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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Sep. 13, 2016 Number: 16-005248FE Latest Update: Dec. 18, 2017

The Issue Whether Petitioner is entitled to an award of costs and attorneys’ fees pursuant to section 112.313(7), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 34-5.0291; and, if so, in what amount.

Findings Of Fact Ethics Complaint 15-174 On August 17, 2015, the Commission received a complaint against George Hanns (“Hanns”) filed by McDonald which alleged that Hanns, as a member of the Flagler County Commission (“County Commission”) and the Flagler County Canvassing Board (“Canvassing Board”), violated Florida’s election laws, the Government-in-the-Sunshine Law (“Sunshine Law”), and Florida’s Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees (“Code of Ethics”). Specific allegations in the complaint included that: A Special Canvassing Board meeting was held on September 12, 2014 in the Supervisor of Elections office bringing in a record crowd of voters. Commissioner Hanns and other county commissioner's behaviors and actions towards the Supervisor of Elections were criticized by Joe Kubusky. George Hanns became argumentative, stood up (in a threatening manner) and very unprofessionally verbally lashed back yelling at the public in a threatening manner. Many of the individuals present recorded the meeting, as did the Supervisor of Elections. Following the September 12, 2014 Special Canvassing Board meeting a scheduled County Commission meeting was held. It was at this time County Commission Chair/Canvassing Board member George Hanns brought up at the end of the County Commission meeting issues faced during Canvassing Board meetings. The alternate canvassing board member Barbara Revels and county attorney/canvassing board attorney Albert Hadeed were present. A discussion then took place at the County Commission meeting about the appointment of a canvassing board attorney along with other election related topics; all which were captured on audio by the staff member of the Clerk of the Court. It is believed that none of the election related topics were reflected on the meeting agenda, advertised to the public or reflected in the Board of County Commission meeting minutes. Furthermore, the other canvassing board members (including the Supervisor of Elections) were not noticed and provided the opportunity to be present to participate in the discussions. It would not be expected that election Canvassing Board issues be discussed at a Board of County Commission Meeting with only a canvassing board member and canvassing board alternates present. During the Board of County Commission meeting it was stated that action was to take place at the next scheduled election canvassing board meeting (October 17, 2014) for the county attorney Albert Hadeed (the board of county commissioners attorney) to be appointed the official canvassing board attorney, which in fact did occur during the October 17, 2014 Canvassing Board meeting as had been stated at the County Commission meeting and Commissioner George Hanns was the one to make the motion on the matter. From my perspective and other public attendees it seemed that this voting in of Hadeed had been prearranged! No such topic was discussed during the September 12th Special Canvassing Board meeting or at any other prior Canvassing Board meetings, therefore, it is believed a violation of the Florida Sunshine Law occurred. It was unknown by the Canvassing Board Agenda that a vote was going to take place at the October 17, 2014 canvassing board meeting as to who the canvassing board attorney would be. This September 12, 2014 Board of County Commission meeting appeared to be the prime opportunity for collaboration between commissioners (canvassing board member and alternates) and their staff to poll support from one another to manipulate and conquer the events of election canvassing board meetings to their advantage and liking, and to undermine and attack the supervisor of elections who is a constitutional elected officer who is independently elected by the people to preserve the integrity of the elections process.[9/] The complaint also alleged that: The County Commission also discussed election related issues on or about October 20, 2014 at a regularly scheduled Board of County Commission meeting, which too is believed to be a violation of the Sunshine Law as it was not advertised, was not on the meeting agenda, nor were other canvassing board members noticed or provided the opportunity to participate in the discussions. These occurrences of discussing the Canvassing Boards business take place with Commissioner George Hanns, Chair of the County Commission leading the meetings, and are done at the end of Board of County Commission meetings where the public would not expect such events. All discussions are captured on meeting audio though they may not be reflected in the Board of County Commission meeting minutes. The complaint further alleged that: The actions of George Hanns, the other county commissioners, and their staff have been done willingly, intentionally and with knowledge. They have used their position for personal gain- to remain in office, and to benefit other fellow commissioners to get re-re-elected so they too could remain in office to carry out agendas collectively. In the last two election cycles four of these commissioners have been narrowly elected. Hanns was a five term incumbent but won by 318 votes to a first time candidate, that was less than 1% but more than the .5% required to recount. Ericksen won by 120 votes and Meeker survived by 209 votes. They together retaliated against the supervisor of elections by conspiring together to harm the Supervisor of Elections reputation and their actions impacted our elections. Chair Commissioner George Hanns used his county employees to carry out his agenda relating to unethical practice and attacking the Supervisor of Elections for exposing his wrong doing and his dislike for being requested to remove himself from the county canvassing board. Commissioner Hanns and his fellow Commissioners are responsible for the actions and behaviors of the county administrator Craig Coffey and County Attorney Albert Hadeed. The removal of Commissioner George Hanns from the Canvassing Board left him powerless in the canvassing process and an embarrassment to our County. Discussions regarding the canvassing board took place at least twice at board of county commissioner meetings following the September 12, 2014 special canvassing board meeting and again on October 20, 2014. It is believed that both times canvassing board member and others have violated the Sunshine Law, and it is believed that those involved that are not canvassing board members or alternates were being a conduit to certain canvassing board members who were present. The complaint was reviewed by the Executive Director of the Commission who found the complaint to be legally sufficient to warrant an investigation: The complaint alleges that the [Hanns] and other members of the Board [of County Commissioners] or members of the canvassing board were involved in discussions which may not have been in compliance with the Sunshine Law, in order to manipulate canvassing board members or canvassing board conduct, that the Respondent was involved in placement of the County Attorney as attorney for the canvassing board (a placement objected to by the Supervisor of Elections), and that the Respondent was involved in other or related conduct, including retaliation against the Supervisor of Elections, apparently for the benefit of a particular candidate the Respondent had endorsed, or for the benefit of others. This indicates possible violation of Section 112.313(6), Florida Statutes. As a result, the complaint was determined to be legally sufficient and the investigative staff of the Commission was directed to “conduct a preliminary investigation of this complaint for a probable cause determination of whether [Hanns] has violated section 112.313(6), Florida Statutes, as set forth above.” The Commission’s Investigation The complaint was investigated by Commission Investigator K. Travis Wade. On February 19, 2016, the Commission issued its Report of Investigation, which found, as follows: Florida law provides that a county canvassing board shall be comprised of the Supervisor of Elections, a County Court Judge, and the Chair of the County Commission. Additionally, an alternate member must be appointed by the Chair of the County Commission. The Canvassing Board for the 2014 Election was made up of Hanns (then-County Commission Chair), Judge Melissa Moore-Stens, and then-Supervisor of Elections Weeks. Initially, the alternate member of the Canvassing Board was County Commission member Charles Ericksen, Jr. Minutes from the September 15, 2014 Flagler County Commission (“County Commission”) meeting indicate that during the “Commission Reports/Comments” portion of the meeting there was a discussion regarding who had the authority to appoint the Canvassing Board attorney, but no official action was taken at that time. The minutes indicate that County Attorney Albert Hadeed advised that it would be the Canvassing Board's decision as to who its legal counsel should be; and that County Administrator Craig Coffey suggested that the Canvassing Board resolve the issue at its next meeting. Current Flagler County Supervisor of Elections Kaiti Lenhart advised that her records indicate that either the County Attorney or an attorney from the County Attorney's Office has served as the Canvassing Board Attorney since 1998. Records preceding the 1998 election are not available. County Attorney Hadeed indicated that the County Attorney, or someone from the County Attorney’s Office, had served as the Canvassing Board Attorney for the past 25 years. Minutes from the October 17, 2014 Canvassing Board meeting indicate that Weeks made a motion that she be given authority to select the Canvassing Board attorney and that her motion died for lack of a second. The issue of Commissioner Ericksen's contribution to a candidate in the subject election was raised at the October 17, 2014 Canvassing Board meeting by Weeks. Commissioner Ericksen was not present at the meeting. Hanns indicated at the meeting that he would bring the issue to the attention of the County Commission at its next regular meeting, which was scheduled for October 20, 2014, thus alerting the members of the Canvassing Board that the issue would be publicly discussed by the County Commission. Minutes from the October 20, 2014 County Commission meeting indicate that there was a discussion regarding Commissioner Ericksen’s contribution to Meeker, who had opposition in his upcoming reelection, and that Commissioner Ericksen resigned as an alternate member of the Canvassing Board at that time. The Commission then voted to appoint Commissioner Barbara Revels as the alternate Canvassing Board member. All discussions by the County Commission regarding the Canvassing Board took place during the “Commissioner Reports/Comments” or “Commission Action” portion of duly noticed County Commission meetings. The only members of the Canvassing Board present at the October 20, 2014 County Commission meeting were Hanns and alternate member Commissioner Ericksen. The minutes from the October 20, 2014 County Commission meeting indicate that the County Commission reached a “consensus” to authorize the County Administrator to request the observer for the remainder of the election cycle. This request resulted from Hanns’ observations, while a member of the Canvassing Board, regarding the handling of absentee ballots by Weeks, whom he believed had close connections to at least one candidate in the election. County Administrator Coffey raised these concerns at the October 20, 2014 Commission meeting and requested County Commission permission to request an observer from the Division of Elections. County Administrator Coffey's October 21, 2014 letter to the Secretary of State, requesting an observer, indicates that the County Commission voted unanimously to authorize him to pursue the request. County Administrator Coffey stated in the letter that the community's confidence in the elections process is low due to both recent and past events involving the Supervisor of Elections. When asked about his allegation that Hanns was involved in other or related conduct, apparently for the benefit of particular candidates or others, McDonald indicated that he had no information regarding that allegation. Commission on Ethics Advocate’s Recommendation On March 7, 2016, Commission Advocate Elizabeth L. Miller recommended that there was no probable cause to believe that Hanns violated section 112.313(6) by participating in discussions which may have been in violation of the Sunshine Law, or other related conduct regarding appointment of the County Attorney as attorney for the Canvassing Board in order to manipulate Canvassing Board members or to carry out a planned agenda for the benefit of particular candidates or others. In addition, the Commission Advocate recommended that there was no probable cause to believe that Hanns violated section 112.313(6) by retaliating against the then-Supervisor of Elections for her efforts to remove two County Commissioners from the Canvassing Board. On April 20, 2016, the Commission issued its Public Report dismissing McDonald’s complaint against Hanns for lack of probable cause. McDonald’s Knowledge of the Falsity of His Sworn Allegations McDonald filed a sworn complaint against Hanns. When he signed the complaint, McDonald executed an oath that “the facts set forth in the complaint were true and correct ” When he filed his complaint against Hanns, McDonald had access to the video of the County Commission meeting of September 15, 2014, posted on the County’s website and the published minutes of that meeting, also available online or by request. Video of the 2014 meetings of the County Commission are archived for public viewing on the Flagler County website. Minutes of all County Commission meetings are public record available to the public on the Flagler Clerk of Court’s website and upon request. Neither the posted video nor the minutes of the September 15, 2014 meeting of the Flagler County Commission indicate that any action was taken by consensus vote or by any other vote regarding who had the authority to appoint the attorney for the Canvassing Board. No vote was taken by the County Commission to designate the County Attorney as the attorney for the Canvassing Board. To the contrary, the County Commission determined that it was a matter for the Canvassing Board to select its own attorney. All meetings of the Canvassing Board are publicly noticed and open to the public and its records are open for public inspection. When asked by the Commission’s investigator whether Hanns was involved in other or related conduct, for the benefit of particular candidates or others, McDonald indicated he had no information regarding that allegation. The allegations in the McDonald’s complaint against Hanns, which the Commission found material to investigate, were known by McDonald to be false, or filed by McDonald with reckless disregard for whether they were true or false. Malicious Intent to Injure Hanns Whether the claims against public officials were “motivated by the desire to [impugn character and injure reputation],” is a question of fact. Brown v. State, Comm’n on Ethics, 969 So. 2d 553, 555 (Fla. 1st DCA 2007). The evidence adduced at the hearing established that McDonald worked in concert with other individuals to maliciously injure the reputation of Hanns by filing complaints containing false allegations material to the Code of Ethics with the Commission on Ethics and other agencies. This group, formed in 2009 or 2010, was known formally as the Ronald Reagan Republican Association, informally as the “Triple Rs.” Members of the group included McDonald, Richter Sr., John Ruffalo, Carole Ruffalo, Ray Stephens, William McGuire, Bob Hamby, and Dan Bozza. The Triple Rs were trying to influence the outcome of elections in Flagler County. They did this by fielding candidates against incumbent members of the Flagler County Commission. McDonald ran against and lost to Meeker in the 2012 and 2014 elections. In 2014, Richter Sr. ran against and lost to Commissioner McLaughlin. The Triple Rs also tried to influence the results of the elections by filing complaints with multiple agencies against various elected and appointed Flagler County officials. McDonald was the de facto spokesperson of the Triple Rs. McDonald was such a frequent visitor to Weeks’ office between the 2012 and 2014 election cycles that Weeks’ husband expressed concern to Commissioner McLaughlin about McDonald’s influence over her. This group filed 25 complaints against Flagler County officials, individually and collectively, including complaints against Hanns, all members of the 2014 County Commission, the County Attorney, and the County Administrator. The complaints were filed with the Commission on Ethics, the Florida Elections Commission, The Florida Bar, and the State Attorney for the Seventh Judicial Circuit. Certain members of the Triple Rs formed a limited liability company--the “Flagler Palm Coast Watchdogs”--and also filed suit against the County Commission to block renovation of the old Flagler Hospital into the Sheriff’s Operation Center, alleging violations of the Code of Ethics. At least 12 of the complaints filed by the group specifically alleged or referenced the false allegations which are at issue in this case: that members of the County Commission discussed Canvassing Board matters in violation of the Sunshine Law with the goal of manipulating elections, improperly selecting the Canvassing Board attorney, and advancing a hidden agenda. In addition to alleging that Hanns violated Florida’s ethics laws and Sunshine Law, the complaint filed with the Commission alleged that Hanns violated Florida’s campaign finance law in several respects. The allegations that Hanns discussed Canvassing Board matters in violation of the Sunshine Law with the goal of manipulating elections, selected the Canvassing Board attorney, and advanced a hidden agenda were crucial to the ethics complaint which McDonald filed against Hanns. These allegations formed the basis for the Commission’s finding that the complaint was legally sufficient and order that it be investigated. Had Hanns been found to have violated Florida ethics and elections law, it would have damaged his reputation in the community. The totality of these findings, including the number of complaints, the collaboration among the various complainants, and the inclusion of similarly false allegations in complaints filed by different complainants with different agencies, lead to no reasonable conclusion other than Ethics Complaint 15-174 was filed with a “malicious intent” to injure the reputation of Hanns, and create political gain for the Triple Rs and Weeks. The totality of these findings constitutes clear and convincing evidence that McDonald’s complaint was filed with knowledge that, or with a conscious intent to ignore whether, it contained one or more false allegations of fact material to a violation of the Code of Ethics. The totality of these findings constitutes clear and convincing evidence that McDonald showed “reckless disregard” for whether his sworn complaint contained false allegations of fact material to a violation of the Code of Ethics. The totality of these findings constitutes clear and convincing evidence that the true motivation behind the underlying complaint was the political damage the complaint would cause Hanns, with the corresponding benefit to the Triple Rs and Weeks, rather than any effort to expose any wrongdoing by Hanns. Attorneys’ Fees and Costs Upon receipt and review of the complaints filed against Hanns and others in late 2014, Flagler County informed its liability insurance carrier and requested that counsel experienced in ethics and elections law be retained to defend against those complaints. At the specific request of the County, Mark Herron of the Messer Caparello law firm was retained to defend these complaints. Mr. Herron is an experienced lawyer whose practice focuses almost exclusively on ethics and elections related matters. Mr. Herron was retained by Flagler County on the understanding that the Messer Caparello firm would be compensated by the County’s liability insurance carrier at a rate of $180 per hour and that the County would make up the difference between the $180 per hour that the insurance carrier was willing to pay and the reasonable hourly rate. The rate of $180 per hour paid by the County’s liability insurance carrier to the Messer Caparello firm is an unreasonably low hourly rate for an experienced practitioner in ethics and election matters. Expert testimony adduced at the hearing indicated that a reasonable hourly rate would range from $250 to $450 per hour. Accordingly, $350 per hour is a reasonable hourly rate to compensate the Messer Caparello firm in this proceeding. The total hours spent on this case by Messer Caparello attorneys is reasonable. The billable hourly records of the Messer Caparello law firm through May 14, 2017, indicate that a total of 73.54 hours were spent in defending the underlying complaint filed with the Commission and in seeking costs and fees in this proceeding. The record remained open for submission of Messer Caparello costs and attorneys’ fees records after May 14, 2017, through the date of submission of the Proposed Recommended Order. These additional records of the Messer Caparello law firm indicate that a total of 58.33 hours were spent in seeking costs and fees for that defense at the formal hearing in this cause and in preparation and submission of the Proposed Recommended Order. Costs of $1,919.21 incurred by the Messer Caparello law firm through May 14, 2017, are reasonable. Costs of $424.90 incurred by the Messer Caparello law firm after May 14, 2017, are reasonable. The total hours spent on this case by the Flagler County Attorney’s Office is reasonable. Time records of the Flagler County Attorney’s Office through May 15, 2017, indicate that a total of 13.20 hours of attorney time were spent assisting in the defense of the underlying complaint filed with the Commission and in seeking costs and fees in this proceeding. Time records of the Flagler County Attorney’s Office through May 15, 2017, indicate that a total of 22.20 hours of paralegal time were spent assisting in the defense of the underlying complaint filed with the Commission and in seeking costs and fees in this proceeding. The record remained open for submission of costs and attorneys’ fees records after May 15, 2017, through the date of submission of the Proposed Recommended Order. These additional records of the Flagler County Attorney’s Office indicate that a total of 6.60 hours of attorney time, and a total of 2.10 hours of paralegal time were spent in seeking costs and fees for that defense at the formal hearing in this cause and in preparation and submission of the Proposed Recommended Order. Costs of $168.93 incurred by the Flagler County Attorney’s Office law through May 15, 2017, are reasonable. Costs of $292.00 incurred by the Flagler County Attorney’s Office after May 15, 2017, are reasonable. A reasonable hourly rate for the time of Flagler County Attorney in connection with this matter is $325 per hour. A reasonable hourly rate for the time of the paralegal in the Flagler County Attorney’s Office in connection with this matter is $150 per hour. Based on the findings herein, Hanns established that he incurred: (i) reasonable costs in the amount of $2,346.11 and reasonable attorneys’ fees in the amount of $46,154.50 for the services of the Messer Caparello law firm in defending against the underlying complaint filed with the Commission and in seeking costs and fees in this proceeding; and (ii) reasonable costs in the amount of $461.92 and reasonable attorneys’ fees in the amount of $10,080.00 for the services of the Flagler County Attorney’s Office in defending against the underlying complaint filed with the Commission and in seeking costs and fees in this proceeding.

Recommendation Based on the forgoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a final order granting Hanns’ Petition for Costs and Attorneys’ Fees relating to Complaint 15-174 in the total amount of $59,042.53. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of September, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE VAN WYK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of September, 2017.

Florida Laws (5) 112.313112.317120.569120.5722.20
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida May 23, 2011 Number: 11-002594PL Latest Update: Feb. 28, 2025
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Aug. 02, 1990 Number: 90-004799 Latest Update: May 20, 1993

The Issue This is a license discipline case in which the Respondent has been charged by Administrative Complaint with numerous violations of Part VII of Chapter 468, Florida Statutes (1989), which are the statutory provisions regulating the talent agency business.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent has been licensed as a talent agency in the State of Florida, having been issued license number TA 0000015. Respondent's last known address is 2803 East Commercial Boulevard, Suite #204, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308. At all times material hereto, Respondent has been married to Bill Daniels, a photographer, whose office is in the same building as the Respondent's agency. The Respondent and Bill Daniels share living quarters, expenses, profits from each other's incomes, and a joint personal checking account. At all times material hereto, Art Feldman (who is also sometimes known as "Art Field"), under the Respondent's direction, regularly spoke to, interviewed, and took money from artists who sought work through T.J. Norris Co., Inc. At all times material hereto, the Respondent and Art Feldman recommended only Bill Daniels as a photographer to the artists seeking to register with the Respondent. At all times material hereto, the Respondent, as well as Art Feldman and Ed Russell (who was another of Respondent's employees), were authorized by Bill Daniels to collect funds from and issue receipts to talent registered with the Respondent for photographic services and to obtain Bill Daniels picture releases from talent. The Bill Daniels receipts reflected that the Respondent "does not guarantee work or casting." At all times material hereto, Bill Daniels, at no charge to the Respondent, would make up photos from proofs of talent registered with the Respondent, a service Mr. Daniels did not provide to other talent agencies. Bill Daniels gave the Respondent the photography negatives of talent registered with Respondent. Facts regarding Counts One, Two, and Three -- Laurie Wells On or about February 2, 1988, Laurie Wells, after seeing Respondent's advertisement, took her daughter, Jena, to the Respondent's agency for the purpose of procuring modeling and/or acting work for her daughter, who was three years old at the time. The Respondent and Art Feldman told Ms. Wells that Jena would be perfect for an upcoming television series starring Zsa Zsa Gabor. The Respondent and Art Feldman both told Ms. Wells that she would not be able to use her own photographs of Jena, but would need to have a portfolio of photographs taken by Bill Daniels before Jena could be submitted for consideration for a role in the television series. Ms. Wells paid Mr. Feldman three hundred twenty- five dollars to register her daughter with the agency and to have photographs taken by Bill Daniels. Nevertheless, Jena was never called for casting for the television series and Jena never received any work through Respondent's agency. Ms. Wells never received a copy of the contract she signed with the Respondent's agency. At the time she was dealing with the Respondent's agency, Ms. Wells was a beginner in the talent industry. The photographs that Ms. Wells brought with her to her first meeting with the Respondent and Mr. Feldman were current photographs of Jena. The photographs that Ms. Wells brought with her to that first meeting were later used by other talent agencies from which Jena obtained work. Even though the Respondent and Mr. Feldman never guaranteed any work for Jena, they both made statements implying that there was lots of work available and that Jena would be perfect for some of that work. Facts regarding Counts Four, Five, and Six -- Donna Thomas On or about March 29, 1988, Donna Thomas, as a result of one of Respondent's advertisements, took her four-year-old granddaughter, Tami, to Respondent's agency to procure modeling work for Tami. Ms. Thomas spoke with both Art Feldman and with the Respondent. The Respondent told Ms. Thomas that her granddaughter was one of the most beautiful little girls they had had in the agency for a long time. The Respondent went on to state that she could definitely get Tami all kinds of work, but before they could do so Tami would have to have some pictures made. The Respondent also suggested that the pictures should be made as soon as possible. It was suggested to Ms. Thomas that she should have the photographs done by Bill Daniels. Ms. Thomas was not told of any other options for obtaining photographs. Ms. Thomas paid the Respondent two hundred fifty-five dollars to register Tami with the agency and to have photographs of Tami taken by Bill Daniels. The Respondent's agency never procured any work for Tami; the agency never even called about any work opportunities for Tami. At the time of her dealings with the Respondent's agency, Ms. Thomas was a beginner or novice to the talent industry. The evidence in this case is unclear as to whether the Respondent did or did not provide a copy of a contact to Ms. Thomas or to Tami's parents. Facts regarding Counts Sixteen, Seventeen, and Eighteen--Mr. and Mrs. Waldron On or about April 21, 1988, Mrs. Waldron, after seeing one of the Respondent's advertisements, took her son Richard to the Respondent to procure work for him in modeling or acting. Art Feldman told Mrs. Waldron that her son Richard was absolutely beautiful and was exactly what the agency was looking for. Feldman went on to say that he received calls every day from people who are looking for children just like Richard for movies, commercials, catalogs, and newspaper ads. Mr. Feldman went on to say that photographs had to be taken before the agency could do any work for Richard; that without a portfolio there was absolutely nothing the agency could do for Richard. Feldman urged Mrs. Waldron to use Bill Daniels for the photographs and described Bill Daniels as a "resident photographer" who did all of the agency's portfolios and who could get the photos done faster than other photographers. Mrs. Waldron signed a contract with the Respondent's agency and paid the Respondent three hundred fifty-five dollars to register Richard with the agency and have Richard's photographs taken by Bill Daniels. Mrs. Waldron never received a copy of the contract she signed with the Respondent. Richard did not procure work through the Respondent for over a year. When contacted about the lack of work, Art Feldman insisted that updated photographs be taken. When Mrs. Waldron refused new photographs until Richard obtained work, Richard was suddenly called for work as an extra on a movie called "Chains of Gold." Subsequently, Mrs. Waldron asked about other work for Richard, but Art Feldman said it was unavailable until more photographs were taken. At the time of her dealings with the Respondent, Mrs. Waldron was a beginner to the talent industry. Facts regarding Counts Twenty-two, Twenty-three, and Twenty-four--Marie Strong On or about July 11, 1988, Mrs. Marie Strong took her six-month-old son, Caleb, to Respondent's agency for the purpose of procuring work for Caleb in modeling and/or acting. Mrs. Strong met with Art Feldman who told her he could obtain work right away for Caleb, because there were several catalogs coming out within the next week or two that needed children Caleb's age. Feldman also told her that in order to do that she needed to get a professional portfolio taken right away by the agency's photographer, Bill Daniels. Feldman urged Mrs. Strong to pay a deposit on the photographs that very day and dissuaded her from taking time to discuss the matter with her husband. Mrs. Strong paid a deposit in the amount of one hundred thirty dollars the first day and returned the next day with the balance of one hundred ninety- five dollars. The photographs of her son Caleb were taken that day by Bill Daniels. Mrs. Strong was not told of any options to have the photographs taken by some other photographer. The Respondent's agency never procured any work for Mrs. Strong's son. The Respondent's agency never provided Mrs. Strong with a copy of a contract. At the time of their dealings with the Respondent, Mrs. Strong and her son were novices or beginners to the talent industry. Facts regarding Counts Twenty-five, Twenty-six, and Twenty-seven--Kory Bielski On or about September 8, 1988, after seeing Respondent's advertisement and calling for an appointment, Kory Bielski went to Respondent's agency for the purpose of procuring modeling and/or acting work. Mr. Bielski met with Art Feldman. Mr. Feldman told Mr. Bielski there was a lot of work he might be good for and that he wanted Mr. Bielski to sign up with the agency and get started. However, Mr. Feldman told Mr. Bielski that he had to have photographs taken before they would do anything. Mr. Feldman told Mr. Bielski that the agency had a photographer it worked with, and referred him to Bill Daniels. Mr. Feldman did not mention that Mr. Bielski could go to another photographer. Mr. Bielski paid Mr. Feldman a total of $425.00 to pay for the agency's registration fee and for photographs to be taken by Bill Daniels. The only work Mr. Bielski received through the Respondent's agency was two days of work as an extra in a movie. Mr. Bielski signed a contract with the Respondent's agency, but he was never given a copy of the contract. Facts regarding Counts Twenty-eight, Twenty-nine, and Thirty--Brian Cossack On or about October 14, 1988, in response to a newspaper advertisement, Brian Cossack went to Respondent's agency for the purpose of procuring voice-over work. Mr. Cossack met first with Art Feldman. Even though Mr. Cossack's primary interest was in obtaining voice-over work (in which the physical appearance of the artist is irrelevant), Mr. Feldman told him he would be perfect for a role in an upcoming horror film and that he would also be given TV commercial work. When Mr. Cossack said he had very little on-camera experience and did not feel prepared to take on a role of that type, Mr. Feldman continued to insist that he would be a shoe-in for the role. Mr. Feldman called the Respondent into the room and the Respondent also expressed assurances that Mr. Cossack would be perfect for movie and TV work. The Respondent went on to say that she would pay half of the cost of Mr. Cossack's photography session. After mentioning that he was relying on their assurances, Mr. Cossack paid $30.00 to register with the Respondent's agency and agreed to pay $300.00 for photographs to be taken by the photographer recommended by the Respondent. Mr. Cossack paid $100.00 towards the photographs on the first day. A few headshots were taken that day. A few days later, Mr. Cossack returned, paid the $200.00 balance, and some more photographs were taken. Mr. Cossack never received any of the photographs. Mr. Cossack gave both checks for the photographs to Mr. Feldman. The only work Mr. Cossack obtained through the Respondent's agency was work as an extra in a movie. He worked one day as an extra and declined an opportunity to work a second day as an extra. There is no clear and convincing evidence that the Respondent's agency failed to provide Mr. Cossack with a copy of a contract. Facts regarding Counts Thirty-three and Thirty-four--Chaim Kohl On or about December 28, 1988, Chaim Kohl took his four-year-old son, Roy, to Respondent's agency for the purpose of procuring modeling work for Roy. At that time Mr. Kohl was a beginner to the talent industry. Mr. Kohl met with Art Feldman and told Mr. Feldman that he wanted the agency to teach his son how to be a model and to obtain work for his son as a model. Mr. Feldman told Mr. Kohl that Mr. Kohl would have to have photographs of his son taken by Bill Daniels if he wanted the Respondent's agency to represent him. Mr. Feldman also said that as soon as the photographs were ready there would be lots of castings because the agency had lots of work with huge clients. Mr. Kohl agreed to have the photographs taken and ultimately paid $30.00 to register his son with the Respondent's agency and $300.00 for the photography session with Bill Daniels. Mr. Kohl's son never received any work through the Respondent's agency; he was never even called for any castings. Facts regarding Counts Thirty-five and Thirty-six--Harriet and Jim Nabors During February of 1989, Jim and Harriet Nabors went to Respondent's agency for the purpose of procuring modeling and/or acting work. At that time Mr. and Mrs. Nabors were both beginners to the talent industry. They went to Respondent's agency more or less on a lark, in response to one of the Respondent's newspaper advertisements. Mr. and Mrs. Nabors met with Art Feldman. Mr. Feldman told them that before any work could be sought for them, they would have to have photographs taken by Bill Daniels, who he described as being the agency photographer. No other photographic options were given. Mr. and Mrs. Nabors paid $30.00 each to register with Respondent's agency. Mrs. Nabors paid an additional $395.00 for photographs. Mr. Nabors paid $410.00 for photographs and $300.00 for four acting lessons. All of the checks were delivered to Mr. Feldman. Neither Mr. Nabors nor Mrs. Nabors received any work through the Respondent's agency. They received very few calls advising them of work opportunities. When Mrs. Nabors called about opportunities, she was told that business was slow. Facts regarding Counts Thirty-nine and Forty--Michelle Barton On or about September 7, 1989, Michelle Barton took her son, Nicholas, to Respondent's agency for the purpose of procuring modeling work for Nicholas. At that time Nicholas was almost a year old and Ms. Barton was a beginner to the talent industry. Ms. Barton met with Art Feldman and told him she wanted to obtain modeling work for her son. The son had red hair. Mr. Feldman said there was a big need for children with red hair and specifically mentioned that there would be casting opportunities during the next month. Mr. Feldman also told Ms. Barton that she would have to have a portfolio of photographs of Nicholas taken by Bill Daniels, who was described to her as the agency photographer or as a photographer affiliated with the Respondent's agency. She was not told of any other photographic options. Ms. Barton paid $30.00 to register her son with the Respondent's agency and paid $295.00 to have photographs taken by Bill Daniels. She later paid an additional $25.00 to obtain two extra photographic prints. Ms. Barton delivered all of the checks to Mr. Feldman. Ms. Barton never received any work for her son through the Respondent's agency. Ms. Barton later registered her son with another agency. The only photographs she sent to that agency were snap shots. The second agency called her on several casting opportunities. Facts regarding Count Forty-one--Marilyn Moore On or about March 21, 1990, after seeing the Respondent's advertisement in the telephone book, Marilyn Moore took her thirteen-month-old daughter, Jaime, to Respondent's agency for the purpose of procuring modeling work for Jaime. At that time Ms. Moore was a beginner to the talent industry. Ms. Moore met with Art Feldman and told him she wanted to obtain modeling work for her daughter. She had with her a small color photograph of the child that had been taken approximately a month earlier by Olan Mills. Mr. Feldman told Ms. Moore that he definitely thought her daughter had potential as a model, but that first she would have to be registered with the agency and they would need more photographs of the child. Mr. Feldman also told her that he had a photographer who could take the photographs. Ms. Moore asked if they could use the photographer she already had, and Mr. Feldman replied that the agency really needed eight-by-ten black and white photographs and that the agency photographer was in the next room and could do the photographs right then and there for a fee. Ms. Moore asked Mr. Feldman if she could use another photographer and Mr. Feldman replied that it was best to use the agency's photographer because they had worked together before and the agency photographer knew exactly what they needed. Ms. Moore registered her daughter with the Respondent's agency and wrote a $30.00 check to pay the registration fee. She left the payee's name blank on the check and delivered the check to Mr. Feldman. Someone later stamped the check with the name Bill Daniels as payee. Ms. Moore did not agree to have the agency's photographer take any photographs of her child and she declined the request that she make another appointment with the Respondent's agency. Later that same day, Ms. Moore stopped payment on the $30.00 check she had delivered to Mr. Feldman. A couple of days later, before he knew that payment had been stopped on the check, Mr. Feldman called Ms. Moore on the telephone and told her she could use her own photographs. Facts regarding Counts Forty-two, Forty-three, and Forty-four--Sonia Watson On or about December 7, 1988, after seeing the Respondent's advertisement in a newspaper, Sonia Watson took her eight-month-old daughter, Jessica, to Respondent's agency for the purpose of procuring modeling work. At that time Mrs. Watson and her infant daughter were beginners to the talent industry. Because she was a beginner, Mrs. Watson went to the Respondent's agency primarily for the purpose of obtaining information. Mrs. Watson met with Art Feldman. Mr. Feldman was very encouraging about the modeling prospects for Mrs. Watson's child and he told Mrs. Watson the agency would have no problem finding jobs for her daughter and that Mrs. Watson should not worry about the money for the agency's service or for the photographs because she would be able to make it back easily. Mr. Feldman told Mrs. Watson she would have to pay a $30.00 registration fee, a $15.00 fee for a "portfolio" photograph, and a $300.00 fee for photographs and for hiring the agency to find jobs for her daughter. During the first visit Mrs. Watson paid the $30.00 registration fee and the $15.00 "portfolio" fee. She later made an appointment to have the photographs taken and paid half of the money for the photographs. Thereafter, half of the photographs were taken by Bill Daniels, who was described by Mr. Feldman as "our photographer." About two months later, Mrs. Watson returned and paid the remaining half of the money for the photographs and Bill Daniels took the other half of the photographs. Mrs. Watson paid all of the money to Mr. Feldman. Mrs. Watson was supposed to receive five 8 x 10 photographs of her child. The photographs were never provided to her. Mrs. Watson signed a contract after she paid all of the money. She did not receive a copy of the contract she signed. Before agreeing to have Bill Daniels take her child's photographs, Mrs. Watson had found a photographer who would do a photographic "portfolio" of her daughter for $90.00 or $95.00. When she told Mr. Feldman about that possibility, Mr. Feldman advised against it and told her she should use the agency's photographer because the photographer knew the companies the agency dealt with, knew the positions and things the companies were looking for, and, also, that the $300.00 fee included hiring him as her agent. Mrs. Watson's child never received any work through the Respondent's agency. Facts regarding Counts Fifty and Fifty-one--Mr. and Mrs. Trent On or about August 12, 1989, after seeing the Respondent's advertisement in a newspaper, Mr. V. G. Trent took his two daughters, Gayle and Shirene, to Respondent's agency for the purpose of procuring modeling work for Gayle and Shirene. At that time, Mr. Trent and his two daughters were all beginners to the talent industry. The Trents met with Art Feldman. Mr. Feldman said that, because of their tall and exotic looks, the two girls would be working in no time. Mr. Feldman told them that they would need photographs and that the agency would take the photographs for them. Mr. Trent was not advised of any other options regarding the photographs. Mr. Feldman told Mr. Trent it would be in the best interest of the girls for the agency to take the photographs because the agency would be representing the girls and the agency would know what pictures to select. Mr. Trent agreed to Mr. Feldman's suggestions regarding the photographs and agreed to pay $760.00 to have both girls registered with the Respondent's agency and to have both girls photographed by Bill Daniels. The registration was $30.00 for each girl and the photography was $350.00 for each girl. During the first visit Mr. Trent paid a down payment towards the $760.00 and the balance was paid by his wife during a subsequent visit. Neither of Mr. Trent's daughters ever received any work through the Respondent's agency. Facts regarding Counts Fifty-four and Fifty-five--Helena Jackson On or about February 25, 1988, Helena Jackson, also known as Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn, and her teenage daughter, Annika, went to Respondent's agency for the purpose of procuring modeling and/or acting work for Annika. Following conversations with Art Feldman and the Respondent, Mrs. Jackson and her daughter ultimately paid to register with the Respondent's agency and to have photographs taken by Bill Daniels. There is no clear and convincing evidence as to what representations were made to Mrs. Jackson and her daughter by Mr. Feldman or the Respondent. Facts regarding photography needs of beginners In the opinion of experts in the talent agency business, beginning talent should spend as little as possible for photographs until they learn more about the business, decide whether they like the business, or begin to receive regular bookings. In the case of infants and children up to the age of about 10 or 12 years of age, it is sufficient for beginning talent to use snapshots that have been enlarged up to about 5 x 7 inches. An adequate supply of such enlargements can be obtained for approximately $40.00. Everyone in the talent industry is aware of the fact that babies and young children change in appearance quite rapidly and they are not expected to submit professional photographs for castings. In the opinion of experts in the talent agency business, it is sufficient for beginning talent to limit their photography expense to obtaining an 8 x 10 glossy headshot. As one expert explained, ". . . to go beyond an 8 x 10 glossy headshot, to me, is ridiculous. And, I think is a waste of money." A photo session limited to headshots is available from Bill Daniels for $125.00 and is available for less from other photographers in the area of the Respondent's agency. In the opinion of experts in the talent agency business, inexperienced talent are very susceptible to suggestions made by talent agents and have a tendency to follow agents' suggestions due to their inexperience. Because of this tendency, it constitutes undue influence for a talent agent to recommend a specific photographer to a beginning talent without also advising the talent that there are other less expensive alternatives available. Allegations on which no evidence was submitted In DOAH Case No. 90-5328 there is no competent substantial evidence of the Respondent's conduct alleged in either Count One or Count Two, both concerning Elizabeth Kingsley. In DOAH Case No. 90-4799 there is no competent substantial evidence of the facts alleged in any of the following counts: Count Seven, concerning Sarah (Tina) Polansky Count Eight, concerning Sarah (Tina) Polansky Count Nine, concerning Sarah (Tina) Polansky Count Ten, concerning Tracy Wilson Count Eleven, concerning Tracy Wilson Count Twelve, concerning Tracy Wilson Count Thirteen, concerning Michael Pry Count Fourteen, concerning Michael Pry Count Fifteen, concerning Michael Pry Count Nineteen, concerning Julie Lane Count Twenty, concerning Julie Lane Count Twenty-one, concerning Julie Lane Count Thirty-one, concerning Michelle Morrill Count Thirty-two, concerning Michelle Morrill Count Thirty-seven, concerning Kathryn Bischoff Count Thirty-eight, concerning Kathryn Bischoff Count Forty-five, concerning Marilyn Abbey Count Forty-six, concerning Marilyn Abbey Count Forty-seven, concerning Gary Janis Count Forty-eight, concerning Gary Janis Count Forty-nine, concerning Carol Mulchay Count Fifty-two, concerning August Yamond Count Fifty-three, concerning August Yamond Count Fifty-six, concerning Marie Tortu Count Fifty-seven, concerning Marie Tortu Count Fifty-eight, concerning Ilandie Joseph Count Fifty-nine, concerning Marcia Burke Count Sixty, concerning Marcia Burke The Respondent has prior violations of Chapter 468, Florida Statutes. In DPR Case Number 102652, the Respondent entered a Settlement Stipulation agreeing to pay a fine in the amount of two hundred dollars for a violation of Section 468.412(6), Florida Statutes (1988), regarding advertising by a talent agency. In DPR Case Numbers 0110491 and 0106073, DOAH Case Number 89-5521, the Respondent was found to have violated Section 468.410(3), Florida Statutes, on three (3) counts and Section 468.402(1)(t), Florida Statues, on two (2) counts. The Respondent was ordered to pay a fine in the amount of two thousand dollars.

Recommendation Based on all of the foregoing it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be issued in this case to the following effect: In Case No. 90-5328, dismissing all charges in the Administrative Complaint for failure of proof. In Case No. 90-4799, dismissing the charges set forth in the following counts of the Administrative Complaint for failure of proof: Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-one, Thirty, Thirty-one, Thirty-two, Thirty-seven, Thirty-eight, Forty-five, Forty-six, Forty-seven, Forty- eight, Forty-nine, Fifty-two, Fifty-three, Fifty-four, Fifty-five, Fifty-six, Fifty-seven, Fifty-eight, Fifty-nine, and Sixty. In Case No. 90-4799, finding the Respondent guilty of the violations of Section 468.402(1)(s), Florida Statutes (1989), as charged in the following counts of the Administrative Complaint: Counts One, Four, Sixteen, Twenty-two, Twenty-five, Twenty-eight, Thirty-three, Thirty- five, Thirty-nine, Forty-one, Forty-two, and Fifty. In Case No. 90-4799, finding the Respondent guilty of the violations of Section 468.402(1)(t), Florida Statutes (1989), as charged in the following counts of the Administrative Complaint: Counts Two, Five, Seventeen, Twenty-three, Twenty-six, Twenty-nine, Thirty-four, Thirty- six, Forty, Forty-three, and Fifty-one. In Case No. 90-4799, finding the Respondent guilty of the violations of Section 468.402(1)(b), Florida Statutes (1989), as charged in the following counts of the Administrative Complaint: Counts Three, Eighteen, Twenty- four, Twenty-seven, and Forty-four. In Case No. 90-4799, imposing the following penalties for the violations described above: An administrative fine in the amount of $400.00 for each of the 28 violations found above, for a total of administrative fines in the amount of $11,200.00. Revocation of the Respondent's license. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 1st day of March 1993. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of March 1993. APPENDIX The following are my specific rulings on the proposed findings of fact submitted by all parties. The following general observations are made in order to facilitate an understanding on the basis for the findings of fact that have been made as well as the basis for the findings of fact that have been rejected. There is no great dispute about most of the basic facts in these cases. There is quite a bit of dispute about numerous details, as well as disputes about what inferences should be drawn from the facts. In resolving these differences I have, for the most part, been more persuaded by the versions described by the Petitioner's witnesses than by the versions described by the Respondent and her witnesses. In resolving such differences I have especially considered such matters as any motive or bias of each witness, the apparent candor or lack of candor of each witness, the extent to which the testimony of each witness appeared to be logical or illogical, and the extent to which the evidence of each witness appeared to be consistent or inconsistent with other evidence in these cases. Findings proposed by Petitioner: Paragraph 1: Rejected as constituting conclusions of law, rather than proposed findings of fact. Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10: Accepted. Paragraphs 11 and 12: Accepted in substance, but with some details corrected. Paragraphs 13, 14, 15, and 16: Accepted. Paragraph 17: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 18: First sentence accepted; second sentence rejected as not supported by clear and convincing evidence. Paragraph 19: Accepted. Paragraph 20: Accepted. Paragraphs 21 and 22: Accepted in substance. Paragraphs 23, 24 and 25: Accepted. Paragraph 26: First sentence rejected as unnecessary details. Second sentence accepted. Paragraph 27: Accepted. Paragraph 28: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 29: Accepted. Paragraph 30: Accepted. Paragraph 31: Rejected as containing numerous inaccurate details. Some somewhat similar findings have been made. Paragraph 32: Accepted in substance. Paragraphs 33 and 34: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 35 First sentence accepted. First half of second sentence rejected as not supported by clear and convincing evidence. Second half of second sentence accepted. Paragraphs 36, 37, and 38: Accepted in substance. Paragraphs 39 and 40: Accepted. Paragraph 41: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 42: Accepted. Paragraph 43: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 44: Accepted Paragraph 45: Accepted. Paragraph 46: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 47: Rejected as not fully supported by the evidence and as, in any event, subordinate and unnecessary details. Paragraph 48: Accepted in substance. Paragraphs 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, and 54: Accepted. Paragraph 55: Accepted in substance. Paragraphs 56 and 57: Accepted. Paragraphs 58 and 59: Accepted that Mrs. Jackson paid to register herself and her daughter and to have Bill Daniels photograph her and her daughter. The remainder of these paragraphs are rejected as irrelevant details or as not supported by clear and convincing evidence. Mrs. Jackson was a difficult witness, both on direct examination and on cross-examination. She was often argumentative, unresponsive, rambling, and disjointed during her testimony. Her testimony was far from clear and was not convincing. Paragraphs 60, 61, and 62: Accepted in substance. Paragraph 63: Rejected as not fully supported by the record and as, in any event, irrelevant to the issues in this case. Paragraph 64: Accepted in substance, with additional details. Findings proposed by Respondent: With regard to the proposed findings of fact submitted by the Respondent, it is first noted that the Respondent's proposals are virtually impossible to address with specificity because, for the most part, they are comprised of summaries of testimony (testimony both favorable and unfavorable to the Respondent), rather than being statements of the specific facts the Respondent wishes to have found. In this regard it is perhaps sufficient to note that most of the Respondent's summaries of the testimony are essentially accurate summaries of the testimony at hearing, even where the summaries contain assertions that conflict with each other. As noted above, I have resolved most of those conflicts in favor of the versions put forth by the Petitioner's witnesses. Inasmuch as the Respondent has chosen to summarize testimony rather than make proposals of specific facts to be found, it would serve no useful purpose to embark upon a line-by-line discussion of all of the summaries. COPIES FURNISHED: E. Renee Alsobrook, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation Northwood Centre Suite 60 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Charles Tunnicliff, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation Northwood Centre Suite 60 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Gregory F. Esposito, Esquire Suite 9 8000 Wiles Road Coral Springs, Florida 33065 Anna Polk, Executive Director Board of Talent Agencies Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Jack McRay, General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (4) 120.57468.402468.410468.412
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Viera, Florida Oct. 28, 2011 Number: 11-005495TTS Latest Update: Nov. 29, 2012

The Issue DOAH Case No. 11-5494TTS: The issue is whether Respondent, Joseph Fayed (Fayed), committed the violations alleged, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed. DOAH Case No. 11-5495TTS: The issue is whether Respondent, Walt Petters (Petters), committed the violations alleged, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner is a district school board created by Article IX, section 4, of the Florida Constitution. As such, Petitioner’s authority and responsibilities extend to personnel matters, and include the power to hire, suspend, and dismiss Board employees. At all times material to these cases, Petitioner’s organizational structure designated Maintenance as the department responsible for repairs and upkeep to all School District property. Maintenance was charged to budget for and complete repairs and improvements to hundreds of school sites and other Board properties. At all times material to these cases, Petitioner kept a list of vendors who could be called upon by Maintenance to complete work that could not be performed by Board personnel. Maintenance’s system allowed it to assign work previously approved or contemplated by the budget to a vendor and then submit a purchase order to the Board’s purchasing department so that the vendor would be paid at the conclusion of the work. At all times material to the allegations of this matter, Respondent Fayed was employed by the Board on an annual contract and served as supervisor of central services in the Maintenance Department. Fayed oversaw maintenance work performed within his service area. It is undisputed that the annual contract held by Fayed could be non-renewed without cause. Therefore, at the conclusion of the 2011-2012 school year (presuming his contract ended concurrent with the school year), Petitioner was not obligated to retain Fayed. By history, Fayed worked for Petitioner for well over 30 years, completed his DROP time, and separated from the School District. After remaining out of the system for some period of time, Fayed returned to work for the School District and continued to do much of the same type of work he had done prior to retirement. At all times material to the allegations of this matter, Respondent Petters was employed by Petitioner on an annual contract. Petters was the director of Maintenance. His responsibilities required him to supervise all employees within the School District’s Maintenance Department. Fayed served under Petters’ supervision. As director of Maintenance, Petters oversaw all of the geographical service areas for the School District. All outside vendors who performed maintenance work for School District properties were directly tied to Petters’ department. The Controversy Prior to August 15, 2011, Board employees raised concerns of improprieties committed by Petters and Fayed in connection with the performance of their duties in the Board’s Maintenance Department. An internal investigation of the School District’s maintenance department suggested that there were 25 separate instances of improper activity. Based upon the investigation, Petitioner procured an independent audit to be performed by RSM McGladrey, Inc. (McGladrey). McGladrey was tasked to review the 25 claims, review all pertinent records of the Maintenance Department, and present a detailed report to the School District’s Superintendent. That report, dated September 23, 2011, formed the basis for the charges against Petters and Fayed. The McGladrey report was attached to letters from the Superintendent dated October 5, 2011, that advised Petters and Fayed that their employment with the School District would be recommended for termination at the Board’s October 11, 2011, meeting. At that meeting, Petters and Fayed were terminated subject to their administrative rights to contest the action. Respondents timely sought a formal administrative hearing in connection with the charges of misconduct, willful neglect of duty, and/or being incompetent. The Vendors SMG SMG Coatings, Inc. (SMG), is a painting company operated by Tim Tillotson (Mr. Tillotson). Although, technically owned by Mrs. Tillotson, the company’s day-to-day field operations are directed and supervised by Mr. Tillotson. At all times material to the allegations of these cases, SMG routinely bid on contracts for the School District. It also competed for the “primary contractor” designation. Petitioner used two methods of procurement for maintenance work to be performed by outside vendors. One method, “primary contractor,” was for minor projects that did not exceed $5,000.00, in value. Vendors designated as the “primary contractor” were utilized to do these minor jobs without additional bidding. When a job exceeded $5,000.00, all vendors on a list of approved vendors were allowed to bid on the project. These vendors are known as “continuing contract” holders in this record. Vendors on the “continuing contract” approved list were to receive notice of the job and be given an opportunity to successfully bid the work. Although the threshold amount was later raised, and the method of evaluating contractors was later changed from an hourly rate to a unit measure for the type of painting work, the underlying concerns regarding how SMG received the Board’s work remain the same. At all times material to these cases, SMG was a “primary contractor” on the approved “continuing contract” vendor list. The allegations of these cases aver SMG received preferential treatment not afforded other vendors doing business with the School District. Sena-Tech Sena-Tech, LLC (Sena-Tech), is an electrical contractor that first became authorized to do School District work during 2008. Steve Terry (Mr. Terry) is the president of Sena-Tech. The allegations of these cases aver Sena-Tech received preferential treatment not afforded other electrical vendors doing business with the School District. The Relationships Petters and Fayed are long-term employees of the School District, who have forged friendships with each other and with vendors doing business with the Board. Specific to these cases are the friendships between Petters, Mr. Tillotson, and Mr. Terry. It is undisputed that at all times relevant to the allegations of these cases, Petters and Mr. Tillotson ate lunch together many times a month. Petters vacationed with Mr. Tillotson on one or more occasions. Petters and Mr. Tillotson made no effort to hide their close friendship. Similarly, Fayed is friends with Mr. Tillotson. Although they are not as close as Petters and Tillotson, it is undisputed that Fayed also lunched with Mr. Tillotson on a regular basis. Given his work history, Fayed is familiar with painting contractors doing business in the school district. There is no evidence that Fayed made any effort to encourage other painting vendors to compete with SMG for the Board’s business. Fayed has also known Steve Terry for years. Mr. Terry has been to Fayed’s home in the past and considers Fayed a friend. Petters and Mr. Terry are also well known to one another. Mr. Terry has joined Fayed and Petters for lunch. Neither Fayed nor Petters acknowledged that forging friendships with vendors doing business with the School District gave the appearance of impropriety to persons looking at the situation from outside of the Maintenance Department. The Jobs Sena-Tech Prior to 2008, Sena-Tech did not have standing as a “continuing contractor” or vendor approved to do work for the School District. Nevertheless, Sena-Tech received jobs and was paid for work done prior to its inclusion on the list. Purchase Orders (POs) were approved by Petters for payment to Sena-Tech in connection with nine specific jobs. Petters was required to sign-off on jobs and to submit POs so that the vendor would be paid. A purchase order is the written document formalizing the transaction between the Board and the vendor. In this case, all POs were initiated by Maintenance and paid by Petitioner’s Purchasing Department. The weight of the credible evidence confirms that nine jobs given to Sena-Tech prior to 2008 were electrical in nature and should have gone to a contractor on the approved list or, if not technically “electrical” due to the voltage of the work, should have been given to a vendor that successfully bid the jobs. In either instance without competent supporting documentation, Sena-Tech would not have automatically received the work. There is inadequate evidence that the work performed by Sena-Tech resulted in a higher cost to the Board, however, because the process, by which work should have been distributed to vendors, was circumvented in connection with the nine Sena- Tech POs approved by Petters. There is no evidence that Petters personally benefitted from the work given to Sena-Tech. There is insufficient evidence to establish that Fayed was personally involved in the disputed Sena-Tech POs, or that he participated in the selection of that company for the disputed work. There is no evidence that Fayed personally benefitted from the work given to Sena-Tech. SMG The weight of the credible evidence established that SMG circumvented the Board’s bidding process by submitting false information. SMG obtained work based upon unrealistically low hourly rates. To calculate the labor cost for a job required a simple formula: hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours to complete the job. Theoretically, all vendors would take the same amount of time to complete a job. Because the hourly rate would be multiplied by the number of hours the job required, the job labor cost would be correct. In these cases, that did not happen. Instead, SMG inflated the number of hours for the job and thereby assured itself a payment greater than its hourly rate would have afforded had the rate been applied to the actual hours worked for the job. In some instances, SMG billed the job at a higher hourly rate than its contract allowed. According to Fayed and Petters, so long as the bottom line (the ultimate cost to the School District) was reasonable, the process was adequate and had long been in place. Fayed and Petters did not acknowledge that the method used by SMG might have resulted in a higher cost to the Board. Based upon their professional experience in the Maintenance Department, both Respondents claimed that the amounts charged by SMG and paid for by Petitioner were appropriate. In truth, the process was not appropriate because vendors who bid actual (as opposed to illusory) hourly rates did not have the opportunity to obtain jobs. Vendors who bid the hourly rates that would be applied to the real hours of work could not compete with SMG’s unrealistically low rate. SMG was assured of “primary contractor” status without meaningful competition so long as its hourly rate was less than its competitors. At all times material to these cases, SMG was the preferred painting vendor. Fayed and Petters knew the system was flawed. In fact, Petters claimed that he told superiors that the system should be changed. When the threshold amount of jobs was increased from $5,000.00, to $20,000.00, the hourly rate method was still used. More important, neither Petters nor Fayed required SMG to bill only its actual hours for a job. There are a number of ways to track time on a given painting job. Outside vendors could be required to sign in and out at a job location. A site supervisor could verify the daily hours worked at a given location. No reasonable effort to verify the actual hours spent on a job was used when it came to SMG. Petters and Fayed knew or should have known that the hours submitted by SMG were false. Whether the Board could have or should have paid less for the SMG jobs is unknown. Another vendor working fewer hours at a higher rate might have cost the School District the same amount. Because the hours billed by SMG were false, it is impossible to calculate what the jobs should have cost. For the jobs that SMG billed a higher hourly rate than their contract allowed, it would be possible for the Board to calculate an overpayment. At the heart of this matter is the indifference displayed by Fayed and Petters to hold SMG accountable for the actual hours worked. The dispute might have been avoided if SMG had either bid fair hourly rates or billed actual hours worked. SMG did neither. Petters knew what was going on and did not intervene to stop the fiction. Recapping Board payments made to SMG, pursuant to the 2004-2005 paint contract, shows that of the $772,467.13, spent for painting jobs, only $8,200.00, went to a vendor other than SMG. Of the projects that exceeded $5,000.00, $276,614.68 went to SMG without meaningful bids from other vendors on the approved list. All approved paint vendors were entitled to submit proposals for the projects that exceeded $5,000.00. Of the ten projects that met the $5,000.00 threshold, a competing vendor was able to submit a proposal on only three of the jobs. When the threshold was raised to $20,000.00 in 2008, SMG’s competition had fewer opportunities to obtain work from the School District. As the primary vendor (again using a false hourly rate), SMG was able to capture more jobs because the Maintenance Department did not have to offer work to another vendor unless the amount exceeded $20,000.00. Fayed and Petters supported the higher threshold and Fayed lobbied for its approval. Board payments made during the 2008 paint contract requested by the Maintenance Department totaled $1,246,184.37. The entire amount went to SMG. Whether the Board could have obtained the work for a lesser amount is unknown. A review of the 2008 paint jobs established that no bids were obtained for work that exceeded the $20,000.00 threshold. No serious effort was made to secure outside bids or vendors to compete against SMG. Had Petters or Fayed brought the lack of competition to the Board’s attention (or to any supervisor in the school system), it is unknown whether SMG would have obtained the volume of work it was paid for during this time. The Other Claims SMG was allowed to use Board equipment and fuel without cost. It is unknown whether other vendors could have saved these expenses when presenting their bids for School District work. Arguably, Petters and Fayed would have let other successful vendors use Petitioner’s equipment and fuel. As SMG secured the work, the question cannot be resolved. Petitioner’s policy allows personnel to use School District transportation when their work duties require travel to more than one work-site. Fayed’s duties required travel to job sites throughout the central area. Vehicles provided for official business may not be used for personal activities. The weight of the credible evidence established that Fayed used his School District vehicle to attend to personal matters such as doctor visits, stops at his personal residence, and a trip to Patrick Air Force base. See Policy 8651. Petitioner’s ethics policy is designed to create a culture of honesty and integrity. See Policy 4210. Fayed and Petters ignored the reality that their close friendship with a vendor caused the honesty and integrity of the Maintenance Department to be brought into question. Petters defiantly insisted that SMG retain “primary contractor” status when another company prevailed on the 2010 paint contract.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter Final Orders as follows: As to DOAH Case No. 11-5494TTS, finding there is just cause to terminate the employment of Joseph Fayed effective October 11, 2011. As to DOAH Case No. 11-5495TTS, finding there is just cause to terminate the employment of Walt Petters effective October 11, 2011. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of September, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. D. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of September, 2012. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph R. Lowicky, Esquire Glickman, Witters and Marrell, P.A. The Centurion, Suite 1101 1601 Forum Place West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Mark S. Levine, Esquire Levine and Stivers, LLC 245 East Virginia Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Dr. Brian Binggeli, Superintendent Brevard County School Board 2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, Florida 32940-6601 Lois Tepper, Interim General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Pam Stewart, Interim Commissioner Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (6) 1001.321012.221012.27120.57120.68287.001 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.001
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jul. 06, 1992 Number: 92-004066 Latest Update: Mar. 29, 1993

The Issue This is a license discipline proceeding in which the Petitioner seeks to take disciplinary action against the Respondent on the basis of alleged violations of Section 475.25(1), Florida Statutes. By Administrative Complaint the Respondent is charged with having violated subsections (b), (d), and (l) of Section 475.25(1), Florida Statutes, by reason of fraud or misrepresentation in a business transaction, by failing to account for or deliver a deposit, and by having filed a report known to be false.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent Jean Gramolini was at all times material hereto a licensed real estate broker in the State of Florida, having been issued license number 0367905. The last license issued was as a broker-salesperson. On June 16, 1989, the Respondent became a Management Broker for the Department of Veterans Affairs (hereafter "the VA"). At that time her duties as a Management Broker were explained to her through a Management Broker Manual which she received from the VA and through VA training. Those duties, at all times material hereto, included the following: Inspection of VA-owned foreclosure properties assigned to her by the VA. Within 15 days of notification of a property assignment, preparation and forwarding to the VA of a Property Management Report for the property. For properties built before 1978, the Property Management Report was to include a Defective Paint Report. Engagement of the services of workers to prepare and maintain the assigned properties for resale. For lawn mowing services and for jobs under $200, the Respondent was to pay the workers out of her own pocket and then be reimbursed by the VA. The Respondent was to submit to the VA on a monthly basis a consolidated invoice in order to claim reimbursement from the VA for such out- of-pocket payments. Beginning some time in 1988 or 1989, the Respondent engaged the services of Nowak Property Management (hereafter "NPM") to provide certain services for her on properties assigned to her by the VA. Those services included lawn mowing, boarding up windows, cleaning up debris from houses, and taking trash to the dump. Each month Alan Nowak (hereafter, "Nowak"), owner and president of NPM, submitted to the Respondent for direct payment by her a list of lawns mowed and invoices for jobs under $200. The business relationship between the Respondent and NPM was satisfactory at first, but some time early in 1991, Nowak noticed that the Respondent began to be late in giving him checks. On August 3, 1991, at the Respondent's request, Nowak met with her at her office. At that time, Nowak had already submitted NPM invoices to the Respondent and had already claimed payment due thereon from the Respondent in the amount of $6,663, as follows: $1,720 for July 1991 lawns; $2,650 for June 1991 jobs under $200; and $2,293 for July 1991 jobs under $200 (hereafter, "the Invoices"). The Respondent told Nowak that she was terminating the business relationship between herself and NPM because Charles Daughtry of the VA had told her she should do so. In fact, Charles Daughtry had not made such a statement to her. The Respondent also reviewed all of the Invoices and arbitrarily and without justification stated to Nowak that she would be willing to pay NPM only $3,593 in exchange for a signed release from further liability on the Invoices. Nowak refused the offer and on August 19, 1991, sent a letter to the VA describing the situation and attaching a copy of the Invoices (hereafter, "Nowak's letter" or "the Nowak letter"). In September of 1991 Nowak filed a complaint against the Respondent with the Department of Professional Regulation. Some time in October of 1991 Nowak offered to accept partial payment from the Respondent, at which time the Respondent told Nowak that she would not pay him anything. This was the last communication between Nowak and the Respondent, and Nowak never received any payment or partial payment from the Respondent for the Invoices. The Nowak letter was received by the VA and on August 22, 1991, it was routed to Charles Daughtry (hereafter, "Daughtry"). Daughtry, at the time of the hearing, had been a Realty Specialist in the Property Management Section of the VA for nine years. As such, his duties included monitoring the performance of Management Brokers within his assigned geographic area of responsibility. At the time of the Nowak letter, Daughtry was, and since about August 1990 had been, assigned to the area where the Respondent functioned as Management Broker. Upon receipt of Nowak's letter, Daughtry reviewed the Respondent's Consolidated Invoices, from which it appeared that the VA had already paid the Respondent for the work represented by the Invoices. On October 3, 1991, Mr. Daughtry met with the Respondent at her office and requested that she provide him with certain of her cancelled checks, the numbers of which he obtained from the Consolidated Invoices which she had previously submitted to the VA. In response to Daughtry's request, on October 16 and 21, 1991, the Respondent provided certain of her cancelled checks to Daughtry. The numbers of the cancelled checks did not match the numbers of the checks which Daughtry had requested, but Daughtry was able to infer a correlation based upon a comparison of the amounts and the payees. Contrary to the Respondent's duties as explained to her in the manual and at her initial VA training, and contrary to the Respondent's representations contained in the Consolidated Invoices themselves, in several instances, the Respondent had claimed reimbursement in her Consolidated Invoices for payments which she had not yet made, including reimbursement for payment of the Invoices. Daughtry became convinced of this as a result of his review of the Respondent's Consolidated Invoices, cancelled checks, and Nowak's letter. As a result, he recommended that the Respondent's status as a Management Broker be terminated, and it was. Daughtry prepared a letter notifying the Respondent of her termination, and the letter was sent to her on October 30, 1991. Under the circumstances, Daughtry concluded that the Invoices should be paid in full by the VA. Upon Daughtry's recommendation, the VA, on November 26, 1991, sent a check to Nowak for $6,643 as payment in full of the Invoices. Subsequently another instance came to light in which the Respondent failed to pay for services for which she had already claimed and received payment as reimbursement from the VA. That instance involved C & J Housecleaning, and the amount was approximately $4,500. At the time of her termination as a VA Management Broker, the Respondent, with respect to each of six different properties, had sent to the VA a Property Management Report with a Defective Paint Report indicating "no defective paint," when in fact there was flaking or peeling paint that should have been reported. The circumstances were such that the Respondent had to have known that the reports were false. The Respondent inspected the properties herself, and the flaking and peeling paint was fairly obvious. In some instances the flaking and peeling paint was near the roof. In those instances it was even less likely that the Respondent could have over looked the defective paint conditions, since the Respondent inspected the roofs of all of the properties. The Respondent signed the Defective Paint Reports.

Recommendation On the basis of all of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be issued in this case to the following effect: Concluding that the Respondent is guilty of having violated subsections (b), (d), and (1) of Section 475.25(1), Florida Statutes, as charged in Counts I, II, and III of the Administrative Complaint; and Imposing an administrative penalty comprised of an administrative fine in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and revocation of the Respondent's license. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of January, 1993, at Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of January, 1993. COPIES FURNISHED: Theodore R. Gay, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 401 N.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite N-607 Miami, Florida 33128 Ms. Jean Gramolini 901 South Surf Road, #304 Hollywood, Florida 33019 Ms. Jean Gramolini 1310 North 69th Avenue Hollywood, Florida 33024 Darlene F. Keller, Director Division of Real Estate 400 West Robinson Street Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802-1900 Jack McRay, General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (2) 120.57475.25
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Melbourne, Florida Dec. 24, 2009 Number: 09-007036 Latest Update: Sep. 08, 2010

The Issue The stipulated issue1 is whether Respondent discriminated against Petitioner on the basis of her race by denying Petitioner equal pay in violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act, Chapter 760, Florida Statutes (2007).2

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is an "aggrieved person" within the meaning of Subsections 760.02(6) and (10). Petitioner is an African- American female and filed a complaint of race discrimination, with the Commission. Respondent is an "employer" within the meaning of Subsection 760.02(7). Respondent is the Office of the Sheriff for Brevard County, Florida. The evidence, in its entirety, does not establish a prima facie showing of discrimination. Nor does the evidence prove that Petitioner received unequal pay. Respondent first employed Petitioner sometime in October 2002. Petitioner voluntarily resigned her position of employment with Respondent on May 30, 2008, for a higher-paying position with another employer.3 On July 29, 2006, Respondent transferred Petitioner from the position of payroll specialist, in the accounting department, to a position of personnel officer in the personnel department. The transfer was a promotion, and Petitioner received a 10 percent increase in pay. Ms. Bridget Bauer replaced Petitioner in the accounting department. The supervisor in the personnel office was Ms. Imogene Mullins. Ms. Mullins supported the transfer of Petitioner and considered Petitioner to be a valuable asset due to Petitioner's varied experience, including experience in human resources. On April 3, 2008, Ms. Bauer transferred from the accounting department to another position within Respondent's organization. Ms. Denise Postlethweight, the supervisor of the accounting department, asked Petitioner to temporarily assist the accounting department until the department could replace Ms. Bauer, to train the replacement for Ms. Bauer, and to assist in interviewing applicants to replace Ms. Bauer. Petitioner agreed to perform these temporary duties. Respondent, Ms. Postlethweight, and Ms. Mullins did not promise Petitioner she would receive additional compensation for performing these temporary duties in the accounting department until the accounting department replaced Ms. Bauer. Respondent's administrative policy does not authorize compensation for temporary duties. Ms. Mullins attempted to obtain authorization for increased compensation for the temporary duties performed by Petitioner without success. No pay increase was approved because Petitioner was performing equivalent supervisory duties in the accounting and personnel departments on a temporary basis. One alleged comparator relied on by Petitioner is not a comparator. Ms. Lisa Gillis performed equivalent supervisory duties as the special projects coordinator and sheriff's assistant. However, Ms. Gillis performed equivalent supervisory duties on a permanent basis rather than a temporary basis. Respondent's administrative policy authorizes additional compensation for dual duties performed on a permanent basis. Petitioner spent much of her time during the hearing attempting to show that Ms. Mullins promised additional compensation to Petitioner as an inducement for Petitioner's agreement to perform dual duties on a temporary basis. As previously found, the fact-finder does not find that evidence to be persuasive, and, if it were, the evidence does not rise to the level of a preponderance of the evidence. Moreover, evidence of an offer and acceptance of additional compensation between Ms. Mullins and Petitioner as an inducement for the performance of dual duties is relevant to an action for breach of contract rather than discrimination. Jurisdiction for an action for breach of contract is in circuit court rather than DOAH.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order finding Respondent not guilty of the allegations against Respondent and dismissing the Charge of Discrimination and Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of June, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL MANRY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of June, 2010.

Florida Laws (1) 760.02
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 11, 2010 Number: 10-002488 Latest Update: Oct. 27, 2010

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent discriminated against Petitioner based on his race contrary to Section 760.10, Florida Statutes (2009).

Findings Of Fact Respondent operates a lumber mill in a community known as Cypress near Marianna, Florida. In 2007, Respondent hired Petitioner, an African-American male, to operate a 966 Caterpillar loader (the loader) at the mill. Melvin Lewis is an African-American male. Mr. Lewis is a second-shift supervisor. At all times relevant here, Mr. Lewis was Petitioner's immediate supervisor. Mr. Lewis reports directly to Ross Jackson, a white male. Mr. Jackson has been Respondent's general manager since January 2008. In May 2008, Mr. Lewis told Petitioner that the loader was slowly leaking brake fluid. Mr. Lewis instructed Petitioner to always check the loader to ensure that it had brake fluid. On or about Thursday, May 28, 2009, between 2:30 a.m. and 3:00 a.m., Petitioner was involved in an accident while operating the loader. Petitioner told Mr. Lewis that a log fell onto the loader, the brakes failed, and the loader went over a retaining wall. After the accident, Mr. Lewis immediately checked the brake fluid reservoir. He found the reservoir empty. Petitioner knew or should have known the standard procedure to follow when, and if, a log rolled onto a loader. In that event, the loader operator was supposed to immediately call his supervisor on the two-way radio and request help. At the time of the accident, Petitioner and Mr. Lewis had working two-way radios. Petitioner used the radio to call Mr. Lewis right after the accident. He did not call for help when the log first rolled onto the loader. On May 28, 2009, Petitioner was operating the 966 loader on a ramp that is 75-feet long and 40-feet wide with a retaining wall on each side of the ramp. At the high end of the ramp is a flat area where Petitioner was picking up logs from a pile. To get off of the flat part of the ramp, Petitioner had to accelerate backwards to then go down the ramp. When the accident occurred, Petitioner had traveled almost all of the way down the 75-foot ramp and then turned the loader 90 degrees toward the retaining wall. To go over the one and one-half foot retaining wall, the loader must have been traveling at a fairly high rate of speed. The accident tore the transmission off of the loader. The loader was inoperable and had to be repaired. The cost of the repairs was over $14,000. After the accident, Mr. Lewis told Petitioner that "this is really bad." Mr. Lewis first directed Petitioner to clock-out and go home. Mr. Lewis then told Petitioner to stay until Mr. Jackson arrived at work at 5:00 a.m. When Mr. Jackson came in to work, he told Petitioner that he would be suspended until Mr. Jackson and Mr. Lewis had a chance to review the situation. Mr. Jackson told Petitioner to report back on Monday, June 1, 2009. Mr. Lewis decided that Petitioner should not be allowed to operate equipment for the following reasons: (a) Petitioner failed to keep brake fluid in the loader as instructed; (b) Petitioner failed to call for help on his radio when the log rolled onto the loader; and (c) with the log on the loader, Petitioner accelerated backward down the ramp, turned the loader 90 degrees, and drove the loader fast enough to hit the retaining wall and bounce over it. Mr. Lewis recommended termination of Petitioner's employment. Mr. Jackson concurred. Petitioner was terminated on June 1, 2009. No evidence indicates that the decision to terminate Petitioner's employment was based on his race. There was no persuasive evidence that Respondent gave any white employee more favorable treatment under similar circumstances.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of August, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of August, 2010. COPIES FURNISHED: Eric J. Holshouser, Esquire Fowler, White and Boggs, P.A. 50 North Laura Street, Suite 2800 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Gary Powell 6782 Bumpy Lane Grand Ridge, Florida 32442 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Larry Kranert, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000e Florida Laws (4) 120.569760.01760.10760.11
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sebastian, Florida Jun. 25, 2020 Number: 20-002922 Latest Update: Feb. 28, 2025

The Issue Whether Respondent Eastern Florida State College (EFSC) engaged in discriminatory employment practices and retaliation, in violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act (FCRA), as alleged in the Petition for Relief; and, if so, the appropriate penalty.

Findings Of Fact Ms. Garrett is a 53-year-old African American woman. EFSC is a public college in Brevard County, Florida. For the time period relevant to this matter, EFSC is, and has been, her employer. On July 9, 2018, Darla Ferguson informed Ms. Garrett that EFSC eliminated her position as e-Learning Coordinator. EFSC did not fill Ms. Garrett’s position in the e-Learning department; rather, the prior job duties were assigned to other members in the e-Learning department. After eliminating the position of e-Learning Coordinator, EFSC offered Ms. Garrett the position of Coordinator of the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR). The OUR department supports and promotes research opportunities among undergraduate research students through EFSC’s four campuses. Ms. Garrett accepted EFSC’s offer, and Ms. Garrett became EFSC’s first employee to hold the position as Coordinator of OUR. In lieu of offering Ms. Garrett the position of Coordinator of OUR, EFSC could have laid off Ms. Garrett following the elimination of her position as e-Learning Coordinator. However, rather than laying her off, EFSC found a new position for Ms. Garrett. Following her transfer to the position as Coordinator of OUR, Ms. Garrett’s salary and benefits remained unchanged from her prior position as e-Learning Coordinator. On July 10, 2018, Ms. Garrett met with Dr. Sandra Handfield, Scott Herber, and Dr. Ashley Spring to discuss Ms. Garrett’s new position as Coordinator of OUR. At that meeting, Dr. Handfield—who was Ms. Garrett’s new supervisor—informed Ms. Garrett that Dr. Spring and Mr. Herber were the founders of OUR. Prior to Ms. Garrett’s arrival as Coordinator of OUR, Dr. Spring and Mr. Herber, who were full-time faculty members, oversaw the OUR program. Dr. Handfield also informed Ms. Garrett that should she have any questions regarding her position as Coordinator of OUR, she should consult with Dr. Spring and Mr. Herber. As of the date of the final hearing, Ms. Garrett remained employed by EFSC as the Coordinator of OUR, and continues to receive the same salary and benefits that she received when she was the e-Learning Coordinator. Allegations of Adverse Employment Action EFSC originally intended for the Coordinator of OUR to be a Director, and possess a doctorate degree. However, EFSC later changed this position to Coordinator, which did not require a doctorate degree, and which had a lower salary. Ms. Garrett never applied for the Director of OUR position, and she does not have a doctorate degree. Ms. Garrett testified concerning her belief for the reason that EFSC transferred her to the Coordinator of OUR position, stating: I believe they did that because the intent was to put me in a position that was beyond my reach so that when I had issues and problems, they could use that and tie it with this position in order to say that I could not do the job. On April 12, 2019, Ms. Garrett received a six-month performance evaluation covering her first six months in her position as Coordinator of OUR. Dr. Handfield provided the performance evaluation approximately four months after the performance period ended. The performance evaluation indicated that Ms. Garrett was deficient in the areas of teamwork, valuing differences, and communication. Following the performance evaluation, Ms. Garrett did not lose any pay or benefits, and nothing adverse happened to Ms. Garrett as a result of the performance evaluation. Ms. Garrett testified that she believed Dr. Handfield gave her that evaluation “as a form of retaliation[,]” but not on the basis of her race, age, or gender. She further testified as follows: Q. Okay. But just to be clear, not gender, age, or race. You think it’s retaliation, what she did, correct? A. Correct. Q. Okay. And what was she retaliating against you for in your view or what facts do you have that it was for retaliation? A. I believe it was retaliation based on the input from the faculty members, based on the interactions we had during the actual performance review period, which would have been July 9th, 2018, until January 9th, 2019. Q. So based on the interaction you had with Dr. Handfield, Dr. Spring and Mr. Herber for the six months before that; is that what you’re saying? A. Yes In January 2019, Ms. Garrett requested that she use Canvas shell computer software to enable her to build an orientation outline. EFSC denied this request, because it would not generate money. Allegations of Comparator Ms. Garrett identified Justin Looney, a 38-year-old white male, as a comparator in support of her discrimination claim.1 Ms. Garrett’s testimony was that Mr. Looney was an EFSC employee working as an Academic Services Coordinator at EFSC’s Patrick Air Force Base campus; upon the closing of that campus, EFSC eliminated Mr. Looney’s position and, similarly to Ms. Garrett, transferred him to a newly-created position in which he received the same salary and benefits. 1 At the final hearing, Ms. Garrett also mentioned Marian Sheltman as a possible comparator, stating that she was a white female. However, Ms. Garrett failed to introduce any additional facts or evidence concerning Ms. Sheltman’s status or to explain how the undersigned could consider Ms. Sheltman as a valid comparator. The undersigned finds that Ms. Garrett failed to establish Ms. Sheltman as a comparator in this matter. Ms. Garrett contends that EFSC treated Mr. Looney differently, during his transfer, in that EFSC provided Mr. Looney more notice time between the elimination of his prior position and the transfer to his new position. Ms. Garrett also contends that EFSC treated Mr. Looney differently than her because Mr. Looney was Dr. Handfield’s son-in-law. Allegations of Hostile Work Environment Ms. Garrett testified that at the July 10, 2018, meeting, Dr. Spring commented about the uncleanliness of the OUR office, and recommended that Ms. Garrett obtain a broom and dustpan to keep the office clean. Ms. Garrett also testified that she declined to assist Dr. Spring in hanging posters on the wall of the OUR office. Ms. Garrett also testified that Dr. Spring noticed that the OUR signage was covered up on the outside of the building, and asked Ms. Garrett to correct this. Ms. Garrett testified that in subsequent meetings with Dr. Handfield, she “shared [her] concerns regarding the work environment[,]” and stated that she did not feel comfortable with the things Dr. Spring and Mr. Herber asked of her because these things “were in violation of college policy.” Ms. Garrett testified that Dr. Spring micromanaged her role as the Coordinator of OUR; for example, Dr. Spring continued to process online student research forms, and coordinated the Fall 2018 OUR board meeting. Ms. Garrett also testified that Dr. Spring opened the OUR online student forms too early, which prevented Ms. Garrett from matching faculty mentors with student applicants.2 Ms. Garrett also testified that Dr. Spring made decisions concerning the OUR without consulting with her. Ms. Garrett testified that Dr. Spring would send her e-mails asking if Ms. Garrett had completed the work requested of her. 2 Ms. Garrett also testified that Mr. Herber was not involved in micromanaging her role as the Coordinator of OUR. Ms. Garrett testified that Dr. Spring told Ms. Garrett what she should be doing, and would become vocal with her dissatisfaction of Ms. Garrett’s job performance. Ms. Garrett testified that she did not know why Dr. Spring engaged in any of these actions. After a November 2018 meeting with Dr. Spring, Ms. Garrett testified that her work atmosphere became “more tense … in terms of Dr. Spring and Mr. Herber starting to make comments about allegations about my work.” She further testified that after this meeting, Dr. Handfield “started issuing directives[,]” such as requiring Ms. Garrett to first ask Dr. Spring and Mr. Herber for input prior going to other EFSC campuses to host information tables. Ms. Garrett claimed that she was subjected to a hostile work environment in which “in every meeting that I planned and hosted, Dr. Spring and Mr. Herber would say disparaging comments during the meeting.” For example, “[t]hey would talk across me and I did not reply.” Although Dr. Handfield was Ms. Garrett’s supervisor, Ms. Garrett testified that Dr. Handfield openly discussed supervision of the OUR with Dr. Spring and Mr. Herber. Findings of Ultimate Fact Ms. Garrett presented no persuasive action that EFSC’s decisions concerning, or actions affecting, her, directly or indirectly, were motivated in any way by race-based, sex-based, or age-based discriminatory animus. There is no competent, persuasive evidence in the record, direct or circumstantial, upon which the undersigned could make a finding of unlawful race, sex, or age discrimination. Ms. Garrett presented no persuasive evidence that EFSC’s actions subjected her to harassment based on race, sex, or age. There is no competent, persuasive evidence in the record, direct or circumstantial, upon which the undersigned could make a finding of unlawful race, sex, or age harassment. Ms. Garrett presented no persuasive evidence that EFSC discriminated against her because she opposed an unlawful employment practice, or because she made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under the FCRA. There is no competent, persuasive evidence in the record, direct or circumstantial, upon which the undersigned could make a finding of unlawful retaliation. Ms. Garrett presented no persuasive evidence that EFSC’s actions were sufficiently severe or persuasive to alter the terms and conditions of her employment to create a hostile work environment. There is no competent, persuasive evidence in the record upon which the undersigned could make a finding of hostile work environment.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the undersigned hereby RECOMMENDS that the Florida Commission on Human Relations issue a final order dismissing Mary F. Garrett’s Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of November, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT J. TELFER III Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of November, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Tammy S. Barton, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations Room 110 4075 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-7020 (eServed) Mary F. Garrett Apartment 2508 2741 Caribbean Isle Boulevard Melbourne, Florida 32935 (eServed) Mark E. Levitt, Esquire Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A. Suite 100 1477 West Fairbanks Avenue Winter Park, Florida 32789 (eServed) Cheyanne Costilla, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations Room 110 4075 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-7020 (eServed)

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57760.10760.11 Florida Administrative Code (1) 60Y-4.016 DOAH Case (1) 20-2922
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