The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has issued new guidance on the interplay between the current Coronavirus crisis and the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). That guidance can be read in full here
We received a 3 day pay or quit notice in Florida. We signed a rent to own agreement, 1 yr. to be renewed every year. We have not signed a new agreement this year. We are late, in the expired agreement there are a few things we now know are not legal; such as a $5 a day late fee for as long as we are late, he also put any late payments will count as rent, not towards balance. The house was built in 1885 and sat empty for close to a decade. The floors are soft, I have fallen through a few places and they are now holes we rigged with a piece of wood over it, the roof leaks, there is black mold, and the kitchen sink does not drain, needs new lines. I understand buyer beware, but curious if we have any rights here. There is no CO for it so we are curious if he can collect rent, or even legally evict us when he cannot legally rent it in the first place. He refers to the agreement in his pay or quit notice, but that has expired. Also, as soon as we moved in he got a new phone & number and even though we have asked for it he has never given it to us, it is also not included on the notice.
Do we have any recourse? We are curious if there are any Florida law loop-holes to help us.
Good Samaritan Law
Our church is planning a free health fair on our property for the residents of a low income neighborhood. Is the church protected by good samaritan laws? Are the church, trustees and members immune from liability unless gross negligence or willful misconduct is an issue?
From 2006-2009 I had borrowed my mother and stepfather a total of $16,000. It was agreed upon by all parties involved that I would have my student loans paid off for the amount.
However since 2009 to now they are getting a divorce, my mother still acknowledges the debt but the stepfather doesn't. Now at the time I agreed to loan them money the stepfather was the only one working. In fact for the entire marriage he was the only one working and still is.
I would like to file a lawsuit against my stepfather for the amount of $16,000 PLUS interest I have missed out on, and the taxes I will be charged on the money I use to pay off my student loans.
I have documents and bank statements from my mother showing my withdrawals from my account and going into their joint bank account.
Unpaid Loan
We have loaned money to friends a non-secured loan (we said we needed to secure it with their home, they kept blowing us off) and they have not kept up with their payments. Now they say their house is being foreclosed on. They have sold the Business they borrowed the money for and are not returning any of our efforts to contact them. We have paperwork saying we have a 10% steak in the business along with the regular payment. Everything was done in the Husbands name but the wife is referenced in the business plan as a part owner/stock holder and in other documents. Yes, we did not handle this correctly to secure our end but we were given the old �I�ll take care of you�, buddy deal. And they have been friends for years and we bought it. Is there some kind of help that we can get to write-up the paperwork to sue them without throwing a bunch more money at this?
my brotherand i are heirs to our dads estate,will has been filed and i have been advised that my brother wishes to buy out my interest of the real estate portion of the estate. his lawyer sent a copy of an appraisal of the real estate along with the offer, is the any other paper work i.e. my dads tax returns ect.. i should be looking at before i make a decision. and will the estate lawyer provide me with the paper work if i request it.