The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether Emmanuel Hooks, a minor, suffered an injury for which compensation should be awarded under the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan.
Findings Of Fact Fundamental findings Petitioner, Brianna Denise Davidson, is the mother and natural guardian of Emmanuel Hooks, a minor. Emmanuel was born a live infant on July 26, 1999, at Gulf Coast Medical Center, a hospital located in Panama City, Florida, and his birth weight exceeded 2,500 grams. The physician providing obstetrical services at Emmanuel's birth was Steven G. Smith, M.D., who, at all times material hereto, was a "participating physician" in the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan, as defined by Section 766.302(7), Florida Statutes. Emmanuel's birth At or about 9:10 p.m., July 25, 1999, Ms. Davidson (with an estimated date of delivery of July 26, 1999, and the fetus at 40 weeks gestation) presented to Gulf Coast Medical Center in labor. Initial vaginal examination revealed the cervix at 2-3 centimeters dilation, effacement as "thin," and the fetus at station -3. External fetal monitoring revealed a reassuring fetal heart rate (of 140-150 beats per minute), with accelerations. Ms. Davidson was continually monitored, and at 11:00 p.m., she was admitted to labor and delivery. At the time, uterine contractions were noted at 3-5 minute intervals, and vaginal examination revealed the cervix at 3 centimeters, effacement at 90 percent, and the fetus at station -3. Ms. Davidson's labor apparently did not progress, and at 2:49 a.m., July 26, 1999, she was started on Pitocin. Thereafter, Ms. Davidson's labor progressed slowly, and at 6:45 a.m., vaginal examination revealed the cervix at 5 centimeters, effacement at 90 percent, and the fetus at station -1. In the interim, external fetal monitoring continued to reveal a reassuring fetal heart rate. Ms. Davidson's labor continued to slowly progress, and by 9:00 a.m., vaginal examination revealed the cervix at 8 centimeters, effacement at 100 percent, and the fetus at station -1. In the interim, at 8:48 a.m., Ms. Davidson's membranes spontaneously ruptured, with clear fluid noted. Thereafter, variable decelerations were noted with each contraction, consistent with umbilical cord compression, and fetal heart base line remained reassuring (in the 140-beat minute range). From 9:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., Ms. Davidson's labor failed to progress (with the cervix at 8 centimeters, effacement at 100 percent, and the fetus at station -1), and at 11:45 a.m., Ms. Davidson was transported to the operating room for delivery by caesarean section. Notably, between 9:00 a.m., and 11:45 a.m., while variable decelerations continued, the fetal heart rate base line remained in the 140-beat per minute range, and fetal electrode revealed the presence of short term variability. According to the records, Ms. Davidson was in the operating room at 11:45 a.m., anesthesia started at 11:45 a.m., surgery started at 12:32 p.m., and Emmanuel was delivered at 12:35 p.m. Of note, the "nucal cord x 1" observed during delivery was described as "loose," and fetal heart monitoring in the operating room and immediately prior to the caesarean section revealed a reassuring fetal heart rate. On delivery, Emmanuel was bulb-suctioned, but did not require resuscitation. Initial newborn assessment noted no apparent abnormalities, and Apgar scores were recorded as 8 at one minute and 9 at 5 minutes. The Apgar scores assigned to Emmanuel are a numeric expression of the condition of a newborn infant, and reflect the sum points gained on assessment of heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex response, and color, with each category being assigned a score ranging from the lowest score of 0 through maximum score of 2. As noted, at one minute, Emmanuel's Apgar score totaled 8, with heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, and reflect response being graded at 2 each, and color being graded a 0. At five minutes, Emmanuel's Apgar score totaled 9, with heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, and reflex response again graded at 2 each, and color now graded at 1. Such scores are considered normal, and inconsistent with recent hypoxic insult or trauma. Following the initial newborn assessment, Emmanuel was transported to the regular nursery, where he remained until he was discharged with his mother on July 29, 1999. Notably, the newborn nursery admission assessment was grossly normal, and there is no evidence of any complication during Emmanuel's stay. Emmanuel's subsequent development On December 10, 2001, following the filing of the subject claim, Emmanuel was examined by Dr. Michael Duchowny, a physician board-certified in pediatrics, neurology with special competence in child neurology, electroencephalography, and clinical neurophysiology. Dr. Duchowny reported the results of his neurology evaluation, as well as the history he obtained from the parents, as follows: HISTORY ACCORDING TO MR. AND MRS. HOOKS: Emmanuel is a 2 1/2 year old boy who the parents indicated suffers from cerebral palsy and brain injury. They began by explaining that Emmanuel suffered brain injury at birth due to a cord being wrapped around his neck. He was delivered by emergency caesarean section. They noted that Emmanuel's MRI has shown periventricular leukomalacia and furnished a copy of the MRI report. Emmanuel's growth and developmental milestones have been slow. He did not rollover until 9 months, nor did he sit until a year of age. He stood at 14 months, walked at 18 months and said his first word at age 2. He now has a lexicon of only one word ("ma-ma"). Emmanuel is not toilet trained. He is described as being extremely active. He does not sit still at anytime during the day and it is difficult to examine him or provide therapy. He attends a wellness center where he receives physical, speech and occupational therapy on a twice weekly basis. Communication is a particular problem area for him. Emmanuel's appetite has also been diminished and he is now "only starting to eat". His mother indicated that Emmanuel suffers from "low muscle tone" and that he drools frequently. She also mentioned that he wakes up frequently at night and is just beginning to sleep more consistently. Emmanuel does not play with other children at school. His activity level and intrusiveness have precluded meaningful peer interactions. The parents are aware that his eye contact is poor. The parents stated that Emmanuel "had seizures", but then went on to explain that 2 EEG's were normal and he was never placed on medication. The events were described as "getting into a trance". He has not had motor convulsions. FAMILY HISTORY: Both parents are healthy. A 4 year brother had no medical problems and there are no family members with degenerative illnesses, mental retardation or cerebral palsy. Emmanuel was born at Gulf Coast Medical after a 39 week gestation. He weighed 8-pounds, 9- ounces at birth and breathed well. He was discharged from the nursery at 3 days of age. Emmanuel is fully immunized, has no significant drug allergies and never been hospitalized or undergone surgery. His vision and hearing are said to be excellent. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION reveals an alert, but extremely active and well developed 2 1/2 year old toddler. Emmanuel weighs 39-pounds. His head circumference measures 50.2 cm and there are no cranial or facial anomalies or asymmetries. Emmanuel's neck is supple without masses, thyromegaly or adenopathy. The cardiovascular, respiratory and abdominal examinations are normal. Emmanuel's NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION is difficult to complete, as he is constantly in motion. The physical examination requires restraint from his father, as he continually tries to touch things and pull items off the desktop and shelves. Emanuel has very poor eye contact and did not communicate in words at anytime during the session. It was difficult for him to follow commands as well, as his attention span constantly shifted. He drooled intermittently. The tongue movements are poorly coordinated. Cranial nerve examination reveals full visual fields to direct confrontation testing. There is blink to threat from either direction. I could not perform a fundoscopic examination. There are no facial asymmetries. Motor examination reveals mild generalized hypotonia with full range of motion. There are no adventitious movements, aside from the high activity level and no evidence of focal weakness or atrophy. Emmanuel's gait is stable, but slightly wide- based and he has generalized hypotonia. The deep tendon reflexes are 2+ bilaterally and plantar responses are in flexion. There is withdrawal of all extremities to touch. Neurovascular examination reveals no cervical, cranial or ocular bruits and no temperature or pulse asymmetries. Cerebellar testing could not be completed due to poor cooperation. In SUMMARY, Emmanuel's neurologic examination is significant for multiple areas of developmental delay. He is extremely overactive and inattentive, and has a significant behavior and communication problem. He additionally demonstrates poor eye contact and has a significant social disability. There are no specific focal or lateralizing findings to suggest a structural brain lesion. The findings on Emmanuel's neurologic examination suggests a diagnosis of a pervasive developmental disorder. Emmanuel fits within the autistic spectrum and this was communicated to the family . . . . The cause and timing of Emmanuel's neurological impairment To address the issue of whether Emmanuel's impairments were associated with an "injury to the brain or spinal cord . . . caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury occurring in the course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate post-delivery period in a hospital," as required for coverage under the Plan, Petitioner offered selected medical records relating to Ms. Davidson's antepartum course, as well as those associated with Emmanuel's birth and subsequent development. Additionally, Emmanuel's parents testified on their own behalf, and Respondent offered the deposition testimony of Dr. Duchowny, whose qualifications were previously noted, and the deposition testimony of Dr. Donald Willis, a physician board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as maternal-fetal medicine. As for the cause and timing of Emmanuel's impairments, it was Dr. Duchowny's opinion, based on the results of his neurology evaluation and review of the medical records, that Emmanuel's impairments are not related to perinatal asphyxia or trauma. More particularly, Dr. Duchowny expressed his views, as follows: Q. Based on your review of the records and your evaluation of Emmanuel Hooks, can you give us an overview of his condition? A. Yes. I thought that Emmanuel's neurologic examination revealed evidence of developmental neurologic impairment. He was hyperactive and had an attention deficit disorder and additionally had significant behavior, social and communication problems. All of this suggested he had developmental problems in multiple areas, consistent with a diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder. Many of the children with pervasive developmental disorder go on to develop childhood autism as they get older. * * * Q. In this particular case, do you believe that Emmanuel's condition was acquired during the course of labor-delivery in the immediate post-delivery period? A. No, I do not. Q. What is the basis for that opinion? A. The basis for my opinion is that autism is a developmental disorder which results from unknown factors operating in utero prior to the onset of labor and delivery and is not a recognized complication of birth asphysia or birth trauma. Q. I take it your opinion is that Emmanuel Hooks did not acquire whatever neurological deficits he had as a result of any oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury occurring during labor-delivery or the immediate post- delivery period? A. That's correct. Q. In fact, was there any evidence in the medical records of any oxygen deprivation that occurred during the course of labor- delivery or resuscitation during the immediate post-delivery period? A. No. Q. Was there any evidence of mechanical injury occurring during the course of labor- delivery or the immediate post-delivery resuscitative period? A. No, there was not? Q. In your opinion, were Emmanuel's problems acquired prior to the course of labor- delivery? A. Yes. As for Dr. Willis, he was also of the opinion that the medical records revealed no evidence of oxygen deprivation or other trauma associated with Emmanuel's birth. The medical records, as well as the testimony of the physicians and the parents, have been carefully considered. So considered, it must be concluded that the proof failed to demonstrate that any impairment Emmanuel suffers was occasioned by an injury to the brain or spinal cord injury caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury occurring in the course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate post-delivery period.
Findings Of Fact Uzziah Walker was born on November 23, 2012, at Sacred Heart Hospital located in Pensacola, Florida. Uzziah weighed in excess of 2,500 grams at birth. Donald Willis, M.D. (Dr. Willis), was requested by NICA to review the medical records for Uzziah. In an affidavit dated May 24, 2015, Dr. Willis described his findings in pertinent part as follows: In summary, there was no apparent fetal distress during labor. Spontaneous vaginal delivery resulted in a large subgaleal hemorrhage with blood loss and poor perfusion. The baby was not hypoxic at birth. Cord blood gas was normal (pH 7.25). However, blood loss from the scalp hemorrhage and poor perfusion resulted in intraventricular hemorrhage during the immediate post delivery period. There was an apparent obstetrical event that resulted in scalp hemorrhage and poor perfusion with loss of oxygen to the baby’s brain during the immediate post delivery period. The poor perfusion resulted in brain injury. I am unable to comment about the severity of the brain injury. NICA retained Michael Duchowny, M.D. (Dr. Duchowny), a pediatric neurologist, to examine Uzziah and to review his medical records. Dr. Duchowny examined Uzziah on March 11, 2015. In an affidavit dated May 29, 2015, Dr. Duchowny opined in pertinent part as follows: Review of medical records and imaging studies sent on February 4 and 6, 2015 was performed. They detail Uzziah’s birth at Baptist Hospital Health System in Pensacola with a forceps assisted delivery after a rapid decent. Uzziah evidenced tachycardia and some retractions at the time of delivery but his Apgar scores were 7 and 8. He was observed to have a subgaleal hematoma; a CT scan of the brain on November 23 revealed a large soft tissue hematoma and a small collection of subdural blood over the right cerebellar tent with a small amount of right ventricular hemorrhage. Of note, there was no cerebral edema or ventricular compression. No skull fractures were noted despite bilateral subgaleal hematomas. The neonatal course was otherwise uncomplicated. In summary, Uzziah’s neurological examination today reveals normal findings. He does not exhibit either mental or physical impairment and his overall development has caught up and is proceeding in an age appropriate fashion. I believe that Uzziah’s perinatal hematomas were resorbed without residual brain injury and his future prognosis is excellent. I explained to his family that Uzziah is doing very well and that his future is favorable from a prognostic standpoint. Given Uzziah’s normal neurological status today, I am not recommending compensation with the NICA program. A review of the file in this case reveals that there have been no opinions filed that are contrary to the opinion of Dr. Willis that there was an apparent obstetrical event that resulted in scalp hemorrhage and poor perfusion with loss of oxygen to the baby's brain during the immediate post-delivery period, and that the poor perfusion resulted in brain injury. Dr. Willis’ opinion is credited. There are no opinions filed that are contrary to Dr. Duchowny’s opinion that Uzziah’s overall development is proceeding in an age appropriate fashion and does not exhibit either mental or physical impairment. Dr. Duchowny’s opinion is credited.
Findings Of Fact Adam was born on June 11, 2018, at HealthPark Medical Center, in Fort Myers, Florida. Adam was a single gestation and his weight at birth exceeded 2500 grams. Obstetrical services were delivered by a participating physician, Jane A. Daniel, M.D., in the course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate post-delivery period in a hospital, HealthPark Medical Center. As set forth in greater detail below, the unrefuted evidence establishes that Adam did not sustain a “birth-related neurological injury,” as defined by section 766.302(2). Donald Willis, M.D., a board-certified obstetrician specializing in maternal-fetal medicine, was retained by Respondent to review the pertinent medical records of Ms. Johnson and Adam and opine as to whether Adam sustained an injury to his brain or spinal cord caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury that occurred during the course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate post-delivery period in a hospital. In his affidavit, dated December 11, 2020, Dr. Willis summarized his opinions as follows: In summary, an abnormal FHR pattern developed during labor and resulted in a depressed newborn. Cord blood pH was 6.9 with a base excess of -18.6. Seizures began shortly after birth. The newborn hospital course was complicated by multi-system organ failures, consistent with birth-related oxygen deprivation. MRI on DOL 4 was suggestive of HIE, but findings improved with follow-up MRI. There was an apparent obstetrical event that resulted in oxygen deprivation to the brain during labor, delivery and continuing into the immediate post-delivery period. The oxygen deprivation resulted [in] a potential for brain injury, but the follow-up normal MRI suggests that no actual brain injury occurred. Respondent also retained Michael S. Duchowny, M.D., a pediatric neurologist, to review the medical records of Ms. Johnson and Adam, and to conduct an Independent Medical Examination (IME) of Adam. The purpose of his review and IME was to determine whether Adam suffered from a permanent and substantial mental and physical impairment as a result of an injury to the brain or spinal cord caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury in the course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate post- delivery period. Dr. Duchowny reviewed the pertinent medical records and, on October 20, 2020, conducted the IME. In his affidavit, dated December 16, 2020, Dr. Duchowny summarized his opinions as follows: In summary, Adam’s evaluation reveals findings consistent with a substantial motor but not mental impairment. He evidences a spastic diplegia, but with relative preservation of motor milestones, and age-appropriate receptive and expressive communication. Adam additionally has a severe behavior disorder, and has a sleep disorder and attentional impairment. His seizures are in remission. Review of the medical records reveals that Adam was the product of a 40 week gestation and was delivered vaginally with Apgar scores of 3, 6, 7 and 6 at one, five and 10 minutes. Terminal meconium was noted at delivery. Adam initially required positive pressure ventilation until his respirations were subsequently managed with nasal CPAP. His cord gas pH was 6.917 with a base excess of – 18.6. Adam developed seizures in the NICU and was intubated on the first day of life for apnea. Multiple seizures were documented on video/EEG monitoring. He was oliguric on the first day of life and had elevated liver function studies. An elevated lactic acid level was noted and there was a borderline elevation of DIC parameters. Adam was enrolled in a body hypothermia protocol on the first day of life. His blood pressure was maintained with dopamine. A head ultrasound on June 11 at 22:23 (DOL#2) was unremarkable. A brain MR imaging study performed on June 15, (DOL#5) revealed multifocal areas of restricted diffusion. Follow-up brain MR imaging study on July 5th revealed near-complete resolution of the previously observed diffusion abnormalities. A third MR imaging study obtained one month ago confirms the resolution of the DWI findings noted on the first brain MR imaging study. In conclusion, Dr. Duchowny opined that Adam does not have a substantial mental impairment, and, therefore, did not recommend that Adam be considered for inclusion in the Plan. The undisputed findings and opinions of Drs. Willis and Duchowny are credited. The undersigned finds that Adam did not sustain an injury to the brain or spinal cord caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury occurring in the course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate post-delivery period in a hospital, which rendered him permanently and substantially mentally and physical impaired.
Findings Of Fact Dontae Bess, Jr., was born on July 21, 2011, at Lakeland Regional Medical Center in Lakeland, Florida. NICA retained Donald C. Willis, M.D. (Dr. Willis), to review Dontae’s medical records. In a medical report dated August 19, 2016, Dr. Willis made the following findings and expressed the following opinion: Spontaneous vaginal delivery was without difficulty. Birth weight was 3,220 grams. The baby was not depressed. Apgar scores were 9/9. No resuscitation was required at birth. The baby went to the normal newborn nursery and had an uncomplicated newborn hospital course with discharge on DOL 2. The child had developmental delays. MRI was done at 5 years of age and was “unremarkable.” In summary, pregnancy was induced for hypertension at term. There was no fetal distress during labor and the baby was not depressed at birth. The newborn hospital course was benign. MRI at 5 years of age did not suggest brain injury. There was no apparent obstetrical event that resulted in loss of oxygen or mechanical trauma to the baby’s brain or spinal cord during labor, delivery or the immediate post delivery period. Dr. Willis reaffirmed his opinion in an affidavit dated January 26, 2017. Dr. Willis’ opinion that there was no obstetrical event that resulted in loss of oxygen or mechanical trauma to the baby’s brain or spinal cord during labor, delivery or in the immediate post-delivery period is credited. Respondent retained Laufey Y. Sigurdardottir, M.D. (Dr. Sigurdardottir), a pediatric neurologist, to evaluate Dontae. Dr. Sigurdardottir reviewed Dontae’s medical records, and performed an independent medical examination on him on September 21, 2016. Dr. Sigurdardottir made the following findings and summarized her evaluation as follows: Summary: Dontae is a 5-year 2-month-old African-American male who is brought to the visit for an independent medical examination on his developmental delays. On review of his prenatal and birth history, I do not see any evidence of a likely hypoxic injury. He was born healthy and had no complications in the immediate postnatal period. He has then progressed to have mild gross motor delay and a quite significant language delay, although he is at this time in a regular education kindergarten. Neuroimaging did not show evidence of significant ischemic injury. Result as to question 1: The patient is found to have no substantial physical impairment, but to have a substantial language impairment at this time. Results as to question 2: There is no evidence in the medical record review of a substantial hypoxic event during labor or delivery, the infant had no signs of an encephalopathy in the immediate post natal period and no evidence of ischemic injury on neuroimaging. His language delay is not felt to be birth-related. Results as to question 3: Dontae’s prognosis for life expectancy is excellent and for full recovery is good. In light of the above-mentioned details and the lack of any evidence to suggest a birth related hypoxic injury, I do not recommend Dontae being included in the Neurologic Injury Compensation program, and I would be happy to answer additional questions. Dr. Sigurdardottir reaffirmed her opinions in an affidavit dated January 20, 2017. In order for a birth-related injury to be compensable under the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan (Plan), the injury must meet the definition of a birth- related neurological injury and the injury must have caused both permanent and substantial mental and physical impairment. Dr. Sigurdardottir’s opinion that while Dontae has a substantial language impairment, he has no substantial physical impairment, is credited. A review of the file in this case reveals that there have been no expert opinions filed that are contrary to the opinion of Dr. Sigurdardottir that Dontae does not have a substantial physical impairment.
The Issue Whether Ashley Villarreal has suffered an injury for which compensation should be awarded under the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan, as alleged in the claim for compensation.
Findings Of Fact Preliminary matters Ashley Villarreal (Ashley) is the natural daughter of Roy Villarreal and Carmen Luna. She was born a live infant on January 2, 1989, at Bethesda Memorial Hospital in Palm Beach County, Florida, and her birth weight was 3090 grams. The physician delivering obstetrical services during the birth of Ashley was Allen Dinnerstein, M.D., who was, at all times material hereto, a participating physician in the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan, as defined by Section 766.302(7), Florida Statutes. The birth of Ashley Villarreal At or about 4:15 p.m., January 2, 1989, Carmen Luna was admitted to Bethesda Memorial Hospital. At the time, Carmen Luna was in active labor, and Ashley was post term with a gestational age of 41 weeks. Otherwise, Carmen Luna's pregnancy had been without complication. External fetal monitoring was commenced at 4:50 p.m. and indicated that the fetal heart tone was sporadically within the 60 beat per minute level, with a slow return to baseline; a level sufficient to indicate occasional fetal bradycardia and fetal distress. 1/ This situation evidenced a need for surgical intervention, and at 5:20 p.m. Carmen Luna was taken to the operating room. Anesthesia commenced at 5:25 p.m., a cesarean section surgical procedure was commenced at 5:39 p.m., and Ashley was delivered at 5:44 p.m. The operative report reflects that the following occurred during the course of the procedure: . . . a transverse incision was made into the uterus releasing meconium stained fluid. The vertex was delivered and the baby suctioned with DeLee. A loop of cord over the neck was removed and the baby then delivered completely continually being suctioned as the cord was double clamped and severed and the infant given to the neonatologist for care . . . . The delivery records likewise reflect that Ashley had a blue appearance at delivery, the presence of meconium staining, and the following resuscitation measures: "Stimulation," "Bulb Suction," "DeLee Suction," "Mech Suction" and "Whiffs Oz." When delivered, Ashley presented Apgar scores of 6 at one minute and 8 at five minutes. These scores are a numerical expression of the condition of a newborn infant, and reflect the sum points gained on assessment of the heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color, with each category being assigned a score ranging from the lowest score of 0 through a maximum score of 2. As noted, at one minute, Ashley's Apgar score totaled 6, with respiratory effort and reflex irritability being graded at 2 each, heart rate and muscle tone being graded at 1 each, and color being graded at 0. At 5 minutes, Ashley's Apgar score totaled 8, with heart rate, respiratory effort and reflex irritability being graded at 2 each, and muscle tone and color at 1 each. Such total scores could be characterized by an obstetrician as "good." Pertinent to this case, color, heart rate and respiratory effort are primarily related to the cardiovascular system, and color is the least significant indicator of an infant's brain or neurological status at birth. The categories of reflex irritability and muscle tone are, however, neurological assessments, which offer the greatest insight into the neurological condition of an infant at birth. Ashley's Apgar scores relative to those categories which reflect neurological status at birth were collectively a total of 3 out of a possible 4 at both 1 and 5 minutes. Under the circumstances, Ashley's Apgar scores, either globally or discretely, fail to reflect a hypoxic event at birth. At 6:00 p.m., following delivery, Ashley was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit due to respiratory distress, possibly secondary to meconium aspiration. Ashley was accorded extra oxygen, via oxygen hood, for two days, and her meconium aspiration was successfully treated with antibiotics. During her admission, no clinical observations were noted that one would typically expect in a child undergoing hypoxic encephalopathy, and no neurological consult was ordered. 2/ On January 7, 1989, Ashley was discharged as an apparently well baby. Subsequent developments On July 29, 1989, Ashley was seen by M. Arenstein, D.O., for a "well baby visit," and no abnormalities were noted; however, on September 6, 1989, Ashley was again seen by Dr. Arenstein at which time the parents expressed their concern regarding Ashley "not sitting up, crawling, etc." Consequently, Dr. Arenstein referred Ashley for a pediatric consult with Jeffrey Perelman, M.D. Ashley was seen by Dr. Perelman on September 19, 1989, and he diagnosed her as developmentally delayed, and ultimately referred her to David Ross, M.D., for a neurological evaluation. Dr. Ross saw Ashley on July 2, 1990, and concluded: The patient has some mild facial dysmorphism with developmental delay in all fields associated with an abnormal neurologic exam with persistence of postural reflexes and hyperreflexia. The spectrum of findings is consistent with mental retardation of a mild to moderate degree probably due to cerebral palsy. 3/ Dr. Ross' ultimate diagnosis was mental retardation, and he recommended that Ashley have a full evaluation, including "an image of the brain either with CT scan or MRI (an EEG, torch titers, chromosome analysis)." Ashley was referred in August 1990, for a CT brain scan and an EEG. The CT scan is a neuroimaging study which can identify structural brain abnormalities occasioned by an hypoxic insult, as well as other causes. The EEG is a device used to detect abnormalities of the electrical currents of the brain such as seizure activity, which is often a manifestation of hypoxic insult at birth, and the death of neuronal cells. Here, both the CT scan and EEG were within normal limits. Ashley continued to be treated by Dr. Perelman through June 1991; however, on August 14, 1991, she came under the care of Miguel Simo, M.D., another pediatrician, because the parents were apparently dissatisfied with Dr. Perelman. Upon examination, Dr. Simo diagnosed Ashley as developmentally delayed, and referred her to Laszlo Mate', M.D., a physician practicing child neurology, for evaluation. Dr. Mate' examined Ashley on August 29, 1991, and observed: . . . a small, dysmorphic female in no apparent distress. Her head circumference is 47 cm which is in the 25th percentile. She doesn't have any neurocutaneous abnormalities. Her palmer creases are somewhat abnormal, but not of simian nature. Her fingers are slightly abnormal, extra long, and she seems to have a proximal displacement of both thumbs. Her ears are malformed with very small earlobes. The ears are somewhat posterior rotated and low set. Her eyes are almond shape but in view of her Indian heritage, that's probably normal. Both parents seem to have similar shaped eyes. The child has a somewhat prominent nose. The mouth is somewhat fishmouth in character and she has fairly shallow temporal area. She doesn't have any eyelashes on her lower eyelid. Dr. Mate's impression was: This is a markedly abnormal child with a developmental quotient in the 30's. She's currently is 30 months old and she functions around a 9-10 month level. She has multiple minor malformations which made the diagnosis of cerebral palsy somewhat unlikely. I suspect we are dealing with some prenatal etiology, either genetic or pregnancy related. 4/ Dr. Simo also referred Ashley for an MRI of the brain. An MRI, as with a CT scan, is a neuroimaging study which can identify structural abnormalities occasioned by hypoxic insult, as well as other causes. The MRI, performed September 20, 1991, was abnormal, evidencing "poor and decreased white matter myelinization extending to the frontal, occipital, and parietal cortex and decrease in white matter content in the centrum semiovale." Such damage could be reflective of birth asphyxia, developmental immaturity of the brain, or a myriad of other causes. Finally, Dr. Simo referred Ashley to Oscar Febles, M.D., a physician practicing genetics. Dr. Febles examined Ashley on November 1, 1991, and rendered a diagnosis of "psychomotor retardation of unknown etiology." Concluding, Dr. Febles observed: The clinical findings in this patient are not diagnostic of a particular genetic syndrome . . . In conclusion, this patient presents a clinical picture characterized by psychomotor retardation that cannot be diagnosed on the clinical findings and/or testing done. The fact that she presents diffuse demyelinization on the MRI would favor the diagnosis of cerebral palsy and/or a CNS degenerative disease. It is my recommendation that an MRI be repeated in approximately 6 months to see if the demyelinization process of the cortex previously seen is progressive or static. If found to be progressive it would indicate a CNS degenerative disease (e.g. leukodystrophies) and if static the diagnosis of cerebral palsy is most likely. In addition, it is also recommended . . . Genetic re-evaluation in 1 year. Whether, consistent with Dr. Febles' recommendation, an MRI was repeated or Ashley had a subsequent genetic re- evaluation does not appear of record. Notably, however, while Ashley was genetically tested and found to have a normal karyotype, such test does not rule out the preponderance of genetic disorders which manifest themselves in microscopic point mutations within a chromosome as opposed to total chromosomal malformation. The medical experts at hearing As to whether Ashley had sustained permanent and substantial mental and physical impairment as a result of an injury to her brain resulting from oxygen deprivation during the course of labor, delivery or resuscitation in the immediate post-delivery period, petitioners offered the testimony of Dr. David Ross, who, although a board certified neurologist, does not regularly treat neonates. Dr. Ross examined Ashley on July 2, 1990, and March 2, 1994. It was Dr. Ross' opinion that Ashley suffered a substantial and permanent mental and physical impairment as a consequence of oxygen deprivation during the course of labor and delivery. Compared with the opinion of Dr. Ross, the respondent offered the testimony of Dr. Michael Duchowny. Dr. Duchowny is a child neurologist who is board certified in pediatrics, neurology with special competence in child neurology and clinical neurophysiology. Dr. Duchowny is associated with the department of neurology at Miami Children's Hospital and routinely treats neonates suspected of having suffered a hypoxic event at birth. Dr. Duchowny examined Ashley on September 21, 1992, as well as observed her at hearing, and was familiar, as was Dr. Ross, with the pertinent medical records. It was Dr. Duchowny's opinion that Ashley was substantially and permanently mentally impaired, but that her physical impairment could best be described as mild to moderate. As to causation, it was Dr. Duchowny's opinion that the cause (etiology) of Ashley's mental and physical impairment (neurologic syndrome) was a developmental problem of in utero (prenatal) or genetic origin, and that any fetal distress she may have suffered at birth was not substantial and did not contribute to her condition. [Tr. 97] Here, I accept the testimony and opinion of Dr. Duchowny as being the more credible and substantial as to whether Ashley sustained a substantial and permanent mental and physical impairment, and the cause of such dysfunction. Dr. Duchowny's opinions are credible, supported by the observations of other physicians as heretofore noted, and are most consistent with conclusions to be drawn or inferences raised by the medical records received into evidence.