Asylum hearings in Immigration Court are among the more difficult processes. The basic role of the government attorney is to find the pitfalls in the applicant's case. Thus, It is essential to hire an experienced attorney who will explain the weaknesses of the case BEFORE the hearing.
Is spitting on someones personal property a punishable crime
Stressed-out at work
I've worked for the same company for the last 5 years and I have a positive and distinguished record.
Over the course of time the workplace has become more and more stressful due to fewer staff, larger workloads, supervisors who are rude and derisive towards employees, and a constant change of administrators. I am stressed-out, I sleep very little, and I am unalbe to enjoy most of the activities I had enjoyed in the past. I have tried to eliminate stress from other areas of my life (i.e. being free from debt, spiritual exercises, etc...), but I am unable to revert to a life of happiness and contentment. When I think of work and the situations that happen I feel ill and angry and I have begun taking sick days and I try to avoid certain supervisors and taking a leadership role so I can avoid the problems I've seen others get caught up in.
What can I do to get away from work and refocus? Am I eligible for workers comp benefits, disabliity, or nothing? I am going to my personal doctor who has prescribed anti-depressants and I have told him about what is causing the grief, but he cannot lead me to the next step. What do I do?