Negotiating with your creditors can be an excellent way to reduce the overall amount that you owe, increase the period over which you repay your debts, or lower your interest rates. But getting free or low-cost assistance can be tricky. It's often difficult to know where to start, and scammers might offer to "help" you.
In this article, you can learn where to get free or low-cost help in dealing with your creditors, as well as how to avoid debt settlement scams.
Legal aid programs and clinics, which are often staffed by pro bono (volunteer) attorneys, offer legal assistance to low-income individuals and families. Legal aid programs typically provide:
If you meet certain criteria, legal aid offices and legal clinics often offer their services for free. You can find a list of various legal aid programs on the Legal Service Corporation's website.
Consumer credit counseling agencies—which you shouldn’t confuse with debt settlement companies—are often nonprofit organizations that offer help in managing unsecured debts, like credit card and medical debts.
A consumer credit counselor can:
A debt management plan is a way to pay down outstanding debt by making a single monthly payment to the credit counseling agency, which it will then distribute to your creditors. In most cases, the credit counselor will not negotiate a reduction in the amounts you owe, but will lower the overall monthly amount you pay by getting the creditors to:
The credit counselor will also try to get the creditors to agree not to pursue collection efforts or charge late fees or penalties so long as you are in the debt management program. The cost of this kind of service varies from agency to agency and according to state law, but some organizations provide counseling at no or low cost.
While many credit counseling agencies are dedicated to helping consumers resolve their money troubles, some charge excessive fees, give bad advice, or don’t perform the services they promise.
Finding a legitimate credit counseling agency. To locate a legitimate credit counseling organization:
Warning Signs. If the consumer credit counseling organization that you’re considering using does any of the following things, you should find another agency:
Working with a free legal aid program (if you qualify) or a reputable, low-cost consumer credit counseling organization are two practical options for dealing with your debt. But some credit counseling companies are best avoided. Keep in mind that you can work directly with your creditors on your own for free.
If you don’t qualify for a legal aid program or you prefer that an attorney negotiate with your creditors on your behalf, consider hiring a debt settlement lawyer. (To get information about how to find a lawyer who can help you deal with your debts, see How to Find a Debt Relief Lawyer.) If you want to learn whether filing for bankruptcy is appropriate for your situation, talk to a bankruptcy lawyer.
I was led to believe that the degree I am persuing would be valid for law enforcement employment. I was told today by a government agent that my degree will be worthless for this type of employment. I have multiple loans to pay for the education that I can not pay if I do not get a degree that will get me better pay. Is there anything that I can do? Is this legal?
k1 visa after divorce
Been married for 2 months. my wife turned from a sweet woman to a complete stranger after we got married. I have reasons to believe she only married me for the greencard. i want to send her and her son back to her country. Is divorce my only option? what else can i do to send her home? is there any law to protect american citizens like me against people like these?
Hello everyone,
I'm currently dealing with the CHP (California) who has been utilizing & enforcing an "Illegal Underground regulation" in the CHP Manual since the 1980's. This regulation has caused the termination of our "towing" contract with them (CHP) after 12 years of successful participation. This lost of contract has put our company in complete bankruptcy. I have done the following so far:
1 - I filed a petition with the Office of Admin Law against CHP using/enforcing an "Illegal Underground Regulation"; WON the petition. CHP had to remove
the illegal regulation and had to cease enforcing it.
2 - I filed a Tort claim which was denied.
3 - In the process of trying to file a "Petition of Relief" pursuant to GC 945.4 before I can file a lawsuit against them
My dilemma~~~~~I have filed everything myself up to this point; NOW I'M COMPLETELY LOST and clueless how to proceed from here :(:(:(:( I have no idea how to file the "petition of Relief" and I can't find an attorney to take this case due to the complexity.
I was hoping to obtain some information regarding the filing of a "Petition of Relief"................Can anyone please explain this process, is there a particular court document that I need to complete to preform this action? I believe I need to file in the 9th District court. Can't seem to find anyone to take this case on :-(
Thank you for any help you can provide.