The Conoravirus pandemic has severely impacted the lives of people in the US, citizens and immigrants alike. Immigrants whether green card holders, persons with temporary visas or those who are undocumented need to protect their health and stay updated with US immigration policies.
If i'm a minor and i'm being charged with possession and intent to sell marijuana, what will happen... do i go to jail, do i do community service?
My mother, a resident of Florida until her death in Nov. 2008, has a Bank of America CD amounting to about $1100. I am her son and executor of her estate living in California. I have contacted BofA about this and they tell me that I must get an affidavit from the State of Florida to access this money. I have already sent her last will and testament, stating that I am entitled to this money.
My question, which form do I need? And, can I sign this in California to clear up this matter?