Some states say parents should follow their normal custody schedule, but there’s no road map for the current situation.
overpaid wages
I live in Ga and my previous employer has continued to deposit my paycheck into my bank after i quit will i have to pay this money back when they find out or is it there stupidity
Paternity case venue
I am a father, never married to the mother living in Palm Beach County Florida. We never have had a custody order with the court, but have a DOR child support order for me to pay her issued in Broward County. Last January, she gave me the child and we signed custody papers between us (not filed in court) making me primary custodian. She lives in Broward County and is now wanting to get the child back. I filed a paternity action for custody in Palm Beach County and her attorney has filed a motion for change of venue to Broward. What I need to know is if my filing in Palm Beach County is proper since I live here (and always have) and now the child lives here with me. I have school records to prove his residency here. Also, I also filed a modification to the child support order in Broward County because it is the only way I can get DOR to suspend my payments to her, based on change of circumstances because the child lives with me. Could I have filed the modification in Palm Beach County since I live here now and if so, can I now ask for a change of venue to Palm Beach county?