Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida
Filed: Oct. 30, 1997
The issue presented for decision in this case is whether Charlotte County Resolution Number 97-0870A0 (titled “A Resolution Amending Resolution #90-286, the Increment One DO for Riverwood DRI, as Amended by Resolutions #91-268, 92-07, 93-21, 94-38 and 95-190; Finding That This Amendment Does Not Constitute a Substantial Deviation; and Providing for an Effective Date”) and Charlotte County Resolution Number 97-0860A0 (titled “A Resolution Amending Resolution #90-285, the Master DO for Riverwood DRI, as Amended by Resolution #91-267; Finding That This Amendment Does Not Constitute a Substantial Deviation; and Providing for an Effective Date”)(collectively referred to herein as “the Resolutions”) are consistent with Chapter 380, Florida Statutes; Rule 9J-2, Florida Administrative Code; the State Comprehensive Plan; the State Land Development Plan; and the Riverwood Master Development Order, as amended.County resolutions approved noticed of proposed change to existing DRI as not a substantial deviation. DCA appeals arguing that abandonment of bald eagle nest did not change property bald eagle habitat status. Finding for DCA; insuff. wildlife survey.