I really need help, but don't know where to turn!
Feb 06, charged w/child endangerment. Case was dropped d/t counsling, seeing physicians, parenting classes and being proven a good parent (children services proved it). May 07 lost complete custody to father. Did not have a good attorney (new one). Father alcoholic, lives with parents, 24 yrs old, never home, grandmother raising child. How do I reverse custody?! Help! My child needs me. Childs nutrition at risk. Child being fed pop, candy, snacks. Child cursing, doing bad things. Father said in court that I can get child anytime I please. After court (now) only bare minimum (state minimum). Best interest of child I believe should be raised to become someone great (career wise), I fear child will not achieve greatness with grandparent & alocoholic father. Please help, I need tips, ideas, any info on how to reverse custody. I have a GREAT attorney now, I just need things to look for, document, good reasons to be able to take father back to court. Anything please help!