There are currently over 48,000 residence of Ohio’s correctional facilities. These inmates live in very tight quarters where social distancing is impractical at best, and impossible at worst. Handwashing, and sanitizing in accordance with state and federal recommendations, is highly complicated. Consequently, those living in communal environments such as our State’s correctional facilities, are at heightened risk of contracting COVID-19. As of the date of this post, over 3,300 staff and inmates throughout Ohio have tested positive for COVID-19. Marion Correctional Facility has been inundated with the virus, with over 73% of the inmate population testing positive. All of this is extremely disheartening, to those that have loved ones in the system.
Governor's Orders and Eligible Offenders
On April 15, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine, announced his plan to deal with overcrowded prisons and COVID-19, by instructing courts to consider early release of inmates under an emergency overcrowding order pursuant to ORC 2967.18. The Governor has created a task force instructing certain inmates that meet the criteria briefly described below will be eligible for early release review automatically once they are within 90 days or release. However, if your loved one is at risk for COVID-19, and is an eligible offender, he or she may be able to petition the court for Judicial Release sooner than the 90 days. Your loved one must not have a mandatory sentence that has not been served. They must not be a sex offender or be incarcerated as a violent offender. Additionally, they should not have any incident reports while they are serving their time. To find out more about whether your loved one may qualify for Judicial Release due to COVID-19, please contact us for a free consultation.