The issue presented for decision herein is whether or not Petitioner, by failing to disclose an arrest conviction and sentencing on a license application (as the applicant administrator), constitutes grounds for revocation of an ACLF license granted pursuant to that application as provided in Section 400.414(1), (2), (b), Florida Statutes.Whether petitioner's Adult Congregate Living Facility license should be revoked for failure to disclose arrest records.
Adult Congregate Living Facility (ACLF) not an absolute insurer of the health and safety of all occupants; where ACLF met staffing rule, it could not be disciplined in this case
The central issue in this case is whether Miller is guilty of the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.Respondent failed to meet rules by lack of: standardized recipes; disaster preparedness plan; contract deficiency; and appropriate written policies.
Pet failed to submit a medical form w/in 30 days of notice for ACLF resident who, HRS determined, needed care beyond that which Pet's lic could provide.
The issue presented for decision herein is whether or not Ralph Stacey, Jr., the administrator of Riverside Care Center, acted in the capacity of administrator for two facilities without having a qualified assistant administrator to act in This absence and, if so, what penalty is appropriate.Adm. fine in amt. of $1000 against Pet. to be paid within 30 days for not having a qualified Assistant Adm. to act on behalf of Adm. in his absence.
If operator of retirement home is given time to correct deficiencies but is inspected during grace period, violations still exist but penlty should be waived
The issue presented for decision herein is whether or not Respondent, Jacqueline H. Kidwell, unlawfully failed and refused to allow Petitioner's agents to inspect the licensed facility.Respondent unlawfully failed and refused to allow HRS agents to inspect re- tirement home. $300 fine levied against Res., to be paid within 30 days.