The Issue The issue is whether an Environmental Resource Permit should be issued to KGB Lake Howell, LLC, authorizing the construction of a surface water management system to serve an apartment complex known as the Estates at Lake Howell in the City of Casselberry, Florida.
Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Background In this proceeding, Respondent, St. Johns River Water Management District (District), proposes to issue an Environmental Resource Permit to Respondent, KGB Lake Howell, LLC (Applicant), authorizing the construction of a stormwater management system to serve a 240-unit apartment complex known as the Estates of Lake Howell. The project will be located on an undeveloped tract of land in the City of Casselberry (City), Seminole County, Florida, just north of the Orange County line. It will include ten three-story buildings, parking, clubhouse/ administration building, amenity complex, and wet detention pond. The project also incorporates a 3.62-acre stormwater pond, now owned and used by Seminole County (County), lying east of Lake Ann Lane across from the project site, which was included in the overall acreage calculations for the purpose of increasing apartment density on the site. The Applicant has authorization from the County to apply for the permit incorporating that tract of land. The pond will continue to function as a stormwater facility for the County and will not accommodate stormwater from the project site. The project site consists of 38.9 acres located on the north side of Howell Branch Road, east of State Road 436 (also known as Semoran Boulevard), and west of Lake Ann Lane in the City. The site is currently undeveloped and includes an abandoned orange grove and upland pine flatwoods community, which make up approximately 14.6 acres, while the remaining 24.3 acres is a mixed forested wetland system. The property is now owned by the Harold Kasik Living Trust (Kasik property), which has a contract for purchase with the Applicant. The Kasik property is in the shape of a rectangle, 648 feet by 2,530 feet, with its long sides running north- south. It is bordered on the north and east by single-family residential and vacant land, to the south by commercial development, and to the west by high-density residential and commercial development. The property has a high elevation of approximately 83 feet on its southeastern corner and falls to the north/northeast, where the edge of the wetland system is at an elevation of 63 or 64 feet. The major development constraint on the site is the large wetland tract on the northern portion of the property. In order to minimize proposed impacts to the wetlands, the Applicant proposed the transfer of the development entitlements from the County land to benefit the Applicant's property. More specifically, the Applicant will acquire the County property, the Applicant will simultaneously grant a perpetual drainage easement over the property to the County, the Applicant will maintain the landscaping of the property in perpetuity, the Applicant will convey around five acres of wetlands on the northern end of the Kasik property to the County in fee simple, and the City will allow the transfer of development rights from the property. The project will adversely impact 0.99 acres of low- quality wetlands, of which 0.72 acres are to be dredged and 0.27 acres are to be filled to provide the fencing around the wet detention facility. To offset this impact, the Applicant proposes to preserve 17.8 acres of forested wetlands, plus 1.2 acres of forested uplands, or a mitigation ratio of 18:1. The District's guidelines for preservation mitigation applicable to this project are 10:1 to 60:1 for wetland impacts and 3:1 to 20:1 for upland impacts; thus, the mitigation plan falls within these guidelines. Under current conditions, stormwater runoff from the project site sheet flows into the on-site wetland and ultimately Lake Howell (the Lake), a Class III water body which meets all applicable water quality standards and is not an Outstanding Florida Water. After development occurs, stormwater from the developed portions of the property will be conveyed to a wet detention pond for required water quality treatment and peak discharge rate attenuation. After treatment in the detention pond, the water will discharge to the on-site wetland, as it does now, and eventually will be conveyed into the Lake. Off-site flows will continue to be conveyed into the on-site wetland. The wet detention pond, which has a minimum depth of twelve feet and a permanent pool of water with a mean depth of two to eight feet, has been designed to accommodate a 25-year, 24-hour storm. Post-development discharge will be less than pre-development, and the outfall structure has been designed to avoid channelization in the wetlands after the point of discharge. Since at least the late 1940's, Petitioner, Shirley Haynes, or her relatives, have owned, or resided on, a multi-acre tract of land just north of the project site at 2764 Lake Howell Lane. She has substantial frontage on the south side of the Lake. The southern portion of her property, which are wetlands, adjoins the northern boundary of the project site. For the past three years, Petitioner, Egerton van den Berg, has resided on a ten-acre tract of land at 1245 Howell Point, which is northeast of the project site. He has approximately 235 feet of frontage on the south side of the Lake. As argued in their Proposed Recommended Order, Petitioners generally contend that the application is "materially deficient" in several respects in violation of Rule 40C-4.101; that the Applicant has failed to satisfy Rule 40C-4.301(1)(c) and (d), which in turn constitutes a failure to meet the requirements of Rule 40C-4.302(1)(a)-(c); that the Applicant failed to satisfy the criteria in Sections 12.2.3(a)-(f), 12.2.1,,,, and (b),, and 12.3.8(a) of the Applicant's Handbook: Management and Storage of Surface Waters (Applicant's Handbook); that the District did not adequately consider the cumulative impacts of the project as required by Section 373.414(8)(a), Florida Statutes; that a low flow analysis of the Lake was not performed, as required by Rule 40C-8.011(5); that the Applicant did not submit detailed mitigation plans as required by Section of the Applicant's Handbook; that the 18:1 ratio for mitigation proposed by the Applicant is inappropriate; and that the District should not approve the density of the apartments established by the City. These concerns, to the extent they have been identified as issues in the parties' Pre-Hearing Stipulation, are addressed in the findings below. Where contentions have been raised by Petitioners, such as the placement of the detention pond over a depressional area, and they have not been argued in the Proposed Recommended Order, they have been deemed to be abandoned. Conditions for issuance of permits Rule 40C-4.301(1)(a)-(k), Florida Administrative Code, specifies eleven substantive requirements for which reasonable assurance must be given in order for a standard permit to be issued. Subsection (3) of the same Rule provides that the standards and criteria contained in the Applicant's Handbook shall determine whether the foregoing reasonable assurances have been given. Additional conditions for the issuance of a permit are found in Rule 40C-4.302(1) when the project, or any part of it, is located in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters. Therefore, because a part of the Applicant's system will be located in wetlands, the Applicant must also give reasonable assurance that the project will not be contrary to the public interest, and that it will not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts upon the wetlands or surface waters. a. Rule 40C-4.301 Paragraphs (a)-(c) of the Rule require that an applicant provide reasonable assurance that the project will not cause adverse water quantity impacts to receiving waters and adjacent lands, adverse flooding to on-site or off-site property, or adverse impacts to existing surface water storage and conveyance capabilities. If a system meets the requirements of Section 10.2.1(a) through (d) of the Applicant's Handbook, there is a presumption that the system complies with the requirements of Paragraphs (a) through (c). This presumption has been met since the evidence supports a finding that the post- development peak rate of discharge will be lower than the pre- development peak rate of discharge for a 24-hour, 25-year storm event. Therefore, the Applicant's system meets the requirements of these Paragraphs. Paragraph (d) of the Rule requires that an applicant give reasonable assurance that the project "will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife and listed species by wetlands and other surface waters." To satisfy this requirement, an applicant must also demonstrate compliance with the two-prong test in Sections 12.2.2 and of the Applicant's Handbook. Section 12.2.2 requires that an applicant provide reasonable assurance that a regulated activity will not impact the values of wetlands and other surface water functions so as to cause adverse impacts to the abundance, diversity, and habitat of fish, wildlife, and listed species. In its proposal, the Applicant proposes to fill a total of 0.99 acres of wetlands. Since these impacts will eliminate the ability of the filled part of the on-site wetland to provide functions to fish and wildlife, the filling will cause adverse impacts. Under these circumstances, Section requires that the Applicant either implement practicable design modifications to reduce or eliminate these adverse impacts or meet one of the exceptions under Section Under Section, a proposed modification which is not technically capable of being done, is not economically viable, or which adversely affects public safety through the endangerment of lives or property is not considered practicable. The Applicant’s design for the proposed project went through a number of iterations prior to submittal to the District to reduce adverse impacts to the wetlands. During the permitting process, the District requested that the Applicant consider a number of other suggestions to reduce or eliminate the adverse impacts to wetlands such as adding a fourth floor to the apartment buildings to eliminate the need for one apartment building, building a parking garage for the tenants, and eliminating the tennis and volleyball courts. Because the Applicant provided detailed reasons why none of those suggestions were practicable, it was not required to implement any of those design modifications. In addition, the Applicant’s decision not to include a littoral zone around the stormwater pond did not increase the amount of wetland impacts as that engineering decision resulted in a stormwater pond that was simply deeper and not wider. Therefore, the Applicant has met the requirement to reduce or eliminate adverse wetland impacts. Section only requires an elimination and reduction analysis when: (1) a proposed system will result in adverse impacts to wetland functions and other surface water functions so that it does not meet the requirements of Sections 12.2.2 through, or (2) neither one of the two exceptions within Section applies. In determining whether one of the two exceptions in Section applies, the District must evaluate the long- term ecological value of the mitigation proposed by the Applicant. If the mitigation is not adequate to offset the adverse impacts of the proposed system, then it is unlikely either exception in Section will apply. As noted above, the Applicant’s proposed dredging and filling of the southern edge of the wetlands on the project site will eliminate the ability of that wetland area to provide functions to fish and wildlife. However, the Applicant’s mitigation plan of placing 17.8 acres of wetlands and 1.2 acres of uplands under a conservation easement to preserve that property in its natural state in perpetuity will fully replace the types of functions that the part of the wetlands proposed to be impacted provides to fish and wildlife. The mitigation plan will also offset the adverse impacts that this project will have on the value and functions provided to fish and wildlife by the impacted part of the wetlands. In this case, the first exception under Section applies as it meets that Section's two requirements: the ecological value of the functions provided by the area of wetland to be adversely affected is low, and the proposed mitigation will provide greater long-term ecological value than the area or wetland to be adversely affected. Also, the quality of the wetland to be impacted is low. All of the proposed impacts will occur in the area of the wetland that was historically disturbed and in which nuisance and exotic species are prevalent. Due to nuisance and exotic vegetation, the ecological value provided by that area to wildlife is low. The mitigation for the proposed project will provide greater long-term ecological value to fish and wildlife than the part of the wetland proposed to be impacted because the proposed mitigation will preserve eighteen times more wetlands that are of higher quality and provide greater value than the wetland area to be impacted. The type of wetland to be preserved, a mixed forested wetland containing hardwoods, is rare for the area. Although the mitigation plan will provide greater long-term ecological value to fish and wildlife than the part of the wetland proposed to be impacted, the Applicant did not meet the second exception in the elimination and reduction rule under Section because the wetlands to be preserved are not regionally significant. In addition to meeting the elimination and reduction rule through implementation of practicable design modifications, the Applicant also satisfied the same rule by meeting the first exception found in Section Thus, the Applicant has satisfied Section 12.2.2, which is the first prong of the test to determine compliance with Paragraph (d). The second prong of the test to determine whether Paragraph (d) of the Rule has been satisfied is found in Section That Section requires that an applicant give reasonable assurance that the activity will not change the hydroperiod of a wetland so as to affect wetland functions. For the following reasons, that prong of the test has been satisfied. Since the wetlands are primarily groundwater-influenced, the construction of the stormwater pond between the project and the wetlands will not adversely affect the wetlands. As the soils surrounding the pond are very porous with a high infiltration and percolation rate, water from the stormwater pond will still reach the wetlands through lateral seepage. Further, the Applicant will install an energy dissipating device on the outfall spout at the point of discharge so that water will be spread out from the stormwater pond as it discharges into the receiving wetlands. As noted earlier, this will prevent an adverse channelization effect. Finally, stormwater runoff from the surrounding basins that currently discharge into the wetlands will not be affected by the construction of the stormwater system. That runoff will continue to flow into the wetlands on the project site. Because the Applicant has satisfied Sections 12.2.2 and, Paragraph (d) of the Rule has been met. Paragraph (e) of the Rule generally requires that an applicant provide reasonable assurance that a project will not adversely affect the quality of receiving waters. Here, the Applicant has provided such assurance. This is because the system has been designed in accordance with all relevant District criteria. Also, the Applicant has proposed to revise Permit Condition 26 as follows: Condition 26. This permit authorizes construction and operation of a surface water management system as shown on the plans received by the District on June 14, 2001, and as amended by plan sheet C4 (Sheet 07 of 207) received by the District on January 23, 2002. In view of this revision, the Applicant's wet detention system complies with all of the design criteria contained in Rule 40C-42.026(4). Under Rule 40C-42.023(2)(a), compliance with the design criteria contained in Rule 40C-42.026 creates a presumption that state water quality standards, including those for Outstanding Florida Waters, will be met. This presumption has not been rebutted; therefore, the requirements of Paragraph (e) of the Rule have been satisfied. Further, Sections and state, in part, that reasonable assurance regarding water quality must be provided both for the short term and the long term, addressing the proposed construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal, and abandonment of the system. The Applicant has provided reasonable assurance that this requirement is met through the design of its surface water management system, its long-term maintenance plan for the system, and the long and short-term erosion and turbidity control measures it proposes. If issued, the permit will require that the surface water management system be constructed and operated in accordance with the plans approved by the District. The permit will also require that the proposed erosion and turbidity control measures be implemented. Section does not apply because there are no exceedances of any water quality standards at the proposed receiving water. Also, Sections and do not apply because the Applicant has not proposed any docking facilities or temporary mixing zones. Paragraph (f) of the Rule requires that an applicant not cause adverse secondary impacts to the water resources. Compliance with this requirement is determined by applying the four-part test in Section 12.2.7(a) through (d). As to Section 12.2.7(a), there are no secondary impacts from construction, alteration, and intended or reasonably expected uses of the proposed system that will cause water quality violations or adverse impacts to the wetland functions. The Applicant chose not to provide buffers abutting the wetlands but rather chose measures other than buffers to meet this requirement. The Applicant has provided reasonable assurance that secondary impacts will not occur by placing the stormwater pond between the planned project and the wetlands, so that the pond itself will serve as a buffer by shielding the wetland from the lighting and noise of the project, and by acting as a barrier to keep domestic animals out of the wetlands. In addition, the Applicant increased the amount of property to be preserved as mitigation by adding 2.97 acres of wetlands and 1.2 acres of uplands to the mitigation plan to mitigate for any remaining secondary impacts. Accordingly, the first part of the secondary impacts test in Section 12.2.7(a) is satisfied. As to Section 12.2.7(b), because there is no evidence that any aquatic or wetland-dependent listed animal species use uplands for existing nesting or denning adjacent to the project, the second part of the test has been met. No adverse secondary impacts will occur under the third part of the test in Section 12.2.7(c) because the proposed project will not cause impacts to significant historical or archaeological resources. Finally, adverse secondary impacts as proscribed by Section 12.2.7(d) will not occur because no evidence was presented that there would be additional phases or expansion of the proposed system or that there are any onsite or offsite activities that are closely or causally linked to the proposed system. Therefore, the proposed project satisfies Paragraph (f) of the Rule. Paragraph (g) of the Rule requires that an applicant provide reasonable assurance that a project will not adversely impact the maintenance of surface or ground water levels or surface water flows established in Chapter 40C-8. Minimum (but not maximum) surface water levels have been established for the Lake pursuant to Chapter 40C-8 for the basin in which the project is located. The project will not cause a decrease of water to, or cause a new withdrawal of water from, the Lake. Therefore, the project satisfies this requirement. Finally, Petitioners have acknowledged in their Proposed Recommended Order that the Applicant has given reasonable assurance that the requirements of Paragraphs (h), (i), (j), and (k) have been met. The parties have also stipulated that the receiving water (Lake Howell) meets all Class III water quality standards. Therefore, the project satisfies the requirements of Subsection 40C-4.301(2). Rule 40C-4.302 - Public Interest Test Under Rule 40C-4.302(1)(a)1.-7., an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the parts of its surface water management system located in, on, or over wetlands are not contrary to the public interest. Similar requirements are found in Section 12.2.3. The Applicant has provided reasonable assurance that the parts of the project that are located in, on, or over wetlands (mainly the detention pond and fill) are not contrary to the public interest, because the evidence showed that all seven of the public interest factors to be balanced are neutral. Because the proposed permanent mitigation will offset the project’s adverse impacts to wetlands, no adverse effects to the conservation of fish and wildlife due to the project’s permanent nature will occur. The evidence also showed that best management practices and erosion control measures will ensure that the project will not result in harmful erosion or shoaling. Further, it was demonstrated that the project will not adversely affect the flow of water, navigation, significant historical or archaeological resources, recreational or fishing values, marine productivity, or the public health, safety, welfare or property of others. Finally, the evidence showed that the project’s design, including permanent mitigation, will maintain the current condition and relative value of functions performed by parts of the wetland proposed to be impacted. Therefore, the project meets the public interest criteria found in Rule 40C-4.302(1)(a). Rule 40C-4.302(1)(b) - Cumulative Impacts Rule 40C-4.302(1)(b) and Section 12.2.8 require that an applicant demonstrate that its project will not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts upon wetlands and other surface waters within the same drainage basin as the regulated activity for which the permit is being sought. Under this requirement, if an applicant proposes to mitigate the adverse impacts to wetlands within the same drainage basin as the impacts, and if the mitigation fully offsets these impacts, the District will consider the regulated activity to have no unacceptable cumulative impacts upon wetlands and other surface waters. The Applicant has chosen to mitigate for the impacts to 0.99 acres of wetlands by preserving 17.8 acres of wetlands and 1.2 acres of uplands on-site. Since this mitigation will occur in the same drainage basin as the impacts and the mitigation fully offsets those impacts, the Applicant satisfies the requirements of the Rule. Rule 40C-4.302 - Other Requirements The parties have stipulated that the requirements of Paragraphs (c) and (d) of Rule 40C-4.302(1) do not apply. There is no evidence that the Applicant has violated any District rules or that it has been the subject of prior disciplinary action. Therefore, the requirements of Subsection (2) of the Rule have been met. Miscellaneous Matters County Pond Site The Seminole County pond site located on the east side of Lake Ann Lane and across the street from the project is not a jurisdictional wetland and does not have any wetland indicators. It is classified as an upland cut surface water. The Applicant is not proposing to impact any wetlands at the pond site, and the site is not part of the proposed mitigation plan for the project. The permit in issue here is not dependent on the pond site, and nothing in the application ties the project with that site. Indeed, the transfer of density rights from the County property is not relevant to the District permitting criteria. Review of Application When the decision to issue the permit was made, the District had received all necessary information from the Applicant to make a determination that the project met the District's permitting criteria. While certain information may have been omitted from the original application, these items were either immaterial or were not essential to the permitting decision. The application complies with all District permitting criteria. Contrary to Petitioners' contention, the Applicant does not have to be the contract purchaser for property in order to submit an application for that property. Rather, the District may review a permit application upon receipt of information that the applicant has received authorization from the current owners of the property to apply for a permit. In this case, the Applicant has the permission of the current owners (the Harold Kasik Living Trust).
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the St. Johns River Water Management District enter a final order granting the requested permit as described above. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of March, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of March, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Kirby B. Green, III, Executive Director St. Johns River Water Management District Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, Florida 32178-1429 Shirley B. Haynes 2764 Lake Howell Road Winter Park, Florida 32792-5725 Egerton K. van den Berg 1245 Howell Point Winter Park, Florida 32792-5706 Charles A. Lobdell, III, Esquire St. Johns River Water Management District Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, Florida 32178-1429 Meredith A. Harper, Esquire Shutts & Bowen Post Office Box 4956 Orlando, Florida 32802-4956
The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) should issue to Century Realty Funds, Inc. (Century) Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) No. 44000227.002 (the ERP), which would modify Management and Storage of Surface Waters (MSSW) Permit No. 400227.000 (the Permit) and Stormwater Exemption No. EO1481, issued by the District to Century in July 1985 for construction of a surface water management system for Angler's Green Mobile Home Park located in Mulberry, Polk County, Florida.
Findings Of Fact The District issued Management and Storage of Surface Waters (MSSW) Permit No. 400227.000 and Stormwater Exemption No. EO1481 to Century in July 1985 for construction of a surface water management system for Angler's Green Mobile Home Park (MHP) located in Mulberry, Polk County, Florida. Angler’s Green MHP Angler’s Green MHP is an 83-acre residential golf course development of approximately 385 homes located off of State Road 37 near Mulberry. Residents at Angler’s Green own their own mobile homes and lease the residential lots pursuant to annual leases expiring December 31 of each year, with guaranteed renewal conditioned upon owner compliance with the terms and conditions of the lease. Prior to being developed as a mobile home park, the property which is now Angler’s Green MHP was part of a phosphate mining operation and was reclaimed under a phosphate mining land reclamation plan approved by the Florida Department of Natural Resources and a reclamation contract dated September 4, 1984. Final contours of the Angler’s Green site were made in accordance with the approved reclamation plan. After reclamation contouring, a 23-acre manmade (former phosphate mine pit) lake remained in the northeast quadrant of the Angler's Green site. The resulting lake had a finger arm (bay or cove) extending from the southwest corner of the main body of the lake, oriented in a north-to-south direction and located west of a peninsula of land extending into the northwest part of the lake from the north. The lake also had a short, narrow canal leading into the main body of the lake from the south; the canal connected at a right angle to longer narrow waterway to the south of and extending parallel to the main body of the lake in an east-to-west orientation. There also were two smaller ponds on the property after reclamation contouring. After reclamation, surface water onsite generally flowed westerly and discharged from the property to a railroad ditch along the western boundary of the property. The recorded post-reclamation, pre-development water level for the 23-acre lake, as indicated on the site grading plans, was around 127.1 to 127.8 feet above Mean Sea Level (M.S.L.). The 1985 Permits On July 10, 1985, the District issued MSSW Permit No. 400227.000 and Stormwater Exemption No. EO1481 to Century to authorize the construction of a surface water management system for Angler’s Green. The MSSW Permit had an expiration date of July 10, 1988. As designed, the permitted Angler’s Green surface water management system was to route internal stormwater runoff to swales, detention ponds, and catchment areas before discharging through a sidebank sand filtration system (a berm approximately 300 feet long containing an 8” perforated drain pipe covered by a filter fabric and sand filter material) to receiving waters at the northwest corner of the property. The permitted system was designed with five drainage areas known as Basins A through E. Basin A was in the southeast quadrant of the site; Basin B was to its east in the southeast quadrant of the site; Basin E was to the north of Basin A and included the 23-acre former phosphate mining pit reclaimed as an artificial lake, which was referred to as “Lake E” or sometimes “Pond E"; Basin C was to the west of Basin E; and Basin D was to the west of Basin C and to the north of Basin B. The two smaller ponds on the property were designated Pond C-1 and Pond B-1 and were located in Basin C and Basin B, respectively. Basin D was in the northwest corner of the site; the discharge structure was in the northwest corner of Basin D. As the system was designed, stormwater from Basin E would appear to sheet flow naturally into Lake E; stormwater from Basin A would appear to flow naturally to the southwest, away from Lake E, but the system routed the water from the southwest corner of Basin A to the western end of the waterway on Lake E through an underground pipe. Stormwater from Basin B was to flow to and be retained in Pond B-1; as the system was designed, surface water was not designed to discharge offsite from Basin B. As designed, Lake E served as a detention pond for water from Basin E and Basin A. It was to have a control structure (CS-1) in the arm of Lake E that would produce a seasonal fluctuation range of two feet, from 127.5’ above M.S.L. to 129.5’ above M.S.L. Stormwater discharging from CS- 1 was to be conveyed by pipe to Pond C-1, where it was to mingle with surface water draining from Basin C. When full, Pond C-1 would cascade into the golf course area in Basin D and, as necessary, in a portion of Basin B. After catchment and detention in the golf course area, overflow was eventually and ultimately to discharge offsite through the side-bank sand filtration system in the northwest corner of Basin D. In this manner, the Angler’s Green surface water management system was designed to accommodate the 24-hour, 25- year storm event, which was estimated to produce approximately 8 inches of water in a 24-hour period. It also was designed to comply with the water quality requirements as specified in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 17-25 (1985 Ann. Supp.) by detaining the first half-inch of runoff before discharging it offsite through the sidebank sand filtration system in the northwest corner of Basin D. (All rule citations are to the Florida Administrative Code.) Omission of the Stangls During the review process, the District noted from drawings submitted as part of Century's MSSW Permit application that the project area did not include approximately the eastern third of the main body of Lake E. District staff brought this to Century's attention in a request for additional information (RAI) and stated: "If possible, you should obtain a perpetual right to operate and maintain the lake from other owners." In response, Century falsely represented to the District that L. Kirk McKay, a joint venture partner of Century, was the only riparian owner on Lake E and that Century had obtained from him a perpetual right to operate and maintain Lake E as part of the MSSW Permit. In fact, the Stangls owned property on the east side of the lake, including approximately 500 feet of lakefront and contiguous lake bottom. The Stangls and two partners purchased the property from McKay himself in 1979. The Stangls bought out their partners in 1984. The District relied on Century's misrepresentation. The District would not have issued the MSSW Permit to Century if the District had known that Century did not own or control all the land being used for the Permit--specifically, including all of Lake E. See Rule 40D-4.101(1)(d) and (2)(d)6. (1985) (application must include "evidence of ownership or control"). In addition, because the District was unaware of the Stangls' ownership of a portion of Lake E, the District did not require Century to give the Stangls direct, actual notice of the Century's permit application. Instead, the District only required that Century publish notice of the District’s receipt of the permit application. Notice was published on April 3, 1985, in the Lakeland Ledger, a newspaper of general circulation qualified under the terms of Section 50.011, Florida Statutes. But the Stangls did not see the published notice, were unaware of the permit application, and did not ask to participate in the permitting process. The Stangl property adjacent to Angler’s Green remained undeveloped and unoccupied until 1999, when the Stangls' son, John, established a business on the site. Prior to 1999, the Stangls visited the property a couple times a year. They were fully aware of the construction and operation of Anglers Green as a mobile home park across Lake E. During this time, Century leased 385 lots with guaranteed annual renewal conditioned only upon compliance with lease terms and conditions. Amenities under the leases included clubhouse and golf course privileges. At no time before 2000 did the Stangls take any action to challenge the validity of Century's 1985 MSSW Permit. 1985 Surface Water Management Permitting Requirements In 1985, permitting requirements for surface water management systems were divided between two regulatory schemes. Surface water management permits in Polk County were issued by the District under Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and Rule Chapters 40D-4 and 40D-40, which addressed water quantity and flooding issues for projects greater than and less than 40 acres, respectively. Water quality permits or exemptions from water quality permitting requirements were issued by the Department of Environmental Regulation under Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Rule Chapter 17-25 to address water quality concerns. It was not until 1988 that permitting requirements were consolidated into the MSSW regulatory program administered by the District under Rule Chapters 40D-4 and 40D-40. In 1985, the District did not have a Basis of Review (BOR) to specify system design requirements for applicants to provide reasonable assurances that the conditions for issuance of surface water permits were satisfied. Standards and criteria for the design and performance of surface water management systems were contained in Rule 40D-4.301(2) (1985) Under subsection (2)(i) of that rule, projects designed to meet the requirements of Chapter 17-25 [Regulation of Stormwater Discharge] were presumed to meet applicable State water quality requirements. There were no requirements for wet detention pond littoral zones. 20. Under Rule 17-25.03(2)(b) (1985 Ann. Supp.), stormwater management systems for projects with drainage areas less than 100 acres that provided retention or detention with filtration of the first half-inch of runoff were exempt from the permitting requirements of Rule Chapter 17-25. 21. In 1985, District Rule 40D-4.301(2)(j) (1985) allowed for natural areas and existing water bodies to be used for stormwater retention or detention purposes when not in conflict with environmental or public use considerations. Areas that could be considered for this purpose included previously-degraded areas or man-made areas (such as borrow pits). Apparently, the District allowed Century to use Lake E as a detention pond under this provision. Deviations from MSSW Permit Angler’s Green MHP was constructed in two phases, with the first phase completed in 1985, and the second phase completed in 1987. Construction of at least the part of the surface water management system to serve the first phase took place prior to 1985; it was not clear from the evidence whether construction of the part of the surface water management system to serve the second phase also took place prior to 1985, but it clearly took place prior to construction of the second phase in 1987. Condition No. 4 of Century's MSSW Permit required the submittal of a certification that the system was constructed in accordance with the approved and permitted design. But Century did not provide any such certification. Century also never certified to the District that its new stormwater discharge facility, as constructed, continued to qualify for exemption from State water quality requirements. Although the surface water management system was constructed and operating, the District never transferred the 1985 Permit to the operation phase. In several respects, the Angler’s Green surface water management system was not constructed as designed, approved, and permitted in 1985. The pipe to convey stormwater from the southwest corner of Basin A back to the Lake E waterway apparently never was constructed; instead, stormwater from Basin A was routed to Pond B-1. (There also was a berm constructed in Basin A near the southern boundary of the site; but that berm apparently was a visual berm, and there was no evidence that it affected performance of the surface water management system.) Control structure CS-1 (which was supposed to be located in the arm or bay of Lake E) and the pipe to convey overflow from there into Pond C-1 also never were constructed. By the early 1990's, Angler's Green was experiencing flooding in the golf course area in Basin D and B for extended periods of time. In November 1993, the District responded to a complaint of flooding in that vicinity. Upon investigation, the District determined that malfunction of the surface water management system serving Reservation Lakes (now known as Paradise Lakes), a development to the north and downstream of the Angler's Green system, was causing water to back up through the wetlands and the sand filtration system in the northwest corner of the Angler’s Green project. As a result, water overtopped the discharge structure, equalized at levels above the top of the discharge structure's berm, and flooded the golf course for extended periods of time. At some undetermined point in time, an unpermitted pond was dug in Basin D, apparently in an attempt to alleviate flooding of the golf course. In addition, possibly for the same purpose, a pump was installed in Basin D near Pond C-1, and a pipe was installed to convey stormwater from there into Lake E. The sidebank sand filtration system designed to provide filtration of stormwater prior to discharge from the northwest corner of the site does not appear to exist today. It may be present but difficult to see after 15 years of plant growth; or it may have been removed or disturbed as a result of re-grading in the area. However, the evidence proved that the discharge structure was present in 1993, and there is no reason to believe that it was not installed during construction of the surface water management system--i.e., by 1987 at the latest. In addition, at some undetermined point in time, a pipe was installed at the northeast corner of Lake E to convey overflow from Lake E eastward to a drainage ditch located alongside SR 37 to the north of the Stangls' property. No witnesses could testify as to when the pipe to the SR 37 ditch was installed or its elevation. (The District and Century state in their PRO that Map No. 2 in P/I Exhibit 14--an aerial map/survey submitted to the District by Century on August 13, 1990, as part of Century's 1990 Water Use Permit No. 209993.000 application--notes the pipe's elevation as 127.95 feet above M.S.L.; but no such finding could be made from review of the exhibit.) Roads in Angler's Green have inverted crowns to convey runoff from roads, driveways, and roofs away from mobile home lots. Some runoff from these impervious surfaces appears to be directed into a swale on the east side of the site; this swale leads to Lake E. In addition, approximately 12 drains have been installed in or near roads in Angler's Green that convey water through pipes directly into Lake E or Pond C-1. Under current Rule Chapters 40D-4 and 40D-40, road drains connecting impervious surfaces to Lake E would have to be shown on application construction drawings, and separate stormwater calculations would have to be provided in an application. But in 1985 this was not required. Century's calculations, together with flow arrows on drawings showing the direction of stormwater flow towards the detention ponds, were considered sufficient--especially since Century's calculations used a relatively high runoff co-efficient. As a result, the existence of these drains and pipes are not considered to be substantial deviations from the original, approved design. Similarly, approximately 64 roof drains and pipes conveying water from roofs directly into Lake E and Pond C-1 would not be considered substantial deviations from the original, approved design. In addition, these apparently were installed by mobile homeowners over the years, not by Century. From 1985 to 2000, the District did not have occasion to address regulatory concerns at Angler’s Green, except for the complaint of flooding in the golf course area that occurred in November 1993 and a more recent complaint about an area of the golf course that was designed to flood under certain conditions. Otto Stangl’s Complaint and the District’s Response Around November 1999, John Stangl noticed a fish kill in the ditch along SR 37 near the Stangl property. He also was contacted by a governmental compliance officer concerning the fish kill. Upon investigating, John Stangl saw the unpermitted pipe leading from Lake E that was discharging into the SR 37 ditch where the fish kill was observed, as well as the unpermitted pump that was pumping water from the Angler’s Green golf course area through a pipe that discharged into Lake E. In February 2000, Otto Stangl complained to the District about the fish kill and the existence of the unpermitted structures associated with Lake E. Upon receiving Otto Stangl’s complaint, District staff conducted site visits of the Angler’s Green project. Staff observed the unauthorized pump and pipe conveying water from Pond C-1 to Lake E and the unauthorized pipe conveying water from Lake E to the SR 37 ditch. Staff also observed that the Lake E control structure was missing, the pipe to convey stormwater from Basin A to Lake E was missing, and Basin D had been re-graded. In February 2000, the District also became aware of the fact that Century did not have full ownership or control of Lake E. On March 15, 2000, the District issued Century Notice of Non-Compliance and directed Century to either construct the system as designed and permitted or to seek a permit modification. On May 8, 2000, Century submitted a letter application to modify the original MSSW Permit No. 400227.000 by constructing the originally permitted Lake E control structure and pipe conveying water from Lake E to Pond C-1, but in a different location in Lake E than originally permitted due to the existence of homes at the location where these structures were originally planned. The application was subsequently amended to be a formal modification upon Century’s request for further modification to allow Basin A stormwater to flow to Pond B-1 and to expand Pond B-1 and add a control structure and an effluent filtration system. Despite having actual knowledge since at least February 2000 that the Angler's Green surface water management system was built partially on their property, the Stangls did not ask for a hearing on the 1985 Permit. Instead, they awaited the District's consideration of Century's modification application and sought to challenge the District's notice of intent to grant the modification permit issued on October 29, 2001. The District’s Regulatory Compliance Practices In the 1980's, the District appeared to pay little or no attention to construction of permitted projects or submission of required post-construction certifications. Many projects permitted by the District in the 1980’s, such as Angler’s Green, were built and operating although no certifications had been submitted; as a result, the permits issued for these projects never were transferred to the operation phase. Eventually, some projects not built in compliance with issued permits came to the attention of the District, typically through third-party complaints about drainage problems and flooding. By this time, there was a large backlog of issued construction permits for which no required post-construction certifications had been submitted. The backlog of these older projects was so large that the District decided not to initiate an aggressive, systematic, and comprehensive review of all permits for which no required certifications had been submitted. Instead, projects were checked on an ad hoc basis as complaints regarding the functioning of their surface water management systems were registered. When it came to the attention of the District in this manner that a project had been built under an MSSW permit but that no required certifications had been submitted, the District first attempted to secure the required certifications in the form of certified as-built construction drawings and a Statement of Completion, as required by BOR 2.7. In so doing, it was common practice for the District to accept certifications beyond the expiration date on a permit. If projects were substantially completed, the District would not deem the permit as expired simply because the required certifications had not been submitted before the expiration date; and such projects did not lose their status as being permitted. It should be noted that, according to the testimony of the District's expert, William Hartmann, this agency practice was not based on an interpretation of Rule 40D- 4.321(1)(b) (1985) (on duration of construction permits). Rather, the agency practice was to ignore the expiration of the construction permit under those circumstances. In addition, it does not appear from the evidence that the District ever before has faced the situation presented in this case--where a person on whose property part of a surface water management system was built without the person's consent opposes modification and asserts the construction permit has expired. In cases where the agency's practice was applied, if the required certified as-built construction drawings and Statement of Completion could not be provided because the project was not built in accordance with the MSSW permit, the District would require the permittee to either bring the system into compliance with the approved permit designs or obtain a modification of the construction permit. Letter modifications would be accepted when the requested modification would not substantially alter the permit authorization, increase the authorized offsite discharge, impact the environmental features of the project, decrease the required retention/detention, decrease the required flood control elevations for roads or buildings, or decrease pollution removal efficiency. See Rule 40D-4.331(2)(b) (1985). (The current version of the rule adds renewal or extension of the existing permit duration.) Alterations meeting the threshold requirements for a letter modification would be presumed to meet the conditions for issuance for a permit. Otherwise, formal permit modifications would be required. When application is made for a permit modification, the District’s practice is to evaluate those aspects of the surface water management system being modified. Review generally would not extend to the entire system. Permittees seeking to modify their surface water management systems generally are not required by the District to bring the unmodified portions of the system into compliance with current design criteria. Proposed ERP Permit Modification ERP Application No. 44000227.002 seeks authorization to modify portions of the Angler’s Green surface water management system. The specific alterations for which approval is sought are: permanent removal of the existing, unpermitted 18-inch pipe between Lake E and SR 37 roadside ditch; permanent removal of the pump and associated piping conveying water from Pond C-1 to Lake E; installation of the control structure (CS-1), together with installation of pipe to convey water from the control structure to Pond C-1, as designed and approved in the 1985 Permit but different location in the northwest corner of the main body of Lake E; re-grading of the northwesterly portion of the golf course to more closely conform to the original permitted plan and help keep Basin B separate from Basin D; reconstruction of the side-bank sand filter system in the northwest corner of the property, as designed and approved in the 1985 Permit but with a slightly higher invert elevation (122.04 feet above M.S.L.) to prevent water from backing up into Angler's Green from Paradise Lakes again, and with a concrete flume and spreader swale between Pond C-1 and the berm of the side-bank sand filter system; enlargement of Pond B-1; installation of a control structure on Pond B-1; and installation of 100 feet of 6-inch side-bank sand filter discharging to the southwest corner of the property from Pond B-1. By removing the unpermitted pipe to the roadside ditch along SR 37 and by constructing control structure CS-1, with the same control elevations as in the 1985 Permit (albeit at a different location in Lake E), and connecting CS-1 by pipe to Pond C-1 as envisioned in the 1985 Permit, the function of Lake E should approximate its function under the design approved in 1985. Modifying the permitted design to authorize Basin A to flow to Pond B-1 instead of Lake E results in less water flowing to Lake E; these changes will not increase water quantity or quality impacts to Lake E, as compared to the 1985 Permit. As compared to reclamation conditions prior to implementation of the 1985 Permit, water quantity and quality impacts to Lake E would be expected both under the system as designed and permitted in 1985 and as proposed to be modified, by virtue of the similar use of Lake E as a detention pond under either system. Pond B-1 is being enlarged to better accommodate the flow from Basin A. The control structure being added at Pond B-1 will control flow into the swale to the west so as to address water quantity impacts in that area. Stormwater calculations for the revised Pond B-1 demonstrated that the post-development discharge rate will not exceed the pre- development discharge rate, so that there are no concerns for adverse water quantity impacts to receiving waters or adjacent lands or flooding impacts to on-site or off-site property. The historical flows to the west are still maintained. The discharge structure being added at Pond B-1 will account for treatment of the Basin A flow. Based on calculations for revised Pond B-1, the enlarged pond will retain and percolate half an inch of stormwater runoff from the contributing area in 36 hours (which is consistent with current BOR design requirements). The proposed Pond B-1/Basin B modifications, including the routing of Basin A stormwater to Pond B-1, will not adversely affect the quality of receiving waters in that vicinity such that state water quality standards would be violated. Angler's Green is located in the Southern Water Use Caution Area of Polk County. No surface or groundwater levels or surface water flows have been established for this area under Section 373.042, Florida Statutes. The proposed modifications do not involve any works of the District. The proposed modifications are based on generally accepted engineering and scientific principles and employ treatment methods of effluent filtration which involve commonly accepted designs that can be effectively performed and function as proposed. There are no concerns about Century’s financial, legal, or administrative capability to undertake the proposed modifications as specified in the permit, if issued. There are no applicable special basin or geographic area criteria established for this area. Environmental Concerns As with its review of the proposed permit modification for water quantity impacts, the District's review of environmental concerns was limited to review of impacts from the proposed modifications to the original permitted design; unmodified portions of the original permit were not reviewed for compliance with current requirements. An approximately 20 square-foot permanent impact is proposed to Lake E due to the placement of the control structure (SW-1) in the water. A 379 square-foot temporary impact is proposed to Lake E due to the placement of a cofferdam to facilitate construction of the control structure. Temporary impacts to Lake E resulting from the construction of the control structure would be addressed through the use of sediment and erosion controls to prevent possible sedimentation and turbidity that may arise during the construction activity. The placement of a control structure in Lake E would create very minor permanent impacts resulting from the loss of the footprint of the control structure. These impacts would be insignificant. Due to the very minor nature of these proposed impacts, no mitigation would be required, and no loss of wetlands would be required to be recorded on the Wetlands/Surface Water Table. Construction of SW-1 would not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife, and listed species including aquatic and wetland dependent species, by wetlands, other surface waters and other water related resources of the District. No secondary impacts would be expected from construction of SW-1. No unacceptable cumulative impacts upon wetlands and other surface waters would be expected to occur as a result of construction of SW-1. The project area includes .71 acre of herbaceous/forested wetlands (WL-1) in the northwest corner. The potential for secondary impacts is addressed by an existing fence surrounding WL-1, which eliminates concerns for secondary impacts to this wetland area. No adverse impacts would be anticipated to occur to these wetlands, and no adverse secondary impacts to the water resources would be expected to occur as a result of the proposed modifications themselves. The proposed modifications would not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. Class II or Class III waters would not be affected by the proposed modification project. Therefore, Rule 40D- 4.302(1)(c) is not applicable. No seawalls, lagoons or estuaries are involved in this project. Therefore, Rule 40D-4.302(d) is not applicable. The proposed modifications would not be contrary to the public interest. Relocation of a control structure and enhancement of the Basin B portion of the system would create no significant change in impacts. The proposed modifications constitute a slight improvement over water quality from the original permitted design. No threatened or endangered species were identified for Angler’s Green. The proposed relocation and construction of the Lake E control structure, preservation of onsite wetlands in the northwest corner, and re-design of Pond B-1 present no environmental concerns. Consequently, the proposed modifications do not create any potential for adverse effects regarding the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species or their habitats. The proposed modifications do not adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the activity. The project area does not involve navigable waters and does not affect the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling. Hence, Rule 40D-4.302(1)(a)(3) does not apply to this permit modification application. There are no significant historical and archaeological resources involved in this Project. Therefore, Rule 40D-4.302(1)(a)(6) is not applicable to this permit modification application. The proposed modifications would not be contrary to the public interest; they would not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare or the property of others. No adverse impacts are anticipated to occur as a result of the proposed modifications. The proposed modifications maintain the historic water elevation for Lake E and maintain historic flows for the project area. The modified system should also provide some improvement in water quality.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Southwest Florida Water Management District enter a final order denying Century's permit modification application designated ERP No. 44000227.002. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of July, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ________________________________ J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of July, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph D. Magri, Esquire Merkle & Magri, P.A. 5510 West LaSalle Street Tampa, Florida 33607-1713 Joseph P. Mawhinney, Esquire Clark, Campbell & Mawhinney, P.A. Post Office Box 6559 Lakeland, Florida 33802 Martha A. Moore, Esquire Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34604-6899 E. D. Sonny Vergara, Executive Director Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34604-6899
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that application number 07256-F be APPROVED subject to the special conditions set forth above. DONE AND ORDERED this 15th day of July 1987, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 904/488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of July 1987.
Findings Of Fact Background Respondent Telese is the owner and developer of Egret Woods Subdivision on real property contiguous to state waters in Pinellas County, Florida. The property is near the incorporated areas of Indian Shores and Largo. A residential subdivision borders the project locale to the east, and tidal mangrove swamps fringe the property to the west. An intracoastal connecting waterway known as the "Narrows" lies to the west of the swamps. These state waters connect Boca Ceiga Bay and Clearwater Harbor. The proposed subdivision area is an upland strip between the existing subdivision and the tidal swamp adjacent to the "Narrows". The uplands are predominantly vegetated by live oak, saw palmettos and slash pines. In order to develop the property, and to reconfigure lots from a previously platted subdivision, Respondent Telese applied for a permit from DER to fill 0.12 acres of DER jurisdictional wetlands located at the development site. The application for the permit represents that 340 cubic yards of clean, non-deleterious sandy loam is needed to fill disturbed high marsh areas and other low areas on the proposed lots. Respondent Telese has also requested permission to install culverts in the two conveyance/mosquito ditches that run through the lots before they reach their discharge points outside of the proposed lot lines. The Petitioners are owners of single-family homes within the subdivision to the east known as Whispering Pines Forest, 5th Addition. These property owners filed a Petition in which they disputed the appropriateness of the Notice of Intent to Issue filed by DER on August 21, 1990. In support of their position, the Petitioners identified a number of areas of controversy they contend should cause DER to reverse its preliminary decision to grant the "dredge and fill" permit on this project. Elimination of Natural Drainage The first area of controversy is the Petitioners' contention that their interests are substantially effected by the elimination of natural drainage from their subdivision into the uplands referred to as Egret Woods Subdivision. The entire area was owned by the same developer prior to the creation of Whispering Pines Forest 5th Addition. Essentially, the Petitioners allege that a subservient estate was created on these adjacent lands for their surface water drainage purposes which the proposed development eliminates. A review of the Notice of Intent to Issue reveals that culverts are to be placed in two of the open conveyance ditches currently transporting surface water runoff from Whispering Pines Forest 5th Addition through the uplands of Egret Woods into the wetlands. While this proposed change in the means of conveyance of the surface water may not affect the volume of water conveyed, it could adversely effect the quality of the water at the discharge points into the wetlands. At hearing, the Petitioners were unable to clearly articulate their concerns about this water quality issue. However, it is intricately interwoven into the surface water management issues. The water quality concern was obliquely referred to in the Biological and Water Quality Assessment Report where DER's application appraiser commented that the proposed conservation easements and the mitigation plantings, which replace the high marsh removed for lot reconfiguration, are sufficient to offset the potential adverse impacts of the requested fill and culvert changes to the existing water quality at the project site. Although this particular water quality issue was properly addressed by DER in its review of the permit application, it was not clearly set forth in the Notice of Intent to Issue. There is no way for a person whose substantial interests are affected by the proposed permitting decision to determine that DER had considered mitigation measures to prevent this adverse effect. A decrease in surface water quality would have been caused by the marsh elimination and the placement of culverts if the marsh had not been replanted, and other mitigative measures had not occurred at the locale. The Petitioners properly requested a formal administrative hearing to address surface water management issues as DER's consideration of the matter was not made clear to them in the Notice of Intent to Issue. The written report that discusses water quality as it relates to the mitigation plan was provided to Petitioner's post-hearing, after a copy of the written appraisal was sent to the Hearing Officer and all parties by DER. Planned Roadway The second area of controversy is the Petitioner's concern about the effects of the planned roadway on their properties. As the planned roadway involves the county, it is not a matter considered in the dredge and fill permit. Neither DER nor the Hearing Officer has subject matter jurisdiction. The Petitioners did not pursue this area of controversy or the road location at hearing based upon the Hearing Officer's ruling that it was not relevant to this permit review. High Water Mark and the Setting of the DER Jurisdictional Line The third area of controversy raised by Petitioners involves their collective concern about a variance in the height of the Mean High Water Line on the property on different documents presented to different agencies. The current survey for DER completed by the surveyor shows the Mean High Water Line at 1.16, while the survey submitted to Pinellas County in 1981 from the same surveyor reads the Mean High Water Line at 1.25. This was explained at hearing by the surveyor. It was his opinion as a professional surveyor that there is no basic difference between these two mean high water lines. Since the survey to the county in 1981, the Mean High Water Line has varied between 3 - 3 1/2 feet in some areas. The same methodology and simple mathematical formula was used by him during the two different surveys which were about eight years apart. The difference in the two surveys is within the tolerance level accepted within the industry and needs no further reconciliation. As a correlative issue, Petitioners raise a concern about the change in DER's jurisdictional line on various documents involving this same site over a number of years. DER's jurisdictional lines have changed since the "Hendersons Wetland Act" enacted on October 1, 1984. The jurisdictional line as depicted on this permit application was established by dominant plant species as defined in Rule 17-301.400, Florida Administrative Code, just prior to the application submission. This was the correct way to determine jurisdiction on the property at this particular point in time. Although the mean high water line may have been determinative of DER's jurisdiction on earlier permits, only the current law applies to the facts of this case. DER reviewed the jurisdictional lines as depicted on the property by Respondent Telese's consultant and found them to be properly placed during the processing of the permit application. Historical DER jurisdictional lines and permit reviews are irrelevant to this permit review as it is based upon the agency's current rules the applicable statutory criteria, and current site conditions. Fill Calculations The fourth area of controversy involves the Respondent's request to place fill on the site. When Petitioners used an engineer's scale to measure the areas to be filled on the permit drawings, their volume calculations reveal that more fill will be needed than represented on the permit application. Petitioners are concerned that this error could cause DER to approve a permit which does not accurately depict site conditions. The actual fill calculations were done by the professional engineer with a computer model based upon average elevations, depth and area. In his professional engineering opinion, his calculations were accurate, which was given great weight by the Hearing Officer. The drawings used by the Petitioners to calculate the required fill for the area were pictorial communications of what the Respondent Telese intended to accomplish at the site. These drawings were designed for descriptive purposes only and were not scaled to the extent that they could be accurately used for fill calculations in the manner applied by Petitioners. The computer modeling used by the professional engineer was the more prudent approach to the on-site fill requirements. De Novo Permit Review Although the wetlands resource permit requested by Respondent Telese is commonly referred to as a "dredge and fill" permit, there is no dredging associated with the project. The proposed placement of fill in the high marsh area of tidal wetlands on the property and the culvert placement requires construction activity in Class III Waters. Water quality impacts to the area will be a short term problem as water turbidity should take place only during construction. Specific conditions regarding construction techniques have been placed in the permit as permit conditions to minimize the impacts. There is no factual dispute as to whether the proposed conservation easement, the replacement and enlargement of the high marsh in another location, the removal of exotics such as Brazilian Pepper trees, and the planting of black mangroves will sufficiently mitigate the adverse impacts on water quality and the public interests at the proposed development. Without the replacement of the disturbed high marsh with high marsh plantings at a 1.91:1 ratio, the enhancement of the property through exotic removal, and the conservation easements at a 132:1 ratio, the Respondent Telese is unable to provide reasonable assurances that the project is not contrary to the public interest under the statutory criteria established in Section 403.918, Florida Statutes. The proposed project will not adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare or the property of others. The flooding anticipated by the Petitioners is speculative, and has not been directly related to the fill placement and the culverts in the two conveyance/mosquito ditches. Conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats, will not be adversely affected due to the high marsh replacement and the fact that the area provided only marginal wetland habitat prior to the permit application due to the invasion of exotics at the site. Any impact from the proposed project on this public interest criterion is offset by the mitigation plan. The project will not adversely affect fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the project. The proposed plantings of black mangroves and the removal of exotics, along with the new high marsh swamp should enhance the productivity of the area. No future projects of a similar nature can be developed at this locale due to the conservation easements the Respondent Telese has consented to provide over the remaining undeveloped property owned by him in the area. These easements will allow the Department to limit and control activities that may be undertaken in these tidal waters to prevent degradation of the site from an environmental standpoint. The mitigation planting schedule provides reasonable assurances that water quality standards will not be violated in the area as a result of culvert placement in the two conveyance/mosquito ditches that transport surface water to Class III waters of the state. Balancing of Interests In the "dredge and fill" permit application appraisal, site review, and Notice of Intent to Issue, DER considered and balanced all of the required statutory criteria to determine that the project is not contrary to the public interest or applicable water quality standards. Area of Controversy All of the areas of controversy raised by the Petitioners which are within the Division of Administrative Hearings' jurisdiction, have been sufficiently met by the reasonable assurances of Respondent Telese and the permit conditions required by DER. Based upon the evidence presented at hearing, it is concluded that the harms anticipated by Petitioners will not occur. Recommendation Regarding the Assessment of Attorneys Fees and Costs Petitioners did not participate in this proceeding for an improper purpose. The Notice of Intent to Issue was vague as to how interests were balanced and how the mitigation would offset the adverse impacts that concerned Petitioners. The petition was filed and prosecuted in good faith and addressed legitimate concerns of concerned citizenry who reside on adjacent lands.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended: That a Final Order be entered approving Respondent's Telese's dredge and fill permit number 521715273, pursuant to the Notice of Intent to Issue filed August 21, 1990. That Petitioners should not be assessed attorney fees and costs as they did not participate in these proceedings for an improper purpose. RECOMMENDED this 28th day of June, 1991, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. VERONICA E. DONNELLY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of June, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 90-7035 Petitioners' proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: Accepted. See HO #11. Rejected. Does not allow for change in seasons or conditions. See HO #11. Accepted. See HO #11. Accepted. See HO #15. Accepted. Rejected. Not within Hearing Officer's subject matter jurisdiction. Irrelevant to this proceeding. Accepted. See HO #3. Respondent Telese's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: Accepted. See HO #1, #2 and #18. Accepted. See HO #1, #2, #20 and #23. Accepted. See HO #20 and #21. Accepted. See HO #21. Accepted. See HO #22 - #27. Accepted. See HO #13 and #16. Denied. Contrary to fact. See HO #4 - #17. DER's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: 1. Accepted. See HO #1 and #2. 2. Accepted. See HO #1. 3. Accepted. See HO #1 - #3. 4. Accepted. See HO #2, #18 and #20. 5. Accepted. See HO #20, #21 and #24. 6. Accepted. 7. Accepted. 8. Accepted. 9. Accepted. 10. Accepted. 11. Accepted. 12. Accepted. 13. Accepted. 14. Accepted. 15. Accepted. 16. Accepted. 17. Accepted. See HO #19. 18. Accepted. 19. Accepted. See HO #19. 20. Accepted. See HO #21. 21. Accepted. See HO #18. COPIES FURNISHED: Ines D. Degnan 8410-144th Lane North Seminole, Florida 34636 David R. Chirington 8400-144th Lane North Seminole, Florida 34646 Alton Jeffcoat 8340-144th Lane North Seminole, Florida 34646 Carol B. Newton 8450-144th Lane North Seminole, Florida 34646 Steven M. Siebert, Esquire JOHNSON BLAKELY POPE BOKOR RUPPEL & BURNS, P.A. 911 Chestnut Street Clearwater, Florida 34616 W. Douglas Beason, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blairstone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, Esquire General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blairstone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Carol Browner, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blairstone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400
The Issue Petitioners challenge the South Florida Water Management District’s (the District) proposed action to issue Individual Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) 50-06558-P to authorize conceptual approval of a surface water management (SWM) system to serve 1,919 acres of a phased, multiple-use development referred to as the Palm Beach County Biotechnolgy Research Park (BRP) and to authorize construction and operation of Phase 1A of that proposed project. The ultimate issue is whether the Applicants provided reasonable assurances that the proposed activities will not be harmful to the water resources of the District; will not be inconsistent with the overall objectives of the District; and will comply with the water quantity, environmental, and water quality criteria of the District’s ERP regulations, which are set forth in Part IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40E-4, et. seq.; and the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications Within the South Florida Water Management District – September 2003 (BOR).1
Findings Of Fact THE PARTIES The Florida Wildlife Federation, Audubon Society of the Everglades, and Jupiter Farms Environmental Council, Inc. (d/b/a Loxahatchee River Coalition) are not-for-profit corporations in existence prior to 2003 with more than 25 members in Palm Beach County. Palm Beach County Environmental Coalition was formed in 1997 and is a private, county-wide, non-profit citizen’s organization. Ms. Ketter, Mr. Bell, Ms. Larson, and Mr. Christensen are individuals affected by the proposed BRP. The Respondents stipulated that the parties who remained Petitioners after Mr. Silver’s withdrawal as a Petitioner have standing to bring this proceeding. The District, a public corporation existing by virtue of Chapter 25270, Laws of Florida, 1949, operates pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and Title 40E, Florida Administrative Code, as a multipurpose water management district with its principal office in West Palm Beach, Florida. The County is a duly-constituted governmental entity. THE PROJECT SITE AND ADJACENT LANDS The site of the project is generally referred to as the Mecca Farms, which is a contiguous tract of 1,919 acres of land. At present, the Mecca Farms is used for farming and mining operations. There presently exists a permitted, SWM system on the Mecca Farms that was first permitted in 1979, and has been modified from time to time since then. The existing SWM system includes 73 acres of ditches and a 272-acre above-ground impoundment area. The Mecca Farms site is located within the C-18 Basin. There are no jurisdictional wetlands or delineated surface waters on the Mecca Farms. The following, which is taken from the Staff Report (SFWMD Ex. 1), accurately describes the project site and its adjacent lands: The project site consists of 1,919 acres presently supporting an active orange grove with approximately 73 acres of associated drainage and irrigation ditches/canals and a 30-acre active sand mining operation. The ditches/canals are presently maintained at an elevation of approximately 17 feet NGVD.[3] These ditches/canals provide drainage conveyance to a 272-acre above- ground impoundment located in the northeast corner of the site utilizing four (4) 22,000 gpm pumps. The above-ground impoundment discharges to the west leg of the C-18 Canal via gravity discharge. Project site ditches and canals also connect directly to the C-18 Canal through an 18,000 gpm pump. An additional 224-acre agricultural area east of the 1,919 acres of orange groves is connected to and drains into the canal/ditch system on the project site. This adjacent area was leased from the adjacent land owner by the grove owner for use as row crops and was connected to the grove canal/ditch system for better control of drainage and irrigation. The area is no longer used for row crops. There is also a small area on the site that contains caretaker housing and an equipment maintenance building for the orange groves. These facilities were originally permitted in 1979 under Surface Water Management Permit No. 50-00689-S and subsequent modifications. The citrus grove and primary drainage facilities have been in existence since the 1960s. The Hungryland Slough is located north of the project site, separated from the project site by the C-18 Canal. This area is comprised primarily of publicly-owned natural areas, including an area referred to as Unit 11, which is owned in the majority by Palm Beach County. To the west is the J.W. Corbett Wildlife Management Area (CWMA) owned and managed by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC). To the east, a large area of low-intensity agricultural land exists under the ownership of Charles Vavrus and within the City of Palm Beach Gardens. These lands contain extensive wetlands that are adjacent to the Loxahatchee Slough to the east. The Acreage, a low-density residential area, is located directly to the south of the project site. The only access to the site at this time is an unpaved extension of Seminole Pratt-Whitney Road (SPW), connecting the site at its southwestern corner to the Acreage. THE PROPOSED PROJECT The subject application is for conceptual approval of the SWM system for the BRP and for construction and operation of Phase 1A of the project. All of the proposed Phase 1A construction will occur on the Mecca Farms site. The following, taken from the Staff Report, accurately describes the proposed project: The [BRP] is a phased multiple use development planned for approximately 1,919 acres and will consist of land uses related to science and technology, biotechnology, biomedical, and other related research and development industries and manufacturing. Additionally, proposed support and complementary land uses include educational, institutional, residential, commercial, and recreational facilities, along with utilities and a large created natural area. THE PROPOSED SWM SYSTEM The proposed SWM system will consist of several interconnected lakes that will provide wet detention for storm water runoff from the property site and from 39 acres of off- site flows from SPW Road and a proposed Florida Power and Light (FPL) Substation. The lakes will collect, store, and treat the runoff. The storm water will pass through the lakes, through a 247-acre area referred to as the “Natural Area” (which will be created as part of the mitigation plan), and discharged to the C-18 Canal. To provide additional water quality treatment, these lakes will include planted littoral zones and the southern lake will include a filter marsh. The Natural Area will, in subsequent construction phases, be constructed on the western boundary of the Mecca site with discharge to the C-18 canal, which is adjacent to the northern boundary of the Mecca Farms. The southern boundary of the Natural Area will be the north boundary of the lake that is to be constructed on the southern end of the property. This is the area that is available for use as a flow-way (which will be discussed in greater detail in a subsequent section of this Recommended Order). The Natural Area will be a wetland type system that will move water slowly through that system providing additional storage and water quality benefits prior to discharging through a gravity control structure into the C-18 Canal. The C-18 Canal discharges to either the Northwest or Southwest Fork of the Loxahatchee River, depending on how structures are operated downstream. Discharges travel in the C-18 Canal for approximately nine miles before reaching the Loxahatchee River. The existing SWM system for the Mecca Farms currently discharges to the C-18 Canal, as will the proposed SWM system. The proposed project will not discharge to the CWMA or the Hungryland Slough. The Grassy Waters Preserve and the Loxahatchee Slough are several miles from the project site and will not be affected by the project’s proposed activities. The following, which is taken from the Staff Report, accurately describes the proposed SWM system. The proposed conceptual surface water management system which will serve the 1,919-acre site will consist of site grading, storm water inlets and culverts which will direct all runoff to a series of interconnected lakes for water quality treatment and attenuation of the peak runoff rate. Pumps will control the runoff rate from the developed site into the adjacent onsite BRP natural area. The BRP natural area will discharge into the C-18 canal via a gravity control structure. The system has been designed to accommodate 39 acres of off-site flows from SPW [Road] and a proposed Florida Power and Light (FPL) Substation. The existing control elevation of the citrus grove is 17.0’ NGVD. The proposed control elevations are 18.0’ NGVD for the developed area and 19.0’ NGVD for the natural area. The control elevations are being raised to provide a “step down” of water elevations from wetlands to the north, west and east of the site (20.5’ to 21.0’) to lower elevations to the south (17.0’). PHASE 1A CONSTRUCTION The following, which is taken from the Staff Report, accurately describes the proposed Phase 1A construction: The Phase 1A construction activities will allow the applicant to proceed with lake excavation, clearing and site grading of 536 acres in the southern portion of the site. No permanent buildings or parking areas are proposed at this time. Stormwater from Phase 1A and the remainder of the site, to remain in agricultural use, will be treated in the Phase 1A lakes and then pumped into the existing impoundment for additional water quality treatment and attenuation prior to discharging to the west leg of the C-18 Canal via the existing weir structures. The existing 18,000 gpm pump that connects the on-site ditches and canals directly to the C-18 Canal will remain, but will only be used if the impoundment is full. (See Special Condition No. 21). Approval of Phase 1A authorizes the use of the existing, previously permitted surface water management facilities, therefore, the previous permit no. 50-00689-S is superceded by this permit. The 224 acre agricultural area east of the existing grove that is connected to the grove canal/ditch system will be severed as part of Phase 1A. The pipe connecting this area will be removed and portions of the berm around this area will be regraded so the area will sheetflow into the adjacent pasture land’s canal/ditch system as it did previously [sic] to being connected to the grove system. Of the 536 acres involved in the Phase 1A construction, 87 acres will become lake bottom and 449 acres will remain pervious area, subject only to grading. CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL Pertinent to this proceeding, Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.021(5) defines the term “conceptual approval” to mean an ERP issued by the District which approves a conceptual master plan for a surface water management system or a mitigation bank. Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.305, pertains to conceptual approvals and provides, in relevant part, as follows: Conceptual approvals constitute final District action and are binding to the extent that adequate data has been submitted for review by the applicant during the review process. A conceptual approval does not authorize construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal, or abandonment of a surface water management system or the establishment and operation of a mitigation bank. * * * For phased projects, the approval process must begin with an application for a conceptual approval which shall be the first permit issued for the project. An application for construction authorization of the first phase(s) may also be included as a part of the initial application. As the permittee desires to construct additional phases, new applications shall be processed as individual or standard general environmental resource permit applications pursuant to the conceptual approval. The conceptual approval, individual and standard general permits shall be modified in accordance with conditions contained in Chapters 40E-4 and 40E-40, F.A.C. Issuance of a conceptual approval permit pursuant to Chapter 40E-4, F.A.C., shall not relieve the applicant of any requirements for obtaining a permit to construct, alter, operate, maintain, remove, or abandon a surface water management system or establish or operate a mitigation bank, nor shall the conceptual approval permit applicant be relieved of the District’s informational requirements or the need to meet the standards of issuance of permits pursuant to Chapters 40E-4 or 40E-40, F.A.C. . . . PERMITTING CRITERIA In order to obtain an ERP, an applicant must satisfy the conditions for issuance set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rules 40E-4.301 and 40E-4.302. The conditions for issuance focus on water quantity criteria, environmental criteria, and water quality criteria. Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301 contains the following permitting conditions applicable to this proceeding: In order to obtain a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval permit ... an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal, or abandonment of a surface water management system: will not cause adverse water quantity impacts to receiving waters and adjacent lands; will not cause adverse flooding to on-site or off-site property; will not cause adverse impacts to existing surface water storage and conveyance capabilities; will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife and listed species by wetlands and other surface waters; will not adversely affect the quality of receiving waters ...; will not cause adverse secondary impacts to the water resources; will not adversely impact the maintenance of surface or ground water levels or surface water flows ...; will not cause adverse impacts to a work of the District ...; will be capable, based on generally accepted engineering and scientific principles, of being performed and of functioning as proposed; will be conducted by an entity with the sufficient financial, legal and administrative capability to ensure that the activity will be undertaken in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit, if issued; and will comply with any applicable special basin or geographic area criteria established in Chapter 40E-41 F.A.C. Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.302 provides the following Additional Conditions for Issuance of Permits applicable to this proceeding: In addition to the conditions set forth in section 40E-4.301, F.A.C., in order to obtain a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval permit under this chapter or Chapter 40E-40, F.A.C., an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal, and abandonment of a system: Located in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters will not be contrary to the public interest, or if such an activity significantly degrades or is within an Outstanding Florida Water, that the activity will be clearly in the public interest, as determined by balancing the following criteria as set forth in subsections 4.2.3 through of the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications Within the South Florida Water Management District: Whether the activity will adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare or the property of others; Whether the activity will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats; Whether the activity will adversely affect navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling; Whether the activity will adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the activity; Whether the activity will be of a temporary or permanent nature; Whether the activity will adversely affect or will enhance significant historical and archaeological resources under the provisions of Section 267.061, F.S.; and The current condition and relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed activity. Will not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts upon wetlands and other surface waters as set forth in subsections 4.2.8 through of the Basis of Review. . . . THE BASIS OF REVIEW The District has adopted the BOR and incorporated it by reference by Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E- 4.091(1)(a). The standards and criteria found in the BOR are used to determine whether an applicant has given reasonable assurances that the conditions for issuance of an ERP have been satisfied. Section 1.3 of the BOR provides, in part, as follows: . . . Compliance with the criteria established herein [the BOR] constitutes a presumption that the project proposal is in conformance with the conditions for issuance set forth in Rules 40E-4.301 and 40E-4.302, F.A.C. WATER QUANTITY The term “control elevation” describes the level of freshwater water bodies established by a SWM system. The existing SWM system has a control elevation of 17’ NGVD. The control elevation for the proposed lake system will be raised to 18’ NGVD, and the control elevation for the proposed Natural Area will be raised to 19’ NGVD. Raising the control elevations will permit more treatment of storm water prior to discharge and will permit a more controlled discharge. In addition, raising the control elevation will lessen seepage onto the project site from adjacent wetlands. The Applicants provided reasonable assurances that the proposed project will not cause adverse water quantity impacts to receiving waters and adjacent lands, thereby satisfying the criteria set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E- 4.301(a). The Applicants provided reasonable assurances that the proposed project will not cause adverse flooding to on-site or off-site property, thereby satisfying the criteria set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(b). The Applicants provided reasonable assurances that the proposed project will not cause adverse impacts to existing surface water storage and conveyance capabilities, thereby satisfying the criteria set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(c). VALUE OF FUNCTIONS OF WETLANDS AND SURFACE WATERS Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(d), requires the Applicants to establish that “. . . the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal, or abandonment of a surface water management system . . .” “. . . will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife and listed species by wetlands and other surface waters.” The District established that the term “value of functions,” as used in the rule, refers to habitat and life support functions. Because there are no wetlands or delineated surface waters on the Mecca Farms site, there are no direct adverse impacts to the functions that wetlands provide to fish and wildlife. The Applicants have provided reasonable assurances to demonstrate that the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife and listed species by wetlands and other surface waters will not be adversely affected. The existing project site does not contain nesting areas for wetland-dependent endangered or threatened wildlife species or species of special concern. The potential for use of the existing project site for nesting by such species is minimal. The existing project site does contain habitat for the American Alligator and foraging habitat for wading birds and birds of prey. The primary foraging habitat on the existing site is around the perimeter of the existing 272-acre impoundment area in the northeast portion of the site. The existing impoundment will be replaced by on-site storm water treatment lakes and the BRP Natural Area that will have shallow banks planted with wetland plant species common to the area. Wildlife is opportunistic; and wading birds commonly feed in areas where there is water, wetland vegetation and wetland plants. The end result will be that the proposed project will have more and better foraging habitat acreage than the existing site. The Natural Area will provide a wetland buffer between the developed area and CWMA that will prevent any adverse impacts both to the wetlands and other surface waters in CWMA and to the value of the functions those wetlands and other surface waters provide to fish, wildlife, and listed species. The Natural Area will provide a wetland buffer between the developed area and Unit 11 that will prevent any adverse impacts both to the wetlands and other surface waters in Unit 11 and to the value of the functions those wetlands and other surface waters provide to fish, wildlife, and listed species. There was no competent evidence that the proposed project would impact the ability of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to manage the CWMA through control burns or otherwise, thereby adversely affecting the diversity or abundance of fish and wildlife (including endangered species and their habitats). Petitioners attempted to raise the issue of mosquito control in their Petitions and at the Final Hearing. The allegations pertaining to mosquito control were struck by the District and Special Condition Number 26 was added before the Petitions were referred to DOAH. Petitioners made no attempt to amend their Petitions and have not challenged Special Condition 26. The Addendum to Staff Report (SFWMD Ex. 2) contains the following Special Condition Number 26: “Upon submittal of an application for construction of any buildings, the permittee shall submit a mosquito control plan for review and approval by District Staff.” Since there will be no buildings containing people or other facilities which would encourage the use of mosquito spraying, it is appropriate for the mosquito control condition to apply to only future phases of construction. There was no competent evidence of impacts attributable to pesticides associated with the application for the SWM system or for Phase 1A construction and operation that would adversely affect the diversity or abundance of fish and wildlife including endangered species and their habitats. The Applicants have satisfied the criteria set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(d). WATER QUALITY The primary concern during Phase 1A construction will be erosion control. Best Management Practices (“BMPs”) are operational and design elements used to either eliminate or reduce the amount of pollutants at the source so they do not get into a SWM system or move downstream. To contain erosion in Phase 1A, the Applicants will use the following BMPs: Silt screens and turbidity barriers within existing ditches and around the perimeter of property. Planned construction sequencing to reduce movement and stock piling of material; Slope stabilization and seeding or sodding of graded areas; and Containment of construction materials with berms. All erosion and turbidity control measures will remain in place until the completion of the on-site construction and approval by the District’s post-permit compliance staff. The Applicants provided reasonable assurances that the proposed Phase 1A construction activities will not adversely impact the quality of receiving waters and that those activities will not violate State water quality standards. Section 5.2.1, BOR, requires that a SWM system provide wet detention for the first one inch of runoff. The proposed SWM system will provide wet detention for one and one-half inches of runoff. The Applicants provided reasonable assurances to demonstrate that the technical criteria in the BOR will be met. Under Section 1.3 of the BOR, compliance with the criteria in the BOR constitutes a presumption that the Proposed Project is in conformance with the conditions for issuance. This presumption was not rebutted by the Petitioners. The lake system will include planted littoral zones to provide additional uptake of pollutants. A filter marsh is also included in the southern lake. All of the storm water runoff from the lakes will pass through the filter marsh, which will be planted with wetland plants. The filter marsh will provide additional polishing of pollutants, uptake, and filtering through the plants. The discharge will then go into the BRP, which will provide the discharge additional uptake and filtering. BMPs utilized during the Operations and Maintenance phase will include regular maintenance inspections and cleaning of the SWM system, street-sweeping, litter control programs, roadway maintenance inspections and repair schedule, municipal waste collection, pollution prevention education programs, pesticides, herbicides and fertilizer storage, and application training and education. The littoral zones, filter marsh, BRP natural area, and BMPs were not included in the water quality calculations and are over and above rule requirements. The Applicants provided reasonable assurances to demonstrate that the proposed project will not adversely affect the quality of receiving waters. Therefore, Rule 40E- 4.301(1)(e), F.A.C., will be satisfied and water quality standards will not be violated. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Pursuant to Section 5.5.5 of the BOR, commercial or industrial zoned projects shall provide at least one-half inch of dry detention or retention pretreatment as part of the required retention/detention, unless reasonable assurances can be offered that hazardous materials will not enter the project's SWM system. The Addendum to Staff Report reflects the following Special Condition 25 pertaining to hazardous materials: Upon submittal of an application for construction of commercial or industrial uses the permittee shall submit a plan that provides reasonable assurances that hazardous materials will not enter the surface water management system pursuant to the requirements of section 5.2.2(a) of the Basis of Review. Applicable permitting criteria does not require the Applicants to present a hazardous substances plan at this point because no facilities that will contain hazardous materials are part of the Phase 1A construction. SECONDARY IMPACTS Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(f) and Section 4.1.1(f) of the BOR, require an applicant to provide reasonable assurances that the proposed activities will not cause adverse secondary impacts to the water resources. A secondary impact is an indirect effect of a project resulting in adverse effects to wetlands or other surface waters. The District considers those adverse effects that would not occur "but for" the activities that are closely linked and causally related to the activity under review. This standard is discussed further in the Conclusions of Law section of this Recommended Order. The County’s Exhibit 3 is a secondary impact analysis identifying the secondary impacts that may potentially result from the proposed project. These impacts are: 1) the widening of SPW Road; 2) the construction of an FPL substation; 3) the extension of PGA Boulevard; and 4) the potential relocation of a runway at North County Airport. The secondary impact analysis performed pursuant to the Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method (UMAM) contained in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 62-345 reflects that up to 153.3 acres of wetlands may be partially or completely impacted by these secondary impacts, resulting in approximately 71.21 units of functional loss. Where future activities are expected to directly impact wetlands, secondary impacts were assessed based on the loss of all current functional value within the direct footprint of that activity. Additionally, an assessment was conducted to determine the degree of partial functional loss where impacts beyond the footprint of these activities are anticipated. SPW Road is an existing dirt road which is in the County's five-year road plan to widen as a four-lane paved road. Because the widening of the existing dirt road to a four-lane paved road is part of the five-year road plan, the impacts of that widening are not attributable to the subject project. However, as part of the proposed project, it is proposed to widen SPW Road to a six-lane paved road. The additional impacts associated with the widening from four to six lanes will be caused by, and are linked to, the proposed project. These impacts amount to approximately 2.2 acres. The FPL substation, which is proposed to service the proposed project, may result in 1.6 acres of potential direct impacts to wetlands. In addition, 1.0 acre of potential indirect secondary impacts may occur to wetlands that are not going to be dredged and filled. Those indirect secondary impacts may have some adverse impact on the functional value to those wetlands for wildlife utilization. The extension of PGA Boulevard to the Mecca Farms site has the potential to result in 45.6 acres of direct impacts to wetlands and 56.6 acres of indirect secondary wetland impacts which will not be dredged or filled, but will be in close proximity to the road. The secondary impact assessment for PGA Boulevard assumed the incorporation of wildlife crossings to minimize habitat fragmentation. If the airport runway needs to be shifted, potential direct wetland impacts to an additional 22.7 acres may occur. Indirect impacts to 23.6 acres of wetlands in close proximity could also occur. Runway relocation may or may not be necessary due to the PGA Boulevard extension; however, the analysis assumed the need for the relocation. Each of the projects listed above as potential secondary impacts will require a separate construction and operation permit from the District. The issuance of this permit does not in any way guarantee the issuance of permits for any of these identified potential secondary impacts. MITIGATION PLAN The Applicants provided a conceptual mitigation plan using UMAM to demonstrate how potential secondary impacts could be offset. Mitigation options have the potential to provide more than twice the functional gain than the functional loss from the identified secondary impacts. The conceptual mitigation options include: 194 acres of the land that had been acquired for future mitigation needs in Unit 11. 227 acres of the BRP natural area. 32.6 acres in the southern lake wetland along with proposed upland habitat. Sufficient mitigation is available in these options to offset the potential secondary impacts. The mitigation for the four potential secondary impacts is not required to be implemented now because the impacts are not occurring now. Section 4.2.7 of the BOR requires that the District consider those future impacts now and that a conceptual mitigation plan be provided to demonstrate and provide reasonable assurances that those impacts, in fact, can be offset in the future. The Governor and Cabinet sitting as the Board of Trustees considered and approved a request for public easement of approximately 30 acres to use a portion of CWMA for SPW Road, an FPL substation, and the land area that may be needed by District in the future for the connection to the flow-way. As consideration in exchange for the public easement over 30 acres, the County will transfer fee simple title of 60 acres to the State. This public easement also provides a benefit for CERP as it includes the small portion that the District is going to need for its future CERP project to connect to the flow-way on the proposed project site. The Applicants provided reasonable assurances that mitigation will offset secondary impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. UNIDENTIFIED SECONDARY IMPACTS Testimony at the final hearing raised a question as to whether there is nesting or roosting by listed wading bird species in adjacent off-site wetlands outside the eastern boundary of the project site. Evidence was inconclusive on nesting or roosting in these areas. Because the status of adjacent listed wading bird nesting or roosting is uncertain, the District suggested in its Proposed Recommended Order that a special condition requiring a wildlife survey prior to construction near the eastern project boundary be added to the permit as follows: Prior to application for construction within 1000 feet of the eastern boundary of the above-ground impoundment, the applicant shall conduct a wildlife survey to identify any nesting or roosting areas in the adjoining off-site wetlands utilized by listed species of wading birds. If such nesting or roosting areas are found the permittee shall, if determined necessary by the District, incorporate additional buffers or other appropriate measures to ensure protection of these wetland functions. The District represented in its Proposed Recommended Order that the County has no objection to adding the foregoing condition. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Pursuant to Section 373.414(8), Florida Statutes, the District is required to consider cumulative impacts upon wetlands and other surface waters delineated in Section 373.421(1), Florida Statutes, within the same drainage basin. Cumulative impacts are the summation of unmitigated wetland impacts within a drainage basin. The cumulative impact analysis is geographically based upon the drainage basins described in Figure 4.2.8-1 of the BOR. Cumulative impacts are unacceptable when they would result in unacceptable adverse impacts to the functions of wetlands and surface waters within a drainage basin. There are no wetlands or other surface waters delineated pursuant to Section 373.421(1), Florida Statutes, on the Mecca Farms site. Therefore, no cumulative impacts are created by the direct impacts of the project. Cumulative impacts may be created by a project's secondary impacts. If a wetland impact has been appropriately mitigated on-site within the drainage basin, there is no residual impact, and therefore no cumulative impact. The PGA Boulevard extension, a portion of the SPW Road widening, and the airport runway relocation are located within the C-18 Basin. The proposed mitigation options are all located in the C-18 Basin and will offset those impacts. Those potential secondary impacts are considered to meet the cumulative impact requirements of Section 373.414(8), Florida Statutes. The Applicants provided reasonable assurances that the proposed project will not result in cumulative impacts to the C-18 Basin. The FPL substation is located within the L-8 Drainage Basin. The majority of the SPW Road expansion is located within the C-18 Basin, but a portion is located on the basin line between the C-18 Basin and the L-8 Basin. Because the mitigation for the L-8 impacts are proposed in a different basin, the Applicants were required to conduct a cumulative impact analysis for the L-8 Basin impacts. Based on the Florida Land Use Cover Classification System, there are 43,457 acres of freshwater wetlands within the L-8 Basin. Approximately 41,000 acres of the wetlands in L-8 Basin are in public ownership. This total constitutes approximately 95 percent of all the wetlands in the L-8 Basin. Public ownership of these wetlands provide a high level of assurance that these lands will be protected in perpetuity. The Respondents established that proposed mitigation can fully offset the potential impacts from the SPW Road expansion and the FPL substation and the approximately four acres of impacted wetlands in the L-8 Basin. The Applicants provided reasonable assurances that there are no unacceptable adverse cumulative impacts on the L-8 Basin.4 GROUND WATER FLOWS, SURFACE WATER FLOWS, AND MINIMUM FLOWS AND LEVELS Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(g) requires an applicant to provide reasonable assurances that the proposed activity will not adversely impact the maintenance of surface or ground water levels or surface water flows established pursuant to Section 373.042, Florida Statutes. The term "maintenance of surface and groundwater levels or surface water flows" in Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(g) means that a project will not adversely impact the maintenance of surface water flows that contribute to meeting the minimum flow for the water body. An adverse impact to the maintenance of surface or groundwater levels or surface water flows may occur when a project discharging to a water body with a designated minimum flow level is proposed to be diverted. An analysis was done to compare the peak discharge rate from the existing SWM system on the Mecca Farms site with the projected peak discharge rate from the proposed SWM system. The analysis showed that the peak discharge rate under the proposed system will be less than that of the existing system. That result was expected since the proposed system will have higher control elevations, which, as noted above, will provide better treatment and permit a better control of the discharge into the C-18 Canal. Under the existing SWM system, storm event water in a dry period is frequently stored in the existing impoundment for future irrigation purposes. Under the proposed SWM system such storm event water will be discharged downstream, which will benefit those downstream areas during dry periods. The proposed system will also provide better control over pulse discharges during heavy storm events. The Applicants provided reasonable assurances that the proposed activities will not adversely impact the maintenance of surface or ground levels or surface water flows as required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(g). THE DISTRICT’S OBJECTIVES Sections 373.414 and 373.416, Florida Statutes, require an applicant to provide reasonable assurances that a regulated activity will not be harmful to the water resources and will not be inconsistent with the overall objectives of the District. Congress initially authorized the Central and Southern Florida (“C&SF”) Project in 1948. Thereafter extensive work was undertaken pertaining to flood control; water supply for municipal, industrial, and agricultural uses; prevention of saltwater intrusion; and protection of fish and wildlife. The work included construction of a primary system of 1000 miles each of levees and canals, 150 water-control structures, and 16 major pump stations. Unintended consequences of the C&SF Project have included the irreversible loss of vast areas of wetlands, including half of the original Everglades; the alteration in the water storage, timing, and flow capacities of natural drainage systems; and the degradation of water quality and habitat due to over-drainage or extreme fluctuations in the timing and delivery of fresh water into the coastal wetlands and estuaries. In 1992, Congress authorized the C&SF Project Comprehensive Review Study, which is generally referred to as the “Restudy.” The objective of the Restudy was to reexamine the C&SF Project to determine the feasibility of modifying the project to restore the South Florida ecosystem and provide for the other water-related needs of the region, such as water supply and flood protection. In April 1999, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued the Central and Southern Florida Project Comprehensive Review Study Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (“Restudy Report”). The Restudy Report recommends a comprehensive plan for the restoration, protection, and preservation of the water resources of Central and South Florida. The resulting plan is known as CERP. The North Palm Beach County Part I project, which includes restoration of the Northwest Fork of the Loxahatchee River (“NWFLR”), is a component of CERP. The successful completion of CERP and the successful restoration of the NWFLR are high-priority objectives of the District. The Loxahatchee River is an important feature of the South Florida ecosystem, nationally and internationally unique, and an important natural and economic resource. Rules pertaining to MFL for the NWFLR and for the recovery of the NWFLR are found at Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-8.011; 40E-8.221(4); and 40E-8.421. Recovery goals, which are not presently being met, have been established; and strategies to meet those goals have been identified. The Mecca Farms site is located within the boundaries of the CERP North Palm Beach County Part I project and has the potential to affect CERP and the restoration of the NWFLR. Projects that potentially would affect or would be within or adjacent to a CERP project are evaluated on a case-by- case basis to determine whether a proposed project would not be inconsistent with CERP and other District objectives. There was a dispute between Respondents and Petitioners as to whether the proposed project was inconsistent with the District’s objectives, including CERP and its goals pertaining to the restoration of the NWFLR. Petitioners contend that the District has insufficient evidence that the Mecca Farms will not be needed for the construction of a reservoir. That contention is rejected. The greater weight of the credible evidence established that sufficient storage is available at a superior site known as the Palm Beach Aggregates (PBA) site in the L-8 Basin, which is a unique geological site that will provide in-ground storage of water.5 Water from the PBA storage site can be conveyed to the NWFLR to increase dry season flows. Water can be stored at the PBA site in the wet season to prevent potentially damaging high flows. The L-8 Basin, which is adjacent to the C-18 Basin, receives more water during the wet season than it uses. This means that at present a significant amount of water must be discharged to tide (lost) during the wet season to provide for flood protection in this area. As envisioned, the water currently lost to tide could be stored at the PBA site for use during the dry season. By combining the water storage in the L-8 Basin with connective flow-ways to the C-18 Canal, water demands within the C-18 Basin, including the NWFLR, can also be met by the PBA storage site.6 An increase in freshwater flows to the NWFLR will further the District’s restoration goals for the NWFLR. Storage at PBA has regional benefits for other significant natural areas because it will provide additional flows to the Loxahatchee Slough and Grassy Waters Preserve. Those additional flows will further the District’s CERP goals. Since October of 2003, County staff and the District’s ERP staff have coordinated review of the subject project with the District’s CERP Planning and Federal Projects Division and other District staff working on projects in this region. The County asked the District to determine if the Mecca Farms’ site could in some way accommodate CERP objectives, and three alternatives were considered: 1) no action; 2) a reservoir; and 3) a flow-way. As opposed to a reservoir, the more valuable and the more practical, use of the Mecca Farms site would be as part of the system to convey the stored water to the areas that would most benefit from its discharge. The proposed flow-way in the BRP Natural Area would be an integral part of that conveyance system and would provide the District with greater flexibility in managing and directing the discharge of the water stored at the PBA site. Prior to the development of the flow-way concept as part of the proposed development, CERP identified a single route to take water from PBA to the NWFLR. The flow-way will provide an additional route from PBA to the NWFLR. That additional route will provide the District with greater operational flexibility. The flow-way will complement the L-8 Basin flow- way and help reduce peak flows to the NWFLR and the Estuary. The flow-way also provides a potential route allowing excess water to be brought back from the C-18 Basin to the PBA site for storage. There are no other potential routes that allow water to be directed from the C-18 Basin in the wet season to the PBA site. The flow-way provides a feature that was not part of the CERP original plan and is therefore an unanticipated benefit for CERP. The Applicants provided reasonable assurances that the proposed project is not inconsistent with the District’s objectives.7
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the District issue the subject ERP for the conceptual approval of the SWM system for the BRP and the Phase 1A construction and operation subject to the general and special conditions set forth in the Staff Report and the Amended Staff Report. It is further RECOMMENDED that the District add the following special condition: Prior to application for construction within 1000 feet of the eastern boundary of the above-ground impoundment, the applicants shall conduct a wildlife survey to identify any nesting or roosting areas in the adjoining off-site wetlands utilized by listed species of wading birds. If such nesting or roosting areas are found the permittee shall, if determined necessary by the District, incorporate additional buffers or other appropriate measures to ensure protection of these wetland functions. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of December, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of December, 2004.
The Issue This case involves a challenge to St. Johns River Water Management District’s (District or SJRWMD) intended issuance of an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) granting the City's Application No. 4-127-97380-1, for the construction and operation of a surface water management system for a retrofit flood-relief project known as Drysdale Drive/Chapel Drive Drainage Improvements consisting of: excavation of the Drysdale Drive pond (Pond 1); improvement to the outfall at Sterling Lake; and the interconnection of Pond 1 and four existing drainage retention areas through a combination of pump stations and gravity outfalls (project or system). The issue is whether the applicant, the City of Deltona (City or Deltona), has provided reasonable assurance the system complies with the water quantity, environmental, and water quality criteria of the District’s ERP regulations set forth in Chapter 40C-4, Florida Administrative Code,1 and the Applicant’s Handbook: Management and Storage of Surface Waters (2005) (A.H.).2
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the St. Johns River Water Management District enter a final order issuing to the City of Deltona an ERP granting the City's Application No. 4-127-97380-1, subject to the conditions set forth in the Technical Staff Report. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of March, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of March, 2006.
The Issue The issue to be determined is whether Consumptive Use Permit No. 2-083-91926-3, and Environmental Resource Permit No. IND-083-130588-4 should be issued as proposed in the respective proposed agency actions issued by the St. Johns River Water Management District.
Findings Of Fact The Parties Sierra Club, Inc., is a national organization, the mission of which is to explore, enjoy, and advocate for the environment. A substantial number of Sierra Club’s 28,000 Florida members utilize the Silver River, Silver Springs, the Ocklawaha River, and the St. Johns River for water-based recreational activities, which uses include kayaking, swimming, fishing, boating, canoeing, nature photography, and bird watching. St. Johns Riverkeeper, Inc., is one of 280 members of the worldwide Waterkeepers Alliance. Its mission is to protect, restore, and promote healthy waters of the St. Johns River, its tributaries, springs, and wetlands -- including Silver Springs, the Silver River, and the Ocklawaha River -- through citizen- based advocacy. A substantial number of St. Johns Riverkeeper’s more than 1,000 members use and enjoy the St. Johns River, the Silver River, Silver Springs, and the Ocklawaha River for boating, fishing, wildlife observation, and other water-based recreational activities. Karen Ahlers is a native of Putnam County, Florida, and lives approximately 15 miles from the Applicant’s property on which the permitted uses will be conducted. Ms. Ahlers currently uses the Ocklawaha River for canoeing, kayaking, and swimming, and enjoys birding and nature photography on and around the Silver River. Over the years, Ms. Ahlers has advocated for the restoration and protection of the Ocklawaha River, as an individual and as a past-president of the Putnam County Environmental Council. Jeri Baldwin lives on a parcel of property in the northeast corner of Marion County, approximately one mile from the Applicant’s property on which the permitted uses will be conducted. Ms. Baldwin, who was raised in the area, and whose family and she used the resources extensively in earlier years, currently uses the Ocklawaha River for boating. Florida Defenders of the Environment (FDE) is a Florida corporation, the mission of which is to conserve and protect and restore Florida's natural resources and to conduct environmental education projects. A substantial number of FDE’s 186 members, of which 29 reside in Marion County, Florida, use and enjoy Silver Springs, the Silver River, and the Ocklawaha Aquatic Preserve, and their associated watersheds in their educational and outreach activities, as well as for various recreational activities including boating, fishing, wildlife observation, and other water-based recreational activities. Sleepy Creek Lands, LLC (Sleepy Creek or Applicant), is an entity registered with the Florida Department of State to do business in the state of Florida. Sleepy Creek owns approximately 21,000 acres of land in Marion County, Florida, which includes the East Tract and the North Tract on which the activities authorized by the permits are proposed. St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD or District) is a water-management district created by section 373.069(1). It has the responsibility to conserve, protect, manage, and control the water resources within its geographic boundaries. See § 373.069(2)(a), Fla. Stat. The Consumptive Use Permit The CUP is a modification and consolidation of two existing CUP permits, CUP No. 2-083-3011-7 and CUP No. 2-083- 91926-2, which authorize the withdrawal of 1.46 mgd from wells located on the East Tract. Although the existing CUP permits authorize an allocation of 1.46 mgd, actual use has historically been far less, and rarely exceeded 0.3 mgd. The proposed CUP modification will convert the authorized use of water from irrigation of 1,010 acres of sod grass on the East Tract, to supplemental irrigation of improved pasture for grass and other forage crops (approximately 97 percent of the proposed withdrawals) and cattle watering (approximately three percent of the proposed withdrawals) on the North Tract and the East Tract. An additional very small amount will be used in conjunction with the application of agricultural chemicals. CUP No. 2-083-3011-7 is due to expire in 2021. CUP No. 2-083-91926-2 is due to expire in 2024. In addition to the consolidation of the withdrawals into a single permit, the proposed agency action would extend the term of the consolidated permit to 20 years from issuance, with the submission of a compliance report due 10 years from issuance. Sleepy Creek calculated a water demand of 2.569 mgd for the production of grasses and forage crops necessary to meet the needs for grass-fed beef production, based on the expected demand in a 2-in-10 drought year. That calculation is consistent with that established in CUP Applicant’s Handbook (CUP A.H.) section 12.5.1. The calculated amount exceeds the authorized average allocation of 1.46 mgd. Mr. Jenkins testified as to the District’s understanding that the requested amount would be sufficient, since the proposed use was a “scaleable-type project,” with adjustments to cattle numbers made as necessary to meet the availability of feed. Regardless of demand, the proposed permit establishes the enforceable withdrawal limits applicable to the property. With regard to the East Tract, the proposed agency action reduces the existing 1.46 mgd allocation for that tract to a maximum allocation of 0.464 mgd, and authorizes the irrigation of 611 acres of pasture grass using existing extraction wells and six existing pivots. With regard to the North Tract, the proposed agency action authorizes the irrigation of 1,620 acres of pasture and forage grain crops using 15 center pivot systems. Extraction wells to serve the North Tract pivots will be constructed on the North Tract. The proposed North Tract withdrawal wells are further from Silver Springs than the current withdrawal locations. The proposed CUP allows Sleepy Creek to apply the allocated water as it believes to be appropriate to the management of the cattle operation. Although the East Tract is limited to a maximum of 0.464 mgd, there is no limitation on the North Tract. Thus, Sleepy Creek could choose to apply all of the 1.46 mgd on the North Tract. For that reason, the analysis of impacts from the irrigation of the North Tract has generally been based on the full 1.46 mgd allocation being drawn from and applied to the North Tract. The Environmental Resource Permit As initially proposed, the CUP had no elements that would require issuance of an ERP. However, in order to control the potential for increased runoff and nutrient loading resulting from the irrigation of the pastures, Sleepy Creek proposes to construct a stormwater management system to capture runoff from the irrigated pastures, consisting of a series of vegetated upland buffers, retention berms and redistribution swales between the pastures and downgradient wetland features. Because the retention berm and swale system triggered the permitting thresholds in rule 62-330.020(2)(d) (“a total project area of more than one acre”) and rule 62-330.020(2)(e) (“a capability of impounding more than 40 acre-feet of water”), Sleepy Creek was required to obtain an Environmental Resource Permit for its construction. Regional Geologic Features To the west of the North Tract is a geologic feature known as the Ocala Uplift or Ocala Platform, in which the limestone that comprises the Floridan aquifer system exists at or very near the land surface. Karst features, including subterranean conduits and voids that can manifest at the land surface as sinkholes, are common in the Ocala Uplift due in large part to the lack of consolidated or confining material overlaying the limestone. Water falling on the surface of such areas tends to infiltrate rapidly through the soil into the Floridan aquifer, occasionally through direct connections such as sinkholes. The lack of confinement in the Ocala Uplift results in few if any surface-water features such as wetlands, creeks, and streams. As one moves east from the Ocala Uplift, a geologic feature known as the Cody Escarpment becomes more prominent. In the Cody Escarpment, the limestone becomes increasingly overlain by sands, shell, silt, clays, and other less permeable sediments of the Hawthorn Group. The North Tract and the East Tract lie to the east of the point at which the Cody Escarpment becomes apparent. As a result, water tends to flow overland to wetlands and other surface water features. The Property The North and East Tracts are located in northern Marion County near the community of Fort McCoy. East Tract Topography and Historic Use The East Tract is located in the Daisy Creek Basin, and includes the headwaters of a small creek that drains directly to the Ocklawaha River. The historic use of the East Tract has been as a cleared 1,010-acre sod farm. The production of sod included irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. Little change in the topography, use, and appearance of the property will be apparent as a result of the permits at issue, but for the addition of grazing cattle. The current CUPs that are subject to modification in this proceeding authorize groundwater withdrawals for irrigation of the East Tract at the rate of 1.46 mgd. Since the proposed agency action has the result of reducing the maximum withdrawal from wells on the East Tract to 0.464 mgd, thus proportionately reducing the proposed impacts, there was little evidence offered to counter Sleepy Creek’s prima facie case that reasonable assurance was provided that the proposed East Tract groundwater withdrawal allocation will meet applicable CUP standards. There are no stormwater management structures to be constructed on the East Tract. Therefore, the ERP permit discussed herein is not applicable to the East Tract. North Tract Topography and Historic Use The North Tract has a generally flat topography, with elevations ranging from 45 feet to 75 feet above sea level. The land elevation is highest at the center of the North Tract, with the land sloping towards the Ocklawaha River to the east, and to several large wet prairie systems to the west. Surface water features on the North Tract include isolated, prairie, and slough-type wetlands on approximately 28 percent of the North Tract, and a network of creeks, streams, and ditches, including the headwaters of Mill Creek, a contributing tributary of the Ocklawaha River. A seasonal high groundwater elevation on the North Tract is estimated at 6 to 14 inches below ground surface. The existence of defined creeks and surface water features supports a finding that the North Tract is underlain by a relatively impermeable confining layer that impedes the flow of water from the surface and the shallow surficial aquifer to the upper Floridan and lower Floridan aquifers. If there was no confining unit, water going onto the surface of the property, either in the form of rain or irrigation water, would percolate unimpeded to the lower aquifers. Areas in the Ocala Uplift to the west of the North Tract, where the confining layer is thinner and discontiguous, contain few streams or runoff features. Historically, the North Tract was used for timber production, with limited pasture and crop lands. At the time the 7,207-acre North Tract was purchased by Sleepy Creek, land use consisted of 4,061 acres of planted pine, 1,998 acres of wetlands, 750 acres of improved pasture, 286 acres of crops, 78 acres of non-forested uplands, 20 acres of native forest, 10 acres of open water, and 4 acres of roads and facilities. Prior to the submission of the CUP and ERP applications, much of the planted pine was harvested, and the land converted to improved pasture. Areas converted to improved pasture include those proposed for irrigation, which have been developed in the circular configuration necessary for future use with center irrigation pivots. As a result of the harvesting of planted pine, and the conversion of about 345 acres of cropland and non-forested uplands to pasture and incidental uses, total acreage in pasture on the North Tract increased from 750 acres to 3,938 acres. Other improvements were constructed on the North Tract, including the cattle processing facility. Aerial photographs suggest that the conversion of the North Tract to improved pasture and infrastructure to support a cattle ranch is substantially complete. The act of converting the North Tract from a property dominated by planted pine to one dominated by improved pasture, and the change in use of the East Tract from sod farm to pasture, were agricultural activities that did not require a permit from the District. As such, there is no impropriety in considering the actual, legal use of the property in its current configuration as the existing use for which baseline conditions are to be measured. Petitioners argue that the baseline conditions should be measured against the use of the property as planted pine plantation, and that Sleepy Creek should not be allowed to “cattle-up” before submitting its permit applications, thereby allowing the baseline to be established as a higher impact use. However, the applicable rules and statutes provide no retrospective time-period for establishing the nature of a parcel of property other than that lawfully existing when the application is made. See West Coast Reg’l Water Supply Auth. v. SW Fla. Water Mgmt. Dist., Case No. 95-1520 et seq., ¶ 301 (Fla. DOAH May 29, 1997; SFWMD ) (“The baseline against which projected impacts conditions [sic] are those conditions, including previously permitted adverse impacts, which existed at the time of the filing of the renewal applications.”). The evidence and testimony in this case focused on the effects of the water allocation on the Floridan aquifer, Silver Springs, and the Silver River, and on the effects of the irrigation on water and nutrient transport from the properties. It was not directed at establishing a violation of chapter 373, the rules of the SJRWMD, or the CUP Applicant’s Handbook with regard to the use and management of the agriculturally-exempt unirrigated pastures, nor did it do so. Soil Types Soils are subject to classifications developed by the Soil Conservation Service based on their hydrologic characteristics, and are grouped into Group A, Group B, Group C, or Group D. Factors applied to determine the appropriate hydrologic soil group on a site-specific basis include depth to seasonal high saturation, the permeability rate of the most restrictive layer within a certain depth, and the depth to any impermeable layers. Group A includes the most well-drained soils, and Group D includes the most poorly-drained soils. Group D soils are those with seasonal high saturation within 24 inches of the soil surface and a higher runoff potential. The primary information used to determine the hydrologic soil groups on the North Tract was the depth to seasonal-high saturation, defined as the highest expected annual elevation of saturation in the soil. Depth to seasonal-high saturation was measured through a series of seven hand-dug and augered soil borings completed at various locations proposed for irrigation across the North Tract. In determining depth to seasonal-high saturation, the extracted soils were examined based on depth, color, texture, and other relevant characteristics. In six of the seven locations at which soil borings were conducted, a restrictive layer was identified within 36 inches of the soil surface. At one location at the northeastern corner of the North Tract, the auger hole ended at a depth of 48 inches -- the length of the auger -- at which depth there was an observable increase in clay content but not a full restrictive layer. However, while the soil assessment was ongoing, a back-hoe was in operation approximately one hundred yards north of the boring location. Observations of that excavation revealed a heavy clay layer at a depth of approximately 5 feet. In each of the locations, the depth to seasonal-high saturation was within 14 inches of the soil surface. Based on the consistent observation of seasonal-high saturation at each of the sampled locations, as well as the flat topography of the property with surface water features, the soils throughout the property, with the exception of a small area in the vicinity of Pivot 6, were determined to be in hydrologic soil Group D. Hydrogeologic Features There are generally five hydrogeologic units underlying the North Tract, those units being the surficial aquifer system, the intermediate confining unit, the upper Floridan aquifer, the middle confining unit, and the lower Floridan aquifer. In areas in which a confining layer is present, water falling on the surface of the land flows over the surface of the land or across the top of the confining layer. A surficial aquifer, with a relatively high perched water table, is created by the confinement and separation of surface waters from the upper strata of the Floridan aquifer. Surface waters are also collected in or conveyed by various surface water features, including perched wetlands, creeks, and streams. The preponderance of the evidence adduced at the final hearing demonstrates that the surficial aquifer exists on the property to a depth of up to 20 feet below the land surface (bls). Beneath the surficial aquifer is an intermediate confining unit of dense clay interspersed with beds of sand and calcareous clays that exists to a depth of up to 100 feet bls. The clay material observed on the North Tract is known as massive or structureless. Such clays are restrictive with very low levels of hydraulic conductivity, and are not conducive to development of preferential flow paths to the surficial or lower aquifers. The intermediate confining unit beneath the North Tract restricts the exchange of groundwater from the surficial aquifer to the upper Floridan aquifer. The upper Floridan aquifer begins at a depth of approximately 100 feet bls, and extends to a depth of approximately 340 feet bls. At about 340 feet bls, the upper Floridan aquifer transitions to the middle confining unit, which consists of finely grained, denser material that separates the interchange of water between the upper Floridan aquifer and the lower Floridan aquifer. Karst Features Karst features form as a result of water moving through rock that comprises the aquifer, primarily limestone, dissolving and forming conduits in the rock. Karst areas present a challenging environment to simulate through modeling. Models assume the subsurface to be a relatively uniform “sand box” through which it is easier to simulate groundwater flow. However, if the subsurface contains conduits, it becomes more difficult to simulate the preferential flows and their effect on groundwater flow paths and travel times. The District has designated parts of western Alachua County and western Marion County as a Sensitive Karst Area Basin. A Sensitive Karst Area is a location in which the porous limestone of the Floridan aquifer occurs within 20 feet of the land surface, and in which there is 10 to 20 inches of annual recharge to the Floridan aquifer. The designation of an area as being within the Sensitive Karst Area Basin does not demonstrate that it does, or does not, have subsurface features that are karstic in nature, or that would provide a connection between the surficial aquifer and the Floridan aquifer. The western portion of the North Tract is within the Sensitive Karst Area Basin. The two intensive-use areas on the North Tract that have associated stormwater facilities -- the cattle unloading area and the processing facility -- are outside of the Sensitive Karst Area Basin. The evidence was persuasive that karst features are more prominent to the west of the North Tract. In order to evaluate the presence of karst features on the North Tract, Mr. Andreyev performed a “desktop-type evaluation,” with a minimal field survey. The desktop review included a review of aerial photographs and an investigation of available data, including the Florida Geological Survey database of sinkhole occurrence in the area. The aerial photographs showed circular depressions suggestive of karst activity west and southwest of the North Tract, but no such depressions on the North Tract. Soil borings taken on the North Tract indicated the presence of layers of clayey sand, clays, and silts at a depth of 70 to 80 feet. Well-drilling logs taken during the development of the wells used for an aquifer performance test on the North Tract showed the limestone of the Floridan aquifer starting at a depth below ground surface of 70 to 80 feet. Other boring data generated on the North Tract suggests that there is greater than 100 feet of clay and sandy clay overburden above the Floridan aquifer on and in the vicinity of the North Tract. Regardless of site-specific differences, the observed confining layer separating the surficial aquifer from the Floridan aquifer is substantial, and not indicative of a karst environment. Aquifer performance tests performed on the North Tract were consistent in showing that drawdown in the surficial aquifer from the tests was minimal to non-detectable, which is strong evidence of an intact and low-permeability confining layer. The presence of well-developed drainage features on the North Tract is further evidence of a unit of confinement that is restricting water from going deeper into the subsurface, and forcing it to runoff to low-lying surface water features. Petitioners’ witnesses did not perform any site- specific analysis of karst features on or around the Sleepy Creek property. Their understanding of the nature of the karst systems in the region was described as “hypothetical or [] conceptual.” Dr. Kincaid admitted that he knew of no conduits on or adjacent to the North Tract. As a result of the data collected from the North Tract, Mr. Hearn opined that the potential for karst features on the property that provide an opening to the upper Floridan aquifer “is extremely remote.” Mr. Hearn’s opinion is consistent with the preponderance of the evidence in this case, and is accepted. In the event a surface karst feature were to manifest itself, Sleepy Creek has proposed that the surface feature be filled and plugged to reestablish the integrity of the confining layer. More to the point, the development of a surficial karst feature in an area influenced by irrigation would be sufficient grounds for the SJRWMD to reevaluate and modify the CUP to account for any changed conditions affecting the assumptions and bases for issuance of the CUP. Silver Springs, the Silver River, and the Ocklawaha River The primary, almost exclusive concern of Petitioners was the effect of the modified CUP and the nutrients from the proposed cattle ranch on Silver Springs, the Silver River, and the Ocklawaha River. Silver Springs Silver Springs has long been a well-known attraction in Florida. It is located just to the east of Ocala, Florida. Many of the speakers at the public comment period of this proceeding spoke fondly of having frequented Silver Springs over the years, enjoying its crystal clear waters through famous glass-bottomed boats. For most of its recorded history, Silver Springs was the largest spring by volume in Florida. Beginning in the 1970s, it began to lose its advantage, and by the year 2000, Rainbow Springs, located in southwestern Marion County, surpassed Silver Springs as the state’s largest spring. Silver Springs exists at the top of the potentiometric surface of the Floridan aquifer. Being at the “top of the mountain,” when water levels in the Floridan aquifer decline, groundwater flow favors the lower elevation springs. Thus, surrounding springshed boundaries expand to take more water to maintain their baseflows, at the expense of the Silver Springs springshed, which contracts. Rainbow Springs shares an overlapping springshed with Silver Springs. The analogy used by Dr. Knight was of the aquifer as a bucket with holes at different levels, and with the Silver Springs “hole” near the top of the bucket. When the water level in the bucket is high, water will flow from the top hole. As the water level drops below that hole, it will preferentially flow from the lower holes. Rainbow Springs has a vent or outlet from the aquifer, that is 10 feet lower in elevation than that of Silver Springs. Coastal springs are lower still. Thus, as groundwater levels decline, the lower springs “pirate flow” from the upper springs. Since the first major studies of Silver Springs were conducted in the 1950s, the ecosystem of Silver Springs has undergone changes. The water clarity, though still high as compared to other springs, has been reduced by 10 to 15 percent. Since the 1950s, macrophytic plants, i.e., rooted plants with seeds and flowers, have declined in population, while epiphytic and benthic algae have increased. Those plants are sensitive to increases in nitrogen in the water. Thus, Dr. Knight’s opinion that increases in nitrogen emerging from Silver Springs, calculated to have risen from just over 0.4 mg/l in the 1950s, to 1.1 mg/l in 2004, and to up to 1.5 mg/l at present,1/ have caused the observed vegetative changes is accepted. Silver River Silver Springs forms the headwaters for the Silver River, a spring run 5 1/2 miles in length, at which point it becomes a primary input to the Ocklawaha River. Issues of water clarity and alteration of the vegetative regime that exist at Silver Springs are also evident in the Silver River. In addition, the reduction in flow allows for more tannic water to enter the river, further reducing clarity. Dr. Dunn recognized the vegetative changes in the river, and opined that the “hydraulic roughness” caused by the increase in vegetation is likely creating a spring pool backwater at Silver Springs, thereby suppressing some of the flow from the spring. The Silver River has been designated as an Outstanding Florida Water. There are currently no Minimum Flows and Levels established by the District for the Silver River. Ocklawaha River The Ocklawaha River originates near Leesburg, Florida, at the Harris Chain of Lakes, and runs northward past Silver Springs. The Silver River is a major contributor to the flow of the Ocklawaha River. Due to the contribution of the Silver River and other spring-fed tributaries, the Ocklawaha River can take on the appearance of a spring run during periods of low rainfall. Historically, the Ocklawaha River flowed unimpeded to its confluence with the St. Johns River in the vicinity of Palatka, Florida. In the 1960s, as part of the Cross-Florida Barge Canal project, the Rodman Dam was constructed across the Ocklawaha River north of the Sleepy Creek property, creating a large reservoir known as the Rodman Pool. Dr. Knight testified convincingly that the Rodman Dam and Pool have altered the Ocklawaha River ecosystem, precipitating a decline in migratory fish populations and an increase in filamentous algae. At the point at which the Ocklawaha River flows past the Sleepy Creek property, it retains its free-flowing characteristics. Mill Creek, which has its headwaters on the North Tract, is a tributary of the Ocklawaha River. The Ocklawaha River, from the Eureka Dam south, has been designated as an Outstanding Florida Water. However, the Ocklawaha River at the point at which Mill Creek or other potential surface water discharges from the Sleepy Creek property might enter the river are not included in the Outstanding Florida Water designation. There are currently no Minimum Flows and Levels established by the District for the Ocklawaha River. The Silver Springs Springshed A springshed is that area from which a spring draws water. Unlike a surface watershed boundary, which is fixed based on land features, contours, and elevations, a springshed boundary is flexible, and changes depending on a number of factors, including rainfall. As to Silver Springs, its springshed is largest during periods of more abundant rainfall when the aquifer is replenished, and smaller during drier periods when groundwater levels are down, and water moves preferentially to springs and discharge points that are lower in elevation. The evidence in this case was conflicting as to whether the North Tract is in or out of the Silver Springs springshed boundary. Dr. Kincaid indicated that under some of the springshed delineations, part of the North Tract was out of the springshed, but over the total period of record, it is within the springshed. Thus, it was Dr. Kincaid’s opinion that withdrawals anywhere within the region will preferentially impact Silver Springs, though he admitted that he did not have the ability to quantify his opinion. Dr. Knight testified that the North Tract is within the Silver Springs “maximum extent” springshed at least part of the time, if not all the time. He did not opine as to the period of time in which the Silver Springs springshed was at its maximum extent. Dr. Bottcher testified that the North Tract is not within the Silver Springs springshed because there is a piezometric rise between North Tract and Silver Springs. Thus, in his opinion, withdrawals at the North Tract would not be withdrawing water going to Silver Springs. Dr. Dunn agreed that the North Tract is on the groundwater divide for Silver Springs. In his view, the North Tract is sometimes in, and sometimes out of the springshed depending on the potentiometric surface. In his opinion, the greater probability is that the North Tract is more often outside of the Silver Springs springshed, with seasonal and year—to—year variation. Dr. Dunn’s opinion provides the most credible explanation of the extent to which the North Tract sits atop that portion of the lower Floridan aquifer that feeds to Silver Springs. Thus, it is found that the groundwater divide exists to the south of the North Tract for a majority of the time, and water entering the Floridan aquifer from the North Tract will, more often than not, flow away from Silver Springs. Silver Springs Flow Volume The Silver Springs daily water discharge has been monitored and recorded since 1932. Over the longest part of the period of record, up to the 1960s, flows at Silver Springs averaged about 800 cubic feet per second (cfs). Through 1989, there was a reasonable regression between rainfall and springflow, based on average rainfalls. The long-term average rainfall in Ocala was around 50 inches per year, and long-term springflow was about 800 cfs, with deviations from average generally consistent with one another. Between 1990 and 1999, the relationship between rainfall and springflow declined by about 80 cubic feet per second. Thus, with average rainfall of 50 inches per year, the average springflow was reduced to about 720 cfs. From 2000 to 2009, there was an additional decline, such that the total cumulative decline for the 20-year period through 2009 was 250 cfs. Dr. Dunn agreed with Dr. Knight that after 2000, there was an abrupt and persistent reduction in flow of about 165 cfs. However, Dr. Dunn did not believe the post-2000 flow reduction could be explained by rainfall directly, although average rainfall was less than normal. Likewise, groundwater withdrawals did not offer an adequate explanation. Dr. Dunn described a natural 30-year cycle of wetter and drier periods known as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) that has manifested itself over the area for the period of record. From the 1940s up through 1970, the area experienced an AMO wet cycle with generally higher than normal rainfall at the Ocala rain station. For the next 30-year period, from 1970 up to 2000, the Ocala area ranged from a little bit drier to some years in which it was very, very dry. Dr. Dunn attributed the 80 cfs decline in Silver Springs flow recorded in the 1990s to that lower rainfall cycle. After 2000, when the next AMO cycle would be expected to build up, as it did post—1940, it did not happen. Rather, there was a particularly dry period around 2000 that Dr. Dunn believes to have had a dramatic effect on the lack of recovery in the post-2000 flows in the Silver River. According to Mr. Jenkins, that period of deficient rainfall extended through 2010. Around the year 2001, the relationship between rainfall and flow changed such that for a given amount of rainfall, there was less flow in the Silver River, with flow dropping to as low as 535 cfs after 2001. It is that reduction in flow that Dr. Knight has attributed to groundwater withdrawals. It should be noted that the observed flow of Silver Springs that formed the 1995 baseline conditions for the North Central Florida groundwater model that will be discussed herein was approximately 706 cfs. At the time of the final hearing in August 2014, flow at Silver Springs was 675 cfs. The reason offered for the apparent partial recovery was higher levels of rainfall, though the issue was not explored in depth. For the ten-year period centered on the year 2000, local water use within Marion and Alachua County, closer to Silver Springs, changed little -- around one percent per year. From a regional perspective, groundwater use declined at about one percent per year for the period from 1990 to 2010. The figures prepared by Dr. Knight demonstrate that the Sleepy Creek project area is in an area that has a very low density of consumptive use permits as compared to areas adjacent to Silver Springs and more clearly in the Silver Springs springshed. In Dr. Dunn’s opinion, there were no significant changes in groundwater use either locally or regionally that would account for the flow reduction in Silver Springs from 1990 to 2010. In that regard, the environmental report prepared by Dr. Dunn and submitted with the CUP modification application estimated that groundwater withdrawals accounted for a reduction in flow at Silver Springs of approximately 20 cfs as measured against the period of record up to the year 2000, with most of that reduction attributable to population growth in Marion County. In the March 2014, environmental impacts report, Dr. Dunn described reductions in the stream flow of not only the Silver River, but of other tributaries of the lower Ocklawaha River, including the upper Ocklawaha River at Moss Bluff and Orange Creek. However, an evaluation of the Ocklawaha River water balance revealed there to be additional flow of approximately 50 cfs coming into the Ocklawaha River at other stations. Dr. Dunn suggested that changes to the vent characteristics of Silver Springs, and the backwater effects of increased vegetation in the Silver River, have resulted in a redistribution of pressure to other smaller springs that discharge to the Ocklawaha River, accounting for a portion of the diminished flow at Silver Springs. The Proposed Cattle Operation Virtually all beef cattle raised in Florida, upon reaching a weight of approximately 875 pounds, are shipped to Texas or Kansas to be fattened on grain to the final body weight of approximately 1,150 pounds, whereupon they are slaughtered and processed. The United States Department of Agriculture has a certification for grass—fed beef which requires that, after an animal is weaned, it can only be fed on green forage crops, including grasses, and on corn and grains that are cut green and before they set seed. The forage crops may be grazed or put into hay or silage and fed when grass and forage is dormant. The benefit of grass feeding is that a higher quality meat is produced, with a corresponding higher market value. Sleepy Creek plans to develop the property as a grass- fed beef production ranch, with pastures and related loading/unloading and slaughter/processing facilities where calves can be fattened on grass and green grain crops to a standard slaughter weight, and then slaughtered and processed locally. By so doing, Sleepy Creek expects to save the transportation and energy costs of shipping calves to the Midwest, and to generate jobs and revenues by employing local people to manage, finish, and process the cattle. As they currently exist, pastures proposed for irrigation have been cleared and seeded, and have “fairly good grass production.” The purpose of the irrigation is to enhance the production and quality of the grass in order to maintain the quality and reliability of feed necessary for the production of grass-fed beef. East Tract Cattle Operation The East Tract is 1,242 acres in size, substantially all of which was previously cleared, irrigated, and used for sod production. The proposed CUP permit authorizes the irrigation of 611 acres of pasture under six existing center pivots. The remaining 631 acres will be used as improved, but unirrigated, pasture. Under the proposed permit, a maximum of 1,207 cattle would be managed on the East Tract. Of that number, 707 cattle would be grazed on the irrigated paddocks, and 500 cattle would be grazed on the unirrigated improved pastures. If the decision is made to forego irrigation on the East Tract, with the water allocation being used on the North Tract or not at all, the number of cattle grazed on the six center pivot pastures would be decreased from 707 cattle to 484 cattle. The historic use of the East Tract as a sod farm resulted in high phosphorus levels in the soil from fertilization, which has made its way to Daisy Creek. Sleepy Creek has proposed a cattle density substantially below that allowed by application of the formulae in the Nutrient Management Plan in order to “mine” the phosphorus levels in the soil over time. North Tract Cattle Operation The larger North Tract includes most of the “new” ranch activities, having no previous irrigation, and having been put to primarily silvicultural use with limited pasture prior to its acquisition by Sleepy Creek. The ranch’s more intensive uses, i.e., the unloading corrals and the slaughter house, are located on the North Tract. The North Tract is 7,207 acres in size. Of that, 1,656 acres are proposed for irrigation by means of 15 center- pivot irrigation systems. In addition to the proposed irrigated pastures, the North Tract includes 2,382 acres of unirrigated improved pasture, of which approximately 10 percent is wooded. Under the proposed permit, a maximum of 6,371 cattle would be managed on the North Tract. Of that number, 3,497 cattle would be grazed on the irrigated paddocks (roughly 2.2 head of cattle per acre), and 2,374 cattle would graze on the improved pastures (up to 1.1 head of cattle per acre). The higher cattle density in the irrigated pastures can be maintained due to the higher quality grass produced as a result of irrigation. The remaining 500 cattle would be held temporarily in high-concentration corrals, either after offloading or while awaiting slaughter. On average, there will be fewer than 250 head of cattle staged in those high-concentration corrals at any one time. In the absence of irrigation, the improved pasture on the North Tract could sustain about 4,585 cattle. Nutrient Management Plan, Water Conservation Plan, and BMPs The CUP and ERP applications find much of their support in the implementation of the Nutrient Management Plan (NMP), the Water Conservation Plan, and Best Management Practices (BMPs). The NMP sets forth information designed to govern the day to day operations of the ranch. Those elements of the NMP that were the subject of substantive testimony and evidence at the hearing are discussed herein. Those elements not discussed herein are found to have been supported by Sleepy Creek’s prima facie case, without a preponderance of competent and substantial evidence to the contrary. The NMP includes a herd management plan, which describes rotational grazing and the movement of cattle from paddock to paddock, and establishes animal densities designed to maintain a balance of nutrients on the paddocks, and to prevent overgrazing. The NMP establishes fertilization practices, with the application of fertilizer based on crop tissue analysis to determine need and amount. Thus, the application of nitrogen- based fertilizer is restricted to that capable of ready uptake by the grasses and forage crops, limiting the amount of excess nitrogen that might run off of the pastures or infiltrate past the root zone. The NMP establishes operation and maintenance plans that incorporate maintenance and calibration of equipment, and management of high-use areas. The NMP requires that records be kept of, among other things, soil testing, nutrient application, herd rotation, application of irrigation water, and laboratory testing. The irrigation plan describes the manner and schedule for the application of water during each irrigation cycle. Irrigation schedules for grazed and cropped scenarios vary from pivot to pivot based primarily on soil type. The center pivots proposed for use employ high-efficiency drop irrigation heads, resulting in an 85 percent system efficiency factor, meaning that there is an expected evaporative loss of 15 percent of the water before it becomes available as water in the soil. That level of efficiency is greater than the system efficiency factor of 80 percent established in CUP A.H. section 12.5.2. Other features of the irrigation plan include the employment of an irrigation manager, installation of an on-site weather station, and cumulative tracking of rain and evapotranspiration with periodic verification of soil moisture conditions. The purpose of the water conservation practices is to avoid over application of water, limiting over-saturation and runoff from the irrigated pastures. Sleepy Creek has entered into a Notice of Intent to Implement Water Quality BMPs with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services which is incorporated in the NMP and which requires the implementation of Best Management Practices.2/ Dr. Bottcher testified that implementation and compliance with the Water Quality Best Management Practices manual creates a presumption of compliance with water quality standards. His testimony in that regard is consistent with Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services rule 5M-11.003 (“implementation, in accordance with adopted rules, of BMPs that have been verified by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection as effective in reducing target pollutants provides a presumption of compliance with state water quality standards.”). Rotational Grazing Rotational grazing is a practice by which cattle are allowed to graze a pasture for a limited period of time, after which they are “rotated” to a different pasture. The 1,656 acres proposed for irrigation on the North Tract are to be divided into 15 center-pivot pastures. Each individual pasture will have 10 fenced paddocks. The 611 acres of irrigated pasture on the East Tract are divided into 6 center-pivot pastures. The outer fence for each irrigated pasture is to be a permanent “hard” fence. Separating the internal paddocks will be electric fences that can be lowered to allow cattle to move from paddock to paddock, and then raised after they have moved to the new paddock. The NMP for the North Tract provides that cattle are to be brought into individual irrigated pastures as a single herd of approximately 190 cattle and placed into one of the ten paddocks. They will be moved every one to three days to a new paddock, based upon growing conditions and the reduction in grass height resulting from grazing. In this way, the cattle are rotated within the irrigated pasture, with each paddock being used for one to three days, and then rested until each of the other paddocks have been used, whereupon it will again be used in the rotation. The East Tract NMP generally provides for rotation based on the height of the pasture grasses, but is designed to provide a uniform average of cattle per acre per year. Due to the desire to “mine” phosphorus deposited during the years of operation of the East Tract as a sod farm, the density of cattle on the irrigated East Tract pastures is about 30 percent less than that proposed for the North Tract. The East Tract NMP calls for a routine pasture rest period of 15 to 30 days. Unlike dairy farm pastures, where dairy cows traverse a fixed path to the milking barn several times a day, there will be minimal “travel lanes” within the pastures or between paddocks. There will be no travel lanes through wetlands. If nitrogen-based fertilizer is needed, based upon tissue analysis of the grass, fertilizer is proposed for application immediately after a paddock is vacated by the herd. By so doing, the grass within each paddock will have a sufficient period to grow and “flush up” without grazing or traffic, which results in a high—quality grass when the cattle come back around to feed. Sleepy Creek proposes that rotational grazing is to be practiced on improved pastures and irrigated pastures alike. The rotational practices on the improved East Tract and North Tract pastures are generally similar to those practiced on the irrigated pastures. The paddocks will have permanent watering troughs, with one trough serving two adjacent paddocks. The troughs will be raised to prevent “boggy areas” from forming around the trough. Since the area around the troughs will be of a higher use, Sleepy Creek proposes to periodically remove accumulated manure, and re-grade if necessary. Other cattle support items, including feed bunkers and shade structures are portable and can be moved as conditions demand. Forage Crop Production The primary forage crop on the irrigated pastures is to be Bermuda grass. Bermuda grass or other grass types tolerant of drier conditions will be used in unirrigated pastures. During the winter, when Bermuda grass stops growing, Sleepy Creek will overseed the North Tract pastures with ryegrass or other winter crops. Due to the limitation on irrigation water, the East Tract NMP calls for no over-seeding for production of winter crops. Crops do not grow uniformly during the course of a year. Rather, there are periods during which there are excess crops, and periods during which the crops are not growing enough to keep up with the needs of the cattle. During periods of excess, Sleepy Creek will cut those crops and store them as haylage to be fed to the cattle during lower growth periods. The North Tract management plan allows Sleepy Creek to dedicate one or more irrigated pastures for the exclusive production of haylage. If that option is used, cattle numbers will be reduced in proportion to the number of pastures dedicated to haylage production. As a result of the limit on irrigation, the East Tract NMP does not recommend growing supplemental feed on dedicated irrigation pivot pastures. Direct Wetland Impacts Approximately 100 acres proposed for irrigation are wetlands or wetland buffer. Those areas are predominantly isolated wetlands, though some have surface water connections to Mill Creek, a water of the state. Trees will be cut in the wetlands to allow the pivot to pass overhead. Tree cutting is an exempt agricultural activity that does not require a permit. There was no persuasive evidence that cutting trees will alter the fundamental benefit of the wetlands or damage water resources of the District. The wetlands and wetland buffer will be subject to the same watering and fertigation regimen as the irrigated pastures. The application of water to wetlands, done concurrently with the application of water to the pastures, will occur during periods in which the pasture soils are dry. The incidental application of water to the wetlands during dry periods will serve to maintain hydration of the wetlands, which is considered to be a benefit. Fertilizers will be applied through the irrigation arms, a process known as fertigation. Petitioners asserted that the application of fertilizer onto the wetlands beneath the pivot arms could result in some adverse effects to the wetlands. However, Petitioners did not quantify to what extent the wetlands might be affected, or otherwise describe the potential effects. Fertigation of the wetlands will promote the growth of wetland plants. Nitrogen applied through fertigation will be taken up by plants, or will be subject to denitrification -- a process discussed in greater detail herein -- in the anaerobic wetland soils. The preponderance of the evidence indicated that enhanced wetland plant growth would not rise to a level of concern. Since most of the affected wetlands are isolated wetlands, there is expected to be little or no discharge of nutrients from the wetlands. Even as to those wetlands that have a surface water connection, most, if not all of the additional nitrogen applied through fertigation will be accounted for by the combined effect of plant uptake and denitrification. Larger wetland areas within an irrigated pasture will be fenced at the buffer line to prevent cattle from entering. The NMP provided a blow-up of the proposed fencing related to a larger wetland on Pivot 8. Although other figures are not to the same scale, it appears that larger wetlands associated with Pivots 1, 2, 3, and 12 will be similarly fenced. Cattle would be allowed to go into the smaller, isolated wetlands. Cattle going into wetlands do not necessarily damage the wetlands. Any damage that may occur is a function of density, duration, and the number of cattle. The only direct evidence of potential damage to wetlands was the statement that “[i]f you have 6,371 [cattle] go into a wetland, there may be impacts.” The NMP provides that pasture use will be limited to herds of approximately 190 cattle, which will be rotated from paddock to paddock every two to three days, and which will allow for “rest” periods of approximately 20 days. There will be no travel lanes through any wetland. Thus, there is no evidence to support a finding that the cattle at the density, duration, and number proposed will cause direct adverse effects to wetlands on the property. High Concentration Areas Cattle brought to the facility are to be unloaded from trucks and temporarily corralled for inspection. For that period, the cattle will be tightly confined. Cattle that have reached their slaughter weight will be temporarily held in corrals associated with the processing plant. The stormwater retention ponds used to capture and store runoff from the offloading corral and the processing plant holding corral are part of a normal and customary agricultural activity, and are not part of the applications and approvals that are at issue in this proceeding. The retention ponds associated with the high-intensity areas do not require permits because they do not exceed one acre in size or impound more than 40 acre-feet of water. Nonetheless, issues related to the retention ponds were addressed by Petitioners and Sleepy Creek, and warrant discussion here. The retention ponds are designed to capture 100 percent of the runoff and entrained nutrients from the high concentration areas for a minimum of a 24—hour/25—year storm event. If rainfall occurs in excess of the designed storm, the design is such that upon reaching capacity, only new surface water coming to the retention pond will be discharged, and not that containing high concentrations of nutrients from the initial flush of stormwater runoff. Unlike the stormwater retention berms for the pastures, which are to be constructed from the first nine inches of permeable topsoil on the property, the corral retention ponds are to be excavated to a depth of six feet which, based on soil borings in the vicinity, will leave a minimum of two to four feet of clay beneath the retention ponds. In short, the excavation will penetrate into the clay layer underlying the pond sites, but will not penetrate through that layer. The excavated clay will be used to form the side slopes of the ponds, lining the permeable surficial layer and generally making the ponds impermeable. Organic materials entering the retention ponds will form an additional seal. An organic seal is important in areas in which retention ponds are constructed in sandy soil conditions. Organic sealing is less important in this case, where clay forms the barrier preventing nutrients from entering the surficial aquifer. Although the organic material is subject to periodic removal, the clay layer will remain to provide the impermeable barrier necessary to prevent leakage from the ponds. Dr. Bottcher testified that if, during excavation of the ponds, it was found that the remaining in-situ clay layer was too thin, Sleepy Creek would implement the standard practice of bringing additional clay to the site to ensure adequate thickness of the liner. Nutrient Balance The goal of the NMP is to create a balance of nutrients being applied to and taken up from the property. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the nutrients of primary concern, and are those for which specific management standards are proposed. Nutrient inputs to the NMP consist generally of deposition of cattle manure (which includes solid manure and urine), recycling of plant material and roots from the previous growing season, and application of supplemental fertilizer. Nutrient outputs to the NMP consist generally of volatization of ammonia to the atmosphere, uptake and utilization of the nutrients by the grass and crops, weight gain of the cattle, and absorption and denitrification of the nutrients in the soil. The NMP, and the various models discussed herein, average the grass and forage crop uptake and the manure deposition to match that of a 1,013 pound animal. That average weight takes into account the fact that cattle on the property will range from calf weight of approximately 850 pounds, to slaughter weight of 1150 pounds. Nutrients that are not accounted for in the balance, e.g., those that become entrained in stormwater or that pass through the plant root zone without being taken up, are subject to runoff to surface waters or discharge to groundwater. Generally, phosphorus not taken up by crops remains immobile in the soil. Unless there is a potential for runoff to surface waters, the nutrient balance is limited by the amount of nitrogen that can be taken up by the crops. Due to the composition of the soils on the property, the high water table, and the relatively shallow confining layer, there is a potential for surface runoff. Thus, the NMP was developed using phosphorus as the limiting nutrient, which results in nutrient application being limited by the “P-index.” A total of 108 pounds of phosphorus per acre/per year can be taken up and used by the irrigated pasture grasses and forage crops. Therefore, the total number of cattle that can be supported on the irrigated pastures is that which, as a herd, will deposit an average of 108 pounds of phosphorus per year over the irrigated acreage. Therefore, Sleepy Creek has proposed a herd size and density based on calculations demonstrating that the total phosphorus contained in the waste excreted by the cattle equals the amount taken up by the crops. A herd producing 108 pounds per acre per year of phosphorus is calculated to produce 147 pounds of nitrogen per acre per year. The Bermuda grass and forage crops proposed for the irrigated fields require 420 pounds of nitrogen per acre per year. As a result of the nitrogen deficiency, additional nitrogen-based fertilizer to make up the shortfall is required to maintain the crops. Since phosphorus needs are accounted for by animal deposition, the fertilizer will have no phosphorus. The NMP requires routine soil and plant tissue tests to determine the amount of nitrogen fertilizer needed. By basing the application of nitrogen on measured rather than calculated needs, variations in inputs, including plant decomposition and atmospheric deposition, and outputs, including those affected by weather, can be accounted for, bringing the full nutrient balance into consideration. The numeric values for crop uptakes, manure deposition, and other estimates upon which the NMP was developed were based upon literature, values, and research performed and published by the University of Florida and the Natural Resource Conservation Service. Dr. Bottcher testified convincingly that the use of such values is a proven and reliable method of developing a balance for the operation of similar agricultural operations. A primary criticism of the NMP was its expressed intent to “reduce” or “minimize” the transport of nutrients to surface waters and groundwater, rather than to “negate” or “prevent” such transport. Petitioners argue that complete prevention of the transport of nutrients from the property is necessary to meet the standards necessary for issuance of the CUP and ERP. Mr. Drummond went into some detail regarding the total mass of nutrients expected to be deposited onto the ground from the cattle, exclusive of fertilizer application. In the course of his testimony, he suggested that the majority of the nutrients deposited on the land surface “are going to make it to the surficial aquifer and then be carried either to the Floridan or laterally with the groundwater flow.” However, Mr. Drummond performed no analysis on the fate of nitrogen through uptake by crops, volatization, or soil treatment, and did not quantify the infiltration of nitrogen to groundwater. Furthermore, he was not able to provide any quantifiable estimate on any effect of nutrients on Mill Creek, the Ocklawaha River, or Silver Springs. In light of the effectiveness of the nutrient balance and other elements of the NMP, along with the retention berm system that will be discussed herein, Mr. Drummond’s assessment of the nutrients that might be expected to impact water resources of the District is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence. Mr. Drummond’s testimony also runs counter to that of Dr. Kincaid, who performed a particle track analysis of the fate of water recharge from the North Tract. In short, Dr. Kincaid calculated that of the water that makes it as recharge from the North Tract to the surficial aquifer, less than one percent is expected to make its way to the upper Floridan aquifer, with that portion originating from the vicinity of Pivot 6. Recharge from the other 14 irrigated pastures was ultimately accounted for by evapotranspiration or emerged at the surface and found its way to Mill Creek. The preponderance of the competent, substantial evidence adduced at the final hearing supports the effectiveness of the NMPs for the North Tract and East Tract at managing the application and use of nutrients on the property, and minimizing the transport of nutrients to surface water and groundwater resources of the District. North Central Florida Model All of the experts involved in this proceeding agreed that the use of groundwater models is necessary to simulate what might occur below the surface of the ground. Models represent complex systems by applying data from known conditions and impacts measured over a period of years to simulate the effects of new conditions. Models are imperfect, but are the best means of predicting the effects of stresses on complex and unseen subsurface systems. The North Central Florida (NCF) model is used to simulate impacts of water withdrawals on local and regional groundwater levels and flows. The NCF model simulates the surficial aquifer, the upper Floridan aquifer, and the lower Floridan aquifer. Those aquifers are separated from one another by relatively impervious confining units. The intermediate confining unit separates the surficial aquifer from the upper Floridan aquifer. The intermediate confining unit is not present in all locations simulated by the NCF model. However, the evidence is persuasive that the intermediate confining unit is continuous at the North Tract, and serves to effectively isolate the surficial aquifer from the upper Floridan aquifer. The NCF model is not a perfect depiction of what exists under the land surface of the North Tract or elsewhere. It was, however, acknowledged by the testifying experts in this case, despite disagreements as to the extent of error inherent in the model, to be the best available tool for calculating the effects of withdrawals of water within the boundary of the model. The NCF model was developed and calibrated over a period of years, is updated routinely as data becomes available, and has undergone peer review. Aquifer Performance Tests In order to gather site-specific data regarding the characteristics of the aquifer beneath the Sleepy Creek property, a series of three aquifer performance tests (APTs) was conducted on the North Tract. The first two tests were performed by Sleepy Creek, and the third by the District. An APT serves to induce stress on the aquifer by pumping from a well at a high rate. By observing changes in groundwater levels in observation wells, which can be at varying distances from the extraction well, one can extrapolate the nature of the subsurface. In addition, well-completion reports for the various withdrawal and observation wells provide actual data regarding the composition of subsurface soils, clays, and features of the property. The APT is particularly useful in evaluating the ability of the aquifer to produce water, and in calculating the transmissivity of the aquifer. Transmissivity is a measure of the rate at which a substance passes through a medium and, as relevant to this case, measures how groundwater flows through an aquifer. The APTs demonstrated that the Floridan aquifer is capable of producing water at the rate requested. The APT drawdown contour measured in the upper Floridan aquifer was greater than that predicted from a simple run of the NCF model, but the lateral extent of the drawdown was less than predicted. The most reasonable conclusion to be drawn from the combination of greater than expected drawdown in the upper Floridan aquifer with less than expected extent is that the transmissivity of the aquifer beneath the North Tract is lower than the NCF model assumptions. The conclusion that the transmissivity of the aquifer at the North Tract is lower than previously estimated means that impacts from groundwater extraction would tend to be more vertical than horizontal, i.e., the drawdown would be greater, but would be more localized. As such, for areas of lower than estimated transmissivity, modeling would over-estimate off-site impacts from the extraction. NCF Modeling Scenarios The initial NCF modeling runs were based on an assumed withdrawal of 2.39 mgd, an earlier -- though withdrawn - - proposal. The evidence suggests that the simulated well placement for the 2.39 mgd model run was entirely on the North Tract. Thus, the results of the model based on that withdrawal have some limited relevance, especially given that the proposed CUP allows for all of the requested 1.46 mgd of water to be withdrawn from North Tract wells at the option of Sleepy Creek, but will over-predict impacts from the permitted rate of withdrawal. A factor that was suggested as causing a further over-prediction of drawdown in the 2.39 mgd model run was the decision, made at the request of the District, to exclude the input of data of additional recharge to the surficial aquifer, wetlands and surface waters from the irrigation, and the resulting diminution in soil storage capacity. Although there is some merit to the suggestion that omitting recharge made the model results “excessively conservative,” the addition of recharge to the model would not substantially alter the predicted impacts. A model run was subsequently performed based on a presumed withdrawal of 1.54 mgd, a rate that remains slightly more than, but still representative of, the requested amount of 1.46 mgd. The 1.54 mgd model run included an input for irrigation recharge. The simulated extraction points were placed on the East Tract and North Tract in the general configuration as requested in the CUP application. The NCF is designed to model the impacts of a withdrawal based upon various scenarios, identified at the hearing as Scenarios A, B, C, and D. Scenario A is the baseline condition for the NCF model, and represents the impacts of all legal users of water at their estimated actual flow rates as they existed in 1995. Scenario B is all existing users, not including the applicant, at end-of-permit allocations. Scenario C is all existing users, including the applicant, at current end-of-permit allocations. Scenario D is all permittees at full allocation, except the applicant which is modeled at the requested (i.e., new or modified) end-of-permit allocation. To simulate the effects of the CUP modification, simulations were performed on scenarios A, C, and D. In order to measure the specific impact of the modification of the CUP, the Scenario C impacts to the surficial, upper Floridan, and lower Floridan aquifers were compared with the Scenario D impacts to those aquifers. In order to measure the cumulative impact of the CUP, the Scenario A actual-use baseline condition was compared to the Scenario D condition which predicts the impacts of all permitted users, including the applicant, pumping at full end-of-permit allocations. The results of the NCF modeling indicate the following: 2.39 mgd - Specific Impact The surficial aquifer drawdown from the simulated 2.39 mgd withdrawal was less than 0.05 feet on-site and off- site, except to the west of the North Tract, at which a drawdown of 0.07 feet was predicted. The upper Floridan aquifer drawdown from the 2.39 mgd withdrawal was predicted at between 0.30 and 0.12 feet on-site, and between 0.30 and 0.01 feet off-site. The higher off-site figures are immediately proximate to the property. The lower Floridan aquifer drawdown from the 2.39 mgd withdrawal was predicted at less than 0.05 feet at all locations, and at or less than 0.02 feet within six miles of the North Tract. 2.39 mgd - Cumulative Impact The cumulative impact to the surficial aquifer from all permitted users, including a 2.39 mgd Sleepy Creek withdrawal, was less than 0.05 feet on-site, and off-site to the north and east, except to the west of the North Tract, at which a drawdown of 0.07 feet was predicted. The cumulative impact to the upper Floridan aquifer from all permitted users, including a 2.39 mgd Sleepy Creek withdrawal, ranged from 0.4 feet to 0.8 feet over all pertinent locations. The cumulative impact to the lower Floridan aquifer from all permitted users, including a 2.39 mgd Sleepy Creek withdrawal, ranged from 1.0 to 1.9 feet over all pertinent locations. The conclusion drawn by Mr. Andreyev that the predicted impacts to the lower Floridan are almost entirely from other end-of-permit user withdrawals is supported by the evidence and accepted. 1.54 mgd - Specific Impact The NCF model runs based on the more representative 1.54 mgd withdrawal predicted a surficial aquifer drawdown of less than 0.01 feet (i.e., no drawdown contour shown) on the North Tract, and a 0.01 to 0.02 foot drawdown at the location of the East Tract. The drawdown of the upper Floridan aquifer from the CUP modification was predicted at up to 0.07 feet on the property, and generally less than 0.05 feet off-site. There were no drawdown contours at the minimum 0.01 foot level that came within 9 miles of Silver Springs. The lower Floridan aquifer drawdown from the CUP modification was predicted at less than 0.01 feet (i.e., no drawdown contour shown) at all locations. 1.54 mgd - Cumulative Impact A comparison of the cumulative drawdown contours for the 2.36 mgd model and 1.54 mgd model show there to be a significant decrease in predicted drawdowns to the surficial and upper Floridan aquifers, with the decrease in the upper Floridan aquifer drawdown being relatively substantial, i.e., from 0.5 to 0.8 feet on-site predicted for the 2.36 mgd withdrawal, to 0.4 to 0.5 feet on-site for the 1.54 mgd model. Given the small predicted individual impact of the CUP on the upper Floridan aquifer, the evidence is persuasive that the cumulative impacts are the result of other end-of-permit user withdrawals. The drawdown contour for the lower Floridan aquifer predicted by the 1.54 mgd model is almost identical to that of the 2.36 mgd model, thus supporting the conclusion that predicted impacts to the lower Floridan are almost entirely from other end-of-permit user withdrawals. Modeled Effect on Silver Springs As a result of the relocation of the extraction wells from the East Tract to the North Tract, the NCF model run at the 1.54 mgd withdrawal rate predicted springflow at Silver Springs to increase by 0.15 cfs. The net cumulative impact in spring flow as measured from 1995 conditions to the scenario in which all legal users, including Sleepy Creek, are pumping at full capacity at their end-of-permit rates for one year3/ is roughly 35.4 cfs, which is approximately 5 percent of Silver Springs’ current flow. However, as a result of the redistribution of the Sleepy Creek withdrawal, which is, in its current iteration, a legal and permitted use, the cumulative effect of the CUP modification at issue is an increase in flow of 0.l5 cfs. Dr. Kincaid agreed that there is more of an impact to Silver Springs when the pumping allowed by the CUP is located on the East Tract than there is on the North Tract, but that the degree of difference is very small. Dr. Knight testified that effect on the flow of Silver Springs from relocating the 1.46 mgd withdrawal from the East Tract to the North Tract would be “zero.” The predicted increase of 0.15 cfs is admittedly miniscule when compared to the current Silver Springs springflow of approximately 675 cfs. However, as small as the modeled increase may be -- perhaps smaller than its “level of certainty” -- it remains the best evidence that the impact of the CUP modification to the flow of Silver Springs will be insignificant at worst, and beneficial at best. Opposition to the NCF Model Petitioners submitted considerable evidence designed to call the results generated by the District’s and Sleepy Creek’s NCF modeling into question. Karst Features A primary criticism of the validity of the NCF model was its purported inability to account for the presence of karst features, including conduits, and their effect on the results. It was Dr. Kincaid’s opinion that the NCF model assigned transmissivity values that were too high, which he attributed to the presence of karst features that are collecting flow and delivering it to springs. He asserted that, instead of assuming the presence of karst features, the model was adjusted to raise the overall capacity of the porous medium to transmit water, and thereby match the observed flows. In his opinion, the transmissivity values of the equivalent porous media were raised so much that the model can no longer be used to predict drawdowns. That alleged deficiency in the model is insufficient for two reasons. First, as previously discussed in greater detail, the preponderance of the evidence in this case supports a finding that there are no karst features in the vicinity of the North Tract that would provide preferential pathways for water flow so as to skew the results of the NCF model. Second, Dr. Kincaid, while acknowledging that the NCF model is the best available tool for predicting impacts from groundwater extraction on the aquifer, suggested that a hybrid porous media and conduit model would be a better means of predicting impacts, the development of which would take two years or more. There is no basis for the establishment of a de facto moratorium on CUP permitting while waiting for the development of a different and, in this case, unnecessary model. For the reasons set forth herein, it is found that the NCF model is sufficient to accurately and adequately predict the effects of the Sleepy Creek groundwater withdrawals on the aquifers underlying the property, and to provide reasonable assurance that the standards for such withdrawals have been met. Recharge to the Aquifer Petitioners argued that the modeling results showing little significant drawdown were dependent on the application of unrealistic values for recharge or return flow from irrigation. In a groundwater model, as in the physical world, some portion of the water extracted from the aquifer is predicted to be returned to the aquifer as recharge. If more water is applied to the land surface than is being accounted for by evaporation, plant uptake and evapotranspiration, surface runoff, and other processes, that excess water may seep down into the aquifer as recharge. Recharge serves to replenish the aquifer and offset the effects of the groundwater withdrawal. Dr. Kincaid opined that the NCF modeling performed for the CUP application assigned too much water from recharge, offsetting the model's prediction of impacts to other features. It is reasonable to assume that there is some recharge associated with both agricultural and public supply uses. However, the evidence suggests that the impact of recharge on the overall NCF model results is insignificant on the predicted impacts to Silver Springs, the issue of primary concern. Mr. Hearn ran a simulation using the NCF model in which all variables were held constant, except for recharge. The difference between the “with recharge” and “without recharge" simulations at Silver Springs was 0.002 cfs. That difference is not significant, and is not suggestive of adverse impacts on Silver Springs from the CUP modification. Dr. Kincaid testified that “the recharge offset on the property is mostly impacting the surficial aquifer,” and that “the addition of recharge in this case didn't have much of an impact on the upper Floridan aquifer system.” As such, the effect of adding recharge to the model would be as to the effect of groundwater withdrawal on wetlands or surface water bodies, and not on springs. As previously detailed, the drawdown of the surficial aquifer simulated for the 2.39 mgd “no recharge” scenario were less than 0.05 feet on-site and off-site, except for a predicted 0.07 foot drawdown to the west of the North Tract. The predicted drawdown of the surficial aquifer for the 1.54 mgd “with recharge” scenario was 0.02 feet or less. The preponderance of the evidence supports a finding that drawdowns of either degree are less than that at which adverse impacts to wetlands or surface waters would occur. Thus, issues related to the recharge or return flows from irrigation are insufficient to support a finding or conclusion that the NCF model failed to provide reasonable assurance that the standards for issuance of the CUP modification were met. External Boundaries The boundaries of the NCF model are not isolated from the rest of the physical world. Rather, groundwater flows into the modeled area from multiple directions, and out of the modeled area in multiple directions. Inflows to the model area are comprised of recharge, which is an assigned value, and includes water infiltrating and recharging the aquifer from surface waters; injection wells; upward and downward leakage from lower aquifers; and flow across the external horizontal boundaries. Outflows from the model area include evapotranspiration; discharge to surface waters, including springs and rivers; extraction from wells; upward and downward leakage from lower aquifers; and flow against the external model boundaries. Dr. Kincaid testified that flow across the external model boundary is an unknown and unverifiable quantity which increases the uncertainty in the model. He asserted that in the calibrated version of the model, there is no way to check those flows against data. His conclusion was that the inability of the NCF model to accurately account for external boundary flow made the margin of error so great as to make the model an unreliable tool with which to assess whether the withdrawal approved by the proposed CUP modification will increase or decrease drawdown at Silver Springs. The District correlates the NCF model boundaries with a much larger model developed by the United States Geological Survey, the Peninsula of Florida Model, more commonly referred to as the Mega Model, which encompasses most of the State of Florida and part of Southeast Georgia. The Mega Model provides a means to acknowledge that there are stresses outside the NCF model, and to adjust boundary conditions to account for those stresses. The NCF is one of several models that are subsets of the Mega Model, with the grids of the two models being “nested” together. The 1995 base year of the NCF model is sufficiently similar to the 1993-1994 base year of the Mega Model as to allow for a comparison of simulated drawdowns calculated by each of the models. By running a Mega Model simulation of future water use, and applying the change in that use from 1993 base year conditions, the District was able to come to a representative prediction of specific boundary conditions for the 1995 NCF base year, which were then used as the baseline for simulations of subsequent conditions. In its review of the CUP modification, the District conducted a model validation simulation to measure the accuracy of the NCF model against observed conditions, with the conditions of interest being the water flow at Silver Springs. The District ran a simulation using the best information available as to water use in the year 2010, the calculated boundary conditions, irrigation, pumping, recharge, climatic conditions, and generally “everything that we think constitutes that year.” The discharge of water at Silver Springs in 2010 was measured at 580 cfs. The discharge simulated by the NCF model was 545 cfs. Thus, the discharge predicted by the NCF model simulation was within six percent of the observed discharge. Such a result is generally considered in the modeling community to be “a home run.” Petitioners’ objections to the calculation of boundary conditions for the NCF model are insufficient to support a finding that the NCF model is not an appropriate and accurate tool for determining that reasonable assurance has been provided that the standards for issuance of the CUP modification were met. Cumulative Impact Error As part of the District’s efforts to continually refine the NCF, and in conjunction with a draft minimum flows and levels report for Silver Springs and the Silver River, the cumulative NCF model results for the period of baseline to 2010 were compared with the simulated results from the Northern District Model (NDF), a larger model that overlapped the NCF. As a result of the comparison, which yielded different results, it was discovered that the modeler had “turned off” not only the withdrawal pumps, but inputs to the aquifer from drainage wells and sinkholes as well. When those inputs were put back into the model run, and effects calculated only from withdrawals between the “pumps-off” condition and 2010 pumping conditions, the cumulative effect of the withdrawals was adjusted from a reduction in the flow at Silver Springs of 29 cfs to a reduction of between 45 and 50 cfs, an effect described as “counterintuitive.” Although that result has not undergone peer review, and remains subject to further review and comparison with the Mega Model, it was accepted by the District representative, Mr. Bartol. Petitioners seized upon the results of the comparison model run as evidence of the inaccuracy and unreliability of the NCF model. However, the error in the NCF model run was not the result of deficiencies in the model, but was a data input error. Despite the error in the estimate of the cumulative effect of all users at 2010 levels, the evidence in this case does not support a finding that the more recent estimates of specific impact from the CUP at issue were in error. NCF Model Conclusion As has been discussed herein, a model is generally the best means by which to calculate conditions and effects that cannot be directly observed. The NCF model is recognized as being the best tool available for determining the subsurface conditions of the model domain, having been calibrated over a period of years and subject to peer review. It should be recognized that the simulations run using the NCF model represent the worst—case scenario, with all permittees simultaneously drawing at their full end-of-permit allocations. There is merit to the description of that occurrence as being “very remote.” Thus, the results of the modeling represent a conservative estimate of potential drawdown and impacts. While the NCF model is subject to uncertainty, as is any method of predicting the effects of conditions that cannot be seen, the model provides reasonable assurance that the conditions simulated are representative of the conditions that will occur as a result of the withdrawals authorized by the CUP modification. Environmental Resource Permit The irrigation proposed by the CUP will result in runoff from the North Tract irrigated pastures in excess of that expected from the improved pastures, due in large measure to the diminished storage capacity of the soil. Irrigation water will be applied when the soils are dry, and capable of absorbing water not subject to evaporation or plant uptake. The irrigation water will fill the storage space that would exist without irrigation. With irrigation water taking up the capacity of the soil to hold water, soils beneath the irrigation pivots will be less capable of retaining additional moisture during storm events. Thus, there is an increased likelihood of runoff from the irrigated pastures over that expected with dry soils. The increase in runoff is expected to be relatively small, since there should be little or no irrigation needed during the normal summer wet season. The additional runoff may have increased nutrient levels due to the increased cattle density made possible by the irrigation of the pastures. The CUP has a no—impact requirement for water quality resulting from the irrigation of the improved pasture. Thus, nutrients leaving the irrigated pastures may not exceed those calculated to be leaving the existing pre-development use as improved pastures. Retention Berms The additional runoff and nutrient load is proposed to be addressed by constructing a system of retention berms, approximately 50,0004/ feet in length, which is intended to intercept, retain, and provide treatment for runoff from the irrigated pasture. The goal of the system is to ensure that post—development nutrient loading from the proposed irrigated pastures will not exceed the pre—development nutrient loading from the existing improved pastures. An ERP permit is required for the construction of the berm system, since the area needed for the construction of the berms is greater than the one acre in size, and since the berms have the capability of impounding more than 40 acre-feet of water. The berms are to be constructed by excavating the top nine inches of sandy, permeable topsoil and using that permeable soil to create the berms, which will be 1 to 2 feet in height. The water storage areas created by the excavation will have flat or horizontal bottoms, and will be very shallow with the capacity to retain approximately a foot of water. The berms will be planted with pasture grasses after construction to provide vegetative cover. The retention berm system is proposed to be built in segments, with the segment designed to capture runoff from a particular center pivot pasture to be constructed prior to the commencement of irrigation from that center pivot. A continuous clay layer underlies the areas in which the berms are to be constructed. The clay layer varies from 18 to 36 inches below the ground surface, with at least one location being as much as five feet below the ground surface. As such, after nine inches of soil is scraped away to create the water retention area and construct the berm, there will remain a layer of permeable sandy material above the clay. The berms are to be constructed at least 25 feet landward of any jurisdictional wetland, creating a “safe upland line.” Thus, the construction, operation, and maintenance of the retention berms and redistribution swales will result in no direct impacts to jurisdictional wetlands or other surface waters. There will be no agricultural activities, e.g., tilling, planting, or mowing, within the 25-foot buffers, and the buffers will be allowed to establish with native vegetation to provide additional protection for downgradient wetlands. As stormwater runoff flows from the irrigated pastures, it may, in places, create concentrated flow ways. Redistribution swales will be built in those areas to spread any remaining overland flow of water and reestablish sheet flow to the retention berm system. At any point at which water may overtop a berm, the berm will be hardened with rip—rap to insure its integrity. The berms are designed to intercept and collect overland flow from the pastures and temporarily store it behind the berms, regaining the soil storage volume lost through irrigation. A portion of the runoff intercepted by the berm system will evaporate. The majority will infiltrate either through the berm, or vertically into the subsurface soils beneath it. When the surficial soils become saturated, further vertical movement will be stopped by the impermeable clay layer underlying the site. The runoff water will then move horizontally until it reemerges into downstream wetland systems. Thus, the berm system is not expected to have a measurable impact on the hydroperiod of the wetlands on the North Tract. Phosphorus Removal Phosphorus tends to get “tied up” in soil as it moves through it. Phosphorus reduction occurs easily in permeable soil systems because it is removed from the water through a chemical absorption process that is not dependent on the environment of the soil. As the soils in the retention areas and berms go through drying cycles, the absorption capacity is regenerated. Thus, the retention system will effectively account for any increase in phosphorus resulting from the increased cattle density allowed by the irrigation such that there is expected to be no increase in phosphorus levels beyond the berm. Nitrogen Removal When manure is deposited on the ground, primarily as high pH urine, the urea is quickly converted to ammonia, which experiences a loss of 40 to 50 percent of the nitrogen to volatization. Soil conditions during dry weather conditions are generally aerobic. Remaining ammonia in the manure is converted by aerobic bacteria in the soil to nitrates and nitrites. Converted nitrates and nitrites from manure, along with nitrogen from fertilizer, is readily available for uptake as food by plants, including grasses and forage crops. Nitrates and nitrites are mobile in water. Therefore, during rain events of sufficient intensity to create runoff, the nitrogen can be transported downstream towards wetlands and other receiving waters, or percolate downward through the soil until blocked by an impervious barrier. During storm events, the soils above the clay confining layer and the lower parts of the pervious berms become saturated. Those saturated soils are drained of oxygen and become anaerobic. When nitrates and nitrites encounter saturated conditions, they provide food for anaerobic bacteria that exist in those conditions. The bacteria convert nitrates and nitrites to elemental nitrogen, which has no adverse impact on surface waters or groundwater. That process, known as denitrification, is enhanced in the presence of organic material. The soils from which the berms are constructed have a considerable organic component. In addition to the denitrification that occurs in the saturated conditions in and underlying the berms, remaining nitrogen compounds that reemerge into the downstream wetlands are likely to encounter organic wetland-type soil conditions. Organic wetland soils are anaerobic in nature, and will result in further, almost immediate denitrification of the nitrates and nitrites in the emerging water. Calculation of Volume - BMPTRAINS Model The calculation of the volume necessary to capture and store excess runoff from the irrigated pastures was performed by Dr. Wanielista using the BMPTRAINS model. BMPTRAINS is a simple, easy to use spreadsheet model. Its ease of use does not suggest that it is less than reliable. The model has been used as a method of calculating storage volumes in many conditions over a period of more than 40 years. The model was used to calculate the storage volumes necessary to provide storage and treatment of runoff from fifteen “basins” that had a control or a Best Management Practice associated with them. All of the basins were calculated as being underlain by soils in poorly-drained hydrologic soil Group D, except for the basin in the vicinity of Pivot 6, which is underlain by the more well-drained soil Group A. The model assumed about percent of the property to have soil Group A soils, an assumption that is supported by the evidence. Soil moisture conditions on the property were calculated by application of data regarding rainfall events and times, the irrigation schedule, and the amount of irrigation water projected for use over a year. The soil moisture condition was used to determine the amount of water that could be stored in the on-site soils, known as the storage coefficient. Once the storage coefficient was determined, that data was used to calculate the amount of water that would be expected to run off of the North Tract, known as the curve number. The curve number is adjusted by the extent to which the storage within a soil column is filled by the application of irrigation water, making it unable to store additional rainfall. As soil storage goes down, the curve number goes up. Thus, a curve number that approaches 100 means that more water is predicted to run off. Conversely, a lower curve number means that less water is predicted to run off. The pre-development curve number for the North Tract was based on the property being an unirrigated, poor grass area. A post-development curve number was assigned to the property that reflected a wet condition representative of the irrigated soils beneath the pivots. In calculating the storage volume necessary to handle runoff from the basins, the wet condition curve number was adjusted based on the fact that there is a mixture of irrigated and unirrigated general pasture within each basin to be served by a segment of the retention berm system, and by the estimated 15 percent of the time that the irrigation areas would be in a drier condition. In addition, the number was adjusted to reflect the 8 to 10 inches of additional evapotranspiration that occurs as a result of irrigation. The BMPTRAINS model was based on average annual nutrient-loading conditions, with water quality data collected at a suitable point within Reach 22, the receiving waterbody. The effects of nutrients from the irrigated pastures on receiving waterbodies is, in terms of the model, best represented by average annual conditions, rather than a single highest-observed nutrient value. Pre-development loading figures were based on the existing use of the property as unirrigated general pasture. The pre-development phosphorus loading figure was calculated at an average event mean concentration (EMC) of 0.421 milligrams per liter (mg/l). The post—condition phosphorus loading figure was calculated at an EMC of 0.621 mg/l. Therefore, in order to achieve pre-development levels of phosphorus, treatment to achieve a reduction in phosphorus of approximately 36 percent was determined to be necessary. The pre-development nitrogen loading figure was calculated at an EMC of 2.6 mg/l. The post—condition nitrogen loading figure was calculated at an EMC of 3.3 mg/l. Therefore, in order to achieve pre-development levels of nitrogen, treatment to achieve a reduction in nitrogen of approximately 25 percent was determined to be necessary. The limiting value for the design of the retention berms is phosphorus. To achieve post-development concentrations that are equal to or less than pre-development concentrations, the treatment volume of the berm system must be sufficient to allow for the removal of 36 percent of the nutrients in water being retained and treated behind the berms, which represents the necessary percentage of phosphorus. In order to achieve the 36 percent reduction required for phosphorus, the retention berm system must be capable of retaining approximately 38 acre—feet of water from the 15 basins. In order to achieve that retention volume, a berm length of approximately 50,000 linear feet was determined to be necessary, with an average depth of retention behind the berms of one foot. The proposed length of the berms is sufficient to retain the requisite volume of water to achieve a reduction in phosphorus of 36 percent. Thus, the post-development/irrigation levels of phosphorus from runoff are expected to be no greater than pre-development/general pasture levels of phosphorus from runoff. By basing the berm length and volume on that necessary for the treatment of phosphorus, there will be storage volume that is greater than required for a 25 percent reduction in nitrogen. Thus, the post-development/irrigation levels of nitrogen from runoff are expected to be less than pre- development/general pasture levels of nitrogen from runoff. Mr. Drummond admitted that the design of the retention berms “shows there is some reduction, potentially, but it's not going to totally clean up the nutrients.” Such a total clean-up is not required. Rather, it is sufficient that there is nutrient removal to pre-development levels, so that there is no additional pollutant loading from the permitted activities. Reasonable assurance that such additional loading is not expected to occur was provided. Despite Mr. Drummond’s criticism of the BMPTRAINS model, he did not quantify nutrient loading on the North Tract, and was unable to determine whether post-development concentrations of nutrients would increase over pre-development levels. As such, there was insufficient evidence to counter the results of the BMPTRAINS modeling. Watershed Assessment Model In order to further assess potential water quantity and water quality impacts to surface water bodies, and to confirm stormwater retention area and volume necessary to meet pre-development conditions, Sleepy Creek utilized the Watershed Assessment Model (WAM). The WAM is a peer-reviewed model that is widely accepted by national, state, and local regulatory entities. The WAM was designed to simulate water balance and nutrient impacts of varying land uses. It was used in this case to simulate and provide a quantitative measure of the anticipated impacts of irrigation on receiving water bodies, including Mill Creek, Daisy Creek, the Ocklawaha River, and Silver Springs. Inputs to the model include land conditions, soil conditions, rain and climate conditions, and water conveyance systems found on the property. In order to calculate the extent to which nutrients applied to the land surface might affect receiving waters, a time series of surface water and groundwater flow is “routed” through the modeled watershed and to the various outlets from the system, all of which have assimilation algorithms that represent the types of nutrient uptakes expected to occur as water goes through the system. Simulations were performed on the North Tract in its condition prior to acquisition by Sleepy Creek, in its current “exempted improved pasture condition,” and in its proposed “post—development” pivot-irrigation condition. The simulations assessed impacts of the site conditions on surface waters at the point at which they leave the property and discharge to Mill Creek, and at the point where Mill Creek merges into the Ocklawaha River. The baseline condition for measuring changes in nutrient concentrations was determined to be that lawfully existing at the time the application was made. Had there been any suggestion of illegality or impropriety in Sleepy Creek’s actions in clearing the timber and creating improved pasture, a different baseline might be warranted. However, no such illegality or impropriety was shown, and the SJRWMD rules create no procedure for “looking back” to previous land uses and conditions that were legally changed. Thus, the “exempted improved pasture condition” nutrient levels are appropriate for comparison with irrigated pasture nutrient levels. The WAM simulations indicated that nitrogen resulting from the irrigation of the North Tract pastures would be reduced at the outflow to Mill Creek at the Reach 22 stream segment from improved pasture levels by 1.7 percent in pounds per year, and by 0.6 percent in milligrams per liter of water. The model simulations predicted a corresponding reduction at the Mill Creek outflow to the Ocklawaha River of 1.3 percent in pounds per year, and 0.5 percent in milligrams per liter of water. These levels are small, but nonetheless support a finding that the berm system is effective in reducing nitrogen from the North Tract. Furthermore, the WAM simulations showed levels of nitrogen from the irrigated pasture after the construction of the retention berms to be reduced from that present in the pre- development condition, a conclusion consistent with that derived from the BMPTRAINS model. The WAM simulations indicated that phosphorus from the irrigated North Tract pastures, measured at the outflow to Mill Creek at the Reach 22 stream segment, would be reduced from improved pasture levels by 3.7 percent in pounds per year, and by 2.6 percent in milligrams per liter of water. The model simulations predicted a corresponding reduction at the Mill Creek outflow to the Ocklawaha River of 2.5 percent in pounds per year, and 1.6 percent in milligrams per liter of water. Those levels are, again, small, but supportive of a finding of no impact from the permitted activities. The WAM simulations showed phosphorus in the Ocklawaha River at the Eureka Station after the construction of the retention berms to be slightly greater than those simulated for the pre-development condition (0.00008 mg/l) -- the only calculated increase. That level is beyond miniscule, with impacts properly characterized as “non- measurable” and “non-detectable.” In any event, total phosphorus remains well below Florida’s nutrient standards. The WAM simulations were conducted based on all of the 15 pivots operating simultaneously at full capacity. That amount is greater than what is allowed under the permit. Thus, according to Dr. Bottcher, the predicted loads are higher than those that would be generated by the permitted allocation, making his estimates “very conservative.” Dr. Bottcher’s testimony is credited. During the course of the final hearing, the accuracy of the model results was questioned based on inaccuracies in rainfall inputs due to the five-mile distance of the property from the nearest rain station. Dr. Bottcher admitted that given the dynamics of summer convection storms, confidence that the rain station rainfall measurements represent specific conditions on the North Tract is limited. However, it remains the best data available. Furthermore, Dr. Bottcher testified that even if specific data points simulated by the model differ from that recorded at the rain station, that same error carries through each of the various scenarios. Thus, for the comparative purpose of the model, the errors get “washed out.” Other testimony regarding purported inaccuracies in the WAM simulations and report were explained as being the result of errors in the parameters used to run alternative simulations or analyze Sleepy Creek’s simulations, including use of soil types that are not representative of the North Tract, and a misunderstanding of dry weight/wet weight loading rates. There was agreement among witnesses that the WAM is regarded, among individuals with expertise in modeling, as an effective tool, and was the appropriate model for use in the ERP application that is the subject of this proceeding. As a result, the undersigned accepts the WAM simulations as being representative of comparative nutrient impacts on receiving surface water bodies resulting from irrigation of the North Tract. The WAM confirmed that the proposed retention berm system will be sufficient to treat additional nutrients that may result from irrigation of the pastures, and supports a finding of reasonable assurance that water quality criteria will be met. With regard to the East Tract, the WAM simulations showed that there would be reductions in nitrogen and phosphorus loading to Daisy Creek from the conversion of the property to irrigated pasture. Those simulations were also conservative because they assumed the maximum number of cattle allowed by the nutrient balance, and did not assume the 30 percent reduction in the number of cattle under the NMP so as to allow existing elevated levels of phosphorus in the soil from the sod farm to be “mined” by vegetation. Pivot 6 The evidence in this case suggests that, unlike the majority of the North Tract, a small area on the western side of the North Tract drains to the west and north. Irrigation Pivot is within that area. Dr. Harper noted that there are some soils in hydrologic soil Group A in the vicinity of Pivot 6 that reflect soils with a deeper water table where rainfall would be expected to infiltrate into the ground. Dr. Kincaid’s particle track analysis suggested that recharge to the surficial aquifer ultimately discharges to Mill Creek, except for recharge at Pivot 11, which is accounted for by evapotranspiration, and recharge at Pivot 6. Dr. Kincaid concluded that approximately 1 percent of the recharge to the surficial aquifer beneath the North Tract found its way into the upper Floridan aquifer. Those particle tracks originated only on the far western side of the property, and implicated only Pivot 6, which is indicative of the flow divide in the Floridan aquifer. Of the 1 percent of particle tracks entering the Floridan aquifer, some ultimately discharged at the St. John’s River, the Ocklawaha River, or Mill Creek. Dr. Kincaid opined, however, that most ultimately found their way to Silver Springs. Given the previous finding that the Floridan aquifer beneath the property is within the Silver Springs springshed for less than a majority of the time, it is found that a correspondingly small fraction of the less than 1 percent of the particle tracks originating on the North Tract, perhaps a few tenths of one percent, can reach Silver Springs. Dr. Bottcher generally agreed that some small percentage of the water from the North Tract may make it to the upper Floridan aquifer, but that amount will be very small. Furthermore, that water reaching the upper Floridan aquifer would have been subject to the protection and treatment afforded by the NMP and the ERP berms. The evidence regarding the somewhat less restrictive confinement of the aquifer around Pivot 6 is not sufficient to rebut the prima facie case that the CUP modification, coupled with the ERP, will meet the District’s permitting standards. Public Interest The primary basis upon which Sleepy Creek relies to demonstrate that the CUP is “consistent with the public interest” is that Florida's economy is highly dependent upon agricultural operations in terms of jobs and economic development, and that there is a necessity of food production. Sleepy Creek could raise cattle on the property using the agriculturally-exempt improved pastures, but the economic return on the investment would be questionable without the increased quality, quantity, and reliability of grass and forage crop production resulting from the proposed irrigation. Sleepy Creek will continue to engage in agricultural activities on its properties if the CUP modification is denied. Although a typical Florida beef operation could be maintained on the property, the investment was based upon having the revenue generation allowed by grass-fed beef production in order to realize a return on its capital investment and to optimize the economic return. If the CUP modification is denied, the existing CUP will continue to allow the extraction of 1.46 mgd for use on the East Tract. The preponderance of the evidence suggests that such a use would have greater impacts on the water levels at Silver Springs, and that the continued use of the East Tract as a less stringently-controlled sod farm would have a greater likelihood of higher nutrient levels, particularly phosphorus levels which are already elevated.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein it is RECOMMENDED that the St. Johns River Water Management District enter a final order: approving the issuance of Consumptive Use Permit No. 2-083-91926-3 to Sleepy Creek Lands, LLC on the terms and conditions set forth in the complete Permit Application for Consumptive Uses of Water and the Consumptive Use Technical Staff Report; and approving the issuance of Environmental Resource Permit No. IND-083-130588-4 to Sleepy Creek Lands, LLC on the terms and conditions set forth in the complete Joint Application for Individual and Conceptual Environmental Resource Permit and the Individual Environmental Resource Permit Technical Staff Report. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of April, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S E. GARY EARLY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of April, 2015.
The Issue The issue is whether the applicant for an Environmental Resource Permit ("ERP"), the City of Deltona ("City" or "Applicant"), has provided reasonable assurance that the system proposed complies with the water quantity, environmental, and water quality criteria of the St. Johns River Water Management District's ("District") ERP regulations set forth in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40C-4, and the Applicant's Handbook: Management and Storage of Surface Waters (2005).
Findings Of Fact The District is a special taxing district created by Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, charged with the duty to prevent harm to the water resources of the District, and to administer and enforce Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder. The City of Deltona is a municipal government established under the provisions of Chapter 165, Florida Statutes. The Lake Theresa Basin is comprised primarily of a system of interconnected lakes extending from Lake Macy in the City of Lake Helen to the Butler Chain of Lakes (Lake Butler and Lake Doyle). The Lake Theresa Basin is land-locked and does not have a natural outfall to Lake Monroe and the St. Johns River. In 2003, after an extended period of above-normal rainfall in the Deltona area, the lakes within the land-locked Lake Theresa Basin staged to extremely high elevations that resulted in standing water in residential yards, and rendered some septic systems inoperable. Lake levels within the Lake Theresa Basin continued to rise and were in danger of rising above the finished floor elevations of some residences within the basin. On March 25, 2003, the District issued an Emergency Order (F.O.R. No. 2003-38) authorizing the construction and short-term operation of the Lake Doyle and Lake Bethel Emergency Overflow Interconnection. Since wetland and surface water impacts would occur, the Emergency Order required the City of Deltona to obtain an ERP for the system. The project area is 4.1 acres, and the system consists of a variable water structure on the west shore of Lake Doyle connected to a series of pipes, swales, water control structures, and wetland systems which outfall to a finger canal of Lake Bethel, with ultimate discharge to Lake Monroe and the St. Johns River. The first segment of the system extends downstream from the weir structure on the west shore of Lake Doyle via a pipe entrenched in the upland berm of the Sheryl Drive right-of-way. The pipe passes under Doyle Road and through xeric pine-oak uplands to the northeast shore of a large (approximately 15 acres) deepwater marsh. Water flows south through the deepwater marsh where it outfalls through four pipes at Ledford Drive. Two of the four pipes are overflow structures, controlled by canal gates. The pipes at Ledford Drive discharge into a ditch and into a large (greater than 20 acres) shallow bay swamp. The south end of the bay swamp is defined (and somewhat impounded) by a 19th Century railroad grade. Water flows through the bay swamp where it outfalls through five pipes at the railroad grade. Three of the five pipes are overflow structures, controlled by channel boards. The pipes at the railroad grade discharge to a 1500-foot long finger canal that was dug some time during the period 1940-1972 from the north central shore of Lake Bethel. The overflow interconnection system has three locations whereby the system can be shut down: 1) Lake Doyle--a control weir, controlled by three sluice gates; 2) Ledford Drive--two thirty-inch reinforced concrete pipes, controlled by canal gates; and 3) railroad grade--three thirty-inch reinforced concrete pipes, controlled by channel boards (collectively referred to as "Overflow Structures"). The Overflow Structures are designed to carry the discharge of water from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel. With the Overflow Structures closed the system returns to pre-construction characteristics, meaning there will be no increase or decrease in the quantity or quality of water throughout the path of the system as a result of the project. An unequivocal condition of the permit is that the system would operate with all of the Overflow Structures closed. As an added assurance, the City proposes to place a brick and mortar plug in the Lake Doyle weir structure outfall pipe to prevent any discharge from the weir. The City has submitted to the District preliminary plans for a future phase in which the system would be modified for the purpose of alleviating high water levels within the Lake Theresa Basin when the water level in Lake Doyle rises above an elevation of 24.5 feet. The District shall require a separate permit application to be submitted for such future plans. Petitioner, Barbara Ash, has lived on Lake Theresa for 19 years. Ms. Ash lives upstream from the area of the weir that will be plugged in accordance with the ERP. She does not trust either the City of Deltona to comply with or the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP applied for by the City. Petitioner, Barbara Ash, also served as the qualified representative for Petitioners, Francell Frei, Bernard J. and Virginia Patterson, and Ted and Carol Sullivan. Ms. Ash represented that Ms. Frei has lived on Lake Theresa for 12 years, and both the Pattersons and the Sullivans live on Lake Louise, which is within the area of concern in this proceeding. Petitioner, Diana Bauer, has lived on Lake Theresa since February 2004. She fears that the lake will become too dry if the system is allowed to flow. She also believes the wildlife will be adversely affected if the water levels are too low since many species need a swampy or wet environment to thrive. She fears her property value will decrease as a result of the approval of the ERP. She also does not trust either the City to comply with or the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP. Petitioner, Howard Ehmer, lives two to three hundred yards down Lake Theresa from Ms. Bauer. He is concerned about the lake bed being too dry and attracting people on all terrain vehicles who enjoy driving around the lake bottom. He is concerned about his property value decreasing if the lake bed is dry. Further, when the lake level is too low, people cannot enjoy water skiing, boating, and fishing on Lake Theresa. Petitioner, Phillip Lott, a Florida native, has also owned and lived on property abutting Lake Theresa since 1995. Mr. Lott has a Ph.D. in plant ecology, and M.P.A. in coastal zone studies, an M.B.A. in international business, and a B.S. in environmental resource management and planning. Mr. Lott has been well acquainted with the water levels on Lake Theresa for many years. Based upon his personal observations of the lake systems in the Deltona area over the years, Mr. Lott has seen levels fluctuate greatly based upon periods of heavy and light rainfall. Mr. Lott is concerned that the District will permit the City to open the weir to let water flow through the system and cause flooding in some areas and low water levels in other areas. He fears that the District will allow the water to flow and upset the environmental balance, but he admits that this ERP application is for a closed system that will not allow the water to flow as he fears. Mr. Lott similarly does not trust the City to comply with and the District to enforce the conditions of the ERP. Petitioners, James E. and Alicia M. Peake, who were represented by Steven L. Spratt at hearing as their qualified representative, live on Lake Louise, which is interconnected with the Lake Theresa basin. The Peakes are concerned that if the level of Lake Louise drops below 21 feet, nine inches, they will not be able to use the boat launch ramps on the lake. Petitioner, Steven L. Spratt, also lives on Lake Louise, and is concerned about the water levels becoming so low that he cannot use the boat launch on the lake. He has lived on the lake since 2000, and remembers when the water level was extremely low. He fears that approval of the ERP in this case will result in low levels of water once again. Petitioner, Gloria Benoit, has live on Lake Theresa for two years. She also enjoys watching recreational activities on the lake, and feels that approval of the ERP will devalue her lakefront property. Ms. Benoit appeared at the first day of the hearing, but offered no testimony on her behalf. J. Christy Wilson, Esquire, appeared prior to the final hearing as counsel of record for Petitioners, Steven E. Larimer, Kathleen Larimer, and Helen Rose Farrow. Neither Ms. Wilson nor any of the three Petitioners she represented appeared at any time during the hearing, filed any pleadings seeking to excuse themselves from appearing at the final hearing, or offered any evidence, testimony, pre- or post- hearing submittals. Petitioner, Gary Jensen, did not appear at hearing, did not file any pleadings or papers seeking to be excused from appearing at the final hearing, and did not offer any evidence, testimony, pre- or post-hearing submittals. Both the City and the District recognize that areas downstream from the project site, such as Stone Island and Sanford, have experienced flooding in the past in time of high amounts of rainfall. The system proposed by the City for this ERP will operate with the overflow structures closed and a brick and mortar plug in the outfall pipe to prevent water flow from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel. So long as the overflow structures are closed, the system will mimic pre-construction flow patterns, with no increase in volume flowing downstream. The District has considered the environment in its proposed approval of the ERP. The area abutting the project is little urbanized and provides good aquatic and emergent marsh habitat. With the exception of the western shore area of the deepwater marsh ("west marsh area"), the bay swamp and remaining deepwater marsh area have good ecological value. In the 1940's, the west marsh area was incorporated into the drainage system of a poultry farm that occupied the site. This area apparently suffered increased nutrient influxes and sedimentation that contributed to a proliferation of floating mats of aquatic plants and organic debris. These tussocks reduced the deepwater marsh's open water and diminished the historical marsh habitat. Water under the tussocks is typically anoxic owing to total shading by tussocks and reduced water circulation. Thick, soft, anaerobic muck has accumulated under the matted vegetation. Exotic shrubs (primrose willow Ludwigia peruvania) and other plants (cattails Typha spp.) dominate the tussocks. The construction of the project, from the 2003 Emergency Order, resulted in adverse impacts to 1.3 acres of wetlands having moderately high- to high ecological value and 0.2 acres of other surface waters. The 0.2 acre impact to other surface waters was to the lake bottom and the shoreline of Lake Doyle where the weir structure was installed. The 0.3 acres of wetland impacts occurred at the upper end of the deepwater marsh where the pipe was installed. The largest wetland impact (1.0 acre) was to the bay swamp. The bay swamp is a shallow body dominated by low hummocks and pools connected inefficiently by shallow braided channels and one acre is filled with a 1-2 foot layer of sediment following swamp channelization. Disturbance plants (e.g., primrose willow, Ludwigia peruvania, and elderberry Sambucus Canadensis) now colonize the sediment plume. Pursuant to the District's elimination and reduction criteria, the applicant must implement practicable design modifications, which would reduce or eliminate adverse impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. A proposed modification, which is not technically capable of being done, is not economically viable, or which adversely affects public safety through endangerment of lives or property is not considered "practicable." The City reduced and/or eliminated the impacts to the lake bottom and shoreline of Lake Doyle and deepwater marsh, to the extent practicable. The impacts were the minimum necessary to install the weir structure and pipe for the system; the weir structure and pipe were carefully installed on the edges of the wetland and surface water systems, resulting in a minimum amount of grading and disturbance. To compensate for the loss of 1.3 acres of wetlands and 0.2 acres of other surface waters, the City proposes to preserve a total of 27.5 acres of wetlands, bay swamp, marsh, and contiguous uplands. Included in this 27.5 acres are 6.4 acres of the west marsh, which are to be restored. The parties stipulated that the mitigation plan would adequately compensate for losses of ecological function (e.g. wildlife habitat and biodiversity, etc.) resulting from the project. Water quality is a concern for the District. Lake Monroe is included on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's verified list of impaired water bodies for nitrogen, phosphorous, and dissolved oxygen. Water quality data for Lake Monroe indicate the lake has experienced high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous and low levels of dissolved oxygen. Prior to construction of the project, there was no natural outfall from the Lake Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe and therefore no contribution from this basin to nitrogen and phosphorous loadings to Lake Monroe. Lake Colby, Three Island Lakes (a/k/a Lake Sixma), and the Savannah are surface waters within the Lake Theresa Basin for which minimum levels have been adopted pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Chapter 40C-8. The system will operate with the overflow structures closed and a brick and mortar plug in the outfall pipe to prevent water flow from Lake Doyle to Lake Bethel, resulting in no outfall from the Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe. Minimum flows established for surface waters within the Lake Theresa Basin will not be adversely impacted. Under the first part of the secondary impact test, the City must provide reasonable assurance that the secondary impacts from construction, alteration, and intended or reasonable expected use of the project will not adversely affect the functions of adjacent wetlands or surface waters. The system is designed as a low intensity project. As proposed, little activity and maintenance are expected in the project site area. The reasonably expected use of the system will not cause adverse impacts to the functions of the wetlands and other surface waters. None of the wetland areas adjacent to uplands are used by listed species for nesting or denning. In its pre-construction state, the project area did not cause or contribute to state water quality violations. Under the second part of the secondary impact test, the City must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, and intended or reasonably expected uses of the system will not adversely affect the ecological value of the uplands to aquatic or wetland dependent species for enabling existing nesting or denning by these species. There are no listed threatened or endangered species within the project site area. Under the third part of the secondary impact test, and as part of the public interest test, the District must consider any other relevant activities that are closely linked and causally related to any proposed dredging or filling which will cause impacts to significant historical and archaeological resources. When making this determination, the District is required, by rule, to consult with the Division of Historical Resources. The Division of Historical Resources indicated that no historical or archaeological resources are likely present on the site. No impacts to significant historical and archaeological resources are expected. Under the fourth part of the secondary impact test, the City must demonstrate that certain additional activities and future phases of a project will not result in adverse impacts to the functions of wetlands or water quality violations. The City has submitted to the District preliminary plans for a future phase in which the system would be modified for the purpose of alleviating high water levels within the Lake Theresa Basin when the level in Lake Doyle rises above an elevation of 24.5 feet. Based upon the plans and calculations submitted, the proposed future phase, without additional measures, could result in minor increases in the loadings of nitrogen and phosphorous to Lake Monroe. Lake Monroe is included on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's verified list of impaired water bodies due to water quality data indicating the lake has experienced high levels of nitrogen and phosphorous, and low levels of dissolved oxygen. Under this potential future phase, there would be an outfall from the Lake Theresa Basin to Lake Monroe. To address the impact on water quality of this potential future phase, the City has submitted a loading reduction plan for nitrogen, phosphorous, and dissolved oxygen. The plan includes compensating treatment to fully offset the potential increased nutrient loadings to Lake Monroe. Specifically, the loading reduction plan includes: Construction and operation of compensating treatment systems to fully offset anticipated increased nutrient loadings to Lake Monroe. Weekly water quality monitoring of the discharge from Lake Doyle for total phosphorous and total nitrogen. A requirement that the overflow structure be closed if the total phosphorous level reaches 0.18 mg/l or higher or the total nitrogen level reaches 1.2 mg/l or higher in any given week and will remain closed until levels fall below those limits. The implementation of these water quality mitigation measures will result in a net improvement of the water quality in Lake Monroe for nitrogen, phosphorous, or dissolved oxygen. The future phase was conceptually evaluated by the District for impacts to wetland functions. The future phase as proposed could result in adverse impacts to wetland functions. Operation of the system with the overflow structures open could impact the bay swamp and deepwater marsh. The City has demonstrated that any adverse impacts could be offset through mitigation. Based upon the information provided by the City and general engineering principles, the system is capable of functioning as proposed. The City of Deltona will be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of the surface waster management system. A local government is an acceptable operation and maintenance entity under District rules. The public interest test has seven criteria. The public interest test requires the District to evaluate only those parts of the project actually located in, on, or over surface waters or wetlands, to determine whether a factor is positive, neutral, or negative, and then to balance these factors against each other. The seven factors are as follows: the public health, safety, or welfare of others; conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats; fishing, recreational value, and marine productivity; temporary or permanent nature; 5) navigation, water flow, erosion, and shoaling; 6) the current condition and relative value of functions; and 7) historical and archaeological resources. There are no identified environmental hazards or improvements to public health and safety. The District does not consider impacts to property values. To offset any adverse impacts to fish and wildlife and their habitats, the City has proposed mitigation. The areas of the project in, on, or over wetlands do not provide recreational opportunities. Construction and operation of the project located in, on, or over wetlands will be permanent in nature. Construction and operation of the project located in, on, or over wetlands will not cause shoaling, and does not provide navigational opportunities. The mitigation will offset the relative value of functions performed by areas affected by the proposed project. No historical or archaeological resources are likely on the site of the project. The mitigation of the project is located within the same drainage basin as the project and offsets the adverse impacts. The project is not expected to cause unacceptable cumulative impacts.
Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered granting the City of Deltona's application for an environmental resource permit with the conditions set forth in the Technical Staff Report, and dismissing the Petitions for Formal Administrative Hearing filed by Gary Jensen in Case No. 04-2405, and by Steven E. Larimer, Kathleen Larimer, and Helen Rose Farrow in Case No. 04-3048. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of May, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of May, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: George Trovato, Esquire City of Deltona 2345 Providence Boulevard Deltona, Florida 32725 Diana E. Bauer 1324 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 Barbara Ash, Qualified Representative 943 South Dean Circle Deltona, Florida 32738-6801 Phillip Lott 948 North Watt Circle Deltona, Florida Howard Ehmer Nina Ehmer 32738-7919 1081 Anza Court Deltona, Florida 32738 Francell Frei 1080 Peak Circle Deltona, Florida 32738 Bernard T. Patterson Virginia T. Patterson 2518 Sheffield Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Kealey A. West, Esquire St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid Street Palatka, Florida 32177 J. Christy Wilson, Esquire Wilson, Garber & Small, P.A. 437 North Magnolia Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Gloria Benoit 1300 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 Gary Jensen 1298 Tartan Avenue Deltona, Florida 32738 James E. Peake Alicia M. Peake 2442 Weatherford Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Steven L. Spratt 2492 Weatherford Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Ted Sullivan 1489 Timbercrest Drive Deltona, Florida 32738 Kirby Green, Executive Director St. Johns River Water Management District 4049 Reid Street Palatka, Florida 32177
The Issue The issue is whether an Environmental Resource Permit should be issued to Conquest Developments USA, L.C., authorizing the modification of an existing stormwater management system serving a residential development known as Silver Lakes in Collier County, Florida.
Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Background In this environmental permitting dispute, Respondent, South Florida Water Management District (District), proposes to issue an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) to Respondent, Conquest Developments USA, L.C. (Applicant), authorizing the modification of an existing stormwater management system serving a private, gated residential community known as Silver Lakes RV and Golf Club, Inc. (Silver Lakes) in unincorporated Collier County, Florida. As the agency responsible for the administration of the ERP program, the District has the authority to grant or deny the requested permit. Preliminary action approving the application was taken by the District on August 15, 2001. Silver Lakes is a 146-acre residential development located adjacent to, and on the east side of, County Road 951 approximately 1.5 miles south of the intersection of U.S. Highway 41 and County Road 951 in southwestern Collier County, Florida. The project site is a part of the larger development and consists of approximately forty undeveloped acres (40-acre site) just north of, and adjacent to, the residential community. If the application is approved, the Applicant would be allowed to construct an open storage facility on a 7.02-acre tract of land in the western part of the 40-acre site on which trailers, boats, motor homes, tow dollies, and similar items will be stored. It would also allow the Applicant to relocate previously permitted lots along the southeastern boundary of the 40-acre site which border the Silver Lakes development. Petitioners, Jerome and Susan Strauss, own Lots 14, 15, and 16 within Silver Lakes. Petitioners, Joseph H. and Patricia Belanger, own Lot 26 within Silver Lakes, which is adjacent to the proposed storage facility. For obvious reasons, the Belangers do not wish to have a storage facility next to their property. Rather, they and the other Petitioners have suggested that the storage facility be reduced in size and moved to a 3.0-acre site in the northeastern portion of the 40-acre site. The parties have stipulated that Petitioners have standing to bring this action. As reflected in the parties' Prehearing Stipulation, Petitioners contend that the proposed construction of the storage area will cause flooding, adverse secondary impacts, and adverse water quantity impacts; that the proposed activity will result in a violation of state water quality standards; that the proposed system will cause adverse impacts to surface water storage and conveyance capabilities, the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife and listed species by wetlands and other surface waters, and the conservation of fish and wildlife; that the Applicant has failed to minimize or avoid impact to jurisdictional wetlands to the greatest extent practicable; that the proposed site provides a wildlife corridor connected to protected lands directly to the west; that the proposed site is jurisdictional wetlands; that the Applicant has engaged in District activities without a permit; and that the proposed site is subject to a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. These objections, where relevant, have been grouped into five categories - wetlands, wildlife, secondary and cumulative impacts, water quality and quantity, and prior enforcement activities - and they are addressed separately below. Wetlands The District has adopted and incorporated by reference in Rule 40E-4.091(1)(a), Florida Administrative Code, a document known as the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications Within the South Florida Water Management District (Basis of Review). The standards and criteria found in the Basis of Review are used to determine whether an applicant has given reasonable assurances that the conditions for issuance of an ERP have been satisfied. Compliance with the criteria in the Basis of Review creates a presumption that the standard and additional conditions for issuance of an ERP in Rules 40E-4.301 and 40E- 4.302, Florida Administrative Code, respectively, have been met. See Section 1.3, Basis of Review. Section 4.2.1 of the Basis of Review generally requires that an applicant provide reasonable assurances that wetland impacts be eliminated or reduced to the greatest extent practicable. This can be done through the implementation of "practicable design modifications" to the project, or where adverse impacts still remain after such modifications, through mitigation. There are 36.82 acres of wetlands throughout the 40- acre site. If the application is approved, there will be adverse impacts to 9.9 acres of wetlands in the western portion of the site (where the storage facility will be located) and to 3.37 acres in the southeastern portion of the site. To avoid and minimize wetland impacts, the Applicant has been required to reduce the number of acres impacted from its original proposal, and to place the storage area on the western part of the 40-acre site near County Road 951. In the original application, the Applicant proposed to place the storage area in the eastern part of the site and to create a larger storage area. Although the western part of the 40-acre site contains higher quality wetlands than the central or eastern parts, the western area is not pristine, and it is substantially impacted by exotic species, such as wax myrtle and Brazilian pepper. In addition, the western area is adjacent to County Road 951, which reduces wetland functions and values, reduces habitat values because of increased light and noise encroachment, and increases risk to wildlife because of passing vehicles. Further, the central and eastern areas are adjacent to other undeveloped lands, and this creates the potential for larger tracts of preserved and enhanced wetlands and maximizes wetland functions and values. Impacts to wetlands will be adequately mitigated by the Applicant preserving and enhancing 26.92 acres within the 40-acre site in a recorded conservation easement; by monitoring and reporting on the on-site mitigation (easement) for a five-year period and by maintaining the property in perpetuity; by purchasing 3.66 mitigation credits of similar wetland habitat from the Panther Island Mitigation Bank; and by adhering to a remediation plan (found in the Special Conditions in the permit) to address any future deficiencies in the mitigation. Given these considerations, it is found that the Applicant has provided reasonable assurances that the wetland impacts from the proposed activities will be eliminated or reduced as required by Section 4.2.1 of the Basis of Review. Impact on Wildlife Section 4.2.2 of the Basis of Review requires an applicant to provide reasonable assurances that the activity will not impact the values of wetlands and other surface water functions so as to cause adverse impacts to the abundance, diversity, or habitat of fish, wildlife, and listed species. The primary agency responsible for the protection of wildlife is the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (Commission), and not the District. Therefore, Section 4.2.2 of the Basis of Review requires that the District provide the Commission with a copy of all ERP applications for its review and comment as to wildlife issues. In this case, the Commission offered no comments or objections regarding wildlife on the property in question. The evidence shows that listed and endangered species such as Florida panthers, wood storks, and Big Cypress fox squirrels have been spotted on infrequent occasions on the 40-acre site by residents of Silver Lake. However, the parties stipulated that there was no evidence of any nesting, denning, or breeding activity on the same site. Based on the evidence of record, including the Applicant's Protected Species Survey, it is fair to infer that there is limited or no use of the property by protected wildlife species. Indeed, Petitioners' own expert found no evidence of endangered or threatened species on the 40-acre site during his two inspections. Two Special Conditions have been incorporated into the permit to protect endangered, threatened, or other listed species. First, in the event that Big Cypress fox squirrels are observed on or near the property, Special Condition 24 requires that the Applicant prepare a habitat management plan, in consultation with the Commission, to address issues related to nesting habitat. Second, if any endangered or threatened species are ever found on the property, Special Condition 25 requires that the Applicant coordinate with the Commission or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Commission for guidance or recommendations. Given the above, the evidence supports a finding that the Applicant has given reasonable assurances that the requirements of Section 4.2.2 of the Basis of Review have been satisfied. Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Section 4.2.7 of the Basis of Review requires that an applicant provide reasonable assurances that the proposed activity will not cause adverse secondary impacts to the water resources. At the same time, Section 4.2.8 requires that an applicant provide reasonable assurances that a regulated activity will not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts to wetlands and other surface waters within the same drainage basin as the regulated activity for which the permit is being sought. In providing the necessary reasonable assurances regarding cumulative impacts, Section authorizes an applicant to use preservation and mitigation measures to prevent cumulative impacts. The more persuasive evidence shows that the project will not cause secondary impacts to wetlands. This is because a water quality berm system surrounds the wetlands, isolating the wetland system from the surface water management system; a 50-foot preserved area lies between the storage area and the adjacent property boundary to the north; the storage area is being placed in an area already secondarily impacted by County Road 951; and the wetland preservation area will be placed in the conservation easement. Further, the project will not cause secondary impacts to wildlife. This is because structural buffers will prevent future encroachment into the wetlands and distance any wildlife away from the more dense residential functions. These buffers include a 50-foot wide natural preserve on the north side of the storage area (Special Condition 26), an already-erected structural buffer to the south of the storage area (Special Condition 26), and a 17 to 21-foot structural buffer (planted with native vegetation or vegetated buffers) on the eastern side of the 40-acre site where the new lots are proposed. Except for two conclusionary opinion statements by Petitioners' expert, without further facts or explanation, no other evidence on secondary impacts was offered. The project will not cause cumulative impacts to the wetlands. This is because the proposed mitigation for the project adequately offsets the impacts of the 40-acre site, and the impacts from other permitted projects in the basin area have been sufficiently offset. In addition, very little property in the area remains to be developed, and there are no new applications before the District involving the same basin. In the event a new application may be filed, however, the District will require the applicant to offset any impacts associated with its project with buffers and conservation easements, like the Applicant in the instant case. Water Quantity and Quality Section 5.0 et. seq. of the Basis of Review contains water quality criteria that must be satisfied in order for an ERP to be issued, while Section 6.0 et. seq. addresses water quantity criteria for an ERP. Given the limited nature of changes to the existing system and the lack of a hydrologic connection to the wetlands, and for the following additional reasons, the Applicant has given reasonable assurances that the project complies with the water quality and quantity criteria. The project as designed includes a grass swale near the storage area on the western part of the 40-acre site. The rainfall and run-off from the storage area flows into an internal road, through the grass swale, into a storm drain, and then into the pre-existing water management system associated with the original permit for Silver Lake. The project also allows rainfall and run-off from the proposed lots on the southeastern border of the 40-acre site to sheetflow onto an internal road, where waters are collected in existing catch basins and conveyed into the previously permitted water management system associated with the original permit. Since the rainfall and run-off from the storage area and lots drain into the existing lakes (Lakes 1 and 2) that are part of the Silver Lakes water management system, those waters will be treated for water quality through wet detention before their eventual discharge to McIlvane Bay, which lies to the southwest of Silver Lake. The basin discharge rates, minimum floor elevations, road designs, parking lot designs, structure control elevations, and structure sizes are specified in the the District's Staff Report, and were set at or above the calculated design limitations to meet water quality and quantity requirements. Section 5.2.1(a)1. of the Basis of Review specifies that wet detention volume shall be provided for the first inch of runoff from the developed project. The evidence shows that the proposed system captures one inch of run-off over the entire site, which drains into the existing lake system to provide water quality treatment. The system is also designed to meet the relevant discharge rate requirements for a 25-year, 3-day storm event, and the minimum floor elevations were based on a 100-year, 3- day storm event. The wetland preserve area is outside the area served by the surface water management system, is not hydrologically connected to that system, and will not be affected by run-off from the storage area or lots. Just prior to the final hearing, the District added Special Condition 23 to create a 50-foot buffer zone along the southern boundary of the storage area for aesthetic purposes and to reduce secondary impacts. Implementation of that buffer must be in accordance with the staff report, will not change the surface water management system, will have no impact on water quality or flood control, and will be implemented after additional consultation with the District. Past Enforcement Rule 40E-4.302(2), Florida Administrative Code, requires that the District take into consideration past violations of various rules adopted by the District. No enforcement action relating to the property has ever been taken by the District against the Applicant for any violation of ERP requirements. Although Petitioners suggested that unpermitted fill activities have taken place on the southeastern part of the 40-acre site, an inspection by District personnel revealed that unpermitted activities were "not significant." Further, Special Condition 23 requires that the Applicant restore "that portion of the disturbed wetland area located in the southeast corner of the site which is to be included in the wetland preserve area." Therefore, any impacts to the 40-acre site resulting from past unpermitted activities have been considered and remedied.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the South Florida Water Management District enter a final order granting Permit Application No. 010223-5 of Conquest Developments USA, L.C., for an Environmental Resource Permit. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of July, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of July, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Henry Dean, Executive Director South Florida Water Management District Post Office Box 24680 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680 Anthony P. Pires, Jr., Esquire Woodward, Pires & Lombardo, P.A. 3200 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 200 Naples, Florida 34103-4105 Robert E. Murrell, Esquire Samouce, Murrell & Francoeur, P.A. 800 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34108-2713 Keith W. Rizzardi, Esquire South Florida Water Management District Post Office Box 24680 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680 Kenneth B. Cuyler, Esquire Goodlette, Coleman & Johnson, P.A. 4001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34103-3556