Getting separated and going through a divorce in North Carolina has many steps and requirements but, with the proper legal counsel, you can navigate the divorce timeline and rules surrounding the legal proceedings.
My father passed away 3 years ago intestate and the estate was placed into probate. The administrator took over my mothers community property and the income from it and has not given her any of the money. He in fact has withheld all moneys from her and her portion can easily cover her estate debts, such as property taxes and upkeep of her half of the properties. The administrator has milked the estate dry and paid himself first before paying expenses (ie) funeral expenses, property taxes, widow allowance. The administrator has greatly diminished the estate from 2.4 million down half of that and to make matters worse is that he never got appraisal on any of the 10 commercial properties involved. I have no doubt by the actions of my mothers attorneys that their intent is to continue to milk her dry. My questions are as followed.
1) Can my mother file suit against the probate and estate?
2) Does all the monies taken from my mother and all penalties accrued by mismanagement of the court appointed administrator have to be paid back to my mother?
3) Is there an organization in Texas that can review her case and stop the illegal manner that this probate court case has conducted itself?
What is the punishment for the possesion of ecstasy with the intent for sale, so they say. I got pulled over while driving and didn't have any on my person. But they ended up searching my home.
I would really like a response, Thank you, JC