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United States v. Clark, 94-2071 (1995)

Court: Court of Appeals for the First Circuit Number: 94-2071 Visitors: 5
Filed: May 22, 1995
Latest Update: Mar. 02, 2020
Summary: United States Court of Appeals, United States Court of Appeals For the First Circuit, For the First Circuit ____________________ No. 94-2071 UNITED STATES, Appellee, v. CRAIG J. CLARK, Defendant, Appellant. United States v. Atwood, 963 F.2d 476, 478 (1st, __ ____ _____________ ______ Cir.
USCA1 Opinion

United States Court of Appeals United States Court of Appeals
For the First Circuit For the First Circuit

No. 94-2071





Defendant, Appellant.




[Hon. Paul J. Barbadoro, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



Stahl, Circuit Judge, _____________
Campbell, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________
and John R. Gibson,* Senior Circuit Judge. ____________________


Kevin E. Buchholz with whom McDonough & Lindh, P.A. was on brief _________________ ________________________
for appellant.
Peter E. Papps, First Assistant United States Attorney, with whom ______________
Paul M. Gagnon, United States Attorney, was on brief for appellee. ______________

May 18, 1995

*Of the Eighth Circuit, sitting by designation.
STAHL, Circuit Judge. Defendant-appellant Craig J. STAHL, Circuit Judge. _____________

Clark appeals from his sentence, claiming that the government

breached its plea agreement with him. Agreeing, we remand

for resentencing.

I. I. __


On June 1, 1994, Clark waived his right to

indictment and pleaded guilty to a two-count information

stemming from a kidnapping. Count I charged him with

conspiracy to interfere with commerce by threats or violence,

in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1951, and Count II charged him

with interference with commerce by threats or violence, also

in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1951. The written plea agreement

contained the following stipulation:

The Government agrees that it will not
oppose a three (3) level reduction in the
defendant's Adjusted Offense Level under
the Sentencing Guidelines, based upon the
defendant's prompt recognition and
affirmative acceptance of personal
responsibility for the offense.

After accepting Clark's guilty plea, the district

court ordered a presentence investigation and report to be

issued by the probation office. The Presentence

Investigation Report indicated that during the presentence

interviews of Clark's co-defendants, the probation officer

learned that, prior to the arraignment and the change-of-plea

proceedings, Clark had attempted to induce two of his co-

defendants to lie to the court and state that the kidnapping

-3- 3

victim had been involved in the extortion scheme. Because of

this activity, the probation officer concluded that Clark had

attempted to obstruct justice and recommended a two-level

increase in his Adjusted Offense Level pursuant to U.S.S.G.

3C1.1. Defense counsel objected to the probation officer's


Prior to Clark's sentencing hearing, the government

submitted to the court a sentencing memorandum outlining

proposed guideline adjustments to be taken in light of

Clark's alleged obstruction of justice. The memorandum

contained a two-page discussion about whether Clark was

entitled to an acceptance-of-responsibility adjustment.

Clark objected to the government's sentencing memorandum,

contending that it breached the plea agreement. Defense

counsel filed a motion to withdraw Clark's plea, explaining

to the court that when the government breaches a plea

agreement, the court may either compel specific performance

on the plea agreement or allow the defendant to withdraw his

plea. The court denied Clark's motion to withdraw his plea,

stating first that the government had not breached the plea

agreement, second that it would not be influenced by what the

government recommended, and third that it would not consider

the acceptance-of-responsibility portion of the government's

sentencing memorandum. After denying the three-level

downward adjustment for acceptance of responsibility, the

-4- 4

court imposed a two-level upward adjustment for obstruction

of justice and sentenced Clark to 188 months.

II. II. ___


A. Standard of Review ______________________

Clark and the government disagree as to the

appropriate standard of review, Clark claiming that our

review is de novo and the government, despite citing cases to __ ____

the contrary in other parts of its brief, flatly stating that

it is for clear error. As we have previously acknowledged,

see United States v. Gonzalez-Perdomo, 980 F.2d 13, 16 n.2 ___ _____________ ________________

(1st Cir. 1992), in some cases we have stated that our review

is de novo, while in other cases we have stated that our __ ____

review is for clear error. Compare id. at 16 (de novo); _______ ___ __ ____

Kingsley v. United States, 968 F.2d 109, 114 (1st Cir. 1992) ________ _____________

(de novo); United States v. Atwood, 963 F.2d 476, 478 (1st __ ____ _____________ ______

Cir. 1992) (de novo); United States v. Canada, 960 F.2d 263, __ ____ _____________ ______

269 (1st Cir. 1992) (de novo) with United States v. Tilley, __ ____ ____ _____________ ______

964 F.2d 66, 71 (1st Cir. 1992) (clear error); United States _____________

v. Kurkculer, 918 F.2d 295, 298 n.5 (1st Cir. 1990) (clear _________

error); Panzardi-Alvarez v. United States, 879 F.2d 975, 987 ________________ ______________

(1st Cir. 1989) (clear error), cert. denied, 493 U.S. 1082 _____ ______

(1990); United States v. Giorgi, 840 F.2d 1022, 1028 (1st ______________ ______

Cir. 1988) (clear error); United States v. Gonzalez-Sanchez, _____________ ________________

825 F.2d 572, 578 (1st Cir.) (clear error), cert. denied, 484 _____ ______

-5- 5

U.S. 989 (1987); United States v. Khoury, 755 F.2d 1071, 1073 _____________ ______

(1st Cir. 1985) (clear error). We take this opportunity to

clarify the appropriate standard of review and to explain why

the two different standards stated in many of these cases are

not in conflict.

Cases involving plea agreements allegedly breached

by the government present two separate issues for our

consideration, one factual, the other legal. First, there

are the factual questions of what the terms of the agreement

are and what the government's conduct was. See, e.g., ___ ____

Giorgi, 840 F.2d at 1028-29 (looking to reasonable ______

expectations of parties to determine whether ambiguous plea

agreement foreclosing prosecution for "any criminal acts

related to thefts or hijackings of vans" barred later

prosecution for arson or mail fraud) (emphasis eliminated);

accord Bemis v. United States, 30 F.3d 220, 223 (1st Cir. ______ _____ _____________

1994) (remanding to district court to make factual finding

whether government promised as part of plea agreement to

secure defendant's entry into witness protection program).

If disputed, these factual questions are to be resolved by

the district court, and we will review the district court's

determinations only for clear error. See Giorgi, 840 F.2d at ___ ______

1028. Second, there is the legal question of whether the

government's conduct breached the plea agreement. See, e.g., ___ ____

Atwood, 963 F.2d at 479 (government did not breach plea ______

-6- 6

agreement requiring it to offer its views on defendant's

cooperation at defendant's request when defendant did not so

request). Because whether the government's conduct

constituted a breach is a question of law, our review is

plenary. Id. at 478. ___

Here, we are not faced with disputed facts. Thus,

we must determine only the legal question of whether the

government's undisputed conduct breached the plea agreement,

which we review de novo. __ ____

B. Legal Principles ____________________

In Santobello v. New York, 404 U.S. 257 (1971), the __________ ________

Supreme Court declared that "when a plea rests in any

significant degree on a promise or agreement of the

prosecutor, so that it can be said to be part of the

inducement or consideration, such promise must be fulfilled."

Id. at 262. Because plea bargaining requires defendants to ___

waive fundamental constitutional rights, we hold prosecutors

engaging in plea bargaining to "the most meticulous standards

of both promise and performance." Correale v. United States, ________ _____________

479 F.2d 944, 947 (1st Cir. 1973). As we stated in

Kurkculer, "[t]he government must keep its promises or the _________

defendant must be released from the bargain." 918 F.2d at


We are guided in our interpretation of plea

agreements by general principles of contract law. See ___

-7- 7

Atwood, 963 F.2d at 479; Giorgi, 840 F.2d at 1025. As we ______ ______

explained in Gonzalez-Sanchez, ________________

When a defendant has entered into a plea
agreement with the government, the court
must ensure that he receives what is
reasonably due him under the agreement.
Contractual principles apply insofar as
they are relevant in determining what the
government "owes" the defendant. If the
defendant lives up to his end of the
bargain, the government is bound to its

825 F.2d at 578 (footnotes omitted). See also United States ___ ____ _____________

v. Baldacchino, 762 F.2d 170, 179 (1st Cir. 1985) ("Though a ___________

matter of criminal jurisprudence, plea bargains are subject

to contract law principles insofar as their application will

insure the defendant what is reasonably due him.").

C. Did the Government Breach? ______________________________

We think that the government breached its plea

agreement in this case. As part of the consideration for

defendant's guilty plea, the government agreed not to oppose

a three-level reduction for acceptance of responsibility.

Nonetheless, the government effectively opposed such a

reduction with its sentencing memorandum, in which it stated:

While the government is cognizant of
th[e] fact that it agreed not to oppose a
three level downward departure for
acceptance [of responsibility] in the
plea agreement, it must be stated that
the Government was unaware of this
information indicative of obstruction at
the time of the plea negotiations.
Although the government can not now close
its eyes to the defendant's blatant
attempts to obstruct justice, it would

-8- 8

suggest to the court that its prior
representations in the plea agreement
restrict a more vigorous argument on the
issue of the loss of an acceptance of
responsibility award. The government
relies on the court's sound discretion in
resolving this issue, although there
appears to be nothing "extraordinary"
about the present case that would bring
it within the narrowly drawn exception of
U.S.S.G. [3E1.1 application note 4].1

We hold that the government opposed an acceptance-

of-responsibility adjustment with this sentencing memorandum;

formal opposition was not necessary. Cf. United States v. ___ ______________

Garcia, 698 F.2d 31, 37 (1st Cir. 1983) ("`A plea agreement ______

is not an appropriate context for the Government to resort to

a rigidly literal approach in the construction of

language.'") (quoting United States v. Bowler, 585 F.2d 851, _____________ ______

854 (7th Cir. 1978)); Canada, 960 F.2d at 269 ("While it can ______

be argued that the government stopped short of explicitly

repudiating the agreement, Santobello prohibits not only __________

explicit repudiation of the government's assurances, but must

in the interests of fairness be read to forbid end-runs

around them.") (quotation omitted). Despite stating that it

could not present "a more vigorous argument" because of the

plea agreement, the government made clear its position that


1. U.S.S.G. 3E1.1 deals with adjustments for acceptance of
responsibility. Application note 4 provides: "Conduct
resulting in an enhancement under 3C1.1 (Obstructing or
Impeding the Administration of Justice) ordinarily indicates
that the defendant has not accepted responsibility for his
criminal conduct. There may, however, be extraordinary cases
in which adjustments under both 3C1.1 and 3E1.1 may apply."

-9- 9

no reduction was appropriate. Cf. United States v. Voccola, ___ _____________ _______

600 F. Supp. 1534, 1539 (D.R.I. 1985) (Selya, J.) (finding no

breach when prosecutor "did not attempt to do by indirection

what he was barred from doing directly"). By stating that it

was unaware of the alleged obstruction at the time it entered

into the plea agreement, the government indicated that it

would not have made this plea agreement had it known then

what it knows now.2 The government's "references to the

agreement were grudging and apologetic," Canada, 960 F.2d at ______

269, despite our rule that "it is improper for the prosecutor

to inject material reservations about the agreement to which

the government has committed itself," id. at 270. Cf. United ___ ___ ______

States v. Tursi, 576 F.2d 396, 399 (1st Cir. 1978) (finding ______ _____

no breach where prosecutor "issued no equivocal comments").

Not only did the government suggest that it thought no

acceptance-of-responsibility adjustment was appropriate, it

also argued that there was nothing "extraordinary" about the

case to bring it within the U.S.S.G. 3E1.1 application note

4 exception allowing an acceptance-of-responsibility

adjustment even when there has been an obstruction of



2. At no time has the government argued that it was released
from the plea agreement because Clark himself breached the
plea agreement by obstructing justice.

-10- 10

In arguing that its sentencing memorandum did not

breach the plea agreement, the government relies on another

portion of the plea agreement, which reads:

The defendant also understands that the
Government and the United States
Probation Office will (a) advise the
Court of any additional, relevant facts
that are presently known or may
subsequently come to their attention; (b)
respond to questions from the Court; (c)
correct any inaccuracies in the pre-
sentence report; (d) respond to any
statements made by the defendant or his
counsel to a probation officer or to the
Court; and (e) may address the Court with
respect to an appropriate sentence to be
imposed in this case.

Based on this language, the government argues that its

sentencing memorandum "did not contain a request for relief,

but merely stated facts." We do not agree. While it is true

that the government had not only the ability but the duty to

draw facts to the court's attention, see Canada, 960 F.2d at ___ ______

270 n.7 ("It is necessary at all times that the government

`level' with the court as to the correct facts and

calculations relevant to guideline sentencing."); Voccola, _______

600 F. Supp. at 1538 ("Under virtually all circumstances, the

government has the duty to disclose to the court pertinent

factual information in its possession."), we think the

government did more in this case. Rather than merely drawing

facts and law to the court's attention, or answering factual

or legal questions posed by the court, the government instead

indicated that it opposed an adjustment for acceptance of

-11- 11

responsibility and effectively argued against it by stating

that this was not an "extraordinary" case.

Unquestionably, the government's promise not to

oppose an acceptance-of-responsibility adjustment was a

significant factor in defendant's decision to accept the

agreement. Thus, by opposing an acceptance-of-responsibility

adjustment, the government made a significant and deliberate

breach of the plea agreement with defendant. Therefore, the

district court's holding that the government did not breach

the plea agreement must be reversed.

D. Was the Breach Harmless? ____________________________

"[A] prosecutorial failure to fulfill a promise

or to make a proper promise is not rendered harmless because

of judicial refusal to follow the recommendation or judicial

awareness of the impropriety." Correale, 479 F.2d at 949. ________

Thus, even if, as in this case, the sentencing judge

indicates that the prosecutor's breach had no effect on the

defendant's sentence, the defendant is still entitled to a

remedy.3 See Santobello, 404 U.S. at 262 (remanding for ___ __________


3. Of course, minor deviations from the plea agreement will
not mandate resentencing. This is because minor deviations
do not affect the consideration due the defendant under the
plea agreement. Cf. Santobello, 404 U.S. at 262 ("when a ___ __________
plea rests in any significant degree on a promise or
agreement of the prosecutor, so that it can be said to be
part of the inducement or consideration, such promise must be _______________________________________
fulfilled") (emphasis added); Panzardi-Alvarez, 879 F.2d at ________________
986 ("The government may not breach any term of a plea
agreement which induced the defendant to plead guilty.") _____________
(emphasis added). See Correale, 479 F.2d at 947 ("we do not ___ ________

-12- 12

remedy even though sentencing judge "stated that the

prosecutor's recommendation did not influence him and we have

no reason to doubt that"). As we explained in Correale, ________

The reason [the government's breach
cannot be harmless] is obvious; it is the
defendant's rights which are being
violated when the plea agreement is
broken or meaningless. It is his waiver
which must be voluntary and knowing. He
offers that waiver not in exchange for
the actual sentence or impact on the
judge, but for the prosecutor's
statements in court. If they are not
adequate, the waiver is ineffective.

479 F.2d at 949.

In this case, despite finding no breach by the

government, the district court stated that it would not

consider the government's sentencing memorandum. That the

district court did not even consider the breaching material

(as opposed to just not being influenced by it) will not

defeat the need for Clark to be resentenced. We confronted a

similar situation in Kurkculer, in which the prosecutor _________

initially suggested sentencing in accordance with the

presentence report but then, after learning that such

recommendation breached the plea agreement, withdrew that

recommendation and substituted the one promised in the plea


go so far as to say that minor and harmless slips by
prosecutors will void a plea bargain"). In this case, the
government does not contest that its promise not to oppose an
acceptance-of-responsibility adjustment was part of the
consideration for Clark's guilty plea.

-13- 13

agreement. We held that the defendant needed to be

resentenced, explaining,

The Court in Santobello nowhere suggested __________
that a mere withdrawal of the offending
recommendation with substitution of the
agreed recommendation would have been a
sufficient remedy. While no such attempt
was made in Santobello, its futility is __________
suggested by the Court's comment that "at
this stage the prosecution is not in a
good position to argue that its
inadvertent breach of agreement is
immaterial. . . . That the breach of
agreement was inadvertent does not lessen
its impact."

Kurkculer, 918 F.2d at 302 (quoting Santobello, 404 U.S. at _________ __________

262) (alteration in Kurkculer). Thus, even if the government _________

had withdrawn its sentencing memorandum, Clark would still

have been entitled to a remedy. That the district court did

not consider the government's breaching sentencing memorandum

is irrelevant to the question of whether Clark is entitled to

a remedy.

E. Remedy __________

In Santobello, the Supreme Court indicated that __________

there are two ways to remedy the government's breach of a

plea agreement: giving the defendant "the opportunity to

withdraw his plea of guilty," or "specific performance of the

agreement." 404 U.S. at 263. In unusual circumstances, we

have also crafted other remedies. See Correale, 479 F.2d at ___ ________

950 (using equitable powers to remand with instructions to

impose a specific sentence because such sentence was the

-14- 14

"only just remedy and the only one which could now

approximate specific enforcement of the agreement"). If

specific performance is a sufficient remedy, then the

defendant must be resentenced by a different judge.

Kurkculer, 918 F.2d at 298. _________

The choice of remedy is normally left to the

discretion of the sentencing court. See Santobello, 404 U.S. ___ __________

at 263. This court, however, has "repeatedly expressed a

preference for specific performance of the agreement by __________

resentencing before a different judge rather than vacating

pleas," Kurkculer, 918 F.2d at 300 (emphasis in original), _________

for "[o]nce that is done, a defendant `will obtain all he

says he was promised,'" id. (quoting McAleney v. United ___ ________ ______

States, 539 F.2d 282, 286 (1st Cir. 1976)). ______

Although Clark sought to withdraw his plea prior to

sentencing, he does not do so on appeal. Rather, he requests

only specific performance. In similar cases, we have held

that "specific performance by resentencing is all that is

required," id. at 302, for ___

[s]pecific performance . . . is a lesser
burden on the government and defendant.
Further, permitting a judge to vacate a
plea over defendant's objection on breach
by the prosecution allows the government
to back out of its agreement at will and
obtain a new trial. Given nothing more
than the prosecutor's breach, the
circumstances do not "require" a new

-15- 15

Id. See also Canada, 960 F.2d at 271 ("Here Canada seeks and ___ ___ ____ ______

we grant [specific performance]. We do not find that the

circumstances of this case demand the greater remedy of a

withdrawn plea absent defendant's request for such relief.").

Thus, we remand this case with orders that Clark be

resentenced by a different judge.

-16- 16

III. III. ____


Because we find that the government breached its

plea agreement with Clark, we remand for resentencing before

another judge. In light of our holding that Clark must be

resentenced, we need not reach Clark's other assignments of


Remanded for further proceedings in accordance with Remanded for further proceedings in accordance with ___________________________________________________

this opinion. this opinion. _____________


4. Clark argues that the district court erred in not
construing certain statements in the light most favorable to
him, in finding that he obstructed justice, and in applying
the preponderance-of-the-evidence standard instead of the
reasonable-doubt standard to determine whether Clark
obstructed justice.

-17- 17

Source:  CourtListener

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