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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Aug. 27, 1998 Number: 98-003794 Latest Update: Jul. 15, 2004

The Issue Whether Petitioner's application for licensure as a community association manager by examination should be granted.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Fred Storch (Storch), filed an application with Respondent, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Community Association Managers (Department) on April 14, 1998, for licensure as a community association manager by examination. The application contained the following question: Have you now or have you ever been licensed or certified in any profession such as real estate, insurance, securities, etc., in Florida or in any other state, province, district, territory, possession or nation? If the applicant answered "yes" to the question, the application required the applicant to list the name of the profession, the license number, the date the license was first obtained, and the current status of the license. Storch answered "yes" to the question and indicated that he currently had a real estate salesperson's license in Florida and a real estate broker's license in New York. At the final hearing, Storch testified that he had a current mortgage broker's license and a real estate salesperson's license from New York and that he was currently licensed in Florida as a real estate salesperson and had been licensed in Florida as a mortgage broker. The application contained the following question: Has any license, certification, registration, or permit to practice any regulated profession been revoked, annulled or suspended in this or any other state, province, district, territory, possession or nation or is any proceeding now pending? This includes any disciplinary action taken against you such as a reprimand, probation, etc. Storch answered "no" to the question. The following question was also on the application: Have you ever relinquished or withdrawn from any license, certification, registration or permit to practice any regulated profession in this or any other state, province, district, territory, possession or nation or is any proceeding now pending? Storch answered "yes" to the question and provided the following explanation. I relinquished my license as a Mortgage Broker because I was unable to submit to an audit on a timely basis due to my son's poor health. My son is afflicted with epilepsy, which cannot be controlled with medication. He is having surgery on April 21, 1998 at George Washington University Hospital, Washington, D.C., to eliminate the cause of his seizures. I have enclosed the documentation from the Comptroller's Office and my son's doctor. In 1994, Storch and the Florida Department of Banking and Finance (DBF) entered into a Stipulation and Consent Order which was incorporated in a Final Order, dated January 13, 1995. Storch and DBF agreed that Storch's mortgage broker's license was suspended until a location and occupational license was obtained. Storch agreed to pay an administrative fine of $500 and agreed to cease and desist all violations of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. On February 12, 1997, DBF entered a Default Final Order and Notice of Rights, finding that Storch had acted as a mortgage broker without a current active license and that Storch had failed to provide his books and records for inspection as requested by DBF. Storch was ordered to cease and desist from violating Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, and all registrations and licenses previously issued to Storch, which included his mortgage broker's license, were revoked. By letter dated February 13, 1997, Storch advised DBF that he would be willing to turn in his license if DBF would not pursue any action against him then or in the future. On September 18, 1997, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate, filed an Administrative Complaint against Storch alleging that Storch had violated Section 475.25(1)(s), Florida Statutes, because his residential mortgage broker's license had been revoked. On December 17, 1997, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate, entered a Final Order, disciplining Storch's real estate salesperson's license. The Final Order stated that Storch was guilty of violating Section 475.25(1)(s), Florida Statutes, as charged in the Administrative Complaint and required Storch to pay an administrative fine of $100.00 and investigative costs of $313.60.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered denying Fred Storch's application for licensure as a community association manager. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of March, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of March, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Edward Broyles, Executive Director Regulatory Council of Community Association of Managers Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Lynda L. Goodgame, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Thomas G. Thomas, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Fred Storch 7782 Edinburough Lane Delray Beach, Florida 33446

Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.60468.433475.25775.16 Florida Administrative Code (1) 61-20.001
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-002625 Latest Update: May 11, 1982

Findings Of Fact On March 23, 1981, the Petitioner, Isidro R. Crucet, applied to the Respondent, Department of State, for licensure as a Class "D" (unarmed) and Class "G" (armed) security guard. The application for Class "D" and "G" licensure was denied on September 23, 1981, by the Director of the Division of Licensing pursuant to Section 493.306(2)(b)(1), 493.309(1)(e), 493.319(1)(a), (c), (g) and (p), Florida Statutes. On October 6, 1981, the Petitioner Crucet requested a hearing on the licensure denial. The basis for the Department's denial was the Petitioner's guilty plea on April 24, 1981, on a charge of carrying a concealed weapon following an information being filed against him in Dad County Circuit Court on April 5, 1981, which alleged violations of Section 790.01, Florida Statutes, carrying a concealed firearm, and Section 790.10, Florida Statutes, improper exhibition of a dangerous weapon. Following his guilty plea, the Petitioner Crucet was sentenced to eighteen months probation beginning April, 1981, and adjudication and sentence were withheld. At the final hearing, the Petitioner Crucet, through his interpreter, explained the events which led to his being charged and convicted of carrying a concealed firearm. Since early 1981, the Petitioner has been employed by Minutemen Security Patrol. In April, 1981, he was working the 6:00 p.m.-6:00 a.m. shift guarding a warehouse located at 3050 North River Drive in Miami. Adjacent to the warehouse area which he was guarding was a bar. A patron of the bar wanted to park his car in the warehouse area which the Petitioner was guarding since the bar parking area was full. When the Petitioner refused to allow the bar patron to park in the warehouse parking area, the patron became abusive and threatening. After the bar patron grabbed his neck and shoved him aside, the Petitioner went to his car and returned carrying a 33 caliber gun retrieved from the glove compartment which was lawfully purchased and for which he had received a temporary gun permit. When he reached the area where the bar patron had threatened him and the individual saw the gun, he left in his car. Although the gun was loaded, the Petitioner did not point the gun at anyone nor did he leave the area he was responsible for guarding. Approximately one hour after the incident the police arrived at the warehouse and asked the Petitioner if he had a gun. The Petitioner replied that he did and turned the gun over to the police. He was then arrested and booked on April 5, 1981. The Petitioner arrived in the United States from Cuba on May 1, 1980. He testified that while in Cuba he had worked on trains. He is presently working as an unarmed security guard for the same company which employed him when the incident in question occurred. Since the Petitioner arrived from Cuba, it is impossible at this time for the Respondent Department of State to ascertain from official records his criminal history in that country, if any. In this regard, the Petitioner is not unique and this is a situation that confronts all entrants from countries with whom the United States does not maintain formal or informal diplomatic relations. The Petitioner Crucet produced affidavits from individuals who were friends and neighbors in Cuba and who now reside in the United States. All of these individuals, who include an auto store clerk, a grocery store owner, a Community Service Agency owner and a supermarket owner, attest to his good moral character in Cuba and in the United States since his arrival in 1980. Additionally, the Petitioner's attorney, Jorge Fernandez, testified at the formal hearing that he knew the Petitioner, his family and his employer and would vouch for the good moral character and reputation of the Petitioner. Counsel for the Petitioner informed the Hearing Officer at the close of the final hearing that one of the conditions of his probation prohibit him from receiving a license as an armed security guard without the permission of his probation officer. However, once the Petitioner's probationary period has ended, it is the intention of Mr. Fernandez to attempt to expunge the Petitioner's record and reapply for a license as an armed security guard. The Respondent Department of State offered no evidence to refute the Petitioner's account of the incident which resulted in his guilty plea for carrying a concealed weapon or the character affidavits filed following the close of the final hearing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the application of Petitioner Isidro R. Crucet for licensure as a Class "D" unarmed security guard be granted. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of April, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. SHARYN L. SMITH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Department of Administration Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of April, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Jorge Luis Fernandez, Esquire 221 S.W. 22nd Avenue Suite 200 Miami, Florida 33135 James V. Antista, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of State Room 106, R. A. Gray Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Honorable George Firestone R. Stephen Nall, Esquire Secretary of State General Counsel The Capitol Department of State Tallahassee, Florida 32301 The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE ISIDRO R. CRUCET, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 81-2625S DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF LICENSING, Respondent. /

Florida Laws (3) 120.57790.01790.10
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-004275 Latest Update: Jun. 16, 1986

The Issue This is a case in which, by Administrative Complaint served on Respondent on September 24, 1985, the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission seeks to revoke Certificate Number C-8690, which was issued to Respondent on April 10, 1981. As grounds for the proposed revocation it is asserted that Respondent lacks good moral character and is therefore in violation of Section 943.1395(5), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Based on the admissions and stipulations of the parties, on the exhibits received in evidence, and on the testimony of the witnesses at the formal hearing, I make the following findings of fact. The Respondent was certified by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission on April 10, 1981, and was issued Certificate Number C-8690. Sometime on February 24 or 25, 1984, while the owners were away from home, the Respondent, Alton L. Moore, without the permission of the owners, broke into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McElroy at the KOA Campground in Starke, Florida, and stole various items of personal property belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Fred McElroy, including cash in the amount of $600 or $700, a canvas bag, some checks and business records, and some jewelry. Alton L. Moore broke into the home for the purpose of stealing personal property and had no intention of returning the stolen property.

Recommendation For all of the foregoing reasons, it is recommended that the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission issue a Final Order revoking Respondent's Certificate Number C-8690. DONE AND ORDERED this 16 day of June 1986 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of June 1986. APPENDIX The following constitute my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes (1985) on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner Paragraph 1: Accepted as background and introduction information. Paragraph 2: Accepted. Paragraphs: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14: Rejected as constituting unnecessary subordinate details (even though supported by competent substantial evidence). Consistent with these proposed findings, I have made the essential finding that the Respondent committed the crimes described in these paragraphs. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent (None were submitted.) COPIES FURNISHED: Daryl G. McLaughlin, Director Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission Florida Department of Law Enforcement P.O. Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Robert R. Dempsey, Executive Director Florida Department of Law Enforcement P.O. Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Joseph S. White, Esquire Office of General Counsel Florida Department of Law Enforcement P.O. Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Mr. Alton L. Moore Route 7, Box 544 Lake City, Florida 32055

Florida Laws (5) 120.57810.02812.014943.13943.1395
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-006421 Latest Update: Jun. 26, 1989

Findings Of Fact Background In June 1988, respondent, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission (Commission), acting on a tip from the local media that intervenor, Metropolitan Dade County, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (County), had in its employ a number of corrections officers who were not certified, undertook a review of the County's employment records. Following a comparison of the County's records and those of the Commission, the Commission identified 363 individuals, including the petitioner, who were employed by the County as correctional officers but who had not been certified by the Commission. On August 10-11, 1988, Commission personnel visited the County's personnel office, and audited the personnel file of each of the 363 individuals in question. The audit demonstrated that the files were disorganized, lacking documentation required by Rule 11B-27.002, Florida Administrative Code, to apply for certification, and that the County had failed to apply for certification on behalf of the 363 officers. 2/ Over the course of their two-day visit, the Commission's personnel set up an "assembly line" and, together with the County's staff, attempted to complete the documentation on each file. Variously, registration forms and affidavits of compliance were prepared, and birth certificates, fingerprint cards and other missing documentation was assembled. On August 12, 1988, the Commission's personnel returned to Tallahassee with the subject registration forms and affidavits of compliance. Over the course of time, these applications were processed and the vast majority of the individuals were certified; however, the Commission declined, for reasons hereinafter discussed, to certify petitioner. The pending application Petitioner, Theresa Devergiles-Lamary (Lamary), has been employed by the County as a correctional officer since October 23, 1985, without benefit of certification. On August 10, 1988, as a consequence of the aforementioned audit, the County, as the employing agency, applied for certification on behalf of Lamary.3/ Accompanying the application (registration) was an affidavit of compliance, dated August 10, 1988, signed by Fred Crawford, Director of Metropolitan Dade County, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, which comported with existing law and which certified that such employing agency had collected, verified, and was maintaining on file evidence that Lamary had met the provisions of Section 943.13(1)-(8), and Section 943.131, Florida Statutes, or any rules adopted pursuant thereto. Among the provision of section 943.13 is the requirement that the applicant be of good moral character. By letter dated November 1, 1988, the Commission notified Lamary and the County that her application for certification as a correctional officer was denied for lack of good moral character because: You have unlawfully and knowingly possessed and introduced into your body cannabis. Following receipt of the Commission's letter of denial, Lamary filed a timely request for a formal hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. In her request for hearing, Lamary denied that she failed to possess the requisite good moral character necessary for certification. Good moral character Pursuant to Rule 11B-27.0011, Florida Administrative Code, the County, as the employing agency, is responsible for conducting a thorough background investigation to determine the moral character of an applicant. Consistent with such mandate, the County routinely uses previous employment data, law enforcement records, credit agency records, inquiries of the applicant's neighbors and associates, and a pre-employment interview, at which a polygraph examination is administered, to assess an applicant's moral character. In assessing an applicant's character, the County is bound by the provisions of Rule 11B-27.0011(2), Florida Administrative Code, which provides: The unlawful use of any of the controlled substances enumerated in Rule 11B-27.00225 by an applicant for certification, employment, or appointment at any time proximate to such application for certification, employment, or appointment conclusively establishes that the applicant is not of good moral character as required by Section 943.13(7). The unlawful use of any of the controlled substances enumerated in Rule 11B-27.00225 by an applicant at any time remote from and not proximate to such application may or may not conclusively establish that the applicant is not of good moral character, as required by Section 943.13(7), depending upon the type of controlled substance used, the frequency of use, and the age of the applicant at the time of use. Nothing herein is intended, however, to restrict the construction of Section 943.13(7), only to such controlled substance use. The substances enumerated in rule 11B-27.00225 are amphetamines, barbiturates, cannabis (marijuana), opiates, cocaine, phencyclidine, benzodiazepines, and methaqualone. Pertinent to this case, the County undertook a pre- employment interview of Lamary on March 10, 1985, at which time she admitted that she had used marijuana. Regarding such use, the proof demonstrates that Lamary used marijuana no more than five times, and more probably three times, and that she last used marijuana in 1982 when she was in high school. Notwithstanding the County's conclusion, based on its investigation and analysis of Lamary's background, that Lamary possessed the requisite good moral character for employment and certification, the Commission proposed to deny certification based on her isolated use of marijuana. The Commission's action is not warranted by the proof. Here, Lamary, born July 8, l964, used marijuana no more than five times, the last time being over 7 years ago when she was 17 years of age. Such isolated and dated usage can hardly be termed proximate or frequent within the meaning of rule 11B-27.0011(2), or persuasive evidence of bad moral character.4/ To date, Lamary has been employed by the County as a corrections officer, a position of trust and confidence, for over four years. Her annual evaluations have ranged from satisfactory to above satisfactory, and her periodic drug screenings have all met with negative results. By those who know of her, she is considered an excellent employee, observant of the rules, honest, fair and respectful of the rights of others. Overall, Lamary has demonstrated that she possessed the requisite good moral character when she was employed by the County as a correctional officer, and has demonstrated in this de novo proceeding that she currently possesses the requisite good moral character for certification.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of petitioner, Theresa Devergiles-Lamary, for certification as a correctional officer be approved. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 26th day of June 1989. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of June 1989.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.60943.13943.131 Florida Administrative Code (3) 11B-27.001111B-27.00211B-27.00225
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-004547 Latest Update: Jan. 20, 1989

The Issue The central issue in this case is whether the Respondent is guilty of the violation alleged in the administrative complaint; and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the stipulations of the parties, the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received at the hearing, I make the following findings of fact: The Respondent was certified as a law enforcement officer by the Commission on January 21, 1975, and was issued certificate No. 02-13392. On November 29, 1987, the Respondent was arrested by Officer Carl Matrone of the Opa Locka Police Department. During the course of this arrest, Officer Matrone seized a plastic bag which contained in fact 1.0 grams of cannabis, as the term is defined and used in Sections 893.02(3) and 893.03(1)(c)4, Florida Statutes. This amount would yield approximately one marijuana cigarette in volume. As a result of this arrest, the Office of the State Attorney in and for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit charged the Respondent by affidavit with a violation of Section 893.13, Florida Statutes, by unlawful possession of less than twenty grams of cannabis. The affidavit was filed in the County Court in and for Dade County. On February 26, 1988, the Respondent entered a plea of nolo contendere to the charge as set forth in the charging document. The Court accepted the plea, withheld an adjudication of guilt, and placed the Respondent on a six month period of reporting probation. Furthermore, on October 3, 1988, the Court ordered that the records in this misdemeanor case be sealed. The underlying facts which gave rise to this criminal misdemeanor follow. On November 29, 1987, Officer Matrone observed a Dodge van which was being driven by Respondent at approximately 11:45 a.m. The van was traveling north toward 130th Street on N.W. 30th Avenue when it crossed the median strip and parked in front of an apartment building. This apartment building is known to the police as a narcotics location since numerous arrests have been conducted in the area. As soon as the van pulled over, Officer Matrone observed an unidentified black male approach the van and exchange a small package for an unknown amount of paper money. Respondent received the package and, as Officer Matrone approached, the black male fled on foot. Respondent pulled away from the stop and proceeded to the corner traffic light with Officer Matrone following. When Officer Matrone turned on his siren, the Respondent immediately made a left turn and pulled into the first available parking place. Officer Matrone then asked Respondent to exit his vehicle which he did. Officer Matrone observed Respondent throw a small plastic bag to the ground as he exited the van. The contents of this bag were later tested and were found to contain cannabis. Respondent was not on duty on November 29, 1987. He was, at that time, employed by the Miami Police Department. Lt. Blom, who supervised all of the street officers on the day shift for the Miami Police Department, was notified that Respondent was being held in connection with the incident described in paragraphs 5-9. Lt. Blom went to the Opa Locka Police station and relieved Respondent of duty. Respondent told Lt. Blom "I made a mistake." During the time Lt. Blom talked with Respondent, it did not appear to Blom that Respondent was under the influence of drugs nor did Respondent admit that he had used drugs. Arthur G. DeNunzio, Sr. has known Respondent for over fourteen years. According to Mr. DeNunzio, Respondent has a good reputation in his church and in the community for honesty and integrity. Respondent's moral character is known by Mr. DeNunzio to be good. James Robinson has known Respondent for approximately ten years. Respondent has been employed by Mr. Robinson for approximately five months. According to Mr. Robinson, Respondent has a reputation as a good worker, a man of his word, and a man who gets things done timely and properly. Respondent is thought to be honest, having integrity, and of good moral character. Mr. Robinson entrusts large amounts of money to Respondent's care and has no reservations regarding his judgment or moral character. Emerenciano Soles has known Respondent for approximately sixteen years. According to Mr. Soles, Respondent has a high reputation in his community for honesty and for good moral character. On November 30, 1987, Respondent resigned from the Miami Police Department. During his tenure with the department, Respondent had received good work evaluations and several commendations.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission enter a final order dismissing the administrative complaint against Respondent. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 20th day of January, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOYOUS D. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2Oth day of January, 1989. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph S. White, Esquire Department of Law Enforcement Post Office Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Richard E. Lober, Esquire 10680 Northwest 25th Street Suite 202 Miami, Florida 33172-2108 Jeffrey Long, Director Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission Post Office Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Daryl McLaughlin, Executive Director Department of Law Enforcement Post Office Box 1489 Tallahassee, Florida 32302

Florida Laws (9) 117.03784.011784.05893.02893.13914.22943.13943.1395944.35 Florida Administrative Code (2) 11B-27.001111B-27.00225
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bushnell, Florida Oct. 10, 1990 Number: 90-006424 Latest Update: Jun. 04, 1991

Findings Of Fact The Respondent is a licensed certified public accountant in the State of Florida (Petitioner's Exhibit 1). The Respondent's license number is AC 20884 (Petitioner's Exhibit 1). The information filed by the State Attorney for the Sixth Judicial Circuit, in and for Pinellas County, Florida, in Case No. CRC-88-16361-CFANO-A, alleged that the Respondent unlawfully did solicit Detective Rick Shaw to commit the offense of murder in the first degree, an offense prohibited by Section 782.04(1)(a), Florida Statutes; and in the course of such solicitation, did command, urge, hire, or request the Mr. Shaw to engage in specific conduct which would constitute such offense or an attempt to commit such offense, to wit: to unlawfully and from a premeditated design effect the death of Zena Leider, a human being, contrary to Section 777.04(2), Florida Statutes (Petitioner's Exhibit 2). On or about December 4, 1989, the Respondent was convicted in Case No. CRC-88-16361-CFANO-A of one count of solicitation to commit murder in the first degree (Petitioner's Exhibit 2). On or about December 4, 1989, the Respondent was sentenced to be committed to the custody of the Department of Corrections to be imprisoned for a term of 17 years. After serving a period 12 years, the balance of the sentence shall be suspended; and he will be placed on probation for a period of five (5) years (Petitioner's Exhibit 2). Daniel Hevia, CPA, was accepted as an expert in the profession of accountancy and testified concerning that profession (Transcript, pg. 24). Accountancy is based upon professional judgment, both technical and ethical. People practicing accountancy must have good ethics and a strong character because of the types of judgments which have to be made in the profession (Transcript, pg. 26). Accountants have to have mature judgment and maintain good mental stability because the public places a great deal of trust in CPA's (Transcript, pg. 27). Good moral character means a personal history of honest, fairness, respect for the rights of others and for the laws of the State of Florida and the nation (Transcript, pg. 25). The Respondent's conviction shows a lack of good judgment and an absence of ethics and good character which adversely effect the Respondent's ability to practice public accounting (Transcript, pg. 42). In the opinion of Mr. Hevia, the Respondent violated Section 473.323(1)(m), Florida Statutes (Transcript, pgs. 28 and 30).

Recommendation Having proved that the Respondent has violated Section 473.323(1)(m), Florida Statutes, by failing to maintain good moral character; and having proved that the Respondent has violated Section 473.323(1)(d), Florida Statutes, by being convicted of a crime relating to his ability to practice public accounting, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED that the license of the Respondent be revoked. DONE AND ENTERED this day of June, 1991, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of June, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 90-6424 The Respondent did not file proposed findings of fact. The Petitioner filed proposed findings which were read and considered. The following proposed findings were adopted or rejected for the reasons stated: 1-10. Adopted. 11-12. Rejected, as repetitive and cumulative. 13-14. Adopted. COPIES FURNISHED: Ms. Martha Willis Executive Director Board of Accountancy Department of Professional Regulation 4001 Northwest 43rd Street Suite 16 Gainesville, FL 32606 Jack McRay, Esq. General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation Northwood Centre, Suite 60 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Tobi C. Pam, Esq. Department of Professional Regulation Northwood Centre, Suite 60 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 David S. Leider D.C. #118606 Sumter Correctional Institution P.O. Box 667 Bushnell, FL 33513-0667

Florida Laws (5) 120.57473.306473.323777.04782.04
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-000128 Latest Update: Sep. 06, 1990

Findings Of Fact Respondent was certified as a corrections officer in 1972 and was so certified at all times here relevant. Respondent was a season ticket holder to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1983 football games. He attended the game on September 25, 1983, with four friends. Before arriving at the game the group bought a fifth of whiskey. Respondent contends he had only one drink prior to the incident with the police officers but three police officers opined that Respondent was intoxicated. During the second half of the game, with the Bucs woefully behind and some spectators leaving the stadium, Respondent was yelling disparaging remarks about the Bucs and their performance on that day. Occasionally, Respondent was standing on his seat when he yelled the remarks. Respondent was more noisy than others in the section in which his seat was located and drew the attention of Jennifer Frye, a City of Tampa police officer serving as a uniformed off-duty policewoman paid the owners of the stadium to maintain crowd control. Officer Frye motioned for Respondent to come to the platform where she was standing, some four rows above Respondent's seat. Respondent did so, climbing between the people and seats behind him as he responded to Frye's summons. When Respondent reached Frye's position, she smelled alcohol on his breath and he appeared to her to be intoxicated. Respondent was somewhat annoyed in being called up by the policewoman and wanted to know why she had beckoned him from his seat. He was gesturing with his arms and asking what he had done wrong. Officer Lois Morraro, another off-duty member of the Tampa police force, was also working in uniform at the stadium. She observed Respondent respond to Frye's request and saw Respondent arguing. Morraro approached the two and positioned herself behind Respondent. Respondent told Frye he was a season ticket holder and was entitled to be upset when the Bucs were losing. Frye and Morraro decided to evict Respondent from the stadium and when Frye initially grabbed his hand Respondent pulled away. She then told him he was under arrest and grabbed his left arm and hand with a come-along grip. Morraro grabbed Respondent's right arm, twisted it behind his back, and moved the hand up toward the shoulders. They proceeded to propel the struggling Respondent down the steps to a holding area. When they reached the holding area they were joined by Sergeant Peter Ambraz, the off- duty Tampa police officer in charge of the stadium detail. Ambraz took Respondent's right arm while Morraro handcuffed Respondent. During this time Respondent was trying to keep from being handcuffed and in the process his elbow accidentally hit Morraro in the throat while she was standing behind him putting handcuffs on him. After Respondent had been handcuffed and taken to the police station, he revealed that he was a certified corrections officer. Respondent was subsequently tried for disorderly intoxication and fired from his job with the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department.

Florida Laws (3) 893.13943.13943.1395
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-006428 Latest Update: Jun. 20, 1989

The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether petitioner possesses the requisite good moral character for certification as a correctional officer.

Findings Of Fact Background In June 1988, respondent, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission (Commission), acting on a tip from the local media that intervenor, Metropolitan Dade County, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (County), had in its employ a number of corrections officers who were not certified, undertook a review of the County's employment records. Following a comparison of the County's records and those of the Commission, the Commission identified 363 individuals, including the petitioner, who were employed by the County as correctional officers but who had not been certified by the Commission. On August 10-11, 1988, Commission personnel visited the County's personnel office, and audited the personnel file of each of the 363 individuals in question. The audit demonstrated that the files were disorganized, lacking documentation required by Rule 11B-27.002, Florida Administrative Code, to apply for certification, and that the County had failed to apply for certification on behalf of the 363 officers. 2/ Over the course of their two-day visit, the Commission's personnel set up an "assembly line" and, together with the County's staff, attempted to complete the documentation on each file. Variously, registration forms and affidavits of compliance were prepared, and birth certificates, fingerprint cards and other missing documentation was assembled. On August 12, 1988, the Commission's personnel returned to Tallahassee with the subject registration forms and affidavits of compliance. Over the course of time, these applications were processed and the vast majority of the individuals were certified; however, the Commission declined, for reasons hereinafter discussed, to certify petitioner. The pending application Petitioner, Humberto Jimenez (Jimenez), has been employed by the County as a correctional officer for approximately two and one-half years, without benefit of certification. On August 10, 1988, as a consequence of the aforementioned audit, the County, as the employing agency, applied for certification on behalf of Jimenez. 3/ Accompanying the application (registration) was an affidavit of compliance, dated August 10, 1988, signed by Fred Crawford, Director of Metropolitan Dade County, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, which comported with existing law and which certified that such employing agency had collected, verified, and was maintaining on file evidence that Jimenez had met the provisions of Section 943.13(1)-(8), and Section 943.131, Florida Statutes, or any rules adopted pursuant thereto. Among the provision of Section 943.13 is the requirement that the applicant be of good moral character. By letter dated November 1, 1988, the Commission notified Jimenez and the County that his application for certification as a correctional officer was denied for lack of good moral character because: You have unlawfully and knowingly possessed and introduced into your body cocaine and cannabis. Following receipt of the Commission's letter of denial, Jimenez filed a timely request for a formal hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. In his request for hearing, Jimenez denied that he failed to possess the requisite good moral character necessary for certification. Good moral character Pursuant to Rule 11B-27.OO11 Florida Administrative Code, the County, as the employing agency, is responsible for conducting a thorough background investigation to determine the moral character of an applicant. Consistent with such mandate, the County routinely uses previous employment data, law enforcement records, credit agency records, inquiries of the applicant's neighbors and associates, and a pre-employment interview, at which a polygraph examination is administered, to assess an applicant's moral character. In assessing an applicant's character, the County is bound by the provisions of Rule 11B-27.0011(2), Florida Administrative Code, which provides: The unlawful use of any of the controlled substances enumerated in Rule 11B-27.00225 by an applicant for certification, employment, or appointment at any time proximate to such application for certification, employment, or appointment conclusively establishes that the applicant is not of good moral character as required by Section 943.13(7). The unlawful use of any of the controlled substances enumerated in Rule 11B-27.00225 by an applicant at any time remote from and not proximate to such application may or may not conclusively establish that the applicant is not of good moral character, as required by Section 943.13(7), depending upon the type of controlled substance used, the frequency of use, and the age of the applicant at the time of use. Nothing herein is intended, however, to restrict the construction of Section 943.13(7), only to such controlled substance use. The substances enumerated in Rule 11B-27.00225 are amphetamines, barbiturates, cannabis (marijuana), opiates, cocaine, phencyclidine, benzodiazepines, and methaqualone. Pertinent to this case, the County undertook a pre- employment interview of Jimenez on July 24, 1986, at which time he admitted that he had used cocaine and marijuana in the past. His use of cocaine occurred in 1983, when he was 19 years of age, and consisted of using the drug twice on the same day. His use of marijuana occurred in 1981 or 1982, while he was a high school student, and occurred on no more than four occasions. But for these isolated occasions, Jimenez has not used cocaine or marijuana. Notwithstanding the County's conclusion, based on its investigation and analysis of Jimenez's background, that Jimenez possessed the requisite good moral character for employment and certification, the Commission proposed to deny certification based on his isolated use of cocaine and marijuana. The Commission's proposed action is not warranted by the proof. Here, Jimenez, born January 1, 1964, used marijuana infrequently, the last time being about 7 years ago when he was 17 years of age and a high school student. His use of cocaine occurred on but one day in his life, and at the time he was 19 years of age. Such isolated and dated usage can hardly be termed proximate or frequent within the meaning of Rule 11B-27.0011(2), or persuasive evidence of bad moral character. 4/ Currently, Jimenez is married and the father of a fourteen-month-old daughter. He has been employed by the County as a corrections officer, a position of trust and confidence, for approximately two and one-half years. His annual evaluations demonstrated that his performance has been above satisfactory to outstanding, and his periodic drug screenings have all met with negative results. By those who know of him, he is considered an excellent employee, observant of the rules, honest, fair and respectful of the rights of others. Overall, Jimenez has demonstrated that he possessed the requisite good moral character when he was employed by the County as a correctional officer, and has demonstrated in this de novo proceeding that he currently possesses the requisite good moral character for certification.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of petitioner, Humberto Jimenez, for certification as a correctional officer be approved. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 20th day of June 1989. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of June, 1989.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.60943.13943.131 Florida Administrative Code (3) 11B-27.001111B-27.00211B-27.00225
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-006426 Latest Update: Jun. 26, 1989

The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether petitioner possesses the requisite good moral character for certification as a correctional officer.

Findings Of Fact Background In June 1988, respondent, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission (Commission), acting on a tip from the local media that intervenor, Metropolitan Dade County, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (County), had in its employ a number of corrections officers who were not certified, undertook a review of the County's employment records. Following a comparison of the County's records and those of the Commission, the Commission identified 363 individuals, including the petitioner, who were employed by the County as correctional officers but who had not been certified by the Commission. On August 10-11, 1988, Commission personnel visited the County's personnel office, and audited the personnel file of each of the 363 individuals in question. The audit demonstrated that the files were disorganized, lacking documentation required by Rule 11B-27.002, Florida Administrative Code, to apply for certification, and that the County had failed to apply for certification on behalf of the 363 officers. 2/ Over the course of their two-day visit, the Commission's personnel set up an "assembly line" and, together with the County's staff, attempted to complete the documentation on each file. Variously, registration forms and affidavits of compliance were prepared, and birth certificates, fingerprint cards and other missing documentation was assembled. On August 12, 1988, the Commission's personnel returned to Tallahassee with the subject registration forms and affidavits of compliance. Over the course of time, these applications were processed and the vast majority of the individuals were certified; however, the Commission declined, for reasons hereinafter discussed, to certify petitioner. The pending application Petitioner, Kenneth Hart (Hart), has been employed by the County as a correctional officer since June 30, 1986, without benefit of certification. On August 10, 1988, as a consequence of the aforementioned audit, the County, as the employing agency, applied for certification on behalf of Hart. 3/ Accompanying the application (registration) was an affidavit of compliance, dated August 10, 1988, signed by Fred Crawford, Director of Metropolitan Dade County, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, which comported with existing law and which certified that such employing agency had collected, verified, and was maintaining on file evidence that Hart had met the provisions of Section 943.13(1)-(8), and Section 943.131, Florida Statutes, or any rules adopted pursuant thereto. Among the provision of Section 943.13 is the requirement that the applicant be of good moral character. By letter dated November 1, 1988, the Commission notified Hart and the County that his application for certification as a correctional officer was denied for lack of good moral character because: You have unlawfully and knowingly possessed and introduced into your body cocaine and cannabis. Following receipt of the Commission's letter of denial, Hart filed a timely request for a formal hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. In his request for hearing, Hart denied that he failed to possess the requisite good moral character necessary for certification. Good moral character Pursuant to Rule 11B-27.0011, Florida Administrative Code, the County, as the employing agency, is responsible for conducting a thorough background investigation to determine the moral character of an applicant. Consistent with such mandate, the County routinely uses previous employment data, law enforcement records, credit agency records, inquiries of the applicant's neighbors and associates, and a pre-employment interview, at which a polygraph examination is administered, to assess an applicant's moral character. In assessing an applicant's character, the County is bound by the provisions of Rule 11B-27.0011(2), Florida Administrative Code, which provides: The unlawful use of any of the controlled substances enumerated in Rule 11B-27.00225 by an applicant for certification, employment, or appointment at any time proximate to such application for certification, employment, or appointment conclusively establishes that the applicant is not of good moral character as required by Section 943.13(7). The unlawful use of any of the controlled substances enumerated in Rule 11B-27.00225 by an applicant at any time remote from and not proximate to such application may or may not conclusively establish that the applicant is not of good moral character, as required by Section 943.13(7), depending upon the type of controlled substance used, the frequency of use, and the age of the applicant at the time of use. Nothing herein is intended, however, to restrict the construction of Section 943.13(7), only to such controlled substance use. The substances enumerated in Rule 11B-27.00225 are amphetamines, barbiturates, cannabis (marijuana), opiates, cocaine, phencyclidine, benzodiazepines, and methaqualone. Pertinent to this case, the County undertook a pre- employment interview of Hart on May 22, 1986, at which time he admitted that he had used marijuana and cocaine. Regarding such use, the proof demonstrates that Hart used marijuana on approximately three occasions and cocaine on approximately three occasions, that such use was sporadic and infrequent, and that such use occurred more than two years prior to the interview. Notwithstanding the County's conclusion, based on its investigation and analysis of Hart's background, that Hart possessed the requisite good moral character for employment and certification, the Commission proposed to deny certification based on his infrequent and sporadic use of marijuana over 5 years ago. The Commission's action is not warranted by the proof. Here, Hart, born February 15, 1962, used marijuana and cocaine approximately three times over 5 years ago when he was 21-22 years of age. Such isolated and dated usage can hardly be termed proximate or frequent within the meaning of Rule 11B-27.0011(2), or persuasive evidence of bad moral character. 4/ Currently, Hart has been employed by the County as a corrections officer, a position of trust and confidence, for approximately three years. His annual evaluations have been above satisfactory, and his periodic drug screenings have all met with negative results. By those who know of him, he is considered an excellent employee, observant of the rules, honest, fair and respectful of the rights of others. Overall, Hart has demonstrated that he possessed the requisite good moral character when he was employed by the County as a correctional officer, and has demonstrated in this de novo proceeding that he currently possesses the requisite good moral character for certification.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of petitioner, Kenneth Hart, for certification as a correctional officer be approved. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 26th day of June 1989. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of June, 1989.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.60943.13943.131 Florida Administrative Code (3) 11B-27.001111B-27.00211B-27.00225
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-000342 Latest Update: Jun. 10, 1977

The Issue Whether or not the application filed by the Petitioner, The Deli, Inc., t/a The Follies, to hold a new series 4-COP, SRX license with the State of Florida, Division of Beverage should be granted.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, The Deli, Inc., t/a The Follies, made application to receive a series 4-COP-SRK license from the State of Florida, Division of Beverage. This application was made on December 9, 1976 as shown by the Respondent's Exhibit 1, admitted into evidence and made a part of this record. After reviewing the application the Respondent, State of Florida, Division of Beverage, through its Director, filed a letter of disapproval of the application on January 27, 1977. A copy of this letter is Respondent's Exhibit 2, admitted into evidence and made a part of this record. The letter of denial indicated that the reason for denial was based upon the fact that the corporate officer one, Eugene O. Bernard, was not of good moral character, within the meaning of s. 561.15, F.S. Mr. Bernard is the president of the Petitioner, corporation. In the course of the hearing the Petitioner produced witnesses who established Eugene O. Bernard to be a man of good moral character and in the course of that presentation made out a prima facie case to show good moral character. (It would appear from the position of the parties that the President, Eugene O. Bernard, is over the age of 21 years) The Respondent, State of Florida, Division of Beverage, failed to establish any evidence which would impute the individual good moral character of Eugene O. Bernard, president of the Petitioner, corporation.

Recommendation Based upon the facts as established in this cause it is recommended that any disapproval of the license application which has been made by the Petitioner, The Deli, Inc., t/a The Follies, for a new series 4-COP-SRX license to be held with the State of Florida, Division of Beverage, which disapproval is premised upon the lack of good moral character of the corporate officer, Eugene O. Bernard, be dismissed. DONE AND ORDERED this 21st day of April, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Harry Katz, Jr., Esquire 337 East Forsyth Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Charles T. Collett, Esquire Staff Attorney Office of the General Counsel 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304

Florida Laws (1) 561.15
# 10

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