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ADRIAN RICO vs DILLARD'S, 17-001550 (2017)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Mar. 14, 2017 Number: 17-001550 Latest Update: Apr. 12, 2018

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent, Higbee Company, d/b/a Dillard’s (“Dillard’s”), discriminated against Petitioner based upon his national origin or disability, in violation of section 760.10, Florida Statutes (2016).2/

Findings Of Fact Dillard’s is an employer as that term is defined in section 760.02(7). Dillard’s is a department store chain. Petitioner, a Mexican male, was hired as a sales associate in the men’s department of Dillard’s store at Tallahassee’s Governor’s Square Mall on May 13, 2014. Petitioner’s job was to sell men’s fragrances directly to customers at the store. Allen Gustason was manager of the Dillard’s store at Governor’s Square Mall during the time Petitioner was employed there. Dee Thomas was the assistant store manager. Mark Kronenberger, who testified at the final hearing, was the men’s department sales manager and was Petitioner’s direct supervisor during the entire time that Petitioner worked at Dillard’s. Petitioner started at a salary of $12.00 per hour as a sales associate. His job performance and pay increases were assessed primarily on the basis of sales. On January 6, 2015, Petitioner received a raise to $12.60 per hour. On April 14, 2015, Petitioner was promoted to the position of fragrance specialist and received a raise to $14.50 per hour. Petitioner’s promotion did not change his basic duties, i.e., direct sales to customers. Petitioner’s employment at Dillard’s ended on November 28, 2015. Dillard’s did not dispute Petitioner’s testimony that he was a good and effective salesperson. Petitioner developed a regular clientele of Spanish-speaking customers who liked his ability to communicate with them in their native language. At the time of his hiring, Petitioner received, read, and agreed to abide by Dillard’s Associate Work Rules and General Policies, which among other things forbade insubordination by sales associates. “Insubordination” was defined to include failure to follow lawful instructions from a supervisor and engaging in contemptuous or taunting conduct that undermines the authority of management. As noted in the Preliminary Statement above, Petitioner claims that he is a Mexican male with a disability. The claimed disability is the human immunodeficiency virus (“HIV”). Dillard’s did not dispute that Petitioner has HIV. Petitioner claims that he was harassed by fellow employees because of his Mexican national origin. Petitioner claims that he complained to his supervisors, Mr. Kronenberger and Mr. Gustason, about the harassment. Petitioner claims that no effective action was taken to curb the harassment. Petitioner described a pervasive sense of discrimination at Dillard’s of which he became conscious only after about a year of working there. He testified that he is from California and had no real concept of being discriminated against because of his Mexican heritage. It took some time for him to realize and acknowledge to himself that it was happening. However, Petitioner was unable to describe many specific instances of discriminatory behavior by fellow employees. People were “mean,” or “picked on me,” or “didn’t like me,” but few of Petitioner’s complaints pointed toward racial discrimination as opposed to personal dislike. He complained that co-workers planned parties and get-togethers away from work but never asked him along, even for Mr. Kronenberger’s birthday party, but could only speculate as to the reason for his exclusion. Petitioner testified that he was an aggressive and successful salesperson. While its salespeople are assigned to specific departments, Dillard’s allows them to cross-sell in other departments. Several of the incidents described by Petitioner began when he took customers to other departments to sell them something. The undersigned infers that at least some of the bad feelings toward Petitioner were due to his perceived “poaching” of sales from other sections of the store. Petitioner testified that an employee named Carol would yell at him, apparently without provocation, so consistently that he went out of his way to avoid crossing her path. Petitioner stated that one day Carol screamed that he was good-for-nothing and was a “damn Mexican,” in front of customers and co-workers. Petitioner testified that he had no idea why she did this because he had done nothing to provoke her. He walked away, covering his ears from her abuse. Petitioner testified that he went upstairs and spoke to Mr. Gustason about the incident but that nothing was done. Petitioner stated that he returned to the sales floor. Other employees told him that Carol had worked for Dillard’s for many years and was a friend of Mr. Gustason and that he should not expect anything to be done about her behavior. Petitioner testified that an employee named Eric, who worked in the men’s department, made fun of his accent, particularly Petitioner’s difficulty in pronouncing “Saturday.” Petitioner testified that another fellow employee, a white woman named Amber who also worked in fragrance, was constantly rude and mean to him. In front of customers, Amber would say that she did not know why Petitioner was there, that he was only good for cleaning the counters. Petitioner repeatedly complained to Mr. Kronenberger about Amber. Mr. Kronenberger told him to continue doing a good job and not to focus on Amber. Petitioner stated that Mr. Kronenberger directed Amber to stay away from Petitioner’s counter, but she ignored the order and continued to harass him. Petitioner stated that matters came to a head when he was helping some female customers and went to Amber’s counter one day. He reached behind her to get the fragrance the customers wanted and Amber struck him with her elbow. The customers were aghast and complained to Dillard’s management despite Petitioner’s entreaties that they let the matter drop. Petitioner and Amber were called to the office to meet with Mr. Kronenberger and Yami Yao, the manager of women’s cosmetics. Amber denied everything. The supervisors told Petitioner and Amber to get along. They told Amber to stay away from Petitioner’s counter. Petitioner testified that Amber ignored the instruction and continued to harass him. Petitioner testified that on another day he was approached by a customer who wanted to pay Petitioner for a pair of shoes. Petitioner testified that he asked Mr. Kronenberger about it, because he did not want to steal a sale or anger anyone. Mr. Kronenberger told him that he was there to sell and that cross-selling was fine. As Petitioner was completing the sale, an older white man working in the shoe department threw a shoe at Petitioner and said, “You damn Mexican, I’m going to raise hell against you.” Petitioner testified about an altercation with Risa Autrey, a fragrance model who worked in Dillard’s and who Petitioner stated was another longtime friend of Mr. Gustason. One day, Ms. Autrey approached Petitioner--again, with zero provocation, according to Petitioner--and began berating him, saying that she had no idea why Dillard’s kept Petitioner around. This occurred in front of co-workers and customers. The customers went upstairs and complained to Mr. Gustason, who followed up by admonishing Petitioner to stop telling people to complain to him because nothing was going to come of it. Petitioner testified that a day or so after the incident with Ms. Autrey, he met with Mr. Gustason and Mr. Thomas.4/ During the course of this meeting, Petitioner disclosed his HIV status. Petitioner testified that Mr. Gustason’s attitude towards him changed immediately, and that Mr. Gustason had him fired two weeks later on a pretextual charge of stealing and insubordination. Petitioner testified that he got sick a few days before Black Friday, which in 2015 was on November 27. When he returned to work on November 25, he attempted to give Mr. Gustason a doctor’s note that would have entitled Petitioner to paid leave, but Mr. Gustason would not talk to him. Petitioner worked a long shift on Black Friday. On Saturday, November 28, 2015, he was called to Mr. Thomas’s office about an altercation he had on November 25 with Ms. Yao, the woman’s cosmetics manager. Mr. Kronenberger was also in the office. Petitioner testified that Mr. Thomas accused him of stealing, as well as insubordination to Ms. Yao, and fired him. Two mall security officers, the Dillard’s security officer, and Mr. Kronenberger escorted Petitioner out of the store. Petitioner testified that he was given no paperwork to memorialize his firing or the reasons therefor. Mr. Kronenberger testified at the final hearing. He testified that Petitioner constantly complained about someone not liking him or picking on him. Petitioner never gave him specifics as to what happened. Mr. Kronenberger stated that Petitioner never complained about racial slurs or that any of his alleged mistreatment had a discriminatory element. It was always, “This person doesn’t like me.” Petitioner had issues with tardiness and absenteeism throughout his employment with Dillard’s. Mr. Kronenberger testified that there would be days when Petitioner simply would not show up for work, or would send a text message to Mr. Kronenberger saying that he had things to do or someone he had to meet. Employment records submitted by Dillard’s supported the contention that Petitioner was frequently late for, or absent from, work. Mr. Kronenberger testified that Petitioner was erratic in his communications. Petitioner would send a text message saying he could not come in. Then he would send a text telling Mr. Kronenberger how happy he was to have the job. Mr. Kronenberger recalled once receiving a text from Petitioner at midnight that read, “I know I’ve been bad.” In November 2015, Petitioner had six unexcused absences, including four consecutive days from November 21 through 24. Mr. Kronenberger testified that Petitioner finally admitted that he needed to cut his hours in order to qualify for some form of public assistance. Mr. Gustason told Petitioner that something could be worked out to cut his hours, but that just not showing up for work was unfair to Mr. Kronenberger and the other employees. Mr. Kronenberger testified that Dillard’s would normally terminate an employee with six unexcused absences in one month under the heading of job abandonment. He stated that Mr. Gustason bent over backward to work with Petitioner and keep him on the job. When Petitioner was absent, Mr. Gustason would leave messages for him, asking him to call and let him know what was going on. During the string of November absences, Mr. Kronenberger phoned Petitioner, who said that he was afraid to come into work for fear that Mr. Gustason would fire him. Mr. Kronenberger assured Petitioner that Mr. Gustason had no such intent, but that in any event no one would have to fire him because he had not been to work in a week. Petitioner was effectively “firing himself” by abandoning his position. Petitioner showed up for work on November 25, 2015, at 4:50 p.m. He had been scheduled to come in at 9:45 a.m. Mr. Kronenberger testified that he was not present for Petitioner’s altercation with Ms. Yao, but that Ms. Yao reported she had attempted to counsel Petitioner about gifts with purchases. The promotional gifts were to be given away only with the purchase of certain items, but Petitioner was apparently disregarding that restriction and giving the gifts with non-qualifying purchases. Ms. Yao told Mr. Kronenberger that Petitioner quickly escalated the counseling into a shouting match in front of customers and co-workers. He yelled, “You’re not going to talk to me that way.” Ms. Yao told Petitioner that she worked in another department and did not have to deal with his antics. She told him that she was going to report the matter to Mr. Kronenberger and Mr. Thomas.5/ Mr. Kronenberger testified that his conversation with Ms. Yao was brief because there was no need to give many particulars. He was used to getting reports of employee run-ins with Petitioner and did not need much explanation to get the gist of what had happened. Mr. Kronenberger decided not to raise the issue with Petitioner on Black Friday, the busiest day of the year at the store. On the next day, November 28, Petitioner was called into the office to meet with Mr. Kronenberger and Mr. Thomas. Mr. Kronenberger testified that this meeting was not just about the incident with Ms. Yao but also Petitioner’s absences. In Mr. Kronenberger’s words, “[I]t was to follow up with the incident with Yami, and it was to follow up with, ‘Hey, you’ve just missed a week, you’ve been back a day, and you’re having this blow-up with a manager on the floor.’ Like, ‘What’s going on?’” Mr. Kronenberger testified that neither he nor Mr. Thomas went into this meeting with any intention of terminating Petitioner’s employment. However, two minutes into the conversation, Petitioner was on his feet, pointing fingers, and shouting that he knew what they were trying to do and he was not going to let them do it. He was quitting. Petitioner walked out of the office. Mr. Thomas asked Mr. Kronenberger to walk Petitioner out of the store so that there would be no incidents on the floor with the other employees. Mr. Kronenberger accompanied Petitioner to the fragrance area, where Petitioner retrieved some personal items, then walked him to the door. They shook hands and Petitioner left the store. Mr. Kronenberger was firm in his testimony that no security personnel were involved in removing Petitioner from the store. Petitioner was not accused of stealing. His parting with Mr. Kronenberger was as cordial as it could have been under the circumstances.6/ After Petitioner left his office, Mr. Thomas prepared a “Separation Data Form” confirming Petitioner’s dismissal for “violation of company work rules.” The specific ground stated for Petitioner’s dismissal was violation of the Associate Work Rule forbidding insubordination. Mr. Kronenberger testified that in his mind the “insubordination” included not just the scene with Ms. Yao, but the explosion Petitioner had in the meeting with Mr. Thomas. At the time of Petitioner’s dismissal, Mr. Kronenberger was unaware of Petitioner’s HIV status. Mr. Kronenberger credibly testified that Petitioner’s HIV status had nothing to do with his dismissal from employment at Dillard’s. Mr. Gustason, who apparently was aware of Petitioner’s HIV status, was not at work on November 28, 2015, and was not involved in the events leading to Petitioner’s dismissal. Mr. Thomas, the assistant store manager, made the decision to treat Petitioner’s situation as a dismissal for cause.7/ Mr. Kronenberger’s testimony is credited regarding the circumstances of Petitioner’s dismissal and as to the general tenor of Petitioner’s employment at Dillard’s. Petitioner was constantly in the middle of conflicts, but never alleged until after his termination that these conflicts were due to his national origin or disability. Petitioner’s demeanor at the hearing was extremely emotional. He cried frequently and seemed baffled that Mr. Kronenberger was disputing his testimony. The undersigned finds that Petitioner’s version of events was genuine in the sense that it conveyed Petitioner’s subjective experience of his employment as he recollected it. However, the undersigned must also find that Petitioner’s subjective experience did not conform to objective reality. However, Petitioner internalized the experiences, it is not plausible that Dillard’s employees were yelling at Petitioner without provocation, hitting him, throwing shoes at him, and calling him a “damn Mexican” in front of customers. It is not plausible that Petitioner’s superiors would ignore such flagrant discriminatory behavior when it was brought to their attention. Petitioner’s feelings about the motives of his co-workers and superiors cannot substitute for tangible evidence of unlawful discrimination. Petitioner offered the testimony of two Dillard’s customers, neither of whom saw behavior from Petitioner’s co- workers that could be attributed to anything beyond personal dislike or sales poaching. Santiago Garcia testified that he noted other Dillard’s employees rolling their eyes at Petitioner, but he thought the reason might be that Petitioner talked too loud. Mr. Garcia also saw “bad looks” from other employees and believed that the atmosphere among Dillard’s employees was “tense,” but did not offer a reason for the tension. Claudia Pimentel testified, through a Spanish language interpreter, that she always went directly to Petitioner because she speaks only Spanish and Petitioner was able to help her. Ms. Pimentel noted that a female Dillard’s employee got mad at Petitioner because he sold Ms. Pimentel a cream from her counter. During the years 2015 and 2016, the Dillard’s store in Governor’s Square Mall terminated two other sales associates for insubordination. Neither of these sales associates was Mexican. One was a black female and the other was a black male. Neither of these sales associates had a known disability at the time of termination. Petitioner offered no credible evidence disputing the legitimate, non-discriminatory reason given by Dillard’s for his termination. Petitioner offered no credible evidence that Dillard’s stated reason for his termination was a pretext for discrimination based on Petitioner’s national origin or disability. Petitioner offered no credible evidence that Dillard’s discriminated against him because of his national origin or his disability in violation of section 760.10.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations issue a final order finding that Higbee Company, d/b/a Dillard’s, did not commit any unlawful employment practices, and dismissing the Petition for Relief filed in this case. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of October, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of October 2017.

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57120.68760.02760.10760.50
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Aug. 22, 1991 Number: 91-005274 Latest Update: Jul. 27, 1992

The Issue Whether Petitioner was the subject of an unlawful employment practice as defined in Chapter 760, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact On April 10, 1989, Petitioner, Mark Cleveland, a male, applied through Job Service of Florida, for employment as a telemarketer with Respondent, Sears Roebuck and Company at the Sears store located in Pensacola, Florida. Petitioner had several years of sales experience with at least six months of experience in telemarketing. He also had a good speaking voice as evidenced by the fact that he is currently employed as a disc jockey at a local radio station. Clearly, Respondent was qualified for the telemarketing position. The telemarketer position would enable Petitioner to earn approximately $85.00 a week or $365.50 a month. The telemarketing section at the Pensacola Sears store consisted of virtually all women with perhaps three or four rare male telemarketers. Petitioner had two separate interviews with two different Sears employees responsible for filling the telemarketing positions. During the Petitioner's interviews with the two Sears employees, Petitioner was repeatedly questioned on whether he could work with all women or mostly all women and be supervised by women. Petitioner assured his interviewers that he could since he grew up with six sisters and in general liked working with women. Petitioner left the interview with the information that he would be hired after another supervisor reviewed the applications and that he would be called once the supervisor's review was complete. After several days, Petitioner, being excited about what he thought was going to be his new job, called one of the two women who interviewed him. He was informed that the telemarketing positions had been filled. Later that same day Petitioner discovered that the positions had, in fact, not been filled and that he had been told an untruth. The telemarketing positions were eventually filled by women. Petitioner remained out of work for approximately four months before he was hired as a telemarketer by the Pensacola News Journal. A Notice of Assignment and Order was issued on August 27, 1991, giving the parties an opportunity to provide the undersigned with suggested dates and a suggested place for the formal hearing. The information was to be provided within ten days of the date of the Notice. This Notice was sent by United States mail to the Respondent at the address listed in the Petition for Relief. Respondent did not respond to the Notice. On October 10, 1991, a Notice of Hearing was issued setting the formal hearing for 11:00 a.m., September 11, 1990. The location of the hearing was listed in the Notice. The Notice of Hearing was sent by United States mail to the Respondent at the address listed in the Petition for Relief. Respondent's address and acknowledgment of this litigation was confirmed when Respondent filed its answer to the Petition for Relief with the Division of Administrative Hearings. Even though Respondent received adequate notice of the hearing in this matter, the Respondent did not appear at the place set for the formal hearing at the date and time specified on the Notice of Hearing. The Petitioner was present at the hearing. The Respondent did not request a continuance of the formal hearing or notify the undersigned that it would not be able to appear at the formal hearing. After waiting fifteen minutes for the Respondent to appear, the hearing was commenced. As a consequence of Respondent's failure to appear, no evidence rebutting Petitioner's facts were introduced into evidence at the hearing and specifically no evidence of a nondiscriminatory purpose was introduced at the hearing. 1/ Petitioner has established a prima facie case of discrimination based on his sex, given the fact that Sears tried to mislead him into believing the telemarketing positions had been filled when they had not, the positions were all eventually filled by women and Sears' clear concern over Petitioner's ability to work with women. Such facts lead to the reasonable inference that Sears was engaging in an unlawful employment practice based on Respondent being a male, a protected class, in order to preserve a female work force in telemarketing. Such discrimination based on sex is prohibited under Chapter 760, Florida Statutes, and Petitioner is entitled to relief from that discrimination.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that the Commission enter a final order finding Petitioner was the subject of an illegal employment practice and awarding Petitioner $1,462.00 in backpay plus reasonable costs of $100.95 and an attorney's fee of $2,550.00. RECOMMENDED this 30th day of March, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE CLEAVINGER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of April, 1992.

Florida Laws (3) 120.5757.111760.10
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Oct. 09, 2014 Number: 14-004694 Latest Update: Apr. 15, 2015

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent engaged in an unlawful employment practice by discriminating against Petitioner on the basis of handicap in violation of section 760.10, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a female, age 44 at the time of the final hearing, who was employed with Respondent between May 14, 2012, and July 1, 2013. Respondent is an active limited liability company established and doing business pursuant to Florida Law. Petitioner was hired by Respondent on May 14, 2012, as a Document Control Supervisor. Her duties consisted of managing documents for Respondent in connection with Respondent's subcontract for the T-4 Gate Replacement Project ("Project") at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood Airport. Petitioner was assigned to work in a trailer at or near the Project jobsite. She was Respondent's only employee working full-time at the Project jobsite. She was supervised by Wayne Messam, Angela Messam, and Dwayne Vaughn, all of whom worked primarily at other locations. As Document Control Supervisor, Petitioner performed a vital function for Respondent in performing its subcontract for the Project. The persuasive evidence establishes that she was well-qualified for, and proficient at, her job. Many feral cats frequented the area immediately outside the trailer at the Project jobsite. They were attracted to the area because persons working in and near the trailer fed them. As a result of the cats frequenting the area, fleas and animal dander were pervasive at the jobsite, including inside the trailer where Petitioner worked. At times, cat feces were tracked into the trailer. In May 2013, Petitioner reported to Dwayne Vaughn, Respondent's Project Controls Manager and Petitioner's direct supervisor, that she was being bitten by fleas in and around the trailer due to the feral cats frequenting the area. She asked Vaughn to contact the Broward County animal control service to remove the cats. On June 14, 2013, Petitioner suffered an asthma attack. She received medical care at the Broward Health Medical Center Emergency Department and was diagnosed as having acute asthma and allergic rhinitis. According to her treating physician, the asthma was precipitated or aggravated by cat dander and other conditions attributed to the presence of cats at the jobsite. She was prescribed, and took, medication. At a follow-up visit on June 17, 2013, Petitioner's primary care physician strongly advised her to avoid being around cats in the workplace environment. Petitioner continued to press Vaughn about contacting the local animal control service to remove the cats. At some point, some, but not all, of the cats were removed from the Project jobsite. However, some continued to frequent the area around the trailer and continued to be fed. Petitioner contacted Angela Messam to request instructions on filing a workers' compensation claim. Messam did not provide her the requested instructions, but instead directed her to go to U.S. HealthWorks, a medical treatment facility, located at 407 Southeast 24th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. On June 20, 2013, Petitioner sought medical care at U.S. HealthWorks. Messam met Petitioner there and authorized her medical treatment. The credible evidence establishes that Messam attempted to dissuade Petitioner from filing a workers' compensation claim. The credible, persuasive evidence also establishes that, despite Messam's representation to Petitioner and to her treating physician at U.S. HealthWorks that she would be re- assigned to work in a different location, Petitioner was instead directed to return to the Project jobsite. She was not re- assigned to work at an alternative location. On June 21, 2013, Respondent wrote Petitioner a letter detailing the measures that Respondent was undertaking to address the presence of cats and related unsanitary conditions at the jobsite, and accommodations that Respondent and the contractor, Turner Construction, would provide to Petitioner until conditions at the Project jobsite were addressed to the extent that Petitioner could return to work there without aggravating her asthma. The credible evidence showed that despite such representations, Respondent and Turner did not provide Petitioner the accommodations promised in the June 21, 2013, letter. The evidence establishes that Respondent did not implement any measures that would have allowed Petitioner to perform her job in another location. Thus, if Petitioner wanted to keep her job, she had to report to the Project jobsite. Petitioner continued to suffer debilitating asthma- related illness. Petitioner sought additional medical care for her asthma from her primary care physician on June 24, 2013, and from U.S. HealthWorks on June 26, 2013. Treating physicians at both facilities told Petitioner that she had asthma and warned her that working at a jobsite where cats were present would aggravate her asthma. The credible, persuasive evidence establishes that despite Petitioner's repeated entreaties, the Project jobsite conditions that precipitated or aggravated her asthma went unaddressed or were inadequately addressed by Respondent. On July 1, 2013, Petitioner reported to the Project jobsite. She observed cats and feeding dishes present outside the trailer. She told Vaughn that she was still having difficulty breathing and that her condition would not improve as long as cats were allowed to remain outside the trailer. Vaughn told Petitioner there was nothing more that Respondent could do about the remaining cats. At that point, Petitioner realized that Respondent was not going to address the circumstances that precipitated her asthma. Petitioner finished the high-priority matter on which she was working, then submitted her resignation, effective immediately. In her letter of resignation, Petitioner made very clear that the sole reason for her resignation was that the conditions that precipitated or aggravated her asthma——the presence of cats and attendant environmental conditions——had not been adequately addressed, so she was forced to leave her job in order to protect her health and safety. While employed with Respondent, Petitioner was paid an annual compensation of $56,160.00. Since resigning her job with Respondent on July 1, 2013, Petitioner has been unable to find employment. As a result, she was unable to pay rent so was evicted from her home, and her automobile was repossessed. Petitioner seeks an award of back pay in the amount of her annual salary pursuant to section 760.11(5). Angela Messam, appearing on behalf of Respondent, testified that Respondent did, in fact, take substantial measures to remove the cats from the Project jobsite, sprayed for pests, and cleaned up conditions at the site. Messam claimed that notwithstanding these measures, Petitioner continued to complain and that it seemed that Respondent could do nothing to satisfy her. Messam further testified that Petitioner was offered the accommodation of working at the corporate office but chose not to do so. The undersigned finds Messam's testimony on these points completely incredible and unpersuasive. To the contrary, Messam and other employees of Respondent were fully aware of the conditions that precipitated or aggravated Petitioner's asthma, failed to take adequate steps to remove those conditions from the Project jobsite, and failed to provide any reasonable accommodation to Petitioner by enabling her to work at an alternative location. At the final hearing, Respondent presented a Florida Department of Revenue Employer's Quarterly Report covering each quarterly reporting period commencing in June 2012 and ending December 31, 2013. Each report shows that Respondent employed fewer than 15 employees for the quarter covered by the report. These reports, supported by Messam's testimony, constitute competent substantial evidence showing that Respondent employed fewer than 15 employees for each working day in each of 20 or more calendar weeks in 2012, the calendar year preceding the alleged discrimination; and that Respondent employed fewer than 15 employees for each working day in each of the 52 calendar weeks in 2013, the year of the alleged discrimination. Petitioner did not present any competent substantial evidence to counter or rebut this evidence.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing Petitioner's Petition for Relief for lack of jurisdiction under chapter 760, Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of February, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CATHY M. SELLERS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of February, 2015.

USC (3) 42 U.S.C 1210242 U.S.C 1211142 U.S.C 200 Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.57120.68760.02760.10760.11
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Feb. 11, 2008 Number: 08-000693 Latest Update: Nov. 01, 2019

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent discriminated against Petitioner on the basis of her race, subjected Petitioner to a hostile work environment, or retaliated against Petitioner in violation of the Hillsborough County Human Rights Ordinance 00-37, Section 4(1)(a)(1).

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is an aggrieved person within the meaning of Hillsborough County Human Rights Ordinance 00-37, Section 16. Petitioner is an African-American female and filed a complaint with the Board alleging that Respondent engaged in race, color, and gender discrimination; retaliation; and the creation of a hostile work environment. Respondent is an employer within the meaning of Section 16. Respondent operates a car dealership and is in the business of selling and servicing new and used automobiles and trucks in several states, including Florida. Respondent was not Petitioner's employer. Petitioner was a temporary worker during the relevant period, and her employment contract was with an employment agency. No written employment contract existed between the parties to this proceeding. The employment agency paid Petitioner, and Respondent paid the employment agency. The employment agency assigned Petitioner to Respondent from January 13 through January 23, 2004. Other than Petitioner’s uncorroborated testimony, there is no written or other evidence that Respondent intended Petitioner’s temporary assignment either to become a permanent position or to last for six weeks. The fact-finder finds the testimony of Petitioner to be less than credible and persuasive. From January 13 until January 21, 2004, Petitioner worked at Respondent's Tampa office at Lexus of Tampa Bay located on North Dale Mabry Avenue, Tampa, Florida. Respondent transferred Petitioner to its office at Lexus of Clearwater, Florida, on January 21, 2004, and terminated the assignment from the employment agency on January 23, 2004. The termination of assignment occurred in Pinellas County, rather than Hillsborough County, Florida. Petitioner began her assignment at Lexus of Tampa Bay on January 13, 2004, as a receptionist. Respondent paired Petitioner with Ms. Mary Ann Browne, a full-time receptionist and Caucasian female. Respondent charged Ms. Browne with training Petitioner in the responsibilities of a receptionist. Petitioner alleges that Ms. Browne engaged in unprofessional conduct during the 10 days she trained Petitioner. The unprofessional conduct, according to Petitioner's testimony included "racial undertones." For example, Ms. Browne asked Petitioner why, "Black people are all family, cousins, sisters, brothers." Petitioner responded, "Don't ask me. I wouldn't be that black." Ms. Browne allegedly stated aloud that two female employees who hugged in greeting each other were lesbians. Ms. Browne allegedly called another African-American employee a "pimp" and referred to an Hispanic employee as a "macdaddy." The fact-finder does not know the meaning of the term "macdaddy," or even how to spell the term, and the record does not provide an adequate definition or spelling. Ms. Browne allegedly referred to homosexual customers as "flamers." Finally, Ms. Browne allegedly engaged in threatening physical behavior by tossing items at Petitioner across the reception desk. No one but Petitioner heard the alleged racial and sexist comments by Ms. Browne or witnessed the physically aggressive behavior. The preponderance of evidence does not establish a prima facie showing of discrimination or retaliation. Nor does the preponderance of evidence show that Respondent subjected Petitioner to a hostile work environment. Finally, a preponderance of the evidence does not show that Respondent engaged in a discriminatory practice. The evidence of Ms. Browne's conduct consists of Petitioner's testimony and a diary that Petitioner created contemporaneously with the acts Petitioner attributes to Ms. Browne. No other employees at Lexus of Tampa Bay witnessed the events evidenced in Petitioner's testimony and diary. Ms. Browne left her employment with Respondent in the fall of 2004 and did not testify. Ms. Toni Davis, now Ms. Toni Scotland, was a receptionist during part of the relevant time but was not present during the entire time because she was being promoted to a position in accounting. Ms. Scotland did not recall any improper behavior by Ms. Browne in 2004. The Investigative Report based its recommendation of a finding of cause on statements attributed in the Report to then Ms. Davis and the documentation of the disciplinary action taken by Respondent against Ms. Browne. However, Ms. Scotland testified that she did not recall being contacted by an investigator for the Board and denied making any statements to the investigator. The investigation took approximately 3.5 years to complete because the investigator is the only investigator for the Board and because the investigator suffered a heart attack during the investigation. At the hearing, the testimony of the investigator concerning statements he attributed to Ms. Scotland, also Ms. Davis, was vague and sparse and is less than credible and persuasive. A preponderance of the evidence does not show that Respondent is responsible for the acts Petitioner attributes to Ms. Browne. Petitioner complained to her employment agency about the conduct of Ms. Browne. The employment agency notified Respondent, and Ms. Helene Ott, the supervisor at the time, interviewed both Petitioner and Ms. Browne on January 19, 2004. The only complaint made by Petitioner to Ms. Ott on January 19, 2004, was that Ms. Browne went to the break room to bring back a drink in separate disposable drink cups for Ms. Browne and Petitioner. Upon returning with the drinks, Ms. Browne told Petitioner that Ms. Browne had spit in Petitioner's cup. Petitioner did not tell Ms. Ott that Petitioner witnessed Ms. Browne spit in the cup. Petitioner's version of events changed at the hearing. Petitioner testified that she saw Ms. Browne spit in Petitioner's cup. Petitioner testified that Ms. Browne offered to refill the cup Petitioner already had on the receptionist desk, grabbed the cup, stood, drew up a large volume of spit from deep in Ms. Browne's throat, and let the long volume of liquid drop into Petitioner's cup in full view of Petitioner. Petitioner further testified in tears that she stated repeatedly to Ms. Browne, "Give me back my cup!" The foregoing testimony of Petitioner is less than credible and persuasive. The fact-finder is not persuaded that any reasonable person would have wanted Ms. Browne to return the cup. The cup was a disposable cup from the vending area which was of no value to Petitioner. Petitioner did not relate this version of the events to Ms. Ott when Ms. Ott investigated Petitioner's complaints on January 19, 2004. The version of events that Petitioner related to Ms. Ott on January 19, 2004, is consistent with the contemporaneous account by Mr. Browne. When Ms. Ott interviewed Ms. Browne on January 19, 2004, Ms. Browne admitted that she told Petitioner she had spit in Petitioner's cup when Ms. Browne returned from the vending area to the reception desk with Petitioner's drink. Ms. Browne also admitted to engaging in offensive language, offensive commentary about customers, and unprofessional conduct. A preponderance of evidence does not show that Respondent created or fostered a work environment that was hostile toward Petitioner. On January 19, 2004, Ms. Ott issued a written counseling/final warning to Ms. Browne for her use of “offensive language, offensive commentary about customers, and unprofessional conduct.” The disciplinary action advised Ms. Browne that any further misconduct would result in the termination of her employment. On January 20, 2004, Ms. Ott interviewed Petitioner again concerning additional complaints from the employment agency. Petitioner told Ms. Ott that Ms. Browne used vulgar and unprofessional language, but Petitioner did not state to Ms. Ott that Ms. Browne made racial or sexist comments. On January 21, 2004, Ms. Ott needed to fill another temporary vacancy at Lexus of Clearwater. Ms. Ott asked Petitioner to go to Clearwater, and Petitioner went to the Clearwater office voluntarily. Respondent ended the employment agency assignment on January 23, 2004. Ms. Ott described Petitioner’s performance as “very good." On January 23, 2004, Ms. Ott offered to write a letter of reference for Petitioner. Ms. Ott told Petitioner that Ms. Ott would consider Petitioner for a position at Lexus of Tampa Bay or Lexus of Clearwater if the need arose.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the final order issued in this proceeding should find that Respondent is not guilty of the allegations made by Petitioner. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of August, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL MANRY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of August, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: Leslie P. Stokes 4714 Pleasant Avenue Palm Harbor, Florida 34683 Gail P. Williams Hillsborough County Post Office Box 1110 Tampa, Florida 33601-1110 Andrew Froman, Esquire Alva L. Cross, Esquire Fisher & Phillips LLP 401 East Jackson Street, Suite 2525 Tampa, Florida 33602

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jan. 12, 2005 Number: 05-000096 Latest Update: Mar. 08, 2006

The Issue Whether Respondent discriminated against Petitioner on the basis of her race or color in violation of Chapter 760, Florida Statutes (2003); and, whether Respondent retaliated against Petitioner in violation of Chapter 760, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing, the following findings of facts are made: Respondent, Progress Energy Corporation, is a public utility which provides electrical power. Respondent is an employer as defined by Subsection 760.02(7), Florida Statutes (2003). Petitioner is an African-American female. She began working for Respondent in October 1980. Petitioner was finally discharged from her employment on December 12, 2003. During her period of employment, she received various promotions and eventually became a service coordinator. She worked at the Jamestown Operations Center and was responsible for designing electrical power services and customer coordination. In 1992, Petitioner was terminated and re-hired at a lower position as discussed hereinafter. Steven McKinnie became Petitioner's supervisor in March 2002. While Petitioner's performance was adequate, Mr. McKinnie received complaints from both co-employees and customers about Petitioner's work performance. As a result, he engaged in private counseling sessions with Petitioner as he did with other employees. Concerned about Petitioner's performance, Mr. McKinnie consulted with Respondent's Department of Human Resources regarding the advisability of employing a "360 survey" as a tool for improving Petitioner's performance. A "360 survey" provides an employee with confidential assessments made by co-employees as a tool for self-improvement. A "360 survey" is not a disciplinary tool, nor does it effect an employees status. After receiving Petitioner's approval to conduct the "360 survey," on March 6, 2003, Mr. McKinnie distributed the survey questionnaire to Petitioner's co-employees. On the evening of March 6, 2003, Petitioner e-mailed Mr. McKinnie objecting to the "360 survey." The following day, March 7, 2003, the Jamestown Operations Center staff, including Petitioner and Mr. McKinnie, were in Deland, Florida, for a "two c's" (compliments and concerns) meeting. This is another human resources' tool. This gives employees the opportunity to express their concerns and for management to respond to those concerns. During the "c and c" meeting, Petitioner voiced her complaint about the "360 survey." This was Mr. McKinnie's first notice of her objection. She also complained that Mr. McKinnie treated employees as if they were in high school and intimidated them (or words to that effect). No mention was made of racial or sexual discrimination. The results of the "360 survey" were offered to Petitioner as a self-improvement tool. The survey was not included in her performance evaluation nor did it effect her pay. In early December 2003, Respondent's management received a complaint from a co-employee that Petitioner was using Respondent's postage machine for personal use. Shortly thereafter, Sandra Shields, conducted an investigation of the alleged impropriety. Respondent's postage machines and the cost of mailing are to be used for Respondent's business purposes only, not for personal use. During the investigation, Petitioner asserted that other employees similarly used the postage machine for personal use. She declined to identify any employees. The investigation failed to corroborated Petitioner's assertion. Petitioner had two employment-related incidents of theft. In 1990, she was arrested during her lunch period and incarcerated for retail theft. The company vehicle she was driving was impounded. She entered a pre-trial diversion program and admitted the theft. Her arrest and record of pre-trail diversion was made a part of her employment record. On a second occasion, in June 1992, Petitioner received a letter of reprimand because she "misused her position as an Engineering Technician for personal gain." She had produced and submitted engineering drawings for underground cable installation at the residence of a family member. The letter of reprimand noted: "This type of action cannot be tolerated. Further violations of this nature will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination." As noted on the letter of reprimand, Petitioner did not agree with it (the letter). Incidental to this incident, Petitioner was terminated. She grieved her termination and was rehired at a lower paid position. The letter of reprimand was placed in her employment record. As a result of Petitioner's misuse of the postage meter, aggravated by the two previous incidents of theft, Petitioner was terminated. Subsequent to her termination, Petitioner complained to the Respondent's "Ethics Line" and invoked Respondent's dispute resolution process to contest her termination. Additional investigations did not change the facts or the outcome. At the hearing, Petitioner presented no direct evidence of discrimination or statistical evidence of discrimination.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of January, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JEFF B. CLARK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of January, 2006. COPIES FURNISHED: Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Thomas Martin Gonzalez, Esquire Thompson, Sizemore & Gonzalez 501 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 1400 Post Office Box 639 Tampa, Florida 33601 Curtis B. Lee, Esquire 37 North Orange Avenue, Suite 500 Post Office Box 3412 Orlando, Florida 32802 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (4) 120.569760.02760.10760.11
# 5
CAROLYN JOHNSON vs CIRCLE K, 10-001697 (2010)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Mar. 30, 2010 Number: 10-001697 Latest Update: Oct. 27, 2010

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent committed an unlawful employment practice by discriminating against Petitioner based on sex/gender, race, religion or disability.

Findings Of Fact Respondent operates a chain of retail stores/service stations, some of which include a deli. Respondent is an employer within the meaning of Section 760.02(7), Florida Statutes (2008). Petitioner is an African-American female. She began working for Respondent sometime in 2006. In January 2008, Petitioner's job responsibilities included cleaning and stocking shelves during the night shift at Respondent's store located on Cervantes Street, Pensacola, Florida. The Cervantes store did not have a deli. Alvin Philyaw, a white male, was the manager at the Cervantes store. Bill Fuller, a white male, was the store's assistant manager. Robert Wensel, another white employee at the Cervantes store, took care of the trash. On or about January 2, 2008, Petitioner and Mr. Wensel were in the store’s cooler. Petitioner was unloading a shopping cart when Mr. Wensel, who was subject to panic attacks, fell towards Petitioner. Petitioner reached with one arm to catch Mr. Wensel. After the incident, Petitioner returned to work. On or about January 15, 2008, Petitioner told Mr. Fuller that she had injured her shoulder when Mr. Wensel fell on her. Mr. Fuller told Petitioner to discuss it with Mr. Philyaw. Petitioner then talked to Mr. Philyaw. He told Petitioner that, pursuant to store policy, she should have immediately reported the accident. After finding nothing on the video tape about the fall, Mr. Philyaw told Petitioner and Mr. Wensel to file written reports about the accident. The injury was eventually treated pursuant to Florida’s workers’ compensation law. Petitioner subsequently filed a formal workers' compensation grievance about her dissatisfaction with the medical care she received for her alleged shoulder injury. Petitioner claimed that the accident involving Mr. Wensel occurred as a result of a satanic spell cast on Petitioner by one of her co-workers. This claim was not established by the evidence in this case and was found not credible in Petitioner’s earlier action against Circle K. Petitioner did testify about her doctor’s evaluation and treatment of her arm/shoulder. However, even with this testimony, the evidence in this case did not establish that Petitioner suffered any significant impairment that would constitute a disability/handicap under Chapter 760, Florida Statute. Around January 18, 2008, Mr. Philyaw learned that the Cervantes store was losing employee hours. Mr. Philyaw asked Petitioner if she would like to transfer to the store on Bayfront Street, Pensacola, Florida, where she could get more hours, work in the deli, and keep her benefits. Petitioner agreed. Petitioner went to Respondent's main office to speak with Jackie Ridgeway. Petitioner requested the transfer to the full-time position in the Bayfront store's deli. At the Bayfront store, Petitioner worked in the deli with Amy Williams, a white female, and Channel Pritchett, a black female. Ms. Williams was the deli supervisor. Ms. Pritchett was the deli cook. Petitioner’s duties included cleaning and waiting on customers. Ms. Williams did not know about Petitioner's alleged shoulder injury. One day at the Bayfront store, a cooking pan fell and hit Petitioner in the face. Petitioner's glasses were broken when the pan fell. The incident was an accident and not the result of witchcraft or any malicious intent. Again, there was no evidence of any discrimination based on race, religion or disability. Petitioner and Ms. Pritchett also worked together in the deli at the store in Cantonment, Florida. Felicia Williamson, who is also African-American, was Petitioner's manager/supervisor. While at the Cantonment store, a black customer asked Petitioner if she was Muslim and would she marry a Muslim man. There was nothing in this conversation or the evidence that indicated Circle K was involved in this man’s inquiries. Likewise, there was nothing in this conversation or the evidence that demonstrated any discrimination by Circle K based on Petitioner’s race, religion or disability. After working at the Cantonment store, Petitioner was transferred to the deli at the store on Barrancas Street, Pensacola, Florida. One day around October 30, 2008, a piece of sandwich paper caught fire under the steam box. Petitioner reached in with tongs, picked up the paper, and put the fire out in the deli sink. Petitioner was slightly burned by the fire, but continued to work her shift. Petitioner’s burns eventually healed. Again, the evidence demonstrated that this incident was an accident. However, the evidence did not demonstrate that this incident resulted in any significant injury to Petitioner or that her injury constituted a disability/handicap under Chapter 760, Florida Statutes. At some point, Petitioner returned to the Cantonment store. Petitioner alleged that around November 6, 2008, Ms. Williamson fired Petitioner for moving too slowly. Ms. Williamson claims she did not terminate Petitioner, but that Petitioner walked out of the store and did not return. Petitioner admitted that Ms. Williamson was dissatisfied with Petitioner's work performance. However, there was no substantial evidence to determine whether Petitioner was terminated or whether she quit. Likewise, there was no substantial evidence to determine the reason for Petitioner separating from her employment. Petitioner attributed her termination to the fact that Ms. Williamson was mean and abusive. However, Petitioner also testified that Ms. Williamson was “mean and abusive” to everyone. This evidence is insufficient to demonstrate any discrimination on the part of Ms. Williamson or Circle K. Given these facts, the evidence did not demonstrate that Petitioner was physically handicapped/disabled or suffered an adverse employment action because of her race, religion or disability. For the same reasons, the evidence did not demonstrate that Petitioner was retaliated against based on her earlier action against Circle K. Therefore, the Petition for Relief should be dismissed.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Florida Commission on Human Relations dismiss the Petition for Relief with prejudice. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of September, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S S. Diane Cleavinger Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of September 2010. COPIES FURNISHED: Carolyn Johnson Post Office Box 4671 Pensacola, Florida 32507 Joyce Clemmons Circle K 25 West Cedar Street, Suite 100 Pensacola, Florida 32502 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Larry Kranert, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Derick Daniel, Executive Director Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (5) 120.57760.01760.02760.10760.11 Florida Administrative Code (1) 28-106.214
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Apr. 08, 1993 Number: 93-001948 Latest Update: Mar. 10, 1994

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is an African-American woman who lives sometimes in Orlando, Florida, and sometimes in Jacksonville, Florida or elsewhere. At the time in question she was in Orlando. Respondent operates a daily labor temporary help agency with an office in Orlando and a corporate service center, Interim Services, Inc., in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Petitioner received assignments for work by Respondent beginning in 1983. This was temporary, sporadic employment in unskilled labor jobs. Her recent employment file reflects that she received thirty-seven (37) assignments in 1987, ninety-three (93) assignments in 1990, and twenty-three (23) assignments between March of 1991, and July of 1991. Individuals seeking work with Respondent are dispatched on a daily basis to assignments from Respondent's office, or they can preschedule assignments by calling into the office in advance. The best way to guarantee work is to preschedule. Priority for assignments is given to persons who preschedule, have their own transportation, come in or call for work daily, or are requested back by a specific client. Transportation is provided by van for some assignments, and Respondent also assists persons in car-pooling, but those arrangements can only be provided for persons who come in the morning. For Disney, a large user of Respondent's services, the trip is approximately forty-five minutes from the Respondent's office. Persons coming in the afternoons need their own transportation to get to Disney. In 1987 and 1990, Petitioner had her own car. She claims she had a car in 1991, but Respondent's employees responsible for arranging assignments and dispatching work were not aware that she had a car in 1991. Petitioner concedes that she did not preschedule assignments. She claims that she came every day for work from the time the office opened until it closed, but that she was not given work every day. Respondent's employees recall that Petitioner appeared for work sporadically and was an "afternoon person". Petitioner was not the only person who did not get work every day. Without transportation to Disney and without advance scheduling, it was hard for anyone to get assignments. With advance scheduling, Respondent often can accommodate a person's preference for varied hours. Petitioner's own testimony was inconsistent. She first stated that she came to the Respondent's office every day and waited all day for work. She then conceded that between April and July 1991, she worked as a live-in employee and could only get outside work on her days off. In fact, Respondent did get work for her from time to time between March and July 1991. Petitioner's last assignment by Respondent was in July 1991. She states that after August 5, 1991, she stopped going to the office to look for work. Respondent's workforce is approximately evenly divided between African-Americans and whites. Assignments are made on a basis of the preferences described above, and not according to race. Respondent considered Petitioner a good worker and gave her an excellent recommendation for the live-in job. She is still eligible for work with Respondent.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is, hereby, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered dismissing Ms. Green's petition and complaint. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 22nd day of November, 1993, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of November, 1993. COPIES FURNISHED: Barbara Green 46 East Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 Sharon Moultry, Clerk Commission on Human Relations Building F, Suite 240 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1510 Lisse R. Groff, Esquire Personnel Pool of America, Inc. 2050 Spectrum Boulevard Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Dana Baird, General Counsel Commission on Human Relations Building F, Suite 240 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1510

Florida Laws (2) 120.57760.10
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 17, 1996 Number: 96-002870 Latest Update: Jun. 30, 2004

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner was employed by the Respondent as an Accountant II on December 1, 1987 and in December of 1993, was promoted to Tax Auditor II. In September of 1991, the Respondent received a complaint regarding Petitioner from a taxpayer. The taxpayer alleged that the Petitioner had accused the taxpayer of attempting to sabotage the Petitioner's van. When questioned about the complaint, the Petitioner stated that the taxpayer had attempted to damage his van because the Petitioner had denied the taxpayer's refund claim. The Petitioner's supervisor investigated Petitioner's claims, counseled him and suggested that the Petitioner participate in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The Petitioner declined assistance. In October and November of 1992, the Petitioner began making bizarre allegations about his co-workers and supervisors engaging in outrageous and deviant sexual conduct and activities, and began to behave strangely. The Petitioner told his supervisors that his co-workers were engaging in sex with his mother, aunt, uncle and other members of his family. According to the Petitioner, these sexual activities were taking place in the office. The Petitioner was upset particularly at one co-worker, who Petitioner stated had moved in next door to him or into his neighborhood in order to spy on Petitioner. In addition, Petitioner stated that the "sex police" were observing him at Walmart. The police would get on top of his van to spy on him according to Petitioner. During this time, the Petitioner filed a "sexual harassment" complaint with the Respondent's Inspector General. Petitioner's statement to the investigators repeated the bizarre accusations outlined above regarding his co- workers. After investigating the Petitioner's claim, the Respondent's Inspector General found no evidence to substantiate these allegations and statements. Because the Petitioner's increasingly bizarre behavior, the Respondent became concerned about the Petitioner's ability to perform his duties as a Tax Auditor I. Therefore, the Respondent requested that the Petitioner go to a psychiatrist for an evaluation. The Petitioner agreed and went to the Apalachee Center for Human Services, where he was examined by Dr. Terence Leland, a psychologist and Dr. Inez Bragado-Spence, a psychiatrist. The evaluation consisted of three, one- hour interviews and various written tests. It was understood that the results of this examination would be shared with Respondent. Dr. Leland reported to the Respondent that the Petitioner had made delusional statements of the type made to and investigated by the Inspector General and found to be baseless. The Petitioner reported that co-workers and others were spying on him. The Petitioner reported alleged sexual liaisons at the office between various employees and supervisors. The Petitioner reported plots against him by various conspirators and "hit men" of the Respondent. Dr. Leland's diagnosis was that the Petitioner suffered from a delusional (paranoid) disorder, persecutory type. It was Dr. Leland's opinion that the Petitioner clearly needed treatment. Dr. Leland felt that the Petitioner could not perform his duties without treatment, and recommended requiring treatment as a condition of the Petitioner's continued employment. During this period, the Petitioner's job performance suffered. Based upon Dr. Leland's reports, the Respondent required that the Petitioner obtain treatment as a condition of continued employment. The Petitioner and the Respondent entered into an agreement which required the following as a condition of continued employment: Seeking psychiatric treatment within 40 days. Furnishing documentation that treat- ment had commenced and was continuing for as long as treatment was recommended. Following the prescribed treatment so long as it was recommended. The Petitioner commenced treatment in June of 1993, Dr. Prasad, a psychiatrist, prescribed medication for the control of Petitioner's illness and Suzan Taylor, a counselor associated with Dr. Prasad, held regular counseling sessions with Petitioner. As a result of his treatment, the Petitioner was asymptomatic, his work improved, and he was promoted to Tax Auditor II in December of 1993. In the summer of 1994, approximately one year after commencing treatment, Dr. Prasad and Suzan Taylor began to suspect that the Petitioner was no longer taking his medication when he again began making delusional statements. At the same time, the Petitioner's supervisor began to notice the reoccurrence of Petitioner's prior conduct. When confronted by his doctors in November of 1994 about the failure to take his medication, the Petitioner stated that he had quit taking it. He was given the option of getting shots of the same medication on a regular basis, but he declined. On November 18, 1994, the Petitioner had an altercation with a co- worker and received a one-day suspension. Dr. Prasad had diagnosed the Petitioner as having major depression with psychotic features of persecution and delusion. Dr. Prasad's opinion was that the Petitioner could not perform his essential job functions without treatment. On or about November 21, 1994, the Petitioner told his supervisor that his last visit to Dr. Prasad was on November 16, 1994. Dr. Prasad was contacted by Petitioner's employer, and Dr. Prasad issued a final report dated November 23, 1994, in which she stated that the Petitioner refused to take any further medication or follow her directions; therefore, there was nothing further she could do to help him if he refused her recommended treatment. She did not release Petitioner from treatment. The Respondent issued its proposed letter of termination based upon the Petitioner's refusal to continue treatment contrary to his agreement and the Petitioner's behavior on the job. In a response to the letter of termination, the Petitioner made bizarre statements about the co-worker with whom he had had the altercation with on November 18, 1994. At a pre-determination conference conducted by William Fritchman, the Respondent's Chief of Personnel and Training (at the time), it was suggested that the Petitioner go to another doctor for evaluation and treatment, if necessary. The Petitioner stated that he would not seek further medical help and stated that he would not take any drugs. The Respondent had real concerns about the Petitioner's ability to perform his job duties, his interaction with taxpayers, and potential harm to fellow employees. Based upon Dr. Prasad's diagnosis and opinion that Petitioner required continuing treatment and Petitioner's declining job performance, Mr. Fritchman issued the Final Action Letter of Termination citing the Petitioner's breach of the conditions of employment, as agreed in the letter of April 30, 1993, which constituted insubordination. Petitioner offered no evidence showing he was sexually harassed.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner's claim be dismissed. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of October, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of October, 1996. COPIES FURNISHED: Jack E. Franklin Post Office Box 572 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-0572 Gene T. Sellers, Esquire Department of Revenue Post Office Box 6668 Tallahassee, Florida 32311-6668 Sharon Moultry, Clerk Human Relations Commission Building F, Suite 240 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4149 Dana Baird, Esquire Human Relations Commission Building F, Suite 240 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4149

USC (1) 29 CFR 613.704 Florida Laws (2) 120.57760.10
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jun. 16, 2005 Number: 05-002171 Latest Update: Jan. 11, 2008

The Issue Whether Jupiter Medical Center committed the unlawful employment practices alleged in the employment discrimination charge filed by Petitioner and, if so, what relief should the Florida Commission on Human Relations grant Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made: Petitioner is from the Philippines and is a Filipino citizen. He is now, and has been since approximately February 2000, a legal resident of the United States. JMC operates a 156-bed hospital (Hospital) located in Jupiter, Florida, which has a medical laboratory (Laboratory) that is "open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week." At all times material to the instant case, Kathleen Rogers was the director of the Laboratory and Sherry Miller was the assistant director of the Laboratory. Petitioner was hired by JMC in October 2000, as a medical technologist to work in the Laboratory. He worked in the Laboratory as a medical technologist, under Ms. Rogers' supervision, from October 2000, until his employment was terminated on June 6, 2003 (Employment Period). During the Employment Period, Jeanne Wiley also worked as a medical technologist in the Laboratory under Ms. Rogers' supervision. Ms. Wiley did not exercise any supervisory authority over Petitioner, nor was she part of the JMC management team. Ms. Rogers was responsible for Petitioner's hiring. She "hired him at the maximum [salary] that anybody coming in at th[at] level could be paid" under JMC's race/religion/gender- blind pay scale. Petitioner received pay raises during the time that he worked for JMC. There were other Laboratory employees who were paid less than Petitioner. None of these employees was Asian. John Lambiase was hired by JMC as a medical technologist to work in the Laboratory in 2003, shortly before Petitioner's termination. At the time of his hiring, Mr. Lambiase had less education and experience than did Petitioner. Nonetheless, Mr. Lambiase's starting salary of $17.80 per hour was $0.38 per hour more than Petitioner was making.2 This disparity in pay was the product of market conditions and had nothing to do with either Mr. Lambiase's or Petitioner's race. The position that Mr. Lambiase filled had been vacant for approximately eight months despite JMC's recruiting efforts. "[D]esperate" to fill the vacancy, Ms. Rogers requested and obtained from JMC's human resources department "special permission" to hire Mr. Lambiase at the going market rate. During the Employment Period, JMC had a human resources administrative policy and procedure manual (Manual), which was made available to all employees, including Petitioner. The Manual contained, among other things, an anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policy, a grievance procedure, a "Time and Attendance" policy, and a progressive discipline policy. The progressive discipline policy stated, in pertinent part, substantially the following with respect to "Verbal Warning[s]," "Written Conference Records," and terminations: Verbal Warning: "Informal counseling" will be regarded as a daily on-going process through which management may communicate necessary information to his/her staff. Such information may include both positive comments and/or areas in need of improvement. In either case, management may wish to utilize "Employee Action Assessment" for the following purposes: To justify pay for performance adjustment decisions and to confirm performance appraisal accuracy. To document excellence for promotional opportunities. To document "reoccurring" performance/behavior/work habit problems that individually do[] not yet require formal documentation, (i.e.) "Written Conference Record." Employee Action Assessment entries will be shared with the employee within a reasonable time of management's observation or date of discovery. Employee Action Assessments need not be shared with Human Resources but rather maintained by the appropriate manager to be used as outlined above. Written Conference Records: Unless immediate suspension pending investigation or termination is necessary, an employee will receive a documented "Written Conference Record" which will delineate steps toward correction of the problem. The completed Written Conference Record process should take place within (3) three business days of the date of discovery, unless the employee has been temporarily suspended pending investigation or if interrupted by a Medical Center holiday. In the case of the latter, the process should be completed by the next business day. The Chief Human Resource Officer or Assistant Director of Human Resources will review and approve all "Written Conference Records" prior to management meeting with the employee. All employee "Written Conference Records" shall be documented on a Jupiter Medical Center "Conference Record" form and ultimately filed in the Human Resources Department. The employee is encouraged to review and record personal comments and sign the form. While employees are encouraged to respond [to] and sign the form, responding to, or signing the form merely indicates that the action was discussed with the employee, not that the employee agrees or disagrees with the corrective action. All completed "Written Conference Record" forms should be received by the Human Resources Department within (3) business days. A completed "Written Conference Record" form will be appropriately signed and dated by the manager, employee, if agreeable, and a managerial witness from the same department. A witness's signature will acknowledge that the information was thoroughly discussed with the employee in an appropriate manner. Any combination of three appropriately documented "Written Conference Records" within an eighteen-month (18) period will constitute grounds for termination unless otherwise noted on the "Written Conference Record." In such instances, fewer than (3) repetitions of some violations may [warrant] termination. . . . No department, other than the Human Resources Department will maintain formal "Written Conference Records" in their files. Informal documentation such as "employee action assessments" and/or employee attendance record may be kept within individual department files. A "Written Conference Record" should be available to support any performance appraisal standard scored as "needs improvement." Suspension and Termination: * * * 5. Terminations reviewed and approved by the Senior Manger will be forwarded to the Chief Human Resource Officer or the Assistant Director of Human Resources for review and final approval. A letter of termination must be coordinated through the Asst. Dir. of Human Resource[s] outlining all documentation used to justify the termination and to act as a notice to the terminated employee regarding [his or her] grievance rights and need to return certain Medical Center property. * * * Petitioner's employment with JMC was terminated, consistent with the above-referenced progressive discipline policy, because, in less than 18 months, he had accumulated three "Written Conference Records" (all of which were given to him by Ms. Rogers and, before becoming a part of Petitioner's permanent record, were reviewed and approved by JMC's human resources department). Petitioner's race played no role whatsoever in his receiving these three "Written Conference Records"3 or in his being terminated. There has been no showing that any other employee at the Hospital received three "Written Conference Records" within an 18-month period and remained employed. Petitioner received the first of these three "Written Conference Records" in September 2002. It read as follows: REASON FOR CONFERENCE: . . . . On August 23, 2002, Ramuriel reported out a 7.3mmol/L potassium result.[4] Ramuriel did not meet laboratory competency standards because he did not follow the attached laboratory procedure: NOTIFICATION OF LABORATORY VALUES. Procedures specifically not followed are: -2.1.1 "Verify the quality of the specimen" and "Recollect specimens immediately if specimen is suspect" 2.1.3 "Notify the physician/patient care personnel when patient is outside the hospital." Ramuriel failed to meet Human Resources 6.7a, a Class II violation, "Performance of duties below standard that continue after a reasonable period of appraisal and training." ACTION PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENT: . . . Ramuriel will immediately improve his technical skills and follow all laboratory policies, especially G.4.2 "Notification of Laboratory Values." Failure to meet JMC standards of competency will lead to further disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Ms. Rogers learned of the violation cited in this "Written Conference Record" as a result of a "physician complaint" (and not from Ms. Wiley).5 In giving Petitioner this "Written Conference Record," she did not treat him any differently than she treated other medical technologists who committed similar violations. Petitioner did not grieve his receipt of this "Written Conference Record," nor did he write anything on this "Written Conference Record" in the space provided for "[e]mployee [c]omments." The next "Written Conference Record" Petitioner received concerned an on-duty verbal altercation Petitioner had in January 2003, with another medical technologist working in the Laboratory, Susan Goldstein. Ms. Goldstein also received a "Written Conference Record" from Ms. Rogers for her participation in the altercation. Petitioner's "Written Conference Record" read as follows: REASON FOR CONFERENCE: . . . . On January 17, 2003, Ariel requested another employee to work in the coagulation section. The fellow employee stated she was busy helping a new employee with chemistry. The workload did not justify his request (see attached report). The coworker stated Ariel called her lazy when she refused to leave chemistry. Coworkers and supervisors do not feel Ariel is a patient focused team player and are unable to discuss workflow and cooperation with him. It is the policy of the Laboratory and Jupiter Medical Center to complete all tasks and work as a team to the benefit of our patients. Ariel violated Personnel Policy 6.7 group II.y "Other actions determined by management to not be in the best interest of the Medical Center." ACTION PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENT: . . . Ariel will immediately put the patient first, and remain focused on patient testing. The evening shift must work together as a team, and Ariel needs to be a member of this team. Petitioner grieved his receipt of this "Written Conference Record." Petitioner's grievance was ultimately presented to JMC's Chief Operating Officer, who reached the following "conclusion," which she reduced to writing on March 25, 2003: This investigation has revealed substantial agreement about the facts of the incident itself by all parties. The facts regarding the incident do merit a Written Record of Conference in accordance with Jupiter Medical Center Policy. The Record should be amended to show that the lack of teamwork referenced was agreed by the Department Man[a]ger to be primarily limited to the one employee involved in this incident and does not extend to the entire Department. With the amendment, the Written Record of Conference should be a permanent part of the employment file of Mr. Orlino. Following his receipt of the Chief Operating Officer's written "conclusion," Petitioner took no action to "continue with [his] grievance." As a result, pursuant to the grievance procedure set forth in the Manual, the Chief Operating Officer's written "conclusion" became the final resolution of Petitioner's grievance. The last of the "Written Conference Records" Petitioner received was for repeatedly violating, after being warned on "multiple occasions" to stop,6 that portion of JMC's "Time and Attendance" policy, which provided that "employees will not badge in more than seven minutes prior to the start of their shift." This "Written Conference Record," which was given to Petitioner on June 6, 2003, read as follows: REASON FOR CONFERENCE: . . . . See attached list of dates and times of Ramuriel's timeclock punches. Beginning on March 17, 2003 through May 24, 2003, Ramuriel has failed to badge in at the correct time. Ramuriel is establishing an unacceptable pattern of badging in for work early and leaving early. Ramuriel has violated Human Resources Policy 6.7.a, "Insubordination- refusal or failure to follow instruction or established practices of the Medical Center," a Class I violation. Ramuriel was informed of the correct badging practice verbally on March 3, 2003 and by mailbox on March 17, 2003. Again the policy was reviewed at the April 2, 2003 general laboratory meeting, which Ramuriel attended, and [he] reviewed and initialed the minutes which included the time clock policy. ACTION PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENT: . . . See associated letter. There has been no showing that any other Laboratory employee engaged in similar insubordinate conduct and did not receive a "Written Conference Record." Petitioner did not grieve his receipt of this "Written Conference Record" because he knew that he was in the wrong; nor did he write anything on this "Written Conference Record" in the space provided for "[e]mployee [c]omments." The "associated letter" in the "Written Conference Record" was a June 6, 2003, letter to Petitioner from Ms. Rogers, advising Petitioner of his termination. It read as follows: On August 23, 2002, you failed to meet laboratory competency standards or follow laboratory procedure. This is a Class II violation of Human Resources Policy 6.7- Discipline (a) "Performance of duties below standard that continue[s] after a reasonable period of appraisal and training." On October 23, 2002, you failed to meet laboratory competency standards or follow laboratory procedure. This is a Class II violation of Human Resources Policy 6.7- Discipline (a) "Performance of duties below standard that continue[s] after a reasonable period of appraisal and training."[7] On January 17, 2003, you failed to work as part of a team. This is a Class II violation of Human Resources Policy 6.7- Discipline (y) "Other actions determined by management to not be in the best interest of the Medical Center." Beginning on March 17, 2003 through May 24, 2003, you failed to badge in at your scheduled time, which is a violation of Human Resources Policy 6.7- Discipline, "Insubordination - refusal or failure to follow instructions or established practices of the Medical Center." Mr. Orlino, as a result of your actions, as denoted above, Jupiter Medical Center is terminating your employment effective immediately. You have the prerogative to utilize Jupiter Medical Center's grievance procedure; human resource policy 4.1, if you feel your termination is unjust. If you decide to grieve such a decision should be made within five (5) business days of June 6, 2003. In your absence, Jupiter Medical Center has elected to hand deliver this correspondence to ensure your complete understanding of the above events. Any compensation that you are eligible to receive will be paid to you on the hospital's next regularly scheduled payday. Please be aware that any hospital property, such as your ID badge, employee handbook, keys, uniform, etc. should be returned to the Human Resources Department. The final decision to terminate Petitioner was made, in accordance with JMC policy, by JMC's human resources department. Ms. Wiley did not provide any input in the making of this decision. Petitioner did not grieve his termination. At no time during the Employment Period did Petitioner ever utilize the procedures available to him under the Manual to complain that he was being discriminated against or harassed on the basis of his race; and there is no indication in the evidentiary record that, as a JMC employee, he was ever the victim of race-based discrimination or harassment.8 On May 24, 2005, almost a year after his termination, Petitioner filed an employment discrimination charge with the FCHR, alleging for the first time that he was the victim of anti-Asian discrimination. There are currently three or four Asian employees working in the Laboratory. They were all hired by Ms. Rogers following Petitioner's termination. None of these employees has received a "Written Conference Record."

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the FCHR issue a final order finding JMC not guilty of the unlawful employment practices alleged by Petitioner and dismissing his employment discrimination charge. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of August, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of August, 2006.

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000e CFR (1) 29 CFR 1601.70 Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.57509.092760.01760.02760.10760.1195.051
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