Coronavirus’s spread throughout the United States has drastically changed the relationship between employers and their employees. However, there are numerous laws and statutes that protect California employees’ rights, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Theft by Deception in NJ
If someone has been accused of a third degree offense of Theft by Deception, how long does the State have to charge the person for the crime. Does the Statue of limitations apply?
Grand Theft?
Im 18 years old and am moving out of my mothers house. My grandmother, her mother, gave me a laptop four years ago as a present. I took it along with all of my other stuff. She then threatened me and said if I didnt give it back to her she would send a warrant out for my arrest. I called a local police department and asked them about this and they told me there was nothing she could do since it was a gift to me. Later that night she had a police woman call my phone and tell me if I dont give it back by monday Ill be arrested for grand theft. My mom lied and told her it was gift to her and took a box I did not realize I left and showed it as proof. I tried talking to the police officer but it seemed she did not care what I had to say. I have a voicemail from my grandma saying it was a gift to me as long as I graduate and go to college, which Im in the process of doing. The police officer said it did not count as proof? Is there anything I can do?