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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clermont, Florida Jun. 03, 2014 Number: 14-002617 Latest Update: Oct. 14, 2015

The Issue Whether Respondent Department of Corrections (Respondent or the Department) constructively discharged Petitioner Lou Armentrout (Petitioner) in violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, sections 760.01–760.11 and 509.092, Florida Statutes,1/ by subjecting Petitioner to a hostile work environment because of Petitioner’s race, age, or gender.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is an Asian female born February 25, 1970. Petitioner speaks Chinese and English. Petitioner speaks with a Chinese accent. She does not speak or understand Spanish. Respondent is a state agency responsible for “the incarceration and supervision of offenders through the application of work, programs, and services." See § 20.315(1), Fla. Stat. At all material times, Respondent employed more than 15 persons. Petitioner was employed by Respondent at its Lake Correctional Institution (Institution) from September 16, 2011, until October 12, 2012, as a Senior Registered Nursing Supervisor. Petitioner's duties as a Senior Registered Nursing Supervisor included the supervision of approximately 80 nurses at the Institution. While employed at the Institution, Petitioner worked directly under the supervision of the Institution's Chief Health Officer. When Petitioner was hired, the Chief Health Officer was Dr. Moreno. Dr. Moreno’s annual performance evaluation of Petitioner for the period ending February 29, 2012, gave Petitioner an overall 3.51 performance rating score, indicating that Petitioner “consistently meets and may occasionally exceed the performance expectation of the position.” Petitioner never received an evaluation score below a 3, indicating that the employee at least “meets expectation,” on any written evaluation of her performance while she was employed by the Institution. After Dr. Moreno resigned in April or May 2012, Dr. Virginia Mesa was hired as Chief Health Officer of the Institution in May of 2012. Dr. Mesa is Hispanic. Dr. Mesa’s supervision was often harsh. Dr. Mesa had a bad temper and would raise her voice and reprimand employees in the presence of others, including inmates. Dr. Mesa described her supervisory style as the “team approach.” She advised that, instead of meeting with employees individually, she would meet them as a “team.” She would meet every morning with the nurses in the medical unit and once a week in the psych unit. Petitioner attended these meetings. During the meetings, Dr. Mesa would often address the group, many of whom were Hispanic, in Spanish instead of English. Many of the discussions were regarding Dr. Mesa’s medical direction and discussion about patients’ cases. Dr. Mesa knew that Petitioner did not speak Spanish. On more than one occasion, Petitioner asked Dr. Mesa what was being said, and Dr. Mesa would reply, “Ask one of the nurses.” Although Dr. Mesa never specifically mentioned Petitioner’s race, age, or gender, she treated Petitioner harshly and made fun of Petitioner’s Asian accent behind her back. On one occasion, while Petitioner was not present, Dr. Mesa made a joke of Petitioner’s pronunciation of a word by substituting Petitioner’s mispronunciation with a vulgar term, repeating the word a number of times in the presence of other employees and laughing with those employees while poking fun at Petitioner. While not mentioning Petitioner’s race, it is evident that the joke was designed to ridicule Petitioner on account of Petitioner’s race.2/ Petitioner was made aware by others that Dr. Mesa belittled her behind her back. Dr. Mesa’s contempt for Petitioner was overt. Dr. Mesa would raise her voice and glare at her, and challenge Petitioner’s competence as a supervisor and medical professional in front of others in a bullying way. Dr. Mesa would humiliate Petitioner by testing Petitioner’s bedside nursing skills in front of other nurses and inmates, knowing that Petitioner had not been working as a nurse for a number of years, primarily because Petitioner had been working in an administrative position. Feeling as though her authority was being undermined by Dr. Mesa, and wanting to improve her business relationship and obtain some direction from Dr. Mesa, Petitioner asked for private meetings with Dr. Mesa on numerous occasions. Dr. Mesa refused. In addition, despite Petitioner’s continued requests that she use English, Dr. Mesa continued to address Hispanic staff in Spanish during morning staff meetings. Dr. Mesa did, however, meet privately with Gary Assante, a white male, who, although not licensed in a medical profession, was an administrator with the Institution with lateral authority to that of Petitioner. Instead of giving directions directly to Petitioner, Dr. Mesa would give directions through Mr. Assante to Petitioner. Some of the directions were of a medical nature. Dr. Mesa would also use nurses supervised by Petitioner to deliver directions to Petitioner. Dr. Mesa’s tactics undermined Petitioner’s supervisory authority. Petitioner became frustrated because Dr. Mesa’s tactics were interfering with Petitioner’s ability to do her job. Petitioner complained to the assistant warden of the Institution, Assistant Warden Young, of Dr. Mesa’s intimidation and behavior. In particular, Petitioner complained that, in addition to her intimidation of Petitioner, Dr. Mesa threatened nursing staff members with termination on several occasions. Assistant Warden Young set up a meeting between Petitioner, Mr. Assante, and Dr. Mesa to discuss the issues in July 2012. During the meeting, Dr. Mesa stated that she is paid too much to listen to the allegations. Despite Petitioner’s complaints, Dr. Mesa’s intimidating behavior continued. On August 22, 2012, without any prior warning of disciplinary action, Dr. Mesa brought Michelle Hanson to Petitioner’s office. Michelle Hanson was the Regional Nursing Director of the Department’s Region 3 Office, which included the Institution. During the meeting, Dr. Mesa questioned Petitioner’s competency as a nurse and told Petitioner that she wanted to demote her. Petitioner told Dr. Mesa that she did not want a demotion and asked Dr. Mesa to specify the problems with Petitioner’s performance. Dr. Mesa never did. In fact, there is no evidence of verbal counseling or reprimands from Dr. Mesa in Petitioner’s personnel file. Dr. Mesa never provided a written evaluation of Petitioner’s performance while Petitioner was employed by the Institution. Near the end of August or early September, Petitioner verbally complained to the Institution’s warden, Warden Jennifer Folsom, about Dr. Mesa’s behavior. Dr. Mesa’s intimidation continued. On September 16, 2012, Petitioner provided Warden Folsom with a letter explaining how Dr. Mesa’s “workplace bullying” was adversely affecting Petitioner and the workplace environment, asking “higher level management for assistance and to make a reasonable working environment,” and advising that Dr. Mesa had asked Petitioner to take a demotion. Petitioner’s letter explained, in part: I strongly feel workplace bullying is linked to a host of physical, psychological, organizational and social costs. Stress is the most predominant health effect associated with bullying in the workplace. My experience with workplace bullying is developed poor mental health and poor physical health, inability to be productive and loss of memory and fear of making key decisions. Recently, I also turn to other organizations for job opportunities and I have been asked by Dr. Mesa and Mr. Assante where do I go for interview and how long will this last by asking for days and hours for interviewing. My fearful of retaliation even made me so scared to ask for job interviewing. Petitioner met with Warden Folsom the next day, September 17, 2012. During the meeting, Warden Folsom assured Petitioner that Dr. Mesa did not have the authority to demote her, and gave Petitioner someone to contact in Employee Relations regarding her concerns. Warden Folsom followed up the meeting with a letter dated September 17, 2012, stating: It has come to my attention that you have alleged harassment by your supervisor. You are being provided the name and contact number for the Intake Officer at the Regional Service Center. Norma Johnson (407)521-2526 ext. 150 Please be aware the Department does not tolerate inappropriate behavior in the workplace. Your allegations will be looked into and any appropriate action taken. The letter was signed by Warden Folsom and a witness, as well as by Petitioner, acknowledging receipt. It was copied to Norma Johnson, Employee Relations. After that, Petitioner spoke a couple of times by telephone with Norma Johnson. She told her that Dr. Mesa was continuing to harass and bully her in the workplace, and that Dr. Mesa was causing a hostile work environment. Despite Petitioner’s complaints, nothing changed. It is apparent that Petitioner’s complaints were ignored. In fact, Dr. Mesa claimed that she never heard about complaints that she treated individuals that are Hispanic differently than she treated Petitioner, and could not recall if the Warden ever approached her regarding Petitioner’s complaints. Incredibly, Dr. Mesa testified that she was not made aware of Petitioner’s complaint that she was speaking Spanish and Petitioner could not understand until after Petitioner left her employment with the Institution. After Petitioner’s meeting with the Warden and conversations with Norma Johnson, Dr. Mesa continued to speak Spanish at meetings with staff and Petitioner could not understand. Dr. Mesa continued to direct Petitioner through other employees. And Dr. Mesa continued to raise her voice and challenge Petitioner’s competence in front of other employees. The evidence supports Petitioner’s claim that the way she was treated was discrimination, based upon Petitioner’s race. The evidence does not, however, support Petitioner’s claims that she was discriminated against based upon Petitioner’s age or gender. The harsh treatment Petitioner received, based upon her race, undermined Petitioner’s supervisory authority and interfered with Petitioner’s ability to do her job. The discrimination was overt, continuous, and created a hostile work environment that was intolerable. Petitioner, in essence, was forced to leave the employ of the Institution. Approximately two weeks later, on September 28th or 29th, 2012, after deciding that she could no longer endure the situation, Petitioner sent the following letter to Dr. Mesa and Warden Folsom: Dear DOC: Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from Senior Registered Nurse Supervisor effective 10/12/12. This is the most difficult decision I have ever made throughout my career; however, my time here at Lake Correctional Institution has been some of the most rewarding and memorable years of my professional life. I sincerely appreciate the opportunities that I have been given to contribute to the organization’s success, while growing professionally and personally. Sincerely, Lou Armentrout Cc Human Resource: Please leave all my leave times (annual and sick leaves) in people first until receiving notification from me. Thank you for your assistance. In the year following Petitioner’s resignation, the health care services were privatized and provided by Corizon Health, Inc. Most employees kept their jobs that they held prior to privatization. Had Petitioner remained with the Institution, it is likely that she would have transitioned over to an equivalent position with Corizon Health, Inc. After leaving the Institution on October 12, 2012, Petitioner obtained a job with the Department of Health on October 26, 2012. Petitioner suffered a loss of pay in the amount of $2,222.40 during the period of her unemployment between October 12, 2012, and October 26, 2012. Petitioner’s pay at her new job with the Department of Health is $299.32 less per two-week pay period than her job at the Institution. $299.32 per two-week pay period equals $648.53 less each month ($299.32 X 26 weeks = $7,782.32/year ÷ 12 months = $648.53/month ÷ 30 = approximately $21.62/day). The time period between the date Petitioner began her new job with the Department of Health on October 26, 2012, and the final hearing held January 16, 2015, equals 26 months and 21 days. The loss in pay that Petitioner experienced in that time period totals $17,315.80 ((26 month x $648.53/month) + ($21.62/day x 21 days) = $17,315.80). The total loss in pay ($2,222.40 + $17,315.80) that Petitioner experienced from her resignation until the final hearing is $19,538.20. Petitioner also drives 92 miles further each work day to her new position with the Department of Health. The extra cost that Petitioner incurs to get to her new job, calculated at the State rate of $0.445 per mile, equals $40.94 per day. Taking into account 260 work days per year (5 work days per week), from beginning of Petitioner’s new job through the date of the hearing equals a total of $23,663.32 (578 days x $40.94/day), without subtracting State holidays or vacation days. Subtracting nine State holidays and two weeks for vacation each year results in a total of $21,943.84 to reimburse Petitioner for the extra miles driven each work day through the day of the final hearing (536 days x $40.94/day).

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order: Finding that the Department constructively discharged Petitioner Lou Armentrout by subjecting her to a hostile work environment on account of Petitioner’s race in violation of the Act; Ordering the Department to pay Petitioner $19,538.20 in back pay through the date of the final hearing, January 16, 2015, plus $21.62 per diem thereafter through the date of the Commission's final order, with interest accruing on the total amount at the applicable statutory rate from the date of the Commission's final order; Ordering the Department to pay Petitioner $23,663.32, as an additional aspect of back pay, for extra daily travel expenses incurred to get to and from her new job through the date of the final hearing, plus $40.94 for each work day thereafter that Petitioner drives to her new job through the date of the Commission's final order, with interest accruing on the total amount at the applicable statutory rate from the date of the Commission's final order; Ordering the Department to make arrangements to reinstate Petitioner to an equivalent position with Corizon Health, Inc., for service at the Institution; Prohibiting any future acts of discrimination by the Department; and Awarding Petitioner her costs incurred in this case. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of April, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JAMES H. PETERSON, III Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of April, 2015.

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000e Florida Laws (10) 120.569120.57120.6820.315509.092538.20760.01760.10760.11760.35
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Jan. 29, 2007 Number: 07-000496 Latest Update: Aug. 27, 2007

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent committed an unlawful employment practice against Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact Respondent operates the Best Western Admiral’s Inn and Conference Center in Winter Haven. Petitioner worked as a waitress in the hotel’s first floor restaurant from March 8, 2005, through March 18, 2006. Petitioner testified that she was sexually harassed “for months” by Marcus Owens, a cook who worked with her in the restaurant. According to Petitioner, Mr. Owens made vulgar and sexually-explicit comments to her on a number of occasions while they were working together. Petitioner could not recall precisely when the harassment started, but she estimated that it started approximately two weeks after Mr. Owens started working at the restaurant. Mr. Owens started working in the restaurant on July 28, 2005, which means that the harassment would have started in mid- August 2005. Petitioner did not complain about the harassment until November 9, 2005, when she reported it to her supervisor, Cory Meeks. This was the first notice that Respondent had about the alleged harassment. Petitioner’s testimony that she complained to the hotel’s general manager, Jeffrey Vandiver, about the harassment several weeks prior to her complaint to Mr. Meeks was not persuasive. Petitioner and Mr. Meeks met with the hotel’s human resources manager, Lin Whitaker, on the same day that the complaint was made, November 9, 2005. Ms. Whitaker told Petitioner that she needed to put her complaint in writing for the hotel to take formal action. Petitioner refused to do so because she was scared of retribution by Mr. Owens, even though Mr. Meeks and Ms. Whittaker assured her that she would be protected from Mr. Owens. Petitioner asked Mr. Meeks and Ms. Whitaker to address the situation with Mr. Owens without using her name, which they did. Mr. Owens denied sexually harassing anyone when confronted by Mr. Meeks and Ms. Whitaker. On December 2, 2005, Petitioner again complained to Mr. Meeks about Mr. Owens. She told Mr. Meeks that the harassment had not stopped and that it had gotten worse through even more vulgar comments. Petitioner again did not want a formal investigation into the allegations, but Ms. Whitaker told her that an investigation was required by company policy since this was the second complaint. Mr. Owens was immediately suspended without pay pending the completion of the investigation. The investigation was conducted by Mr. Vandiver, Mr. Meeks, and Ms. Whitaker on December 7, 2005. They first met with Petitioner to get her side of the story. Then, they met separately with Mr. Owens to get his side of the story. Finally, they interviewed all of the employees who worked with Petitioner and Mr. Owens. This was the first time that Petitioner went into detail about what Mr. Owens had said and done. She stated that, among other things, Mr. Owens asked her whether she had “ever had a black man” and whether her boyfriend “is able to get it up or does he require Viagra.” She also stated that there were no witnesses to the harassment because Mr. Owens was "discreet" about making the comments to her when no one else was around. Mr. Owens again denied sexually harassing anyone. He acknowledged asking Petitioner whether she had ever dated a black man, but he stated that the question was in response to Petitioner asking him whether he had ever dated a white woman. (Mr. Owens is black, and Petitioner is white.) The other employees who were interviewed as part of the investigation stated that they had not witnessed any sexual harassment or overheard any sexually explicit conversations in the restaurant. Mr. Vandiver, Mr. Meeks, and Ms. Owens concluded based upon their investigation that “there is not enough evidence of sexual harassment to terminate Marcus Owens.” They decided to let Mr. Owens continue working at the hotel, provided that he agreed to be moved to the hotel’s second floor restaurant and that he agreed to attend a sexual harassment training program. On December 8, 2005, Mr. Meeks and Ms. Whitaker conveyed the results of their investigation and their proposed solution to Petitioner. She was “fine” with the decision to move Mr. Owens to the second floor restaurant where she would not have contact with him. On that same day, Mr. Meeks and Ms. Whitaker conveyed their proposed solution to Mr. Owens. He too was “fine” with the decision, and he agreed that he would not go near Petitioner. Mr. Owens came back to work the following day, on December 9, 2005. On December 14, 2005, Mr. Owens was involved in an altercation with Stephen Zulinski, a dishwasher at the hotel and a close friend of Petitioner’s. The altercation occurred at the hotel during working hours. Mr. Zulinski testified that the incident started when Mr. Owens made vulgar and sexually explicit comments and gestures about Mr. Zulinski’s relationship with Petitioner. Mr. Zulinski was offended and angered by the comments, and he cursed and yelled at Mr. Owens. Mr. Zulinski denied pushing Mr. Owens (as reflected on Mr. Zulinski’s Notice of Termination), but he admitted to putting his finger on Mr. Owens’ shoulder during the altercation. Mr. Owens and Mr. Zulinski were immediately fired as a result of the altercation. Petitioner continued to work as a waitress at the hotel’s first floor restaurant after Mr. Owens was fired. Petitioner received awards from Respondent for having the most positive customer comment cards for the months of October and November 2005, even though according to her testimony she was being sexually harassed by Mr. Owens during those months. She testified that her problems with Mr. Owens affected her job performance only to a “very small degree.” Petitioner had no major problems with her job performance prior to December 2005, notwithstanding the sexual harassment by Mr. Owens that had been occurring “for months” according to Petitioner’s testimony. Petitioner was “written up” on a number of occasions between December 2005 and February 2006 because of problems with her job performance. The problems included Petitioner being rude to the on-duty manager in front of hotel guests; taking too many breaks and not having the restaurant ready for service when her shift started; failing to check the messages left for room service orders; and generating a guest complaint to the hotel’s corporate headquarters. Petitioner was fired after an incident on March 11, 2006, when she left the restaurant unattended on several occasions and the manager-on-duty received complaints from several hotel guests about the quality of service that they received from Petitioner that night. Petitioner ended up being sent home from work that night because, according to her supervisor, “she was in a crying state,” unable to work, and running off the restaurant’s business. Petitioner’s employment with Respondent was formally terminated on March 18, 2006. The stated reason for the termination was “unsatisfactory work performance” and “too many customer complaints.” None of the supervisors who wrote up Petitioner were aware of her sexual harassment complaints against Mr. Owens. Petitioner claimed that the allegations of customer complaints and poor job performance detailed in the write-ups were “ludicrous,” “insane,” “almost a complete fabrication,” and “a joke.” The evidence does not support Petitioner’s claims. Petitioner admitted to having “severe” bi-polar disorder, and she acknowledged at the hearing and to her supervisor that she was having trouble with her medications over the period that she was having problems with her job performance. For example, the comment written by Petitioner on the January 27, 2006, write-up stated that she was “at a loss” to explain her job performance and that she “hope[d] to have [her] mental stability restored to what everyone else but [her] seems normalcy.” Petitioner worked 25 to 30 hours per week while employed by Respondent. She was paid $5.15 per hour, plus tips, and she testified that her biweekly take-home pay was between $200 and $250. Petitioner applied for unemployment compensation after she was fired. Respondent did not dispute the claim, and Petitioner was awarded unemployment compensation of $106 per week, which she received for a period of six months ending in September 2006. Petitioner has not worked since she was fired by Respondent in March 2006. She has not even attempted to find another job since that time. Petitioner does not believe that she is capable of working because of her bi-polar disorder. She applied for Social Security disability benefits based upon that condition, but her application was denied. Petitioner’s appeal of the denial is pending. Petitioner testified that one of the reasons that she has not looked for another job is her concern that doing so would undermine her efforts to obtain Social Security disability benefits. Respondent has a general “non-harassment” policy, which prohibits “harassment of one employee by another employee . . . for any reason.” Respondent also has a specific sexual harassment policy, which states that “sexual harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.” The policy defines sexual harassment to include verbal sexual conduct that “has the purpose or effect of interfering with the individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.” The general non-harassment policy and the specific sexual harassment policy require the employee to immediately report the harassment to his or her supervisor or a member of the management staff. The Standards of Conduct and the Work Rules adopted by Respondent authorize immediate dismissal of an employee who is disrespectful or discourteous to guests of the hotel. The Standards of Conduct also authorize discipline ranging from a written reprimand to dismissal for an employee’s “[f]ailure to perform work or job assignments satisfactorily and efficiently.”

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission issue a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief with prejudice. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of June, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S T. KENT WETHERELL, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of June, 2007. COPIES FURNISHED: Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Donald T. Ryce, Esquire 908 Coquina Lane Vero Beach, Florida 32963 Nora E. Bartolone 119 Alachua Drive Southeast Winter Haven, Florida 33884

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57760.10
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Feb. 20, 2006 Number: 06-000677 Latest Update: Dec. 22, 2006

The Issue The issues to be resolved in this proceeding concern whether the Petitioner was subjected to sexual harassment in the form of a sexually hostile work environment and was retaliated against for complaining about the alleged harassment in violation of Chapter 760, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, James E. Gonzales, is a male person who was hired by the Respondent, Pepsi Bottling Group, on March 13, 1995. He was hired as a route sales trainee in the Central Florida marketing unit of that employer. The Pepsi Bottling Group (Pepsi) is responsible for the manufacture sale and delivery of Pepsi products to its vendors. Over the last three years the Central Florida unit has been the foremost marketing unit in the United States. The management of the Central Florida Marketing Unit has been rated by its employees as being the top management team in the country for Pepsi. The Petitioner applied for a Pre-sale Customer Representative (CR) position on March 27, 2003. On April 21, 2003, the Petitioner was assigned to a Pre-Sell (CR) position. As a Pre-Sell CR, the Petitioner was responsible for serving his own accounts; creating and maintaining good will with all customers; ordering customer's products in advance; and developing all assigned accounts relative to sales volume, market share, product distribution, space allocation and customer service. He was responsible for solicitation of new business; selling and executing promotions; soliciting placement of equipment; selling sufficient inventory; and utilizing point of purchase materials to stimulate sales. He was also charged with maintaining "shelf facings" cleaning and shelving and rotating product and merchandising product sections and building displays to stimulate sales. Additionally, he was required to complete and submit all related paperwork regarding sales and promotional operations in an accurate and timely manner. The Petitioner's direct supervisor initially was David Lopez. He was replaced by Wanzell Underwood in approximately August 2003. On December 5, 2002, the Petitioner received the Respondent's employee handbook. The handbook contains the Respondent's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Sexual Harassment Policy. The Equal Employment Opportunity Policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, disability, etc. including sexual orientation. It encourages employees to immediately report any complaint, without fear of retaliation, to the Human Resources Manager or Human Resources Director. The Respondent's policy has a zero tolerance for retaliation and forbids any retaliatory action to be taken against an individual who in good faith reports a perceived violation of that policy. Employees who feel they have been retaliated against are required to report such retaliation to the Human Resources Manager or Director. The sexual harassment policy of the Respondent prohibits all forms of harassment and clearly sets out complaint procedures for employees to follow in the event they have experienced harassment. They are directed to report any complaint immediately to the Human Resources Manager or Director. Throughout his employment the Respondent received numerous customer complaints regarding the Petitioner's poor performance. The Petitioner received five disciplinary actions against him from the period 2003 through 2005. These "write- ups" were for failing to service customers according to the Respondent's standards and were dated August 2003, April 2004, September 2004, October 2004, and May 2005. On August 1, 2003, the Petitioner received a documented verbal warning after the Respondent received a complaint from a customer regarding the amount of out-of-date product in his store and the poor level of service he was receiving from the Petitioner. On April 9, 2004, the Petitioner received a documented verbal warning for his failure to prepare his three Circle K stores for a "customer tour," although he had assured his direct supervisor, Mr. Underwood, and the Key Account Manager, Eric Matson, that the store would be ready. The Petitioner's failure to prepare his Circle K stores for the customer's tour embarrassed both his supervisor and the Key Account Manager. On June 23, 2004, the assistant manager at ABC Liquor, a store Gonzales was responsible for, sent an e-mail to Eric Matson complaining about the lack of service provided by Gonzales and requested a new CR to service his store. The customer stated that Gonzales had given nothing but "crappy" service, bad attitude, and sometimes no service. On September 21, 2004, Eric Matson received an e-mail regarding the Petitioner's failure to order product for the Mt. Dora Sunoco store. The Petitioner's supervisor, Wanzell Underwood, visited the Mt. Dora Sunoco store and confirmed the manager's complaints. The Petitioner received a written warning for not properly servicing the Mt. Dora Sunoco store. In the Petitioner's contemporaneous written comments in opposition to the written warning he failed to note that the manager of the Mt. Dora Sunoco was purportedly sexually harassing him. On October 11, 2004, the Petitioner received a final written warning and one-day suspension after his direct supervisor re-visited the same Mt. Dora Sunoco store that complained previously. The Petitioner was warned that a similar problem in the future would lead to his termination. Again, in the Petitioner's written comments in opposition to his written warning, he made no mention that the manager of the Mt. Dora Sunoco store was sexually harassing him. On October 11, 2004, after the Petitioner was suspended for one day, he requested that the Human Resources Manager, Christopher Buhl, hold a meeting. During the meeting he complained for the first time to the Unit Sales Manager, Howard Corbett, the Sales Operations Manager, Tom Hopkins, and Mr. Buhl, that three years previously, in 2001, one person had told the Petitioner that everyone thought he was "gay" (meaning co-employees). One person asked him if he was gay, according to the Petitioner's story, and one person said, "We all know you're gay," before he became a Pre-Sell CR. The Petitioner, however, refused to cooperate with Mr. Buhl in obtaining information regarding his complaints. At no time during the meeting did the Petitioner complain about being sexually harassed by the manager of the Mt. Dora Sunoco store. During the October 11, 2004, meeting the Petitioner claimed his supervisor, Wanzell Underwood, threatened him. However, the Petitioner conceded during the meeting that the alleged statement made by Mr. Underwood was made to a group of Customer Representatives, to the effect that he would "kill you guys if you do not make the sales numbers." Mr. Underwood denied ever threatening to kill the Petitioner. During the meeting the Petitioner also complained that his route was too large and he requested that it be reduced. At no time during that October 11, 2004, meeting did the Petitioner complain that he was sexually harassed by Alice Marsh, the Mt. Dora Sunoco manager. His extensive notes and comments on his Disciplinary Action Reports did not document any such complaint. In November 2004, the Petitioner was asked to go to K- Mart and place an order, but the Petitioner failed to follow instructions and visit the store. Instead, the Petitioner placed the order over the phone. The manager of the store called the Respondent three times to complain about the poor service provided by Mr. Gonzales. Each year the Respondent changes its delivery routes. During the end of 2004 or the beginning of 2005, the Respondent re-routed all of its Pre-sell CR routes. The Respondent reduced the Petitioner's route as he had requested and in conformity with its route standards. Despite the Petitioner's allegation to the contrary, in fact the Petitioner's route was not reduced by as much as 50 percent. In May 2005, Key Account Manager, Mike Lewis, visited the Petitioner's K-Mart store to conduct a "Look at the Leader" audit. The Petitioner had been trained and was responsible for preparing the K-Mart for the audit. When Mr. Lewis arrived at the store, the store did not meet the Respondent's standards. Additionally, required product was missing from the displays. Mr. Lewis called Howard Corbett to inform him of the problems. Mr. Corbett called the Petitioner to ask about the missing product. The Petitioner assured him that the product was in the store and on display. The missing product was not displayed, however, and was later found in the back room of the K-Mart store. On May 18, 2005, the Respondent received another e- mail from Charles Pippen, District Manager for Sunoco, complaining of the Petitioner's poor service at the Mt. Dora Sunoco store. He claimed that the Petitioner did not reply to phone calls and rarely ordered enough product. On May 19, 2005, the Territory Sales Manager, John York, followed up on that complaint by visiting the Mt. Dora Sunoco store and meeting with the Manager, Alice Marsh. Mr. York was substituting for Mr. Underwood who was out on medical leave. During the meeting, Ms. Marsh complained that the Petitioner did not order the quantity of product she requested, failed to provide adequate signage, and refused to place product where she requested. While at the Mt. Dora Sunoco store, Mr. York observed the problems about which Ms. Marsh had complained. After meeting Ms. Marsh, Mr. York spoke with the Petitioner to inform him of Ms. Marsh's complaints. During his conversation with Mr. York, the Petitioner admitted to failing to service the account by not placing the product by the gas pumps as requested, not ordering the amount of product requested, and not hanging certain signs. Later in this conversation with Mr. York, the Petitioner informed Mr. York that he believed that the Sunoco Manager's reason for complaining about his service was that he had refused her sexual advances. The Petitioner did not tell Mr. York what the alleged advances consisted of or when they might have occurred. Mr. York, however, in fact was never the Petitioner's supervisor. The Petitioner was responsible for two CVS stores in Mt. Dora. On Friday, May 20, 2005, the Petitioner made an unusual request of his temporary Manager, Dan Manor, for a Saturday delivery to his CVS stores. The Respondent does not normally schedule Saturday deliveries for such "small format" stores like CVS. When Mr. Manor approved the Saturday delivery, he specifically instructed the Petitioner that must meet the bulk delivery driver at the stores to "merchandise" the product, because bulk delivery drivers do not merchandise the product delivered and Mr. Manor did not have a merchandiser assigned to the Mt. Dora stores. The Petitioner agreed to meet the bulk delivery driver at the CVS stores on Saturday. The Petitioner did not advise his supervisor that he had made arrangements with the CVS store manager or a merchandiser regarding alternate arrangements for the Saturday delivery. The supervisor would have expected the Petitioner to do so. On Saturday, May 21, 2005, the Petitioner failed to meet the bulk driver to assist in merchandising the orders at the two CVS stores as instructed. The customer refused to take delivery of the product until a merchandiser was present to merchandise the product. Mr. Manor was unable to reach the Petitioner by telephone because the Petitioner was at Sea World with his family. Mr. Manor had to send a merchandiser from Longwood in order to merchandise the product that the Petitioner had ordered for the CVS stores. On May 23, 2005, the Petitioner failed to attend a weekly mandatory 5:00 a.m. meeting. He did not call his supervisor advising of his unavailability. The Petitioner did call Mr. Manor at about 6:15 a.m. and told him that he had overslept. When Mr. Manor questioned the Petitioner about why he did not meet the bulk driver on Saturday, he said that "he did not get a chance to make it out on Saturday." On May 23, 2005, Mr. Corbett decided to terminate the Petitioner based on his very poor performance. That decision to terminate him was approved by the Respondent's Human Resources Department. On May 26, 2005, the Respondent terminated the Petitioner for failing to service the CVS stores at a critical time, for the services issues at the Sunoco and the K-Mart, and for failing to attend the Monday morning meeting. At the time of his termination the Petitioner was on a final warning and had been advised that he could be terminated. The Petitioner never alleged during his termination meeting that he was being sexually harassed. Howard Corbett provided the Petitioner with documents to file an internal appeal on the day he was terminated. The Petitioner, however, did not appeal his termination as permitted by the Respondent's policy. The Petitioner claims he was the victim of sexual harassment by being subjected to (1) homosexual related comments made in 2001, and (2) alleged sexual overtures by the Sunoco Manager, Alice Marsh, in 2003. According to Ms. Marsh, she was never interested in the Petitioner sexually. She did not socialize with the Petitioner, and did not want a relationship with him. She did not touch him and did not state that she wanted the Petitioner fired. She also testified that she never stated that she wanted a sexual relationship with the Petitioner. The Petitioner's allegations regarding sexual harassment by Ms. Marsh related the following behaviors: She touched his back and arm; She was too close to him when he was around; She was nice to him until informed that he was married; She suggested sexual interest by her body language and eyes; and She wore provocative clothing. David Lopez supervised the Petitioner for approximately two years in the 2001 to 2003 time period. During this time period the Petitioner never complained to Mr. Lopez that he had been sexually harassed. Mr. Lopez did not witness the Petitioner being harassed while working with the Respondent either. Wanzell Underwood supervised the Petitioner for approximately two years in the 2003 to 2005 time period. During this time, the Petitioner never complained to Mr. Underwood that he had been sexually harassed. Mr. Underwood did not witness the Petitioner being harassed while he worked for the Respondent. The Petitioner never made a compliant regarding the alleged sexual harassment by the Sunoco Manager, Alice Marsh, to the Human Resources Department, in accordance with the Respondent's policy. He did not explain the nature of any sexual harassment, even when he finally claimed that he was being harassed. The Respondent would have terminated the Petitioner for his poor performance regardless of whether he engaged in the purported protected activity by complaining of sexual harassment. The Petitioner alleges he was terminated for reasons other than complaining about sexual harassment, including his alleged knowledge of theft in Lake County. In any event, on July 15, 2005, the Petitioner filed the Charge of Discrimination with the Commission and the resulting dispute and formal proceeding ensued.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered by the Florida Commission on Human Relations dismissing the Petition for Relief in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of September, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of September, 2006. COPIES FURNISHED: Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 James E. Gonzales 26437 Troon Avenue Sorrento, Florida 32757 Nicole Alexandra Sbert, Esquire Jackson Lewis LLP 390 North Orange Avenue Orlando, Florida 32802

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000E Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57760.10760.11
# 3
CRAIG TAPPER vs PUBLIX, INC., 08-003720 (2008)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jul. 29, 2008 Number: 08-003720 Latest Update: Mar. 09, 2009

The Issue Whether Petitioner, Craig Tapper, was subjected to a hostile work environment as a result of his race and national origin and retaliation, as alleged in his Petition for Relief.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing, the following Findings of Fact are made: Petitioner, an black male, born in Jamaica, was employed by Respondent as a department head/stock clerk and is classified as an "associate." He started his employment with Respondent in June 2006 and was "resigned"1 on December 5, 2007. Respondent owns and operates retail grocery stores in Florida. Respondent employs more than 15 people. Respondent provided an Associate Handbook ("Handbook") to Petitioner when he was employed. The Handbook contains a "Policy Statement on Harassment, Including Sexual Harassment" ("Harassment Policy") and information regarding a Formal Complaint Procedure. The pertinent portion of the policy states: Policy Statement on Harassment, Including Sexual Harassment: We at Publix Super Markets share the belief that each of us should be able to work in an environment free of discrimination and any form of harassment, including harassment based on race, color . . . national origin. . . Harassment based on any of these factors will not be tolerated. . . [I]n order for the Company to deal with the problem [of discrimination/harassment], offensive conduct or situations must be reported to the correct person. If you work in a store and want Publix to address your concern, you must report it to your Store Manager, District Manager, or Associate Relations Specialist. . . Formal complaints may also be lodged with the Manager of Equal Employment Opportunity (MEEO) through the Formal Complaint Procedure. If you choose to use these complaint resolution procedures, you'll be treated courteously. Your complaint will be handled as swiftly and as confidentially as practical in light of the need to remedy the problem. Registering the complaint will in no way be used against you, nor will it have adverse effect on your employment. . . . Furthermore, Publix' "Rules of Unacceptable Conduct" prohibit the use of derogatory racial slurs and profanity. The "Rules of Unacceptable Conduct" are posted in the break room and the training room. The Attendance and Punctuality Policy" states, "[a]ssociates who miss 2 entire shifts without calling will be terminated." Associates are required to personally call in and speak with a manager two hours before their scheduled shift if they plan to miss work. On January 29, 2007, Petitioner was scheduled to work, but did not call or show up. As a result, Petitioner was suspended for a week and received a written "Associate Counseling Statement" ("Counseling Statement"), which instructed that he "must call himself when he is not going to be here" and that he "must call in for all shift [sic] he can not fulfill." He was further warned that a failure to improve would result in his discharge. On February 19, 2007, Petitioner was counseled and suspended for one week for "his 6th absent [sic] this 6 month period." Despite this warning, on May 20, 2007, Petitioner was again a "no call-no show." Petitioner was issued a Counseling Statement for failing to call in and speak with a manager before missing his scheduled shift. Petitioner was warned again that he "must call in 2 hours prior to his shift, call in personally and speak to a manager." This Counseling Statement contains the following admonition: "The next occurrence of not following proper procedures will result in a one week suspension. The next occurrence of a no show/no call will result in termination." On August 28, 2007, Dennis Sacca, grocery manager, overheard Petitioner say, "I am tired of being treated like a nigger." Sacca later walked up to Kendall Brown, an African- American grocery clerk, and said, "Go tell the nigger that I sent him some help." Brown relayed the message to Petitioner. Petitioner reported the incident to Ron Brassel, a former store manager and who is African-American, and an investigation was immediately conducted. Brassel informed the district manager who also participated in the investigation. During the investigation, Petitioner wrote a statement for Brassel in which he stated "[a]s far as the incident [sic] myself and Dennis sat down and spoke about the statement he made [and] we both worked it out. I would like very much for this to go no further than it being documented, I don't want Dennis fired, transferred, demoted or any action being taken against him on my behalf. As I said we both worked it out, he made a mistake and he already said he was sorry for saying it; I forgave him and we [sic] back to business." (Emphasis in original). Despite Petitioner's written statement requesting that Sacca not be disciplined, on September 26, 2007, Dwayne Bryant, district manager, suspended Sacca for one week. Bryant also reviewed Publix' Harassment Policy with Sacca and issued Sacca a written Counseling Statement warning Sacca that the next violation of Publix' Harassment Policy would "result in further disciplinary action such as removal from management or termination . . ." Petitioner never heard Sacca use the word "nigger" again. Petitioner was also given a Counseling Statement for using the word "nigger." In the "Associate Comments" section of the Counseling Statement, which is where the associate has the opportunity to note their disagreement with the counseling, there is no statement denying that Petitioner used the word "nigger." Several employees, including other African-American associates, have heard Petitioner use the word "nigger" on various occasions. Rentia Dawsey was employed at the same store as an assistant customer service manager. Dawsey, who is African-American, heard Petitioner used the word "nigger" at the store frequently. She specifically remembered an incident where she asked an associate to check with the store manager before she marked anything down, and Petitioner said, "[w]hat, you don't trust the nigger?" Brown, who worked with Petitioner, heard Petitioner say in the back room, "nigger, what's up" or "nigger this." Ron Calkins, grocery manager and Petitioner's direct supervisor, remembers overhearing Petitioner in the cooler saying, "he was nothing but the store nigger." Calkins verbally counseled Petitioner warning him that he could not use that language as it may be offensive to customers who overhear him. Petitioner claims that after Sacca was suspended, Calkins and Bowles, another employee, began harassing him, because they were unhappy with what had happened to Sacca. Petitioner failed to utilize the established complaint procedures regarding this alleged harassment. No other employee confirms these allegations; in fact, they testified that they never heard Bowles or Calkins say anything derogatory toward Petitioner or behave any differently toward him after the incident with Sacca. Petitioner's allegation of the harassment by Calkins and Bowles is not deemed credible. There is no credible evidence of discrimination based on national origin. In October of 2007, Kris Kolczynski became the new store manager. On Friday, November 30, 2007, Petitioner was detained and taken to the Orange County Jail for matters unrelated to his employment. On the morning of December 2, 2007, Kolczynski was notified by another employee that Petitioner did not show up for work, because he was in jail. Later that day, a woman, apparently Petitioner's girlfriend, came to the store and informed Kolczynski that Petitioner would not be coming in. Petitioner failed to call in and was absent again for his scheduled shift on December 3, 2007. Accordingly, Kolczynski called Tammie Taylor in Human Resources that same day to explain that Petitioner had been a "no call-no show." Taylor is a regional retail associate relations specialist who provides employment advice to management employees. Taylor informed Kolczynski that the standard practice within is that if an employee does not come to work for three consecutive days, they are "resigned." Accordingly, Taylor advised Kolczynski that if Petitioner did not show for a third consecutive shift "to resign him" for job abandonment. Taylor advised Kolczynski to resign Petitioner, rather than terminate him so that Petitioner would be eligible for rehire at other Publix stores. Associates, who are terminated, are not eligible for rehire at Publix for a year. On December 4, 2007, Petitioner was scheduled to begin work at 7:00 a.m.; however, he did not call in until 11:00 a.m., four hours after his scheduled shift. This was a "no call-no show" according to Publix' policy, which requires associates to call in two hours before their scheduled shift. Because Petitioner was a "no call-no show" for three consecutive days, Kolczynski followed Taylor's recommendation and "resigned" Petitioner's employment. Petitioner claims that he attempted to call Publix twice from the jail, but the store would not accept collect calls. Contrary to Petitioner's allegations, there is no written or even unwritten policy prohibiting accepting collect calls. When Petitioner contacted Kolczynski, he was informed that his services were no longer needed at Publix and that he was considered "resigned" because he failed to call in and personally inform a manager that he would miss his scheduled shifts. Subsequently, Petitioner contacted Taylor. Taylor informed Petitioner again that he was "resigned" for failing to call in or show up for work for three consecutive days. Kolczynski received calls from about two or three Publix store managers regarding whether Petitioner was "rehirable." Kolczynski informed them that Petitioner was resigned for job abandonment for failing to show up to work for three consecutive days, but that he was eligible for rehire. Kolczynski did not mention anything about the Sacca incident, and he did not tell them not to hire Petitioner.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations issue a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief with prejudice. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of December, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JEFF B. CLARK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of December, 2008.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57760.10760.11
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Largo, Florida Dec. 05, 2002 Number: 02-004728 Latest Update: Aug. 31, 2004

The Issue The issue in the case is whether the Petitioner was harassed on the basis of national origin or discriminated against on the basis of a disability.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner began employment with the Respondent in the summer of 1994 and was terminated from his employment on July 28, 1999. The Respondent operates a machine shop where different types of large metal parts are fabricated according to customer order. The Petitioner was employed as a "mill operator" in the "caterpillar" department. As a mill operator, the Petitioner was required to load metal parts into machines for further processing, check the quality of his work, and return the parts to a container of finished parts. At all times material to this case, the Respondent had a policy prohibiting employee harassment on the basis of numerous grounds including "national origin." The policy provided that any employee who believed that such harassment was occurring should report it immediately to a supervisor or to another company official. The non-harassment policy was included in the employee handbook. The Petitioner received the handbook when the Respondent employed him and was aware of the policy. The Petitioner, of Polish origin, asserted that at various times he was harassed on the basis of national origin; specifically, he was sometimes addressed as "pollock" by some co-workers. Although the evidence establishes that employees, perhaps including the Petitioner, occasionally referred to each other by ethnic slurs (i.e., "pollock," "speedy Gonzalez," and "buddha") the testimony regarding such incidents was anecdotal, and the times and dates of such references are uncertain. The evidence fails to establish that the Petitioner was subjected to a hostile work environment or was harassed on the basis of national origin. Other than as set forth herein, the evidence fails to establish that the Petitioner or any other employee ever advised a supervisor or a manager that co-workers were making ethnic references or that any employee felt harassed by the behavior. In March 1998, a note was taped to the men's restroom door reading "Polish Department – Jerry's [sic] Office." The Petitioner reported the note to his supervisor. A meeting was held with the Petitioner's co-workers on March 16, 1998, where the Respondent's managers advised the employees that such behavior was not acceptable and that similar events in the future would result in disciplinary action against the perpetrators. The Petitioner also asserts that he was discriminated against on the basis of an alleged disability. In December 1998, the Petitioner had a total replacement of his right hip. He was medically cleared to return to work on March 1, 1999, with restrictions of not working more than 10 hours per day for two weeks and not lifting more than 20 pounds. The Petitioner reported for work on March 4, 1999, but was sent home by his supervisor because there was no work that met his restrictions, particularly the weight restriction. Generally the metal parts involved in the Respondent's manufacturing process weighed in excess of 20 pounds. By March 18, 1999, the restrictions were lifted and the Petitioner returned to work without incident until July 1999. On July 6, 1999, the Petitioner received a written warning from a plant supervisor who determined that the Petitioner was not properly inspecting parts being produced in the Petitioner's machine. An excessive number of parts were not within acceptable fabrication tolerances and had to be "re- worked." The warning specifically provided that failure to improve the quality and inspection of parts would result in termination of employment. On July 27, 1999, the Petitioner reported hip pain to his physician and was again placed on a restricted workload that included no lifting of weight in excess of 20 pounds and no "twisting" until the physician determined that the pain had been resolved. Based on the medical restrictions and his experience, the Respondent was unable to locate work suitable for the Petitioner. The Petitioner's employment was terminated because there were no jobs available that complied with the Petitioner's medical restrictions. Review of the Petitioner's performance evaluations establishes that he was generally an average worker who was sometimes warned about becoming too involved in other employees' activities. His evaluations of August 1996 and September 1998 contained references to such involvement and indicated that he should "spend less time worrying" about other employees. The 1996, 1997, and 1998 performance evaluations suggested that the Petitioner obtain additional training in order to advance his career. The Respondent offered a program to fund such training, and notices regarding the training were posted on a bulletin board accessible to employees, but the Petitioner did not take advantage of the program. At the time of the July 1999 medical restrictions, the Petitioner's skill set did not qualify him to perform tasks other than as a mill operator using the machine for which he was originally employed.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a Final Order dismissing the Petition for Relief filed by Jerzy Josefik in this case. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of May, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of May, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Jerzy Jozefik 9605 Southwest 27th Avenue Ocala, Florida 34476 Grant D. Petersen, Esquire Ignacio J. Garcia, Esquire Haynsworth Baldwin Johnson & Greaves LLC 600 North Westshore Boulevard, Suite 200 Tampa, Florida 33609-1117 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 12102 Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Marianna, Florida Mar. 10, 2010 Number: 10-001180 Latest Update: Feb. 09, 2011

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent engaged in an unlawful employment practice in violation of Section 760.10, Florida Statutes (2009),1 by discriminating against Petitioner based on her gender and by allowing her to be sexually harassed.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a for-profit Florida corporation owned by Robert J. Morrisseau, Sr. Even though he was Respondent's president, Mr. Morrisseau, Sr., was not usually involved in the company's day-to-day operations. Robert J. Morrisseau, Jr., is Respondent's vice- president. Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., was primarily responsible for the company's operation. He also served as crew supervisor. Most of Respondent's work, which involved installing carpeting and tile in commercial facilities, was performed in locations that required the work crew to travel. Respondent's crew often had to stay in motels. Respondent contracted with an employee leasing company to handle Respondent's payroll and workers' compensation administration. All employees filled out an application provided by the employee leasing company, but Respondent made all hiring and firing decisions. Respondent did not give its employees information regarding Respondent's human resource policies and procedures. Employees were not told what to do when they believed someone in the company was discriminating against them. Petitioner is a female who dated Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., in the fall of 2008. While they were dating, Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., told Petitioner he would give her a job and teach her to lay tile. Petitioner and Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., stopped dating in December 2008. However, Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., made good on his promise to Petitioner, hiring her as a laborer on January 26, 2009. In January 2009, Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., wanted to reestablish a personal relationship with Petitioner. Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., hoped giving Petitioner a job would facilitate that goal. Petitioner was thankful for the job, but she did not want to date Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., again. At all times material here, Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., was Petitioner's supervisor. He also employed and supervised Petitioner's sister and her boyfriend and Petitioner's daughter and her boyfriend. Off and on in January 2009 through March 2009, Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., supervised a crew laying carpet and tile in Spanish Fort, Alabama. Petitioner and Petitioner's daughter and sister and their boyfriends were also part of the crew on at least two trips to Alabama. Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., rented three motel rooms for the Alabama job. He took one room with one bed. The other two rooms had two beds. On one occasion, Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., told Petitioner she could sleep in the room with him or with her sister and the sister's boyfriend or the other male employees. On another occasion, Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., told Petitioner she could sleep with her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend or the other male employees. On both occasions, Petitioner chose to sleep on the extra bed in a room with one of the couples. Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., never threatened Petitioner, directly or indirectly, with consequences if she did not choose to stay in his room. There is no evidence that Petitioner felt Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., was giving her a quid pro quo choice. Petitioner's job responsibilities included driving company vehicles, preparing floors for tile, and learning to lay tile. She was not expected to carry 40-foot rolls of carpet or to carry heavy loads of tile up three flights of stairs. However, Petitioner was willing to help any way she could. One time in Alabama, Petitioner and her daughter were on their knees, preparing a floor for tile. Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., took pictures of the women from the back and made a comment about the daughter's backside, stating it was as big as a man's. Respondent also had a job in Daytona Beach, Florida. Petitioner was part of the crew that worked in Daytona Beach, along with Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., and several male employees during the weeks of February 27, 2009, and March 2, 2009. Once again, Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., rented three motel rooms. He gave Petitioner the option of staying in the room with him or with the other men. Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., did not think anything of asking Petitioner if she wanted to stay in the room with him because he and Petitioner had stayed in the same hotel room previously on other occasions. During the weeks of February 27, 2009, and March 2, 2009, Petitioner elected to stay in the room with her co-workers rather than in the room with Mr. Morrisseau, Jr. There is no evidence that Petitioner believed Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., was giving her a quid pro quo choice. On one trip to Daytona Beach, Florida, Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., and another male employee bought cocaine and brought it back to the motel. Petitioner does not deny that she used some of the cocaine that night. The next morning, the crew, including Petitioner, went back to work at 7:30 a.m. On March 11, 2009, Respondent fired Petitioner. During the hearing, Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., testified that he did not fire Petitioner because she used drugs in Daytona Beach. This testimony is contrary to a statement made by Mr. Morrisseau, Sr., in an e-mail dated December 7, 2009. During the hearing, Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., testified that Petitioner was not fired because she was a woman and inadequate to perform the work. However, Petitioner and other employees heard Mr. Morrisseau, Sr., and Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., state that Petitioner and her daughter, as females, were inadequate for the job and/or that women did not need to work out of town. According to Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., he fired Petitioner because, after returning from Daytona Beach, Petitioner's work was not satisfactory. He claims that she failed to report for work because she was using illegal drugs with her boyfriend. He also claims that Petitioner was fighting with other employees, referring to an alleged altercation between Petitioner and her daughter. Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., admitted during the hearing that he had no first-hand knowledge that Petitioner continued to use drugs after returning from Daytona Beach. He did not see Petitioner fighting with other employees. Mr. Morrisseau, Sr., testified at hearing that he had no issue with Petitioner's work the one weekend he went to the Alabama job. According to Mr. Morrisseau, Sr., Petitioner "worked her little tail off" that weekend. The reason Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., gave for terminating Petitioner's employment is not credible. The most persuasive evidence indicates that Mr. Morrisseau, Jr., terminated Petitioner's employment because she was a woman and, in his opinion, inadequate to do the job. Respondent also fired Petitioner's daughter on March 11, 2009. However, Respondent rehired the daughter on March 20, 2009. The daughter worked for Respondent until the company went out of business in June 2009. The jobs in Alabama and Florida were not done properly. Mr. Morrisseau, Sr., had to bring in another company to redo and complete at least five jobs. Mr. Morrisseau, Sr., closed down the business and let all employees go in June 2009. Petitioner was unemployed from March 11, 2009, through January 1, 2010. She is entitled to lost wages for that period of time. However, Petitioner failed to present any evidence regarding the amount of lost wages during the hearing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order, directing Respondent to cease violating Section 760.10, Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of June, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of June, 2010.

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57120.68760.01760.10760.11
# 6
DEBORAH PATE vs HOMES OF MERIT, 07-001973 (2007)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 08, 2007 Number: 07-001973 Latest Update: Feb. 11, 2008

The Issue The issues to be resolved in this proceeding concern whether, Respondent discriminated against the Petitioner based upon her race or sex and whether she was subjected to retaliation after complaining to the Respondent concerning the alleged harassment.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner became employed on October 10, 2005, at HOM. She worked as a general laborer and finisher at times pertinent to this case. HOM is a manufacturer of mobile and modular homes at its Lake City, Florida, plant. It has in excess of 15 employees and is therefore a statutory employer with the meaning of Section 760.02(2), Florida Statutes (2006). The Petitioner has a number of blemishes on her employment record with the Respondent. She had performance problems prior to the events leading up to the termination of her employment. She was disciplined for an incident occurring on December 21, 2005, for failure to report to required overtime work, as well as for insubordination. Steve Weeks, the Respondent's Production Manager, deemed the failure to report for required overtime work to be insubordination and a violation of the company's attendance policy. She received an employee warning notice on May 3, 2006, regarding a perceived need for her to "pickup the pace and for her attendance." Mr. Weeks told Ms. Pate that she needed to increase her production pace and needed to work on her attendance and work quality. The Petitioner was given to understand that her employment could be terminated for further violations. The Petitioner maintains she has been subjected to "harassment." Specifically, she complains that her co-workers in the finishing department harassed her by "bumping into me and playing threatening songs, threatening, talking about they were going to beat my behind, you know, just constantly threatening." Her complaints concern Priscilla Berry, Katherine Belford, and Melody Adkins. Melody Adkins is a white female, Priscilla Berry and Katherine Belford are African-American females. Most of the Petitioner's complaints concern Katherine Belford and Priscilla Berry. The Petitioner admits that these individuals never indicated they were committing any alleged harassing acts because of the Petitioner's race or gender. She further acknowledges that the harassment "may not have been for my race" and that the harassment "might have been because I was a female and I was doing my job and I didn't hang with that certain group" of females. No male employees are alleged to have threatened or harassed the Petitioner and she never complained to her direct supervisor, Tommy Smith, concerning any problems related to her race or gender. Ms. Pate spoke to Supervisors Weeks and Smith in an effort to stop the harassment and threats. In response to her complaints Mr. Weeks talked to the supervisors and employees involved in the incidents Ms. Pate complained about and told them they were not to bring personal problems to the work place. Mr. Smith separated the Petitioner from Ms. Belford and Ms. Berry because of the antagonism that had developed between them. He directed her to perform her duties in a different location in order to alleviate the hostilities. The Petitioner called the HOM corporate office on June 27, 2006, and spoke to Mr. Jeff Nugent. Mr. Nugent directed the Regional Human Resources Director, William Allen, to investigate the Petitioner's complaints. Mr. Allen spoke to the Petitioner by phone on June 29, 2006, and arranged a meeting with her for July 11, 2006. The Petitioner told Mr. Allen during that phone conversation that she was being harassed and threatened and that the supervisor was not doing anything to alleviate the matter. She told him that "they" were discriminating against her because she was a black woman and the supervisors were still doing nothing to alleviate her harassment, in her view. The Petitioner met with Mr. Allen on July 11, 2006. Mr. Allen also met with other employees. The plant had been shut down during the first week of July and immediately thereafter on July 11, 2006, the Petitioner had the meeting with Mr. Allen. She found him responsive to her complaints. He took notes during the meeting with the Petitioner and with the other employees he interviewed. The Petitioner complained that she was being harassed and threatened by the above-referenced women on the job, that she "went up the chain of command" to get the harassment to stop but that it had not stopped. She did not complain to Mr. Allen that she was being harassed based on her gender or her race, however. Mr. Allen determined that the problem between Ms. Pate and the other employees was based upon difficulties in "getting along well" or, in effect, personality differences. He also determined that the Respondent had responded to the prior complaints by separating Ms. Pate from working with the employees about whom she had complained. On July 13, 2006, Mr. Smith observed Ms. Pate out of her assigned work area while using a cell phone. The use of a cell phone during working hours, and in working areas, violates company policy. Mr. Smith asked Ms. Pate to report to the plant office to speak to Mr. Weeks. Upon arriving at the office, the Petitioner told Mr. Smith and Mr. Weeks that she was leaving because she did not feel well. Mr. Weeks told Ms. Pate that she could leave the premises, but she would have to bring in a physicians note to prevent the absence from being unexcused. She returned to work the next scheduled work day and did not bring in a physician's note as directed. The previous work day's absence was thus an unexcused absence. Mr. Weeks decided to terminate the Petitioner's employment for her attendance problems and for her failure to submit a doctor's note justifying her absence of July 13, 2006. Her unexcused lack of attendance caused her to have excessive absences in violation of the Respondent's adopted attendance policy. The Petitioner's employment was terminated on July 17, 2006. The Petitioner never told Mr. Weeks that she felt her employment was being terminated in retaliation for her having called the corporate office to complain, or that she was being harassed because of her race and gender.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Florida Commission on Human Relations dismissing the Petition in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of December, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of December, 2007. COPIES FURNISHED: Deborah Pate 862 Northeast Coldwater Street Lake City, Florida 32055 Kevin E. Hyde, Esquire Foley & Lardner LLP One Independent Drive, Suite 1300 Post Office Box 240 Jacksonville, Florida 32201-0240 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000E Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57760.02760.10
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jun. 24, 2003 Number: 03-002306 Latest Update: Jun. 30, 2004

The Issue Whether Petitioner failed to timely file her Petition for Relief following the Florida Commission on Human Relations' No Cause Determination? Whether Petitioner failed to timely file a charge of discrimination with the Florida Commission on Human Relations with respect to her claim of harassment? Whether Respondent promptly and thoroughly investigated Petitioner's claim of sexual harassment? Whether Respondent took measures reasonably calculated to end and prevent any alleged sexual harassment? Whether Petitioner suffered from a disability, and, if so, what was the nature of her disability. Whether Respondent provided Petitioner with a reasonable accommodation for her alleged disability? Whether Respondent discriminated against Petitioner on the basis of her sex and/or disability? Whether Respondent retaliated against Petitioner for complaining of sexual harassment?

Findings Of Fact Petitioner filed her Charge of Discrimination against Respondent on August 29, 2002. FCHR issued a No Cause Determination and Notice of Determination: No Cause on May 12, 2003. Petitioner filed her Petition for Relief on June 20, 2003. This was 39 days after the No Cause Determination was issued. Petitioner failed to show good cause for the delay in filing. Petitioner worked as an apprentice operator at Respondent's Stanton Energy Center ("Energy Center"), during the relevant time period, under the supervision of Wade Gillingham ("Gillingham"), manager of Operations for the Energy Center. Respondent is an employer under the FCRA. On or about July 5, 2001, Petitioner expressed some concern to Gillingham about a co-worker, Tim Westerman ("Westerman"), potentially hurting himself or others. More specifically, Petitioner told Gillingham that she was concerned Westerman was going to hurt himself or her. Upon learning of Petitioner's concerns, Gillingham notified Respondent's Human Resources Department, and he scheduled a follow-up meeting with Petitioner on Monday, July 9, 2001. Lou Calatayud ("Calatayud") from Human Resources also attended this interview. During these initial meetings, Petitioner did not complain of any inappropriate touching or sexual contact between herself and Westerman. Following her meeting with Calatayud and Gillingham, German Romero, director of Human Resources, held a second interview with Petitioner to discuss her concerns about Westerman. Thereafter, Respondent conducted a thorough investigation into Petitioner's allegations. During the course of the investigation, Petitioner was interviewed twice and Westerman was interviewed twice. Both Westerman and Petitioner admitted to voluntarily participating in several telephone calls with each other, with some lasting as long as two hours. Petitioner did not appear upset or concerned after these calls. Human Resources also interviewed Terry Cox and Tom Dzoba, both watch engineers to whom Petitioner claimed she reported complaints regarding Westerman. Neither Cox nor Dzoba was Petitioner's direct supervisor. Petitioner told Cox that she had issues with another employee. However, she refused to provide Cox with the other employee's name and insisted on handling the matter on her own, despite Cox's asking her for the name of the person. Dzoba has no knowledge of Petitioner ever complaining about any problems with another employee in the workplace. The first person to whom Petitioner reported Westerman's name was her supervisor, Gillingham, who immediately reported Petitioner's complaints to Human Resources. Westerman was not Hanson's supervisor. Westerman never expressed any romantic interest in Petitioner; however, Petitioner had expressed interest in meeting Westerman outside the workplace for dinner. Additionally, Petitioner used to write Westerman "cheer-up notes" while at work. In fact, the only touching that Petitioner later referred to were hand or arm rubbing during voluntary personal conversations with, and counseling or consoling of, Westerman. Similarly, the only touching Westerman recalls was possibly rubbing up against Petitioner in the workplace or maybe putting his hand on her shoulder when they were talking. Westerman never kissed or attempted to kiss Petitioner. In addition to the above, no other employees were able to identify any inappropriate contact between Petitioner and Westerman. After completing its investigation in early August 2001, Respondent determined that sexual harassment had not occurred but instructed Westerman, verbally and in writing, not to have any further contact with Petitioner. Prior to Respondent's instruction, sometime between May and July 2001, Petitioner personally asked Westerman to stop calling her, a request he complied with generally. At the same time, Respondent instructed Petitioner to discontinue counseling employees to protect against any future incidents or allegations of sexual harassment. It is the policy and practice of Respondent to treat all employees equally regardless of their gender and/or disability. Respondent developed and distributed to its employees, via an Employee Handbook, an Equal Opportunity Policy and Policy Against Harassment. Following the conclusion of Respondent's investigation into Petitioner's complaints of sexual harassment, on or about August 6, 2001, Petitioner requested a medically-supported leave of absence for 30 days. This leave was granted by Respondent. However, Petitioner later requested to return to work nearly ten days ahead of schedule, on August 27, 2001, submitting a release from her doctor. Because Petitioner was seeking to return to work so far ahead of schedule, Petitioner was evaluated by Respondent's occupational medical director, Jock M. Sneddon, M.D., before she was released to return to work. Petitioner returned to work in the same position and rate of pay as before her leave. Additionally, Petitioner received disability benefit payments covering the entire duration of her leave. More than seven months later, Petitioner called in sick on April 6 through 8, 2002, after sustaining a house fire at her personal residence. Following the use of 16 hours or more of sick time, employees are required to return to work with a doctor's note authorizing their absence. Here, it was determined that Petitioner was not sick during this time, nor was she even evaluated by a physician. Based on similar previous problems, for which she was twice verbally reminded of Respondent's policy regarding sick leave, Petitioner received a disciplinary write-up. In addition to Petitioner's two verbal reminders, on or about January 7, 2002, Gillingham issued a memorandum to all operations employees, including Petitioner, detailing Respondent's sick leave policy. On or about June 7, 2002, Petitioner and a male co-worker, Tom Moran, were written up by Gillingham for neglect of their job duties as the result of an incident that occurred at the Energy Center on May 14, 2002. More specifically, both Petitioner and Moran were deemed responsible for failing to make sufficient rounds to discover a mechanical failure, which led to severe flooding of a sump basement in the coal yard, causing more than $12,000 in damages. Gillingham estimated it would have taken between six to eight hours to fill the 60-foot by 20-foot sump basement with the seven feet of water that was found the following morning. Although Moran was an auxiliary operator, both "operators," including Petitioner, an apprentice operator, have the same responsibilities and were responsible for making the necessary rounds to ensure that a mechanical failure of this nature is promptly discovered and repaired. In accordance with Respondent's policy, employees with active discipline in their files are not eligible for promotions or transfer. The written discipline Petitioner and Moran received for the May 14, 2002, sump incident remained active in their employee files for nine months. During her employment at the Energy Center, Petitioner's performance evaluations remained relatively unchanged, receiving a "meets" or "good" rating on each evaluation. Additionally, Petitioner received all regularly scheduled wage increases, until she topped out at the salary for her position. Petitioner received the same wage increases as similarly-situated male employees. Further, on or about April 2, 2003, Gillingham notified Human Resources that the discipline in her file had expired, and Petitioner was promoted to auxiliary operator, with the commensurate increase in pay. Petitioner started at the same rate of pay as three of the four other male employees placed in the apprentice operator position at that time. The fourth male employee, David Ziegler, started at a higher rate of pay based on his five years of previous experience working for a contractor at the Energy Center. Further, because of the credit Ziegler was given for his previous work experience, he was promoted to auxiliary operator ahead of Petitioner and all of the other apprentice operators who started at the same time. Vasquez was promoted to auxiliary operator on the standard two-year schedule on or about August 12, 2002; however, Petitioner was not eligible for promotion at that time because of the active discipline in her file. Petitioner failed to prove that she suffered from a recognized disability or that Respondent failed to make a reasonable accommodation for her alleged disability. Petitioner failed to prove that Respondent discriminated against her on the basis of her sex. Petitioner failed to prove that Respondent retaliated against her for complaining of the alleged sexual harassment which occurred in the Summer of 2001.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that FCHR enter a final order dismissing with prejudice the Petition for Relief in DOAH Case No. 03-2306, FCHR Case No. 22-02718. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of October, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of October, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Ellen Edith Hanson 5355 Rambling Road St. Cloud, Florida 34771 David C. Netzley, Esquire Ford & Harrison, LLP 300 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1300 Orlando, Florida 32801 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

USC (2) 42 U.S.C 1210242 U.S.C 2000e CFR (1) 29 CFR 1604.11(d)(2002) Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57760.01760.10760.11
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Mar. 22, 1993 Number: 93-001558 Latest Update: May 30, 1995

The Issue Whether the Respondent intentionally committed an unlawful employment practice against the Petitioner on the basis on her national origin/Hispanic (Puerto Rican) or gender/female (sexual harassment). Whether Petitioner, a member of a protected class, was removed from her position with the Respondent in retaliation for her filing of a sexual harassment complaint with the Florida Commission on Human Relations on March 12, 1992.

Findings Of Fact The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the subject matter of these proceedings and the parties involved. All procedural prerequisites and requirements have been duly accomplished or satisfied. Respondent, Martin-Marietta Electronics Information and Missiles Group, is a foreign corporation licensed to do business in Florida which employs more than fifteen employees. Respondent is an "employer" within the definition found in Section 760.02(6), Florida Statutes. Petitioner, Margarita Coll, is a female, hispanic, citizen of the United States who resides in the State of Florida. Petitioner is a member of a protected class. Petitioner was an employee of Hi-Tec Associates, Inc., during all relevant periods, and was a de facto employee of Respondent for approximately four and one-half years. Petitioner was employed at Respondent company through a temporary agency called Associated Temporary Services and placed with the Respondent on January 5, 1987 as a receptionist/secretary in Martin-Marietta's Fleet Administration Department off Sand Lake Road, Orlando, Florida. Her responsibilities included record keeping, filing and helping Respondent's employees with company vehicles. Petitioner reported to the Respondent's Fleet Manager, Linda Reilly. Her day to day work assignments and supervision were received exclusively from the Fleet Manager. Petitioner worked in her position at the pleasure of the Respondent. She was assigned a "buyer" at Martin- Marietta who worked with the requesting department to fashion a position to meet the department's needs. The work was bidded out and awarded to the temporary employment agency who best met Respondent's criteria, on an annual basis. Over time, Petitioner assumed additional job responsibilities and in June, 1988 received a commendation for exceptional performance from Respondent's supervisors. In an effort to reward her efforts, Reilly successfully upgraded her position, first to Administrative Assistant and then to Fleet Analyst. When she was reclassified as a Fleet Analyst, the contract for her position was awarded to Hi-Tec Associates, Inc., since Associated Temporary Services did not provide technical employees under their contract with Respondent. Petitioner always worked at Martin-Marietta as a temporary employee and was never employed as a regular employee of the company. As such, she had no company benefits; she was classified as a contract laborer and her services were purchased by purchase order. Petitioner completed no company employment application, was not subject to Martin-Marietta performance appraisals and had no Martin-Marietta employment records or personnel file, other than her contract labor time slips. Petitioner received her pay from Hi-Tec. In June, 1990, Marilyn Quinonez was placed in the Fleet Administration Department as a Fleet Administrative Assistant by a temporary employment agency. Friction quickly developed between Petitioner and Quinonez. Petitioner believed that Quinonez was hired to assist her and became upset when she would not follow Petitioner's supervision or directions. Quinonez understood that she was to report to the Fleet Manager, and objected to the way Petitioner treated her. On November 15, 1990, Reilly was laid off by Respondent as part of a reduction in force and was replaced by Joseph LaPak. LaPak observed the bickering between Petitioner and Quinonez and that it continued to escalate over time. In December, 1990, the temporary positions in the department were reevaluated and the contract requirements for both positions were rewritten. The titles of both Petitioner and Quinonez were changed to that of Fleet Administrative Assistant. Any language in the contract which called for Petitioner to direct the clerical duties of the department were eliminated. In the fall of 1991, Quinonez met with LaPak and Wally DuBose to clarify her reporting responsibilities. It was confirmed that Quinonez and Petitioner were to report to the Fleet Manager, and that Petitioner did not have supervisory authority over Quinonez. Nevertheless, disputes between Petitioner and Quinonez continued. Attempts by management to resolve the problems were unsuccessful. On February 17, 1992, during the normal lunch hour, an altercation occurred between Petitioner and Quinonez. When Quinonez returned from lunch, she found Petitioner at her computer terminal. Quinonez asked for it back. Petitioner refused and an argument ensued. The two women became so angry and loud that a neighboring supervisor had to come over and separate them. Wally DuBose sent both Petitioner and Quinonez home for the day. Petitioner's immediate supervisor, LaPak was not in the office at the time. DuBose then discussed the matter with his supervisor, Paul Smilgen, and it was decided that Petitioner would be removed from the contract for her failure to work with fellow employees and management, and for general insubordination. LaPak was not involved in the decision to remove Petitioner. The decision was communicated to Hi-Tec. They, in turn, notified Petitioner that same evening that she was being replaced on the contract and not return to the Fleet Administration Department. Hi-Tec offered to attempt to place Petitioner elsewhere at Martin-Marietta but Petitioner refused because the openings available at the time paid less that the Fleet Administrative Assistant position. When LaPak first became the Fleet Manager in November of 1990, Petitioner and Quinonez worked in a very small work space. While Petitioner was training LaPak and working on the computer, LaPak's body was frequently close to Petitioner's and she felt pinned in a corner by him. After the initial working relationship was established and LaPak came into Petitioner's work area, he would touch her on her arms or shoulder in order to get her attention. In December, 1990, Petitioner complained to DuBose about LaPak touching her and making her uncomfortable. Both Petitioner and DuBose talked to LaPak about the fact that Petitioner did not want LaPak to touch her. LaPak honored that request and did not touch her again. He made every reasonable effort to get her attention when he needed to talk to her without touching her. In October, 1991, Petitioner complained to the Martin-Marietta EEO office that LaPak was sexually harassing her by inappropriate touching. Respondent then conducted an immediate investigation into the allegations and attempted to resolve the matter through internal mediation. Petitioner's testimony and other witnesses' testimony concerning sexual comments, innuendoes or propositions and inappropriate touching allegedly made by LaPak that occurred between December, 1990 and October, 1991 were inconsistent and are not credible. Petitioner presented no relevant or material evidence to show that Petitioner was the victim of national origin discrimination. Respondent's articulated reason for its decision to remove Petitioner from her contract labor position was not based on gender discrimination or national origin discrimination, nor was it pretextual. Petitioner failed to prove that her termination of employment at the Respondent's company was in retaliation for her complaints of sexual harassment or national origin discrimination.

Recommendation Based upon the testimony and evidence submitted on the record in the formal hearings on this matter and by application of the relevant or governing principles of law to the findings of facts established on such record, it is RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be issued in which the Charge of Discrimination is DENIED and the Petition for Relief is DISMISSED. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of April, 1994, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of April, 1994. APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings, in accordance with Section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on findings of fact submitted by the parties. Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. Accepted in substance: Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(in part), 6(in part), 7(in part), 8(in part), 9(in part), 10(in part), 13, 14(except as to date of hire), 15(in part), 16(in part), 18(except as to the date of the counseling session), 19(except as to the date of the counseling session), 20, 21(in part). Rejected as against the greater weight of evidence: paragraphs 5(in part: Petitioner was first a contract employee with Associated Temporary Services), 6(in part), 7(in part), 8(in part), 9(in part), 10(in part), 15(in part), 16(in part), 17. Rejected as immaterial, irrelevant or subsumed: paragraphs 11, 12, 21(in part). Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact: Accepted in substance: paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4(in part), 5, 6(in part), 7, 11(in part), 12, 13, 14(in part). Rejected as argument or a conclusion of law: paragraphs: 9, 10, 15, 16, 17. Rejected as irrelevant, immaterial or subsumed: paragraphs 4(in part), 8, 11(in part), 14(in part). Rejected as against the greater weight of evidence: paragraph 6(in part). COPIES FURNISHED: Kay L. Wolf, Esquire John M. Finnigan, Esquire GARWOOD, MCKENNA & MCKENNA, P.A. 815 North Garland Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 James Sweeting, III, Esquire 2111 East Michigan Street Suite 100 Orlando, Florida 32806 Sharon Moultry, Clerk Human Relations Commission 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4149 Dana Baird, Esquire General Counsel Human Relations Commission 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4149

USC (3) 29 CFR 1604.11(a)(3)(1985)42 U.S.C 200042 USC 2000e Florida Laws (3) 120.57760.02760.10 Florida Administrative Code (1) 60Y-4.016
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida May 05, 2008 Number: 08-002168 Latest Update: Aug. 19, 2009

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the unlawful employment practices alleged in the employment discrimination complaint Petitioner filed with the Florida Commission on Human Relations (FCHR) and, if so, what relief should Petitioner be granted.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made: The County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. The County Park and Recreation Department (Department) is a department of County government. At all times material to the instant case, Carolyn Gibson was a Region Manager with the Department, having ultimate supervisory authority over the operations at the County parks in her region (Region 2), including Arcola Park and West Little River Park. At all times material to the instant case, Rhonda Ham was a Recreational Specialist 2/Service Area Manager with the Department, who was based at Arcola Park and worked under the immediate supervision of Ms. Gibson. Ms. Ham has been married to her husband Earl for the last 13 or 14 years. Although Ms. Gibson considers Ms. Ham to be a friend,4 her friendship with Ms. Ham has not prevented her from taking disciplinary action against Ms. Ham when the "facts" have warranted. Petitioner is a single, custodial father of three children (two daughters and son) aged three, five, and seven. He is now, and was at all times material to the instant case, "the sole support of these children." Unlike Ms. Ham, Petitioner is college educated. He attended the University of Miami and Clarksdale Community College in Clarksdale, Mississippi, before receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree from Virginia State University (VSU) in 1993. After finishing his undergraduate studies, he spent a year in graduate school at VSU. Petitioner played football in college, and he went on to play the sport professionally after being selected in the National Football League (NFL) draft. One of Petitioner's teammates on the University of Miami football team was James Stewart.5 As teammates, Petitioner and Mr. Stewart "got along with one another and communicated from time to time," but they were not "close friends" and did not "hang out" together. Mr. Stewart also went on to play in the NFL. Following his playing career, he was convicted of a felony, and, in 2001, began serving a five-year prison sentence. He was released from prison in 2006 and is currently on probation. From March 20, 2006, until December 14, 2006, Petitioner was employed by the County as a Park and Recreation Manager 1 at West Little River Park. In that capacity, he had supervisory authority over the other Department employees assigned to work at the park. At all times during his employment with the County, he was a probationary employee with no entitlement to continuing employment.6 Ms. Ham was Petitioner's immediate supervisor for the duration of Petitioner's employment with the County except for a three-week period in April and/or May 2006.7 Her office (at Arcola Park) was located approximately two miles from Petitioner's office (at West Little River Park). Ms. Ham had the authority to monitor and evaluate Petitioner's job performance and to counsel and reprimand Petitioner, both verbally and in writing. The authority to terminate Petitioner's employment resided, not with Ms. Ham, but with Ms. Gibson. It was Ms. Gibson who hired Petitioner. She did so after reviewing Petitioner's application and interviewing him. Petitioner had applied for the position on or about March 2, 2006, by submitting a filled out and signed County employment application form. By signing the application, he "certified," among other things, the following: I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the statements contained herein, and any attachments, are correct, complete and made in good faith. I understand that a background check will be conducted and that should an investigation disclose any misrepresentation, I may be subject to dismissal. The application form had an "Employment History" section, which contained the following instructions: List previous employment history, starting with your current or most recent employment. If you have held more than one position within the same organization, list each position as a separate period of employment. Be sure to indicate where employment may be verified. Please include job-related volunteer, temporary, part-time work and military experience. On his application, Petitioner knowingly failed to disclose that he had been employed from May 30, 2005, to September 17, 2005 as a Recreation Aide V with the City of Miami Parks and Recreation Department, working under the supervision of Lewis Mahoney, who was the Park Manager at Gibson Park. As a City of Miami Parks and Recreation Department employee, Petitioner had had a poor work record and had not gotten along with Mr. Mahoney. He undoubtedly knew, at the time he filled out the County employment application form in March 2006, that Mr. Mahoney, if contacted by the County, would not have good things to say about him. Ms. Gibson did not find out about Petitioner's failure to disclose his employment with the City of Miami on the County employment application form until after she had terminated Petitioner. Had she known about this non-disclosure, she would have never hired Petitioner and allowed him to work for the County. As part of the application and hiring process, Petitioner signed various forms in addition to the County application form. One of these forms was an Oath on Outside Employment for Full-Time Employees form that Petitioner signed on March 2, 2006. It read as follows: I, Damacio Green, a full-time employee of Miami-Dade Park and Recreation Department, certify that I am not engaged in any type of outside employment. I certify that I am not paid by, nor do I receive any equivalent gratuities from, any employer for any of my services except as performed during the normal course of my employment with the Miami-Dade Park and Recreation Department. I certify that before accepting outside employment, I will submit a complete record of intended outside employment to my Department Director for approval. I will abide by the Department Director's decision on the matter. I further certify that I fully understand the County policy on outside employment outlined below. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY POLICY ON OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT (SEC. 2-11 OF THE CODE OF METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA) No full-time County employee shall accept outside employment, either incidental, occasional or otherwise, where County time, equipment or material is to be used or where such employment or any part thereof is to be performed on County time. A full-time County employee may accept incidental or occasional outside employment so long as such employment is not contrary, detrimental or adverse to the interest of the County or any of the department and the approval required in subsection (C) is obtained. Any outside employment by any full-time County employee must first be approved in writing by the employee's department head who shall maintain a complete record of such employment. Any employee convicted of violating any provision of this section shall be punished as provided in Section 1-5, and, in addition thereto, shall be subjected to dismissal by his Department. (Ord. No. 58-5, Sec. 25.01, 2-18-58) When Petitioner "first started working" for the County, he asked Ms. Gibson if, under the County's Policy on Outside Employment, he would be able to operate his mobile food service business, Damacio's Mr. Tasty, LLC, while employed with the County. Ms. Gibson responded to Petitioner's inquiry by telling him, "You can't do it." On at least two occasions during his employment with the County, Petitioner operated his mobile food service business without Departmental approval, despite knowing that doing so was in violation of the County's Policy on Outside Employment. It was not until after Petitioner had been terminated that Ms. Gibson discovered that Petitioner had committed this violation of the County's Policy on Outside Employment. Ms. Gibson would have terminated Petitioner's employment had he still been employed with the County at the time she learned of the violation. Among the other forms that Petitioner signed during the application and hiring process was an Acknowledgment of Receipt of the County's Unlawful Harassment Policy (Administrative Order No. 7-37). He signed this form on March 2, 2006. By doing so, he acknowledged the following: I have received a copy of this Unlawful Harassment Policy and understand that it contains important information on filing a complaint of harassment with my department or the Office of Fair Employment Practices. I will familiarize myself with the Unlawful Harassment Policy and understand that I am governed by its contents. If I have questions about the policy I can contact my Department Affirmative Action Officers Yolanda Fuentes-Johns or William Lindley at (305)755-7866 or the Office of Fair Employment Practices at (305)375-2784. The County's Unlawful Harassment Policy (which was printed on the form) provided, in pertinent part, as follows: POLICY The policy of Miami-Dade County is to ensure that all employees are able to enjoy a work environment free from all forms of discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, religion, retaliation, age, disability, ancestry, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, or the exercise of their constitutional or statutory rights. Administrative Order 7-28 was adopted in 1987 specifically to protect County employees from sexual harassment. Administrative Order 7-28 and Administrative Order 7-6, Personnel Policy on Equal Employment Opportunity, have since been interpreted to extend similar protection to employees who believe they have been harassed for unlawful reasons other than sex. This Administrative Order is intended to make clear that all County employees who believe they have been unlawfully harassed must notify the County's Office of Fair Employment Practices or their Departmental Affirmative Action Officer and may file a complaint for prompt and proper investigation. Employees who are found guilty of unlawfully harassing other employees shall be subject to appropriate sanctions, depending on the circumstances. These may range from counseling up to and including termination. Miami-Dade County will not tolerate adverse treatment of employees because they report harassment or provide information related to such complaints. The County, in exercising reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct harassment or retaliation for reporting harassment, will protect victims from further unlawful harassment and retaliation. * * * COMPLAINT PROCEDURE Employees who believe they have been the subject of harassment prohibited by this Administrative Order, must notify the County's Office of Fair Employment Practices or their Departmental Affirmative Action Officer and, if they choose, may file a formal complaint with the County's Office of Fair Employment Practices. Employees may, if they desire, also report such incidents of unlawful harassment to their supervisor but are under no obligation to do so. Employees are encouraged to report harassment before it becomes severe or pervasive. This will facilitate early mediation and effective resolution of potential unlawful harassment complaints. All complaints of harassment, subsequent investigations and corrective actions shall be handled on a confidential basis to the extent possible under the law. Protective measures will be instituted to protect the complainant. Miami-Dade County has established procedures for resolving, filing and processing complaints of unlawful harassment. If the investigation confirms the existence of unlawful harassment, the Fair Employment Practices Office will pursue prompt corrective action, including remedial relief for the victim, and appropriate disciplinary action against the offender. * * * At no time during his employment with the County did Petitioner complain, in accordance with the "complaint procedure" described in the County's Unlawful Harassment Policy, that he was being, or had been, sexually harassed by Ms. Ham. During much of the time that Petitioner worked under Ms. Ham's immediate supervision, the two had an amicable relationship--so amicable that on one occasion, without being asked by Ms. Ham, Petitioner gave her a check in the amount $125.00 to help her purchase a dance outfit for her daughter. What started out as a friendly, non-physical relationship evolved into a sexual one, in which both Petitioner and Ms. Ham freely and willingly participated. They engaged in sexual activity on three separate occasions--once in Petitioner's office at West Little River Park and twice in Ms. Ham's office at Arcola Park. The first of these consensual sexual encounters occurred in August 2006. The third and final encounter was in October 2006. On each occasion, Petitioner was the one who initiated the physical contact. "[A]shamed and embarrassed" by her conduct, Ms. Ham decided to put an end to her adulterous affair with Petitioner. There was no further sexual activity between Ms. Ham and Petitioner after October 2006. Ms. Ham oversaw a Children's Trust-funded after-school program at Arcola Park in which Petitioner's daughter, DK, was registered. It was Ms. Ham's responsibility to make sure that children in the program were picked up from their respective schools at the end of the school day and transported to Arcola Park. After the end of the school day on November 6, 2006, Petitioner received word from DK's school that DK had not been picked up and was still at school. Petitioner ultimately telephoned Ms. Gibson on her cell phone and, in a "very loud" tone of voice, said, "Ms. Ham left my daughter, she didn't pick my daughter up from school, what are you going to do about it?" Ms. Gibson later met with Petitioner and Ms. Ham to discuss the matter and try to sort things out. During the meeting, Petitioner was, in Ms. Gibson's eyes, "irate" and "out of control." He told Ms. Gibson that she "couldn't tell him anything" because she did not "have any kids" and she "kn[e]w nothing about parenting." Ms. Gibson sensed from Petitioner's and Ms. Ham's "body language" and the way that they were "glaring at each other" at the meeting that they might be involved in a non-work- related relationship. She therefore asked them, before they left, whether they had "crossed the line." They both denied that there was anything going on between them. A few days later, Petitioner came into Ms. Gibson's office and asked her, rhetorically, "Do you think I'm interested in Ms. Ham?" He then told her, "Well, Ms. Gibson, I'm not interested in Ms. Ham, I'm interested in you." Ms. Gibson's response to this come-on was to direct Petitioner to "get out of [her] office." Petitioner was due to be evaluated on or about September 24, 2006, but it was not until November 17, 2006, that he received his first Management Performance Evaluation. This November 17, 2006, evaluation was prepared by Ms. Ham (who signed the evaluation as the "rater") with input from Ms. Gibson (who signed the evaluation as the "reviewer"). The overall rating was unsatisfactory. The evaluation contained the following narrative: ACHIEVEMENT OF OBJECTIVES: RATING: Unsatisfactory Mr. Green, you entered this department on March 28, 2006 as a Park & Recreation Manager 1 at West Little River Park. From your inception there has been an increase in participant enrollment in spring and summer camp, and [the] after school program. However, there has been a decrease in registration/attendance in your sports development program, which is the region's primary program. DECISION MAKING AND JUDGMENT: RATING: Needs Improvement Mr. Green, over the past 6 months I have had the opportunity to observ[e] your decision- making skills and often times your decisions are hasty. At your level you should take the opportunity to first identify the problem, gather the facts and make decisions based on facts and not what you are feeling at the time, i.e. sending part-timers home and then call[ing] them back to work within the hour.[8] Also, it is important that you understand parents are our customers, they might not always be right in their actions. However, as professionals we must always maintain our composure by allowing them to vent and then by explaining the circumstances rather than trying to talk over them and suggesting they bring a spouse to deal with the situation instead, as you have done.[9] PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT RATING: Satisfactory Mr. Green, you have a solid educational foundation and you have taken the initiative to enroll in PAR training to aid you in better understanding the payroll attendance record. You are currently involved in the recreation modular training. However, being new to the department it is extremely important that you make a concentrated effort to enroll in trainings in the following areas[:] time management and dealing with conflict in the workplace, progressive discipline and a host of other trainings relative to your professional development. You need to encourage your subordinate staff to enroll in training to improve their knowledge and skills. PLANNING AND ORGANIZING RATING: Needs Improvement Mr. Green, during your first six months in the department you have not taken the initiative to plan, organize or implement any special events, activities or sporting events.[10] You have not shown any creativity or enthusiasm. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS RATING: Needs Improvement Mr. Green, your relationship with your subordinate staff has been less than cohesive. There have been instances of verbal conflict and derision between you and Mr. Morgan and Ms. Johnson,[11] a seasonal employee[,][12] and several parents of patrons that you were not able to resolve satisfactorily as the leader. Although we have discussed strategies on how you can improve in this area improvement is still needed to foster the teamwork ethic at West Little River Park. You have not made an effort to understand[] how the chain of command works. It is very important that you understand your first point of contact is your Service Area Manager. If we cannot resolve the situation at my level and if you're not satisfied with the resolution, you can then request a meeting with the next level in the chain of command. COMMUNICATIONS RATING: Unsatisfactory Mr. Green, your very limited knowledge of the computer has been a hindrance for you as a Park & Recreation Manager 1. It is very important for you to have a basic working knowledge of the computer. The computer is an essential tool that is used everyday. Our reliance on them is an ever increasing fact. Mr. Green, you are not taking the initiative to learn what you need to know in order to function in your capacity as a manager. During our regional staff meetings you are not attentive and you do not take notes, yet you come back to me with questions that were covered during the staff meetings.[13] I have been supportive by consistently aiding you with your assignments. However, in many instances you have not comprehended the information well and have looked to me for more than just support. You are now faced with spreading your part- time budget and coming up with goals and objectives. You have missed every deadline given. ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE RATING: Needs Improvement Mr. Green, an improvement is needed in the area. You have been encouraged to avail yourself of all the resources available to educate yourself on the subject of the department's policies and procedures via the use of our various manuals and through counsel with your supervisors and peers. However, you have been challenged in your role as a leader in applying them in the daily operations of the park and rapport with your staff and patrons. ADDITIONAL FACTORS RATING: Not Applicable RATER'S OVERALL EVALUATION: Unsatisfactory Is employee eligible for merit increase? Deferred. Re-evaluate in 1 1/2 months/ Is employee eligible for permanent status? N/A IN WHAT WAYS CAN OR MUST THE EMPLOYEE IMPROVE PERFORMANCE? Mr. Green, to improve your overall performance, concentrate on the following: Increase participant registration/ attendance in the Sports Development Program which has declined under your supervision. Demonstrate more leadership before subordinate staff. Enroll in department management courses. They will help in your professional growth. Enroll for "Service Excellence" training to enhance you customer service skills with patrons. Plan, organize and market at least 2 annual special events at West Little River Park. Enroll [in] computer courses to be more proficient in the use of the personal computer. Follow the chain of command as mandated by our Regional Manager and your immediate supervisor. You will be re-evaluated in the next 1 1/2 months. If there has been no substantial improvement stronger measures will be made. Petitioner prepared a written rebuttal to his November 17, 2006, evaluation, which he provided to Ms. Ham and Ms. Gibson on or about November 27, 2006. It read as follows: SECTION 2: DECISION MAKING AND JUDGMENT: RATING: NEEDS IMPROVEMENT In the subject of decision-making and judgment, I received a rating of need[s] improvement. I totally feel that this rating is unfair because of one incident that happened in a six-month period. However, the situation with the parent being treated unprofessionally is completely wrong. The parent made the statement to me of having her husband deal with the issue rather than herself. I simply responded, "If you feel that this is necessary for your spouse to speak with me rather than you, then I have no problem with it. I will be here in my office whenever he ha[s] time to speak with me." The entire ordeal was handled totally in a professional manner. SECTION 4: PLANNING AND ORGANIZING: RATING: NEEDS IMPROVEMENT In the area of planning and organizing, I received a rating of need[s] improvement, which I feel is totally unfair and incorrect. During the entire six month[] period, I never once received a memo or any corresponden[ce] to the effect that my planning and organizing skills was not up to par.[14] When I received this position on March 21st, 2006, I was given a brief overview pre-training of my duties and responsibilities i.e., administrative paper work, sports development participation, seasonal camp programming, after school daily programming and maintenance responsibilities. Special events were never mentioned. My facility participated in spring break and summer camps in which we increase[d] the numbers a great deal from past history. We also participated in every sport development cycle. According to the directions I was given, I felt as if I was totally within my responsibilities. Now to receive an impromptu surprise that I am not on task is not only incorrect but also absolutely unprofessional. SECTION 5: INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: RATING: NEEDS IMPROVEMENT I feel that this rating, needs improvement, is unfair and incorrect. During my first six months, I've had two situations with parents that are sisters, which was a misunderstanding about the kids coming into the facility unsupervised. After explaining the danger of that to the parents, they both agreed with me. The second situation had already been explained in section 2 when a parent felt she would like for her husband to address the issue rather than herself. At that time the situation was resolved without further discussion. The issues that I had with Mr. Morgan, I feel personally w[ere] created by Mrs. Ham by allowing him to break the chain of command by calling you without discussing anything with me first was wrong. When I give Mr. Morgan an assignment that he does not like, he feels that he could call you to change it. Must I remind you that Ms. Gibson warned you about this behavior during summer camp. Ms. Gibson also stated to you, "Rhonda, this is wrong! You wouldn't want Mr. Green to do this to you with me." This is not the support I expected from my immediate supervisor. I feel sabotaged, betrayed and set up for failure. In my evaluation, you mentioned me breaking the chain of command and asked me to call my immediate supervisor about any issue before contacting the regional manager. If I remained unsatisfied, what did I violate if you were contacted twice, you were told that I was unhappy with your answer and I needed immediate attention? This would mean that I followed the chain of command to the letter. SECTION 6: COMMUNICATIONS: RATING: UNSATISFACTORY The rating that I received in section 6 communication: Unsatisfactory, I feel that it is unfair and incorrect. I have basic knowledge of the computer and can perform all of my duties as a Park and Recreation Manager 1. During our regional staff meetings, I did not always take written notes because at times I recorded the meetings. However, I feel my immediate supervisor should be someone I can go to for clarity which is not outside of her responsibilities. On top of this, I was faced with spreading a part-time budget in this department for the very first time and was left hanging out to dry by Mrs. Ham. I received very little directions and had to look toward other colleagues for help. Mrs. Ham set meeting dates when I asked for help and never met them. When she finally did show, she took the work that I had already done and said, "I'll handle it from this point." Mrs. Ham may have her method of assisting her staff but I feel the more hands on involvement I have with the new work and assignments will make me effective in learning the process and being more self- sufficient with the budget assignments as well as other paper work. However, I received no correspondence or memos of any type reflecting how off the mark I was in the area of communication during the entire six months. As a matter of fact, I felt the communication between Mrs. Ham and I was great. It was so great that I had no problem doing financial favors for her when she needed it. Now for everything to turn so bad so fast, I have no choice but to feel it is retaliation [for] the call made to Ms. Gibson on the day my daughter was an hour and a half late being picked up from her school which was supposed to be done by one of Mrs. Ham's staff workers which I had to do myself because of the number of calls I received from her school. This is pertaining to the issue of the broken chain of command. SECTION 7: ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURE: RATING: NEEDS IMPROVEMENT I received a rating of need[s] improvement, which I feel it is only natural that a new employee to need improvement in this area if it is based on the knowledge of the manual instead of knowing where to go in the manual to retrieve the information. However, I will continue to read through my operation manual and my personal handbook in my sp[are] and down time. Overall, I feel this evaluation was a personal attack for some personal reason, i.e. contacting Ms. Gibson after trying to resolve the issue with Mrs. Ham to no satisfaction. This is when I first found out I was doing such a poor job as a manager and feel th[ere] will be more retaliation. While Petitioner's written rebuttal contained various accusations against Ms. Ham of supervisory wrongdoing, it was devoid of any allegation that Ms. Ham had subjected Petitioner to any type of sexual harassment.15 On November 30, 2006, after it had been brought to her attention that Petitioner was having his subordinates complete for him written assignments that Petitioner was supposed to be doing himself for a Department-sponsored management training class he was taking, Ms. Ham sent the following memorandum to Petitioner: I was informed by your PSA Jerome Jamison that you have been delegating your Recreation Module Training assignments to him and PSA Tremaine Morgan to complete. If this is correct, please stop this immediately. The training series that you have been recommended to participate [in] requires you to complete these assignments. These exercises [are] a part of your development and training as a manager. On December 5, 2006, Ms. Ham sent another memorandum to Petitioner. This memorandum was about an incident that had occurred the previous day. It read as follows: On Monday, December 4, at approximately 2:18 p.m. you called to let me know that the key for the West Little River Park's van was misplaced and that you could not find the key. I asked you why you were just now reporting this when your driver is scheduled to be at your first scheduled pickup point at 2:00 p.m. You began to yell in a loud voice at me, "You were the one that told me to schedule my driver to report at 2 p.m." I responded that you needed to lower your voice and that you were being insubordinate and that this is my last warning. Your statement was untrue as well. I directed you to schedule your staff to report at least one half hour prior to the first pick up anticipating travel time and to inspect the van. This is not the first instance of offensive conduct to me and I am aware that you acted similarly toward our Region Manager. I have discussed your conduct with you before. Mr. Green, there must be an immediate and sustained improvement in your performance or more serious disciplinary action will result. I need the Unusual Incident Report detailing the details on the missing van keys today. On December 5, 2006, in response to the November 30, 2006, and December 5, 2006, memoranda he had received from Ms. Ham, Petitioner sent a memorandum of his own to Ms. Ham. He provided a copy of this memorandum to Ms. Gibson. The memorandum read as follows: Ms. Ham, pertaining to the memo I received on Nov. 30, 2006, stating you were told by Mr. Jamison that I was delegating my module training to him and Mr. Morgan. That alleged statement you claimed Mr. Jamison made after speaking with Mr. Jamison, he stated that it was not true. Mr. Jamison stated that he was only inquiring more about the module. Now, let me tell you what really happened. What I simply did was shared the information that was in the module training with my staff because of their daily hands on with the participants. I felt as the Park Manager that I was well within my rights to discuss the information with my staff and ask for feedback w[hether] it was verbal or written. The reason I did this was because the questions in the training w[ere] not only rel[evant] to me but to them as well because of their dealings with the participants on a daily basis. When I told them why I was doing this, they both agreed. Mr. Jamison and Mr. Morgan also told me that the few questions they went over [were] not only intriguing but also very helpful in dealing with some of the issues they encounter with some of the participants. By the way Mrs. Ham, I was told in a discussion with Mr. Jamison that the question about the module was asked three weeks ago prior to [the] Nov 30, 2006 memo I received from you. My question to you is why give me a memo pertaining to this now. Pertaining to the memo I received today on my alleged conduct on December 4, 2006 is not only unfair but also untrue that I was yelling at you when I called about the missing key. I deplore that statement. What is true that I did do the right thing by notifying and informing you about the missing key. What is also true is that contrary to popular opinion, you were the one that became angry with me because I was asking you what else could I do in terms of getting my after school participants picked up. I also asked you should I go in my personal van to make sure that they were all picked up in a timely manner. You then started . . . yelling at me in sequence, "when did you first notice that the key was missing, Mr. Jamison must be just getting to work, what time do[es] he come in and why is he coming in at 2 p.m. when he has a 2 o'clock pick-up.["] I simply stated to you that "you were the one that made me change his scheduled time to come in from 1 o'clock to 1:30 p.m. to now 2:00 p.m." which was all I said in return with my regular tone of voice. Then you replied "you better watch [your] tone of voice with me. This is your last warning about that tone of voice." When in fact, you were the one that was doing all of the yelling and I have a witness to prove it. As I stated in my rebuttal to my regretful performance evaluation which came a week later after my call to our Regional Manager when I was doing so well before then. "I feel that th[ere] will be more retaliation to come" and it is now clear that I was right. You are doing just that because of my phone call to our Regional Manger about my daughter being an hour and a half late picked up by one of [your] subordinates which I had to do myself. In his memorandum, Petitioner alleged retaliation only for his having complained to Ms. Gibson about Ms. Ham's not having picked up his daughter on time. He made no allegations of sexual harassment. On December 5, 2006, Petitioner attended a Department- sponsored training class, the title of which was "How to Maintain a Harassment Free Work Environment." The class was lead by Beatriz Lee, the Department's Human Resources Manager and its Affirmative Action Officer. In her introductory remarks, Ms. Lee told the class "what [her] role [was with] the [D]epartment." The class lasted approximately three hours, during which Ms. Lee discussed, among other things, the County's Unlawful Harassment Policy, including how to file an unlawful harassment complaint. After the class ended Petitioner walked up to Ms. Lee and indicated that he wanted to talk to her. Ms. Lee took Petitioner into her office so that they could converse in private. Petitioner told Ms. Lee that he was "having problems with his supervisor," Ms. Ham, and then showed Ms. Lee the November 17, 2006, evaluation he had received. Ms. Lee asked Petitioner why he thought these "problems" existed. Petitioner replied that he and Ms. Ham were "tight" and were "good friends" and that he "didn't understand why [Ms. Ham] was being so demanding with him, because he had even helped her out financially." During their conversation, Petitioner told Ms. Lee about Ms. Gibson's having asked him and Ms. Ham if they had "crossed the line." Ms. Lee then inquired why Ms. Gibson would ask such a question. Petitioner responded, "I guess because we were so close. Because we-–you've got to understand me and Rhonda [Ham] are very tight . . . ." Petitioner crossed his middle finger over his index finger to show Ms. Lee how "tight" he and Ms. Ham were. At no time during his talk with Ms. Lee did Petitioner claim he had been sexually harassed by Ms. Ham. On Thursday, December 14, 2006, less than one and a half months after receiving his first Management Performance Evaluation, Petitioner received his second (and last) Management Performance Evaluation. This December 14, 2006, evaluation was prepared by Ms. Ham (who signed the evaluation as the "rater"). Ms. Gibson was on vacation, so Bobby Johnson signed the evaluation as the "reviewer" in her stead. Ms. Gibson, however, "concur[ed] with the statements contained in this performance evaluation" and had already decided that Petitioner's "probation [would] be failed." The evaluation contained the following narrative: ACHIEVEMENT OF OBJECTIVES: RATING: Satisfactory Mr. Green, the sports development program registration increased by 4, however you need to continue this effort by better utilizing your present staff and by developing a recruitment strategy. DECISION MAKING AND JUDGMENT: RATING: Needs Improvement Mr. Green, your continued effort is still needed for your improvement in this area. Please follow the recommendations given to you in your last performance evaluation. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT RATING: Unsatisfactory Mr. Green, you completed the recreation module training, although I had to advise you that you are not allowed to delegate any of the related assignments to your subordinate staff.[16] You have enrolled for department training as I recommended. Remember, you need to encourage your subordinate staff to enroll in training likewise to improve their knowledge and skills. Your effort to recruit satisfactory seasonal and year round part-time staff has been a challenge for you. I recommended that you visit the local colleges for satisfactory applicants, however, thus far you have resisted my suggestions.[17] PLANNING AND ORGANIZING RATING: Unsatisfactory Mr. Green, there have no special events, activities or sporting events implemented by you for West Little River Park or as a regional event. On December 6 during the trial budget reviews with the Region Manager it was noted that you had set a goal of forming a basketball league to operate from January-May 2007. However in your planning you failed to include adequate time for publicizing the event in the community. You should have routed all your budget related items through your Service Area Manager. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS RATING: Unsatisfactory Mr. Green, improvement is still needed to foster teamwork at West Little River Park. During this rating period you were verbally reprimanded for your unprofessional conduct when speaking to me and our Region Manager, during presentation of your 6 month performance evaluation for a merit increase, during a phone conversation with me about a missing van key and during a phone conversation with Ms. Gibson. You have also reacted defensively when receiving constructive criticism from your supervisor. COMMUNICATIONS RATING: Unsatisfactory Mr. Green, use of the computer and related programs has been a challenge for you. Your registration paper work was not organized as I had directed and as a result the input of West Little [River Park] Program registrants into the CITRIX system has not been completed.[18] As I stated in your earlier evaluation, the computer is an essential tool and our reliance on them is an ever increasing fact. ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND PROCEDURE RATING: Satisfactory Mr. Green, I encourage you to avail yourself of all the resources available to educate yourself on the subject of the department's policies and procedures via the use of our various manuals and through counsel with your supervisors and peers. ADDITIONAL FACTORS RATING: Not Applicable RATER'S OVERALL EVALUATION: Unsatisfactory Is employee eligible for merit increase? Deferred. Not Granted. Is employee eligible for permanent status? Not Granted. Because she considered Petitioner to be a "substandard employee" who had performed poorly during his probationary period (and for this reason alone), Ms. Gibson decided to "fail [Petitioner's] probation" and terminate his employment with the County. Ms. Gibson's decision was based on: (1) Ms. Ham's evaluation of Petitioner's performance; (2) information provided to Ms. Gibson by other employees about Petitioner's performance19; and (3) Ms. Gibson's "independent observations of [Petitioner's] performance." On the evening of December 14, 2006, after having been presented with his second Management Performance Evaluation, Petitioner was advised that he was being terminated. Later that evening, Petitioner telephoned a friend of his, Jennifer Williams. (Ms. Williams taught reading to Petitioner's daughter DK and to the other children in the Children's Trust-funded after-school program at Arcola Park.) Petitioner began his conversation with Ms. Williams by telling her, "That bitch fired me," referring to Ms. Ham. He then asked if he could come by Ms. Williams' home. Ms. Williams told him that he could. Petitioner arrived at Ms. Williams' home shortly thereafter, and Ms. Williams invited him in. They went to the den, sat down, and talked. Petitioner again explained to Ms. Williams that "Ms. Ham had terminated him." He then told Ms. Williams that Ms. Ham had been "harassing him sexually." When Ms. Williams heard this she "just started laughing." Having seen Petitioner and Ms. Ham and "their interactions," she "could not believe" that Ms. Ham had sexually harassed Petitioner. Petitioner then asked Ms. Williams "to help him type up a letter" (on Ms. Williams' computer) describing "exactly what [had] happened between [Petitioner] and Ms. Ham." Ms. Williams agreed to provide such help. Following Petitioner's directions, Ms. Williams typed a letter addressed to Ms. Gibson, which read as follows: Subject: Wrongful Conduct from Immediate Supervisor This letter is in reference to the meeting that took place yesterday on December 7, 2006 around 3:00 p.m. at the region office.[20] You stated to me that you have a problem with me not being truthful about things that have happened between Mrs. Ham and I. As I indicated to you "yes, you are right! I have not told you everything that has happened." I feared that if I had told you Ms. Gibson about the constant request for money as well as the constant request for sexual favors that I would be terminated. Mrs. Ham has explained to me on several occasions that I can be terminated anytime she felt like it and it would be nothing I could do about it, each time before financial and sexual favors were requested. Mrs. Ham and I have been sexually involved over 10 times. These sexual acts have taken place at West Little River and Arcola Park. Also, at times when Mrs. Ham has told me to take her [to] lunch she has then pulled into a nearby motel and again requested sexual favors. Many times I wanted to tell you about these issues between Mrs. Ham and me, however, I feared for my job and I wanted to pass probation so that I could then start denying Mrs. Ham of these favors. Sincerely Damacio Green Petitioner asked Ms. Williams to "backdate the letter" to December 8, 2006, and Ms. Williams complied. The following day, Friday, December 15, 2006, Petitioner (or someone acting on his behalf) went to the Region 2 office to return his Department uniforms and, while there, surreptitiously placed in Ms. Gibson's desk an envelope containing the backdated "Wrongful Conduct from Immediate Supervisor" letter Jennifer Williams had typed the evening before. Ms. Gibson was not in the office that day, and her administrative secretary, Debbie Williams,21 was on break when the envelope was placed in Ms. Gibson's desk. Later that day, Petitioner telephoned Ms. Lee, complaining that Ms. Ham had sexually harassed him and had "fired" him because he had refused to "put up with it any more." Ms. Lee asked Petitioner why he had not said anything to her previously about Ms. Ham's sexually harassing him. Petitioner responded that he "had been afraid" and thought he might "lose [his] job." During his conversation with Ms. Lee, Petitioner falsely told her that, prior to his termination, he had "provided a letter to Ms. Gibson telling her that [Ms. Ham] had been forcing him to engage in sex." Ms. Lee asked Petitioner to send her a copy of that letter. At approximately 3:00 p.m. on December 15, 2006, Petitioner faxed to Ms. Lee a copy of the backdated "Wrongful Conduct from Immediate Supervisor" letter that Jennifer Williams had typed for Petitioner the evening of December 14, 2006. Ms. Lee showed the letter to her supervisor, Yolanda Johns, who subsequently telephoned Ms. Gibson to inquire about the matter. Ms. Gibson informed Ms. Johns that she did not know anything about a "Wrongful Conduct from Immediate Supervisor" letter addressed to her from Petitioner. Ms. Johns then faxed a copy of the letter to Ms. Gibson, who was at Martin Luther King Park attending a Christmas party. After reviewing the letter, Ms. Gibson confirmed that she had never seen it before. On Monday, December 18, 2006, Ms. Gibson (who was on leave) came by her office and discovered the letter inside an envelope in her desk drawer (where it had been placed on December 15, 2006, the day after Petitioner's termination). Ms. Lee conducted an investigation of Petitioner's allegations of sexual harassment. As part of her investigation, she interviewed Petitioner and numerous other individuals. Based on the information she obtained, Ms. Lee determined (correctly, as it turns out) "that Mr. Green and Mrs. Ham not only engaged in a consensual sexual relationship, but . . . Mr. Green was persistent in pursuing Mrs. Ham to engage in such activity." Consequently, Ms. Lee concluded that Petitioner's allegations of sexual harassment were unfounded. Ms. Lee issued her investigative report in February 2007. In her report, Ms. Lee recommended that Ms. Ham be suspended 30 days without pay for her "lack of judgment in succumbing to the pursuit of a subordinate." By letter dated March 15, 2007, Ms. Ham was given "formal notification" that she was being "suspended without pay for four (4) weeks to be served beginning Monday, April 9, 2007 through Sunday May 6, 2007," for having "engaged in a consensual sexual relationship with a subordinate employee, Mr. Damacio Green, former Park and Recreation Manager 1, which affected [her] ability to properly supervise this employee."

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations issue a final order finding the County not guilty of the unlawful employment practices alleged by Petitioner and dismissing Petitioner's employment discrimination complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of May, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of May, 2009.

USC (2) 29 U.S.C 62342 U.S.C 2000 CFR (1) 29 CFR 1601.70 Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.57509.092760.01760.02760.10760.1195.051
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