There are three types of adoption in Louisiana: Agency, Pivate, and Intrafamily. The Children's Code is the same for all three types: a single person, 18 years or older, or a married couple may jointly petition to adopt a child. When one joint petitioner dies after the petition has been filed, the adoption proceedings may continue as though the survivor was a single original petitioner. Art 1198, 1221, 1243.
A Statement of Family History, which includes medical and genetic information. Article 1125 states that this must contain the date of birth of the biological parents, explicit medical genetic history of the biological parents and their immediate families, and the form for the statement of family history.
Also Article 1127.1 states that after the adoptive placement of the child, the agency or person to whom surrender is made shall have a continuing duty to maintain these records and supplement them if additional non-identifying medical or genetic information is received about the adopted child or a surrendering biological parent.
Article 1171. The adoptive parent needs to have pre-placement approval of their adoptive home (home study), or have their approved for placement by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Yes, the child must have lived with the adoptive parents for six months prior to filing a petition to finalize the adoption. Art 1171.
Yes. The adoptive parents are the legal parents and have the same rights as other parents regarding their children, however, if there is a continued contact agreement the adoptive parents would need to comply with the terms of the agreement. Article 1037.1 Chapter 14-A, Articles 1269.1-7. The statute does not provide a mechanism for Court oversight of the agreement.
An adopted child may communicate with their birth parent if both the adoptive parent and biological parents have agreed to the contract. However, it is ultimately the adoptive parents' decision regarding the type and duration of the communication.
Adult adoptees may attempt to locate their biological family through the Louisiana Adoption Reunion Registry. It is managed exclusively by the State Agency, the Louisiana Office of Community Services. Adopted persons have to be age 18 in order to register. For there to be a match/reunion (the exchange of any identifying information) both the adopted person and birth parent have to register - voluntarily, independently. If only one of them gets on the Registry, nothing happens.
Medical and genetic information.
A Statement of Family History, which includes medical and genetic information. Article 1125 states that the history must contain the date of birth of the biological parents, explicit medical genetic history of the biological parents and their immediate families, and the form for the statement of family history.
Also Article 1127.1 states that after adoptive placement of the child, the agency or person to whom surrender is made shall have a continuing duty to maintain these records and supplement them if additional non-identifying medical or genetic information is received about the adopted child or a surrendering biological parent.
The state employs adoption specialists to provide case management and supportive services. Private agency staff members supervise their placements. Attorney assisted placements have a period of supervision by the Adoption Petition Unit of the Office of Community Services. Art 1297.
The adoption is final at the time of the adoption finalization hearing, one that results in a final decree of adoption. Art 1217
Either the birth parents or the adoptive parents may start the adoption process either by initiating an adoption plan or by initiating a home study, respectively. Officially, the adoptive parents start the legal process through the filing of the adoption petition through their attorney or an adoption agency. Art 1208
Initially the Act of Surrender documents must be filed with the court shortly after the signings. The child must then be in the home for a period of at least six months before the filing of the adoption petition. Art 1208
At time of parental surrender the child becomes available for adoption - anytime after the child is five days old (not counting the day of birth) papers must be signed. Article 1130
The parents must agree on the adoption plan assuming that they have each retained their parental rights. The father must have established his parental rights and proven capability to the court.
Yes, such as in removal and subsequent termination of parental rights for abuse/neglect. See chapter 4, Grounds of Involuntary Termination. Art 1015
No. This is assuming that the child is elilgible for membership in one of the federally recognized tribes. Louisiana adoption laws include compliance with ICWA.
Yes, Louisiana adoption law adheres to MEPA/IEPA.
Yes. Louisiana has many special needs children available for adoption. Almost 80% of the foster children placed in adoption are considered special needs; many of them are physically and mentally challenged.
Yes, any child born in Louisiana can be placed for adoption. The law is silent.
None. They have the right to voice their opinion, and relative placement preference is a mandated consideration at the front end of the public child welfare continuum. However, once a child becomes available for adoption, then neither the parents nor grandparents have standing regarding placement decisions. Related information-Art 1264 is about visitation rights of grandparents if they are the parents of a deceased parent such as in step parent adoptions.
In Louisiana, agencies must be licensed to engage in the practice of adoption. Louisiana attorneys handle private adoptions. Additionally, pre-placement home studies may be done by a licensed agency, licensed clinical social worker, licensed professional counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist. Art 1172
La CC article 603 Definitions: (13) "mandatory reporter" is any of the following individuals performing their occupational duties: (a) "health practitioner" is any individual who provides health care services, including a physician, surgeon, physical therapist, dentist, resident, intern hospital staff members, podiatrist, chiropractor, licensed nurse, nursing aide, dental hygienist, any emergency medical technician, paramedic, optometrist, medical examiner, or coroner, who diagnoses, examines, or treats a child or his family.
Article 609-A. (1) states that "Notwithstanding any claim of privileged communication, any mandatory reporter who has cause to believe that a child's physical or mental health or welfare is endangered as a result of abuse or neglect or that abuse or neglect was a contributing factor in a child's death shall report..."
Not known. RS 40:1299.35.5 states: No physician shall perform or induce an abortion upon any pregnant woman who is under the age of 18 years and who is not emancipated judicially or by marriage unless the physician has received a notarized statements signed the legal guardian (parent, guardian, tutor), or a court order.
A minor may consent to medical treatment for his/her minor child. RS 1299.53
I'm being forcefully thrown out of the startup I cofounded. My other two cofounders are trying to steal half of my shares through a repurchase notice. They did everything in their powers to unilateraly terminate my involvement. The company charter gives them the repurchase option if I'm not involved with the company and now, they're trying to serve me the repurchase notice through UPS. It just happened that UPS couldn't deliver it. I found out they are very worried about this.
My question is: what happens if I don't get the repurchase notice?
real estate transfer
My wife and I have property in an FLP. What legal document should we use to transfer the property from the FLP to her?
1. My husband has been incarcerated for a DUI.
2. I originally came to the US on a work visa which expired in 2009, so you could say I am currently residing illegally.
I am doing my best to save the money for my visa which has been very difficult over the last year due to the circumstances of my husband being imprisoned. It has now become a problem because I can no longer drive as I am unable to get a state licence, so I desperately need to get my visa sorted as a priority. My concerns now are that they will not issue me my visa due to the fact that my husband is now in prison or that I have outstayed my visa. Do you know if any of these issues will cause me a problem?