit 5A includes all of the areas in the project area considered to be wetlands under the state wetland delineation methodology. The United State Army Corps of Engineers' wetland line includes more wetlands than the District wetland line. The former wetland line was used to determine the area of boardwalk and bridge over wetlands. Even using this line, however, the total area of boardwalk over surface waters or wetlands is approximately 481 square feet and is therefore less than 1,000 square feet. Navigation The proposed system does not significantly impede navigation. Further, the structures will span a wetland area and an un-vegetated flow channel, both of which are non-navigable. In fact, the flow channel generally exhibits little or no flow except after periods of rainfall. Water quality The construction material that will be used for the bridge and boardwalk will not generate any pollutants. Morever, chemical cleaners will not be used on those structures. Silt fences will be used and vegetation will be planted in the vicinity of the bridge and boardwalk to prevent erosion and sedimentation problems. The amount of erosion from drip that comes off the boardwalk will be minimal. Therefore, the bridge and boardwalk will not cause a violation of state water quality standards. Off-site flooding The project will not impede conveyance of any stream, river, or other water course which would increase off-site flooding. The structures will completely span the wetland areas and flow channel, and no part of the structures, including the pilings, will lie within any water or wetland areas including the flow channel. There will be a span of 2.5 to 3 feet from the horizontal members of the bridge and boardwalk down to the ground surface which will allow water to pass through unobstructed. Further, there will not be any cross ties or horizontal obstructions on the lower portions of the boardwalk or bridge pilings. Further, due to the spacing of the pilings, the boardwalk and bridge will not trap sufficient sediment such as leaves to impede the conveyance of the flow channel. Therefore, conveyance through the flow channel will not be affected by the structures. Because the boardwalk and bridge are not over Hogtown or Possum Creeks, they will not cause any obstruction to the conveyance of the creeks. Aquatic and wetland dependent listed species The project will not adversely affect any aquatic or wetland dependent listed species. These species are defined by District rule as aquatic or wetland dependent species listed in Chapter 39-27, Florida Administrative Code, or 50 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 17. No such species are known to exist in the project area, and none are expected to exist in the location and habitat type of the project area. Therefore, contrary to Petitioners' assertions, there are no listed salamander, frog, turtle, or lizard species known to occur within the Hogtown Creek basin. Although it is possible that the box turtle may be found in the project area, it is not an aquatic or wetland dependent listed species. One baby American alligator (between two and three feet in length) was observed in the borrow pit area of the project on September 11, 1997. Except for this sighting, no other listed animal species have been observed in the project area. As to the alligator, the only area in which it could nest would be in the existing excavated borrow pit, and none of the proposed construction will take place in that area. More than likely, the alligator had walked into the area from Clear Lake, Kanapaha Prairie, or Lake Alice. The proposed structures will not affect the movement of the alligator nor its feeding habits. Drainage of wetlands Because the boardwalk and bridge are elevated structures over waters and wetlands, and the City has not proposed to construct ditches or other drainage systems, the proposed system will not cause drainage of the wetlands. Coral/macro-marine algae/grassbeds The proposed system is not located in, on, or over coral communities, macro/marine algae, or a submerged grassbed community. D. Were the Petitions Filed for an Improper Purpose? Prior to the filing of their petitions, Petitioners did not consult with experts, and they prepared no scientific investigations. Their experts were not retained until just prior to hearing. Petitioners are citizens who have genuine concerns with the project. They are mainly longtime residents of the area who fear that the Greenway will not be properly maintained by the City; it will increase flooding in the area; it will cause water quality violations; and it will attract thousands of persons who will have unimpeded access to the back yards of nearby residents. Although these concerns were either not substantiated at hearing or are irrelevant to District permitting criteria, they were nonetheless filed in good faith and not for an improper purpose.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the St. Johns River Water Management District enter a final order approving the applications of the City of Gainesville and issuing the requested permits. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of December, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of December, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Henry Dean, Executive Director St. Johns River Water Management District Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, Florida 32178-1429 Samuel A. Mutch, Esquire 2790 Northwest 43rd Street Suite 100, Meridien Centre Gainesville, Florida 32606 Jennifer B. Springfield, Esquire Mary Jane Angelo, Esquire Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, Florida 32178-1429 Richard R. Whiddon, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 1110 Gainesville, Florida 32602-1110

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.59517.12 Florida Administrative Code (6) 40C-4.02140C-400.47540C-41.06340C-42.02340C-42.02740C-42.029
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Nov. 16, 1998 Number: 98-005062 Latest Update: Dec. 21, 2001

The Issue The issues in this case are: Whether Petitioner, Warren M. Briggs ("Briggs"), should be issued a Wetland Resource Permit (WRP) for the construction of a single-family dwelling on a lot with jurisdictional wetlands in Santa Rosa County, Florida, as proposed in his application submission of 1998; and Whether the Department would permit the construction of a single-family dwelling on the subject lot under conditions and circumstances other than those set forth in Briggs' application.

Findings Of Fact Briggs is the owner of Lot 67, Block H, Paradise Bay Subdivision, located in southern Santa Rosa County ("Briggs lot"). Paradise Bay Subdivision was developed in approximately 1980, prior to the passage in 1984 of the Warren Henderson Wetland Protection Act. (Official Recognition of Section 403.918, Florida Statutes). The subdivision consists of modestly priced single- family homes that are attractive to young families because of the quality of nearby schools. The typical non-waterfront home in the subdivision is single story, approximately 2,000 square feet in area, and built on a concrete slab. The typical setback from the road to the front edge of a home is 75 feet. This fairly consistent setback from the road prevents the view from one home into the adjacent property owner’s back yard and, thereby, adversely affecting the neighbor’s property value. The undeveloped Briggs lot was purchased in 1981 for approximately $15,000 and remains undeveloped. Briggs bought the lot, along with three other lots in the subdivision, as investment property. The other three lots have been sold. One of the lots sold earlier by Briggs was a waterfront lot on East Bay located in jurisdictional wetlands. The entire lot was filled pursuant to a permit issued by the Department. The Briggs lot is 90 feet wide by 200 feet deep. It is located on the south side of Paradise Bay Drive. The lots on the north side of Paradise Bay Drive are waterfront lots on East Bay. To the rear (south) of the Briggs lot and other lots on the south side of Paradise Bay Drive, is a large swamp that eventually discharges into East Bay. The major connection between the Briggs lot and East Bay is through a culvert under Paradise Bay Drive. The Briggs’ lot consists of 2,914 square feet of uplands and 15,086 square feet of state jurisdictional wetland, with all of the uplands located in the northern half of the lot. Converted to acres, the Briggs lot consists of 0.067 acres of uplands and 0.347 acres of state jurisdictional wetland. Lot 66, immediately east of the Briggs lot, has been cleared and is about half tietie swamp with the remainder consisting of uplands and disturbed wetlands. Some fill has been placed on the lot. Lot 68, immediately west of the Briggs lot, is undeveloped and consists of all tietie wetlands. Lots 69, 70 and 71 of Block H of the subdivision are undeveloped and consist primarily of wetlands. The Department issued a permit on October 31, 1996, that allowed the owners of Lot 71 to fill 0.22 acres (9,570 square feet) of wetlands. The fill is allowed to a lot depth of 145 feet on the west side, and to a width of 73 feet of the total lot width of 90 feet. The fill area is bordered on the east and west by wetland areas not to be filled. The Department issued a permit on November 13, 1997, that allowed the owner of Lot 61 to fill 0.26 acres (11,310 square feet) of wetlands. Fill is allowed over the entire northern 125 feet of the 185 foot-deep lot. On April 28, 1998, Briggs applied to the Department for a permit to fill Lot 67. The Department, in its letter of August 7, 1998, and its permit denial of September 2, 1998, erroneously described the project as consisting of 0.47 acres of fill. The entire lot consists of only 0.41 acres, of which 0.067 acres is uplands, leaving a maximum area of fill of 0.343 acres. If Briggs’ residential lot is to be used, some impact to the wetlands on the lot is unavoidable. Alternatives discussed by Briggs and the Department, three of which are still available for Briggs to accept, included the following: One hundred feet of fill with a bulkhead separating the fill from the wetland area, with no off-site mitigation; Fill pad could be placed on property with the remainder of the wetlands on the site to remain in their natural state with no backyard, with no off-site mitigation required; One hundred feet of fill with a bulkhead separating the fill material from the wetland, with a small back yard, with no off-site mitigation required. Briggs did not accept any of the foregoing alternatives or proposed acceptable mitigation measures.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered denying the permit application, provided that the parties may reach subsequent agreement regarding proper mitigation in order to make the construction of a single-family dwelling possible on the Petitioner’s property in this case. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of November, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. _ DON W. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of November, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Charles T. Collette, Esquire Lucinda R. Roberts, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard The Douglas Building, Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Jesse W. Rigby, Esquire Clark, Partington, Hart, Larry Bond and Stackhouse 125 West Romana Street, Suite 800 Post Office Box 13010 Pensacola, Florida 32591-3010 Kathy C. Carter, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard The Douglas Building, Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Teri L. Donaldson, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard The Douglas Building, Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57267.061373.4145
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-002609 Latest Update: May 05, 1982

Findings Of Fact The following findings are based on the uncontested facts alleged in Petitioner's Motion For Summary Recommended Order and from the Final Orders issued in Bayshore Homeowners Association v. Department of Environmental Regulation and Grove Isle, Inc., Case Nos. 79-2186, 79-2324 and 79-2354. On December 29, 1980 DER entered a Final Order on the application of Petitioner for a 90 slip marina in Biscayne Bay, Florida. The Order denied the permit because Grove Isle had not demonstrated that the project is "affirmatively in the public interest" and because the applicant had not demonstrated that it "can meet ambient water quality standards within the project area itself." In the Recommended Order on Remand the Hearing Officer had defined "existing ambient waters" to be the area in the cove between Grove Isle and the Miami mainland. The Final Order rejected that concept and held if any waters others than those contained within the immediate project site were to be considered as ambient, Petitioner must request a mixing zone as part of its application. See Section 17-4.242, (1)(a)2.b. and Section 17-4.244, Florida Administrative Code. By a letter received at the Department of Environmental Regulation on May 20, 1981, Grove Isle reapplied for the boat dock permit which was the subject of the foregoing proceedings. Petitioner's application, which was in the form of a letter from counsel, stated: May 18, 1981 Mr. Larry O'Donnell Department of Environmental Regulation Post Office Box 3858 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 RE: GROVE ISLE - Application for Boat Dock Dear Mr. O'Donnell: On behalf of Grove Isle, LTD, I am reapplying for the boat dock permit previously applied for by Grove Isle, LTD. Please consider this a short-form application. Your office designated a previous file number, DF 13-7956, to this matter. In conjunction with that application I am applying for a mixing zone, pursuant to Rule 17-4.244, for both the construction and operation of this marina. Please refer to your file on the previous application and incorporate said documents into this reapplication. I am submitting with this application: A scale drawing (one inch = 100') of the proposed facility. (which you have) A certified survey of the proposed mixing zone. (one inch = 100') An application fee of $20.00 A copy of the Final Order issued by Jacob D. Varn, former secretary of DER, on the previous application. A copy of the Notice of Intent previously issued for this project, dated 9/23/79. (which you have) As you will note from reading Mr. Varn's Final Order, he concluded that issuance of this permit was not appropriate inasmuch as the applicant had not applied for nor received a designated mixing zone. We do not necessarily agree with this order and have, in fact, appealed this decision to the First District Court of Appeal. However, in an attempt to keep this matter from becoming any more complicated, we have decided to reapply for the permit and to apply for a mixing zone. We do not concede that a mixing zone should be required for this project or that the facility will result in the release of any pollutants so as to significantly degrade ambient water quality. However, should this project, through its construction or operation, result in the release of any pollutants, I believe they would be limited to: Bottom sediments placed in suspension by the installation of the concrete piles used to support the docking facility during construction; Minimal amounts of oil and grease which may escape from the various vessels moored to the docks; The constituants of anti-fouling paint which may be applied to the hulls of the various vessels moored at the docks. Turbidity will be controlled by the use of curtains during construction. If lowered water quality occurs at all in this project it would only occur within the designated mixing zone, as per Rule 17-4.242 (2)(b) F.A.C. Please advise me should additional information be needed to process this re-application. Yours truly, /s/ KENNETH G. OERTEL On June 19, 1981, DER sent a "completeness summary letter" to Petitioner which requested the following information: Your project is in Outstanding Florida Waters. Please provide the following items demonstrating compliance with Section 17-4.242, Florida Administrative Code. Please demonstrate that this project is clearly in the public interest and that this project will not result in the degradation of ambient water quality beyond the 30 day construction period. Petitioner responded by letter dated June 22, 1981 and which was received at DER on June 25, 1981. Petitioner said in pertinent part: Dear Mr. Duke: If you would check your previous file no. DF-13-7956, I believe you will find all the information you have requested has previously been provided to your office either in that permit file or through the administrative hearings held in pursuit of this application. I think it would be more fruitful if you would communicate with Al Clark, Attorney for DER, with regard to the status of this application. As I do not wish to speak on behalf of Mr. Clark, I believe you should confirm the status of this application with him, particularly in view of our attempt to comply with Secretary Varn's Final Order which suggests the application for this mixing zone. The record reflects no further correspondence between the parties until September 23, 1981 when the Department entered a Final Order Denying Application for Permit. The Order provided that: This project was reviewed previously (DF 13-7956) and was determined not to be clearly in the public interest pursuant to Section 17-4.242, F.A.C. No further evidence upon resubmittal, has been provided to clearly demonstrate that this project is in the public interest. Furthermore, the requested mixing zone exceeds that allowable pursuant to Section 17-4.244, F.A.C. and can be applied only during the construction period, pursuant to Section 17-4.242, F.A.C. During the operation of this facility ambient water quality is expected to be degraded in violation of Section 17-4.242, F.A.C. This order was entered ninety-one days after DER received Petitioner's June 22, 1981 letter.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Department of Environmental Regulation issue the permit applied for by Petitioner, Grove Isle, Ltd. on May 20, 1981 subject to the conditions contained in the Notice of Intent To Issue Permit dated October 23, 1979 which is a part of the record in Bayshore Homeowners Association et al., v. State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation and Grove Isle, Inc., Case Nos. 79-2186, 79-2324 and 79-2354. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 12th day of February, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. MICHAEL P. DODSON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of February, 1982.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.60
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Oct. 07, 1996 Number: 96-004737 Latest Update: Mar. 09, 1998

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at the evidentiary hearing on the Department's Motion, and the record as a whole, the following Findings of Fact are made: In October of 1995, Petitioners, who desired to construct a single-family, concrete dock in the Hillsboro Canal (in Broward County, Florida) for their 171-foot yacht and to perform dredging adjacent to the dock (Project), filed with the Department a Joint Application for Environmental Resource Permit/Authorization to Use State Owned Submerged Lands/Federal Dredge and Fill Permit (Application). In the Application, Petitioners indicated that their mailing address was: c/o Flynn Enterprises 676 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 4000 Chicago, IL 60611 Flynn Enterprises, Inc., is a business owned by Petitioner Donald Flynn. The Application listed "Jeff Adair, Project Manager" of "Keith and Schnars, P.A., 6500 N. Andrews Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309," as the "agent authorized to secure permit" for Petitioners. The application form that Petitioners used to submit their Application contained the following signature page: By signing this application form, I am applying, or I am applying on behalf of the applicant, for the permit and any proprietary authorizations identified above, according to the supporting data and other incidental information filed with this application. I am familiar with the information contained in this application and represent that such information is true, complete and accurate. I understand this is an application and not a permit, and that work prior to approval is a violation. I understand that this application and any permit issued or proprietary authorization issued pursuant thereto, does not relieve me of any obligation for obtaining any other required federal, state, water management district or local permit prior to commencement of construction. I agree, or I agree on behalf of my corporation, to operate and maintain the permitted system unless the permitting agency authorizes transfer of the permit to a responsible operation entity. I understand that knowingly making any false statement or representation in this application is a violation of Section 373.430, F.S. and 18 U.S.C. Section 1001. Typed/Printed Name of Applicant (if no Agent is used) or Agent (if one is so authorized below) Signature of Applicant/Agent Date (Corporate Title if applicable) AN AGENT MAY SIGN ABOVE ONLY IF THE APPLICANT COMPLETES THE FOLLOWING: I hereby designate and authorize the agent listed above to act on my behalf, or on behalf of my corporation, as the agent in the processing of this application for the permit and/or proprietary authorization indicated above; and to furnish, on request, supple- mental information in support of the appli- cation. In addition, I authorize the above- listed agent to bind me, or my corporation, to perform any requirement which may be necessary to procure the permit or authorization indicated above. I understand that knowingly making any false statement or representation in this application is a violation of Section 373.430. F.S. and 18 U.S.C. Section 1001. Typed/Printed Name of Applicant Signature of Applicant Date (Corporate Title if applicable) Please note: The applicant's original signature (not a copy) is required above. PERSON AUTHORIZING ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: I either own the property described in this application or I have legal authority to allow access to the property, and I consent, after receiving prior notification, to any site visit on the property by agents or personnel from the Department of Environ- mental Protection, the Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers necessary for the review and inspection of the proposed project specified in this application. I authorize these agents or personnel to enter the property as many times as may be necessary to make such review and inspection. Further , I agree to provide entry to the project site for such agents or personnel to monitor permitted work if a permit is granted. Typed/Printed Name Signature Date (Corporate Title if applicable) The name "Jeff Adair" appears on the "Name of Applicant (if no Agent is used) or Agent (if one is so authorized below)" line under the first paragraph on the signature page of Petitioners' Application; however, neither Adair's signature, nor any other signature, appears on the signature line under this paragraph. Petitioner Donald Flynn's signature appears on the signature lines under the second (agent designation and authorization) and third (access to property) paragraphs on the page. By letter dated November 17, 1995, the Department informed Petitioners of the following: Preliminary evaluation of your project leads staff to the conclusion that the project as proposed cannot be recommended for approval. While this is not final agency action or notice of intent, it does represent the staff review of your application based on consider- able experience in permitting matters. We are sending you this letter at this stage of the processing to allow you to assess fully the further commitment of financial resources for design dependent on permit issuance. . . . In summary, please revise plans to: (1) reduce the amount of dredging; (2) reduce impacts to natural resources; (3) reduce the size of the dock; (4) reduce encroachment on navigational channel; (5) reduce encroachment on adjacent properties; and (6) after minimization, offer mitigation plans that would address the loss of seagrass in the vicinity (watershed or basin) of the project site. Your application is currently "incomplete" and Final Agency Action will not occur until a reasonable amount of time is allowed for the submittal of a revised plan. A completeness summary has been sent under separate cover, addressing the items that are still outstanding. Staff will continue to process your application in the normal manner; however, I suggest you contact Tim Rach of this office . . . to discuss these possible alternatives regarding your project. The Department's November 17, 1995, letter was addressed to Petitioners "c/o Jeff Adair, Project Manager, Keith and Schnars, P.A., 6500 North Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309-2132," as were subsequent requests for additional information made by the Department and other correspondence from the Department concerning the Project. Adair responded to the Department's requests for additional information and otherwise corresponded and communicated with the Department on behalf of Petitioners. In July of 1996, Adair participated in a telephone conference call during which the Department advised him that, if the Application was not withdrawn, it would be denied. On August 13, 1996, Adair sent the following letter to the Department concerning the Project: Pursuant to our recent discussions pertaining to the proposed mitigation plan and final review and processing of the Flynn Dock application, we have been advised via Mr. Flynn's attorney not to withdraw the application. Therefore, we await the Department's final decision relative to the permittability of this project. As you have indicated, we are anticipating the Depart- ment's response toward the end of this month. In making your decision, we strongly urge you to consider the merits or our innovative and "no risk" mitigation plan. We believe our mitigation plan more than compensates for proposed impacts and provides substantial net benefits to the environment and the research community. In particular, information obtained from our proposed research effort would not only benefit our project, but would also facilitate scientific analysis and review of similar applications and issues. As always, please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions or concerns. On August 19, 1996, the Department sent the following letter to Petitioners "c/o Flynn Enterprises, 676 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 4000, Chicago, IL 60611," the address that Petitioners had indicated in the Application was their mailing address: We have reviewed the information received on May 31, 1996 for an Environmental Resource Permit and authorization to use sovereign submerged lands. The Department has deemed the application complete as of this date. Final action on your application for an Environmental Resource Permit and sovereign[] submerged lands authorization will be taken within 90 days of receipt of your last item of information unless you choose to waive this timeclock. If you have any questions, please contact me at . . . . A copy of this August 19, 1996, letter was sent by the Department to Adair. On August 27, 1996, the Department issued a Consolidated Notice of Denial (Notice) in which it announced its preliminary decision to deny Petitioners' Application. The Notice contained the following advisement: A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may petition for an administrative proceeding (Hearing) in accordance with Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. Petitions filed by the permittee and the parties listed below must be filed within 14 days of receipt of this letter. Third party Petitioners shall mail a copy of the petition to the permittee at the address indicated above at the time of filing. Failure to file a petition within this time period shall constitute a waiver of any right such person may have to request an administrative determination (hearing) under Section 120.57, F.S. The Petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000: The name, address, and telephone number of each petitioner, the permittee's name and address, the Department Permit File Number and county in which the project is proposed; A statement of how and when each petitioner received notice of the Depart- ment's action or proposed action; A statement of how each petitioner's substantial interests are affected by the Department's action or proposed action; A statement of the material facts disputed by petitioner, if any; A statement of facts which petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Department's action or proposed action; A statement of which rules or statutes petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Department's action or proposed action; and A statement of the relief sought by petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wants the Department to take with respect to the Department's action or proposed action. If a petition is filed, the administrative hearing process will constitute a renewed determination of the Department's decision on the application. Accordingly, the Department's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this letter. Persons whose substantial interests will be affected by any decision of the Department with regard to the permit have the right to petition to become a party to the proceeding. The petition must conform to the requirements specified above and be filed (received) within 14 days of receipt of this notice in the Office of General Counsel at the above address of the Department. Failure to petition within the allowed time frame constitutes a waiver of any right such person has to request a hearing under Section 120.57, F.S., and to participate as a party to this proceeding. Any subsequent intervention will only be at the approval of the presiding officer upon motion filed pursuant to Rule 28-5.207, and 60Q-2.010, F.A.C. This Notice constitutes final agency action unless a petition is filed in accordance with the above paragraphs or unless a request for extension of time in which to file a petition is filed within the time specified for filing a petition and conforms to Rule 62-103.070, F.A.C. Upon timely filing of a petition or a request for an extension of time this Notice will not be effective until further Order of the Department. . . . The Notice was mailed (by certified mail, return receipt requested) to Petitioners "c/o Flynn Enterprises, 676 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 4000, Chicago, IL 60611." Although the Notice's certificate of service reflected that a copy of the Notice had been mailed to Adair "before the close of business on AUG 27 1996," in fact, as a result of inadvertence on the part of Department staff, a copy of the Notice had not been mailed to Adair. On September 3, 1996, the Notice sent to Petitioners was received by a Flynn Enterprises, Inc., employee at the address to which it was mailed. The employee executed a return receipt upon receiving the Notice. The Notice was referred to Victor Casini, Esquire, the general counsel of Flynn Enterprises, Inc., on September 4, 1996. Casini set the document aside for filing. He did not believe that there was any immediate action that he or anyone else in the Flynn Enterprises, Inc., office in Chicago needed to take in response to the Notice. Casini noted that Adair's name was listed in the Notice as among those who purportedly had been furnished copies of the Notice. He knew that Adair was handling all matters relating to the permitting of the Project for Petitioners. He therefore assumed that any action that needed to be taken in response to the Notice would be taken by Adair on behalf of Petitioners. Inasmuch as it appeared (from his review of the Notice) that the Department had already furnished Adair with a copy of the Notice, he saw no reason to contact Adair to apprise him of the issuance of the Notice. In taking no action in response to the Notice other than setting it aside for filing, Casini acted reasonably under the circumstances. Adair first learned of the issuance of the Notice during a telephone conversation he had on September 9, 1996, with an employee of Broward County, who mentioned to him, in passing, that the Department had denied Petitioners' Application. 2/ Adair thereupon immediately telephoned the Department to confirm that the Application had been denied. The Department representative to whom he spoke confirmed that the Notice had issued, apologized for the Department's failure to have sent him a copy of the Notice, and promised to rectify the error by sending him a copy of the Notice as soon as possible. Keith Skibicki, the vice president of Flynn Enterprises, Inc., in charge of its day-to-day operations, served as the liaison between Adair and Petitioners. On September 12, 1996, Adair telephoned Skibicki to inquire (for the first time) if Petitioners had received a copy of the Notice. Skibicki, who previously had neither seen nor heard about the Notice, asked around the office and learned that the Notice had been received and was in Casini's files. Skibicki related this information to Adair. Later that same day, September 12, 1996, Adair received the copy of the Notice that the Department had sent him. He then faxed a copy of the Notice to Harry Stewart, Esquire, the Florida attorney who had been retained by Petitioners to assist them in their efforts to obtain favorable action on their Application. Shortly thereafter Adair telephoned Stewart to discuss what they should do in response to the Notice. During their conversation, Stewart expressed the opinion that the 14-day period for filing a petition for an administrative proceeding began to run only upon Adair's receipt of the Notice and that therefore Petitioners had until September 26, 1996, to file their petition. During the two-week period that followed their telephone conversation, Adair and Stewart worked together to prepare such a petition. The petition was filed with the Department on September 26, 1996 (which was 23 days after the Notice had been delivered to the Chicago office of Flynn Enterprises, Inc., but only 14 days after Adair, Petitioners' designated agent in their dealings with the Department, had received a copy of the Notice). The actions taken on behalf of Petitioners in response to the Notice were intended to preserve Petitioners' right to challenge the proposed denial of their Application. At no time was there any knowing and intentional relinquishment of that right.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department enter an order finding that Petitioners' petition challenging the proposed denial of their Application is not time-barred and remanding the matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings for a Section 120.57(1) hearing on the merits of Petitioners' challenge. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 6th day of February, 1997. STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of February, 1997.

USC (1) 18 U.S.C 1001 Florida Laws (16) 120.569120.57120.595253.002253.03267.061373.114373.403373.4136373.414373.421373.427373.4275373.430380.06403.031 Florida Administrative Code (5) 18-21.00218-21.00318-21.00418-21.005162-343.075
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Brooksville, Florida Feb. 13, 1992 Number: 92-000975 Latest Update: Jun. 01, 1992

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: This controversy began on July 9, 1990, when petitioners, David and Victoria Page, filed an application with the district office of respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation (DER), seeking the issuance of a permit authorizing certain construction activities (including the erection of a seawall) on their residential lot located at 3108 Gulfwinds Circle, Hernando Beach, Florida. The property faces west on the Gulf of Mexico, a water body designated as a Class III water in the State. The application was eventually deemed to be complete on October 24, 1990. After conducting a review of the application and an on-site inspection of the property, on January 18, 1991, DER issued its notice of permit denial. The notice identified the reasons for the denial as being petitioners' failure to give reasonable assurances that water quality standards would not be violated and that the project would be in the public interest. Also, DER cited expected adverse cumulative impacts if the application was granted. The notice provided further that if petitioners agreed to locate their seawall landward of the jurisdictional line, the project would be approved. In July 1991, petitioners amended their application to propose that the seawall be constructed even further seaward of the jurisdictional line. When efforts to resolve the case were unsuccessful, petitioners requested a formal hearing on January 17, 1992, to contest the agency's decision. Petitioners purchased their property in 1989. It lies within Unit 2 of Gulf Coast Retreats, a residential subdivision in Hernando Beach, Florida. The property is identified as lot 20 on Gulfwinds Circle and fronts the Little Pine Island Bay (Bay), which is a part of the Gulf of Mexico. Access to the Gulf is provided by a channel (six feet in depth) in the Bay in front of lot 20 and which eventually runs into the Gulf several miles south of petitioners' lot. It is undisputed that in 1985 Hurricane Elena passed offshore causing erosion to lot 20 and other adjacent lots. Consequently, the upland portion of the lot is now smaller than before the hurricane. However, petitioners purchased their property in that state of condition. Lots 19 and 21 are on the south and north sides of petitioners' property and are owned by the Steins and Budricks, respectively. Both neighbors have constructed vertical concrete seawalls in front of their homes. Budrick was issued a permit to construct a seawall on December 28, 1989, while Stein constructed his without a permit. However, Stein has subsequently filed an after-the-fact permit application and was recently advised by DER that the application was complete. At hearing, a DER representative expressed the view that the Stein application will probably be approved since his wall is landward of the DER jurisdictional line. It is noted that the Stein and Budrick seawalls sit back from the original property lines because of the erosion suffered during the 1985 hurricane and correspond to the jurisdictional line established by DER on their property. Another application for a permit to construct a seawall was filed by the owner of lot 18 in March 1992. Like Stein and Budrick, that owner proposed to construct his wall on the landward side of the jurisdictional line. Petitioners, who live in Kansas, desire to construct a home on their lot. They have proposed to place one hundred cubic yards of fill (limerock) on 1,065 square feet of intertidal wetlands on the western end of their lot and construct a 110-foot vertical seawall up to thirty feet seaward of the jurisdictional line. Thus, there will be dredge and filling activities in the Gulf of Mexico, a class III water of the state, thereby invoking the jurisdiction of DER. By law, DER is required to establish a jurisdictional line to show the landward extent of waters of this state, including the Gulf of Mexico. Such extent is normally defined by species of plants or soils which are characteristic of those areas subject to regular and periodic inundation by the waters of the state. As a general practice, using a prescribed plant or species indicator list, DER makes an on-site inspection of the property to determine what vegetation, if any, is found on the property and is subject to regular and periodic inundation by the waters. In this case, the dominant vegetation found on lot 20 was paspalum distichum, a plant on the species list subject to regular and periodic inundation by the Gulf waters. Accordingly, DER observed where the vegetation ended and used that point for the placement of the jurisdictional line. As a cross check, DER also noted the rack line, which is indicative of the landward extent to which the high tides rise, and found it to correspond to the vegetation line. It should be noted that the jurisdictional line established on petitioners' property corresponds with the line drawn on lots 18, 19 and 21, and if that line is used to construct the seawall on lot 20, the seawalls on all four lots would run in a straight line. Although petitioners objected to the jurisdictional line as established by DER, they offered no credible evidence to show that it was improper or should have been placed at a different location. On January 9 and 15, 1991, Richard W. Pugh, a DER field environmental specialist, conducted an on-site inspection of the property and adjacent waters. He also was responsible for establishing the jurisdictional line. Finding numerous adverse environmental effects that would occur if the permit was granted as proposed, Pugh recommended that the application be denied. This recommendation was accepted by the deputy assistant secretary for DER's Southwest District Office and a notice of permit denial was accordingly issued. The bases for the denial were that (a) reasonable assurances had not been given by petitioners that water quality standards would be satisfied; (b) a cumulative adverse impact on the area would occur if the permit was approved, and (c) petitioners had failed to give reasonable assurances that the project was in the public interest. In order to prove entitlement to a permit, petitioners must give reasonable assurance that water quality standards will not be violated and that the project is in the public interest. In this respect, they offered no evidence to provide these assurances. This in itself supports a finding that no entitlement to a permit has been shown. Even so, the agency elected to present evidence on these issues after petitioners' case-in-chief was concluded. Findings of fact drawn from that evidence are set forth below. On April 6, 1992, a DER marine biologist, Dr. George H. Farrell, visited the site and conducted a biological evaluation of the composition of the benthic community in the intertidal and subtidal wetlands which would be impacted by the project. Based on his tests and observations, Dr. Farrell concluded that the project as proposed would have an adverse impact on marine and wildlife resources in the area. This is because the area has very good water quality, contains a high species diversity, performs an integral part in the food web, and serves a valuable nursery function for estuarine dependent juvenile fish species and a corridor function for migrating estuarine dependent fish species. This testimony was not challenged by petitioners and is hereby accepted. 1/ In granting or denying a water resource permit, DER is also required to consider certain statutory criteria found in Subsection 403.918(2), Florida Statutes, to determine whether a project is in the public interest. Although petitioners did not address these criteria, and thus failed to give any assurances that the project is in the public interest as required by law, testimony adduced by DER established that under petitioners' proposal, there will be a permanent loss of 1,065 square feet of intertidal wetlands due to filling activities. These wetlands are now used by fish and wildlife habitat and will no longer be available for use. In addition, the same area is used as a nursery area by a variety of fish species. As such, the project will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats and will adversely affect the fishing values and marine productivity in the vicinity. Second, because petitioners' proposed seawall will jut out from their neighbors' walls by as much as thirty feet, and the corners of the seawall in that configuration will result in erosion or shoaling depending on whether the waters are moving north or south, the project will cause harmful erosion or shoaling. Third, because the wall is being constructed of concrete and steel and is not temporary, the project will be of a permanent nature and thus have a permanent adverse impact. Finally, the ecological functions being performed in the immediate vicinity of the project are extremely important and the elimination of this zone will significantly impair those functions. Collectively, these considerations support a finding that the project is not in the public interest. DER has a policy of not granting a permit if adverse cumulative impacts may be expected as a result of granting that permit. This policy is derived from a statute (s. 403.919, F.S.) requiring such impacts to be considered in the permitting process. In the case at bar, DER reasonably predicts that if it granted petitioners' application and authorized them to construct a seawall which jutted out up to thirty feet beyond their neighbors' walls, it would be obligated to grant similar permits to property owners on adjacent lots. Because petitioners' application will have an adverse impact on the water quality and is contrary to the public interest, the granting of additional permits would exacerbate those impacts. When an applicant proposes to fill (destroy) wetlands, and the applicant is unable to meet the public interest criteria set forth in subsection 403.918(2), DER shall consider measures proposed by or acceptable to the applicant to mitigate the adverse effects caused by the project. In this case, no mitigative measures were proposed by petitioners. At hearing, petitioners' representative asserted that in June 1991, the Cabinet (presumably sitting as the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund) implemented a new "policy" which allows property owners to "recover and bulkhead" land previously lost due to avulsion and erosion. He further represented that such requests were to be filed within five years after the event (hurricane). Although petitioners were not the property owners when the event occurred, and more than five years has elapsed, in July 1991 petitioners filed a request with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to reclaim and bulkhead their property and that request remained pending as of the date of hearing. A copy of the policy itself (or rule, if any, implementing the policy) was not made a part of this record. Even so, there was no evidence to establish that the granting of that application would require DER to grant a water resource permit, and DER takes the position that the request has no bearing on the issue of whether a water resource permit should be issued to petitioners.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered denying petitioners' application for a water resource permit. DONE and ENTERED this 27th day of April, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of April, 1992.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57380.06
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