As the impact of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic rages on, divorced/separated parents continue to struggle to balance the need to follow their instituted parenting plans or historical time-sharing routines, against their parental judgment to protect their children from any possible exposure.
Divorce and seperation
how long does it take for a divorce to finalize?
Medical Tourism Company startup
Hi there!
I recently had some medical work done in Thailand. Seems like a good business in the medical tourism industry. I thought we would incorperate in Thailand and advertise in the U.S. (and elsewhere later). I am concerned about the worst case scenerio. If a client is injured or dies, can I limit my liability to the amount of my investment in our company? A lawyer friend told me that lawyers are able to circumvent the legal wall of incorporation and get to personal assets, like my home. Is there a legal structure that protects our non-business assets? Are you aware of insurance that might protect me fom this risk?
Thank you in advance for your consideration of my problem.
I'm seventeen, not far from being eighteen. I've been friends with a guy who recently turned 21 for a few months now. We've talked quite a bit and hung out a few times, and now have talked about dating when I turn eighteen. My parents found this out and freaked when I was hanging out with him one night. They called the cops and told them he was harboring a run-away (I didn't run away, just went to hang out with him for an hour or so). My dad then told him, in the presence of a cop, that if he has any contact with me, my parents would call the cops on him and he'd go to jail. They didn't get a restraining order or anything, just a verbal warning.
So my questions are;
Can he actually get arrested just for talking to me? (texting/calling/facebook) He isn't breaking a law or anything and not causing harm to me. I don't drink, I'm not breaking curfew or anything like that. But if my parents called the cops, could something happen?
Also, I would like to hang out with him again, at Country USA or a park or something. Would this get him arrested if my parents found out? I'm assuming (correct me if I'm wrong) that the only way he could get in trouble legally is if they said he was harboring a run-away again. What would qualify as a runaway? If I was at Country USA, and they knew this, they couldn't call me in as one right?
I guess all in all I just want to know if I can talk to/see him and to what extent I can do that.