The first requirement for the limited driving privilege or hardship license is to perform a alcohol assessment. This assessment costs around $100 and after you hire our firm, we will provide you with a list of facilities in the area to obtain this assessment. Many clients wonder what is an alcohol assessment? I don’t have a drinking problem, why do I need this assessment? We know you don’t have a drinking problem and this arrest was an abortion. The assessment is simply a requirement the NC DMV and NC Judges require to sign off on the privilege, so that is the main reason you will need one.
An alcohol assessment is exactly what it sounds like, it assesses your drinking habits and alcohol consumptions. When you arrive to obtain the assessment, the facility will ask you to answer a list of questions ranging from how often you drink to family history of drinking. After you have completed this questionnaire you will meet with a counselor for an interview. The counselor will ask you a series of questions, similar to the questionnaire you just filled out. After you answer the questionnaire and interview with the counselor, the counselor will make a recommendation for classes to complete. Typically, the counselor will recommend 16-20 hours of classes but you do not need to complete those classes right away. Those classes will have to completed if we lose at trial and are found guilty. As we stated before, the main reason to obtain the assessment is to get you back driving on the road as quickly as possible.
The next document we need to get you back driving is proof of insurance. The NC DMV requires a special form called a DL-123 form. This form is very easy to obtain, all you need to do is call your insurance company to request it and have your insurance company fax it directly to our office at 704-334-7899. The DMV will also accept a Policy Declarations Page.
The last document we must petition the court with is an affidavit from you the applicant. An affidavit is a sworn document which must be notarized, but not to worry, we will draft the document and all you will need to do is sign it and have it notarized. The affidavit serves to inform the judge you understand the restrictions on this license, have not had a previous DWI with the past 7 years, and you are applying for this license for work or school. If you have had a previous DWI in the last 7 years, you would not qualify for this hardship license
Girlfriend being sued for accidental apartment fire.
My girlfriend has recently been served by mail for a lawsuit involving an apartment fire a little over two years ago. This is the third time she has been contactedregarding this case. The first two times, she was asked for her parents home owners insurance carriers. When her parents insurance denied the claims, the law firms dropped the case. This new law firm has served her a year later with no previous contact. They are representing the land lords insurance company and seeking $15,000 ($1 million was the first claim). They base their allegations on negligence on her behalf.
In the summons they have the address and unit number of her apartment at that time incorrect. Does this have to be corrected?
Also, we have a copy of the fire marshal's report from the first law firm that states the accident was completely accidental in nature. They believe the fire started from a pile of clothes on the floor when she was not in the apartment. They also rule out electrical problems but do not give a definitive cause. Do they have a grounds to prove gross negligence when the only case they have is that she left clothes on the floor?
Besides contacting legal council, what should our immediate next steps be? Thanks.
legal contract
if there are blanks or missing numbers on a contract does that make it invalid? We signed a residential lease to own contract. There is a paragraph about ''rent credit''. This area was left blank in several spaces where there should have been a dollar amount.
I purchased a home at the foreclosure auction, in Georgia in Oct 2011.
The security deed that foreclosed was filed in April 2003.
This home has a HOA lien filed in Aug 2010.
Does this HOA lien survive the foreclosure?