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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Aug. 31, 2007 Number: 07-003975 Latest Update: Jul. 30, 2008

The Issue Whether Respondent is guilty of unlawful employment practices; to wit: disparate treatment due to Petitioner's race (Hispanic) and/or retaliation.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is an Hispanic female. At all times material, Petitioner was employed as a Registered Nurse, Nursing Supervisor, by Respondent. Respondent is a rehabilitative nursing facility in Gainesville, Florida, which qualifies as an "employer" under Chapter 760, Florida Statutes. Since the situations complained-of by Petitioner occurred, Petitioner has continued to be employed by Respondent with no breaks in service, no decreases in pay, no change in benefits, and no demotions in rank. At all times material, Respondent has employed Caucasians, Hispanics, African-Americans, and persons of Indian sub-continent descent. Petitioner signed on March 23, 2007, and on April 5, 2007, filed a Charge of Discrimination with FCHR. The Charge alleged that the Employer Respondent had perpetrated an unlawful employment practice upon Petitioner due to her race (Hispanic) and in retaliation. On July 25, 2007, FCHR entered and served a Determination: No Cause. On August 27, 2007, Petitioner timely filed a Petition for Relief. However, her Petition for Relief only alleged discrimination on the basis of retaliation. The retaliation named was that "my evaluation would be done in a group because of a meeting with Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Hawkins." There are no references whatsoever to race or national origin within the Petition for Relief. The Petition does not specifically allege pattern, or on-going discrimination. It does not specifically allege harassment or hostile work place. It suggests only that Petitioner feels that she does not get respect and is "attacked without evidence." Via her Petition, Petitioner seeks the remedy of ". . . that they [the employer] pay for all my therapies and medication and pay for the meetings I attended.” Early on September 5, 2006, Petitioner was standing in line to punch-in on her timecard at Respondent’s facility. Barbara Washington, an African-American CNA, was standing directly behind her. Petitioner shielded her social security number from Ms. Washington’s gaze. Later the same day, Petitioner was rolling a medicine cart down the hallway in Unit Two of Respondent's facility. Ms. Washington was taking a dinner break, seated in a position near the nursing station, which permitted her to view the patients assigned to her. Unfortunately, Ms. Washington's position did not permit Petitioner and the medicine cart to pass. Petitioner requested that Ms. Washington move, so as to let Petitioner and the medicine cart pass. Ms. Washington spoke sharply to Petitioner, either because Petitioner asked her to get out of the way of the medicine cart or for reasons of Ms. Washington's own related to the morning punch-in. During a later investigation by Director of Nursing (DON) Lisa Woods Streer, several versions of what Ms. Washington actually said were elicited. However, the best and most credible evidence on this particular point is Petitioner’s testimony that Ms. Washington loudly used profanity (“the F word”) directly to Petitioner. There is, however, no evidence that, whatever the exchange entailed, any patient was disturbed, upset, or even aware of the exchange, and there is no evidence that the statements from Ms. Washington had anything to do with Petitioner’s Hispanic origin or any type of employer “retaliation.” At least three hours later on September 5, 2006, after Ms. Washington had gone off-shift and was standing outside the facility waiting for a ride home, Petitioner handed Ms. Washington a disciplinary form, known as “a counseling slip.” At that point, Ms. Washington refused to sign the counseling slip and, screaming loudly, denunciated Petitioner with additional profanity similar to her earlier verbal abuse. This language was overheard by Yadira Chavala, who was inside the building making out reports. Ms. Chavala stood up and looked out the window so as to determine who was yelling the profanity. Ms. Chavala considered the volume and content of Ms. Washington's comments to be unprofessional and unacceptable, but she did not take it upon herself to report the incident to the DON, who was not present in the facility at that time of the evening. Again, there is no evidence that Ms. Washington was attacking Petitioner’s ethnicity or acting on behalf of the employer in her screams at Petitioner. Petitioner, however, reported to the DON both incidents of loud profanity and insubordination from Ms. Washington towards Petitioner, via a copy of the counseling slip she had given to Ms. Washington and a note slipped under the DON’s door. DON Lisa Woods Streer, found these items when she came on duty the next morning, September 6, 2006. Pursuant to Respondent’s protocol, Ms. Streer asked Unit Director Karen Derrico to take written statements from staff, concerning the med-cart incident which had occasioned the counseling slip from Petitioner. The general tone of the feedback that Ms. Derrico got was that everyone in the facility had heard about the medicine cart incident, but there were no clear and reliable eye witnesses. Ms. Washington did not immediately own-up to her conduct and told DON Streer that Petitioner had made Ms. Washington feel like a thief by covering Petitioner’s social security number when they punched-in together the morning of September 5, 2006. The DON viewed this comment by Ms. Washington as a counter-accusation of some kind (possibly a complaint of discrimination) against Petitioner, and so the investigation continued. At some point, Ms. Chavala came forward to describe what she had heard from inside the building when Ms. Washington was cursing in the patio/parking area. Petitioner did not like the taking of statements and considered the process to be an attack on herself. She also did not like the fact that she was called in for a meeting on September 13, 2006, but was informed after she had arrived that the meeting had been put off to the next day. By September 13, 2006, the decision to discipline Ms. Washington had been made, because by that time Ms. Chavala had come forward concerning the second incident, but because the DON felt that Petitioner “had backed Ms. Washington into a corner” Petitioner required some counseling. Upset that a meeting was to take place the next day, Petitioner telephoned Mr. McKalvane of Respondent’s Human Resources Department in Pensacola, to complain about how the September 5, 2006, situation was being handled. Petitioner testified, without corroboration, that Mr. McKalvane told her that he could not talk to her before the next day’s meeting, but would attend the meeting by speaker phone. On Thursday, September 14, 2006, a two-hour meeting was held at the facility. DON Streer; Administrator George C. Hamilton; Unit Director Derrico; Ruthie Moore, the facility’s Staff Development Coordinator; and Petitioner were present. Streer, Hamilton, and Derrico are Caucasians. Moore is African- American. Mr. McKalvane's race/national origin is not of record, but he did not appear at the meeting, even by telephone. Petitioner felt betrayed because Mr. McKalvane did not attend the September 14, 2006, meeting by telephone. At the September 14, 2006, meeting, Ms. Moore suggested that if Petitioner had known that Ms. Washington was upset, it might have been wise for Petitioner to wait until the next day to hand Ms. Washington her counseling slip. Petitioner was offended by this comment because she believed her delay of three hours after the medicine cart incident before issuing the counseling slip had been sufficient. At the September 14, 2006, meeting, DON Streer suggested that Petitioner might want to get with Ms. Moore for some in-service instruction on how to be a better supervisor. Petitioner was offended by this suggestion, because Petitioner perceived no fault in her handling of Ms. Washington. At no time has Petitioner ever been required by the employer to take supervisory in-service training as a result of the September 5-14, 2006, events. In fact, Petitioner has not taken such training or any similar one-on-one training or in- servicing with the employer, and she has not been penalized for not doing so. As a result of Petitioner’s counseling slip concerning the September 5, 2006, incidents with Ms. Washington, Ms. Washington was suspended from work for one day without pay, but Petitioner was not disciplined in any way concerning Ms. Washington’s accusations. Petitioner suffered no discipline or loss in pay, position, or benefits as a result of the September 5, 2006, or September 14, 2006, events. Petitioner submitted that the employer’s punishment of Ms. Washington was somehow discriminatory against Petitioner because it took management nine days to come to the one-day suspension of the person that Petitioner wanted to be disciplined. However, the only comparator that Petitioner was able to offer was a situation which occurred a year later, in 2007. On that occasion, an oral confrontation occurred between an African-American female worker and a Caucasian female supervisor. There is no specific evidence concerning how similar the 2007 incident was to any of the September 5, 2007, incidents involving Ms. Washington and Petitioner. However, in the 2007 incident, the African-American female immediately admitted wrong-doing, and the very next day, the employer suspended her for one day without pay, just as the employer had suspended Ms. Washington for one day without pay in 2006, in response to Petitioner's counseling slip. Ms. Streer testified credibly that in 2007, the investigation and counseling period was shortened by the subordinate’s immediate admission of wrong-doing and lack of accusations against her reporting supervisor. Approximately September 20, 2006, Petitioner sent a 19- page, typewritten letter of complaint to Respondent’s corporate headquarters. The scope of this letter is not clear because it is not in evidence. Petitioner was supposed to be evaluated annually each September, but she did not receive her evaluation in September 2006. She reminded the DON in November 2006, that she had not yet been evaluated. Shortly thereafter, Petitioner received her annual evaluation which bears a date of October 5, 2006, signed on October 22, 2006, by Weekend Nursing Supervisor Sneha Rema, R.N. Supervisor, and signed-off on by DON Sterer on October 31, 2006.1/ Ms. Rema received no input for her 2006 evaluation from the DON or Administrator. By observation, Ms. Rema appears to be a member of one of the ethnic groups originating on the Indian sub-continent. She rated Petitioner as "exceptional" in categories "work quality," "work quantity/productivity," and "compliance & adherence to policies," and as "meets expectations" in categories "core values" and "leadership skills." Under the 2006, evaluation's heading, "Areas of Improvement, Developmental and/or Upcoming Objectives," Ms. Rema put this comment about Petitioner: May improve her leadership skills by attending seminars on interpersonal relationship and how to influence others to accomplish goals in constructive way and team building from a constructive point-of- view. Ms. Rema approaches evaluations with the belief that each employee has different levels of education and skills, should be encouraged to constantly improve, and can best improve if supervisors point out to the employee performance areas susceptible of improvement by the employee. This viewpoint was Ms. Rema’s sole motivation in making the foregoing comment. Ms. Rema views these types of comments as a way of pointing out goals, not failures. Contrariwise, Petitioner holds the personal belief that unless every single nurse received identical language on the foregoing part of his or her respective annual evaluation, regardless of that employee’s individual circumstances and regardless of who wrote the evaluation, then Petitioner has suffered a personal attack and discriminatory treatment by the employer. There is no evidence that the 2006, evaluation caused Petitioner any loss of pay, position, benefits, or hours. In fact, she received a raise. If the raise was delayed by one month, that information does not appear in the record. At some point between September 20, 2006, which was the date of Petitioner’s letter, and the end of November 2006, (the exact date is not of record), Mr. Ken Hawkins, a consultant of Respondent’s corporate personnel office in Tampa, journeyed to the facility and met with Petitioner to try to resolve her concerns. Mr. Hawkins race/national origin is not of record. The meeting was more acrimonious than harmonious and ended with Mr. Hawkins advising Petitioner that her concerns “were history” and he was not going to go over everything that had already been addressed. Petitioner was offended by Mr. Hawkins’ description of the events that concerned her as “history”; because she felt he yelled at her; and because she felt he had made her come to the facility for a live meeting when he could have just told her “no” over the phone. The two-hour September 14, 2006, counseling meeting and the brief meeting sometime after September 20, 2006, during which Mr. Hawkins told Petitioner he was not going to go over her concerns again are the meetings for which Petitioner feels Respondent employer should pay her. Sometime after her meeting with Mr. Hawkins, Petitioner filed a discrimination complaint with the City of Gainesville Office of Equal Opportunity. The date of this complaint is uncertain. However, it had to precede March 9, 2007, because on that date, in response to the city action, and in accord with Respondent’s Human Resources Office’s instructions, Administrator Hamilton wrote Petitioner and provided her with the Respondent’s 1-800 telephone number to report discrimination. Respondent has an anti-discrimination policy and also posts the 1-800 number in its facilities. Petitioner also filed an EEOC discrimination complaint, and the underlying discrimination complaint herein was filed with FCHR on April 5, 2007. Because her FCHR complaint was signed on March 23, 2007, the undersigned takes it that the EEOC complaint was filed at approximately that time. Petitioner has complained that, as a result of her September 20, 2006, letter to corporate headquarters, she was told, either by Ms. Streer or by Mr. Hawkins that she must be evaluated “in a group.” Her testimony on this issue as to who told her this vacillated, and the group rating was not confirmed by any other witness nor by the signatures on the 2006 and 2007 evaluations in evidence. Although Ms. Streer signs-off as the next level of management on evaluations, that action hardly constitutes "group rating." The evidence as a whole provides the overall sense that Petitioner has been, in the vernacular, “prickly” about what she perceives as situations of disparate treatment, none of which were supported by credible evidence in the instant case, and that as a result of Petitioner’s heightened sensitivity, none of Petitioner's on-site superiors want to expose themselves to old or new accusations by her, but the greater weight of the credible evidence is that in 2007, Theresa Volk, Unit Manager of Station One, supervised Petitioner for only two days per week, so Ms. Volk believed that Petitioner's supervisor for the remainder of the week should have input to Petitioner's 2007 evaluation. Ms. Volk’s name and that of Ms. Rema appear on the first page of Petitioner’s 2007 evaluation, but only Ms. Volk signed as her “evaluator” on October 9, 2007. In that 2007, evaluation, Ms. Volk rated Petitioner “exceptional” in “work quality” and “work quantity/productivity,” and “meets expectations" in “customer service,” “compliance & adherence to policies,” “core values,” and “leadership skills.” Under “areas for improvement,” she made a comment about wound care documentation intended for Petitioner’s improvement. After receiving her September 2007, evaluation, which had been signed by Ms. Volk on October 9, 2007, Petitioner suffered no loss in pay, position, or benefits, and, once again, received her annual raise. Petitioner testified that she got her 2007 raise “late” but did not quantify how late. Petitioner wrote Ms. Volk a letter treating Ms. Volk’s evaluation comment for improvement as a criticism related to a particular past incident, and was offended when Ms. Volk refused to stop the work she was doing to read Petitioner’s letter. Respondent has a policy which requires employees to request personal paid time-off 30 days in advance. Petitioner testified that under this system, she properly requested time off for October 20, 2007, and November 3, 2007, but that shortly before those dates, Ms. Streer told her she could have only one date or the other, but if Petitioner wanted to take off both days, Petitioner had to get a replacement for one day. While this much of Petitioner’s testimony is unrefuted, Petitioner was not persuasive that she ever got written approval of the dates, and she did not establish any connection between the denial of two days' leave and either her Hispanic heritage or as retaliation for her prior letter to corporate headquarters or as retaliation for any of her discrimination complaints in March or April 2007. Petitioner presented no evidence that she lost pay, position, promotion or benefits at any time, on the basis of retaliation or her Hispanic heritage. Petitioner testified that she had to go into therapy and pay for medications as a result of the stress that the foregoing incidents have caused her. She presented no corroborative medical testimony or evidence of any professional diagnosis and further presented no medical or pharmaceutical bills to establish any damages therefor.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Complaint of Discrimination and the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of May, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of May, 2007.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57760.11
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Blountstown, Florida Oct. 11, 1995 Number: 95-004956 Latest Update: Jul. 03, 1997

The Issue Is Respondent employer guilty of an unlawful employment practice, pursuant to Section 760.10, F.S., for discrimination on the basis of handicap, to wit: diabetes?

Findings Of Fact At all times material, Petitioner was employed part-time at Respondent Jackson County Hospital as an x-ray aide. In this position, he transported patients to and from the x-ray department. Petitioner had diabetes when he was hired by Respondent. He disclosed his diabetes on his initial health information sheet. The employer was aware of Petitioner's diabetes when he was hired. However, on his initial health information sheet Petitioner also represented his health status as "excellent" and denied having any physical condition which impaired his body as a whole. He further represented that he had no defect "which may prevent your performance in the job. . . ". Accordingly, the employer did not know that he had a handicap, if any, when it hired Petitioner. While he was employed as an x-ray aide, Petitioner had two "reactions" on the job due to his diabetes, and he was laid off immediately prior to having a third "reaction." Petitioner did not describe the nature of his diabetic "reactions", and no other record evidence revealed their symptomatology. Nonetheless, Petitioner felt that he did his job well and got along well with everyone. This testimony was unrefuted. Indeed, both of Respondent's witnesses acknowledged that Petitioner performed his job duties acceptably. Petitioner went to Respondent hospital's emergency room as soon as he had these reactions. He assumed that some of the x-ray technicians whom he worked with in the hospital x-ray department talked to Wayne Austin, the head of the x-ray department, about his situation. No other witnesses supported his assumption. No forms reporting either of Petitioner's "reactions" were received by Jim L. Treglon, Respondent hospital's assistant administrator. Wayne Austin knew of Petitioner's diabetes but had no knowledge of either of Petitioner's "reactions" prior to laying him off. When Mr. Austin laid Petitioner off on August 15, 1994, he told Petitioner that it was due to the hospital's economic restructuring. Petitioner believed, upon the basis of conversations with other employees who were not called to testify, that he was laid off due to his diabetes. According to Mr. Treglon and Mr. Austin, the employing hospital underwent a personnel restructuring process by reduction of work force for financial reasons, and Petitioner was laid off as part of the larger financial conservation scheme. Petitioner had the least seniority and was a part-time employee, so his position was eliminated. There is no evidence that Petitioner's position was ever recreated or refilled. At the same time Petitioner's position was eliminated, another x-ray aide with more seniority was allowed to work weekends only, thereby reducing the hours for which that aide was paid. It is possible, but not proven, that this other aide's hours were eventually increased or restored when the hospital's economic situation improved. At the same time Petitioner's position was eliminated, the x- ray department's clerk-secretary was allowed to resign, and that position was not filled. As part of the employer's restructuring process, a total of 17 employees were eliminated from the employer's total work force based only upon seniority at approximately the same time Petitioner's position was eliminated. Mr. Treglon testified that as of the date of formal hearing, the employer employed at least 40 people who have disclosed disabilities. The definition of "disability", as used in his testimony, was not given.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and the conclusions of law, it is, RECOMMENDED: That the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief herein and determining that Petitioner recover nothing thereby. DONE and ENTERED this 26th day of March, 1996, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of March, 1996.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57760.10760.22
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Dec. 15, 2003 Number: 03-004711 Latest Update: Mar. 24, 2005

The Issue Whether Respondent unlawfully terminated the employment of Petitioner on July 31, 2000, because of his race and/or age in violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, Subsection 760.10(1), Florida Statutes (2001).

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Argenbright Security, Inc., now known as Cognisa Security, Inc., is an Atlanta, Georgia-based corporation that provides commercial security services to customers on a nationwide basis. Respondent employs security officers who are placed on assignments at customers' premises. Relevant to this action, Respondent maintains an office in Orlando, Florida, to support its commercial security services in Central Florida. Respondent is an employer as defined by the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 (FCRA). Petitioner was employed with Respondent from May 1998 to July 31, 2000. Petitioner is an African-American male who was 50 years of age upon hiring and 52 years of age upon his discharge from Respondent's employ. During his employment with Respondent, Petitioner was provided with Respondent's employment policies, including the equal employment opportunity policy which prohibits all types of unlawful discrimination in the workplace. Throughout his employment with Respondent, Petitioner worked as a district manager and was supervised by Buckwalter, who was Respondent's vice president and general manager of the Southeast region. Buckwalter made the decision to hire Petitioner and made the decision to discharge him. Based on a decline in business and a lack of work, Buckwalter himself was discharged by Respondent in January 2002. Petitioner's job duties as a district manager included supervising Respondent's account managers who managed security officer accounts and ensured overall customer satisfaction. Petitioner was responsible for supervising the management of approximately 60 customer accounts in Orlando, Jacksonville, Tampa, and St. Petersburg. Petitioner supervised a staff of approximately 33 employees, excluding Respondent's security officers. The list of Respondent's customers in Petitioner's region included, but was not limited to, the following entities: the City of Orlando, U.S. Airways, Delta Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Orange County, C&L Bank, Citrus Center (also known as Tricony Management), Florida Power Corporation, Solivita (also known as Avitar), and Ocwen. Respondent alleges that Petitioner's performance deteriorated during the last six months of his employment, and as a result, Petitioner was discharged on July 31, 2000. Buckwalter testified that he made the decision to terminate Petitioner's employment based on his receipt of numerous customer complaints regarding Petitioner's management of accounts and failure to resolve problems, numerous complaints from Petitioner's subordinates regarding Petitioner's management style and lack of guidance, and Petitioner's failure to properly perform his administrative duties. Buckwalter received eight to ten complaints from Respondent's customers about Petitioner's management of their accounts. Several of Respondent's customers repeatedly complained about Petitioner's management skills. Buckwalter received complaints from Respondent's customers regarding Petitioner's lack of attentiveness towards their accounts, failure to conduct client meetings, and inability and unwillingness to resolve client problems. When Buckwalter discussed the customer complaints with Petitioner, Petitioner sometimes acknowledged the seriousness of the concerns and sometimes became defensive and dismissed the complaints as unreasonable client demands. Two of Respondent's customers, Tricony Management and C&L Bank, specifically demanded that Petitioner be removed from the management of their accounts based on his lack of service and "cavalier" attitude toward their requests. Linda Mansfield, who was the client contact at Tricony Management, sent an e-mail complaint to Respondent's business development manager, Warren Bovich, in regard to Petitioner and Robert Stevenson on February 8, 2000. Tricony Management did not cancel its account with Respondent. However, they insisted that Robert Stevenson and Petitioner be removed from the account. Petitioner admitted that the following customers complained regarding his servicing of or management of their accounts: Ocwen, Citrus Center/Tricony Management, City of Orlando, Avitar/Solivita, C&L Bank, and Florida Power Corporation. Petitioner disagreed with the substance of those complaints. Petitioner also admitted that he had a personality conflict with a Citrus Center employee. Regarding the City of Orlando account under Petitioner's supervision, Petitioner admitted that employee turnover was a problem, that the account was not meeting the budgeted goals, and that Respondent's employees routinely missed their scheduled work shifts. Petitioner further admitted that Avitar/Solivita was upset with him about his unauthorized recruiting efforts. In addition to the customer complaints, Buckwalter received approximately 30 to 35 complaints from Petitioner's subordinates regarding Petitioner's management style. Petitioner's subordinates complained that Petitioner was not concerned with their career development, failed to provide them with timely performance evaluations, failed to conduct staff meetings on a routine basis, failed to attend staff meetings which he had scheduled, did not provide proper support and mentoring for customer accounts, and was generally unavailable to them based on his lack of time in the office. Petitioner admitted that a subordinate complained to Buckwalter regarding Petitioner's failure to provide him with a performance evaluation in a timely manner. Petitioner also acknowledged that Buckwalter received a complaint from Respondent's employee regarding his failure to properly process administrative paperwork. Petitioner admitted that he does not know whether Buckwalter received additional complaints from his subordinates regarding his management. Accordingly, Buckwalter's testimony that he received 30 to 35 complaints from Petitioner's subordinates regarding Petitioner's management is credible. Buckwalter's decision to discharge Petitioner was also based, in part, on Petitioner's failure to properly process administrative paperwork. Buckwalter informed Petitioner, in writing, that his neglect of his administrative duties was unacceptable. Buckwalter also determined that on several occasions, Petitioner provided misleading information about his whereabouts by falsely reporting that he was out of the office conducting client appointments. In addition to Petitioner, Buckwalter supervised several other of Respondent's district managers, including Blake Beach (Beach) and Scott Poe (Poe)--both of whom were formerly employed as district managers in South Florida. While serving as Beach's supervisor, Buckwalter received a single complaint from Respondent's customer, United Airlines (United), regarding Beach's sending of an inappropriate e-mail. United's compliant did not concern Beach's servicing or management of United's account. Other than United's single compliant, none of Respondent's other customers submitted complaints regarding Beach. Based on United's complaint regarding Beach's inappropriate e-mail, Respondent transferred Beach from South Florida to the Baltimore/Washington, D.C., area. While serving as Poe's supervisor, Buckwalter received complaints from two of Respondent's customers (in the South Florida region) regarding Poe's management of their accounts. Because Poe had been successful with other accounts, Buckwalter believed that the two complaints might have been based on a personality conflict. Buckwalter decided to transfer Poe from the district manager position in South Florida to the district manager position in Central Florida. Buckwalter never received complaints from Poe's subordinates regarding Poe's management or supervision. After Poe became the district manager in Central Florida, Respondent received additional complaints from several customers regarding Poe's handling of their accounts. Based on these complaints, Buckwalter made the decision to terminate Poe's employment with Respondent. Buckwalter made the decision to discharge Poe and Petitioner based on a similar number of complaints received from customers in their respective regions; but unlike Poe, Petitioner was discharged for additional reasons: the numerous complaints from his subordinates and the neglect of his administrative duties. Robert Matecki, who was 55 years old when he was hired, replaced Petitioner as Respondent's district manager in Orlando. Petitioner does not allege that Respondent discriminated against him at any time prior to Petitioner's termination on July 31, 2000. Petitioner does not contend that Buckwalter (the decision-maker in this case) ever made any discriminatory comments to him. Petitioner admits that he does not know what factors Respondent considered in making the decision to terminate his employment. Buckwalter testified that he did not consider Petitioner's age and race in making the decision to discharge Petitioner. Instead, he based the decision on customer and subordinate complaints about Petitioner's management style and Petitioner's failure to perform his administrative duties. Because Petitioner admits that he does not know upon what factors Buckwalter based his decision, Buckwalter's testimony is undisputed. Petitioner bases his allegations on his own personal beliefs about his performance and his disagreement with the substance of the complaints made by Respondent's customers and his subordinates.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby: RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order which denies Petitioner's Petition for Relief and dismisses his complaint with prejudice. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of June, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of June, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Wayne Johnson, Esquire DeCiccio, Johnson, Herzfeld & Rubin 652 West Morse Boulevard Winter Park, Florida 32789 John S. Snelling, Esquire James P. Ferguson, Jr., Esquire Duane Morris, LLP 1180 West Peachtree Street, Suite 700 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000e Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57760.10
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-003094 Latest Update: Feb. 14, 1985

Findings Of Fact The Respondent YWCA is a nonprofit corporation that sponsors educational, social, and recreational programs. The YWCA's purpose states that it is a "movement rooted in the Christian faith"; however, expressed belief in Christianity is not required for membership in the YWCA or for employment by the YWCA. Its membership is comprised of adult women seventeen years of age and older. The personnel policy of the YWCA expressly states that: "Equal employment opportunity and affirmative action will be applied in recruitment, hiring, compensation, fringe benefits, staff development, and training, promotion, and any other condition of employment regardless of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, age, national origin, or any other nonperformance factors." (Emphasis added.) Regarding termination, the personnel policy of the YWCA expressly states that: "Reasons for staff termination must be carefully documented. They should be based upon objective performance appraisals, which in turn are based upon job descriptions, work plans, and performance standards. Except in cases of reorganization/retrenchment or termination for cause, a probationary period for work improvement must be provided, followed by another performance appraisal." The YWCA of West Palm Beach operates three facilities: Central and Residence, the Mamie Adair Branch, and the Recreation Center. The Mamie Adair Branch primarily serves the black community in West Palm Beach and includes a day-care facility. The Petitioner, Davis, was hired as the Branch Executive of the Mamie Adair Branch of the YWCA, effective July 21, 1980, at a starting salary of $12,000.00. The Petitioner was given copies of the YWCA's personnel policy, affirmative action plan, and job description. She was not given notice of particular standards of behavior to which she was required to conform away from the job. As branch Executive she was supervised by the Executive Director, Jo Prout. The Petitioner successfully completed her initial 90-day probationary period, and her annual salary was increased by five percent to $12,600.00. In October 1981, however, the Petitioner received her annual evaluation and was again placed on three months probations due primarily to an unsatisfactory working relationship with the Branch Committee. The Petitioner had a bad attitude and was antagonistic. The Petitioner became pregnant but did not immediately disclose the fact of her pregnancy. In approximately December, 1981, the Petitioner confided to a coworker that she was pregnant and the coworker, in turn, told the YWCA's Executive Director, Jo Prout, that the Petitioner was pregnant. The YWCA's Executive Director was concerned that the Petitioner's relationship with the Branch Committee would be severely adversely affected if the Committee found out the Petitioner was pregnant and unmarried. Because of this concern, the Executive Director removed the Petitioner from her position as Branch Executive, effective December 31, 1981. The Petitioner would not have been removed from her position on December 31, 1981, but for the fact that she was pregnant and unmarried. Prior to removing the Petitioner from her position as Branch Executive, the Executive Director did not attempt less drastic alternatives such as asking the Petitioner not to discuss or disclose her marital status or asking the Petitioner to take a leave of absence. Prior to her removal, the Petitioner had not discussed the fact that she was pregnant and unmarried with members of the Branch Committee or with the YWCA membership in general. At no time had the Petitioner advocated unwed motherhood as an alternative life- style or otherwise advocated or espoused principles contrary to her understanding of Christianity. In the past, certain employees of the YWCA whose on-the-job behavior was contrary to Christian principles received job discipline but were not removed from their positions. A desk clerk at the YWCA's residence, for example, who was found to have stolen property from residence guests was not discharged. The removal of the Petitioner from her position by the YWCA because she was pregnant and unmarried was not justified by the business necessity rule because: A requirement to conduct one's life, including one's off-the-job activities, according to Christian principles, was not disclosed to the Petitioner or to other employees; The YWCA did not discipline or discharge other employees for conduct which conflicted with the YWCA's alleged requirement to conduct one's life by Christian principles; and The YWCA did not show that a requirement of all employees to conduct their lives by Christian principles has a manifest relationship to the employment in question. Then the Petitioner was removed from the Branch Executive position, she was transferred to the position of center consultant for gymnastics. The position of the center consultant for gymnastics to which the Petitioner was transferred was a demotion in that the Petitioner went from an administrative to a non-administrative position. The transfer also changed the Petitioner's employment status from full-time employee to part-time employee with a 25 percent decrease in earned income and a lunch "hour" reduced to 30 minutes. The petitioner's new position as center consultant was a temporary one designated to last no longer than five months. Petitioner was removed from probationary status as a result of the transfer. The position of center consultant to which the Petitioner was transferred was not a legitimate position. The position did not exist prior to December 31, 1981, the date the Petitioner was transferred. No job description was ever written for this position, despite the fact that the YWCA personnel policy required job descriptions. The Petitioner was verbally assigned job tasks inconsistent with her title of center consultant, including cleaning toilets at the gymnastics center. The position was eliminated on February 16, 1982, approximately six weeks after it was created, allegedly due to financial streamlining. The YWCA committed an unlawful employment act against the Petitioner, discriminating against her on the basis of sex and marital status by removing her from her position as Branch Executive because she was pregnant and unmarried. Moreover, this transfer was not justified by business necessity. Because the YWCA committed an unlawful employment act against the Petitioner, the Petitioner could be entitled to be reinstated to her former position or to a comparable position and could also be entitled to recover lost wages and fringe benefits, plus interest thereon, from the date of the wrongful act, December 31, 1981, to November 31, 1982, the date she was hired by the Lutheran Ministries, set off by any interim earnings and reduced by the Petitioner's unemployment compensation benefits plus her reasonable attorney's fees and costs. Regarding reinstatement, the Petitioner has been and is now willing and able to be reinstated to her former position as Branch Executive or to a comparable administrative position. The employer's argument that the Petitioner is not entitled to reinstatement because she was an unsatisfactory employee is rejected for the following reasons: The employer's allegations that the Petitioner will not satisfactorily perform her job if reinstated are too speculative and any doubts about the Petitioner's entitlement to reinstatement should be resolved in favor of the victim of discrimination; and In the event that the Petitioner's job performance upon reinstatement is not satisfactory, the employer may avail itself of the procedures set forth in its personnel policy to improve the Petitioner's performance or discharge her for unsatisfactory job performance. However, reinstatement may not be feasible in this case due to the fact that another employee has been placed in the Petitioner's former position. If the Petitioner is not reinstated to a comparable administrative position, then she should be compensated by the award of six months front pay in lieu of reinstatement. The Petitioner is entitled to damages in the amount of $13,551, which represents a back pay award of $11,000 plus 10 percent interest, six months front pay in the amount of $6,000, minus $1,575 for salary paid from January 1, 1982 - February 16, 1982, including two weeks severance pay and $2,974 in unemployment compensation benefits. The Petitioner is also entitled to costs of $232.65 and attorneys fees totaling $5,000.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Sep. 13, 2002 Number: 02-003575 Latest Update: Dec. 29, 2003

The Issue Whether Petitioner was terminated from her position with Respondent as a picker/stock keeper on or about September 26, 2001, on the basis of her race (African-American) and/or gender (female), in violation of Section 760.10(1)(a), Florida Statutes (2001).

Findings Of Fact Respondent is an employer as that term is defined under the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992. Petitioner was employed by Respondent as a temporary employee to perform the job of picker/stock keeper at its Parts Distribution Center in Orlando, Florida, during the time period from September 12, 2001, to September 26, 2001, the date she was terminated. Petitioner worked a total of 14 days for Respondent. Petitioner is an African-American female, a member of a protected class. The Parts Distribution Center for Respondent in Orlando, Florida, is a facility that holds automotive parts that are then shipped to dealerships. All temporary employees at Respondent are at-will employees. Temporary employees are told during their orientation that they are at-will employees who can be terminated at any time, for any reason. Temporary employees at Respondent are only eligible to work 119 days. Most temporary employees are not offered full time permanent employment. There is no guarantee that a temporary employee will receive an offer to work as a permanent employee. Petitioner was hired to perform the job of picker/stock keeper. A picker/stock keeper takes parts off of shelves to be shipped to dealerships. Petitioner participated in an orientation, and Petitioner received the same training as every other temporary employee. Petitioner worked the night shift. Respondent maintains written Standards of Conduct to which all employees must adhere. The Standards of Conduct apply to both temporary and permanent employees. The Standards of Conduct were in effect in September 2001, when Petitioner worked as a temporary employee. All employees are given a copy of the Standards of Conduct when they are hired. Petitioner received a copy of the Standards of Conduct when she was hired, and the Standards of Conduct are posted throughout the plant. The Standards of Conduct provide that an employee's "[f]ailure or refusal to follow the instructions of supervision" is grounds for "disciplinary action up to and including discharge." The supervisors who worked at Respondent's Distribution Center during Petitioner's employment were Richard Alvarez ("Alvarez") (Hispanic male), Lenier Sweeting ("Sweeting") (Black male), and Joe Bromley (White male). Alvarez was temporary supervisor for the night shift from June 2001 until December 2001. Alvarez was Petitioner's direct supervisor. Sweeting was a supervisor in September 2001. Sweeting was chosen to become a supervisor by Hal McDougle, a Black male. Sweeting was the supervisor on the day shift when Petitioner worked at the Distribution Center. His shift ended at 3:30 p.m. but he stayed in the building to help with the transition to the night shift. Alvarez would normally walk Sweeting to the front door to discuss what had occurred during the day shift. On September 25, 2001, Sweeting was walking past the bathroom with Alvarez and heard two women talking and laughing in the bathroom. Alvarez recognized one of the voices to be that of Petitioner. Alvarez had heard rumors that Petitioner had been taking a lot of extended breaks and told Sweeting about the complaints he had been receiving. Alvarez received at least two complaints, and possibly four or five, from Petitioner's co- workers that she was taking extended breaks and not on the floor working. Alvarez wanted to wait and see how long Petitioner remained in the bathroom. Sweeting and Alvarez waited outside the bathroom until they saw Petitioner exit the bathroom with Maria Dejesus. Alvarez believes that he and Sweeting waited outside the bathroom for approximately ten to 15 minutes. Alvarez told Petitioner that she had been taking an extensive break and needed to go back to work. Sweeting witnessed Alvarez tell Petitioner to go back to work in a professional tone. Alvarez also told Petitioner that he had heard rumors that she was taking extended breaks. He told her that since he saw it first hand, he wanted to mention it to her and let her know it would not be tolerated. Petitioner asked Alvarez which bathroom she could use in a very sarcastic tone. Sweeting observed Petitioner ask this question. Alvarez told Petitioner that he did not care which bathroom she used, as long as she did not abuse the break period. Petitioner proceeded to ask Alvarez in a sarcastic tone which bathroom she could use several times throughout the night. Despite Petitioner's sarcastic tone, Alvarez answered her questions professionally. Alvarez never asked Petitioner how old she was, whether she was married or how many children she had. Sweeting asked Maria Dejesus to go back to work as well. Sweeting and Alvarez have told other employees to go back to work when they have observed employees taking extended breaks. They have spoken to employees of both genders and all racial groups. On September 26, 2001, Alvarez assigned Petitioner to the "fast rack" area. Petitioner had never previously worked in the fast rack area. Alvarez personally instructed Petitioner in how to perform the assignment. Alvarez told Petitioner to pick the parts and put them on a rack float. After Alvarez gave Petitioner her instructions, Petitioner began her assignment. Petitioner never asked Alvarez any questions about her assignment or expressed that she was having difficulty with the job. Wanda Carithers ("Carithers") saw Petitioner using the wrong equipment to complete her assignment. Petitioner was using a bin cart instead of a float to pick the items. Alvarez noticed that Petitioner's assignment was running late. Alvarez walked over to the fast rack area and asked Petitioner two questions. Alvarez asked Petitioner whether she was going to be able to pick the whole assignment using the bin cart that she was using. Petitioner did not respond to or acknowledge Alvarez. Alvarez then asked Petitioner if she was almost done with her assignment. Petitioner rolled her eyes and said, "Your first question, yes, second question, no." Alvarez was very uncomfortable with Petitioner's response and demeanor. Alvarez told Petitioner that perhaps they had gotten off on the wrong foot. Petitioner asked Alvarez something about her union rights. Alvarez saw Petitioner's co-worker, Carithers, who was a union representative, driving by. Alvarez asked Carithers to explain to Petitioner her union rights as a temporary employee. During this conversation, Alvarez tried repeatedly to talk to Petitioner and on each occasion, Petitioner cut Alvarez off and would not let him speak. When Alvarez realized that he was not making any progress with Petitioner, he asked her to go to the warehouse office so that they could talk to a senior supervisor, Al White ("White") (Black male). Alvarez hoped that they could work out their differences with White's help. Alvarez started to walk approximately ten steps. He turned back and realized that Petitioner was not moving towards the office. Alvarez walked back to Petitioner and asked her a second time to go to the office. Once again, Petitioner did not move. Alvarez told Petitioner, "This is your last chance; go to the warehouse office." Once again, Petitioner did not move. Alvarez, after asking Petitioner to go to the office three times with no response, told Petitioner that her services were no longer needed, that she should gather up her things, and that she was terminated. Alvarez terminated Petitioner for her failure to follow a direct order of her supervisor in violation of Respondent's Standards of Conduct No. 6. Petitioner refused to move even after she was terminated. Petitioner asked Alvarez to reconsider, and he said that he had made up his mind. Alvarez started to walk away. When he saw that Petitioner was still not moving, he told her that he could call law enforcement to escort Petitioner off the property. Alvarez, and ultimately Petitioner, walked to the office. White asked Petitioner if she knew why she was terminated. Petitioner never asked to have someone from the union with her in the office until after she was terminated. At that time, Alvarez and White complied with her request and paged Rodney Witt, a union official, to come to the office. Carithers observed Petitioner fail to follow Alvarez's instruction to go to the office. Carithers recalls that Petitioner told Alvarez that Petitioner did not have to listen to Alvarez. Amber McPherson heard Alvarez call Petitioner to the office several times. Petitioner did not respond to Alvarez's requests. Sweeting has never experienced discrimination from management while working for Respondent for over seven years. Sweeting has never heard Alvarez make any gender or race-related comments or slurs. Sweeting has never heard any management employee at Respondent make a gender or race related comment or slur. Alvarez did not consider Petitioner's gender or race when he made the decision to terminate Petitioner. In addition, Petitioner lied on her application to Respondent and failed to indicate that she had been terminated from a prior employment. Petitioner had been terminated from Walt Disney World Company for theft. If Respondent had known that Petitioner had lied on her application or had been terminated for theft from a prior employer, it would not have hired her. Had Respondent learned that she had lied on her application after she was hired, she would have been terminated. Petitioner had no idea why she thinks she was treated differently based upon her gender or race. She just had a "feeling" or a "hunch." Petitioner had no evidence or information that her termination was based on her gender or race. Petitioner had no idea why she was terminated. She did not believe that it was because she failed to follow a command. Petitioner had no idea whether her supervisor, Alvarez, considered her gender or race when he terminated her employment with Respondent. Petitioner bases her claims that Respondent discriminated against her on the fact that there is general racism and sexism in society. Petitioner checked the "sex" and "race" box on her FCHR Charge of Discrimination simply because she is female and African-American. Petitioner felt as though she was harassed but cannot articulate a reason for it.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order which DENIES the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of April, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of April, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Stephanie L. Adler, Esquire Susan K. McKenna, Esquire Jackson Lewis LLP 390 North Orange Avenue, Suite 1285 Orlando, Florida 32801 Dorothy J. McCrimmon 5361 Commander Drive Number 304 Orlando, Florida 32822 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

USC (1) 42 USC 2000e Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57760.10
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jun. 02, 1999 Number: 99-002483 Latest Update: Feb. 07, 2001

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent discriminated against Petitioner on the basis of age for the reasons stated in the Charge of Discrimination and Petition for Relief in violation of Section 760.10(1), Florida Statutes (1997). (All chapter and section references are to Florida Statutes (1997) unless otherwise stated).

Findings Of Fact In the summer of 1997, Respondent advertised several employment positions. The advertised positions included a position for Corporate Training Representative and a position for Coordinator of Continuing Education. The advertisement informed potential applicants of the minimum qualifications; the knowledge, abilities, and skills associated with each position; and the application deadline for each position. Petitioner was one of approximately 65 candidates who applied for the position of Corporate Training Representative. Petitioner was also one of 85 candidates who applied for the position of Coordinator of Continuing Education. Petitioner was over age 40 at the time he applied for both positions. Petitioner's application, like the application of each candidate, included an application supplement. The application supplement identified the applicant's gender, ethnic origin, birth date, and included a statement of how the candidate learned of the open position. Respondent uses application supplements to collect data needed to respond to inquiries from the Commission, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Veterans Administration, and the U.S. Department of Labor. Respondent directs completed applications to Respondent's Human Resources office. The Human Resources office separates the application supplement attached to each application, files the application supplement in a separate location, and forwards each application to the selection committee responsible for filling the position to which the application pertains. After, the position is filled, the Human Resources office re-attaches the application to the application supplement and retains the documents in data files maintained by the Human Resources office. The selection committee, responsible for reviewing the applications submitted for the two positions sought by Petitioner, was comprised of four members. The selection committee reviewed each application, selected candidates for interview, and recommended those candidates the committee determined to be best suited for the position. In selecting candidates for interview, the selection committee reviewed only the application of each candidate. The selection committee did not have access to any of the application supplements. The application supplements originally attached to the applications had been previously separated by the Human Resources office and retained in separate files in the Human Resources office. No one on the selection committee considered the age of an applicant, including Petitioner, when selecting a candidate for interview. The selection committee did not select Petitioner for an interview. The selection committee selected for an interview only eight of the 65 applicants for the position of Corporate Training Representative and only eight of the 85 applicants for the position of Coordinator of Continuing Education. Six of the eight applicants selected for interview for the position of Corporate Training Representative were over 40 years of age at the time they applied. Three of those applicants were aged 50 or older. Four of the eight applicants selected for interview for the position of Coordinator of Continuing Education were aged 40 or older. The applicant ultimately hired was in her mid-forties at the time. No employee or representative of Respondent made any derogatory comments about Petitioner's age. No member of the selection committee discussed the age of any applicant. Petitioner admits that had he been selected for an interview he might not have been selected as the successful candidate.

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000e Florida Laws (6) 120.57120.574120.6857.10557.111760.10
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Sep. 20, 2004 Number: 04-003273 Latest Update: Feb. 23, 2005

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Petitioner was subjected to employment discrimination by the Department of Health (Respondent), due to Petitioner's age in violation of Section 760.10, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Julie A. Philippart (Petitioner) was born May 12, 1956. Respondent is an agency of the State of Florida with a medical laboratory located in Pensacola, Florida. The director of the laboratory is Dr. John Parker, age When the position of Medical Laboratory Scientist II needed to be filled, Parker delegated responsibility for screening applicants and determining the best applicant to be hired to Dr. Leah Gillis, age 51. Gillis, proceeded with Parker’s approval, to enlist two other fellow employees, Beverly Butler, age 62, and Bill Nakashima, to assist in the interviewing and screening of applicants. Following advertisement of the vacancy and receipt of applications, six of the applicants were selected for an interview. While a step in the process, the subsequent interviews were not completely determinative of which applicant was the best. Petitioner was one of the six applicants interviewed. Gillis and Nakashima interviewed Petitioner. After the initial interviews, Petitioner was considered the primary candidate. Since Petitioner had previously worked in the laboratory during the period 1994-1998, Gillis checked with Parker and Butler about Petitioner’s prior work experience. Further, Butler checked past lab records for work that Petitioner may have performed. As a result of her consultations with Parker and Butler, Gillis developed concerns that Petitioner’s experience and background might not be as ideal as indicated by the interview. Particularly, Butler had expressed concern that Petitioner did not have a hematology license, which was needed in the lab following the resignation of another employee whose licensure in that area previously covered this need for the lab. While still considering Petitioner as an applicant, Gillis resolved to interview other candidates. Through Butler, contact was made with Virginia Winchester, age 50, regarding the position. Winchester had the appropriate hematology license and experience for the position. But, when Winchester was advised that she should get vaccinations for rabies and hepatitis to work in the position, she consulted with her physician and withdrew her application. Stephanie Bubien was another applicant considered for the position. She had the appropriate license and experience, but, because her current employer increased her salary, withdrew her application following offer of the position. Linda Boutwell, personnel liaison for the lab and Star Metcalfe, assistant human resource director, located in Jacksonville and Tallahassee, Florida, respectively, advised Gillis to re-advertise the position. Gillis re-advertised the position. Of six additional applicants for the position, two were granted interviews. Patricia Jones was called in for a second interview. Jones, like Petitioner, is over age 40 and is less than two years younger than Petitioner. Jones had the preferred hematology license and 16 years of “bench” or actual experience. Jones was offered and accepted the position. Age was not a criterion for the position and was not considered in the hiring decision.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered dismissing the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of January, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DON W. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of January, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: Julie A. Philippart 303 Washington Avenue Gulf Breeze, Florida 32561 Stephen W. Foxwell, Esquire Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4149 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4149

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57760.10760.11
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jul. 26, 2007 Number: 07-003477 Latest Update: Oct. 06, 2024
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jun. 14, 2007 Number: 07-002684 Latest Update: Oct. 06, 2024
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Sep. 12, 2005 Number: 05-003286 Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2006

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent subjected Petitioner to unlawful employment practices by discriminating against her based on her age, sex, and/or disability contrary to Section 760.10(1), Florida Statutes (2003), and by retaliating against her contrary to Section 760.07, Florida Statutes (2003).

Findings Of Fact On or about February 17, 1992, Petitioner began working for Respondent in the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences as an Other Personnel Services (OPS) Secretary. On or about January 11, 1993, Petitioner became a Program Assistant in the University and Support Personnel System. In late 1999 or early 2000, Petitioner began working as an Administrative Assistant for Dr. Folakemi Odedina, a Professor and Director of the Economic, Social, and Administrative Pharmacy Division (ESAP). Initially, Petitioner enjoyed working for Dr. Odedina in an office located in the Frederick S. Humphries Science and Research Center (Science and Research Center). However, in time Petitioner's professional relationship with Dr. Odedina began to deteriorate, along with the expanding responsibilities of the job.1 In January 2001, Petitioner fell while she was carrying some documents from one of Respondent's buildings to another. The fall injured Petitioner's ankle, hip, and lower back. Petitioner was pregnant at the time of her fall in January 2001. She filed a workers' compensation claim as a result of the accident and subsequently returned to work with medical limitations as to activities involving lifting and walking. In a memorandum dated May 16, 2001, Petitioner advised Dr. Odedina and the ESAP faculty that she soon would be going on three to four months of parental leave. She also advised them that she had removed her personal belongings and other items belonging to other departments that had been on loan to her. In June 2001, Petitioner fell again while she was at work. She was in her ninth month of pregnancy at the time of the second accident. She decided not to return to work until after the birth of her baby. In a memorandum dated June 14, 2001, Dr. Odedina acknowledged that Petitioner would be out on sick leave, followed by parental leave until October 2001. Dr. Odedina wanted Petitioner to turn in her office keys and provide information about the office voicemail password so that the office would continue to function efficiently during Petitioner's absence. Apparently, Petitioner had not removed her personal belongings from her office as stated in her May 16, 2001, memorandum. On June 14, 2001, Petitioner and Melvin Jones, an investigator for Respondent's Police Department went to the office after 5:00 p.m. to remove Petitioner's personal belongings. During the moving process, Mr. Jones took a typewriter and a chair, both of which were university property on loan to Petitioner from another university office, to the library on the fourth floor of the Science Research Center. Petitioner intended to leave the chair and the typewriter there until someone could return them to the office in the department to which they were officially assigned. Additionally, in packing her personal items, Petitioner or Mr. Jones inadvertently packed and removed a black office telephone from the premises. On June 15, 2001, Dr. Odedina noticed that the typewriter and telephone were missing from Petitioner's office. After making an unsuccessful effort to contact Petitioner, Dr. Odedina reported to Respondent's Police Department that the typewriter and telephone were missing from Petitioner's office. Respondent's Police Department immediately initiated an investigation of unauthorized removal of state property with Petitioner as the suspect. On June 15, 2001, Petitioner realized that she had mistakenly packed the black telephone with her personal belongings. She returned it to Respondent that same day. Thereafter, Respondent's Police Department closed its investigation after verifying that Petitioner never removed the typewriter from the Science Research Center and that she returned the telephone on June 15, 2001. On June 25, 2001, Petitioner delivered her baby. Subsequently, Petitioner received medical treatment for physical problems that were the result of her on-the-job falls. Between parental leave and workers' compensation leave, Petitioner was out of work for approximately eighteen months. During Petitioner's absence from work, Dr. Odedina hired an OPS employee to temporarily fill Petitioner's position. At some point in time, Petitioner contacted FCHR to make an inquiry concerning discrimination. In a letter dated August 28, 2002, relative to FCHR Case No. 2202827, FCHR advised Petitioner as follows: "Based on the information you provided, we are unable to pursue this matter further." FCHR then cited Section 760.11(1), Florida Statutes (2002), for the proposition that a complaint must be filed within 365 days of the alleged discriminatory act. From 1994 to 2004, and at all times relevant here, Dr. Henry Lewis was the Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. From January 2002 through July 2002, Dr. Lewis also served as Respondent's interim president. Since 2004, Dr. Robert Thomas has served as Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. At all times relevant here, Dr. Thomas served as Associate Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. In a letter dated October 9, 2002, Dr. Lewis advised Petitioner that he had received documentation from Ruth Beck, Petitioner's Rehabilitation Consultant, regarding accommodations for Petitioner's return to work with medical restrictions. Dr. Lewis requested that Petitioner meet with Respondent's Equal Opportunity Programs Office to determine what accommodation are to be provided upon Petitioner's return to work. The recommended accommodations included an ergonomic chair and a desk equipped with a keyboard tray and mouse extension. It was also suggested that Respondent provide Petitioner with a flat screen monitor and a utility cart because Petitioner's permanent office in the Science and Research Center was small and too cramped to accommodate Petitioner's physical limitations. Petitioner needed a more spacious work area, with adequate storage space in close proximity, than was available in her office at the Science and Research Center. Even with the new furniture and equipment, Petitioner's needs could not be met in her old office. Accordingly, it was mutually agreed that, upon her return to work, Respondent would assign Petitioner to work temporarily in the Division of Pharmacy Practice, under the supervision of Dr. Otis Kirksey. Dr. Kirksey's office was located off-campus at 565 East Tennessee Street, Tallahassee, Florida, in a building with a ramp and without stairs that Petitioner would have to climb. Petitioner's assignment to work in Dr. Kirksey's office was temporary. Dr. Odedina and the ESAP faculty and staff planned to move to the new Dyson Pharmacy Building as soon as it was completed. The new facility would have sufficient space, furniture, and equipment to accommodate Petitioner's needs in her position as Administrative Assistant to Dr. Odedina. In November 2002, Petitioner learned that her doctor would not sign a form stating that Petitioner had a permanent disability. Instead, he agreed that she needed a disabled parking permit for a temporary period, for three months through February 5, 2003. On December 2, 2002, Petitioner began to work for Dr. Kirksey as an Administrative Assistant/Receptionist. She agreed to begin working in that capacity even though all the accommodations she needed were not immediately available. Petitioner was eager to return to work. By February 18, 2003, Respondent had provided Petitioner with all necessary accommodations. She had the ergonomic chair and a desk equipped with a keyboard tray and mouse extension. Given her more specious work area, a flat screen monitor and/or utility cart was not required to accommodate her physical limitations. Petitioner did not want to return to work for Dr. Odedina under any circumstances. She was aware that Dr. Kirksey was going to hire a new employee for a Program Assistant position. However, Petitioner never applied for the new Program Assistant position because she believed that Dr. Kirksey had already made up his mind to hire another person for the job. There is no evidence that Dr. Kirksey ever intended to deprive Petitioner of the opportunity to apply for the Program Assistant position or that he would not have considered her application if she had filed one. On October 6, 2003, Petitioner had a meeting with Dr. Lewis about her work assignment. During the meeting, Petitioner and Dr. Lewis discussed another position that was available. The position involved keeping track of student volunteer hours. After the meeting, Petitioner mistakenly believed that Dr. Lewis had offered her the new position, which would not have been under Dr. Odedina's supervision. During the October 6, 2003, meeting, Dr. Lewis asked Petitioner how things were going in her private life, i.e. whether she had anyone special in her life. Petitioner replied that she did not have such a relationship and that with all the drama she was experiencing in her personal life, she did not need to be involved with anyone. There is no indication that Petitioner was offended by Dr. Lewis's personal expressions of concern for Petitioner's well being. On October 8, 2003, Petitioner met with Drs. Lewis and Thomas. During the meeting, Petitioner adamantly refused to return to work for Dr. Odedina. Petitioner made the following statement: "I do not want to see FAMU facing a wrongful death lawsuit for an employee killing a supervisor." Drs. Lewis and Thomas were concerned about the statement, which they understood to be a threat against Dr. Odedina. However, they believed they would be able to handle any problem that might arise when Dr. Odedina joined the prescheduled meeting. Petitioner was agitated during the meeting with Dr. Lewis and Dr. Thomas. She became more agitated when Dr. Odedina joined the meeting. Dr. Odedina went to the meeting expecting to discuss Petitioner's office space and accommodations when she moved into the Dyson Pharmacy Building with the rest of the ESAP faculty and staff. She was not aware that Petitioner had made a threatening comment. Initially, Dr. Odedina was obviously pleased that Petitioner would be returning to work for her. However, as the October 8, 2003, meeting proceeded, Dr. Odedina felt that Petitioner's demeanor was hostile. Dr. Odedina got the impression that Petitioner was resisting the idea of returning to work for Dr. Odedina. At that point, Dr. Odedina insisted that Petitioner return to work for ESAP or, if Petitioner continued to work for Dr. Kirksey, his office should be responsible for paying Petitioner's salary. At one point during the October 8, 2003, meeting Petitioner complained that she suffered from migraine headaches and depression. She showed Drs. Lewis, Thomas, and Odedina prescriptions for Imatrex and Prozac. Before Petitioner left the meeting on October 8 2003, Dr. Lewis told Petitioner that she should write a letter stating that she refused to return to work in the ESAP office under Dr. Odedina's supervision. Petitioner subsequently wrote a letter, describing it as a "notice of transfer," but clearly indicating that she chose not to return to work for Dr. Odedina. After Petitioner and Dr. Odedina left the October 8, 2003, meeting, Drs. Lewis and Thomas discussed Petitioner's threatening statement against Dr. Odedina. They decided to report it as a serious threat of bodily harm to Respondent's Director of Personnel, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Provost, first by telephone, and later in writing. Dr. Lewis also contacted Dr. Odedina by telephone, advising her of the threat and directing her not to report to work on October 9, 2003. Finally, Dr. Lewis informed Respondent's Police Department about the threatening statement. Respondent's Provost, Larry Robinson, drafted a letter dated October 9, 2003. According to the letter, Petitioner was on administrative leave with pay, effective upon receipt of the notice. The letter advised Petitioner of a pending investigation of an employment matter and directed her to return all university-owned property. The letter advised Petitioner to refrain from reporting to work or visiting the campus, until further notice. The only exception was that Petitioner could continue to transport one of her sons to Respondent's Developmental Research School. On October 10, 2003, Respondent's Police Department initiated a formal investigation about Petitioner's threatening statement based on the written statements of Drs. Lewis and Thomas. On that date, Respondent's investigator, James Rose, filled out an incident report, indicating that he had interviewed Dr. Odedina and that Respondent's Director of Personnel had requested him to deliver the October 9, 2003, letter to Petitioner. Officer Rose was not able to deliver the October 9, 2003, letter to Petitioner until October 11, 2003. After Officer Rose gave Petitioner the letter placing her on administrative leave with pay, Petitioner stated that she only made the comment about Dr. Odedina because the department was about to transfer her back to Dr. Odedina's office. Petitioner told Officer Rose that she never intended to harm Dr. Odedina. On October 13, 2003, Petitioner returned her office key to Respondent. She left the key at Respondent's Police Department's communications office. On October 14, 2003, Petitioner filed her first Employment Charge of Discrimination with FCHR. In that initial complaint, identified hereinafter as DOAH Case No. 04-2003, Petitioner alleged as follows: (a) Respondent discriminated against Petitioner based on her disability by failing to accommodate her back impairment; (b) Respondent discriminated against Petitioner based on her age because Respondent did not give Petitioner an opportunity to apply for a position ultimately given to a younger, less senior employee; and (c) Respondent placed Petitioner on administrative leave with pay. In a letter dated October 31, 2003, Respondent advised Petitioner that Respondent intended to terminate her employment for threatening and/or abusive language and conduct unbecoming to a public employee. In an undated letter, Petitioner requested a conference in order to make an oral or written statement to refute or explain the charges against her. On or about November 3, 2003, Petitioner requested information about the return of her personal property located in Dr. Kirksey's office. Officer Rose approved Petitioner's request to retrieve her property. Sometime after November 3, 2003, Officer Rose concluded that Petitioner had made a threatening statement. However, Officer Rose found no indication that Petitioner intended to carry out the threat against Dr. Odedina. Accordingly, Respondent's Police Department suspended its investigation. In a letter dated November 17, 2003, Respondent advised Petitioner that it had scheduled a predetermination conference on November 24, 2003. By letter dated December 8, 2003, Petitioner informed Respondent that she received the November 17, 2003, letter on December 5, 2003. She asserted that she did not receive timely notice of the predetermination conference. In a letter dated December 11, 2003, Respondent advised Petitioner that it was proceeding with the employment action. According to the letter, Petitioner's dismissal from employment would be effective on December 19, 2003. However, Petitioner had an opportunity to request arbitration. On December 19, 2003, Petitioner reminded Respondent that she did not receive timely notification of the predetermination conference. She requested Respondent to schedule another conference. In a letter dated January 9, 2004, Respondent advised Petitioner that it had scheduled a predetermination conference for January 13, 2004. However, a subsequent letter dated January 13, 2004, rescheduled the conference for February 18, 2004. In a letter dated March 3, 2004, Respondent advised Petitioner that her dismissal from employment was effective March 11, 2004. On February 2, 2005, Petitioner filed a Consented Motion for Abatement or Alternatively, Notice of Voluntary Dismissal without Prejudice in DOAH Case No. 04-2003. On February 8, 2005, Administrative Law Judge Diane Cleavinger entered an Order Closing File in DOAH Case No. 04-2003. Judge Cleavinger's order is silent as to any prejudice that might have resulted from closure of the file in DOAH Case No. 04-2003. However, the parties agreed during the hearing in the instant case that FCHR never entered a final order in the prior case.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That FCHR enter a final order dismissing Petitioner's Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of December, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of December, 2005.

Florida Laws (5) 120.569760.01760.07760.10760.11
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