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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001862 Latest Update: Jan. 21, 1976

The Issue Respondent's alleged violation of Section 466.24(3)(a), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Dr. Albert Leo Vollmer is registered as a dentist with the Florida State Board of Dentistry, license no. 1437, and practices dentistry at Satellite Beach, Florida (Testimony of Mullins). On July 19, 1973, Allen M. Dingman made application to the Veterans Administration for medical benefits consisting of dental treatment (Petitioner's Exhibit 3). Authorization was given by the Veterans Administration for the requested treatment and Mr. Dingman sought the services of the Respondent. Respondent submitted a treatment plan to the Veterans Administration which was approved. Respondent thereafter provided dental services to Mr. Dingman and, in October, 1973, billed the Veterans Administration for the completed treatment. On October 18, 1973, payment in the amount of $503.00 was approved and paid to the Respondent by the Veterans Administration. This included payment for providing a 3/4 crown on tooth 20 in the amount of $115.00, a full gold crown on tooth 19 for $110.00, and a gold pontic on tooth number 18 for $90.00 (Petitioner's Exhibit 4). In April, 1974, Mr. Dingman visited Dr. Robert B. Downey, D.D.S., concerning a bridge which Respondent had provided him to replace the second molar (tooth number 18), which bridge Dingman had subsequently lost. He asked Dr. Downey what the cost would be to remedy his problem and informed him that the Veterans Administration had paid for the other work. Dr. Downey thereupon contacted the Veterans Administration concerning the prior treatment (Testimony of Dingman, Downey). Approximately a year later, Mr. Dingman was examined by Dr. Fred C. Nichols, D.D.S., of the Veterans Administration, who found that Dingman did not have gold crowns on teeth number 19 and 20, nor a gold pontic to replace tooth number 18. Mr. Dingman showed Dr. Nichols a cast metal frame work which had once been intended as a unilateral mandibular partial denture to replace tooth number 18 (Testimony of Nichols; Petitioner's Exhibit No. 5). The Veterans Administration, by letter of May 19, 1975, advised the Respondent that he would be billed for $315.00 representing the work which had not been performed. Respondent advised the VA that Mr. Dingman had objected to crown preparations and that he had therefore prepared a cantilever bridge which had been too bulky and thereafter another bridge was made at his expense which was apparently acceptable. The Veterans Administration reasserted its claim for $315.00 and Respondent, by letter of July 14, 1975, sought a credit for the work which he had performed, and by a further letter of August 12, 1975 advised that, although all of his records concerning Mr. Dingman could not be found, he estimated the cost of his actual work to be $207.90, and sought credit therefor (Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 6). Respondent testified that although his original plan was to provide fixed bridge work for Mr. Dingman, upon reflection and after noting that the patient was a hypersensitive person who objected to having the necessary preparatory work that would be required for crowns, he decided to attempt to preserve the natural teeth if possible and not to "abort" them. He further testified that although he had requested his office assistant to prepare an amended VA form for the patient to reflect his decision to do a different type of work, he did not follow-up to see if it was sent in to the Veterans Administration. He further maintained that his office assistant had done poor work, that he did not pay much attention to the paper work in the office and, although he usually reviewed applications for treatment such as Exhibit 4 by "implicit faith", he would usually "skip-read" these forms and sign them without completely checking the details thereon. He stated that his accounts were in a mess during this period and that this was the reason the dental laboratory records concerning Mr. Dingman were unavailable and why he had since hired accountants to do his bookkeeping work. His present assistant supported the fact that when she was first employed about a year and a half ago, Respondent's records were sloppy and that it was her custom to prepare various forms for the Respondent's signature. Mr. Dingman denied that he had ever told the Respondent that he was afraid to have his teeth cut into, or that he was hypersensitive in nature (Testimony of Vollmer, Mander, Person, Dingman) Dr. Daniel Beirne, a physician of Indian Harbor Beach, testified that he had common patients with the Respondent, and that the Respondent had an excellent reputation for truth and veracity in the community. Dr. Downey testified to the Respondent's bad reputation as a dentist, as did Dr. Carroll D. House, a member of the Brevard Dental Society Grievance Committee (Testimony of Burre, Downey, House). Respondent's license to practice dentistry was suspended in 1958 for a period of three months for an advertising violation with the proviso that the suspension was suspended for a period of one year upon certain conditions. His license was again suspended for a period of six months in 1960 for advertising violations (Petitioner's Exhibits 7 & 8)

# 1
# 2
BOARD OF DENTISTRY vs. HAROLD I. ODLE, 82-000770 (1982)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000770 Latest Update: Jan. 28, 1983

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto, Respondent, Harold I. Odle, held dental license number DN 0004379 issued by Petitioner, Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Dentistry. Respondent is engaged in the practice of dentistry at 3900 South Broadway, Fort Myers, Florida. On or about August 13, 1980, Wilfred H. Bauer went to Respondent's dental office where Respondent extracted Bauer's tooth number 17. On or about August 21, 1980, Bauer returned to Odle's office for removal of sutures placed in his mouth in connection with the extraction performed on August 13. The removal procedure was performed by Julia Hover, an employee in Respondent's office. It was not disclosed whether Hover was licensed as a dentist or dental hygienist in the State of Florida. The complainant in this case (Bauer) died in August, 1982 and accordingly did not appear and testify at the final hearing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the motion for directed verdict be GRANTED and the administrative complaint against Respondent be DISMISSED. DONE and ENTERED this 29th day of September, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of September, 1982.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57466.028
# 3
BOARD OF DENTISTRY vs. JAMES P. HAAS, 78-001032 (1978)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-001032 Latest Update: Jul. 16, 1979

The Issue Whether or not on or before January 7, 1978, the Respondent, James P. Haas, was offering to practice dentistry, and indeed practicing dentistry at 101 Palm Springs Drive, Longwood, Florida, under the assumed name of D.A.D. Denture Center, in violation of Sections 466.24(3)(n) and 466.36, Florida Statutes. Whether or not on or before January 7, 1978, the Respondent, James P. Haas, maintained a telephone listing whereby he offered to practice dentistry as D.A.D. Denture Center at 101 Palm Springs Drive, Longwood, Florida, and whether or not he continues to maintain said listing, in violation of Sections 466.24(3)(g) and 466.27(5), Florida Statutes. Whether or not since January 1, 1978, or prior to that date, one Bernie Morlock has been employed by the Respondent, James P. Haas, to perform dental services at a time when the said Bernie Morlock was not licensed to practice dentistry or dental hygiene in the State of Florida. Further, whether or not Bernie Morlock, while employed by the Respondent, practiced dentistry as defined in Section 466.04, Florida Statutes, to the extent of: Taking impressions of the human teeth and jaws. Placing dentures and dental appliances in patients' mouths and adjusting or attempting to adjust same. Diagnosing or professing to diagnose the physical condition of the teeth and jaws of patients. Finally, whether or not the Respondent knowingly allowed the practice of dentistry by Bernie Morlock in violation of Section 466.02, Florida Statutes, and in further violation of Section 466.24(3)(d) and (e), Florida Statutes. Whether or not since January 1, 1978, or prior to that date, the Respondent, James P. Haas, has employed unlicensed personnel to perform dental services for patients, to-wit: orthodontic treatment, which services constitute the practice of dentistry under Section 466.04, Florida Statutes. Further, whether or not if these services were performed by unlicensed persons, were they performed with the full knowledge and consent of the Respondent, thereby constituting a violation on the part of the Respondent of Sections 466.24(3)(d) and (e), Florida Statutes. (The Amended Accusation which charges the Respondent contained a certain Count III; however, no testimony was offered in support of that allegation and at the conclusion of the formal hearing, the Petitioner, through its counsel, voluntarily withdrew that count from consideration. This voluntary dismissal was unopposed by the Respondent.)

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, State of Florida, Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, Division of Professions, Board of Dentistry, is an agency of the state created for the purposes of protecting the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the State of Florida, to the extent that practice of dentistry in the state and dental hygiene are subject to the regulation and control of the Petitioner in the public interest. The authority for such regulation is set forth in Chapter 466, Florida Statutes, and those rules of the Florida Administrative Code related thereto. The Respondent, James P. Haas, is licensed by the Florida State Board of Dentistry to practice dentistry in the State of Florida. The Petitioner, by an Amended Accusation, has charged the Respondent, James P. Haas, with various violations of provisions of Chapter 466, Florida Statutes, and the Respondent has requested a formal hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, which request has been granted and a hearing held on February 15 and 16, 1979. The first of the allegations states that on or before January 7, 1978, the Respondent was offering to practice dentistry and indeed practicing dentistry at 101 Palm Springs Drive, Longwood, Florida, under the assumed name of D.A.D. Denture Center. The facts reveal that Dr. Haas made an arrangement with an organization known as Delivering Affordable Dentistry, Inc., of Harredsberg, Kentucky, wherein he agreed to coordinate the placement of advertisements for the benefit of that corporation and in turn the corporation agreed to refer patients to Dr. Haas for his treatment. The advertising spoken of consisted of an ad in the Winter Park, Florida, telephone directory yellow pages and certain newspaper advertising through the Orlando Sentinel of Orlando, Florida. The advertising in the telephone directory was placed in the fall of 1977 and a copy of that yellow page advertising may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 2 admitted into evidence. The Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1 admitted into evidence contains a copy of the format for the telephone yellow page advertising, as contemplated by Dr. Haas through his agreement with Delivering Affordable Dentistry, Inc., of Harredsberg, Kentucky. The listing of the telephone number was of the number in Harredsberg, Kentucky, and those individuals at that number in turn made the referrals to Dr. Haas's office located at 101 Palm Springs Drive, Longwood, Florida. An example of the newspaper advertising may be found in the Petitioner's Exhibit No. 3 admitted into evidence at page 161-I, a copy of the Sentinal Star Progress Edition of December 18, 1977. In that advertising the same number is given as indicated in the aforementioned telephone telephone ad, with the difference being that Delivering Affordable Dentistry, Inc., is given as the trade name as opposed to D.A.D. Denture Center, which was found in the telephone advertisement. Dr. Haas maintained a separate checking account for D.A.D. Denture Center, the name of his affiliation with Delivering Affordable Dentistry, Inc. The payments for services made by those patients referred through the D.A.D. Denture Center process, were placed into the D.A.D. Denture Center operating account of Dr. Haas. Those persons authorized to make withdrawals from that account were Dr. Haas and his employee, Bernie Morlock, and checks were drawn from that account under the authority of Dr. Haas. The overall income and expanses of D.A.D. Denture Center, operated by Dr. Haas, and of his general practice in the name of James P. Haas-sole proprietor, were combined and were under the control and authority of Dr. Haas. The dental office located in Longwood, Florida, was identified as the office of James P. Haas, D.D.S., and also by a placard indicating the office to be a D.A.D. Denture Center. Finally, those patients who called for service under D.A.D. Denture Center were charged by different fee structure and were listed in a separate appointment book, than that appointment hook for the Respondent through his general practice, James P. Haas, D.D.S. The Respondent was knowledgeable of the arrangement to treat patients under the assumed name of D.A.D. Denture Center at the address in Longwood, Florida, and in fact practiced dentistry under that assumed name and at that location as alleged in Count I of the Amended Accusation. This constituted a violation of Section 466.36, Florida Statutes, which states: "Practicing dentistry under assumed name; penalties.-- On and after the passage of this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to practice or offer to practice dentistry under any name except his or her own proper name, which shall be the name used in his or her license certificate granted to him or her as a dentist as provided in this chapter, and unlawful to use the name of any company, association, corporation, clinic, trade name, or business name in connection with the practice of dentistry as defined in this chapter, provided, nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent two or more licensed dentists from associating to- gether for the practice of dentistry, each in his or her own proper name. The violation of any of the provisions of this section by any dentist shall subject such dentist to suspen- sion or revocation of his or her license." The advertisement placed in the Winter Park, Florida, telephone directory, which is sham as Petitioner's Exhibit No. 2 admitted into evidence, was placed with the knowledge of the Respondent and with the intention by the Respondent that the advertisement be made. This advertisement pertained to the 1978 telephone directory for Winter Park, Florida. Under these facts, the Petitioner has charged the Respondent with a violation of Section 466.27(5), Florida Statutes. That provision reads: "466.27(5) Telephone listings shall be con- fined to the local telephone directories. Such listings shall be limited to the den- tist's name, dental degree, 'D.D.S.' or 'D.M.D.,' using the abbreviation only, the word 'dentist,' 'dentistry,' or 'general dentistry,' any specialty as approved by the board to which the dentist confines his practice exclusively, office location, resi- dence and office telephone numbers, and residence address and may include his member- ship in a local dental society if in accord with local customs." A review of the language of this section, in view of the fact that the advertising in the telephone directory inured to the benefit of the Respondent by the process of the referral system spoken of above, demonstrates that the telephone listing was for the benefit of Dr. Haas and was not in keeping with the requirements of this subsection. This constituted advertising professional services and the practice of dentistry in a manner not expressly authorized by Chapter 466, Florida Statutes, and was therefore in violation of Section 466.24(3)(g), Florida Statutes. One of the employees of the Respondent who worked in the office at 101 Palm Springs Drive, Longwood, Florida, was Bernie Morlock. Morlock was not licensed to practice dentistry or dental hygiene in the State of Florida at any time relevant to the allegations in the Amended Accusation. Nonetheless, Morlock practiced dentistry as defined by Section 466.04, Florida Statutes, and did so in the office of the Respondent in Longwood, Florida, with the knowledge and consent of the Respondent. The arrangement which was condoned by the Respondent allowed for Morlock to have patients scheduled for him for the purpose of the preparation of dentures through the referral system, D.A.D. Denture Center, which was part of Dr. Haas's Longwood, Florida, office. (An example of the written schedules may be found in the Petitioner's Exhibit No. 5 admitted into evidence.) Dr. Haas had instructed that these patients be scheduled to be seen by Bernie Morlock. Some of these patients were being seen by Dr. Haas's office for the first time and were attended by Bernie Morlock from this initial visit to the conclusion of the case, at which time the patients were given their dentures. Morlock's involvement with patients included diagnosis of the physical condition of the teeth and jaws of the patients; taking impressions of patients' teeth, both algenate and working model impressions; the placement of dentures and other dental appliances in the patients' mouths and the adjustment to those dentures and dental appliances, and the discussion of the case with the patient. Most of the work that Morlock did was done at a time when Dr. Haas was not in attendance in the aforementioned office and was done without supervision from any licensed dentist. This process undertaxen by Bernie Morlock happened on numerous occasions. The patients were considered to be Morlock's patients and the patients only saw licensed dentists for the purpose of extracting teeth or other dental procedures unconnected with the fabrication and try-in and adjustment to the dentures. These actions on the part of Bernie Morlock took place during the time period alleged in Count IV of the Amended Accusation. By allowing Bernie Morlock to attend patients in the fashion that Morlock did, the Respondent was willfully negligent in the practice of dentistry within the moaning of Section 466.24(3)(d), Florida Statutes, and in addition was guilty of a violation of Section 466.24(e), Florida Statutes, which states: "Employing or permitting any unlicensed per- son or persons to perform any work in his office which would constitute the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene, except a dental auxiliary pursuant to the provisions of this chapter." During the period of time alleged in Count V of the Amended Accusation, the Respondent employed dental hygienists Vic Simmons and Mary Simmons at his office in Longwood, Florida. Although they wore dental hygienists, these individuals were not licensed to practice dentistry or dental hygiene within the State of Florida. Notwithstanding this absence of a license, the Simmonses practiced dentistry in the Longwood office within the meaning of Section 466.04, Florida Statutes. This included having certain schedules set for them as indicated by Petitioner's Exhibit No. 5 admitted into evidence. This is an example of the schedule for the Simmonses under the title, "Ortho". This scheduling was with the knowledge of Dr. Haas, who had arranged for the Simmonses to come and treat orthodontic patients in his office. The Simmonses came to the location of the Respondent's office two days a month, of which Dr. Haas was in the Longwood office one of those days. These orthodontic patients would be seen initially by Dr. Haas and then treated for their condition by the Simmonses. Some of the patients first seen by the Simmonses arrived at the office without any form of braces in the mouth of the patient. The procedures that the Simmonses then performed were done without supervision by a licensed dentist. By that it is meant that the Simmonses were performing the dental services without the licensed dentist being in the room. The Simmonses, in the pursuit of orthodontic dental practice, placed bands and changed beads, cemented hands and placed arch wires; all with the knowledge and consent of the Respondent. Under the circumstances involved in the employment of the Simmonses, it has been demonstrated that the Respondent is guilty of willful negligence in the practice of dentistry as prescribed in Section 466.24(3)(d), Florida Statutes. The Respondent is also guilty of a violation of Section 466.24(3)(e), Florida Statutes, in that he employed and permitted unlicensed persons to perform work in his office which would constitute the practice of dentistry. The proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law and recommendation offered by the parties have been revied prior to the rendition of this Recommended Order. To the extent that the proposals conform to the findings herein, they have been utilized in developing the Recommended Order. To the extent that the proposals are inconsistent with the findings herein, they are rejected.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Oakland Park, Florida Oct. 17, 1990 Number: 90-006589 Latest Update: May 21, 1991

The Issue This is a license discipline case in which the Petitioner seeks to take disciplinary action against the Respondent on the grounds that the Respondent has violated several statutory provisions by repairing dentures in a licensed dental lab without having obtained the required work order from a licensed dentist.

Findings Of Fact Based on the stipulations of the parties, on the exhibits received in evidence, and on the testimony of the witnesses at hearing, the following facts are found: At all times relevant and material to this case, the Respondent, Magnolia Iole, held license number DL 0002153 issued by the Department of Professional Regulation, which licensed her to operate as a dental laboratory in the State of Florida. At all times relevant and material to this case, the Respondent's dental laboratory was operated at 201 East Oakland Park Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, under the business name of All Emergency Denture Service. On April 11, 1990, an investigator with the Department of Professional Regulation took a broken denture to the Respondent's dental laboratory and asked to have it repaired. The broken denture was a woman's denture that had been obtained by one of the other Department investigators from a local dentist's office. The investigator who presented the broken denture for repair had not seen any dentist regarding the broken denture, nor did the investigator have any work order from a dentist for the repair. On April 11, 1990, an employee of the Respondent's dental laboratory agreed to repair the broken denture that was brought in by the Department investigator. The employee said that the repair would cost $50.00, and that the denture would be ready later than same day. Later that same day two Department investigators returned to the Respondent's dental laboratory, where they met the same employee who had agreed to repair the broken denture. The employee told the investigator who had brought the denture that it would be ready in a few minutes. A few minutes later the employee of Respondent's dental laboratory handed the repaired denture to the investigator who had brought it in earlier the same day. At that time the previously broken denture was completely repaired. Although the Respondent, Magnolia Iole, was not observed on the dental laboratory premises during the events of April 11, 1990, described above, she was aware that such events were taking place, because during a telephone conversation on April 12, 1990, Magnolia Iole admitted to a Department investigator that she had been taking repair work without work orders because she needed the money. A work order for denture repair is an order from a licensed dentist to a dental laboratory directing that certain repair services be performed. The work order is, essentially, a prescription for the performance of specific services. A dental laboratory is not permitted to perform a repair of an intra- oral dental appliance without a work order signed by a licensed dentist. A dental laboratory that repairs a denture without a work order issued by a licensed dentist is engaged in the unauthorized practice of dentistry. Denture repair under such circumstances also constitutes the acceptance and performance of professional responsibilities which the dental laboratory licensee is not competent to perform. Denture repair without a work order issued by a licensed dentist, even when the repairs are excellently accomplished, can prevent the discovery of emerging dental problems and cause them to go untreated to the harm of the patient.

Recommendation For all of the foregoing reasons, it is recommended that the Board of Dentistry enter a final order in this case concluding that the Respondent has violated Sections 466.028(1)(z) and 466.028(1)(bb), Florida Statutes, and imposing an administrative penalty consisting of a six month suspension of the Respondent's license, to be followed by a one year period of probation during which the Respondent shall be required to advise the Board quarterly of all work performed by the Respondent's dental laboratory and shall comply with all statutory and rule provisions governing the activities of dental laboratories. DONE AND ENTERED at Tallahassee, Leon Coun~y, Florida, this 21st day of May, 1991. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of May, 1991. COPIES FURNISHED: Albert Peacock, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Ms. Magnolia T. Iole 531 Northwest 39th Street Oakland Park, Florida 33309 Mr. William Buckhalt, Executive Director Florida Board of Dentistry Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Jack McRay, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792

Florida Laws (7) 120.57466.003466.026466.028466.031466.032466.037
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000224 Latest Update: Jun. 07, 1976

Findings Of Fact William N. Abood, D.D.S., is subject to the jurisdiction of the Florida State Board of Dentistry. William N. Abood, D.D.S., is a licensed dentist in the State of Florida, license number 1253, last renewal certificate issued September 3, 1975, practicing at 2324 Post Street, Jacksonville, Florida. That, during the period of time between approximately August, 1974, and November, 1975, Cynthia Roundtree was an employee of William N. Abood, D.D.S. While an employee of Dr. William N. Abood, and acting under his control and supervision, Cynthia Roundtree was permitted to perform adjustments to partials and dentures, cemented and adjusted the occlusion of temporary crowns, and cemented and replaced crowns which had fallen out. Cynthia Roundtree is not licensed by the Florida State Board of Dentistry to practice dentistry or dental hygiene. While an employee of Dr. Abood, and acting under his control and supervision, Shirley Barrie was permitted to perform the adjustment of partials and dentures, cemented and adjusted the occlusion of temporary crowns, and placed materials in the dentures for temporary reliner and and adjusted the occlusion. Shirley Barrie is not licensed by the Florida State Board of Dentistry to practice dentistry or dental hygiene. That both assistants when making adjustments to partials or dentures with or without Dr. Abood's inspection or instruction, would examine the appliance and mouth, make a diagnosis as to the problem, then Proceed to correct the problem by grinding on the appliance and adjusting the occlusion. Dr. Abood permitted both assistants to cement temporary crowns which they had prepared from preformed aluminum crowns, then cut and trim the crown, adjust the occlusion by using articulating paper and cement it to the tooth. Cynthia Roundtree would on occasion, re-cement permanent crowns which had fallen out by grinding the cement out, drying the Patient's tooth, cementing once again the permanent crown and finally placing it on the tooth. Shirley Barrie would on occasion, place temporary reliners in dentures or partials by mixing vista gel which was used for the reliner and placed in the appliance, then the appliance would be placed in the mouth and the occlusion adjusted if necessary. Dr. Abood testified that he believed the procedures he authorized his assistants to perform in his office was a common practice among the dental profession; that he was not affirmatively aware that it was contrary to the laws and rules administered by the Dental Board and that he no longer permits his staff to do the same.

# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Feb. 20, 2015 Number: 15-000975 Latest Update: Jul. 29, 2016

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent owes a penalty for failing to obtain workers' compensation insurance for its employees and, if so, the amount of the penalty, pursuant to sections 440.10 and 440.107, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a corporation that operated a dental practice at 16940 Southwest 94th Court, Miami, Florida, during the period in question, which is January 30, 2010, through January 30, 2013. The corporation became effective on October 25, 2007, and, as stipulated by the parties, became inactive on September 27, 2013. At all material times, Dr. Ronia Baker, a dentist licensed to practice in Florida, was an officer and shareholder of Respondent. Her brother, now deceased, served as the corporation's business manager during the period in question. Petitioner's investigator conducted a site visit on January 30, 2013. During the visit, the investigator asked Dr. Baker if Respondent maintained workers' compensation insurance on its employees. She replied that she thought so, but called the company's insurance agent to make sure. The agent informed Dr. Baker that Respondent did not have workers' compensation insurance. Dr. Baker promptly informed the investigator of this fact and apologized for this oversight. Respondent purchased workers' compensation insurance later the same day. After confirming that, based on the number of its employees, Respondent was required to have workers' compensation insurance, the investigator issued a Stop Work Order during the January 30, 2013, site visit. Cooperating fully with the investigation, Dr. Baker provided Petitioner with all Respondent's records covering employees from January 30, 2010, through January 30, 2013. From this information, Petitioner prepared the above-described Penalty Assessment, which determined a total gross payroll of $625,919.81. Respondent contends that it is not required to obtain workers' compensation insurance for two classes of employees listed on the Penalty Assessment: independent contractors and employees secured by Dental Staffing Service, which is a provider of dental office employees on a temporary or permanent basis. According to Respondent, two employees were independent contractors: Juan Morffi and Nelson Fleites. In terms of gross payroll, Respondent paid Mr. Morffi a total of $3721.67 during 2010 and 2011 and Mr. Fleites a total of $510.60 during 2011. The record is better developed as to Mr. Morffi's duties, but it appears that Mr. Fleites performed the same services under the same conditions of employment as Mr. Morffi. Mr. Morffi and Mr. Fleites worked as dental technicians who made dentures for Respondent's patients. At the start of the period in question, Respondent paid these dental technicians about $25 per hour for their services. Although Respondent later paid these technicians by the piece, Dr. Baker was unsure of when this change in compensation took place, so she could not say whether any of the above identified payments to these dental technicians constituted payments by the piece, rather than by the hour. Mr. Morffi and Mr. Fleites both had fulltime jobs, so they worked for Respondent as time permitted. Respondent gave Mr. Morffi and Mr. Fleites keys to the office, so they could work hours of their choosing, including while the office was closed. Mr. Morffi and Mr. Fleites did not see Respondent's patients. Their workplace was not visible to patients, so they wore clothes of their choosing, even if working during normal business hours. Mr. Morffi and Mr. Fleites provided their own tools, but also used Respondent's equipment in fabricating dentures. Dr. Baker did not dictate to these dental technicians how to make dentures, but insisted that their final products met her quality standards. According to Respondent, 12 employees were provided by Dental Staffing Services: Marilia Mareno, Rosana Perez, Tatiana Marrero, Soraya Mejia, Carmen Louima, Emmashea Telemaque, Jeannette Joe, Milessa Marquez, Vanessa Herrera, Zaidis Campos, Mercedes Paternina, and Gisela Robson. In terms of gross payroll, Respondent paid these employees a total of $25,348.15. Respondent's service agreement with Dental Staffing Service provides that the persons referred to Respondent "are not employees of" Dental Staffing Service, and Respondent shall pay these persons directly at the rates set by Dental Staffing Service. Respondent also holds Dental Staffing Service harmless from any liability that may arise under the agreement for persons referred pursuant to the agreement.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Financial Services enter a final order determining that Respondent is guilty of failing to secure the payment of workers' compensation and imposing a penalty of $3802.93. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of June, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT E. MEALE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of June, 2015. COPIES FURNISHED: Alexander Brick, Esquire Department of Financial Services 200 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-6502 (eServed) Ronia Baker Beautiful Smiles South Miami, P.A. 15801 South Dixie Highway, Suite B Palmetto Bay, Florida 33157 Julie Jones, CP, FRP, Agency Clerk Division of Legal Services Department of Financial Services 200 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0390 (eServed)

Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.57120.68440.02440.10440.105440.107440.11
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-000382 Latest Update: Aug. 06, 1979

Findings Of Fact William Cecil Graham is licensed by the Florida State Board of Dentistry and at all times herein involved was so licensed. Dr. Graham began treating Mrs. Dover Stokes in August 1977, and during the time Mrs. Stokes was a patient, Respondent performed oral surgery, extractions and prepared upper and lower partial plates. All this work was done in Respondent's office located at 16580 Northwest 10th Avenue, Miami. For this work Mrs. Stokes paid Respondent approximately $500. Mrs. Stokes suffers from glaucoma and is nearly blind. She began going to Respondent for treatment upon the recommendation of one of Mrs. Stokes' roomers who is a cousin of Respondent. This roomer generally provided Mrs. Stokes transportation to and from Respondent's office for treatment. After the impressions for the plates had been taken and close to the time these plates were delivered to Respondent, he suddenly had to leave the Northwest Miami office. He advised Mrs. Stokes, and presumably his other patients, of his imminent departure and that he would contact her when relocated. Since he had by then received the partial dentures, Mrs. Stokes asked him to bring them to her. Respondent had been to Mrs. Stokes home on previous occasions to collect payments and he agreed to bring the plates to her. When Respondent took these plates to Mrs. Stokes, he brought along a portable hand grinder to adjust the plates. During this visit, Respondent tried the plates in Mrs. Stokes' mouth and she found them tight. After making some adjustments, Respondent left with the plates for additional adjustment. No instrument was used in Mrs. Stokes' mouth while the plates were being fitted at her home. Respondent returned to Mrs. Stokes' home in early November 1977, inserted the plates and made additional adjustments. Mrs. Stokes was happy with the plates at this time. Upon leaving, Respondent advised Mrs. Stokes that he would contact her as soon as he was relocated in an office. After not hearing from Respondent and experiencing discomfort with her plates, Mrs. Stokes began searching for Respondent. Mrs. Stokes testified that she called Graham's home and his wife couldn't tell her how to contact Graham. Respondent testified that Mrs. Stokes called his home, spoke to his wife who relayed Mrs. Stokes message to him, and that he called Mrs. Stokes in early January 1978. At this time, Graham was still without an office. During this conversation, Mrs. Stokes expressed her dissatisfaction with Respondent. When he offered to send her to another dentist, Mrs. Stokes said she didn't want another black dentist. At this point Respondent realized further communication with Mrs. Stokes was impossible and he suggested that she select a dentist and he, Graham, would pay for the treatment she needed. Mrs. Stokes doesn't recall this conversation; however, Respondent's testimony in this regard is accepted as the true version of what happened. Mrs. Stokes next contacted the State Dental Board with her complaint about Respondent. The matter was referred to a Board member in Miami, Marshall A. Brothers, who telephoned the number of the office in Northwest Miami where Stokes had previously worked and was advised the whereabouts of Graham was unknown. Dr. Brothers did not speak directly to one of the dentists in the Northwest Miami office when the call was made to locate Graham. No correspondence was sent to the office previously used by Respondent. When Brothers was unable to contact Graham, he did nothing further to investigate the treatment that had been provided Mrs. Stokes by Respondent. In July 1978, Respondent opened an office on Northwest 54th Street in Miami. Mrs. Stokes telephoned the office and Respondent returned her call. He offered to examine her teeth, but Mrs. Stokes said she didn't want him to work on her. Respondent then renewed his offer to Mrs. Stokes to select a dentist of her choice, have him do the necessary work, and he, Graham, would pay for it. Mrs. Stokes then visited a dentist close to her home and advised him that Respondent would pay for the treatment. This dentist, Dr. Efrom, called Respondent who confirmed that he would pay for the treatment Mrs. Stokes required. Dr. Efrom found some rough places on the plates which he polished, corrected some sore spots in Mrs. Stokes' mouth, filled a cavity, and his technician cleaned Mrs. Stokes' teeth. Respondent paid for this treatment, although he had not contracted to fill a tooth for Mrs. Stokes or to do the cleaning.

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BOARD OF DENTISTRY vs W. P. DENTAL LAB, 90-004159 (1990)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Crestview, Florida Jul. 02, 1990 Number: 90-004159 Latest Update: Feb. 06, 1991

The Issue Whether Respondent's dental laboratory license should be suspended, revoked or otherwise disciplined.

Findings Of Fact Respondent, W.P. Dental Lab, is a licensed dental laboratory in the State of Florida, holding license number DL 000936. Wendell Cook is co-owner of and operates W.P. Dental Lab. The lab is located in the backyard of Mr. Cook's residence, at 457 Cain Street, Crestview, Florida. On November 8, 1989, and February 8, 1990, the lab was inspected by DPR Investigator, Charles Wheelahan. Joan Ziel, Petitioner's expert on laboratory sanitation, accompanied Mr. Wheelahan on the February 8th inspection. The laboratory was also inspected by Doug Sims of HRS, Okaloosa County Health Unit, on November 14, 1989, and November 27, 1990. Doug Sims is also an expert in laboratory sanitation. The inspections of November 8 and 14, 1989, and February 8, 1990, revealed the following: The dental lab is operated out of a small dilapidated travel trailer. Window panes located on the front of the trailer were broken and all the window screens needed replacement. Insects and dust have ready access to the interior of the trailer. The linoleum flooring inside the trailer was not secured firmly to the floor and there were some holes in the floor. Adjacent to the trailer is Mr. Cook's aviary containing several exotic birds. The aviary is within 5 to 10 feet of the laboratory's entrance. Additionally, a large dog was allowed to run freely in the backyard where the laboratory is located. The presence of these animals adds to the already dusty conditions of the backyard. Water is supplied to the laboratory by an ordinary garden hose. There is no potable water connection and no backflow preventor. There was no running hot water in the facility. The trailer has only one sink. The sink is used for everything including sanitation and waste disposal. Waste water emptied onto the ground and was not connected to a sewer. There are no bathroom facilities in the trailer. There are bathroom facilities located in Mr. Cook's house. There was a large accumulation of trash and rubbish around the outside of the lab. Many insect and rodent harborages were present. There is no exhaust mechanism for the volume of dust particles generated by the dental lab work. The counter, chair, and floor surfaces in the facility were covered with a thick coating of bacteria harboring dust. Sterilization, sanitation, and disinfectant procedures appeared to be impossible within the trailer's environment, and Dental lab equipment was outdated, dirty, and rusty. The lack of a bathroom facility and the existence of only one sink create a condition in which contaminated items cannot be disposed of separate from uncontaminated items. Additionally, the lack of a bathroom facility and the existence of only one sink makes it impossible for an operator to cleanse either himself or his equipment after touching contaminated items and before handling uncontaminated items. Contamination control is important in the dental laboratory setting because the technician handles impressions form dental patients which have residue from the patient's saliva on them. The potential for transmission of disease is apparent. The inadequate exhaust mechanism allows bacteria-harboring dust to coat everything in the facility. Therefore, appropriate sterilization, sanitation and disinfectant procedures are almost impossible without an exhaust system that will handle the dust particles generated by the dental equipment. Additionally, the proximity of the bird aviary and dog creates a condition where bird and dog dander, mites, and bird droppings can easily access the trailer environment when adequate screening is not present. The possibility that airborne contaminants and contaminants in the dust can ultimately come in contact with a patient if proper sterile procedures or sanitary or disinfectant procedures are not followed exists and poses a real danger to the public. The only methods of sterilization used by Mr. Cook in his lab work consists of boiling the dental product in a pressure cooker and then placing the product in a plastic bag with an amount of listerine. Such sterilization procedures are not considered adequate infection control methods. The failure to use proper disinfectants and sterilization procedures constitutes a health hazard since such disinfectants are the only method which eliminates bacteria and prevents the potential for bacteria to be transmitted to someone else. The inspections of W.P. Dental Lab in November, 1989, and February, 1990, clearly demonstrated that W. P. Dental Lab was not maintained in a sanitary condition. An inspection of W.P. Dental Lab on November 27, 1990, one year after the first inspection, revealed that Mr. Cook had made some minor repairs to the trailer. However, the facility still falls significantly below the common standard for reasonable sanitation. Among other things, there was still no hot water under pressure, the boiler, stove and pressure cooker were all in need of cleaning, there was still no restroom facility, several pieces of the dental equipment were rusty making cleaning difficult and the vinyl flooring had been stapled together making cleaning very difficult. Additionally, the presence of animals in the yard continues to draw flies which are a carrier of bacteria. Also, numerous brushes and other sanding devices used in dental laboratory work were caked with powder. A view of the laboratory at the conclusion of the hearing demonstrated that the surface areas of the lab had been cleaned. Grit could still be felt on the surfaces of the counter tops and there were obvious signs of mildew and a distinct musty odor. In essence, the laboratory was clean, but not sanitary. Of greatest concern in this case, was the obvious lack of knowledge on Mr. Cook's part of current methods of sanitation including the appropriate products, equipment and procedures. Such products and equipment are presently available and in use in the community. Because of this lack of knowledge, the laboratory poses a potentially dangerous health hazard to the public with no assurance that the hazard will be corrected or eliminated. Therefore, Respondent's license should be revoked.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that the Department enter a Final Order finding that W.P. Dental Lab has violated Section 466.028(1)(v), and therefore, because of the severity of the conditions and the unlikelihood of the facility being able to be brought within compliance, revoking the Respondent's license. RECOMMENDED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 6th day of January, 1991. DIANE CLEAVINGER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of January, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 90-4159 1. The facts contained in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact are adopted in substance, insofar as material. The facts contained in paragraph 8 of Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact are subordinate. The facts contained in paragraph 3, 5, 6 and 7 of Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact are subordinate. The facts contained in the first sentence of paragraph 1 of Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact are subordinate. The remainder of the paragraph was not shown by the evidence. The facts contained in paragraph 4 of Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact are immaterial. The facts contained in paragraphs 2, 8 and 9 of Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact were not shown by the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Albert Peacock, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 William Buckhalt Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Kenneth E. Easley General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Wendell Cook

Florida Laws (5) 120.57466.028466.031466.032466.037
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-001964 Latest Update: Oct. 31, 1989

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent has been licensed to practice dentistry in the State of Florida, having been issued license number DN 0006941. In May, 1987, Respondent's son Cesar L. Palomeque was neither licensed as a dentist in the State of Florida nor as a dental hygienist. He became a licensed dentist in the State of Florida in August, 1987. Cesar L. Palomeque was employed by Respondent and worked in her office during May of 1987. At that time Respondent knew that Cesar Palomeque was not a licensed dentist or a licensed dental hygienist. In early May of 1987, J.L.'s mother and grandmother were in a cafeteria/bakery located downstairs from Respondent's dental office in Hialeah. J.L.'s grandmother struck up a conversation with a gentleman who was there. He introduced himself to the women as Cesar Palomeque, told them that he was a dentist who practiced upstairs, and encouraged them to visit him professionally since he charged quite reasonable prices. Pursuant to an appointment made by his mother, on May 13, 1987, J.L. went to Respondent's Hialeah office. On that date, patient J.L. had x-rays taken, received a prophylaxis and scheduled further treatment. He returned for that subsequent treatment on May 20, 1987. During May of 1987, Respondent's dental office consisted of a waiting area and a large operatory. The operatory consisted of three treatment bays. The treatment bays were separated from each other only by partitions which extended a few feet up from the floor. Although patients seated in a chair in one of the treatment bays could not see a patient in one of the other treatment chairs due to the partition, everything occurring within one of the treatment bays could be heard throughout the room, and a person standing anywhere in the room could see what was taking place within any of the treatment bays. On May 20th, J.L. was escorted into the operatory and placed in one of the treatment bays by Cesar Palomeque. At the time that Cesar Palomeque escorted J.L. into the operatory and placed him in one of the treatment chairs, Respondent and her dental assistant were working on a patient in the first treatment bay. Cesar Palomeque placed J.L. in one of the chairs, placed a bib on him, laid out instruments and filled the water cup. During the time J.L. was in the chair on May 20th, he was very nervous and restless since he knew he was going to have a tooth drilled and filled. He would not open his mouth and was very uncooperative. Cesar Palomeque spoke with the boy and attempted to comfort him unsuccessfully. Cesar Palomeque summoned J.L.'s mother into the operatory because J.L. was so uncooperative. J.L.'s mother came into the operatory, stood a few feet away from the chair in which her son was seated, told him to be cooperative, and stayed there observing during the balance of the treatment her son received that day. On May 20, 1987, Cesar Palomeque drilled and filled one of J.L.'s teeth. While Cesar Palomeque was drilling and filling J.L.'s tooth, Respondent could hear the disturbance created by J.L. and could see the treatment being rendered to J.L. by Cesar Palomeque. She knew at the time that Cesar Palomeque was drilling and filling J.L.'s tooth. On May 13 or on May 20, 1987, when J.L. was leaving Respondent's office, he was given a tooth brush bearing the inscription "Dr. Cesar Palomegue." Drilling and filling a tooth is a non-reversible dental procedure. It constitutes the practice of dentistry. All monies paid to Respondent for services rendered to J.L. were refunded.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered finding Respondent guilty of the allegations contained in the Administrative Complaint filed against her in this cause and suspending Respondent's license to practice dentistry for a period of six months. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 31st day of October, 1989. LINDA M. RIGOT Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of October, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER DOAH CASE NO. 89-1964 Petitioner's proposed Findings of Fact numbered 1, 3, 4, and 7-12 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. Petitioner's proposed Finding of Fact numbered 2 has been rejected as being unnecessary for determination of the issues in this cause. Petitioner's proposed Finding of Fact numbered 5 has been rejected as being subordinate to the issues under determination in this cause. Petitioner's proposed Finding of Fact numbered 6 has been rejected as not being supported by the weight of the evidence in this cause. Respondent's proposed Findings of Fact numbered 3-8, 10, 11, 14, and 19 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. Respondent's proposed Findings of Fact numbered 1, 2, 9, 12, 13, 16, and 18 have been rejected as being unnecessary for determination of the issues in this cause. Respondent's proposed Findings of Fact numbered 15 and 20-23 have been rejected as being contrary to the weight of the credible evidence in this cause. Respondent's proposed Findings of Fact numbered 17 and 24 have been rejected as being irrelevant to the issues under consideration in this proceeding. COPIES FURNISHED: Jack L. McRay, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Harold M. Braxton, Esquire 9100 South Dadeland Boulevard Suite 406 Miami, Florida 33156 Kenneth E. Easley, General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 William Buckhalt, Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation Board of Dentistry 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 =================================================================

Florida Laws (2) 120.57466.028
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