We explain the new federal law, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, that expands employee's rights to sick leave due to coronavirus.
Children removed from home
Can children be removed from home for the home being very dirty, moldy food on dishes in sink and table and things strewn all over the floor so there is no bare space to walk?
corporate operating agreement
Is the corporate operating agreement for an ''S'' or ''C'' corp the same as that for a LLC? I am trying to obtain forms to create an operating agreement for an existing corporation.
Severance package pay deal
My sister was recently laid off from her job in California after 14 yrs of service. The company has offered her a severance package which includes a percentage of her regular salary for about 4 months.
But, they have said that in the event that she finds employment during those 4 months while receiving her severance, she is to notify them to have the remaining severance monies stopped. Is this legal ? I believe that all the severance money should be hers whether she finds a job right away or not. She has been given a dead line date to sign the severance package deal otherwise, they will not give her any money at all. Thanks for all yor help.
can a custodial parent be ordered to take a child to visit a incarcerated parent. Grandparent was raising the child until her incarceration..
I would appreciate any help
The Board of my California HOA has proposed some changes to the Rules and Regulations. Their notice has strikethroughs where text is to be removed and bold text where it is to be added.
A small note next to a new Architectural Committee section says "replaces separate Architectural Guidelines". Much of that document's language is shown as added to this and another section of the Rules and Regulations.
But some of the language from the to-be-abandoned Architectural Guidelines has been omitted altogether. In particular, a contentious sentence about "clutter" is nowhere to be found in the proposed changes, but there are several other omissions as well.
This may just be an oversight, but...who knows? Maybe they're hoping we won't notice what has been lost.
I say that by not showing us all the text to be removed they have not met the part of �1357.130 that says "The notice shall include the text of the proposed rule change...".