Some states say parents should follow their normal custody schedule, but there’s no road map for the current situation. What Does Texas Law Say? Texas family law attorney Susan Myres recently advised a couple struggling to keep their shared custody schedule during the coronavirus pandemic. The fathe...
Procedures During the Pandemic. This is an unprecedented time. First, contact your attorney. Most legal offices are operating from remote locations. Reach out to your attorney. If it is an emergency, most courts have staff available--but it must be legitimately urgent. Second, expect a delay The shu...
As the impact of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic rages on, divorced/separated parents continue to struggle to balance the need to follow their instituted parenting plans or historical time-sharing routines, against their parental judgment to protect their children from any possible exposure. Broward Co...
A guide to the legal requirements for grandparent visitation in Colorado Introduction A grandparent's loving relationship with his or her grandchild can often result in lifelong positive benefits for both the grandparent and the grandchild. However, Colorado law has strict requirements concerning a ...
The Issue Social media is increasingly being used in both civil and criminal trials. A party's own statements are not hearsay, so as long as they are relevant (not a difficult standard), they are generally admissible. Before we were posting our every thought, feeling, and feud online for everyone to...
Advisement of rights – A form advising obligor’s of their rights concerning wage-withholdings. (See “obligor" and “ wage-withholding".) Alimony – Periodic payments from one spouse to the other. This may be before the divorce is final and/or for a set period of time after the divorce. (See “pendent l...
ADOPTIVE PARENT-RELATED QUESTIONS Who can be an adoptive parent and who selects them? There are three types of adoption in Louisiana: Agency, Pivate, and Intrafamily. The Children's Code is the same for all three types: a single person, 18 years or older, or a married couple may jointly petition to ...
The purpose of this guide is to help and assist a Pro Se Litigant in obtaining a custody/parenting plan modification in the State of Florida. The guide shall give a brief overview of the legal requirements to obtain the modification, and shall reference the necessary Supreme Court approved forms to ...