STIPULATION ALLOWING TRAVEL JENNIFER A. DORSEY , District Judge . Plaintiff UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, by and through its counsel of record, the United States Attorney for the District of Nevada, and defendant RONEN NAHUM, by and through his counsel of record, Tina Glandian, hereby stipulate that Mr. Nahum be permitted to travel to Hawaii on Saturday, April 18, 2015, and return to California on Saturday, April 25, 2015 to accompany his daughter on a campus tour at the University of Hawaii...
STIPULATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR PLAINTIFF / COUNTERCLAIM-DEFENDANT KONAMI GAMING, INC. TO FILE ITS REPLY IN SUPPORT OF ITS MOTION TO DISMISS COUNTERCLAIMS AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES JENNIFER A. DORSEY, District Judge. Pursuant to LR 6-1, Plaintiff / Counterclaim-Defendant Konami Gaming, Inc. ("Konami") and Defendant / Counterclaim-Plaintiff Marks Studios, LLC hereby stipulate and agree that Konami shall be provided a two-week extension to file its Reply in support of its Motion To Dismiss...
STIPULATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR PLAINTIFF / COUNTERCLAIM-DEFENDANT KONAMI GAMING, INC. TO FILE ITS REPLY IN SUPPORT OF ITS MOTION TO DISMISS COUNTERCLAIMS AND AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES (FIRST REQUEST) JENNIFER A. DORSEY, District Judge. Pursuant to LR 6-1, Plaintiff / Counterclaim-Defendant Konami Gaming, Inc. ("Konami") and Defendant / Counterclaim-Plaintiff Marks Studios, LLC hereby stipulate and agree that Konami shall be provided a two-week extension to file its Reply in support of its...
STIPULATION AND ORDER FOR DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE GLORIA M. NAVARRO, Chief District Judge. IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED by and between Plaintiff Michael J. Hicks and Defendant Riviera Operating Corporation d/b/a Riviera Hotel & Casino, by and through their respective undersigned counsel, that the above-entitled action shall be dismissed with prejudice, each party to bear its own fees and costs. IT IS SO ORDERED.
ORDER GEORGE FOLEY, Judge. Defendant's Emergency Motion for Protective Order (Dkt. #16) came on for hearing on December 2, 2014, before Magistrate Judge George Foley, Jr. Defendant was represented by Michael K. Wall of the law firm Hutchison & Steffen, LLC, and Plaintiff was represented by Joseph Troiano of Marshall Law Office. The Court, having reviewed the papers and pleadings submitted, including Defendant's Emergency Motion for Protective Order, Plaintiff's Opposition thereto, and...
STIPULATION AND ORDER FOR DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE GLORIA M. NAVARRO, Chief District Judge. IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED by and between the Plaintiff, Maria Abueg, and Defendant, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company dba State Farm, parties hereto, by and through their respective counsel, Parker Scheer Lagomarsino, for Plaintiff, and Hall Jaffe & Clayton, LLP, for Defendant, that this matter be dismissed with prejudice, each party to bear its own costs and attorney fees. IT IS SO ORDERED.
STIPULATION AND ORDER FOR DISMISSAL LLOYD D. GEORGE, District Judge. IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED by the parties above named, by and through their respective counsel of record, that the above-entitled matter identified as case number 2:12-cv-00051-LDG-VCF be dismissed with prejudice, including specifically: A. Defendant JESSE R. CRUZ, Individually, as Agent of CLEM-TRANS, INC., a foreign corporation; B. Defendant GEOVANY MARTINEZ, Individually and as Agent of CLEM-TRANS, INC., a foreign...
STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE JANNIFER A. DORSEY, District Judge. Plaintiff Judy Peatrowsky and Defendant Persolve, by and through their undersigned attorneys, have resolved their differences and hereby stipulate and agree that Plaintiff's Amended Complaint is hereby dismissed with prejudice, each party to bear its own attorneys' fees and expenses. IT IS SO ORDERED.
PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO FILE COMPLAINT AND EXHIBITS UNDER SEAL; [PROPOSED] ORDER VALERIE P. COOKE, District Judge. Plaintiff Samick Musical Instruments Co., Ltd. ("Plaintiff" or "Samick") hereby moves this Court for an order sealing Plaintiff Samick's Complaint and Exhibits. These documents are filed concurrently with this Motion. In January 2010, Plaintiff Samick and QRS Music Technologies, Inc. ("Defendant QRS") entered into an Agreement. See December 1, 2014 declaration of Matthew D....
ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO FILE UNDER SEAL JAG'S (1) REPLY ISO JAG'S MSJ/SA; (2) RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS' MOTION TO STRIKE; AND (3) RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS' MOTION TO EXCLUDE ANDREW P. GORDON, District Judge. Defendant filed its Motion to File Under Seal JAG's (1) Defendant's Reply In Support Of Defendant's Motion For Summary Judgment, Or In The Alternative, Summary Adjudication; (2) Defendant's Response To Plaintiffs' Motion To Strike Previously Undisclosed Witness, Chris Butler, And Previously...
STIPULATION AND ORDER TO DISMISS WITH PREJUDICE GLORIA M. NAVARRO, Chief District Judge. Defendant PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, by and through its attorneys AKERMAN LLP, and Plaintiff Diana K. Aragon by and through her attorneys RICHARD HARRIS LAW FIRM, hereby stipulate and agree that the above-entitled matter be dismissed, with prejudice, each party to bear its own costs and fees. ORDER UPON STIPULATION of the parties, and good cause appearing therefore, it is hereby...
MOTION FOR SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEEDINGS (EXAMINATION OF JUDGMENT DEBTOR) CAM FERENBACH, Magistrate Judge. The United States of America, by and through Daniel G. Bogden, United States Attorney, and Roger Wenthe, Assistant United States Attorney, moves this Honorable Court for an order requiring defendant, Burnell Morrison, to appear before a United States Magistrate Judge at a time and place to be set by the court for examination supplementary to judgment pursuant to Rule 69 of Fed. R. Civ. P.,...
ORDER WILLIAM G. COBB, Magistrate Judge. Upon Good Cause and unopposed Motion made before this Court, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Washoe County Detention Center permit contact visitation between Maria Del Carmen Rodriguez-Luna and her daughter Kayla Rodriguez-Luna, D.O.B., May 2, 2014. The details and logistics of any such visitation remains within the authority and discretion of the Washoe County Detention Center.
STIPULATION AND ORDER TO REMAND JAMES C. MAHAN, District Judge. IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED by and between Richard A. Harris, Esq. and Samantha A. Martin, Esq. of the RICHARD HARRIS LAW FIRM, attorneys for Plaintiff, THOMAS DUBE, as Parent and Legal Guardian of JORDAN DUBE (hereinafter "Plaintiff"), and Jorge Ramirez, Esq. and Ellen Bowman, Esq. of WILSON, ELSER, MOSKOWITZ, EDELMAN & DICKER LLP, attorneys for Defendant JENNIFER HOGAN (hereinafter "Defendant"), that as the total value of damages...
ORDER GRANTING FINAL APPROVAL OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT ANDREW P. GORDON, District Judge. TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE COUNSEL OF RECORD: The above-referenced putative class action ("Action") having come before the Court on December 10, 2014, for a hearing and this Final Order Approving Class Action Settlement and Judgment ("Court's Final Order and Judgment"), consistent with the Court's Preliminary Approval Order ("Preliminary Approval Order"), filed and entered September 8, 2014,...
STIPULATION FOR DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE AND ORDER THEREON GLORIA M. NAVARRO, Chief District Judge. IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and among Plaintiffs, Trustees of the Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 13 Defined Contribution Pension Trust for Southern Nevada, et al., and Defendants, Marbella Flooring, Inc. and Robert Imus, an individual, and subject to the approval and Order of the Court, as follows: 1. A full and final settlement of the above-entitled action has been...
STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE GLORIA M. NAVARRO, Chief District Judge. Plaintiff KENNETH HODY and Defendant GEICO CASUALTY COMPANY, by and through their counsel of record, hereby stipulate that the First Cause of Action in Plaintiff's Complaint filed in this matter be dismissed, with prejudice, thus dismissing all remaining claims and causes of action against Defendant in the above-entitled action, with prejudice, each party to bear their own attorneys fees and costs....
[PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR ORDER (1) APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF RECEIVER'S AND PROFESSIONALS' FEES AND EXPENSES FROM MAY 1, 2014 THROUGH AUGUST 31, 2014; AND (2) GRANTING RELIEF FROM LOCAL RULE 66-5 PERTAINING TO NOTICE TO CREDITORS MIRANDA M. DU, District Judge. The matter of the Motion for Order (1) Approving and Authorizing Payment of Receiver's and Professionals' Fees and Expenses from May 1, 2014 Through August 31, 2014; and (2) Granting Relief from Local Rule 66-5...
MOTION TO REDUCE COSTS AWARD TO JUDGMENT AGAINST VALDEZ PHILIP M. PRO, District Judge. Pursuant to FRCP 69, defendant Quality Communications, Inc. requests that this Court issue a judgment for the costs award in the amount of $1,459.30 against Plaintiff-Appellant Joseph Valdez. This motion is based on the attached memorandum of points and authorities. MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES On March 4, 2014, this Court ordered that costs were taxed against appellant Joseph Valdez in the...