The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent, Gulf Coast Enterprise (GCE), discriminated against Petitioner, Terry R. Douglas, based on his race--African-American--or his disability-- hearing impairment.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Terry R. Douglas (Douglas) is an African- American male. He is hard of hearing and uses hearing aids (when he can afford the batteries) and relies upon interpretive sign language when it is available.1/ At all times relevant hereto, Douglas worked as a food line server under the employ of GCE, which is a division of Lakeview Center, Inc., an affiliate of Baptist Health Care. The stated purpose of GCE is "to operate a successful business which will provide meaningful employment to persons with disabilities in accordance with the requirements of the AbilityOne Program." AbilityOne is a program that creates jobs and training opportunities for people who are blind or who have other severe disabilities, empowering them to lead more productive and independent lives. GCE is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, marital status, disability, or any other category protected by law. Douglas had been previously employed by GCE in 2010 as a custodian but voluntarily resigned to pursue employment elsewhere. He briefly took a job in the Orlando area, then went to Memphis for about one year. When he returned to Pensacola he took a position with GCE commencing May 9, 2013, in the food service division. He was hired to work the night shift, from 7:00 p.m., until approximately 1:30 a.m. As part of being hired anew by GCE, Douglas filled out an "Employee Self-Identification Form" in order to advise GCE of his status within a protected class. Douglas identified himself as an individual with a disability but stated that there were no accommodations which GCE needed to provide in order to improve his ability to perform his job. When Douglas recommenced employment with GCE in May 2013, he went through employee orientation. He received copies of the Employee Handbook and various written policies addressing issues such as discrimination, harassment, drug-free workplace, etc. He was also provided training on the GCE Code of Conduct and Respect in the Workplace policies. Douglas' job entailed preparing and/or serving food at the cafeteria in Building 3900 at the Pensacola Naval Air Station (NAS). He was by all accounts a good employee, a hard worker, and gained the respect of his supervisor, Prospero Pastoral (called "Mr. Pete" by most employees). In fact, when Mr. Pete was going to take an extended vacation to visit his home in the Philippines, Douglas was selected as one of the individuals to take over some of Mr. Pete's duties in his absence. Douglas got along well with his fellow employees and co-workers. Douglas' supervisors were Mr. Pete and Paul Markham, the assistant building manager of Building 3900. Douglas had a good relationship with Markham when he first started working in food service, but (according to Douglas) they did not get along so well later on. There did not appear to be any overt animosity between the two men during the final hearing. In November 2013, Markham was advised by the kitchen manager that some food items (including several hams) were missing from the kitchen inventory. It was suspected that some night shift employees may have been stealing the food items. Markham was asked to investigate and see if there was any suspicious behavior by any employees. On the evening of November 22, 2013, Markham changed from his work uniform into civilian clothes just prior to midnight. He then drove to a parking lot just behind Building 3900 and sat inside his darkened vehicle. He had driven his wife's car to work that day so that his pickup truck (which employees would recognize) would not alert others to his presence. At around midnight, he saw two employees (Gerry Riddleberger and Andy Bartlett) sitting outside Building 3900 talking. He could see Douglas in the building through the window. A few minutes later, Douglas exited the building carrying a large black garbage bag. Markham got out of his car and walked toward Douglas. As he approached, Markham began to "chat" with Douglas about trivial things. He asked how he was doing; he asked where Ira (another employee) was; he made small talk.2/ Finally, Markham asked Douglas what was in the bag. Douglas responded that "these are tough times" and that "I have to take care of my family." He then opened the bag and showed Markham the contents therein. The bag contained numerous bags of potato chips and snacks, some bananas, packets of coffee creamer, and other small items. Markham asked Douglas to hand over the bag and he did so. He then asked Douglas for his badge and access key. When Douglas handed those over, Markham told him to leave the NAS and he would be hearing from the GCE human resources/employee relations department (HR). Douglas left the base and Markham waited around a while to see if any other employees were carrying suspicious items. Not observing any other suspect behavior, Markham concluded his investigation for that evening. The next day, Markham handed over the bag and Douglas' badges to HR. It was determined by HR that Douglas' attempted theft of the property constituted just cause for termination of his employment with GCE. The HR office notified Douglas of the decision to terminate his employment. Douglas thereafter visited the HR office to ask that the decision be reconsidered. Douglas was told that the process for reconsideration was to submit, in writing, his statement of the reasons and whether there were mitigating factors to be considered. Douglas submitted a four-page request for reconsideration to Kahiapo, director of employee relations, dated December 2, 2013. In the letter, Douglas admitted to the theft but rationalized that other employees were stealing food as well. He said he had seen Markham taking boxes out of storage and putting them in his truck, but did not know what the boxes contained. He said a blonde worker on the food line ate food from the serving line, but had no details about the allegation. He complained that other workers had been caught stealing but had not been terminated from employment. He alleged that a worker (Jeanette) stole a bag of bacon and only got suspended. Markham had no support or independent verification of the allegations. GCE had one of its employee relations specialists, Alan Harbin, review Douglas' reconsideration letter and investigate the allegations found therein. All of the allegations were deemed to be unfounded. There was a worker named Jeanette who had been suspended for eating an egg off the serving line, but this did not comport with Douglas' allegation. When Harbin's findings were reported to HR, Kahiapo notified Douglas via letter dated December 18, 2013, that his request for reconsideration was being denied. The termination of employment letter was not rescinded. The decision by HR was in large part due to the zero tolerance policy against theft adhered to by GCE. The GCE Employee Handbook contains the following: In accordance with the general "at will" nature of employment with GCE, generally, employees may be discharged at any time, and for any reason. * * * An employee may be discharged on a first offense and without prior disciplinary action if the violation so warrants. * * * Conduct that may result in immediate termination of employment includes, but is not limited to: * * * [12] Theft, pilfering, fraud or other forms of dishonesty. It is clear--and Douglas admits--that Douglas was guilty of theft. He attempted to steal a bag of food items from the building in which he worked. During his term of employment, Douglas never made any claim concerning discrimination against him or anyone else due to his race, African-American. He was never mistreated or treated differently than any other employee by his supervisors. Douglas did not have any problem doing his job. His disability, being hard of hearing, did not adversely affect his employment. He never asked for any accommodation to do his job or suggested to anyone that his disability interfered with his ability to perform his duties. There are simply no facts in this case upon which a claim of discrimination could reasonably be based.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Florida Commission on Human Relations, upholding its determination that no cause exists for a finding of discrimination against Petitioner, Terry R. Douglas, by Respondent, Gulf Coast Enterprise. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of August, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S R. BRUCE MCKIBBEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of August, 2014.
The Issue Whether this cause is barred by a release of all claims.
Findings Of Fact On January 16, 2019, on her last day of employment with Respondent, Petitioner executed a General Release. Petitioner does not dispute that she signed the General Release, which states, in pertinent part: I knowingly and voluntarily release and forever discharge [Respondent] of and from any and all claims, known and unknown, anticipated and unanticipated, asserted and unasserted, which I have or may have against the [Respondent] as of the date of execution of this General Release. These released claims include, but are not limited to, any alleged violation of ... Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the Americans with Disabilities Act; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act; the Family and Medical Leave Act; ... [and] the Florida Civil Rights Act[.] * * * By signing below, I am knowingly and freely waiving and releasing all claims I may have against the [Respondent]. I further affirm I have been given a sufficient amount of time to consider whether to sign this General Release. The subject complaint of discrimination was brought by Petitioner, after she signed the General Release, pursuant to the FCRA, which is specifically referenced as a released claim in the General Release. By executing the General Release, Petitioner released Respondent from the claims that were the basis for her complaint of discrimination. Petitioner asserts that the General Release was signed under duress, she did not give up her rights because she had not yet received her final paycheck or belongings, and that there is no proof that she received consideration for signing the general release.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a Final Order dismissing Kathy L. McKethan’s Petition for Relief due to a lack of jurisdiction. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of October, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JODI-ANN V. LIVINGSTONE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of October, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Tammy S. Barton, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations Room 110 4075 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-7020 (eServed) Keith L. Hammond, Esquire Law Office of Keith L. Hammond, P.A. Post Office Box 547873 Orlando, Florida 32854 (eServed) Kathy McKethan Post Office Box 953304 Lake Mary, Florida 32795 (eServed) Cheyanne Costilla, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 1075 Esplanade Way, Room 110 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-7020 (eServed)
The Issue The issue to be resolved is whether Petitioner, Emma J. Brown, was subject to discrimination in her employment by Respondent for the reasons alleged in her Petition for Relief.
Findings Of Fact Based upon the demeanor of the witnesses while testifying, exhibits admitted in evidence, and stipulations and argument of the parties, the following relevant, material, and substantive facts are found: Petitioner, Emma J. Brown (Ms. Brown), an African- American female, began working for Respondent, Sunbelt Health Care (Sunbelt), a nursing home in Zephyrhills, Florida, as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) on or about February 11, 2002, after an interview by Barbara Derby-Bartlett (Ms. Derby- Bartlett), director of nursing, who made the decision to hire Ms. Brown. Margaret Levesque (Ms. Levesque), a white female, was hired as a CNA by Sunbelt in June of 2002. A CNA's duties include assisting the nursing staff in overall patient care. At the time of their hire, all new employees were required to attend an orientation process. During orientation, new employees, including Ms. Brown, were given a copy of Sunbelt's employee handbook and other printed materials, including Sunbelt's "Call-Off Guides" policy. The "Call-Off Guides" policy specifies the means and method employees are required to follow when they can not be present for their scheduled work shifts. The policy also informs the new employee that repeated absenteeism will result in immediate dismissal. Sunbelt is a 24-hour, full-care facility with residents located in both its north side wing and south side wing. Employees work on both wings. Sunbelt used two shifts, the day shift and the night shift, to provide residents with 24-hour care and service. Ms. Brown testified that at the time of her hire, she informed Sunbelt that she could not work the day (first) shift because she had another job. Her request to work the night (second) shift was granted. On February 22, 2002, after 11 days of employment, Ms. Brown suffered an on-the-job injury to her wrist. Ms. Brown re-injured her wrist on March 22, 2002, and suffered an on-the- job back injury on April 7, 2002. Ms. Brown, through counsel, filed workers' compensation claims for her on-the-job injuries. Ms. Brown's treating physician placed her on work restrictions, limiting her duties to no bending and no lifting over 20 pounds. On or about May 24, 2002, Ms. Brown returned to work and presented her work restrictions, and Sunbelt assigned Ms. Brown to the night shift to perform light-duty work assignments. The light-duty work assigned to Ms. Brown consisted of answering residents' call lights, checking their vital signs, assisting residents with their meals (passing trays), and replenishing their water supplies on both the north and south wings. Ms. Brown requested that Sunbelt change her work schedule to day shift and allow her to work five consecutive days with weekends off. This request was denied. During the pertinent time, two other CNAs, Ms. Levesque and Shirley Manley (Ms. Manley), were also on light-duty. Ms. Levesque and Ms. Manley, white females, performed light-duty work assignments on both the north and south wings similar to those performed by Ms. Brown. According to Ms. Brown, Ms. Levesque worked weekdays for two consecutive months with no weekend duty, and she was not allowed to do likewise. On June 6, 2002, Sunbelt transferred Ms. Brown from night shift to day shift. Ms. Brown maintained that there is "more light-duty work" during the day shift than during the night shift, and by keeping her on the day shift, her workload was increased when compared to CNAs working during the night shift. Ms. Brown filed her claim of discrimination, and Sunbelt, by and through counsel, attempted settlement of Ms. Brown's claim of discrimination without success. Ms. Brown maintained that the proffered settlement did not justify the treatment she received. Sunbelt presented the testimony of Ms. Levesque, who was hired in June 2002 as a CNA but was initially assigned to the duty and function of "staffing coordinator." The staffing coordinator is a day shift employee whose primarily duties consisted of preparing CNAs' work schedules and identifying and securing replacements for those CNAs who called in and, for whatever reasons, did not or could not report for duty as scheduled. During her staffing coordinator assignment, Ms. Levesque also assisted CNAs in their duties, but was assigned light-duty with a 20-pound lifting restriction. Her CNA duties include passing food trays during breakfast, lunch, and dinner; replenishing water; and anything that did not require her to physically pick-up and/or lift a resident. In or about mid-August of 2002, Ms. Levesque's schedule changed, and she was required to work every other weekend. On several occasions, Ms. Levesque and Ms. Brown worked on the same shift, but not on the same wing. Ms. Derby-Bartlett testified that upon receipt from an employee's physician detailing the employee's limitations, she would work within those specific limitations in assigning CNAs to light-duty. According to Ms. Derby-Bartlett, light-duty work assignments are less during the night when residents are asleep and more during the day when residents are awake. After her appointment to the position of director of nursing, Ms. Derby-Bartlett became aware that Ms. Levesque was not working every other weekend and informed Ms. Levesque that she would be scheduled to work every other weekend. Ms. Levesque's request for a couple of weeks to make adjustments was granted, and she thereafter was scheduled to work every other weekend. Ms. Derby-Bartlett confirmed that Ms. Brown was assigned light-duty work assignments on June 6, 2002, and Ms. Brown was a no-show for work. On July 3, 2002, Ms. Brown was assigned light-duty, and she called in as a no-show. On July 4, 2002, Ms. Brown was assigned light-duty, and she did not call in or show for work. On July 5, 2002, Ms. Brown was assigned light-duty, and she did not call in or show for work. Ms. Derby-Bartlett contacted the staffing person on each day Ms. Brown called in and on each day Ms. Brown was a no- show, confirming the accuracy of the reports. Ms. Derby-Bartlett contacted Ms. Brown regarding her no-calls and no-shows and informed her of Sunbelt's policy of termination for repeated absenteeism. Ms. Brown, believing her doctor had called Sunbelt on one of the days she was a no-show, was mistaken because no doctor called. On July 5, 2002, Ms. Derby-Bartlett completed Sunbelt's disciplinary form to terminate Ms. Brown due to her several no-calls and no-shows, in violation of Sunbelt's policy, and forwarded her recommendation to Maria Coddington, Sunbelt's unit manager. Ms. Derby-Bartlett testified that since her appointment as director of nursing, the no-show/no-call termination policy has been consistently applied, and she was not aware of any employee who had been no-show/no-call for two consecutive days who had not been terminated. Five months after hiring Ms. Brown, Ms. Derby-Bartlett terminated her. Sunbelt's employee handbook's "Call-Off Guides" policy regarding absenteeism provides, in pertinent part that: "if employees do not call in or do not show up for work for two consecutive days or three nonconsecutive days, it is grounds for termination." Each employee, as did Ms. Brown, signed individual employment documents attesting to having received a copy of Sunbelt's "Call-Off Guides" policy when hired. Ms. Brown was terminated because of her violation of Sunbelt's policy regarding two or more absenteeism without notice to her employer and her repeated failure, albeit her belief that her physician was going to call on her behalf and did not do so, to timely inform her employer of her absence from scheduled duty. Ms. Brown's termination by Sunbelt was based on her violation of their employee work attendance policy and not because of her race and/or ethnic origin. Ms. Brown failed to present a prima facie case of discrimination based on her race as alleged in her complaint of discrimination.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief filed by Petitioner, Emma J. Brown. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of August, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S FRED L. BUCKINE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of August, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: Emma J. Brown 38723 Barbara Lane Dade City, Florida 33523 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Alan M. Gerlach, Esquire Adventist Health System-Legal Services 111 North Orlando Avenue Winter Park, Florida 32789 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Findings Of Fact On July 9, 1986 Petitioner, a Clerk Typist Specialist employed by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, signed a receipt acknowledging that she had received a copy of the Department's Employee Handbook which contains the information that an employee who is absent for three consecutive workdays without authorization may be considered to have abandoned his or her position and thereby to have resigned. On September 3, 1987 Petitioner telephoned her supervisor to advise him that she had an interview scheduled and that she would be at work by 9:30 a.m. She, however, thereafter failed to appear at work and failed to make any further contact with her supervisor on September 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, and 11, 1987. On September 11, 1987 by certified letter the Department advised Petitioner that, as of the close of business on September 9, she was deemed to have abandoned her position and to have resigned from the Career Service due to her unauthorized absence for three consecutive workdays, i.e., September 3, 4, and 8, 1987.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings Of Fact and Conclusions Of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered deeming Petitioner to have abandoned her position and to have resigned from the Career Service. DONE AND ORDERED this 30th day of November, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of November, 1987. COPIES FURNISHED: Ruby Holloway-Jenkins 649 West 4th Street Riviera Beach, Florida 33404 K. C. Collette, Esquire District IX Legal Counsel 111 Georgia Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Adis Vila, Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr., Esquire General Counsel Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700
The Issue The issue is whether the termination of Respondent, Otis Paul Whatley, was in accordance with the personnel procedures established by the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority.
Findings Of Fact ECUA was created in 1981 pursuant to Chapter 81-376, Laws of Florida. By law, it provides utility services throughout Escambia County, Florida. Mr. Whatley was employed by ECUA. On October 31, 2001, Mr. Whatley signed an acknowledgement that he received the ECUA Employee Handbook. The ECUA Employee Handbook is a summary of benefits, policies, procedures, and rules, which are more fully set forth in ECUA's Human Resources Policy Manual. While on the ECUA Rotation Schedule Standby List on Sunday, July 26, 2009, Mr. Whatley, and his co-worker Jonathan Wheat, were required to be available to make repairs when summoned by ECUA customers. Mr. Whatley submitted a Daily Overtime Report dated July 26, 2009, which indicated that he worked on that day from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. at 926 Lake Terrace, in Pensacola, Florida. The overtime report further stated that he worked from 10:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. at 1283 La Paz Street, in Pensacola. He further asserted that he worked at 402 West Lloyd Street, from 6:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. According to the Global Positioning System (GPS) installed on the ECUA truck assigned to Mr. Whatley, he did not depart his residence at the time he claimed to be working at 926 Lake Terrace or at 1283 La Paz Street. Moreover, the evidence provided by the GPS indicated that he was at the 402 West Lloyd Street for four hours rather than the five claimed as overtime. Mr. Whatley's co-worker, Jonathon Wheat, did work at 926 Lake Terrace and at 1283 La Paz Street, but he worked alone. Mr. Wheat joined in Mr. Whatley's prevarication with regard to the quantity of time expended at 402 West Lloyd Street. Mr. Wheat confessed to his prevarication when confronted. Mr. Whatley lied about his whereabouts when initially confronted, but eventually admitted that his timesheet contained false entries. It is found as a fact that Mr. Whatley, on his time sheet for July 26, 2009, claimed one hour and a half overtime for work at 926 Lake Terrace, one-half-hour overtime for work or at 1283 La Paz Street, and an hour more overtime than actually worked at 402 West Lloyd Street. None of the forgoing periods were worked by Mr. Whatley. Accordingly, these entries on his time sheet were false.
Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Executive Director of the Emerald Coast Utility Authority, based on the findings of fact found herein, impose such penalty on Otis Paul Whatley, as he or she determines to be appropriate. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of November, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S HARRY L. HOOPER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of November, 2009. COPIES FURNISHED: Otis Whatley 8655 Ramblewood Place Pensacola, Florida 32514 John E. Griffin, Esquire Carson & Adkins 2930 Wellington Circle, North, Suite 201 Tallahassee, Florida 32309 Stephen E. Sorrell, Executive Director Emerald Coast Utilities Authority 9255 Sturdevant Street Post Office Box 15311 Pensacola, Florida 32514-0311
Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence received at the hearing, the following facts are found: The City of Madison employs approximately 60 full time employees who serve under the general supervision of the City Manager, who has identical fringe benefits as all other employees. The City Commission employes the City Manager and is the ultimate authority and decision making body. The City Commission is composed of elected officials who serve without compensation. A representation petition was filed seeking a certificate of representation by Local Union 2865, AFL-CIO as the exclusive bargaining agent for all full time employees of the City of Madison except for professional employees, managerial employees and confidential secretarial employees. The Public Employer refused to grant the request. A consent election was rejected. A Motion to Dismiss and/or Strike Petition for Certification was entered into evidence over the objection of the Petitioner and a Motion to Quash said Motion to Dismiss and/or Strike Petition for Certification was denied. Testimony was taken as to whether there was such solicitation by managerial employees to initiate the showing of interest. Testimony was taken and final action on the Motion is referred to PERC for action. If the Motion to Dismiss is denied, the determination must be made as to whether the hereinafter enumerated job positions as set forth in Exhibit 3 should be considered managerial and excluded from the unit. No agreement was reached on such employees. Each employee whose job description is set forth in Exhibit 3 works a standard 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. five day work week, but each is expected to get their respective job done and in the event of an emergency work overtime. The City Commission sets the wages and each reports directly to the City Manager. Each has the same fringe benefits except those who need a truck and radio are furnished one for job use only. Each such employee hears grievance matters on those under him and if the problem cannot be worked out, the parties go to the City Manager who acts as final arbitrator and who acts on a recommendation for termination. Each such employee submits a budget and then sits with the City Manager in making up the budget and keeps with the administration of the budget. Each of the following persons have been funded with the job description and entered in Exhibit 3 and testimony from the City Manager indicates that a meeting for clarification and explanation was planned and thereafter a meeting of these nine employees on a monthly basis. The City Manager stated that in the event of a bargaining situation he would call together these employees for indirect and direct input but that he would prefer not to try to negotiate a contract himself inasmuch as this would put him in conflict with employees and that he would rely on these persons for input and any mollification of policy or procedures. (a) Special Project Supervisor. This work involves the direction of a maintenance or construction crew performing road and utility construction and maintenance work. This employee may hire, promote, demote and assign work and is responsible for directing a crew of skilled and unskilled workers in routine maintenance or construction of streets, roadways and utilities. Duties include inspecting equipment and machinery used to ensure proper operation and checking street and roadway utilities for defects or problems. At times this employee may serve as relief equipment operator. He may also perform other duties as required by the City Manager. Four persons work under the Special Project Supervisor but he may obtain help from other departments when necessary. (h) Fire Chief. This employee is directly responsible for protection against fire and for firefighting activities within the jurisdiction. This employee may hire, promote, demote or assign work and is responsible for directing and supervising skilled and unskilled firefighters in the routine maintenance of facilities and equipment. He coordinates the activities of firefighters, inspects station house and equipment, responds to fire alarms and other rescue activities. This employee may also perform other duties as required by the City Manager. (c) Construction Supervisor. This employee directs one or more departments and/or construction crews engaged in the construction of city streets, roadways, bridges and related facilities. The employee may hire, promote, demote and assign work. The work involves the supervision of several types of heavy equipment operators as well as the skilled and unskilled labor activities. The employee may perform other duties as required by the City Manager. (d) Executive Secretary. Excluded as managerial employee. (e) Gas Supervisor. This employee directs the maintenance and construction crew performing gas and utility maintenance and construction. The employee may hire, promote, demote, assign work and is responsible for directing and supervising a crew of skilled and unskilled workers in the routine maintenance of gasolines, services and utilities. Duties include inspecting equipment and checking for defects and when necessary serving as relief operator and supervising the moving of right of ways. This employee may perform other duties as required by the City Manager. (f) Sewage Plant Supervisor. This employee directs the maintenance and construction crew performing sewage plant lines and utility maintenance. The employee may hire, promote, demote, assign work and is responsible for directing and supervising a crew of skilled and unskilled workers in the routine maintenance or construction of sewer or water related facilities. Other duties include inspecting the equipment and machinery used to ensure proper operation and checking for defects or other problems. This employee may perform other duties as required by the City Manager. (g) Water Supervisor. This employee directs the maintenance and construction crew performing water, sewer and utility maintenance. The employee may hire, promote, demote, assign work and is responsible for directing and supervising the crew of skilled and unskilled workers in the routine maintenance and construction of water and sewer facilities and ocher utility services. Duties include inspecting equipment, serving as relief operator when necessary, supervising the moving of right of ways. The employee may perform other duties as required by the City Manager. (h) Grounds Keeper. This is work directing small crews engaged in the care and maintenance of grounds and yards. The employee may hire, promote, demote, assign work and is responsible for the overall maintenance of the grounds and yards in the City. The employee may perform other duties as required by the City Manager. (i) Shop Superintendent-Mechanic. Excluded as a non-managerial employee. (j) Warehouse Supervisor. This employee is involved in the record keeping, inventory control and the operation of the purchasing department. The duties are in general, a bookkeeper and storekeeper. He performs other duties when required by the City Manager. (k) Police Chief. This employee is responsible for the direction and administration of law enforcement activities. He may hire, promote, demote, assign work and is responsible for directing and supervising skilled and unskilled police officers and other activities involved in law enforcement. He is responsible for inspection of the stationhouse and equipment. He responds to calls for assistance. Other duties may be required by the City Manager or Mayor in case of Marshall Law. In accordance with Florida Statute 447.307(3)(a), and Florida Administrative Rule 8H-3.23, no recommendations are submitted. DONE and ENTERED this 30 day of April, 1976. DELPHENE C. STRICKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Richard Cox, Esquire Michaels and Patterson 2007 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 David Bembry, Esquire Davis, Browning and Hardee Post Office Box 652 Madison, Florida Ben Patterson, Esquire Michaels and Patterson 2007 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Edward B. Browning, Jr., Esquire Davis, Browning and Hardee Post Office Box 652 Madison, Florida Chairman Public Employee Relations Commission Suite 300, 2003 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Findings Of Fact Petitioner was an employee of DHRS as a Human Services Worker I at Gulf Coast Center, Ft. Myers, Florida. On March 8, 1984, Petitioner informed Ms. Bernstein, a Personnel Technician with duties as the Worker's Compensation coordinator at Gulf Coast Center, that she had a doctor's appointment on March 9, 1984, because of the recurrence of a worker's compensation back injury. Petitioner was not at work on March 9, 1984, and she was scheduled for her regular off days on March 10 and 11, 1984. Petitioner did not call her immediate supervisor or the Personnel Office on March 12, 13, 14 or 15, 1984, even though she was scheduled to work and she did not appear at work. Because Petitioner did not report for work or secure authorized leave for the absences on March 12, 13 and 14, 1984, on March 15, 1984, DHRS mailed Petitioner a letter by certified mail, return receipt requested, to Petitioner's last known address in her personnel record. The letter confirmed Petitioner's separation from employment with DHRS for absence without authorized leave for three (3) consecutive work days, which is deemed to be abandonment of the employment position and resignation from the Career Service System. The letter also advised Petitioner that in the event it was not her intention to resign from employment, she was instructed to immediately contact the Superintendent of Gulf Coast Center and provide a reasonable and acceptable explanation for the unauthorized absence from employment. This letter was accepted and signed for on March 17, 1984 by Patricia Grant, sister of Petitioner. However, Patricia Grant did not give the letter to Petitioner until approximately two weeks after receipt. On March 16, 1984, Petitioner provided to Ms. Bernstein a doctor's statement dated March 9, 1984, stating "no work for now" and a doctor's appointment card showing another appointment on March 16, 1984. Ms. Bernstein advised Petitioner of the March 15, 1984 letter regarding abandonment her position. In April, 1984, Petitioner finally called the Personnel Office of Gulf Coast Center and requested an appointment with the personnel manager regarding her employment. On April 12, 1984, Petitioner appeared at that office with a union steward and spoke with Amy Isaac. Petitioner also had another doctor's statement dated March 16, 1984, showing that she was to go into the hospital on March 18, 1984 for treatment for her back injury. During this meeting, Petitioner acknowledged that she had not called the Superintendent's Office as instructed in the March 15, 1984 letter. Because Petitioner was already deemed to have resigned from her employment, Ms. Isaac was unable to give Petitioner her job back.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is Recommended that Petitioner, Janet Grant, be separated from her employment with DHRS for abandonment of her employment position. DONE and ORDERED this 19th day of September, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of September, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Daniel C. Brown, Esquire Department of Administration Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Ms. Janet Grant 3125 Dora Street Fort Myers, Florida 33901 Anthony DeLuccia, Jr., Esquire District VIII Legal Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Post Office Box 06085 Fort Myers, Florida 33906 Nevin G. Smith Secretary of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Findings Of Fact In the fall of 1976, James McKnight was fire chief for respondent City of Lauderhill. At that time there was a vacancy in respondent's fire department for a fire lieutenant. Respondent's mayor gave Chief McKnight a list of three names which had been given to the mayor by the civil service board. The mayor told the fire chief to pick a person from the list for the fire lieutenant position and said "that he had been advised that the lieutenants were not eligible or allowable to belong to the union." (R17) The names on the list were those of Messrs. Scheiblich, Farmer and Schwartz, in that order, all of whom worked for respondent as firefighters. On September 30, 1976, Chief McKnight summoned Mr. Scheiblich to his office and discussed promoting him to fire lieutenant. The fire chief told Mr. Scheiblich that he could not be active in the union while service as a fire lieutenant and that he would have to resign from the union at the conclusion of his probationary period as a fire lieutenant. Mr. Scheiblich answered that he was under the impression that, although he would have to leave the bargaining unit, he could remain an active member of the union, but that, if a promotion would require his leaving the union, he would rather forego the promotion and remain a member of the union. Chief McKnight said he would consult the city attorney for his advice on whether Mr. Scheiblich's promotion would require his resignation from the union. Chief McKnight telephoned the city attorney, Mr. Titone, who told him that Mr. Scheiblich's serving in the rank of fire lieutenant would necessitate his resigning from the union. This advice was based in part on PERC's decision in its Case No. 8H-RC-756-1240. In that case, On June 23, 1976, PERC voted two to one to exclude fire lieutenants from the bargaining unit; because, as was subsequently explained, in the written order entered in Case No. 8H-RC-756-1240 on October 4, 1986, "the lieutenants manage the men on a day-to-day basis and will provide the basic input for promulgating and evaluating collective bargaining proposals submitted during negotiations." Although the record does not reflect that respondent had made a separate application for determination of the managerial or confidential status of fire lieutenants, respondent's attorney acted in good faith in advising Chief McKnight that Mr. Scheiblich would not be eligible for promotion to fire lieutenant if he was unwilling to resign from the union; and Chief McKnight acted in good faith in following Mr. Titone's advice. Acting on instructions from the mayor, whom he had apprised of the situation, Chief McKnight next interviewed Mr. Farmer. Among the questions he asked Mr. Farmer was one "about having to get out of the union in order to be able to accept lieutenant's promotion; and he said, it was all right with him" (R19) After this interview, Chief McKnight recommended Mr. Farmer's promotion, just as he had earlier recommended Mr. Scheiblich's promotion. The mayor was pleased with Mr. Farmer's selection. He nevertheless told the fire chief to interview the only other person listed, Mr. Schwartz, which Chief McKnight did even though he "couldn't see the necessity." (R29) The question of fire lieutenants' union membership came up in the Schwartz interview, too, and Chief McKnight indicated he was relying on what he had been told by the mayor and by the city attorney. At the time of these events, Mr. Scheiblich was union president and Mr. Schwartz was secretary-treasurer of the union. Chief McKnight and Mayor Cipolloni were aware of this because a letter from Mr. Schwartz, dated August 16, 1976, had so informed them. After Chief McKnight had interviewed Mr. Scheiblich for the fire lieutenant's job, he saw for the first time and read a petition signed by most of the firemen in respondent's employ, including all three persons listed as possibilities for promotion to fire lieutenant. This petition was critical of the management of the fire department, and "was a pretty strong petition. It was ultimately very successful. It got [Chief McKnight] fired." (R18) After reading the petition, Chief McKnight was unsure how long he would remain fire chief, and he told Mr. Scheiblich "to just sit tight [because Chief McKnight] wasn't going to do anything about promoting somebody to lieutenant until [he] was sure whether [he] was still working [for the fire department himself]." (R18-19) The firemen's petition upset Chief McKnight, but did not influence his recommendations for fire lieutenant. Chief McKnight withdrew his recommendation that Mr. Scheiblich be promoted to fire lieutenant, because Mr. Scheiblich would not agree to resign from the union, which respondent's mayor and city attorney had advised Chief McKnight would be necessary. Chief McKnight recommended that Mr. Farmer be promoted to fire lieutenant because his name was next on the list and because Mr. Farmer had no objection to resigning from the union at the end of a probationary period as fire lieutenant. Chief McKnight did not recommend that Mr. Schwartz be promoted to fire lieutenant because he had already recommended Mr. Farmer for the position, and Mayor Cipolloni had indicated he was going to accept the recommendation that Mr. Farmer be promoted. Mr. Farmer was in fact promoted to fire lieutenant, while Messers. Scheiblich and Schwartz were not. The case file reflects that the union filed unfair labor practice charges against respondent and mailed a copy to respondent's counsel on October 8, 1976. In addition to alleging that the circumstances surrounding the promotion of Mr. Farmer amounted to an unfair labor practice, the union alleged that respondent's mayor, Eugene Cipolloni, had sent two letters and made a public statement that constituted unfair labor practices. On or about October 13, 1976, Eugene Cipolloni, respondent's mayor, gave Chief McKnight a verbal directive to change the fire department's temporary shift exchange policy, effective November 1, 1976. Even though respondent's city council had adopted the policy on August 13, 1976, as its Resolution No. 572, the mayor felt a memorandum under the fire chief's signature should suffice to alter the policy. Before the change, the procedure was that a fireman who wanted another fireman to fill in for him made his request in writing and secured the signature of the proposed substitute. These requests then went up through the chain of command and were routinely granted. On one occasion, a fire lieutenant failed to report as a substitute, after agreeing to do so. Since the change in policy, temporary shift exchanges have only been allowed in cases of illness or in other emergencies. This change in policy was ordered by Mayor Cipolloni in retaliation for the filing of the unfair labor practice charges, although ensuring a full complement on each shift was the ostensible reason for the change in policy. The foregoing findings of fact should be read in conjunction with the statement required by Stuckey's of Eastman, Georgia v. Department of Transportation, 340 So.2d 119 (Fla. 1st DCA 1976), which appears as an appendix to the order.
Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That respondent restore and reestablish the temporary shift exchange policy which obtained before the memorandum posted on October 13, 1976, changed the policy, effective November 1, 1976. DONE and ENTERED this 29th day of July, 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 COPIES FURNISHED: William E. Powers, Jr., Esq. General Counsel Public Employees Relations Commission 2003 Apalachee Parkway Suite 300 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Anthony J. Titone, Esq. City Attorney City of Lauderhill 6299 West Sunrise Boulevard Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33313 Robert A. Sugarman, Esq. Post Office Drawer 520337 Miami, Florida 33121 APPENDIX The charging party's proposed findings of fact have been adopted, in substance, insofar as relevant, with these exceptions: There was only one opening for fire lieutenant. Chief McKnight had the authority to select the person for promotion only in the sense that he had authority to recommend somebody for promotion. Some of the details of the temporary shift exchange policy set forth in the last paragraph of page four of the charging party's proposed fact findings were recited by Mr. Schwartz in the course of examining witnesses but were not established as part of the evidence adduced at the hearing. Respondent's proposed fact findings Nos. 1, 3(b), 3(d), and 3(f)-(h), have been adopted, in substance. Respondent's proposed fact findings Nos. 2(a)-(e) have been rejected because the evidence as a whole persuaded the hearing officer that the change in temporary shift exchange policy was in retaliation for the filing of unfair labor practice charges. Both the mayor and the fire chief testified that the change was ordered by the mayor himself and that the fire chief merely carried the mayor's order out. The procedure by which the previous policy had been adopted was not followed in amending the policy. The change came at a time of upheaval, after a period of "rumors and commotion," (R19), and at a time when the mayor had just been accused of personally committing unfair labor practices. The mayor's demeanor at the hearing and the evasive manner in which he answered Mr. Schwartz's questions contributed significantly to the hearing officer's conclusion: In testifying, the mayor essentially took the tack that there had been change in the temporary shift exchange policy. The only credible testimony concerning shortcomings under the original policy concerned a single instance in which a fire lieutenant had failed to show up for a shift he had agreed to work, for which dereliction he had been disciplined. Respondent's proposed fact findings No. 3(a) and 3(c) have been rejected because the evidence showed that respondent failed to promote Mr. Scheiblich because he would not agree to resign from the union at the end of a probationary period as fire lieutenant. Respondent's proposed fact finding No. 3(e) has been rejected because Chief McKnight had also been advised by the mayor and the city attorney on the question of the fire lieutenants' managerial status.
Findings Of Fact Leo Willie Johnson commenced work as a custodian at Citizens Field on September 23, 1985, under inauspicious circumstances. For reasons not germane to this proceeding he had been discharged as a school bus driver and was reinstated by the Superintendent. As part of the reinstatement he was transferred from the Transportation Department to a custodial position. Since he didn't want a full-time position and the Citizen's Field assignment was part- time, he was assigned to that site. (tr-16, 127, Exhibit #R-2) Citizen's Field is a football stadium owned by the City of Gainesville and leased by the Alachua County School Board (SBAC). There are two concrete bleachers, an east side and a west side, accommodating a total of 6500 persons. The fall months are extremely busy with frequent football games and some use of the field by the City of Gainesville. (tr-16, 39, 70, 73) On Mr. Johnson's first day of work he was given a brief orientation to the job by his immediate supervisor, Dave Waters, who has been in charge of maintenance of Citizens Field for 26 years. He was also given a "pep" talk by Kirby Stewart, who is Mr. Waters' supervisor and the individual in charge of health education, drivers education and athletics for the SBAC. Mr. Stewart told Willie Johnson the work would be hard but rewarding, since parents, students and administrators are quick to acknowledge how great the field looks. (tr-16, 17, 69, 70) Mr. Johnson's assigned work day was from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, with a 10-minute break at 10:00 a.m. His duties included general cleaning and field maintenance: using a blower to remove papers and trash from the bleachers, sweeping the restrooms and walks, removing paper from the ground, raking, and similar functions. None of the duties required training or preparation on the part of the worker. (tr- 17, 38, 48) From the first day on the job, Leo Johnson's performance was substandard, and by his words and actions he made it clear that he was not remotely interested in fulfilling his duties. On September 23, 1986, he spent his entire work day using the blower to clean the east bleachers. He accomplished in five hours what an experienced worker could do in forty-five minutes and an inexperienced worker could do in two hours. (tr- 17-18, 71, Exhibit #P-1) On September 24, 1986, he spent five hours cleaning the restrooms, a concession stand and one locker room. In Dave Waters' opinion, based upon twenty-six years experience and the supervision of many different workers, these tasks should take a new man approximately two hours. (tr-18) On the third day, Leo Johnson spent four hours washing out two bathrooms and one locker room. He then sprayed out one restroom with a waterhose. At 12:30 Dave Waters gave him a short, fifteen minute assignment, but he laid down his tools and walked away. He returned after about fifteen minutes and Dave Waters told him that he must keep working until his work time was up. Mr. Johnson responded that there was too much work to do, that he didn't think the job would work out for him and that he would talk to Mr. Griffin in personnel about another assignment. He then left the work site. (tr-18-20, Exhibit #P-1) Tile next two days, Mr. Johnson was cut on sick leave. He came to work on Monday, September 30th, but left after two hours. He was out then until Monday, October 14th and worked four full days Friday, the 18th was a Homecoming holiday. He was not very productive that week as he had a portable radio plugged into his ears. Dave Waters asked him to remove the earphone so that he could give him instructions, but he replaced it later. (tr-21-23) Because of the concerns expressed by both Dave Waters and the employee, Wilfred Griffin (Career Service Specialist, and the School Board Superintendent met with Mr. Johnson on October 2, 1985. Mr. Johnson was told again the duties of his job and was told that he was expected to carry out those duties. Mr. Johnson complained about having problems with his feet due to having to stand in water. Later, when Mr. Griffin had the safety officer investigate to see if boots should be purchased, the report back to him was that the field had good drainage and there was no standing water. In addition, boots had already been made available to the workers. (tr-l28-129) At Mr. Griffin's direction, On October 7, 1985, Kirby Stewart asked Mr. Johnson to bring in a note from his doctor. Mr. Johnson replied that it would be "no problem". Thereafter, Kirby Stewart repeated the request on several occasions. The only thing he received was a note from the A.C.O.R.N. Clinic secretary that Leo Johnson was examined on October 8, 1985. (tr-74, Exhibit #P-7, and #P-17) On Monday, October 21, 1985, Mr. Johnson worked four and a half hours. He left the work site without permission for 30 minutes. When he returned and was told by Dave Waters that he was not to leave without permission, he replied that he would leave and sign out whenever he wanted and would not change his work pace for anyone. Later that same day, Kirby Stewart came to the work site since Dave Waters had called to tell him that Leo Johnson left. Mr. Stewart reminded Mr. Johnson about the doctor's note and he wanted to leave immediately to go get it. He and Mr. Stewart walked the grounds while Mr. Stewart pointed out areas where his work was not satisfactory. Leo Johnson replied in a loud and abusive manner that "I beat the transportation department, and now ... [he didn't finish the sentence]" (tr-25,26,27, 113-115, 118, Exhibits #P-7 and P-13) Mr. Johnson did not return to work until December 12, 1985. In the meantime he called in sick every day. He was reminded several times that a doctor's note was required and he responded that the doctor would call. The doctor did not call. He complained of headaches, backaches and swollen feet. Yet on payday, November 27th, he was observed by Mr. Stewart jogging into the Administration building to get his paycheck. (tr-27, 28, 82, Exhibits #P-7, P- 15) When Mr. Johnson appeared for work on December 12, 1985, Mr. Waters gave him the message that he must go see Kirby Stewart. He called Kirby Stewart instead, and was told that since he missed so many days Kirby Stewart needed to talk with him about whether he was physically able to work. Leo Johnson did not go to see Kirby Stewart. Mr. Stewart wrote a memo to Wilfred Griffin detailing the call from Leo Johnson and expressing his need for a resolution of the problems. (Exhibit #P-9) By January 6, 1986, after the holiday break, Mr. Johnson had the impression that he was dismissed. While the record is not at all clear who told him that, Kirby Stewart also thought that Leo Johnson was dismissed as of December 20, 1985 (tr.100, Exhibit #R-6(e)) On January 6, 1986, Leo Johnson called School Board member, Charles Chestnut III, to complain that he was discharged. Charles Chestnut called the School superintendent, Dr. MaGann, who said that It must be a mistake because he didn't know anything about it. Charles Chestnut had been involved in the earlier disciplinary action that the superintendent corrected regarding Leo Johnson. Mr. Chestnut had no personal knowledge regarding Leo Johnson's performance. (tr-174-177) Leo Johnson returned to work at Citizen's Field on January 13, 1986. He took numerous breaks and left in his car at one point during the work day. He was absent for approximately 20 minutes. When he was told to hoe the grass under the bleachers he dragged an iron rake around the area with the teeth up. He put away his tools early and left before 1:00 p.m.. (tr. 30-34) On Tuesday, January 14, 1986, Leo Johnson was also at work but took breaks frequently all day. (tr.34-36) On Wednesday, January 15, 1986, Leo Johnson came to work at 8:00 a.m. Between 8:00 and 10:27, he worked 92 minutes and took breaks totaling 55 minutes. He left at 10:27 after telling Dave Waters that he had a headache. (tr-37) Kirby Stewart saw him at the County Office around 11:00 a.m. and asked why he was there. He replied that the had come to see Wil Griffin because his feet were too swollen to work. (tr.89) On January 17th, Kirby Stewart wrote a memo to his supervisor, Jack Christian reiterating the numerous problems with Leo Johnson and stating that had Mr. Johnson returned to work that morning, he would have officially reprimanded him. (Exhibit #R-10) Leo Johnson never returned to Citizens Field, and on January 21, 1986 he was suspended pending a hearing on his termination. (Exhibit #P-14) Between September 23, 1985 and January 21, 1986, there were a total of 73 school board work days. Leo Johnson was at work for 8 full days, was present for 4 partial days and was absent for 61 full days. (tr. 90-91, Exhibit #P-15) Mr. Johnson was a regular, part-time career service employee of SBAC while he was assigned to citizen's Field. Wilfred Griffin, a Career Service Specialist had the authority to interview, recruit, hire, fire and counsel career service employees. While Dave Waters was responsible for directing Johnson's work in the field and Kirby Stewart was Mr. Johnson's supervisor for administrative purposes, Wilfred: Griffin had the most substantial authority over this employee. As revealed by the record, both Superintendent MaGann and a school board member, Charles Chestnut III, had hand in dealing with Leo Johnson. This complicated hierarchy contributed to confusion and delays but did not prejudice or result in detriment to Mr. Johnson. He used the 57 sick days he transferred from the Department of Transportation, plus the days he earned on the payroll for his time assigned at Citizen's Field and ended with a full paycheck for the month of January. Despite repeated requests by Kirby Stewart and Wilford Griffin, Leo Johnson never produced a doctor's statement explaining his protracted absences. At the hearing he produced a photocopy of an "Illness-in-line-of-duty-leave" form with two lines completed by a Dr. Guido, whom Mr. Johnson contended was a foot doctor. The form is dated and signed by Leo Johnson on January 15, 1986, but the form is incomplete and there is no evidence that anyone at the school board has ever seen it. (tr- 212, 213) Further, the almost illegible statement by the doctor appears to be a diagnosis with nothing about Mr. Johnson's ability to work. (Exhibit #R-9) The verification of his visits to A.C.O.R.N. Clinic provide no information about his ability to work. By letter dated February 25, 1986, Bonnie Coats, RN, the clinic coordinator, responded to Mr. Johnson's request for the dates and reasons for his clinic visits. They are as follows: 08/23/83 Physical Exam for Work 08/07/84 Physical Exam for Work 10/08/85 1. Dizziness Calluses of feet Muscle Spasm 08/22/85 Blood Pressure evaluation 11/19/85 Blood Pressure evaluation 11/26/85 Blood Pressure evaluation 12/10/85 Blood Pressure evaluation (Exhibit #R-5(b)) Leo Johnson had ample notice of his deficient performance, although none in the supervisory chain wrote up a Job Performance Warning Record. Dave Waters did not because Mr. Johnson simply was not on the job enough. (tr-58) Kirby Stewart intended to formalize his complaints in an official reprimand, but Mr. Johnson failed to return to work again. (Exhibit #P-13) Wilfred Griffin orally warned Mr. Johnson about his job performance, leaving the job, excessive breaks and absenteeism. He met with Mr. Johnson on six or seven occasions and shared with him the detailed written memos about his work from Dave Waters and Kirby Stewart. (tr-129, 130, 154, 155) As a career service employee Leo Johnson was subject to the rights and responsibilities found in the SBAC Career Service Employee Handbook. (Exhibit #P-18) Leo Johnson was thoroughly familiar with the provisions of the handbook.
The Issue The issues to be resolved in this proceeding concerns whether the Petitioner should be deemed to have abandoned his career service employment position with the Department of Natural Resources and, therefore, whether the Department of Administration should issue a final order to that effect. The parties presented Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law which are dealt with in this Recommended Order and, additionally, are addressed in the Appendix attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein.
Findings Of Fact For approximately two years and ten months the Petitioner, Jack W. Simmons was employed by the Department of Natural Resources at the Maclay Gardens State Park in Tallahassee, Florida. On January 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, 1985, Simmons was scheduled to work at his position at Maclay Gardens. Simmons did not appear for work on those days and did not seek prior authorization to be absent from work on those days. Simmons did not notify the Department of Natural Resources of his absence or the reasons there for on those days. Jack Simmons had been absent in the past for various reasons including a severe back problem associated with severe back pain. Simmons was largely immobilized during the week of January 7, 1985 and was unable to report to work because of severe back pain. He was unable to stand erect and unable to walk without great difficulty. As established by Joyce Jones, his neighbor, he was able to very slowly and painfully go to the door to let her in his apartment while dressed in a housecoat. He lived on the second floor in an apartment at the top of approximately twenty stairs. He was unable to cook for himself or to dress himself to the extent that he could not put on shoes and rested primarily in a reclining chair. Mr. Simmons at the time in question did not have a telephone and testified that he felt the nearest telephone was approximately three quarters of a mile away. He did not inquire of any of his neighbors as to whether they had a telephone and could report the reason for his absence to his employer, however. His neighbor, Joyce Jones, who assisted in feeding him and caring for him during this week when he was suffering severe back pain, established that she had asked him on January 9th whether he wished her to call his employer to report his absence. He declined her offer, intimating that he would call his employer later himself. Neither Simmons nor anyone else ever called his employer to report his absence or the reasons for his absence. There is no doubt that Mr. Simmons was severely incapacitated on the day in question and required the assistance of Ms. Jones to clean his house, do his laundry, cook for him and purchase medicine for his Lack pain. On one occasion she observed him crawling on the floor in an effort to get back in his reclining chair and on another occasion she observed his inability to get out of the bathtub. There is no dispute concerning the immobilizing nature of Mr. Simmons' illness. Mr. Simmons did not have a telephone and, although his employer previously suggested that he get a telephone, his employer did not require that he do so, merely requiring that he inform them of any absences and the reason therefor. Mr. Simmons maintained that on January 9th, the third day of Mr. Simmons' unreported absence, he was on his way to a telephone to call his employer and report his absence and its reasons when Major Johnston, his employer and supervisor, stopped outside his home and verbally informed him he was fired. That testimony is belied by that of Major Johnston, however, who established that he went to Simmons' house January 11th, a Friday, and not January 9th, a Wednesday. Major Johnston's testimony is accepted over that of Mr. Simmons and Joyce Jones, neither of whom could remember with certainty whether it was January 9th or not when this episode purportedly occurred and because, throughout his testimony, Mr. Simmons candidly admitted he was not able to recall dates and times very well. Major Johnston's version of his whereabouts on January 9th was corroborated by his co-workers, who, together with Johnston, established that Johnston was at a meeting all day with his employers and supervisors on January 9th and only left that meeting during that entire work day to attend a lunch gathering with the same personnel. They immediately returned together from the restaurant to the remainder of the meeting. Indeed, Major Johnston established that he was at a park district manager's meeting all day on both January 9th and 10th, except for the lunch breaks when he lunched in the company of other co-workers who were also in attendance at the meeting, some of whom testified in corroboration of his testimony. Accordingly, Major Johnston's version of the events in question on January 9th and 11th, is accepted over that of Mr. Simmons and Ms. Jones. Major Johnston had intended to go on annual leave from his position on January 11th, but because he was directed by his superior to visit Simmons for the purpose of terminating him from employment, he worked that morning and only took annual leave on that afternoon. His testimony as to his whereabouts on January 9th was corroborated by C. W. Hartsfield, Chief of the Bureau of Park Management, by Joseph Knoll, Assistant Chief, and by James A. Cook, a former deputy director of park operations, all of whom were in Johnston's presence all that day. Joseph Knoll discussed Simmons' unauthorized absence situation with Major Johnston on January 9th and 10th and on January 10th instructed Major Johnston to wait until the next day, Friday, January 11th, and on that day go to Simmons' home to make sure he was not hospitalized before the Department of Natural Resources took any action against Mr. Simmons' employment status. Late on the morning of January 11th, Major Johnston reported to Joseph Knoll that he had visited Mr. Simmons that morning and had notified him of his termination from employment that morning, January 11th. Mr. Simmons was then removed from the payroll and other benefit entitlements effective at 5:00 P.M., January 9th, the third day of the unauthorized absence in question. In the face of the testimony of Major Johnston concerning the termination on January 11th, Mr. Simmons opined only that "I believe it was January the 9th", or words to that effect. His neighbor who cared for him during his illness, Joyce Jones, simply could not remember on what date Simmons told her he had been terminated. Major Johnston had earlier signed and delivered to Simmons a letter warning him that if he had one more unauthorized absence it could result in the loss of his job. During 1984 Mr. Simmons had received a written reprimand for unauthorized absence and tardiness and for similar infractions later in that year had received a three-day suspension from employment. It was at this point that Major Johnston signed and gave him the letter warning him that any more unauthorized absences could result in the loss of his employment. Simmons maintained that he was totally bedridden, without telephone and that he lived at the corner of Park and Franklin Streets in Tallahassee, approximately three-quarters of a mile from the nearest telephone. His own witness, however, his neighbor, Joyce Jones, established that she visited him and he was able to painfully and laboriously come to the door and let her in and tell her of his back problems. On those and succeeding days she cared for and cooked, fetched him medicine and the like and Simmons never asked her to call his employer on his behalf although she offered to call. Simmons had other neighbors, but never asked any of them to call for him to report his absence, either. Although Mr. Simmons was undisputedly gravely ill and unable to walk any distance to use a telephone, there is no doubt that he had an opportunity to report his absence and its reasons to his employer through neighbors, one of whom had even offered to do so, but he had declined that opportunity after being previously warned on two occasions about the importance of reporting his absence to his employer. The Petitioner was given written notice of Respondent's initial determination that he had abandoned his position for in excess of three days and notice of his right to a hearing to contest that determination, as shown by Respondent's Exhibit One, in evidence.
Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED that a final Order be entered by the Department of Administration finding that Jack W. Simmons abandoned his position of employment for three consecutive unauthorized days of absence, from January 7th through January 9, 1985, as envisioned by Rule 22A-7.10(2), Florida Administrative Code. DONE and ORDERED this 27th day of December, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer ~ Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkwav Tallahassee, Florida 323C1 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of December, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Steven A. Been, Esq. Assistant General Counsel Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulvard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Richard L. Kopel, Esq. Deputy General Counsel Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Paolo G. Annino, Esq. Legal Services of North Florida, Inc. 822 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Kevin Crowley, Esq. General Counsel Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32302 APPENDIX - CASE NO. 85-0740 Rulings on Petitioner's Proposed Findings or Fact: The Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact are in unnumbered paragraphs and We ruled upon by paragraphs in the sequence they appear in the Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. In large part the Proposed Findings of Fact consist of discussion of testimony and argument of counsel, but to the extent they assert Proposed Findings of Fact they are ruled upon as follows: Accepted.| Accepted in part but rejected inasmuch as this paragraph depicts that the nearest telephone was three-quarters of a mile away, which Proposed Finding is rejected as not in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible evidence of record. Accepted to the extent that it depicts Simmons intent to contact his employer, but rejected insofar as it has already been found that Simmons failed to actually contact his employer. Accepted, but this paragraph of Proposed Findings is subordinate to and unnecessary to the Findings of Fact reached in the Recommended Order on the malarial issues presented and is not dispositive of the material issues of fact raised in this case. Accepted in that there is no dispute as to the severity of Jack Simmons' illness, but this Proposed Finding of Fact concerning the severe nature and immobilizing nature of his illness is subordinate to, and unnecessary to the Findings of Fact reached in the Recommended Order concerning Simmons' failure to take advantage of opportunities to notify his employer of the reasons for his absence and is therefore not dispositive of the material issues of fact presented in this proceeding. This Finding is rejected to the extent that it asserts that Simmons had no opportunity to contact his employer which Proposed Finding does not comport with the competent, substantial, credible evidence of record, although it is true that it is undisputed that Simmons lacked a telephone and his neighbor, Joyce Jones, lacked a telephone. This Proposed Finding of Fact is rejected a., not in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible evidence of record in that it has been found that Simmons did not attempt to contact his employer, although it is true that his neighbor, Joyce Jones, offered to call his employer and at that time. Simmons rejected the offer stating that he intended to call the employer himself. He simply never did so when he had the opportunity. This Proposed Finding is accepted as in accordance with the competent, substantial credible evidence of record, but is subordinate to and immaterial to the Findings of Fact made disposing the material issues presented. The Department of Natural Resources did indeed not require him to obtain a telephone, but its procedure for reporting lateness or absence did envision the use of a telephone and his superiors were aware that he did not have a telephone, however, this Proposed Finding is subordinate to the Finding made to the effect that although Simmons had no telephone he did not avail himself of ample opportunity to use a neighbor's phone in his own apartment building or have Ms. Jones phone his employer for him, which she had offered to do and which he refused. This Finding is rejected as not in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible evidence of record in that the testimony and evidence of record in the above Findings of Fact made in the Recommended Order show that Simmons had the ability to contact his employer and failed to avail himself of it. This Proposed Finding is rejected as not in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible evidence of record. This Proposed Finding of Fact is rejected as not in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible evidence of record to the extent that it indicates that Simmons was fired on January 9th instead of January 11th.I Accepted. Rejected as not in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible evidence of record. Rejected as not in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible evidence of record. This Finding is accepted to the extent that it depicts that Simmons was removed from all employee benefits including payroll effective 5:00 P.M. January 9, 1985, however that is subordinate to and not dispositive of the issue resolved in the Finding of Fact in the Recommended Order which establishes that based upon the competent, substantial, credible testimony and evidence of record, Simmons was indeed terminated by his employer on January 11, 1985, not January 9th. Rejected as not in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible evidence of record. Rejected as not in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible evidence of record. Accepted to the extent that the Notice of Termination indicated that Simmons was on unauthorized leave from January 2nd through January 6, 1985. The Respondent has admitted that is an error, but is an immaterial error since the actual disputed dates in question begin Monday, January 7, 1985. The mere fact that the termination notice contained more depicted dates of unexcused absences than were admittedly the case is an immaterial error and this last Proposed Finding of Fact is subordinate to and immaterial to disposition of the material issues of fact presented. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact: Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. (It should be noted that the Respondent has not numbered all of its Proposed Findings of Fact paragraphs. The Hearing Officer in making 8 specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact of Respondent has numbered those paragraphs 1 through 8 in making these specific Rulings).