Leaving your home at 17
This is a hard situation , and I am not
sure how to go about this, I am a 16
year old going on 17 (in a few
days),My home situation isn't the
best and I am not willing to run away
again.I 've ran away a few times and
all it's done is sent me back in the
same circle. My parents aren't the
most understanding ppl we've tried
everything (by me I mean all legal
services..concealing for me, and
them and it still wont work...I just
wanted to know is it possible for me
to move out at the age of 17 without
parental permission considering the
fact that I was considered a runaway
before and I am currently on
probation for the next year...But I
am going to school presently and
passing all my classes looking for a
job and if I were to find a place I
could live (lets say with a friend of
relative ) willing to take me in and I
told my parents I wanted to live with
that person and they didn't agree
what can i do at 17 in nyc?