Hello -
I have a 17 year old daughter who lives with her Mom. I pay child support and 100% medical - I recently just found out my daughter is pregnant. She is a Senior in High School and turns 18 in December. Of course my daughter doesnt want to face me pregnant -- therefore ignores my calls - her Mom isnt any better. I am needed for the support check and medical payments and that is it right now. My question is - Am I responsible to pay for the birth of my Grandchild? I have an HSA with a $4400 deductible. The baby is due in February - The father of the child is not taking ownership - Is their a way to make him responsible for the birth? Also what if my daughter gets on assistance? Or drops out of school? - My order states pay until 18 or graduates HS - Where do I stand with all of this?
Your help is really appreciated
Miranda Rights
What are all the things wrong with writing, ''The subject was advised of his Miranda rights'' in a report? I thought that was part of the report.
my doctor
i do dialysis 2x a week my doc wants me to go to 3x a week and told me if i didn't he would no longer be my doctor can he do that