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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 18, 2002 Number: 02-000621 Latest Update: Feb. 25, 2003

The Issue Petitioners challenged the Department of Environmental Protection's (Department) preliminary Final Order, alleging that Petitioners committed the "unauthorized clearing and destruction of dunes and dune vegetation for the purposes of constructing a roadway seaward of the coastal construction control line [(CCCL)] without benefit of a permit." The ultimate issue is whether the work Petitioners performed was seaward of the CCCL, and if it was, whether there was a violation of Amended Permit FR-563 and Section 161.053(2), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Parties Petitioner, Ben Withers, Inc., is a Florida corporation doing business in the State of Florida. Petitioner, Ben Withers, is the President and owner of Ben Withers, Inc., and a resident of Panacea, Florida. (Henceforth, Ben Withers and Ben Withers, Inc., are referred to collectively as "Mr. Withers," unless otherwise noted.) Mr. Withers is a licensed general contractor. The Department is the executive agency of the State of Florida operating pursuant to, among others, Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 62, Florida Administrative Code. Pursuant to Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, the Department administers the CCCL program for construction activities seaward of the CCCL. Coastal Construction Control Line Program The Department's Bureau of Beaches and Wetland Resources regulates construction and excavation activities seaward of the CCCL. The Department is responsible for determining and setting the CCCLs. The CCCL is a scientifically established line pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes. By definition, the CCCL "defines that portion of the beach-dune system subject to severe fluctuations based on a one-hundred-year storm surge, storm waves, or other predictable weather conditions." Rule 62B-33.002(13), Florida Administrative Code. Construction and excavation activity seaward of the CCCL is regulated by Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, and Rule 62B- 33, Florida Administrative Code. Mr. Withers admitted that he is aware of Department rules regarding beaches and coastal construction and is also aware that excavation seaward of the CCCL requires a permit unless it is otherwise exempt, and that he had this knowledge prior to the present case. Accessing the Pepper Project Site Under Amended Permit FR-563 Dog Island is a barrier island south of and about three miles off the coast of Franklin County, Florida. The island is approximately eight miles in length. There is no bridge to the island. The Pepper project site is on the far western end of the island. The Gulf of Mexico borders the island on the south and St. George Sound borders the island to the north. The most common way to access the Pepper site with any vehicle carrying equipment and materials, would be to use a boat or barge to a marina area (Tyson's Harbor) near the center of the island, or a private dock, and then traverse west down the middle of the island or down the beach itself, or a combination of the two. The Easy Street Easement is an easement area for a roadway running east and west through Dog Island. The parties agree that Easy Street and the Easy Street Easement are the same. The Easy Street Easement had been an unpaved roadway years before; part of the roadway was still visible in May 2001, and other parts had been covered with vegetation. There are portions of Easy Street and Easy Way east of the cul-de-sac which are visible roadways. See, e.g., Department Exhibit 13. Additionally, parts of Easy Street are seaward of the Department's CCCL (e.g., in the narrows area which is west of the cul-de-sac) and other parts are landward of the CCCL. See, e.g., Finding of Fact 29. Pursuant to its statutory duty, in 1996, the Department set the reference monuments R-158-R-160 for the CCCL on the west end of Dog Island. These monuments are in the narrows area of the island and run west to east. The CCCL is not visible on the ground. A surveyor is needed to locate the line. The alleged violation in this case was committed between R-158 and R-160, part of the narrows area. The Easy Street Easement on Dog Island runs both north and south from The Nature Conservancy cul-de-sac and then runs westerly to the west end of Dog Island. The CCCL Permits On October 21, 1999, the Department issued Permit FR-563 to Leonard Pepper, the property owner, for the construction of a single–family dwelling and for structures associated with the dwelling on the west end of Dog Island. Permit FR-563 contained Standard Permit Conditions that required in part: (1)(a) all construction or activity for which the permit was granted be carried out in accordance with the plans and specifications which were approved by the Department as a part of the permit; (1)(b) all construction or activity authorized under the permit shall be conducted using extreme care to prevent any adverse impacts to the beach and dune system; and (1)(g) existing beach and dune topography and vegetation shall not be disturbed except as expressly authorized in the permit. Permit FR-563 did not authorize the start of construction until a construction access plan to the Pepper project site was approved, in order to minimize impacts to the beach and dune system. On October 16, 2000, Amended Permit FR-563 was issued with a Notice to Proceed Withheld. The Amended Permit also contained Special Condition 1.5 which required the submittal and approval of "[a] construction access plan showing the route and timing for bringing equipment and materials to the site, in order to minimize impacts to the beach and dune system." The Department was concerned about the manner in which equipment and materials would be brought to the project site without causing further harm to the system. Amended Permit FR-563 did not expressly or implicitly authorize excavation or grading seaward of the CCCL in any area on Dog Island off of the project site and footprint of the house. In late 2000, Mr. Withers became involved with the Pepper project after Amended Permit FR-563 (with the Notice to Proceed Withheld) was issued on October 16, 2000. Part of Mr. Withers' job responsibility was to prepare and submit a construction access plan to the Department for approval. The Department does not normally require an access plan because most job sites are located in areas with established roads for ingress and egress. Here, there was no established road to and from the project site. The access plan was necessary in order to determine how Mr. Withers would transport equipment and materials to the Pepper project site on the west end of Dog Island due to the site's remote location and the absence of an established roadway to the site. Mr. Withers expected that materials and heavy equipment, including cranes, would be off-loaded at Tyson's Harbor, located approximately in the middle of Dog Island, and transported by vehicle to the project site along the access plan route. He expected to only transport pilings using the beach access route. On March 15, 2001, Mr. Withers submitted an access plan which described the route Mr. Withers would traverse by vehicle with construction equipment and materials. See Endnote 1. The Easy Street Easement starts at the east end of the island as an established roadway. Proceeding in a westerly direction, Easy Street comes to a dead-end at a cul-de-sac landward of the CCCL. The access plan authorized Mr. Withers to access the job site using part the Easy Street/Easy Street Easement (starting on the east end of the island) going north from The Nature Conservancy cul-de-sac, then heading in a westerly direction just south of the Ausley house (west of R-158 and just landward of the CCCL) and across the narrows area and continuing in a westerly direction along the northern shoreline and in southerly direction toward R-154. The access plan then authorized Mr. Withers to proceed in a westerly direction over the middle portion of the west-end of the island, then in a southerly direction toward the project site.1 The access plan showed a route both landward and seaward of the CCCL along the narrows area. See Department Exhibit 4- orange line then blue line after the orange circle on the west-end of the island. As described by Mr. McNeal of the Department, the access route is seaward, for the most part, of the CCCL from R-157 to R- 159 (running west to east) and landward of the CCCL east of R-159. The Department described the damaged area of 5,305.6 square feet (Department Exhibit 11A, insert "B") caused by Mr. Withers as east of R-159 and seaward of the CCCL and south of the access plan route. See also Finding of Fact 35. However, it appears that a portion of Easy Street, between R-159 and R-160, is seaward of the CCCL. Compare Department Exhibit 12 with Department Exhibits 4, 11A, and 13. During a pre-hearing deposition, Mr. Withers marked in pink the route he took through a portion of the narrows area which coincides with the portion of Easy Street between the approximate locations of R-159 and R-160, depicted on Department Exhibit 12. See Finding of Fact 43. (Mr. Withers had the Easy Street Easement staked prior to doing any work on Dog Island. See Findings of Fact 33-35.) The damaged area appears to coincide with this portion of Easy Street, and seaward of the CCCL. See Department Exhibit 11A. The access plan authorized Mr. Withers to drive (vehicular traffic) his equipment over the easement following the route depicted on the access plan until he arrived at the project site. See Endnote 1. The Department expected that travel along the access route would cause minimal and temporary damage or destruction to the topography, so the plan was considered acceptable. The access plan did not authorize excavation of a roadway within the route, including the narrows area, nor did it contemplate any other activity over or around a dune other than what might occur as a result of driving.2 The Department understood that Mr. Withers would be driving daily over the access plan route to the project site. The Department assumed that trucks would be used to transport equipment and materials. The Department did not differentiate among vehicles which could be used, including large trucks. On April 11, 2001, the Department issued a Notice to Proceed to Mr. Pepper to begin construction of his single-family dwelling in accordance with Amended Permit FR-563. The access plan is part of the Amended permit. Shortly after the Notice to Proceed was issued, The Nature Conservancy advised the Department of concerns it had with the access plan. As a result, on April 24, 2001, there was a meeting in Apalachicola, Florida, convened by the Department and attended by other interested governmental entities and private persons, including Mr. Withers. The purpose of the meeting was explore other possible ways and means of access by Mr. Withers to the Pepper project site.3 No resolution was reached during the meeting and the access plan previously approved by the Department remained effective. The previously issued Notice to Proceed was also in effect. The Violations Mr. Withers hired Kenneth Greenwood of Garlick Environmental Associates to perform a threatened/endangered species inspection, plant and animal, on an approximately 30-foot wide strip on the Easy Street Easement (approximately 1,800 feet) being utilized in Mr. Withers' access plan and within the narrows area. See Department Exhibit 13-yellow markings. On May 2, 2001, Mr. Greenwood performed the inspection within the easement that Mr. Withers had staked out by a land surveyor, approximately 15 feet on either side of the stakes. He found no threatened/endangered species. (The CCCL was not staked by Mr. Withers because, according to Mr. Withers, the Department did not ask him to locate the CCCL with stakes.) The access route depicted by Mr. McNeal in orange on Department Exhibit 4, which runs east of R-159, is similar to the description of the staked areas east of R-159, described by Mr. Greenwood and marked in yellow on Department Exhibit 13. See Findings of Fact 28-29. Both areas are landward of the CCCL. However, the 5,305.6 square foot damaged area is east of R-159 and is seaward of the CCCL. Mr. Greenwood described the area where he performed his investigation as being "relatively undisturbed," "relatively stable," having no vehicle tracks, and he stated that there were areas of bare sand as well as areas of "natural beach dune vegetation." He described the area as "relatively flat with some small amounts of mounding." The pictures taken by Mr. Greenwood within the staked easement on May 2, 2001, as part of his investigation, do not depict any vehicle tracks. After Mr. Greenwood completed his investigation on May 2, 2001, he observed Mr. Withers landward of the CCCL on a front-end loader and north of the cul-de-sac, proceeding west along the Easy Street Easement scraping off the top layer of soil and heading in a westward direction. Mr. Greenwood believed that the activity performed by Mr. Withers at this time was consistent with unpaved, road construction. According to Mr. Greenwood, the width of the scraped area appeared to be approximately the width of the bucket on Mr. Withers' front-end loader. Mr. Withers stated that he was doing minor grading landward of the CCCL with a John Deere 310-E front-end loader tractor when Mr. Greenwood was present on May 2, 2001. This tractor had a front bucket (approximately seven to eight feet wide) and a backhoe for excavating dirt on the back-end. Mr. Withers described the work which he performed when Mr. Greenwood was present as moving out and smoothing off the top of the sand landward of the CCCL in order for his equipment to get through. Mr. Withers also stated that he made areas in the easement seaward of the CCCL smooth by using the bottom of the bucket of his front-end loader to move sand around. Mr. Withers mentioned that he was very concerned that he needed to have the pathway he was utilizing in the access plan marked and smoothed off and fairly level. He believed the access plan authorized him to smooth off the areas on the access route. Mr. Withers stated that he had to have the access path level because he was bringing a self-propelled, 25-ton crane down the access path and they are top heavy and can get off balance, topple over, or get stuck. Mr. Withers described two types of work that he performed in the Easy Street Easement as: 1) clearing landward of the CCCL that required scooping and moving dirt, and 2) smoothing several areas seaward of the CCCL, just east of R-158 to around R- 160. An area of excavation damage seven feet seaward of the CCCL (beginning approximately 130 feet east of R-158) and an area 41 feet seaward of the CCCL (beginning at R-159, continuing east approximately 500 feet) are located within the area Mr. Withers stated he did some "smoothing off areas," again, east of R-158 and continuing east toward, but west, of R-160. Mr. Withers believed that Amended Permit FR-563 allowed him to use the Easy Street Easement in the access plan "to do . . . whatever was necessary and . . . needed to get [his] equipment, access [his] equipment down to the job site." He also admitted smoothing the areas. Mr. Withers also stated that Amended Permit FR-563 granted him permission to access the west end of Dog Island. Therefore, there was no need for him to locate the CCCL. Mr. Withers referred to the easement in the access plan as turning into a good pathway after he smoothed the areas. Mr. Withers stated that it was his "intention to gain access to the west end of Dog Island through a legal easement and an existing roadway" and that he wanted to utilize it. Mr. Withers testified "that he knew a lot of roads on Dog Island crossed seaward of the [CCCL]" in response to questioning whether he knew at the time of his performing work on the easement, whether or not the Easy Street Easement crossed seaward of the CCCL. He knew he was going to be traversing "fairly close" to the CCCL. Mr. Withers stated he did not knowingly violate the conditions of the Amended Permit. Mr. Withers was aware of the Department's permit requirements for work seaward of the CCCL when he performed his access work in the easement on Dog Island. However, Mr. Withers never had a survey done to figure out where the CCCL was located. Notice of the Alleged Violations Around May 2, 2001, the Department received a complaint that excavation was occurring seaward of the CCCL on Dog Island in the narrows area of the Easy Street Easement. On May 4, 2001, John A. Poppel, William Fokes, and Phil Sanders went to Dog Island on behalf of the Department to investigate the complaint of excavation in the narrows area seaward of the CCCL. On May 4, 2001, Mr. Poppel performed a survey of the narrows area and located the CCCL. He located monuments R-158- R-160. Department Exhibit 11. As a product of his survey, Mr. Poppel was able to depict the newly excavated roadway or pathway in relation to the CCCL. Mr. Poppel calculated that one area of damage was seven feet seaward of the CCCL and consisted of 503.8 square feet of damage and a second area of damage was 41 feet seaward of the CCCL and consisted of 5,305.6 square feet of damage. These square foot areas represent only the disturbed areas seaward of the CCCL, not the entire area between the CCCL and the Gulf of Mexico. Both areas of damage are within the area where Mr. Withers stated that he smoothed out the sand. As part of the May 4, 2001, investigation, William Fokes, an Engineer I with the Department, took photographs of the damaged areas and prepared an inspection report. Mr. Fokes' report indicates that an approximately 11-foot wide roadway or pathway had been cleared by excavation with the most seaward extent of the road being about 40 feet seaward of the CCCL. In addition, the report states that small dunes and beach vegetation had been destroyed. Mr. Fokes described the damage as excavation or grading done by some kind of machine, which cut and uprooted vegetation and pushed sand to the side as it leveled the ground. Mr. Fokes testified that the damage did not appear to be caused by merely traversing the area. Mr. Sanders, an engineer with the Department, processes CCCL permit applications and supervises Mr. Fokes, a field engineer. On May 4, 2001, Mr. Sanders observed the narrows area in question and confirmed that it looked like a "graded road" in that "[i]t appeared in the road bed that vegetation was gone and had been pushed out to the side, graded away," and that there was "excavation" seaward of the CCCL. Mr. Sanders stated that this activity did not comply with the approved access plan. On May 7, 2001, a Notice of Violation was issued to Mr. Withers for the "the unauthorized clearing and destruction of dunes and native vegetation for the purpose of constructing a roadway seaward of the coastal construction control line." Mr. Greenwood's photographs taken May 2, 2001, when compared with Mr. Fokes' photographs taken May 4, 2001, show that no discernable roadway or pathway was present landward or seaward of the CCCL in the narrows area at the time of Mr. Greenwood's inspection on May 2, 2001. This is evident when comparing Mr. Greenwood's photograph, Exhibit 15a, taken on May 2, 2001, with Department Exhibit 16g taken on May 4, 2001--the roadway or pathway present in the May 4, 2001, photo is absent in the May 2, 2001, photograph, and the vegetation has been removed from part of the area. Comparing Mr. Greenwood's photograph, Department Exhibit 15b, taken May 2, 2001, with Department Exhibits 16c and d, taken on May 4, 2001, also shows that the roadway or pathway was not present on the narrows portion of the Easy Street Easement at the time of Mr. Greenwood's inspection. The previously mentioned pictures, which were used for a comparison, were taken by two different people on separate dates, and from approximately the same locations. Also, Department Exhibit 16j was taken 250 feet east of R-159 and within the narrows area, facing east which shows clearing approximately 40 feet seaward of the CCCL. On May 14, 2001, at the request of the Department, Ken Jones, a principal engineer with Post Buckey et al., performed a damage assessment of the narrows portion of the Easy Street Easement which was seaward of the CCCL. Mr. Jones has a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and a master's degree in physical oceanography. Mr. Jones was familiar with the narrows area having been to Dog Island for recreation during the past 20 years and as a Dog Island property owner for the last three years. Mr. Jones described the narrows area as relatively flat and located between the St. George Sound to the north and the Gulf of Mexico beaches to the south. Between these two areas, the land is undulating sand and fairly consistent vegetation. At the time of Mr. Jones' damage assessment, he determined that a road had been cut through the vegetative portion of the dune of the narrows. Mr. Jones observed cut roots and a majority of the vegetation destroyed. Mr. Jones stated it appeared that the damage was caused by a vehicle with a blade on the front. The result was the road sat down in the sand approximately four to six inches. Mr. Jones stated that the work appeared to have been recent because distinct edges were still present. Mr. Jones took photographs and compiled an inspection report as part of his damage assessment. Mr. Jones testified that the damage "was pretty consistent from both landward and seaward of the [CCCL]." The pictures labeled Department Exhibits 18a1 and 18a2 depict a level pathway or roadway barren of vegetation seaward of the CCCL. Department Exhibit 18a4 is a photograph of a typical vegetated dune. Mr. Jones took this picture in order to have a general idea of what the vegetation coverage was in order to get an idea from a cost-estimating perspective. Mr. Jones's cost estimate for repairing the damage to the narrows area seaward of the CCCL, was approximately $7,500.00.4 Mr. Jones calculated the $7,500.00 by making an estimate of what it would cost to buy coastal vegetation, and by estimating what it would cost to employ laborers to hand rake the sand back into position and to plant the vegetation. Administrative Fine and Damages Jim Martinello, an environmental manager in charge of enforcement and compliance with the Bureau, used Mr. Jones' damage assessment estimate for informational purposes in assessing the damages amount for the narrows area. Mr. Martinello calculated the administrative fine and damages in accordance with Section 161.054, Florida Statues, and Rules 62B-54.002 and 62B-54.003, Florida Administrative Code. Rule 62B-54.002, Florida Administrative Code, provides that the Department shall assess fines for willful violations of, or refusing to comply with, for example, Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, and the fine should be sufficient to ensure immediate and continued compliance. In determining the actual fine within the range, the Department shall consider the offender's past violations, if any, and other aggravating or mitigating circumstances. Aggravating circumstances include prior knowledge of rules. Mitigating circumstances may be considered. Id. Mr. Withers had knowledge prior to the issuance of Amended Permit FR-563 of Department rules regarding permit requirements for construction activities seaward of the CCCL. On October 4, 1996, Mr. Withers, on behalf of Ben Withers Construction Company, was issued a warning letter for possible unauthorized construction seaward of the CCCL. This matter was resolved by entering into a consent order. On October 29, 1997, Mr. Withers, on behalf of Ben Withers Construction Company, was issued a warning letter for possible permit violation seaward of the CCCL. On November 13, 1997, Mr. Withers was issued a warning letter for possible unauthorized construction seaward of the CCCL. On October 27, 2000, Mr. Withers wrote a letter to Mr. McNeal indicating that he believed that the Easy Street Easement on Dog Island heading south from The Nature Conservancy cul-de- sac, then west to the west end of Dog Island, is landward of the CCCL and, therefore, no permit was necessary to reopen and use the easement, but he would have a surveyor establish the control line prior to work commencing. On November 7, 2000, Phil Sanders replied by letter to Mr. Withers' October 27, 2000 letter, in which Mr. Sanders reminded Mr. Withers of the pertinent rules and laws and suggested that Mr. Withers have the CCCL surveyed. On December 20, 2000, Mr. Martinello sent Mr. Withers an advisory letter informing him that the area he traversed (on July 2000) on the south route of the Easy Street Easement from the cul- de-sac on Dog Island was considered to be a dune as defined by Rule 62B-33.002, Florida Administrative Code. However, Mr. Martinello further advised that the Department did not take any action because "the traversing [did not] cause any substantial damage, it was minimal damage." In regard to the present case, it is more than a fair inference that Mr. Withers had specific knowledge of the CCCL and the Department's laws and rules, and that he knew excavation was not authorized seaward of the CCCL. The information in the prior Findings of Fact was used by the Department, and specifically Mr. Martinello, to determine that the harm to the beach resource or potential harm was major, and the administrative fine assessed was $7,500.00. However, part of Mr. Martinello's determination was predicated on Mr. Jones' assessment that the site one narrows violation was approximately 700 feet in length when, in fact, the area was approximately 500 feet in length, which explains in part the disparity between a 9,800 square foot area and the proven 5,305.6 square foot area. See Finding of Fact 78 and Endnote 4. Even the additional amount of damage of 503.8 square feet for the site two narrows area, when viewed in the aggregate, is significantly less than Mr. Jones' assessment of damages by square feet. (Mr. Martinello used the Jones' assessment as a guideline. Mr. Martinello says that the mistake did not alter his decision, although he was unaware of the mistake until the final hearing. He also says that Mr. Jones recommended a higher damage amount than the $5,000.00 assessed by the Department in its preliminary Final Order. He did--$7,500.00 for 9,800 square feet of damage.) Grossly negligent or knowing violations of statutes and Department rules regarding coastal construction seaward of the CCCL, which result "in harm to sovereignty lands seaward of mean high water or to beaches, shores, or coastal or beach-dune system(s), including animal, plant or aquatic life thereon," shall be considered in determining damages. Rule 62B-54.003(1), Florida Administrative Code. Rule 62B-54.003(2), Florida Administrative Code, provides that a damage amount greater than the minimum amounts may be assessed to ensure, immediate and continued compliance and the Department may consider, e.g., the need for restoration and the damaged ecological resource. The Department determined that the violation was knowing based on the factors mentioned above. The Department also considered the need for restoration and the damage to ecological resources and whether the amount would ensure immediate and continued compliance. Id. The Department determined that there was harm to the resource and that it was major and knowing. The Department proposed to assess the minimum damage amount of $5,000.00. On January 11, 2002, the Department entered a preliminary Final Order for the unauthorized grading and destruction of dunes and dune vegetation seaward of the control line for the purpose of constructing a roadway. The amount assessed in the Final Order was $12,500.00, $7,500.00 in administrative fines and $5,000.00 in damages, as described above. As noted, there has been harm to the beach area resource seaward of the CCCL and the Department proved the need for restoration and the damage to the ecological resource. In mitigation, Mr. Withers' construction access plan was approved by the Department. The Department knew that Mr. Withers intended to use the access route, which ran seaward of the CCCL from approximately R-157 to R-159 (except for a small portion between R-158 and R-159) in the narrows area; that Mr. Withers planned to transport equipment and materials by truck using the access route and necessarily would traverse seaward of the CCCL; and that he would continuously use the access route until the project was completed. The actual damaged area is less than originally determined by Mr. Jones, thus the need for restoration reduced. Mr. Jones, without the benefit of a survey, estimated the total cost to restore the damaged area of 9,800 square feet to be approximately $7,500.00. The total square feet of damage proven in this proceeding is 5,809.4 square feet in the narrows area and the Department is requesting $12,500.00 in fines and damages. Based on an approximate ratio of square feet and dollars needed to restore, a damage assessment in the amount of $4,500.00 is appropriate. Balancing the aggravating and mitigating circumstances, a fine of $3,500.00 is appropriate.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that a final order be rendered as follows: That a final order be issued adopting this Recommended Order; and Within 30 days of a final order being effective, Petitioners shall pay a fine of $3,500.00 and $4,500.00 in damages with the total amount of $8,000.00, to the Department of Environmental Protection. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of January, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CHARLES A. STAMPELOS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of January, 2003.

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57120.595161.053161.05457.111
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Mar. 27, 2009 Number: 09-001606GM Latest Update: Jun. 04, 2010

Conclusions An Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings has entered an Order Closing File in this proceeding. A copy of the Order is attached to this Final Order as Exhibit A.

Other Judicial Opinions REVIEW OF THIS FINAL ORDER PURSUANT TO SECTION 120.68, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND FLORIDA RULES OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 9.030 (b) (1) (C) AND 9.110. TO INITIATE AN APPEAL OF THIS ORDER, A NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE DEPARTMENT’S AGENCY CLERK, 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100, WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DAY THIS ORDER IS FILED WITH THE AGENCY CLERK. THE NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FORM PRESCRIBED BY FLORIDA RULE OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 9.900(a). A COPY OF THE NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE APPROPRIATE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL AND MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE FILING FEE SPECIFIED IN SECTION 35.22(3), FLORIDA STATUTES. YOU WAIVE YOUR RIGHT TO JUDICIAL REVIEW IF THE NOTICE OF APPEAL IS NOT TIMELY FILED WITH THE AGENCY CLERK AND THE APPROPRIATE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL. MEDIATION UNDER SECTION 120.573, FLA. STAT., IS NOT AVAILABLE WITH RESPECT TO THE ISSUES RESOLVED BY THIS ORDER. FINAL ORDER NO. DCA10-GM-115 CERTIFICATE OF FILING AND SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the original of the foregoing has been filed with the undersigned Agency Clerk of the Department of Community Affairs, and that true and correct copies have been furnished as indicated to each of the persons listed below on this DW say of , 2010. aula Ford Agency Clerk By U.S. Mail Amy Taylor Petrick, Assistant County Attorney Palm Beach County 300 North Dixie Highway, Suite 359 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Tel.: (561) 355-2529 Fax.: (561) 255-4324 Email: apetrick@co.palm-beach.fl.us William L. Hyde, Esquire Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart, P.A. 215 S. Monroe Street, Suite 618 Tallahassee, FL 32301 Phone: (850) 521-1980 Facsimile: (850) 576-0902 Email: whyde@gunster.com James M. Crowley, Esquire Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart, P.A. 450 E. Las Olas Blvd., Suite 1400 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Phone: (954) 713-6416 Facsimile: (954) 523-1722 Email: jcrowley@gunster.com FINAL ORDER NO. DCA10-GM-115 Claudia McKenna, City Attorney City of West Palm Beach 401 Clematis Street West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: (561) 882-1350 Facsimile: (561) 822-1373 Email: cmckenna@wpb.org Keith W. Davis, Esquire Trela White, Esquire Attorney for Village of Royal Palm Beach Corbett & White, P.A. 1111 Hypoluxo Road, Suite 207 Lantana, FL 33462 Phone: (561) 586-7116 Facsimile: (561) 586-9611 Email: keith@corbettandwhite.com; trela@corbettandwhite.com By Hand Delivery Richard E. Shine Assistant General Counsel Department of Community Affairs By Interoffice Mail The Honorable Donald R. Alexander Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The Desoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675

# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-004012 Latest Update: May 14, 1986

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Roland Peterson, is the owner of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 7, Vilano Beach, in an unincorporated area of St. Johns County, Florida. Vilano Beach lies just eastward of the City of St. Augustine, Florida, and north of St. Augustine Inlet. The three lots are adjacent to each other. By applications dated June 7, 1985 petitioner sought the issuance of three coastal construction control line permits by respondent, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Beaches and Shores (Division), to authorize construction seaward of the coastal construction control line or setback line on Lots 4, 5 and 6. More specifically, petitioner sought approval to construct a beach-side snack bar with associated beach walkover, driveway and attached decks on Lot 4, and single family residences with associated dune walkover; driveway and attached decks on Lots 5 and 6. These applications were assigned Application Numbers SJ 220, SJ 221 and SJ 222 by the Division. They were deemed to be complete on August 6, 1985. After evaluating the three applications, the Division formulated recommendations to deny the requested permits. These recommendations were adopted by the Governor and Cabinet sitting as head of the agency at its November 5, 1985 meeting. Notice of such intended action was previously forwarded to petitioner on October 23, 1985. Said notice prompted the instant proceeding. As grounds for denying the permits the Division concluded that the three projects were located seaward of the seasonal high- water line and were therefore prohibited by a law, the projects lay in an area "highly vulnerable" to a major storm; and the cumulative impact of locating these and other structures further seaward could be expected to adversely impact the beach and dune system of the Vilano Beach area. The parties have stipulated that the Division has properly calculated the seasonal high water line in the questioned area, and that petitioner's three projects lie seaward of that line. The parties have also stipulated that the three projects lie seaward of the frontal dune within the meaning of Subsection 161.053t6)(a)1., Florida Statutes (1985).

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that application numbers SJ 220, SJ 221 and SJ 222 filed by Roland Peterson to construct various structures on Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 7, Vilano Beach in St. Johns County, Florida, be DENIED. DONE and ORDERED this 14th day of May, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of May, 1986.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57161.053
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida Sep. 04, 2009 Number: 09-004816GM Latest Update: Nov. 15, 2011

Conclusions An Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings has entered an Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction And Closing File in this proceeding.

Other Judicial Opinions OF THIS FINAL ORDER PURSUANT TO SECTION 120.68, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND FLORIDA RULES OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 9.030(b)(1)(C) AND 9.110, TO INITIATE AN APPEAL OF THIS ORDER, A NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE DEPARTMENT'S AGENCY CLERK, 107 EAST MADISON STREET, MSC 110, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-4128, WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DAY THIS ORDER IS FILED WITH THE AGENCY CLERK. THE NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FORM PRESCRIBED BY FLORIDA RULE OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 9.900(a). A COPY OF THE NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE APPROPRIATE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL AND MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE FILING FEE SPECIFIED IN SECTION 35.22(3), FLORIDA STATUTES. YOU WAIVE YOUR RIGHT TO JUDICIAL REVIEW IF THE NOTICE OF APPEAL IS NOT TIMELY FILED WITH THE AGENCY CLERK AND THE APPROPRIATE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL. MEDIATION UNDER SECTION 120.573, FLA. STAT., IS NOT AVAILABLE WITH RESPECT TO THE ISSUES RESOLVED BY THIS ORDER. Final Order No. DEO-11-0028 CERTIFICATE OF FILING AND SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the original of the foregoing has been filed with the undersigned Agency Clerk of the Department of Economic Development, and that true and correct copies have been furnished to the persons listed below in the manner described, on this JS Thay of November, 2011. Y ‘ Miriam Snipes, Agenéy Clerk DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY 107 East Madison Street, MSC 110 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4128 By U.S. Mail and Electronic Mail: Mr. Benjamin Gross, Esq. City of Daytona Beach 301 S. Ridgewood Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32114 grossb@codb.us By Hand Delivery: David L. Jordan, Assistant General Counsel Department of Economic Opportunity 107 East Madison Street, MSC 110 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4128 By Filing with DOAH: The Honorable J. Lawrence Johnston Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550

# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001478 Latest Update: Jul. 27, 1981

Findings Of Fact James R. Gray owns Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, Clearwater Beach Park, as recorded in Plat Book 10, p. 42, of the official Records of Pinellas County. These lots are located on Clearwater Beach in an area zoned CTF-28. For the past several years beach chairs, umbrellas and cabanas have been rented for use in the vicinity of these lots and a portable 4' x 8' building standing on these lots has been used to store the chairs, umbrellas and cabanas when not rented. Gray proposes to replace the 4' x 8' building with an 8' x 10' portable aluminum shed from which to operate the business of renting beach equipment and expand it to include the sale of suntan lotion, soft drinks, and related items. The business will be operated by Roy Pearl, a co-applicant with Gray in these proceedings. Gray and Pearl applied for a building permit to erect the portable shed and their application was rejected by the City of Clearwater Building Department on the basis that the proposed use of the property was not in conformity with the Building and Zoning Regulations and did not fit the special exceptions provided by Section 131.099 of the Zoning Regulations. The latter determination was made by the Clearwater Planning Department. Gray then submitted on a City of Clearwater form an Application-- Request for Special Exception to the Clearwater Board of Adjustment and Appeal on Zoning, which, as noted above, approved the application. The area in question comprises a private beach; and businesses in the vicinity consist of motels, hotels, apartments and restaurants. An 8-unit motel occupies part of the site involved. The location of the proposed portable aluminum shed is on Lots 12 and 13, approximately 150 feet seaward of the seawall which separates the beach from the business establishment seaward of Gulf View Boulevard. Approximately 150 feet south of this proposed location is a similar storage shed operated in conjunction with a sailboat rental business. Some of the hotels and motels on Clearwater Beach rent umbrellas, chairs and cabanas, some of which are stored when not in use in storage sheds located more than 100 feet from the main building. On the public beach the City of Clearwater operates a concession which provides the same services proposed by applicant. The chairs, umbrellas, and cabanas are utilized by guests of the motels and apartments located in the vicinity and by tourists who are using this area of the beach for sunbathing or swimming.

# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jan. 19, 1993 Number: 93-000331 Latest Update: Nov. 22, 1993

Findings Of Fact The subject property Petitioners, Michael and Janice Rush, are the owners of a single family residence located at 3032 North Atlantic Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida. Such residence lies seaward of the Broward County Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) and is therefore subject to the permitting jurisdiction of respondent, Department of Natural Resources (Department). Section 161.053, Florida Statutes. The first application In April 1991, Petitioners filed a permit application (Permit File No. BO-267) with the Department for permission to renovate their home and construct a swimming pool. That application was found to be incomplete, and by letter of April 17, 1991, the Department notified petitioners of the information required to complete their application. Following receipt and review of the requested information, the Department, by letter of July 26, 1991, advised petitioners that, as proposed, their application to construct a pool and renovate the home would have to be denied. Pertinent to the proposed pool, such letter observed that a portion of the pool would be located seaward of the 30-year erosion projection which is prohibited 1/, the general construction line of major structures would be advanced further seaward, adverse impacts to the beach/dune system during a major storm event could be expected, and cumulative adverse impacts could be expected. Thereafter, by letter of August 14, 1991, the Department was advised that petitioners were submitting new house plans for the subject property, and that the request for leave to construct the pool had been removed from their application. 2/ On December 23, 1991, the Department issued a final order in Permit File No. BO-267 which authorized the petitioners to remodel their home. Such final order observed: . . . The direct and cumulative impacts to the beach and dune system that will be caused by both the seaward location and shore- parallel width of the proposed construction represent the maximum such impacts that are acceptable to the Department. Therefore, future construction on the site seaward of the coastal construction control line shall not extend further seaward of, or increase the shore- parallel coverage occupied by, the proposed structures approved pursuant to this permit. The pool, which petitioners had initially proposed to construct seaward of the home, but subsequently deleted from their plans, constituted a major structure, albeit nonhabitable. Rule 16B-33.002(54)(b), Florida Administrative Code. Petitioners were expressly advised by the Department of their right to request an administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, to contest the provisions of the final order. No such contest was filed. 3/ The pending application On February 20, 1992, petitioners filed a new application (Permit File NO. BO-289) with the Department for permission to construct the swimming pool on their property. As proposed, the pool would be located in the beach-dune system seaward of petitioners' home, as well as seaward of an existing retaining wall on the petitioners' property. The pool would measure 16.0' x 35.7' externally, be constructed of reinforced gunite, and be supported by ten piles. The alignment of the pool would be in the shore parallel direction, rather than the shore normal direction as proposed in the prior application, thereby placing the pool landward of the 30-year erosion projection. By letter of March 8, 1992, the Department advised petitioners that their application was incomplete, and requested additional information. Petitioners submitted the final information necessary to complete their application on July 21, 1992. By letter dated October 7, 1992, received by petitioners' representative on October 13, 1992, the Department issued a public notice as follows: The referenced application for a permit pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, has been placed on the agenda of the head of the Department of Natural Resources (Governor and Cabinet). The application will be reviewed by the Cabinet Aides in the Cabinet Meeting Room on the lower level of the Capitol, at 9:00 a.m., October 14, 1992. The application will then be heard by the Governor and Cabinet in Room LL03 of the Capitol, at 9:00 a.m., October 20, 1992. You may attend these meetings if you desire. The recommendation [for denial] shown on the enclosed agenda item has been made to the head of the Department by the Executive Director. This represents an agency determination. . . . The notice, consistent with the provisions of Rule 16B-33.012(8), Florida Administrative Code, further advised that any substantially affected person had the right to request a formal hearing, pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, within 21 days of receipt of the notice, and that "If the decision of the Governor and Cabinet is different from the staff recommendation as noticed . . ., then the applicant or any substantially affected person shall have 21 days from the date of the Governor and Cabinet's announcement of their decision in which to petition the agency for a hearing." The basis for the Department's denial of petitioners' application to construct the swimming pool was stated as follows: The proposed swimming pool is not consistent with Rule 16B-33.005(1), Florida Administrative Code, because it has not been clearly justified by the applicant and less impactive alternatives are available. For example a similar structure could be sited in a less impactive location landward of the single-family dwelling on the southwest corner of the property. The proposed swimming pool is not designed and located pursuant to Rule 16B- 33.005(2)(a), Florida Administrative Code, for the protection of the beach/dune system in that the structure is to be sited on the seaward slope of the frontal dune and results in excavation remaining as a permanent feature below natural or existing grade. The proposed swimming pool is not designed and located pursuant to Rule 16B- 33.005(2)(c), Florida Administrative Code, for the protection of adjacent properties, because the rigid pile foundation and slabs will cause localized scour and erosion which may affect adjacent properties. The proposed swimming pool is inconsistent with Paragraph 161.053(5)(b), Florida Statutes, because the structure would extend closer to the line of mean high water than a reasonably continuous and uniform construction line in the immediate contiguous or adjacent area. The proposed swimming pool is inconsistent with Rule 16B-33.007(1), Florida Administrative Code, because the structure is not located a sufficient distance landward of the beach/dune system to permit natural shore line fluctuations and to preserve dune stability and natural recovery following storm-induced erosion. The proposed swimming pool is not designed pursuant to Rule 16B-33.007(2), Florida Administrative Code, to minimize adverse impact to the beach/dune system, because the rigid pile foundation and slabs will increase localized scour and erosion within this area as it interacts with storm waves and surge resulting in a significant adverse impact to the beach/dune system. * * * 8. The proposed project is not designed pursuant to Rule 16B-33.005(7), Florida Administrative Code, because a number of similar structures sited at the same relative location on the seaward face of the dune will result in significant cumulative impact which will threaten the beach/dune system or its recovery potential following a major storm event. The Department, therefore, may not authorize the construction of the pool. On October 13, 1992, petitioners requested that their application be removed from the agenda, and be rescheduled for "a later date to be determined." The rationale for petitioners' request was to afford "an opportunity for the permittee and staff to meet in Tallahassee in early to mid November and reach a design for a pool which can be recommended favorably by staff." By letter of October 14, 1992, the Department granted petitioners' request and the item was removed from the agenda for the Governor and Cabinet meeting of October 20, 1992. Such letter further provided that although the Department was willing to meet with petitioners to discuss the staff concerns about their application, that it "must caution you . . . that at this time I do not anticipate that a swimming pool, as you requested, can be satisfactory [sic] located seaward of your home." Petitioners and the Department were unable to resolve their dispute. Accordingly, petitioners filed a petition on November 2, 1992, to contest the proposed denial of their application. By letter of November 13, 1992, the Department advised petitioners that their request for formal administrative hearing was inadequate, but accorded them 14 days from receipt of such letter to submit an appropriate request. Petitioners timely submitted an appropriate request for hearing on November 30, 1992, and the matter was thereafter referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings for the assignment of a Hearing Officer to conduct a formal hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. 4/ The merits of the pending application As heretofore noted in the findings of fact, the Department enunciated seven reasons to support its denial of petitioner's application. The first basis for denial was the Department's assertion that the proposed swimming pool was not consistent with Rule 16B-33.005(1), Florida Administrative Code, "because it has not been clearly justified by the applicant and less impactive alternatives are available." In this regard, it is observed that Rule 16B-33.005(1), Florida Administrative Code, provides: . . . Establishment of a coastal construction control line . . . does not preclude all development of or alteration of coastal property seaward of such lines. However, activities seaward of a coastal construction control line . . . shall be limited and the necessity of such development, construction or alteration shall be stated and clearly justified by the applicant. (Emphasis supplied) The aforesaid rule does not further explain what is contemplated by the requirement that the applicant clearly justify the "necessity" of the proposed development; however, the plain and ordinary meaning of the word can be ascertained by reference to a dictionary. 5/ In this regard, "necessity" is defined to mean "something that cannot be done without." Websters New Twentieth Century Dictionary. It is also defined as "something needed for the existence, effectiveness, or success of something (a requirement)," and "the state or fact of being required or unavoidable." The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Here, the proof fails to demonstrate any "necessity" to construct the swimming pool since it fails to credibly support the conclusion that such construction is required for the effective or reasonable use of petitioners' property or that such construction is essential for the well-being of its occupants.6/ To the contrary, the petitioners' decision to construct the pool is merely a matter of personal preference or convenience. Moreover, the proof fails to demonstrate any "necessity" to construct a pool of the size and configuration proposed (16' x 35.7' with a maximum depth of 8') or of the materials selected (reinforced gunite supported by piles). Indeed, a pool of a different configuration or size could be located elsewhere on the property and the pool could be constructed on a base slab foundation or of vinyl to alleviate the adverse effects of its current design, discussed infra. 7/ As further reasons for denial, the Department concluded that construction of the swimming pool was not consistent with Rule 16B-33.005(2)(a), Florida Administrative Code, "for the protection of the beach/dune system in that the structure is to be sited on the seaward slope of the frontal dune and results in excavation remaining as a permanent feature below natural or existing grade"; Rule 16B-33.005(2)(c), Florida Administrative Code, "for the protection of adjacent properties, because the rigid pile foundation and slabs will cause localized scour and erosion which may affect adjacent properties"; Rule 16B- 33.007(1), Florida Administrative Code, "because the structure is not located a sufficient distance landward of the beach/dune system to permit natural shoreline fluctuations and to preserve dune stability and natural recovery following storm-induced erosion"; and Rule 16B-33.007(2), Florida Administrative Code, "to minimize adverse impact to the beach/dune system, because the rigid pile foundation and slabs will increase localized scour and erosion within this area as it interacts with storm waves and surge resulting in a significant adverse impact to the beach/dune system." Pertinent to the aforesaid reasons for denial, Rule 16B-33.005(2), Florida Administrative Code, the "Department Policy Statement on Permits," provides: Seaward of the coastal construction control line . . ., special siting, structural and other design considerations are required: (a) for the protection of the beach-dune system; * * * (c) for the protection of adjacent properties. And, Rule 16B-33.007, Florida Administrative Code, the "Structural and Other Requirements Necessary for Permit Approval," provides: The proposed structure or other activity shall be located a sufficient distance landward of the beach-dune system to permit natural shoreline fluctuations and to preserve the dune stability and natural recovery following storm induced erosion . . . . All structures shall be designed so as to minimize any expected adverse impact on the beach-dune system or adjacent properties and structures and shall be designed consistent with Section 16B-33.005, Florida Administrative Code. Relevant to such rules, the proof demonstrates that the frontal dune on the subject property appears to have been leveled at an elevation of approximately +12.0 feet NGVD, and petitioners' home is located on top of the crest of the frontal dune. The seaward slope of the frontal dune begins at the seaward face of the house and slopes down to the beach. Approximately 12 feet seaward of the house is an existing retaining wall. The proposed pool will be sited immediately seaward of such wall and therefore on the seaward slope of the frontal dune. The proposed pool is a pile supported concrete swimming pool with exterior dimensions of 16.0' shore-normal by 35.7' shore-parallel, and a maximum depth of 8.0'. The foundation is specified to be auger-cast piles, which will penetrate to an elevation of -23.0' NGVD or 3' embedment where a rock layer is encountered. The elevation of the pool is proposed at +13.0' NGVD, with a bottom elevation of +4.0' NGVD. As designed and sited, construction of the pool would destabilize the dune, hinder its function of protecting upland development during a storm event, and adversely affect natural shoreline fluctuation and recovery following storm induced erosion. In this regard, the proof demonstrates that the location of the pool seaward of the existing retaining wall would interrupt the natural continuity of dune formation because sand would accumulate seaward of the pool in a less stable location and would impede the accumulation of sand on adjacent properties. Construction of the pool, as designed and sited, would also induce scour during the course of a storm event impacting the structure. Such storm- induced scour, in addition to erosion, would cause the loss of additional sand at the vicinity of the structure, robbing the beach-dune system of additional sand necessary to protect upland structures, and would also contribute to the potential failure of the structure itself and other upland structures. In this regard, the proof demonstrates that approximately 1,000 cubic yards of sand would be lost on petitioners' section of the beach in the event of a 10-year storm. Additionally, structure-induced scour of 77.5 cubic yards from the ten piles, 120.4 cubic yards from the pool shell, and 15.8 cubic yards from the "end effects" of the pool (the amount of structure-induced scour from the ends of the structure) might reasonably be anticipated in the event of a 10-year storm. If the pool were to be impacted by a higher frequency storm, such as a 20-year or a 100-year storm, scour and erosion would increase. 8/ As an additional basis for denial, the Department concluded that construction of the pool was not consistent with Section 161.053(5)(b), Florida Statutes, "because the structure would extend closer to the line of mean high water than a reasonably continuous and uniform construction line in the immediate contiguous or adjacent area." Here, the proof supports the Department's conclusion. As its final basis for denial, the Department concluded that construction of the pool was not consistent with Rule 16B-33.005(7), Florida Administrative Code, "because a number of similar structures sited at the same relative location on the seaward face of the dune will result in significant cumulative impact which will threaten the beach/dune system or its recovery potential following a major storm event." Pertinent to the aforesaid basis for denial, Rule 16B-33.005(7), Florida Administrative Code, provides: An individual structure or activity may not have an adverse impact on the beach or dune system at a specific site; however, a number of similar structures or activities along the coast may have a significant cumulative impact resulting in the general degradation of the beach or dune system along that segment of shoreline. The Department may not authorize any construction or activity whose cumulative impact will threaten the beach or dune system or its recovery potential following a major storm event . . . . Here, petitioners' project is expected to have significant adverse impacts to the beach-dune system as a consequence of its design and siting. Accordingly, the provisions of Rule 16B-33.005(7), Florida Administrative Code, are not relevant. Moreover, there was no proof concerning any similar structures along the coast, existing or proposed, that would contribute to or intensify the degradation of the beach-dune system occasioned by the proposed project. Accordingly, it cannot be concluded that cumulative impact is a relevant issue in these proceedings. While cumulative impact is not relevant to the pending application, the other reasons advanced by the Department for denial of the application have, as heretofore found, a rational basis in fact. Under such circumstances, petitioners have failed to demonstrate their entitlement to the subject permit.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be rendered denying petitioners' application to construct seaward of the CCCL. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 22nd day of November 1993. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of November 1993.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.60120.62161.052161.053
# 7
IN RE: ROBERT SKIDMORE, III vs *, 14-001912EC (2014)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Punta Gorda, Florida Apr. 23, 2014 Number: 14-001912EC Latest Update: Apr. 27, 2015

The Issue Did Respondent, Robert Skidmore, III, violate section 112.313(6), Florida Statutes (2011),1/ by using his position as county commissioner to ask a county staff member to approve a zoning application for Beach Road Boutique? Did Mr. Skidmore violate section 112.313(6) by asking a county employee to look for and selectively enforce code violations against J.J.'s Restaurant?

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following Findings of Fact are made: At all times relevant to this proceeding, Mr. Skidmore was a Charlotte County commissioner. Beach Road Boutique Zoning Scott and Jill Hemmes, constituents of Mr. Skidmore, owned a business known as Beach Road Boutique in Charlotte County. They sought to obtain a state alcoholic beverage sales license. In order to obtain a license, the applicant must demonstrate local zoning approval. Charlotte County Commission employees enforce and apply zoning regulations in the county. Erin Mullen-Travis is the licensing manager for Charlotte County Planning and Development. During 2011, she was the code compliance and licensing manager. Ms. Mullen-Travis has worked for Charlotte County over 26 years. One of Ms. Mullen-Travis's duties as code compliance and licensing manager was the review and approval of the zoning requirements on applications of establishments wanting alcoholic beverage licenses. Ms. Mullen-Travis first denied the zoning application of Beach Road Boutique on February 17, 2011. Mr. and Ms. Hemmes sought Mr. Skidmore's assistance getting approval for their zoning application. Mr. Skidmore called Ms. Mullen-Travis about the application. Mr. Skidmore told Ms. Mullen-Travis that he had some nice people in his office and that he needed help getting zoning approval for them. In her 26 years of employment with Charlotte County, Mr. Skidmore was the only county commissioner who had ever directly sought her assistance with constituent matters. Other commissioners had always gone through the chain-of-command. He identified the applicant, and Ms. Mullen-Travis explained why the zoning had not been approved. Ms. Mullen-Travis felt intimidated by Mr. Skidmore. Mr. Skidmore, however, did not threaten Ms. Mullen-Travis or explicitly offer any reward available to him because of his position as county commissioner. He did, however, implicitly offer a reward, if she helped the Hemmes. It is common knowledge in Charlotte County that Ms. Mullen-Travis is a NASCAR fan. Among other things, she drives a car with Dale Earnhardt and NASCAR badges and decals. During the call, Mr. Skidmore asked Ms. Mullen-Travis about her affinity for NASCAR. He also offered to get her an autographed photo of Rusty Wallace (a NASCAR driver) and tickets to a race. He told her that he had gone to school with Rusty Wallace's son. This is true. And Ms. Mullen-Travis could not have known it without Mr. Skidmore telling her. Given the context, Ms. Mullen-Travis accurately considered that the tickets and photo were offered in exchange for her approval of the application to the benefit of the Hemmes. Also, the call was made in Mr. Skidmore's official capacity. Charlotte County has a Home Rule Charter (Charter). Section 2.3(A)(1) of the Charter makes the county administrator responsible for all administrative matters and operations. Section 2.3(C)(1) states: "Except for purposes of inquiry and information, the members of the board of county commissioners shall not interfere with the performance of the duties of any employee of the county who is under the direct or indirect supervision of the county administration." Also, the long-established practice was for commissioners to only contact agency directors. Mr. Skidmore's call to Ms. Mullen-Travis was contrary to the Charlotte County Charter and the practice under it. Therefore, it was not an authorized act pursuant to his duties or authorities as a county commissioner. Mr. Skidmore and Ms. Mullen-Travis were the only participants in the call. He denies the conversation. Ms. Mullen-Travis's account is more credible. This is based upon her contemporaneous communications about the call, the common recollection of all witnesses of a NASCAR component to the conversation, the fact that she could not otherwise have known Mr. Skidmore went to school with Rusty Wallace's son, the relative personal interests of the witnesses in the outcome of the proceeding, and the demeanor of the witnesses, particularly of Mr. Skidmore's. Shonna Jenkins worked as a contractor licensing investigator for Charlotte County for a little over seven years. She held that position in 2011 and reported to Ms. Mullen-Travis. Mr. Skidmore had obtained Ms. Jenkins cell phone number. He had a practice of calling her directly to check on contractor licensing matters. He also contacted Ms. Jenkins to ask her to approve the Beach Road Boutique zoning application. J.J.'s Restaurant After a meeting held on March 3, 2011, Mr. Skidmore flagged Ms. Jenkins down in the parking lot. He asked her to "do him a favor," and "go shut them [J.J.'s Restaurant] down. I want them out of this f**ing town." Mr. Skidmore wanted Ms. Jenkins to find code violations for J.J.'s Restaurant. Mr. Skidmore said that he would make sure that Ms. Jenkins got a pay raise or a pay grade increase for this. Either the ex-boyfriend or ex-husband of Mr. Skidmore's wife and father of her child had an interest in J.J.'s Restaurant. There was conflict between the two families. Mr. Skidmore had also requested the Charlotte County director of Growth Management, Jeff Ruggieri, to take code enforcement actions against J.J.'s Restaurant. Ms. Jenkins was intimidated and feared her job with the county was in jeopardy if she did not do as Mr. Skidmore asked. Ms. Jenkins reported the conversation to Ms. Mullen-Travis and Joanna Colburn, a licensing investigator, immediately afterwards. Ms. Jenkins was visibly upset and shocked. She also contemporaneously documented the incident. Ms. Jenkins is and has been frank about her dislike for Mr. Skidmore. This hostility, as well as the mental and emotional difficulties Ms. Jenkins suffered as a result of her employment and dealings with Mr. Skidmore, does not undermine her testimony. In light of the witnesses' demeanor and corroborating evidence, her testimony is credible. In addition, although evidence established Ms. Jenkins was taking several medications, the record does not indicate that the medications in any way affect a person's memory or veracity. Mr. Skidmore's requests to Ms. Jenkins and Mr. Ruggieri to act against J.J.'s Restaurant were in violation of the Charlotte County Charter and, therefore, not authorized acts pursuant to his duties or responsibilities as a county commissioner.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order and public report be entered finding that Respondent, Robert Skidmore, III, twice violated section 112.313(6) and that he be fined $5,000 for each violation for a total of $10,000, together with public censure and reprimand. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of February, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of February, 2015.

Florida Laws (9) 104.31112.312112.313112.322112.3241120.569120.57120.68775.083
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-001216 Latest Update: Sep. 03, 1986

The Issue Whether 1800 Atlantic Developers is entitled to a DER fill permit and water quality certification for the creation of a sand beach, approximately 500' long X 100' wide, requiring placement of 2,620 cubic yards of fill, 2,200 yards of which would be waterward of mean highwater (MHW), off Key West, Florida.

Findings Of Fact The Proposal By its initial application in April 1985, 1800 Atlantic proposed to place 4,100 cubic yards of fill (manufactured sand) along approximately 460 feet of eroded shoreline facing the Atlantic Ocean and fronting its 168-unit condominium (still under construction) in Key West, Florida. In connection with this project, 1800 Atlantic also proposed a 200 foot jetty at the east property line; a second and smaller jetty (if needed) at the west property line; a 400 foot long (10' high and 20' wide) fishing pier on the western property line; and a 50 x 50 foot art display platform seaward of the new beach. Approximately one and one-half acres would be filled of which 0.9 acres would be below the MHW line. The "proposed use" for the new beach was designated "private multi- dwelling." By affidavit Atlantic 1800 certified that it was record owner, lessee, or easement holder of the project site. 1/ (Atl.Exh.1) On May 7, 1985, 1800 Atlantic revised its application by submitting a new plan view to Teryl Kranzer, DER's field biologist. The modification tapered the beach fill into the shoreline toward the western property line and reduced the size of the westernmost jetty. (Atl.Exh.4) On May 10, 1985, DER sent a "Completeness Summary" to 1800 Atlantic, asking for additional information to complete the application. (DER Exh.5) On June 18, 1985, 1800 Atlantic responded to DER's Completeness Summary by submitting the additional requested information to Douglas L. Fry, Environmental Supervisor of DER's South Florida District. Revised drawings were submitted eliminating the east jetty from the project. The volume of beach fill material was indicated as 2620 cubic yards--420 above MHW, and 2200 below MHW. (Atl.Exh.5) On July 1, 1985, DER sent another Completeness Summary to 1800 At1antic seeking still more information to make the application complete. (DER Exh.6) t 20, 1985, 1800 Atlantic supplied the additional information and modified its proposal by eliminating the art display platforms the fishing pier and the west jetty. The beach fill was also modified by tapering the fill from the corner of the existing seawall at the east property line into the existing shoreline on the west property line. Total beach fill volume was shown as 2700 cubic yards--300 above MHW and 2200 below. The proposed dry beach extended 70 feet seaward (the June 18, 1985 submittal showed an 80 foot wide beach) and the toe of the fill extended 100 feet seaward of the MHW line. In response to DER's inquiry about public access, Edward Swakon, 1800 Atlantic's consulting engineer, stated: will be no provision made to assure perpetual public access to the project area. As we previously stated, the applicant has no intentions of prohibiting public access, however, you should be aware that the appli- cant is the owner of the submerged land and that no guaranteed public access is assured. (Atl.Exh.7) Mr. Swakon, on behalf of 1800 Atlantic, then addressed each of the permitting criteria of Section 403.918(2)(a), Florida Statutes (1985), though contending that they did not apply to the project: project will not affect the public health, safety, welfare or the property of others. On the contrary, as a result of this project the tax base of the City of Key West will be improved and therefore benefit the residents of the community. The beach fill will provide an added degree of protection to the upland development, thereby reducing the potential claims to the Federal Flood Insur- ance Program. In addition, the project provides a beach for 168 residents of the upland development and their many guests. This reduces the impact on the already over crowded public beaches in Key West. project will not adversely effect the conservation of fish and wildlife within the immediate vicinity. The area to be filled is devoid of significant vegetation. It is our opinion that the placement of this fill would result in an imperceptible impact to the marine resources. There are no endan- gered or threatened species or habitats located within the area to be filled. project will not adversely effect navigation, the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling. On the contrary, the placement of this material will improve the overall shoreline conditions. The filling will not cause any erosion or shoaling in the vicinity. the fill area is barren, it is our opinion that this project will have no impact on fishing, recreational values and/or marine productivity in the vicinity of the project. project will be permanent in nature will be no impact to historic or archeological resources. Id. t 26, 1986, DER received the August 20, 1986 submittal of 1800 Atlantic and the application became complete. r 5, 1985, the District Manager of DER's South Florida District in Fort Myers noticed his intent to deny the permit application. According to Douglas Fry, DER's supervisor of the District's dredge and fill section, the denial was based on information that he had received: I expected that the project would degrade both general water quality standards as established in the intent, including turbidity, biological integrity, transparency, other things noted as well as degradation of fish and wildlife standards as encompassed in part of the public interest requirements; I felt that the project would be contrary to the public interest. (Tr.546) the months that followed, 1800 Atlantic pursued the matter with various DER personnel, including Mr. Fry; Ms. Kranzer, the District biologist who performed the initial biological and water quality appraisal for the project; Steven J. Fox, Director of the Division of Environmental permitting, and William Hennessey, Deputy Director, both located in Tallahassee and supervisors of district permitting operations 2/ and Kenneth L. Echternacht, a DER hydrographic engineer in Tallahassee. Negotiations ensued, various modifications were proposed. Ms. Kranzer, the DER field biologist who had conducted the initial environmental evaluation in May 1985, and had recommended denial in September 1985, never submitted a new report evaluating the subsequent modifications, although she did discuss changes with other DER staff members. At the time she evaluated the project, it had already been modified once--cubic yardage had been reduced; the fishing pier, art platform and both jetties had been eliminated. t of negotiations between DER and 1800 Atlantic, DER reversed its initial position and, on March 27, 1986, gave notice of its intent to issue a permit for the revised project. The proposed permit incorporated changes agreed to by 1800 Atlantic. These changes required that the waterward 1/3 of the fill volume consist of coarse sand or sand aggregate no finer than 2mm in diameter; that approximately 10 percent of the sand range in size from 2mm to 6mm in diameter; and that 1800 Atlantic conduct a seagrass monitoring program for the duration of the permit. These changes were meant to resolve DER's concern that the fill material might migrate seaward and smother offshore seagrass beds. The area below the MHW line to be covered by the fill (approximately 1/2 acre) remained the same as indicated in the last drawings submitted by 1800 Atlantic on August 20, 1985. (Atl.Exh.7) l 1985, the City (of Key West) and the Coalition (Florida Keys Citizens Coalition) timely requested an administrative hearing to challenge proposed issuance of the permit. R had announced its intention to grant the permit, Mr. Fry, DER's District environmental dredge and fill supervisor continue to have concerns about the project: . . . I did not believe that the project still was clearly in a public interest, and that I did not see that the project had been modified enough to eliminate the destruction of aquatic habitat. I was concerned that the project did not encompass any mitigation to offset those, that damage. I was concerned that we had not received reasonable assurances that the project was clearly in the public interest. I was concerned that we had not received reasonable assurances that the beach fill would stay in place, thereby contributing to future degradation, and I had experienced some concerns regarding cumulative impact. (Tr.547) These concerns prompted representatives of DER and 1800 Atlantic to meet in Tallahassee on Friday, June 20, 1986. This was three working days prior to final hearing. Neither the City nor the Coalition were aware off or invited to, the meeting. s meeting, DER and 1800 Atlantic agreed to certain additional project modifications. One addition required construction of a small terminal jetty or groin on the western end of the project to stabilize the fill and replace rocky habitat to be covered by the fill. The specifications for this groin were not subsequently calculated or submitted at hearing. 1800 Atlantic proposes to "field engineer" the groin within these parameters: It would be designed to contain the fill or it would be designed in the field when the material was in place and would be designed with specifications that the rocks really didn't come any higher than the fill itself and would be adjusted so as to allow for some movement of sediment back and forth between it so as to minimize any down drift concerns that might exist. (Tr.121) l hearing, DER and 1800 Atlantic reduced this addition to writing as one of several proposed conditions to the DER permit. These conditions, ostensibly providing precision and specificity to the project changes described at hearing, were received over objection as part of DER's post-hearing Exhibit No. 7. The particular condition describing the groin-type structure to be built at the west end of the beach fill provides in pertinent part: Prior to construction of the beach fill, the permittee shall submit approximately dimen- sioned sketches of the structure, for review, modification as necessary, and approval by [DER]. (DER Exh.7) DER and 1800 Atlantic thus propose that specifications and drawings for this coastal structure be submitted, reviewed, and approved sometime in the future, after the requested permit is issued. The need for specifications is acknowledged, yet submittal and review is put off until after a permit is issued. Hence, detailed specifications for the structure remain unknown or ill- defined; scrutiny of those specifications by the City and Coalition is threatened; APA 3/ processes are frustrated. e which DER and 1800 Atlantic agreed to at the Friday meeting was to taper the toe of the fill on the western one-half of the fill area to more closely match the contour of the existing shoreline. 1800 Atlantic's engineer sketched this change, free-hand, while testifying at final hearing. Hence, it also remains ill-defined and uncertain. Like the groin, this change was reduced to writing and received as part of DSR post-hearing Exhibit No. 7. And like the groin, before construction but after the permit is issued, 1800 Atlantic is to submit a "fully dimensioned and scaled plan view of the revised beach fill limits for review, modifications as necessary, and approval" by DER. (DER Exh.7) The procedural shortcomings of such a procedure have already been noted. e which DER and 1800 Atlantic agreed to at the Friday meeting concerned off-site mitigation. As explained at final hearing, 1800 Atlantic would purchase an upland site equal in size to the area to be covered by the proposed fill and excavate it to tidal or subtidal elevations. (The upland mitigation site could be located as far as Big Pine Key (35 miles away) or elsewhere in the Florida Keys.) If this mitigation measure could not be accomplished prior to placement of the fill, a bond to assure its performance would be posted with DER. But this mitigation measure, when later reduced to writing and received as post-hearing DER Exhibit No. 7, became something quite different. The post-hearing exhibit specified that the upland mitigation site would be at least twice the size of (not equal in size to) the proposed one-half acre fill project. Moreover, the mitigation site was to be inspected and approved by DER prior to placement of the fill. If the mitigation site was not approved prior to filling, a bond (of unknown amount) would be posted to assure purchase and the excavation. With this condition, as with those already mentioned, critical features were left to future review and approval by DER, and so placed beyond the scrutiny of the other parties to this proceeding. The specific nature and location of this mitigation site is not known; neither is the amount of the bond to be posted if filling precedes mitigation. Whether the mitigation will, in fact, offset any loss of plant, fish, and wildlife habitat eliminated by the proposed fill is, likewise, unknown. Finally, the written condition, to the extent it doubles the size of the mitigation site presented at final hearing, is rejected as an unauthorized attempt to present new and additional evidence after the close of evidentiary presentation. (DER Exh.7) s other on-site mitigation measures were agreed to at the Friday meeting. As explained at hearing, algae-covered rocks within the fill area would be moved to a non- vegetated part of the submerged land; a Halodule grass bed within the fill area would be relocated waterward of the fill area; the toe of the proposed fill would be staked prior to construction; and fill placement would occur only during periods of low tide. When later reduced to writing as a post-hearing exhibit, these conditions generally conformed to their description at final hearing. Effect of Fill Project on Fishing or Recreational Values; Navigation; Marine Productivity; and Conservation of Fish and Wildlife t site is located on the southern shoreline of Key West on a narrow strip of beach known as Rest Beach, which includes a 2900 foot shoreline between Bertha Street to the east and White Street Pier to the west. The pier, a 950-foot long solid fill structure, is located 2400 feet west of the project site. Directly west of White Street Pier is another public beach (1400 feet long) known as Higgs Beach. With the exception of the submerged lands at the project site, to which 1800 Atlantic asserts titled all of the submerged lands adjacent to Rest Beach are publicly owned. (Atl.Exh.2-I; DER Exh.4) s at the project site are part of the navigable open waters of Hawk Channel and the Straits of Florida (Atlantic Ocean), designated by DER as Class III waters. On May 8, 1985, the waters in the area of the project (within the boundaries of the Florida Keys Special Waters), were also designated (by rule) as "Outstanding Florida Waters"--thereby imposing DER's most stringent level of protection from degradation of water quality loss of fish and wildlife habitat, and reduction in marine productivity. (Rule 17-3.041(4)(i); DER Exh.4) t site is bordered on the east by Bertha Street, which ends at a seawall facing the ocean. South Roosevelt Boulevard begins at the end of Bertha Street and parallels the shoreline east of the site. A public boat ramp is located on South Roosevelt Boulevard just east of Bertha Street. Just east of the ramp is a long curving jetty or groin at the southern end of a 3350-foot long public beach known as Smathers Beach. This public beach is within a few hundred feet of the project site. (Atl.Exh.6; DER Exh.4) o the west of the project site is an undeveloped parcel of land consisting largely of mangroves separated from the ocean by a sandy berm. Although the berm has been overwashed and tidal connections have opened in the past, no tidal connection was apparent at the time of final hearing. In some places the berm may have been artificially altered west of this undeveloped wetland site. Other residential condominiums are located on uplands to the west. d directly landward to the project site is a 168-unit, four story L-shaped condominium owned and developed by 1800 Atlantic. Recreational facilities, such as a swimming pool and club house, overlook the ocean. A third wing of the condominium (parallel to and abutting Bertha Street) was still under construction in July, 1985. s not the first time a permit has been sought to create or restore a beach at the site. In 1979, the trusteeship of Eugene J. Weiss, a 1800 Atlantic's predecessor in title, applied to DER for a similar "beach restoration" permit. He proposed to place (between groins to be constructed at opposite ends of the property) 1750 cubic yards of sand waterward of MHW and 2500 cubic yards landward. The approximate area to be filled was .59 acres waterward of MHW, .80 acres landward. Curtis Kruer then an environmental specialist with DER, performed a biological and water quality appraisal of the project and recommended denial because the fill would bury vegetated benthic communities that provide habitat and nutrients to marine organisms which, in turn, become a food source for a large number of juvenile fish and shellfish. He also was concerned about the short and long-term cumulative biological effects of a number of such projects on the shoreline of Key West. In April 1982, Eugene Weiss withdrew the application. (Coalition Exh. 3) s at the project site are shallows as the bottom slopes gently seaward. At mid-tide, depths of 1.5 feet are found 100 feet seaward of the MHW line. At low tide, the entire fill area is exposed. Even at high tide, water depths in the fill area range from zero (at MHW line) to approximately two feet at the toe of the fill. Because of the shallow depths, the fill project will have no significant adverse effect on navigation. (DER Exh.4; Atl.Exh.5) f stacked but unstabilized railroad ties separates the upland area (where the condominium and associated structures are located) from the beach slope. The narrow, graveled beach slope contains a mix of sand, rock, rubble and beach plants. Several distinct zones of seawrack are found on the beach slope: Thalassia at the lower portion of the beach face and Sargassum at the base. (Atl.Exh.15, 16) t 100 feet seaward of the MHW line, which includes all of the fill area, consists of small rubble embedded with calcareous sediments. The rubble consists of chunks of limestone rock and pieces of concrete less than two feet in size. Scattered among the rubble is anthropogenic debris such as bottles, asphalt and cast iron pipe. (Tr.130) f the limestone rock and rubble found on the submerged project site are residential lag from a fill at the site prior to or during the early 1960s. The boundaries and extent of the prior fill have not been established. It appears, however, to have consisted of a mix of carbonate particles ranging from silt and clay to the rocks, rubble and coarse sand now found on the project site. The fill material on site is what remains from the earlier artificial fill. e rock and rubble in the littoral zone provide attachment sites for various green, brown, and red algae such as Laurencia, Caulerpa, Cymopolia, Digenia, Batoptiora, Padina, Halimeda, Neomeris and Congia. These algal species play a positive role in the marine environment. The near shore contains a coarse sandy-shell substrate. (DER Exh.4; Atl.Exh.16) f seagrasses grow on, and immediately seaward of, the fill site. These include Cuban shoalweed (Halodule wrightii) and turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum). Some patches of seagrass are found as close as 30 feet from the MHW line. 4/ Approximately 95 feet seaward, cuban shoalweed becomes dominant; turtle grass coverage increases as one travels seaward from the site. Some cuban shoalweed patches are dense and healthy, with blades sometimes two feet in length. There is a patch of cuban shoalweed on the eastern portion of the project site. Although 1800 Atlantic has agreed to dig-up and transplant this seagrass to unvegetated portions of its property seaward of the toe of fill, the success of such a transplanting is not assured. Unvegetated bottoms can usually be explained by environmental factors. (DER Exh.4; Atl.Exh.16) s communities play a beneficial role in the marine environment. They provide habitat, feeding, and nursery areas for aquatic organisms. They supply primary nutrients as well as perform nutrient uptake and removal functions. The proposed fill would adversely impact the seagrass communities on the site--by smothering or burying any seagrasses not successfully transplanted. Moreover, the site, once converted to sandy beach for the use of owners and guests of the adjacent condominiums, could no longer support seagrass communities. r shore zone of seagrass and algal communities, adversely impacted by the proposed fill, constitutes a productive shallow water habitat that supports a variety of juvenile fish and crustaceans. These include hares, banded tulip shells, nerites, xanthid crabs, blue crabs, lizard fish, barracuda, parrotfish, killifish, needlefish, grey snapper, sergeant major, tomtates, hermit crabs, shore crabs and blue crabs. c macrofaunal species and diverse species of crustaceans live in the sediment of the in-shore rocky algae and seagrass communities. These species include Scyphoproctus, Notomastus hemipodus, Capitella capitata, Pulliella, Capitomastus, Capitellidae, Chaetozone, Tharvz annulosus, Caulleriella, Carilleriella bioculate, Glyceridae papillosa, Axiothella, Ceratonereis, Nereis Succinea, Nereis Rava, Nereis caudata, Onuphis magna, Protoariciinae, Proscoloplos, Cirrophorus lyriformis, Hasmineira elegans, Jasmineira bilobata, Fabricia, Augeneriella, Faebicola, Minuspio, Prionospio heterobranchia, Prionospio steenstrupi, Nerinides goodbody, Brania clavata, Exogone dispar, Exogone naidina, Odontosyllis, Sphaerosyllis labyrindiophia, Streptosyillis, Typosyllis hyalina, Typosyllis regulata, Typosyllis alternata, Typosyllis prolifera, Langerhansia cornuta, Langerhansia ferrugina, Syllida bansei, Terebella turgidula, Streblosoma hartmanae, Streblosoma abranachiata, Streblosoma, Pista palmata, Arca, Chjione caniculater, Tellina iris, Melita dintata, Elasmopus, Melito, Melita nitida, Rudilembordes, Dexamine, and Erichsonella filiformis. (Coalition Exh. 6) g at the site took place as recently as June 1986. Three petite ponar samples were taken in seagrass beds 150-160 feet seaward of the shoreline; three were taken in the rubble zone just seaward of the toe of the proposed fill; and two were taken in seagrass beds off nearby Smathers Beach. As measured by the Shannon Weaver Species Diversity Index, the level of species diversity in the rock rubble just seaward of the toe of fill was 2.19; in the seagrass beds farther offshore, 4.71; and in the seagrass beds off Smathers Beach, 4.76. A diversity of 4 is in the upper range of food habitat. Although diverse species of benthic organisms are found on the site, the level of diversity is substantially less than the high levels found in the thicker seagrass immediately seaward of the project site. (Atl.Exh.16) t Beach area (including the project site), provides a valuable habitat for migratory birds, wading birds, and shore birds. It is one of the last major stretches of uninterrupted shallow water bird habitat in Key West. Ms. Francis Hamer, a local resident and bird watcher for over 40 years, visits the area regularly. One of her favorite vantage points is on White Street Pier; from there, using a telescope, she observes birds feeding and wading along the Rest Beach shoreline. Although most of the birds she sees gather at the western end of Rest Beach, she has seen sandpipers, including the least sandpiper, twelve species of herons, including the yellow crowned night heron and the blue heron in the vicinity of the project site. When asked where would one go to see Sandpipers if the Rest Beach habitat was eliminated she replied, "I don't know of any other place in Key West." (Tr.645) Ms. Kranzer, the DER biologist, and Mr. Kruer, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' biologist, have visited the site many times over the years and observed numerous wading and shore birds in the area. Ms. Kranzer photographed eight herons in the fill area at one time. 5/ Mr. Kruer has observed the little blue heron, the great egret, the cattle egret, the white ibis and the laughing gull, numerous shore birds. The proposed fill would adversely impact this valuable feeding ground for birds. The shallow algae and rubble zone, which supports the crabs and marine organisms which nourish bird life, would be replaced with beach sand. It is also likely that increased recreational use of the beach would drive off bird life. e many natural areas typical to the Florida Keys which, as DER and 1800 Atlantic contend, are more valuable than the project site in biological productivity, and as nursery and feeding grounds for fish, marine life, and wildlife. Nevertheless, this fact does not negate the substantial benefits which the site now provides to juvenile fish, crustacenas, benthic marine organisms, and bird life. l placement of the fill will have no impact on mobile organisms able to retreat to safer waters. Benthic and other organisms on the site which are relatively immobile would be destroyed by the fill. The number killed would be a relatively small fraction of the total of such organisms along the Key West shoreline, and their loss--alone--would not affect the marine environment to an extent which is quantifiable. Effects of the Proposed Fill on Water Quality Standards; Public Health, Safety or Welfare; Significant Historical and Archeological Resources; Endangered Species or their Habitats d project will not adversely affect public healthy safety, or welfare; significant historical and archeological resources; or endangered species or their habitats. (Neither the City nor the Coalition presented any affirmative evidence establishing adverse effect.) l the project degrade or cause violations of DER water quality standards for Outstanding Florida Waters. See Rules 17-3.051, 17-3.061, and 17- 3.121, Fla.Admin.Code. Turbidity will be minimal, since filling would take place at low tide and turbidity curtains will be used. The loss of algae at the site would not cause significant degradation of water quality. (Algae covered rocks would be moved outside the fill area.) c contends that water quality would actually be enhanced by the proposed fill. The seagrasses seaward of the site have beneficial effects on water quality, but their sediment beds are shallow. 1800 Atlantic contends that the finer particles of its fill material, dispersed by waves, would provide needed sediment to the offshore seagrass beds. This ostensible benefit is problematic. The study performed to support this contention did not sufficiently investigate or explain how seagrass beds beyond the reach of nearby beaches (and their sediment) could flourish. Dense and healthy seagrass offshore has not been shown to be endangered due to shallow sediment. It is clearly less than certain that just the right amount (too much would smother, too little would have no effect) of just the right kind of fill (only the fines are needed, not the large or coarser particles) would be delivered to offshore seagrass by natural forces. Impacts on Erosion, Shoaling and Sand Migration h and shoreline at the project site are relatively stable and in equilibrium; no greater erosion is occurring than at other unfortified shorelines in the Key West area. The coarse material and rubble that line the bottom of the site act as a "natural seawall" or armor which prevents or slows down erosion. (Tr.249) Removal of the existing rubble, as proposed, would eliminate this "natural armor." (Tr.260) e in the vicinity at the site faces south to south- southeast. This exposure is relatively windward with respect to winter storms. Gentle prevailing east to southeast winds, however, produce low-energy waves that approach the shore and generate longshore currents moving east to west. (Atl.Exh. 15) f a shallow limestone ridge offshore the Atlantic shoreline in Key West, waves reaching the shore are ordinarily well-dampened. Although subject to storm and hurricane attack by high energy waves, the southern shoreline is characterized as "low-energy." (Atl.Exh.15) vicinity of the project site on the southern shoreline, there is no natural onshore supply of sediments to beaches from offshore. The beaches at Smathers Beach and at the project site (which have been narrowed by erosion over the last 25 years) are artificial, composed of limestone fragments derived from quarries. The fill was placed at both beaches sometime prior to 1962. s have undergone gradual erosion. Fine sand and silt from the beach material is carried seaward, with no natural offshore sediment to replace it. The proposed fill will provide, at least temporarily, an added degree of protection to the upland development by widening existing upland between the condominium and the sea. It will not, however, prevent continued erosion. Over time, it too, will be dispersed by wave action and longshore drift to shorelines to the west. The fill would also temporarily stabilize the public sidewalk and street to the east of the site, currently being undermined. Protection of the public sidewalk and boat ramp from erosion, however, is part of public road maintenance duties. c has neither alleged nor shown that its upland condominium, still under construction, is endangered by erosion or high-energy wave action. Nor has it shown that there are no reasonable methods of supplying an "added degree of protection" to the upland development, methods not requiring elimination of productive habitat for fish, marine life, and wildlife. s net east-to-west longshore transport of sediment along the southern shoreline of Key West. Two groins at Smathers Beach (to the east) and the nearby public boat ramp have, to some extent, interrupted the normal longshore sand transport from the east. As a result, the effects of erosion are more pronounced on the eastern portion of the site, causing a shoreline "discontinuity." Although the proposed fill would partially eliminate this discontinuity, it has not been shown that the discontinuity is a serious problem. While it may trap floating debris, this was not a significant problem in July 1985, when Ms. Krenzer, the DER biologist, inspected the site. Moreover, the proposed groin near the west property line (to stabilize the fill material) would--in itself--add a new shore discontinuity, and may cause more discontinuity to the west if it interrupts the normal longshore movement of sand. (DER Exh.4) s finer than 200 microns tend to move in suspension, while grains finer than 40 microns cause turbidity. Grains coarser than 200 microns tend to move along the sea bottom when sufficient wave or current energy is present. Analysis of onshore and offshore sediment indicates that not much material coarser than 200 microns is moving offshore into seagrass beds seaward of the project site. Most of the material larger than 200 microns found in the seagrass beds is being produced there naturally. d that the proposed fill would migrate seaward and smother offshore seagrasses, seeks a condition (to which 1800 Atlantic has agreed) requiring that the seaward one-third of the fill volume consist of coarse sand no finer than two millimeters in diameter. The evidence is insufficient, however, to eliminate the possibility that constant wave action could gradually pulverize the coarse limestone into smaller particles that, when dispersed, could smother seagrass beds directly offshore and southwest of the site. 0 Atlantic has selected fill material with settling characteristics compatible with the existing beach material on site, placement should not cause an increase in turbidity. Although 1800 Atlantic posits that just enough of the fine sediments would migrate seaward to nourish grassbeds, leaving the coarse material to migrate westward by longshore drift, these results are not assured. Winter storms and high energy waves could remove and disperse even coarse material seaward or pulverize it into smaller particles for wider dispersion. Dispersion of the coarser sand to the west by longshore drift could result in shoaling which would block periodic tidal connections which occur between the sea and the mangrove covered wetlands. n structure toward the west boundary--designed to stabilize and hold the fill material in place--may contribute to erosion to the west by interrupting natural longshore transport. The wisdom of such an artificial structure ("field designed" on-site), which may interrupt the natural longshore transport of beach sands, is doubtful. Even 1800 Atlantic's own experts criticize it. y 1982, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed a "Feasibility Report for Beach Erosion Control" with an accompanying Environmental Impact Statement. This report proposed a beach restoration program on the southern shore of Key West consisting of construction of a level beach berm, four feet above MHW and 100 feet wide along the 3,000 foot length of Smathers Beach; and a beach 25 feet wide along 2,370 feet of shoreline east and 3,400 feet west of Smathers Beach. 1800 Atlantic's proposed fill falls within the boundaries of this proposed beach restoration program. y is the local sponsor of the beach erosion control project described in the Feasibility Report. As late as August 1985, the Mayor of the City sent a letter to DER's dredge and fill supervisor confirming the City's continued support for the overall beach renourishment project. Although 1800 Atlantic suggests otherwise, the City's support of a comprehensive publicly financed beach restoration project along its southern shores (which presumably would assure public access to the restored beaches) is not necessarily inconsistent with its opposition to a relatively small fill project undertaken primarily for the private benefit of the owners, guests, and tenants of an adjacent condominium. h 1981, the Governor of Florida expressed written support for the Corps of Engineers' beach restoration project, but recommended that, in order to protect the marine environment, "any future beach renourishment be done in an environmentally sensitive manner. (Atl.Exh.19) The Governor's endorsement of the public beach restoration program does not, however, equate to his endorsement of the particular and more limited private beach project at issue. Even if it did, a gubernatorial expression of support cannot supplant DER's duty to exercise its regulatory authority in accordance with Chapter 403, Florida Statutes (1985). h fill project proposed by 1800 Atlantic was designed to be consistent with the overall U.S. Army Corps of Engineers beach restoration project described in the Feasibility Report. It should be noted, however, that the Corps project was criticized by federal environmental agencies for adverse impact on seagrass beds and fish and wildlife resources. (Atl. Exh.19, Appendix 3.) c has already received a coastal construction permit for its proposed project from the Florida Department of Natural Resources ("DNR"). This permit, however, was issued by another state agency exercising regulatory authority under a different statute, with different criteria for issuance. Cumulative Impact e no similar applications for beach fill projects in the Lower Keys pending before DER, although inquiries have been made by a nearby landowner. least the last two years, DER has not issued a permit in the Keys for a fill project similar to the one proposed by 1800 Atlantic. l may be placed on submerged lands (not previously conveyed to private ownership) without the consent of the Governor and Cabinet, sitting as the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund--the owner of sovereignty lands. The Trustees have not approved an application to place beach fill on sovereignty lands in the Florida Keys for the last three years. Nor are there any pending applications for approval to do so. (As already noted, except for the project site, all remaining submerged lands in the Rest Beach area are publicly owned.) h serves as the staff for and makes recommendations to the Trustees, has a general policy of opposing the creation of unnatural beaches in the Keys on publicly owned submerged lands. As stated by Casey Fitzgerald, Chief of DNR's Bureau of State Lands Management: [Mr. Fitzgerald] A. So in a general sense, our recommendations would typically be negative, unless shown for some public interest purpose that it should be otherwise. Q. By that latter comment, do you mean, in connection with, for example, an overall publicly sponsored beach restoration project? A. That would be one example, yes. (e.s.) (Atl.Exh.20; p.8) Whether the Proposed Fill Would be Clearly in the Public Interest y for a DER permit, 1800 Atlantic must provide "reasonable assurance that the project will be clearly in the public interest." Section 403.918(2), Fla.Stat. (1985). In deciding whether a project is "clearly in the public interest," several statutory criteria must be considered and balanced. The issue though broadly phrased--is fundamentally a factual one, and must be decided on a case-by-case basis. 6/ Section 403.918(2)(a) Fla.Stat. (1985). d in light of the seven statutory criteria, it must be concluded that the applicant has failed to show that the proposed fill would be "clearly in the public interest." t should not cause violations of water quality standards or significantly degrade state waiters. Neither should it adversely affect (1) the public health, safety, or welfare, or the property of others; (2) endangered or threatened species, or their habitats; (3) navigation or the flow of water; or (4) significant historical material and archaeological resources. Nevertheless, the project will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, fishing or recreational values, and marine productivity in the vicinity. The site, which would be permanently covered with beach sand, now provides viable intertidal marine habitat and a feeding ground for migratory, shore and wading birds. It supports numerous species of juvenile fish and crustaceans, a diverse benthic and algae community, and patches of seagrass which benefit water quality and enhance the ecology of the marine environment. This shallow water habitat, gently sloping to the sea from an extended unfortified shoreline, is a diminishing resource in Key West. The existence of other submerged areas which are more biologically productive and support an even greater diversity of marine life do not diminish the positive value of the undisturbed project site to the marine environment. r adverse environmental impacts could occur. The proposed groin could cause increased erosion on property to the west by interrupting longshore sand drift. Shoaling could block tidal connections which periodically occur in the adjacent mangrove wetlands. Fill sands, pulverized and dispersed seaward by hurricanes or violent winter storms, could smother offshore seagrasses. y for the fill project has been shown. Though erosion has occurred over the last 25 years, the shoreline is stable, in equilibrium, and protected by a "natural armor" of coarse material and lag rubble. 1800 Atlantic has neither alleged nor asserted that the structural integrity of its upland condominium (still under construction) is threatened. The proposed fill would widen the upland between the condominium and the sea, providing an added degree of protection. While this benefits the upland structures, it is a benefit which would seemingly result whenever a fill project converts submerged land (seaward of a structure) to dry upland. Further, no necessity for an expanded private beach has been shown since there is a convenient 3000 foot public beach within a few hundred feet of the site. n measures proposed by 1800 Atlantic are insufficient to offset the known and potential adverse effects. These measures are vague, ill- defined, and uncertain. The design of the groin is left to "field engineering;" the adequacy of other mitigation measures is left to future review and decision by DER. The specific location and nature of the upland mitigation site (to be converted to submerged lands) is unknown, as is the amount of the bond to be posted if the beach fill project precedes mitigation. n expanded beach would provide recreational benefits to the owners, guests and tenants of the upland condominium, it has not been shown that similar benefits would inure to the general public. 1800 Atlantic does not guarantee that the public will have access to the beach. (It asserts only that any right of access which the public may have will not be infringed.) 1800 Atlantic's affidavit of ownership, which must be taken as true, asserts ownership of the submerged lands presumable by previous conveyance from the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. It is entirely possible that 1800 Atlantic, as owner of the submerged lands and upland beach, could deny access to the general public. 1800 Atlantic has not shown that the general public has any existing right to enter upon and use the submerged lands and existing beach. By promising no greater access right than the public now has, and by failing to show that the public has any existing right to enter and use the submerged lands and shoreline, 1800 Atlantic has failed to demonstrate that its beach project would provide recreational opportunities to the general public. c benefit asserted by 1800 Atlantic is that the fill would eliminate an existing shoreline discontinuity, a discontinuity that has not been shown to be a significant problem. 1800 Atlantic would replace it with a new discontinuity created by a proposed groin at the west end of the property--a groin with uncertain effects on the shoreline to the west. Another claimed benefit is that needed sediment--of the correct quality and quantity--would be contributed to offshore seagrasses; but whether this would actually occur is uncertain. c also points out that its privately funded beach restoration project is consistent with and falls within the boundaries of a proposed public beach restoration project proposed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, supported by the Governor, and sponsored by the City. Any public benefit to be derived from this consistency is also doubtful. It was not shown that the Corps of Engineer's project involving Smathers Beach and Rest Beach has been finally approved and funded, or when (if at all) it would take place. Federal environmental agencies have pointed out the adverse environmental effects of such a project. A main benefit of the Corps project--expanded beach recreational opportunities for the general public--has not been shown to be a benefit which would result from 1800 Atlantic's fill project. , 1800 Atlantic has not affirmatively shown that, on balance, its proposed fill would be clearly in the public interest. The fill would have significant adverse environmental impacts--some certain, others possible. Measures offered to mitigate these impacts are vague, ill-defined, and inadequate. While benefits would inure to private upland owners, guests, and tenants, benefits to the general public are illusive or inconsequential. No necessity for the project has been shown, alternate methods of providing additional protection to the condominium may be available. A Corps of Engineers' beach restoration project for the entire area has been proposed and studied. While such a project would have adverse environmental effects at the 1800 Atlantic site, increased beach recreational opportunities would benefit the general public. 1800 Atlantic has not shown that its beach project would confer a like benefit.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: that the application for a fill permit and water quality certification filed by 1800 Atlantic be DENIED, based on failure to provide reasonable assurances that the project is clearly in the public interest. DONE and ORDERED this 3rd day of September, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of September, 1986.

Florida Laws (6) 120.52120.57120.68267.061380.06403.087
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ROBERT W. DODT vs. DNR & NANNETTE K. SCOGGINS, 84-003997 (1984)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-003997 Latest Update: Sep. 11, 1985

Findings Of Fact Nannette K. Scoggins is the owner of the real property located at 5622 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, Florida in Manatee County. Nannette K. Scoggins' property, the petitioner's property, 5624 Gulf Drive, and the other adjacent property, 5620 Gulf Drive, are zoned as "A-1 Hotel-Motel" under the City of Holmes Beach Zoning Ordinance. On November 13, 1983, Mrs. Scoggins submitted to DNR an application for a permit for construction seaward of the coastal construction control line (control line). The proposed project, known as Jansea Place, would consist of two multifamily dwellings, four units to a building, divided by a swimming pool. A portion of the most seaward building would extend a maximum of 57 feet seaward of the control line. By letter dated July 11, 1984, DNR notified petitioner that the department was considering the permit application. The petitioner responded by letter dated July 18, 1984, objecting to any construction seaward of the control line. On October 1, 1984, petitioner received notification that DNR intended to recommend approval of the permit. The permit was scheduled for a vote by the Governor and Cabinet on October 16, 1984. The staff of DNR recommended approval of the permit. By telegram dated October 15, 1984, the petitioner requested an administrative hearing, and on October 22, 1984, petitioner filed a petition for a formal administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The application for permit No. ME-89 is a complete application for permit to construct seaward of the coastal construction control line. On October 5, 1983, the Superintendent of Public Works of the City of Holmes Beach certified that this project does not violate any ordinance of the City of Holmes Beach. The plans for the proposed project are signed and sealed by an architect registered in the State of Florida, and the submitted plans comply with the design standards established in Rule 16B-33.07, Florida Administrative Code to resist adequately the natural forces associated with a 100-year return interval storm event. The plans, specifications, drawings and other information submitted to DNR with the application for permit to construct seaward of the coastal construction control line are complete and accurate, and meet the requirements of DNR for that purpose. Under the provisions of Rule 16B-33, Florida Administrative Code, the application was determined to be complete on August 6, 1984. The proposed construction is located landward of an existing vertical concrete bulkhead. The seawall was built jointly by the Scoggins and Mr. McLean, who owns the property immediately to the south of the Scoggins' property. The seawall was built after the hurricane of 1972 because the existing dune system had been destroyed. Since that time, the mean high water line has continued to encroach landward to the point where it is now east of the wall. However, the seawall is not necessary for the protection of the proposed building. Although the seawall would fail under the direct impact of a major hurricane, the proposed building is adequately designed to withstand the impact erosion, the wave loads, the winds, and the water forces associated with a major hurricane. The necessity and justification for the project's location in relation to the control line is stated in the application, and petitioner has not challenged the necessity or justification. The City of Holmes Beach Zoning Ordinance requires that the buildings be separated by a minimum of 30 feet. Since the proposed buildings are separated by 30 feet, the proposed seaward building is located as far landward as possible without violating the zoning ordinance. Erosion and structural damage occurred as a result of Hurricane Agnes in 1972 and the "No Name" storm in 1982 in the area between 1,000 feet south of the Scoggins' property and 500 feet north of the Scoggins' property. Although the beach was fairly stable from 1974 to 1979, the beach began to erode in 1980. When the seawall was built in 1974, the dune line was even with the seawall. However, as can be seen from a comparison of the photographs taken in June of 1979 with those taken in early 1985, the beach has eroded since June of 1979 and the dune line is now several feet landward of the seawall. The DNR recommendation for approval of the Scoggin's permit application was based upon historical erosion data for the period between 1940 and 1974, which was the most recent data available that could be used to review the project. Mr. Clark stated that the application was recommended for approval based on the design of the proposed building and its alignment with existing structures built seaward of the control line. The proposed project is located landward of a line of existing structures. Although the adjacent properties have been affected by erosion, there was no evidence presented to show that the existing structures located seaward of the control line have been unduly affected by erosion. In 1974, when the seawall was being constructed, the worker building the seawall dug up part of the petitioner's property and destroyed the sea oats he had planted. However, the proposed project has a driveway encircling the building which would provide vehicular access to the seawall if necessary. The proposed project will partially obstruct petitioner's view to the southwest. However, there was no evidence presented that petitioner's property or the other adjacent property, would be adversely affected in any other way by the proposed project. There was no evidence presented that the proposed project would be affected by, or have an effect on, beach or coastal erosion. The proposed project would have no effect on the beach dune system.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is recommended that DNR issue Permit Number ME-89 to Nannette K. Scoggins. DONE and ENTERED this 28th day of June, 1985, in Tallahassee Leon County Florida. DIANE A. GRUBBS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of June, 1985.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57161.0536.04
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