Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida
Filed: May 16, 2013
The issue in this case is whether proposed rules 65G-4.0210 through 65G-4.027 (the “Proposed Rules”) are an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority as defined in section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes. (Unless specifically stated otherwise herein, all references to Florida Statutes shall be to the 2012 codification.) Specifically, Petitioners assert that the Proposed Rules (1) enlarge, modify, and contravene the specific provisions of the law they purport to implement; (2) contain vague and inadequate standards that vest unbridled discretion in the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (the “Agency” or “APD”); (3) are arbitrary and capricious; and (4) exceed the grant of rulemaking authority in section 393.0662(9), Florida Statutes. Petitioners further argue that, (5) APD failed to follow applicable rulemaking procedures required by sections 120.54(3) and 120.541, Florida Statutes, because APD failed to provide a Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs (“SERC”) as a part of the rulemaking process.The rules proposed by APD are not an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.