Reverse mortgages are usually advertised as an ideal way for senior citizens to get extra spending money to supplement their retirement income. But taking out a reverse mortgage isn't necessarily a good idea. Before you get a reverse mortgage, learn how they work and consider the upsides and, especially, the downsides.
In a regular mortgage, the borrower gets a lump sum from the lender, and makes monthly payments towards paying the money back, including interest. In a reverse mortgage, rather than obtaining a lump sum that has to be steadily paid back, the owner receives periodic payments or gets a line of credit upon which the borrower makes draws (or a combination of these options). The periodic payments or draws then become the loan. The loan amount grows every time the lender sends a payment or the borrower makes a draw, until the maximum loan amount has been reached. Subject to some limits discussed below, the borrower could choose to take out a lump sum with a reverse mortgage. The homeowner doesn’t have to repay the loan, plus interest and fees, unless and until specified events happen, as explained below.
Sound too good to be true? Many would agree, because in the end, the lender usually gets its money back, and more—why else would it engage in this business practice? The balance of this article explains in more detail how reverse mortgages work, their limitations, and the advantages and disadvantages to consumers.
Almost all reverse mortgages are Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs), which are federally insured through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). (FHA is a part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development or "HUD".)
This insurance program is not set up to benefit the homeowner—it’s for the benefit of the lender. The insurance will step up if you default on your loan or the loan is accelerated (called due) for some other reason, but your house isn't worth enough to fully repay the debt through a foreclosure sale or other form of liquidation, like a sale or deed in lieu of foreclosure. If this happens, the FHA will compensate the lender for the loss.
Generally, homeowners who are over age 62, occupy the property as their principal residence, and have 50-55% or more equity in their home will likely qualify for a reverse mortgage under the HECM program. However, the most money you can get with a HECM is $726,525 in 2019—no matter how much equity you have in your home.
You can choose to have HECM funds distributed as:
You can also get a combination of monthly payments and a line of credit.
Before 2013, borrowers could take out 100% of the principal limit all at once. This led to problems for many borrowers in the following years, because they’d used up the equity in the home and couldn’t get more money or another loan. Now, federal law limits the amount you can borrow in the first year of the loan to the greater of 60% of your approved loan amount or the sum of the mandatory obligations plus 10% of the principal limit. Mandatory obligations include, for example, existing mortgages and other liens on the property.
For example, if you have no mandatory obligations—like liens or an existing mortgage—and qualify for a $100,000 reverse mortgage, you can get only $60,000 in the first year. If you take out the reverse mortgage as a one-time lump sum, you forfeit the rest of the available principal ($40,000). However, you can choose a partial lump sum and get the rest of the available principal as a line of credit or monthly payments.
If you have mandatory obligations, you can get more money to pay those off. So, if you have $70,000 of mandatory obligations (for example, an existing mortgage and a lien) and qualify for a $100,000 reverse mortgage, you can get $80,000 in the first year. Here’s how the math works:
Mandatory obligations: $70,000
10% of the principal limit ($100,000 x .10 = $10,000): $10,000
= $80,000.
The borrower gets $10,000 and $70,000 goes to pay off the existing mortgage and lien.
Under the terms of a HECM, you must continue to pay the property taxes and homeowners’ insurance. Why is the lender concerned about these matters? Remember, if you can’t repay the loan, it will sell the house to satisfy the debt (foreclose on it). A house that is free of tax liens and in good shape because insurance money was available, for example, to rebuild following a fire, will fetch more money than one saddled with liens and left to deteriorate.
Set-aside account. To make sure you can stay current on taxes and insurance, the lender assesses the homeowner’s financial situation when considering a reverse mortgage. If the lender determines you probably won’t be able to stay current on these expenses, it establishes a set-aside account as part of the reverse mortgage. A set-aside account is an amount of money (part of the loan) that the lender keeps to pay the taxes and insurance in the upcoming years. If you have a set-aside account, you get less money from the reverse mortgage.
Maintenance. Under the terms of the reverse mortgage, you also have to maintain the home in good condition and pay your HOA fees (if your community requires them). The lender is not taking any chances on the healthiness of the house’s title or its physical condition.
Counseling. Tellingly, you must also complete a counseling session with an HUD-approved counselor. The purpose of the counseling session is to make sure that you understand what you’re getting into. Reverse mortgages are extremely complicated. HECM counselors have reported that it typically takes at least two hours to explain how these mortgages work and cover all of the topics, such as the costs and consequences, that borrowers need to understand before taking out a reverse mortgage. Even after a long counseling session, many borrowers still don’t fully understand all of the reverse mortgage terms and requirements. (Read more about your responsibilities under a reverse mortgage.)
With a HECM, the following triggering events that allow a lender to accelerate (call due) the loan:
If the lender calls the loan due, the borrower (or the borrower's heirs) must:
Otherwise, the lender will foreclose.
Reverse mortgages offer some advantages. For one thing, if you’re equity-rich but cash-poor, a reverse mortgage might be a good way to get extra spending money.
Other advantages to reverse mortgages include:
While there are some upsides to reverse mortgages, there are also significant drawbacks. The lender can call the loan due in any of the above-describe scenarios. For example, if you don’t pay the property taxes or homeowners’ insurance, fail to keep the property in reasonable shape, or breach any of the other mortgage requirements, the lender can foreclose. A reverse-mortgage lender once started a foreclosure because a 90-year-old woman failed to pay the $0.27 needed to get current on her homeowners’ insurance. This was not an isolated incident. Reverse mortgage lenders have a reputation for foreclosing on elderly homeowners for relatively minor mortgage violations.
Reverse mortgages are designed so that the lender gets its money or ends up with the home. Even if you do everything you’re supposed to under the mortgage agreement, you probably won’t have money or equity left when the loan comes due and you’ll likely lose the home.
Other downsides to reverse mortgages include:
Having read about the terms and conditions of a reverse mortgage, you can see that the lender will eventually be paid back. If the homeowner doesn't repay the loan, sell the property, or provide a deed in lieu, the lender forecloses and satisfies the loan out of the sale price. If the sale price is insufficient and the mortgage is federally-insured, the federal government makes up the difference. At the very least, the lender has made back its principal, plus interest and fees.
Because you get money now and don’t have to pay it back until much later (theoretically), a reverse mortgage might initially sound very appealing. But, because of the drawbacks associated with these loans, it’s a good idea to consider other options if you’re facing financial difficulties. For example, you could:
If, after considering all the downsides to reverse mortgages you’re still thinking about getting one, consider talking to a trusted financial planner or attorney, like an elder-law attorney, first. For more general information about reverse mortgages, go to the AARP website. Also, beware of common reverse mortgage scams.
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