In my alimony it states, I will receive alimony until remarried or living with someone. I spend alot of time at my boyfriends, but still have my own home and mortgage. Could he go after me for living with him?
Is there anything that can done about an employer humiliating me in front of a group of people at work because I pumped breast milk for my baby? I was called out in front of a lot of people and told that it was the most disgusting thing he had seen and that I was making him sick. I did not pump in front of him i was pouring the milk in bags in the breakroom.
Breaking off a wedding
I am in a situation where I recently broke off an engagement with my fiance`who lives in Maryland and I live in Pennsylvania. I broke it off due to irreconcilable differences. She currently has the ring and I asked for it back. She told me that she would like me to pay for ALL the wedding expenses, such as, reception hall, her dress and the photographer, etc. Once I did that she would send the ring back. My questions are: Am I responsible for 100% of the expenses because I broke off the wedding? What states law has jurisdiction? If I pay 50% of the expenses is she required by law to give me back the ring?