Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida
Latest Update: Jun. 28, 1990
The issues before the Hearing Officer were defined as follows: Whether the Respondent is an Employee Organization within the meaning of Florida Statutes, Chapter 447. Whether the Petitioner is an Employee Organization within the meaning of Florida Statutes, Chapter 447. Whether there is a sufficient showing of interest as required for the filing of a representative election petition under Florida Statutes, Chapter 447. Whether the Employee Organization is a properly registered organization within the Public Employees Relations Commission. What is the appropriate unit of public employees in the cause before PERC. The Petitioner and the Employer stipulated that the Employer is a Public Employer and Petitioner is an Employee Organization within the meaning of Chapter 447, Florida Statutes. As to issue number 3, the PERC record reflects a sufficient showing of interest, and the Employer did not seek to show any fraud, misrepresentation, etc. regarding the signature cards submitted by Petitioner. Issue number 4 resulted in an admitted stipulation by the parties that the Petitioner is a registered organization. For the purposes of this brief, only issue number 5 remains to be considered.Fact-finding hearing to establish a record for Public Employee Relaitons Commission (PERC) review concerning the various job descriptions of the proposed bargaining units.