Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida
Filed: Mar. 13, 2000
This is an appeal from a resolution of the Monroe County Planning Commission ("Planning Commission") approving the decision of the Monroe County Planning Department to deny the application of the Appellants, Robert and Ruth Stoky ("the Stokys"), for a building permit for an "after-the-fact replacement of a 400-square-foot sign." The instant appeal was transferred from the Planning Commission to the Division of Administrative Hearings pursuant to Article XIV, Monroe County Code, the Hearing Officer Appellate Article, and Monroe County ("the County") has appeared as the Appellee in this case. The ultimate issue presented in this appeal is whether Resolution No. P80-99 of the Planning Commission should be affirmed, reversed, or modified.The Monroe Planning Commission`s resolution approving the denial of an after-the-fact permit to repair a non-conforming sign was not supported by competent substantial evidence.